The Cool Girls' Club (mostly F*/F*) - Farewell

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 091: EnJoy-neering Majors

The next morning, Joy woke up to find herself next to Nichole, who was already awake and quietly squirming. She paused for a moment and then remembered that she had kidnapped Nichole the night before. She removed Nichole's blindfold so her eyes could adjust and exchanged the handcuffs for rope.

Joy stepped out of her room to pick through the closet and get out her clothes for the day. All was quiet as she got what she needed to take a quick shower; it was only quick because her hair didn't need to be washed. Soon, she was squeaky clean and wearing a brown skirt, a purple t-shirt, and a brown bandana headband.

Joy stepped back out into the living room. Now she heard a steady, repetitive "Mmmmmmmmm!" coming from Jenny behind the shut door. With this, Joy went in and freed Jenny from the footboard.

"Are you still freaking out?"
"Maybe some strawberry French toast will change your mind!"
"Yeah, I planned on making your absolute favorite breakfast!" Joy removed the blindfold.
"Nx!" Jenny muttered as she squinted.
"Jenny, I'm sorry I upset you. I just wanted to have one last special time together with you and Nichole before she moves out this winter."

Jenny calmed down upon hearing this. With her fears allayed, Joy replaced the handcuffs with rope. She patted Jenny on the head and went to work fixing breakfast.

Soon, Jenny and Nichole were at the table with their arms freed and their gags undone. It felt great to no longer have the thickly layered tape or the rubber balls in their mouth. Before them lay French toast with strawberries in their own thickened juice-sauce. Jenny's had a twirl of whipped cream on it. Jenny had a small glass of orange juice with hers, and Nichole had coffee. In addition to these there were scrambled eggs.

"You know... it's funny," Nichole started, "My parents loved beating the $#i+ out of me, but they would make me scrambled eggs for breakfast sometimes because I liked it. It's a surprise I don't hate them as a result."
"That's just because you recognized greatness," Jenny smiled.
"I like mine poached."
"Well, you like Eggs Benedict."
"I sure do."
"Gross," Nichole shuddered.
"Joy," Jenny began, "I know I'm your prisoner, but I want to call my mom after breakfast."
"That's fine!"
"Then I'll call Chris so that you're not prisoner for less time than I am!"


"Hi, captive!" Caleigh woke up Janie with a cruel tickle in the ribs.
"GOD!" Janie yelled into the thick gag as she arose with a shock.
"Leave her alone, or I will tie you up like a piece of meat. She's my prisoner!"
"Mmm hmm!" Janie agreed.
"Well, you might have tie me up like a piece of meat, but not until I ate my breakfast!"

Soon, before Janie was her favorite breakfast: fried eggs and a stack of pancakes with a side of bacon and a cup of black coffee! Janie was tickled pink!

"This is Janie's favorite breakfast, huh?"
"Mmmm hmmmm!" Janie grinned as she removed her own gag, her arms now freed by Lauren.
"It sure is her favorite."
"It's the absolute best!"
"Black coffee? Fried eggs? Well, pancakes are good."
"Get your own!" Janie scolded.
"There's enough," Lauren reprimanded her.
"She wants to knock my favorite breakfast then she can be tied up too."
"Don't push your luck, either of you!"
"I won't! I want to enjoy my breakfast!"


"Look at you making yourself gorgeous," Sera noted after she and Bridget returned from practice.
"I have a lunch date."
"With Roberto?"
"Yes, with your brother."
"On or off campus?"
"We're going putt-putt, and you're not interfering even by texting one of us."

Sera was in black trainers, a black t-shirt, a solid black kerchief bandana, black socks, and black sneakers. Bridget looked at her and realized that by the look on her face that Sera was daring her to duct tape her again. Bridget accepted the challenge.

"I think it will be forced, but first I need some mommy time."
"OK, then go be mommy."


"Is your mother OK?"
"Yeah, just we clearly miss each other."
"I miss Chris a lot more after each time we're together."
"So, your tummies are full of food and your hearts are full of love. Let's get you girls a little cleaned up!"

"Cleaned up" meant helping them use the bathroom and then washing their hair. Both girls returned to wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist bound with the same blue rubber ball gags and a handkerchief OTM gag (added after they were cleaned). Joy managed to do it all, but she wasn't nearly as skillful or strong as Lauren, and this alone took over an hour.

"Who wants to watch a movie... like maybe a Star Wars film?"
"MMMMM!" both volunteered.

That would carry them until lunch.


"So, Janie, look what I made before you arrived!"
"Yes!" Janie saw fudge brownies with white chocolate chips in them.
"I knew you'd like that!"
"For breakfast?!"
"My house, my sister, my rules. Worse, we're watching 'The Princess Diaries' after this."
"Good riddance. I'd rather watch a Marx brothers movie."
"Let's wash you up, kiddo!"
"MMMM!" Lauren regagged Janie with a clean sock, a black bandana cleave gag, and a strip of microfoam tape.'

After a TUG shower, Lauren and Janie sat on the sofa together to watch their movie. Caleigh decided to find adventure with her softball teammates instead and so left the house for a while.


"How is mommy's little boy?" Joyce asked Sera.
"He is the joy of my life, and my sister is going to bring him to visit on Columbus Day weekend because his school gives the day out."
"Your little Benny is in school already?"
"I had him summer between freshman and sophomore year of high school. He's in first grade!"
"Wow! That's why he talks so much!"
"I can't wait for you two to meet him!"
"For now, though, I need you out of my way!" Bridget threatened.
"I was planning on this!" Sera felt her arms getting the black tape.

Soon, Sera was taped from wrists to elbows, above her breasts, from her breast to her waist, from trainers to knees, and from knees to shoes. Her gag was a black sock, a knotted black bandana cleave gag, a black bandana cleave gag, and 12 layers of black duct tape. A black bandana blindfolded her, and a strip of double-sided tape held up a black bandana triangle OTM gag.

"Don't leave her for a second or free her unless necessary, or I will mummify you to hell and back."


"That was great... now I have to worry about lunch!" she patted the girls as she stood up.
"MMMMMM!" the girls eagerly awaited.
"Time for Nichole's favorite!"

Nichole's favorite lunch was a grilled cheese with potato chips and a pickle, and sure enough that's exactly what Joy presented to them. For this meal, Joy only removed their gags and fed them instead. When their faces were clean, she put the gags back. This, likewise, was slow and took much time.


"I hate that movie... except when I am watching it with you. Some day I will see that movie in the TV guide and cry because I won't be able to watch it with you because you'll be off winning Olympic medals."
"Now, let me fix you a Dagwood sandwich."
"MMMMM!" Janie happily sang into a gag.
"Well, it's early. You just stay there while I dust and vacuum this place."

When Lauren was done cleaning, then she was able to make the sandwiches. She carefully removed Janie's gag so that it could be reused (aside from the soaked sock) and freed her arms so that Janie could eat her sandwich a double-sized brownie.

"Lauren, it's just as magical as the first time you did this. Someday, when I'm on my own, I need to have one weekend a year where I escape to be your precious prisoner."
"The prisoner is really me... I'm captive in your heart."
"You're so sweet!"


"So, Bridget, what made you choose weather?"
"My grandparent's house got hit by a tornado when I was 11 years old... I was there at the time, and I just wanted to know why. I started investigating, and found the near impossible mission that is an accurate weather prediction to be a challenge. What about you? You're older siblings play basketball, soccer, and two row. Why baseball?"
"Rocco Baldelli, baby. Paesano to the core with that name and not a bad ball player."
"I can dig that... quit swinging the club like a baseball bat."
"It's funnier to do it... you giggle when I do it."
"You're a fun guy, Roberto."
"You're the one that has fun with your rope and tape games."
"Yeah... your sister wanted to be bugging us with texts, so I had to put her away."
"She's always been that way. When we were younger, we had a YouTube and one time I duct taped her."
"HA! I duct taped her today too!"
"She's a good mother to Benny, too."
"That she is."
"And if you're a good friend to her, then you'll be a good match for me."

Meanwhile back the dorm...

"Mmmmm," Sera groaned a little and struggled a bit.
"You OK?"
"Mmm!" Sera nodded.
"You're so pretty and need to see this after," Joyce took photos and a video.
"Hmm hmm!" Sera laughed at this.
"You could have been taped a little better, but I won't touch it. Your head is thoroughly covered in bandanas."
"Mmm hmm!"
"You like it?"
"Mmm hmm!"
"Then I am OK with it."


"Girls, it's that dreaded time.... Homework."

Jenny and Nichole were sat at their desks and secured with breast harnesses and waist ropes. Ropes ran from their ankles and knees to the chair legs at their desks. Their arms were freed, however. Joy got on the floor, and together they went through their respective classwork. Jenny and Joy worked together a lot as they shared a lot of classes. It wasn't fun, but it was necessary.


"Need to do any homework?"
"Nuh uh," Janie grunted into her replaced gag.
"Done already?"
"Mmm hmm!"
"Even in college, you're a genius."
"I have homework, so stew a while so I can finish it."


"Hey, Joyce, Sera... my, are you singing Sera?"
"She has been so happy just lying there. As you ordered, I didn't do anything to help her."
"Thanks... now I can tell you both all about my date and not have hear her sisterly pride."
"How was it?"
"I am genuinely charmed by Roberto. He is so far exactly what I wanted in a man."
"Some day when he's older he will be mature enough to be a husband too... though time will tell."
"You're off to as good of a start as Ryan and I had though!"
"This is true."
"Mmmmmmmmmmm!" Sera moaned with joy.


"Time to get a dinner we always love to get, but I have to leave."
"EETHA!" Jenny said joyfully.
"Yep! Pizza! I'll be back soon!"
"Mmmmmm!" Jenny couldn't wave.

After the homework was done, Joy had bound their arms to the sides of the chair backs at their wrist, elbows, and shoulders and with the harness and waist rope pinning them further. They were positioned so their legs were touching and fastened together at their ankles and knees. But this time there were no blindfolds.

Jenny looked at Nichole, and Nichole looked at Jenny. Here they were, the Tie-Dye Bandana Gang, kidnapped and now prisoners of Joy's friendship. They grinned at each other and started playing gag talk games to help pass the time as neither wanted to escape now.


"Mmmmmmm!" Janie enjoyed the smells of her favorite dinner.
"Yes, indeed! Steak, baked potatoes, and steamed broccoli!"
"Oh, that sounds good!" Caleigh entered the room.
"Wanna help?"
"Play video games with Janie because the potatoes will need an hour to bake."
"Oh, sure!"
"Mmmmm!" Janie was happy to share the love with Caleigh.


When dinner time came, Joyce came back with some on-campus eatery, and Bridget ate a mac-and-cheese cup and some raw veggies she had cut up. It was simple, but a thing they could all enjoy. Bridget cuddled with Sera tightly and finally, after over 6 hours, removed Sera's many gags and the blindfold.

"We have to free you!"
"It's been fun actually. I've had a lot of time to count my blessings and say many prayers."
"Pretend to be a damsel-in-distress."
"Did that too."
"Ready to come out?"
"Not until we've posted a smiling red-faced-from-tape selfie on the Cool Girls' Club."


After pizza came some video games and other such entertainment for the still bound and gagged girls. Before Joy, Jenny, and Nichole knew it, it was time for bed again! Jenny and Nichole had their wrists, elbows, breasts, and waist bound again; they got fresh orange rubber balls threaded with handkerchiefs and 6 layers of duct tape for gags; and they again got their red bandana blindfolds. Joy laid them on the floor with pillows and blankets and got in between them.

This had been one of the best weekends of their lives.


"Hard to believe time flies. That's the game and your night."
"Yeah, it's 11:30."
"Wwwwwwww!" Janie said into the blue rubber ball that gagged her.
"It's been a pleasure holding you captive," Lauren rudely hogtied her from ankles to harness.
"Cannot all be easy! You sleep well, Janie! You're free in 7 and a half hours!"

It was a memorable weekend for sure. Janie loved her sister so, so much. Lauren loved her as much. And Caleigh loved them too. It was the happiest the house had ever been.


"That was a wild TUG," Sera said as she climbed into bed.
"I am glad you enjoyed it so much," Bridget smiled.
"It was fun to observe it all," Joyce added.
"Well," Sera took off her kerchief, folded it, and blindfolded herself, "This is it for me."
"Good night!"
"Good night!"
"Good night!"
"So amazing."
"Best roommates ever!"
"I love you two!"
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Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

hafnermg wrote: 2 years ago Janie and Lauren are such good sisters. Keep up the fun! I hope more of your old stories come back like Joy in mudville and Joyous Surprise did. At least I think it was surprise lol. I also hope the Nixon family would get more of their old stories as well, though I understand some maybe lost to time and the old boards lol. I look forward to future adventures with both the Nixon family and Cool Girls Club
Unfortunately, when we lost the old board, I lost over 125 chapters worth of the "Cool Girls' Club" stories and their pieces. But I have access to a handful of them as well as two pages of the original Seasons of Love from back then but not many of the ones that explain the backstories.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 092: The White Bandana Gang

Sera, being a light sleeper, woke up and removed the blindfold to see the sun barely peeking through, which mean she had missed her alarm by 30 minutes, and it was after 7AM. But, she heard something else: crying. She looked and saw Bridget's bed empty and the bathroom door shut.

"Bridgie," she quietly knocked, "May I come in?"
"Yeah," came a sobby reply.
"What's wrong, birthday girl?"
"I'm having a sad start to my birthday."
"Why? What's wrong?"
"I'm missing my mom really bad right now."
"It's OK, sweetie," Sera hugged her.


"Hmph!" Nichole awoke with a jerk as she was hogtied from ankles to harness.
"Mmmmm!" Jenny was already tied the same way, but they couldn't see this.
"It's 5:30AM! A loud bang woke me up, and I decided to make your last 90 minutes a challenge!"
"Get out by 7AM, and you may get me back later today!"

Jenny and Nichole were just too tired to fight back, and Jenny went right back to sleep more-or-less enjoying the homestretch. Nichole just groaned a little and squirmed every so often as she knew she was helpless.

With a big hug and a selfie with each of them, Joy announced the end of their captivity and then freed them. For the first time since 10PM two nights prior, their legs were free to stretch, and it took them quite a while to get their footing back. All laughed and hugged though. The Tie-Dye Bandana Gang was finally free.

"This has been one of the best adventures of my life," Nichole grinned.
"I will never forget this one; thanks for taking time to just shower us with love, Joy," Jenny added.
"I love you two so much, my best friends ever."


"Well, kiddo, time to free you," Lauren awoke Janie by removing her blindfold and taking a selfie.
"Oh ooh?"
"Yeah, we're definitely going to the sung mass this morning, and you're 100% wearing long sleeves."
"Mmm hmm!"

Soon, Janie was freed for the first time in 33 hours. She sat on the couch and stretched every one of her now tight muscles. Her legs could move for the first time since then. Lauren sat next to her and smiled at Janie; Janie smiled back and lunged at her sister in order to squeeze her in a tight hug. Neither said a work for about 30 seconds.

"I love you, Janie."
"The real prisoner is you... the prisoner of my heart."
"That's the truth."
"But it's fun being your captive."
"It's more fun being yours."
"Lauren, I'm sorry for what happened the other day."
"It's long forgiven, Janie. Jenny was right; you needed to be spoiled for a weekend."
"Speaking of her, she and Nichole spent a weekend in captivity too!"
"Oh, and we all have many photos and videos to prove it!"


A white skirt, a navy blue blouse, and a white kerchief bandana adorned Sera as she quickly readied herself to go to the 8AM mass. Joyce put on her pink floral dress, as she feared the weather would be too cold on future Sundays... but her Florida definition of cold was anything below 70 degrees. Bridget quietly and soberly put on pink floor-length skirt, her boots, a blue button up blouse, and a white pull-over jacket. She looked at the ground.

"May I come with you?" she asked quietly.
"Of course!"
"What's wrong, Bridge? It's your birthday!"
"I'm used to my phone ringing at this time with a call from my mother."
"Oh, Bridgie, it's OK to be sad and miss your mom."
"You know it too well."


In a small fit of irony, in an apartment not too far away, Nichole put on a white skirt, a navy blue long-sleeve blouse, and a white kerchief bandana. In so doing, she was setting the stage for three individuals to get tied up. Next to Nichole was her dear "sister" Jenny, who put on brown skirt, pink long-sleeve t-shirt, and a solid brown bandana headband. It was their first time in fresh clothes since Friday morning!

In the other room, Joy and Janie were changing into their own Sunday clothes. Joy donned her blue skirt, blue blouse with white jacket, and a blue kerchief bandana. Janie put on a black skirt she had recently acquired; it came to just below her calves, which would be dragging the floor for most of her friends. With it she had a nice button-up long-sleeve green-and-black plaid shirt and a green bandana headband.

"Hiding the rope marks?"
"Big time."
"Same as my two captives."
"Joy, I am astounded by how much you three adore each other. After spending the weekend the way we all did, I am honored that you four let me be your roommate."
"Come here!" Joy jumped up to hug her.


"It's honor to be your roommate, Lauren," Caleigh buttoned up here gray-and-purple pinstriped blouse that accompanied her black pants.
"Because?" Lauren asked as she finished buttoning the black pants that accompanied her pink polo shirt.
"Of what I saw this weekend. You're the best big sister ever; I thought Eva and I were close, but she and I have nothing on you two."
"No, no, no... we just express it well."


