Nothing Personal - 4 (F/F)

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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 64

An island in the Mediterranean

Hayley felt the pressure around her body release as the external restraining bag was unzipped. Kirsty had been true to her word on the beach. They were both allowed ten minutes to shower in order to wash off the lotion and sand from the beach before they were once again diapered, down suited, bound, gagged and placed in restraining bags. No matter how many times Hayley was bound and then released she was amazed at how quickly her captors managed to undertake the process. Once unbound Hayley got to her feet and looked at the two bulging garment bags that Giselle had hung over the edge of the large closet in the room. As she made her way across to them Hayley noted that Kirsty was wearing a very nice large dress. There was an envelope attached to one of the bags and Hayley opened it to find an embossed card. “Your host request your presence at dinner this evening,” the note said in neat handwritten text.

“I assume politely turning down the offer isn’t an option,” Hayley asked.

“I don’t think that it was an offer. What did you think Giselle?”

“Definitely a request” Giselle replied.

“There is a strict dress code and your outfits are in these garment bags. We will leave you to let your friend out. Dinner is at seven so we will be back in ninety minutes to take you along.” Hayley unzipped the garment bag and ran her hand along the smooth fabric of the dress within. Rummaging further she found a strange item sitting at the bottom of the bag.

“Wait what is this?” Hayley shouted at Kirsty just before she reached the door holding up an item that she didn’t recognise. It was a long, heavily padded, silk covered u-shaped item with elastic bands similar to a garter attached to each end holding it that position.

“That’s a waddle. The girls usually wear them during training to replicate the feeling of wearing a diaper but without the rubbing or rash.” Hayley just looked from Giselle to the item, none the wiser for the reply. “You will not be required to wear diapers tonight; the boss thinks that would not be right for the dinner table. These are similar in size and shape and will replicate the feeling of wearing a diaper. Just remember that it isn’t a diaper.” Hayley thought that this was a bit bizarre but didn’t feel like arguing. It could be worse than wearing a diaper. As soon as Kirsty and Giselle left the room and closed the door Hayley hurried over to extract Gabriela from the down cocoon and bonds.

“Did I overhear that correctly?” Gabriela asked as soon as Hayley had freed her.

“I am afraid so Gabby,” Hayley responded. “Tonight we dine at the table of the Queen,” she finished with a theatrical flourish. Despite their current situation both women giggled at this.

“Well I suppose we had better make the best of it.” Gabriela stretched and made her way over to the wardrobe and opened the second garment bag and stared at the dress that was contained within it. “What is this?”

“The woman has a certain sense of fashion that she likes to impose on others.” Hayley replied as she rummaged through her own bag.

“I have never worn anything like this before Hayley.” Gabriela said removing the dress from the garment bag and hanging it up.

“Don’t worry I will help you get it on. Once the dress is on you might be surprised.”

The two women had a quick freshen up and then went about the business of getting dressed. Hayley first slipped on the waddle and made adjustments until it was comfortable. Although she wouldn’t admit it to her captors the sensation of the smooth fabric against that particular area of her body was not unpleasant, certainly an improvement on the inside of a diaper. Then both women set about the business of putting on the dresses. With some assistance from Hayley, Gabriela got the layers of underskirts on before putting on the remainder of the dress. Hayley did the zipping up duties for the bodice. Hayley stood in front of the mirror and gave herself the one over. She looked good even if she did admit it herself. The dress fit her perfectly and accentuated her curvy figure in all the right places. The silky smooth, pleated material of the voluminous bell shaped skirt was kept that way with petticoats underneath weight. The skirt flowed beautifully from the bottom of the bodice the only downside was the weight of fabric. Hayley guessed that it must have been almost thirty pounds of fabric. Crawford obviously had a skilled seamstress hidden away in the basement, bad choice of phrase. The memory of what happened in the basement still gave her a chill. Gabriela ran her hands over the body of the dress and down the billowing skirt that perturbed from below the bodice, full and smooth to the touch. She admired herself in the full length mirror and had to admit that she looked and felt good. Something about getting dressed up. “You look great Gabby” Hayley said from behind.

“Appreciate the compliment,” Gabriela replied. “Any tips about moving around in this thing?” Gabriela took some awkward steps around the room.

“Aside from looking spectacular, a gown like this is unique because it is hard to put on and can be even harder to move about in. Keep in mind that movement is going to be a challenge for you in your dress. There are some moves that you should practice if we get enough time, to give the impression of a lady.” Hayley said with a smile. “You are wearing a skirt that flares outward; so you should bend at the knees before you walk and gather, lightly, a piece of your skirt in each hand. When you crinkle and hold your dress carelessly is when wrinkles can happen. Remember you always want to look you best.”

“Thanks for the tips. How about going to the toilet?”

“Yeah, the one time that is would be handy to wear a diaper…..” Then they heard the electronic lock disengage.

“Looks like learning time is up Hayley,”

“Keep in mind that while you are wearing your dress, even though it may be slightly awkward, that you have to stand up tall, keep your shoulders back and smile.”


The door opened and Kirsty entered with Giselle and Nicole following on close behind. Hayley and Gabriela stood in the middle of the room. “You look very good ladies. Now I hope that after the incident at the beach you have both learnt the lesson about obeying orders,” Kirsty said. Both Hayley and Gabriela nodded. “I think that given the nature of tonight’s event then we can forgo the need to bind and gag our guests on the journey to the dining room. Just as long as everyone agrees to behaves themselves.”

“We will,” Hayley and Gabriela said in unison. That agreed Kirsty lead the way out of the room and along the corridor followed by Hayley and Gabriela with Nicole and Giselle taking up positions to the rear where they could see every move that the captives made. The group made their way through the house until Gabriela and Hayley were both led into a large dining room and toward the large wooden table that sat at the centre of it. There were ten chairs around the table but there were settings at only seven of them, three on one side, three more opposite and one at the head of the table. The women were shown to the far side of the table as Kirsty took one of the seats on the near side. “Take a seat” Giselle instructed them. Hayley and Gabriela both pulled out a high backed chair and carefully folding the skirt of their dresses took a seat and waited for the rest of the dinner guests to arrive. No sooner had they sat down than a familiar voice seemed to arrive out of nowhere.

“Ladies I have to say I am so glad that decided to take up my invitation,” Elizabeth Crawford said as she approached the table. Hayley turned to watch the woman arrived and noted that she was wearing a dress slightly different to her own and her entire ensemble from head to toe was black in colour. For all that the woman was a criminal Hayley had to admit that she was a striking woman.

“Thanks for the invitation,” Hayley replied as Elizabeth Crawford took the seat at the head of the table. The four women around the table sat in silence awkward silence until two other women entered the room, one took a seat beside Kirsty and the other took the empty seat beside Hayley and Gabriela.

“Evening ladies, pleased to meet you. My name is Keira,” the woman said in an Australian accent. Hayley and Gabriela both nodded a greeting but kept their mouths shut.

“I believe that you have already met Harper,” Elizabeth Crawford introduced the woman who had taken the seat directly across from Hayley. That just left one seat empty. “Here is our last dinner guest now.” Hayley and Gabriela craned their necks to get a good look as the woman approached but didn’t get a good look at her until she had taken her seat.

“Good evening Elizabeth, Harper, ladies” the new arrival said. Gabriela couldn’t help staring at the young woman. She was sure that she had seen the face before, they hadn’t met but the feeling was like when you knew someone from a photograph or a famous person from television. The face was older and the hair was shorter and styled….then it clicked.

“Kendall” Gabriela almost shouted.

“The banker’s daughter?!” Hayley said, half question, half statement, turning to look at Gabriela.

“Yes Hayley, that is right. Kendall Stanley-Ramos, the supposed kidnapped daughter of Helen who has spent every waking minute since she received an e-mail worried sick over the fate of her daughter.”

“I hate the cow. She never had any time for me, too concerned with her career.” The reply was said flatly, totally devoid of emotion.

“What has Elizabeth Crawford told you?” Hayley asked.

“Well Hayley, let me pick up on this one. I chanced across young Kendall about eight months ago at an event, we got talking and it was clear that Kendall was a young woman in search of direction. A guiding hand so to speak….”

“And you persuaded her to commit several criminal acts across multiple countries!” Gabriela’s anger was building, her face was started to get flushed and her voice louder and louder. Hayley placed a calming hand on Gabriela’s arm, thinking don’t upset the sociopath holding us hostage on a remote island with a team of well trained guards to do her bidding. Or should that be binding? Although to be fair Hayley would guess that Elizabeth Crawford’s explanation was nonsense. Hayley would have bet that Crawford had sought out Kendall deliberately.

“Miss Crawford is a role model, a successful and ambitious woman,” Kendall said with conviction.

“She is a criminal Kendall” Gabriela almost screamed in annoyance that the young woman couldn’t see what was actually going on here.

“I wouldn’t take everything that Miss Crawford tells you at face value,” Hayley commented.

“Now, don’t go spreading rumours Hayley or we might just have to do something about that mouth of yours,” Elizabeth Crawford said wagging a finger in Hayley’s direction. “Kendall is joining us and she starts training tomorrow.” After that exchange things calmed down and not long afterwards the first course of the meal was served. As the first course moved into mains the conversation actually moved onto other items and if you had just waked into the room you would have assumed that it was a group of friends catching up over a meal and Hayley had to admit that the food was fantastic. In addition to an expert seamstress Elizabeth Crawford also had a very good chef stashed away somewhere. At one point Keira obviously got to where she was going to divulge something that Elizabeth Crawford didn’t want Hayley and Gabriela to know and was politely but firmly asked to stop by the host. Hayley was still worried about Gabriela. During the exchanges her input had been minimal, then over dessert Gabriela asked.

“You should at least let your mum know that you are alright Kendall.”

“No chance. She is dead to me,” Kendall replied.

“Why you little bitch!” Gabriela exclaimed as she stood and slammed both hands down onto the table. Across the table Kendall visibly shrank into the chair, Hayley looked at Gabriela and thought; you’ve gone and done it now.

“Ladies our guest seems to have become agitated. Please restrain her for her own safety then take her to Kendall’s room.” Elizabeth Crawford smiled when she said this. “Perhaps we can start Kendall’s training slightly earlier than planned.” Hayley looked at the women sitting round the table from Elizabeth Crawford at the head; Harper, Kendall, Kirsty then finally round to Gabriela just in time to see Perrie and Nicole grab an arm each and wrestle Gabriela from in front of the chair.

“Get your hands off oooowwww…” Gabriela screamed, this time in pain as her arms were wretched behind her back. Nicole held them in place whilst Perrie secured them together with a thin length of cord despite the fact that Gabriela constantly squirmed in an attempt to shake free of her captors grip. Perrie then put an end to the complaints from Gabriela by forcing a cloth into her mouth and using a blue silk scarf to hold it in place. That job complete a struggling and moaning Gabriela was wrestled out of the dining room

“Well I hope that didn’t ruin everyone’s evening,” Elizabeth Crawford said. Hayley remained silent and in her seat. One by one Harper, Kirsty and Keira made their excuses and left the table. “Kendall go along to your room, I will be along in five minutes.” Kendall paused for a second as if she was going to object before getting up and leaving the room. Now that the two of them were alone Hayley turned to face Elizabeth Crawford and asked a question that she had been wanting to since arriving on the island.

“What do you plan to do with us?”

“Well in the short term I plan to instruct Kendall in how to show a woman a good time. It was nice of your friend to volunteer. Longer term I plan to keep you around for a while. You know that I like having you around Hayley and your friend is feisty. I like that, although she will have to learn not to let that temper get the better of her in the future. Tonight might be that lesson.” With that Elizabeth Crawford turned and headed down the corridor after Kendall. “Beside the girls need training, practice and the occasional bit of leisure and release” she said over her shoulder not bothering to turn around. Great Hayley thought, held as some kind of training toy / concubine hybrid.

Hayley stood and watched Elizabeth Crawford stroll down the lavishly carpeted corridor and jumped as she felt a hand on her shoulder. Hayley glanced round to find Kirsty standing just behind and to the left of her. The woman may have snuck back into the room. By force of habit Hayley placed both of her hands behind her back. “I think that we can forgo the bindings this time. As long as you promise to behave” Hayley nodded almost imperceptibly and turned to head back to her room with Kirsty following close behind and Vernie a couple of steps behind. The only sound as they walked along the corridor was the sound of their dresses swishing around their bodies. A slight left turn into another short corridor with a junction with another corridor at the bottom. Just as they reached the junction three women walked slowly past, one wearing a down suit and the other two large dresses. The one with the down suit was gagged and her hands were secured behind her back with cuffs. Hayley only got a glance but was sure that she recognised the bound figure. Hayley took two quick steps forward into the corridor and looked after the group.

“Natascha….” The woman being led along turned and they locked eyes. Hayley was stunned into silence. It was Natascha Taylor. What was she doing on the island? “How……..when…..” Hayley stammered, trying to recover from the initial shock. Hayley looked into Natascha’s eyes and saw the look change from shock to recognition to fury in the space of a couple of seconds.

“HHMMPPHHGG,” Natascha screamed but the words were rendered almost mute by her gag. It took Hayley a while to process Natascha’s thought process and glanced down. The large dress, the lack of bindings, the seemingly casual nature of the walk along with Kirsty and Vernie, Natascha thought that Hayley was with them.

“Wait….it isn’t what you think,” Hayley said taking a step toward her friend.

“YYUUGGHH,” Natascha screamed angrily from behind her gag and took a couple of steps forward before being grabbed by the two guards that had been escorting her. They quickly placed a sleep mask over Natascha’s eyes and started to drag her down the corridor.

“No….wait…let…” Hayley tried to explain but from behind Kirsty stuffed a cloth into her mouth with her right hand, keeping the hand clamped over Hayley’s mouth whilst at the same time hooking both of Hayley’s arms with her left and pulling them behind her back. Kirsty pulled Hayley tight against her body and Vernie stepped in front of Hayley with a silk scarf, Kirsty hand came away and Vernie tied the scarf over Hayley’s mouth. Hayley wasn’t concentrating and offered no resistance as Kirsty slipped a pair of cuffs on Hayley’s wrists.

“Let’s get you back to your room and give you something to help you calm down,” Kirsty softly said into Hayley’s ear. “Then we will get you in full restraints for a spell to help keep you safe.” Hayley totally deflated at what had occurred just nodded her head.


The light started to appear at the edge of Gabriela’s vision as the sedative started to wear off, as soon as they had dragged her into the room Perrie had clamped a chloroform soaked cloth over the lower half of her face. Natural reactions dictated that Gabriela attempt to shake off the cloth but with her hands tied behind her back, gagged and outnumbered she had no chance and eventually she succumbed to the fumes from the cloth. When she had regained full use of her senses the first thing that she noted was that her head didn’t hurt quite so much after being drugged. This meant that her body was getting used to being chloroformed. Gabriela didn’t know whether this was a good or bad sign. The second thing that she noted was that she was bound to the bed, spread-eagled with leather cuffs around each of her wrists and ankles and black rope stretched between the cuffs and the corner of the bed. Then she realised that she was totally naked and blushed. “It looks like she is coming round Elizabeth.” Gabriela raised her head and looked round the room to find Elizabeth Crawford and Kendall standing looking at her.

“Forget about her for the moment,” Elizabeth Crawford replied. “Remember what I told you about gagging someone Kendall. In addition to keeping a captive quiet it is about control and should always be applied even if you don’t think it is absolutely necessary. It is a bit like art, it has to be effective but also aesthetically pleasing. Any gag is more affective if the captive’s mouth is filled with some sort of stuffing. Normally this would be a cloth or large handkerchief but there are times when you may need to improvise and use whatever is to hand.” It was overhearing this chat that made Gabriela realise that she wasn’t currently gagged.

“Can I ask what you have planned for me?” Gabriela asked.

“Well I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise but I am going to teach young Kendall how to extract information from a woman without having to resort to brutal, old fashioned methods. There is no reason why it can’t be a pleasurable experience for both of those involved” Crawford said looking from Gabriela then back to Kendall. “Go and get ready Kendall whilst I have a chat with Gabriela.”

“What have we got to talk about?” Gabriela asked after Kendall had retreated to the bathroom. Gabriela noted that Elizabeth Crawford still wore the same black dress that she had worn at the dinner table.

“Nothing at all, I just thought that I would save Kendall the trouble of gagging you,” then Elizabeth produced a cloth and forced it into Gabriela’s mouth being plastering a large piece of white micro foam tape over Gabriela’s mouth. Just after that Kendall entered the room wearing nothing but some skimpy lingerie and a pair of leather gloves. This sight sparked something within Gabriela and she started to squirm on the bed, testing the strength of the ropes holding her in place. As Kendall approached the bed Elizabeth Crawford stood off to the side and watched Gabriela explore her bonds. Hands on hips and gloating, infuriating smile on her beautiful face, the woman let Gabriela satisfy herself that she was indeed helpless. Kendall mounted the bed and somewhat nervously began to run her fingers across Gabriela’s body, paying particular attention to her breasts. This continued for a while before Elizabeth Crawford started issuing instructions, which Kendall obeyed. Next came various sex toys ad Kendall explored Gabriela’s body hitting all of the erogenous zones. Gabriela was embarrassed and frustrated at being handled like some kind of doll or plaything for Kendall. Gabriela tried to ignore the heat rising between her legs being caused by Kendall’s stimulations, the sensation building gradually, to ignore her building arousal but like freeing herself from her bonds, she knew it was a lost cause. Gabriela felt sweat start to perspire all over her body, breasts heaving as she panted through her gag. The end of this journey was obvious and approaching fast. Just before the end Elizabeth Crawford leaned over and placed a chloroform soaked cloth over Gabriela’s nose. In no position to fight it off and panting as she was Gabriela inhaled massive amounts of the fumes. The darkness started to appear at the edges of her vision as the dam broke and not long after everything went black as she slipped into unconsciousness.

“How was that?” Kendall asked.

“Not bad for a first attempt. Get the girls to take her back to her room,” Elizabeth Crawford replied. “I have may own conversation to have.”


"So, Agent Taylor," Elizabeth Crawford said, sitting down in a chair next to the bed. “You and I need to have a chat," she added. Natascha looked on from her position on the bed and tried to remain calm. Shortly after her shocking encounter with Hayley in the corridor and subsequent application of the blindfold she had been dragged into a room and a cloth was slapped over her nose and mouth. Once the cloth was applied Natascha noted the now familiar scent of chloroform filled her nostrils, struggling was a natural reaction but try as she might there was no escape from the sweet smelling fumes and Natascha eventually slipped into unconsciousness. When she came to Natascha found that she was not only bound spread eagled to a bed with thin black cord. The room was almost in darkness, the only light coming from a lamp on a bedside table. And she was totally naked. Not a position that she had found herself in before and not one she wanted to find herself in again. It had been some time lying by herself in the room before the door opened and Elizabeth Crawford entered. “I do apologise for taking so long to meet like this, one on one, however you arrived at a very busy time.”

“What has Hayley got to do with you?” Natascha asked.

“We have a special relation, your friend and I,” Elizabeth replied. “But this is not how this should work. It is you that should be answering my questions Agent Taylor.” Natascha watched as the woman strolled around form one side of the bed to the other.

“I don’t care what you do to me. I won’t be telling you anything. It will take a look more than some ropes, mood lighting and some chloroform to intimidate me.” Natascha set her jaw to emphasise the point.

