The bet, or rather bets conclusion added m/ffff

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.

Should I produce a sequel or two, If so please vote from the titles below

Poll ended at 4 years ago

1. Mother’s Day (featuring the mother’s being tied)
2. For mother’s only (featuring the mother’s getting together to play)
3. Play time for the girls (featuring the girls only)
4. Movie night (featuring the sister and mom only)
5. The challenge (featuring the girls and moms)
Total votes: 27

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Post by BindPam »

Lol, someone's in trouble!
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Post by DommeKirsten »

Great story so far x
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Post by Bandit666 »

Thank you all so very much for your continued support, I hope you will continue to enjoy this little tale, as I have added a little twist and an extra part, :) . A part that will open up the chance to make this an on going saga more than just a simple follow up.

And with that in mind, once it has reached its conclusion, and if I can a poll will be opened, opened to give you all the chance to choose what will follow first, :)

Till then part 6 will follow soon,

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Part 6

Of course the arrival of my unexpected, my rather unwanted, my slightly annoying guest had cost me a couple of things. Had cost me the chance to torment my other helpless guests, had cost me the method I intended to use on the one girl left to arrive. The last one of my sisters friends, the friend I was looking forward to getting at my mercy the most, the only one if my sisters friends I kind of had a crush on, the one my sisters friends to arrive, the one I wanted to arrive the most.

But, I might as well be honest with you, I might as well be truthful with you now, I’m kind of pleased Louisa did indeed steal my idea, I might as well be honest with you, I might as well be truthful with you now, I’m kind of pleased Louisa disrupted my plans, I’m kind of pleased she left me with the chance to change my plans. For when, finally Nikki arrived, when finally she rang the doorbell, when finally I opened the door, I discovered, that, in a way my dreams had come true.

“Well hello, looks like you’ve finally got your revenge on us all”, said with a smile, “looks like it’s just you, me and whatever plans you’ve got,” she smirked. “But I’m sorry to disappoint you, I’m sorry to say I don’t have a one piece swimsuit like you asked”, she taunted as she slipped past me, “so I hope my bikini will do”, she teased as she opened up her lightweight checkered shirt. “I hope it won’t be too much of a disappointment for you”, she said clearly flirting with me as she eased off her jogger bottoms.

“Oh, I see”, I said with fake sadness in my voice, “it a shame you couldn’t manage the swimsuit”, I told her while trying to hide my smile. “I’m sure we’ll manage somehow of course”, I said trying hard not to show my excitement, trying not to let my eyes widen with the beautiful sight before me. For a beautiful sight it certainly was, the girl of my dreams, her wonderful body clad in only a skimpy, sultry light blue bikini.

“I guess we’d best get started, I guess you’re ready to pay the price for all the tormenting you and the others have been responsible for over the last few years”, I half stated, I half teased, while guiding her into the living room, I half stated, I half teased, while wondering just how I would get her bound and gagged having used my last idea on Louisa.

“Well a bet is a bet”, she said looping her arm through mine, “after all, who am I not to take my medicine like the rest”, she told me with fake sadness. “But please be gentle with me, Oh kind and merciful one”, she mildly pleaded, she flirted. “I am the nice one of the group you know”, she claimed, don’t be to mean to me”, she begged me.

But, whether I believed what she said or not, whether my pulse quickened as she looped her arm through mine, whether my heart rate increased when looking at her in that little blue bikini. I still wanted to make sure she was helpless, I still wanted to ensure she wouldn’t escape. My problem was how, how would I manage that, I was out of ideas, or at least I was until we entered the living room, or at least I was until I looked around, looked around one saw our dining table, looked into the adjoining dining room, then the idea came to me, the way I’d bind Nikki came to me.