After everyone's respective service was done, a small horde gathered in Joy's apartment. With the weather turning cold, everyone was loathe to change out of their church clothes. And so they would be tied up. It helped matters, though, that Joy's apartment was less than 5 minutes walk from the campus chapel where Catholic mass could be found. There they were: Joy, Jenny, Nichole, Janie, Sera, Bridget, Hannah, Caleigh, and Lauren. Joyce was with were boyfriend on a Sunday lunch date, and Hannah had stopped by for some friendly recreation. Hannah ominously had on white sweat pants, a white hoodie, and a white bandana headband.

"How was it?" Sera asked as she looked at Janie, Jenny, and Nichole.
"Does magical suffice?" Nichole asked her.
"That sounds perfect!"
"Say, now it's time for our captors," Nichole stood up and walked toward Joy, "To spend some time in ropes."
"After 33 hours in ropes, 3 isn't too much to ask," Janie looked at Lauren.
"I spent all day yesterday wrapped in duct tape at the hands of the birthday girl," Sera gleamed at Bridget.
"I like this idea," Jenny agreed with Nichole.
"Bring it on!" Lauren encouraged.

Soon, four girls were seated in a row on the floor: Joy, Bridget, Caleigh, and Lauren. Joy was nabbed by Nichole and Jenny; Bridget by Sera; Lauren by Janie, and Caleigh by Hannah, who just wanted a TUG. Each one was tied a bit differently though.

Joy was boxtied with her arms behind her and held by a harness and crotch rope. Her legs were roped at the ankles, knees, and thighs. A sock, a blue bandana cleave gag, and 6 layers of clear tape gagged her.

Bridget had her wrists and elbows bound together in front of her along with her ankles, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs. Her wrists were fastened to her knees and her elbows to her waist, which forced her to curl up a little. A sock and a knotted red bandana gagged her.

Lauren had the doozy with her arms behind her and on her shoulders and pinned by a breast harness and crotch rope. Her ankles, knees, and thighs were bound, and a rope ran from her harness to her knees and from her ankles to her arms, which made an effectively ball tie. A blue rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief gagged her, and a pink bandana blindfolded her.

Caleigh was bland: roped wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, and thighs with a breast harness and waist rope. A sock and 8 layers of duct tape gagged her, and she was blindfolded with a black bandana.

With this, the captors each took a selfie with their captives, and Janie filmed Lauren's helplessness. But it was agreed that it was necessarily after the recent events. Nichole, Hannah, and Sera then looked at Jenny and Janie, who were not wearing white bandanas like they were.

"No, I spent enough time tied up!" Jenny refused
"Well, it's only right though!"
"You may handcuff and gag me, OK?" Janie surrendered.

So, Jenny and Janie were handcuffed and gagged with a simple but extremely tightly knotted handkerchief. They sat on the couch and growled at their captors. Nichole sat down with Jenny and gave her a tight hug, and Sera and Hannah bumped fists to celebrate the White Bandana Gang's victory

"You're so cute when you're angry."
**knock knock**
"Sure," she opened the door, "Oh, his bro!"
"Is Bridget here? I went to your place to say happy birthday, but no one was there."
"She's a bit tied up. She'll be available in a bit though."
"Just give her this for me," he handed Sera an envelope.
"I will."

Later, after Caleigh had already escaped, Bridget was freed; she opened the card, which was generic. Inside it was written: "I guess our timing to start this was good as I didn't know your birthday came so soon. I want to say that so far it's been a lot of fun. Here's to seeing where God brings us.."

"He's a sweet young man."
"MMM!" Janie and Jenny moaned.
"Yeah, you can come out already," Bridget removed the handcuffs from their wrists.
"Thank you!" Jenny unknotted the gag and hugged Bridget, "Happy birthday. This morning, before church, we made a cake for you! Let's untie these girls and eat it!"
"Yeah!" Bridget agreed.

Bridget had friends who could guarantee a happy birthday every single time. How much she loved these crazy girls!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 093: Stuffies

Janie Patterson walked alongside her three roommates as they went to get breakfast. She had navy blue trainers, a flag t-shirt, and a flag bandana headband. Jenny wore brown trainers, a red tank-top, and a camouflage bandana headband. Nichole was in navy blue trainers, a turquoise t-shirt, and a blue camouflage kerchief bandana. Lastly, Joy had a purple skirt, a brown blouse, and a purple bandana headband.

"Man, it got cold fast," Jenny shivered as she and her roommates had been caught out by a sudden cold front and had dressed for warmer weather.
"Why isn't Sera caught off guard?" Joy asked as she and the group blubbered and moaned, noticing Sera and Joyce heading into the dining hall ahead of them.
"Same reason Joyce isn't either," Janie deduced.
"BRIDGET," all four said in unison.

Indeed, Bridget and her roommates were dressed warmly. Sera wore green sweatpants, a white long-sleeve t-shirt, and an Italian flag bandana headband. Joyce had blue jeans, as she usually did, and a turtleneck to protect her against the sub-50 degree weather. Bridget wore blue jeans and a purple flannel button-up long-sleeve shirt, but she had an 8AM class.

"So, Bridget warned you two, eh?" Nichole glared them both.
"You could say that."
"Hey, hey, I am independently well-informed. Bridgie is just a bonus," Joyce defended herself.
"Typical glasses nerd," Janie poked her.
"Nerdi," Joy giggled.
"Call me that all you like, as I have heard it so much it's a compliment."
"You're a walking compliment."
"Say what now?"
"She backhanded herself," Sera laughed.
"For a bunch of ice sticks, you sure are full of hot air," Joyce fired back.
"Awwwwwwwwwwww... burn!" Jenny laughed, "Joyce, I might need a stuffie to cuddle with later."
"Oh, is that so?"
"Yeah, you know my shtick: a cup of cocoa, a stuffie, and a blanket."
"I like Jenny's idea."
"I think it's cold of you, picking on the dear girl," Sera defended Joyce.
"I like the idea," Joyce snipped back.
"You will have to show me this stuffie business."

"What the hell, sis?" Lauren asked as her teeth chattered in class with Janie.
"It's horrible, sis... so cold."
"I know it," Lauren groaned as she had just purple trainers and a black t-shirt, her hair held in a bun by a purple ponytail and a black headband.
"But Caleigh and Zack are fine."
"Damn, they weren't caught out either?"
"Nope... and I plan to utilize both of them later!"
"Love is in the air."
"F*** off!"
"No, you're the one getting f***ed," Janie said mischievously.
"I... fell for that. UHGGHHHHH!"

Later, the quartet plus the trio walked into Joy's apartment in order to share in warmth.

"Serafina Randaccio, you're under arrest; put hands behind your back," Nichole ordered.
"Same for you Joyce," Jenny spun Joyce around.

Both girls were bound simply at their ankles, thighs, wrists, elbows, and breasts. Jenny got a blanket and a cup of hot chocolate and got on the couch cuddling Joyce.

"See, Sera? I have a stuffie."
"I like this kind of stuffie!"
"Talk too much and you become a quiet stuffie as opposed to a talking one."
"Haha! Warning heeded."
"Come here and be my stuffie," Nichole grabbed Sera.
"Quiet, stuffie!"
"Mmmm!" Sera got her own black ball gag with blue straps.
"Nice stuffie!"
"Go cuddle your husband," Joy frowned.
"Go kidnap Bridget."
"Janie already has her."
"Well, sorrrrryyyyy! Finders keepers losers weepers!" Janie said sarcastically.
"Sigh!" Joy went to put on leggings.
"This is cozy," Bridget commented.
"What do you want to do?" Jenny asked her.
"The only things I watch are hockey and Star Trek."
"NO! Silence, stuffie!" Janie got indignant.
"Mmmm!" she was gagged with a knotted handkerchief.
"I am going to be quiet," Joyce said.
"You sure will be!"
"Mmm!" she was gagged with her own ball gag.
"Hey, girls, look a Caleigh stuffie just arrived!"
"Now we all have one!"
"Zack does too! He has a Lauren stuffie!" Caleigh laughed as Joy quickly tied her up.
"Shut up! Gross!" Nichole shuddered.
"Says the other married woman!" Jenny criticized the hypocrisy.
"Kind of makes me thing of how Janie first came to be part of our games," Joy remarked.
"Oh, who could forget that wild weekend?"
"I love stories!" Caleigh smiled.

And so the girls quietly huddled with their bound friends, while Janie and Joy recounted the story.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Just know that I will be posting all 6 parts of "The Joys of College" at once tomorrow since it is a reposting from the old site.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 094: Memories XXXIII - A Joyous Visit Part 1

Joy cinched the last knot binding Bridget. Bridget and Jenny were sitting in a chair at the kitchen table. Bridget was wearing a white blouse, blue jeans, black sneakers, a blue ponytail, and a white headband. Jenny had her pink athletic shorts, a navy blue school t-shirt, pink sneakers, and a pink bandana headband. Nichole and Joyce stood watching.

"Joy, let me go!"
"Not so fast!" Joy said as she pulled out a purple bandana and folded it up.
"But the visitor!"
"C'mon, Joy!" Jenny protested too.
"We have an hour!"
"What if she sees us?"
"What if we get reported to the dean?"
"It'll be fine. You'll be freed by then."

Bridget was bound in perfect fashion. Her wrists and and elbows were bound to the sides of the chair individually. A breast harness and waist rope clamped her torso down. Each leg was thoroughly tied to the legs on the respective side with no ropes tying the legs to each other. At least she could slide the chair around.

Jenny wasn't much better off. Her arms and elbows were bound behind the chair and networked into it, never mind the breast harness and waist rope. Her ankles, knees, and thighs were bound and networked in as well. She couldn't slide the chair around.

"How come she gets bound less restrictively than I do?"
"Because you're my best friend. I give you my best."
"OH! OK... HEY!" Jenny said.
"Hey, that means I'm second fiddle."
"C'mon, Joy," Joyce said as she took a camouflage bandana out of Jenny's backpack and folded it up.
"Shut up in 3-2-1-go!" Joy said.

With that, the bound girls were quelled. They applied strips of duct tape over the victims' mouths. Joy and Joyce grabbed green and pink bandanas, respectively, and blindfolded Bridget and Jenny, respectively.

"Who is the guest, Joy?" Nichole asked
"Oh, some softball player whose sister goes here. Rules say she has to stay in a dorm, and we have an empty bunk."
"Do you know her?"
"Jenny does, right?"
"Mmmm!" she nodded.

Now it was a 3-way stale mate between Joy, Joyce, and Nichole. Joy was wearing a pink skirt that came down to her calves with a brown blouse, brown sandals, and a brown headband to look her best for the guest. Joyce was wearing black shorts, sneakers, and a red t-shirt. Nichole had on a navy blue school shirt, turquoise athletic shorts, red sneakers, and a navy blue bandana headband.

One must survive.

Janie Patterson was excited to be spending the week at Minnesota Tech with her sister, Lauren. It was the first time Janie was ever in a northern state, although being spring it certainly wasn't THAT cold. They talked excitedly as they rode in the familiar Jeep.

Lauren was used to the cold and wearing yellow athletic shorts with a navy blue school tank top with thin straps and white sneakers. Janie was less cold-hardy and wearing red sweat pants, a blue t-shirt, and a red headband with her blue sneakers.

"So how is it here?"
"The classes are REALLY hard here. You'll love them."
"Really. It'd be nice to earn an A for once."
"You'll bust your rear off for a C here."
"So how about the girls I am staying with."
"Well, they're a friend's friends. Jenny's dorm is filled, but her friends have a bunk."
"Jenny is the cross-country girl?"
"Walk on and not bad either."
"Anything about them?"
"They seem eccentric, so isn't everyone else. We're all geeks here."
"Are they nice?"
"Jenny is awesome, great girl for a freshman."
"The others?"
"I have only met one, Bridget, who's on the rowing team. She seems nice. You'll be sharing a room with her from what Jenny told me."
"How about the school?"
"It's small, and everything is within a quick walk even in winter."
"And the food?"
"Don't to the Student Union, EVER!"
"Worst food EVER!" Lauren said parking the Jeep. "Here we are!"
"What is it?"
"This here is the science building where the labs are. Total maze in there. C'mon, dorms are this way."
"That must be the cafeteria?"
"Yeah, best sandwiches you'll find anywhere around here."
"And this is the theater?"
"Run down, but the students put on good shows. Look at this?"
"What is that?"
"That's the machine shop?"
"That shed?"
"It looks like a shed, but wow is it deep! I have cut more things!"
"And this?"
"Is Rizzi Hall! Come on!"

They got Janie checked in, introduced and handed directions to find Powell Hall, where Janie was staying. Lauren didn't need the map though.

"Zach lives here?" Lauren said of her boyfriend.
"He's the 4th floor RA. I'll go see him after dumping you on the 2nd."
"Lots of students here?"
"This first floor is a lounge. It has great rooms to study in too! Even a computer lab!"
"But the staircase is rank!"
"Always. Something died, I think."
"Maybe a water buffalo!"
"Stuff it!" Lauren said prophetically, holding the door open. "This way."

They walked down the hall to #215 and knocked.

"Good luck. Text me," Lauren said walking away.
"I will!"

Joy and Nichole glanced at each other, nodded, and tackled Joyce. It was a power granted by years of friendship: the ability to work together without a prior huddle.

"Hey, now. Be nice!" Joyce said knowing she was the loser.
"A cooperative victim, nice!" Nichole said with a laugh as she tied Joyce's wrist.
"She's got an upbeat attitude," Joy said tying the girl's ankles.
"If I promise to be quiet, will you not gag me?"
"No way under the sun!" Joy said matter-of-fact-ly.
"Ah, nuts!"
"At least you are being fun about it."
"Look at the grumps over there," Nichole added to Joy's statement.
"Well, it's fun sometimes, like this."
"It's fun when both people are in on it. The struggle is OK if the spirit is there."

"A-rr [Traitor]," mmphed Bridget.

Sometimes Joyce was just brilliant with statements like that. It kept the mood up in spite of others. In the fun, they forgot about the impending visitor.

Joyce's elbows, knees, and thighs were bound, and a breast harness and waist rope pinned her arms as they sat her on the couch. Nichole ran a rope from Joyce's breasts to her knees. Joy folded a black bandana into a band and Nichole got the tape ready.

"Now shut up!" Joy said gagging the victim.
"Peace and quiet," Nichole said placing strips of tape over their friend's mouth.
"That's that."
"No it isn't!" Nichole said clamping a hand over Joy's mouth.
"Mmm! Nnn!"
"Be a sport, like Joyce."
"Mm!" Joy nodded.

Nichole tied Joy's wrists and elbows with a breast harness and waist rope before sitting her on a chair. Nichole then bound Joy's ankles, knees, and thighs. She folded up a brown bandana.

"Now open wide."
"All right," Joy said with a sigh as the gag went in.
"Thanks, champ!" Nichole said knotting it off tightly.
"Mmm!" Joy responded.
"Now then, about securing you to this chair," Nichole said as someone knocked on the door.

You could have heard a pin drop in the room at that moment. Everyone's blood ran cold as they realized they had forgotten about the guests!

"What do I do?" Nichole panicked. "Move you all into the bedrooms?"
"Mmm! Oh nn uh or!" Joy instructed.
"She'll see you!"
"Oo ay!"
"OK..." Nichole said almost crying, certain of imminent expulsion as the knock came again.

Nichole opened the door. She creaked it a smidge and saw an athletic type in the hall.

"Hello?" Nichole asked peeking.
"Are you Joy?"
"I'm Joy's friend, Nichole. Who are you?"
"Nice to meet you, Nichole. I'm Janie Patterson. Did I come to the wrong place?"
"No, no... this is it..." Nichole trailed off.
"Is everything all right?"
"One moment please," Nichole closed the door. "Joy?"
"Et rrr innn."
"OK...," Nichole said opening the door. "Come in."
"Thanks," Janie said walking in backwards checking her suitcase to make sure it came in nicely.
"Make yourself at home," Nichole quickly shut the door.
"Wow, this is nice... what the heck?!" she said spinning around.
"Hi, Janie. I'm Joy," Joy said through the gag as she struggled to stand up.
"WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON HERE?!?!?!?!" Janie demanded.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 095: Memories XXXIV- A Joyous Visit Part 2, New Friends

"I demand an answer... now! Did I just walk into an orgy of some sort?"
"Joy?" Nichole asked with a gulp.
"Un ah me!" Joy ordered.
"You're sure this ain't some creepy sex fantasy?" Janie pressed. "I need to know if I need to fear for my safety."
"Ur ay eer," Bridget moaned out.
"Janie... um..." Joy started after the bandana was out of her mouth.
"What the heck? This is redonculous!"
"We were... well..."
"Well..." Joy said.
"Out with it!"
"I am trying to word it... we're a clique."
"A different clique, I can see."
"This isn't a sex scene!"
"Then what the heck is it?!" Janie said red in the face with fury. And it was hard for a girl with her tan to get red-faced.
"We were... rough housing."
"Rough housing?! You treat it as a kid's game!"
"Well, college kids like some games too, like Apples to Apples."
"I need to leave, don't I?"
"Uh!" Jenny said motioning with her head.
"What? Take off the tape?" Janie asked.
"Mmm!" Jenny nodded.
"OK..." Janie said fearfully.
"Mmph!" Jenny moaned as the tape came off.
"Holy cow! Are you kidding me?" Janie said untying the bandana.
"Thanks," Jenny said spitting the sock out. "Can I see whom I am addressing?"
"Sure?" she slid the blindfold down to Jenny's neck.
"Hi, I'm Jenny! You look just like Lauren!" Jenny said nonchalantly.
"YOU are Jenny?!"
"This isn't an orgy?"
"This isn't a kidnapping or robbery?"
"Well, it is sort of like cops and robbers, but we skip the cops?"
"What?! Are you saying... this... is... a...?" she trailed off.
"Yes... it's a game."
"It's a game."
"You call this a game?"
"Yes, we do. We've done them for years."
"Um, why?"

