Perils of the Magic Realms (F/F Overall) Ending and Epilogue added

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Post by DallasNotAustin »

Always happy to see it continued! Great work!
Your local catboy maid & sock enthusiast.

If you're reading this, you can do me a huge favor and have a great day!
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 29: The Witch’s Lair

Agatha guided her prisoners through her lair, it looked like it had seen better days, the paint was corroded, the stone was mossy and the few small windows let little light in, making the place almost completely dark.

Ferine’s mind was constantly planning, she saw an escaping opportunity on every corner they turner but Agatha always make sure to look at her over her shoulder, a stare that made it clear to Ferine that she knew perfectly well what she was thinking.

Ferine had her reasons for wanting to escape, not like the rest didn’t have them but she felt like she was the one that had it the worst, although that was arguable. The main reason Ferine thought that was because of what was shoved in her mouth, the balled stinky socks of Agatha, that tasted as horrible as they smelled. Needless to say all of this humiliation was too much for Ferine’s pride to take, she, the thief who had escaped thousands of imprisonments was now at the mercy of a witch and being humiliated in front of her friends.

Agatha stopped in front of a door and got distracted searching for a key in a key ring filled with them.

- Mpgh - Ferine muttered lowly to her friends.

Ann looked at Ferine over her shoulder and shook her head, she had a worried expression on her face. But Ferine could not blame her for being scared of Agatha, she had already seen what the witch was capable of and the situation was already dire enough, so she remained silent.

- Don’t even think about it - Said Agatha without even looking back.

The control Agatha seemed to have over the situation angered Ferine.

- Come in now, I won’t bite you... Yet - Said Agatha as she extended her hand towards the void that was the room she had opened the door to.

A brief second of nothingness followed, each adventurer expecting the other to take the first step but nobody did. Agatha cleared her throat to draw their attention and soon enough they all stepped forward and were submerged into the darkness.

Tension grew among the three adventurers as they became unable to see anything, but the light came back soon enough to reveal a not so pleasant sight. As all the candles on the walls lit a the same time the room was revealed, it wasn’t anything better in it’s cleanliness than the rest of the building but it’s contents were much different.

- Welcome to my favorite room girls - Said Agatha as she glanced over the room.

- Is this some kind of torture room? - Asked Ann fearful as she followed Agatha’s gaze.

Ann’s words were based in reality. One couldn’t help but look at this room and not be reminded of the inquisitor’s basement. Beds with straps and manacles, chains and manacles hanging from the walls and ceiling as well as a table filled with all types of instruments to help whoever was in charge in this room in its task.

- Well I don’t like to call it that - Said Agatha as she faced her prisoners - Although it certainly is - She smirked.

Ferine couldn’t take it anymore and tired to make a run, not having her knees tied she was certainly at an advantage over her friends but that didn’t help her. The door closed in front of Ferine just before she was going to go through it, the sudden stop made her lose her balance and fall to the floor.

- Mpghgggg! - Ferine grunted in pain on the floor.

- Trying to escape? - Asked Agatha as she looked down on Ferine - And you’re not even the one getting tortured!

- Mmh mghp! - Ferine tried to say something, but it was of course, unintelligible.

- Let’s get you comfortable dear, I want you to have a front row seat for this - Said Agatha as she lifted Ferine by the arm.

Agatha put the three adventurers in a line and looked at them, she liked the scene. She was having problems concentrating her attention on only one of her captives, she liked Ferine’s smaller frame and more petite height compared to their friend’s but in all honestly, what she liked the most about her was how much she was resisting. She liked Ann too, but since she was the first one she captured she had grown kind of used of her, but she couldn’t deny her beauty, her blue eyes looked better when filled with fear she thought. And finally Eyiel, who Agatha was very interested in, she liked the idea of this strong woman unable to use her power, subdued by someone weaker, and her still defiant face only made it better.

- Are you done already? - Asked Eyiel, bringing Agatha back from her daydreaming.

- No need to hurry, but if you insist I’ll start with you - Said Agatha.

- Start? - Asked Eyiel, confused by Agatha’s words.

- I was planning on asking who wants to be tied up first but it seems you’re really eager to get to it - Said Agatha - You must really like this.

- I don’t like this! - Said Eyiel, offended by how Agatha could think such thing.

Ferine could only roll her eyes at her friends falling for such trick.

Agatha struggled with Eyiel to pull her against a wall, it seemed her strength was even, or even lesser when paired against Eyiel’s.

- It seems I’ll have to resort to other methods dear - Said Agatha as she grabbed a small bag from the table.

- What? Too weak? - Asked Eyiel smugly.

- Yes and I’m not afraid to admit it - Said Agatha who approached Eyiel with the bag - You may be stronger than me but you’re still tied up, and you wont be escaping.

- Oh you... - Agatha quickly interupted Eyiel.

- Shhhh - Said Agatha as she pressed the bag against Eyiel’s face - No need to get so aggressive.

Eyiel fell asleep into Agatha’s arms rapidly, and the witch smiled as she saw the face of the sleeping amazon.

- What did you do to her!? - Asked Ann, worried for her friend.

- Don’t worry, she’s just sleeping - Said Agatha as she dragged Eyiel to one of the beds - She’s easier to work with this way.

Bed was too generous of a term for what Eyiel had just been laid on, the padding was insignificant and it was torn on some parts, revealing the hard dark wood that made the object.

- I’ll need you two to lay on the floor before I do this - Said Agatha as she pointed at Ferine and Ann.

- Wait, why? - Asked Ann.

- I’m going to untie her for a second, I can’t take any risks with you two - Said Agatha.

Ann sighed and obeyed, knowing that even if standing whatever she could do to stop her would be insignificant. She was pretty sure that this was more Agatha trying to humiliate them than taking security measures, but she didn’t care at this point. But Ferine did, and wasn’t going to comply to Agatha’s orders so simply, especially when they were meant just to humiliate her.

- Ferine don’t do this please - Ann pleaded to her friend from the floor.

Ferine ignored Ann and remained still, looking defiantly at Agatha.

- You should do as she says - Said Agatha - Her punishment is already considerable because of what you did, you wouldn’t want it to be even greater.

Ferine hesitated, she wanted to punch Agatha, she wanted her dead but she knew very well that she couldn’t do that, and she had abused Ann’s generosity too much already. So reluctantly Ferine got on her knees and laid on the floor.

- Good girl - Said Agatha.

The witch proceded to carefully untie Eyiel, undoing every knot and unbuckling every strap, she had to make sure that she was sleeping because if she wasn’t she could be in trouble. But she had nothing to worry about for soon enough Eyiel laid on the bed, with her wrist strapped individually at the height of her head and her ankles strapped separately near the bottom corners of the bed. Her thighs and upper arms were secured too, but the restraints were redundant compared to the one that ran just below Eyiel’s breasts, pinning her chest to the bed. The restraints were metal, so there was no more need for the restraints made for Eyiel.

Agatha looked smugly at the bound amazon, she enjoyed the scene like she enjoyed few things in her life, but what she was going to do with her for the time she had her she was going to enjoy it even more.

- Your turn now - Said Agatha as she turned towards the other two - And I’m talking to you Ann.

Agatha grabbed Ann and helped her stand up, then walked her to another bed that was just by the one Eyiel had been put in. She pushed Ann to the bed and questioned herself about whether she had to make her sleep or not.

- Tell me Ann, do you want me to put you to sleep? - Asked Agatha with the bag in her hand.

- Do what you want - Said Ann - You’ve already made it clear that you don’t care.

- How boring - Said Agatha as she went to put Ann to sleep - You’re too submissive for me to have fun with you.

Submissive? Ann considered herself many things but submissive was not one of them, yet when she thought about it... She was acting very submissive, it may be for the sake of her friends but Agatha was still right. Ann had no time to get though, for the beans in the bag took effect quickly.

Ann was rapidly but securely tied in the same manned as Eyiel, Agatha took much less time with her since she had already done that and once she was finished, she turned to look at Ferine. who looked back at her expectantly from the floor.

- And for you I have something special - Said Agatha as she extended her hand forward.

With magic, Agatha moved a chair and put it just behind Ferine, then grabbed some rope from the table and started to walk up to Ferine.

- You may have escaped the torture you deserve thanks to Ann - Said Agatha - But you’ll have to endure something even worse.

Ferine asked herself what could be worse than whatever Agatha wanted to do with her friends but she was brought back to reality when Agatha forcefully pushed her to the chair.

- You’ll have to watch - Said Agatha.

Ferine already knew this, Agatha herself had told her but that didn’t make it better. If the witch was willing to compare this to a torture she now felt even worse for her friends, who were in this situation partly because of her.

- Mpgh!? - Grunted Ferine when she noticed Agatha tying her to the chair.

- You have no right to complain dear - Said Agatha - Remember, this may be bad, but you’re the one that has it better.

Ferine watched with impotence as Agatha tied her tightly to the chair, ropes on her waist and above and below her breasts pinned her to the chair, uncomfortably squeezing her arms between her back and the back of the chair, Her legs were probably her most dangerous part but Agatha took care of them too, she tied them together, at the ankles, knees and thighs, and then attached the ankle restraint to a beam below the seat, so she could not touch the floor.

- I think that will hold you, what do you think? - Asked Agatha teasingly.

- Mpghghg! - Moaned Ferine angrily as loudly as she could, she also struggled with fury but the ropes were not ceding, the only thing she accomplished was making a mess out of her hair.

- What is it? - Asked Agatha with the same annoying smugness - Too tight for your taste?

- Mphggg - Ferine grunted as she angrily stared at Agatha, her rage was fueled by her impotence.

- Anyway, I should wake this two up but - Agatha made a pause - But I think I’ll let them wake up on their own, that way you’ll have some time to get used to your bonds.

- Mpghggr - Grunted Ferine as she looked away.

- Glad to hear that we agree in something - Said Agatha mockingly.

- Just before I leave I’ll do just one little thing with your friends - Said Agatha as she walked up to the beds.

Ferine feared for her friends safety but Agatha only pulled a lever in the wall and did nothing to her friends. The sound of chains being pulled alerted was heard immediately after Agatha pulled the lever, and the the beds started to turn upwards.

Agatha let go of the lever once the beds were at about an 45degree angle relative to the floor, enough not to wake them up but enough for Ferine to get a better look of them.

- This way you should be able to enjoy the view a bit more - Said Agatha as she tarted to walk away - I’m leaving for now, don’t go anywhere!
Ferine only sighed at the mocking remark before hearing the banging of the heavy door being closed, now she was alone, staring at her two bound friends, but bound herself, she was unable to help them.

With anything to distract her mind with, Ferine could only focus on the sour taste in her mouth and get angrier at the witch. But all of Ferine’s anger was contained in the thick ropes that bound her to the chair, all of her struggles futile and all of her words unintelligible.

Ferine’s mind was still scheming, trying to find a way to get out, she inspected every corner of the room, every knot that held her still, but she could find nothing, and that angered her greatly. “If only I could move this damn chair!” thought Ferine as she tried to reach the floor.
Ferine’s struggles only got stronger and she could only wish to have Eyiel’s strength at this moment, she knew that if it was her in this position she would have already broken out of the ropes. With every struggle Ferine grunted and moaned angrily under her gag, seeing the futile results of her efforts.

The noise made by Ferine ended up awaking one of her friends, slowly, Eyiel started to open her eyes. She moved her head to find out where she was, waking up after being put to sleep by such a strong drug left her disoriented, so her first response was to struggle madly against the metal restrains, almost surprised to find herself in this position. But as soon as the amazon laid her eyes on her two friends she slowly started to remember everything, but that didn’t stop her struggles, it only made them stronger and fiercer.

But no matter how fierce or strong Eyiel’s struggles were, they were still no match for cold metal and when tiredness got to her she ceased to struggle, defeated, Eyiel laid back on the board and gazed over Ferine.

- They really got us now - Said Eyiel with with an uncharacteristic smile for the situation.

- Mpgh? - Ferine tried her best to make Eyiel understand that she was asking something.

- I really don’t see a way out of this one - Said Eyiel - Maybe we should have obeyed Ann.

- Don’t say that - Said Ann, who had been recently awoken by Eyiel’s struggles - It’s my fault, not yours.

- Don’t blame yourself Ann - Said Eyiel - You did what you could and that’s what matters.

Ferine looked down ashamed of herself, she was to blame for this situation too, or at least she thought that. But gagged like she was she had no way to say anything to her friends who shared her predicament.

- Good evening beauties - Said Agatha, who had just entered the room.

- Agatha... - Said Eyiel as she looked angrily at her captor as soon as she noticed her.

- Well now that you’re all awake we can get started - Said Agatha as she walked between her prisoners.

Agatha looked over at her prisoners and smiled at them, her expression was one of absolute sadism, enjoying the humiliation of her captives.

- What are you going to do with us? - Asked Eyiel.

- I really should tell you that - Said Agatha - Now that I think about it I think I barely told Ann.

Agatha looked at Ann and smiled at her, but Ann only looked away, making Agatha smile even more, she loved it when her prisoners showed defiance.

- But don’t worry ladies, you’ll know what I want to do with you as soon as you answer one simple question - Agatha made a pause and her expression turned to dead seriousness - Where is your friend Liel?

