Nothing Personal 5- Spies Like Them Part 2 (F/F)

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Post by Caesar73 »

The next hurdles are taken - it seems :) And I liked the way, Hayley surprised Crawford and subdued her - that must have been quite the Shock for the Criminal Mastermind. Will comment in more detail later :) Be it as it may: Nice work [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] :)
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Centennial Club
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 84

An island in the Mediterranean

“Where are you?” Gayle asked excited as she jumped out of bed, ran over to Rhiannon and gave her a violent shake.

“A place called Rineia Island in the Mediterranean, closest civilisation is the Greek mainland,” Hayley looked at Kirsty when she said this who nodded her confirmation.

“I know,” Gayle squealed on the other end of the line. Hayley had to move the satellite phone away from her ear. “You are not going to believe this Hayley but...”

“Hold on,” Hayley interrupted. “I don’t have much time. At the present time Kirsty, Natalie and I are currently in the process of escaping the island on a boat and with several other people and three prisoners, including Elizabeth Crawford.” Whilst this conversation was going on Natalie and Scarlett were looking out at the cruiser that was sitting at the centre of the small bay.

“What do we do?” Natalie asked Scarlett who took a look around before replying.

“I think that the cruiser can be brought up to the dock so I will take one of the smaller boats and then bring it back across.”

“Can you take care of that yourself?” Natalie asked Scarlett.

“Yeah. No problem,” Scarlett replied confidently as started to move toward one of the smaller boats.

“Take Natalie along with you,” Kirsty jumped in having overheard the conversation that the two women had been having.

“Don’t you trust me?” Scarlett asked.

“Yes, I do,” Kirsty replied. “However, we do not know who or what is on that boat. If there are any surprises then Natalie is better trained to deal with it.”

“In this dress?” Natalie asked.

“Improvise. Overcome. Adapt,” Kirsty said and turned back to Hayley.

“You never guess who is on the phone,” Gayle said to a drowsy Rhiannon as she continued to shake her.

“The President,” Rhiannon answered.

“What were you saying Gayle?” Hayley asked.

“You are not going to believe this Hayley but we are in Athens,” Gayle replied.

“Athens, Greece!!” Hayley exclaimed. “How did that happen?”

“No Hayley!” Gayle said to Rhiannon.

“Are you talking to me Gayle?” Hayley asked.

“No, Rhiannon,” Gayle replied. “Anyway, to answer your question we were trying to track down Fallon Bennett and that led us to Italy where we were snatched and held captive by La Signora Mafia.”

“La Signora Mafia?” Hayley repeated more for Kirsty’s benefit than to ask Gayle a question. Kirsty’s eyebrows raised and almost hit her hairline.

“Indeed,” Gayle confirmed, “and you are not going to believe this but Fallon Bennett is Alessandra Ambrosio.”

“Wait,” something just dawned on Hayley. “How did you know where we were?”

“Well,” Gayle began.

“Hold on, don’t answer that at the moment. We haven’t got the time.” They something else hit Hayley in the middle of the forehead.

“Did you just say that Fallon Bennett is Alessandra Ambrosio?” Kirsty’s eyebrows now basically jumped off her forehead. As this conversation was taking place Scarlett and Natalie had managed to work their way down the wooden ladder that was fixed to the pier and into a small boat which rocked slightly as they settled their weight into it. As this was going on Hayley pointed to her own eyes, then at Kirsty, then at their three bound and gagged captives. Kristy nodded her understanding and moved off to keep a closer eye on Elizabeth, Constance and Louise. Up on the pier Callie untied the rope securing the boat to the pier and flung it down to Scarlett who was able to catch it and then pushed the boat away from the pier. Then Scarlett leaned over and pulled the ripcord to start the small engine on the dingy, fortunately it started first time. Natalie said a silent thank you whilst the rest of the groups winced at the noise of the engine spluttering into life.

“Yes,” Gayle. “Interesting story actually, we were…”

“We can discuss all of this later but can you get ready to move and meet us when we get this all sorted and are a little bit less manic.” Hayley interjected. “With the whole escaping Elizabeth Crawford’s secret base of operations thing.” Penelope head was starting to hurt again, she didn’t know whether it was being bombarded with names and information or still the amount of sedation drugs that had been administered.

“Agreed,” Gayle replied. “Best of luck.” With that Gayle terminated the call. After hanging up and putting the phone back in her pocket and walked over to where Kirsty stood keeping a close eye on their captives. Kirsty had made Elizabeth, Louise and Constance kneel down and cross their ankles.

“She sounded excited,” Kirsty commented. They both watched the small dinghy make it’s was toward the cruiser. It seemed to be making very slow progress.

“We can’t leave Alessandra or Fallon here,” Hayley began. “She is too valuable an asset.”

“I agree,” Kirsty nodded. “So, let’s go and get her.”

“Someone needs to stay here and keep an eye on these three whilst Natalie is at the cruiser.”

“That would probably be sensible,” Kirsty conceded.

“I can keep an eye…” Penelope waved a hand at their captives. Kirsty and Hayley exchanged a glance.

“Maybe, conserve your strength,” Kirsty commented.

“I will take Elise to watch my back,” Hayley spun and looked at Elise who was standing a couple of steps away, almost at the very edge of the pier. “Are you okay with that?” Elise nodded a response. Hayley took the satellite phone from her pocket and handed it to Kirsty. “You had better take this.” Kirsty grabbed the phone and put it in her own pocket. Glancing out into the darkness Hayley could just make out the boat with Scarlett and Natalie now about two thirds of the way to the cruiser. “Give us thirty minutes and then leave. If anybody else apart from us comes onto the beach. Leave.” Kirsty nodded but kept her eyes moving from their captives to the dinghy and back again. With a nod of the head to Elise, Hayley set off at a strong pace along the pier.

“Could you hold these?” Elise asked Jasmine as she thrust her notebook and diary at the international superstar, who stared at both items blankly before taking them and holding them against her chest. After a quick nod of thanks Elise took off down the pier in pursuit of Hayley.
An island in the Mediterranean

Kirsty stood still and watched the two figures work there way onto the beach before they disappeared into the darkness. With her eyes scanning the horizon Kirsty pulled the satellite phone out of her pocket and checked the time, slipping it back in to one pocket she pulled a cloth form the other pocket and turned around to face their captives. “MMOOHH,” Louise and Constance moaned noticing the cloth and making the leap to where this was going.

“Don’t worry, it’s just for her,” Kirsty confirmed with a nod to Elizabeth Crawford. To the woman’s credit Elizabeth didn’t as much as blink as Kirsty took out the bottle of chloroform and prepared the cloth. Kirsty stashed the bottle back in the pocket of her down jacket as she approached the kneeling figure of Elizabeth. As Kirsty pressed the cloth over Elizabeth’s nose and well gagged mouth. With Louise and Constance watching one Kirsty held the cloth firmly in the place, forcing Elizabeth to inhale the fumes that would put her to sleep. Elizabeth didn’t fight, resist or complain in any way, she just locked eyes with Kirsty and stared intently. There was total silence as the anaesthetic was administered, Kirsty watch intently as Elizabeth’s eyes started to flutter and she swayed slightly on her knees. As the swaying got more pronounced Kirsty kneeled down herself and helped Elizabeth to lie down on the wooden planks of the peer as the woman lost the fight to remain conscious. Just as Elizabeth’s eyes closed over there was a sound of a diesel engine starting up.

“Guess that key worked,” Callie said and held up a hand for Jasmine for a high five, but she was ignored. Kneeling down Kirsty turned her attention out to the bay and allowed the cloth to slip away from over the lower half of Elizabeth’s face. As the engine of the cruiser turned over Kirsty noted that the didn’t seem as loud as the engine of the much smaller dinghy, maybe because it was of the pitch but it certainly didn’t seem to travel through the air as much. As she stood up Kirsty heard a clunk then saw the moonlight hit the rungs of the anchor chain as it steadily rose from the water. Now, all six conscious women on the pier turned and watched as the anchor left the water and a couple of seconds later the cruiser started to move. A wide smile broke out across Kirsty’s face and for the first time that night she believed that they could actually pull this off. There was a sense of anticipation as six sets of eyes never broke contact with the cruiser as it made its way slowly toward the pier.

“Here comes our ride out of here,” Penelope said with a weak smile.

“As long as our luck holds out,” Kirsty mumbled under her breath. When it got close enough Scarlett manoeuvred the cruiser into position and killed the engine. Standing on the bow Natalie through a rope to Callie who caught it and tied it to a cleat on the pier. Once the coat was secure Natalie lowered the gangplank onto the pier and got off the boat. “Where is Hayley?” Natalie asked?

“Away to get Fallon Bennett,” Kirsty replied. The look of shock on Natalie’s face told Kirsty all that she needed to know. “Let’s get everyone onboard and wait for her to get back.”

“Alright,” Natalie replied with a bit of hesitation.

“Callie, Jasmine. Could you please help Louise and Constance onto the boat?” The two women walked over and each grabbed the arm of a bound woman, helped them up, along the gangplank and onto the boat. “Give me a hand with Elizabeth?”

“Could you not have resisted the urge until she was on the boat?” Natalie asked as she bent down and grabbed Elizabeth’s ankles and lifted at the same time as Kirsty lifted the unconscious woman from under the armpits. In their dresses it was a struggle to get up the narrow gangplank, especially carrying the unconscious Elizabeth Crawford, but they made it. Penelope followed close behind still looking a little bemused by the what was going on. They were met by Scarlett.

“Where is Hayley?” Scarlett asked.

“She will be back soon,” Natalie replied. “Where are the others?”

“In the wardroom,” Scarlett nodded in a direction with her head. “Follow me.” Everything was tight with the dress in the confines of the cruiser but Natalie and Kirsty managed to follow Scarlett down a short flight of stairs and into a well fitted out drawing room. Constance and Louise sat on a small couch watching over there heavily gagged mouths. Natalie and Kirsty looked around and saw another couch that was empty couch directly across from where the bound and gagged women were sitting and deposited the unconscious Elizabeth onto it. Penelope flopped down heavily into one of the big standalone chairs. Kirsty took a look around and saw a lot of nervous faces looking at them for directly and decided it was time to take charge of the situation.

“You take Callie to the bridge and get prepared for leaving,” Kirsty said to Scarlett. “Can you handle this thing in open water and navigate?”

“No issues,” Scarlett replied. “I have been on something similar and the equipment on the bridge is all first rate.” With a glance at Callie both women excited the wardroom to go to the bridge. “Jasmine, could you look around and find us all some normal clothes.”

“That I can do,” Jasmine said with a smile and turned to search the cruiser. The young woman exited the other end of the wardroom to find the sleeping compartments. Once Jasmine had left Kirsty turned to Natalie.

“For now, let’s tie their ankles, we can restrain them properly later.” Natalie nodded and Louise and Constance moaned, knowing exactly what that would entail. As Natalie set about binding Elizabeth’s ankles together with a length of cord Kirsty did the same with Constance and Louise.

“I think that I am going to find somewhere to lie down and get some rest,” Penelope said getting up, “unless you need some help.” Kirsty and Natalie looked at Penelope, exchanged a glance and then turned back toward Penelope.

“That sounds like a good idea,” Kirsty said.

“Thanks, just need to get my strength back.” With that Penelope toddled off after Jasmine, a little unsteady on her feet.

“You stay here and watch them,” Natalie said to Kirsty. “I am going to go back on deck and watch for Hayley and Elise.” Confirming with a nod of the head Kirsty moved off and leaned against the cabin wall with her arms crossed and watched Natalie walk out of the room.

A gentle swell rocked the boat as Natalie stood on deck staring into the darkness, willing her friend to appear from the gloom. She felt more than saw Kirsty approach from behind. “Any sign yet?” Kirsty asked. Natalie shook her head and didn’t take her eyes from the end of the pier. There were lights on in the main house but there weren’t bright enough to illuminate the ground, driveway or beach. If Natalie had been able to tear her eyes away from the jetty, she would have seen that Kirsty had changed into normal clothes of jeans and a sweater and was looking at the screen on the satellite phone.

“Four minutes,” Kirsty said to herself. That comment got Natalie’s attention. “Hayley said to give them half an hour then leave.”

“We can’t leave without them.” Natalie replied, concerned. Finally, she looked at Kirsty.

“That was what Hayley said.” Now Natalie was drawn to the screen of the satellite phone as she looked at the minutes tick past. It was Kirsty that noticed the movement in the pools of light at the house. “Two minutes to spare.” Natalie turned and noticed the three figures and was able to follow them as hurried to the jetty, and toward the cruiser. Hayley got there first and hugged Natalie. As the two friends embraced Elise and Alessandra boarded. Kirsty pulled up the gangplank and headed to the bridge to tell Scarlett to get going. When Kirsty walked away, she noticed that Alessandra was looking at her. It was a conversation that they could have later on as there were more pressing matters at the present time. “Everyone else head to the wardroom.” On entering the bridge Kirsty found Callie and Scarlett waiting around anxiously. “Let’s go.” Callie scampered out of the bridge to untie the ropes that held the cruiser to the jetty and Scarlett looked at Kirsty nervously. “I have confidence in you.” The young woman nodded her thanks. Scarlett then felt the boat begin to drift and fired up the engines, the large diesels sputtered into life and moved the cruiser slowly away from the jetty. Kirsty smiled as she watched Scarlett let the cruiser clear the jetty before spinning the wheel to point the bow of the boat at the exit of the harbour.
Just off an island in the Mediterranean

Having managed to navigate the exit to the island’s harbour their thoughts turned to trying to make contact with the outside world. The bridge was now a bit crowded as Natalie and Hayley had joined Kirsty and Scarlett. The rest of the passengers were in the wardroom either relaxing or bound and gagged, except for Penelope who was getting some rest. Jasmine had managed to find outfits for everyone and they were all now wearing what you would call normal street clothes. Kirsty and Hayley looked at the satellite phone that was currently sitting on the console between them. “Who do we call?” Hayley asked.

“I think that your contacts will be better than mine,” Kirsty replied.

“Alright then. I will try Christina first.” Hayley picked up the phone and punched in the number before putting the phone on speaker and putting it back on the console. Both Kirsty and Hayley looked at the phone expectantly but it went straight to voicemail. With great disappointment Hayley disconnect the call before punching in another number.

“Who are we trying now?” Kirsty asked.

“Straight to the top, Jaclyn Sanders personal number.” This time the phone went straight to voicemail and Jaclyn’s voice asked the person to leave a message. “Two for two,” Hayley asked with a growing sense of dread creeping down her spine.

“Why don’t you try a landline that will be picked up?” Natalie suggested.

“My dad won’t be in his office yet,” Hayley said with a smile, trying to lighten the mood as she knew where Kirsty was referring to. Hayley punched in the number and waited for the call to be connected. The main line at the Section rang once, twice then a third time before being answered. “Good evening, Section Headquarters.” Before Hayley could engage on conversation Kirsty smashed her finger down on the button to end the call.

“What was that about!?” Natalie said, giving Kirsty a look.

“That was Vernie Bennetteau,” Kirsty said and stared at Hayley.

“It’s worse than I thought then,” Natalie said.

“What do you mean?” Kirsty asked.

“Before Hayley kidnapped me and brought me to the island Jaclyn Sanders was replaced as head of Section,” Natalie stated. “It was all done through official channels but something about the whole thing didn’t add up.”

“You wait until now to mention this.” Hayley said with an edge to her voice.

“Sorry, perhaps is we had chatted rather than you forcing a sedative soaked cloth over my mouth we might have gotten round to it.” Natalie replied holding up her hands in mock surrender. “As for now, well, I thought that we had other, more important things to take care of.” The atmosphere in the cabin had taken on an edge as the two friends exchanged views.

“Who do we call now?” Kirsty asked. Hayley was glad that someone else had spoken which took the focus away from the clash between Natalie and her, considered this very, good question for a period of time. The main thing at the moment was to make sure that they were safe and buy themselves some time.

“Kirsty, I know that your contacts didn’t want to help with another escape but would they be able to guide us to a safe, quiet harbour where we could drop anchor and wait.” Kirsty shook her head.

“Those bridges are burned I am afraid,” Kristy replied. A silence descended on the cabin until Natalie asked Scarlett a question.

“How far can we get in this thing?” Scarlett looked at a couple of the instruments and looked like she was making some calculations in her head.

“Anywhere around Greece and the south of Italy,” Scarlett replied. “Probably, not much further than that.” Natalie grabbed the satellite phoned and punched in a number. As it rang Natalie tapped her nails on the console.

“Pick up, pick up, pick up…” Natalie said, then her face lit up. “Emily, Emily. How are you?” The rest of the women in the cabin turned and looked at each other, silently asking each other exactly who Natalie had called. It wasn’t help by the fact that they could only hear one side of the conversation.

“Sorry about calling so early,” Natalie said. “But you said to call if we ever needed anything.” The rest of the group look at Natalie. “Yes, we met in France, it’s Natalie Twain I work with Christina.” Natalie paused as Emily spoke on the other end. “Indeed, we have made very good progress. In fact, we have managed to identify Elizabeth Crawford’s base of operations and capture her.” Natalie paused again. “Thank you. Anyway, I was calling as we need transport back to the States and I was hoping that you could help. We don’t have passports or other documents so it would have…” Natalie stopped and smiled.

“What is going on?” Hayley asked but Natalie just held up a hand to silence her.

“Scarlett, could you get us to Palermo?” Natalie asked. Scarlett nodded and pointed Callie toward some charts.

“That would be great. Thanks Emily,” Natalie said. “I will let the Captain have the location when we get on board. Just one last point. We need only female crew.” Natalie nodded and then hung up. “Looks like we have a plan.”

“What’s that?” Kirsty asked.