There was an air of panic in the room now.

"Long story, but we are playing around. We just play... differently."
"I'll say... Do you... do this... often?"
"Every week or two some person or persons get it... we've even gotten gift wrapped as presents for our boyfriends before."
"You enjoy it?"
"Well, it's a different taste, but it's like a challenge game. You can always get better at it."
"We also sometimes do it... to hog the video games...," Joy added.
"Or TV," chimed in Nichole.
"Or to do homework with quiet," Jenny said.
"We even have an FB group where we share humiliating photos with just each other.
"Oh, my... this is the ultimate taboo...," Janie said.
"Why?!" Joy asked in shock.
"Lauren and I never text each other or talk about this kind of stuff because we don't want our parents reading or hearing it."
"What's 'it'?" Jenny asked.
"Tying each other up... this is so funny," Janie said now almost in hysterics.
"What's so funny? Are you OK?"
"I'm fine... here I thought only my siblings and I and my sister here with her friend Johanna and maybe her boyfriend did this!"
"Johanna Märkstrom?" Joy asked.
"That's one of my sister's sorority sisters. That whole sorority do thus both with each other and as a hazing ritual!"
"This is too dumb! It can't be real!" Janie said now doubled-over on the floor in laughter.
"Is she OK?" Bridget asked as Nichole had ungagged everyone and removed their blindfolds.
"Hold on," Janie said texting Lauren: "Come here; don't bring Zach."
"What are you doing?" Bridget asked her eyes growing wide.
"Telling my sister to...," she laughed, "Come see. Leave it!"
"Aw, no!" Joyce said.
"It'll be fine," Jenny reassured.
"She's Johanna's friend."
"She's my friend!"
"She's my sister!"
"This is... a bizarre moment," Nichole said stoically.
"You are so funny it's awesome!"
"Thanks," Bridget said.
"What are your names?"
"Joy, Jenny, Joyce, Bridget, and I'm Nichole."
"Pose, I want my bro to see this!" she said taking a picture.
"He'll laugh," she said sending it via Snapchat.

Trent quickly responded. He was jealous of the fun his sister was having, but he was at a different school.

"We're famous now!" Joyce said.
"Not yet we ain't," Joy reminded as there was a knock on the door.
"Wait up," Janie said opening the door and quickly shutting it.
"Janie, what is up with-- WHOA!"
"Janie, meet Joy, Nichole, Joyce, and Bridget."
"Whoa-oh Jenny. I had no clue!"
"Well I didn't know about you!"
"You two also?"
"I or Trent always have this kid nice and tight when our folks aren't looking."
"They're envious."
"She's the goody-two-shoes who does her homework in 30 minutes and gets an A."
"Brainy?" Jenny asked.
"Quite... she always will get you back!" Lauren said putting her hands on Janie's shoulders.
"It's all love though."
"How about you get used to your friends?"
"How so, sis?"
"Like this," Lauren said grabbing a hold of Janie. "Quick!"
"Hey there!" Janie said as Lauren pushed her into a chair.
"Move it... Nichole, right?"
"Yes!" Nichole said going along and tying Janie's wrists behind her.
"Lauren, you traitor."
Be a sport, squirt!" Lauren chided as Janie's elbows were bound.
"How on earth?" Janie wondered aloud.
"You just got owned!" Joy said with a laugh.
"Big time. Wow! Sibling love, right?" Joyce added.
"Hold still," Nichole tying a breast harness.
"This will be an interesting few days," Janie said as a waist rope was added.
"It'll be awesome!" Jenny said.
"You're in good hands with Jen," Lauren said binding Janie's ankles, knees, and thighs.
"Well, we can take time to get to know each other now!" Janie said.
"No, you talk too much," Nichole said folding a red bandana.
"That's what she says!"
"She's right," Lauren said taking the bandana and gagging Janie.
"Tape?" Nichole asked handing a roll.
"Thanks," Lauren said wrapping her sister's head up.
"She's a talkative one, isn't she? She just goes on and on like n-"
"Shut up, Jen." Nichole said gagging Jenny again with the camouflage.
"Tape?" Lauren asked.
"Necessary. These two don't stop!"
"Janie and Jenny are both the same. They're both awesome, but they talk too much."

Everyone laughed in hearty agreement except those so silenced.

"Now the rest have sentences to finish!" Nichole said.
"Let's!" Lauren agreed.

Soon, the girls were all regagged with Joy being the lucky girl to get white tape because gray was finished on Janie's mouth. Those who had been were blindfolded again. Joy and Janie got pink and blue, respectively. Joy and Janie were glad they didn't have socks.

They carried Joy to the living room and hogtied her there the floor. They took Janie and hogtied her as well. The standing girls surveyed the domain.

"This is nice and quiet!" Lauren said looking out the window.
"Yeah, too bad this isn't my place."
"It's not?!"
"No, Joy, Joyce, and Bridger live here. I live with Jen."
"Huh. She never mentions y'all much."
This is why," Nichole said.
"You gals are awesome!"
"We are!" Nichole agreed as they bumped fists.

This was an interesting start to this weekend. Lauren wondered if she had found new friends. It was only 4:00 on Saturday, and they had the rest of the day plus a Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday to go through (more later)!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 096: Memories XXXV - A Joyous Visit Part 3, A Whirlwind Tour

Nichole and Lauren talked for about an hour. Lauren eventually cut it off because she had to go get ready for a game that evening.

"Tell Janie I'll see her tonight."
"I will," Nichole assured, and they bumped fists.

Nichole began the process of releasing her victims, cautioning them to keep quiet as they rubbed their wrists. Knowing thr plans, they cleaned up the mess. Nichole left Joy and Janie, however, after undoing their hogties. She sat them both on the couch whilst the rest watched in silence.

Nichole tied them back to back before removing their blindfolds. It was a mismatch between the 5'4" Joy and the now 5'9" Janie, who was the same height as her sister. They just glared and mmphed hoping for freedom. Finally, Nichole started.

"So this is Janie Patterson."
"She looks just like her sister," Bridget observed.
"Well, they played tricks on the announcers in high school," Jenny noted.
"I can see how," Nichole added.
"Let's untie Joy," Joyce said and did so without permission.
"Thanks," Joy said afterward, "And what about her?"
"Well, we could torture her," said a sinister voice.
"Mmmm ayy!" Janie screamed as she flailed on the couch.

The girls decided the friendship was too new for torture to be involved. Then, much to the surprise of all, Janie suddenly pulled a hand out. Within minutes she was untied. She spat out the gag.

"Take that!" she said with utmost satisfaction.
"How did you?!" Nichole asked.
"You tied me like I am a little thing. Look!"

Suddenly, they realized Janie's point: she was 6 inches taller than all of them, if not more.

"Dayum!" Bridget said.
"She's an athlete all right!" Joy observed.
"Hey, now. Shorties are athletes too," Jenny said frowning.
"Let's just sit down. So, Janie, how did you get here?" Joy asked.
"Lauren drove me over."
"You plan to go to the other games this weekend?"
"Of course. I have a scholarship offer and want to see it firsthand."
"You play too?"
"Yeah, and I kick butt too!"
"You've got Lauren's confidence," Jenny noted.
"All the way. Always the winner!"
"So, what do you want to do?"
"See the campus a bit and eat."
"Let's go then. We'll give you the short version today."
"Awesome. Let's move it!"
"You have a lot of energy!"
"Don't you?"
"Not like that!"
"We can go to the gym later," Bridget said.
"You have a gym. Cool!"
"Let's go!" Joy said opening the door. She locked it behind them.
"Where to first?" Janie asked excitedly.
"How about the tour while it's still light out?"
"Let's do it then!"

The girls showed Janie all over the campus. They showed her the dorms, class buildings, library, gym, dining hall, and athletic center.

"Do you go to church?" Jenny asked.
"Occasionally, I guess."
"Well come with us tomorrow, me, your sis, and Joy. We all go to one nearby."
"All right. I'm hungry now. Can we eat?"
"Right this way!" Joy motioned.

The girls ate dinner and went to the softball game together, but unfortunately the home team lost this one, 6-1, but it was an experience none-the-less. Soon, they were all back in the dorm talking again.

"What brought you here?" Nichole asked.
"I wanted to see snow," Lauren responded
"We have no snow in Florida, never mind the extreme cold!" Janie added.
"You both like softball?" Jenny asked.
"Like? We LOVE it," Lauren noted.
"To the point our relationship with each other is pretty much centered on it."
"So you and Lauren also... tie each other up?" Joyce asked.
"In good fun. We nail each other in revenge for slights, mostly," Janie said with a smile. Lauren laughed as they thought about the times.
"It's a lot of love and trust," Lauren added.
"Show us your stuff!" Bridget challenged, "On Lauren."
"Ooh... yeah!" Nichole cheered.
"Now?" Lauren asked.

Lauren was reluctant at this. She was wearing navy blue athletic shorts with white stripes, a white exercise shirt, a navy blue headband, a navy blue pony tail, and white sneakers. She was thinking about the gym.

"Sure, we can do it, right, sis?" Janie said with a grin.
"OK," Lauren shrugged.
"Sit here," Janie said motioning to the couch as Joy brought her rope.

Janie tied Lauren's arms in a box tie with a breast harness. She bound her sister's ankles, thighs, and knees and hogtied her to the harness. The girls admired Janie's smooth and effective motions. She was gentle yet effective with her methods. Each motion was deliberate and done to cause minimum skin damage.

Lauren was a bit restricted. Her bonds were a bit hard to just escape from. She instead worked toward talking her captors into letting her go.

"Hey, can I go now? I have homework!"
"Sure," Janie said releasing her sister.
"Thanks," Lauren said rubbing her wrists.

The sisters hugged each other and Lauren left. Jenny and Nichole left shortly after, leaving Joy, Joyce, Bridget, and Janie. They showed her college life: dorm stuff, HW, etc. until bed time.

Around 11, Joy conferred with Joyce, and the two came to Janie.

"It's bed time," Joy said.
"Nah! The party's beginning!"
"Not for you," Joyce said.
"Here, put these on your wrists," they said handing Janie two red bandanas.
"Trust us."

Janie complied, but was a bit a surprised to see Joy and Joyce return with brown and red bandana masks. They had rope in their hands. Bridget saw and grabbed a blue bandana and tied it over her own face. It was "Cool Girls Club" time.

"Hold still and trust us," Joyce said before grabbing Janie.

Janie didn't know what to do this, but didn't yell. She tried to kick and punch, but two against one was hopeless, so she quietly gave up.

Joy shoved a sock in Janie's mouth and gagged her with a black bandana. The brought her into the bedroom and tied her spread-eagle into her bunk. Bridget wrapped red tape around her head several times. They blindfolded her with a blue bandana.

"Those bandanas on your wrists will protect you from the ropes," Joy comforted.
"Group photo time!"

The girls posed and Joy uploaded it as "New Cool Girls Club member, Janie Patterson" and added Janie to the group because Janie had escaped earlier as it was. Janie had a long night ahead of her!

For the next two hours, she could hear activity going on but not see it as she drifted in and out of sleep.

During the night, Janie awoke and tried to stretch. She felt a tug and remembered her plight.

"Oh, well. Time to pick away," she thought.

She picked away with what little slack she had. Thanks to her size, she was pretty much touching the bed posts as it was. She got off one rope, and from there it was easy. She threw the ropes on the ground, tore off the tape and tossed it, untied the bandana and tossed it, and spat out the sock. She left the blindfold because it was easier to sleep later in total darkness because light doesn't affect you.

"Good night, Janie," Bridget said barely above a whisper.
"G'night, Bridget," she responded and crawled under the covers.

In the morning, being an athlete prevailed over Janie's best efforts, and she found herself awakening at 5:30 AM. She removed the blindfold and looked around for a minute. She was alone at the moment. She took off the bandanas on her wrists and used her phone's flashlight... it worked nicely! Janie would keep that in mind! She used her phone to check Facebook.

There were several notifications, including her addition to the Cool Girls' Club and being tagged in the photo. She had several notifications from other friends and a PM from Lauren sent... 5 minutes ago. She figured, and sure enough Amanda was on too. Athletes, youknow?

She told Amanda all about what had happened in the last 18 hours. Amanda laughed and expressed some amusement, being familiar with but not a regular participant in the Patterson games. Lauren was more interesting.

"Went to bed in strings."
"LOL Wut?"
"Got tackled and strung up in jumping jack formation."
"LOL Ur kidding?"
"No. Sock stuffed in, taped, and tied to my bed."
"Wow! U escaped?"
"After a brief sleep."
"Where R U?"
"In bed."
"Come over here."
"I can't find you."
"True that. What else they do?"
"Added me to FB group. Tagged in funny photo."
"LOL they pwned U!"
"It's a did now. Ur turn l8r."
"No way!"
"Yeah, way! I'll do it myself!"
"LOL I dare you!"
"You'll see!"

They continued for a while until Janie heard Joyce moving around in the main living space. She got up, rubbed her eyes, and went out. In the light, she could better examine herself... no need for long sleeves. Toughening of the skin appeared to have occurred over the years to further help.

There was little to say until some hours later when Joy, Janie, and Bridget were preparing to held to the church. Joyce went to a different one, and Nichole didn't go at all, much to Jenny's consternation. When Jenny and Lauren arrived, they all left together. Everyone had their backpacks to do HW together later.

Joy was wearing her same outfit as yesterday, but her white blouse wad now red. Bridget had a short, barely knee length lavender skirt with a purple blouse and matching dress shoes. Janie, unprepared for this, had to wear her blue jeans and a plain blue t-shirt with a blue headband with her sneakers. Jenny was wearing a pink ankle-length skirt with a purple blouse, a solid pink bandana headband, and pink flip flops. Lauren had on a red and black dress with sandals. Joyce had on dress pants and a white blouse with her black dress boots.

As they walked along, Bridget's phone got a notification.

"Hey, there's severe weather headed our way."
"So?" Janie asked, being used to regular thunderstorms.
"She's a meteorology major; ignore her!" Jenny advised.
"You never know!" Bridget defended. "What if we got a tornado HERE?"
"We probably won't. And if we do get a warning, we'll go downstairs."
"Two years and no storms yet!" Lauren boasted.
"You better be ready just in case!"
"Yeah, right," Joy said.
"Lauren and I are into CVE, so..."
"Power to engineers!" Joy said. "ME here!"
"AE here! Yeah!" Jenny said, and they high-fived each other.

Church started at 9:30 and let out around 11:40. Janie was glad no one made faces at her choice of dress. When they got out, the sky was ominous. Bridget checked her phone.

"We have storms headed our way," she said almost gleefully.
"You weather people are weird!" Jenny said.
"Hey, this afternoon's game is being postponed until 5 due to the weather," Lauren announced with a frown.
"Aw, no way!" Janie added with a frown.
"That sucks," Jenny said.
"Coach says they will decide whether or not to cancel later."

The girls all returned to the dorm. Nichole was in the hall waiting wearing black sneakers, pale blue sweatpants, black t-shirt, and pe blue bandana headband. Janie got to see first hand the difficulties of college work. Large volumes of notebook paper were being sacrificed. Much to the surprise of all, Janie knew quite a lot.

"How do you do it?" Joy asked in amazement.
"She means she's in the brain classes, like college in high school," Lauren said with a grin.
"College in high school? NO way. Not for me!" Nichole declared.
"I'm a sophomore. I KNOW you can't do Differential Equations!" Lauren boasted.
"Last thing we need is a bunch of know-it-alls," Nichole muttered cynically.
"Shove it," Joyce said flatly.

After the initial embarrassment of the guest visiting college knowing more than the college-aged girls, they plodded along nicely. Nichole got up to stretch, which was a mistake with grievous consequences.

Lauren jumped up and grabbed Nichole with one arm whilst cupping her mouth with the other. Nichole was helpless. Here she was 5'4" and twiggy versus a nearly 6 foot tall softball player. She flailed her legs, but that only made it easier for Jenny to tie them, knees, thighs, and ankles, with rope.

"Why?" Joy asked.
"She was the only one who did NOT get it yesterday," Jenny hastily replied as she bound Nichole's wrists and elbows.
"Um, right..." Bridget said not surprised in the least bit.
"Sounds good," Janie said.
"I can help," Joyce said folding up a navy blue and a pink bandana.
"Ready- go!" Lauren said removing her hand for a sock to go in.
"There we go," Joyce said tying the blue cloth in her friend's mouth.
"Almost done," Jenny said tying a breast harness and waist rope.
"Finished!" Lauren said using the pink to blindfold Nichole.
"Bring her here," Joyce said motioning to her and Joy's bunk bed.

They added ropes to fasten Nichole's body to the bed. She was rendered immobile from all this, but like any tie there must be some way to escape! The girls went through the usual process of selfies, videos, and pictures for their group. All's fair in love and games, as far as they were concerned.

After 10 minutes, Bridget walked over to the window. The skies were ominous, and she could see lightning afar off. She was taking pictures of it and such, but suddenly a look of panic came over her.

