Resisting Rescue (M/FF)

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Resisting Rescue (M/FF)

Post by BobaFettish1 »

The following story features characters conceived and owned by "Mkasa8" on DeviantArt. The character's designs and some of the bondage comes directly from their art. Be sure to check out the artwork for yourself here:


Resisting Rescue

Nina Mendez was even groggier than normal when she woke up. It felt like it took all of her strength just to open her eyelids, and when she did, the dim lighting around her poured pain into her retinas. She had a splitting headache and the entire world spun around making her so dizzy she wanted to throw up. She assumed this wouldn’t be the first time she had thrown up tonight based on her surroundings. When she finally pried her eyes fully open she realized she was face first on a dirty concrete floor. Was she really still passed out on the floor of the bathroom in that crummy bar? That was the last time Nina allowed her friends to get her blackout drunk on a Friday night.

Nina was a young and beautiful Latina girl with cream colored skin and deep brown eyes. Her hair was black with brown highlights and was tied in a neat bun on top of her head.

Nina was relieved when she sensed she was still wearing all her clothes. It was her work attire that she had picked out in hopes of impressing a valuable client. It was no coincidence that the outfit was also the sexiest ensemble she currently owned. It consisted of a low cut red camisole, a black blazer, and a matching black mini skirt. On her legs she wore brown pantyhose and a pair of red high heels. She also had a small white scarf tied around her neck and wore bright red lipstick to highlight her full lips.

But as Nina became more conscious and got her barrings she realized something was... off. A jumble of memories flooded Nina’s mind, and for the life of her she couldn’t figure out what happened in which sequence. After puzzling for only a handful of moments, she started to understand what had happened when she attempted to use her hands to pick herself up off the floor... and she couldn’t. In fact, she couldn’t move at all.

She felt that her hands were behind her back, and they were stuck there. She suddenly realized she couldn’t move her arms or her legs either... She was tied up!

She jerked her left shoulder backwards and managed to fall flat on her back. Then, using all of her strength and careful balancing, she hoisted herself up into a sitting position. Nina finally began to take stock of her current predicament:

Her hands had been pulled behind her and crossed at the wrists. Several layers of sticky silver duct tape had been applied to them leaving her hands very much useless. More of the tape had been wrapped around her torso, above and below her breasts, leaving her arms pinned to her side. Her legs had also been pressed together side by side and wrapped with duct tape above her knees and at her ankles. And finally, a red bandanna had been slid between her teeth and tied off behind her head as a gag.

Nina glanced around at her surroundings, observing that she definitely wasn’t in a bar bathroom. On the contrary, it appeared to be a basement or storage area of some kind. Large cinder block walls surrounded Nina on all sides with a craggy wooden ceiling above her. The ramshackle wooden staircase on the far side of the room seemed to confirm that Nina was on the lowest level of whatever structure she was being held in. The relatively small room felt even more cramped by the countless stacks of boxes and other junk that filled the area around her. The room was lit by a single flickering light bulb that hung from a string directly above Nina’s head. Nina looked down at the floor again and noticed how incredibly dusty and dirty the concrete was that she was sitting on. She instinctively tried to use her bound hands to dust off her black mini skirt, which had already gotten so dirty it had probably been ruined. Nina almost threw up in her mouth when she remembered she had been face down in the filth just moments ago.

Finally, the realization of what was happening finally dawned on her. Suddenly, the memory of the night before slowly filled her mind. She remembered leaving the bar. She remembered being a little tipsy and deciding to walk home. She remembered the white panel van pulling alongside beside her. She remembered the large hand suddenly placing a wet cloth over her face. And then... she was here.

Nina began struggling violently against the tape that bound her. She wrenched and strained her arms trying to free them. She tossed her feet up and down and wiggled them relentlessly trying to get the shiny bindings to give way, but she only succeeded in flinging one of her red high heels off of her foot and across the room. She tried to scream into her gag, but it was obvious no one would hear her muffled whimpers. She was trapped. Bound and gagged without any means of escape. Completely at the mercy of... Whoever had taken her.