“That was Emily St Clare,” Natalie began as she punched in another number into the phone. “She has agreed to let her use her yacht; I assume that it is bloody huge so that will take us home where I think that we arrange to meet with Hayley’s dad as I think he is one of the few people hat we can trust at the moment.” Hayley agreed that seemed like a solid plan and nodded her agreement. Then the call that Natalie had placed was answered.

“Gayle?” Natalie said. “Get on a plane and get to Palermo as soon as you can.” Once again, the rest of the group in the cabin could only hear one side of the conversation. “Don’t ask too many questions just now, all will be explained, just make your way to the port when you arrive and call me back.” Natalie hung up and punched in another number. Hayley was going to interrupt but Natalie held up a finger again. “Sasha, Natalie Twain.”

“Interpol agent,” Hayley said to Kirsty who nodded.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” Natalie said with a laugh. “We actually have just escaped from Elizabeth Crawford’s island and have her as a prisoner.” There must have been chat from the other end of the line. “Yes, really. No, we don’t need any help we are going to make our way back to the States. We really don’t know who to trust so are making our own plans.”

“That’s the course plotted for Palermo,” Scarlett shouted from behind the wheel.

“As a fellow law enforcement officer, I can appreciate where you are coming from. You can still get involved if you want to if you have contacts with the Greek authorities that you can trust. Can you arrange for the Greek authorities to raid Rineia island in Greece?” Natalie paused. “Yes, that is Crawford’s base of operations. Who knows what information that you will find? Make sure that you take some guys with IT knowledge, I can send through the password.”

“I wish I could watch that,” Hayley commented. Kirsty just shrugged.

“I will send you the exact coordinates,” Natalie looked at Scarlett who nodded. “Keep in contact.”

“Well, you seem to have taken charge,” Kirsty commented.

“I thought that somebody had to.”

“What shall we do now?” Hayley asked.

“I think that we should go and secure Elizabeth, Louise and Constance.” Kirsty suggested.

“Will you be alright if we leave you to it?” Hayley asked Scarlett.

“Yes,” Scarlett replied. “Any issues we will just give you a shout.” Hayley, Natalie and Kirsty exited the bridge and made their way back into the wardroom. The journey back was a bit trickier as since leaving the shelter of the harbour the swell had increased enough that it was having an effect on the motion of the boat. On entering the ward room they found Elise and Jasmine waiting patiently for their return. Alessandra stood with her arms crossed leaning against the wall.

“Good news?” Elise asked.

“Good and bad,” Natalie replied. “But we have a plan, which I will explain when we have nobody around to overhear.”

“Could you look at supplies, food and water, whilst we deal with these three?” Elise nodded her head and grabbed Jasmine by the arm and headed toward the interior of the cruiser and the storerooms and kitchen. Hayley turned her attention to Louise and Constance. “Now, it is time to get you properly secured for the rest of the journey.”

“mmuupphh,” Louise and Constance mumbled protests in unison.

“Can we leave you to keep an eye on Elizabeth?” Hayley asked Alessandra, the woman nodded a reply.

“Don’t act like you weren’t expecting this,” Kirsty replied. “I assume you won’t be acting out.”

“mmoonnhh,” they both said whilst shaking their heads. Hayley knelt down and untied the bound women’s ankles and they were helped onto their feet. Having experienced a trip to the island on the cruiser Hayley could lead the group to the secure cabins where the captives were held. When they entered the first room Kirsty set about preparing the four restraining bags that were required to properly secure Louise and Constance. As Kirsty did this Hayley altered the women’s binding so that their wrists were now bound in front of them with leather cuffs. To their credit neither Louise nor Constance complained as their legs were bound and then they were inserted into first the internal restraining bags and secondly the external restraining bag. Whilst Hayley and Kirsty were putting Constance into the last bag Natalie slipped out of the room. Hayley checked that the bags were fastened close correctly so that there would be no escape before she used the clips to that were built into the outside of these bags to secure them in place on the bed. It could get rough out at sea so these made sure that the down cocoons didn’t move around to much. Hayley gave each down cocoon a comforting pat once she was finished.

“Well done ladies,” Hayley said. “We will be back to see you tomorrow morning.” There were mumbles, groans and the sound of nylon rubbing against nylon as Louise and Constance squirmed around trying to get comfortable, which they would.

“Where did Natalie go to?” Kirsty asked. Just then Natalie walked back into the cabin holding a cloth and a bottle of chloroform and with Elise following just behind. “Are you going to knock out them out?”

“Maybe required for Elizabeth but not these two,” Hayley commented with a puzzled look.

“No, this is for you pair,” Natalie answered, the look on her face and body language confirmed that she was serious. Hayley and Kirsty exchanged a perplexed look before turning and looking back at Natalie. “Look, there is a lot going to here and I am not sure who is the on my side and who isn’t at the moment.”

“Don’t you trust us?” Hayley said, clearly hurt by this turn of events.

“If you are serious and are the indeed the good girls then you will have no objections to being knocked out and restrained whilst I will make some enquiries,” Natalie said. “Elizabeth Crawford has done some weird stuff with people’s minds and has had you pair for long enough. Also, this could be another part of some Elizabeth Crawford masterplan.” As they were having this discussion Natalie had taken off the top of the bottle and was pouring a decent amount of the liquid onto the cloth.

“You think this is one of Elizabeth’s cunning plans?” Hayley asked.

“We have just escaped from that island and in the process snatched Elizabeth Crawford and a number of her gang,” Kirsty said, raising an eyebrow.

“Won’t you need or help to keep everyone in check?” Hayley asked.

“This pair are now secure and I am sure Elise and Jasmine can help out,” Natalie replied. “Plus, Gayle and Rhiannon will be joining up soon.”

“What about Penelope?” Hayley asked.

“Judging by her performance so fat she won’t be much of a threat,” Natalie replied. Hayley decided not to spill anything on Penelope’s background.

“Well, if it makes you feel better than I will be happy to submit to whatever demands you have,” Hayley stated, “As long as I am on that giant bed in Elizabeth Crawford’s suite.” Elise was watching this exchange from the corner absolutely perplexed.

“Well, not me,” Kirsty stated. A stalemate seemed to have been arrived at. Then Hayley grabbed Kirsty’s arms and held them behind her back. “Hayley!” Kirsty cried. “What are you doing?” Natalie approached wielding the cloth on one hand. “Don’t you dare put that over my face Natalie.”

“Huh?” Elise cocked her head, still trying to figure out exactly what was going on within this group dynamic. As Kirsty tried to shake off Hayley and avoid the looking cloth, she found her arms locked in place. Kirsty’s eyes widened with shock as Natalie applied the cloth.

“MMMMPPPHHHH!!!” Kirsty cried as she gyrated back and forth, unable to shake off either the cloth or Hayley’s vice like grip.

“You taught me to many tricks of the trade,” Hayley whispered in Kirsty’s ear. As Kirsty fought, she became very aware of the sweet-smelling fumes coming from the cloth that she was being forced to inhale. Every breathe meant that she was taking in more and more of the soporific fumes and they were starting to have an effect. Kirsty could tell that her thought process was becoming muddled and her limbs were starting to feel heavy.

“mmmmppphh…mmmmhmmm,” Kirsty cried in muffled tones into the white cloth that covered her mouth and nose. Still struggling, she tried in vain to get away one fine time but it was no use. The fumes were having a further effect and Kirsty knew that she was now past the point of when struggling further or removing the cloth would so any good. If they wanted to knock her out now, there was nothing that Kirsty could do about it now.

“Just go to sleep like a good little captive,” Hayley said with a chortle. This prompted a muffled grunt from Kirsty. “That’s right, just let the chloroform do its job,” Hayley prodded.

Kirsty slumped back into Hayley’s arms and her eyes fluttered, slowly rolling back into her head as her struggling slowed into occasional twitches, the fight fully gone in her. As Kirsty finally went out a soft moan escaped her lips, Natalie removed the cloth and Hayley lowered the unconscious woman down to the floor.

“Will you help me get her secured?” Natalie asked Hayley.

“Yes,” Hayley replied and I won’t give you any problems when it comes to my turn.” Natalie nodded a thanks. “I can give you a hand with Elizabeth as well.”

“That would be appreciated.”

“Oh, I was hoping to talk to Hayley and ask her some questions during the journey,” Elise commented from the corner of the room.

“I am sure that we can come to some sort of arrangement,” Natalie said.

“What do you want to do with Kirsty?” Natalie looked around as if thinking for a bit.

“I want to keep Elizabeth alone in her own cabin so if you don’t mind, we will put Kirsty in Crawford’s suite with you.”

“No problem,” Hayley replied bending down to pick up Kirsty under the armpits. Natalie also bent down and picked up Kirsty’s ankles. They hefted the unconscious woman into the air. “Elise, could you grab those bags? Two of the large bags and two of the smaller one.” Elise nodded and walked across to the rack of bags and picked up four by the built-in handles on the compression sacks. “If you can’t don’t worry as we will have to come back for other supplies anyway.”

“No, its fine.” Hayley and Natalie carried the dead weight of Kirsty out of the cabin, through the tight confines of the passageways, up a flight of stairs and along another corridor until they reached the very back of the cruiser and Elizabeth Crawford’s private suite. Hayley braced part of the weight of Kirsty that she was carrying against her knee and the wall before she punched in the code and the door opened. That allowed them to walk inside where Hayley and Natalie hurried toward the bed where they deposited Kirsty. Elise followed for a couple of steps then stopped.

“Jeez…” Elise commented when she looked into the suite. “This is the way to travel.”

“Elizabeth did like to travel in comfort,” Hayley commented. Natalie took the still damp chloroform cloth that she had used on Kirsty and placed it over the slumbering woman’s nose and mouth before tying it loosely in place with a silk scarf that Elizabeth had obviously left lying around. “Elise, would you be able to go back to the cabin and grab two down suits, they will be hanging in a wardrobe, restraints, which will be in bags in a cupboard where you will also find boxes of diapers.” The young reporter was still looking around the suite in awe. “Yeah, no problem.” Elise dropped the compression sacks where she was standing and left. Hayley retrieved the sacks and removed the four restraining bags to allow then to loft up. “Shall we go and get Elizabeth.” Natalie nodded.
Elizabeth Crawford’s cruiser, Mediterranean

Back in the stateroom they found Jasmine sitting on the couch looking across nervously at Elizabeth Crawford who was starting to regain consciousness. It looked as if Alessandra hadn’t moved a muscle. Hayley and Natalie approach the couch where Elizabeth was now looking alert. Natalie took a detour and found her way across to Alessandra. “Am I going to have to worry about you as well?”

“No,” Alessandra said. “I have spent the last couple of years trying to make amends for the mistakes that Fallon Bennett made when working for Elizabeth. To contribute toward making sure she can’t hurt anybody else is something that I would do gladly.”

“You talk like Fallon Bennett is a different person,” Natalie commented.

“She is,” Alessandra replied as she stood up straight and fixed a serious expression on her face. “Fallon Bennett died five years ago.” There was something in the way that the woman spoke that made Natalie believe her. “What happened to Kirsty?”

“Taking a nap,” Natalie replied. “Call me paranoid but I have issues with certain people that have not lonely worked with Elizabeth Crawford but been held captive by her for long periods of time.” Hayley gave her a look.

“That means that I will be joining Elizabeth, Kirsty and the rest in strict restraints,” Hayley commented. “Willingly, of course.”

“It would seem that you would need my assistance then,” Alessandra says to Natalie.

“That would be appreciated,” Natalie said with a nod. That comment cut through Hayley a bit; her close friend had just agreed to trust a woman that she had just met but had cast doubt of the ability to trust her. “We can chat later, once we have everyone secured.” Hayley had untied Elizabeth’s ankles and helped her up. Elizabeth gave each of the women in the room a withering look that sent chills down each of their spines. It was a warning that they were not out of the woods just yet. Hayley grabbed Elizabeth and dragged her out of the room and into the tight corridors down to the secure rooms with Natalie following close behind.

“I assume that you aren’t going to cause us any problems,” Hayley said, trying unsuccessfully to keep a smirk from her face. Elizabeth turned and noticed the two large objects lying out, on one of the beds, the restraining bags seem to mock her. There was also a down suit and various other binding implements laying out, ready to be used on her. Elizabeth turned to Hayley and shrugged. Hayley took that as acceptance of her position and quickly removed the current bindings and gagged that held Elizabeth Crawford in check.

“So, you think you have won,” Elizabeth said. “I would advise you not to believe that. I have a lot of friends who will act once they find out about this.”

“Stop playing your mind games Elizabeth,” Natalie said. “We aren’t interested. Once we get out of this you will be going to jail for a long, long time. Hopefully the rest of your life.” Elizabeth didn’t react, she just smiled and started to take off her clothes and deposit them on the floor.

“Well Hayley, our paths have crossed numerous times over the past years and I am sure that we will do so again in the future.” There was something about the confidence that Elizabeth Crawford displayed in this situation that did somewhat put Hayley off.

“Well, enough chat for now Elizabeth. Time to get you properly restrained for the journey. I trust that your experience of the system means that there won’t be any issues.”

“Crack on ladies, it will be interesting to experience first-hand exactly what Hayley has learned from my training.” That was a well-aimed dig at the ribs. “I won’t resist, besides any nonsense from me and you can use the chloroform.” Knowing what would be next Elizabeth strode across lay down on the bed next to the restraining bags, noting that there was a plastic changing mat lying on it. After a couple of seconds Hayley tapped Elizabeth on her hip as a sign to raise her bottom from the bed. Hayley then wiped Elizabeth’s bum and private area being wiped with a damp cloth and tensed before a cool cream was applied over her delicate areas and then talcum powered was sprinkled over her and then gently patted in. “Good girl Hayley. Taking proper care of your captives is important. I have taught you well.”

“Shut up Elizabeth,” Natalie snapped.

“You can lower your bum back down now” Hayley said. When she did Elizabeth felt her bum land on the centre of the soft, thick diaper. Elizabeth lay perfectly still as Hayley finished the process of putting on the diaper on by bringing up the front and securing the sticky tabs to keep it in place. After that process was completed, Elizabeth spun her legs and got back off the bed to be instantly handed a down filled suit by Natalie. Elizabeth looked at the suit for a second, before taking it from Natalie and slowly putting it on. First the left leg then the right before slipping her arms through the smooth nylon arms and shrugging the suit over her shoulders and zipping it up fully to the neck. Despite her current predicament Elizabeth couldn’t help but run her hands over the smooth surface of the suit and admire how comfortable it was.

“Haven’t had one of these on for a while,” Elizabeth commented. “You forget how comfortable they are.” Hayley sighed.

“Hands out in front Elizabeth.” The woman complied and Hayley slipped finger control mitts on, the mitts had a small buckle at the wrist section which Hayley tightened to lock the mitts in place. Elizabeth winced as the buckle was secured and tried wriggling her fingers. The mitts were thickly padded and severely limited the movement of her fingers. That combined with the silky smoothness of the fabric on both the inside and outside of the mitts meant that trying to pick something up almost impossible, rendering her hands useless. Then Elizabeth watched as Hayley placed padded cuffs on her wrists, just above the end of the mitts, locking them together with not much of a gap, restricting independent movement.

“Time to shut her up,” Natalie said and handed Hayley a gag.

“Open your mouth” Hayley instructed as she moved the large padded gag with a ball in the middle. The large soft ball at the centre of the gag was forced into Elizabeth’s mouth, almost completely filling it. Elizabeth instantly reacted and closed her mouth around the ball as the pad was pushed against her lips. Hayley pushed it down against Elizabeth’s lips before using the buckle at the back of Elizabeth’s head to secure it in place. Elizabeth didn’t complain or make a sound, Hayley assumed that the woman thought that gag talk was above her. Whilst Hayley gagged Elizabeth, Natalie delved into a bag and produced five padded leather straps. Natalie approached Elizabeth and used two of the larger straps to bind Elizabeth’s arms tightly to her body, Elizabeth grunted into her gag as each buckle was tightened. Hayley then indicated for Elizabeth to sit on the edge of the bed with the restraining bag on it. Once Elizabeth had sat down Natalie quickly used three more straps to secure Elizabeth’s legs together at the ankles, just below the knees and around the thighs, leaving Elizabeth securely bound. “Now let’s get you into the restraining bags and comfortable” Hayley said. With Elizabeth’s movement extremely limited by her bindings Hayley helped Elizabeth into a standing position next to the bed whilst Natalie manoeuvred the internal bag into position, running her hand over the nylon shell to check the smoothness and loft of the bag. Once the bag was in position Hayley and Natalie manhandled Elizabeth into position and sat her onto the centre of the bag. Without having to be told Elizabeth swung her legs up, round and slipped them into the bag. Hayley quickly folded the top of the bag over onto Elizabeth and zipped the bag all the way up and closed. Taking the opportunity whilst the external bag was prepared Elizabeth had a wriggle around to get comfortable; she knew there was no chance of getting free. “Elizabeth please do not struggle whilst we put you in the second restraining bag.” Hayley knew that the woman certainly wasn’t going to help them and just lay still as Natalie lifted Elizabeth’s legs as they were slid into the second bag. Hayley heard the sound of the two nylon surfaces against each other as they went about the business of slipping the rest of Elizabeth’s nylon and down encased body into the larger, second bag, finally getting the hood under Elizabeth’s head. Then together Hayley and Natalie managed to bring the two halves of the external bag together and fighting against the loft of the internal bag managed to get the centre zip up to the top before locking it off. “Just hold still and no squirming for a minute whilst we make you secure.” Hayley locked the two parts of the double zips together. Without any further chat they left Elizabeth to her own devices and left the room.

“No problems then ladies.” Hayley and Natalie must have been spooked as they both jumped.