Slowly, gently I lead my final victim, as I guess that’s what you could call her, towards the dining room, slowly, carefully I steered her towards the dining table, “well I’ll not be too mean to you, I’ll not bind you in quite as strict a way as I did the others”, I teased, “but please, slid onto the table, please lie face up in the centre of the table”, I requested as I guided her towards the table. “Oh umm, sure, if that’s what you’d like”, Nikki responded, as slowly, she sat on the edge of the table, as carefully she moved towards the centre of the table. “Oooo it’s cold”, complained as she lay down, “is how you’d like me”, she asked as she lay face up with her arms by her side, with her legs closed and close together”, she asked once more.

“Well not exactly”, I said while retrieving my sports bag, “but I’ll move you as I wish, if that’s ok with you”, I told her while taking hold of her left wrist. “Oh, ok, I umm guess that ok”, Nikki stuttered, a little less self assured than previously. Without another word, from myself, from Nikki, I created a few loops around her left wrist, without another word, from myself, from Nikki, I clinched off her initial binding. Without a word, from myself, I gently placed her left arm back against the table. I gently lifted it above her head, I carefully moved it away from her body, I carefully spread it towards the corner of the table, I securely lashed it to the table leg.

“Err, what are you doing”, she half asked, she half begged, “oh just making sure you’re not going to be going anywhere”, I replied while taking hold of her right wrist, “I’m not sure I like this”, she whimpered slightly”, she continued as I looped the rope around her right wrist, as I clinched or off, “well, you’re not really meant to like it”, I responded while spreading her right wrist above her head, as I securely lashed it to the other table leg. “Th, this isn’t exactly wh, what I expected,” she stuttered as I reached for another coil of the white cotton washing line, as I prepared to continued rendering her helpless.

With my finger to her lovely soft lips, with my finger against her pouting soft lips, I cut her off, I stopped her from continuing, “by now, the others would have been gagged, the others would have been blindfolded”, I lied, “by now the others wouldn’t have been able to say a word, wouldn’t have been able to see what I was doing”, I claimed, “by now the others wouldn’t have been treat anywhere near as gently as you are’, I told her as I removed my finger from her lips, I told her as I walked around the table, I told her as I looked up her lovely young body, I told her as I gently lifted her legs, as I gently placed her ankles together, as I bent her legs slightly, as I bent them enough to allow me to bind them.

With a broken sigh she whispered, “o, oh ok, I should be quiet then, I should just wait and see what happens then”, she responded, responded while seemingly relieved I hadn’t spread her legs like I had her arms. “I, I guess I should be thankful you’re being so kind”, she muttered as she rested her head back against the table, she muttered as she felt the soft white cotton rope being wrapped tightly around her ankles, as she felt it being clinched of securely. “Yes that would be best”, I told her while repeating the binding just below her knees, “you should relax and accept your restraint”, I told her as I bound her legs just above the knees, “you should know by now I intend to ensure you won’t be going anywhere,” I said as the last of her leg bindings squeezed her perfect toned thighs together.

Seemingly happy with what I’d had to say, seemingly happy with the way I’d bound her legs, Nikki relaxed a little, Nikki fell silent like I’d hoped, Nikki breathed a sigh of relief. Seemingly content in the knowledge I had no intention to overly expose her, I had no intention to overly humiliate her, I had no intention to overly mistreat her Nikki remained silent, Nikki raised her waist, Nikki raised her lovely bikini clad butt. Nikki remained silent, even as she saw the long, the very long length of white cotton washing line in my hands, Nikki remained silent as I wrapped it around her waist several times, Nikki remained silent as I clinched each end off just above her hips. Nikki remained silent as I asked her to lower her waist, lower her lovely bikini clad butt back against the table, remained silent as I bound each end to the side of the table, as I pulled it taught to avoid any movement of her lower body. Nikki remained silent as I did the same around her upper legs, Nikki remained silent as I did the same around her lower legs, Nikki remained silent as I did the same around her ankles.

