Support Your Local Intruder (M/Ff)

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Support Your Local Intruder (M/Ff)

Post by Emma »

Last year, my husband wrote a three part story which was well received (link below). I took a long break from here, and now that I'm back, hubby has decided to try again :D

(Link to The Instructor and the College Student) :

Hopefully people here will like this new one, about a home invasion that doesn't go as planned...

Elaine Carter, 41, had just picked up her daughter, Mandy, 17, from Mandy's aerobics class. Elaine, who was already dressed for a party, was wearing a low cut, short black dress with a leather belt and black high heels. Mandy was wearing a red leotard, black tights, and white sneakers.

As they drove home, they chatted about their evening plans. Elaine and Mandy's dad were going to their party, and Mandy was going to chat onlne with her out of state boyfriend. As they pulled in the driveway, they could see from the car that the front door was slightly open.

The ladies got out of the car, and walked towards the door. Elaine was annoyed; her husband didn't close the door. Flies could get in, even an animal. They walked in. "DON!" Elaine called out. "You left the..."

Don wasn't there; a man with a work shirt from roofing company was. He was filling a box with Don's DVDs.The man, who had the name "JOE" printed on the front of the shirt was as startled as Elaine and Mandy were. Elaine stood protectably in front of her daughter. She pushed Mandy towards the front door, but Mandy accidentally hit the door and it shut in front of them. Before they knew it, Joe was standing next to them.

"Look," he said, "I didn't know you were coming home...just let me leave, please." Elaine took a deep breath. "Could you leave our things, then?" To their surprise, Joe looked like he was going to cry. "I just wanted to get something to sell online...I lost my job, and I need money to buy food."
Both Elaine and Mandy felt sorry for him. Elaine opened her purse, and took out a hundred dollars, and gave it to him. "Don't try to rob anyone again. You're going to end up in jail. Just go, and just be honest." Mandy opened the door for him. "Yeah, you're no good at this. I mean, we even know your face and name", she said, pointing at this shirt.

It was then that Elaine saw the lock was broken. "Wait a minute..we have a problem. Don's going to want to know why the lock's broken. There's no way we can have it fixed before he gets here." She looked at Joe. " You really put us in a bind."

"That's it," Mandy said softly, almost to herself. "A bind." Joe had a confused look on his face. "Huh? I don't get it." Elaine also was confused. "What do you mean, honey?"

Mandy closed the door. "We've been robbed. Two guys broke in, saw us, wanted to leave fast, and...took Dad's DVDs. The ones he's always watching instead of doing things with us. What a coincidence," she said smiling. Elaine crossed her arms, with a disapproving look. "That's not a bad idea", she admitted. But what's this about 'a bind' , hmm?"

"Well, he's gonna have to tie us up," said Mandy. "Dad will be here really soon, and he'll quote unquote rescue us, we'll call the cops, and tell the story of two guys who broke in. It happened so fast, we really didn't get a look on their faces, and, darn, Dad's DVDs are gone."

"We don't have to go that far. He can just lock us in a closet", said Elaine. Joe nodded. "I already busted your lock, I don't wanna do anything more, like tying you up."

"Well, you're going to, so stop complaining, we're trying to help you. Mom, locking us in a closet won't be convincing, we'll have to be tied up. I think we have some tape in the garage."

"No tape," Elaine said. They stick, and are a pain to get off. In my room, there's a small box behind the shoe rack. Go get it, please."

As soon as Mandy was gone, Elaine glared at Joe. "She's right, you'll have to tie us up. But so help me God, if you hurt her, you won't be able to hide from my husband!" Joe, now more than a little scared, nodded in agreement. "Yes ma'am" he mumbled.

Mandy returned with the box. Elaine held out her hand, but Mandy went to the couch and opened it." "Mandy, let me have..." But it was too late. Mandy had dumped the contents on the couch. Several coils of rope, scarves obviously for blindfolds and gags...and a white ballgag.
"MOM!! A ballgag?? Really? God, you and Dad...oh God, TMI, Mom, TMI."