“Going to not do that,” Hayley said to Alessandra.

“Sorry, though I would come and see if you needed any help.” Alessandra was again standing, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.

“Elizabeth Crawford isn’t going anywhere,” Natalie stated. “You can give me a hand to secure Kirsty and Hayley then we can relax a bit.” That comment was like another blow to Hayley. The group carried on to the suite where they had left Kirsty breathing in chloroform. She hadn’t moved a muscle.

“You pair deal with her and I will start to sort myself out,” Hayley stated. “I can start on myself.” Natalie and Alessandra nodded and then headed across to Kirsty. Natalie removed the chloroform-soaked cloth from over Kirsty’s nose and mouth before they set about stripping Kirsty of her clothes to prepare her for being restrained. As the other two women set about binding Kirsty, Hayley stripped down and ignoring the bed, lay down on the floor and applied a diaper to herself. Then she slipped on a down suit and walked across to the bed. Alessandra and Natalie were almost finished binding Kirsty so Hayley positioned the internal bag on the other side of the bed and sat down in it. Hayley found the standard gag and put it on herself and then used the straps to secure her legs, she could do no more without the assistance of Natalie.
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Post by Caesar73 »

So they finally made it :) I see that Natalie has trust issues with Hayley - the treatment seems a bit harsh though. And I understand that Hayley is hurt that her friend trusts Alessandra more than her. There are a few talks to be had, difficult ones I presume.
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Post by Caesar73 »

One of the most interesting parts in this update, besides the problems between Hayley and Natalie, was the conversation the girls had with Crawford. She tried her usual mind games, tried to dominate, even in her situation which leads me to another question: Will that really Crawfords End? Somehow I I doubt that, but we will see. Another point regarding Hayley and Natalie: Her doubts are understandable, regarding Hayley and I understand her doubts, but I would have thought, she would have be more grateful that they escaped. The two have really to work out a lot.

Natalie does not know how dificult it was for Hayley on the Island to survive in hostile environment. On the the other hand Hayley does not know what Natalie experienced, while she was held captive. And there are mitigating Circumstances: Crawford did her best to let it look that Hayley had gone over to the dark side. Burning Hayleys bridges to her home was obviously what Crawford intended.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 85

An island in the Mediterranean

Harper had woken in a cold sweat an hour earlier in her private residence in the small village on the island. After spending that hour trying to unsuccessfully get back to sleep, she decided to get some work down. Most people would have stuck on a pair of joggers and headed off but Harper had a reputation to uphold so took the time to get properly dressed. The walk from the village to the main house was invigorating with a light breeze coming off the sea. As she approached the house Harper glanced out into the bay and noticed that the cruiser wasn’t sitting at anchor. That was strange, Elizabeth hadn’t mentioned a trip or operation. Pulling out her phone and checking her message and e-mails there was nothing in there to suggest that Elizabeth had done anything urgently overnight. The sweats started to come back. “Something doesn’t feel right.” Picking up her pace Harper entered the house. There was nobody around. “Hello!” Harper called. “Hello!” Not getting an answer she hurried toward the secure wing. Pulling out her card she swiped it and got a red light and a disgruntled beep rather than the satisfying sound of the lock disengaging. Giving the lock a hard glare, she tried again and then a third time. All with the same result. “Shit…”

“Problem?” Harper almost hit the roof at the unexpected sound from behind her. Turning around she found Yelena standing behind her.

“I think so,” Harper replied. “Try your card.” As Yelena did that Harper starting to look through an application on her phone. It was the CCTV footage from earlier that night.

“Doesn’t work,” Yelena said matter of factly.

“Shit, shit, shit….” Harper commented. “We have a major problem.”


“It seems that there has been an escape…and they took the boss.” If she was expecting a panicked reaction from Yelena, she didn’t get it. In fact, there was no reaction at all. “They took Lousie as well. Must have used her security code to shut us out. Clever.”

“What do we do now?” Yelena asked.

“Wait, where were you anyway?”

“I camp out occasionally in the better weather.”

“Alright,” Harper said contemplating. “Right, we need to get off the island quickly and we are on our own for now. Most of the girls will be locked in their rooms.”

“Gisele was camping with me.”

“Some good news then. I will grab what information that I can from here and you go and get Gisele. Grab some supplies but take only what you need and meet me at the airfield.” Yelena turned to leave.

“Shall I call the pilot and warm up the plane.”

“No, she will be locked away and also I don’t want to take to many people. I can take four in the helicopter with me. That will be enough then we can take the train.” Yelena nodded. “Bring several restraining bags.” Harper called after her. Yelena waved a hand. Then Harper had a brainwave.

“And bring Jaclyn Sanders along.” Harper called and Yelena turned around to face Harper again. “Yes, I think that she could be an asset in this situation.” Yelena nodded.

“Where are we going?”

“As far away from here as possible”

“Can I suggest that we meet up with sister?” Yelena suggested. Harper considered this for a moment before nodding

“Yelena,” Harper said as the big Russian turned to leave. “Make sure that you disable the plane before we leave.” The Russian turned away for good this time and headed to find Gisele then pick up Jaclyn on her way to the airfield. Harper headed off to try and salvage anything that she could from the rooms that didn’t have electronic locks on them. She did have her own set of hard files stashed away, they weren’t as juicy or extensive as Elizabeth’s but they would come in useful. Last thing to do, scrolling through her phone she found the number and dialled. “Elsa, apologies for the early call but there is an issue…I will explain later…How quickly can you get packed and to the airfield?”

Chapter 86

Palermo harbour

Everyone not restrained was on the bridge of the cruiser as they entered the harbour. The Captain of the Destiny had given them directions to where Emily St Clare’s boat was docked and assured them that the closet dock was free. “I don’t believe it,” Scarlett commented as the boat came into view.

“That is almost a cruise ship,” Natalie said.

“I hope they have champagne on ice,” Penelope commented.
“Should be a comfortable ride then,” Alessandra commented. Now that they had established that the boat was here to meet them, everyone could relax a bit and make preparations to disembark whilst Scarlett and Callie docked the cruiser. Once the cruiser was docked Callie lowered the gangplank onto the dock and Natalie disembarked to be met by a very smart looking woman in her forties wearing a white uniform.

“Good afternoon Captain,” Natalie said extending a hand. “You have no idea how glad I am to see you and your ship.”

“Thank you,” the Captain replied. “Miss St Clare explained the situation…” The woman trailed off as her eyes moved to the sight of five woman walking down the gangplank wearing down suits with their wrists secured by padded cuffs and gags in their mouths. Recovering her composure, the Captain continued. “I have prepared the private suites for you to use.” The Captain handed over a small piece of paper. “This is the code, only I have it.”

“Thanks Captain,” Natalie replied as Scarlett and Callie walked past carrying supplies. “Did our friends arrive?”

“Yes, not that long ago. They are currently helping my navigator with a slight issue that we have.” Natalie raised an eyebrow and the Captain pointed to the end of the dock. “Don’t worry, the Deputy Harbour Master is just being awkward. We are making preparation to sail and have no doubt that we will be leaving shortly.”

“Are you alright Alessandra?” Natalie called and received a thumbs up in response. So, she decided to take a walk and see what was holding up their departure. At the end of the dock a short, young woman in a crisp white uniform was having an animated discussion with an officious looking rotund man in his late fifties. “Rhiannon,” Natalie called. “What’s going on?”

“This jobsworth is not letting us leave,” Rhiannon replied as she hugged Natalie. Gayle hadn’t replied and was just staring at the man with a hard look on her face.

“Do you recognise this scarf?” Gayle said, playing with the silk scarf around her neck. The man took his eyes off the navigator and wearily looked at Gayle. The man swallowed, then nodded, his demeanour instantly changed. “So, do we have any issues with leaving the harbour?” The man shook his head before swiftly scribbling out a form and handing it to the navigator who thanked the man before scurrying back to the boat. Natalie, Gayle and Rhiannon made their way along the dock toward the luxury yacht at a more sedate pace. “I told you it would come in handy,” Gayle said to Rhiannon with a smile.

“What are you taking about?” Natalie asked. “Is that scarf magic?”

“No, actually it’s a great story. We were in Italy…” Rhiannon held up a hand to stop Gayle before she started.

“Leave it for the journey home.”
Aboard the luxury yacht Destiny, approaching East Coast of America

It had taken a bit of time but eventually they had found a harbour that had the combination of having the size to take the Destiny and also being quiet enough that nobody would think to ask any questions. As the helmsman brough the large vessel into dock with great skill Natalie waved at Commissionaire King and the assembled representatives of various local, federal and international law enforcement agencies. Commissionaire King had put this group together personally so there was no chance of any of them being on the payroll of any criminal organisation. It was then that it hit Natalie exactly how large a task it was going to be tiding this whole mess up. “This could be awkward,” Hayley commented as she walked up behind Natalie.

“I am sure he will understand,” Natalie replied. During the journey across the Atlantic the group had caught up and exchanged stories. Natalie couldn’t help but laugh at the relish with which Gayle told the tale of the brush that Rhiannon and her had with Italian organised crime. Once the tell was completed Gayle swore everyone to secrecy. The most interesting story had come from Alessandra who had agreed to lend her testimony to the weight of evidence against Elizabeth Crawford but only in exchange for immunity and the opportunity to disappear again. Natalie couldn’t make any promises. Penelope told her tale, including details of her previous experiences and agreement with Jaclyn Sanders. In the end they had to come up with a plan as to how to get back into the country safely and it was quite simple. There was one man that they could trust. After letting Hayley out of her restraints, they handed her the phone for what turned out to be a very long conversation with her father. “Can I have a word?” Natalie had asked, Hayley had handed over the phone quickly. “Good evening sir,” Natalie said. “I know, I know.” There was silence in the cabin as Natalie listened to what Commissionaire King had to say. “Well, we can discuss that when we get back. For now, there is one thing that you can do for me.”

Natalie led the way down the gangplank with Gayle and Rhiannon close behind with the prisoners next, they had freed all of the woman from their bonds for the last part of the journey and let them put on ordinary street clothes, with Alessandra, Penelope, Elise, Jasmine, Scarlett and Callie bringing up the rear. “Detective,” Commissionaire King said as he offered his hand. Natalie shook it.

“Not at the moment,” Natalie replied.

“Well, you have opened a massive can of worms here.”

“I appreciate that,” Natalie replied. During the journey Natalie had everyone record audio statements and had sent them to Commissionaire King. They would be enough to get the ball rolling on the investigation. As Louise, Constance, Elizabeth and Kirsty were cuffed and led toward separate police cars a familiar voice boomed out.

“Natalie!” Commissionaire King was a tall, broad man and Natalie had to lean around his bulk to find the source of that call.

“Christina,” Natalie called. “Great to see you again.” The friends embraced.

“Thanks for getting the Big Man here to set me loose,” Christina nodded toward Commissionaire King with her head. “It was starting to get a little worrying. Who knew what long term plans Elizabeth Crawford had for us?” During that conversation with Commissionaire King, she had asked him to arranged for Section Headquarters to be raided and everyone not in restraining bags to be taken into custody.

“Any word from Sasha Conteh?” Natalie asked.

“Indeed,” Commissionaire King confirmed with a nod of the head. “In conjunction with Greek authorities Interpol raided the island thirty-six hours after you left. They made several arrests but reckon at least four targets had already left the island.”

“Who were they?” Christina asked.

“Um, a woman called Harper and three others, one had a Russian name but I can’t remember the others.”

“Hi, dad,” Hayley said as she approached having kept well back during the initial exchanges. The large man opened his arms wide and the two embraced for a long time. When they broke the embrace Commissionaire King went into the pocket of his coat and held out his hand to Natalie.

“What’s this?” Natalie asked.

“It’s your badge?” The Commissionaire replied. “Now, do your job.” Natalie took a set of cuffs from a nearby uniformed officer and looked at Hayley.

“Sorry,” Natalie said, her voice catching in her throat. Hayley just nodded allowed Natalie to pull her arms behind her back and secure her wrists with the steel cuffs. Natalie read Hayley her rights before handing her off to a uniformed officer and walking to the end of the dock and looking out over the water. After ten minutes she was joined by Christina.

“Do you think this is over?” Christina asked.

“I doubt it,” Natalie replied. “Elizabeth will have some cards to play and will drag this out for as long as possible. Then there are all of the other elements to investigate.” They stood in silence for a while before Christina broke the silence.

“I was taking to Hayley’s dad for a while and he didn’t mention anything about other elements.” Natalie put her arm around Christina’s shoulder.

“I have a bit to catch you up on but first I want to go home and see my girlfriend.” The two women spun around and headed up the dock to make their way through the gaggle of police vehicles that were parked there.
2-days later - Federal law enforcement offices

Hayley sat across from the Government people and stared intently at them. She felt good, her dad was to her right and he glowered better than anybody and to her left and her lawyer had a look that would make sharks nervous. The room was the definition of bland, grey flooring and paint up to halfway up the wall then white on the rest of the wall and the ceiling. A single table bolted to the floor with six chairs arranged around it. Having spent two days in jail wearing the standard orange jumpsuit Hayley was starting to appreciate the down suits that Elizabeth Crawford issued to her captives. “Do you know where this supposed wealth of information is?”

“It is not supposed. I have seen it and, well, it could be of use to you.” Once Hayley had been freed from her restraints, she had spent the remainder of the journey to America reviewing the information and breaking it down. Hayley had decided to remove anything that was just embarrassing and could be used to blackmail decent people who had just made a mistake from the information that she would hand over to the Government. Then after that Hayley had managed to convince Natalie to go along with her plan to use the information as leverage to obtain a deal. Natalie had taken the device containing the information and passed it to Hayley’s lawyer after making a copy for herself. She didn’t like having to do that but felt that she had to.

“Look, my client has been open and honest during these interrogations,” Hayley’s lawyer said. “Including revealing some of that information and receiving nothing in exchange.”

“We appreciate that Mr Mason, but…” Government official number one said.

“No buts, you will listen to what my client has to say and then we can have a conversation.”

“I don’t think you are going to like what I want in return,” Hayley said but tell that they were interested. They had practically salivated at the small morsal that she had flung them yesterday.

“First, Natalie and I head up any investigations into criminal activity in the Unites States,” Hayley had already cleared this with her father. The real issue could be getting Natalie to agree. It could be massive for their careers.

“Hahaha,” Government official number two said. “There is still the question of your involvement in all of this.”

“More on than later,” Hayley said with a knowing smile.

“I will also need immunity for myself, a pardon for Kirsty and a very reduced sentence for Constance and new identities for both should they want them. Plus, you need to honour whatever deal Jaclyn Sanders agreed with Penelope and throw in citizenship.”

“That’s a high price.”

“Trust me. It will be worth it.” Government official number three said. The three of them got up and left the room for a discussion.

“Three minutes,” Mason said.

“Closer to five,” Commissionaire King said. “Make us sweat.” They arrived back in four minutes and forty-nine seconds.

“Okay, we agree,” Government official number two said. “As long as you answer the question of your own involvement.” Hayley smiled and took Mason’s tablet from him and set it up so that it was facing the three officials. Leaning around Hayley select a video, pressed play and sat back in the chair.

“Hello, my name is Jaclyn Sanders and currently head of Section 12. If you are listening to this then my operative Hayley King has been successfully in her objection to infiltrate and gain evidence against the criminal organisation headed by Elizabeth Crawford. I have authorised Hayley to take any measures required to gain access to the organisation…”

Hayley had asked Jaclyn to record this video should this eventuality occur and was now glad that she had insisted on it having discovered that Jaclyn Sanders had not only been replaced but was now missing. That was something that Hayley would have to deal with at a later date. Hayley had Jaclyn give the recording to Danielle who had uploaded the video onto a secret server that only the three of them had access to. It had been Hayley’s ace card and she was glad that she had it to play.
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Post by Caesar73 »

So, Hayley made it finally home - what an emotional moment this must have been, meeting her father again - after her all the time again. I think Hayley and Natalie still have to work out some stuff together. I still find, that Natalie treated Hayley a bit harshly.

So everything seems to get in ordner: What we still don´t know? What happened to Natascha? And I still have the feeling that the game is not played yet.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 87

East coast of American, Friday evening

“Nice to see that you have already got your pyjama’s on,” Charlotte commented as she took Hayley’s coat and bag from her before sitting them on one of the chairs around a table in the living / dining area. It had been a bit of a surprise when Hayley had received Charlotte’s text earlier that day about coming over staying over. The exact phrase was ‘girly weekend.’ It was strange because ever since they had come back it had been awkward between them, a words’ unspoken issue Hayley thought. It hadn’t been helped as there still hadn’t been any word on either Jaclyn Sanders or Natascha Taylor, both of whom Hayley was extremely concerned for as it had been almost a month since they had returned. Most of that time had been spent answering questions from various law enforcement agencies form around the world.

“Only obeying orders,” Hayley replied with a smile.

“Glad to hear it,” Charlotte said. “I will just get you a drink.” Hayley watched Charlotte walk into the kitchen that was just off the living area. Natalie and Charlotte had rented a small condo. It was the first time Hayley had been here and looked around.

“Nice place,” Hayley commented and she want just saying that. It was tastefully decorated.

“Thanks,” Charlotte called out over her shoulder.

“Nobody else arrived yet?” Hayley asked as Charlotte came back carrying a couple of glasses. Handing one to Hayley they toasted and took a mouthful.

“I must admit to something Hayley,” Charlotte began, “I asked you to come over early as I wanted to have a chat.” Charlotte put her hand out and Hayley her the glass, which was still half full.

“Oh,” Hayley said. She had a fair idea what was coming as Charlotte took her right hand and walked behind her.

“Do you trust me?” Charlotte asked.