Yet in a way, I longed to do the same just below her breasts, I longed to place my hands so close to her breasts, yet why wouldn’t I, after all, getting her bound, getting her gagged, getting her blindfolded in just a tiny bikini was a dream come true, so I’m sure you don’t blame me for that. Yet I didn’t, yet I stopped myself from doing so, yet I resisted that urge, yet instead I just enjoyed seeing her as she was, yet instead I enjoyed just walking around the table, yet instead I delighted in seeing the look in her eyes when I stopped, stopped next to her head.

With a few twists and turns, with a test of her bonds Nikki spoke, “umm well it doesn’t look like I’m going anywhere, anytime soon, it looks like I’m well and truly stuck where you want me,” her words chimed in my ears. “So, err, what next, oh wicked one,” she continued, “what are your plans for me now, oh benevolent one,” she smirked, she flirted.

Reaching back into my sports bag, reaching back in to find the gag I’d planed to use on her I replied, “well, it’s time for you to be silenced, it’s time for you to loose the ability to speak, the ability to see”, but that was the problem, that was an issue, as I’d intended to ball gag her, I’d intended to use the second of my home made ball gags to muffle her words, to muffle her protests, or rather her lack of protests, “and I’ll warn you now, the gag will be strict, the blindfold will be effective”, I said stalling, stalling as all I could feel, all I could find to keep my word, to indeed make it a nice strict gag, was a large, a very large sponge ball. A very large sponge ball that would take some removing, take some removing by me, never mind by my helpless captive, a very large sponge ball that would take some sealing in, that would take a fair few wraps of tape to keep in place. “So here’s your choice, here’s something the others didn’t get, here’s your change to prove you deserve me being a little kinder to you”, I offered still mulling over my options, “what’s it to be blindfold first, or the effective, wicked gag”.

“Ooo you mean I get to choose, if I should be robbed of my ability to see what the gag will be, or if I should get to be able to see how vengeful your plans have always been”, Nikki coyly cooed, “that’s such a hard thing to do, you meanie”, she flirted, “does this answer your question,” she smirked while closing her eyes, she smirked as she lifted her head slightly, and of course it did, of course I didn’t waste any time wrapping the white electricians tape around her head, I didn’t waste any time wrapping the white electricians tape over her eyes.

“Well, Nikki, I guess that just leaves your gag, so open nice and wide,” I told her while withdrawing that very large sponge ball from my bag, “oh no wider than that,” I said, as she opened up just a little, “that much better,” I said as I squashed the sponge ball as much as I could, I said as with some effort I worked it into her mouth. “Almost done now”, I told her as she made sweet little “mmmppphhhing,” sounds, as she tried in vain to close her mouth, as I reached for the silver duct tape once again, as the silver duct tape made a ripping sound as I pulled it. “I warned you it would be strict”, I told her as I placed it between her lips, I told her as I wrapped it around her head, as at first I used it to cleave gag her, as I finished of by using it to seal her mouth fully. “There you go”, I told her as I tickled her side a little, I told her as I let her realise just how effectively it worked. “Don’t go anywhere”, I teased while snatching up my phone again, “after all, the fun has only just started”, I tormented as I took snap after snap of her helplessness.

End of part six
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Post by Tieup1 »

Another super chapter, all your prayers have been answered, the victims, are all yours. :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Creative tie! Now all his victims are at his mercy 😉 Let the Games begin and may the odds be ever at your favour :)
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Post by Shanya »

Can't wait to see what he has planned for Nikki here. Seems like it's going to a little more special than the other.
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Post by Bandit666 »

Thank you all for your continued support and comments, and stay tuned for a final little twist before I draw the whole tale to a conclusion :).
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Post by gagged86 »

Very very nice, my friend, I loved her teasing :)
And I can't wait to see what the new twist you announced will be :)
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Post by BindPam »

Looks like everyone's in their place now!
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Post by Bandit666 »

Thank you my friend, :)

And [mention][bindpam][mention] maybe not, all you can do is wait and see 😂
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Post by herdfaninrva »