"Tornado warning... for the school!"
"It's no biggie!" Jenny said.
"We know the drill!" Joy added.
"What drill?" Janie asked.
"Go down to the lowest level. Bring padding such as pillows and quilts," Joyce said mockingly.
"Well grab some, **** it!" Bridget snapped out.
"Yes sirree!" Joy said jumping and grabbing their winter quilts out of the closet.
"It won't hit us anyway!" Jenny said as it started to rain.
"We have a plan, and if we follow it we will keep safe!" Lauren said calmly, as the lone voice of reason. "I know from freshman year."
"You had one, too?" Joy asked observing the sky take a green tinge.
"My Jeep!" Lauren wailed as it started hailing.
"Time to let Nichole go!"
"Mm hmm!" the gagged one agreed.
"I am nervous," Bridget said looking out the window and at her phone.
"You don't say," Nichole called out as Joy and Janie slowly released her.
"You hear that?" Bridget asked.
"Yeah, what is it?"
"Tornado siren! Grab and go!"

The girls were ready for anything. But this was scary for anyone. They all got down to the first floor and huddled down. Suddenly, a male figure joined them.

"Hey, girls," the tall figure spoke out.
"Hiya honey!" Lauren said. Joyce stuck her tongue out.
"Hey, Zach."
"Hey, where's Nichole, Janie, and Joy."
"Hup!" Jenny said clasping a hand over her mouth, then she whispered, "They are still untying Nichole!"
"Oh, no, here they come," Bridget giggled.

The group huddled under the two quilts as the sirens continued to sound. They talked and played cell phone games both with each other and with others. It was an hour before they could go back.

Janie was shaken up. This was a lot scarier than the little Florida storms!
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Chapter 097: Memories XXXVI - A Joyous Visit Part 4, Arrested Development

Nichole was a bit angry upon the return to the dorm. It wasn't the storm or being tied up. It was that she was tied up and nearly abandoned during the storm! She called a conference with Janie, Joy, and Bridget.

"Look, it's four against three. One on one we can win mostly, but we need Janie to take down Lauren."
"Sore over that?" Joy asked.
"That was embarrassing! We were by far the last ones there!" Nichole said almost tearfully. "Minutes are life and death!"
"And no one listens to Bridget," Bridget said rolling her eyes.
"So what do we do?" Janie asked confused.
"Joy, your handcuffs."
"You have handcuffs?!" Janie asked taking a step back.
"Shhh... yes, I do. I only use them to force someone's hand."
"She makes us do stuff to win our freedom," Bridget added.
"We can do it," Joy said opening her bureau drawer.
"Ready?" Nichole asked. "We'll ambush them. They expect it now."

Being girls and dressed all in either athletic outfits or church clothes, they had no pockets to hide stuff! So they strolled out obviously, placing the handcuffs, rope, bandanas, socks, and tape on the table. Jenny let out a gulp.

"You girls planning on really testing each other?"
"We plan on doing something all right," Nichole said sitting down.
"It's cool. Just showing off," Joy said.
"We wouldn't do that to each other, would we, sis?" Janie said walking behind Lauren.
"Nah, we're sports."
"That we are," Janie said readjusting the cuffs she had stuck in her shorts behind her back. No one could see them.
"We are pretty fair about things," Lauren said reflecting on the past. She closed her eyes and relaxed.
"That we are," Janie said moving lightning fast. In an instant, Lauren was handcuffed.
"Some sport!" Lauren said before Janie stuffed a sock in her mouth and tied a red bandana over it. Janie put three strips of tape over Lauren's mouth.
"I am quite the sport, aren't I?" she said giving her sister a kiss.

She tied up Lauren's ankles and networked them into the chair before tying Lauren's knees. She added a breast harness.

"I think that's good enough. I'll wait til we have a group photo before I blindfold you."
"Mmm? Ugh!" Lauren mmphed while rolling her eyes.
"Be a sport," Janie said with a smile.
"Uh huh," Lauren laughed making as much of a smile as she could.
"I can see where this is going," Joyce said.

Joyce was the most rational of this group. She just got up, moved her chair next to Lauren's, sat down, grabbed a sock, stuffed it in her mouth, cleave gagged herself with a black bandana, put strips of tape over the gag, grabbed a pair of cuffs, and cuffed her own hands behind her back.

"That was easy," Nichole said grabbing rope to tie Joyce's ankles and thighs and network them into the chair. Bridget tied a breast harness. There were now two similarly bound and, courtesy the handcuffs, totally helpless girls.

Jenny just let out a long sigh. She had come to expect this kind of thing. But she still wasn't used to surprise attacks of this kind: the kind where you are plain outnumbered. Was it fun still? Yes, but the thrill of being captured isn't the same. There was a chair waiting, so Jenny sat in it.

Silently, the captors pinioned Jenny. She got gagged with a sock, a pink bandana, and tape strips. She knew she couldn't escape thanks to the cuffs, but she decided that, for the sake of her friends, she would put up a storm.

"Mmmmm!" she started in an angry tone.
"Someone's a bit displeased," Joy said.
"Maybe they shouldn't abandon folks during a tornado," Nichole added.
"Mmmmm!" Jenny added thrashing about in her chair. She moved it with such force it knocked Joy over.
"Be careful!" Joy yelled out.
"Mmmm!" Jenny yelled back before stopping.
"Now, pose for a group picture!"
"Mmm?!" Lauren asked questioningly as Bridget's camera flashed.
"Get used to it," Janie said to her beleaguered sibling.
"Mmmm!" Lauren, Joyce, and Janie let out as their captors produced red, white, and purple bandanas, respectively.
"Night night," Bridget said as the girls got blindfolded whilst she filmed it.
"This'll teach you to abandon friends in a time of need," Nichole said with satisfaction.
"They look so lonely," Bridget said.
"Yeah, maybe a certain know-it-all weather girl should join them," Joy said slyly.
"It might make things... simpler...," Janie reasoned.
"Come, Bridget," Joy said grabbing some rope.
"C'mon, I was just keeping you posted."
"You had us in full blown panic!" Nichole disagreed.
"Time to go down!" Janie said twisting a gray bandana and a sock in her hands.
"Oh, brother!" Bridget said before Nichole turned her around.

The girls quickly tied and gagged Bridget into a chair with the others. Unlike them, however, she wasn't handcuffed, but they tied her as effectively as that before blindfolding her with a yellow bandana.

Nichole pulled a pale blue bandana from her pocket and tied it over her face. Joy did the same with a brown one.

"Well?" Nichole asked.
"Well, what?" Janie asked back.
"It's selfie time!"
"Grab one and join us!"
"OK," Janie said grabbing a blue bandana and doing the same.

They posed for the selfies and took a video before adding to the collection of memories. They reveled in their triumph until Lauren got a text. The game was going to happen after all: in 1 hour!

With that, the girls had to let Lauren go, but they kept the others. Lauren wagged a finger at them.

"I'll get you, Janie!"
"Next time, Gadget!"
"Next time! Muahahah! Excuse me!" she said and quickly ducked out the door.
"Is she a member of the club?" Nichole asked.
"No, but she should be," Joy said
"Then why isn't she?"
"Jenny's the club admin, remember!"
"Drat!" Janie said.
"Mmmph!" Jenny sassed back.

What to do with angry captives?!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 098: Memories XXXVII - A Joyous Visit Part 5, No Laughing Matter

What's a little tickle torture between friends. Torture is one of those things that, when done properly, can strengthen the bonds between people (see what I did there?). It forces trust between the captive and the captor. For friends, it adds that extra something, especially when it's all a game, and all will be evened out in the end.

Take off the shoes, then the socks, and tickle away. What can people handcuffed and fastened to chair do besides wish they could kick you? But that's what fastening the legs to the chair itself prevents! All they can do is go "Hurr hurr" as they think foul thoughts, because speech is meaningless with a sock and scarf in your mouth.

Such was life for Jenny, Joyce, and Bridget and their captors Janie, Joy, and Nichole. These pleasures reminded everyone it was all a game. It was a game of trust. Was it different from the societal norm? Yes. But it was still a game with all the innocence afforded thereof. While the rest of the kids are playing Cards Against Humanity, these gals are doing this.

"I think that's enough," Joy said.
"Let's go to the softball game," Janie added.
"OK, but let's get them set to escape first. Help me."
"Sure," Janie agreed.

They carried the girls into the bedroom. They tied their wrists with rope and took off the handcuffs.

"There, now they can escape. It's an easy tie."
"Let's go before they throw the pitch," Janie said.
"Bye Joyce, Bridget," Nichole said, "See you later, Jen."
"Hmmmph!" Jenny shouted back as the bedroom door shut.
"Let's go," Joy then said.

This game was much happier as the home team was victorious. Lauren had a hit and nailed a runner attempting to steal. It was in good spirits the trio left the game, but Nichole left to face the consequences at her own dorm.

"What do you want to do now?" Joy asked Janie.
"I want to see the night life!"
"Well, that I can do! C'mon!"
"Where are we going?"
"To the little hidden corner. It's a night-time only eatery under the Student Union."
"It's right here," Joy said opening the door.
"Wow!" Janie exclaimed noting the restaurant type atmosphere.

It was small, but busy enough. Joy and Janie took a seat. Janie noticed the photos on the wall of various sports teams, including a softball team that won the title some years back.

"I'll get us a couple shakes. Flavor?"
"Strawberry, please."
"I'll be back with them."

Janie kept looking. She hoped there would be a photo with her and Lauren in it. Janie started texting her sister while she waited. Soon, Janie was sitting with her sister, but Joy was delayed due to the crowd. It was too popular a place to be so small. Soon, a boy came over.

"Well, hello. I don't believe I have seen you before."
"I'm a visitor."
"I can see that indeed," he said sizing her up.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Stan. I'm a junior. Are you two siblings?"
"Yeah, my sister goes to school here," Janie said disinterestedly.
"Well that's always nice. If you decide to come, ask for Stan."
"Push off, Zbornak."
"I'll flirt with the girls as I please."
"If you don't leave, Zbornak, I'll pop your nose off."
"Is that a threat?!"
"Zbornak, everyone knows you're a creep so lay off it now!!!!" Lauren screamed out. The room hushed down at this standoff.
"Stan, get away, now! You have enough on your record as it is," Joy said calmly and coldly.
"B*t(#&$," he muttered and left the place. Normality resumed.
"He would have had you if not for me," Lauren said.
"Nah, I wasn't interested in that pipsqueak."
"Stan's a womanizer," Joy said sitting down.
"Eight broken hearts and 2 trips to the psychiatrist."
"Yup! Like the walls? I could see you looking."
"Yeah, I was looking..."
"And thinking how much better it would be with a picture with us in it up there?" Lauren interrupted.
"Maybe next year! I have been thinking that way since I first saw this place."
"I like it here... a lot."
"Keep away from Stan's, and you will be OK."
"Don't mention that sock puppet," Joy said. "Let's go."
"I dunno. Maybe to the dorm lounge. There's stuff going on tonight."
"Like what?"
"I have no idea. What did your boyfriend say, Lauren?"
"I think they're having a draft for the dorm games next week."
"Well, that's no fun, though I would like to be there."
"I'll go and submit your name," Lauren offered kindly.
"Thanks! Might as well go back. Sunday's are quiet here."
"You could come to my place!"
"I am. Tomorrow. Remember?"
"Yes, I do now. Joy, show her the gym tomorrow morning."
"I will, but I think we are going back now. Time for some dorm-style recreation."
"What is that?" Janie asked.
"Games, sticking heads in open doors, baking cookies and giving them to people..."
"Let's do it!"
"All right!"

Joy's idea had been fantastic. They had gone back, prepared dozens of cookies, and played video games with the now-free Joyce and Bridget whilst the cookies baked and cooled. They then went around giving away cookies to friends and co-residents.

It was all so tiresome. They were sitting on the small couch they had, a standard in this apartment-style dorm. They were sitting back to back, their hands cuffed behind them and around each other's stomachs. Rope bound their ankles, knees, and thighs. Ropes ran around their breasts in a pseudo-harness with rope cinching it tight in between them. Waist ropes further restricted them.

"This'll teach you two!" Bridget said.
"Tickling us like that!" Joyce added.
"Mmm!" Janie moaned against the sock and blue bandana gagging her.
"Mmm!" Joy added into her sock and brown bandana gag.

Both girls had tape strips over their mouths to boot. They were also blindfolded, Joy with camouflage and Janie with pink. The position wasn't ideal. They both moaned as their shoes came off. They were dragged onto the floor lying down. Their legs were tied together at the usual spots.

This was stiff and uncomfortable. Fortunately, Janie was big compared to Joy, but for Joy it was a stretch. They tried to roll around a little, but it was pointless with handcuffs. The inevitable came soon.

"This is for tickling us earlier!"

Janie and Joy got forced to laugh into socks for about 20 minutes. It continued in spurts until they were blue in the face. Friendship was incredible as always. Janie and Joy were both soaked in sweat from the combination torture-togetherness. They could feel the sweat they were so wet. Joy was mad that she was sweating this much in one of her nicest outfits! When it was over Joyce and Bridget undid the cuffs and tied their wrists.

"We had to free ourselves. Y'all can too," Joyce said.
"Knock yourselves out. It's even now," Bridget smiled.
"Nichole is probably doing a number on Jenny right now!"
"In fact here's a picture! Oh, you can't see it. Sorry," said Bridget sarcastically.

Joy and Janie slowly picked away at things. Janie got her gag off somehow.

"Joy, how are you?"
"Work at it. The scarf isn't very tight."
"I have this one rope. Let's see. Can you twist your torso! One mmph for yes, and two for no!"
"OK... working. I... think... I... got it!"
"Mmm! Smme!"
"Here we go! I'm free!"
"Great, now get me out."
"Hold on!"
"Let me... hard to reach this harness, but I have it."
"Good going. Nothing keeps you down!"
"Now our legs... ankles... knees... thighs. And I slip out of you."
"Great. Now a little help?"
"Nah, I need a shower."
"C'mon, Janie!"
"I can, so you can too!" Janie said untying the bandana on her eyes.
"Have fun," Janie said untying the bandana that was her gag before and tossing it in the laundry basket as she went toward the bedroom.
"Oohhh... anyone?" Joy asked sadly.

One thing about gags... when they are soaked and then you spit them out they did, you have this spit soaked bandana around your neck. For some, it itches horribly, and Joy was one of those. She got up.

"Joyce, Bridget? Someone please," she said slowly walking around.
"Joy?" Joyce asked just as Joy tripped over a couch into her arms.
"All right, I'll help."
"Thanks," Joy said as the bandanas were removed as well as the rope.
"No problem. Janie abandon you?"
"Yeah, to get the bathroom before me."
"Of course."
"We were busy today."
"How can you tell?"
"Look at all these spit soaked gags and socks we have."
"We have a lot of people to gag."
"Maybe more tape in the future. Look at this! I can't wear this or these even after washing!" Joy said holding up a bandana and two socks with holes chewed in them.
"Joy, why is there a hole in your sock?" Joyce asked in a deep comedic voice.
"Well, I was hungry and decided to eat the sock. That was no good so I tried the other."
"What about your shirt?"
"Well, the moths ate that before I could!"

Thus concluded a bizarre day.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 099: Memories XXXVIII - A Joyous Visit Part 6, Living the Life

Today was the special day at last. Janie had so much on her plate: go to practice and watch Lauren, try out the gym, sit in on two classes, meet a professor, and then go to Lauren's for dinner before heading back to the dorm. It was all so much in so little time!

Janie decided to go all red: athletic shorts with white striping, t-shirt, and headband. No one else was awake as she sneaked out to meet up with Lauren. Lauren met her in navy sweat pants, a school shirt, and a white headband.

The sisters met at the gym, where they did some private workouts together. It was light work more or less to warm up. Afterward, they went to the athletic grounds. There, Lauren introduced Janie to the coaches and teammates.

Whilst the team practiced, Janie spoke with a recruiter. She asked questions about scholarships, facilities, schedules, and travel. She was satisfied with the answers she got. By the time they were done talking, Janie had to leave to find Joy, her guide.

"See ya later, sis!" she screamed across the field.
"Bye, squirt!"

Janie returned to the dorm. She was happy with the weather, which was cool enough that she wasn't sweating. Joy was waiting.

"Are you ready?"
"Let me grab my bag!"
"Let's go! I need to get you to your class by 8:20, or I will be late for mine!"
"All right, all right!"

The rest of the day was a whirlwind. She sat in on a CVE intro class, a math class, and talked with a professor. Janie liked what she saw and made up her mind: to go to school here. After all was done, Janie met up with Jenny. Jenny had on her lime athletic shorts, a pink shirt, a red bandana headband, and her pink sneakers.

"Ready to go to Lauren's?" Jenny asked.
"Sure. It's go time!"
"Did you have fun?"
"I liked my day, a lot. I like the small classes."
"You don't run out of attention here, that's for sure."
"What is your favorite part?"
"The hands on stuff."
"All the way!"

They arrived at Lauren's and knocked. Johanna, Lauren's roommate and TUG buddy, answered.

"Come in, girls! You must be Janie! I am Johanna, but you can call me Jo."
"I am Janie. Nice to meet you. Where's my sis?"
"In the living room. C'mon!"
"Hey, Lauren. Yikes!" Janie exclaimed.

