Agent 38: A DID Spy Thriller (Various)

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Can’t wait for more!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by Caesar73 »

A good appetizer, I like to say :)
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Post by Nigelsn »

Just found your page and love the agent 38 story.
Answer to your questions, just keep the boots. I've always had a thing for damsels in boots tied up. Love the story, cannot wait to here what happens next and how those brown boots with the zips and buckles are tied. Loved your description. Great writingg all round.
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Post by BobaFettish1 »

Thanks everyone!

I'm making really good progress, and the next chapter may be out sooner than I expected.

Stay tuned. ;)
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Post by BobaFettish1 »

Chapter Sixteen: “Out Of The frying Pan...”

I closed my eyes.

I clenched my fists.

I gritted my teeth.

I waited for the drop.

...But it never came.

Instead, just at the moment I expected to be dropped headfirst into the giant fan, a shrill, ear piercing noise echoed through the engine room. The noise made my ears ring and my eyes snapped open in response.

Looking down at the man I noticed that the sadistic smile on his face had begun to fade. Then the wench remote fell from his hand, clattering to the floor. His face turned white, his eyes stopped blinking, his expression became blank. Then, suddenly, his legs buckled underneath the immense weight of his muscular torso and he fell to his knees. And with massive thud, he fell face first onto the floor, completely lifeless.

It was then that I finally understood what fate had befallen my hulk friend. In the back of his head was a small hole, no bigger than 2 centimeters in diameter. The hole had already began to ooze blood and it trickled down his neck and across his broad head. It was a gunshot wound, a well placed one, that had been fired from the pistol I had managed to misplace just a few minutes earlier. The last remaining bullet had left its muzzle and lodged itself deep within the man’s skull, providing him with an instant death.

There, standing just behind the man, holding said gun, was a young woman.

Her reddish brown hair was messy, and long strands hung down in front of her face.

The skirt of her black and white striped dress was tattered at the edges.

Her black tights were dirty with grease and soot.

Her brown leather boots were scuffed up and dusty.

I was both excited and shocked to see Sara standing just a couple meters away holding the gun.

The pistol was still pointed horizontally towards where the man once stood. It shivered in the young woman’s grasp as a wisp of smoke billowed out of the muzzle. Sara continued to stand there for few seconds, her body frozen in place but her hands quivering. The look on her face was one of sheer horror and disbelief.

Underneath my gag I couldn’t help but smile and breathe a sigh of relief at the sight of Sara. The girl had somehow managed to save my life yet again when I least expected it. While this moment felt like one of celebration for me, for Sara it was anything but a happy moment.

Killing isn’t easy, at least not for me. It’s a necessary part of my job and I never take pleasure in. But I’m also not shaken by it. The same could not be said for Sara. The girl had most likely never held a gun. Never seen a dead body. And probably never could have imagined herself in a situation like this. I could see the anguish on her face. Tears began welling up in her eyes. I wanted to tell her so many things. That I was okay. That she did the right thing. That everything was going to be alright. But the cloth gag in my mouth prevented me from saying anything, so I was left staring at her as I hung upside down far above the floor.

Sara’s shoulders slumped and her arms fell to her side. The pistol fell from her grip and clattered to the floor with a metallic shriek. Just then, I felt myself bounce a bit as I hung in midair. I then heard a motorized whine from above me and looked up towards the wench holding me in place. The chain that had been connected to my ankles began slowly unraveling out of the device, centimeter-by-centimeter, dropping me lower.

It was then that I realized that Sara’s lucky shot wasn’t the only thing that had saved me. The hulking man had actually managed to fully press the release button on the wench(before suffering that gruesome fate), but for some reason the machine had jammed, continuing to keep me safely suspended above the fan. But now the wench wasn’t so jammed anymore.

I suddenly heard a loud metal clanging noise, felt the chain above me go slack, and before I knew it I was free falling. This time my eyes were wide open and I looked directly down towards where I was destined to land. The spinning blades of the fan were even more of a blur as I fell towards them. The sharp metal objects rushed up to meet me, and I had no time to prepare myself for what came next.

Suddenly, I stopped falling.

I blinked in astonishment upon noticing that my head was hovering only a few centimeters above the fan. The loud roar of the fan was now deafening at such a close proximity, and the intense airflow blew my red hair in every direction around my face.

I blew out an even bigger and more labored sigh of relief upon realizing I’d escaped certain doom twice in the matter of seconds. I glanced back towards where Sara was standing, but she wasn’t there. Instead, she was now standing much closer to the man’s body, and grasped in her hand was the wench remote.

She began pressing buttons, and after only a couple of minutes Sara had used the wench control to maneuver me away from the fan and down to the solid floor. She helped guide me down to a sitting position and unhooked the chain attached to my feet. She removed my gag and began examining the rest of my bindings. She untied the rope around my waist and began picking at the knots that secured the broken handcuffs together behind my back. I finally broke the silence.

“Thank you... again.” I said, with as much sincerity as I could bring forth.

Sara said nothing, but her grim expression wavered a bit and I detected a faint smile.

“Y’know, this would go a lot faster with a key.” I said with a sly grin, trying my best to lighten the mood. And it seemed to actually work as Sara’s face lit up with excitement.

“Oh,” Sara said as she reached into a small pocket on her dress and pulled out... the key! “I was able to fish this out of that vent when you were... occupied earlier.”

“Atta girl!” I said with glee.

After only a few seconds Sara had unlocked both sets of handcuffs and thrown them aside. I rubbed wrists and ankles rigorously and flexed my hands and feet trying to get blood flow and feeling back into them. Sara dropped the handcuff key on the floor after using it, but I quickly grabbed it and placed it in one of the pouches of my utility belt

“We might need this again.” I said. Sara nodded in understanding.

“I assume you were successful in setting the charges?” I finally asked.

“Um, yes”, Sara said, with some weariness in her voice. “We should probably go, just in case I made any mistakes in setting the timers.”

I nodded in response and quickly hopped to me feet, not really feeling worried about the explosives at all. It mostly because I trusted that Sara had done the job right, but also, the thought of being blown up seemed relatively unintimidating after all we’d face so far, and what we were about to do.

Sara stood as well and we both turned towards the door. At the same time both our eyes met the lifeless form of the man laying face down on the floor of the engine room. I cringed hard as we both stopped and stared for a moment. Being in the presence of a dead body was NEVER fun, and I knew all the progress I had made to bring Sara out of her grim mood was now moot. I side eyed Sara and noticed her composure beginning to break once again.

“It’s okay.” I said in a comforting tone.

“I... I...” Sara started, but the words couldn’t escape her clinched throat. “I killed-“

I wasn’t going to let her finish that sentence. I turned towards her, placing both my hands on her shoulders and looking directly into her green eyes.

“You saved me,” I said, interrupting her. “That’s all that matters. You were forced into an impossible situation, and you made a choice.... The right choice.”

“I know,” Sara said, tearfully. “He was a bad bloke, and he deserved it. I just can’t help but feel... sick.”

“And you know what that makes you? A good person,” I gave her a comforting smile. “If you enjoyed it, then I’d have to wonder about you, kid.”

Sara returned the smile, and it felt like my little pep talk had helped the young woman, at least a little.

“Let’s get out of here.” I said.

We carefully made our way up the ladder and down several hallways. We neither saw nor heard any activity from the rest of crew members. As we quickly strolled down one of the longer corridors, Sara was the first one to break the long silence.

“So, I’m pretty sure you’re an official Agent now.” I said, in a matter of fact tone.

Sara immediately perked up.

“Wait, really?” She said, more cheerful now.

“Sure! I think you’re more than qualified. Your resume speaks for itself,” I said as I adopted a more business like tone. “Let’s see; you’re a problem solver, you’re skilled with a variety of weapons... Oh, you will no doubt pass the captivity test with flying colors.”

“The ‘captivity test’?” Sara said, raising an eyebrow. “What’s that?”

“Oh, well... you’ll see.”

“So, do I get a number? Like you?”

“Maybe... Although ‘Agent Sara’ does have a nice ring to it.” I said, playing along.

“Agent Sara Winters.” Sara corrected.

“It’s nice to finally meet you... officially, Agent Winters.” I smiled.

“And this is the part where you tell me YOUR full name.” Sara said, encouragingly.

“Sorry, kid. That’s classified.”

Sara rolled her eyes.

We both became quieter and more nervous as we drew closer to the main deck. I was growing increasingly anxious by how deserted the ship seemed. We arrived at the hatchway that lead out onto the main deck and peered out into the open air. The sun had risen since I’d last been outdoors. The waves of the Atlantic Ocean glistened in the new sunlight and spread out for miles in every direction around the massive cargo ship. The sparsely placed clouds were lit up in pinkish-red hues by the Sun that hung just above the horizon. The weather was mostly calm and clear, but the waves were choppy, the howling wind was strong enough to knock you down, and a line dark clouds in the distance in front of the ship signaled we were heading into a storm. There was still no land in sight, although I knew Brazil had to be just over the western horizon.

During my eavesdropping session over the bridge earlier this morning I heard the Boss’ underlings promise him we would arrive in Rio de Janeiro later today. I was determined to make sure that promise was broken.

“There’s nobody here,” Sara said. “That’s a good thing, right?”

I didn’t answer her, nor was I looking in her direction. I was focused on an engraved metal plate hanging on the wall just inside the doorway. It indicated the name of the ship we were currently aboard. While most ship names seemed fairly nondescript and unimportant, this one immediately caught my attention; LEVIATHAN.

“What is it?” Sara asked, noticing that I was staring at the plaque an unusually long time.

“It’s... Nothing.” I stammered,

We made our way across the deck, still being as cautious as possible. We got to the cargo hold’s hatch and opened it, peering down into the darkness. I started down the metal ladder and instructed Sara to follow me. The gigantic storage compartment was nearly pitch black, save for a faint bit of light that streamed in from the open hatchway above. Once we reached the bottom we took careful steps forward through the darkness in the direction of where I was (mostly) sure the cargo container was placed. Finally, I could just barely make out the outline of a large rectangle directly in front of us.

“Its over here.” I said over my shoulder as I approached the container.

I could see that the door of the container was left ajar and I could hear muffled voices inside. Just as Sara sidled up behind me, I gripped the heavy steel door and heaved it open. I peered inside to see that all of the would-be slaves were where I had left them. All were still seated along the walls of the container, their wrists and ankles shackled together, with collars around their necks, and tethered securely to the corrugated metal.

Upon seeing them I allowed myself to breathe a slight sigh of relief. Despite a few, um... mishaps, my improvised mission plan had worked. It wouldn’t take long to free the girls, and with little to no activity on the main deck we should be able to make it to the life boat undetected.

Still, an uneasy feeling gnawed at my subconscious, seemingly trying to tell me that this was all happening way too easily. And that feeling only increased when I looked closer at the captive women.

Firstly, although they all remained gagged, their blindfolds had been removed and each of them was now fully awake. Secondly, and more disturbingly, were the terrified expressions on their faces. While waking up in bondage can definitely be a traumatic experience(been there, done that), there was something more to the fear shown on each of the women’s faces. As they noticed Sara and I standing in the doorway many of captives began to wail in alarm. While some screamed and squealed with muted passion through their gags, others managed to balance themselves on the tip of their toes in a vain attempt to stand up. Several of them bared their teeth and bit into the thick white cloths in their mouths trying to form words.

Somehow these young women knew, despite never seeing us before, that Sara and I were there to save them... And they were trying to tell us something. Suddenly, I realized what they were saying.

“It’s a trap!” I yelled as I quickly spun around, only to be met with blinding light coming from all directions.

Every light in the cargo hold had suddenly been turned on and I was left completely blind for a handful of seconds. Sara and I both raised our hands in front of our eyes in order to block out the intense glare. Unfortunately I didn’t need my eyes to understand what was happening. My ears suddenly confirmed my assessment of the situation once I heard the sound of boots thumping on the metal floor and the metallic sound of rifles being cocked. When my eyesight began to return, suddenly all I could see were at least forty human shapes all around us.