Nice improvising on his part! Nice twist with her in her bikini. Anxiously waiting for Part 7.
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Looks all party guests are accounted for And at his his mercy can't wait to see and read what happens next. Awesome and Cool chapter
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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Post by Mask6190 »

Looking forward to what happens next!
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Post by Risperdaltied »

Excellent! What a shame she only had a bikini! Lol!
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
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Post by Bandit666 »

Thank you one and all, and stay tuned part seven and that promised twist will be with you soon :)
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Post by Bandit666 »

Well everyone thank you once again for you continued support and wonderful comments and thoughts for this little tale of mine, it’s good to know you’ve been enjoying the whole idea, and with that in mind I promised you a twist, said I’d added an extra part before the conclusion began. So here it is I hope you’ll enjoy this just as much as what has come before, and look forward to hearing from you all letting me know your thoughts


Part seven

Even as I finished wrapping the silver duct tape over Nikki’s mouth, even as I finished wrapping the silver duct tape around her head, even as I looked down upon her as she lay helplessly bound on our dining table, as she lay helplessly lashed down to our dining table a contentment I’d never felt before swept through my body and mind. Even as slowly I walked around my last captive as she lay helplessly lashed down to our dining table with phone in hand, even as I began to take photograph after photograph of her looking so powerless, looking so cute, in her tiny light blue bikini, my thoughts began to run away with me.

“At last, my suffering has ended”, I told myself, “at last getting the nerve to climb that pole has paid off”, I told myself, “at last spending all the time researching how to tie knots, how to bind and gag someone has paid off”, I told myself. “From now on it won’t be me being the target of their little games, it won’t be me all tied up, won’t be me gagged, won’t be me that’s kept like that”, I secretly thought rejoicing at the realisation. “This summer will finally be fun, this summer will finally be mine”, I allowed myself to think, “and better yet I have all these photos, have them as my trophies, have them available to make sure I get my own way”, I was thinking happily when the doorbell chimed again, when the doorbell sent me into a nervous panic.

A panic coursed by the thought of being caught, a panic coursed by the fact no one else was due to arrive, a panic coursed as no one was expected to visit today. In a way, even as I headed for the door, even as I pushed my sports bag out of the way, even as I approached the door, I hoped it was simply a delivery, I hoped it was nothing to be concerned about. But my heart was in my mouth, but a cold shiver had shot up my spin, but my stomach had sunk.

Slowly, with a deep breath I opened the door, slowly, my mouth all of a sudden going dry, I struggled to speak, “Oh, err, hello Mrs Graham, is, is everything, ok”, I stuttered, as my mind screamed, “that’s it your busted”. “Have, have you come to see Nikki”, I asked, “as she’s a little, well a little tied up, right now”, I found myself saying, saying even as my mind told me, “you idiot what on earth made you say that”.

“Oh I’m sure she’s more than I little tied up right now young man”, Mrs Graham replied sternly, “I think you’d better show me in don’t you”, she continued. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I’M BUSTED”, my mind screamed at the top of its voice, “you’re about to be grounded for life and a day”, my mind told me even as I stepped aside so Mrs Graham could enter. “I think you’d better let me see Nikki, let me see them all, right now”, she told me still with a stern, unforgiving tone, “I think you’d better let me see just what you’ve done to them all”, she told me even as I closed the door behind us, “you’d better let me judge for myself what should happen next”, she said with a barely perceivable wink, “but don’t let them know I’m here, keep my presence to yourself, young man”, she instructed me, her tone suddenly seeming a little less stern.