Sudden fear filled the prisoner’s bodies as soon as Agatha mentioned their friend, they still hoped that Agatha had forgotten about her and to some degree they expected her to be able to rescue them.

- So no replies huh? - Said Agatha after a brief silence - That’s no problem, I have time to make you tell me.

- But we really don’t know! - Said Ann, although she doubted that the witch would take her words into account.

- Sure you don’t - Said Agatha - But just to clarify, I have to keep you all unharmed, so my methods may get a bit... unique.

Agatha moved behind Ferine and grabbed her by the shoulders, Ferine tried to shake her off but it was unsurprisingly useless.

- Ferine, care to choose who goes first? - Asked Agatha as she looked at Ann and Eyiel with Ferine.

- Mpgh! - Ferine grunted angrily, hating to be forced to take this decision.

- I know you can’t speak, and I know that for someone as mouthy as you that must be really painful - Said Agatha - But just tilt your head towards the one of your friends who you want to see tortured first, and don’t worry about the other, she will still get some!

Ferine tried to shake her head but the witch’s grip was too strong, and she couldn’t do anything to get out of it. She tried to look behind her, her look filled with rage, but she couldn’t.

- Come on Ferine - Said Agatha into Ferine’s ear - If you don’t choose I’ll just do it myself.

Ferine wouldn’t cede, her pride was too large and would not stand for such humiliation. Agatha had already told her that no matter who of her friends she chose they will both be tortured, so Ferine saw nothing on this request apart from Agatha trying to humiliate her, and she wasn’t letting that happen.

- You really think you’re tough don’t you? - Said Agatha as she violently released Ferine’s head from her grip - I’ll show you.

Ferine looked with all the defiance she could muster at Agatha, prideful about getting away with at least this one.

- You should be thanking to Ann - Said Agatha as she walked towards the knight - If it wasn’t for her, what’s going to happen to her would be happening to you.

Agatha pushed another lever and the board Ann was tied to slowly went back to it’s regular position, parallel to the floor, Ann was now staring at the ceiling trying her best to keep track of what Agatha was doing.

Agatha picked something from the table and soon enough she went to where Ann was tied. Agatha stood menacingly at Ann from the head of the board, hiding something behind her back.

- I’m sorry dear but I can’t have you talking for this one - Agatha said as she showed what she was hiding, a brown ballgag that she grabbed from it’s leather straps above Ann’s face - Open up.

Having already seen what resistance could get her Ann had no intention of resisting, she sighed and opened her mouth reluctantly, feeling deeply embarrassed of reaching these lengths of submission.

Agatha gagged Ann, strapping the ballgag behind her head maybe a bit too tightly, Ann definitely considered it to be tighter than necessary, it was a bit painful even to have it strapped so tightly. Once Ann was gagged Agatha stroked her hair and smiled at her, and then she returned to her previous position, between the three prisoners.

- You may wonder why I gagged her and not you - Said Agatha as she pointed to Eyiel - I’m sure nobody here doubts that you’re much more mouthy than her.

- Do you want me to talk now? - Asked Eyiel defiantly.

- Actually yes - Said Agatha - I could get my answers from Ann but It wouldn’t be as fun.

- You really think this is fun don’t you ? - Asked Eyiel - You’re insane.

- But it isn’t as bad as it may seem - Said Agatha - Anyway, you’re not gagged because I want you to answer my questions, but! - She pointed up, interrupting Eyiel before she could interrupt her - You’re not the one being tortured, Ann is!

- What? - Asked Eyiel with genuine confusion.

Ferine on her side was too familiar with what Agatha was trying to do, she struggled against the restraints and grunted angrily under her gag but nothing she could do would stop her, she wasn’t even looking at her.

Agatha put a glove on one of her hands and took a a small leaf out a pouch.

- See this? - Asked Agatha as she showed the leaf to her prisoners.

- Is that...?

- Yes, this is insect ivy, the infamous plant that grows in the ancient forest - Said Agatha interrupting Eyiel - I’m surprised that someone seemingly so barbaric like you knows about it.

Eyiel got angry at the remark but said nothing.

- I assume you are well aware of it’s capacities - Said Agatha as she tried to rub the leaf against Eyiel’s face, but Eyiel managed to dodge it.

- It seems you indeed are, but you’re not the one who has to worry about it - Said Agatha as she started to walk towards Ann - You are - She said as she caressed Ann.

Ann stared with fear at the witch, she had no idea of what this plant was capable of but she was soon to find out, and she was awaiting that with nothing but fear.

- Let me quickly explain it to you - Said Agatha as she sat by the side of the board Ann was tied to - Once this leaf touches your skin you’ll feel an unstoppable, unbearable itch.

Agatha opened Ann’s gambeson and exposed her body, she laid a hand on her abdomen and gently caressed it.

- And where do you think I’m going to put this - Said Agatha as she looked at the leaf.

Ann looked in fear as Agatha started to slowly approach the leaf to her exposed abdomen.

- And It will stay there until your friend decides to tell me where Liel is - Said Agatha.

The leaf was laid on Ann’s abdomen and just like Agatha had said, Ann started to feel an unbearable itch almost as soon as the leaf was placed on her abdomen. Ann desperately tried to shake it off but she was restrained too well to be able to, the leaf didn’t even move.

- Stop it! - Shouted Eyiel.

- Will you tell me where Liel is? - Asked Agatha.

- No! - Replied Eyiel almost instinctively.

- Then Ann keeps suffering, poor her -Said Agatha - Also, if you’re going to be this talkative during your friend’s torture I might have to gag you.

- Are you trying to scare me witch? - Asked Eyiel defiantly.

- That mouth definitely needs a gag - Said Agatha, who the extended her hand towards the table, making a ballgag hurl itself to her open hand - And I’m taking care of that.

Eyiel shut her mouth with force, she had never had one of those gags used on her, those were meant for mages not for her! She thought, but Agatha didn’t care about her casting any spells, she just wanted her to keep quiet, and maybe humiliate her just a bit. Agatha knew that she couldn’t force her to open her mouth so she took the smart solution, she pinched Eyiel’s nose.

- Even you can’t hold your breath forever - Said Agatha annoyingly as she got the ball against Eyiel’s closed mouth.

And much like Agatha had said Eyiel instinctively opened her mouth to catch air as soon as she couldn’t hold her breath any longer. And needless to say, Agatha took that chance to shove the ballgag behind Eyiel’s teeth and strap it painfully tightly behind her head.

Agatha walked away from Eyiel who was left to struggle and moan angrily and put herself in the middle of the three adventurers, her usual position. She couldn’t help but smile, three mighty adventurers helplessly tied up at her mercy, one of them in torture, another one forced to confess for her, and the last one forced to stare at her friend’s torture.

- Now it’s up to you Eyiel, I’ll take your gag off every ten minutes for you to tell me, but feel free to nod whenever you want to tell me, and if you nod but don’t say anything, I’ll just add another leaf to your friend - Said Agatha with a sadistic smile on her face as she looked at Eyiel, whose expression was one of absolute anger - And you Ferine, you can’t join, even if you wanted to tell Ann to tell me where Eyiel is you can’t do nothing but stare.

Agatha looked at Ferine over shoulder and noticed her facing away from the scene, not looking at it.

- Oh, and that’s not allowed - Said Agatha as she went to pick up some ropes.

Agatha moved behind Ferine and grabbed her by the hair, but instead of pulling from it she made tiny ponytail out of Ferine’s short black hair. Ferine looked at the witch confused but she quickly noticed what she was doing.

Ferine’s hair was painfully pulled backwards by Agatha the remaining rope from the ponytail and tying it to a hook in the wall. The rope was tied to the wall so tightly that now Ferine was forced to look at Eyiel and Ann, she could barely move her head if at all.

Once again Agatha stood in front of Eyiel awaiting her response as she looked at her, struggling madly against the shackles that held her. The only noise in the room was that of struggles against ropes and manacles, but those were opaqued by the loud moaning that Ann was making under her gag.

That was the scene Ferine was forced to look at in desperation while she struggled madly but futilely against the ropes that held her prisoner. She was slowly being broken.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Very intense chapter. Poor Ann ..... it seems that there is no rescue from this devious ordeal .....
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 30: Witch Hunt

30 chapter already! I want to thank everyone that has been following the story and I'd like you to comment your thoughts on the story so far as well as anything you want to see in the future of the story.

- What? - Asked Talisea as she crossed her arms, smugly looking down on her prey - Tired already?

Liel laid on the boat, stretched by Talisea’s tentacles who was holding her hands together over her head and her feet together. The strength in the tentacles was too much for Liel to struggle against.

Since Liel had been caught by Talisea she had been in a non stop ride with the Cecalian. The creature surely knew how to make use of her eight tentacles and she didn’t hide how much she enjoyed toying with her prey.

- Please... - Said Liel as she caught her breath, she had just been ungagged by Talisea who moved away the tentacles she was pressing against her mouth to keep her quiet.

- Please what? - Asked Talisea as she bowed towards Liel - I’m not gagging you right now so you should have no problem speaking.

Liel would have tried to think of a plan in all the time she had alone with Talisea but she couldn’t, not only she lacked ingenuity of some of her companions but Talisea didn’t gave her much time to think either.

- Can you please release me? - Pleaded Liel in a poor attempt to get her way.

- I don’t know - Said Talisea as she grabbed Liel by the jaw and looked at her - What do you think?

- I think you’ve had me like this enough - Said Liel, trying her best not to sound aggressive in fear of Talisea’s retaliation.

- Do you really think I would agree to that? - Asked Talisea - Because I wont.

Liel was starting to worry even more as she realized what poor attempt she had made at trying to get free. It wasn’t really smart of her but she only saw that now when it was too late.

- Is there anything I can do to make you agree? - Asked Liel.

Talisea scratched her jaw and looked into the darkness before replying to Liel’s question.

- There’s one thing - Said Talisea as she leaned towards Liel - But I don’t know if you would agree to it.

- Just tell me, It can be anything - Pleaded Liel.

- If you kiss me again I’ll let you have... - Talisea looked away as she thought of a reward - Let’s say a one minute break - A smile appeared on her face.

Liel sighed as she thought about the proposal, she was going to accept it anyway, she had to, but that didn’t at all mean that she was eager to do so.

- Fine - Said Liel awkwardly.

- And don’t try anything weird - Threatened Talisea - That’s why I kept you gagged before.

Liel nodded awkwardly and before she could ready herself for it, Talisea’s lips were already on hers. Talisea retained her kiss for a few seconds before getting apart of Liel, who thought this was finally over.

- Did you even heard what I said? - Asked Talisea angrily.

- Yes..? - Said Liel shyly, afraid of Talisea’s sudden mood change.

- Then why aren’t you doing it? - Talisea asked again as angry as before.

- I don’t understand... - Liel whimpered in fear.

- What do you mean you don’t understand? - Talisea fumed - I’m doing all the work, If I wanted to kiss you like that I’d have already done it, in fact, I did!

Liel stared at Talisea in silence, not understanding very well what she was saying.

- Was that your first kiss? - Asked Talisea sounding genuinely bewildered.

- Somewhat... - Replied Liel awkwardly.

- You’re painfully innocent - Said Talisea - But I guess I can’t blame you, plus, I kind of like it.

Confused by Talisea’s words, Liel kept staring in silence at her captor.

- Well this time I want you to do something other than staying still, understood? - Ordered Talisea.

Liel nodded shyly in response.

- Good - Said Talisea as she smiled.

This time Liel forced herself to do something, she wasn’t the best of kissers but she could at least do something. The only surprise Liel was happy to come across with was that at least Talisea didn’t tasted like she smelled, like fish.

After minutes that felt like hours Talisea finally let go of Liel. Talisea cleaned her lips while Liel took a deep breath.

- I must say, that wasn’t half bad - Said Talisea - You’ve earned your minute of freedom, you better enjoy it.

- Thank you - Said Liel.

And so Talisea let go of Liel, who sat down and rubbed her sore wrists as soon as she was free of Liel’s tentacles, all of this under Talisea’s lustful gaze. But Liel didn’t had time to get comfortable, she had something much more important to do.

- Talisea... - Said Liel shyly as she approached the Cecalian hiding something behind her back.

Talisea just looked at her, with a sadistic smile still in her face, but she was taken by surprise by Liel. As soon as Liel was close enough to Talisea she moved her hands from behind her back and started to cast a spell.

Talisea was too slow to react in time so the spell quickly started to take effect on her. The white magic used by Liel started to quickly expunge whatever charm had been put on her by Agatha.

Although Liel saw and heard the apparent pain of Talisea she knew this was not her. It’s not the charmed creature the one who suffers when it is free, it is its master and Liel couldn’t care less for whoever was that.

Liel noticed when the spell had been fulfilled because Talisea fell to the depths of the lake, unconscious. Liel didn’t knew when she would wake up, but she was sure that whenever she did it wasn’t going to be the same Talisea she had met.

It was then when Liel noticed that she was still stranded in the middle of the lake, and she still had no intention of swimming to the tower. She started to panic, if she still was stranded all of this had been for nothing but it was then when an oar was handed to her from the lake.

- I think you need this - Said Talisea, who slowly emerged from the water handing the Oar to Liel.

The human part of Talisea now looked much better, the only impurities on her where do being submerged in such foul waters. Her hair looked much more human and her expression was no longer of lust of sadism.