"I told you to let me have the box, but you didn't. And your knowing about ballgags makes me think you have lectures in your future, about boys and safety."

Joe cleared his throat. "Um, if we're gonna do this, let's just get it over with, your daughter said your husband will be here soon." Elaine. "Fine, just tie me up, then. She handed him a coil of rope, turned her back to him, and crossed her wrists behind her back. Joe nervously began to tie her. "If it's too tight, lemme know, please." "No, it's fine, it's pretty loose, to be honest."

Mandy shook her head. "This is gonna take forever. Here, let me." She gently pushed Joe aside, and began binding Elaine's wrists herself. Elaine wasn't happy. "What are you doing? YOU can't tie me up!!" Mandy finished tying her mother's hands, and started on her arms, wrapping rope around her waist, just below her breasts. "Mom, he's too nervous, and I don't think he's ever done this before, and we're in a hurry."

Elaine shook her head, as Mandy began tying rope above her breasts. "This is ridiculous. Who's going to tie you, if he can't?" Joe said, from behind them, "I'm watching carefully, I think I can do this," he said. He wasn't lying. He was watching, and VERY intently.

"Ok, Mom, turn around and sit down," Mandy said. Elaine complied, still obviously annoyed with the situation. "Just let him tie my legs," she said. "This is getting too strange." Joe knelt in front of her, tied one piece of rope around one of Elaine's ankles, and began to wrap, but was stopped by Mandy. "No, wait, " she said. "Mom cross your ankles." Elaine glared at Mandy. "I don't need to..all right, fine." She crossed her ankles. Mandy looked at Joe. "Ok, watch this." She made a loop with the rope, moved the rope over and under her mother's crossed ankles, and passed the ends through the loop, tightening it. Then she finished tying her mother's ankles. "Ok," she said. "She's wearing high heels, right? So with her ankles crossed, she can't hop around. You can still tie her knees though, just make the same loop you saw me do. " Joe look up at Elaine, as to get permission. She sighed, saying "Go ahead, I guess."
Joe tied Elaine's knees. "What do you think?" he asked. Elaine struggled a bit. "It's fine, I'm not going anywhere. Just tie up Mandy and get out."

"Yeah, it's my turn now," Mandy said. She now turned her back to Joe, crossing her wrists behind her back. She could tell Joe was tying them as she just showed him, but not as tight as he could. Elaine had a good view of her daughter's hands being bound, and silently gave thanks, since Mandy would easily get loose after Joe left.
Her hopes were quickly shattered. "No, Joe, God. You have to tie me MUCH tighter. I have to be helpless when Dad gets here, WHICH WON'T BE VERY LONG FROM NOW. " "Sorry", Joe muttered, as Elaine watched in disbelief.

Joe picked up another piece of rope. "So, ok if I tie your arms next?" Before Mandy could answer, Elaine said "Just tie her feet and leave, please. " Mandy shook her head. "NO MOM, he has to tie my arms so this looks right." She turned her head to address Joe, who was again behind her. "Just like Mom's tied, tie my arms above and below my breasts. Ans make them tight, so this will work!"

Elaine couldn't take her eyes off her daughter and their intruder. Joe, now with confidence--and did Elaine see pleasure?--tied Mandy's arms above her breasts, checking as to make certain they barely touched the upper part. Then, He began tying her arms just below her breasts, and a lot tighter than he needed to. Elaine was about to say something, when she saw Mandy gasp for breath, and "TMI, Mandy," Elaine thought to herself. "TMI to you, too."

"All right," Mandy said, "now help me to the floor. We're going to do something a little different." Elaine was getting exasperated. "Mandy, this isn't a game! We're trying to get out of a bad situation! A bad situation for all of us!!" Mandy looked up at her mother, as Joe helped her to the floor. "I know that, Mother! I'm getting us OUT of this situation! Just a second..." Now sitting on the floor, Mandy pushed her sneakers off, using one foot to push the opposite shoe off.