"Oh, now, is that right," Elizabeth mumbled. “We shall see about that.” Ignoring her captive Elizabeth folded the handkerchief into a tight pad, which after a bit of resistance she pushed between Natascha's lips and behind her teeth, filling her mouth effectively and rendering any protests almost entirely silent. Elizabeth then pressed the middle of the silk scarf firmly on top of the pad and drew the ends behind Natascha's head, knotting them firmly at the base of Natascha’s skull. Her mouth was forced open by the broad, thick silk band, and the thick wad of silk in her mouth would quickly dry out her tongue and make trying to talk awkward. Natascha continued to struggle fruitlessly, tugging at the thin black cords that kept her bound to the bed, her complaints emerging as muffled grunts and mumbles, swallowed by the thick silk pad in her mouth. Elizabeth Crawford lifted a device off the bed and flicked a switch, which created a buzzing noise that instantly got a reaction from Natascha. That reaction intensified when the device was placed on the inside of her thigh and slowly moved up the groin.

“MMMPPPHHH,” Natascha screamed. Elizabeth Crawford nodded and removed the device.

“Now let’s try again.” Natascha glared at her over the gag and mumbled something into the silk. "At the moment, I'll stick to simple 'yes' or 'no' questions, so I don't have to remove the gag. Then maybe we can move on. How does that sound? Good?" Natascha continued to glare at her until Elizabeth raised her eyebrows quizzically. Eventually the bound woman nodded.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Over 9,000 views!! Thanks all, much appreciated.
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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 4 years ago Over 9,000 views!! Thanks all, much appreciated.
So the next goal will be 10.000 :) Keep it going folks!

I enjoyed each and every Chapter of this epic saga. It is difficult to say, what I admire more: The Plot, the characters, the very good dialogues, the interactions between the characters, the perfection how every piece falls effortlessly in its place. The frequent, unexpected and unpredictable turns and surprises, orchestrated by [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] :)

And the more the story progresses, I find it difficult to pass the time, till the next installment of the trials and tribulations of Hayley and friends :)

What I like about Chapter 64:

First: The errie atmosphere. The formal invitation to dinner, the formal dresses, the dinner - that must seem surreal for Crawfords guests. But there is always the 800 Pound Gorilla in the room: That two of Crawfords guests are no guests but captives. And Crawfords more or less direct advise to Hayley, to be careful. Gabrielas outburst.

Second: The surprises. Kendalls appearance and the encounter of Hayley and Natascha. I doubt very much, that this was an accident. It feels like one the moves, so typical for Crawford: To throw Haley of balance, to undermine her will to resist. Hayley resilience is definitivly put to a test.

She was obviously and genuinely shocked: One of the friends she counted on, to rescue her, in the hands of their host too. Hayleys reaction, or more precisley, the lack of it, as Kirsty tied and gagged her, showed that clearly.

Intended or not: Hayley was thrown of Balance. How she will regain her composure remains to be seen.

I don't think Crawford told Hayley everything, when she was asked by Hayley about her plans with her and Gabriela.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 65

After Kirsty and Vernie had brought her back into the room and untied her wrists they had carefully taken Hayley’s dress off and hung it in the wardrobe. Totally disconsolate at what had happened with Natasha there was no resistance from Hayley, in fact she obeyed every command as if in a trance as they two captors placed her in a diaper, down suit and full restraints before putting her in two restraining bags. There was no conversation throughout the process and when they were done the Kirsty and Vernie left the room and left Hayley with only her thoughts for company.

Unable to sleep with her mind racing at her brief encounter with Natascha earlier that evening Hayley was fully awake when the door opened and an unconscious Gabriela was wheeled into the room. Due to the large hood around her head Hayley couldn’t see what was going on but the sounds were now familiar, the sounds of women having to move dead weight around. It took whoever the guards were sometime to fully secure Gabriela before they left the room and Hayley was once again left alone with her thoughts.

At some point during the night Hayley must have drifted into a deep sleep as she was woken by someone shaking the restraining bags that she was cocooned in. It was Elizabeth Crawford. “It was a pity to wake you up. You looked so peaceful and comfortable.” This was pretty creepy Hayley thought. Add that to the list of things that were wrong with Elizabeth Crawford. There was a pause before she continued. “Hayley I have a business trip to make and have decided that you will come along.” If the woman was expecting a supply it wasn’t going to happen, Hayley’s gag hadn’t been removed. “We are leaving tomorrow morning. Don’t worry about packing a bag. That will be seen to on your behalf.” Then Elizabeth Crawford disappeared and once again left Hayley alone with her thoughts.

The next day

The door opened and Hayley heard the now distinctive noise of people moving around in the room, then she sensed someone standing beside her, encased in a down cocoon and then the pressure against her body released as the various bags that she was lying in were unzipped and removed until she was able to swing her legs round and plant her feet onto the floor. Hayley found that there were two guards in the room; Vernie and the stone faced Russia, Yelena. Vernie went about quickly removing the straps and cuffs binding Hayley whilst Yelena hovered nearby menacingly backing up her partner, watching on from a safe distance should Hayley try anything. Hayley didn’t and sat placidly until the guard instructed her to stand. Complying with that instruction Hayley’s gag was removed and thrown on the bed beside the restraining bags and bindings. Hayley glanced down and all of the various items that were used to restrain her and realised that there was no chance of escape when Gabriela and her were fully bound in this room. Hayley was brought back into the moment by the sound of the Vernie’s voice. “Sorry I was miles away” Hayley said.

“You wish you were” Vernie replied, a grin spreading across her lips. “I was saying there is a bag packed for you in the car and clothes for you to put on are hanging in the wardrobe. You will be expected to padded diaper like underwear at all times during the trip.” Hayley’s spirits dropped on hearing that news. She had hoped to be spared that embarrassment during the trip. Although thinking about it through it would look odd if she was escorted to the toilet every time she needed to go.

“Thank you,” Hayley said.

“We will leave you to get ready and be back to get you in thirty minutes,” Vernie added before both guards left the room. On the way out Vernie shouted over her shoulder that under no circumstances was Hayley to let Gabriela out of her bindings. Hayley slipped out of her down suit and stripped off her diaper, depositing it in the bin as she walked into the bathroom to have a shower. After exiting the shower and shrugging on a silk robe Hayley made her way across the room and leaned over Gabriela so that they could lock eyes.

“Sorry but I have strict instructions not to let you out.” The bound, gagged and restrained Gabriela nodded her understanding. Hayley headed over to the wardrobe and found an outfit hanging in place beside the selection of down suits and garment bags containing the dresses that they had worn at dinner a couple of days ago. Slipping off the silk robe Hayley found a bra and padded panties lying in the bottom of the wardrobe, both of which she put on before quickly putting on the outfit that had been left for her. Now fully dressed Hayley took a good look at herself in the mirror. Turing left then right Hayley had to admit that Elizabeth Crawford must know a good seamstress. The cut of the black trousers that she was wearing disguised the bulk of the padded pants that she had on underneath. In addition to the trousers Hayley had put on a plain white blouse followed by a down gilet and a long down jacket. The cut of jacket was also flattering to her figure which Hayley found surprising. As she was admiring herself the door opened and Vernie and Yelena returned wearing similar outfits to that Hayley was wearing.

“Please put your hands out,” Hayley complied and placed her hands out in front of her and Vernie slipped a finger control mitt on each of Hayley’s hands and fastened them in place. Next was a set of padded cuffs around Hayley’s wrists. Hayley was waiting for more straps, rope or tape to be added but it seemed that was to be it for the moment. Well almost, she was still to be gagged. Yelena stepped up for that part of the job, stuffing Hayley’s mouth with a cloth before placing a wad of cotton wool over Hayley’s mouth and keeping everything tightly in place with a folded black silk scarf. Vernie and Yelena then escorted Hayley out of the room and to the main foyer where Elizabeth Crawford and Harper were standing waiting for them.

“Hayley I shall get straight to the point. I understand that there will be the temptation to try something during this excursion. However please remember that your new friend Gabriela will remain here under the supervision of Harper and my guards. Harper and I talk every evening to run through business issues. If something was to happen to me and I don’t check in with Harper then Gabriela will be sold to the highest bidder.” Hayley’s eyes opened wide and she started to pay full attention to what Elizabeth Crawford was saying. “The same thing might happen. Well I say might; will happen if you should somehow go missing and not make it back.” Harper worked on her tablet before holding it up where Hayley could see the screen.

“This is a draft version of the page. All I have to do to make it live is hit the button at the bottom left of the screen,” Harper said.

“I am sure that you will agree that there will be no shortage of takers for such a fine specimen,” Elizabeth Crawford chipped in. Hayley nodded her understanding, her gag preventing her from answering any other way.

“Have a good trip” Harper said before turning and heading back toward her office.

“Well I suggest we get going ladies. We wouldn’t want to be late.” Yelena took a grip of Hayley’s arm and led her through the house and out into the fresh air. There was a large SUV parked at the bottom of the stairs and Hayley and Yelena made there way to the rear door that was lying open. With a bit of help Hayley was able to get into the back seat where she found herself sitting beside Kirsty. Yelena scooted Hayley across the back seat and then followed her onto the seat. Elizabeth Crawford and Vernie took the two seats in the front of the vehicle. The drive was short, Hayley looking out the windows as they journey went; trying to take in as much information as possible always thinking about potential escape routes. They were on a track that skirted the coast and rose until they came to a fork where vehicle took the right fork. Hayley looked to her left and saw that the other fork led to a collection of individual houses around a cove. It looked idyllic. Once the vehicle stopped Hayley found that they were at a small airfield. There was a small terminal building, which was compact to be kind plus a very large shed next to it. Hayley guessed that this was the home for the glistening silver jet sitting not to far from the terminal building. The vehicle stopped everyone got out. Hayley was led up the stairs and into the body of the jet where Perrie was waiting to greet them. There were large individual seats scattered around the cabin and Perrie escorted Hayley to one of the seats and instructed her to sit down. Unable to use her hands Perrie had to secure Hayley in the seat with the belt. Once secured in the seat Hayley’s gag was removed and quickly replaced with a black rubber mask secured in place with a strap behind her head.

“What is this for?” Hayley asked but Perrie didn’t answer. There was a thin hose attached to the mask and shortly after the mask was in place Hayley felt a soft breeze against her skin. It didn’t take a genius to work out what was going to happen. Hayley gradually felt her eyes closing over, the affect was subtle, like falling asleep when you where tired. And that was the last thing that Hayley remembered until she slowly regained consciousness, coming round in stages. It was a slightly different sensation than the one after being knocked out with chloroform, she had no perception of time or memory and was slightly disorientated when Kirsty approached with a handkerchief and wiped away a line of drool that had run from the corner of Hayley’s mouth down to her chin.

“I have to apologise for having to put you to sleep for the duration of the journey Hayley. Elizabeth has strict rules about letting people know where my operations are based. Not that you will be telling anyone,” Kirsty explained.

“How would I know where your base of operations was from thirty odd thousand feet in the air?” Hayley asked and thought that it was a reasonable question. Kirsty just smiled in response.

“Enough with the small talk ladies. We have business to attend to.” Elizabeth Crawford said to the cabin and everyone turned to look at her.

“Hayley for obvious reasons you won’t be gagged or cuffed during our visit so we and indeed Gabriela are placing our trust in you. Understand?” Hayley looked away from Kirsty but nodded her understanding. Kirsty removed the cuffs from around Hayley’s wrists and then helped her up. Hayley held up her hands to indicate the finger control mitts. “Improvise,” was all that Kirsty said.


After entering the foyer of the hotel the group, led by Elizabeth Crawford, strode purposefully to the reception desk and were greeted by a middle aged man wearing a neat uniform and a broad smile. His nametag identified him as Sergio. “Good evening ladies. Do you have a reservation with us?” Before Elizabeth Crawford could answer a tall woman in her fifties appeared behind Sergio and whispered something in his ear.

“Ms Crawford, a pleasure to see you and your friends again.”

“It is nice to be back again Alexis” Crawford replied. “You always make us feel welcome.”

“Sergio, I will take care of this booking” Alexis said to the man behind the desk who nodded his understanding before busying himself with the next customer. “Your usual suites have been reserved.”

“Thanks you.” As the check in process was progressing Hayley was standing beside Kirsty who was keeping a close on her. It was then that Hayley noticed that a young girl was standing staring at her.

“Hello honey,” Hayley said, turning the smile up to almost full wattage. The woman next to the child smiled and put her hand on the girls shoulder.

“Why are you wearing those things on your hands?” the young girl asked.

“Oh don’t bother the nice lady with questions” the woman to the child before turning to Hayley. “Sorry about that. It is none of our business.” Hayley could feel the eyes of everyone in the group on her, daring her to say something that they wouldn’t like.

“That’s alright. I had an accident and hurt my hands sweetheart. These are protective gloves to allow them to get better properly.” Hayley replied looking at the young child holding up her mitted hands. “Luckily I have my friends here to help me.” Hayley said indicating Elizabeth Crawford and company with her head. That answer seemed to go down well with the group as Hayley could feel a lot of tension dissolve from the air.

“Miss Crawford if you would follow Tomas he will take you to your room,” Alexis said and indicated a young man who had just appeared with a trolley containing their baggage which Hayley quickly noted contained several compression sacks. Well there goes her chance at sleeping in a nice bed for a change. The young man smiled and started to push the trolley toward the bank of lifts, Elizabeth Crawford followed close behind followed by Perrie, Vernie, Hayley, Kirsty and Yelena. The lift was spacious and they all managed to get in comfortably.

When the lift opened at their floor Tomas led them to the end of the corridor, opened the door and pushed the trolley in. The women entered the room in single file with Hayley in the middle and she quickly realised that they was a suite rather than a single room. There was a large, well furnished sitting room with several doors leading off it. “Tomas just leave the bags in here. We can sort through them later,” Kirsty said. The young man nodded and left the room after handing the access cards to Kirsty who in exchanged slipped him some currency.

“Ladies it is getting on so I suggest that we freshen up before ordering room service and settling in for the night,” Elizabeth Crawford suggested. The rest of the women nodded and went to grab their bags. “Vernie, would you please see to Hayley. Put her in the room and let her get freshened up before joining us.”

“Stick you hands out Hayley so that I can take off the mitts.” With the mitts off Hayley was able to flex her fingers. “That red and black bag belongs to you. Grab that and the compression sacks and head to that room over there.” Vernie pointed toward the furthest away door and after picking up the items as instructed Hayley started to walk across noting that Vernie had thrown a bag over her shoulder then followed on close behind. Hayley entered the room first and had to admit that she couldn’t complain about her accommodation for the night. Hayley turned to find that Vernie had stopped at the door. “You will know what to do with the stuff in your hands. I will be back in thirty minutes or so to get you. See you later” Vernie said as she turned away before saying over her shoulder. “Would you be able to get the bags out of compression sacks and let them loft up for later?” Hayley couldn’t believe that request and made an appropriate hand gesture to the now closed door. Before doing anything else Hayley went into the en suite toilet and ran her fingers under the cold tap then pulled down her trousers and removed the padded pants that she had soiled as the car had pulled up at the hotel. Pulling her trousers back up Hayley went back into the bedroom and decided to take a look though the bag that she had been allocated. It would be the first time that Hayley had the opportunity to look at what had been packed for her. Opening the zipper Hayley was slightly disappointed by its contents. No wonder they flew in private jets. There was no way they would want this case x-rayed or searched. Half of the bag was filled with diapers, a spare set of finger control mitts and a full set of cuffs and straps that Hayley assumed would be used to bind her. The other half of the case was more promising, a couple of pairs of silk pyjamas, two blouses, spare bra, spare trousers and a toilet bag. Hayley guessed given the contents of the case that they would be staying two nights then heading back to the island, then again maybe just one with a spare blouse. Always better to be prepared. Hayley sat on the bed and sighed before mentally giving herself a shake. Hayley searched the room but couldn’t find anything useful. Not to help her escape now, there was no way that she would be able to get past the five women waiting outside the door but the window didn’t open and looked out onto a brick wall. There was no phone in the room so Hayley decided to bide her time and went to ready. It was then that it struck her that she didn’t even know where she was. Grabbing the smallest of the three compression sacks she opened it and emptied the contents, a down filled suit. Then she took one of the diapers and spread it out on the bed in anticipation on putting in on. Hayley then grabbed the toilet bag and went to get freshened up in the bathroom.

After a quick wash Hayley hung up the clothes then she had been wearing that day in the wardrobe and made her way to the bed. After climbing onto the bed Hayley lay down on the diaper and repositioned herself until she was satisfied before lifting the front and securing it in place with the sticky panels. Satisfied that the diaper was in place and comfortable Hayley slipped off the bed and waddled over to the down suit, put it on and zipped it up. Then she looked down at the two larger compression sacks and growled before picking each up in turn and extracting the down filled restraining bag within and setting them each on the double bed. Just as she had completed that task the door opened and Vernie stood in the doorway wearing a pair of silk pyjamas with a robe over the top. “Are you up for a girlie night in watching a movie?”

They gathered in the main room and settled down around the large television in the main room to watch a film whilst eating room service. Hayley wondered at her current situation as the night wore on, it could have been a night from a bachelorette party if she hadn’t been abducted and held against her will with the threat of a fellow captive being sold to the highest bidder being used to keep her controlled. Once the film had finished Elizabeth Crawford called time on the gathering and suggested that everyone get an early night in anticipation of an early start the next day. “Vernie, Kirsty could you see that Hayley is comfortable for the night.” Hayley knew what was coming, got up and trudged toward her room. As she did so Hayley happened to catch a glance at some headed paper that was sitting on a sideboard, at the top was the name and address of the hotel. She continued walking and entered her room with Kirsty and Vernie following close behind.

“Do you need to change your diaper?” Kirsty asked.

“No its fine,” Hayley replied.

“Hayley if you promise to behave then we can forgo the cuffs and other restraints for this trip. We will just place you in the bags for the night.” Hayley nodded at this suggestion, any small concession was welcome. Vernie had put the internal restraining bag on the bed, opening it up for ease of access. Without having to be told Hayley jumped onto the bed and slid into the bag which Vernie immediately flipped over and zipped up, sealing Hayley tightly inside. Then Vernie and Kirsty grabbed the external bag and between them slipped Hayley and the internal bag inside it and zipped it up, compressing the down tightly around Hayley’s body. Hayley found that there was a bit more freedom of movement without the restrains but it was still not great with the cloying of the material in the bags and would only get worse as the loft of the down increased as the night went on but as least she was comfortable. Then Kirsty’s face appeared in her vision as she leaned over Hayley. “Comfy?”

“Yea, thanks for asking. So why are we in Bratislava?” Hayley asked.

“Now I don’t think that Ms Crawford would like it if she knew you were asking questions. Now if you take your chloroform like a good girl and take nice deep breaths I won’t tell her,” Kirsty said. Hayley would have got very indignant at being talked to like a six year old child if she hadn’t been kidnapped and held captive by Elizabeth Crawford and her gang, so decided to keep her mouth closed. Kirsty took her time preparing a thick, white cloth with a liberal dose of the clear, pungent liquid as if savouring the moment. Kirsty then leaned down and held the cloth softly over Hayley’s nose and mouth. Hayley didn’t panic or try and fight against the cloth or resist the effects of the fumes coming from the cloth and slipped into unconsciousness.

Paris, France

They could tell by the look on Christina’s face that the telephone conversation with Jaclyn Sanders hadn’t gone well. “What did Sanders say?” Danielle asked. Christina took a deep breath and looked round the room before answering.