- Thanks for releasing me, I’m Talisea - The Cecalian introduced herself once again.

- Thank you - Said Liel as she smiled at Talisea.

With one of her tentacles Talisea handed the other oar to Liel.

- What is happening? - Asked Talisea - I don’t remember anything after...

- My friends are trapped in that tower - Said Liel as she pointed to the tower hidden in the mist - Probably by the same person who put that charm on you.

- Agatha... - Groaned Talisea as she looked at the tower.

- I see you have your own problems with her - Said Liel - Do you think you can help me get there.

- Anything to get back at her for what she did to me - Said Talisea.

Talisea wrapped her tentacles around the tip of the ship’s ram and started to swim towards the tower, much faster then Liel could row to it.

- What’s your name? - Asked Talisea - I don’t remember anything from when I was charmed so sorry if you have already told me.

- It’s fine, don’t worry, my name is Liel - She replied calmly.

- Can ask you something Liel? - Asked Talisea.

- Sure.

- What did I do to you when I was charmed? - Asked Talisea in a serious tone.

- I’d better not tell you - Said Liel awkwardly.

- I insist - Said Talisea - I know that it wasn’t me but I can’t be calm If I don’t know what happened.

Liel fell into silence, she didn’t really wanted to tell Talisea what she had done with her, she thought that was for the better, and on top of that she would rather not tell anyone. So Liel waited for a chance to get out of the awkward spot she had been put in and she soon enough she found it.

- Well It seems we’re on the island already! - Said Liel as they came as close as possible to the island.

- So you’re not telling me? - Asked Talisea in a an awkward tone.

- Don’t worry, I can tell you later - Said Liel as she stepped out of the boat into a small dock in the island - Now I need to save my friends.

- I understand - Sighed Talisea.

- I’ll go in, you can wait for me here - Said Liel as she looked towards the door that lead into the tower.

- I’ll look around the island to see if there’s something that can help you - Stated Liel - But don’t worry, I wont go far away - She continued as she noticed the worried expression on Liel’s face.

At the end of the dock stood the door that lead inside the tower, it was a mere door yet it looked intimidating for Liel who didn’t knew what could be inside such place. The docks creaked under every one of the steps she took towards the door, making the situation even more tense.

- Do you have any idea where she could have my friends? - Asked Liel when she was just a few steps away from the door.

- Actually I think I may have found them - Said Talisea from somewhere Liel couldn’t see.

Liel went to the where she thought Talisea’s voice was coming from and there she was, leaning into the land as much as she could to look through a small barred window at ground level.

- What is that? - Asked Liel as she got by Talisea.

- Just look - Replied Talisea as she moved away from the window and to let Liel see though it.

And there Liel saw her friends, not all of them but two, Rhys, who wasn’t much of friend for Liel but was still her companion, and more importantly, Zelliria, both of them tied up, gagged and chained to the walls.

In the dungeon, Zelliria was managing to get some knots undone, or at least she thought so. The process was extremely difficult and painfully slow, even with her experience, she was making little to no progress in all the time she had been given.

Although Rhys could see what Zelliria was trying she did not try to get lose herself, she knew that she couldn’t and even this wasn’t the best of situations, she liked being tied up, as guilty as that made her feel.

But both adventurers were surprised by a very strange sight, a tentacle had just entered the room and fell almost to floor level, and it was followed by someone squeezing through the window.

- Mpgh? - Zelliria grunted in confusion.

When the intruder fully entered through the window if finally became clear who she was, it was Liel, who smiled at Zelliria as she helped herself to get down the floor with the tentacle.

With no introductions whatsoever, Liel rushed to Zelliria to help her get free and was quickly surprised by the amount and complexity of knots that restrained her, she had not seen knots of such complexity since she left the monastery.

- Mpgh - Zelliria grunted to get her friend’s attention.

- Oh that’s right, the gag - Liel quickly replied.

Liel unstrapped the ballgag that kept Zelliria quiet, Zelliria to her time to work on her jaw that was aching after so much time with the ballgag on.

- Thanks for that - Said Zelliria calmly.

- Are you alright? - Asked Liel surprised by how calm Zelliria was.

- I’m fine, just a bit tied up - Replied Zelliria, chuckling at her own joke.

Liel chuckled nervously too as she continued to untie Zelliria. More than one time she accidentally made the knots tighter sometimes but with enough time she managed to free Zelliria’s hands. Once free of the ropes Zelliria stretched her cramped muscles, happy to be free again.

- Thanks for that again - Said Zelliria - I was starting to get worried.

- We should! - Said Liel, still surprised by how calm Zelliria was - The witch who captured you is planning to have someone else take you and...

- This is not a time to get nervous - Interrupted Zelliria - Before doing anything else we need to save Ferine, Ann and Eyiel.

- What happened to them? - Asked Liel worriedly.

- The witch took them to another place - Said Zelliria as she turned to look at the door.

- Let’s get going then, who knows what she’s doing with them!? - Exasperated Liel worriedly as she moved towards the door.

The sound of chains being dragged reminded Liel that Zelliria was still chained to the wall, so she quickly turned back, ashamed of forgetting about that.

- Don’t worry about this - Said Zelliria calmly.

- What are you going to do?

Before Liel received any reply Zelliria used her magic to force the shackle to open, leaving it smoking on the floor and showing once again why her captors preferred to put her on ropes when they had her captured.

- Now we can get going - Said Zelliria once the shackle that used to held her laid busted on the floor.

The two childhood friends went to exit the room, ready to face the witch but something stopped them just before they laid her hands on the door.

- Mpgh - Groaned Rhys from the other side of the room trying to get their attention.

- Oh right, Rhys! - Said Zelliria as she went to help the mage, being followed by Liel.

Zelliria removed the ballgag from Rhys’ mouth, finally ungaggig her. The angry expression on Rhys’ face could be noticed by Zelliria and Liel as she worked on her ached jaw.

- Were you really going to leave me like this? - Asked Rhys angrily.

- Of course not! - Said Zelliria - We just didn’t noticed you.

- So you have forgotten about me? - Asked Rhys.

- Well you didn’t do much to help us notice you - Replied Zelliria.

- I think it isn’t my fault - Argued Rhys as she pouted in anger.

- If you’re going to keep that attitude we may have to leave you tied up - Said Zelliria as she crossed her arms across her chest - Maybe you’d even enjoy that.

- What? Are you serious? - Asked Rhys even more angry - You can’t leave me like this!

- Are you going to behave then? - Asked Zelliria.

Rhys’ only reply was to awkwardly nod in agreement, and to make her even more angry, it was Liel who started to take care of her restraints once she complied with Zelliria who looked judgmentally at her during the process.

If Rhys had been growing angrier at Zelliria and was almost by default angry at Liel, she was now thought even worse of them. She was sure that Zelliria wouldn’t have done this to her had Liel not been distracting her, and although deep inside her she knew that it was her who was saving them, she couldn’t help but remain angry at her.

- There you go, you better not cause any trouble - Said Zelliria as she busted open the shackle on Rhys’ ankle once she was free of ropes.
Rhys stood up and said nothing, knowing very well that this was not the right time to argue about anything.

With the same magic Zelliria had used to bust open the shackles she opened the heavy dungeon’s door and the three adventurers got out to save their friends.

Meanwhile on Agantha’s private dungeon where the only noise that could be heard were the moans of Ann the muffled pleads of Eyiel and Ferine Agatha got ready to remove the gag from Eyiel’s mouth once again, hoping to this time get some answers from her.

- I wont talk - Said Eyiel sternly once the gag had been taken out of her mouth.

- Are you sure? - Encouraged Agatha - Your friend is going insane over there and you’ll ignore her pleads?

- She’s tougher than you think - Said Eyiel hiding how much she actually worried about her friend.

- I see - Sighed Agatha as she rapidly put the ballgag back on Eyiel’s mouth, too fast for her to resist it.

Agatha grabbed something else from the table and approached Ann, who was struggling madly against the shackles that pinned her to the board.

- Maybe she is indeed tough - Said Agatha as she bowed towards Ann - And if that is the case I may have to make this a bit harder for her.

Agatha then showed another small green leaf, Ferine and Eyiel knew what she had in mind and they did not liked it. Ferine and Ann tried to plead for Agatha not to do it but with the gags on her pleads were nothing but muffled moans, but it wasn’t like Agatha would even care if she heard them. Eyiel on her side remained silent, feeling extremely sorry about her friend.

The witch laid the leaf on the lower part of Ann’s abdomen and her agony only increased, but she still couldn’t do anything about her predicament. Agatha continued to stare at the bound amazon, her hazel eyes still filled with defiance.

- Any idea where she has them? - Asked Liel as she stared at the tower’s basement.

- No - Replied Zelliria - But before we go rescue the I suggest we should get back our stuff.

- You aren’t suggesting going back to the town aren’t you? - Asked Liel confused.

- No silly - Replied Zelliria - She brought our stuff with us, I’m sure she wants something from it.

- I think she left it upstairs - Intervened Rhys.

- Let’s go get it then, we have no time to lose - Said Zelliria as she went towards the stairs.

Much like Rhys had pointed out, all of their stuff was laid out on a table on the upper floor, and it was very well organized and the fact that it was so only added to Zelliria suspicions that the witch was looking for something. Surprisingly nothing was missing, nothing apart from the ever so problematic map that lead them in their journey.

- I see what she’s trying - Said Zelliria - I think we have found another sadistic woman who wants something with our map.

- Don’t worry about it, our priority now is to save the others - Said Liel as she grabbed her shorsword.

The ten minutes had almost passed by in Agatha’s torture room and Ann’s screams were starting to get in Eyiel’s head, who had started to consider just telling the witch what she wanted to know, not because she wanted to do so, but because she wanted Ann’s suffering to stop.
Agatha started to unbuckle the ballgag on Eyiel’s mouth and once she was ungagged she prepared herself to speak, she may look defiant but deep within her she wanted Ann’s suffering to stop, even if that meant complying with the witch.

- I’ll ask once again - Said Agatha - Where is Liel?

Eyiel readied herself to spill the truth, even if she wasn’t sure what it was she had to do it for Ann. But looking over Agatha’s shoulder she saw something, the dungeon door was opening and three familiar faces where behind it.

- Behind you - Said Eyiel with a smile on her face.

- What? - Asked Agatha in confusion.

Ferine tried to look over her shoulder but the ropes on her hair didn’t allowed her and Ann couldn’t be bothered to look anywhere. But they didn’t need to look for the sound of Zelliria’s voice was enough.

- Hey witch, don’t you think it’s a bit unfair for you to have all the fun? - Mocked Zelliria.

- You... how did you escaped!? - Asked Agatha as she rushed to subdue the escapees.

But outnumbered three to one Agatha find it difficult to keep up the fight. With her sword Zelliria kept the witch at bay while Rhys readied a spell under Liel’s protection.

Loosing her composure, Agatha grabbed Zelliria’s sword mid air, apparently ignoring the pain that having her hand cut should cause her.

- This is going to end so bad for you - Threatened Agatha as she stepped forward with Zelliria’s sword in her hand which spilled blood.

Catching Agatha by surprise Zelliria gestured a spell, suddenly moving her hand forward. Agatha closed her eyes and readied herself to take it head on but to her surprise nothing happened.

- Ha, that didn’t do anything - Boasted Agatha as she after opening her eyes.

- Are you sure? - Asked Zelliria - Pay more attention.

Agatha was ready to attack Zelliria but she quickly noticed what was off in all of this, Ann was no longer screaming. Agatha slowly looked back and then she noticed, Ann and Eyiel had been released by Zelliria’s spell, their faces showed nothing but absolute anger. Agatha once again looked at Zelliria, she was smiling.

With no warning Eyiel lunged towards Agatha and grabbed her, the witch’s struggles were no match for Eyiel’s raw strength.

- Let me go you savage! - Pleaded Agatha angrily.

- Shhh - Said Zelliria as she covered the witch’s mouth with her hand - Like you, we don’t take it kindly to have our prisoners being noisy.

Agatha couldn’t believe it, being subdued by her own prisoners and worse, being unable to get out, this was a nightmare.

- What should we do with her now? - Asked Eyiel.

- Hmmm - Zelliria muttered as she looked around - I think we have plenty of stuff in this room to work with, the only question is what should we use?

- Hpgh - Groaned Ferine, who was still bound and gagged in the chair Agatha had tied to.

- Oh, Ferine - Said Zelliria as she noticed the bound scout - We should get you out of that.

Zelliria started to untie the countless knots that held Ferine still begining by the one that held her hair, but Ferine herself inturrepted her.

- Mpghhgh! - She moaned under her gag.

- I think she wants to say something - Said Ann - Let me take this out.

It didn’t took much for Ann to notice how much the so called mummy bandages stuck to Ferine’s face.

- I’m sorry but this is gonna hurt - Said Ann as she grabbed one the the extremes of the bandage.

Ferine sighed and then had the bandage ripped out of her mouth. Like Ann had adverted, it was painful and it left a red mark on Ferine’s face, but she could finally spit Agatha’s stocking.

- At last - Sighed Ferine.

- That looks disgusting - Said Liel as she saw the soaked stockings fall to the floor.

- It is, but she’ll have it worse - Replied Ferine as she turned to look at Agatha.