Nina’s heart was pounding inside her chest. Her mind was racing. She was breathing hard through her gag. But slowly her anxiety began to melt away, and it was replaced by... exhilaration. She knew she should be terrified. That she should desperately want to free herself and escape this filthy basement. But the more Nina thought about it, the more she realized she was exactly where she wanted to be. It was as if Nina had completely forgotten the fact that she had dreamed of a moment like this all her life.

Nina had never been open about her kinky side before. In fact, her intense desire to be to be tied up and dominated was one of her most closely guarded secrets. The fear of what her family, friends, and potential boyfriends might think always prevented her from revealing her kink. But she had had this burning desire inside her for as long as she could remember. What started as something that felt innocent and normal—such as getting “captured” during a game of cowboys and indians—eventually morphed into something much more intense—such as almost begging a boyfriend to tie her up once. Nina had been tied up a handful of times over the years, most of which were self-bondage she had done herself. There was one time when she was younger, Nina remembered, that she had managed to get a couple of kids she was babysitting to tie her up. But those stupid brats didn’t know how to tie a knot and Nina had escaped easily.

Now she was a successful businesswoman... and single. Her chances of getting laid, or better yet, being someone’s submissive, seemed to dwindle every day. Was she crazy for actually enjoying the idea of being kidnapped? She knew the answer to that question, but she didn’t dare answer it.

Besides, there wasn’t really anything she could do about it. That was the point of being kidnapped, was it not? To be completely helpless to decide your own fate? Can you blame a girl for trying to make the best of a bad situation?

Just then, Nina’s breathe caught in her throat when she heard a noise. The very distinct noise of creaking wood above her head. Her captor had returned, and they were about to pay her a visit. The creaking became louder and closer as the Kidnapper made their way down the rickety stairway to the floor of the basement. The man—or at least it looked like a man—was dressed in all black, including a black ski mask. The only parts of him Nina could see were his deep blue eyes and a thin line of white from an ear to ear grin. He looked to be of average height and build, but to Nina he could have been a giant. As he strolled closer to the bound and gagged girl on the floor he towered over her. There was no questioning who had all the power now, and Nina was becoming even more turned on by the second.

“Still here, eh?” He asked nonchalantly in his deep booming voice. “I’m glad you haven’t run away on me. I must’ve taped ya up real good.”

Unable to reply with words, Nina simply flexed her arms within the duct tape, as if to acknowledge that she was indeed trapped.

“You sure do look awful pretty all trussed up like this,” He said kneeling down in front of her and gently clutching her chin with his hand. “I hope you’re good and comfortable, ‘cause I have a mind to keep you like this for a little while longer.”

Oh, Nina was more than comfortable. “Mmmmpppphhh.” She moaned.

“You and I are gonna have a lot of fun together. I...” He broke off, interrupted by small noise coming from a pile of boxes near the stairwell. “What the?” He said as he turned around and walked back towards where he’d heard the noise. Nina looked on with with curiosity, only somewhat disappointed that the intense taunting session she was getting from her captor had been interrupted. Finally, the kidnapper reached the pile of boxes and looked behind them. He had no reaction, as if he had found nothing. “Huh,” He said, perhaps to himself. “Must’ve been the wind.”

Just as the man began to turn around and walk back towards her, Nina saw something move off to her left. No, not something... someone. There was another person in the room with them. Nina could see a shadow creeping around another pile of boxes, out of the kidnapper’s view. Nina froze in sudden fear. Who could it be? Someone else who wanted to kidnap her? Was she really about to become the victim of a double kidnapping? She certainly couldn’t defend herself if it came to that. And with this gag in her mouth she wouldn’t know how to warn her current captor. But no, there was something familiar about this other person. Nina focused her eyes on the shadowy figure as they snuck closer to her. They finally stepped into the light and it was...

No, it wasn’t.

It couldn’t be.

It was.