“She wants us to head back home.”

“And give up on Hayley?” chorused Natalie, Rhiannon and Gayle.

“What about Elizabeth Crawford’s plans?” Natalie asked after a minute of silence.

“Although Sanders does think that there is something going on, we have no leads and Crawford seems to have gone quiet for the time being.” Once again silence settled over the group.

“I had a similar conversation with my Lieutenant last night,” Natalie admitted. “Although it was more along the line of if you still want a job to come back to then I was to have me arse in her office first thing on Monday morning.”

“Without further leads on Crawford or the fabled Fallon Bennett at the moment there isn’t anything else to do,” Christina admitted and sat down in a chair. “Although Sanders said that there was one more thing that she was going to try but the plane will be waiting for us at the airport tomorrow morning. So lets get packed and an early night.” With that decided the group broke up and went their separate ways. Natalie noticed Charlotte made her way silently to the small kitchen and started to wash the cups and plates from dinner.

“Sorry Charlotte, I know that nobody mentioned Gabriela but we were thinking of her as well.”

“I know that……” Charlotte started and then paused. “What will I do now?”

“Well for a start you can come to the States with me tomorrow.”
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Post by Caesar73 »

The End of Chapter 65 seems like a Cliffhanger: Will a new lead to Crawfords lair materialize or not? If not ....
But there is always hope :) For now, most things seem to go Crawfords way ....
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Post by Caesar73 »

Why does Crawford took Hayley along in the Trip? Knowing Crawford, there must be reason to it, because it is risky. Guess, we will learn more sooner or later 😊
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 66

Bratislava, Slovakia

The sun was just starting to rise as Vernie and Kirsty began the process of extracting Hayley from the restraining bags. They were well practiced professionals so it didn’t take too long. “We will be leaving in an hour do be ready and make sure that all of the equipment is packed and ready to go.” Hayley who was at that point performing some basic stretches just nodded and began to strip off her down suit as her two captors turned and left the room. Hayley did away with her soiled diaper and jumped into the shower and quickly scrubbed herself clean before jumping out and towelling off. Hayley found some basic make-up in amongst the toiletries that she had been given and wiped the condensation from the mirror so that she could quickly put on some make-up Hayley.

Hayley they spent the next half an hour or so getting ready, slipping on a fresh pair of the padded pants, trousers and blouse before slipping on the down gilet and long down jacket. Then she made herself busy tidying the room, putting the bags and suit back in their compression sacks and packing her bag. All of which she was sitting waiting on the bed when Kirsty opened the door and came back into the room. “Thank you for that Hayley,” Kirsty said as she looked around the room and taking in Hayley’s handiwork. “Well grab the compression sacks and let’s get going.” For once Hayley was keen to comply with an order and with some enthusiasm and grabbed all three compression sacks and hurried out of the door. Kirsty picked up Hayley’s bag and with a final look around the room followed Hayley into the main room. The group had congregated around a trolley where they were all depositing their luggage. Hayley waited until everyone else had packed their bags before she placed the compression sacks on top of the pile, no point in them getting crushed.

“Ladies before we leave I want to highlight the importance of the meeting that we are about to have. I can’t explain fully at the moment but I promise that in the not too distant future all will be revealed.” Elizabeth Crawford was making a speech and nobody was going to interrupt. “After the meeting it will be straight to the airfield and the flight home. Once back home we will be able to relax a little and have some fun.” That comment seemed to go down well as smiles appeared on faces in the group, well apart from Yelena.

“Hands out Hayley,” Perrie said.

“Is that really necessary,” Hayley replied.

“We have to maintain the story about your damaged hands. What happens if we meet your little friend?” Hayley sighed but did indeed hold out her hands to let Perrie apply the finger control mitts. “Ready to go boss.” Perrie confirmed once that job was completed. There was a knock on the door and Kirsty answered it to find Tomas who she invited in. Then they retraced the journey that they took yesterday but this time in reserves until they found themselves back in the vehicle travelling through the old town of Bratislava. After a drive of about fifteen minutes Yelena pulled the vehicle into an underground car park and after finding a space killed the engine.

“Yelena please stay with the vehicle; everyone else follow me,” came the instructions from Elizabeth Crawford. They all exited the vehicle and followed Elizabeth toward an elevator. Once they reached the elevator Elizabeth punched a code into a numbered pad on the wall and the doors opened as if by magic. Elizabeth stood off to one side and allowed Kirsty, Hayley, Perrie and Vernie to enter before entering the lift herself and pushing the only button on the control panel. “Private elevator, even I don’t have one of these.” Elizabeth commented which got a chuckle from some of the group. Hayley remained quiet after her previous experience with a private elevator and the De Havilland sisters. Once the elevator ride was over the group exited straight into a waiting area where there was a desk with a young man behind it, smartly dressed in a three piece grey suit, white shirt and blue, tie.

“Good morning Miss Crawford. It is a pleasure to meet you,” the young man said making his was round from behind the desk and heading toward a door that was directly across from the lift entrance. “My boss will be with you in five minutes and asks that you wait in their office.” The young man held the door open and all of the women entered. “Can I get you anything? Tea or coffee perhaps?”

“No but thanks for he kind offer,” Elizabeth Crawford replied for the group and the young man retreated closing the door behind them. There was a large desk in the room with a large leather chair behind it, on the other side of the desk sat three hair backed chairs. Elizabeth Crawford indicated for Vernie and Perrie to take up positions around the room before heading for the chairs. After Hayley sat down on the left hand seat Kirsty knelt in from of her. “Sorry about this but we can’t have you know what goes on at this meeting.” Hayley thought that this was a strange comment.

“Well why did you bring me then?” Kirsty had to admit that it was a valid question but couldn’t give a satisfactory answer so didn’t bother and instead scrunched up a cloth and stuffed it in Hayley’s mouth. Kirsty then moved behind Hayley and used a folded silk scarf to over the mouth gag Hayley. “Don’t worry, just relax and I will remove everything after the meeting has finished.” Then Hayley’s world went dark as a thickly padded sleep mask was placed over her eyes, then everything went silent as Kirsty placed foam pugs in each of her ears. It was an unnerving sensation sitting their not being able to see, hear or speak and with her hands encased in the mitts she was unable to do anything about it.


Hayley had no sense of time during the time when she had been blindfolded, ear plugged and gagged so could not have taken a guess at how long the meeting and lasted or what was discussed or even who the meeting was with. The drive back to the airfield was uneventful but Hayley could tell that the mood in the car was buoyant and decided that whatever the meeting was about it had gone well. They all clambered up the stairs and into the cabin. Without having to be told Hayley took the same seat that she had been allocated on the outward flight. Perrie approached and Hayley pleaded with her. “Please don’t knock me out again” Hayley said. “There must be something else that you can do?”

“Sorry Hayley but to protect our secrecy we can’t afford to have you having any real clues as to where we are located.”

“Can you not just fly the long way round?” Hayley asked. This comment elicited muted laughs from Kirsty and Elizabeth Crawford who were both within earshot.

“No sorry Hayley we can’t fly around just to suit you,” Elizabeth Crawford replied.

“Well if you are going to administer a sedative can I put in a request for chloroform? The gas gave me a terrible headache when I come round.”

“Well you behaved very well during the trip so I am happy to grant your request to be chloroformed. You do realise that the chloroform will have to be applied several times to keep you sedated for the journey?”

“Yes I do.” Hayley replied before Elizabeth Crawford nodded at Perrie who stood up and went to find a bottle. This Hayley found strange as they usually had a bottle and a cloth to hand. “Well I am glad that you behaved during this trip.”

“Well your threat to punish Gabriela helped. As did the fact that I couldn’t remove the tracker” Hayley said indicating the device in her ankle.

“I probably should tell you this but the tracker only works on the island.” This gave Hayley something to think about. So much so that it hardly registered as Perrie clamped the chloroform soaked cloth over her nose and mouth. The now familiar scent of chloroform filled her nostrils and now by reflex Hayley just relaxed and took nice, regular, deep breathes and simply slipped peacefully into unconsciousness.


The plane jolted as the undercarriage hit the runway and Hayley was glad of the seatbelt that kept her securely in her seat. There was a buzz then the pilot’s voice came over the intercom. “Sorry folks, not my best ever landing.” The plane taxied toward the small terminal building and stopped. Hayley looked out the window and saw that the welcoming committee consisted of Harper, Tahani and two cars. Perrie loosened her belt and then slapped a pair of cuffs on Hayley’s wrists. Hayley watched as Perrie reached into her pocket and pulled out a cloth and a scarf.

“Do you really have to do that?” Hayley asked knowing that she was going to be gagged.

“You know the rules back on the island.” Hayley nodded and reluctantly opened her mouth to allow Perrie to inset the mouth filling cloth and then stood up so that Perrie could more easily apply the second part of her gag, the folded silk scarf. Hayley was led bound and gagged down the short stairs from the plane’s fuselage to the tarmac and toward one of the cars. She glanced across and noted Elizabeth Crawford talking to Kirsty and Harper. Kirsty turned round and on noticing Hayley broke away from the group and beckoned Yelena across to her.

“To confirm the point that we are still in control of how much freedom she enjoys put Hayley in full restraints for a couple of days. Also keep her separate from Gabriela and put them back in the same room tomorrow at some point,” Kirsty whispered into Yelena’s ear.

Cambridge, England

Detective Sergeant Amber Carter sat crossed armed and stared at the file on her desk. The call had come in four days ago and she had the fortune to be sitting at her desk when Inspector Jenkins had stuck his head out of his office and shouted at her to get across to the Grand International Hotel, something to do with a bride getting last minute nerves and performing a disappearing act. If only it had been that simple Amber thought as she slipped the large glossy photograph of Lara Sanchez out of the folder. The young woman was twenty five and no doubt attractive, a fortunate mixture of her father’s Iberian and mother’s Slavic genes. Lara was an orphan and was due to marry Hugo Smyth the day that she went missing. It was assumed that the blushing bride had taken a bout of last minute nerves and left the hotel to think things through. Well that was the chain of thought until they have discovered the two bridesmaids bound, gagged and blindfolded in a room. Once they had been freed and told similar stories about being lured to the room before being rendered unconscious using a drugged laced cloth and waking up restrained the investigation had changed track quickly. After taking their statements and then sending them to the hospital to be checked over Amber checked the with hotel security and looked at CCTV footage, it was when they were sitting going through the footage that somebody mentioned that this was the second time that an ambulance had visited the hotel that day. Something made Amber ask the security to check the telephone logs for an earlier call to the emergency services. There wasn’t one. Having asked the member of staff for an approximate time for the first ambulance meant that they could work back from the camera covering the exit. That is exactly what they did. The footage revealed and managed to find out what had happened. On her laptop she opened the footage that the technical team had managed to piece together from the various cameras at the hotel. It showed the bride being pushed on a gurney by two tall, dark haired women wearing paramedic uniforms. They were being led by a female security officer and a waitress brought up the rear carrying a large garment bag, which they found out later contained Lara Sanchez’s wedding dress. The footage continued until the group left the hotel, got into the ambulance and drove away. The security guard and waitress included. They discovered that the security guard and waitress were imposters. The abductors had used the passes of two actual staff members and changes the photographs to access the hotel through the controlled staff entrance to the rear. When they traced the real employees Amber discovered that they were housemates and had been attacked earlier that day by four women and left bound and gagged in a bedroom. It was clearly a very well planned operation undertake by well trained professional. Looking at the footage again the women never allowed the internal CCTV system to get a good shot of their faces and they even managed to avoid routes with traffic cameras after leaving the hotel. There was no record of the ambulance turning up on any other camera in a ten mile radius. It was all very frustrating. However they had managed to piece together artist drawings from descriptions given to them.

“Carter…go home!!” Amber turned and waved at Inspector Jenkins as he closed his office door and headed toward the corridor which led to the station’s main exit. Amber stood up and unfurled her long almost six foot frame from the chair before gathering her long auburn hair and tying it back in a ponytail. She slipped the blazer from over the back of her seat and put it on to leave the office before having second thoughts and leaned down and opened the case folder again. Amber looked at the artist drawings that had been prepared from the descriptions of the women involved in the kidnapping, no not kidnapping, abduction. There was a subtle difference between the two and there hadn’t been a ransom demand yet. Why had there not been a ransom demand of some kind? The more she learned about this case the more confused she became. Amber wondered if the artist drawings could be run through national and international databases using facial recognition software. “Well there was only one way to find out.” Amber said as she reached for the phone on her desk. The national database would be easy but she would need some help with the international databases. Now what was the name of that Interpol Agent that she had met at the Women in Law Enforcement Conference earlier this year? Amber opened the top drawer of her desk and rummaged through the junk collected within it until she found the business card she was looking for. Sasha Conteh; that was it!
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Post by Caesar73 »

I guess the Tripp to Bratislava had something to do with Crawfords future plans. But one question remains open: Why bringing Hayley along at all? Some sort of Test?

The instructions regarding Hayley at the end follow the usual routine: To show who is in control and to demonstrate she should not take the amount of freedom, she enjoyed for granted. Devious but effective 😊

So and someone stumbles about Sasha Contehs Dissapearance and found the Abduction of Lara suspicious 😊

The pace of the story accelerates 😉 And still a lot of mysteries to solve: :)
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 67

An island somewhere in the Mediterranean

They had lost track of time whilst being held on the island, although during their discussions they had decided that it was more than ten days but less then fifteen. The night before Kirsty had visited them and explained what was going to take place the next day. Hayley had hoped that she had picked up what Kirsty had said correctly as both she and Gabriela had been engrossed in their new favourite television show at the time, a South American soap opera with bad acting and subtitles. Now Hayley and Gabriela were sat at the end of their respective beds strangely excited or should that be nervous at what lay in store for them today when the door opened and Kirsty entered their room. The material of their down suits ruffled every time they made as move to place hair behind an ear or smooth out a real or imagined crease in the suit. “The girls have put in a lot of effort on this current venture and I have let them relax over the past two weeks.” Hayley and Gabriela glanced at each other, two weeks relaxation time meant that they had been held on the island for at least three weeks now. “However it is time to get the sharpness back so it is time to get some serious training in. Now as discussed we need someone to play the victims in our scenarios, usually the girls take it in turns but with you here I thought that you would be happy to volunteer.” Hayley and Gabriela exchanged a glance at the use of the word volunteer. Kirsty had paused at this point. “As always Elizabeth Crawford is fair and reasonable kidnapper. If you behave and perform well then there will be benefits at the weekend.”

“Does that include getting some time to ourselves without being monitored?” Hayley said indicating the small camera in the corner of the room.

“What could you possibly be getting up to that you wouldn’t want us to watch?” Kirsty said with a wicked smile. Hayley was tempted to say something rude but decided at this time that discretion was the better path at this time.

“What about another trip to the beach?” Gabriela asked.

“This is not a negotiation.” As this conversation continued Tahani and Christine entered the room and took up positions just behind Kirsty.

“Well let me discuss with the boss and let you know. Anyway as much as I would like to stand here and chat with you it is time to get moving.” Kirsty indicated to the two guards who were standing a couple of yards behind and they approached the two women sitting on the bed, each bearing various items that would be used to bind and gag Hayley and Gabriela.


Following Kirsty down the corridor Hayley was a bit perplexed. Every other time they had been let out of their room they had been given different clothes but this time both Gabriela and her were still wearing their down suits, although as usual they had been gagged and their wrists were bound with cuffs behind their backs. Tahani and Christine were also in close attendance just behind them. The group followed Kirsty into the main foyer and out onto the drive in front of the house where a car was waiting. After they had all entered the vehicle they made the short journey along to the airfield where this time rather than stopping on the apron they drove through the gap between the two large doors and into the hanger. Once inside Hayley was shocked at what was inside, rather then the bare aluminium walls, mechanical equipment and other items that may adorn an airport hanger there was a street, complete with buildings constructed within the hanger. It was like something out of a movie set. There were also several other sets, if you want to call them that built but Hayley didn’t get a good enough look at them to confirm what they were.

The car stopped and Hayley and Gabriela were escorted through the hanger to a room at the far side. Inside, the room was sparsely furnished with a single large wardrobe, a chest of drawers and two metal framed sleeping cots. Kirsty nodded and Tahani and Christine removed the cuffs that were around Hayley and Gabriela’s wrists. “Take some time to get comfortable. We will be back when we are ready for you and will explain what exactly is expected of you.” Once their captors had left Hayley and Gabriela removed their respective gags and Hayley crossed the room and opened the both doors of the wardrobe simultaneously. Leaning in she removed two garment bags and hung one of each of the opened doors, it was then that she noticed that each garment bag had one of their names stitched into it.

“Looks like this one is for you Gabby” Hayley said pointing at one of the bags. After dressing the two women looked at each other and then themselves in the mirror. In comparison to the other outfits that they had been supplied with during their time on the island these were tame. It was standard, daily wear. Each had a dark turtle neck sweater, dark blue jeans, a dark blazer and a bright silk scarf to set off the ensemble. After getting dressed they admired themselves in the full length mirror, the outfits fitted perfectly. Not long after they had finished getting changed the door opened and Kirsty walked in.

“I am glad that you are ready ladies as the girls are looking forward to this.”

“I wish I could say the same,” Hayley replied. “Anyway, what is the story?”

“Well when you get out of the room just head round to the street set up and watch your back.”

“Alright,” Gabriela and Hayley said in unison, glancing at each other.

“Now remember ladies I like training to be as realistic as possible so don’t be afraid to run, hide, resist and struggle.” Gabriela couldn’t resist a smile when she heard this. Alright she was outnumbered and likely to get bound, gagged and also knocked unconscious with chemicals over the course of today but as least she now had carte blanch to get a few digs of her own in.

“Wait, the trackers are still on our ankles” Gabriela stated.

“So” Kirsty replied with an exaggerated shrug.

“You will be able to tell exactly where we are at all times Kirsty.”

“I refer to you to my previous statement.”

“That is not fair on us, plus you wanted the training to be realistic. If someone can guide your operatives to where we are if they can’t find us then……..” Gabriela left the sentence unfinished.

“It would only be fair Kirsty. You could turn them off for a set time, say two hours and then activate them again. Beside where are we going to go?” Hayley jumped in seeing that Kirsty was considering the idea. Kirsty removed a mobile from the inside pocket of her jacket and scrolled through until she found the number for the control centre.

“Hello. Would you be able to turn off the guest trackers for Hayley and Gabriela in fifteen minutes?” Hayley and Gabriela watched intently as Kirsty listened to the person on the other end of the line. “Yes that’s confirmed turn them off but reactivate them again ninety minutes after switch off or sooner if the alarm goes off.” Kirsty looked at Gabriela who nodded her appreciation.

“Thanks for the outfits. They are very nice.”

“I thought that we should start with ordinary street clothes, slowly build to the nurse and maid outfits.”

“Well, erm….. thanks again anyway” Hayley replied, slightly thrown by the response.

“The boss only gets the best. I am just glad they fit. You can keep the outfits.” Kirsty said as she made for the door. “Be in position in fifteen minutes.” With that Kirsty exited the room and silence descended.

“Keep the outfits she said.” Gabriela says. “They only let us wear those down filled suits.”

“Or the swimwear or those old fashioned dresses” Hayley countered.

“What do you think they have planned?” Gabriela asked Hayley who took a deep breath before answering.

“Honestly. I have no idea.”