Eventually Zelliria finished untying Ferine, she welcomed her freedom greatly. But Ferine was more eager to get even with Agatha than she was to get comfortable.

- So, Agatha - Said Ferine as she looked at the witch in the eyes - I think I know what to do with you.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I'll comment later in more detail :) But a first impression: intense, dramatic - and funny :)
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Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by banshee »

I think I've figured out how english dialogue works, better late than never.

Chapter 31: Witch Schemes

Agatha was now tied to the board Eyiel was tied to not so long ago in the exact same manner, she was struggling fiercely but she wasn’t going to get out and she knew that. It hadn’t been hard for the adventurers to put her like that, outnumbered six to one nothing that Agatha could do would prevent this from happening.Putting Agatha on the board was Ferine’s idea, she was clearly the one most interested in getting back at Agatha.

Ann and Eyiel would have left her like this and get back to the road but the rest of adventurers knew that this witch was up to something and they couldn’t leave without knowing, well, the rest except Ferine who just wanted to get some revenge.

“I bet you don’t like to be the one tied up huh?” Asked Ferine.

“Shut up!”Growled Agatha angrily.

“I think you don’t get it yet” Said Ferine “You’re no longer in charge here”

Agatha realized that Ferine was speaking the truth so she relaxed as much a she could, she took a deep breath and unclenched her fists.

“What do you want?” Asked Agatha.

“Now you cooperate” Said Ferine “Good”

“I have some things to ask her” Said Zelliria as she stepped forward.

Ferine let Zelliria take her place, she and the witch stared at each other for a few seconds. Agatha’s hate for Zelliriia was special, she had been the one that defeated her, that made her especially angry at her.

“So, someone wants us” Zelliria looked at Agatha closely, noticing every hint of nervousness that appeared in her face “Who is this someone”

“I’m not telling you” Said Agatha as she looked away.

“Really?” Zelliria crossed her arms “Do you think that will do you any good?”

Agatha remained silent as she thought of Zelliria’s question. She quickly realized that it wouldn’t be of any good for her to resist this six adventurers while tied up.

“Fine, I’ll tell you” Agatha sighed.

“Good” Said Zelliria “Start talking”

Agatha sighed and looked away, in all of her life she had never been in this position and to think that she was subdued to this state so easily was too much for her.

“They are dark elves” Said Agatha.

Chills went down Zelliria’s spine as she heard Agatha’s words, but she tried to remain calm despite the emotions that those words triggered in her.

“And I’m sure there’s something more to it” Inquired Zelliria “Tell us”

“I really don’t know much...” Agatha interrupted herself as she saw the look on everyone on her captors “They wanted you and a map you were carrying”

“And where did you put that map?” Asked Zelliria “I know you found it”

“I don’t have it” Said Agatha.

“Something tells me that you’re lying” Said Zelliria “And you don’t want us to catch you lying do you?”

“I’m telling the truth! I swear I don’t have it!” Pleaded Agatha.

The adventurers looked at each other, it was easy to tell just by looking at their faces that they were not buying it.

“If you don’t have it, who has it?” Ferine stepped in.

“I gave it to a crow” Said Agatha, looking down, appearing to be ashamed of her answer.

“Hah, sure you did” Chuckled Ferine.

Agatha was going to argue further but Ferine threw a dagger at her, intentionally missing and having it land a few inches below her left arm. It may not be harmful but it surely was scary.

“Now tell us what you actually did with it” Said Ferine intimidatingly.

“I swear I gave it a crow!” Pleaded Agatha starting to sound scared “It’s something I can do with magic, I’m not lying”

“She’s telling the truth!” Rhys stepped in “I can create them too, magical servants that take the form of an animal, you’ve seen me do that!”

“Now that you say it makes sense” Said Ann.

“Where did this crow go then?” Asked Zelliria.

“I swear I don’t know!” Pleaded Agatha “By now it surely is too far away from here!”

The adventurers were starting to appear frustrated, especially Ferine and Zelliria who were the ones taking care of Agatha’s interrogation.

“But there’s something wrong” Hinted Liel “If I’m not wrong that spell shouldn’t let the servant go away from it’s master”

It was easy to tell by looking at Agatha’s face that she knew that she had been caught on her lie.

Rhys’ resentment towards Liel only grew as she heard her, first she steals the attention away from her now she wouldn’t even let her be right about something. At this point Rhys’ resentment was getting petty, she got angry at Liel for the smallest of reasons.

“What are you hiding from us witch?” Asked Ferine “If that crow wasn’t a servant what was is it?”

“A homunculus” Replied Agatha.

“Now that makes more sense” Said Liel “But it just makes it more dangerous.”

“How does it make it more dangerous?” Asked Ferine.

“A homunculus is connected to its master and is permanent communication with it” Explained Liel “She could be ordering it to get away from us and we wouldn’t notice.”

“Now that’s interesting” Said Zelliria “How can we be sure that you’re not doing that right now?”

“I don’t know” Replied Agatha lowly.

“You better give that map back or you won’t like what will happen to you” Said Ferine.

“I ordered it to go to Zalaga when you were brought here, it is too far away now” Explained Agatha.

The adventurers stopped to think a for a second, they had already seen Agatha lie and now it didn’t seem like she was doing so, so this was a problem for everyone.

“I think I have an idea” Eyiel stepped in “ Let’s take her with us”

“What?” Asked everyone almost at unison.

“Think about it, we can go to Zalaga on our own, and to make sure that this homunculus thing wont get away we will take Agatha with us” Explained Eyiel “And if we don’t find that thing where Agatha told us that it is, she’ll pay the consequences”

Again the adventurers stopped to think but they all seemed to agree since they were subtly nodding as they thought of Eyiel’s proposal.

“She’s coming with us then” Said Ann sternly before turning back as if she was ready to leave.

“How are we going to do this?” Asked Rhys “Isn’t it dangerous”

“She’ll be tied up and gagged the whole way, don’t worry” Replied Ann without even looking back.

The adventurers were surprised by Ann’s cold yet menacing seriousness, Rhys, Zelliria and Liel who had not been with Ann during her torture could only wonder what the witch had done with her.

“You heard it witch” Said Eyiel as she started to undo the cuffs that held Agatha to the board.

Agatha was untied by Eyiel but with the gaze of every other adventurer in the room on her she had little hope of escaping. Eyiel forced her wrist behind her back and manacled them tightly.

“Rhys do you still... have that ballgag thing with you?” Asked Eyiel awkwardly.

“Uh, yeah sure” Replied Rhys shyly before handing it to Eyiel “You know, with the ones she used on me and Zelliria I may start to collect them hehe”

Nobody laughed at Rhys’ joke so she went silent in shame.

“Wait! You don’t have to do this!” Said Agatha as she saw de ballgag approaching her face.

“I think we do” Replied Zelliria.

“Please, I’ll do anything!” Pleaded Agatha, realizing how screwed she was in this situation “I can make you rich, famous, I even did that with Goronwy! I can mpgghhgh!”

Obeying Ann’s signal Eyiel gagged Agatha without hesitance.

“We don’t want anything from you” Said Ann as she stepped towards Agatha.

“Mpgh” Agatha made a last futile attempt to get out of this one, as expected, it was futile.

“Let’s get going now, we have no time to loose” Said Ann as she walked away.

Eyiel dragged Agatha with her, Agatha looked down de whole way, apparently ashamed of her capture. After grabbing everything that Agatha had taken from them they left the tower.

“How exactly did you get here?” Asked Zelliria as they left to see the dark lake surrounding the tower.

“I used this but I had some help too” Said Liel as she got to the boat.

“Hi” Greeted Talisea as she came out of the murky waters.

At first the adventurers were taken aback by the sudden appearance of the Cecalian but it didn’t took them long to notice that she was no threat to them.

“I see you managed to rescue your friends” Said talisea.

“Yeah, thankfully” Replied Liel awkwardly.

“And I also see that you have taken a prisoner” Said Talisea as she turned her look towards Agatha, who shook in fear as Talisea laid her eyes on her.

“Oh, we decided to take her with us” Replied Liel.

“And you are leaving already? What a shame” Said Talisea.

“Actually I think we could use some sleep” Zelliria stepped in, since she was the one that hadn’t slept at all back in the town it was almost expected that she would say that.

“What?” Asked Eyiel.

“I think I agree with her” Said Ferine “I wont get too far this tired”

Rhys and Liel joined the agreement and Ann ended up joining too, she didn’t wanted to show any kind of weakness but she wasn’t fooling anyone, she was extremely tired.

“I guess we’ll sleep here then” Sighed Ann “ She must at least have a bed”

“About that, what are going to do with her?” Asked Eyiel as she pointed to Agatha.

“Don’t worry about it, I’ll take especial care of her” Said Talisea as she lifted all of her tentacles above the water.

“Can be trust her?” Whispered Ann to Liel.

“Sure” Replied Liel.

“Just make sure to leave her alive” Said Eyiel as she pushed Agatha towards Talisea.

Agatha tried to run away but she was quickly wrapped by Talisea’s tentacles as soon as she entered her reach.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Asked Talisea with a sadistic smile on her face “You and I have so much to talk about!”

Rhys would have liked to stay and look but Eyiel grabbed her by the shoulder and lead her inside the tower with the rest.

After investigating the house the adventurers found in the upper floor a big bedroom, it wasn’t at all pretty but it seemed strangely cozy, that or maybe they had been to starved of sleep to care. The only problem with the bedroom was that there was only one bed, one massive bed but still only one.

Ferine jumped on the bed and laid there ready to sleep and she was followed by Zelliria and then Eyiel, who took a big chunk of the bed to herself. The rest of adventurers seemed a bit more prude about sleeping all together.

“Come on, weren’t you tired?” Asked Eyiel.

“Yes its just that...” Said Ann.

“Don’t tell me that you don’t want to sleep with us in the same bed” Said Ferine “We’ve known each other for years now”

“I guess you’re right” Sighed Ann as she went to the bed.

Not wanting to be the odd ones out Rhys and Liel followed and soon enough they were all laying in the same bed, maybe a bit to close to each other but they didn’t care too much.

“Actually I’m not tired, I just wanted to see if the bed was comfortable” Said Eyiel as she left the bed “I think I’ll watch out for anything weird while you sleep”

“That will be a lot more space for us” Said Ferine.

“Haha, very funny” Said Eyiel as she sat by the window.

But sleeping all together wasn’t the most comfortable of options and Eyiel could notice that. Looking at her friends sleep she could see how much trouble they were having.

Only Ann and Liel were sleeping calmly, Rhys was asleep but almost constantly moving. Zelliria and Ferine weren’t even sleeping, they were just trying to find a comfortable position with apparently too much difficulty and that did not changed deeper into the night.

“Can’t sleep?” Asked Eyiel.

“Yeah I’m surprised too” Replied Zelliria.

“As tired as we are we should’ve fallen asleep already” Said Ferine “But its easier said than done”

“What’s the problem” Inquired Eyiel.

“Well, Ann’s snoring and Rhys is constantly kicking us isn’t helping” Explained Ferine.

“I don’t think It’s that bad” Said Eyiel “I bet I could fall asleep like this if I was tired”

“Well but we’re not you” Said Zelliria as she covered her ears with a pillow.

“Since when does Rhys move so much when she’s sleeping” Asked Ferine as she tried to get away from Rhys as much as she could without falling off the bed.

“I don’t know, I usually fall asleep before her” Said Eyiel “Maybe she’s having a nightmare?”

“You usually tie her up before she falls asleep” Chuckled Ferine.

“Hey that only happened once!” Said Eyiel “I thought we had let that go already”

“Hey, that gave me an idea” Said Zelliria.

“Are we thinking the same?” Asked Ferine.

“You’re not going to do this are you?” Asked Eyiel unbelieving.

“Don’t worry we will be much more gentle than you” Said Ferine as she went to get the ropes.

“You should untie her once we fall asleep” Said Zelliria.

“I don’t like this” Sighed Eyiel.

“Yet you did it to her once” Chuckled Ferine “Don’t be so serious about it, we’re just playing”

Eyiel sighed and said nothing more, although she didn’t approved of what was about to happen she wasn’t willing to stop her friends from doing it yet she found it somewhat hypocritical that Ferine was so willing to go along with this considering that she had been the one that pushed her to apologize to Rhys.

Zelliria and Ferine laid Rhys on her stomach and proceeded to do the usual. They put her hands behind her back, crossed them and tied them tightly. Then followed her legs which were tightly frogtied and then tied her ankles to her hands in a somewhat relaxed hogtie. Finally they looped rope below her breast to pin Rhys’ arms to her body.

Although Rhys was deeply asleep she stated to slowly wake up and as she did she tried to move, she was quickly realizing that she couldn’t and as she kept trying she heard more clearly some recognizable giggling.

“Huh? What’s happening?” Yawned Rhys as she started to wake up.

There was no response other than more giggling.

“Huh!? Why am I tied up!?” Asked Rhys, now suddenly more alert.

Rhys was turned to lay on her back and now she could see her captors, Zelliria and Ferine smiled at Rhys and no she wasn’t disliking it at all.

“Good evening elf girl” Greeted Ferine.

“You’re probably wondering why we tied you up” Said Zelliria.

Rhys nodded in response, she was too exited to even speak.

“Well, because apparently you can’t stop moving!” Said Ferine “We can’t sleep with you moving around like that”

“So we decided to leave you tied up until we fall asleep” Said Zelliria as she got comfortable in the bed.