Lauren was on their couch. Her knees, thighs, and ankles were bound with rope with her ankles tied to a breast harness to ball tie her. Her hands were bound in front of her and to her ankles, curling her up. She plead with her eyes on account of the sock, white bandana, and clear tape gagging her.

"What happened?!" Jenny asked.
"Friendly games, y'know!" Johanna responded. Lauren laughed best she could.
"You lose a dare again?" Janie asked knowingly.
"Mm hm!" Lauren said as she wriggled around.
"Now, one of you is joining her, and the other isn't," Johanna said.
"Bye, Janie!" Jenny said grabbing Janie, "Quick, she's strong!"
"Jenny, how could you!" Janie exclaimed.

Janie bucked up in resistance, knocking herself and Jenny on the floor. They wrestled with Janie winning out. She pushed herself off Jenny and stood up. Just then she felt a rope tying her ankles and down she went back onto Jenny, who winced but grabbed rope.

In 10 minutes, Janie was bound just like Lauren but gagged with a red bandana. Then they were blindfolded, Lauren with pale blue and Janie with one of Jenny's camouflage. Photos and videos were taken by Jenny, who shared them with FB whilst she added Lauren to the group.

The sisters were seated facing each other but seeing nothing. Ball tied, they couldn't even rock forward to assist each other. They were helpless.

In spite of this, Janie was loving college life.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 100: Memories XXXIX - A Joyous Visit Part 7, Torture

Janie's stomach rumbled. She hadn't realized how hungry she was, but she couldn't ask for food either. There were certain negatives associated with these games. One was not being able to talk, and two was being tickled to no end.

The fingers dug in randomly with no pattern whatsoever. Unable to see what was happening, there was no way to prepare. Nevertheless. the game aspect prevailed. Laughter didn't exactly fill the room except those from Jenny and Johanna. The end of the torture was signaled by supper. The ropes binding the girls wrists to their ankles were undone, and the blindfolds were slid up and off their eyes.

"Mmm!" Janie and Lauren plead for further assistance.
"Save yourselves," Jenny said giving them both a pat on the back.
"Hmmmph!" Janie grunted indignantly.
"Ehhh!" Lauren advised.

With the adjustments, Janie and Lauren could slide next to each other to pick at their bonds. It would've been easy were it not for the tape. But having their hands tied in front made it a breeze!

"Yes!" Lauren exclaimed as she spat out the sock.
"How long were you there waiting for me?"
"An hour!"
"You were held hostage for a full hour. Uncool."
"We know you'll try to get us back!" Johanna yelled out.
"Stow it, Jo! We can getcha!" Lauren yelled back.
"What is the plan?" Janie whispered.
"One-on-one. We're too strong."
"Nice! We'll give them the one-two punch."
"All the way."

After dinner, Lauren left the room. Janie quickly scanned for Jenny. This was personal, now, and Janie wanted a little revenge. This was too easy. Janie walked right up to Jenny.

"Boom! Score for the team!" she yelled as she grabbed the smaller figure.
"I should have known better!" Jenny laughed.
"Now you know it is quiet time!" Janie said tying Jenny's hands behind her back in a boxtie.
"Not yet!"
"It is now," Janie responded grabbing a sock and brown bandana from Jenny's bag. That and a few strips of tape shut up Jenny nicely.
"Come down here," Janie added as she pushed Jenny onto the floor.

Janie bound Jenny's ankles, knees, and thighs. She added a breast harness before the hogtie. The camouflage bandana that had blindfolded Janie earlier was still on her head. She untied it and blindfolded Jenny with it.

Lauren entered the living room with a similarly tied Jo. Jo was wearing jean shorts and a white shirt. She was gagged with a knotted blue bandana and blindfolded with black. Lauren hogtied her victim next to Janie's using the pale blue bandana that hand blindfolded her earlier.

"It's time to show them!"
"What sibling power can do?"
"Awesome sister power!" Lauren said, and they high fived.

Tickling then commenced. The torture continued for a while until the revenge was complete. Without thinking, Janie uploaded a photo and video of the victims to the FB group.

"Let's go for a run!"
"Sounds awesome as ever!"
"Let's do it then. They'll be fine."
"Lead the way boss."

After 25 minutes they stopped near the house. They looked up. It was dark and starry now. Janie would be leaving tomorrow morning.

"It has been an incredible time."
"I'm glad you liked it, although I am sorry for the initial embarrassment."
"It's OK. I want you to know, Lauren..."
"You're the best ever," Janie said giving her sister a hug.
"It'll be even better in the fall."
"With you here!"
"How did you know?!"
"I'm your sister, duh! Let's go back."
"Race you!"
"You're on!"

And off they ran into the night, sisters strengthened by the bonds of love, school, and rope. It was an incredible relationship. And thus ended an adventure that created new friendships and reinforced old ones
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 101: Gangsta Princess

The next day Jenny remembered just how cold the world could be as she went through the events of their lives in her mind. She recalled meeting Nichole, the Cool Girls' Club, high school, beginning college, her new friendships, learning about her brother... so many amazing things had happened to her and brought her closer to these people.

Somehow her nickname had become "Gangsta Princess" over time because she of the many bandanas she wore, but she got that from Nichole. She even wore one now as had on an all-pink sweatpants, sweatshirt, solid bandana headband, and ponytail holding her braid. Likewise, over time Joy had become "Gangsta Girl" as she had picked up the same habits. Now, Nichole and Janie were calling Sera the "Gangsta Chick".

Jenny was most amazed, though, by the bond she had with her friends. Now, on top of it all, she had new boyfriend; this one, she hoped, wouldn't betray her like her last one had. That was a lot of bitter tears. Was she crazy to jump into this under 2 months after the last trial. Ironically, on the other side of the gym she could see the girls' rowing team, including Sera and Bridget.

Sera and Bridget were two friends who were inseparable in a way. They had been great friends through rowing, but TUGs had helped them discover a new world. For Sera, an accidental TUG had helped her climb out of the shell of her past problems and finally have her first college roommates. The university rows matched as they wore navy blue sweatpants, white-and-navy school t-shirts, and matching navy blue bandana headbands. There was solidarity.

Jenny's mind then wandered to her roommates Janie, Joy, and Nichole, and their recent recounting of how Jenny and Lauren had a friendship that grew merely from happening to sit together in a class and turned into Janie visiting and stumbling onto their TUGs. And in turn the TUGs had strengthened that Jenny and Lauren were super close friends. Janie was next to Joy at the moment and in an almost perfectly outfit, but hers was all red, like Janie does, and hers was a t-shirt. She also had bandana wristbands.

On the other side of Janie, and two down from Jenny, was Lauren. Lauren, the house mother of the group, was being the coach encouraging them in their workouts. She was wearing blue jeans, a yellow-and-black plaid button-up shirt, and a yellow bandana headband. This girl was the one Jenny could always count on for when she needed a wise and unbiased opinion; similarly, Jenny was Lauren's confidante.

Joy and Nichole were Jenny's bread and butter. She had known Nichole since pre-school and always went to the same school as they lived in the same neighborhood of Mudville, which was the same neighborhood Joy lived in. She, however, didn't meet Joy until middle school. Their lives were so interwoven that being apart from each other seemed impossible.

Somewhere, out there, on the campus of Minnesota Tech, Nichole was sitting eating a late afternoon snack. She was wearing black jeans, a purple-and-pink multi-colored t-shirt. Across from Nichole would be her husband, Chris, and they would be discussing their present, their future, their friendships, their joys, and their heartaches. Nichole had suffered so much, so to see her so happy and successful made Jenny cry with joy. This was Jenny's unofficial sister.

In another corner somewhere was Joy. Joy was the dissenter who wasn't wearing pants. Actually, she was wearing pink leggings under a pink skirt with a brown long-sleeve t-shirt and a pink kerchief bandana. At this moment, she was sitting in a French class as she, except for this, only shared the engineering classes with her mechanical engineering TUG friends.

Who could forget Joyce? Joyce is always the nerd but also the one who can provide an immature surprise that lightens up the day. She was always the happiest when people were happy, but she was the one who had suffered the worst. Her temper sometimes overtook her, and her diabetes sometimes cramped the situation. However, Joyce was the one who knew best how to be humble and how to show gratitude. Joyce was at this moment seated next to Joy, and she wore blue jeans and a gray polo.

Caleigh was a free-spirited young woman. She did mischief, tough love, confidante, problem solver, and adventure equally well. She was the poster child for TUGs, and her ebullience was ever present and ever toxic. Life with her was just... better. She made everything so much better for Lauren as the roommate that helped Lauren and Zack adjust to married life, and she was level-headed one who kept the hotheadedness from dominating her softball TUG friends. Today she wore brown leggings and a pink t-shirt.

Hannah was the most remote of the group as she resided with two roommates alone in a different building. She, too, however, had a piece of Jenny's heart. Her journey from the disgraceful ejection from the Cool Girls' Club to prison to being here now was beyond astounding. She was a mind that needed to escape the past, but that mind was the one that had driven the early club schemes. Now, she was a heart just desperate to both give and receive love. Every appearance of hers guaranteed that someone would be a better person at the end of the day. Blue sweatpants and a hoodie defined her on this day.

This was Jenny's world, and it was a world in which she knew she belonged. Here, she was needed and wanted and had people she likewise needed and wanted. This was her entire life, and she didn't want to know what life would be like without all these amazing people. But, she loved them to the ends of the universe and beyond.

"Let's go, Jenn. That's enough," Lauren finally said.
"That wasn't enough stair-stepper?"
"Yeah, that was only 30 weeks worth."
"Oh, stop it you two. Go home and take a shower."
"Yeah, good idea."
"Man, Joy and Joyce are out of class first!" Janie whined.
"Oh, please, stop it!" Lauren pleaded.
"Dictator!" Janie needles.
"I'll walk you two home."
"Sure!" Jenny cheerfully agreed to that.
Let's go," Janie motioned.

Soon, they opened the door into the dorm. Jenny walked into her room, and Janie walked into hers. A surprise had been planned for them by Lauren though!

"You girls worked hard and need a break!" Joy and Joyce went after Jenny.
"You certainly do!" Lauren and Hannah went after Janie.
"Well, now!" Janie was held by Lauren.
"What's this?" Jenny was grabbed by Joy.

First, their wrists, ankles, and thighs were gray duct taped, and then came the wrapping. It was a wild idea, but influenced by Bridget's recent behavior Joyce had bought several wide rolls of Saran wrap. Starting from the legs and going up and then down up, going up and then down, and going up and then down. Janie and Jenny were mummified in Saran wrap.

"Silence is golden!" Joyce reminded.
"Mmmph!" both got a sock and then 8 layers of duct tape gagging them.
"A sweaty gagged Janie and Jenny!" Lauren beamed with pride.
"Look at these two gorgeous little packages!" Hannah laughed.
"I have bought enough to do this 20 times over!" Joyce prodded Hannah, "But you seem to want to talk."
"I do want to talk. But it's more the 'I hate my professor' talk."
"I may change my mind later."

Soon, Hannah was bound and mummified just like the other two, but she was allowed her speech while they awaited to see when the others returned. They had 6 out of 10 already... when would Nichole, Caleigh, Sera, and Bridget enter the trap? They had their answer as Bridget and Sera entered, and both were exhausted like the first two victims.

"Oh, look, they're kidnapping us," Bridget said tiredly as she was taped.
"Almost like we didn't see Hannah's videos on Facebook," Sera smirked.
"Hannah!!!" Joy groaned.
"Heh heh!"

Bridget and Sera got a different treatment. They were tape bound at their ankles, knees, thighs, wrists, elbows, above breasts, below breasts, and waist. They were gagged like the others though. Instead, they were Saran wrapped together while back-to-back to make a nice rowing package.

"Well, now!" Joy laughed as she patted both Sera and Bridget on the head. They had taken advantage of four tired girls and one outnumbered one.
"I baited Caleigh into coming over!" Lauren chuckled.
"Excellent plan!" Joyce cackled like a mad scientist.
"When Nichole comes in, I will use the word 'now,' and you will wrap us together!"
"Speaking of her," Joyce said as the door opened.
"Oh, an early present! Hi, Nichole! I hear you aced your mid-terms!" Joy hugged her.
"Hi, Joy. Feeling friendly!" Nichole returned the embrace.
"Right now, yeah I am!"
"What the heck, Joy?"

Soon, the too were Saran wrapped together from their necks to their waists, stuck in the embrace. To save resources, their legs were duct taped together. Lauren took out a spare sheet, wrapped them in it, and duct taped it at their ankles, waist, and shoulder. A sock and 8 layers of duct tape gagged them just like the other ones.

"Two to go!" Lauren laughed.
"I'm not missing out on this one!"
"What have I missed?" Caleigh asked as she walked in, "I only saw Hannah's post. WHOA! COOL!"
"Your turn!" Lauren gleamed at her housemate.
"Wait wait wait. I'm a purist. I want to be roped before I am wrapped."
"Your funeral!"

So, Caleigh was roped with extreme thoroughness: ankles, shins, knees, lower and upper thighs, wrists, forearms, elbows, harness, and waist. Then they wrapped her up as thoroughly as the others had been, if not more tightly because Caleigh had to be laid down first for it. They showed no mercy either in her sock and tape gag. Caleigh squealed with glee however.

"There's only one left," Lauren laughed.
"Sure is!"
"My turn!"
"OK, OK!" Joyce laughed as she duct taped Lauren.
"Thanks, little sis!"
"I love when you call me your sister!"
"I know... because I love you girl!"
"I love you, too, Lauren!"

In short time, Lauren was fully taped and Saran wrapped like the others and gagged the same way. Joyce filmed and photographed the carnage all around her before sitting down with a plastic-y, sweaty Lauren. It was fun watching everyone's reactions because they weren't blindfolded although it felt like there were being given an advantage. After 15 minutes, Joyce went along and picked everyone up and sat them on her lap (where she could) to see how they were progressing, calling them each by a name or nickname as she gave them each a hug.

Sure enough, when she got to Jenny...
"How you doing, Gangsta Princess?" Joyce picked her up and hugged her.

This was the life Jenny loved. These were the people she had given so much of her life and love too, and these were the people who gave her the most love back.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 102: That Pesky Red Bandana Gang

Amazon Prime was a lovely thing for Sera's concerns. She could get good food and textbooks quickly. Supplies arrived in a snap. Surprises for friends came on demand. A big box of red duct tape for the Red Bandana Gang could come overnight.

Indeed, Friday afternoon came with Sera's expected package, and she convened a meeting of the red bandana gang. Autumn weather only meant that they exchanged their spandex shorts for pants, but red was still their game. Now, it was time to kidnap all their roommates and, for once, leave Lauren and Caleigh out of it.

Most of all, it was time to finally be the one taping Bridget. Actually, Janie wanted to tape Lauren and leave her as a present for Zack.

"All systems are a go. Meet me by the fountain for distribution," Sera texted her teammates.

At the fountain, the Red Bandana Gang convened. Jenny, used to the weather was in spandex to Sera and Janie's horror with her red t-shirt and solid red kerchief bandana. Sera had red leggings with her red t-shirt and kerchief bandana. And Janie had blue sweatpants, a t-shirt, and a red bandana headband.

"My plan is to go back and get Bridgie first," Sera said as she handed out rolls of red duct tape.
"We're taping them?"
"If you want. I want to get back at Bridgie."
"I want to get my sister," Janie smiled.
"I want to get my best friend," Jenny added.
"Janie, get your sister first. Then you can be Jenny's backup. I will gag my victims carefully so I can come over after."
"Red Bandana Gang unite!"


Jenny went back to her apartment and just behaved casually. She knew it was just her and Nichole, and that made it that much easier. Nichole was relaxing in her wintery pale blue sweat pants, white university sweatshirt, and pale blue bandana headband.

"How are you, sis?"
"Oh, just tired. Tomorrow, though, begins our fall break, and I will be in a love nest."
"A what?"
"I'm talking marital stuff, Jenny. One thing I hate about this arrangement, though..."
"It feels like casual sex. It just seems so... wrong at times. Then I look at this ring."
"And you remember the separation is temporary."
"Exactly. I love him. He is my husband. But I still love you. You are my sister."
"Well, we kind of are sisters."
"Jenny, you and Joy saved me. My family would have killed me eventually."
"I will never forget how many times my father beat the $#¡+ out of me... and only your mom knew."
"Nichole, please."
"Don't be so humble. At one point, I actually felt your mom was more my mom than I felt you were my sister. She listened to everything and taught me all the survival tactics I used."
"Why must you bring this up?"
"I love Chris, and he loves me as I am his wife. Claire loves me as her flesh and blood. You and your parents loved me even though they had no stake in it, no commitment, no duty... You will always be the best to me for that."
"Why do you mention it?"
"Why must you always be so humble you won't even let a person say 'Thank you'?"
"Because I just did the right thing."
"Thank you for doing the right thing. My family hated me. You saved me. I cut myself to pieces. You saved me. I got hit by a car. You saved me. I now have Jesus, just like you. You saved me. Jesus saved me through you."
"Every second of my life has been worth it to hear you finally say that with so much conviction."
"Come here, Jenn!" Nichole embraced her best friend.
"You're welcome, Nichole."
"Now, you know what we need?"
"A nice dinner, just us two... like we used to make in high school."
"I was thinking duct tape actually!"
"Wait! What?!" Nichole laughed as Jenny began taping her wrists behind her back.
"Duct tape, like I said!"
"Well, this is special too!"