The engine noise increased as Hayley strolled down the constructed street. It was like something out of a film set, the fronts looked real but there was nothing of substance behind. Hayley turned her head and noted the dark blue van rolled down the street. Surely they had thought of something better than this Hayley thought; bit of a damsel in distress cliché the dark panelled van. Anyway Hayley decided to play along and continued to stride down the street. The van stopped twenty or so yards in front of Hayley and the side door slid open but this was not where the immediate danger was coming from, suddenly she was clattered into from behind and driven toward the open side door of the van, unable to stop her momentum Hayley and her attacker crashed through the door and onto the floor of the van, where there was a softer landing than Hayley had been expecting. Before she could react Hayley felt another pair of hands pin her into the mattress in the back of the van, and a leather gloved hand was clamped over her mouth, she did manage to turn her head in time to see the door slide shut. As soon as the door was shut Hayley felt the van start to pull away. Suddenly the leather gloved hand was removed from over her mouth but relief was fleeting as almost instantly it was replaced with a thick cloth, a quick whiff of the scent coming from the cloth told Hayley that it was drenched with chloroform. It was then that Hayley realised that she had permission to resist and thought that she better start acting the part of the about to be kidnapped damsel in distress so she started to thrash with vigour against her attackers but felt the gloved hands of a third attacker grab her legs to prevent her from kicking out, it must have been the woman operating the door, Hayley felt the woman slip off her shoes. Hayley knew that thrashing about was an amateur mistake when it came to being kidnapped when having a drugged cloth over your nose and mouth; she well knew that you just inhaled more of the chloroform fumes and you went out quicker. So it was time for another plan so she held her breath and continued to lash, with her legs pinned it was only her arms that were free, her elbows found their target on a couple of occasions but the women were wearing down jackets that deadened the blows. The main problem was that the cloth remained fixed in place over her nose and mouth.

Hayley knew that it was just a matter of time before the chloroform took effect, she could only hold her breath for so long. Hayley could feel her lungs start to burn but continued to hold her breath and struggle, to her surprise Hayley found that she managed to get one of legs free and used it to lash out at the attacker grasping at her legs. Hayley felt her bare heel make contact with bone; probably a shoulder and her legs were suddenly free. Small victory but not the one that Hayley required was the cloth removed from over her nose and mouth. Hayley tried to wrestle free of the other two attackers but it was no good as she knew from experience that these women were well trained professionals, as she struggled she had to eventually let her breath out which lead to her inhaling a large amount of the fumes from the chloroformed soaked cloth. Hayley felt the third attacker jump back onto her legs, pinning them to the mattress. At this point she could now feel the chloroform having an effect, her arms and legs were tingling and she could tell that her struggles were losing there strength. Hayley’s fighting and squirming got less energetic which allowed one of her attackers to wrench her arms behind her back and Hayley felt thin cords being wrapped around wrists and tightened, locking them together, knowing that she was now beaten Hayley’s struggles subsided greatly and her ankles were quickly bound in a similar fashion to her wrists. Hayley managed a what she hoped sounded like a defiant growl into the thick pad being held over the lower part of her face before her eyelids slammed shut and her head lolled to one side as she slipped into a chloroform induced slumber.

Standing at the end of the street Gabriela watched what happened to Hayley and decided to make a quick exit. No sense it making it too easy for them to track her down.


Glancing behind her Gabriela, more intent on any threat coming from behind she didn’t noticed anything until she hit something and ended up on the ground, looking up she saw that she had literally run into Harper. There was a second where both women looked at each other, sizing each other up before Harper made her move, pouncing on Gabriela. “I thought that you were strictly administration and logistics,” Gabriela grunted at Harper.

“I like to dip my toe occasionally, especially when there is someone like you in play,” Harper responded and Gabriela wondered what she had done to so offend the woman. It wasn’t like they had long and detailed conversations and the current state of the world. The two women grappled for a bit and Gabriela knew that she was in trouble as there was no escape from the vice like grip of the unfeasibly strong Harper. Then Gabriela head footsteps and as she struggled with Harper glimpsed a set of heels walking toward the two wrestling women. Now Gabriela was in trouble, her only ally on the island was Hayley and she had just been dragged into a van so it was likely someone that would assist Harper in subduing her. That thought must have distracted her as Harper made a move and Gabriela suddenly found lying flat on the floor with Harper on top of her. Gabriela opened her mouth to complain but as if from no where Harper produced a large white handkerchief and rammed it into Gabriela’s mouth, effectively muffling her. “Ready when you are Gisele,” Harper said softly. Gabriela, now unable to move or speak, watched helplessly as Gisele took a white cloth and a brown bottle out of her pocket. Gisele poured the liquid onto the cloth. As Gisele loomed in Gabriela turned her head away but it was only a small gesture of defiance as Gisele held the wet cloth firmly over Gabriela’s nose and mouth. Once the cloth had been applied Gabriela started thrashing and trying to scream, after all Kirsty had wanted the training to be authentic, but it was futile. The fumes were strong, but sweet and now that she was somewhat used to them not what she could describe as unpleasant. Gabriela soon became lightheaded. Finally she stopped struggling and inhaled deeply. Gabriela felt like she had jumped into a pool and was under the water. All sound became distant and muffled, and her vision was all hazy. She heard a dull ringing in her ears. That’s the last thing she remembered.

Chapter 68

The following day

“I hope that you had a relaxing evening and a good night of rest as we will be getting straight down to it today,” Kirsty said as Hayley and Gabriela sat on the edge of a metal cot. As Kirsty finished that sentence the door in the training facility opened and Kendall walked to the room. Hayley could feel Gabriela tense up immediately. “Ladies this is Kendall’s first day of practical training so I would like you to take that into account. She isn’t as professional and hardened as the other girls.” Kirsty was delivering this lecture to Hayley and Gabriela.

“No problem,” Hayley said.

“But you still want us to fight back,” Gabriela stated. “You know, just to make it realistic.” Kirsty just smirked at that comment.

“We shall start with the basics, the application of chloroform to render a target unconscious. Now Kendall forget what you have seen in the old black and white films or those seventies television series being chloroformed was not something that happens quickly. It is a slow process. Not only did method of application of the drug require that the person being rendered unconscious inhale numerous times and inhale deeply, it required the cloth used to be freshly dosed with a sufficient amount of the drug. The application of the drug, which was usually done from behind, required that the cloth be kept over the mouth and nose for at least a minute to have the person unable to fight back and then probably another thirty seconds to ensure that they are totally out. That is no small task when the person is fighting for their very survival. The cloth and the hand holding it also serves as a gag to stifle persons cries for help. Being at a disadvantage with someone holding you from behind, often times the only hope the person has is to attract attention, which is difficult when your mouth is effectively muffled. The attempts to cry out actually benefit the attacker because to yell requires an intake of air, but with the chloroforming cloth over the mouth and nose any attempt to scream results in the person inhaling the chloroform. All of the advantages, if the attack is done correctly, are with the attacker.” Hayley and Gabriela looked on slightly in awe as Kirsty explained this to the rapt Kendall.

“Should we be taking notes?” Hayley cheekily asked. Kirsty turned round and stared fiercely at the two captives.

“I think that you are getting far to relaxed. It will be full restraints when you are back in your room for that comment.” Hayley visibly wilted at the response from Kirsty and the thought

“As I was saying it takes practice to get proficient at applying a chloroform soaked cloth and fortunately you have two willing volunteers to practice on.” Kirsty said indicating Hayley and Gabriela. “Hayley would you like to volunteer to go first?” Hayley didn’t really want to volunteer but reckoned that she didn’t really have a choice in the matter so stood up, made the short walk toward Kendall and then turn around so that her back was to the young woman. There was a short pause as Kendall fumbled with the cloth and bottle before Hayley felt an arm snake round her waist and a cloth was clamped over her mouth and nose. The sweet smell of chloroform filled Hayley's nostrils. Having been chloroformed many, many times she knew what to expect, the dizziness, loss of strength and all of the other familiar side effects started to hit her. Hayley saw Kirsty appear in the corner of his vision, the scope of which was starting to contract. She couldn’t resist and started to “MMMPPPHH” and “UUMMPPHH,” moaning softly into the cloth whilst rolling her eyes. Hayley couldn’t be sure but as her eyelids closed for the final time she could have sworn that Kirsty smiled.

“How was that?” Kendall asked as she removed the cloth and lowered Hayley to the floor. Gabriela watched on as her roommate, fellow captive and now friend was chloroformed to sleep; it was made slightly stranger by the fact that she knew that she was soon to be subjected to the same fate.

“That was fine but the target is rarely that compliant. Now practice makes perfect. Gabriela, if you don’t mind…”

Inevitably, the darkness broke and Gabriela gradually emerged from the comforts of oblivion and found herself lying on one of the metal cots. Her wrists were bound behind her, her arms and torso similarly roped, as well as her knees and ankles. Her mouth had been packed with a cloth and a scarf fastened over it, gagging her effectively. She was still fully clothed. “I don’t know if this good news for you or bad but we don’t need you today, just Hayley. So you can relax and lie here in comfort.” Kirsty said sitting on a chair not far from the cot. “We can watch the action on television.” Kirsty picked up a remote and activated a television that was sitting across the room. The screen came to life and it showed an image of Hayley sitting on the edge of a bed wearing what you would call sensible business attire. “This is a favourite of mine” Kirsty said to the bound and gagged Gabriela. “Hayley is taking the part of a target staying at a hotel. The scenario is that our operatives have to snatch her and her out of the hotel without the alarm being raised. Several of the other guards will be playing security staff.”

There was a knock on the door and Hayley rose from her bed to answer the door to her ‘hotel’ room. On regaining consciousness she had found a note lying next to her on the bed describing the situation that she was taking part in, playing the past of a famous scientist being abducted from a hotel. Also in the instructions in was made clear that she to act like she did not recognise anybody else. This seemed to be very important to the reality of this situational role play. When she opened the door Hayley found Kendall and Tahani standing there dressed as waitresses. “Good evening and please accept my apologies for disturbing you. May we come in for a minute and check what your room requires in terms of cleaning.”

“My name is Doctor Pussy Hathcock,” Hayley replied having a little fun. “I don’t really want to be disturbed. Shouldn’t all this have been done before I checked in earlier today?” No point in making it to easy for them.

“You are of course correct but if you wouldn’t mind…..we have to report back to our boss,” Kendall replied a bit shakily.

“Come in then,” Hayley said opening the door wide. “I wouldn’t want you to get into any trouble with your boss.” As she turned and went back into the room Kendall and Tahani followed Hayley in and closed the door behind them, Tahani pushing a large laundry basket. Making her way to the bed Hayley could feel the presence of the two women behind her so spun round to face them. Tahani stopped pushing the laundry cart and took a couple of steps to her right.

“I will just check the bedding,” Tahani said. Hayley thought that his was all a bit amateurish. Then without warning Tahani struck and put Hayley in a bear hug, pining both of her arms tight against her body. The laundry basket blocked the direct route to the door, giving her no room to escape. That was smart Hayley though. Then before she could call for help Kendall produced a cloth laced with chloroform and clamped it over her face. Hayley held her breath and tried to squirm free of her attacker But her attempts at resistance were futile. She tried to move her head away from the offending cloth but Kendall placed her other hand behind her head, whilst continuing to push the chloroform soaked cloth over Hayley’s nose and mouth. The exertions started to take their toll and Hayley could no longer hold her breath and gasped for air and inhaled the sweet fumes from the cloth instead. Almost immediately Hayley felt her limbs and arms begin to relax. She already knew that she had lost the fight. If she was extremely lucky, they wouldn’t tie her up whilst she was out but most likely Elizabeth Crawford wanted Kendall to have some practice and tying someone. It was now only a matter of time before she would lose the fight against the sweet smelling fumes and Hayley could see the darkness start to appear at the corners of her vision. "Please stop fighting the drug. It will do no good to resist. When you wake up we will tell you what is going on. Until then it's safer if you sleep. So breathe deeply and let the chloroform do its work," Kendall said as she remembered what she had been told about trying to reassure her target. Hayley did stopped struggling, not because she gave up, but because the chloroform sucked away her ability to fight. The end came quickly after that. Hayley felt her arms and legs become rubber and her eye lids fluttered as her world went dark.

Now that Hayley was unconscious Tahani helped Kendall lift her onto the bed then stepped back and let Kendall work. Keeping a captive quiet was always a top priority and being in a hotel made it even more important. If Hayley managed to scream, the police might be called and then there would be uncomfortable questions. Kendall knew would be a disaster for any operation so quickly and effectively gagged Hayley with a cloth and a wide band of white mircofoam tape. Then Kendall pulled the Hayley's limp hands behind her back. There was no resistance at all, which was a notable difference when practicing on conscious volunteers. Kendall dropped one of Hayley’s arms and it flopped back to the bed, as if it had a mind of its own. After getting it back under control Kendall held both wrists, crossed them and wrapped a folded length of cord around them horizontally, threading the rope through the loop and finally clinching the tie by wrapping the cord in the vertical direction. Clinching the tie was important. It prevented the captive from squeezing one of their wrists through the loops of rope and escaping. It was a detail that was lost on most, that and loose ropes were the only way someone could escape if alone and tied up properly. The cord she used was soft and wouldn't leave a mark unless the captive struggled vigorously for a prolonged period. That was important; if the captive wasn’t in discomfort then there was less of an incentive to attempt to escape. The rest of the tying was straightforward. Some cords above and below Hayley's breasts, which were also wrapped around her elbows securing Hayley's arms to her body, ankles tied and below the knees. Kendall then tied a cord between Hayley’s wrists and ankles in what was commonly called a hog tie. A person tied this way could roll back and forth, but it was difficult to move beyond that. The binding complete Tahani and Kendal lifted Hayley from the bed and lowered her into the laundry cart. Tahani then threw a white sheet over Hayley so that she couldn’t be seen by anyone casually looking in. Then they exited the room pushing the cart between them and strolled down the corridor.


Later that afternoon

They have been promised benefits if they behaved and Kirsty was as good as her word. Those benefits turned out to be a spa day of sorts with haircuts, manicures and the promise of a massage later on. That was how Hayley and Gabriela found themselves sitting in padded chairs, typical of those used in a hairdresser, in a room at the main house decked out like a beauty salon. However it wasn’t that relaxed as their wrists and ankles were both secured to the chairs with heavy, padded leather straps. As Hayley watched Perrie work on her finger nails she was once again surprised at this turn of events. It seemed that Elizabeth Crawford wanted all of her operatives to have another string to their bow as it had been Gisele that had cut her hair and done a really good job from what Hayley could tell from looking in the mirror. “That is me finished ladies,” Perrie said as she started to undo the straps holding them to the chairs. “If you head through that door on the left then you can experience the relaxation of a massage by Nicole.”

“Thanks Perrie,” Hayley said before thinking how strange it was that she had just thanked one of the women who were holding her captive on this island. Hayley opened the door that Perrie had indicated and held it open for Gabriela. Once both women were on the other side they found Nicole sanding between two massages beds, the decoration in the room was all muted pastille tones and a small stereo in the corner played soothing music.

“Feel free to strip and wrap a towel around you. No need to be shy, we are all friends here. Then take a table each ladies; arms out in front under the pillow.” After they had completed getting undressed Hayley jumped onto the nearest bed and lay as instructed. Hayley felt something dangling from the front of the massage bed, the question of what it could be was answered quickly as Nicole appeared in front of her and slipped padded cuffs around her wrists and fastened them in place, holding Hayley in place. Nicole walked round to the other end of the table and Hayley felt her ankles being bound it a similar fashion.

“Is there any real need for that?” Hayley asked as Nicole performed the same actions on Gabriela.

“Unfortunately there is. As we continually say to you Hayley it is for the safety of everyone that you are restrained. I suppose at this stage I should also inform you about the sedative.” Nicole said.

“What are you taking about?” Gabriela said, raising her head from the luxuriously thick pillow and turning her head toward Nicole.

“I assume you mean chloroform?” Hayley chipped in from the other bed.

“Sorry about this but orders from Kirsty” Nicole said whilst preparing two masks. First she placed a wad of cotton wool inside the mask then poured some chloroform from a bottle. “Not enough to knock you out but enough to help you relax and enjoy the sensation of the massage.” Hayley expelled air through her nose in frustration, she couldn’t believe these women. Then Nicole appeared and Hayley raised her head to allow the mask to be slipped over her nose and mouth, an elasticised band holding it in place. The scent from the cotton wool in the mask was instantly recognisable to Hayley but she also knew from the strength of the smell and her now ample experience with chloroform that it wasn’t strong enough to knock her out, just keep her docile and disorientated. There was nothing else to do so Hayley just put her head onto the pillow and tried to enjoy the experience.


Much to her annoyance Hayley had thoroughly enjoyed the pamper session; she was so relaxed that she had actually fallen asleep on the massage bed, although the chloroform may have had something to do with that as well. When she awoke she found that she was back wearing a diaper and down suit and that Gabriela was nowhere to be found. Slightly panicked by this Hayley jumped down from the massage bed just as the door opened and Kirsty entered. Kirsty must have know what Hayley was about to say because she raised her hand. “Take a seat Hayley. Don’t worry about Gabriela she is safe back in your room.” Hayley sat her diapered behind on the edge of the massage table and Kirsty sat beside her. Neither of them spoke but it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence which Hayley found strange given that the relationship between the two was captive and captor. Hayley looked at Kirsty as they sat side by side thinking although they were technically on opposite sides of whatever this was and she was a criminal Hayley couldn’t help but admire the way that Kirsty went about her business. Call it acknowledging a fellow professional. Either that or she had gone full on Stockholm syndrome.

“Kirsty, how did you end up working for Elizabeth Crawford?” Hayley asked

“Is this you trying to be friendly, get me to drop my guard Hayley?”

“No I am genuinely interested.” Kirsty considered the question for a couple of minutes before deciding to answer truthfully.

“Well in my past I was the standard angry young woman, rebelling against anything. I got into trouble, petty stuff, shoplifting, breaking and entering, hanging around with the wrong crowd. The boss found me and gave me some advice. So I joined the army and when I mustered out four years later Elizabeth was there to offer me employment.” The two of them chatted for about ten minutes before Kirsty got back to business. “As much as I am enjoying our chat we had better get you back to your room.” Hayley watched as Kirsty produced a set of finger control mitts and padded cuffs.

“I have just had my nails done as well,” Hayley commented as she stood up and produced her hands. As carefully as she could Kirsty slipped a finger control mitt on each of Hayley’s hands before securing them in place. As she did this Kirsty smiled and thought that the way that Hayley had been dealing with her abduction and confinement had been great, especially as there was no real purpose to it. After all it wasn’t as if she was being used as leverage or held for ransom. As far as Kirsty knew Hayley would be held on the island until Elizabeth Crawford decided otherwise. It was the first time Kirsty had considered this and if she was being totally honest she wasn’t exactly sure how she felt about it.

“Do we have to go back to full restraints? I was only teasing earlier.” After the last couple of days Hayley was just getting used to sleeping in a bed wearing satin pyjamas rather than on the bed wearing a down suit and several restraining bags.

“Yes,” Kirsty replied. Although Hayley and Gabriela were being granted some freedom it never hurt to enforce occasionally there position and who was in charge. “Now open up that mouth of yours and I will get you gagged.” As Kirsty escorted her back to her room, then Hayley caught herself as she referred to it as her room, she contemplated the thought of being fully restrained in the bags again. Having had a lot of experience of this she knew there was no defect in her bondage, she would be totally helpless. But it wasn’t that bad, it was a strangely comfortable sensation and it wouldn’t be for long. Well she hoped that it wouldn’t.