"I guess you wan me to get heels for you, right?" Joe asked, hopefully. Both girls then realized Joe had been stealing glances at Elaine, in her black party dress, tan hose, and black high heels." Elaine was flattered, but tried not to show it. Mandy was a bit creeped out, and did not try.

"Of course not. Heels with a leotard and tights? It'll look like I was posing or something. I just don't wear sneakers when tie, um, when home." "Oh, we are definitely talking later, " Elaine thought to herself. She watched as Joe tied Mandy's ankles, then legs, below the knees. He was tying them tight, tighter than Elaine was tied, and Mandy obviously didn't mind. "Above the knees too" Mandy insisted. Joe looked at his watch. "I don't think we have..." "TIE. THEM." Mandy insisted. And he did, much to Mandy's approval, and Elaine's disapproval.

As Joe was about to stand up, Mandy said "Wait, one more thing. I need to be hogtied. " Elaine looked at Joe. "You ignore her! you have us tied up, just gag us and leave! This is getting ridiculous. " Now, though, Joe was gazing at Mandy, seeing her tied up--by him--wearing her red leotard and black tights. Yes, a hogtie it would be.

Joe got on the floor near Mandy, tying rope around the ropes already tying her ankles. "Bring the rope under, then over, the ropes tying my arms," said Mandy. "The ropes under my breasts. Then pull my legs as close as you can to my back. Then tie that end to my ankles, and I'll be totally helpless!" Elaine could hear the smile in Mandy's voice. There was no use to argue with her. Part of her was relieved, for some reason, that her daughter had inherited her love for bondage, part of her was worried she would make serious errors of judgment with it.

Joe stood up. "Who gets the ballgag?" he asked. "I do" both women said in unison, looking at each other. "Well..." said Mandy, "I've never been ballgagged before. Guys my age don't care about that, they just care if they can see me undressed." Elaine sighed. "A ballgag is kind of personal. Someday, when your older..much, much'll settle down with a nice man and he'll buy you your own. But that ballgag is mine."

"All right, fine, Mom. Joe, just use a cleave gag for me." Joe fumbled though the cloths on the couch near Elaine. "Joe," said Elaine, "a cleave gag is wadding you put in someone's mouth, then hold in place by wrapping a bandanna or something similar around the person's mouth." Joe had a look of understanding. "Oh, right. I knew that." He picked up a wadded up cloth and a large strip of cloth. Elaine didn't say anything else, she was just relieved the wadding was big enough it wouldn't choke her daughter.

Elaine watched as Joe gagged Mandy. She appreciated that he was being careful, making sure the stuffing didn't get too near her throat. She also wondered if Joe was going to be gone before Don got home.
After gagging Mandy, Joe sat near Elaine, picking up the ballgag. "I am very sorry abut this," Joe said. I want you to know I appreciate everything...not just your not turning me in, but you know, all this...the tying..." Elaine interrupted him. "Joe, please, I want this to be over. Just gag me, and please, seriously, leave." With that, she opened her mouth, and Joe quickly fastened the ballgag on her.

Joe stood up, walked to the door, then stopped for a moment. Both Elaine and Mandy were struggling. Joe smiled. "You are both very lovely ladies. And you both look wonderful tied up! Elaine, you and your dress, hose and high heels, Mandy, you in your leotards and tights...I can't thank you both enough." He could see Mandy smiling through her gag. He could see Elaine glaring with her eyes.

And with that...Joe picked up the box with the DVDs and left. The intruder was gone. Elaine, unable to stand, due to her ankles being crossed and bound, and wearing high heels, scooted over to the edge of the couch, and as careful as she could, used it to help herself down. She sat next to Mandy with her hands near hers, Mandy, not unexpectedly at this point, pulled away. She could only rock back and forth, but it was enough to thwart Elaine's attempts to untie her hands.

Then they heard a voice. Don's voice. On the answering machine. "Hey, neither of you are answering you cells, so I guess you're watching DVDs. Anyway, I just found out I have to work late tonight. Sorry, Elaine, no party tonight."