Nichole was duct taped to Sera's specifications: wrists, elbows, torso from waist to breasts, above breasts, ankles to knees, knees to waist. A knotted red bandana cleave gag and 8 wrappings of red duct tape gagged her, and a red bandana blindfolded her. Jenny masked herself with a red bandana and took selfies, a film, and some photos of Nichole.

"You're the best, Nichole. Red Bandana Gang is best though."


"Bridget, life sucks right now," Joyce said flatly as she drank a Pepsi.

It was just the two at the moment. Joyce had purple leggings and a green t-shirt. Bridget had blue jeans, cowboy boots, and a pink-and-purple plaid button-up long-sleeve t-shirt. Joy had just had a sugar crash.

"Just thinking about Rhode Island. A 71 year-old man is buried with his two wives somewhere in a cemetery up there."
"Why there?"
"Don't you know?"
"Is that where your parents are from?"
"My mom was from upstate New York originally. My dad was the first one in his family born in RI."
"Kind of like how Sera's baby sister is the only one born here."
"Yeah, like that, only my dad was number 3 of 4."
"Are you sad or what?"
"Bridgie, I'm devastated more. I wonder if my parents made a mistake in having me. I have a niece and a nephew that are older than me."
"How did it work out in all? From oldest to you?"
"Dad got married when he was 24. He had my brother when he was 26 and my sister when he was 30."
"My brother had his first child in 1993. Two years later my niece was born, and then he stopped having more."
"That's that, but I meant the wives."
"Wife #1 was a drunk and hysterical. They divorced shortly after my sister was born. Being Catholic, he couldn't remarry. But then she got oral cancer and died. Now, pushing 50, free from those restraints, and no longer with children at home, he married my mother, who was 18 years his junior. My siblings were infuriated, especially when he had me a couple years later. My mother later had to have a hysterectomy, which ended any 'trouble' of more children."
"So he did everything right and still got reviled by his children."
"Yes, he did. It bothers me nearly every day."
"You did nothing wrong."
"No, I wonder if my father is in heaven or not."
"Well, you're confident."
"Your father did everything right. He faithfully was obedient to his faith. He had enough faith to have you in spite of the massive risks of having a child at his age. He had you because he wanted to have you. You three were the perfect family he didn't have the first time. Imagine that? His patience was rewarded with a second chance to have a Godly household. What more can you ask?"
"That he wasn't Bridgie. He moved to Florida and became an Anglican because he disliked the local Catholic churches so much. But he did have so much faith to trust that God would give him a healthy child."
"He remained true to his faith to the end. He believed, Joyce, and I am struggling too."
"Yeah, what's up with that?"
"Roberto is Catholic. I'm Lutheran."
"Oh, I get you now."
"Not so easy, now is it?"
"Neither of us have it easy."
"You do. Since it's your belief, pray for your father's soul. And your mother's. And thank God that they loved you so much,"
"I do that."
"Then worry no more!" Bridget said with a smile, "But I know what it's like to lose a parent."
"I know you do, and that's why I am telling you this."
"Your father and mother are dancing the anniversary waltz... forever. Someday, when it's your turn, you and Ryan will dance with them as well."
"That will be an incredible moment!"
"It'll be amazing!"
"Ryan is amazing."
"And so are you!"
"Hey, Joy, Bridgie," Sera entered.
"Hi, red girl," Bridget jabbed.
"She's a Gangsta Chick," Joyce laughed.
"Fitting, indeed."
"Joyce is a funny girl."
"Nah, she's a girl who had a sugar crash and drank and entire Pepsi."
"Poor baby. Did Bridgie help you?"
"Of course she did! In more than one way!"
"Good girl. You deserve a reward! And I got something special for you today."
"Close your eyes!"
"Here it is!"
"Hey!" Bridget got her arms duct taped behind her back.
"Revenge time!"

Bridget was duct taped just like Nichole was. She was gagged with a knotted red bandana and strips of duct tape. Another red bandana blindfolded her. Sera took selfies, photos, and a video of it.

"How you feeling?"

Just as quickly, Joyce was duct taped, gagged, and blindfolded the same way. Sera was careful to make sure her captives were safe. Selfies, photos, and videos proved her job was done right and well. It was time to check on Jenny.


"Come back here Lauren!" Janie yelled as she chased her half bound sister.
"No way, sis!"

Lauren was glad she had on black spandex shorts, a white sports bra, a black head, and a white ponytail holding her bun. She was nimble and able to run in spite of Janie successfully duct taping her entire torso. Lauren was trying to get far enough along to lock a door behind her.

"Gotcha!" Janie tripped her!
"Dang it! What are you doing?"

Janie duct taped Lauren's feet to either side of a long rod, likely a curtain rod. She picked up Lauren and dragged her into the kitchen and gagged her nicely with a sock, a red bandana cleave gag, and strips of red duct tape. Another red bandana blindfolded her. Finally, Janie laid Lauren on the table and duct taped her torso around it thoroughly. She scrawled a note and taped it to Lauren.

"Zack will have fun with you when he returns!"
"Watch her, Caleigh."
"OK. You really want to be an auntie!"
"What?!" Janie blushed, "Just being cute with things."
"I caught you!"
"Gotta go!" Janie ran in embarrassment.


Joy walked into her own apartment not knowing what was happening. As she usually did, she poked her head into Jenny and Nichole's room. Poor Joy was in her blue skirt, white t-shirt, and blue bandana headband, and she was not prepared for the Red Bandana Gang to attack.

"Hi, Joy!"
"Oh, look what you did... uh oh."
"That pesky Red Bandana Gang, right?"
"Come here, Joy. We're friends."
"Not right now, we ain't!"
"Yeah, you are!"
"Sera! You scared meeemmmphhhh!!"
"Let's do it!" Jenny had grabbed Joy.

Joy got duct taped just like Nichole was, but Joy fought a lot more and took more time to bind as a result. She was gagged like Nichole as well: knotted red bandana and wrappings of duct tape; she, too, got a red bandana blindfold. As this occurred, Janie walked into the room.

"That does it!" Janie looked with pleasure.
"You got Lauren?" Jenny asked.
"And I got Bridgie and Joyce."
"I got Nichole!"
"That just leaves Sera bwahahahahaha," Janie said with a maniacal laugh.
"Why me?!"
"You love being duct taped, dear Sera!"
"Yeah, but we're a team!"
"We're pirates, and you're our captain!" Jenny went along with Janie.
"And this is mutiny!"
"I hate moments like this."

Sera's arms were taped into a box tie, and her entire torso was duct taped. Her legs were taped like the others. Janie stuffed one of her red socks into another and secured it into a knotted red bandana. They wedged the package into Sera's mouth.

"Girlsmmmphhhh MMMMMMM Mmmmmmmmm ....m"
"Tape time!"
"URK!" Sera got 8 Janie-tight windings of the tape.
"Good night!" Jenny blindfolded her with a red bandana.
"We have too many red bandanas."
"We do. But it's OK."
"Should we tape each other."
"No, we're teammates. We'll use rope."
"Which one of us though?"
"You're stronger than me."
"Maybe I want to be tied up though."
"Maybe I do!"
"But I'm older."
"You get tied up more than me!"
"You're like a pro!"
"You've been at this longer!"
"You're getting kidnapped anyway!"

Janie won. She was professionally bound at her wrists, forearms, elbows, breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, upper thighs, and feet. And she was put into a hogtie. A red sock, a knotted red bandana, and 6 layers of duct tape gagged her, and a red bandana blindfolded her.

"Thanks Caleigh!"
"No problem!"

Just as quickly, Jenny was punished the same. Caleigh however turned Jenny's mask into an OTN gag over the rest of her gag. Now, Caleigh could safely take films, photos, and selfies.

"BOOM! You were so busy whining about who should be tied up that you missed me sneaking in! Once Zack came in, no way I wanted to stick around that business!"

That Pesky Red Bandana Gang had both won and lost at the same time.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 103: Navy Blue Bandana Gang Gets Grabbed

"Jenny, you notice Sera?" Joy said as Sera walked into the classroom.
"Yeah, she arrived later than normal and is sitting with her crewmates."
"No, she's dressed like Nichole."
"Yeah, so?"
"This means they might come after us. But I have an idea that they might like."
"Of course this means you're tying them up."
"Of course it does. But it's a fun game, actually. I'm going to get Sera and Nichole to let me tie them up in Sera's dorm."
"I'll put them in Joyce and Bridget's beds, and then make Joyce and Bridget guess which one is which."
"I'll have them on their stomachs in a way that only their hair and scarf will be visible."

Joy was right. Both were wearing navy blue sweatpants, a white-and-navy school t-shirt, and a navy blue kerchief bandana. It was a perfect trap for Joyce and Bridget to fall into.

"Your plan just might work. I am dead certain Nichole will need to be talked into it. Sera won't."
"It's been fun watching Sera go from 'I can only be gagged certain ways by certain people' to as wild as me."
"She got bit by the bug. The TUG Bug."
"Oh, yeah, the TUG Bug. That sounds fun."
"Because it is fun! I remember my first TUG."
"I sure remember mine! Tied to my bed haha."
"I can't forget doing that to you. More fun was the first time I tied Nichole in a friendly way."
"We're crazy girls."
"We are! Go for it, Joy!"

Throughout class, Joy texted Sera on the other side of the room. Sera was of course more than open to the idea and making this plan work. Nichole needed some work though.

"Want to help me play a TUG prank?"
"What kind?"
"I tie you and Sera up and bundle you up in Joyce and Bridget's bed."
"And do what?"
"If they can't figure out who's who, they get tied up and then I let u go!"
"What's the point?"
"With u and Sera all decked out in blue, u can't be distinguished well from seeing just your heads."
"I get it. I'm game :)"
"Meet me there at 3PM."

At 3PM, Nichole, Sera, and Joy convened at the dorm. Well, Sera and Joy started some work at 2PM. Joyce was fortunately busy that day. This gave Joy time to lay down her plan. She bound both girls at their wrists, elbows, breasts, ankles, and thighs. Each was gagged with a blue rubber ball threaded with a white handkerchief, a strip of microfoam tape, and a triangle purple bandana OTM gag. Both were blindfolded with yellow bandanas. Joy tucked them into the beds and explained.

"From here, I only know Sera is in Joyce's bed because I put her there. Once they're here, they get a chance. Whoever guesses first has a 50% chance; if she's right, then the other gets tied up. If she's wrong, she gets tied up and the other wins. Either way, Nichole is freed after the game is done, OK?"
"MMM HMM!" both agreed.
"I have sent a text to both saying 'Hostage situation! Come win your freedom!'"

Soon, Bridget and Joyce were in the dorm. Joyce would soon be glad to be wearing blue jeans and a pink turtleneck sweater.

"OK, what's this hostage situation?"
"Look at our Navy Bandana Gang. Which one is which? Whoever is right wins, and the loser gets bound. Which is Sera and which is Nichole? You may not get closer."
"All I see are bandanas and hair," Joyce whined.
"Easy. Sera is in Joyce's bed. Here hair is fluffier. Now, give me some rope so I can tie up this loser."
"How did you know so quickly?!"
"I have known Sera for over 3 years now!"
"Well... yeah...," Joyce groaned as her wrists were fastened behind her with handcuffs and zip ties at her elbows, "Did you use my thumbcuffs too?!"
"Sure did!"
"Mean!" Joyce sat next to Sera, who wiggled out, while Bridget zipped her ankles.
"Mean!" Joyce's thighs were zipped next.
"Shut up!"
"OMPH!" she got her own ball gag in her mouth.
"This will finish you," another tie zipped from her ankles to wrists.
"You won, Bridgie," Joy patted her on the back, having now freed Nichole.
"OK, that was silly and fun," Nichole smiled, "But I need to go now."
"OK. Enjoy the captives!" Joy waved.
"I will!"

Before they were even in the dorm, Nichole had Joy's wrists and elbows bound behind her back with rope. The purple bandana gangster, who wore a purple skirt, a pink t-shirt, and a purple bandana headband, was captured.

"Move it!" Nichole pushed her in and then gagged her with a blue rubber ball threaded with a black bandana.
"Gotcha, friend. I love you!" Nichole brought Joy over to the bunk bed.
"Oh, you have a captive!" Jenny greeted happily.
"I sure do!" Nichole fastened a breast harness on Joy and then tied her shoulders to the footboard of the upper bunk.
"She looks happy."
"She is happy!"
"We had fun with Joyce and her roommates," Nichole added a waist rope.
"Oh, I see it now. Clever that Joy."
"Yeah, she needed a break afterwards."

Joy got her ankles and thighs tied, with her legs fastened to the footboard of the lower bunk. Joy was bound and happy; Nichole was formerly bound and happy; Jenny wasn't bound, nor would be bound, and happy; and Janie was walking in and happy.

"Wassup? On, never mind. The usual," Janie smiled.
"Just a little fun between friends. I've had my fill for the day."
"Me too."
"My softball coach is being a d¡*k."
"All athletic coaches are jerks, if we're being honest here."
"Well my coach has done nothing but insult me since I got the call from Team USA."
"Oh, big time... my work ethic is the same no matter the circumstances. Anyone can tell you that my attitude toward my teammates and coaches and my effort hasn't changed, but Coach Granson just won't stop it. She calls me 'lazy @$$,' 'glory hog,' 'Miss Starstruck.' Never mind the insults every time I make the ordinary bad swings, ground outs, etc. 'Quitter,' 'two timing b¡+c#,' 'diver,' 'Team USA slut'..."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa... stop it, Janie. You realize that's not cool, right?" Jenny interrupted.
"Well, it's not out of line."
"You're right it's not out of line; it's illegal. That's a crime. It's harassment."
"You don't think?"
"Does she do it to the others?"
"Not that harshly either."
"She's just pushing me harder."
"Next time, tell her to cut it out. After that, you go to the athletic director."
"I can't do that! My teammates will kill me!"
"Ask them in person if they have similar issues."
"You're right, Jenny. I need to stand up for myself!"
"Just do it the right way."
"I won't let you down."
"Don't, Janie, because that's letting yourself and Lauren down. Ask her as well."
"Jenny swore?" Nichole was still shocked.

Janie texted Lauren.

"Lauren, Coach Granson is getting to me."
"What's she doing?"
"A lot... mostly viciously insulting me every time she gets the chance."
"Not cool. I haven't heard anything except one word from Crenshaw that something seemed odd with her."
"She's making me hate softball. Ever since Team USA."
"Ohhhh... that. Yeah, I remember someone saying 'that smartmouth ************** got that?' on a conference call."
"She called me that?! Even I don't use that word!"
"Janie, there's a lot of animosity over it."
"Because you got the highest honor possible for a softball player."
"Yeah :/"
"I need to think."
"Do that."

Did Janie love softball anymore?
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 104: Gangsta Chick

"I made up my mind, sis," Janie said to Lauren two days later.
"About Granson?"
"Yeah... I want to enjoy softball, Lauren. It was my escape from our parents and my way to be with you."
"You're not quitting, are you?"
"I have a year of eligibility left after this one. If Granson hasn't been resolved by the time the season starts, I will red-shirt it and go somewhere else so I can play my last two years out. After that, I may be done. Without you, it's not as fun."
"I'm not allowing her to ruin this for you."
"It's OK, Lauren."
"Well, it doesn't matter. I'm a coach, now, Janie. It doesn't matter that you're my sister."
"Wait, what did you do?"
"I made sure I had a little tiff with Granson in front of the AD this morning," Lauren smiled.
"You did WHAT?!"
"I called her out in the worst way possible."
"Gutsy... what happened from it?!"
"Granson got terminated."
"She's fired?"
"She won't be bothering you anymore, sis!"
"Oh, my goodness, Lauren, I love you so much! You did that for me!" Janie was crying and grabbed her sister in a tight hug.
"You weren't the only one she was doing it to, as it turned out. I had two others say similar things albeit for different reasons. Once I asked around, I learned what a problem she was. One had apparently slept with someone she knew; another had scratched her car during a wild night out. She had to go"
"Thank you so much, sis. You risked your job for us."
"I love you, too, Janie."
"I have to go now."
"All right, see you later, kiddo."
"See ya!"

Janie joyfully texted Sera, Jenny, and Nichole what Lauren had done. She wanted to show her gratitude in a special way. One response in particular grabbed her attention though.

"We have to bake something special for her," Sera texted.
"But what?"
"I dunno... Make her a cake or something?"
"I can't do squat in a kitchen except hamburger helper."
"I'll help. Mom works in a bakery, and I sometimes help her in the summer."
"See ya later."

Later that day, Janie and Sera met in the apartment with Nichole there as well to further assist. They stood around ready to make a treat. Janie had green sweatpants, a yellow high school t-shirt, and a green bandana headband. Sera wore white sweatpants, a pink t-shirt, and a white kerchief bandana. Lastly, Nichole had blue jeans, a black t-shirt, a black bandana headband, and a handkerchief kerchief over that.

"You're weird about your hair," Sera shook her head.
"Gangsta Chick picking on Gangsta Queen! Rich!" Nichole playfully shoved Sera.
"Yeah, that's right! Now, what do we want to make?"
"Pie takes too long," Nichole immediately threw that idea out.
"But pie is great!" Janie said with clear confusion.
"No, pie is slow but great!"
"Oh, gotcha."
"We can make a cake. I know how to make it all fancy!" Sera suggested.
"Lauren would love that!"
"We just ate a cake though," Nichole noted.
"True. How about a mocha cupcake then?"
"You really know fancy!"
"Who taught you to bake?"
"Jenny and Google, mostly Google. And Food Network."
"Let's do it!"