There, in the shadows, was another young woman of similar height, weight and age as Nina. With cream colored Latina skin, brown eyes, and black hair edged with purple highlights. She was unmistakable.

It was Vanessa, Nina’s younger sister. She was wearing red high heeled knee high boots over a pair of black tights and matching red collared shirt. Her hair was pulled into a top knot and she wore a red bandanna as a headband. Apparently the girl was even bolder and braver than Nina imagined. She knew Vanessa had a knack for putting her nose where it didn’t belong and getting into trouble. But this time she had gone too far!

Nina didn’t want to ruin her one chance to be properly dominated, but she also didn’t want to sell her sister out to her unpredictable kidnapper. Even as Vanessa stared at her, Nina did her best not to acknowledge her. Just then, her captor finally lumbered his way back over to Nina and knelt down once again.

“Now, where was I?” He asked.

“Mhpm.” Nina responded from under her gag.

“Ah, yes. We was just havin’ a lil’ talk.” He said just as he reached out with his hands and squeezed Nina’s breasts tightly. “Now, now... I’m not gonna hurt ya. I just wanna have a bit of fun with ya.” Oh, she was having "fun" alright. Nina closed her eyes and moaned loudly, completelty enraptured her bondage. But suddenly, something broke Nina's concentration. She was distracted by movement she noticed out of the corner of her eye. It was Vanessa. Again. It seemed her little sister could never stop being annoying, even during moments like this. She saw Vanessa throw something across the room towards the stairwell. The thrown object landed somewhere near the top of the stairs with a metallic clang. The noise startled the Kidnapper and he jerked away from Nina.

“What the hell?!” He exclaimed. “Is somebody up there?” He yelled up towards the top of the stairs. When the house fell silent again, the Kidnapper jumped to his feet, determined to find the source of the ongoing noise. He started up the stairs, but not before glancing back towards Nina, still bound and seated on the basement floor.

“Don’t go nowhere, missy,” He said cheerfully. “I’ll be back later for some more... playtime.” He bounded up the stairway and went out of sight. The distinct sound of a door slamming marked him officially leaving the basement. Nina knew what came next.

“Nina!” Vanessa called out in a quiet tone.

“Mmmmhhhpppmm!” Nina called back, shaking her head as her sister approached.

“It’s good thing I got here when I did.” Vanessa said panting.

“Mhpmmm! Mhpmmm!!” Nina continued to protest.

Vanessa kept on ignoring her, instead choosing to pull out a pocket knife. She started at Nina’s feet, cutting through the duct tape binding her ankles and knees. Nina tried to shift her legs away from her sister, but it was no use. Vanessa grabbed ahold of her stocking covered legs and continued cutting. “Hold still! I’ll have you out of here in no time!”

But Nina didn’t want out. She was perfectly content to remain kidnapped for as long as she could. And there was no way she was going to let her meddlesome little sister ruin it. “MMHPPPMMMM!!” Nina roared in defiance from under her gag, and the noise seemed to finally garner the attention of her sister.

“What?!” Vanessa said, reaching up to grab the the red bandanna in Nina’s mouth. As soon as Vanessa yanked it out from between Nina’s teeth the older girl let her have it.

“What are you doing?” Nina exclaimed in her strongly accented voice. Vanessa recoiled in bewilderment.

“I’m... rescuing you? I think this is the part where you say ‘Thank you.’” Vanessa said.

“Did you stop and think that maybe I don’t want to be rescued?” Nina snarled.

“Are you kidding me?” Vanessa threw up her hands. “Do you realize how hard it was to sneak into this house? You’re lucky I caught a glimpse of him kidnapping you outside the bar! You could have been a goner!”

“Well, I’m not. I’m perfectly fine! I don’t need your help!” Nina said confidently.

“You can't be serious! Do you have any idea what he might do to you?”

“No, but who says I don’t want to stick around and find out?”

“How do you know he’s not going to kill you? Or worse?”

“He said he wasn’t going to hurt me.”