“Yes, well, of course,” Hayley was a bit confused as Charlotte grabbed booth of Hayley’s wrists, brought them behind her back and secured them together tightly with a silk scarf.

“Erm, where is Natalie?” Hayley asked a bit concerned about where this was going.

“She is a bit tied up right now,” Charlotte responded before waving a balled-up cloth in front of Hayley’s face. “You must know what this is for? Open wide.” Although uncomfortable Hayley decided to play along as she doubted that Charlotte was planning to abduct her and sell her to the highest bidder. After the cloth was stuffed in Hayley’s mouth Charlotte folded a silk scarf into a band and tied it over her mouth. “That should do it.” Charlotte then patted Hayley’s bottom.

“WWUUMMPP,” Hayley started slightly at the touch.

“Sorry, just checking that you had the diaper on already as requested.” Charlotte placed her hand gently on Hayley’s upper arm and guided her toward the corridor that Hayley assumed led to the back of the house where the bedrooms and bathroom would be located. As they stopped in front of the second door on the right Hayley had become more anxious at what was happening. Charlotte knocked and entered before there was any kind of response from inside the room. One inside Hayley could see it was a bedroom with a double bed and on that double bed with a strange sight lying on one side, a pair of feet between two large pillows. Trying to back up Hayley stopped halfway between the door and the bed but Charlotte nudged her in the back and bumped her further into the room and toward the other side of the bed. As the angle opened up Hayley saw that the pair of feet belonged to Natalie who was currently lying between tow large body pillows, with her wrists bound on the other side of the longer pillow and she was gagged the exact same way as Hayley had been by Charlotte just moments earlier. “Don’t worry.” Hayley locked eyes with Natalie and something in the look told Hayley that things would be alright. Charlotte helped Hayley to lie on the bed and then used two more scarves to tie Hayley’s ankles and thighs together. “This might be a bit awkward but bear with me,” Charlotte said. Nothing happened for a couple of seconds then Hayley felt her arms being pulled back. “Sorry, is this is a bit uncomfortable,” Charlotte apologised as she pushed the six-foot body pillow through the gap between Hayley’s wrists until the top was just passed her head. “There, that should do it.” As her intrigued at what exactly was going on increased Hayley glanced down and watched as Charlotte used several longer scarves to tie Hayley to the body pillow. “Almost done.” Charlotte then placed a shorter body pillow, probably about five feet in length in front of Hayley and then used four black utility straps with buckles to secure that pillow in place. That meant that Hayley was not basically the filling in a body pillow sandwich. Now Hayley was positioned how she was, she realised the reason for the body pillows. It meant that neither of them could roll over. Well not without a lot of effort and enough momentum that you would probably end up throwing yourself off the bed. Once satisfied with her handiwork Charlotte took a couple of steps back. Hayley admired Charlotte’s binding with the scarves and knots, from experience Hayley knew the strength of restraints and there would not be removed easily. Charlotte had obviously been getting some practice. “Now, something clearly went on with you two on that island. There has been something weird between you ever since. This needs to be talked about before we can all move forward.”

“MMUUPPHH,” Natalie mumbled.

“UURRPPHH,” Hayley mumbled afterwards nodding her head as if understanding what Natalie had just said and agreeing with it.

“You were best friends and I assume that you told each other everything,” Charlotte continued. “So, we are going to sort this out and clear the air this weekend even if I have to bang your heads together. This is what I am going to do. I will leave you lying here looking at each other gagged for the next hour. Use the time to work out what you want to say, think about how it was before this all happened, the good times that you had. After an hour I will return and remove Natalie’s gag but keep Hayley’s in place. That will allow Natalie to talk uninterrupted for, let’s say thirty minutes. I will then return and gag Natalie and remove Hayley’s gag so that she can speak freely.”

“HHMMUUHH,” both gagged women said in unison.

“Sorry, but this is the only way that I could think of to get you both in the same room taking about this,” Charlotte turned headed for the door before stopping. “No, wait. It’s a double episode of that show I like so it may be closer to two hours before I am back.” There were muffled groans from the bed. “I swear if I have to keep you here all weekend I will.” The edge to Charlotte’s voice told Natalie and Hayley that she meant it. With the door closed and Charlotte away to watch her television show that left Hayley and Natalie with nothing to do but what Charlotte had suggested.

When the door opened just under two hours later and Charlotte entered carrying a bottle of water. “Hope you are ready for this.” Charlotte removed Natalie’s gag and held the bottle to her lips so that she could take a drink. “I will leave you to it then.” Charlotte disappeared and left them to it.

“Well, then,” Natalie said taking a deep breathe. Hayley could tell that this was going to be emotional. Natalie proceeded to pour her heart out about what she had been through and Hayley’s part in it. There were comments of feeling being hurt and trust issues, Hayley tried to hold back the tears but that wasn’t happening and they were both in full flow by the time that Charlotte knocked before entering the room again. This time in addition to a bottle of water Charlotte had a box of tissues in the other hand.

“Everything alright?” The response was several sniffs and deep breathes.

“No, it was fine,” Natalie said eventually. Charlotte delicately clean Natalie’s face before pecking her on the cheek. “Thanks.”

“Shall I leave the gag off?” Charlotte asked. Hayley nodded to confirm that was a good idea.

“No, gag me.” Natalie stated. “It’s only fair that Hayley gets her say uninterrupted.” Hayley watched as Charlotte gagged Natalie with a fresh cloth and scarf before walking around the bed and removing Hayley’s gag and wiping away the tracks of her tears.

“Thank you,” Hayley said as the bottle was raised to her lips. Then Charlotte turned and left and it was Hayley’s turn. Her lip was wobbling even before she started to speak, then starting with an apology the words just came tumbling out. After another half an hour Charlotte knocked on the door again and stuck her head around the corner. “You can some in.” Charlotte entered the room and stood at the end of the bed with her arms crossed.

“Thanks for this Charlotte, it has definitely helped,” Natalie said. “In fact, we probably need some more time to chat.”

“Glad to hear it,” Charlotte smiled. “Let me just untie you both.”

“Actually,” Hayley chipped in. “This has worked and I am comfortable enough so I think we should continue like this for a bit. That way neither of us can walk away.” Natalie laughed at that, which was encouraging.

“Are you sure we haven’t just found your kinky side,” Natalie suggested. Hayley smiled slightly nervously. “Before you go Charlotte, sorry to have to ask but could you change my diaper.”

“No problem,” Charlotte “Also, could you look out the bags. Feels like I should just continue the theme tonight.” Natalie looked at Hayley and shrugged as Charlotte left the room briefly.

“We all have things that float our boat so to speak. You just happened to find yours in an unorthodox way.”

“Preferably doing with the person that you love rather than being forced…” Natalie trailed off as she caught up with what she said.

“What was that?” Charlotte asked from the doorway as she returned carrying two compression sacks.

“Nothing sweetheart,” Natalie said a little too quickly.

“Do I need to look out my hat?” Hayley asked in a low voice with a smile and Natalie went bright red. The silence in the room was only punctured by the sound of the smooth nylon rubbing as the restraining bags were removed from the compression sacks. Charlotte left them lofting up on the floor before turning her attention to Natalie.

“I took the liberty of bringing two diapers,” Charlotte waved the blocky pink package at Hayley.

“Pink,” Hayley commented. Natalie and Charlotte gave her a look. “Alright, I could go a nice fresh diaper.” Hayley watched as Charlotte undid the four straps that held the two body pillows against Natalie’s body before rolling the larger pillow over so that Natalie was now lying on her back, on the pillow, looking at the ceiling. After untying the scarves around Natalie’s lower limbs Charlotte expertly changed the diaper with a little help from Natalie planting her feet on the bed and raising her bottom from the pillow. Once the job of changing the diaper had been completed Charlotte reversed the process and bound Natalie to and into between the pillows again. “My turn then.” Charlotte nodded and performed the same procedure on Hayley.

After being left to their own devices Natalie and Hayley started to reminisce about better times and the tears of sadness for earlier were replaced with laughter and tears of joy. In the end it took Charlotte breaking up the party to end the conversation. “Sorry to break up the party ladies but some of us want to get some sleep.”

“Were we being loud?” Hayley asked. Charlotte had started to undo the straps holding Hayley in place between the two large pillows. Then without warning Hayley saw a balled-up cloth coming toward her mouth. Out of habit Hayley opened up and accepted the cloth into her mouth. Before Hayley could react, a folded silk scarf was tied over her mouth as a second part of the gag to prevent the stuffing from being expunged.

“UUMMPPHH NNYYUUKK,” Hayley seemed to be asking a question.

“Patience,” Natalie said with a smile. “Don’t worry.” Hayley trusted her friend so nodded and relaxed as Charlotte completed the process of extricating her from the pillows and binding except for the scarf around her wrists which remained in place. Charlotte helped Hayley up and into a chair that sat in the corner of the room and secured her ankles with a silk scarf. From there Hayley watched as Charlotte removed Natalie from between the pillows and then help her get comfortable in the two restraining bags in the middle of the bed without a gag or any restraints to her arms or legs.

“As Natalie seems to have taken up the spare bed,” Charlotte turned to Hayley who was still sitting bound and gagged on the chair. “You must be in with me.” Hayley’s eyebrows shot up her forehead. Charlotte caught the look. “Don’t be shy.” This was not how Hayley thought the weekend would be going. After untying Hayley’s ankles Charlotte help Hayley to her feet and led her out of the spare bedroom, turning off the light and closing the door behind them, along the short corridor to the last door. When she was ushered inside and the light was turned on it was clear it was the main bedroom. “Well, as you are already dressed for bed, I guess we can just get you right in.” The duvet was lifted up one side of the bed Hayley and looked from the silk sheet to Charlotte and then back again before taking the hint, spinning round so that she could reverse onto the bed and get in. Charlotte dropped the duvet on top of Hayley and walked off into the room and got changed into her own nightwear. Charlotte turned off the light and lifting up the duvet slid in beside Hayley. After a couple of minutes Hayley felt a hand searching her pyjamas, they stopped when they found the top bottom. The hand slowly undid that button then works its way down until they were all loose. Hayley felt Charlotte’s hands roaming her body, caressing her breasts and dipping under the waist of the diaper. Hayley moaned softly form the touch. “You first and then we will get that gag off and see what those luscious lips can really do.” All Hayley could do in response was to moan again. This was definitely going to be an interesting weekend.
Sunday evening

It had been an interesting weekend Hayley thought as she got settled in the back of the cab for ride home. In all fairness it has been worthwhile weekend, feelings had been aired and any wounds healed. Plus, everyone enjoyed themselves and the food had been excellent. Just as her mind was drifting back to the events of the weekend her mobile rang and she snatched it from her bag. Looking at the screen Hayley saw that it was her father calling. “Hi, dad. How are you getting on?” Never being one for pleasantries her father got straight to the point and talked without Hayley interrupting for around five minutes. “Of course, I am and no you can’t talk me out of it.” Hayley said. “I will and love you to.” Hayley hung up the phone and addressed the driver. “Can you wait when we get to the address?”

“No problem love,” the driver replied. “Somewhere else to go.”

“Yes. The airport.” Hayley opened the text application on her phone and set her fingers to typing.
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Chapter 88

A coastal town, Southern England

Hayley almost laughed at the scene; it was almost from a film with the mist coming in from the sea. The information from Elizabeth Crawford’s stash had proved fruitful and delivered information on nefarious activity at British Intelligence, which had led to arrests and then the confessions. The assistant, Eleanor, had broken almost instantly and confessed what had happened to Natascha Taylor. That was what had led Hayley here after a couple of days of surveillance. Hayley pushed open the door to the common stairwell and climbed the stairs to the first floor. Taking a deep breath Hayley knocked the door. It opened wide and Hayley found herself face to face with Megan Holick. “Can I help you?” the woman asked.

“Certainly,” Hayley replied as she pushed past Megan and into the flat. “I am actually looking for a missing friend.”

“Wait…you can’t just push you way...”

“I was wondering if you had seen my friend?” Hayley asked as if having a breezy chat with a friend.

“I will call the Police if you don’t…”

“Please do,” Hayley replied with a smile.

“I…” The conversation was interrupted by footsteps and then a voice.

“Megan who is this?” Natascha asked as she appeared from the bedroom.

“Nobody,” Megan replied. Hayley turned and looked at her friend with a sad look.

“What have they done to you Natascha?” Natascha gave Hayley a strange look.

“I…don’t…” Natascha looked at Megan for guidance.

“Ignore her babe,” Megan said.

“No, Natascha, don’t. Listen to me. I am your old friend Hayley.” Hayley started toward Natascha and then there was the sound of a door closing and then a second later Hayley felt the air pushed from her lungs as Megan crashed into her, tackling her to the floor. Their two bodies were as one as Hayley and Megan rolled around on the carpet each trying to gain the upper hand in their contest as legs, arms and elbows flew in all directions. Due to the very close quarters of the struggling very few actual solid blows were landed, it was more like a grappling match for supremacy until then rolled over and ended up in a position where Megan was on her back on the floor with Hayley lying on her back on top of her. They both paused their combat as Natascha appeared in their vision a couple of yards away. “Natascha,” Hayley said and lost concentration. This was all that Megan needed to pounce, locking her legs and one arm around Hayley, totally immobilising her opponent in one move. Megan used her other hand to silence Hayley by clamping it over her mouth.

“Jane, Jane,” Megan said with a degree of urgency. “Honey, get my keys and open my special cupboard. You will know what you are looking for when you see it.”

“MMMMMMMM, MMMMMMMM,” Hayley mumbled with the hand clamped over her mouth. She continued to struggle against Megan but the woman was strong and now had the leverage and Hayley’s arms pinned against her own body. “MMMMMMMM, MMMMMMMM,” Hayley mumbled again.

“Quiet,” Megan hissed into Hayley’s ear. They both watched on as Natascha fumbled with a set of keys as she picked them up from a table and scurried across the room and used one of the keys on the set

“Is this what you wanted?” Natascha held up a bottle with CHOLROFORM printed on the label. Hayley’s eyes went wide as she read this and redoubled her efforts to get free.

“I need you to help me Jane,” Megan said calmly in soothing tones. “I need to hold her so I need you to apply the sedative.”

“MMMMOOOO! WWHHAASSHHAA!” Hayley screamed into Megan’s hand.

“Do you trust me?” Megan asked. Natascha nodded. “When I take my hand away, I need you to hold that cloth over her nose and mouth as tightly as you can until I tell you to take it away. Now, don’t worry about hurting her the drug will only put her to sleep. It may help if you put your other hand at the back of her head.”

As her friend administered the sedative Hayley was able to look straight into Natascha’s eyes and could tell that Natascha or Jane as Megan had called her had no idea who she was, there was not even a hint of recognition in Natascha’s face. "Please stop fighting the drug. It will do no good to resist. When you wake, Megan can help you out. Until then it's safer if you sleep. So, breathe deeply and let the chloroform do its work,"

“Who is she?” Natascha asked now with Megan standing beside her looking down at the unconscious form of Hayley sprawled on the carpet.

“A former patient at Tranquil Times Recuperation Home,” Megan replied with a sigh. “I really thought that we had helped her but it seems that she has had some form of relapse.” Natascha placed a hand of comfort on Megan’s shoulder. “Thanks,” Megan said as she touched the hand. “She left the home not that long ago so your time there may have overlapped.”

“What is her name?” Natascha asked.

“Hayley,” Megan replied. “So, you don’t recognise her then?” Natascha shook her head and Megan said a silent thanks. “I can’t go into details but Hayley had a very addictive personality, which included obsessing over people, some might have called in stalking. In her early days at the home, she developed what I would call a crush on me. We thought that we had helped but it seems that she hasn’t had the proper support network in place.”

“Should I call the police? I don’t want her to hurt you,” Natascha said.

“Thanks for your concern Jane, but she is more confused than dangerous. I would like to deal with this by taking her back to Tranquil Times and helping her rather than putting her into a system where she may not get the help that she needs. I hope that you understand.”

“You are such a caring person,” Natasha replied and gave Megan a peck on the cheek. “What do we do with her?” Megan took a look at the clock on the wall.

“It’s too late to take her to the home tonight,” Megan said biting her bottom lip. “Are you alright if we put her in the spare room. It would mean having to restrain her, tie her up, for her own safety as much as ours. We wouldn’t want Hayley to injure herself.” Natascha considered this for a couple of seconds before nodding. “Trust me, what we are doing is in Hayley’s best interests. Tomorrow morning, I will call her parents and let them know what is happening and then arrange for her to be taken to the home where she will be safe.”

“There is some rope in the cupboard. Would you grab it, Jane?”

“Also, there should be a box of nappies, grab one of those as well.”
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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 1 year ago Chapter 87
“You were best friends and I assume that you told each other everything,” Charlotte continued. “So, we are going to sort this out and clear the air this weekend even if I have to bang your heads together. This is what I am going to do. I will leave you lying here looking at each other gagged for the next hour. Use the time to work out what you want to say, think about how it was before this all happened, the good times that you had. After an hour I will return and remove Natalie’s gag but keep Hayley’s in place. That will allow Natalie to talk uninterrupted for, let’s say thirty minutes. I will then return and gag Natalie and remove Hayley’s gag so that she can speak freely.”

“HHMMUUHH,” both gagged women said in unison.

“Sorry, but this is the only way that I could think of to get you both in the same room taking about this,” Charlotte turned headed for the door before stopping. “No, wait. It’s a double episode of that show I like so it may be closer to two hours before I am back.” There were muffled groans from the bed. “I swear if I have to keep you here all weekend I will.” The edge to Charlotte’s voice told Natalie and Hayley that she meant it. With the door closed and Charlotte away to watch her television show that left Hayley and Natalie with nothing to do but what Charlotte had suggested.
Interesting approach Charlotte chooses to get Hayley and Natalie to clear the air between the two best friends. And Charlotte is right: This is probably the only way to get the two to talk. And they have a lot to talk about. Imagine: All the months, Hayley has been away, kidnapped by Crawford, escaped, coerced to return, forced to work for her, then talking part in Natalies kidnapping. Yes, there is much stuff to talk about.