So, slowly, quietly I lead her into the dining room, slowly I stepped aside, stepped aside so she could see her daughter, could see Nikki all trussed up, could see her lashed down to the table, could see how effectively her mouth was packed, could see how her mouth was sealed by the silver duct tape, could see how her world was plunged into darkness by the white electricians tape. Slowly, with a nod, a nod that made me think she approved, she stepped forward, she examined my rope work, she examined my efforts, she examined its effectiveness. Slowly, as a strange smile spread across her face, she dragged her fingernails up the soles of her daughters feet. Slowly, with that same strange smile, she turned towards me, silently she beckoned me back towards the hallway, she indicated she wanted to leave, leave, still without so much as a word.

“Well young man, I certainly wasn’t expecting to see that, wasn’t expecting to see such creativity”, she told me, her voice suddenly seeming to have taken on a softer tone, the volume of her voice suddenly seeming to lower, “I think you’d better lead on, had better continue to keep my presence to yourself”, she instructed me. “Yes, yes, Mrs Graham”, I stuttered, shocked that she wasn’t yelling at me, I stuttered puzzled by her calmness, I stuttered not sure what to think, “ple, ple, please follow m, me Mrs Graham”, I managed as I lead her towards the kitchen, as I lead her towards the strictly mummified Louisa.

Once again, that strange smile spread over her face, once again she remained silent, once again she appeared to study my workmanship. I watched, still in stunned disbelief, as she knelt down beside Louisa, as she appeared to examine the use of the yellow zip ties, clearly visible through the multiple wraps of shrink wrap. I watched, still in stunned disbelief, as she appeared to examine my use of the silver duct tape, as she appeared to examine my use of the shrink wrap. I watched, still in stunned disbelief, as she appeared to examine the use of my home made ball gag. I watched, still in stunned disbelief, as silently she stood and nodded, as she seemed to once again show her approval, as she ushered me out of the door.

“You’re certainly very creative”, she said to me, her voice now seeming warm and accepting, “th, thank you, Mrs Graham”, I muttered. “Oh no thank you young man, and please call me Sandra”, she responded. “Is she really thanking you for tying up her daughter and Louisa”, my mind asked in it’s confused state. “Is it me or has it suddenly become warm in here”, she asked, asked as she slowly removed her plain black t-shirt, she asked as she revealed the top half of her black and white swimsuit. “Err, Err it is quite warm, Mrs Graham, so, sorry Sandra”, I replied stunned by her unexpected action, stunned to see the swimsuit she wore. “I think you’d best finish your little tour, I think you’d better let me see the others”, she said smiling warmly.

Which of course, for reasons I still don’t understand now, didn’t seem to be so frightening by then. She didn’t even seem to shocked when I lead her upstairs, when I lead her to my sisters room, she didn’t even seem shocked when I opened the door, when I stepped aside so she could see my sister, could see her trussed up so incredibly tightly. She didn’t even seem shocked when she saw how I’d bound my sister’s wrists and lower arms together, she didn’t even seem shocked when she saw how I’d bound my sisters legs together, she didn’t even seem shocked when she saw how strictly hogtied my sister. She didn’t even seem shocked as she then saw the helplessly frog tied Claire with the rope slipped between her legs. She didn’t even seem shocked when she saw Emma so cruelly bound to the chair in the spare bedroom. She simply didn’t seem to be shocked by anything she saw.

“I think we had better have a little chat young man”, she quietly told me as I silently closed the door on Emma, as we entered the upstairs hallway, “but I think it’s best done in a place where we can not be over heard, in a room you haven’t already used”, she half told me, she half teased.

But that was the problem, if we weren’t to be over heard we couldn’t use our living room, as it opened up onto the dining room, the very room where her daughter lay helplessly trussed up to the table. We couldn’t use my parents bedroom, for that felt wrong in so many ways. Which only left one place, only left the one place she’d not accept, that she’d not to agree to. Yet it was my only option, it was the only thing I could think of. “The, there’s only really the garage left, Mrs Graham, I, I mean Sandra,” I stuttered, fearful of what her reply would be, aware of the fact it wasn’t exactly a suitable place to take an adult to talk.