At least half of them were armed with AK-47s, each of which was pointed directly at Sara and I. As my sight became clearer I began to make out the bodies and faces of our new friends. There were men and women of various ethnicities, dresses in an assortment of clothing; from dirty coveralls, to tattered military garb. A portion of them parted to make way for large figure that was strolling up from behind. The man was as wide as he was tall(and he was quite tall) and was dressed in a solid black button up shirt that contrasted well with the elegant, bright white suit he wore on top of it. His obviously expensive shoes reflected light like a pair of mirrors as if just polished. His bald head was slick with sweat and what tiny bit of hair he had left was in the form of a mustache on his upper lip that was now a salt & pepper grey. He wore various shiny rings on almost all of his fingers, and one glimmering diamond earring that was pierced into his right ear. He carried with him a cane made of dark colored wood and a large white diamond adorned the pommel where he gripped it.

The man probably had a name, a family, and maybe, at some point in his life, a soul. But no one really knew the truth about him because it was irrelevant. The only thing you needed to know about is that this man is the most powerful crime lord in Italy, and perhaps the world over. And calling him anything other than 'The Boss' would surely get you killed.

“Hello Agent 38,” the Boss said pleasantly as he strode forward. “How pleasant of you to join us.”
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Love it! I’m liking The Boss rn, idk why
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Post by BobaFettish1 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 4 years ago Love it! I’m liking The Boss rn, idk why

I’m really enjoying finally fleshing out a villain for once. He’s going to be a lot of fun... for us, not for Agent 38. 😉
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Post by BobaFettish1 »

Chapter Seventeen: “...Into The Fire”

“So, is this the part where you ask me where the rebel base is?”

Several of the goons swarmed Sara and I, grabbing us and forcing us to our knees. We didn’t struggle or fight back, understanding how many bullets we’d be filled with if we tried anything. A couple of the stooges furiously patted both of us down, obviously checking for weapons or anything that would aid us in escaping later. Although for me, wearing a skin tight bodysuit meant I didn’t have any place to hide anything. But that didn’t stop one of the perverts from putting his hands in some unnecessary places. During the process my utility belt was unhooked from my waist and thrown aside in the direction of the cargo container and I noticed a metallic ping as it landed.

“I was afraid you had abandoned ship, Agent 38. But, alas, you’re still with us,” the Boss said with a joyful tone. “And you’ve even been making friends, I see! Isn’t that sweet?”

A few sadistic laughs could be heard among the group of henchmen that surrounded us. Among the crowd were two familiar faces. One was a muscular man wearing blue and grey camouflage. The other was a blonde haired woman wearing a striped grey sweater, black tights, and brown over the knee boots. Bruno and Costa, the two goons who had earlier attempted to tie me up further, but ended up tied up themselves, had apparently been rescued from the storeroom I had stashed them in. They now stood directly in front of me glowering, obviously still embarrassed by their humiliating defeat at my (bound) hands. Costa seemed uncomfortable wearing the sweater and boots I’d “loaned” her, and standing in the high heels was especially difficult for her. The good news for Costa was that now she was the best dressed person in the room.

The Boss stepped forward with a faint limp, using his elegant cane to support himself. The huge man dressed in all white towered over us as he came closer.

“Let’s make sure our guests don’t go running off again, shall we?” He said.

Two more henchmen stepped forward, both gripping thick coils of cream colored rope. Sara and I glanced at one another and tensed for what we knew was coming next.

The goons whisked both my arms behind my back. But instead of placing them side by side, or crossing them at the wrists, they pulled my forearms further up than I expected. With both my elbows bent inward at a 90 degree angle, my wrists were brought together with my hands pointing in opposing directions. It was then that I realized I was undergoing a box tie; a classic, and particularly stubborn bondage position that made any type of wiggling out of the ropes nearly impossible.

Once my wrists were tightly bound together, the excess rope was wound around my torso, further limiting my movement. The rope was slung around my chest, above and below my breasts, and was also wound around my elbows and upper arms. The rope was slipped over my shoulders and threaded under my armpits leaving my entire upper torso ensnared in tight rope harness. With the absence of any baggy clothes, and only my purple and black wetsuit left as the sole piece of clothing I was wearing, tying me up was probably made much easier. The form-fitting garment allowed no wiggle room, and the rope clung uncomfortably snug to my body.

I looked towards Sara and noticed she was being bound in much the same way. Her arms were pinned behind her back in a box tie just like mine.

“You won’t get away with this!” She angrily yelled as the henchmen finished binding her.

“Oh, child, that’s what they all say... right before I get away with it.” The Boss said, smirking. “I think this one needs to be kept quiet, don’t you agree?” He finally said, motioning to his subordinates.

One woman stepped forward with a red bandanna in her hands. She tied a knot in the center of the cloth and moved towards Sara.

“No! Stop! You cannmmmppphh!” She exclaimed as the gag was shoved into her mouth and tied off behind her head.

Noticing that the Boss’ cronies had made no motions to silence me as well surely meant I was about to endure a long overdue interrogation. But it also meant I could do a bit of interrogating myself. I briefly remembered back to all the things I’d seen on board this ship; the slaves, the weapons, the drugs, the plutonium. All of it seemed to be way above the paygrade of some slimy Italian mobsters. There was something else afoot here, something much bigger and much more sinister.

“So, how long have you been on Leviathan’s payroll?” I asked, unexpectedly.

Sara noticeably perked up at the mention of Leviathan, realizing that it wasn’t simply “nothing” as I’d previously said. The boss had no visible reaction to the question, only turning towards me with an amused look.

“What?” He replied, pretending not to understand.

But we both knew damn well he understood. This entire operation had Leviathan’s fingerprints all over it.

What is Leviathan, you ask?

Perhaps I need to provide a little context.

You see, Leviathan is basically you’re average, run of the mill shadowy bad guy organization. Unfortunately there’s not much to tell, at least not from what’s been declassified. For the most part their power, their influence, and their goals ultimately remain a mystery. Just about every intelligence agency on the planet has their own theories about Leviathan. Over the decades, or even centuries, leviathan has been connected to countless dirty deeds and atrocities. Corruption, terrorism, assassinations, war... Pretty much anything terrible you can think of was probably influenced by Leviathan in some way or another.

The latest news on Leviathan(as of the last time I was at Agency HQ) was that the organization was under new leadership. Agent X, who was part of the Agency before turning traitor once upon a time, had ascended to the mighty evil throne. Agency leadership had been particularly nervous about having one of our own now leading the bad guys.

There was a time when I didn’t believe Leviathan existed at all. That was until I experienced their handiwork up close and personal. I’m one of the few who’s gone up against them and lived to tell about. Here’s to hoping this is one of those times.

“What? You didn’t think I’d figure it out?” I asked. “I’ve been monitoring your entire operation for three months. Did you really think I wouldn’t put the pieces together?”

It was a lie, at least partially. Up until my capture in Rome I hadn’t suspected that Leviathan was involved, and, apparently, neither did the Agency. I had been sent to monitor drug shipments in and out of Rome and get as close as I could to the Boss. Leviathan wasn’t on our radar this time, but I wasn’t about to show all my cards to the Boss.

“Very perceptive of you, Agent 38. I would expect no less from one of the Agency’s finest. Although it’s too bad your impressive detective skills couldn’t save you from falling directly into my grasp.”

“Oh, you know me. I couldn’t bare to let you take off on a holiday without me.”

“I think you may come to regret not getting off this ship while you had the chance.”

“I’m not the one who’s going to have regrets before this is over.”

“Apparently the rumors are indeed true... Your arrogance certainly does equal your beauty.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“Your wit won’t save you, my dear. Nothing can.”

“And what about them?” I asked, motioning to the shackled women in the cargo container behind me. “They have nothing to do with this. If you really want to strike back at the Agency, then I’m your best bet. You wanted me? You’ve got me. No one else has to get hurt. Let them go!”

“Oh come now, my dear. I can’t just give up a shipment of my best merchandise. Some of these fine specimens will fetch at least two million a piece on the black market.”

The fact that he referred to the girls as “merchandise” made my stomach churn.

“They’re just kids! Let them go and I’ll... I’ll do whatever you want.” I said with sincerity.

“I admire your sentiment, Agent 38, I really do. And that is a very tempting offer. Unfortunately you are in no position to bargain for anything. The Agency is irrelevant. And you belong to Leviathan now.”

“You mean a slave? Like these girls? You should know by now that you can’t keep a good girl chained down for long.”

“And yet, you yourself have worn the shackles of the Agency for far too long. You’ve been a slave to their hubris for years... But no longer! Leviathan has finally freed you.”

“If this is what you psychos call freedom then I’d hate to see how you treat prisoners.” I said while shrugging my shoulders as best I could within the rope.

The Boss ignored my comment and continued on with his bad guy monologue.

“Leviathan will free the world, in time. And thankfully the Agency will no longer stand in our way.”

While I was trying not to roll my eyes at the cringeworthy evil speech, that last bit caught my attention.

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“Oh, you haven’t heard the news?” The Boss responded coolly.

I narrowed my eyes at the Boss but said nothing. I wasn’t interested in playing whatever mind game he was setting up, nor did I want to seem ignorant, despite being very much in the dark. Keeping him talking increased my chances of learning more about what Leviathan had planned, but something deep down told me I wasn’t ready to hear the full truth.

The Boss gestured behind him and snapped his fingers towards the crowd of henchmen that hovered around us. A tall man with dark hair wearing a white button up shirt stained with blood stepped forward. He came up beside the Boss and handed him a thin computer tablet. Rizzo glanced down at me and smirked, wordlessly conveying his enjoyment of my newest predicament. The Boss took the tablet and began using his fat fingers to manipulate unseen objects on the screen.

“It’s a shame you didn’t find out sooner,” he said nonchalantly as he tapped away at the screen. “But unfortunately you weren’t in the mood to chat in that alleyway back in Rome.”

He gently placed the tablet on the metallic floor of the cargo hold and slid it towards me.

“I wanted to be the one to tell you personally, but I think it may resonate better coming from... someone else.”

I suddenly realized this was no ordinary tablet as it quickly came to life, lighting up and whirring as it began to project a bright white hologram. The three dimensional object hovered just centimeters above the tablet and took on a garbled, indistinguishable form. Then it quickly morphed into the shape of a human face... a face I knew all too well.

A woman. Light skin. Blonde hair. Brown eyes.

“This is Agent 66!” The woman cried out in a panicked tone.

66 was one of the best Agents the Agency had ever produced. I was lucky enough to have her as my mentor when I first joined the Agency, although I didn’t realize how fortunate I was until years later. She was as cocky as she was kind, as strong as she was resilient, and as intelligent as she was beautiful. Over time our relationship transitioned from master and apprentice, to rivals, to close friends. Usually she was confident, feisty, and determined. But now all of that was replaced with fear, pain, and anguish. She was speaking into a communications console inside the Agency’s primary base of operations, which was code-named Grand Central. 66 had a stream of blood cascading down her face from a cut on her forehead. She had obviously been through a hell of a fight already, and it wasn’t over. Other voices and distant gunshots could be heard in the background as Agent 66 spoke.

“We’ve been... attacked! Grand Central is comprised! Repeat: Grand Central is...” The message was faint and it flickered and skipped every few seconds. “They took us by surprise... soldiers in full body armor infiltrated the base during the night... We don’t know how they found us or how they got in... We’re being overrun!”

Just behind 66 two other Agents could be seen carrying a bloodied body across the room. Whether the fallen Agent was badly injured or dead was unclear.

“We’re pinned down... in the east armory,” 66 continued. “The Chief is down... Too many casualties to count... Not sure... how many Agents... survived.”

“Cover that door!” I heard a male voice yell in the background.

Suddenly another, much younger woman came rushing up beside 66. It was Agent 22, I recognized. Her cropped black hair was now messy and dirty. She was bruised and had lacerations across the dark skin of her face.

“Ma’am, we just received a distress call from Lambda Base,” 22 was almost forced to yell over the strengthening background noise. “They’re reporting a similar insurgent incursion. Multiple casualties.”

66 inclined her head in frustration, and anguish. She clenched her fists and slammed them down on the console in front of her, making the holographic image of her blip briefly.

“It’s Leviathan! Somehow they managed to launch a coordinated attack against us... They knew every move we’d make before we made them.”

66 stopped speaking and breathed deeply for a moment, as if she were deep in thought. The woman was known for being able to keep her cool even under the most intense circumstances. She closed her eyes and a look of dread came to her face. She finally opened her eyes and began to calmly give orders to her fellow Agents.