“That’s what they all say!” Vanessa was almost yelling in frustration. Suddenly realizing she may be a bit too loud, she quieted down and began again. “Look, have you ever been kidnapped before?”

“Well... No.” Nina responded sheepishly.

“While I have! They always tie you up and lock you in a dirty basement! They always say they just want to have 'fun'. And they always say they’re not gonna hurt you! And its always bullshit!” Vanessa quickly grabbed Nina by the shoulder and yanked her forward, exposing the duct tape binding her hands behind her back. “And that, big Sis, is why I’m getting you out of here, whether you like it or not!”

“No, Nessy! Please!” Nina pleaded, but it was no use. Vanessa had already cut the tape at her wrists and was working on removing the the remaining tape around her torso. “Uuuuggh!” Nina groaned, feeling the restraints loosen and fall away.

“And don’t think I don’t know what this is all about!” Vanessa said accusingly.

“What are you talking about?” Nina asked.

“Why else would you want to stay here?” Vanessa asked. “It’s obvious your BDSM obsession is still thriving.”

“Oh come on...” Nina said, her voice beginning to only slightly quiver.

“What? You think I forgot about all the times you practically forced me to tie you up when we were kids? You never seemed satisfied.” Upon hearing that, Nina’s face turned red.

“Well, if you had just tied me good enough maybe I wouldn’t be desperate to get kidnapped!” She blurted out suddenly. As soon as Nina said it, her color turned from red to pink. She knew she had outed herself, and the sly smile that spread across Vanessa’s face clearly said “Gotcha”. Nina hung her head.

“Hey,” Vanessa’s voice took on a more casual tone. “I’m not about to kink shame you! Do what makes you happy.” Vanessa grabbed Nina by the hand and pulled her up onto her feet. The older girl was a bit wobbly now only wearing one of her red high heels. “But for god’s sake, Sis, find a BDSM dungeon or something to get your fix! Please!” Vanessa walked towards the door, not releasing her grip on Nina’s hand.

“Hold on!” Nina said as she pulled away from her sister and limped across the room past the staircase. She bent down and picked up her missing shoe. “These were 300 bucks! If you think I’m going to leave them behind, you’re crazy.” Nina said sassily as she lifted her bare stocking covered foot to put her shoe back in place.

Vanessa just rolled her eyes. “Let’s go!” Vanessa latched onto Nina’s arm and half-ran up the rickety stairs. Nina could feel the wooden planks under her feet straining and splintering as they went. She gritted her teeth but could do nothing but follow her younger sister up the stairs to the door at the top. Vanessa grabbed the door knob and turned it slowly but surely, being careful not to make any noise. Just then Nina heard a tiny “click” and the door eased open with a high pitched creak, much louder than they expected. Both women cringed at the noise, hoping the Kidnapper was out of earshot. They stepped up into the house and Vanessa put a single finger to her lips, a non-verbal gesture to “be quiet”. Nina assumed that her sister was trying to locate where the man was in the house based on sounds. Remembering her earlier experience while in the basement, Nina recalled the floor of the house creaking loudly wherever the large burly man walked. It was obvious the kidnapper would not be able to sneak up on them, but likewise, it would be difficult for the girls to sneak past him. After a few seconds of listening Nina heard nothing but silence. Vanessa grabbed Nina’s hand and they pressed on through the house.

They made their way through what appeared to be a kitchen and then into a living room. The house somehow seemed even darker and nastier than the basement below. From what little Nina could see around her, she could tell her captor was definitely not a good housekeeper. The sisters had to step over and around more boxes of junk and various other refuse that littered the floor of the filthy living space. Halfway through the living room Nina saw through to the other side and noticed a foyer, and on the the other side of that was the front door. It was still nighttime and soft moonlight filtered in through cracked glass door.

“C’mon,” Vanessa said as quietly as the could. “We’ve gotta get out of here before-“ She stopped mid-sentence, interrupted by a sudden noise coming from an unknown location. Both women froze and Nina’s breathe caught in her throat. Vanessa locked eyes with Nina, her expression tight with intensity. Nina didn’t have to ask Vanessa what she was thinking, she knew exactly what was happening. It was the Kidnapper. He was somewhere close by. And he was coming.