Elizabeth Crawford’s office

There was a knock at the door and a couple of seconds later Kirsty entered, walked across and took the chair on the other side of the desk from Elizabeth Crawford. “How did Kendall get on?”

“A bit hesitant, but weren’t we all at start.” Kirsty replied. Elizabeth Crawford nodded her head in agreement as she took some time to consider what she wanted to discuss with Kirsty.

“Kirsty it has been a hectic period for us all but you have carried more than your share of the load.”

“It is what you pay me for,” Kirsty replied with a smile, slightly embarrassed by the implied compliment from her boss.

“I know that you like that small village where we dock the boats. Why don’t you take a couple of days and stay on the mainland. Unwind a bit, relax.”

“Thanks boss.” Kirsty replied, “as long as you are sure.”

“Yes I am. The operation has been a success and we are at the point where, although we cannot relax I am considering our next move. What to do with what we have.” Kirsty nodded in response and made a note to book a room in her favourite hotel and make arrangements with a certain gentleman as the next supply run was the day after tomorrow.

“Could you send in Constance on your way out?” Kirsty thought that is was strange that Elizabeth would want to have a private discussion with Constance but she just nodded and headed for the door. When she opened the door Kirsty found Constance leaning against the opposite wall with her arms crossed over her chest.

“The boss wants to see you,” Kirsty said to Constance, who nodded in acknowledgment before heading through the open door. On entering the room Constance found Elizabeth Crawford sitting behind her desk and made her way toward the empty chair on the other side.

“Don’t bother taking a seat. This won’t take long. I need you to go back to Cambridge and take care of something for me.”

“Sure Miss Crawford. What is that?” Constance said.

“I need a message delivered to the police officer. She seems to have taken it upon herself to take too much of an interest in the disappearance of Lara Sanchez.”

“Is it a snatch job?”

“No, I just need you to warn her off. Let her know that we can get to her at any time. That it was would be in her best interests to forget about further investigation of the disappearance of Lara Sanchez.” Constance nodded her understanding. “Why are you still standing there? Haven’t you got arrangements to make?”


At that exact moment Lara Sanchez was lying staring at the ceiling playing things through her mind, something that she had been doing a lot of recently. After all there wasn’t much else to do when you where bound and tightly encased in these yellow coloured sleeping bag contraptions, restraining bags the women that had been taking care of her referred to them as. Thinking about that phrase, taking care, it did seem strange as they had abducted her on her wedding day but that was the best way to describe it. Although Lara has been kept bound and gagged there was no menace in the way that her captors treated her, regular food and drink and despite being restrained Lara couldn’t use the word uncomfortable to describe her current predicament. Even the yellow puffy suits that they had her wearing were comfortable, if not entirely flattering and colour matched to the restraining bags. It had been like that for a number of days, it was hard to tell exactly how many days until the door opened one day and they let her out of her down cocoon for longer than usual. They even removed the large padded gag that was over her mouth and sat her down in a seat. The two guards made themselves busy tidying the room and replenishing supplies which distracted Lara enough that she didn’t notice a woman slip in and take the second seat that had been moved to a couple of metres away from where Lara sat. “Good morning Lara my name is Elizabeth Crawford and I suppose you have a lot of questions,” said the woman with a smile. Lara turned quickly to face the woman who had just introduced herself.

“Yes, I do. Like why am I hear and who exactly are you people?”

“That is why I have popped in today. To explain what is going on.”

“You mean to answer my questions?” Lara asked.

“No, this will not be a two way conversation.” That was when Lara noticed the woman held a white cloth and bright yellow scarf in her left hand. “If you open your mouth and let me gag you I will tell you the story.”

“Is that really necessary?”

“It is if you want to know what is going on.” Lara sighed and accepted the inevitable. The woman got up and walked the short distance to stand behind Lara who found a hand swing into her vision with a scrunched up white cloth in it. Lara opened her mouth and accepted the cloth without making any noise, not even when the woman’s long fingers gently prodded to make sure the cloth went fully into the mouth. The woman then almost tenderly moved Lara’s hair out of the way before placing the yellow silk scarf over Lara’s mouth and tightly tying it at the nape of Lara’s neck. That job completed to her satisfaction the woman made her way back and sat in the chair next to Lara. The woman picked a couple of items of fluff from the trousers of her dark blue suit before looking up an locking eyes with Lara who looked at her expectantly, looking forward to finally learning what was going on. “Firstly I must commend you on the way that you have dealt with this Lara, especially with you not being a professional.” That was how Lara found out that she did have a living relative, an aunt who also happened to be the owner of a world renowned fashion house, Milena Novak. If that wasn’t enough to take in then Lara also found out that her aunt was involved with international criminal organisations. It was nice of the woman to admit that she was indeed the leader of one these criminal organisations. Finally the woman confirmed the reason that Lara had been abducted, it was to have some leverage on Milena Novak so that her aunt would not divulge information to law enforcement authorities. “Now I now that this is a lot to take in so I will leave you alone for a while. Feel free to wonder around the room and take in the view. If you behave then you will find that we are reasonable people and you will be rewarded with greater freedom.” Elizabeth Crawford rose from the chair and headed toward the door leaving a stunned Lara Sanchez to process what she had just been told.

Somewhere in the Mediterranean

As Raquel English sits in a seafront café with a large latte enjoying the afternoon sun her mobile vibrates to warn her of the incoming call. “Good afternoon,” she says after accepting the call.

“Hello Raquel. I trust that you are well.” It was the unmistakeable voice of the Broker on the other end of the line. “I hope that you have moved location as per our conversation a couple of days ago.” Raquel looked out from the café over the smooth white sands of the beach and out to the calm blue water of the sea. There were some yachts out on the water and birds flying that caught her eye, it was tranquil, peaceful and she had enjoyed it over the last couple of days. But no doubt that the Broker was about to burst that bubble.

“Yes, I am where we discussed,” Raquel replied.

“That is good.” Raquel could tell that the Broker was smiling on the other end of the line. “I now have a confirmed location for you.” That was interesting Raquel thought. Elizabeth Crawford was notoriously tight with her security and received total loyalty from her operatives so it was hard to imagine how the Broker had managed to secure the location of her European base of operations. The Broker passed on the location and Raquel listened as she went on to explain what she wanted Raquel to do, get her couriers back from Elizabeth Crawford. How she did it was to left to Raquel. After hanging up Raquel decided to head back to her hotel and have a nap before heading out for nice dinner and a couple of drinks tonight. After all you had to treat yourself when you had the chance.
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Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

Hayley and Gabriela as sparring partners for Crawfords Operatives was a nice touch! The different scenarios, the interaction between the girls and their Captors.

Most interessting the conversation Kirsty and Hayley had, when Hayley asked her, how she ended up working for Crawford. When Kirsty mused about how Hayley coped with the Situation. That there would have been no reason, why Hayley was held Captive. The only reason we know of so far, is that Crawford finds Hayley special and likes having her around.

But the more I think about it, the more I have the feeling that there is more to it. Some speculation: Crawford wants to "retire". We know that. What if she wants to persuade Hayley to join her, or to take part in her Organization?

Remember Chapter 60? Crawford told Hayley that she would explain "everything" properly to her, when the time would be right. So far she didn't do that .... Crawford likes to play things close to the chest - and it is absolutely possible that she did not tell nobody, not even Kirsty, what her real motives are, to hold Hayley Captive.

Apropos Kirsty: Kirsty will be away from the Island the same time, when Raquel English will try to get the Brokers Couriers back. Very strange a coincidence that is :)

And another thing: Christinas Boss, Sanders, told her, that she would try something .... what if Sanders reached out to the Broker? That sounds far fetched, I know, but with [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] you should expect the unexpected. Ever heard of Ockhams razor? :)

I think, we are definitily in for a few more unexspected twists and turns! :) I like that :)

Somehow I have the feeling, that Kirsty may have an encounter with Racquel English .... and that Mission of Constance? How will that unfold? First: Kirsty found it strange for Constance to have a private with Crawford Second: Why send Constance only on that Mission, she is a rookie after all .... and Crawford was very brusque at the end - something seems a little off here :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Two afterthoughts - one may seem very very crazy 😊 - we do not know the real identity of the woman, referred to as "The Broker", right? What if .... what if she is the mysterious woman, Christina and the Team, were looking for? This would be an explanation, why she is untracable ... 😊

The second thought: If Racquel English should infiltrate the Island and bring the couriers back, she will not operate alone, this would be totally amateurish, if you take a look at Crawfords Security, her Team of well trained Operatives. If she does not operate alone .... Christina would come in handy:) Just a thought .... :)

Third: How got The Broker the Information about the location of Mystery Island? Does she have an Informant on the Island? Is there a double agent in play? 😊😊 The last to questions are moot, if the Broker is the mysterious woman of course:) If not .....

One last thing: Kirsty had her reservations about capturing Hayley from the Moment, Crawford planned to capture her. In Chapter 68 these doubts surfaced shortly. She is unsure, if she likes the Idea having Hayley around permanently. Another question ... :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 5 years ago “Remember Hayley, something about you…….intrigues Crawford. I think that it would be best to avoid her altogether.” Natalie gave Hayley an intense look that she hoped conveyed her thoughts that this was a very bad idea. “If you want me advice it would be to come home with me.”
Many weeks ago - in the timeline of the story, Chapter 29? - that dialogue took place ;) Natalie was right then - and we still do not know what Crawford intrigues, besides the things we know already , that Crawford likes having Hayley around, as training subject and concubine ... :)
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 69

The Broker’s office

The telephone rang and the Broker reached blindly for the handset. “Good evening,” she said without checking the number. However as soon as the person on the other end of the line started speaking she knew who it was.

“I knew that rumour about the British Home Secretary and the wife of the CEO of that multi-national energy firm was true.” Instantly the Broker knew not only who was on the end of the phone but that somehow that Elizabeth Crawford had got access to the folder of material that she held.

“Know that we both know where we stand Elizabeth what can I do for you?” The two women had a conversation before the both hung up, each reasonably satisfied with how it had finished. As soon as she had put the handset down the Broker summoned Shakib, her dead eyed head of security and tasked him with tracking down and having a word with Emily St Clare. The Broker had to find out how Elizabeth Crawford had gotten access to her files.

The east coast of America

The sun was just starting to heat the air as Christina rounded the fountain and up the pace before hitting the small hill that would lead her out of the park. A quick glance at her watch told her that she was on track to break her record for this route. Having had no interest in running not that long ago she had become a convert, in addition to being a good workout Christina found that running gave her time to think and at this point she did need time to think. They had hit a dead end in Europe. The most frustrating thing about it was that Christina didn’t really know what was going on with the exception of Hayley’s probably abduction by Elizabeth Crawford and the information that Elise Rodgers had given them on the bizarre situation with Emily St Clare. They had tried to arrange an interview with Emily St Clare but her lawyers had quickly shut down that avenue and with Milena Novak and Bernice Dubois not talking they were at a dead end. Once Christina had finished playing all of that through her head again she found herself outside the entrance to her apartment building, breathing heavily from the exertion of her run. Stopping her watch Christina noted that indeed it was a new best time for that route.

Somewhere in the Mediterranean

Dusk was starting to fall as Kirsty Black strolled through the village. Since relocating to this part of Europe following the break up of the operation in the United States Kirsty had fallen for the place. The island where they were based was beautiful but, not that she would tell Elizabeth Crawford, Kirsty preferred the village which they launched their boats from. The quaint stone buildings, the narrow cobbled lanes, the family run restaurants and the sheltered harbour were all new to Kirsty and she loved just walking around the place. Kirsty would take every opportunity to hitch a ride on one of the boats from the island when they went to pick up supplies and just walk around the village, drop into one of the restaurants to get some food then walk along the beach in her bare feet. She had drifted off whilst walking through the narrow streets when suddenly from nowhere Kirsty felt a hand wrapped around her waist and with shocking force pull her into a dark corner of an alleyway off the street, Kirsty felt herself pulled back and pressed firmly against another body, from the contours of the body Kirsty could tell that it was a woman that had grabbed her. Shocked at being jolted out of her daydream it took Kirsty several seconds to process what was going on, unfortunately that was slightly too long as before she could do anything a soft, thick cloth was pressed over the lower half of her face. Kirsty's attacker had an iron grip and she couldn't slip free, but she wasn't truly concerned until she noted the distinctive odour coming from the soft, thick cloth that had been clamped over her mouth, the sweet smelling perfume of chloroform. The familiar fragrance fired colourful blooms of befuddlement that clouded her thoughts and benumbed her body. As her awareness diminished in the face of the aromatic onslaught, a soft groan escaped her lips, muffled by the perfumed pad. Kirsty scrambled to get free or remove the cloth from over the lower half of her face to allow her to breathe in some vapour free air however whoever this was she was well practiced in subduing techniques and Kirsty’s effects proved useless. As she continued to struggle Kirsty felt her limbs get heavy and understood that she had no chance of getting free now so stopped resisting the inevitable slip into darkness and relaxed. As her eyes fluttered close Kirsty overwhelming feeling was that of embarrassment that she had allowed herself to be taken so easily. “Well that was fun” Raquel English said after she had carefully lowered Kirsty to the ground, lifting one of Kirsty’s eyelids to ensure that her prey was deeply unconscious. Now all that Raquel had to do was get Kirsty to the car without anybody asking any awkward questions.


Kirsty came round and knew almost instantly that she was in the back of a car. A quick assessment of her situation confirmed that she was securely bound with rope and gagged effectively with her mouth full of fabric and what felt like a bandage wrapped around her mouth to keep it in place. From what Kirsty could tell she was in the rear of a car with a blanket over her to prevent prying eyes from seeing her. Just then, the blanket was removed and as her kidnapper glanced over and noticed Kirsty was awake. Kirsty wasn’t blindfolded and recognised her abductor immediately. Raquel English, former British agent turned independent contractor. For a second Kirsty wondered who had hired Raquel to grab her then she groaned as Raquel pulled the car over and reached over and grabbed a handbag. Opening it up, Raquel pulled out a small bottle and a cloth. Kirsty groaned again, as she confirmed that Raquel was planning on drugging her again. She shook her head, squirming helplessly in her bonds as Raquel leaned over to her. "GESSE HOO!" Kirsty pleaded through her gag, begging not to be drugged again. It had been a while since Kirsty had been chloroformed and her body’s tolerance had waned as her head was throbbing. Raquel just grinned, enjoying Kirsty’s muffled pleas.

“Sorry but I can’t take any chances with someone with your skill set and reputation.” The smell of chloroform filled Kirsty’s nostrils as the cloth was pressed over her mouth and nose. Almost immediately, it began to take hold, making Kirsty feel lightheaded. She held her breath, struggling to stay away for as long as possible, but it was a futile effort. Before long, she was forced to breath in the drugged fumes. Moaning softly, Kirsty slowly sank back into drug induced sleep.
Raquel had brought Kirsty to a house that had been hired on her behalf several miles away from town. With some effort she had carried the dead weight of the unconscious woman into the house from the car, up a flight of stairs and into the spare bedroom before depositing her on the bed. Raquel had prepared the room in advance so the blinds were closed, the window nailed closed and deadbolts had been installed on the door. It wouldn’t be her job to explain these away to the letting firm. It didn’t take Raquel long to strip Kirsty down to her underwear, taking a second to admire the woman’s toned physique and then secure her to the bed spread-eagled with cuffs and ropes plus the additional security of a further rope around her stomach. The timing was perfect as just as that job was complete Kirsty started to come round. Raquel looked on from the corner of the room as Kirsty fully regained consciousness before realising her situation and thrashing against her binds. Not that it would get her far, Raquel thought, those ropes and secure. “Don’t act like you haven’t been bound and gagged or chloroformed before.” Raquel smiled as she said this to the bound and gagged woman lying on the bed. Although Kirsty couldn’t talk, as Raquel knew that the gag that she applied was too affective to try, Raquel could see seething hatred emanating from behind the eyes. “Your boss put you in this position Kirsty. Crawford shouldn’t have crossed the Broker by snatching her best couriers. It is costing the Broker money and more importantly damaged her reputation.” Kirsty continued to seethe and struggle ineffectively on the bed as Raquel exited the room. “Get comfortable and I will keep you advised on how things progress with regard to your situation.

Cambridge, England

There were no lights on anywhere in the house as Amber Carter parked her car in the driveway. Amber thought that this was strange Amber had received a text from housemate an hour earlier confirming that she had arrived home from her shift at the hospital and would get dinner organised. Amber was pleased to have received the text as it had been a hectic couple of days and only things that she wanted to do is grab a glass of wine and then have a long hot bath. As she approached the door Amber’s mind drifted back to when she had first met Doctor Nazia Goraya. It was a couple of years ago at an event for professionals in the public sector and they had instantly hit it off having ordered the same drink at the bar when trying to avoid actually having to mingle. Turned out they had both been sent by their respective bosses to check a box. They had kept in touch and met up regularly after that and when her long term boyfriend had moved out it made perfect sense to ask Nazia to move in. The key went into the lock, turned smoothly and Amber pushed it open. On entering the small hall Amber had the sense that something was wrong, she couldn’t put her finger on it but after closing the door and locking it behind her Amber flicked the light switch but nothing happened, the hall light didn’t come on. “Nazia! Nazia! Are you alright?” Amber called into the house. “There seems to be a problem with the lights.” Amber walked through the hall toward the combines dining room and kitchen at the rear of the house. Pushing open the door Amber asked. “Has there been a power cut?” Suddenly a leather gloved hand was clamped over her mouth and a powerful arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her off to one side as the door swung closed. “AARRUUGGHH,” Amber mumbled behind the hand and struggled but the grip of the person that had grabbed her was firm. The person pulled Amber tight against her body and then Amber knew it was a woman that he grabbed her, a tall powerful woman.

“Stop struggling and look forward,” the woman whispered in accented English into Amber’s ear. For some reason, maybe knowing that she was bettered Amber complied and found that there were three balaclava clad figures standing in the kitchen around a chair that contained the bound and gagged figure of her housemate. All of the figures were clad identically and in black for head to toe. They all had on black boots, tight black leggings, turtle neck sweaters and balaclavas. The outfits were rounded off by full length down jackets on top.

“Just relax and do as you are told and nobody need get hurt hear.” This time it was one of the figures standing next to Nazia who had spoken. To Amber’s surprise the voice belonged to another woman. This woman had the clipped tones of an upper class English education. “Amber we will give you the same opportunity we give all the girls. Will it be the easy way or the hard way?” The woman said nodding toward her colleague who was now pouring liquid from a bottle onto a thick white cloth. Amber locked eyes with Nazia whose eyes went wide telling Amber that whatever was being planned Nazia knew what it was and it wasn’t good, so Amber started to struggle and thrash against her attacker as the woman with the cloth approached. “Alright then it looks like you have made your choice. In the interests of fully disclosure what’s going to happen right now, Amber, is that you’re going to be going to sleep for a little while, the fumes from the liquid on the cloth will see to that without a problem. When you wake up, you’ll be in another room, restrained and then we will have that chat.” As her attention had turned to the woman that had been talking Amber hadn’t realised that the woman with the cloth was no right beside her. The first she knew about it was a strange, almost sickly sweet smell at the back of her throat before the leather glove hand was removed. However relief was short lived as the soft, thick cloth replaced it almost immediately, muffling Amber’s scream for help. The smell of the drug was indeed sickly sweet and choking, overpowering even. The effect began almost immediately. Amber began to feel the room growing blurred, her thoughts resolving into simplicity. The room began to spin her arms and legs felt heavy, she assumed that it was the fumes from the drug and not long afterward Amber’s eyes fluttered and slowly rolled back into her head as her struggling slowed into occasional twitches, the fight not fully gone in her. As the figure above removed the cloth from Amber’s mouth, a gentle sigh escaped her lips. Realising the cloth was removed prematurely it was quickly replaced until they were sure that Amber was fully unconscious.