“As acting Chief, I’m activating emergency protocol 271. Any Agency base or safehouse should be considered comprised and a possible target. If there are any Agent out there, this your last order: Go dark! I repeat; Protocol 271 is in effect.”

Protocol 271 was something we learned about in basic training and was supposedly only reserved for the most dire emergency situations... a situation like this, perhaps. It was essentially a retreat order. Only retreating back “home” wasn’t an option. Any Agent, out in the field or otherwise, would be expected to find a way to disappear on their own. There would be no safe havens and no backup.

The Agency, as we knew it, was gone.

Before 66 moved to cut the communication, her face took on a more somber expression and her voice was much softer. I soon realized she was no longer addressing the entire Agency. She was only talking to... me.

“38... if you’re out there, if you can hear me... don’t come back for us. There’s no way we’ll make it out of here... Just... stay safe, wherever you are! I...”

Just then, 66 was forced to duck down as a large explosion went off in the background. The Leviathan insurgents had blasted through the door and men dressed in head to toe black armor began pouring into the armory. Pained screams mixed with defiant battle cries threatened to overwhelm the tiny speakers of the tablet. 66 stood her ground, now with her back to the hologram receiver, she raised a pistol towards the attacking soldiers and opened fire. No body armor could protect someone from a few well placed shots by Agent 66. Several of the men went down quickly, but there was simply too many. Agent 22, who was standing next to 66, was suddenly hit and yelped in pain as she fell to the floor. Agent 66 was able to stay on her feet for only a few more seconds before she too was gunned down, a duo of bullets hitting her in her right shoulder caused her to scream in pain and drop to the floor. The hologram quickly faded, becoming staticky & garbled once more. The image finally vanished and the tablet went dark.

“Was she a friend of yours?” The Boss said, an evil smile danced across his lips.

“Go.. to... hell.” I said ferociously, a dark expression covered my face.

“Ah, behold, my friends! The stone face of Agent 38 finally cracks.” He gestured to the henchmen surrounded, many of whom snickered at the verbal jab.

“This isn’t over.” I sneered.

“It looks pretty over to me. Your precious Agency is no more. The remaining Agents, if there’s any left, will be hunted down swiftly.”

He leaned in, placing his face only centimeters away from mine.

“How does it feel to be the last of your kind?”
Last edited by BobaFettish1 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TightsBound »

Such a good chapter! Another tight tie for our favorite agent and a very interesting turn of events for our story. I can’t wait to see where this goes!
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Post by Caesar73 »

I hope Agent 38 beats the fate!
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Post by BobaFettish1 »

TightsBound wrote: 4 years ago Such a good chapter! Another tight tie for our favorite agent and a very interesting turn of events for our story. I can’t wait to see where this goes!
Glad you enjoyed it! The next chapter should be up in just a couple of days. Stay tuned. :)
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

NOOOOOOOOOO! AGENT 66!!!!!!!!!!!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by BobaFettish1 »

Chapter Eighteen: “Secrets Ubound”

In his haste to taunt me at such close range, the Boss has failed to realize he had gotten a bit too close to me. With our faces only centimeters apart I suddenly lunged forward, driving a solid head butt into his sweaty cranium. He cried out in pain and fell backwards as I jumped to my feet, my eyes blazing with fury. The goons had neglected to bind my legs and I was about to make them regret it. I finished off the Boss with a kick to his chest, sending the large man flying backwards. I heard one of the henchmen behind me approaching for an attack but I threw myself backwards, effectively body slamming the man into the red cargo container. More of the thugs swarmed towards me and I warded them off the best I could. For some reason none of them had attempted to fire their weapons.

A roundhouse kick here. Another head butt there. A face kick over there. I had even begun to surprise myself with how long I was able to hold my own with both hands (literally) tied behind my back. My raw emotions were feeding my strength. I took several punches to the face and hardly blinked. Someone attempted to kick my feet out from under me and throw me off balance, but I wouldn’t budge. I wasn’t feeling anything. I refused to. The rage, the anger, the grief, it had taken hold of my body.

But my indignation still didn’t make me invincible. Before long, I had henchmen grabbing me on all sides, pulling me to my knees once again. One had me in a headlock while others wrapped their arms around my waist and chest.

“What are you waiting for? Finish the job, you cowards!” I screamed the words with fury.

Human instincts always make you fear death, but at this moment I welcomed it. And right now it seemed some of the goons seemed eager to indulge me, many of which held guns that were pointed directly at my face. Rizzo, who had a firm grip on my skull, seemed anxious to snap my neck with his superhuman reflexes. But the Boss held up a hand.

“No!” He yelled from where he was laying on the floor. “As much as I would love to wrap my hands around your pretty little neck and squeeze, we have other orders.”

The Boss was helped to his feet by a couple of his subordinates.

“We were told to keep you alive, they didn’t say anything about your comfort... finish tying her up!”

The goons threw me to the ground on my chest and pinned me there as a few others rushed around me. Before long I could feel more rope brushing against the rubbery exterior of my wetsuit. They placed my feet side by side and bound my ankles together with rope. They then proceeded to add more rope above & below my knees and at my thighs & shins. When they were done, my legs were now tightly secured together as one unit.

As they worked I began wondering about the explosive charges Sara and I had set in the engine room. Why hadn’t they gone off yet? It certainly seemed like enough time had passed. And a distraction like that would be just what I needed to turn things around. If left unattended I was sure(well, pretty sure) that I could get myself untied from these ropes. Although it would have to be a quick escape. Based on my limited knowledge of the ship’s superstructure, I was fairly certain I’d placed the charges in an area that would both disable the engines and cause enough damage to the hull to at least partially sink the ship. But I also considered the possibility that Sara may have made a mistake when resetting the timers. So either the explosives would never go off, leaving us with no hope of escape, or they would explode any minute creating a whole new set of problems for us. In the event of the ship began to take on water I doubted us prisoners would be considered important enough to be rescued before it went down. I tried to block that thought out of my mind.

My consciousness was snapped back into the here and now when I suddenly felt the presence of Rizzo above me. The man bent down atop me and grasped my flowing red hair in his hand. He then pulled my hair into a ponytail and wrapped a bit of rope around it. He proceeded to twist my hair and the rope around each other until they were securely bound together. Then, gripping it tightly, he used it to jerk my head backwards. The searing pain in my scalp brought back all too familiar memories of my earlier encounter with Rizzo. He then tied off the rope to my wrist bindings, pinning my head back in an awkward(and painful) position.

“Eyes forward, Agent.” Rizzo taunted.

Rizzo stepped back and stood with the other henchmen to admire their ropework proudly. The Boss, who was somewhat bruised and thoroughly annoyed, was now back on his feet again and dusting himself off. Rizzo and a few others glanced towards the Boss, obviously expecting a compliment. But the Boss wasn’t impressed.

“I hope you’re not finished,” the Boss said. “If you really think that will hold her for long, then you don’t know Agent 38.”

I casually smirked, feeling a bit of pride from the unintended compliment. But the smirk faded with his next words.

“Make sure she’s secure; permanently.” The Boss finished.

The sudden metallic sound of chains from behind me confirmed my assumption; the already tight bondage I was in was about to get a whole lot tighter. The small chain links rattled together creating a symphony of clanging metal. I knew just by hearing it that they had more than enough to “secure” me thoroughly.

They started with my torso, winding several lengths of chain around my chest, stomach and waist. They then used the chains to reinforce the already tight ropes on my arms, winding it around and through my upper arms and encircling my wrists several times. A few strategically placed padlocks kept everything bound extremely tight. Then the goons began working below my waist and I gritted my teeth as one of them ran a length of chain between my legs. The henchmen torturously attached the the crotch chain to another chain at my waist and tightened it thoroughly. I started to scream in pain but I didn’t want to give my captors the satisfaction of my suffering. I still couldn’t keep a whimper from escaping my lips, and I could tell it only encouraged them to continue.

As tears welled up in my eyes I prayed that they would be finished, but I knew they were just getting started. They grabbed ahold of my already bound legs and continued on, wrapping a seemingly endless amount of chains around them. Everything from my thighs, knees, shins and ankles were encased in an excruciatingly tight web of metal. The chains were locked in place and for a second I breathed a small sigh of relief. Would the Boss finally be satisfied?

“Time for the finishing touch.” I heard the large man mutter.

I cringed hard as they used one last length of chain to connect my ankles to my arms. The goons pulled it into a hogtie that was so tight that I was forced to arch my back. The precarious and stressful position I was in now made my whole body ache with waves of pain. I quickly realized I couldn’t hold my cold composure anymore. I cried out in agony as the final padlock was applied to the chains that encased my body, leaving me trussed up in an impossibly awkward position on the floor of the cargo hold.

At last, the henchmen stood back and took in the sight of me brutally hogchained on the floor of the cargo hold. I did my best to steel myself again as the Boss stepped forward to enjoy the view.

“Has anyone ever told you that you look even more beautiful in chains?” He asked

“Once or twice.” I said as casually as I could in this stressed position.

“I’d like to see you escape from that, my dear.” The Boss said.

“Oh really? How much time ya got?” I responded in a strained tone.

“Not enough.”

The Boss stepped back and snatched the tablet once again from a nearby goon.

“Oh, I almost forgot... I have one last question for you.” He said, matter-of-factly.

“I’ve had enough of your games.”

“Oh no, but you’ll like this one... promise,” The Boss said, working the tablet’s screen as he began. “The downfall of the Agency has provided us with a great many bountiful gifts, most notably being the Agency’s archives. Leviathan was able to recover a wealth of secrets from their extensive databanks despite your fellow Agents managing to destroy a large portion of them.”

The Boss grimaced at that last part. I took pleasure in knowing that at least some of the Agency’s secrets didn’t fall into the hands of Leviathan. Still, if Agents at Grand Central had resorted to destroying the archives, then I couldn’t even imagine how desperate a situation they were in. How many Agents lost their lives protecting those secrets? How many of them were still alive, besides me? I couldn’t bare to think about the possible answers to my questions.

“One of the more interesting finds were the Agency’s unredacted personnel records.” The Boss continued.

As he spoke, he ran his finger up & down and side to side furiously as if scrolling through countless pages of documents. Finally he landed on what he was looking for and held the screen up to my face. The flat image on the screen was a personnel file for a young woman. The document featured a detailed description of her:

HEIGHT: 170 cm

WEIGHT: 50 kg



RACE: Caucasian

DATE OF BIRTH: 19/1/93

BIRTHPLACE: Cleaveland, Ohio, USA

Looking at the small profile photo at the top of the page was like looking into a mirror. And just above it was a name. A name I had once known. A name I hadn’t seen or heard in a very long time.

My name.

“This is you, is it not?”

I said nothing, not wanting to give him any confirmation while knowing full well there was no denying it. While I did my best not to react outwardly, inside my mind was racing.

The true identities of each Agent have been closely guarded secrets since the Agency was founded. It became a tradition for the most elite Agents to give up their names and take on a number instead. Agency leadership insisted that severing all ties to our past was essential for staying focused on our duties. Having contact with family and friends, or even acknowledging our old lives was strictly forbidden. All information about who we were and where we came from was considered top secret information. And while trying to separate ourselves from our past was hard at times, it was efficient. Having anonymity kept our loved ones out of harm's way and helped us remain in the shadows. Enemies like Leviathan could never pinpoint or track individuals that officially didn’t exist. Each Agent was intended to be a ghost, appearing out of nowhere and disappearing without a trace. It was a foolproof system, until now.

Now, the Agency was gone, and nothing was “classified” anymore.

“It’s nice to finally meet you... the real you, I should say.”

The thought of anyone knowing my true identity, especially a slime ball like the Boss, made my skin crawl. Not only that, it was... frightening. Leviathan truly held all the cards, and I was helpless to stop them. Still, I refused to allow my weakening spirit to show on my bruised face.

“So, you know my big secret.. Big deal... Why do you even care?”

“Me? I could care less. But I thought you would be the one to care, especially since this little document is currently the sole reason you’re even still alive.”

“What?” I asked with genuine curiosity.

“Yes, it puzzles me as well. When Agent X received word that we had the infamous Agent 38 within our grasp he wanted to see you dead immediately. He was even eager to execute you himself. But all of that changed when this document showed up. Our orders were swiftly altered from shooting you on site to keeping you safe at all costs. And I haven’t the slightest idea why.”