As they were making the cake, they talked about their recent games.

"The other day was fun, wasn't it?"
"It was a fun little gag to play on Joyce and Bridge."
"The other night though."
"With the tape?" Janie asked.
"Yeah," Sera smiled, "I think I like being taped as much as any thing else we've done."
"Oh, how so?" Nichole was curious now.
"It's tighter and more forming. Rope is imprisoning in it's stiffness, but tape in its stickiness. It'd probably be something to be tied up and then taped on top of it."
"I've done it, and it is fun. Just tape only gets used once."
"True, true, but I like it too, in some sense I like it more and in others I like rope more. Tape is faster acting is what it is. You just grab someone and in seconds have them prisoner!" Sera's arms were flying in an animated way.
"This is true, indeed! Jenny's a rope bunny, and so am I. I just actually try to escape."
"True dat!"
"Speaking of me, what are you girls doing? It smells divine!" Jenny asked, sticking her head in.
"Janie, go tie up the Gangsta Princess. We can't have her squawking," Nichole ordered.
"Wait, what?! I didn't do anything!" Jenny was lead away by a cackling Janie.
"Can't have the surprise ruined!"
"I haven't done anything!"
"You're an impenitent texter!"

Poor Jenny was led away into her bedroom. She was glad to be wearing blue jeans, a brown long-sleeve t-shirt, and a camouflage bandana headband with her hair in a braid held by a pink ponytail. Actually, that may have encouraged things.

"Come on Janie, please!"
"Orders are orders."
"You don't have to obey Nichole or Sera or me or anyone!"
"No, but I want to do this."
"You would! Let me go, please!
"Do you something important to do this second?"
"Well, no, but."
"Then play along."
"Please let me go! Janie, I beg you!"

Jenny's arms and elbows were bound behind her. She was stood at the foot of the bunkbed so that her arms could be pulled back and fastened to the slats of the upper bunk. Her ankles and thighs were roped, and her legs were fastened to the footboard. A blue rubber ball threaded with a blue bandana gagged her, and a strip of microfoam tape covered her mouth.

"Be back later."
"She's secured. Why?"
"She might have spoiled the surprise," Sera explained.
"Oh, I figured. Why not just scare her then?"
"Because rope is a hell of a lot more fun!"
"I agree!"
"Stick these in the oven. I need to see how my butter is doing."
"You two have given up your afternoons to help me with this. Thank you so much."
"Not a problem, love," Nichole grinned.
"What kind of frosting with it be?"
"It'll be a vanilla frosting. We have a dozen cupcakes, so we're making purple icing to write out 'Thanks Lauren' on them."
"Oh, how cool!"
"Tell me about your home world, Janie," Sera pressed.
"Been there, done that."
"Oh, come on, all I know is that you're the reject child. But there must be good."
"Well, yeah. For one thing Lauren was born in West Palm Beach, where my dad had his first job."
"Really? She's not from Disney?"
"Nope! And Trent was born in Melbourne because my mother's sister lives there."
"Were you born in Orlando?"
"Yes, haha, I was born in Orlando. Joyce was born and raised in her hometown too."
"I was born down south. My father worked for a Sicilian company; that's how he met my mom."
"Oh, where? Atlanta, Birmingham? Ooh, NASHVILLE!" Nichole teased.
"Naples, you silly! My mom is from Sardinia. But, contrary to stereotypes, no one in my family, close or extended, is mafia."
"Naples, like where they set those sappy movies?"
"Not too many. We have our own things though. What about you, Nichole?"
"Made, born, and raised in Mudville from parts made, born, and raised in Mudville."
"Mudville, sounds like 'Mighty Casey.'"
"That's what the name came from. Founder was a baseball fan in the early 1890s."
"Oh, how cool!"
"Do you miss Italy?"
"I spoke one language until I was almost 9 years old. Most everyone in my family is there. You think?"
"I love your accent!"
"I love it too!" Sera agreed.
"Hey, it didn't stop me from finding a guy to make a baby with! He thought it was cute at the time! And Benny speaks with accent too!"
"What about the sister born here?"
"In my house, we speak Italian. My mom's English was horrible. She didn't know a word when we came here. Only dad and the oldest children knew any at all."
"That's cool and fun though! Something smells gooooood!" Joy interrupted them.
"When the hell did you arrive?!" Janie demanded.
"Three minutes ago. I have been sitting here just listening like this!"
"Look, Gangsta Girl, you go! Get her Janie!" Nichole ordered.
"But I didn't do anything!"

Gangsta Girl didn't wear a purple skirt, blue blouse, and purple kerchief bandana in order to be kidnapped. Against Janie, however, she was helpless given that she was 9 inches shorter and not a softball player.

"Janie, you and me are friends," Joy tried to escape the situation as her arms were boxtied behind her.
"Joy, Jenny and I already went through this discussion. Just stop it."
"But it's not fair!"
"It's plenty fair!" Janie added a breast harness.
"If you don't stop I am gagging you with your yucky socks or panties."
"I will be a good girl," Joy gulped, quite offended to not know what was happening.
"Now be quiet!"
"MMMM!" Joy got her black ball gag with red straps in her mouth.

Janie added a crotch rope and then bound Joy's ankles, knees, and thighs. She hogtied Joy from ankles to harness and blindfolded her with a pink bandana. She picked up Joy and laid her on the bottom bunk in Jenny's room.

"You have company now! See you both later!" Janie shut the door once again.
"MMMMM!" Jenny scolded Janie.
"Well, what next? Joyce or Bridget walks in here uninvited?"
"I can arrange that," Sera wiped her hands on a towel.
"You would do that, wouldn't you?"
"Maybe I already did. Oh, Janie, Nichole wants a turn tying up somebody!"
"Look, you clown, I ought to..." Janie was laughing too hard to finish.
"Sorry!" Sera joined her.
"My fault for saying that instead of waiting to kidnap Sera!" Nichole made it all three.
"Why couldn't she have tied up Joy?" Janie asked Sera between laughs.
"She said something too late!"
"She can tie me up!"
"No! You need to learn some kitchen skills!"
"She can tie you up!"
"How the hell are we making and frosting these?!"
"Fine, she can tie up Joyce."
"Besides, Joyce will be happy when she finds out what Lauren did!"
"Oh, I forgot to tell her! Fine."

Later, Joyce arrived, but Janie trusted her and wouldn't let her be tied up. Instead, she took Joyce's cell phone away as a security measure and let her relax instead.

"C'mon, Sera, I want to learn more about life in Italy," Nichole started a new conversation.
"It's like life in America, except we eat a different diet and like different sports."
"I want to see Europe once, especially the Emerald Isle since it is my heritage."
"It's a big green peat bog."
"Oh, don't start."
"France is a bunch of people running after the latest trend and not properly appreciating their own heritage."
"Stop it!"
"Spain is a glorified desert where they speak corrupted Italian."
"Germany is an oversized forest with big gray castles."
"Would you let up?"
"Hungary isn't much different."
"Cut the crap!"
"Switzerland wants to be everything but is nothing in its own right."
"Can you be nice?!"
"Monaco is nothing but a casino amidst houses belonging to people who are megarich because they won the 'lucky sperm' competition."
"Shut up!"
"Austria is a glorified German rock pile."
"Control yourself!"
"Russia is more beautiful than the stereotypes, but the people are worse than."
"Just cut it out!"
"Italy is a glorified romantic rock pile where everyone things they're better than they are."
"I'm warning you!"
"Greece is yet another glorified rock pile where the people ride on the glory of 2000 years ago."
"That does it!"
"HMMMPH!" Sera's ball gag entered her mouth.
"Shut up!"
"This will teach you!" Nichole put a padlock on it.
"When I say shut up, you shut up!"
"Frost those last 2 cupcakes!"
"How long have you been waiting to do that to someone?" Joyce asked her.
"About 8 months. Never saw the right opportunity, but the lock has always been ready in my TUG bag!"
"MMMMM!" Sera was amused by this and motioned for a handkerchief.
"Mm ooh!" she OTM gagged herself to contain the drool.

Soon, the cupcakes were frosted and iced. As soon as they were done, Nichole grabbed Sera and handcuffed her arms behind her. She sat the protesting Sera in a chair and cuffed each of her ankles to the underframe as well running the last pair of cuffs from her right wrist to the back of the chair. She bound Sera's thighs and elbows with handkerchiefs and blindfolded her with another. Nichole masked herself with yet another (she was badly raiding her friends TUG bags) for selfies with her victim.

"What's this for, anyway?" Joyce asked from the couch.
"She got my problem coach's @$$ fired!"
"Ooh, nice!"
"Now, I have extra handkerchiefs here!" Nichole took both her kerchief and mask off.
"Hmm?" Joyce wondered, "What will you do with those?"

A knotted handkerchief cleave gag and a handkerchief blindfold soon accompanied Joyce's pink jeans and brown polo shit. Ropes bound her wrists, elbows, thighs, and ankles, and another hogtied her from wrists to ankles. Nichole looked at Janie.

"Let's get Lauren over here."
"Already sent word!"
"I'm glad you got this resolved. I can't imagine how unhappy you'd be without softball."
"My sister loves me more than anyone in the whole world!"

In a few minutes, Lauren was there. Too bad for Janie she didn't know that two of the captives had escaped. Jenny and Joy had undone their bonds, and they made their vengeful return for Janie.

"Wassup?" Lauren asked as she walked in.
"Sera, Nichole, and I have a surprise for you!"
"Oh, my goodness! You didn't have to! And captives. Ha ha. Oh, Janie! You guys are the best!" Lauren hugged her sister.
"It was a surprise! We did it with some interruptions!"
"Here's a surprise too!" Jenny said.
"Oh, my goodness!" Janie was ripped from her sister's arms by Joy so that Jenny could wire her arms behind her back.
"Whoops! There will be a story to this, I am sure!" Lauren laughed as she did nothing to prevent this moment.

Janie got her wrists, elbows, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs bound with the wire. She was sat on the floor by the bunk bed and had a second wire breast harness pin her down. A sock, a knotted blue bandana gag, and 8 layers of duct tape silenced her.

"Gotcha back, girl! Bet you didn't expect me of all people to escape!" Jenny was triumphant.
"Kidnap us claiming we'd tell Lauren what you had done! Brat!" Joy added.
"It was Gangsta Chick's idea!" Nichole pointed at the helpless Sera, "That's why she's now... never mind!"
"Here, girl's have a cupcake each," Lauren handed one each to Joy, Jenny, and Nichole.
"Gangsta Chick," Joy said in deep though, "That's a good nickname for her."
"Yep, our Italian friend," Nichole hugged her captive. She removed the gag and blindfold and fed her a cupcake.
"Mmmm!" Sera took a bite of it, "Thanks, Nichole."
"We love you, Gangsta Chick."
"I love you all right back!"
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Post by Caesar73 »

I really have some catching up to do :) I misssed serveral updates this week :)
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago I really have some catching up to do :) I misssed serveral updates this week :)
Fortunately for you I have no plans to post new chapters this weekend! Monday I will dump all six of the next chapters as they are recycles from the old site.
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Post by hafnermg »

Nice! Gives me a reason to look forward to Monday!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Looking forward to the next update!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 105: Memories XL - The Joys of College Part 1

Some years later, Joy followed in her footsteps in attending the Minnesota Institute of Technology (aka Minn Tech). Joy, Jenny, and Nichole all entered the school in the same class, but they weren't roommates.

In fact, Joy was roommates with another girl named Joy, or rather Joyce, and another named Bridget. Joy and Joyce took time to get acquainted and soon had struck up a friendship of sorts. Bridget was a bit slower to make new friends

Four of the girls, Joy, Joyce, Jenny, and Nichole, much to their excitement, got successfully rushed by the school's sorority Tau Iota Epsilon Upsilon Rho chapter of which Joy's sister, Zoe, was the president. They knew little but that Zoe had based certain aspects off the "Cool Girls Club." The girls were nevertheless upbeat and talked over dinner; Bridget wasn't even slightly interested.

"What do you think?" Joy asked.
"Trap game," Jenny responded with confidence.
"It sounds fun," Nichole said.
"Will we learn the 'ropes' then?" Joy asked.
"Certainly," Jenny said, "You'll find out first."
"What are you talking about?" Joyce asked.
"It is a long story... [flashback]..." Joy explained.
"Crazy teenagers we were and are," Nichole said.
"Sounds like y'all have a quirky but great friendship going!" Joyce said unfazed.
"You don't think we're weird?" Jenny asked quizically.
"No, I got it once in girl scouts," she replied matter-of-factly, "So it doesn't surprise me if one person does it 1 time that another would do it 100 times."
"So we're in for it?" Joy asked.
"Undoubtedly. We are going to spend part or all of this weekend bound and gagged," Jenny insisted, "That's why I snuck rope, bandanas, and tape with me over here."
"Like you were the only one. We all did! Joy tied me up and locked me in a closet last week during orientation!" Nichole protested.
"But you had fun, didn't you?" Joy retorted.
"Well, yeah..."
"I think we're all ready for anything at this point. Tomorrow's the big day. If we are going to be struggling against ropes all weekend, we want to have the energy to fight. They said to dress comfortably and in the same breath said to dress like we're going out to dinner... It's a setup," Jenny said.
"It's a plan," Joy responded.


The next day (Saturday), Joy and Joyce set out to the sorority house as the first group to be inducted. Joy wore jeans and a navy blue blouse. Joyce had on blue athletic shorts and a fluorescent green shirt. They both had their hair in ponies. The girls knocked, and a girl named Tia let them in. She led them to the kitchen table, where Zoe was sitting. Joy and Joyce felt hands on their shoulders. They spun around to see a group of sorority sisters rush toward them with ropes, bandanas, and tape in their hands. It WAS a trap.


Jenny and Nichole departed some hours later. Nichole had on tan shorts, navy colored school shirt, and a navy blue bandana headband. Jenny had on pink athletic shorts with a white shirt; her hair was in a pony and pink bandana headband. They, too, arrived at the house and were greeted by Tia and led to the kitchen.

There were Joy and Joyce, as expected, bound and gagged. Both were seated in arm chairs. Theirs wrists were heavily taped to the chair. Their elbows and shoulders were fastened to the chair with rope. Their knees, thighs, and ankles were all tied with rope, with more rope fastening each knee, thigh, and ankle to the chair legs and other parts. Rope above and below their breasts and at their waists were tied to the back of the chair. Joy was gagged with a sock, a pink bandana, and several layers of blue tape. Joyce was gagged with a sock, a black bandana, and several layers of blue tape... her first real TUG

Jenny, knowing her fate to come, laughed at Joy and quickly snapped a photo. "You got owned, Joy!"

Those were her last words for a while to come.


The sorority girls grabbed Jenny and Nichole and started to tie them up. Both were seated and had their arms tied behind their back behind the chair back. Their elbows and shoulders were tied to the chair back. Their knees, ankles, and thighs were bound. Another rope ran from their wrists to their ankles, pseudo-hogtying them. Their torsos were tied with a breast harness and waist rope. They were trapped. Jenny and Nichole had socks shoved in and both were gagged with blue rubber balls threaded with red bandanas, an invention of the sorority, and wrappings of blue duct tape.

The four bound girls looked at each other helplessly. Zoe then spoke:
"Well, now that we have you all together... Girls!" she ordered.

Joy, Joyce, Jenny, and Nichole were blindfolded with yellow, gray, brown, and black bandanas, respectively.

What were they to do now?
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 106: Memories XLI - The Joys of College Part 2, The Torture

The girls sat in silence uncertain how to proceed. When one cannot move, her choices are limited. Even after an hour, Jenny had made no progress; she was stuck. Their captives were quick to act, reaching in each girls pocket and pulling out their cell phones.

"Mmmmmm!" they protested.
"How would your friends like to see photos of you?" a girl named Dana said teasingly taking Joy's phone.
"Mmmmmm mmmmmm!" responded the captives.
"Darn it, their phones have PINs!" came a shout from another girl named Martina as she played with Nichole's phone.
"This one doesn't!" Zoe shouted holding Joyce's phone and taking a photo of her. From there it was an easy post to Facebook.

Joy was concerned. What would the girls get now due to their phones being locked? The answer soon came.

"Well, girls, since your phones are blocked, you're going to tell us your PINs," Martina said.
"Mmm," the girls shook their heads.
"Well, then, perhaps you need some persuasion."

Each of the three girls felt their shirts creep up just enough for a finger to jab into their sides. It was tickle torture time. They were mercilessly assaulted for 5 minutes with only brief pauses for breath. Yet they held strong.

"Do you give up?" Zoe asked, and the girls still shook.

Next, the girls were each untied from the chair and led hopping into the living room where their wrists were tied behind their back with elbow ropes applied. Their blindfolds were removed, and the tape was taken off their mouths. The gags were taken off, and the girls spat the socks out. But then handkerchief cleave gags were quickly applied firmly with one strip of blue tape placed over their lips.

Joyce was laid on the couch, but the other three were placed on the floor. They were then hogtied before the tickling resumed. The girls forcefully laughed for 15 minutes as fingers dug into their feet and sides.

"I gih up!" Joy said through her mostly ineffective gag, ceasing her torture. "My PIN is 39572."
"Do you give up?" Dana asked.
"Neder!" Jenny said.
"Suit yourselves."

Jenny and Nichole went through another 20 minutes of torture. For giving up, Joy was on the couch next to Joyce and left unharmed. The girls slowly worked on each others bonds.