Nina knew they only had seconds to get to the front door and escape. Her heart began pumping faster once more. As they began walking as quickly and as quietly as they could towards the door, Nina realized this was the second most thrilling thing she had ever experienced in her life. The first being just moments ago when she was trussed up in the basement below. And she was now attempting to escape from that fate... why?

In that moment Nina reminded herself that she had never wanted to escape to begin with. It had been her meddlesome little sister who had initiated this mad dash for the door. If she wanted to continue being a damsel in distress, Nessy darn well wasn’t going to ruin it for her.

As they approached the entryway Nina realized that if she was going to thwart her own rescue, she was going to have to act fast. Vanessa was only a few feet away from the door, and she had a death grip on Nina’s hand. Vanessa quickened their pace as distinct footsteps became audible behind them. “Hey! Get back here!” The Kidnapper yelled from somewhere behind them. Nina didn’t know exactly how close he was, but she knew he was still far enough away that they had ample time to escape to through the door.

It was now or never.

Pretending as if the voice had startled her, Nina jerked to a stop and swung around to look towards their pursuer. With their hands locked together, this forced Vanessa to also stop midstride and threw her off balance. As soon as Vanessa came to a halt, Nina faked a stumble backwards and fell into her sister hard. “Nina, what are you-“ Vanessa exclaimed as she attempted to figure out why their escape, which had been virtually flawless up until this point, was now about to come crashing down... literally.

Both Nina and Vanessa’s arms and legs became entangled with one another as they tumbled towards the floor. Falling at an angle, the women were still headed towards their original destination: the front door. But it was far too close, and coming up far too quickly for them to make a proper escape.

Just as Nina planned.

The sisters slammed into the solid wooden door hard and Vanessa took the brunt of the blow. The younger sister ended up seated with her back against the door, and Nina was sprawled out across the floor and had partially landed in her Vanessa's lap. Nina saw stars and her vision was blurry for a moment. She shook her head in an effort to recalibrate her senses. She glanced up to Vanessa’s face and noticed that her eyes were closed and she was unresponsive. A twinge of guilt flashed in Nina’s mind. She had only intended to prevent her sister from dragging her out of the house, and had unwittingly knocked her unconscious in the process. Nina would have preferred if Vanessa had just left without her, but she knew full well Nessy would never do so willingly. Suddenly, Nina noticed a large shadow cast over them. She glanced up at the hulking figure hovering over her.

“Tryin’ to escape, are ya?” The man said, more curious than annoyed. He stared down at Nina, his piercing blue eyes seemed to glow from within his mask. “I just might have to punish ya fer that.” He said.

I thin smile danced across Nina’s lips.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Vanessa Mendez’s eyes suddenly shot open. Waking up from a state of unconsciousness wasn’t a completely unfamiliar feeling for the young woman. Although this time it had been particularly unpleasant. Her head was pounding due to an injury she couldn’t quite remember acquiring. Worse still, an unsettling feeling covered her entire body, as if someone else’s hands had been all over her while she was out cold. She was having trouble remembering where she was, what had happened, and why she felt so goddamn awful. She started getting a clue when she tried to move... and couldn’t. She soon realized she was face down on the ground with her hands and feet tucked neatly behind her. No amount of her strength could make them move.

Yup. She was tied up.

Vanessa’s wrists had been placed parallel to each other and tied together tightly with blue rope. Her elbows had also been pulled together as well, to an almost painful degree, and were bound thoroughly. More of the same rope had been used to bind Vanessa’s legs together at the thighs, knees and booted ankles. Then another piece of rope had been added to tie Vanessa’s ankles and wrists together. Pulling them tightly together had left the girl in a strict hogtie, one she knew would be extremely difficult to escape from. She tried to speak but it came out as a soft moan. She found that her lips were unable to form words due to them being tightly wrapped around a large yellow ball gag.