“Maybe a bit longer” Added Ferine as she did the same “Sleep tight!”

Rhys was left baffled, they had tied her up just for that? She couldn’t believe it, she was expecting much more than to just be left to sleep again but now uncomfortably tied up.

“Wait that’s it?” Asked Rhys, expecting to be told that she was wrong.

“Yup” Affirmed Ferine “And you should remain quiet otherwise you’ll sleep gagged too”

“Wait! Don’t do this” Said Rhys.

“Don’t be so dramatic Rhys, you’ve had it worse” Said Ferine as she stroked Rhys hair.

“And we know very well that you like it” Added Zelliria.

Rhys blushed at the remark, even though this was not the situation she wanted to end tied up in she couldn’t deny that she was enjoying this brief treatment Zelliria and Ferine were giving her.

“Just close your eyes and pretend that you’re tied by dark elves or whatever fantasy you have” Said Ferine as she turned away from Rhys.
Zelliria kissed Rhys in the forehead and did the same as Ferine.

Rhys went silent and just tested her bonds, but more than testing she was enjoying them. She didn’t need to try to know that she wasn’t getting out, Ferine and Zelliria wouldn’t have tied lightly.

But even though Rhys was liking to enjoy her restraints and pretend that she had been captured by some idealized villain her imagination eventually wore out as she grew more and more tired. And when Rhys was too tired to keep her thoughts in her fantasies she started to try to fall asleep with little success, it had been so long since Eyiel had tied her before sleeping that she had forgotten how hard it was to fall asleep while tied up.

“Can’t sleep I guess” Said Eyiel who had been looking at Rhys trying to find a comfortable position for a while.

“Yes” Sighed Rhys “It’s hard when you’re tied up”

“Well they asked me to untie you once they fall asleep so I guess I should do that” Said Eyiel as she woke up.

“Thanks” Said Rhys “And by the way, what is that celican doing with Agatha?”

“I knew you would want to see that” Chuckled Eyiel “I’ve been seeing it from the window for a while now, come with me”

Before Rhys could point out that she was tied up Eyiel grabbed her with little trouble and effortlessly carried her to the window she was sitting by. This gesture made Rhys blush deeply, sure she enjoyed some torture and teasing while tied up but being taken care of while tied up was something different.

Eyiel sat Rhys by her side and they looked at the scene through the window together.

“Is that what you imagined?” Asked Eyiel.

“Exactly what I imagined” Replied Rhys “I may know a bit too much about Celicans”

“Yeah I supposed, I saw you look at her when we were on the dock” Said Eyiel making Rhys blush more deeply.

Moments of silence followed while Rhys and Eyiel looked at Talisea toy with Agatha from the window, Rhys of course being much more interested than Eyiel.

“Eyiel... Can I ask you something?” Rhys broke the silence.

“Sure, what is it?” Eyiel asked back.

“They aren’t angry at me aren't they?” Asked Rhys as she looked at her friends on the bed over her shoulder.

“No! Why would they?” inquired Eyiel a bit surprised by the question.

“You see, when we were in the dungeon Zelliria and Liel almost refused to untie me and now Zelliria and Ferine tie me up...” Explained Rhys as she looked down.

“I know you don’t like Liel very much but I’m sure they were joking” Said Eyiel as she hugged Rhys over her shoulder.

“But they almost left me in the dungeon!” Said Rhys.

“Don’t think much about it, they freed you in the end didn’t they?” Asked Eyiel.

“Well yes but...” Rhys tried to excuse herself.

“Then you have nothing to worry about” Said Rhys.

“Then why did they tie me up now?” Asked Rhys.

“Well because like they said you were moving to much for them to sleep comfortably” Said Eyiel “That’s it, there’s nothing against you!”

“Just that?” Asked Rhys who still couldn’t believe that it was so simple.

“Well, and maybe because they like it” Added Eyiel “You included”

Rhys blushed and didn’t replied, Eyiel was right, Rhys liked this but she was left disappointed by the reasons why they tied her up.

“And you like it too?” Asked Rhys teasingly “Don’t you?”

“What makes you say that?” Asked Eyiel confused.

“Because you left me tied up” Said Rhys as she struggled idly to point out that she was, like she said, tied up.

Now it was Eyiel who blushed, just a little bit but still, Rhys had caught her off guard with that and she wasn’t ready for it. Rhys smiled as she saw Eyiel blush, the amazon was usually very stoic and serious so seeing her like this was fun for her, and to a certain degree, cute too.

“Why is that Eyiel?” Asked Rhys teasingly “I thought you didn’t liked this side of me”

“Yeah I kind of like it now” Admitted Eyiel awkwardly.

“Aww, good to hear it” Said Rhys as she rubbed her head against Eyiel’s shoulder.

“And you look kind of cute tied up like that” Flattered Eyiel with a smile on her face.

Rhys blushed deeply and stopped rubbing her head against Eyiel to look up at her in disbelief.

“Do you really think that?” Asked Rhys embarrassed.

Eyiel just smiled at Rhys and gently hugged her in what was the most genuine expression of love both adventurers had in a long time. The silence was everything but uncomfortable for them, it was calming, it was precious, yet Eyiel decided to briefly break it.

“i love you Rhys” Expressed Eyiel.

But Rhys didn’t replied, she had fallen asleep on Eyiel’s shoulder. As Eyiel saw her friend gently sleeping she couldn’t do anything but smile.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by slackywacky »

banshee wrote: 3 years ago I think I've figured out how english dialogue works, better late than never.
Good luck :lol: , even after 40+ years speaking English (it is not my mother tongue and I speak 3 other languages), sometimes English can be hard. Especially when needing technical terms. Your story reads fine, with enough white space and variation in the start of sentences, you are doing a good job. Thanks for keeping this story going. It deserves more comments, but we're saying that of almost all stories.

Have a great 2021.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by banshee »

Thank you @slackywacky ! It's a great honor to have a comment from an author like you in my story.

Have a great 2021 you too, I love your stories.
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Post by Solarbeast »

Okay, I finally caught up with the rest of the story. This is another of my favorites on this site, and I can’t wait to read more of the adventures of the group. But this story and slackywacky’s Hitchhiker story are really making me want to go on an adventure with hopes of being tied up at almost every turn, something I know most likely won’t happen, and if it does happen would be way to dangerous in the real world.
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Post by banshee »

Thanks for the comment [mention]Solarbeast[/mention] I'm glad this story insipires something in you, even if it's just a fantasy. And by the way chapter 32 is up, hope you like it!
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 32: Customs Stuff

The travel to the city of Zalaga should be a short one. The city may be on another kingdom but it was right on its frontier just over the river that it from the kingdom of Athor.

Thanks to Zelliria’s illusion magic the adventurers didn’t had any problem buying a carriage and getting their horses back in the town that just a day a ago had made them captives. A carriage was surely much more comfortable, especially when it came to taking Agatha with them, a bound and gagged woman at plain sight would surely draw too much unwanted attention so she was going to be kept hidden all the way.
“How much until we get there?” Asked Zelliria who was tuning her lute inside the carriage.

“Not too much” Replied Ann “Probably less than a week”

“That can still be a lot of time” Said Zelliria.

“Well, think at least we’re out of the swamp” Scoffed Ann, who felt like she had replied to this question enough.

“Don’t worry, I know who’s more bored than you” Said Ferine as she grabbed Agatha by the face.

The adventurers laughed at Agatha, knowing very well that she was extremely angry at them but couldn’t do anything about it.

It was already the second day of traveling and surely the change in the scenery was pleasing. Gone were the murky swamps of Swampcross, in their place were the green grasslands of Athor in the spring.

Night fell on the adventurers and they stopped to sleep. The road should be safe enough for them to sleep without worries but after a certain incident with some goblin bandits the adventurers didn’t trusted safe roads very much.

“Have some water witch” Said Ferine as she unbuckled the ballgag of Agatha’s mouth “You must be thirsty”

Agatha leaned forward to drink but Ferine drew the waterskin away from her, something than angered Agatha very much.

“You have to beg for it” Said Ferine as she shook her finger in front of Agatha’s face.

“Beg for it?” Asked Agatha confused.

“Yes, If you don’t do it you’re not getting the water”

Agatha bit her lower lip, she was thirsty but she didn’t wanted to take part in Ferine’s stupid humiliating game.

Meanwhile outside the carriage Ann and Ferine were mounting the first guard of the night and hearing mostly everything that was going on inside, which apart from Eyiel snoring as usual and Ferine teasing Agatha wasn’t much.

“You’re not gonna stop her?” Asked Zelliria.

“Stop Ferine? Why?” Ann asked back.

“Well I remember what you did to me when I gave the inquisitor the same treatment she gave me” Said Ferine “You told me that “We don’t have to be like her, we have to be better!” didn’t you?” She asked, mocking Ann’s voice.

Ann looked down a bit ashamed of being caught in this hypocrisy.

“I think I can make a small exception for her” Ann replied Awkwardly.

“Hopefully you make an exception for me next time” Said Zelliria.

The days kept going and soon enough the adventurers found themselves close enough to the city of Zalaga to see it in the horizon, they would arrive before night falls but for the time being they could contemplate the city from the distance.

“Do you think they’ll give us any trouble because, you know, her” Said Ferine as she pointed to the bound Agatha.

“Hmm... Maybe” Said Ann.

“What should we do?” Asked Eyiel.

“We can try to hide her, we have some bedrolls and blankets, that should do the work” Said Ann.

Without any more words Eyiel grabbed one of the bedrolls and shoved Agatha in it, ignoring all of her muffled complaints.

“Wouldn’t it be better if we just untie her and force to pretend that she’s with us?” Asked Liel as she the bedroll move because of the struggles of Agatha.

“That would be too risky” Said Zelliria “She’d likely cast a spell to escape as soon as we untie her”

“I see” Said Eyiel “But I have an Idea...”

Without warning Eyiel smacked Agatha, getting a muffled moan of pain from inside the bedroll.

“You better stay still witch!” Shouted Eyiel at the bedroll “Or you’ll see what happens otherwise!”

After that Agatha seemed to calm down, she stopped struggling and the bedroll now looked much more like a full bag than an obviously hidden captive. Yet the adventurers took some additional measures to avoid Agatha being so easily found. They covered the bedroll with blankets and cushions and moved it to a corner, it looked unsuspecting enough for someone not to think much about it, and that was what they needed.

Eventually the adventurers arrived at the city’s gate and came across something worrying, guards were checking everything that arrived, something that could mean trouble for the adventurers. The adventurers thought and thought of what they could do but couldn’t come up with anything before guards were asking them to come forward for an inspection.

“Can’t we just explain what’s up with her?” Asked Liel with her characteristic naivety.

“If you think some city guards will take us seriously once we explain what happened you’re very wrong” Said Zelliria “I bet most of them have never seen an elf, let alone a witch”

“I see” Said Liel awkwardly, sometimes her naivety towards the word made her a bit ashamed of herself.

When a guard asked Ann if they could inspect the carriage she just smiled and said yes. She would have liked to say no but she knew very well that the guard wasn’t asking.

The adventurers were asked to stand outside the carriage while the carriage was being inspected. They obeyed, none of them was looking to get in trouble with authorities, but the nervousness was still there.

“There’s no need for this inspection, we can assure you that we’re not carrying anything weird” Said Ann as friendly as she could.
“Sorry but it’s mandatory” Said one of the guards that stood outside with the adventurers, looking at them “This kingdom is a vassal of Athor so we have to make sure that only goods from there come here” He continued sounding like he didn’t like the facts he was stating very much.
If this kingdom is a vassal of Athor maybe the inquisitor holds some power here and could help them if anything went wrong thought Ann, although she would rather not have to tell her friends that she was working for the inquisitor.

Ann was brought back to reality from her daydreaming by the sound of a guard falling over inside the carriage, This could mean nothing but to the nervous and paranoid adventurers it meant nothing but trouble.

“Ow! What is this!?” grunted the guard.

“Seems like a bag, we should check what’s inside it” Said the other guard as he lifted the “bag” he was talking about, which was nothing more than the bedroll Agatha was in.

“There’s no need to” Said Ferine nervously “I assure we have nothing weird with us”

“That only makes you look more suspicious” Said the guard that stood beside them “Open the bag”

The guards obeyed before the nervous look of the adventurers and then they revelad the insides of the bag, a beautiful, bound and gagged woman.

“What is this!?” Asked the guard as he saw Agatha “What is your explanation to this!?”

Soon enough weapons were pointed at the adventurers, who raised their hands as they thought that they were in enough trouble already to turn this into a fight.

“Thanks for saving me, those women had kidnapped me!” Said Agatha in the most helpless tone she could make, which was extremely convincing.

“Don’t trust her!” Shouted Eyiel “She’s a witch!”

“Silence!” Ordered one of the guards “You’ll do the explaining later”

The adventurers watched with impotence as Agatha was taken out of the bedroll. She played helpless the whole time, her act was strangely convincing.

“Whatever you do don’t untie her!” Shouted Ann.

“Silence!” Ordered the guard “Hands behind your back, you’re the ones that should be tied up now”

“Really?” Sighed Zelliria, this was getting repetitive.

“I think we should just do as he says” Whispered Liel who was the most afraid of the adventurers.