Full points for the bondage sandwhich :) Clever idea: So Natalie and Hayley have to look each other in the face literally and metaphorically. Nicely done!

And that cliffhanger at the end? Also well done: We will finally learn what happened to Natascha Taylor
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 89

A coastal town, Southern England

After coming around from her induced slumber during the night Hayley had found that she had been bound when unconscious. Not being a stranger to such situations it didn’t really disturb Hayley too much, well not as much as it would your average young woman. As usual Hayley set about confirming how she had been bound, with what materials, the strength of the binds holding her and where she was. The last of those was the easiest to confirm, they hadn’t blindfolded her so Hayley could tell that she was lying on a bed. Then by trying to move her wrists Hayley could determine that they were bound tightly together with some kind of silky rope, a lot of whatever rope they had used by the feel of it. Unfortunately, to Hayley it felt that her wrists were tied properly, wrapped several times, cinched and knotted. That experience was hard earned. Taking a quick glance down even in the gloom of night Hayley make out the rope around her thighs, then she went to straighten her legs Hayley felt a tug on her wrists. They had secured a length of rope between her wrists and ankles in what commonly referred to as a hogtie. A person tied this way could roll back and forth, but it was difficult to move beyond that. In this case they had made it a decent length of rope so that at least Hayley could lie in reasonable comfort without any strain on her shoulders or thighs. “OOOOHHHH,” Hayley moaned. She was gagged, of course she had been gagged. There was nothing filling her mouth and there wasn’t anything tied behind her head so it must be tape, given that Megan Holick was a physician it would probably be micro foam tape, a quick and effective gagging material. Although as everyone knew to be totally effective a gag had to contain some form of mouth stuffing. There was nothing else for it but to try and relax and make the best of her situation. Being tired wouldn’t help so Hayley got as comfortable as her bondage would allow and closed her eyes hoping to get some now drug induced slumber.
A coastal town, Southern England

When she awoke again it was due to the noise of the bedroom door opening, the suddenly the light was flicked on and Hayley was blinded for a split second before she managed to shut her eyes. “Hope that you slept well.” Hayley slowly opened her eyes, squinting to see Megan Holick making her way around the bed toward her and Natascha standing in the doorway, not wanting to enter.

“mmpphhff, mmoohh,” Hayley mumbled into the tape over her mouth.

“Let’s just get that off your mouth,” Megan said leaning down and picking at the edge of the tape on Hayley’s cheek. “Sorry that we have to do this Hayley but it was for your own good.”

“uummpphff?” Hayley mumbled questioningly.

“Now, this may sting…” Megan ripped the tape off.

“AAAAWWWOOOHHH,” Hayley exclaimed as it came off it one strong pull.

“As I explained to Jane last night you were a patient at the client who became obsessed with me. It became apparent early on but soon, despite being a challenge, you started to make progress.”

“You are certainly a fruit loop lady,” Hayley interrupted. “Don’t believe a word she says Natascha. You will soon know the truth.” Hayley glared at Megan. The doctor sighed.

“You can see that she has relapsed. It is a sin really as she had been released months ago. But don’t worry Hayley I have arranged for you to return to the facility for treatment.” Megan turned her back so that Natascha couldn’t see the look on her face. Hayley could. There was a touch of evil in it. Like a hunter who has cornered their prey. “Now, if I remember you were a scratcher and spitter so we had better gag her a bit better as well,” Megan said. “The home said it would be a couple of hours before they could make the arrangements and get a team to pick her up.”

“Wait, there is no need for that,” Hayley pleaded, hoping to be left ungagged so that she could try and talk to Natascha. Hayley turned and look at Natascha to see if there was even a spark of recognition.

“Sorry, but there is. The other alternative is that the chloroform comes back out.”

Any gag was more effective if the captive's mouth was filled with something, Hayley knew that but was still surprised when she looked up and found a white, wadded up handkerchief headed for her mouth. Hayley had assumed that some fresh tape would be applied over her lips as a gag and instinctively tried to turn her head, but Megan’s other hand grabbed Hayley’s chin and pressed her cheeks forcing her mouth open. The lady’s handkerchief was forced into Hayley's mouth. She retched, but the wad was pushed in further expanding into her cheeks, cotton flavour filled her mouth. Never a fan of foreign objects being forced into her mouth Hayley would have complained but was helpless to prevent what was happening. Hayley looked on as Megan picked up another handkerchief. "Just a little more, Hayley. You have a big mouth and it requires a lot of stuffing to keep you quiet. I am sure we can find some more room in there somewhere.” Megan forced the second handkerchief in and continued to prod and push the handkerchief into Hayley's mouth. Finally, both handkerchiefs were lodged in Hayley's mouth. To complete the gag Megan took off the patterned silk scarf that she was wearing and folded it into a band before tying it tightly over Hayley’s mouth to prevent the expulsion of the packing. “There we go. Now, just lie still and relax.” Once the gag was applied Megan pulled Natascha to the corner of the room, “Thanks for your help with this. I know you think that I am being harsh Jane but this is how I started with you and look how much progress that you have made.” As she said this in a low voice so that Hayley couldn’t overhear Megan used her hand to push some of Natacha’s hair behind her ear and away from her face.
A coastal town, Southern England

“uummppff,” Hayley twisted and squirmed on the bed, trying to get free. “mmppffhh.” The door to the bedroom opened and Megan stood in the doorway with a disgruntled look on her face.

“Will you stop that moaning and squirming before I have to get the sedatives out.”

“ggaauummppff, uummppff,” Hayley growled.

“Or, perhaps I will see what Jane wants to do. Perhaps she is feeling sleepy.” Hayley got the implied thrust and mumbled into her gag. The moment was interrupted by a knock at the door. “I had better see who that is.” Megan closed the door and disappeared. Hayley lay still and listened intently. There were sounds of movement and muffled voices then the door opened again and Megan entered the room. “Good news, your chariot awaits!” Entering the room behind Megan were two burly orderlies, one male and one female, carrying a stretcher between them.

“mmmpppfff!” Hayley started to squirm again.

“I knew that she would cause trouble.” Everyone stopped and looked at Megan as she pulled out a small case and opened it. “That was why I asked you to bring this.” She pulled a syringe from the case and headed toward Hayley, looming over the bound and gagged woman. As the needle inched it’s way closer to Hayley’s arm her eyes widened and she started to buck and thrash furiously on the bed.

“mmpphh, uummppff!” Hayley mumbled.

“Hold her down will you,” Megan instructed the two orderlies.

“Wait,” Natascha said having appeared in the doorway. “Would she rather have the chloroform again?” Hayley nodded vigorously to confirm her agreement. Not only did she not like needles but Hayley always knew what you were getting with chloroform when you were knocked out, she had no idea what sedative or other drugs were in that syringe.

“Alright, chloroform it is but no funny business,” Megan said staring at Hayley. “Jane, would you be a dear and go and get the chloroform and something to administer it.” They all watched as Natascha hurried from the room. When she had left Megan leaned over and whispered into Hayley’s ear. “You might be able to escape Hayley but what about your friend. Do exactly as you are told and nothing will happen to her, understand?” Just as Megan straightened up Natascha came back into the room with the bottle of chloroform in one hand and a bag of cotton wool pleats in the other and sat down next to Hayley and gently stroked her hair, “Hayley, just relax let Megan help you. It may seem strange but I know that she is trying to do what is best to help you recover. I was a similar position months ago but look at me now, I have made so much progress from where I used to be.” Hayley just looked at her friend and tried prevent the tears that were welling in her eyes from running onto her cheeks.

“Are you alright with this Jane?” Megan asked Natascha.

“Fine,” Natascha replied as she poured the chloroform onto a large wad of cotton wool pleats. To be fair Hayley had accepted being chloroformed without the slightest hint of struggle of protest. There were no complaints as Hayley allowed Natascha to press the chloroform-soaked wad of cotton wool over the lower half of her face and clamp it is place. It was a strange scene as Megan and the two nurses watched on silently as Natascha rendered Hayley unconscious. Eventually Hayley gave a last, muffled moan and her eyes rolled up into her head and her eyelids flickered closed. Now her breathing resumed a regular depth and rhythm as she continued to take in the knockout fumes, her body totally relaxed having been forced into slumber.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Seems like Hayley is in another dangerous place - the question is: Will Natascha come to her senses or while Hayley meet the same fate as her friend? At the moment the odds are clearly not in Hayley´s favour ....
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Chapter 90

Tranquil Times Recuperation Home, Southern England

48 hours later

They sat across from each other, neither wanting to break eye contact first. “So, Megan, what did you do to Natascha?” Hayley asked. She had spent the previous period of time, Hayley had lost track of the exact number of hours that had passed, locked down in a padded cell wearing a nappy, straitjacket and large ball-gag. It hadn’t been a previous experience and actually left her longing for the good old days of Elizabeth Crawford restraining her. This was the first chance that she had to speak directly with Megan Holick.

“Now, we need to establish a few ground rules. In this environment you will refer to me as either Doctor or Miss Holick,” Megan replied. “I like it to be quiet whilst I work and I particularly like gagged woman. You will remain gagged at almost all times and when not gagged you will only speak when spoken to. Do you understand Louise?” Hayley didn’t reply. “You will do what I and the other members of staff tell you to do, without complaint. If you do not, then there will be repercussions.”

“That what you started with on Natascha,” Hayley said. “Calling her Jane, making her doubt her own character and past.” Setting her jaw Hayley glared at the doctor. “You won’t get that from me.” Megan smiled. It was a confident smile. A smile of someone who was in control.

“I have noted in your file how dangerous you are,” Megan said, “so, don’t expect any of the staff to release you from your restraints without my approval. Oh, and I have also noted your preference for chloroform to be used as a sedative. A bit old fashioned but at Tranquil Times Recuperation Home satisfying our clients wishes only come second to their safety.”

“Do you know who I am?” Hayley asked.

“Well,” Megan replied, “according to your file a deranged woman with unhealthy fantasies.”

“Not exactly,” Hayley replied.

“Well, enough of this….” Megan picked up the large ball-gag and walked around the table. “I did say that I liked gag women.” Then she also took a ball of silk from the pocket of her white jacket.

“Don’t you. Are those panties!” Hayley squirmed in her seat as Megan approached, “put that mmmuuuppphh!” Megan stuffed the balled-up silk into Hayley’s handily opened mouth before following that up with the large gag and securing the buckle tightly at the back of the attractive woman’s head despite Hayley resisting by shaking her head.

“That is better,” Megan said and took her seat. “Now, don’t worry I found your car and have taken it to a car park next to a local beauty spot. Nice place, great views. Famous for people taking a dive from the cliffs. All very sad. The river tends to sweep them away toward the sea. Sometime the bodies are never found. Your purse and telephone were left in the car.” Hayley just glared at Megan. Although, she had to admit that the woman was smart and thorough. “I think that given your current level of issues we will have to bring forward your treatment plan Louise.” Megan spent a couple of minutes writing in the file before closing it and standing up. She knelt down beside Hayley and whispered in her ear. “You will find out what we did to Natascha. Not that you will remember any of it.”
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Post by Caesar73 »

Looks like Hayley is in even deeper trouble now .. the evil Doctor wants to wipe out her memory and subject her to the same treatment as Natascha. Seems like Hayley is on her own - and who should save her? Obviously she did not get through to Natascha ....

One might think that after Crawford nothing worse could happen to Hayley, seems like we were wrong :)

Well done [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] !!
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Chapter 90

Tranquil Times Recuperation Home, Southern England

They had dragged her straight from Megan Holick’s office and back to her cell where there proceeded to viciously tie her legs with rope, in addition to the straitjacket that she was wearing, then blindfolded her and stuck something in her ears that blocked out all sound. Then with a pat on her bottom they left her to her own devices. The rest of the day passed through one interminable hour after another. Hayley fretted occasionally at her inability to move freely, speak, see or hear. When it became too much to bare; she struggled anew, but it always ended in the same way, with exhaustion, her chest pounding, shoulder burning, her jaws stretched wide apart, mouth clogged with silk, head pounding from the blindfold tied over her eyes. Most of the time she lay still, accepting her present helplessness, awaiting developments and drawing on her previous experience of being held against her will to remain calm.

With no idea of time passing or even much sensory input it was a drag for Hayley lying on the floor and squirming around. The only interaction was for food and diaper changes. Then she felt a soft breeze on her exposed chin, that was the signal that the door had opened. Hayley wondered what was going to happen to her now when she felt fingers poking around her ear. Instantly she recoiled and moaned into the packing and ball-gag in her mouth. Then a reassuring hand settled on her shoulder and Hayley stopped struggling enough to allow the ear plugs to be removed. “Hello Hayley, I think that we need to talk.”

“MMMPPPHH!” Hayley cried as she recognised Natascha’s voice. “UUPPMMFF!”

“Lie still whist I get you out of these…these…restraints…” Hayley felt Natascha start to work on the bindings and it seemed to take forever before all of the bindings were removed allowing Hayley to stand up and stretch. Once her eyes had adjusted to having the blindfold removed Hayley was able to get a good look at Natascha. The woman was clearly upset and confused.

“Thanks for that,” Hayley said with a reassuring smile.

“I… don’t…what you said…about my name being Natascha…” Natascha started to cry.

“It’s alright babe,” Hayley said taking a step forward.

“I know that…I know you…but…my name is Jane…and I don’t…just so confused.” The two friends embraced.

“There will be time enough for that later. Now, how do we get you of here?” They broke the embrace and Natascha pointed to the corner. “I brought you a nurse’s uniform.”

“Good idea,” Hayley said as she hurried across and got changed. “Now, if you can just get me to a phone then I can sort this mess out.”
Tranquil Times Recuperation Home, Southern England

Her first telephone call had been to Detective Amber Carter, someone that she knew could be trusted who promised to get the local force mobilized quickly. After putting the phone down her next call was to the new head of British Intelligence to give him a brief update. He grunted and hung up, obviously at this point he had bigger concerns. Between the grunt and hanging up Hayley did get him to agree to send Melanie Lenoard to take a look at Natascha. Just as she hung up the office door opened and a man in his forties dressed head to toe in white entered. “Who the hell are you?” he asked.

“Now, don’t panic,” Hayley said.

“Aren’t you a patient?” the man said. “I should raise the alarm!” Hayley approached the man and put on her most welcoming and alluring smile.

“Close the door, we need to have a chat.”
Hayley had managed to convince the man not to raise the alarm. In fact, so convincing was Hayley that the man even agreed to open the main door and let the police in. The police quickly rounded up Mrs Cumming-Bruce, Megan Holick and a couple of others and took them into custody. Around an hour after the police turned up Melanie Leonard appeared in her car. Hayley had purposely kept Natascha away from the police and managed to get her to Melanie without any questions. “Thanks for this,” Hayley said as she bundled Natascha into the passenger seat.

“No problem,” Melanie replied. “This is a fascinating case.” Hayley had taken the opportunity to send Melanie an e-mail detailing the situation before she had made the original approach at Megan Horlick’s flat.

“Just take good care of her for me,” Hayley said as she closed the passenger side door and banged on the roof. Melanie started reversing the car.

“Who was that Detective King?” a voice asked from behind her. Hayley spun to find Inspector Davies walking toward her. As he approached Hayley lowered her voice. Having spoken to the man earlier he seemed quite taken with the whole secret agent side of the story.

“Top Secret Inspector,” Hayley said. “Would have to kill you if I told you.” She finished with a wink.
Tranquil Times Recuperation Home, Southern England

As the police were finishing up and the other authorities were taking control of the facility Hayley walked away to find a quiet spot to call her father and tell him the good news. Just as she was about to punch in his number her phone rang. She looked at the screen. UNKNOWN NUMBER. “That’s a bit strange,” Hayley said as her thumb hovered over the screen decided whether to accept or reject the call. In the end Hayley hit the accept key. “Hello,” Hayley said putting the phone to her ear.

“Detective King, it looks like you have managed to solve another case.” It had been a while but Hayley instantly recognised the voice on the other end of the phone.

“Harper, I assume that you are calling to arrange to surrender yourself,” Hayley replied as she looked around for someone on a mobile phone. There wasn’t anybody that she could see.

“I wouldn’t bother doing that. I am not close enough for you to see.”

“So, if you aren’t calling what do you want to discuss?” Hayley asked, suddenly feeling very tired.

“Jaclyn Sanders,” Harper stated. That name gave Hayley a jolt of energy.

“What about her? Where is she? Is she alright?”

“Enough with the questions Hayley,” Harper replied. “I have a proposition.”

“What would that be?” Hayley’s mind and heartrate were both racing at this point.

“It is a simple proposal. Jaclyn Sanders for Elizabeth Crawford.” Hayley stopped and removed the phone from the side of her head and looked at the screen for a couple of seconds before putting it back in place. “And how am I supposed to get Elizabeth. She is currently in jail.”

“Funny you should mention that Hayley…”
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Chapter 91

Secret Location in Russia


“Well, it looks like she managed it,” Harper commented spinning the laptop around so that the rest of the group could see the screen after reading the article in full on the news website.

“How did she manage that?” Yelena asked.

“Can we trust her?” Elsa Schmidt asked. “Surely, this could be some kind of set up.” Harper pondered both of these questions before answering.