Vanessa rocked back and forth on her stomach, futility wrestling with the ropes confining her body. As her consciousness began to fully return to her she took stock of her surroundings. She was laying on a dirty concrete floor surrounded by old cardboard boxes and other junk strewn across the floor. It didn’t take her long to understand what had happened. The memory slowly came back to her.

She had come to rescue her sister. They had attempted to escape. They had almost made it out. But something went wrong. Vanessa had fallen. The landing was hard, and painful. And somehow they had been recaptured. And they were right back where they had started.

Vanessa glanced around the basement, assuming her older sister Nina would be close by in a similar predicament. Her assumption was confirmed when she looked directly to her left and saw Nina lying on her stomach, facing Vanessa. Her black blazer and red heels had been tossed aside, exposing more of her chest and the soles of her stocking covered feet. She had been bound and gagged in almost the exact same way her sister had; Ball gagged with her arms and legs trussed together in a hogtie. The only difference in their bondage was a piece of rope that had been tied around Nina’s waist and then threaded between her legs and tightly tied. The crotch rope forced Nina’s already short black skirt further upward, exposing the young woman’s purple underwear. The damn thing looked painful as hell, and Vanessa might have felt sorry for her sister if she hadn’t noticed the expression on her face. It wasn’t a wide eyed look of fear, nor was it a stern scowl of determination. It was... a smile. Nina wasn’t in pain, she was actually enjoying this! And that’s when the entire fiasco unfolded in Vanessa’s mind.

She hadn’t simply fallen earlier, she had been tripped... by Nina! Her idiotic sibling had intentionally ruined their escape! Not only had Nina got herself recaptured and tied up for the second time, she had managed to get Vanessa kidnapped as well. Anger boiled up in Vanessa, but it was quickly stifled by a sudden noise she heard in the darkness. A familiar creaking sound was coming from the direction of the stairs. She knew instantly that they were about to have company. The creaking grew louder and quickly became booming footsteps as they drew closer. Still dressed in all black clothing and a ski mask, the Kidnapper strode towards the helplessly bound and gagged females.

As the man came closer Vanessa quickly flopped over onto her side, with her front facing him. Leaving her chest exposed with no arms or legs to fight back against a potential attack wasn’t the smartest defensive move, but Vanessa was willing to take the risk since it would give her the ability to keep a closer eye on their captor. The Kidnapper walked to Nina and knelt down beside her. One of his large hands stroked her cheek and she moaned loudly in response.

“Enjoying yourself, eh missy?” He said, almost lovingly. Vanessa couldn’t stand it. Despite being furious with her sister for being foolish enough to get them both into this mess, she also wanted to strangle the large pervert for even daring to touch her sister. Vanessa’s survival instincts mixed with her aptitude to be an overprotective sibling, creating an unbridled rage inside her.

“Get your damn hands off her!” Vanessa had meant to yell at the top of her lungs. Unfortunately the ball gag in her mouth diminished the volume of the fierce demand, as well as distorting the words. It ended up sounding more like, “Gaaaghh yaaarrgh dmmhhppp hmmmpphhh opphhhh hrrrhppp!”

“Oh, don’t worry, I’ll be getting to you in a jippy.” The Kidnapper said, completely misinterpreting what the young woman was trying to say. He turned back to Nina. “I’m so glad you decided to bring your friend along. We’re all gonna have so much fun together.” While Nina continued moaning pleasurably Vanessa let out a muffled scoff. “That was a good idea you had about the crotch rope. Does it feel good?” The kidnapper grabbed the rope running between her legs tugged on it firmly, so much so that it almost lifted the woman up off the floor. “Mmmpppphhh...” Nina said in response, somehow enjoying the experience.