Reluctantly, all of the adventurers obeyed and put their hands behind their backs to be manacled almost immediately.

“You will regret that” Said Ann as she saw the guard freeing Agatha.

The manacles that held Agatah’s hands behind her back fell to the floor, she faked a happy expression and then both guards and adventurers were engulfed by a dense fog cloud. The guards seemed surprised but the adventurers were not, they expected something like this to happen as soon as Agatha was allowed an inch of freedom and they turned out to be right.

As soon as the fog cloud dissipated the guards noticed that Agatha was missing, but that didn’t stopped them from dragging the adventurers, some of whom were giving the guards the smug “I told you” look to them, into one of the guard towers and threw them into a cell without hesitance.

“Told ya!” Said Ferine as the guards slammed the cell door closed.

There was no response from the guards.

“We’re really on a losing streak aren’t we?” Asked Zelliria sarcastically.

“So it seems” Said Ferine “Tied up on a cell again”

“At least I think there’s an easy way out of this one” Said Ann “Its guards who captured us in the end, I’m sure they’ll listen to us eventually”
“Yet we’ll have to wait here at least some time” Said Eyiel “And I really don’t like this”

“You’re telling me that you’re not getting used to getting tied up already?” Asked Ferine sarcastically.

“I could never become used to this!” Replied Eyiel, almost offended.

“But you will have to if this keeps happening so often” Said Ferine.

“It only happens so often because we continue to refuse to fight!” Said Eyiel.

“Yeah like you fought those goblins” Chuckled Ferine.

Eyiel grunted angrily and gave the dirtiest of looks to Ferine, but she just sighed and tried to get comfortable, she didn’t wanted to get into a fight when she was tied up and as the cell went silent the rest of adventurers tried the same.

“Shouldn’t we try to escape?” Asked Rhys.

“Nah, I don’t think that would do us any good” Said Ferine “We’re innocent but suspicious, if we escape that would make us guilty of something”

“But if those manacles are too tight for your taste I can break you out of them if you want” Said Zelliria.

“No, It’s fine” Replied Rhys.

“I knew it, you’d never ask to be freed” Said Zelliria.

“Why do I even bother” Sighed Rhys as she leaned beck on one of the cell walls.

Time on the cell was as boring as expected. At least they had each other but waiting on a cell for hours bores everyone. Eventually Liel decided to break her silence, she had come across one of the mishaps of being tied up.

“Hey... Zelliria...” Said Liel awkwardly.

“What is it?” Asked Zelliria.
“Can you scratch my back? It itches” Replied Liel as awkwardly as before.

“Sure, hey what?” Zelliria asked confused as she saw Ferine scratch Liel’s back while staring smugly at her.

Ferine was free of restraints so she had no problem obeying Liel’s request.

“What?” Asked Ferine teasingly “Don’t tell me that you still have your hands bound”

“I thought we wouldn’t try to escape!” Complained Ferine “Otherwise I would be as free as you!”

“Well I’m not trying to escape, I just got tired of being tied up” Ferine kept teasing.

“No need to make a problem out of this” Ann tried to calm down the situation.

“Huh, so you like tying people up but can’t stand being tied up yourself?” Zelliria teased back “Pathetic”

That made Ferine angry at least a bit, but she wouldn’t loose her cool to Zelliria.

“Sounds to me like you can’t escape” Said Ferine.

“With my magic I could escape right now if I wanted” Boasted Zelliria.

“And how about without magic?” Asked Ferine “Or are you like every other mage ever? All brains no brawn?”

“If that was the case you could say I’m your opposite” Teased Ferine.

“Oh you...”

“Girls!” Ann shouted, interrupting Ferine “Stop this! Someone’s coming so behave!”

Zelliria and Ferine obeyed and assumed a more unsuspecting position. Ferine even managed to grab the manacles and reapply them, so no she had her hands bound behind her back again.

The door outside the cell opened and a small group of people entered the room. It was woman being escorted by two guards that seemed much better armed than the ones that had taken them captive, they were clad in plate armor and were covered in ceremonial cloaks.
These were certainly no regular city guards but the adventurers could only wonder who they were then. The little light light in the room didn’t allowed them to get much detail but something was certain, this must be important.

The silhouette of the woman didn’t revealed much, she seemed slim and maybe pretty, but with so little light they couldn’t tell any details apart.

The candles were suddenly lit and after getting use to the light the adventures got a clear sight of their visitors. The guards were unrecognizable because of their helmets. The woman was nobody they had seen before, she seemed young, with soft lightly tanned skin and long brown hair, but even if they didn’t recognized her they still recognized something she had with her, the symbol of the inquisition on her tabard.

“Good evening ladies” Said the woman as she crouched in front of the cell bars “Let me introduce myself, I’m inquisitor Elma Kleiber, but feel free to call me Elma”

“Seems we can’t get free of your kind” Sighed Zelliria “What do you want from us?”

“Well to help you of course” Replied Elma, a bit confused by Zelliria’s hostility “After all we’re working together aren’t we?”
“Sure! We’re glad you’re here to help!” Replied almost immediately.

Apart from Liel every one of her companions gave Ann a confused look. Ann wanted tu bury her head out of embarrassment, she had no idea of how she will explain this to her friends.

“You didn’t know that we’re working for the inquisitors?” Asked Liel as confused as her her friends “Why do you think I keep using my uniform?”

A thousand questions went through the minds of Rhys, Ferine, Eyiel and especially Zelliria who couldn’t believe that they were working for her enemy. Yet they could see that the situation wasn’t the best one to ask those questions.

“Sure, thanks for coming Elma” Ferine said as she smiled at Elma.

“I’m going to get you out of here and we can catch up elsewhere” Said Elma as she opened the cell door “We sure have a lot to talk about”
Elma lead the adventurers out of the cell but didn’t untied the adventurers. Although they would have liked to be untied they were confused enough not to ask, they had already been tied up for a few hours already, they could stand a few more.

“Would you like to come to my house for our meeting?” Asked Elma “I rarely have guests”

“I’m fine with that” Replied Ann quickly, almost like if she didn’t wanted her friends to step in the conversation.

“Aren’t you going to untie us?” Asked Rhys shyly “I wouldn’t like everyone on the streets to see us like this”

“It’s almost nighttime so the streets are pretty empty but if you insist...” Said Elma as she turned towards her bodyguards “Hand the girls some cloaks”

The bodyguards obeyed and almost by surprise covered the adventurers in red cloaks much like the ones they were wearing.

“There you go, now nobody would be able to tell that you’re tied up” Said Elma as she turned towards the door, ready to leave the building.
The adventurers were unbelieving but as much as they would have liked to they didn’t asked to be untied again, this woman didn’t seemed to have the intention to do so anyway.

The adventurers followed Elma normally, like she said nobody seemed to be able to tell that they were technically prisoners. That didn’t meant that it wasn’t extremely awkward to walk with their hands tied behind their backs and pretend to be walking normally, because it was.
From time to time Ann turned to look at her friends she saw them staring daggers at her, they didn’t seemed pleased by the situation they were in and it was clear that they knew that Ann had to do something with it. The only one of her friends who didn’t do this was Liel, who just smiled innocently at Ann every time she looked at her, poor her thought Ann, she clearly had no idea of what was going on.

Elma tried to start conversations a lot, she seemed very friendly, especially when compared when the other inquisitor they knew of. But all the conversations she tried to start were quickly shut by Ann, who gave cutting replies to every question expecting that her friends wouldn’t step in.

“Well, welcome to my house girls” Said Elma as they stood before the building.

House was short of a term to refer to the structure Elma seemed to live in a palace, a small one but still a palace nonetheless.

“Come in, I won’t bite” Said Elma “You two can leave for today” She said to the guards.

A bit surprised by her hospitality the adventurers obeyed and entered the house through the big main door. They were welcomed by the somewhat ostentatious scene of the main room, with a marble floor and ceiling, walls adorned with marble pillars and a big golden chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

“Take a seat girls” Said Elma as she pointed to the big oval table in the middle of the room.

The adventurers obeyed and made themself as comfortable as they could with their hands behind their backs.

“Oh, do you want me to untie you?” Asked Elma “You don’t seem very comfortable”

“Don’t worry about that” Said Ferine as she shook the manacles in front of her, she had gotten tired of being tied up again.

“Heh, I knew you could do it, how about the rest of you? Are you going to use your magic or something?” Asked Elma.

“Fine” Sighed Zelliria “I’ll do me and Liel, you take care of yourself, Ann and Eyiel okay Rhys?”

Rhys nodded and both of them uttered the same spell that the situations they were facing lately had forced them to memorize. And so the manacles unlocked and the adventurers were all free.

“Much better” Said Elma as she leaned back on her chair.

“Why didn’t you allowed us to do this before?” Asked Rhys.

“I thought your problem was just that people could see you tied up, Inquisitor Amelie told me that you’re used to it so I didn’t insisted much” Stated Elma.

The adventurers were left baffled by Elma’s words, did Amelie really told her that about them? Even Ann who knew what she was doing with the inquisitor was somewhat surprised by the fact that she had decided to point that out so specifically.

“Anyway, do you want to do anything before we get to the matter at hand?” Asked Elma

“Actually yes” Said Zelliria as she turned towards Ann “I think we would like to discuss something in private”

“Fine, your rooms are upstairs and there’s a bathroom around there, I got you clothes in the case you wanted to change” Said Elma.

“I think I’ll take a shower” Ann replied and almost immediately she marched towards the direction Elma had pointed them to.

Zelliria exchanged a look with Ferine and the scout nodded in response.

“Eyiel, come with us” Said Zelliria as she tapped the amazon on the shoulder “We’re taking a shower too”

“You two can take our stuff upstairs” Said Ferine to Rhys and Liel who were left a bit confused by their actions.

By this time Ann had already arrived to the bathroom, a cylindrical marble room with white columns around a round, shallow steaming pool. Ann sighed as she closed the door behind her, she wasn’t ready for the explaining she’ll need to do.

While Liel and Rhys went upstairs Eyiel, Ferine and Zelliria followed the way Ann had gone through a few minutes ago. When they entered the bathroom Ann was already undressed and showering half submerged in the steaming pool.

“Oh, eh... Hi” Said Ann awkwardly.

Neither Eyiel, Ferine or Zelliria replied.

“I think I have to explain some things to you” Ann continued.

After getting naked the other three got in the pool but kept ignoring Ann’s words.

“Yes Ann, you have a LOT of explaining to do” Said Zelliria as she crossed her arms.

Ann was getting ready to reply but Eyiel grabbed her from behind, catching her by surprise, Ann would have screamed because of scare but Ferine was quick to cover her mouth with her hand.

“Shh” Whispered Ferine as she pressed her index finger against her lips.

Eyiel’s grip was strong, she was clearly stronger than Ann, she had her grabbed by the arms and allowed her little movement, so after some futile struggling Ann gave up which allowed Eyiel to lighten her grip, she wasn’t going to fight her friends anyway.

“Now Ann, I’m doubting if we can trust you at all, but can you at least promise not to scream?” Asked Zelliria.

Ann nodded so Zelliria signaled Ferine to remove her hand from Ann’s mouth.

“What are you doing? I thought...” Ann was interrupted by Ferine handgagging her again.

“We make the questions here” Said Zelliria “Move her to the column Eyiel, i want to get this started”

Eyiel obeyed and was quick to drag Ann against one of the columns, Ferine kept her hand over Ann’s mouth while she was dragged and Zelliria went outside the pool to get something.

“Mpghgg?” Ann tried to ask something, but it was unintelligible.

“Silence Ann” Ordered Zelliria.

Once Eyiel had brought Ann against a column she forced her arms over her head and started to move them behind the column. Ann tried to remain calm, she was sure that her friends wouldn’t hurt her but she was still breathing heavily, a clear sign of the fear she was currently in.
Then Ann felt her hands being manacled behind the column and after that Zelliria emerged from behind it. Eyiel also ceased her grapple, since Ann was now tied up it was no longer necessary.

The way Ann had been tied up made her feel extremely uncomfortable, her hands over her head tied behind the column left her chest and sides completely exposed which was made worse by the fact that she was naked. The only somewhat good thing of the position she had been put in was that at least her lower body was under water, which didn’t meant much because the water was crystal clear but it was at least something.

Her three friends, that now seemed more like her enemies, sat in front of her in the pool. Zelliria sat in the middle, at her right Ferine, still hangaggind Ann and at her left Eyiel, just looking down upon her.

“Will you remain silent now?” Zelliria asked threateningly as she leaned forward.

Ann nodded, this time fully willing to obey and Ferine removed her hand from Ann’s mouth.

“Do you know why we’re doing this Ann?” Asked Zelliria.

Ann thought twice before replying, she couldn’t know if they wanted her to speak or not.

“What? Speak! You’re not gagged yet!” Said Zelliria.

“You’re doing this to me because I didn’t told you that we’re working with the inquisitor aren’t you?” Asked Ann as she looked down in shame.

“Yes, care to explain?” Asked Zelliria.

“Well...” Ann looked aside, she didn’t have the courage to tell what had happened with the inquisitor to her friends “Can we do it later?”
“Why? Are you in a hurry?” Asked Zelliria.

“Its just that I don’t want to do it like this” Spilled Ann.