Constance watched as Yelena and Perrie applied the sedative to the police officer and rendered her unconscious. So far things had gone well exactly as planned during the operation, securing the housemate before grabbing the detective in order to pass on Elizabeth Crawford’s message, Constance only hoped that she could deliver that message properly. “Please take her upstairs and get her prepared. I shall be up before the sedative wears off,” then she turned to the fourth member of her team, Vernie. “Could you stay here and look after Nazia. Don’t be afraid to use the cloth is you think it is appropriate.”


An hour earlier

After opening the front door Nazia reached for the light switch but when she hit it nothing happened. Maybe a fuse had blown she thought before closing the door behind her and heading for the small cupboard under the stairs where the fuse board was located. However before she reached the cupboard a set of arms wrapped around her and dragged her into the living room. Her instant reaction was to scream out but before she could a soft, thick cloth was clamped over the lower half of her face. “Now don’t panic, this is only chloroform. It will just put you to sleep, nothing harmful. All you have to be is breath. But I suppose you know all that given your profession,” a soothing voice said. The sickly sweet smell instantly caught at the back of Nazia’s throat, the cloth must be saturated with the sedative. With her medical knowledge Nazia was reasonable calm despite the situation. Being sedated with chloroform was not something that happens quickly, it is a slow process. Not only did method of application of the drug require her to inhale numerous times and inhale deeply, it required the cloth used, to be freshly dosed with the drug and the held in place for several minutes. In fact it would take a couple of minutes for the drug to have any effect on her and that would give her time to get free and call for help. But that wasn’t the case in this instance as Nazia felt the effects of the drug after taking only a few breathes, her limbs felt heavy and she felt disorientated, which should not be happening. On realising this Nazia started to panic and thrash around against her attackers but with her arms pinned against her body and against multiple attackers it was going to be hard. “Please stop fighting the drug. It will do no good to resist. Until then it's safer if you sleep. So breathe deeply and let the chloroform do its work.” Nazia shook her head trying to escape the cloth but the woman held it expertly in place, forcing her to inhale the fumes, her sense of confusion rising as the drug took effect quickly. “I sense your confusion Nazia. This is a special brand of chloroform that works quickly and more efficiently. Although the benefit to you is that the side effects aren’t as bad.” Nazia knew that the fight was over when her vision started narrow and her arms began to tingle. Not long after her eyes closed over and she slipped into unconsciousness.

When consciousness had returned Nazia found that she was now in the kitchen of the house that she shared with Amber sitting on one of the hard backed wooden chairs that sat around the dining table. Well that wasn’t exactly true; she was tied to one with a lot of silky black rope. Thankfully she was still fully dressed in her black suit and white blouse, minus the jacket, which lay in a heap on the floor beside her. Her slim ankles were bound together, and to the left leg of the chair, with the black rope rope. Her long legs were tied just above and below her knees with lengths of rope that was wrapped tightly around her thighs. More rope was wrapped and tied snugly around her waist and the chair back, holding her tight against the seats hard back. Nazia's wrists were tightly bound behind her, forcing her shoulders back and thrusting her chest. This effect was accentuated by another rope, which was tied off to the chair back and wound tightly around her arms and torso, above and below her chest. These bonds pulled the silky material of Nazia's blouse so taunt across her breasts. She was also gagged with what felt like a silk scarf folded into a broad band over her full lips and held a wadded cloth or handkerchief packing in her mouth. The four identically dressed figures and judging by their silhouettes they were all women mingled silently around the room until they heard a key in the front door. Nazia could feel the sense of tension in the room shoot through the roof and then she heard Amber’s voice calling from the hall.


The light started to appear at the edge of Amber’s vision but when she tried to open her eyes it was to painful so closed them tightly again. There was a thumping at the back of her head. How much had Nazia and I to drink last night? Amber thought. Then as if at once her memory came back, arriving home, entering the kitchen, the cloth over her nose and mouth. Amber moaned almost as if on cue and opened her eyes to see a woman wearing a tight, black sweater sitting on a chair next to her bed. The balaclava had been replaced with two silk scarves, one over her hair and the other worn like a stick up artist from the wild-west. The look was completed by her eyes covered with dark glasses and her hands were still covered with black leather gloves. It was what was in one of those gloved hands that grabbed Amber’s attention. A white, wadded up handkerchief that the woman thrust toward Amber’s mouth. She tried to turn her head, but the other gloved hand grabbed her chin and pressed Amber's cheeks forcing her mouth open. The large man's handkerchief was forced into her mouth. She retched, but the wad was pushed in further expanding into Amber’s cheeks, the cotton flavour filled her mouth. Amber thought that she was going to choke, but was helpless to prevent what was happening. “Don’t worry I am fully trained in the proper techniques of gagging a person. You are in absolutely no danger,” the woman said in soothing tones. Two thirds of the wad was in her mouth, but her mouth felt completely stuffed. "Just a little more Amber, you have a big mouth and it requires a lot of stuffing to keep you quiet. I'm sure we can find some more room in there somewhere if required. But I am sure that you will be quiet.” The woman stopped and looked at Amber, expecting an answer so Amber just nodded slowly. “That’s good,” the woman praised her in those high class English tones with a smile under the scarf mask. The woman continued to prod and push at the handkerchief into Amber's mouth as Amber retched. Finally, the complete wad was in Amber's mouth. The hands left her mouth and Amber tried to dislodge the gag and spit it out, but she couldn't budge it. Next the woman produced a silk scarf that looked the same colour as those that the woman wore herself. The woman folded it into a band and placing the middle of the folded scarf over Amber’s mouth and then tied the two ends tightly at the nape of Amber’s neck compressing the packing in her mouth. Immediately after that task had been finished Amber tried to shake the gag free but it was almost welded in place. As for the functionality of the gag, it was sufficient for its task, keeping her quiet enough that she would not be heard outside of the bedroom. It doesn't necessarily keep you absolutely silent, no gag can do that. But if a gag keeps you quiet enough that you can't be rescued or you can't warn people, the gag is doing its job. So Amber could scream her head off and seem like she is making a fair bit of noise, but no one would hear her. It might be satisfying to do, but Amber was practical and stayed quiet. “Now that job has been completed we can have that chat.” Then suddenly the door opened and another of Amber’s captors stuck their head into the room. The woman got up and made her way across, having a hushed conversation with her colleague. Amber took the opportunity to assess her bonds, raising her head to find that to her embarrassment she had been stripped to her underwear. In addition to that her wrists and ankles were securely bound to the corners of the bed with strong, silky black rope.

“Sorry about the interruption but there was business to attend to. Now you have may full attention. I have a message that my boss wanted delivered and I shall keep this brief. Let the Lara Sanchez investigation alone. Lara is absolutely safe where she is. Nod if you understand.” This came as a shock to Amber as she had spent numerous hours investigating the disappearance but had gotten nowhere. Then something else burst to the front of her mind, Sasha Conteh the Interpol Agent. When Amber didn’t receive a response to her original e-mail she had followed it up with a telephone call only to be informed that Conteh hadn’t been seen or heard from for weeks.

“We can get to you anytime we choose and if there is to be a next time you will disappear. We are very good at that.” Amber looked the woman straight in the eye and shivered. Either the woman could do what she just said or she at least believed that she could. Amber didn’t know which was worse. “Did you understand?” Amber nodded slowly. “That’s a good girl. Just so that you know if wouldn’t be you that would disappear. It would ne your friend as well.” The woman paused to let that statement set in. “Or perhaps we will take her with us when we leave just to prove the point.”

“MMMOOO!” Amber screamed into her gag and started to struggles fruitlessly against her bonds. The woman sitting in the chair just smiled and delved into her pocket and produced a cloth and a small dark bottle. The woman methodically removed the cap from the bottle and poured a healthy amount of the liquid from the bottle onto the cloth before putting the cap back on the bottle.

“Now it is time for another nap. This time when you come round you will be free and we will be gone. I only warn you to remember our conversation.” the woman leaned over Amber wielding a thick white cloth with menace. As it approached her face Amber could smell the fumes coming from the cloth and recognised it immediately as the same sedated that had been used to knock her out earlier but this time she didn’t panic or resist in any way as the cloth was lowered, almost gently over her nose and mouth. She was quite calm now. Partly, it was the woman’s manner, which was ruthless but dead cool, not aroused or passionate. Whoever she was, this woman was clearly a professional in her own particular strange field. There was nothing Amber could do, and she submitted willingly to being sedated again, partly because of she couldn’t fight, partly because of the curious and somehow not unfriendly, cool manner of the woman and having been dosed with the drug earlier she knew what the effects would be, there was nothing to fear. As she slipped from consciousness, her last thoughts were clear, she was sure that nothing would happen to her then her body surrendered and she closed her eyes just before she went fully unconscious.
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Post by Caesar73 »

So Kirsty had her encounter with Raquel English sooner than I had guessed - what a shame she was on the recieving end this time ... :)

How will Raquel proceed? Trying to infiltrate the Island alone? First, think, she will get as much Information as she can from Kirsty: Security, Codes, Routines and such.

What will Christina do now, I do not think, she will idly sit on her hands:) But what to do?

Amber got a visit from Crawfords people. Will Amber be intimidated enough? :)

Emily St. Clare ... she seems to be the key to all questions Christina has, but what can be done??
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Post by Caesar73 »

Catching Kirsty was the best Raquel could do. Why? If anyone knows all about the security and the lay of the land it is Kirsty. A good catch :)
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Or does Raquel just plan to make a good old prisoner exchange? Seems unlikely. Crawford would have time to plan and bring more troops :) But going alone on the Island? Even if she gets there: What about leaving the Island?
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Post by Caesar73 »

Somehow I have the feeling, that the Climax of this Epic Saga is near. But how the story will unfold? Difficult to say at the moment. maybe Raquel can penetrate Crawfords Security and infiltrate Mystery Island - but then? If Raquel plans to exchange prisoners? Then what? And how will Christina and Company get involved in the End Game? That is to say: If they play a part somehow. I still cannot think, that Christina and her team will sit on their hands and do nothing ... but we´ll see ;)
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 70

Somewhere in the Mediterranean

“Have you heard anything from Kirsty?” Elizabeth Crawford asked Harper who was sitting, legs crossed on the other side of the desk. Kirsty had left a couple of days ago and hadn’t been in contact since. That wasn’t unusual but something at the back of Elizabeth Crawford’s brain told her to be concerned.

“Nothing boss. However I thought that you told her to go away and relax?”

“I did but she hasn’t responded to a text that I sent yesterday evening.”

“Are you concerned?” Harper asked. Elizabeth Crawford didn’t reply for a while. Harper knew from experience that this was because Elizabeth Crawford was mulling things over. It was best during these periods just to wait and never, ever interrupt the silence.

“Not really, Kirsty can take care of herself. But just to be on the safe side could you ask Perrie and Yelena to take one of the small boats and check on her. We know what hotel Kirsty will be staying in. Ask them just to make sure that everything is alright.”

The following day

The boat trip from the island had been uneventful and Perrie and Yelena were currently sitting outside a small restaurant across the square from Kirsty’s hotel enjoying a light lunch. When Harper had explained to then what she wanted then to do they were initially reluctant. They didn’t want Kirsty to think that they were checking up on her. They finished lunch and the waiter cleared away the plates. Finally they decided that it would look suspicious if they sat at the restaurant much longer. “I suppose we had better head inside and just ask if Kirsty if about,” Perrie said as she got up from her chair. Yelena followed a couple of paces behind. Having caught up with her partner Yelena took the lead once they entered the hotel.

“Excuse me,” Yelena said in accented English to the young man behind the desk. “Do you have an Ellen Ripley staying with you at the moment?” Kirsty always used an alias, specifically female movie characters.

“Are you Miss Crawford by any chance?” the young man replied. Yelena and Perrie exchanged glances.

“Yes I am,” Yelena replied.

“Miss Ripley left a letter at the desk after she checked out and said that you would be in to collect it.” The young man spent a minute searching the desk before finding the envelope and handed it over to Yelena.

“Thank you,” Yelena replied. After taking the envelope she turned and left the hotel reception area. When they got onto the main street Perrie indicated a right and lead the way toward a small café. They took a table at the back and placed the envelope on the table, staring at it, afraid of the contents. Well not so much the contents but at having to explain the contents to Harper and possibly the boss. In the end they waited until their coffees arrived before Perrie ripped open the envelope and removed the folded sheet of paper from within. Once open it revealed a handwritten page of script, which Perrie had to read twice to take in the contents. After reading the letter through twice Perrie had to make a telephone call.

“Harper, Perrie we have a problem.”


“Yelena and I asked at the front desk of the hotel. The young man behind the desk told us that Kirsty had checked out yesterday morning. Also he gave us a letter Kirsty had left, the envelope is addressed to the boss.” Harper’s heart rate increased slightly, worrying that Kirsty had decided to disappear and leave somebody else, in this instance Harper with the task of informing Elizabeth Crawford.

“Have you open the envelope and read the letter?” Harper told Perrie.

“Yes. I thought it best.”

“What did it say?”

“Better if I take a picture and let you read it yourself.”

Having received the photograph from Perrie, Harper had read the contents of the letter, three times before entering Elizabeth Crawford’s study and delivering the news. “So the letter says that this person is holding Kirsty hostage and will exchange her for the two stewardesses that we have?” Harper nodded. “And I assume that this is someone working on behalf of the Broker.” Once again Harper nodded.

“That does make sense. Our intelligence described them as two of her best couriers.”

“Tell Perrie and Yelena to book a room at the hotel and start making discreet enquiries. Let’s see if they can get some leads on what happened or where they have Kirsty stashed. It must be local if they are looking for an exchange.” Harper nodded and left the room. As soon as the door closed Elizabeth Crawford picked up the telephone and dialled the Broker. This would be the first test of there understanding.


It had been a surprise when The Broker had called earlier in the day. It was even more of a surprise when The Broker told her that she was to meet with Elizabeth Crawford at the harbour. That was why Raquel English found herself striding through the narrow, cobbled streets of the old town, past cafés and restaurants with tables and chairs outside toward the smell of the ocean. She wore a light blue dress with matching scarf and heels with a pair of large sunglasses over her eyes. After a brisk walk Raquel burst through the line of buildings and onto the front. The entrance to the private section of the harbour where the larger boats were moored was a short walk along the front and Raquel walked down the steps and along the jetty towards Elizabeth Crawford’s boat, stopping just short. The Vanishing Maiden, Raquel English looked at the name on the large boat as she stood on the jetty and smiled. Raquel removed her sunglasses and put them in her bag before walking the length of the boat and starting down the gangway toward an open section of deck at the end of the boat. In the areas sat a table with a chair on either side, the seat closest to the stern was occupied by Elizabeth Crawford who smiled a greeting as Raquel took the seat on the opposite side of the table with her back to the cabin. “Good morning Raquel.”

“Yes, it is indeed. How are you?” Raquel replied as the two women exchanged pleasantries.

“I am really rather very well at the moment all things considering. Can I get you something to drink or some food perhaps?” Raquel shook her head.

“I would rather just get down to business,” Raquel replied, brushing a bit of dust from her blue dress.

“So the Broker didn’t tell you why she sent you to this meeting?” Elizabeth Crawford asked.

“Not in so many words. I thought that she would do the negotiating direct and we would just meet for the exchange.” Raquel replied. There was a growing sense of unease starting to spread through her body from the back of her neck down to her toes. She had noticed that a couple of Elizabeth Crawford’s female operatives had appeared and taken strategic positions on the deck.

“Well I suppose she wouldn’t, or you wouldn’t have shown up.” Elizabeth Crawford paused, trying to get the timing right for something. “Basically, The Broker has sold you out Raquel.” Elizabeth Crawford stood and indicated toward something on the jetty. Raquel turned round in her seat and saw a group of three women walking toward the boat, at the centre of the small group was Kirsty. Raquel stood up in disbelief at the situation that she now food herself in. It was almost too much to take in. “We will give you the same opportunity we give all the girls. The easy way or the hard way” Crawford said nodding toward Constance who was pouring liquid from a bottle onto a thick white cloth. The sound of Elizabeth Crawford’s voice snap her back to the present and Raquel quickly sized up her options, Elizabeth Crawford and one for her attack vixens straight ahead, another woman behind, to the right the sea and to her left the jetty where there was a group approaching with a no doubt very upset Kirsty Black at the centre of it.

“You aren’t going to use that cloth on me.” Raquel said this more out of defiance than belief as she was struggling to see a way out at the moment.

“We will see about that,” Elizabeth Crawford said as a wicked smile spread over her lips. She held out a hand and Constance put the cloth, now dosed with chloroform into it. Raquel dropped her bag and fainted as if to head for the water before heading for the gangway. Avoiding a flailing arm from Antonija she got to the bottom and put one foot on the gangway before glancing up to find that Kirsty and the other two women coming toward her. Raquel paused and then was grabbed from behind by Antonija who wrapped both around Raquel’s body before Constance also got involved and clamped a hand over Raquel’s mouth. Despite being pounced upon by two women Raquel struggled and squirmed for all that she was worth and the three of them ended up in a pile on the floor with arms and legs everywhere. Raquel sensed an opportunity to escape but Yelena who had come down the gangway with Kirsty threw her body weight on top of Raquel’s legs which delayed the woman long enough to allow Antonija and Constance to recover and between the three of them they quickly had Raquel subdued again. “Grab her and get her into the cabin away from prying eyes. I will administer the cloth in the cabin,” Elizabeth Crawford ordered. With the help of Yelena, Constance and Antonija lifted the squirming Raquel from the deck and carried her into the cabin and deposited her onto the white leather upholstered seating, being careful to keep Raquel pinned down. Raquel looked up and saw Elizabeth Crawford approach with the cloth held menacingly in one hand.

“Nice to have you back Kirsty,” Constance said to her mentor as she appeared behind Elizabeth Crawford.

“Concentrate on the job in hand and we can catch up later,” Kirsty replied. Constance looked at Elizabeth Crawford and getting the nod removed her hand from over Raquel’s mouth allowing Elizabeth Crawford to thrust the cloth at Raquel’s face, clamping it firmly over her nose and mouth. Raquel’s eyes widened in shock over the top of the thick cloth at the forcefulness of the way the cloth had been applied; however the thick cloth muffled any noise that could have escaped. Raquel instantly recognised the familiar aroma of chloroform coming off the cloth. They were pretty strong; they must have been liberal with the dosage. Raquel knew that she couldn’t win this fight so wasn’t fussed as she wasn’t interested in fighting the effects of the drug. Relaxing and taking long deep breathes Raquel inhaled the fumes, feeling the effects as her arms started to tingle. Raquel hoped that she was giving them the impression that being drugged and she assumed tied up and gagged didn't bother her. It did. She was usually the woman leaving people bound and gagged. Raquel continued to take deep, steady breaths until she felt her head start to ache and eyelids feel heavy, very quickly she slipped into unconsciousness. The last thing she saw before her eyes closed to sleep was Elizabeth Crawford offering silent encouragement with a reassuring smile. It said don’t worry everything will be fine. Somehow Raquel doubted that. One last breath and then darkness engulfed her.