“Oh well, young man, in that case, you’d better lead the way”, she quietly replied smiling, “and you’d better stop and pick up what you have left to use”, she added, to my confusion. “There’s something you need to know”, she stated in such a matter of fact way, as we walked downstairs, “there’s something that may shock you to know,” she continued as we stopped at the bottom of the stairs. “Things aren’t always as they seem”, she added as I returned with my sports bag, “sometimes, others might well know about what goes on”, she hinted as we entered the garage.

“Well young man, having seen what you’ve done to Nikki, and the others”, she continued, “oh no here comes my punishment I thought to myself”. “I guess it’s confession time for me”, stated, stated to my puzzlement, “you see I’ve known for a long time just what the girls do to you, do to you way too often”, she added before I could speak, “we all have, Emma and Louisa’s mom has know, Claire’s mom has known, even your own mom has known”, she informed me, as my mouth dropped open.

“But, but, if you’ve all known for so long what they have done to me, what they have been doing to me why didn’t you stop them”, I asked, shocked to be told such a thing, I said with a little less respect than I should have. “You’re right to be so shocked,” she replied, “you’re right to be angry at what I’ve just told you”, she said quietly, “but in a way, I guess we’ve always hoped this day would come”, she continued, continued as to my complete disbelief she removed her loose fitting jogger bottoms, as she revealed she too was wearing a one piece swimsuit. “I guess we’ve always hoped that eventually you’d get your revenge, that you’d turn the tables on them, that, to coin a saying, you’d man up and take back your rights”, she told me.

“So I guess all that’s left for you now, is to get your revenge on me”, she said, suddenly sounding a little more meek and mild, “I guess really, you have shown you deserve to get some amount of justice on me as well”, she told me as she stood before me. “Just tell me what it is you want me to do, and you can get me all tied up, gagged and blindfolded as well”, she informed me as she turn around and crossed her wrists, she informed me as I stood shocked, as I stood unsure of what I should do, if I really should tie up an adult, if I should really tie up Nikki’s mom.

“It’s ok, you have my blessing”, she told me sensing my uncertainty, “carry on young man, you’ve earned this right”, she persisted, “I always knew this day would come”, she added, “it’s what I deserve”, she admitted, admitted as finally my legs decided to work again, admitted as finally my mind started my to work again. Slowly I guided her toward the support beam in the centre of our double garage, slowly I turned her around to face me, slowly I eased her backwards till she stood against the post, slowly I eased her hands, her arms out of the way. Wickedly I began to wrap a long coil of rope around her waist, began to wrap it tightly just above her hips, wickedly I used it to pull her waist tightly against the beam, “oh that’s tight”, she gasped as I clinched it off securely, she gasped as I trapped her waist against the beam.

Wickedly I did the same with a second long coil of rope, wickedly I did the same just below her mature, ample breasts, carefully I avoided making contact with her mature ample breasts. Once again she gasped as it tightened below her mature ample breasts, once again she spoke as I clinched it off, as I trapped her upper body to the beam, “oh you really don’t want me going anywhere do you”. “Well that should be obvious”, I thought to myself as I brought her wrists together, brought them together before her, “I hope ‘‘this works,” I thought to myself as I bound them tightly together just as I had done to the girls, well to all the girls save for Louisa.

But this time, this time I’d used a long length of white cotton washing line, I’d used a very long length of white cotton washing line, this time I’d used a length that could be thrown over the rafter, the rafter directly above her. I’d used a length of white cotton washing line that could be used to stretch her arms tightly above her head, I’d used a length of white cotton washing line that could then be joined to the rope holding her waist, holding it to the beam. “Umm, there’s no give in this at all”, she said while watching me walk over to my dads work bench, “I don’t think there’s much of a chance to escape from this”, she added as she watched me return, return with a clean balled up rag. “Well I guess I’ve said enough”, she commented before opening her mouth to accept the balled up rag, she commented before opening her mouth to accept her gag.