For once, the Boss and I seemed to be on the same page. Both of us seemed lost in thought for a brief second.

“Agent X is now demanding to meet you in person as soon as we arrive in Rio de Janeiro.” The Boss finally finished.

“Great!” I exclaimed.” “I hope one of your guys can lift me up high enough for me to spit in his face.”

So I was finally going to meet the head honcho of Leviathan. I would likely be subjected to an endless amount of interrogation, torture and imprisonment. And if I was lucky I might end up as Agent X’s personal slave. All things considered I should be petrified at the very thought of it, but I was having a hard time feeling anything at the moment. Suddenly spending the rest of my life in chains serving a real life super villain didn’t seem all that bad compared to the horror I just experienced. It was as if my entire body was numb and my brain couldn’t fully process what was happening. I could barely believe what had happened, and I surely couldn’t begin to fathom what would soon come to pass.

I had failed my mission, miserably. I had thought of my tasks so simply; rescue the slaves, destroy the ship, escape unscathed. But it had gotten incredibly complicated far too quickly. The bombs hadn’t gone off. The women were no closer to being rescued. And Sara and I had gotten captured ourselves. And as if that wasn’t enough, the Agency, the organization I had sworn my life to serve, had been destroyed before my eyes.

I had failed to stop Leviathan.

I had failed to save the Agency.

I had failed to save the captives.

I had failed to destroy the weapons.

I had failed to save myself.

My identity was compromised.

I had lost the only family I had left.

I had lost my freedom.

I had lost all hope.

Tears fell from my eyes as I suddenly felt the weight of it all. My body, and my spirit, were at the breaking point. I had never felt so defeated. So trapped. And so absolutely alone.

What more could I bare to lose?

“Hey, Boss! What about the other one?” One of the goons, gesturing towards Sara.

“What about her?” The Boss said, slyly. “A very good question indeed.”

Sara was still just a mere away from me, her still bound, gagged, and seated on the floor of the cargo hole. Two goons quickly ran to Sara, grabbing her by her arms and hoisting her to her feet. The Boss casually strolled up to Sara and began examining her body up and down, first with his eyes and then with his hands. He felt her thighs, squeezed her breasts and even lifted her skirt briefly. The disgusting display made me want to throw up. Sara tried to struggle away but it was no use. A few muffled curses were all she could muster. The Boss only smiled.

“I like this one,” He said, cradling Sara’s chin in his hand. “Yes, she’ll do.”

Slowly the Boss produced a small metallic ring from inside his jacket pocket. It was made of thick polished steel with rounded edges. Two thin seams in the metal positioned opposite of each other marked the presence of a hinge and clasping mechanism. A single metal loop hung loosely from the outside edge. I instantly recognized the device as a slave collar.

Little is known about the “business” of human trafficking. The sleazebags that participate in the practice do a fairly good job of covering their tracks. However, one piece of info that has surfaced several times in my research is the slave collars, and apparently they’re a defining part of the process.

Rumor has it that when a slave is picked and sold to a new “master” they’re fitted with a new collar. The collar signifies their servitude and their specific owner. Most slave collars are rarely, if ever removed from the neck of a slave, and some are designed without keys so they can’t be unlocked.

“I’ve been looking for a personal slave for a while,” The Boss continued. “It’ll be nice to have a pretty little plaything around for a change. Wouldn’t you agree, boys?”

“Get your damn hands off of her, you bastard!” I yelled. “You want a slave? Take me!”

“As much as I’d love to take you for myself, your fate lies with Agent X. Besides, I think this one has much more potential.” The Boss said as he creepily stroked Sara’s hair.

The Boss opened the collar and moved to place it around Sara’s neck. The young woman attempted to jerk away away from the henchman’s grip but they held tight. With a solid metallic clank the collar was snuggly secure around her throat. Sara’s eyes went wide and she uttered a muted whimper.

“If you do anything to her, I swear-“

“You’ll what? Spit on us?” The Boss laughed. “I’m getting sick and tired of your baseless threats.” The Boss motioned to the goon nearest to me. “I think I’ve heard enough from our spy friend here... gag her!”

“You son of a bitcmmpppphhh!” Before I could yell out the rest of my insult one of the henchmen shoved a dirty rag into my mouth. He then followed it up by wrapping another piece of cloth over my mouth and around my head. The gag thoroughly quieted my protests. Without my voice to attract any attention I rocked by and forth on my stomach and wrestled violently with the ropes and chains binding me. The effort was futile.

Through my own struggling I could see that leg irons were now being applied to Sara’s booted ankles. A small length of rope was connected to her collar and one of the henchman began dragging her away as if she were a dog on a leash.

“Take her to the bridge. I’m sure we’ll have lots of fun later.” The Boss said nonchalantly.

Sara took one last look at me, craning her neck and darting her eyes in an attempt to meet my gaze. I wanted to tell her so many things. That it would be alright. That I was going to escape and come for her. That she was strong enough to endure whatever the Boss might do to her. But even if I wasn’t bound and gagged, would I be able to say any of those things honestly? How could I possibly comfort her? How could I bring hope to such a hopeless situation? A single tear rolled down Sara’s cheek as she was led away.

My heart broke for the fifth time today.

The Boss then turned towards me and the cargo container full of slaves.

“Put her inside! And make sure the rest of them are secure and ready for our arrival in Rio.” He said, pointing in my general direction.

A couple of the henchmen came over and grabbed ahold of me using the chains encircling my body. I winced and let out a muffled yell as they carelessly carried me over into the container and slung me inside as if I were a sack of invaluable cargo. I landed on my side in between the two lines of captive women on either side of the container. I glanced up to see the faces of several young women staring at me, eyes wide in terror. Another henchman came over to me and produced another piece of cloth. He placed the blindfold across my face and everything suddenly went dark.

As I lay there blind and bound beyond comprehension, I intently listened as the remaining goons worked to shut the doors of the metal container. The distinct sound of a cane tapping against metal told me the Boss was behind them overseeing their work. Just before the large metal doors clanged shut he called out to me in a denigrating tone.

“Oh, how the mighty Agent 38 has fallen. Or should I call you by your real name... Caitlin James.”
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Omg we know her name now!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by BobaFettish1 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 4 years ago Omg we know her name now!
I have been waiting literally months to reveal her name, and I can't tell you how excited I am to finally share it! These last two chapters were a lot of fun, but also the most challenging stories I've ever written! I hope your guys are enjoying them, big reveals and all!
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Post by BobaFettish1 »

Also, I'm curious:

Of course, I know where the story goes from here, but what about YOU?

Our damsels are in more peril than ever? How are they going to get out of this? What's going to happen next? I'd be excited to know your theories. :)
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Post by BobaFettish1 »

Chapter Nineteen: “Bonding Time”

Being tied up is an... Interesting experience.

It’s something most people never encounter, and rarely think about. It certainly didn’t seem like something that was worth much thought when I was younger. We’re mostly exposed to it through fictional media. People in movies and TV shows get bound and gagged all the time, and as kids it was always fun to imitate what we see on the screen as some sort of game.

But like many things, the lore around what is now commonly referred to as “bondage” is much deeper than most people realize.

Being that my first bondage experience involved being tied up by my brother, and then bound even further by a burglar, you could say I had some complicated feelings about it. In the months and years after that incident just the thought of being tied up sent shivers down my spine. My PTSD was strong, but it didn’t last forever.

I ultimately got more comfortable with the concept thanks to one of my closest friends, Laura. She was a thin, black haired Asian girl of Korean decent who had some interesting passions. Laura was well know for being incredibly outgoing and having an off the wall personality. She didn’t seem shy or ashamed about anything and was more comfortable in her own skin than anyone I’ve ever know.

She was pretty much to exact opposite of me. I was the freckle faced, red headed, sloppily dressed introvert girl that no one knew anything about. I had very few friends and preferred to keep to myself most of the time.

I could tell that Laura saw me as a challenge and took me on full force, even though I did as much as I could to push her away at first. Eventually I saw past the borderline annoying girl’s bombastic personality and began to understand her on a much different, more personal level. It wasn’t long until we became best friends.

Now, it was shortly after I got to know Laura I was introduced to one of her biggest passions: bondage. Her awkwardly open discussion of the topic was the first time I’d ever heard it called “bondage” before. To me it was this weird, and sometimes terrifying thing used to restrain people against their will. Through Laura I was introduced to the idea that people actually enjoyed the practice.

I never once mentioned my harrowing bondage experience from when I was 18, but it was obvious she could tell I was uncomfortable discussing the subject. I was even more uncomfortable when we ended up as roommates in college. It was then when I realized the full extent of her obsession.

Laura would tie herself up every chance she got, especially whenever she was alone in our dorm room. At first she seemed to try and hide it from me, but it wasn’t long until I began accidentally catching her in the act. On more than one occasion I came back to the dorm earlier than expected to find her chained to her own bed. The first time I did my best to pretend to not notice and awkwardly carried on studying as she waited for the timer on her shackles to release. The next time I broke the ice by asking if she needed help getting out, and Laura obliged.

As these incidents became more and more common, Laura seemed to become more emboldened with her unique hobby. Before long she went from meekly asking to be untied to unashamedly requesting that I be the one to bind and gag her in the first place. While I was very apprehensive at first, Laura is also very persistent and persuasive.

It didn’t take long for our bondage games to become a regular thing. The more I participated the more comfortable with the process I became. It was actually quite therapeutic for me. Pretty soon my previous bad memories of being tied up in a basement were overshadowed by new, happy memories of me having fun with my friend. And it was actually great bonding time(pun intended) for Laura and I.

But after several months our experience was still made up of me exclusively being the one who did the tying. I rarely allowed myself to be bound in any significant way. That didn’t stop Laura from pestering me non stop to be her guinea pig and submit to some of her more elaborate bondage ideas. Occasionally I would crack and allow her to tie my wrists or ankles briefly, but she was fully aware of the discomfort it triggered for me. And despite her badgering she did respect my feelings... most of the time.

One night I was getting ready to go out on a date with my then-boyfriend, Sam. It was our six month anniversary together and, as much as we knew how silly it was, we wanted to celebrate the occasion to the fullest.

Our plans included dinner at a restaurant that was fancy and expensive enough to require a dress code. At the time I wasn’t much for dressing up, so I went for something simple:

I chose a simple dark blue sleeveless dress that contoured itself to my slender physique. It featured thin shoulder straps and the skirt reached down to my mid thighs. I let my medium length red hair cascade freely across my shoulders and back. For my shoes I chose a pair of modest black heels with exposed toes and a single ankle strap.

I had just finished slipping into my heels when Laura arrived at the dorm room, fresh from an early evening class. She was dressed in outfit she wore often; a black T-shirt and denim short shorts over black pantyhose. Below that she wore white, thigh high socks and a pair of high top red converse. Her black hair was cut into a short bob, and she had recently added some light blue highlights to it.

But that wasn’t all Laura was wearing.

Glancing towards her waist I noticed she had used some thin red rope to tie a crotch rope onto herself. And, believe it or not, this was nothing new for this girl. As I said, she had no shame, and her bondage obsession was well know by everyone. It wasn’t uncommon to see Laura in class wearing a rope harness around her chest, or one of her many collars. One time she successfully freaked out our entire class when she arrived wearing a ball gag. So a crotch rope was relatively subtle in comparison.

Laura tossed aside her books and took notice of my completed outfit.

“Woooow, Caity,” Laura said in an almost mocking tone. “You clean up real nice.”

I feigned laughter as I gazed at myself in the mirror while applying another layer of bright red lipstick.

“I honestly wasn’t sure if I’d ever catch you wearing a dress, or heels,” Laura continued her ribbing. “I’m impressed.”

“Well enjoy it while it lasts,” I said with a smirk. “As soon as I get back I’m ripping all of this off and burning it. These heels are already killing my feet.”

I trailed off and quickly changed the subject.

“By the way, I spoke with repairman. He’s going to come by later tonight and fix the faucet handle in our bathtub. Oh, and that package you were looking for finally came in.”

“Really?”, Laura asked excitedly.

I gestured to her bed where a medium sized box sat on her bed. Laura ran over to it and began ripping open the box.

“Yes... Yes! This is is it!” she exclaimed with glee.