"WELL EEE ER ALL IYE!!! (We'll be here all night!)" exclaimed Elaine.
Mandy stopped rocking. Was she going to let Elaine try to untie her? She began rocking again. "Ahhhh oooh eeeela ooo aaa (That's not really so bad,)" Mandy replied.

Elaine considered their situation. At least Joe closed the door behind him. The lock was broke, of course, but she really doubted another thief would wander in so soon. Maybe Mandy had a point after all.
Elaine began to struggle for all she was worth, not realizing Mandy, still struggling as much as she could herself, was watching. She didn't know Mandy saw the smile on her lips.
Mandy looked away, not wanting to embarrass her mother. "Good for you you Mom", she thought to herself. Good for you." Then Mandy got lost in her own struggles.
Last edited by Emma 5 years ago, edited 6 times in total.
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by Amm1973es »

A good story, although it is to throw some imagination to that cooperation on the part of mother and daughter, in real life would be something unbelievable.
I am a man with the role of Rope top/Rigger, I have been attacked by the Tugs since I was a child. Both without sexual components, and with them within my limits.
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Post by Bandit666 »

I really enjoyed this. I’d like to hear more of their adventures, like the talk they end up having and maybe the mother teaching the daughter more
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Post by BindPam »

This was a great story! Sequel, please :D
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Post by TightsBound »

BindPam wrote: 5 years ago This was a great story! Sequel, please :D
Agreed! Great story! Maybe in the sequel Mandy’s sister gets in on the fun ;)
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Post by Caesar73 »

TightsBound wrote: 5 years ago
BindPam wrote: 5 years ago This was a great story! Sequel, please :D
Agreed! Great story! Maybe in the sequel Mandy’s sister gets in on the fun ;)
I agree. This is a very fine story. The burglar learned a few things :D And Elaine surely surprised Mandy and vice versa! Good work!
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Post by Amm1973es »

It never ceases to amaze me the naturalness with which you treat bondage in any way, in my country it is usually linked to bdsm and it is complicated to treat it in an intermediate term.
I am a man with the role of Rope top/Rigger, I have been attacked by the Tugs since I was a child. Both without sexual components, and with them within my limits.
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Post by DTbound »

This was a cute story! I hope we see more of these characters!
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Post by Emma »

Hubby says thanks to those who liked his story :)

Bandit, hubby says he'll probably do a follow-up, if there's enough interest. They take him some time to write.

Tightsbound, hubby says he'll take your idea under consideration :D

Anm, our experiences are different from yours. Being tied up is not always about sex or BDSM. If you're being robbed and you're in the presence of family members, you absolutely could end up cooperating with the thieves for your own safety, and your family's.
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by damsel »

What a cool story! A whole series would be epic!
Deleted User 1729

Post by Deleted User 1729 »

I agree with the consensus so far! I very rarely enjoy fictional stories, but this one was extremely well-written and creative!
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Post by Deleted User 3310 »

It is well structured.
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Post by Emma »

Hubby says the ladies will return.... :lol:
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Very Nice and Good Story. Would have been nice to see what Elaine and Mandy Wore.
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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Post by Emma »

Beetlebailey13 wrote: 5 years ago Very Nice and Good Story. Would have been nice to see what Elaine and Mandy Wore.
Beetle, what they wore is in the first paragraph, and mentioned again later, twice I think, for both of them.
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Very True and Indeed Yes Ma'am. My Apologies
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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Post by Emma »

Beetlebailey13 wrote: 5 years ago Very True and Indeed Yes Ma'am. My Apologies
No worries, Beetle !

Hubby says he has an idea for the sequel :D
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by BindPam »

Emma wrote: 5 years ago
Beetlebailey13 wrote: 5 years ago Very True and Indeed Yes Ma'am. My Apologies
No worries, Beetle !

Hubby says he has an idea for the sequel :D
So.....where's the sequel?

:lol: :lol:
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Post by RopemanSteve »

I read this before, then lost it, and now I found it again! This is fantastic. Thanks, Emma, for the link to your stories you now have embedded in your posts.
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Post by Risperdaltied »

Another great story!
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
Feel free to PM for RP - to be tied or to tie...
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