Meanwhile, the other two were getting the most torture ever seen. They struggled mightily, but it was to no avail. Soon, Nichole quit and gave her information.

"My PIN is 9456," she gag-talked. So she too was removed from torture.
"Now time for that mule," Martina said, "It's time for the heavy duty stuff."

What followed amazed the other girls.

"We cannot be bothered by these others," Zoe said. "Let's put them out for a little while."

Joy, Joyce, and Nichole were led into the bathroom, which had a door that locked from the outside to serve as the club jail. The girls had their gags removed and had fresh socks shoved in. The cleave gags were reapplied and they had 9 layers of tape wrapped around their head. They were placed on the floor and had their arms fastened fastened to their waists and breasts. They were seated with their legs crossed and their ankles bound in lotus position. Joy and Nichole shuffled up to each other. It took about 20 minutes, given the limitations of the tie, but soon they were slowly picking at each others bindings.


Meanwhile, Jenny's torture began. She was led to the the master shower stall. The girls pulled up her shirt, revealing her tummy, and removed her shoes and socks. She was gagged with a clean sock and cleave gagged with the handkerchief again. The same blindfold was reapplied. Her arms were then tied above her head to the shower head above. 9 layers of tape further silenced her, and her knee, thigh, and ankle bindings were redone.

Earbuds and cotton balls were placed in her ears and tape sealed them in. Now there was silence, and Jenny was scared. This was hazing as far as she was concerned. Jenny winced and let out a tear as she heard the shower turn on.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 107: Memories XLII - The Joys of College Part 3, The Hazing of Jenny

The sorority girls laughed as they continued to put Jenny through their hazing rituals. They were determined to get her phone PIN at all costs at this point. To them, this was a game, and as Herman Edwards said: "You play to WIN THE GAME!" They had put her through tickle torture of all sorts to no avail. Now it was time for something a bit... colder.

As they turned on the shower, they dialed the water to it's lowest temperature and gave Jenny a 10-minute cold shower whilst she groaned. Unfortunately for Jenny, the girls could not tell that she was not just protesting... she was wailing, crying, and trying to just get out of there. Yet she could not move due to her circumstances. Even if she did move to dodge the water or the tickling, she would slip and fall on the wet floor, which would tighten her wrist bonds and put her in a medical situation. So she continued to scream in protest. The water was icy and almost painful to her. She was now soaked to the bone. As the girls turned the faucet off and untied Jenny's hands from the shower head, she shivered from the cold.


Meanwhile in the closet, Joy and Nichole had almost untied each other. As soon as they had gotten out of their bonds, they untied Joyce as well. The girls then had to unlock the door.

"It's locked tight," Nichole said with a frown.
"Can we pick it?" Joyce asked.
"With what? We don't have anything," Nichole responded shaking her head, "This is just an empty closet."
"Hmmmm," Joy muttered as she picked through her pockets to no avail. She looked around the darkness, but it was clearly empty. Only the slats in the door provided any light, but it as enough to see a gleam in the darkness. Nichole's bandana was head in her hair with two hairpins.
"Nichole!" Joy said, "You have a hairpin! Let me have it!"

Nichole complied, and after some fumbling Joy had opened the door. The girls were free. Picking up some of the rope, Joy looked at Joyce and Nichole.

"You never know who we might find," Joy said, and then added, "Let's go."

Walking out, the girls squinted at the light, but they easily found their way to the living room and their cell phones. There was Kristi on the couch, sleeping, supposedly watching in case the group had escaped, wearing a teal sorority shirt and beige short. Joy looked around for a sock. Stalking up quietly, she plopped herself on top of Kristi and cupped a hand over her mouth. Kristi awoke in shock. As this happened, the sounds from the shower were evident... Jenny was in trouble. Joy moved quickly.

"Don't say anything, and we'll be gentle with you," Joy said sternly.
"Mmmmm hmmmm," Kristi said, nodding, and Joy shoved the sock in her mouth and tied a black bandana over it, silencing Kristi. Soon Kristi's wrists and elbows bound behind her back with ropes above and below her breast and at her waist.
"Take her to the closet and finish her off," Joy said to Nichole and Joyce, who led Kristi away.

In the closet, Nichole and Joyce bound Kristi's ankles, knees, and thighs. Laying her on the floor, the girls hogtied Kristi. Finally, they blindfolded her with a red bandana.

"That'll take care of her," Nichole said smiling.
"You're awfully good at this," Joyce said shaking her head in disbelief.
"Let's get rid of this," Nichole said deleting the embarrassing photo of herself bound and gagged from her timeline.


Meanwhile, the girls finished Jenny's shower and tickle torture. They dried off her arms and legs with a towel a bit, but only to prepare her final torment. The girls retied Jenny's hands behind her back and added elbow ropes, and then they untied her leg bonds. They then took out a roll of pink duct tape. Starting from her hips, Jenny was bound with the tape down to her ankles in a continuous layer of tape. The same was done from her shoulders down to her hips, fully encasing her in tape and covering her hands. The girls picked Jenny up and laid her down in the tub.

Jenny was used to being taped, but always with pants and a long-sleeved shirt. The tape stuck directly to her skin, making a stickier situation. She could barely squirm, and she loudly protested again to no avail. The girls just laughed at her.

"She's giving us the eye," one girl said.
"She's being such a baby yelling like that ," another said.
"We'll get that secret out of her yet," Dana said.

Laying her down in the tub, the girls attached a music player (iPad, MP3, etc.: whatever you wish) to the ear buds taped in Jenny's ears. They turned the player on to a moderate volume and started playing some Justin Bieber (sorry, Beliebers, but this is my story). They then taped the player to Jenny's chest.

Jenny was now infuriated. If she got free, she would wreak havoc. She had protested, scream, cried, and even kicked, and these girls would not stop. Never before had she been so humiliated in her lifetime. After about 5 more minutes of struggling and listening to the girls laugh at her, Jenny just broke down sobbing. There was no use in struggling; there was no use in listening; all Jenny wanted to do was hide under a rock and cry herself to sleep. For the first time in her life, she sincerely hated someone.

"Why are they doing this? Why do they keep torturing me? How can they think this is funny? How could Joy tell me that joining her sister's sorority would be fun? Why won't they let me go? This is Joy's fault." were amongst the many and varied (and maybe colorful) thoughts that ran through her mind.

No one noticed outside the door as Joy quietly tested the door. Taking the hairpin, the quietly unlocked the door and handed it back to Nichole. Joy counted with her fingers from 3 to 0. Then she burst open the bathroom door to the other's surprise.

"End this nonsense now!" Joy screamed at the girls.


Joy went on a tirade.

"Who the $@*^ do you think you are? What are you doing to her? Even I could tell she was telling you to stop! Are you stupid or something? Do you have to torture others to make up for your own inadequacies?! If this is what you're all about, then I want NOTHING to do with Tau Iota Epsilon."

The girls just stood in silence as Joy pushed through to help her friend. Joy stooped down and picked up Jenny's torso whilst Nichole grabbed her legs. They brought her into the master bedroom and laid her down.

"Jenny, are you all right?" Joy asked fighting back her own desire to cry and hate her own sister as she removed the blindfold.
"Nnnnnn," Jenny said, then she let out a loud, painful, "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!" as Nichole pulled the tape off her legs. The pain was obvious in Joy's eyes. Joy unpeeled the tape on her face and removed the gag. Jenny didn't even have the strength to spit the sock out as Joy pulled it out.
"Jenny, what'd they do to you?" Nichole asked concernedly.
"I don't want to talk about it," Jenny said, closing her bloodshot eyes, "Ow!" she screamed as the tape was pulled off her arms.
"This is bull-$#!*," Joy said as she untied Jenny's arms and elbows. She was red all over from the taping, and blue in spots from the cold water. Her hair and clothes were dripping wet.
"C'mon, Jenny, let's go," Joy added.
"Just go away all of you!" Jenny screamed, running out of the master bedroom in tears.

Joy walked up to her sister and let out with a growl, "You suck, the whole lot of you! There'll be hell to pay for this. Give me that!" Joy yelled pushing into the crowd of girls viciously and ripping Jenny's phone out of someone's hand.

"Let's get out of this sleaze joint!" Joy said motioning Joyce and Nichole to follow her.
"You OK?" Nichole asked.
"What do you think?" Joy responded.

The girls said no more as they walked back to the dorms. Joy was too busy worrying about her friend and planning revenge.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 108: Memories XLIII - The Joys of College Part 4, The Plot Thickens

On the way back to their dorms, Joy, Joyce, and Nichole talked about all that had happened that day. The three of them agreed that the sorority girls had stepped over the line. Nichole went back to the dorm room she shared with Jenny and one other girl whilst Joy and Joyce went back to their dorm. Joy had just stepped in the door when she got a text from Nichole:
"Jenny isn't here."
"She isn't?" Joy responded.
"No, but she left a note saying, 'Joy knows where to find me.'"
"What if I don't know?"
"Well try!"

Joy now had to set off around campus to find her friend. She looked in any building she found open, even though it was Saturday and most of the academic buildings were locked. Eventually, Joy decided to try the the large maze-like science building, which while open on weekends for some labs didn't usually have anyone in it on Saturdays. Once Joy was inside, she started looking around. It wasn't long before she found Jenny... or rather Jenny found her.

Joy had just turned a corner when she felt a finger tap her shoulder. Joy jumped about 20 feet and let out a loud scream.
"Shhhhhh!" Jenny responded.
"Jenny, what are you doing here?"
"What do you think?!"

As it turned out, Jenny had slunk off to hide herself. She was a bit embarrassed to be seen by anyone, and it was evident why. Jenny's arms and legs were all red from the tape, and there were rope burns all over her. That's when Joy noticed the rope burns on her as well.

"I never got rope burn like this before, even when wearing short sleeves," Joy said.
"Because we weren't tying each other up so brutally," Jenny said scornfully.
"What happened?" Joy asked.
"Joy, I want to forget all that... They were terrible. Look at me!" Jenny said choking back tears.
"How could they do this?!" Joy said noting the redness and wetness of Jenny's body.
"They're disgusting, and this is your dumb sister's group! If you don't fix this, I will!"
"What can you do?"
"Report hazing, and then bye bye Zoe," Jenny said seriously.

Joy knew she had to do something.

"Jenny, let's go back."
"I can't be seen like this!"
"Then come back to my dorm. I can hide you, feed you, and provide a friendly environment."
"Thanks, I guess."

When they got back, Joy started planning what to do. Meanwhile, Jenny just sat and stared blankly, still in shock. She was pondering her own mortality in a deeper sense, and trying to deny what had happened.

"Why did they do this?! Am I really this worthless? What kind of people are they? Who can help me? Who else wants to hurt me?"

Much of this same type of reasoning affected the others, but it affected Jenny most deeply. She got up and locked herself in the bathroom. She needed time to herself to think. She contemplated what had happened and the effects, and the more she thought about it the more she realized she could only find peace by facing her captors directly and rejecting them. She didn't need a sorority. She would probably find more fulfillment in joining a different group or none at all.

With that Jenny stepped out and looked at Joy.

"You OK?" Joy asked.
"I am fine, and I am going back to my dorm."

And, with nothing more said, Jenny went back. Nichole was surprised to see Jenny. Jenny said nothing for a few minutes, and then she spoke to Nichole.

"We're getting them back," she said.
"Wait? What? We are?!" Nichole asked dumbfounded.
"We're getting them back for this," Jenny said, "Now, I am taking a hot shower to get this tape residue off."

Jenny came out of the shower wearing jean shorts, a khaki short, and a camouflage bandana headband: Jenny the TUG-meister was back. Nichole didn't hide her smile, and Jenny texted Joy.

"Ask Zoe and Dana to come over," she texted, "Don't tell them we're coming."
"OK," Joy responded.

Jenny and Nichole grabbed their bandanas, tape, and rope and stuffed it in Jenny's backpack. They then set off for Joy/Joyce's dorm. Once there, Jenny explained her plan.

"Nichole and I will hide in the bedroom (it was an apartment style dorm). When they arrive, we'll get one and you'll get the other. Then they will get what is coming to them."
"You won't hurt them, will you?"
"Not physically."
"I don't doubt your ability to do so," Joy said with a smirk.
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Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Chapter 109: Memories XLIV - The Joys of College Part 5, Diminishing Returns

The girls got ready for what all but Jenny knew: her plan for revenge. They stood around talking waiting for Dana and Zoe to arrive. As they talked, they folded bandanas into bands to use in the upcoming kidnapping. Jenny took two blue bandanas and tied their ends together and then did the same with two white ones.

"What are you doing?" Nichole asked.
"Elbow bonds," Jenny replied flatly.
"Ouch," Joyce said.
"It could be worse," Nichole responded.

Then there came a knock. Sure enough, it was Zoe and Dana, and Joy invited them in. Joy started talking to them whilst Jenny and Nichole hid in the bedroom. They had bandanas and rope hanging out their pockets and rolls of tape on their wrists. Joy talked the two into turning their backs to the bedroom as she steered them that was by shifting her position. Zoe had on jean shorts, a teal sorority shirt, and a white headband. Dana had on blue athletic shorts and a red shirt.

"Are you mad about earlier?" Zoe asked.
"I am still a little," Joy responded.
"We're sorry we hurt you; we got carried away."
"I understand. It happens."
"You don't want get back at us?" Dana asked.
"Nah, I do, but not as bad as Jenny does. If she could, she'd tie you up so good you'd be unable to move your fingers."
"I bet she does!" Zoe said with a laugh.
"You bet I do!" Jenny yelled with a growl as she grabbed Zoe.
"Wha?!" the girls yelled as the gang pounced.

Jenny quickly cleave gagged Zoe with a black bandana whilst another was used by Joy to tie her hands behind her back. The blue bandana strip was used on her elbows. They forced her onto the floor and tied her ankles and knees with two pink bandanas and her thighs with a brown one. Finally, they blindfolded her with a purple bandana.

Dana was cleave gagged with a pink bandana, blindfolded with red, wrists tied with baby blue, elbows bound with white, knees with orange, thighs with yellow, and her ankles with tan.

Both girls then had their arms bound with belts above and below their breasts. They were carried into Joyce's bedroom because while they had a 2-bed apartment that fit four, Joyce had no roommate.

Here Jenny was a bit rough. She sat Zoe against the footboard and bound her shoulders, elbows, and wrists to it with strips of rope. Using a blue bandana, she tied Zoe's thigh bond to her upper breast belt. Finally, she used another rope and attached Zoe's ankle and wrist bonds, effectively ball-tying her and pinning her to the footboard.

They then took Dana and laid her on the floor. Using a rope, they hogtied her. Jenny then took out a roll of gray tape and tape gagged them with 9 layers around their mouths.

"Mmmmmmmm," they quietly squeaked helplessly.
"You two can stay that way all night. You dared mess with the 'Cool Girls' Club,'" Jenny said. "Now you'll see how a real induction works. After all you did, I wouldn't join your sorority if you paid me."
"Jenny, you're being awfully cowardly talking to them when they're like that," Joy rebuked gently.
"Am I? I am being nicer to them than they were to me."
"Well... should you be vengeful like this?"
"I don't know... besides I owe you one."
"Me?! What did I do?!"

Brandishing bandanas, tape, and rope, the trio of Jenny, Joyce, and Nichole approached Jenny.

"This was your idea, Joy," Jenny said with a friendly smile.
"Yeah... let's get her!" Nichole seconded.

The girls all laughed as Joy started to get her share of the fun.

Jenny, Joyce, and Nichole dragged Joy over to the desk chair in Joyce's room. They bound her wrists behind her back with a gray bandana, her ankles and knees with red, and her thighs with black. A belt held her waist to the chair. They cleave gagged and blindfolded her with white and blue, respectively. Finally, they wrapped 8 layers of tape over her mouth. She was now only a little less helpless than her sister and Dana. In "Cool Girls' Club" fashion, the girls took selfies with Joy and photographed her struggle and uploaded it to their private FB group page.

The girls shut the door to Joyce's room lest their other roommate, Bridget, return and see the mess in Joyce's room. Since it was late, Joyce just went to sleep on the top bunk of the bed, which was hers anyway. She'd be able to check on them, and no questions were asked by Bridget.

The next morning Jenny went to the school chapel for the early service wearing a purple skirt and a matching blouse. After much search, she found Joy wearing a brown skirt and pink blouse, yet Zoe was noticeably absent. After church came the story.

When they got back to the dorm, Zoe and Dana were still learning the ropes. Joyce, unfamiliar with things, hadn't released them, although Joy had released them herself. The release left things a bit stronger than before. After some apologies, things between Jenny and Zoe were better, but true to her word Jenny wanted nothing to do with Tau Iota Epsilon. With that, Dana and Zoe left.


Sometime later, Nichole came over. She was wearing black shorts and a yellow shirt with a black kerchief bandana. What she found shocked her.

There were Joy and Jenny sitting in lotus position tied together. Their wrists were tied behind their backs and around the others stomachs. Their ankles were bound in lotus position. There were ropes at their waists and above and below their breasts. Their touching elbows were bound as well. Joy and Jenny were wearing purple and pink kerchief bandanas, respectively. They were both blindfolded with black bandanas, and cleave gagged with yellow bandanas and nine layers of tape. There was no sign of Joyce or Bridget.

"What happened?" Nichole asked as she ungagged and unblindfolded Jenny.
"Behind you!" Jenny yelled.
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