“What is it?”, I asked as I wandered over towards the bed.

Before l had a chance to look over her shoulder at the contents of the box I heard the distinct sound of clanging chains. It wasn’t hard to figure out what Laura was excited about.

“Don’t you have enough toys already?” I asked with a sigh.

Laura took no notice of my disapproving tone.

“Not like these! These are super rare! I’ve been saving up money all year for ‘em.” Laura happily continued on telling about her newest acquisition. As she did she pulled out the collection of chains and spread them out on the bed.

The chains were shiny stainless steel and were made up by large, heavy individual links. There was one long chain that featured a few smaller chains attached to it at certain points. At one end of the chain was a large stainless steel cuff, which I presumed was a collar. At the other end of the chain were two smaller steel cuffs linked close together by a smaller chain. And inbetween at various points on the long chain were other sets of cuffs, all which were made of stainless steel that were at least an inch thick.

The entire set of shackles reminded me of the chains prisoners were forced to were in jail while being transported. Only these were much more... intense.

“...They have special double locking mechanism that requires a special, one of a kind key to get in and out,” Laura continued to ramble. “They’re super strong and completely unbreakable. It’s like the ultimate bondage experience!”

As weird as it was to see someone nerd out about getting a bunch of chains in the mail, I felt like I finally understood why Laura enjoyed this so much. If these shackles were heavy duty as she thought they were, once you were in them there would be no getting out. Throughout all our bondage misadventures, Laura seemed to have the most fun when she tried her hardest to escape but still couldn’t. It’s no wonder she was excited about these shackles.

As I continued to half-listen to her nerd rant and half-ponder the appeal of bondage, I almost missed an important question.

“So, you ready to try them on?” Laura asked with a gleeful expression.

“Me? Try them on? I don’t think so...” I did my best to act flabbergasted, despite knowing this question was inevitable.

“C’mon, Caity! We haven’t played around with anything in like 2 months! You’ve been spending all your nights out with Sam!”

“Well, he is my boyfriend. What are you, jealous?”

“No I’m not jealous! I just... miss you.”

Laura seemed legitimately pained to say that last part. She wasn’t wrong. My relationship with Sam had gotten more serious recently, and I had been spending a lot more time with him, and a lot less with Laura. I hadn’t realized it had affected her this much.

“I know,” I said. “I’m sorry. I want to make it up to you, but I just can’t. Sam will be here in a half hour.”

Laura wasn’t giving up.

“But it would only take five minutes!”

“If that’s the case, why don’t you try it on?”

“Because I want to know how it works and see how it looks, and I can’t do that when I’m wearing it.”

It was a fair point, although I wasn’t willing to admit that just yet.

“But my dress...”

“It won’t hurt your clothes. It’s just cuffs.”

“Can’t this wait until tomorrow night?”

Laura put on her best puppy eyes expression.

“But that’s what you said last night... and the night before.”

An awkward silence hung between us.

“You’re guilt tripping me, aren’t you?”

A sly smile spread across her face.

“Yup! Is it working?”

I let out a long sigh.

“I can’t believe I’m saying this... but okay! You win!”

“Yay!” Laura squealed and jumped up and down on her bed.

I held up my hand in a calming gesture.

“Alright, alright. Don’t celebrate too much! You said only 5 minutes. I’m holding you too that. I still need to put on some more mascara before Sam gets here.”

Laura was ecstatic.

“Sure! Fine! Whatever! Just come here!”

I walked over to the bed as Laura gathered up the chains.

“Where do you want me?”

“Lay here,” she said, patting the bed. “On your tummy.”

I sprawled face first onto the bed and awaited whatever Laura had in store for me. Pretty soon I could feel the chain flowing across my back as she positioned them on top of me. Laura began with my hands, delicately placing each of them behind my back.

“Let me know if these get too tight.” She said as she unclasped the first set of cuffs and placed them on each of my wrists.

“Oh, you’re never gonna hear the end of this.”

Laura snickered as she carefully closed the the cuffs around my wrists, snapping them closed. I could hear soft clinks as she tightened the cuffs. They were just tight enough that there was no way I would be able to squeeze my hands through the cuffs, but loose enough to still be comfortable. My hands now laid in the pit of my back with a short but heavy chain linking them together.

But Laura was just getting started.

Next she grabbed some similarly sized cuffs just above my wrists and placed two cuffs around each of my arms above the elbows.

I strained my neck to look in Laura’s direction.

“Do you really have to put all of them on me?”

“Of course,” She cheerfully retorted. “You have to get the full effect.”

I groaned, now knowing I was deep enough into this that there was no turning back. And Laura wasn’t having any of my whining.

The latest cuffs kept my elbows firmly pinned close together behind my back. I was thankful I’d taken up cheerleading and was still physically fit and flexible. Otherwise this position would be very painful.

Laura stood back and admired her work so far.

“Now, lift your legs.” She ordered.

“My legs? Why?”

“Prisoners don’t ask questions.”

I glared at her.

“That’s not funny.”

“It kinda is though.”

I rolled my eyes and let out another beleaguered sigh. Then I raised my dainty legs which I assumed would be much heavier in a matter of moments.

I lifted my feet into the air, pointing my black heels straight at the ceiling of our dorm. Laura grabbed them and bent my knees further, pushing my legs down so my feet sat atop my butt. She then brought up the twin shackles from the bottom end up the chain and fastened them around my ankles. This kept both my feet bound tightly together, and the chain between my wrists and ankles was now pulled tight.

“Ugh. You didn’t say this was a hogtie... er, chain.” I growled.

Laura laughed.

“I said this was the ultimate bondage experience. Did you really expect any less?”

“I dunno what I was expecting, but it wasn’t this!”

With my ankles snug in their shackles Laura moved around to the top of my body. She didn’t even have to say anything. I knew what was coming.

She grabbed the final piece of this puzzle of shackles, the large steel collar, and unfastened it. Cautiously avoiding my red hair, she placed the large hinging cuff around my neck and tightened it. She was careful to keep it loose enough so there was no way I could hurt myself.

And then, with one loud metallic snap, it was done. My best friend’s masterpiece was complete: me.

I half-chuckled at the thought of someone barging into our room at the moment trying to make sense of the unfolding scene.

A beautiful young woman, dressed to tease in a fitted blue dress and black strappy heels, who just so happens to be shackled hand and foot on a dorm room bed. I was surprised by how ridiculous I felt, but also how comfortable I was.

No matter how hard I tried, I would never forget the terror I felt just a few years before when I was tied to a pole and threatened by a criminal. That experience would haunt me forever.

And yet, here I was again, restrained arguably even more strictly this time. With my ankles, wrists and elbows shackled together, and a heavy collar around my neck, and I was... okay with it? And more than that, I was actually, kinda, sorta having fun?

Obviously, the presence of Laura changed everything about my second bondage experience. It wasn’t awkward, or stressful, or painful... or scary. It was... enjoyable.

For the first time I truly began to understand the appeal of bondage. It wasn’t just about being restrained, it was how it was done, and who was doing it to you.

Bondage(as I understand it) is about control, or for the bound person in particular, a lack thereof. In a physical sense, it is the relinquishing of your bodily freedom. In the emotional sense, it is entrusting someone else with your wellbeing.

Sure, the ropes and chains are a huge part of it, but ultimately they are only tools to convey a feeling.

Allowing myself to be chained up like this is an act of completely giving up my own free will. Quite literally putting my life in Laura’s hands, a person I completely trust. Therefore, my anxiety about being restrained is gone.

Although, I will admit, the next thing Laura did make my heart skip a beat.

“Okay, now it’s time for your ball gag, then I’ll take your shoes off and start tickling you.”

I let a huge gasp and struggled against the chains to peer in her direction. As soon as I did, I caught a gigantic smile spreading across her face.

“I got you!” Laura said in between gasping for air because she was laughing so hard.

“I hate you.” I said with as much fake anger I could muster.

“I know,” she said once she regained her composure. “But don’t think I wasn’t tempted.”

“You better be glad I’m chained up or I would kill you.”

Laura threw up her hands in mock fear.

“Ooooh, you keep up talking like that and and might have to leave you like that for the rest of the night.”

“Oh, yeah, I’m sure Sam would be really impressed.”

“It would be fun! He could just carry you to dinner like a suitcase and spoon feed you,” Laura began to hysterically laugh again. “And if he gets tired of you talking he can just put a sock on your mouth!”

I did my best to act unimpressed.

“Don’t quit your day job to become a comedian, girl.”

“Ah, I see it’s a tough crowd tonight. It’s almost like I have a captive audience!”

We both laughed at that one.

When Laura was finally done cracking herself up she sat down beside me and gave a quizzical look.

“So, how does it feel?”

“Uuumm, restraining?”

“You’ve never been tied up like this before, have you?”

“There’s a first time for everything.” Which is the best non-answer I could think of.

“Do you think you can get out on your own?”

“Um, not ‘no’... but ‘hell no’.”

I rocked back and forth on my stomach as the chains clanked together on my back.

“Speaking of which, I think your 5 minutes we’re up like 10 minutes ago.”

Laura turned on the puppy eyes again.

“Aww, I was just getting started!”

“Well too bad! I’m not falling for your guilt trip this time! Sam could be here any minute.”

“Okay, okay... I guess you’ve served your time.” Laura said with a grin.

She grabbed the box that the shackles came in and began rummaging through it, presumably looking for the key. After an awkwardly long moment of searching Laura stopped and glanced around the room in puzzlement.

“Anything wrong?” I asked with a concerned tone.

“No, no... nothing’s wrong.” Laura said without much conviction.

She picked up the box again and began pouring out all of bubble wrap and paper the chains had been wrapped in. Once she was finished she even turned the box upside down and violently shook it.

“Laura, where’s they key?”

She glanced up at me nervously.

“Oh, um, the key? Yeah, it’s just... right over... here!”

Laura jogged over to the other side of the room and began violently shifting through the various objects on her desk.

My heart was starting to beat quicker.

“You haven’t...”

“Lost the key?” Laura quickly said, cutting me off. “No! No, no, no, no... It’s... around here somewhere.”

She was now frantically dashing around the room, throwing things and searching everywhere.

I tried to stay calm.

“Well, that’s... really convincing.” I said sarcastically.

At last Laura threw up here hands and started yelling.

“Okay!! I lost the key! I have no idea where it is! Are you happy?”

Laura was freaking out, and, somehow, I hadn’t totally lost my composure... yet.

“How? It’s gotta be right here somewhere! You haven’t left the room!”

Laura calmed down a bit.

“You’re right! It has to be here! But I’ve checked everywhere!”

“Where’s the last place you saw it?”

The question hung in the room for a moment as Laura remained silently puzzled. Finally she spoke:

“That’s the thing... I don’t remember seeing it.”

“What do you mean? It came in the package with the cuffs right?”

Laura didn’t answer. She just slowly slumped into a nearby chair.

“RIGHT?!” I repeated much louder.

“I... I don’t know.”

“So what are you saying?”

“It’s possible they may have forgotten to include the keys in my order.”

My heart sank.

Panic began to overtake me.

“No, no, no... You have to do something! I’ve gotta get out of these!”

Laura’s face was white as a ghost.

“There’s nothing I can do without the key.” She said.

“There’s gotta a safety latch on these things or something!” I demanded.

“There isn’t. They’re designed to be authentic and impossible to release without a key.”

“So... Just get another key!”

“It’s not that easy.”

“Can’t you just go to a hardware store or something?”

“It’s a special key. You can’t just buy it anywhere. I’d have to order one from the company that made the cuffs.”

“And how long will that take?”

“About five to seven business days.”

My heart was pounding through my chest like a drum. My mind was racing. My body was quivering.

Just then, we heard a knock at the door. Laura and I both froze. Laura slowly and quietly made her way to the door as I remained as motionless as possible. I stared up at Laura as she peered through the peephole, and my breath caught in my throat as she turned around with a horrified look on her face.

“You’re date is here.”
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Post by BobaFettish1 »

Chapter Twenty: “Date Night Distress”

“Just a minute!” Laura yelled as the knocking at the door became louder and more frequent.

“You’re a lot heavier than you look.” She said as she strained to lift me.

“Hey, the chains added ten pounds!” I retorted.