“Oh it’s because of this!” Said Zelliria as she suddenly grabbed Ann’s breasts getting a moan out of Ann “Don’t worry I’ll cover them”
“Girls please I swear I’ll tell you later” Begged Ann.

“What’s stopping you from telling us now?” Asked Zelliria “Gotta come up with a lie?”

“Zelliria stop this” Eyiel jumped in “We just want to make her speak not to suffer”

“So we should let her get away with this?” Asked Zelliria “I don’t think so”

“We can make her speak later, she’s clearly not going to give us answers now” Intervened Ferine.

Zelliria was getting angry, again her fellow captors were saying that she was being too harsh on her prisoner,and this time she was outnumbered. Zelliria would have voiced her thoughts hadn’t been for a sudden interruption.

“Everything alright girls?” Asked Elma who was peeking into the room from behind the door “I heard a scream and...” She stopped as she saw the scene before her eyes.

“Yes everything is fine we’re just...” Zelliria took her hands of Ann’s breast and raised them, she was blushing deeply and so were her friends, Ann included, this was not a situation they wanted to be caught in “Playing a game!”

“Oh I see, don’t take to long though, dinner will be ready in a few minutes” Said Elma as she left.

Everyone of the four adventurers gave a sigh of relief as Elma left, this could have gone so much worse.

“We’ll interrogate you later Ann” Said Zelliria as she leaned back against the edge of the pool “But you’ll remain tied up until we’re done here, that’ll your punishment for now”
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 33: Not Really Necessary

Liel and Rhys had already arrived to the room Elma had prepared for them, it was nice to sleep in a bedroom after sleeping either on the road or worse for so long.

“So, I guess you’re going to have a lot of problems” Said Rhys.

“Uh? Why?” Asked Liel, oblivious to whatever Rhys was referring to.

“Collaborating with the inquisitor?” Asked Rhys rhetorically “I guess Zelliria wont like that”

“But I thought you already knew...” Replied Liel meekly.

“Well we didn’t” Said Rhys “And I think they’re going to make you pay for that”

“Are they angry at me?

“Of course they are!” Replied Rhys angrily, the naivety of Liel only made her hate her more “Zelliria and Ferine hate her! Do you really think they will keep playing nice with you after this?”


“Of course no!” Rhys was quick to reply “Now you better surrender to me, or you would prefer to surrender to Ferine, Zelliria and Eyiel?”
“There’s no need for us to have such problems!” Said Liel.

“Then surrender” Ordered Rhys.

“What do you mean surrender?” Asked Liel “I’m not resisting you I shouldn’t have to...”

Liel was interrupted by a rope entangling her ankles, it did it by itself like if it was a snake it was clearly the doing of magic, and there was only one mage in the room with her. Liel quickly lost balance and fell to the floor.

“Do you like it?” Asked Rhys as she crouched to get near Liel “I learned it a few days ago, it is the first time I use it on someone other than myself” She bit her lip, she didn’t meant to say that last part.

“Rhys if this is some of the games you guys play I don’t think you’re supposed to hurt me” Said Liel as she rolled over to lay on her back.

“Oh but I’m not playing” Threatened Rhys “I’m going to tie you up so tightly that your arms will go purple, I’m going to stuff your mouth so much that you will think that your jaw is about to dislocate I’m going to make you feel like you have made me feel all these days...”

“I’m pretty sure I didn’t do any of those things to you” Said Liel, completely surprised and kind of scared by what Rhys had just said “But anyway, I think we should go back downstairs and...”

“You’re not going anywhere” Said Rhys as she stopped Liel from moving by grabbing her by the shoulder and pinning her to the floor.

“Rhys if you’re angry at me we can talk it out, there’s no need to get angry” Liel tried to calm down Rhys to no avail.

“It’s too late for you to talk out anything” Now you’ll have to pay.

Rhys took rope out of her bag that apparently was filled with it and showed it to Liel, making her intentions very clear.

“Rhys if you want to tie me up I think this isn’t the right moment” Said Liel.

“I don’t care, but maybe if you comply the others wont be as bad as me with you” Said Rhys as she grabbed Liel’s arms.

“Rhys if you tie me up I’ll have to fight back and I don’t want to do it” Said Liel as her tone became serious.

“Oh you’re threatening me?” Asked Rhys “Go ahead, fight me, at least you’ll be showing your real colors”

Liel sighed, she really didn’t wanted to do this but considering Rhys’ threat she neither wanted to end up like Rhys wanted to put her, so she had no choice.

Liel had no trouble getting away from Rhys’ grip, the elf was the weakest of the whole party and definitely weaker than Liel. After having Liel escape her grip Rhys stepped back, ready to enchant more ropes to do the work for her but Liel had already gotten up and out of the ropes on her ankles.

“Stop right there and I wont tell the others that you tried this!” Rhys tried to sound intimidating but she sounded more afraid than anything.
“Sorry but I don’t think this whole thing is necessary” Said Liel.

Rhys was ready to hurl new enchanted ropes at Liel but her spell wasn’t as fast she needed. Before the ropes were enchanted Liel grabbed Rhys by her wrists and didn’t let go of her

Rhys struggled harder as she realized that she couldn’t get out but it was of no use, Liel had her and she didn’t had the strength to get free
“What are you going to do now huh?” Asked Rhys “Now everyone will know the traitor you are, I hope you’re happy about this”

“I’m not a traitor Rhys, just please, let me explain” Liel tried to make the elf reason.

“After lying about the inquisitor how can I trust anything you say?” Asked Rhys. She actually cared little for Liel’s lie, to her the lie was just an excuse to get revenge on her.

“I can explain everything you just have to listen to me” Liel kept trying.

“I won’t listen!” Shouted Rhys as she hurled a kick to Liel, but the only thing she achieved was was falling on her back to the bed.

“Please calm down Rhys....” Liel pleaded.

“You calm me down! I won’t obey you!” Rhys kept showing defiance as she struggled against Liel.

Liel sighed, she clearly couldn’t reason with Rhys this way so she would have to resort to some measures she would prefer not to take. Liel let go of one of Rhys’ hands to reach for something, Rhys saw it and immediately knew what she was reaching for, rope.

Rhys tried to stop Liel, this couldn’t end this way for her yet she couldn’t stop her no matter how hard she tried to get out.

“Let me go!” Shouted Rhys.

Liel quickly covered Rhys’ mouth with her free hand, she couldn’t have her screaming and making everyone else worry about them.

“Please Rhys, I swear I wont hurt you I just need you to calm down” Said Liel.

Rhys ignored the request and kept struggling, she wasn’t going to surrender any time soon. Liel sighed, she knew what she had to do yet she didn’t wanted to do it, but she had no choice.

“’I’m sorry but you left me no choice” Said Liel as she took out one of the gags from Rhys’ bag.

Rhys kept struggling fiercely, if Liel gagged her her revenge was done for and she clearly didn’t wanted that. But sadly for the elf, as much as she didn’t wanted her plan to be foiled she couldn’t prevent it and with little effort Liel managed to gag her.

Now that she didn’t had to worry about Rhys’ screaming, her screams now sounded muffled and unintelligible, Liel could get to work with tying Rhys up. She didn’t put much effort into it, she just tied her hands behind her back hoping that would do the work, and it did, Rhys was no escape master after all.

“I’m very sorry about having to do this but I had no choice” Said Liel “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt, I just want to talk”

Rhys was fuming with rage, she wasn’t the one that should tied teid up right now, it should be Liel! The fact that Liel had completely defeated her and foiled her revenge plan made her feel incredibly impotent, which only made her anger greater.

Liel pinned Rhys to the bed trying to calm her down so she could explain but before she could say anything the sound of the door opening and a familiar voice interrupted her.

“Do we interrupt something?” Asked Ferine as she saw the scene in front of her.

Both Liel and Rhys blushed out of shame as they saw their friends enter the room. Both of them realized that the whole scene with Liel above Rhys and pinning her to the bed wasn’t a very good look and definitely not the situation they wanted to be found in.

“I can explain...” Said Liel as she stood up.

“Mpgh!” Moaned Rhys as she sat on the bed behind Liel.

“Don’t worry, we know that Rhys likes this, I’m sure she’s happy about you doing this”

“I don’t think....” Liel tried to explain herself.

“But this is no time for playing, you and Ann have some explaining to do” Said Ferine.

As Liel started to get nervous Rhys smiled under her gag, even after this humiliation she was still glad about Liel probably being kicked out of their group.

“I'm sorry about keeping this secret, we should have told you beforehand” Said Liel awkwardly.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure this has much more to do with Ann than with you” Said Zelliria.

“Uh!? Why?” Asked Ann ofended by the remark.

“Well unless you show us some proof I find it hard to believe that she plotted out this whole thing” Said Zelliria “I’m pretty sure she would never do it”

Only one person in the room was more angry than Ann and it was Rhys, the fact that they were so charitable towards her was extremely angering for Rhys, who had just been tied up against their will by her.

“Anyway, we should start this thing already” Interviened Eyiel.

“Ugh, go ahead” Sighed Ann as she crossed her hands behind her back.

Not so long after

“Is this really necessary?” Asked Ann as she tested the bindings that held her to the chair.

“Pretty sure interrogatories work better when the one being interrogated is tied up” Said Ferine as she finished tying Liel in the same way Ann was tied up.

Since the adventurers wanted to get to the bottom of this they had no way other than asking to the ones involved, but rather than asking them what this whole thing was about they preferred to tie them to chairs and then do the asking. It was clear that Zelliria was the one more interested, especially in tying up Ann which she did with extreme care. Ferine joined after suggesting that Liel should be tied up too, something Zelliria initially opposed but quickly ceded to, she couldn’t make the fact that she was biased towards her friend that obvious.

The whole situation had ended up with Ann and Liel tied to chairs with rope, her hands had been crossed behind her back and they were held to the back of the chair by ropes above and below their breast as well as on their abdomen. Their legs were held to the legs of the chair at the ankles and knees and rope pinned their laps to the chair’s seat, after all of that it was clear why Ann thought this was excessive.

“Are you ready to be interrogated and tell us the truth Ann?” Asked Zelliria as she sat on another chair in front of Ann.

“Yes, please, I would have done it already if you hadn't kept me gagged while you tied me up” Complained Ann.

“Then tell us everything now” Said Ferine.
Ann sighed, this was getting on her nerves but getting angry would do nothing for her, especially on her current position.

“The night before we took of from Bosport the inquisitor took me to her castle at night, while all of you were sleeping” Ann started to speak out as the memories brought back by the events of that night started to haunt her again “There she told me that she wanted us to do something for her and...”

“And you accepted!?” Interrupted Zelliria.

“Let her speak” Said Eyiel calmly, she had been staring in silence until now.

“Thank you Eyiel” Said Ann “I didn’t accepted because I wanted to, I accepted because she threatened me”

“What threat was so menacing that made you accept her request?” Asked Zelliria, almost mocking Ann.

“She threatened me with telling my family what I did in that city” Said Ann as she looked down, ashamed as she confessed.

“Huh? Are you joking!? What has your family have to do with this!?” Zelliria complained, offender by Ann’s excuse.

“Zelliria...” Interrupted Ferine as she grabbed the half elf from the shoulders.

“What? You’re going to excuse her too?” Asked Zelliria.

“Ann is from a really important family, I think I understand why she did it” Explained Ferine as she tried to calm down Zelliria.

“If that was involved I think we can understand” Said Eyiel.

“Wait wait, don’t you think we’re trusting her too much?” Asked Zelliria “Surely there’s something more to it!”

“What more do you want Zelliria” Asked Eyiel “Don’t you have enough already?”

“I don’t but it seems I’m the only one” Zelliria conceded.

“Anything else you want to add to this?” Ferine asked to Liel.

“I think Ann wouldn’t want me to talk about it” Said Liel “But I think the inquisitor will explain what we need to know right?”

Liel looked at the door and smiled which made everyone follow her gaze until they saw Elma standing on the door. Elma cleared her throat to get the adventurers attention.

“Still playing?” Asked Elma.

“Yes! Should we go downstairs now?” Asked Zelliria nervously, she had been caught in this act twice which she really didn’t liked.

“You can take your time, don’t worry” Said Elma “But I still have a lot of things to explain to you”

“It seems we’ll have to comply now, but I still think that you’re hiding something” Said Zelliria as she left the room.

“Will you untie us now?” Asked Liel.

“Mpgh” Groaned Rhys from the bed, she had been left tied up during this whole time and somehow nobody seemed to notice her.

“Yeah we should untie you too” Said Eyiel as she untied Ann..

Like if Rhys hadn’t been tied up long enough, she was the last one to be untied which taking in account how much rope the other two had on them it was quite some time until Ferine untied her.

“Why didn’t you untie me before?” Asked Rhys as she took the gag off her mouth as soon as her hands were free.

“You didn’t seemed too annoyed by it” Said Ferine “Surely you were enjoying it”

“I assume I should have asked you to untie me before then” Sighed Rhys “And don’t you think Zelliria is being way to charitable to Liel?”

“Maybe, but I think we’re having enough problems already to discuss that now” Said Ann “For now just hear what the inquisitor has to say, she’ll probably explain things better than I can”

Zelliria and the inquisitor were waiting for the others downstairs in awkward silence.