“Well it should be interesting keeping Miss English under control. Take her to the room on board and make sure she is fully restrained.” Yelena and Antonija picked up Raquel between them and carried her away. “Kirsty please tell the Captain to get us underway as soon as possible. It is time to go home.”


Raquel came round from her induced nap and quickly confirmed that she had been bound and gagged, that and something new and different as well, the dreaded restraining bags. She had heard the rumours about Elizabeth Crawford’s patented restraint system but now she was having first hand experience. Raquel had to admit that this down filled cocoon was exceptionally effective. Raquel had heard about the unique way that Elizabeth Crawford kept her captives restrained but hoped never to experience it firsthand as the rumour was that it was inescapable. The down loft was smothering her entire body up, squashing down every part of her, with her entire head and body was engulfed in a massive down cocoon. The bag's soft and silky nylon shell was a dark navy blue in colour and the even softer nylon inside was slightly paler. The outside of the bag was puffy, with deep creases forming under each baffle and the inside was very narrow due to the sheer amount of insulating loft. It was stuffed to the limit. She had never been this helpless in her entire life. The only option she had, the only one, was to wait to be rescued. That was the most humiliating thing Raquel had ever had to do. Wait to be rescued. The gentle rocking motion of the room told her that she was still on Elizabeth Crawford’s boat, or at least a boat of some kind. Don’t make assumptions Raquel told herself, especially when you are in a tricky situation such as this.

The door opened and Yelena and Antonija entered the room carrying a folding stretcher between them, closely followed by Kirsty who had a wide grin on her face as she leaned over Raquel who did not look happy about her current situation. “Now Raquel, don’t act like you haven’t been bound and gagged or chloroformed before.” Kirsty couldn’t help it.

“HHRRUUPPHH,” Raquel growled back.

“I wouldn’t get upset with us Raquel. Firstly it won’t do you any good and secondly it was the Broker that agreed that we could take you so take it up with her. Once you get free that is. Now I know that putting you in full restraints at this stage may seem like taking things to the extreme Raquel. However your reputation precedes you so we cannot take any chances,” Kirsty said. “Now, if you would rather sleep through the process of being transferred into the house then just let me know. You will get a full briefing on the rules when you are settled in your suite.” Raquel shook her head, causing a swishing sound as her hair rubbed the smooth fabric of the restraining bag. “Just so that we understand each other there will be nothing silly on your part.” This time Raquel nodded and Kirsty signalled to Yelena and Antonija who placed the folding stretcher on the carpet next to the bed and then each took an end on the down cocoon encasing Raquel English and lifted it from the bed and toward the stretcher. There was a pad on the stretcher for Raquel’s head and had head sank into the soft, thick pad as she was lowered onto the stretcher. Once they were satisfied of Raquel’s positioning Yelena secured her in place with three heavy straps.

Cambridge, England

“What exactly happened the other night?” Nazia asked her friend from across the dining table. They had just finished dinner and were now sharing a bottle of wine. They had been sitting in silence until Nazia had broached the subject of the attack by the masked intruders.

“If I am being honest I don’t really know,” Amber responded.

“How can you answer like that? How can you not know? You admitted that they came here to give you a message,” Nazia’s voice got louder as she talked.

“Yes, they warned me off any further investigations on the Lara Sanchez case.” Amber noticed that Nazia was about to say something and raised her hand. “Don’t worry I took the warning seriously.”

“Shouldn’t we call the police?” Nazia asked after a brief pause.

“I am the police,” Amber responded with a distinct lack of conviction. Knowing that by leaving the investigating on the Lara Sanchez case she was abdicating her responsibility as a law enforcement officer but she had made her decision for her friend.

“What if they come back?”

“They won’t.”

“How can you be so sure?” The truth was that Amber couldn’t be sure didn’t want to concern her friend any more than she already was, especially not until she had made some enquiries about Sasha Conteh. They hadn’t warned her off about asking questions about that.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 71

An island in the Mediterranean

Darkness had fallen when the boat docked at the pier on the island. Below deck Antonija and Yelena picked up an end each and lifted the stretcher containing Raquel English off the carpet and carried it through the bowels of the boat, onto the deck and then off the boat onto the pier. The rest of the group followed on and made the walk across the road, through the gardens and into the main house where they were greeted by Harper who instantly pointed to Yelena and Antonija toward the extension and the area where guests resided. “The room has been prepared. Vernie will show you which one.” Then Harper acknowledged Kirsty. “Nice to see you back.” The voice had no warmth to it.

“I am just heading to my room Elizabeth. It has been a long couple of days.” Kirsty said, ignoring Harper and hailing her boss.

“Good idea Kirsty. We can catch up properly tomorrow over breakfast.” Kirsty hurried away from the group scene that was occurring in the reception area and headed toward the stairwell at the back of the house and the comfort of her room on the first floor at the back of the house. Kirsty had made a call during the boat journey and asked Vernie for a favour, to arrange something for her. To be honest she wasn’t sure that her fried would oblige with that favour but on entering her room she was glad to find that Vernie had indeed.

Hayley had to admit that she was surprised when the sleep mask was removed from over her eyes and it was Kirsty rather than Elizabeth Crawford that looked down at her. “Don’t you look surprised,” Kirsty commented and she was right and Hayley tried to communicate this through the cloth and silk scarf that made up her gag. “Before we get started let’s just keep this our little secret.” Kirsty continued to talk as she slipped off first her own clothes and then the diaper that covered Hayley’s private area. Hayley sense of unease was gathering momentum as bound and gagged on the bed Hayley watched as Kirsty walked to the bedside chest of drawers, open the top drawer and pull something out. Hayley caught a glimpse of the item and started to thrash against her bonds. “Don’t worry it’s for you to wear not me. I much prefer men but on this island this is as close as you get. I usually arrange a meeting with a certain gentlemen but I was able to…how should I put it….hook up.” Kirsty said holding up the strap on dildo. “Now raise your hips and hold still.”

After the device had been attached Hayley watched as Kirsty carefully mounted the bed and straddled her. Then Kirsty took the dildo in one hand and carefully lowered herself down onto it and slipped it inside her before starting to rhythmically move up and down wit her eyes closed. After a couple of minutes Kirsty opened her eyes and locked gaze with a seriously baffled Hayley. “At least put some effort into it.”


Afterward and now with her gag removed Hayley and Kirsty could now have a conversation. “Thanks for that Hayley. I wouldn’t normally have done that but I needed the release.” Kirsty had just come out of the shower and was now sitting on the edge of the bed wearing a thin dressing gown. Hayley really didn’t know what to say as it had all been a new experience for her having never been with a woman before. Then something extremely unexpected happened. “I will help you escape on a couple of conditions.” Hayley took a minute to digest what Kirsty had just said. To say that she was shocked would have been an understatement.

“Why do you want to help us Kirsty?” Hayley said after finally getting to grips with what Kirsty had just offered. Kirsty took a bit of time to consider her answer.

“As part of our training all of us that come to work for Elizabeth have to agree to be held captive for a week. She says that it gives us a better understanding of our captives. Well that might be true but it isn’t exactly the same, we all know that it will end after those seven days. Being held by Raquel English gave me time to think. Now don’t get me wrong I don’t think that anything we do here is particularly wrong but, in your case being held for no particular reason and without any real timescale for release, well I guess I don’t think that is right.”

“So you think that holding women captive is alright as long as there is a reason for it?” Hayley said sternly. Kirsty just stared back, unblinking.

“I am not asking you to agree with me Hayley.” There was an awkward silence between the pair before Kirsty continued the conversation. “There would be some conditions to helping you get off the island.”

“And what would they be?” Hayley asked, telling herself now that she had to remain calm and not do anything that could jeopardise this opportunity.

“First, that you don’t injure any of the guards during your escape. Second you don’t give away the location of the island.” Hayley thought that the second was a strange request until her brain made the necessary connections.

“Wait, you aren’t planning on coming with us are you? You want to continue working for Crawford” Hayley said, clearly not understanding why Kirsty would want to stay. If Elizabeth Crawford found out that Kirsty aided someone escape from her clutches Hayley shuddered to think how she would react and what fate would befall Kirsty.

“It is all that I know and I do owe the woman despite what you may think. The boss may be wrong or the boss may be right but the boss is always the boss.” Kirsty said. Hayley just looked at Kirsty likes she was mad before the woman added. “Besides there is someone hear that I have made a commitment to.” Hayley lowered her head and let it fall deep into the soft, thick pillow, contemplating the conversation that had just taken place.

“How do you plan to make sure we don’t give away the location of the island?”

“You will have to be sedated for some of the journey” Kirsty replied finally getting up from the bed and releasing the bindings that had been holding Hayley in place.

“And you expect us to trust you?” Hayley asked rubbing her wrists now that they were free of the padded leather cuffs.

“If you want to get off the island then the answer to that question is yes.” Once again Hayley was silent for a long time, considering how to proceed. There was no doubt that if Gabriela and her were to get off the island they would need help but was this to good to be true. There was something in the back of her mind screaming at her that this was some kind of trick or one of Elizabeth Crawford’s mind games. Whilst Hayley was contemplating Kirsty walked over to a cupboard and opened it. “Use my shower and consider what I have said.” Kirsty held out a large, fluffy towel to Hayley who accepted it and almost in a trance got up from the bed and headed across the room toward the open door of the bathroom.

Chapter 72

Ten days later

It had taken a couple of days to make the arrangements and then they had to wait for the tides to be correct before they could make the move and tonight was that night. Kirsty had told Hayley not to mention anything to Gabriela for security purposes. Now Kirsty found herself checking her dress in the mirror before slipping on a short down coat she took a deep breath and made her way to the security office in the secure wing of the house where guests were kept. The majority of the building was carpeted but the security office had laminate flooring so in order to cross the floor as quietly as possible Kirsty slipped off her shoes and left them neatly lined up just outside the door. Before she entered the security room Kirsty had quickly but thoroughly soaked a cloth with chloroform, always best to prepare in advance. Kirsty removed her security card and held it over the scanner; it was now the point of no return, the last opportunity to change her mind. Kirsty moved her card over the scanner and the door opened which allowed Kirsty to slide into the security office. Vernie had pulled the nightshift as she was sitting intently scanning the back of screens in front got her on the desk. Quietly Kirsty crossed the room and snuck up behind her colleague, hoping that the large skirt on her dress wouldn’t give her away by making a noise. Vernie didn’t notice the danger until it was too late; Kirsty rammed home her advantage by grabbing her just below her breasts with her left hand and clamping the chloroformed soaked cloth over her nose and mouth. Vernie tried to twist free of Kirsty’s grasp, but found her efforts thwarted as the arm that encircled her waist only pinned her to the seat and Kirsty had leverage as she was in the standing position. Kirsty could sense that Vernie had held her breathe, desperately tried not to inhale the fumes given off from the chloroform. Kirsty didn’t panic and bided her time, waited for a moment, Vernie would have to breathe eventually but to speed up the process Kirsty used the arm wrapped around Vernie’s waist to force the air from her lungs. Vernie gasped as the air was forced from her lungs, the sound dampened by the thick cloth over the lower half of her face and involuntarily took a deep breath, drinking deeply of the drug on the cloth. Kirsty could sense the fight drain from her colleague as she continued to inhale the fumes, her muscles started to relax as the chloroform did its work. As the fight drained from the woman Vernie made a last desperate attempt to hit the alarm button but fell agonisingly short as Kirsty wheeled the seat back enough to take it out of reach. After that Kirsty felt Vernie’s body go limp but held the cloth tight for another couple of seconds. Finally, satisfied that the woman was helpless, Kirsty released her grip and let her slid to the floor.

Kirsty quickly switched off the recording function on the camera system and deleted the previous half hour’s recordings from the hard drive and the cloud, hoping that Elizabeth Crawford didn’t have a private back-up server somewhere that she didn’t know about. After their initial conversation about the escape Kirsty knew that she couldn’t take the risk of having in depth discussions with Hayley again so told her to be ready to move any night.


Hayley and Gabriela were being granted more freedom so they were at times allowed to sleep wearing pyjamas in a bed rather than in the restraining bags. So when the door opened and Kirsty entered carrying an unconscious woman wearing a light blue gown over her shoulder they both jolted upright as it was unusual for anything to happen during the night. Hayley put things together quickly and slid out from between the sheets and hurried over to close the door before helping Kirsty carry the unconscious woman across to the bed that she had vacated. “I take it tonight is the night?” Hayley asked Kirsty.

“Yes, indeed it is. I hope that you don’t fancy staying now as the line has now been crossed.” Kirsty replied between deep breaths.

“Gabriela can you strip Vernie and put a diaper on her if she isn’t wearing one already.”

“What exactly in going on?” Gabriella asked, clearly shocked at this turn of events.

“Kirsty is helping us to escape. Sorry I couldn’t discuss with your earlier but big sister was listening and watching” Hayley explained indicating the camera in the corner of the room.

“I’ve turned the recording equipment off in the security room.” Kirsty said as she handed Hayley two plastic wrapped package.

“What’s this?” Hayley asked as Kirsty started the process of stripping off her jacket and dress.

“Pull up pants, like you put on a toddler. The boss doesn’t like them, she prefers the security and bulk of a diaper but they will do the job but thinner, allowing greater mobility.”

“For you to wear?” Hayley enquired.

“No, I want a diaper any time I am restrained. They are for you.” Hayley was slightly confused by that comment. “Now hurry up and get changed into something more appropriate before restraining Vernie and I in bags.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, before you go you will have to tie me up then knock me out. Make it look good full restraints and a good dose of chloroform. Elizabeth may want to test for sedatives in my system and I can’t take that chance.” By the time that exchange had finished Gabriela had managed to get Vernie out of her dress and was fumbling around with a diaper as Kirsty noticed this and shouted across. “Leave that. I will sort that out Gabriela. You concentrate on getting dressed.” Gabriela turned round, nodded and headed for the wardrobe where Hayley had selected two plain looking street clothes outfits that they had been given as part of the training exercises they had taking part in. Whilst they were getting changed Kirsty quickly and professionally put the diaper on Vernie. They she went across and unlocked the cupboard in the room where the binding materials were kept and grabbed two sets. “Apologies about this Vernie,” Kirsty said under her breathe before starting the process of binding her colleague and friend by slipping on a pair of finger control mitts. Kirsty thought that it would take time that any escapee wouldn’t want to waste putting Vernie in a down filled suit. Once she had finished binding Vernie Kirsty turned round to find that Hayley and Gabriela were fully dressed.

“What now?” Gabriela asked. She had quickly summed up that Kirsty was in charge of this particular operation.

“First help me get Vernie into the restraining bags and then you two have to get me tied up and into a couple of restraining bags. Do you think you will be able to handle that? You maybe should have watched how I bound Vernie earlier.” Hayley resisted the temptation to laugh but couldn’t resist a response.

“Pretty sure that I have been restrained enough times by you guys to be experienced enough to work it out.” Hayley said, a smile cracking her lips. “And I won’t lie and say that I am not going to enjoy doing it.” With that said the three women went to work on their tasks.


It had been a long time since Kirsty had been fully restrained in the bags but the familiar sensations had returned quickly. Kirsty knew that the loft would continue to rise and constrain her further as the night went on so squirmed about to get comfortable. “Are you ready to go yet Hayley? Your lift won’t have around for ever.” Kirsty said to the ceiling.

“Yes, that is us ready to go,” Hayley said, her face appearing looming over Kirsty’s face.

“Okay. There will be one guard to take care of downstairs so take a cloth, chloroform and something to tie and gag her with. Once outside the estate turn left and head along the coast road for about twenty five minutes and you will see a cove. There is an entrance to a path between two large stones that will let you descend to the beach. I have arranged for you to be met.”

“Thanks Kirsty. I really do appreciate you taking this chance for us. It’s not too late to come along” Hayley said, pouring chloroform onto a cloth.

“We all make choices and this is mine. I will just have to live with it. Now hit me with the cloth and get going.” Kirsty got her wish as Hayley applied the cloth over the lower half of her face, blocking out the fresh air and forcing her to inhale the chloroform fumes from the cloth and from the strength of the fumes that assaulted her nostrils and back of her throat Kirsty could tell that Hayley hadn’t scrimped on the dosage. Kirsty just relaxed and took deep breaths, she had no interest in fighting or avoiding the impeding forced slumber. In fact she welcomed it; Kirsty wouldn’t admit it to another but for her there had always been a slight thrill when being sedated voluntarily. Drawing another deep breath of the irresistible inhalant and swooning under the resulting loss of sensation. Her body was growing numb, her eyelids fluttering uncontrollably, and the looming darkness was almost upon her. As she slid toward unconsciousness Kirsty was less concerned for her immediate future and more troubled by what Elizabeth Crawford would say when she found out about Hayley’s escape and Kirsty’s part in it. The last thing Kirsty heard was Hayley say “I hope that I never see you again.” That comment followed her down as, with the softest of moans darkness engulfed her.

After dealing with the guard and sneaking through the main house Hayley and Gabriela had followed Kirsty’s directions and found the entrance to the narrow path down to the beach below. It was well hidden. If Kirsty hadn’t told them it was there they wouldn’t have found it. Fortunately at this point the moon was out and it afforded them some measure of light. When they were about half was down the path Gabriela tapped Hayley on the shoulder and pointed toward the sea. Hayley stopped and followed the line form the end of Gabriela’s finger and saw what she was indicating toward. It was a boat and there was a smaller boat being rowed from it toward the beach. Hayley had to admit that until this point she had been nervous that it was some kind of joke or cruel trick being played by Kirsty but it now looked like she was going to have been telling Hayley the truth. Once the reached the beach they found a tall, skinny, young man standing beside the rowing boat who beckoned them forward with sharp, nervous moments of his hands. “Quickly, get into the boat. We don’t have much time.” Hayley and Gabriela did as instructed and the young man pushed the boat back into the sea with surprising strength and jumped in. The man grabbed both oars and with long, easy sweeps started to pull them towards the larger boat sitting further out at sea.

When they reached the boat an older man wearing a dark wool sweater, cap, wellington boots and cargo trousers with a beard and a broad chest took the rope that the skinny man had through and secured the rowing boat. One at a time Hayley and Gabriella took the proffered hand and with significant assistance from the man with the broad chest heaved themselves onto the deck. Once both women were on the deck the man pointed to a door. “Below deck ladies, my daughter will take care of you.”

“Thank you,” Hayley replied and headed as directed with Gabriela following close behind. The lighting wasn’t great and as they carefully made their way down the short set of wooden stairs into the depths of the boat. They found themselves in a tight corridor with an open door at the far end with a dull light coming from it. They both walked toward it and stopped at just short of the entrance. At that point the engine sprung to life and Hayley felt the boat start to move under it’s own power. “Enter ladies, no need to be shy” said a female voice from inside the room. Hayley went on first and stopped at what she saw in front of her. There were two single beds, well cots really with a single pillow at one end; there were also several heavy duty leather straps on each bed, not exactly enticing. “Hello, my name is Julia. You must be Hayley and Gabriella.”

“I hope that they aren’t for what I think they are for?” Gabriela asked looking over Hayley’s shoulder into the room.