Laura was now cradling me in her arms and doing her best to carry me across the room. She had scooped me up off the bed, placing her arms precariously underneath my chest and waist, and it took all of the short, dainty girl’s strength to heave me upwards. It was no fun for me either knowing that I’d have no way to catch myself if Laura accidentally dropped me.

“Wait, where are you putting me?” I asked.

“The bathroom.”

“The bathroom? Why?”

“Do you really want him to see you like this? It’s either the bathroom or the closet. Take your pick!”

“Alright, alright! Just... be careful!”

She carried me up to the door of the bathroom, which was adjacent to the front door of our dorm room. The knocking began again just as Laura was trying to squeeze me through the bathroom door sideways. The noise startled Laura and she briefly lost her concentration, just enough that she banged my head into the door frame.

“OW!” I exclaimed.

“Hey, is everything alright in there?” Sam called through the door.

“Oh, yes... Everything is fine!” Laura yelled back.

“What’s going on? Let me in!” Sam called again.

“I can’t! We’re... not dressed yet!” Laura stammered.

She finally carried me through the door, and I wanted to desperately to rub my temple which was now ablaze with pain. Our bathroom was tiny and cramped with very little floor room. It was because of this, I assumed, that Laura decided to set me down in the bathtub. I was now laying on my stomach in the faded white bowl with my face pressed into the sloped rear of the tub and my knees almost touching the front, just below the faucet. Exhausted from struggling against the shackles and trying to constantly hold my head up, I laid my right cheek down on the tub, trying not to think about how long it’s been since it had been cleaned.

“Alright! Stay here and be quiet! I’ll get rid of him!”

“Get rid of him?” I yelped. “What are you gonna do?”

“I’ve gotta go find a hardware store or something that can either make a key to fit these cuffs, or give me something that can cut through. And I can’t do any of that while trying to distract him!”

It was a solid plan, I had to admit. Despite being very angry at Laura, and just generally freaked out by the whole situation, I had tried to calm myself the best I could. Having a panic attack would do me no favors right now. Besides, despite myself, I still did trust that Laura would get me out of this.

The thing is, people often underestimated the girl. Sure, she was a bit... off the wall, but underneath her rabid bondage fetish and odd choice of clothes, she was a computer science major with excellent grades. Laura was one of the most intelligent people I knew, so if there’s anyone that can figure this out, it was her.

“Okay, okay! Just... hurry.” I said, trying not to sound panicked.

“I will.” Laura said as she walked out and closed the door.

While I could no longer see what was going on, I could clearly hear what happened next through the thin bathroom door. Just as Sam started violently banging on the door again Laura swung it open.

“How long does it take for you to get dressed?” Sam said in an annoyed tone.

Despite not being able to see my boyfriend, I imagined what he had most likely chosen to wear tonight. Sam was slightly taller than I was and had broad shoulders, a square jaw, and his light skin still had a bit of a reddish tint from a sunburn he got on a trip to the beach a few weeks back. He was probably wearing a bright pink shirt with a blue & pink checkered tie topped of with a stark black blazer. In addition, he had maybe picked out a pair of perfectly creased black slacks and a pair of polished dark brown dress shoes to go with it. No doubt his brownish-blonde hair was cut and combed perfectly. Also, I knew he hadn’t shaved because he knows I love his midnight shadow look.

“Don’t you have any patience?” Laura retorted with equal annoyance. “What do you want anyway?”

“I’ve got a date!” Sam said confidently.

“Sorry, dude. You’re not my type.” Laura said.

“Ugh....” Sam grunted.

I could hear him getting more and more flustered by the second, and I was convinced Laura’s current strategy was to drive him insane.

“I have a date with Caity!” He almost yelled.

“Caity? Caity who?” Laura said quizzically.

“Um, Caity. Caitlin. My girlfriend. Your roommate.... Do you have amnesia or something?”

“Oooooh! That Caity! She just... went out!”

“She went out... without me?”

“No, no, no! It’s not like that! She... got tied up somewhere!”


“Ummm.... in the bathroom.”

“She’s tied up in the bathroom?”

“NO!! I mean, no... She’s... sick.”

“Sick? What does she have?”

“It’s... some kind of stomach bug... I think.”

“Well, let me talk to her. Y’know, my mom’s a Doctor and I learned a thing or two...”

“NO! Don’t go in there!”


“She’s.... contagious. Really contagious! You don’t want to catch it.”

“Laura, c’mon! I’m not worried about catching a little bug. She might need help.”

“Believe me, I tried! She missed the toilet a few times and it’s not pretty.”

Sam attempted to say something else to counter her insistence, but she cut him off.

“Look, just come back in like a half hour and I’m sure she’ll be fine and ready to go on your little date!”

“You just said Caity was super sick! How is she gonna be ready in thirty minutes?”

“I don’t have time to explain! I need to get to the... pharmacy! Yeah, I’ve gotta get her some medicine.”

I heard Laura grab her keys and they both walked out the door.

“Medicine?” Sam repeated. “Well, then I’m definitely coming with you to help.”

“No! No, no, no. I can manage!” Was the last thing I heard Laura say before the door closed.

Then everything was quiet. Aside from the soft clanking of chains at my back anytime I shifted my weight, there was no noise at all. I contemplated going to sleep, but this whole ordeal had left me far too rattled to rest.

As the minutes ticked I remained surprised at how not uncomfortable I was. I mean, sure, the idea of spending my evening chained up in a bathtub instead of eating dinner at a fancy restaurant with my gorgeous hunk of a boyfriend was not exactly ideal. But all in all, I was impressed by how well I was taking this.

My elbows were still pinned closely together behind my back, which would have been incredibly painful for a less flexible person. My hands and feet were bound together in a close bundle hovering above my butt, and my knees began to slightly ache after being bent for so long. The collar around my neck was a bit annoying, but not much more cumbersome than some of the choker necklaces I often wore. All things considered, when it came to bondage I definitely preferred chains over ropes.

Ropes were tight. Too tight. From my experience, they were always tied to the extent that they would cut off your circulation and leave you with rope marks. It also didn’t help that rope could be applied to literally any part of the body; from your hair to your toes. And while ropes are more flexible and could ultimately be escaped from, given a lot of time and effort, they were just two darn painful in the meantime.

On the flip side, chains were almost impossible to escape from, but were, ironically, less restrictive in a way. At least with my current bindings, I could roll and pivot my hands and feet within the heavy metal cuffs and shift my body to varying degrees with ease. The shackles were tight enough to ensure general mobility was made impossible, but smaller, more subtle movements were made very easy. Also, the fact that each part of my cuffs had been smoothed and contoured fit my body helped with the comfort level.

Of course, I had to remind myself that not every scenario involving someone getting shackled like this would go as smoothly. My mind briefly hovered over the idea of someone actually being kidnapped and bound in this way. Or, more specifically, what if I had been kidnapped?

Suddenly my imagination took the bait, and I was transported back in time to earlier in the night..

Sam had called. He wasn’t able to pick me up and we decided to meet at the restaurant. It was only a few blocks away so I decided I could walk it easily. My heels clicked on the concrete sidewalk as I made my way down the desolate street. My blue dress flapped in the chilly wind. Goosebumps ran up and down my leg in reaction to the night air and I mentally kicked myself for not wearing pantyhose or tights tonight.

Soon I reached a darker section of the street. A couple of the street lights had burned out, leaving the area shadowy... and a bit creepy. I quickened my pace. I swiveled my head from side to side looking for anything unusual. I listened intently to my surroundings.

But I still didn’t see them coming.

Suddenly, seemingly from out of nowhere, a large man dressed in black from head to toe appeared in front of me. I gasped and tried to run in the opposite direction, but before I could I was grabbed from behind by second person. The large burly hands latched onto me with impossible force and stopped me from moving. One arm was threaded behind my back and through the crook of my elbows, rendering my arms useless. The hand of the other arm rose up around my neck and clamped down over my mouth. I attempted a high pitched scream trying to attract someone’s attention, but it came out as only a muffled squeal. I attempted to kick my legs in defense but the other man rushed up and grabbed me by the ankles. Then I felt the man behind me loosen his grip over my mouth and he quickly moved his hand away. Once again I attempted scream as loud as I could for help but he almost replaced the hand with cloth rag. As I gasped for air through the rag I sensed my extremities began to go numb and my vision became fuzzy. I realized far too late that I was being drugged, and within seconds everything went dark.

Suddenly I awoke startled and confused as to where I was. I then realized I was face down in a bathtub and I couldn’t move my arms and legs. My wrists and elbows had been bound together behind my back using heavy metal cuffs. The same fate had befallen my ankles, which were shackled together and connected to my hand restraints. There was also a thick metal collar encircling my throat, and all of it was secured together with a chain running down my back. I pulled and tugged and struggled against the metallic restraints but it was no use. I peered up from the bottom of the tub and saw the two men towering over me. That had taken my phone and were taking pictures of my bound form to send to Sam. They said that once my boyfriend sent the ransom money they would “consider” letting me go. They laughed and taunted me, saying I could never escape as they dangled the keys to my cuffs in front of my face.

And then, just like that, I snapped back into reality. How long had the daydream lasted? Seconds? Minutes? Hours? I wasn’t sure.

I noticed that my hands were clenched in tight fists behind my back and my heart was beating fast. I shook my head and couldn’t help but muster a faint chuckle to myself. Letting my imagination get away from me like that seemed so childish.

I glanced around again at the sides of the bathtub, confirming that at least a portion of my scary daydream was based in reality. I suddenly felt an itch on my nose and instinctively moved my hand to scratch it. Of course, it didn’t budge from behind my back due to the cuffs holding it in place. I laughed again to myself. Not only had I briefly forgotten that I was chained hand and foot, but it reminded me that I was well and truly helpless like this. I couldn’t even scratch my own nose without help! I suppose I had to find the humor in this absurdly ridiculous predicament I’ve found myself in, otherwise I would have gone insane by now.

Just then I felt a twinge or pain crawling up my left leg. I instantly recognized it as a cramp, the unfortunate side effect of leaving my legs in such a strictly bent position for too long. As the pain grew in strength I realized I had to make a move, fast! But making drastic movements of any kind were pretty impossible for me at the moment. Still, I had to find a way to relieve the pressure on the constrained muscles in my legs. Quickly I began rocking my entire body to the right while pushing my chest to the left. After a couple minutes of intense struggling I finally made a breakthrough and managed to land squarely on my right side. I could wiggle my waist a bit and move my legs in various directions. While I furiously exercised my legs the best I could, I took notice of my enhanced view. Positioned sideways in the bathtub like so I could glance around a bit at the rest of the bathroom, but could mostly just stare at the ceiling.

Once the cramping pain had stopped and I’d gotten thoroughly bored staring at my surroundings, I began the arduous task of moving back into my original position. With my balance severely compromised due to the heavy shackles it took a lot of time and struggling to get back on my stomach. But at last, I was able to awkwardly position myself correctly to finally slide back onto my front. But just as I did I felt one of my feet hit something solid.

I heard the clink of metal, then heard, and immediately felt, the flow of running water. I gasped as ice cold water splashed across my legs, starkly alerting me to what I’d just done. I had accidentally swung my feet too close to the faucet handle for the bathtub. Tapping it only slightly had caused a torrent of water to begin flowing out of the faucet. Immediately terrified of getting my dress wet, I craned my neck backwards to look at the handle. Unfortunately, I could only see it out of the corner of my eye, but it was just enough to understand exactly how I’d turned it on, and what I’d need to do to turn it off.

The curved metal spun in a clockwise circle around a metal base embedded in the white tile just above the bathtub. I had knocked the handle to the right, turning the water on at its lowest(and coldest) setting. Surely it wouldn’t be hard to simply use my foot to tap the handle back into its original position. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t be able to watch what I was doing, having my face pointing in the exact opposite direction.

A puddle began to develop just under my knees and was creeping up my thighs. The icy water took my breath away and I made several loud gasps in reaction. If I acted fast I could keep the water at bay, and away from my beloved blue dress. I carefully, and blindly, moved my feet towards where I believed the handle was. As I was doing so I remembered that the faucet handle was partially broken. It had not been properly attached to the faucet, leaving it precariously fragile. While turning it on and off you had to be careful not to-

Suddenly, just as I’d began to try and manipulate the handle with my feet, I heard a loud tinny clang in the tub. I struggled to once again look back at the faucet handle and...