Slowly, carefully, gently I eased the rag past her lips, past her teeth, slowly, carefully, gently she closed her mouth over the rag. Nervously, uncertainly I reached for the silver duct tape, the silver duct tape I’d used on all the others. Nervously, uncertainly I turned to face her, I turned to see how she’d react. With an mmpphh, with a nod, she confirmed it was ok, easing her head forward so it was clear of her out stretched arms, she allowed me to seal her mouth, she allowed me to wrap it several times around her head. With an hhppmm, with a second nod of her head, she signalled towards the roll of white electricians tape. By closing her eyes she confirmed her acceptance of the blindfold, she showed me it was ok to continue.

I didn’t need to be asked twice, so to speak, I didn’t hesitate this time, I didn’t waste any time, yet still I was careful, yet still I didn’t allow my new found excitement lead me astray, yet still I was careful, yet still I was gentle, let still I was respectful, or at least I hoped I was. Once done, done with the gag, done with the blindfold, I sighed, sighed with relief, sighed knowing there was no going back, sighed knowing I wasn’t the one in trouble, I want the one that was about to be punished, punished for my actions.

Slowly I knelt before Sandra, before Nikki’s mom, slowly, gently, securely, tightly I bound her ankles, I bound her calves just below the knees, I bound her thighs just above the knees, I bound her thighs just below her butt cheeks. Carefully, slowly, gently, securely, tightly, I clinched off each of Sandra’s leg bindings to the beam, I ensured she became one with the post, I ensured she’d be going nowhere till I decided other wise.

Slowly I stood, stood before Nikki’s bound, gagged and blindfolded mom, slowly I looked over my handiwork, slowly I walked around Nikki’s bound, gagged and blindfolded mom, her head turning as she attempted to follow the sound of my footsteps. Slowly I took out my phone, slowly I took photograph and photograph of Nikki’s helplessly bound, gagged and blindfolded mom. Slowly, I bit my lip as I spoke, as I addressed Nikki’s helplessly bound, gagged and blindfolded mom,

“Well Mrs Graham, sorry, Sandra I guess you’re right, it was time for me to get my revenge, to get some sort of retribution for what you all allowed to happen, happen to me”, I began. “But I don’t think this will be the last time I get to bind Nikki, get to bind you, get to bind the other girls, or for that matter the other mom’s”, I continued with renewed belief, I continued suddenly emboldened. “I’m sure you know that yourself, I’m you know now this worm has turned”, I told her. I’m sure you know, I have made sure to collect enough evidence to keep this going”, I concluded. “But for now, I will take my leave, I will go and spend some time with the others,” I teased, teased as I turned to leave the garage, as I turned to leave her alone in her helplessness, alone with her thoughts.

End of part 7.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Very well done! This turn of events was unexpected - and I liked that! No it is time for revenge. I guess some tickling will be involved! :) Good job!
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Post by Mask6190 »

Incredible job :D

Can’t wait to see how this is all wrapped up.
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Incredible Job and Awesome Ending!!! Nice and unexpected Twist. Thank you for Great and Awesome story
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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Post by Tieup1 »

Nice twist to the story, this has been very well written. :)
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Post by gagged86 »

What a twist!
And I like the new self-confidence the boy has discovered inside of him :)
But he risks to become as arrogant as the girls, creating a vicious cycle of ropes and gags... after all he may have the pics, but they're still 6 (if not more counting the other moms) against 1 :roll: :lol:

I can't wait for the next part :)
The G-Man
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Post by The G-Man »

The plot thickens, curious to see how this one wraps up. I'm sure the moms might have issues with him having blackmail pics, and I'm sure Lucy will have some 'splainin' to do to her friends who got more than they bargained for here.
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Post by Emma »

This was a very good story! Hubby and I both liked it quite a bit :)
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by Risperdaltied »

Excellent - love where this is going. Be interested what he does with them all summer...
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
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