“The answer to the first is that I don’t know and the other is that yes, I believe that we can. Hayley will not want to jeopardise the chance of getting Jaclyn Sanders returned.” Harper contemplated the situation for a while with the others looking at her intently. “Plus, the boss always has a plan and what other option do we have? I don’t really fancy spending the rest of my life either in hiding or in jail.” Yelena and Gisele both nodded their agreement with that statement. “Elsa. How is Jaclyn?”

“Sleeping at the moment but she is ready to go home.”
Low security prison, somewhere in America

The prison officer opened the door to the cell and gestured for Hayley to enter. The induction process hadn’t been pleasurable and Hayley had the feeling that it wasn’t going to improve any time soon. Once Hayley had taken a pace into the cell heard the door close and lock behind her. Then she took a look around the cell. Most of the prisoners in this wing were housed in single occupation cells but this one was a double and it was larger than the standard cell that she had seen before but not by much, standard bunk beds, single small window, toilet in the corner and a small desk. The flor was painted grey, the walls to about three feet dark blue then white for the rest of the wall and the ceiling. Last but not least a smiling Elizabeth Crawford sitting with her legs dangling off the top bunk. “Hayley!” Elizabeth exclaimed as she jumped down onto the floor on the cell. “You can’t begin to imagine how good it is to see a friendly face.” Elizabeth threw her arms around Hayley and pulled her close against her in a hug as if they were old friends.

“I wish I could say the same Elizabeth,” Hayley replied with little enthusiasm.

“Don’t be like that,” Elizabeth replied releasing Hayley and taking a step back. “I even prepared some gifts for you arriving.” Elizabeth pointed to the bottom bunk, Hayley’s eyes followed the line of where Elizabeth was pointing and she groaned a what was there.

“You can’t be serious Elizabeth,” Hayley said, recognising the two items lying on the bottom bunk.

“I made them in craft shop, especially for you.” Elizabeth held up the first item which was a down suit in bright orange which she held up against Hayley. “I think that I got your sizes correct, after all I am very well acquainted with your body.” Hayley just shook her head, Elizabeth actually winked when she had said that. The other item was a retraining bag that was probably some kind of modified sleeping bag. “They wouldn’t let me use zips, jaggy edges and all that so buttons had to do. Not as secure but they will do the job as long as you don’t try to escape from its down goodness too hard.”

“Really, you shouldn’t have,” Hayley said with barely concealed sarcasm.

“Now, don’t be like that. It is important to have something familiar to help you settle into an alien environment like prison.”

“Also, I have a thing so the toilet is mine,” Elizabeth stated and crossed her arms.

“What do you mean yours? How do you expect me to…” Hayley stopped herself, she now knew what was coming by the grin that Elizabeth Crawford had on her face.

“As your friend I managed to have a private chat with the prison physician on your behalf before you arrived about your bladder control issue. Save you the embarrassment.” Hayley just rolled her eyes. “No, need to thank me.” Elizabeth kneeled down an pulled out a large blocky package form below the bottom bunk. “She sympathised that it could lead to some awkward situations so agreed that you could wear adult diapers. Cleared at the top level with the prison authorities as well.”

“You really shouldn’t have,” Hayley groaned as she sat down on the bottom bunk and put her head in her hands.

“They probably won’t be as comfortable or effective as the alleged diapers that my alleged criminal organization used on our alleged abduction victims,” Elizabeth said all this in a sing song voice as Hayley heard the plastic wrap being removed form the parcel of diapers. “You slip that jumpsuit off, lie back on the bunk and let Elizabeth take care of this. Hayley expelled air through her nose in frustration before standing up slipping off her standard issue shoes and orange jumpsuit leaving her just wearing a white tank top and white panties. Hayley couldn’t believe that she was complying with Elizabeth’s instructions and flopped down onto bunk. “Lucky I moved the sleeping bag,” Elizabeth commented. After getting moving the single pillow under her head Hayley go comfortable and automatically raised her hips which allowed Elizabeth to slip off her panties and then slide a thick diaper under Hayley’s bottom. “Lower away.” Hayley dropped her hips onto the diaper and brought her legs up as Elizabeth added some cream and talcum powder before she folded the front of the diaper into place and secured it in place with the sticky tabs. “There you go,” Elizabeth said and offer Hayley a hand to help her back onto her feet.

“Thanks.” Hayley said automatically before realising who she was thanking and for what.

“Now, try on the suit,” Elizabeth requested as she held the suit out. Hayley accepted the suit and quickly got in the legs and hauled the suit up over her shoulders before buttoning the suit all the way up to the neck. To try out her new attire Hayley walked the length of the cell. There was a alight waddle in her walk caused by the bulkiness of the diaper but it wasn’t too bad, although as Elizabeth had said it wasn’t as comfortable to wear as her specification of diaper. “It fits well.”

“So, to get straight down to business. Why do you need me to escape from this place?”

“Oh, I didn’t need you specifically,” Elizabeth replied. “Just that another pair of hands would be of benefit. It is more for the company and I couldn’t think of anyone else that I would rather be stuck in a cell with than you.”

“Elizabeth, I am a former cop. I will be marked woman in here by both the guards and the other inmates!” Hayley said and looked to the heavens while raising her hands.

“It’s only for two or three weeks,” Elizabeth replied.

“Only two or three weeks,” Hayley echoed deliberately. “I may as well have target on my back in here.”

“You will be fine. I have some influence around here.” Hayley didn’t know why that statement surprised at all. The woman had been in prison for months now, anyone two or three and she would be in the governor’s office. “We can just have a relaxing night and then I can show you around tomorrow when the doors are unlocked. Hayley nodded and slumped onto the lower bunk and put her forearm over her eyes.
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Chapter 92

Low security prison, somewhere in America

It had been a long two weeks. It was more the mental exhaustion of having to walk around with your head constantly on a swivel that was the main thing. Hayley felt as if every pair of eyes were on her, the inmates and the staff. To be fair, funny looks and the odd comment were as far as it went. Nobody made a move to do her any physical harm. Perhaps Elizabeth Crawford was correct, she did have everything under control. After they had finished dinner, the call went out for the inmates to return to their cells. As Hayley trudged up the stairs behind Elizabeth, she couldn’t help but notice that the woman was whistling. “Why are you so happy?” Elizabeth cranes her next so that she could see Hayley whilst still climbing the stairs.

“Tonight, is the big night,” Elizabeth said with a wink. Hayley swallowed and smiled. When they reached their cell and entered Hayley noted that another restraining bag had appeared as had a brown bag sitting on the bottom bunk. Elizabeth picked up the bag and looked inside. “Ideal.” Patting a space right next to her Elizabeth invited Hayley to take a seat. The door was closed behind them and then lock engaged. “Not long now.” They both sat in silence until about half an hour later they electronic lock on the door disengaged. “Just like magic!” Elizabeth said with a wink and started to rummage around in the brown bag. As Elizabeth was rummaging Hayley heard the sound of boots on the concrete floors outside the cell and then the door opened fully and two prison officers stepped into the cell.
“Looks like we are blown before we even start…” Hayley said under her breath.

“Not exactly,” Elizabeth said as she handed Hayley a bottle and two cloths from the brown bag. “Get these prepped, will you. I assume that you know what that bottle is.” Elizbeth stood up and took a couple of steps towards the prison offices. “Evening ladies. Can we help you?”

“Issue with the doors. Just checking that everything is in order.” Elizabeth chatted with the guards whilst Hayley folded the cloths carefully and soaked them with a liberal amount of the liquid from the bottle. A quick whiff confirmed that it was chloroform. As Elizabeth chatted with the guards Hayley wondered exactly how deep or high up Elizabeth’s influence went. If she just chloroformed Elizabeth, could she put an end to this right now or would she find herself in deeper trouble. Her thoughts were interrupted by Elizabeth signalling to her. Getting up Hayley noted that the prison officers had stepped just a couple of yards outside the cell. Hayley handed Elizabeth a cloth and took a deep breath.

“Time to get the show on the road.” Hayley and Elizabeth both snuck up behind their respective chosen targets and pounced on the prison officers, simultaneously grabbing them and clamping a cloth over the lower half of their faces. Hayley knew now that the prison officers were in in the escape plan but even thought they knew what was going on when attacked like this is was an obvious reaction to resist for a bit and both officers flailed away for a bit as Elizabeth and Hayley dragged them back into the cell. Once inside the cell both prison officers seemed to remember what was going on and reduced their struggling significantly, then the chloroform kicked in and they had no choice about the amount of struggling that they could do. The drug took the fight away and they eventually they went out and Elizabeth and Hayley lowered them onto the ground. “Strip your guard.”

“Alright, think I know where this is going.” They stripped the guards and then set about taking off their own clothes.

“Hope you kept chloroform for the other prisoners?”

“What do you mean?” Hayley asked.

“Should have enough tape to tie them up,” Elizabeth responded without answering Hayley’s question.

“Why do we have tie them all up? Can we not just keep them locked in their cells?” Hayley asked. “Surely this is just costing us valuable time?”

“Unfortunately, we can’t escape with the locks engaged and the doors don’t open independently. It’s all or none.” Elizabeth explained to Hayley as she finished stripping off the prison scrubs and dumped them on the ground. “It is better for them if they are found restrained, proves that they weren’t involved.” Hayley found herself nodding at the logic as she stripped out the door suit and diaper. After putting on the uniforms Elizbeth tossed Hayley a roll of silver duct tape. “Wrists behind the back, ankles and thighs.” Hayley nodded and set about securing the unconscious prison officer. “Gag her as well. You will have to improvise of some stuffing.” Hayley looked around and seeing nothing shrugged. “Panties, Hayley. Use her underwear.” A shiver went through Hayley’s spine as she slipped off the underwear and stuffed them into the prison officer’s mouth. A couple of wraps of tape over the mouth and around the head keep them firmly in place. When the prison officers had been bound, they were inserted inside the bags Hayley and Elizabeth sealed in. Hayley and Elizabeth then exited their own cell and walked to the first cell along from theirs and with the electronic lock disengaged entered. “Evening Rose,” Elizabeth said, “time for that thing we talked about.” The woman was slightly older and had a cell of her own. “Rose runs things on this block and has done me some favours with the organisation of this escapade.” Hayley nodded a greeting as she looked around the cell.

“So, its that time,” Rose asked. Elizabeth nodded. “Those unforms fit you both quite well.”

“They do,” Elizabeth said looking herself up and down. “Almost as if we picked those officers on purpose.”

“Good luck with the escape,” Rose offered. Elizabeth nodded a silent acknowledgement. Rose lay down on her cot and put her hands in the small of her back. Hayley wasted no time in wrapping the duct tape around them several times. As Hayley moved onto Rose’s ankles and started to tape those together Suddenly Elizbeth clamped a thick white cloth over Rose’s nose and mouth. “MMUUPPHH, RRUUPPHH,” the woman screamed into the cloth and began to struggle in an attempt to remove the cloth and get free. “Quickly, pin her down,” Elizabeth said to Hayley who had just finished binding Rose’s ankles together using duct tape. Hayley pinned the woman’s legs as she bucked and tried to shake off the cloth.

“No point in fighting Rose,” Hayley said. “You are not going to escape from this.” Hayley held on and as Elizbeth kept applying the cloth and you could feel the fight start to drain away from Rose. “I guess you didn’t mention being sedated with a chemical laced cloth to her in your plan,” Hayley said sarcastically whilst she used her bodyweight to pin the thrashing Rose down on the cot.

“uummppff, mmpphhh,” Rose moaned into the cloth as the fight started to drain out of the bound woman. Then after another thirty seconds or so the struggling stopped completely and them there was a soft moan and Rose went limp.

“I assume we aren’t going to panty gag her,” Hayley said wiping her brow as she stood straight back up. Elizabeth shook her head.

“Wouldn’t want to annoy her with that,” Elizabeth said as she tore off a strip of silver tape and pressed it over Rose’s lips. “Panty gags only for the guards.” Hayley nodded. With the first inmate secured Elizabeth and Hayley moved onto the second cell and repeated the same procedure with the inmate in the next cell, and the next and the next. By the time they had gotten along to the fifth cell they had fallen into a rhythm which meant that they were extremely efficient. That was helped by the fact that Hayley was now expecting Elizabeth to apply a chloroformed-soaked cloth. After they had finished securing the rest of the inmates, they hustled toward the door out of their wing. “Now, this security card,” Elizabeth explained, “will only get us so far. It’s a security thing. We will need some further help.”

“Why did I agree to this…” Hayley trailed off as Elizabeth used the card to open a series of doors along a corridor that was painted blue half way up and then white.

“Don’t worry I have this all under control.” They went through another door into an almost identical corridor. At the end of the corridor was a control roof with a female guard sitting at a desk visible through the glass. Elizabeth picked up the pace and burst through the door into the room with Hayley a couple of paces behind.

“Don’t hurt me,” the female prison officer said as she held up her hands. The woman was late thirties with short black hair and green eyes.

“Oh, I appreciate you playing the part but put your hands down. You look ridiculous.” Elizabeth said. The woman looked around before lowering her hands. “Give us the card.” The woman went into her pocket and tossed Elizabeth a security card. “Thanks. Everything else going to plan. All quiet.” The prison officer nodded. “Great, Hayley meet Nadine. She is going to help us with the nest part of this plan.” Hayley nodded.

"One thing I do have to ask you," the prison guard said, "When you go from here, how will you leave me? Will I be tied and gagged? It had better be convincing.”

“Well, yes, you will be bound and gagged,” Elizabeth replied. “And in terms of making it look good we can do a little better than just bound and gagged.” Elizabeth nodded and Hayley approached the woman.

“Stand up and turn around,” Hayley instructed and the woman complied.

“What do you mean?” the prison guard as Hayley ripped the tape from the role. “There are some plastic cuffs in that cupboard.” Elizabeth nodded and grabbed two sets and handed them to Hayley who used the first set to secure her wrists together. “Ow!” Nadine cried. “That’s tight.”

“You wanted realistic,” Hayley commented feeling no sympathy for someone who was betraying their position of authority. After forcing the woman down to the floor Hayley used the second set of cuffs to secure the woman’s ankles together. The guard checked her bonds. “Seems tight enough.”

“Anything that we can gag you with?” Elizabeth asked.

“Desk drawer, some handkerchiefs.” Elizabeth retrieved the two white handkerchiefs and handed them to Hayley who was kneeling behind the guard.

“Open wide.” Hayley balled up the two handkerchiefs and stuffed them into the guard’s mouth.

“uummppff, mmuupphh,” Nadine moaned and then Elizabeth wrapped the silver duct tape around Nadine’s head. As Elizabeth was completing the gag Hayley picked up a large, soft white cloth and poured a sizeable amount of the chloroform onto it. The prison officer looked at it with distaste. “Look, it’s the best available, my own formula. You'll sleep like baby for an hour or two with no nasty side effects. Probably closer to two as I assume you haven’t had the pleasure before.” The prison officer looked at the cloth poised in Hayley’s hand and then back at Elizabeth, who nodded at Hayley who then applied the cloth over the prison guard’s nose and mouth. “Now, being chloroformed is not something that happens quickly my dear Nadine, not like in the movies where all it takes is a quick press of a handkerchief over some damsels nose and mouth. It is a slow process. Not only did method of application of the drug require that the woman inhale deeply numerous times, it required the cloth used be freshly dosed with the chloroform. Also, it requires that the cloth be kept over the mouth and nose for at least a around ninety seconds to get the full effect. That is no small task when the person is fighting off an attacker but fortunately for us all in this case you are happy to submit to being drugged and with your hands bound there would be no point in struggling anyway. The cloth and the hand holding it also serves as a gag to stifle persons cries for help, the handkerchief that Hayley stuffed in your mouth earlier also helps. The attempts to cry out actually benefit the attacker because to yell requires an intake of air, but with the chloroforming cloth over the mouth and nose any attempt to scream results in the person inhaling the chloroform. All of the advantages are with the person administering the drug-soaked cloth.”

“I forgot how much you like a speech,” Hayley said whilst still holding the cloth in place. The prison guard, or Nadine as Hayley know knew that woman was called was that engrossed with Elizabeth’s speech that she hardly noticed the effects that the drug was having in her, Hayley could tell as she had to take more and more of Nadine’s weight.

“MMMMOOOOHHHH,” Nadine moaned into the cloth as strength disappeared and she fell backwards with Hayley carefully lowering her down to the floor but kept the cloth in place. Elizabeth loomed over the guard as she was being put to sleep.

"This will be goodbye then. It's been a long four months but it could have been a lot worse. Thank you for your co-operation," Elizabeth smiled. “Breathe deeply now and you'll go out quicker, just breath it in and be carried off to a wonderful dreamland "

"MMMMPPPPHHHHMMMMPPPP," the prison guard moaned into the cloth as her eye lids finally closed and she finally drifted off. Hayley removed the cloth and grabbed the duct tape to bind Nadine’s thighs.

“Where to now?” Hayley asked.

“The infirmary.” The two would be escapees hustled along the warren of identical corridors with Elizabeth in the lead.

“Did you memorise plans of this place?” Hayley asked.

“Yes, I have.” Elizabeth responded. “There isn’t much else to do with your time in here.” Hayley had to concede that point. It took less than ten minutes for them to reach the correct corridor. “It’s just down here on the left. As soon as they entered the infirmary Hayley knew there was an issue by the look on Elizabeth’s face. Something was not according to plan. There were two figures bent down packing away supplied into boxes and bags.

“Problem.” Hayley hissed as they came to a halt in the doorway.

“I had something arranged and it wasn’t with these two,” Elizabeth said.

“What?” Hayley asked.

“I had an arrangement with the regular doctor to get me out but she isn’t her!” Elizabeth hissed. “We have to take these two out and take their uniforms to get out of here.”