“Oh no.” I said to myself.

...It was gone.

I began to panic as I used my knees to feel around in the bottom of the tub. As I suspected, the handle was laying near them, now partially covered in water. I sloshed my legs in the water in an attempt to try and grasp the handle, but I knew it was in vain.

I cringed as the water drew higher in the bathtub and I could feel it reaching the bottom edge of my skirt. The water quickly moved up my stomach and under my chest, completely soaking my beautiful blue dress. That alone made me want to cry.

The water continued on until my chin was perched in a thin puddle of water. My whole body suddenly shivered upon being thoroughly chilled by liquid. At the other, deeper end of the tub, the water began lapping up and over my thighs and I could now feel my underwear begin to soak through.


The water under my chin began to deepen, and I suddenly realized I was facing a much greater peril; If the water kept rising pretty soon it would cover my mouth, and then my nose. The sudden possibility of drowning sent shivers down my spine.

I immediately began thrashing around in the bathtub, splashing water everywhere. I struggled against the shackles yet again, as if there was any way I could escape them.

The water came over my chin and rose up just underneath my bottom lip. It took all my strength to continue lifting my head up above the chilly water. My heart began to beat faster and faster and my breath quickened. Panic was beginning to set in, but it would do me no good. There was only one thing left for me to do.

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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Lol, love this part! :D
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by BobaFettish1 »

Chapter Twenty One: “Chained Love”

Just then, the bathroom door flung open. I was both simultaneously thrilled and embarrassed to see Sam standing in the doorway.

“Oh god!” He yelled, immediately understanding my peril.

He instantly jumped into action and began fiddling with the broken faucet and noticed the handle lying underwater in the bathtub. He grabbed it, placed it back in the correct position and turned the water completely off.

The water was now covering my mouth and was lapping up just under my nose. I had swallowed a few mouthfuls of water before having to permanently clinch my mouth shut.

Thankfully, immediately after turning off the water flow, Sam had pulled the plug from the drain. Even quicker than it came up, the water began going down.

“Caity!” Sam called as he knelt down beside me. “Are you alright?”

“Yes,” I nodded. “Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it.” Sam smirked.

“Um, I can explain-“ I began, but Sam cut me off.

“You don’t have to explain anything.” Sam said as he wrapped his arms underneath me and picked me up out of the water. “Laura told me everything. It took some time to drag the truth out of her. I could tell something was up from the get-go. I’m just sorry I didn’t get here sooner.”

Sam was careful to carry me towards and through the door as I dripped-dry the entire way. My impromptu bath had successfully soaked my entire body, save for my feet and shoes, as well as the top of my head. My flowing red hair was now more brown due to the wetness, and it annoyingly clung to my shoulders and face.

Just then, Laura walked into the dorm room and her eyes went wide in shock.

“Oh my god! Caity! What happened?” She exclaimed.

“What does it look like? I decided to go for a swim!” I retorted

“Why the heck would you put her in the tub?” Sam bit out angrily at Laura. “She could have drowned!”

“I’m... so, so sorry! I didn’t know-“ Laura said pleadingly, with more anguish in her voice than I’d ever heard.

Sam set me down on the bed with a squish and then started to get even angrier, but I interjected!

“It’s okay! It was an accident! All of this was an accident!” I said, lowering and calming my voice with each word. “Laura was doing the best she could. I let all of this happen. I agreed to get chained up like this, and I let her put me in the tub. And I accidentally turned the water on. But I’m alright, that’s all that matters.”

Both Sam and Laura’s expressions softened upon hearing my plea. Sam knelt down in front of me, his brown eyes meeting mine.

“Are you sure you’re alright?”

“Well, I’m cold, I’m wet, I can’t move, and I am just a teensy bit pissed that I didn’t get to have dinner with my amazing boyfriend.” I said, smirking. “But other than that, yeah, I’m totally fine.”

“Do you want to tell her, or should I?” Sam said glancing at Laura.

“Be my guest.” Laura sighed.

“Tell me what?” I said quizzically.

“Well,” Sam began. “While we were out, and after Laura finally came clean, we went to every hardware store we could find. None of them could make a key that would fit those cuffs. They also didn’t have any type of tool that could cut them without risking hurting you.”

“I already ordered a new key,” Laura interjected. They’re overnighting it, but in the meantime...”

“I have to stay in these things.” I finished.

Laura gave a faint nod. I shrugged the best could with what little energy and movement I could muster.

“Ah, what the hell. What’s a few more hours in the ultimate bondage experience?” I said with a smile.

“I mean, you do look pretty hot all chained up like that.” Sam said, winking.

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes.

“Well, enjoy it while it lasts, babe. I’m throwing these in the incinerator as soon I get out of this.” I said.

“Hey...” Laura said, with a look of disgust.

“So what do we do now?” Sam asked.

“Well, I am still hungry...” I said raising an eyebrow.

Sam smiled.

“I know just the thing to cheer you up.” He said as he pulled out his phone.

“Oh, yeah, and I could use a towel too.” I finally added.

“And you,” I said turning towards Laura. “Don’t think you’re off the hook after what happened tonight... I think you need to be thoroughly punished.”

Laura froze.

“Punished? Wha... Wha... How?”

“You thinkin’ what I’m thinkin’, Caity?” Sam asked with a devious grin.

I returned the smile.

“I know just the thing.”

About twenty minutes later the delivery person finally arrived with our dinner. Sam opened the door and accepted the large bag of food from the young woman outside. The delivery girl casually looked past Sam into our dorm room and her eyes went wide when she spotted me lying on the bed while still hog cuffed. I looked directly at her and gave her a big toothy smile. She calmed a bit and seemed to understand that I wasn’t being held against my will. Although I did cringe a bit knowing that whatever scenario she came up with in her head was probably far from the truth. Still, I was too exhausted to be embarrassed at this point.

Sam proceeded to treat me like a queen(an imprisoned and completely helpless queen) for the rest of the night, making me as comfortable as possible. He unbuckled my heels from my feet and slipped them off. Even though I had barely had a chance to walk in them, they still managed to make my feet ache. Next, he placed a large towel underneath me to help me dry off, then wrapped me in another towel, weaving it under and around my shackles. Keeping my head positioned near the edge of the bed Sam pulled a table up in front of me and began laying out the food that had been delivered.

Sam began opening the dainty white boxes that I instantly recognized as takeout from my favorite Chinese place just down the street. Sam knew I was a sucker for Chinese takeout, and, truthfully, would probably enjoy the greasy entree even more than some exotic dish at an extra fancy restaurant. Sam began using a fork to scoop up noodles and alternated between shoveling them into my mouth and feeding himself.

“This is... surprisingly romantic.” I said just after Sam dabbed at my mouth with a napkin.

“Surprisingly?” Sam retorted with mock offense. “Did you seriously doubt my ability to salvage an evening?”

“Never.” I smiled.

Upon hearing the words, Sam closed the gap between us and pressed his lips against mine, taking in a long and passionate kiss.

“Mmmppphhh!” Laura called from somewhere below.

Sam and I stopped kissing and glanced down at the floor to see Laura lying face first on the carpeted floor of our dorm room. Her arms had been pulled behind her and tied together at her elbows, forearms and wrists with coils of red rope. I noticed that it was the same red rope that she had earlier used to tie a crotch rope on to herself(which was still securely tied at her waist). More of the red rope had been used to bind her legs above and below her knees, her shins, and her ankles. Rope had been wrapped around her torso and arms, pinning them to her back, and a length of rope had been used to connect her wrists to her ankles. Now in a strict hogtie, Laura rocked back and forth on her stomach as she struggled against the bindings.

“Mmph!” She murmured behind the bright red ball gag in her mouth.

“Hey, be quiet, prisoner!” I ordered from my perch on the bed. “I had no idea you were so talented with ropes, honey.” I said turning to Sam.

“I was in the Boy Scouts back in the day. I guess I was able to retain some of those knot tying skills they drilled into me.” Sam said proudly.

“Mpppppppphhhh!” Laura said.

“I think that was a compliment.” I said.

Sam raised an eyebrow.

“Somehow I get the feeling that she’s enjoying this punishment a bit too much.” He said.

“You’re right,” I said, as if coming to an epiphany. “Holding her prisoner wasn’t enough. I think she requires some good old fashioned torture.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” Sam added.

Laura blinked.

“Mmmppp?” She asked.

Sam slipped his finger inside the back of Laura’s red converse sneakers and pulled them off her feet. Both shoes tumbled to the floor revealing the soles of her feet, still covered in the bright white over the knee socks she often wore.

“Mmmppphhh!” Laura yelped, realizing what was coming.

Sam quickly began running his hand all over the bottom of both her bound feet. Using his fingernails to dig into Laura’s sock covered soles made her wince and squeal in excitement and agony. She attempted to roll away from Sam’s torturous hand, but he then used his other hand to latch on to her ankles, holding her in place. Sam put even more effort into the tickle torture and Laura soon had tears streaming down her face from crying laughing. She wiggles her toes and thrashed her furiously to try and ward off his attack. Finally he stopped and Laura began panting hard through her gag trying to catch her breath.

“Now, that’ll teach you.” Sam said, as seriously as he could. “One more peep out of you and I’ll break out the electric toothbrush.”

Laura’s cheeks were bright red and she giggled upon hearing that last part.

Sam then turned towards me.

“You think I should throw her in the closest so we don’t get interrupted again?” He said.

“Nah.” I replied. “I’m enjoying watching her struggle.”

It was rather enjoyable to see Laura in such tight bondage. I could tell she was having the time of her life and was fiercely struggling against the ropes. In the past it seemed like every time I tried tying her up she had been able to escape fairly quickly and easily, which always disappointed her. But it was obvious that Sam’s expertly woven hogtie had gotten the best of her. There was no way she was going to escape without help. And that, ultimately, was exactly what Laura wanted.

“Mmmmppphhh!” Laura squealed once again.

“What now?” Sam asked.

“MMMPPPHHH!!” She said, more loudly this time.

I could tell Laura was trying to say something important. Without the use of her hands to gesture, she bobbed her head back and forth and motioned with her eyes towards Sam’s feet. Sam glanced down at the floor and he raised an eyebrow. Reaching down to the floor he picked up something small off the carpeting. He quickly raised it into the air, revealing it to be a small metallic key... More specifically, the key that would unlock my shackles. My eyes went wide.

“Is this what you were looking for?” Sam asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Mmmppphh!” Laura nodded furiously in recognition.

I stared at the key without saying anything for a long moment. I should have been thrilled knowing Sam could finally unlock my chains, but I wasn’t. I was actually kinda... disappointed. Suddenly the idea of our unexpectedly perfect evening being disrupted wasn’t all that appealing. And, for some reason, I really didn’t want to be freed.

“That’s wonderful,” I said in a calm voice. “It’s good to know I can get out of these things...”

Sam moved towards me with the key, seemingly eager to unlock the chains binding all of my extremities. But he was taken aback when I finally finished my sentence.

“...Whenever I’m ready to.”

Sam blinked in disbelief. Laura let out a muffled “huh?”. And if I was being honest, I had even surprised myself. But I remained stone faced, emphasizing that I wasn’t joking. Sam started to speak, but then his face took on an expression of understanding. Just as he had done so many times before, Sam seemed to be able to read my mind. A sly grin spread across his face.

“Absolutely.” He finally agreed with a wink.

He withdrew the key and placed it in the chest pocket of his shirt. He then drew himself closer to me for another kiss. I could hear Laura loudly moaning under her gag which seemingly confirmed that she was thoroughly confused by the display, but wasn’t exactly displeased by it either. As Sam pulled away we locked eyes.

“I love you, Caitlin James.” Sam finally said.

“I know.”
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Post by BobaFettish1 »

Chapter Twenty Two: “Shackled Hope”

It was a great party, I had to admit.

Hundreds of people filled the grand ballroom, each dressed in their most elegant formal wear. The floor of the room bustled with guests, as well as waiters and waitresses. Each worker wore a metallic collar that was unique and signified who they were owned by. The lights of the city glowed just outside the large windows. And in the distance, the Atlantic Ocean glistened as a full moon lit up the night sky. Rio de Jeneiro was a beautiful city, especially after dark. I reminded myself that visiting this place had been on my bucket list for years. Although I had imagined it under different circumstances.