“Kirsty did explain the rules of her helping you. That you couldn’t know where the journey began so you will have to be sedated.”

“Nobody mentioned the straps and being restrained” Gabriela said. Both women were now standing inside the cramped room.

“They are for your protection as much as anything else. The seas can get rough and we wouldn’t want you to get thrown around the room. You could get seriously injured. Beside if you are knocked out what difference does being strapped down make?” Hayley had to concede that point to the young woman. It now made sense why Kirsty insisted that they wore the pull up pants. “The other option is that you get back in the dinghy and we leave you to it. You can try and row to the mainland but you don’t know where that is.” Hayley had to concede that they were now completely at the mercy of these people, whoever Kirsty had asked to help them escape. Seeing no other option Hayley reluctantly made the short trip across to one of the beds and lay down with her head in the centre of the pillow, closely followed by Gabriela who took the other bed. Julia fastened the leather straps around Hayley’s wrists and then the straps around her ankles then the larger straps over her thighs and stomach before quickly performing the same duty on Gabriela, not allowing either woman to change their mind. Hayley knew now that for good or bad they were now committed.

“So how do you know Kirsty?” Hayley asked. She did always like to talk when nervous. Perhaps there was something to this being gagged idea?

“I think that it is best for everyone involved that you do not know that,” Julia replied. There was a tearing sound and suddenly a strip of thick, white mircofoam tape was slapped over Hayley’s mouth.

“MMMTTTHH,” Hayley mumbled from behind the tape, surprised by this turn of events. Julia didn’t reply but moved across to Gabriela.

“Oh….come on….you can’t be mmmmm……” Gabriela’s objection was cut off as a similar sized piece of tape was firmly placed over her mouth.

“Sorry about the tape ladies. Kirsty said that it would be best to save any objections to what comes next.” Julia went into her bag and Hayley watched intently as she removed two syringes full of a white liquid and placed them on a small silver table that sat between the two beds. The woman then delved back into the bag and produced a bag of cotton balls and a slightly larger glass bottle. Julia removed the top from the second bottle and poured some of the liquid onto one of the cotton balls. Julia rubbed the cotton ball on the inside of Hayley’s arm before finding the vein, lining up the syringe and inserting it into a vein. Almost instantly Hayley felt a cool sensation move up her arm, seconds later she was struggling to keep her eyes open. “Just close your eyes and rest Hayley, you can’t fight this stuff. The dose I gave you will put you out for five or six hours.” The last thing she saw before her eyes closed to sleep was the woman offering silent encouragement with a reassuring smile. It said don’t worry everything will be fine. Hayley wanted to believe her but this was a trip into the unknown and if Hayley was being honest her track record wasn’t great. One last breath and then darkness engulfed her.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Well, there were some really unexspected turns.

First: What happened to Raquel English. Why did the Broker do that? What purpose served that? What is the grand strategy here? Was it the Brokers Plan all time to sell out Raquel?

Second: Kirstys Change of heart and aiding Hayley and Gabriela to escape. And I'm not completely sure about Kirstys Intention. Surely Crawford will suspect, that someone aided Hayley and Gabriela.

And Crawford will try to get Hayley and Gabriela in her Clutches again .....
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Post by Caesar73 »

Apropos getting Hayley and Gabriela back: Hayley said, she hoped, that she sees Kirsty never again .... I have my doubts about that 😉

On the plus side: Amber is still looking for Sasha 😉

Hayleys thoughts at the end of Chapter 72? Too understandable. She and Gabriela must trust somebody they do not know, who has their fate in her hands ....

This reminds me of the following:

"There are no perfect plans, but only perfect intentions"

If the Girls can make their escape? They will surely meet some difficulties on the way: They have no Idea, where they are precisly, how to get support ... on the other hand, one may think, that Kirsty, ever the professional, would have thought about that .... :)

And what about the other "guests" of Mystery Island?
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Post by Caesar73 »

If Kirsty is true to her word - and this is no sinister scheme all along, then is a lot at stake for Kirsty herself.
Crawford must suspect that her two guests had help from the outside. She will ask:

Who subdued Vernie? Who manipulated the security Systems? And how got Hayley and Gabriela away from the Island? They could not have got away without help?

The logical conclusion will be, that a member of her team betrayed her. This whole affair will cause distrust at least. :)

The question will be: Will Crawford suspect her trusted aide, her head of Security, Kristy herself? Will go Crawford down that road???
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Post by Caesar73 »

Maybe Kirsty has planted some false leads to implicate another person? Intriguing 😊
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 73

The east coast of America

Natalie Sawyer flung open the door and shouted to herald her arrival. Getting no response Natalie closed the door and made her way toward the kitchen. “Charlotte. Are you in?” Once again there was no answer. “I thought that we could get take out tonight. Chinese?” Natalie slipped off her gun and placed it in a drawer in the kitchen. Something at the back Natalie’s head, cop instinct started to tell her that this wasn’t quite right as she made her way toward the bedroom. The door was open and Natalie took five steps into the room before she heard the hinges of the door protest as the door swing closed.

“I’ve got a surprise for you Natalie,” said a familiar voice from behind her.

“What is it Charlotte?”

“Close your eyes and turn round.” Natalie did as instructed and felt a soft cloth pressed over her nose and mouth, the cloth gave off the familiar sweet smelling aroma of chloroform. “Relax and when you wake up we can have some real fun.” Charlotte said smiling. Natalie smiled below the cloth, this wasn’t defeat. It was surrender. The cloth didn’t have chloroform on it, in fact it was just scented with some perfume that Charlotte had bought that smelled very similar but it worked for their little role play games. Natalie found that as her relation with Charlotte had progressed she had been able to open up and explain her feelings about being restrained. To her credit Charlotte hadn’t judged her or made any comments at that time. Then one weekend Natalie had been out with some colleagues and come home to find the restraining bags lying out of the bed. Before she could say anything Charlotte had grabbed her from behind and clamped a handkerchief over her nose and mouth. Natalie had been instantly turned on and played among. This game had now become a regular occurrence and Natalie couldn’t be happier by this turn of events. “If you are really good I will get the bags out,” Charlotte whispered into Natalie’s ear. Natalie played the part of helpless damsel and moaned into the cloth for a couple of minutes, fluttering and rolling her eyes a couple of times before slumping to the carpet pretending to be unconscious. “Time for a nap you interfering cop. I pity the fate that you will awake to.” Natalie tried to keep the smile from her face but couldn’t. That kind of talk in Charlotte’s posh, clipped English voice just didn’t seem right.


Lying in bags Natalie allowed her mind to drift to Hayley and suddenly she felt guilty. Nothing had been she nor heard of Hayley or indeed Charlotte’s former partner Gabriella for almost six weeks now. Natalie had found it hard to sleep sometimes thinking about Hayley and what she could be going through. Although she knew that it was the correct decision, it didn’t make in any easier. Christina had put the word out with her contacts but nothing had come of it, which left them both frustrated. Part of Natalie though that maybe this thing of being tied up was something to do with trying to feel part of what Hayley would be going through at the moment. No doubt Elizabeth Crawford would have Hayley fully restrained wherever she had Hayley stashed away. Suddenly Natalie was brought back to the present when she felt movement beside her and a smiling face appeared. Charlotte had fallen asleep beside Natalie’s down filled cocoon. “Now if I let you out the bags do you promise to behave?” Charlotte asked. Natalie nodded her head and smiled. “I don’t know if that is the answer that I wanted.” A wicked grin spread over Charlotte’s lips.

They both lay on their backs exhausted by their efforts when Natalie’s mobile started to ring. “I hope that isn’t the Lieutenant looking for me,” Natalie groaned as she sat up and started to search through the pockets on her coats for the source of the noise.

“I hope so to,” Charlotte said with a wicked grin on her lips. Charlotte slipped out of bed and headed for the kitchen. “I will grab us some water.” Natalie nodded before finding the mobile and looking at the screen. The number wasn’t one that was stored in her mobile’s memory; in fact Natalie was certain that it was a European number. That was interesting. Pressing the button to accept the call Natalie pressed the phone to her ear.

“Natalie……Natalie is that you?” The voice at the other end of the line said. Butterflies burst in Natalie’s stomach and the response caught in her throat. “Natalie, its Hayley.”

“Where are you?” Natalie finally said after getting over the initial shock, her eyes starting to fill.

“Switzerland.” Hayley said.

“Where?.....What?.....How?...” Natalie stammered.

“Nice to see that you conversation skills are still of the same high standard,” Hayley said. “But now is not the time for that. I need you to contact Christina and get Gabriela and I clearance for the Embassy.” By this time Charlotte had returned with two glasses of water and a concerned look on her face. Natalie held up a hand to let Charlotte know that she was alright. “Look Natalie I am going to run out of change and…….”

“Don’t worry I will make the calls. Just head for the Embassy and stay safe.” The line went dead before they could continue the conversation.

“Who was that?” Charlotte asked Natalie.

“You are not going to believe this….” Natalie replied.

Hayley hung up the receiver and looked up and down the street. Despite being away from the island she just couldn’t shake the feeling that Elizabeth Crawford or one of her operatives were watching her, stalking her from the shadows. “What do we do next?” Gabriela asked.

“We head to the Embassy. Natalie will make the calls and get us sanctuary and arrangements to head to the States.”

“America?” Gabriela said. Hayley didn’t know if this was a question or a statement.

“Yes. You should come to America with me for a couple of weeks, change of scenery and that. I even have a spare room that you could stay in.”


An island somewhere in the Mediterranean

“Are you questioning my loyalty or my ability Elizabeth,” Kirsty locked eyes and held the piercing gaze of her boss. Hayley’s escape had not gone down well with Elizabeth Crawford and Kirsty had borne the burnt of her anger since she had found out. Kirsty and Vernie had been discovered bound and in restraining bags the following morning by Tahani and Gisele at shift change. Kirsty had already constructed a story about what had happened and stuck to it despite being challenged on the story several times and from different angles by Elizabeth Crawford.

“Three weeks ago I wouldn’t have had any reason to doubt either. Given recent events I am not so sure. I had a feeling that something was wrong with someone else in the past Kirsty and didn’t act on it…” Crawford stopped as if searching for a memory of something that had happened in the past.

“What do you want me to say Elizabeth?” There was no reply as Elizabeth Crawford contemplated.

“If this was anyone else Kirsty…..”

“You would place them under restrictions.”

“Yes I would.” There was an uneasy silence between the women until Kirsty broke it.

“Would it convince you of my dedication and commitment if I volunteered to submit for a week?” A thin smile spread across Elizabeth Crawford’s lips. It was the Kirsty knew that this had been the plan all along and that she had been manipulated into this position but it was too late to do anything about it now. How bad could it be? Kirsty thought. Hayley had endured several weeks of severe confinement with good humour. Plus her night spent in the restraining bags reminder her of their immense comfort. Kirsty kept her eyes forward as Elizabeth Crawford got up and made her way toward the door which she opened to allow someone to enter, well two people actually judging by the footsteps. Kirsty felt a person on each side of her and turned glanced round to find Constance on her right and Kendall on her left. They both wore the large dresses of guards on duty.

“Constance secure Kirsty and take her to the Shelley Suite, full restraints for seven days.” Kirsty had to admit that the woman was smart. Giving Constance this task did affirm who exactly was in charge. “Use Kendall to give you a hand getting Kirsty prepared.” Constance looked at Kirsty with a look of confusion and indecision on her face. “I give the orders around here Constance. Now carry that one out.”

“It is alright Constance.” Kirsty said and smiled at the young woman before turning away from her and placing her wrists behind her back.

“There shouldn’t be any resistance from Kirsty but of there is then feel free to administer chloroform.” Constance placed a set of padded cuffs around Kirsty’s wrists and secured then in place. Kirsty was facing Kendall and there was a wicked smile on her face as she lifted a scrunched up white cloth toward Kirsty’s mouth. Kirsty sighed, expelling air through her nose. Kirsty had a feeling that Kendall was going to enjoy every minute of this. However there was no point in resisting so Kirsty opened wide and allowed the cloth to be pushed all of the way in, a scarf was then folded and tied over her mouth.

Just before they left the room Elizabeth Crawford called out. “Make sure that you get a tracking anklet put on her as well.” As they walked down the corridor Kirsty could sense the tension between Constance and Kendall. It was only natural when Kirsty thought about it. They were seen as the protégés of the two lead characters in the association. Hopefully the tension wouldn’t escalate over the week that Kirsty would be out of action and she had the chance to sort it out. That was assuming that she got released after a week. Once they entered the suite Kirsty noticed that there were already two giant purple restraining bags lying out along with a purple down suit. It was almost as if they were expecting a new guest.

“Kirsty I am going to remove the cuffs but no funny business and no taking the gag off, silence is crucial here,” Kendall said. The young woman was obviously going to take this very seriously despite Kirsty having no interest in resisting. “Obey our instructions at all times and we won’t have to apply a chloroform dosed cloth.”

“Take it easy Kendall,” Constance said. “Kirsty has no intention of resisting.”

“I think that we are past taking it easy Constance. Kirsty is under investigating and must do everything that I say. Miss Crawford may consider getting just get rid of her and potentially anybody that is loyal to her.” Kendall pointedly looked at Constance when she said this. “But I can see you maybe being an asset further down the line. So I will put in a good word for you as long as you perform well.” Constance looked shocked as she glanced at Kirsty for reassurance. With her gag in place Kirsty couldn’t communicate verbally but hoped that Constance could read her eyes, stay calm and don’t do anything stupid. Kendall turned her attention back to Kirsty. “Now please strip.” Slowly and deliberately as there was no rush, Kirsty to slip off her garments, including her panties, as she knew a diaper would be applied and folded them carefully before placing them on a nearby chair. “Look Constance, help me restrain Kirsty and you will be alright for the moment. I promise, otherwise I can’t guarantee your safety.” Kirsty thought that Kendall was slightly playing up her current position but there was something about that young woman that she did not like at all. Constance glanced across and couldn’t help but admire what an impressive figure that Kirsty possessed.

“First things first; hands out in front of you” Constance commanded, she had decided that it would be best if she took the lead. At least it would deny Kendall the pleasure of having some kind of power over Kirsty. Kirsty complied and Constance picked up a pair of finger control mitts and proceeded to put one of each of Kirsty’s hands. Although she couldn’t speak Kirsty hoped that Constance could tell that she appreciated the gesture. The mitts had a small buckle at the wrist section which Constance tightened to lock the mitts in place. Kirsty winced as the buckle was secured and tried wriggling her fingers. The mitts were thickly padded and severely limited the movement of her fingers. That combined with the silky smoothness of the fabric on both the inside and outside of the mitts meant that trying to pick something up almost impossible rendering her hands useless. Kirsty gulped as the realisation of what was about to happed to her, she knew that she would be totally helpless once in her down filled cocoon. Although recently kept restrained by Raquel English this was different. Whilst looking at her hands Kirsty hadn’t noticed that Constance had moved behind her. “I am going to remove that gag and put your permanent one in place,” Constance slipped into what she had been trained to say even though Kirsty knew better then her what was going on. Constance undid the knot and removed the scarf and then reached round and removed the cloth form Kirsty’s mouth. “Keep your mouth open” Kirsty jumped slightly then did as instructed. Constance brought something over her head. It was a large padded gag with a ball in the middle. The large soft ball at the centre of the gag was forced into her mouth. Kirsty reacted and closed her mouth around the ball as the pad was pushed against her lips. Kirsty felt it push down on her lips as a buckle was used at the back of her head to secure it in place..

“TGTAHT HATSHT GFRATJ” Kirsty mumbled.

“Yes very effective gag detective and definitely required” Kendall commented with a smirk.

“NYTH HGALIKH” Kirsty said something rude in reply which she knew would be come out as a low mumble from behind her gag.

“You will be restrained for long periods of time so I will now be putting a diaper on you. Just lie down on the bed.” Kirsty complied and Constance collected the diaper and associated materials.

“Raise your bum like a good captive” Kendall shouted. Kirsty lifted her hips from the bed and after a couple of seconds Kirsty felt a tap on her hip and took this as a sign to lower them again. When she did Kirsty felt her bum land on something soft and thick and lay perfectly still as Constance finished the process of putting on the diaper by applying cream and talcum powder before bringing up the front and securing the sticky tabs to keep it in place. “Not so bad that was it. Right get back up off the bed.” With her hands in the mitts and the diaper firmly in place this more difficult than normal. Constance grabbed the purple down suit from the bed and held it up to Kirsty then positioned it on the floor in front of Kirsty. “Step into the legs if you please” Kirsty once again did as ordered and with a little help from Constance, especially with the arms found that she was now wearing a down filled suit for the first time in years. Once again she noticed its thickness and smoothness of the fabric that it was made from. Constance zipped up the front of the suit, flicking up the hood. “Looking good Kirsty” Kendall commented.

“Look those comments aren’t helping,” Constance said in a harsher voice than she meant to. “At least act professionally. I am sure Miss Crawford would expect nothing less.” There was a retort on the tip of Kendall’s tongue but she thought better of it and Constance returned her full attention to the task at hand. “Hands out again” Kirsty did as ordered and watched as Constance placed padded cuffs on her wrists, just above the end of the mitts, locking them together with not much of a gap. Kirsty watched as Constance picked up two straps from the bed and used them to secure her arms of her body. Constance was picking up the pace now as her training kicked in, next she fully opened up one of the sleeping bags and guided Kirsty down so that her bum was resting on the inside of the sleeping bag. “Legs together Kirsty” Constance then used three more of the straps to secure Natalie’s legs at the ankles, just below the knees and around the middle of the thighs. Kirsty felt slight discomfort as the thigh strap was tightened due to the thick diaper that she was wearing and was now glad that she wore a diaper in bed overnight once a week. “Swing your legs up and get in the bag” Constance commanded. Once again with a little assistance Kirsty managed to do as instructed. Lying perfectly still Kirsty waited as Constance pulled the top of the bag over her and zipped the bag. Out of the corner of her eye Kirsty could see Kendall approach the bed. “Kirsty please do not struggle whilst Kendall and I put you in the second restraining bag. Kirsty lay motionless as she felt her legs get lifted as they were slid into another bag. Kirsty didn’t struggle but she wasn’t going to help her captors either so she lay there as dead weight as the two women managed to slip the bag under her body, finally getting the hood under her head. This bag had a centre zip so Constance and Kendall brought the two halves of the top bag together and zip them in place, fighting against the loft of the down to get the zip up to the top before locking it off.

“That’s us finished Kirsty. No means of escape but you will be very comfortable for the duration of your captivity as long as you relax and enjoy.” That last statement made the two women disappeared and left Kirsty to her own devices. Taking the opportunity Kirsty had a wriggle but there was no give in her bonds. Despite her situation there was a sense of pride that she had taught Constance so well and that she had followed her training despite what must have been an awkward situation for her. Thumping her head back into the soft, thick pillow she noticed that the thickness of the sleeping bag was increasing as the loft inflated, pushing the soft material of the inner shell against her body.
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

So Hayley and Gabriela made it! :) And Natalie discovered her Passion for downfilled Goodness and acts it out :)

Her reaction when Hayley called was described very well - let us hope that nothing bad happens on her and Gabrielas way to the Embassy!

Kendall is creepy, seriously creepy and she enjoys every Part of restraining Kirsty,. Kendall seems to be a little sadist .

What will Crawford do now? And more important: If Hayley is back in the States: Will she do something to find Natascha? :)
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