“What can we do for you officers?” the pretty doctor asked with a wide smile. The woman gad long auburn hair tied up in a bun. It was too late to turn back now. That would look even more suspicious.

“Where is Doctor White?” Elizabeth asked conversationally.

“He took ill suddenly this afternoon and I was asked to step in and take the clinic at the last minute,”

“Do you need a hand packing up?” Elizabeth asked.

“Actually, that would be great,” the doctor replied. “It has been a long shift.”

“No problem,” Elizabeth replied. She looked at Hayley and shrugged.

“If one of you could help nurse Swift through in the store room and the other could help me finish up in here that would be great.” Hayley glanced at Elizabeth who tilted her head and set off after nurse Swift. As she walked past the table Hayley noted that Elizabeth grabbed a bag of cotton wool before following the young nurse through to the rear stock room. That obviously left Hayley with the task of dealing with the doctor. Hayley locked eyes with the doctor and smiled nervously.

Once in the other room Elizabeth closed the door behind her. On hearing that the young nurse turned around. “What do you need me to do?” Elizabeth asked looking closely at the woman’s nameplate, “April.”

“Um,” just need these bandages and plasters unpacked from these boxes,” April pointed at the boxes, “onto these shelves,” April pointed at some shelves. “I will sort out some other supplies over in the corner.” Elizabeth smiled and started to open the boxes. The young nurse moved away and started with her own task. Elizabeth pretended to be busy until she could see that April was engrossed in her own work. Then she began to make a pad out of the cotton wool pleats that she had lifted and poured the last of their chloroform onto them.


Suddenly April was grabbed from behind whilst at the same time a thick wad of cotton wool was firmly pressed over her nose and mouth. For the first few seconds, April, the young nurse didn't realize the purpose of the cotton wool over her lower face. Obviously, it was supposed to stifle her screams, which it did with the assistance of the hand that had a vice grip on her lower face. Her initial response was, of course, to scream. When she inhaled was when April noticed the sweet odour and the dampness on the cotton wool. But it wasn't until about twenty or so seconds into the struggle when her body began to feel weak that she realized the ultimate purpose of the cotton wool. It was administering some sort of sedative. Being a nurse, April was familiar all sorts of sedatives and their effects, it had to be chloroform. In a moment, that was confirmed. "Breathe deeply, April," the guard whispered, "Don't struggle, dear. It's pointless. The chloroform will put you to sleep anyway. We mean you no harm, my colleague and I just need to borrow your uniforms." The guard was talking to her like she was a girlfriend talking about the weather. But April did struggle, with all of her might. Nothing good came of being sedated, and chloroform was old fashioned and had side effects, although this chloroform had a different scent than she would have expected from what she had read. But the more April struggled, the more she inhaled. Her vision started fading in and out as she fought to keep her eyes open. The guard continued to whisper comforting words into her ear up until April lost her battle with the chloroform as her eyes fluttered and closed and her body relaxed fully.


Hayley now found herself dressed as a nurse whilst Elizabeth shrugged on the white jacket belonging to the doctor. Hayley looked down on the floor where the doctor and the nurse were lying bound and gagged on the floor, sleeping off the effects of being rendered unconscious with chloroform. Hayley had been running out of things to chat about with the doctor before Elizabeth had pounced with the last of the chloroform and knocked her out. After stripping the women of their uniforms Elizabeth and Hayley had used a lot of white micro foam tape to securing bind and they gag both unconscious women. “This might actually work better,” Elizabeth commented.

“My uniform is a bit tight...” Hayley commented looking down at her bust.

“Stop flaunting those orbs of delight in people’s faces Hayley,” Elizabeth said with a smile. “I keep telling you.” Hayley sighed. “Grab some of those samples and let’s get going.” Hayley picked up a box containing clear bags of test tubes and jars and fell in behind Elizabeth. They confidently made their way through the remainder of the facility until they were at the final door that led to the outside courtyard. “Stay quiet and look confident.” Elizabeth strode toward the door and the guard station that controlled access.

“That you off doc?” a female guard said.

“Finished for now, murder trying to catalogue those samples and supplies.” The guard nodded and there was a buzzing noise as the door opened. “Thanks,” Elizabeth said and hurried out of the door, closely followed by Hayley. Once the door had closed one guard turned to the other.

“Did you see the rack on that nurse?” The other one nodded and made a rude gesture with her fingers before they both fell about laughing. “Remind me to check when she is back in. Random full body search will be required.”

Outside Elizabeth paused and took a deep breathe which allowed Hayley to pull alongside her. “We aren’t out of the woods yet Elizabeth.” Elizabeth nodded and looked around.

“There is our way out.” Elizabeth set off toward an ambulance with Hayley scurrying after her. As they approached the ambulance Elizabeth used the keys to unlock the vehicle and opened the rear doors. “Get inside.” Hayley jumped up and got inside the rear of the ambulance and Elizabeth followed behind. “Lie down on the gurney Hayley.”

“Eh?” Hayley gave Elizabeth a look.

“Just do it.” Hayley dumped the box of sampled and got onto the gurney before laying down with her head on the pillow. Elizabeth moved around and found the padded leather restraints and set about using them to secure Hayley in place.

“Are you serious?” Hayley asked.

“Totally.” Elizabeth confirmed as she secured Hayley’s left wrist with the first strap and then her right with the second. “Just because you have helped out to this point doesn’t mean that I trust you.” Elizabeth gave Hayley an icy stare. “I have been here before.” Hayley stared at the ceiling of the ambulance in frustration as Elizabeth secured her ankles to the gurney. There was a couple of minutes of silence until Elizabeth loomed into Hayley’s vision. “Open up.” Hayley sighed but complied and found her mouth full of soft fabric before a large square section of micro foam tape was pressed over her lips. “Just you stay quiet and enjoy the ride.”

“mmpphhff,” Hayley confirmed. Elizabeth jumped into the cab and started the engine. From her position in the rear of the vehicle Hayley couldn’t tell what was going on and had to make do with the vehicle starting and stopping until two minutes after the final stop Elizabeth let out a cheer.

“FREEDOM!” she cheered from the cab. “Hayley, that’s us out of sight of the prison. Should at least have a three-hour head start. Just you relax and enjoy the ride.” Hayley moaned into her gag and shook her head. Just out of curiosity she gave her restraints a try but they were solid. Nothing for it but to enjoy the ride to wherever Elizabeth was taking them.
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Post by Windrunner »

Code: Select all

“FREEDOM!” she cheered from the cab. “Hayley, that’s us out of sight of the prison.
While she certainly seems to be having a streak of good luck right now, I have to wonder how long it will last!

Great writing as always, [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] and looking forward to more!
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Thanks for the positive comments! Always welcome.

Who knows what happens next!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 93

Location with a two-hour drive of prison

Although Hayley couldn’t see what was going on she could tell that they were now off tarmacked roads. About five minutes ago they had made a turn and had started climbing, the axles and suspension moving to take account of the uneven road surfaces. Unless she was mistaken Elizabeth was whistling merrily as she steered the vehicle over the various bumps. Hayley was being bumped and through around, well as much as the restraints allowed, until the ambulance stopped and the engine died. It seemed that they had reached their destination. Then Elizabeth appeared from the cab. “Almost time now Hayley. I will let you out of those restraints but you have to behave and put your hands behind your back.” After shaking her head Hayley nodded her agreement. Once the restraints had been removed Hayley placed her hands behind her back and Elizabeth wrapped her wrists together with tape. After a quick glance at the watch that she had taken from the doctor Elizabeth sat down. “Shouldn’t be too long now.”

The two women sat in silence until Hayley heard the faint sound of an engine approaching. “Shall we see who that is?” Elizabeth asked as she got up and opened the rear doors of the ambulance. The noise of the engine increased, cutting through the still night air. Elizabeth helped Hayley to her feet and out of the vehicle. Hayley looked around and saw that they were parked in a clearing in dense woods. There was a small hut in the centre but not much else. Perhaps, it was some kind of summer hunting station. Then through the gloom Hayley saw a set of headlights approaching through the small gaps in the trees and undergrowth. A couple of minutes later the lights entered the clearing and the vehicle stopped and turned the lights off. It was a battered green four-wheel drive. The kind of vehicle that wouldn’t get a second glance in this kind of area. Three doors opened and four figures exited the vehicle and started to walk across the clearing toward them. In the gloom it was hard to make out features but once they were close enough Hayley reacted.


“Would you calm down Hayley,” Elizabeth instructed. “A pleasure to see you again Harper.” It wasn’t Harper that Hayley had reacted to, nor Yelena or Gisele but the fourth figure, the bound and gagged Jaclyn Sanders.

“You managed to escape alright then?” Harper asked.

“It didn’t go entirely to plan but with a little help and luck we got there,” Elizabeth replied. “Didn’t we Hayley?” Hayley ignored the question and stared at Jaclyn Sanders. The older woman winked backed. “What about your side?”

“Smooth, no problems. The helicopter is at a small airfield twenty minutes away,” Harper confirmed. Elizabeth held up her hand to stop Harper going any further.

“Shouldn’t let these two hear any more of the plan.”

“Wait, you are letting them go?” Harper commented, clearly bemused.

“I am a woman of my word,” Elizabeth said. “We will knock them out and leave the bound and gagged in the ambulance.”

“MMMPPHH!” Hayley complained.

“Don’t be a drama queen Hayley. They will find you relatively quickly.” Elizabeth nodded toward Yelena who had control of Jaclyn. “If you could see to that I would be grateful and then we can get going. Don’t want to hang around any longer than necessary.” Yelena walked across and grabbed Hayley upper arm. The large Russia’s grip wasn’t any lighter than Hayley remembered as she pushed the two bound and gagged women toward the ambulance. Jaclyn and Hayley glanced at each other and shrugged their shoulders. No point in resisting now. Then just as they were half way to the ambulance the silence was shattered.




“Hands up!” Police officers appeared from all directions brandishing weapons. Yelena let go of both woman and turned around to see Police coming at them from all directions. “On the ground now!” Yelena thought about running before deciding against it and then putting her hands up, then going down on her knees and finally lying face down on the ground. A split second later two officers were on her, cuffing her wrists behind her back. Hayley looked around, it seemed that the police were swarming from everywhere. There must have been a dozen around Harper, Gisele and Elizabeth forcing them onto the ground and securing them with cuffs.

“MMPPUUMM?” Jaclyn mumbled. Hayley just raised her eyebrows. Then through the mass of police officers Natalie Twain appeared.

“This must make double figures that I have saved your cute ass King,” Natalie said. “Maybe I should just take you home like that.”

“mmpphh,” Hayley replied and turned around. Natalie made short work of the tape around Hayley’s wrists. With her wrists now free this allowed Hayley to remove the tape from over her mouth and expel the wadded-up handkerchief in her mouth. “What kept you?”

“All about timing,” Natalie replied as she freed Jaclyn Sanders from her bindings.

“I could say the same about you Hayley,” Jaclyn commented. The two women shared a warm embrace. “Shall we go and see what our good friend has to say for herself now.” Hayley nodded and the three of them walked across to where a group of officers were taking very careful care of Elizabeth Crawford and the other prisoners. The police were getting organised now, securing the area and searching the vehicles. The sound of approaching engines heralded the arrival of the police vehicles at the site. “Nice to finally see you in handcuffs Elizabeth.”

“Makes a change from you being restrained Jaclyn,” Elizabeth replied with a hint of sarcasm. “But you did need a lot of help to switch the roles.”

“What counts is who is which position at the end of the story,” Hayley commented.

“Take them away,” Natalie instructed to the officers surrounding Elizabeth, Harper and Gisele. The police vehicles were now piling into the clearing. One of them was a prisoner transport and the women was herded toward it.

“How did they know where we were?” Elizabeth asked as she was being dragged away.

“Embedded tracker,” Hayley said lifting up her arm. “Under the armpit. Top level stuff.” Elizabeth gave Hayley a look that had a bit of impressed teacher in it.

“Am I glad to see you,” Hayley said as she embraced Jaclyn Sanders again.

“I need a drink,” Jaclyn whispered into Hayley’s ear.

“Don’t think that there will be anything open locally but sure the hotel will have a minibar,” Natalie chipped in having overheard. “Let me give you a lift, only half an hour away.” As they walked toward where a plain blue police vehicle had been parked Elizabeth Crawford called out over the clearing.

“Are you sure this is the end of the story Hayley…” Hayley paused as a chill ran down her spine.
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Post by mrjones2009 »


East Coast of the United States

12 months later - Natalie & Charlotte’s Wedding

The Big Day had finally arrived Hayley thought as entered the reception area after checking the final arrangements with the staff at the venue, a converted country estate an hour’s drive from the city. It was a beautiful setting and the photographs would be spectacular in the grounds. The event felt like a celebration of the cumulation of twelve months of hard work after which they could all put the Elizabeth Crawford affair behind them and move on with their lives. After the legal complexities had been finalised Hayley had re-joined the police force and had partnered up again with Natalie in the Major Crimes Unit. As part of that deal Hayley had insisted that they were both involved heavily involved in the subsequent investigations. The information supplied by those within Elizabeth Crawford’s organisation and The Broker’s files had led to the arrest of hundreds of criminals worldwide involved in trafficking, financial fraud and other illegal activities and Hayley and Natalie made sure they were involved in any operation in the United States. Hayley picked a flute of champagne from a waiter’s tray and headed over toward Christina, which wasn’t that easy given the large bell style dress that she was wearing. Hayley had almost fallen off her chair when Natalie had shown her the design for the dresses that she had made for bridesmaids. They were lovely, however stylistically they did resemble the dresses worn by Elizabeth Crawford’s operatives on the island. Not that Hayley was that bother as she loved wearing this style of dress, it made her feel very feminine, attractive and confident. In addition, Natalie had selected a lovely shade of blue that complimented her perfectly. “Cheers,” Hayley greeted Christina and raised her glass. The woman responded with a broad grin and tapped her glass against Hayley’s before they both took a sip.

“Really good turnout,” Christina commented. “Very happy for them.”

“Indeed,” Hayley replied as she glanced around. “How goes it at the Bureau?” After the disbandment of the Section Danielle Snow had got a job as a technician with the local field office of the FBI and had suggested to the SAC that they take on Christina when an opening came up with the Missing Persons Unit. To say Christina was shocked to get the telephone call that asked her to go in for the meeting would have been an understatement. With her background Christina couldn’t be an agent but was employed as a consultant, it was a gamble for both sides but it had paid off handsomely with a couple of high-profile wins that had seen Christina’s assistance requested by other offices across the country.

“They still won’t let me have a gun,” Christina said with a smile. “You look great.” Hayley noted that Christian arched an eyebrow when she made that comment.

“I know, I know,” Hayley replied. “Not got a plus one then?” Christina shrugged and the two women entered a conversation about their respective love lives before moving onto other topics until Christina indicated toward something with her chin over Hayley’s shoulder.

“Who is that with Jaclyn?” Christina asked. Hayley twisted her neck to get a look at the entrance and saw Jaclyn Sanders enter with a young woman of around eighteen.

“No idea, but there is one way to find out,” Hayley waived to get Jaclyn’s attention and beckoned her over. “Glad that you could make it,” Hayley said as she pecked Jaclyn on each cheek.

“The place looks great. It should be a good day.”

“Who is your plus one?” Hayley asked turning her attention to the young woman standing beside Jaclyn.

“Hayley, Christina, I would like you to meet my daughter, April.” Hayley’s jaw almost hit the ground as the news was greeted by a stunned silence. “I know that this will come as a shock but with our line of work I thought that it would be best if as few people as possible knew about April. Now that I have retired that has become less of an issue.” The Section had been shut down following a full investigation into its activities decided that it would be better for everyone if that was what happened. The Headquarters had formally shut three months ago when it’s last two permanent residents Kirsty and Constance were released. With the knowledge that she had of criminal organisations and activities across the globe Kirsty had been able to negotiate a very good deal for herself with the help of her lawyer. In exchange for telling everything that she knew Kirsty was granted immunity from prosecution. On the other hand, Constance wasn’t so lucky. The young woman had Hayley to lobby on her behalf and Kirsty used her influence as best she could. It ended with Constance getting a two-year sentence which the authorities agreed that she could serve at an institution of her choice. Kirsty advised Constance to pick the Section Headquarters which wasn’t against the wording of the agreement but maybe the spirit. As a show of solidarity Kirsty had willingly agreed to serve the sentence with Constance. A lot of people had commented that had been a nice gesture, Christina had thought it was the least that Kirsty deserved. Constance had been granted an early release following good behaviour.

“Nice to meet you ladies,” April said with a warm smile. Hayley looked and Christina.

“Why don’t we get a drink and let Hayley and your mum catch up,” Christina said as she ushered April away.

“Non-alcoholic,” Jaclyn called after them before turning her attention back to Hayley. “Look, I know that I never mentioned April before but I wanted to keep her safe.”

“I know this is a personal question…” Hayley started before feeling awkward and stopping.

“But; I have never been married so who is April’s father?” Jaclyn suggested. Hayley nodded. “That is a discussion for another time and place.” Suddenly there was a slight uncomfortable feel between the two women. “How is Natalie?”

“Nervous, like any bride on the day I suppose.” The two of them chatted, catching up. When Christina and April returned the conversation tuned to April and what she was up too, she was about to enter sophomore year at college. Noticing that her flute was now empty Hayley excused herself. “I had better mingle with the other guests.” As she moved away and grabbed another flute of champagne Hayley noticed Elise Rodgers and made her way across.

“Wow, you look unbelievable,” Elise said to Hayley as she approached.