I stood in my cage that hung from a large chain connected to the ceiling of the ballroom. It was an elegantly crafted piece of metal, made of glimmering brass and shaped to resemble a large bird cage. A rounded dome top sloped to a flat bottom. It was just tall and narrow enough for a person to stand inside semi-comfortably, without much wiggle room. It was officially designated as my “formal cage”, and rightfully so. The rest of my daily confinement’s were much more “informal”.

I’ve worn a lot of revealing outfits in my day, but this might be the one of the skimpiest to date. Actually, it was conservative to even call it an “outfit”. I was rarely allowed to wear any real clothes, and today was no different. Tonight my "master"(I still refused to call him that) Agent X had picked out my apparel personally which, aside from my shiny metallic collar, consisted of a skimpy white tube top that barely covered my breasts, along with a tiny matching white mini skirt. My red hair had been elegantly woven into a single braided ponytail that ran down my back. And a pair of matching white high heels adorned my feet. And that was pretty much all that could be said for my current “wardrobe”. Aside from the chains.

Always the chains.

At this point they almost felt like a part of me. There was hardly a time over the last few months of my captivity that I wasn’t wearing them. Leviathan was still paranoid of my escape artistry and insisted on having me in shackles constantly. And who could blame them? I had already managed to (almost) successfully escape four times since I was brought here. I wouldn’t trust me either.

Tonight I had been fitted with thick, heavy chrome manacles that were as shiny as mirrors. My wrists were bound together with the heavy cuffs and pulled high over my head and anchored to a chain at the top of the cage. My ankles were also shackled together with similar cuffs and attached to the solid steel floor of the cage. Leaving me in a standing position, especially in heels I could barely stand in, meant I was in for a tortuously tiring night. All of this might have been worth it if I’d been allowed to make lewd comments at the onlookers below. But alas, a large white ball gag had been shoved into my mouth.

Despite not being the most restrictive or unconformable bondage I'd ever experienced, I still found it intolerable. Couldn't they have just frozen me in Carbonite or something? At least then I could get some decent sleep, and I wouldn't have watch a bunch of ass holes have a party.

But as with everything Agent X did, I knew there was an underlying evil reason for why I was almost naked and shackled in a cage for all his guests to see. He was, quite literally, bragging. By showing me off in this way it sent quite the message to his loyal supporters. Apparently my reputation as a thorn in the side of Leviathan was even more infamous than I thought. It was no secret that I was one of Agent X’s most prized possessions. Showing off the fact that Agent 38, one of his greatest foes, had not only been defeated, but had been reduced to a helpless slave, and now a sadistic party decoration, was one of his favorite pastimes. I was a trophy of Leviathan’s conquest.

Based on what I’d overheard so far, the party was a “victory celebration”. Leviathan was patting itself on the back for another successful crime against humanity. I didn’t know any of the details, aside from catching a glimpse of a TV news report. I stopped watching as soon as I saw the image of a mushroom cloud over New York City.

Just then, a thunderous roar erupted from the crowd. Agent X had taken the stage on the far side of the room and was getting a rock star’s welcome. The crowd began shuffling their way closer to their hero, cheering all the way. As the crowd moved away from my cage I began glancing around. It was immediately apparent that all eyes were on Agent X, and none of them were on me.

I then peered up at my shackled hands. My right hand was clenched in a tight fist, as it had been all day. I slowly began to open my fist, my hand feeling relief from loosening the long term pressure. I carefully unfurled my fingers to reveal what was inside; a tiny paperclip.

Understandably slaves such as myself were never trusted with sharp metal objects. I had managed to swipe the paperclip off a clueless guard this morning, and with no convenient place to store it, continuing to hide it in my clenched fist was my only option. Since then I had been looking for the perfect time to make use of it, but none had come so far. It was only a matter of time before I was searched and it was discovered. Right now was as good a time as any.

In basic training I had learned how to turn pretty much any inanimate object into a tool or weapon. And growing up watching episodes of MacGyver was a source of inspiration for me as well. But one of the oldest tricks in the book, and perhaps the most basic, was using a paperclip as a lock pick.

I delicately manipulated the paperclip with my fingers, twisting and bending the piece of metal until it was unrecognizable. I then took one of the ends of the mangled paperclip and inserted it in the keyhole of the shackle on my opposing hand. I jammed and twisted the lock pick inside the locking mechanism, listening and feeling intently for what I was looking for. Because of my multiple escape attempts Leviathan had begun using stronger and more advanced shackles on me. These particular cuffs were more sophisticated than any I’d been bound with before. I still knew I could crack them.

After several long moments of struggling I looked around once more, making sure I hadn’t attracted any attention. Sure enough, the partygoers continued on celebrating without any care for what the seemingly helpless slave was up to just above their heads. I focused my attention back on the cuffs. I stood on the tips of my toes while straining to get a better look at handcuffs. My current strategy wasn’t working and I couldn’t quite get the paperclip into the right area of the locking mechanism. I pulled it out of the keyhole, made a few more strategic adjustments to its shape, and moved to continue picking at the lock. But just then, the paperclip slipped from my grip. I instinctively tried to catch it before it was out of reach, but I only knocked it further out of my grasp. As if in slow motion, I watched as the paperclip fell downwards, pinging off a couple of the cage bars and flew out of my humble abode. It fell out of sight, but a faint metallic ping noted it’s final resting place on the marble floor of the ballroom.

I let out a long frustrated sigh under my gag and my head drooped in despondency. I Looked back up to the shackles and could see they were still secured tightly around each of my slender wrists. I had made no progress with picking the lock, and without my stolen paperclip I wouldn’t be making any headway anytime soon.

Leviathan had defeated me once again, though I hardly felt defeated. It seemed my consistent failure to escape my perpetual imprisonment had finally got to me. I wasn’t angry or sad I was just... disappointed. And the worst part was, I had grown accustomed to the disappointment. And I might have even expected it.

For the first few weeks and months of my captivity I had been determined to escape. I wanted to so badly avenge my fallen Agents and somehow defeat Leviathan once and for all. But now it seemed I had given up hope. That I truly believed that there was no escape for me. Every time I had attempted to free myself I was foiled. Every time I managed to bust free of my chains I just ended up in even heavier shackles. It was as if, subconsciously, I knew that even if I did manage to unlock the cuffs I would never escape fully.

My mind began to race.

Was there really no way for me to escape?

Or had my own shattered will been what was truly imprisoning me?

Had Leviathan already broken me and I didn't even realized it?

I single tear rolled down my cheek as I felt the last spark of hope go out inside me.

Just then, I heard a low rumble followed by a distinct bang. I felt the floor and surrounding walls shake violently. I heard sirens wail, panicked screams, but I saw... nothing. The partygoers continued on as they were, paying no mind to the commotion that was happening nearby. It didn’t take long for me to realize that what I was hearing wasn’t matching what I was seeing. Just then my sight began to darken and fade. The entire world around me dissolved into nothing and I was left staring into a pitch black void. I became even more disoriented when I realized I felt myself in different, much stricter bondage. I wasn’t standing after all. I was laying on my stomach. My arms and legs had been tightly bound with ropes and chains and pulled behind me, leaving me in a painfully strict hogtie. The taste of oily cloth confirmed that a dirty rag had been secured in mouth as a gag. My eyes snapped open and were met with more darkness, presumably due to another cloth placed over my eyes.

It took me a long moment to realize I had been asleep. My depressing predicament as a captive slave must have only been a dream... or was it? The jumble of memories from the past couple days began to shape into something that made sense. All those images, thoughts and feelings took form and I remembered what had happened. I was on a ship. I had tried to rescue a group of slaves. But I had been captured myself. I was chained up without any hope of escape. A powerless captive being shipped off to Rio de Janeiro. A soon to be slave of Leviathan.

So was the nightmare truly a figment of my imagination? Or simply a premonition of my inevitable fate? It was a question I preferred not to ponder.

I’d had a really, really long day. It was obvious that exhaustion had taken hold of me and I’d fallen into a deep sleep. With my sight gone, my hearing muffled and movement stifled, the sheer boredom of being bound and gagged so strictly had no doubt lulled me into taking a nap. Although how long my slumber had lasted, I had no clue.

I tested my bonds once more, as if I’d missed something during all the struggling earlier. I rolled and pivoted my wrists within the ropes and chains looking for a way to slip them free, but it was no use. Despite the fact that my hands were almost numb from the lack of blood circulation, the fact remained that they were simply tied way too tight. The same could be said for my legs which were both locked together and sharply bent behind me.

I laid there for a long moment, staying completely still. I listened intently and focused on the noises coming from outside the large cargo container, which had become my prison cell. The ship’s emergency sirens continued to sound loudly and I heard distant shouts of frantic henchmen echo through the bowels of the ship. I finally realized what was going on around me.

The explosives that Sara and I had placed had finally gone off.

At this exact moment I knew what was happening just a short distance away towards the rear of the ship. The explosive charges had detonated in the ship’s engine room. The explosion should have blown a sizable hole in the vessel’s hull, and had most likely damaged the engines as well. And if the huge fireball hadn’t taken out the engine turbines, the massive amount of ocean water now flowing into the compartment would definitely do the trick.

But the full extent of the damage dealt to the humongous cargo ship would be decided by her crew. You see, Sara and I had been thorough in ensuring that many of the hatches in and around the engine room had been left open. This meant that the flooding would not be contained within the engine room's watertight compartment, and would quickly spread to the rest of the ship. If the Boss’ minions were smart, they would quickly close as many of the hatchways as possible to contain the water. Of course, my confidence in their mental capacity wasn’t exactly strong.

Earlier my best case scenario would have involved the ship sustaining crippling damage from the explosion, her crew being too caught off guard to do what was necessary to minimize the damage, and the MS Leviathan would be at the bottom of the Atlantic before anyone knew what was happening.

But considering the fact that myself and the innocent slaves are still onboard this ship, it just became my worst case scenario.

Suddenly, I could hear some activity around me. Movement inside the cargo container shook its metal floor that I was laying on. I could feel various footsteps, hear the rattling of chains, and sense some excited voices. I immediately assumed that my captors had returned, but what for? Was I due for another taunting session? Or did they want to punish me for blowing a hole in their ship? Either way, the uncertainty of my future made me shudder. And worse still, being absolutely helpless to change my fate was unnerving.

Just then, I felt several sets of hands land on various parts of my body. I could feel the hands move to my legs and arms, specifically touching the ropes and chains currently confining me. I was surprised they had decided to untie me so quickly after spending so much time and effort tying me up in the first place. One part of me was glad I was going to get some relief from these current chains, but another part of me knew more, perhaps even more intense bondage would be waiting for me soon enough. I could feel the bindings around my legs begin to loosen as they worked. Just as they did, I could feel another set of hands working to remove my blindfold. Instantly I knew something was different about whoever was untying me. The hands weren’t large, steady, masculine hands, they were dainty, shaky, feminine hands. Suddenly the blindfold was whisked away from my face. I squinted my eyes as the pitch black void of the blindfold was peeled away to reveal my dimly surroundings. I peered up at the individual standing in front of me, but instead of seeing one of the boss’ muscular henchman, it was nothing like I expected.

Staring down at me was a young woman. She was petite with fair skin, brown eyes, and dirty blonde hair cut into a bob. She wore a navy blue blazer over a white blouse, dark green pants, and brown leather riding boots.

“You’re Caitlin, right?” She asked.

For a brief second I didn’t know how to respond. Now only was I completely perplexed by the sight of a young woman in front of me, I also was still getting used to hearing that name said aloud. It also didn’t help that I was still gagged and couldn’t form any actual words. Finally, I let out hefty “Mmmpph!”, pouring as much positivity into the noise as I could. The girl looked down on me tenderly and smiled.

“We’re gonna get you out of this!”
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Post by Caesar73 »

A grandiose update. The dream Sequence, than the change to reality and the possibility of rescue! Chapeau!!
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Post by BobaFettish1 »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago A grandiose update. The dream Sequence, than the change to reality and the possibility of rescue! Chapeau!!
Glad you enjoyed it. :)

Stay tuned! There's more to come! ;)
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Post by Caesar73 »

I hope so :)
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Post by leslietomb95 »

I've loved this tug story. Thanks for sharing these amazing stories. I am passionate about reading these stories.
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