“In all my years of tying girls up, I’ve never had one teach me new tricks.” The Kidnapper said with excitement. Had Nina really been giving him pointers about bondage? Seriously? Vanessa could barely contain her dismay. “Alright, I’ve gotta run along now, but I’ll be back later,” The Kidnapper said reassuringly. “If you behave, maybe I’ll add some more rope to ya? Would ya like that?” He said, as if teasing a dog. Nina reacted excitedly, nodding her head furiously in support of the idea. Vanessa rolled her eyes. The Kidnapper rose from the floor and walked back towards the staircase, a path that took him directly past where Vanessa had been laying. She glared up at him.

“BMMMPPHHHD!” She fired another muffled insult at him, and once again he didn’t get it. The Kidnapper bent down and grabbed one of her breasts, squeezing it tightly between his fingers. Vanessa let out a stifled squeal.

“Don’t worry! There’s more than enough rope for everyone.” He said with a laugh. “Maybe you want one of them crotch ropes too, eh?” The Kidnapper let out another chuckle and shuffled away, out of sight. Vanessa glanced back at Nina. The girl was wide eyed with excitement and glee. She pivoted her hands and feet in different directions, seemingly in an effort to test her bonds, but Vanessa knew better than to believe Nina would try to escape. Vanessa herself began tugging and jerking at her own ropes, but she knew it was just a waste of energy. They were just too damn tight! Although the Kidnapper appeared to be an imbecile, he was clearly skilled at tying ropes. Vanessa huffed in frustration and stared daggers at her older sister just a few feet away. Nina returned her gaze and smiled back, determined not to let Vanessa's tempter tantrum spoil her thrilling predicament. Nina also seemed to especially enjoy the fact that her sister was thoroughly tied up with no way to “rescue” her. Vanessa blurted out the first insult that came to her mind,

“Faaaack yaaaaou!”
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Post by Caesar73 »

Is this the first part? I liked the story! And I'm curious what may happen next :) So Nina is not very eager to escape :) Poor Vanessa:)
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Post by BobaFettish1 »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago Is this the first part? I liked the story! And I'm curious what may happen next :) So Nina is not very eager to escape :) Poor Vanessa:)
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! For now this is just a standalone story. As far as what happens next, I'm sure their dim witted captor eventually set them free... Or did he? I'm curious to hear what YOU guys think happens next.

All I'll say right now is that I would very much enjoy writing these characters again one day. ;)
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Post by rafeylovesbonds »

Excellent. Very entertaining story.
Is she out there, she who ties you up and then you stay tied up?
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Post by Caesar73 »

BobaFettish1 wrote: 4 years ago
Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago Is this the first part? I liked the story! And I'm curious what may happen next :) So Nina is not very eager to escape :) Poor Vanessa:)
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! For now this is just a standalone story. As far as what happens next, I'm sure their dim witted captor eventually set them free... Or did he? I'm curious to hear what YOU guys think happens next.

All I'll say right now is that I would very much enjoy writing these characters again one day. ;)
Dimwitted the kidnapper may be, but as Vanessa remembers a very skilled rigger :) Set them free? Maybe - but before? Well, let´s think .... a crotchrope vor Vanessa too. Then a different tie for both girls. And Vanessa is still fully clothed, her boots must be really uncomfortable. Getting out of them must be a relieve :) A ball tie for Vanessa? And Strappado for Nina?
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Post by Dpsiic »

I hope there is more of this. Great stuff :D
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Post by CarouselCowboy13 »

This was Awesome and Cool Great Story and hope to hear and read what happens next to Nina and Vanessa
My Dear it's no use to struggle. But I would greatly appreciate it if you, could and would
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Post by Sportsfan »

I'm all for kinks, do what makes you happy (as long as it's not illegal or hurting anyone). But I'm sorry, Nina is just an idiot lol.
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Post by BobaFettish1 »

Sportsfan wrote: 4 years ago I'm all for kinks, do what makes you happy (as long as it's not illegal or hurting anyone). But I'm sorry, Nina is just an idiot lol.
It's definitely fair to say she's very naive, despite being older than Vanessa. I like to think her passion for getting tied up clouded her judgement in this instance. Vanessa seems to be much more street smart, but she's also not turned by bondage so she has a clearer head.
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