“Thank you,” Hayley replied taking in Elise. By her own admission she had been a bit of a tomboy but her ‘people’ had obviously gotten hold of her and she was a woman transformed, hence the romantic link to the leading actor in the latest Hollywood young adult film. “No hunk today?” Hayley asked and the young woman blushed. Elise Rodgers had written a bestselling book based on the Elizabeth Crawford saga as it had come to be known by the small group of friends involved. They had all contributed toward the book and in return Elise had generously agreed to split half of her royalties between everyone. Unfortunately for Kirsty and Constance their convictions meant that they couldn’t benefit financially so their share was going to charity. In the book the names of those that wanted it had been changed. Her follow up book was about two tough female cops taking on the criminal underworld. Hayley had read the draft and made some comments. It was an excellent read and would no doubt sell well. During their chat Hayley mentioned that Christina may be able to help with some ideas for her next novel and Elise moved off to ask some questions.

“Hello,” Hayley heard a familiar voice call. She spun around to find Jasmine Lockspeiser standing behind her. “I love the dress,” she commented.

“Thanks Jasmine,” Hayley replied. “Great that you could make it.”

“Wouldn’t have missed it for the world.” The actress leaned in close. “I see that you were speaking to Elise?”

“Yes, just catching up.”

“Well, to let you know my production company has secured the rights to Elise’s book.”

“That’s interesting,” Hayley commented.

“It actually happened a while ago but we have been keeping it under wraps. The plan in for a ten-part one off series. It is all very exciting. The scripts are almost finished and now that the investigations have been finished, we can use the actual locations.” Jasmine looked around to make sure that nobody was listening in. “Catherine Zeta Jones has agreed to play Elizabeth Crawford. Even better Megan Fox is playing Natalie and Emily Ratajkowski had been lined up to play Kirsty.”

“Who is playing the part that I had in this whole thing?” Hayley asked.

“Not found anybody that could pull it off yet,” Jasmine replied. “Suspect that it may be an unknown following casting process.”

“Why don’t you do it?” Hayley said with a broad smile.

“I couldn’t do you justice,” Jasmine replied. “Anyway, I am planning to take one of the smaller rolls, perhaps Louise or Natascha. Depends on how I feel at decision time or how we can round out the cast. Shonali Khan is taking a part as well.” When she had found out about her mother’s other business interests Shonali had quit India and headed to Hollywood to try and make a name for herself. By all accounts she was succeeding, picking up small but acclaimed roles in a couple of films and a one-off television special. “I will go and grab Elise to discuss a couple of matter but we can catch up later.”

“Will do,” Hayley replied. “I need to have a word with Gabriela.” The tall former International Financial Fraud operative Gabriela Vasquez was standing with her fiancé, Tony, a tall and handsome professional baseball player. “How is the bump?” Hayley asked. The couple exchanged glances and smiled before Tony nodded.

“Bumps,” Gabriela replied. “It’s twins.” Hayley congratulated and hugged both of them.

“Does Auntie Charlotte know?”

“Not yet,” Tony said beaming. Gabriela had decided to give America a try and had been appointed as an internal security advisor with one of America’s largest banks. The couple had met at a charity fundraiser and instantly hit if off. Tony was patron of numerous charities and they had bought a nice house recently just ten minutes from Natalie and Charlotte. With their royalties from Elise’s book they had bought a nice house in the suburbs and now had two Labradors and a cat. The house diagonally across had gone on the market with the same relator that sold Natalie and Charlotte their place and they had nagged Hayley to buy it, which she eventually did despite complaints that it was too big. However, the extra rooms had allowed her to let Kirsty and Constance move in once their sentences had finished. After a brief chat with Gabriela and Tony, Hayley made her excuses and wandered over to see Lucas, her former partner in her Private Investigation Firm. Lucas was standing with Danielle, Rhiannon and two of Natalie and Hayley’s fellow police officers and wasn’t paying attention, her was staring at Sasha Conteh. “Go and talk to her then,” Hayley said and gave him a nudge with her hip.

“Sorry, what Hayley, who….” Lucas stammered.

“Look you obviously find her attractive. Your eyes haven’t left her and it is obviously not just man look at woman.” That was true, Constance was in the room and if a man was just wanted something to look at, it would be her. “Excuse us for a minute,” Hayley said to the rest of the group and grabbing Lucas by the hand dragged him across to where Sasha was standing. “Sasha meet Lucas,” Hayley made one introduction. “Lucas, this is Sasha.” Then the other before leaving them to it. “Have a drink, get to know each other.” As she left them to chat it dawned on her that she really should make sure that they were sitting next to each other during dinner.

Heading for the dining room to make the alteration to the place names Hayley glanced around and saw that her boyfriend, or was partner more mature, Jack was standing in a group with her dad, Kirsty, Constance and Gayle. As she watched them Hayley noticed that Jack and her dad broke away a couple of steps to have a private chat before they shook hands, which she thought a little strange. Hayley had actually met Jack about nine months ago. They had met in bar when Hayley had been left alone and had overindulged slightly. He had stepped in when another guy had gotten a bit to friendly and stopped Hayley from making a big mistake, which was nice as he wasn’t a big guy. Jack was average height, average build and would not have stood out in a crowd. They had another drink and talked before they ended up back at his place. It was definitely the drink as Hayley was looking to have sex but whilst they were taking on his couch Hayley had started crying and he has just held her until she had fallen asleep on the couch. The next morning, she had woken up in his bed, when she had walked through to the living room Hayley had found him packing up a sleeping bag and pillow. He had obviously slept on the floor. “Do you need to talk about something?” he asked. Hayley couldn’t speak, she just nodded. For example, just this morning Hayley had opened the wardrobe and admitted to herself that something wasn’t right. Looking at top shelve there were several piles of adult diapers, in white, black, pink and blue. She didn’t know what it was, some would have said a fetish but it wasn’t that, she just felt comfortable and secure when she wore them. Not that she wore them all the time, just when it was useful. Like when she had been on a stakeout recently. Hayley selected a blue diaper and went to put it on, it would match her bridesmaid dress. That morning Jack had just let her talk and listened then given her the number of a friend who was a therapist. He had even paid for her taxi home, no strings attached. A couple of weeks later Hayley realised that she had been thinking about him a lot and went back to the bar to track him down. The barmaid had identified him quickly when Hayley had described him. The barmaid had advised her to come back on Thursday when the darts league was on, then warned Hayley not to mess with him as he was ‘one of the good guys.’ Hayley just nodded and left. She had indeed come back that Thursday and the rest was history.

“Well, sorry for standing in your way!” The voice alerted Hayley to the fact that she had been daydreaming. “Why had you got a goofy smile on your face?” Hayley looked around and hugged Natascha Taylor.

“Not from seeing you,” Hayley replied taking a step back. “You look great.” Natascha was recovering well after her ordeal at the hands of Elizabeth Crawford’s crew and then being brainwashed by a sinister psychologist at a rest home on orders of the former head of British Intelligence. Hayley looked at the two large bags that Natascha had trailed in. “You here for a month?”

“Hopefully longer than that.” Hayley just looked at her friend who nodded. Then the women embraced again. Hayley had been trying to convince Natascha to move over to American for months and had even lined up a part-time job lecturing at Gayle’s college for her. It had seemed that Natascha had finally relented.

“Come here, there is someone that I want you to meet.” Hayley grabbed Natascha by the hand and led her across the room toward her dad, Jack, Kirsty and Constance. As she approached the group Hayley delved into the bag that she was carrying and removed a set of keys. “Hello everyone, look who arrived.” They all said hello and Hayley made the introductions. “I am glad that you are getting on so well as Jack I wanted to give you this,” Hayley opened her hand to reveal a set of keys. “Would you like to move in?”

“I can do better than that,” Jack replied and went down on one knee, slipping a small box from the inside pocket of his suit jacket. “Hayley, you are without doubt the most amazing, wonderful and beautiful person that I have ever met and would be honoured if you agreed to be my wife.” There was silence around the room as Hayley felt everyone’s eyes on her.
The Big Day had arrived quicker than Natalie thought it would. When they had found the venue and made the booking the date had seemed so far away but it was now here, perhaps it was all of the running about making the arrangements that had made the time seem to time seem to pass so quickly. The venue was an old stately home half an hour from the city that catered to weddings and other events, conferences and somewhat bizarrely funerals. The gardens were beautiful and would look great in the photographs. Natalie was currently dealing with pre-service nerves in a small private room toward the rear of the main house. Her single bridesmaid, Hayley, had just gone off to grab some water and check that the final arrangements were all in place but seemed to have got lost. Charlotte had her sister who had flown in from England for the occasion and Gabriela as bridesmaids. Looking in the mirror Natalie ran her hands down the smooth material on the outside of her large, gown style wedding dress, admiring the way that it looked on her. Natalie had surprised herself by going very traditional with the dress, which is something that she didn’t think that she would do. For a moment Natalie was reminded that the dress was similar to those worn by Elizabeth Crawford’s gang but quickly put that to the back of her mind. Her mind then drifted to what kind of dress Charlotte would be wearing, hoping that it would be similar to her own, before the sound of a light knock at the door caused her to spin round. “Hello, Hayley?” Natalie called softy when the door didn’t open immediately after the knock, although Natalie doubted if her good friend would have waited. Then the door opened and in came a woman wearing a large wedding dress, very similar to Natalie’s, the veil was heavy so Natalie couldn’t tell who it was but is could only be one person. “Charlotte, you shouldn’t be in here,” Natalie said quickly closing her eyes. “It’s considered bad luck.” The tone of Natalie’s voice showed that she was saying all of this playfully. Having closed her eyes Natalie was now relying on sound to tell her what was going on. There was the sound of swishing fabric and soft footsteps on the thick carpet. “You really should leave,” Natalie said as she heard the door shut. “Hayley will be back soon.” There was no response which Natalie strange and then her ears picked up what she thought were two distinctly separate sets of footsteps which she thought was strange, one of those sets made there was behind her. Natalie opened her eyes and found that the woman in the wedding dress was directly in front of her, a glance in the mirror confirmed that someone else in a wedding dress was standing behind her. Suddenly Natalie knew something was wrong but before she could react arms encircled her body from behind pinning both arms to her side. Natalie opened her mouth to shout but before she could do that the woman in front of her rammed a balled-up cloth into Natalie’s mouth, “HHUURRUUMMPPHH.”

“Quick, keep her quiet. Use the chloroform.” No sooner had the woman behind her uttered that phrase the woman produced as if from nowhere a soft, thick cloth and pressed over Natalie’s nose and mouth. When Natalie caught the now all too familiar whiff of chloroform, just before the damp cloth reached her face, another current of panic arced through her knowing that she had to escape. She thrashed against her attackers but they held firm, the woman wielding the cloth had clasped her free hand behind Natalie’s head, so that she couldn’t shake free of the fumes assaulting her senses, pressing her face deeper into the thick cloth.

“MMMMMM,” Natalie moaned as she was forced to inhale the fumes. The only thing that Natalie could hear was the rubbing of the fabric as the struggle caused all of their dresses to rub against each other. Having taken several deep breaths during the struggle Natalie could start to feel the chloroform take its toll, her movements became slower and her co-ordination was starting to be affected and that was when she knew that the fight was as good as over. Natalie was going out and there was nothing that she could do about it, then she took stole a quick glance at the door in the hope that salvation would burst through it. It was to prove a vain hope as Natalie continued to inhale the fumes her arms fell to her side and her eyelids were getting heavy, the women behind her had to support more and more of Natalie’s weight until Natalie’s eyes closed over and she slipped into unconsciousness.

“Is she out?” the woman behind asked.

“Yes,” the woman with the cloth said as she removed it and set it on the floor next to where they had lowered Natalie. “Get them in here,” the woman said to her partner nodding toward the door. The woman hurried over, opened the door just enough to look through before gesturing for someone to approach. She then held the door fully open that allowed a man and a woman to roll in a coffin on a gurney before closing it softly. “Let’s get this done quickly and smoothly.” The two women wearing the wedding dresses turned their back to the other woman who unzipped the dresses and helped the out of the dresses as the man unscrewed the lid of the coffin and lifted it off, revealing that it was empty. Once the two women had stepped out of the wedding dresses it revealed that underneath the white wedding dress, they were each wearing simple black dresses. The man leaned into the coffin and took out two bags which he flung at the two women. They both caught them and once open took out the contents, black shoes, handbags and jackets to match their dresses. As they were putting these one the woman with the coffin was bundling up the two wedding dresses and stuffing them into the coffin.

“Ready to go,” the man said as the two women that had attacked Natalie slipped on the black shoes, they both nodded a reply and walked over toward where Natalie lay on the floor. They gently lifted Natalie and put her inside the lusciously padded and silk lined coffin and then the man quickly lifted the lid and screwed it back in place.

“Let’s move,” the cloth wielding woman said as she opened the door and allowed the rest of the team to exit with the coffin before taking a final look around the room. Noticing the chloroform-soaked cloth lying on the floor she leaned down, picked it up and stuffed it into her small black bag. “Don’t want to leave that lying around.”
After glancing at her finger for the umpteenth time, Hayley realised that she had better get back to Natalie and make sure that nerves hadn’t gotten the better of her. Having confirmed that everything was in place with the staff, worked the room and then gotten engaged she had seen the large car with Charlotte inside pull up and had stopped to watch her get out. Once Charlotte and her two bridesmaids, her sister and cousin had exited the car Hayley smiled, they all looked stunning. Shaking her head Hayley turned away and walked along the corridor occasionally catching herself in the mirror and she had to admit she looked good, Natalie had picked a dress and colour that complemented her figure and skin tone perfectly.

Humming happily to herself Hayley turned the last corner onto the corridor where Natalie was waiting in a room. Just as she did, Hayley noticed someone turn the corner at the other end of the corridor. It was really the movement that caught Hayley’s eye, she couldn’t have told you anything about who is had been. Anyway, she reached the door and grabbed the handle. “Knock, knock,” Hayley said loudly just before she opened the door and stepped inside to find the room empty. Despite the room clearly being empty Hayley called out. “Hello, Natalie.” Taking a couple of steps inside Hayley left the door open and took a quick look around the room, then something caught the back of her throat, a faint whiff of a scent that sent a shiver up and down her spine. Shaking her head and telling herself that her mind was playing tricks on her she headed to track down Natalie, the first place to look would be the toilet.
High security prison, Omaha, somewhere in middle America

It seemed that she had been led through twenty security gates before being ushered into a small room with a table at the centre with two chairs sitting on opposite sides on the table. All three were bolted to the floor. The decoration was drab, peeling yellow and magnolia paint on the walls. It had been a long journey to get here, two flights and a car journey to what seemed like the middle of nowhere. That was if the middle of nowhere was surrounded by tall fences topped with razor wire with guard towers and mean looking dogs patrolling the areas between fences. There were three separate fences with check points at each that she had to pass through before she even reached the main building. Then there was another search at that point that included a full body scan before heading along through more doors and gates and into a lift for the journey down three stories below the surface. This was what it took to get into the most secure and secret prison on US soil. The solicitor took one of the chairs and waited for her new client to arrive. It wasn’t long before the door opened and a beefy guard entered the room, looked around before stepping aside and allowing a woman wearing a purple jumpsuit to shuffle in. The reason that she was shuffling was that her ankles were cuffed together, as were her wrists where were also attached to a leather belt around her waist. A second guard, this one a woman, escorted the prisoner into the room. “Is there any need for such heavy restraints?” the solicitor asked.

“They are for everyone’s protection ma’am,” the male guard said as his colleague helped the prisoner into the vacant seat across the table. “We will leave you ladies to get acquainted. Any problems and this bar along the wall,” the male guard indicated a thin black line that ran around the room, “is a panic bar. Hit it and we come running.”

“Thanks,” the solicitor responded, “but I am sure we will be just fine.” The solicitor watched as both guards left and the door was closed before turning to face her client. “Nice to meet you at last Miss Crawford.”

“A pleasure to meet you Miss Van Den Burgh. Your reputation proceeds you.”

“Thank you,” Naomi replied. “Now, should we get down to business.”

“How are you going to me out of here?” Elizabeth Crawford asked with a smile.

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Post by Caesar73 »

I see, have a lot of catching up to do :) I will begin at the end: This epilogue brings a fantastic story to the end and sets the stage for the next part of this saga. Alas no happy ending for Natalie: This is the most pressing question at the end: Who captured her? And there is our good old friend Elizabeth Crawford. I seriously doubt, that we haven´t seen the last of her, obviously Naomi van den Burgh is working on getting her out of jail ...
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Post by Caesar73 »

That Crawford would try to break out of prison was to be expected. That Harper would use Jacklyn as bait was clever. But Hayley played this very clever. Crawford did not expect the hidden transmitter.

But as the Epilogue clear shows: The Game is far from over. And with Natalies Abduction there seems to be a new player in town. It seems, that Crawford is not behind this. One good thing though: All the good guys are in the states.

Nothing Personal 5 is a fantastic Saga! Too bad it is over. But the epilogue leaves no doubt: More is to come!

Well done [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] !
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Post by Caesar73 »

Congratulations [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] This grandiose Saga has breached another barrier: Over 99 K now. When I read the epilogue again I see how many interesting characters you have created - and it is a pleasure to follow their ongoing trials and tribulations. I - for my part - are curious how married life will suit Hayley. It will be interesting what new challenges lie ahead of her and her friends. The most pressing questions for now, or better two actually: Who captured Natalie and will Crawford manage her escape. I am pretty sure the is hellbent on revenge. So Hayley and her friends should watch her back.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I have the feeling that very soon Congratulations may be on order - and rightly so - since this Saga will breach a magical barrier: 100 K

[mention]mrjones2009[/mention] I salute you!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Over 100,000 views! Thanks everyone for taking the time to read all or part of the story.

Hopefully you will all be glad to know (I will assume moans and groans are due to gags) that I am working on a 6th and Final installment.

All comments welcome.
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