When all of the adventurers were there the inquisitor started her long explanation while they were eating. Most of the things she said were not new to Liel and Ann who already knew what was up with the inquisitor and her intentions, but were completely new to the others who had no idea of anything Elma said.

It was also a good moment to explain what had been of their travel until now, the incident with the assassins in Valerrol and of course the whole Agatha problem they’ve had until practically today.

After Elma finished her explanation the time came for Ann to give her the bad news, and she would be lying if she said that she didn’t feared the consequences of what she was about to say.

“The map was stolen from us” Said Ann awkwardly.

“Huh? How?” Asked Elma, surprised by the news.

“The witch that we told you about took the map from us and had an homunculus bring ir here” Explained Ann “Our intention was to bring her with us so she could lead us to the map but the guards that stopped us at the gate let her escape so now we had no idea were it could be”

“That’s definitely a problem” Said Elma as she leaned back on her chair “I think Amelie told me that I had to punish you if you committed any mistakes”

Ann sighed, she wasn’t looking forward to be punished by an inquisitor again and neither were Eyiel, Ferine and especially Liel and Zelliria who were the ones with more experience with the inquisitors punishments.

“Don’t look at me like that, I have no idea of what she means” Explained Elma “And you’re not kids, I think we can think of a solution without any punishments”

The adventurers calmed down, Elma was nothing like the inquisitor they already knew, one would even say that she was too good to be one.
“What are we going to do then?” Asked Ann “We still need the map to get there”

“I’ll think about it, you can rest for now, I’m sure you’re tired” Said Elma as she left the table.

The adventurers looked at each other and shrugged, this was the last thing they expected from an inquisitor.

Seeing how it was already late and there was nothing left to do for them they decided to go to sleep, like Elma said they were very tired and sleeping on a proper bed after so long would be really nice for their backs.

In Rhys and Eyiel’s room not so long after

“I can’t stand her anymore” Complained Rhys to Eyiel, who was sleeping in the same room as her.

“Are you still angry at Liel?” Asked Eyiel.

“Of course I am!” Rhys kept complaining “She tied me up against my will today! How can I not be angry?”

“We started like that too and look at us now?” Chuckled Eyiel.

“Well I don’t think we’ll ever be so close but I’d definitely like to have her like this one time” Said Rhys as she tightened some knots behind Eyiel’s back.

“Weren’t you the one who liked to be tied up?” Asked Eyiel teasingly.

“Don’t play with me, remember you’re the one tied up now” Said Rhys as she lightly poked Eyiel’s back getting a subtle squirm from the amazon.

Keeping a promise that she had made long ago in Valerrol, Eyiel had let Rhys tie her up. She wouldn’t have done so if Rhys hadn’t asked her, Eyiel was no fan of being tied up, especially by someone weaker than her like Rhys but she wasn’t the type to leave promises unfulfilled.

“So... How does it feel?” Asked Rhys as she moved in front of the amazon and sat on the bed with her.

Eyiel tested the ropes, she knew that if she tried she could break out of them anytime she wanted but she wanted to play along with Rhys at least for now. Regarding the restraints she was in, Rhys had put her arms in a boxtie and pinned them to her chest with ropes going above and below the amazon’s breasts, but other than that the amazon was completely free, even her legs had been left untied.

“You did a good job but I think I still don’t see the appeal” Said Eyiel, trying to be the least blunt possible “But if you like it I’m okay with it”
“Aww thank you” Said Rhys as she pounced on Eyiel to hug her “And don’t worry, I’ll let you have your revenge whenever you want” She whispered on Eyiel’s ear before resting her head on the amazon’s shoulder.

Eyiel smiled as she was hugged by Rhys, as weird as the elf was and as wrong as she was about so many things she still appeared extremely cute before Eyiel’s eyes. Everytime Rhys did something like this something within Eyiel seemed to activate, like an instinct that wanted nothing but to protect that cute elf girl in front of her.

Eventually Rhys fell asleep on the bed and after that Eyiel just broke free of the ropes with ease and went to sleep herself, not before tucking Rhys under the blankets and stroking her red hair.

Outside the bedrooms the house was as dark and empty as one would expect, even Elma had left, probably because of something related with Agatha running fee on the city.

It was empty apart of a certain someone, Zelliria had left the room she was sleeping in after making sure Ferine had fallen asleep. The reason why she was doing this was that she was still unsure of the deal Ann had with the inquisitor, and that didn’t let her sleep.

Zelliria sneaked in Ann and Liel’s bedroom, like she expected they were both asleep. She closed the door behind her and using her greater darkvision she approached Ann, ready to enact her plan. She uncoiled the ropes she had brought with her and pulled Ann’s arms above her head and then tying them together to the bed headrest and after tying her feet together she was ready to wake her up.

Ann quickly woke up to realize that her face wasn’t being caressed in her dreams but rather by someone else, someone real. She opened her eyes to see who it was but she found nothing but darkness, she was getting scared, she tried to reach for a candle but was unable to, she was ready to call out for help when a hand cover her mouth.

“Shh, you wouldn’t want to wake them up” Whispered Zelliria on Ann’s ear.

“Zelliria?” Asked Ann, confused.

Zelliria lighted up a candle to reveal herself to Ann.

“What are you doing? Why am I tied up?” Asked Ann just as confused as before.

“I think you know why I tied you up” Said Zelliria as she kept caressing Ann’s face.

“You still don’t trust me?” Asked Ann as she tried to get away from Zelliria’s hand “And what’s your obsession with tying people up when you want to ask them questions?”

“You did the same thing to me when you first met me” Said Zelliria crossing her arms across her chest.

“Ugh that was months ago!” Complained Ann “And we didn’t know you at that time”

“Shh” Said Zelliria as she pressed her hand against Ann’s lips, she couldn't allow her to raise her tone like that “After knowing that you have a deal with the inquisitor I don’t know if I know you too”

“Why do you want to keep me quiet so badly?” Asked Ann after Zelliria allowed her to speak “Didn’t you tie up Liel too? What are you afraid of?”

Zelliria didn’t replied but her silence made it clear that Ann was on the right.

“Why can you trust her but not me?” Asked Ann “We’re together in this if you don’t already know”

“Don’t bring her up” Zelliria interrupted her “Its with you who I have to talk with”

“Uhg, well what do you want?” Asked Ann.

“Everything Ann, tell me everything”
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Post by Caesar73 »

Good Stuff!
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 34: Invited?

“That’s it, that’s everything” Sighed Ann after giving a long explanation to Zelliria about why they were working for the inquisitor.

“Something tells me that there’s more to it” Said Zelliria, still not convinced about the explanation Ann had given her.

“What more do you want?” Ann was getting angry at Zelliria “Are you really that paranoid?

“You’re expecting me to believe that she just told you to do something and you obeyed because she says that she knows something about your family?” Asked Zelliria “I don’t know, something about that seems fishy”

“You don’t need to know what happened in the inquisitors castle” Said Ann.


“I really don’t want to tell that” Awkwardly replied Ann.

“Well you can’t run away from this one Ann” Said Zelliria “I’ll untie you after you tell me so consider that”

Ann wanted to be untied, but not badly enough to be willing to humiliate herself by telling what the inquisitor had done with her, that was something she would rather take to the grave.

“I have no problem keeping you like this until you tell me” Zelliria tried to persuade Ann.

“I don’t know what the inquisitor did with you when she had you but...” Ann was trying to find the most subtle of ways to tell what had happened with her “I imagine she did something very similar with both of us”

After hearing that Zelliria no longer felt in the mood of domineering Ann, she felt kind of ashamed and even bad about what she had done with Ann. She understood better that anyone what a night with the inquisitor meant and since she didn’t wanted to tell what she had done with her she felt bad about making Ann have to say it.

“I’m sorry Ann...” Said Zelliria awkwardly “I had no idea that”

“Its okay” Ann replied quickly “Now you know so there’s no point in feeling bad about it”

Zelliria was relieved to know that Ann wasn’t angry at her, she didn’t wanted to have problems with anyone of the group especially with her since she usually acted as a group leader.

“Can you untie me now?” Asked Ann as she tugged the ropes that held her to the bed.

Zelliria got to work quickly, rapidly undoing the knots that held Ann’s wrist and ankles and stretched her body along the bed.

After untying Ann Zelliria was ready to leave the room but something drew her attention, she heard someone clearing her throat and sounding not very pleased, and she knew who it was.

“That was very cruel!” Said Liel who had just gotten out of the bed.

Zelliria and Ann were silent for a few seconds, the prospect of having to explain what had happened to Liel was tiring enough for Ann but Zelliria cared about it much more, if there was something she didn’t wanted her childhood friend to know about her was that borderline sadistic side of her.

“How long have you been awake?” Asked Zelliria, praying to hear the most comforting of answers although doubting the possibility.

“Long enough to know that you should apologize to Ann” Scolded Liel.

“I already did...”

“You can’t expect that to be enough!” Said Liel “You had her tied to the bed since before i woke up, I don’t think a single “I’m sorry” would do it”

“What should I do?” Asked Zelliria, deeply ashamed of being scolded by Liel.

Liel scratched her chin as she thought of what Zelliria should face because of what she did to Ann, she was certainly well intentioned but some of the teaching of the inquisitor passed through her mind as she thought.

“You should do every favor Ann asks you for... a week!” Said Liel, sounding very convinced about her words.

“I don’t think that will be necessary” Said Ann before Zelliria could make any excuses for herself “We’re okay now, I don’t think she needs any...”

“Then she should sleep tied up!” Liel interrupted “She was willing to threaten doing that to you so I think its fair”

Zelliria and Ann looked at each other, Ann was ready to say that Liel’s proposal was unnecessary but Zelliria spoke before her.

“I’ll do it under one condition” Said Zelliria.

“Its not necessary Zel...”

Zelliria turned towards Ann, smiled and gave a thumbs up, apparently she didn’t seemed to care about the punishment Liel was willing to give to her.

“Whats that condition?” Asked Liel.

“That you have to tie me up yourself” Zelliria replied flirty.

“Then I’ll do it!” Replied Liel after a few seconds, she was taken aback by Zelliria’s tone.

Liel and Zelliria walked out the room, Zelliria made sure to look back at Ann and smile at her, just to make it clear enough that she actually had no problem with this.

Zelliria was quick to get into bed and stretch her arms and legs like she had made Ann do when she tied her up. She was not eager to sleep tied up but she knew that she could bare it perfectly, she was eager to get tied up by Liel.

“I’ll tie you up like you did to Ann” Said Liel as she got to work with the same ropes Zelliria had used not so long ago.

“Well, maybe I deserve it” Sighed Zelliria, pretending to be annoyed at her predicament.

“Next time you should think before doing this to your friends” Liel said as she stood up, ready leave Zelliria alone.

“Wait, no goodnight kiss?” Zelliria teasingly asked.

“Uh? What?” Liel expected everything but that question “We’re no longer kids...”

“So that’s a no?” Zelliria asked with an exaggerated but not fake disappointment.

“Fine, I guess you have it bad enough already” Liel replied.

Liel felt awkward about fulfilling Zelliria’s request, her face turned a bit red as she kissed her friend on the cheek but that only made Zelliria enjoy it more.

“You’re so cute” Said Zelliria.

“Uh.... That wont get you out of this!” Despite saying that, Liel had no idea why Zelliria was acting this way with her, she expected her to be angry but she didn’t seemed to care at all, one could even say that she was even enjoying it, but Liel had no time to think about it.
“Goodbye” Liel awkwardly kissed off.

Zelliria smiled as she saw her friend get out of the room, once she closed the door behind her she inspected her restraints, they were good, tight enough not let her escape but not tight to the point that her circulation was being cut off by the ropes. It wasn’t anything she couldn’t get out of, she was an escape artist after all, but she would take her time to enjoy the restraints.

Liel went back to the room and Ann was waiting for her, she didn’t wanted Liel to return and just found her sleeping.

“Thanks for that” Said Ann.

“Its nothing, I’m sorry that I couldn’t stop her earlier” Liel answered.

“Don’t worry about it, you already did enough”

Ann blew out the candle that lit the room and laid on her bed, covered in the blankets and ready to sleep, like she expected sleeping on a after sleeping on the road for so long sleeping on a bed felt better than ever.

“Can I ask you something Ann...?” Liel asked shyly, her question wasn’t letting her sleep yet she feared the reaction asking it could get.
“What is it?” Asked Ann as she turned on her side to look at Liel, although she could see little of her in the darkness.

“Does Rhys hate me?” Liel asked as shyly as before.

Ann was surprise by that question, it felt like it was coming up all of a sudden, maybe some of her companions had some idea about that inquiry but Ann had none. For Ann the question was not only sudden but also worrying, they were embarking on a long and dangerous journey, having problems among the group would only make things worse.

“Why do you ask that?” Ann asked.

“Before you found us on the bedroom.... she said some things to me”

“What did she said to you?” Ann asked interrupting Liel.

Liel proceeded to awkwardly explain what had happened with Rhys, she wasn’t very happy telling it but it was for the better, she didn’t knew what to do about it so seeking help in who she considered the most reasonable person of the group was the best course of action she could take in the situation.

“I see, sounds like she indeed has some problem with you after all” Said Ann after hearing Liel’s story.

Liel did not replied, she was waiting more from Ann.

“I’ll talk it out with her, we can’t have problems among us, especially considering the task we have before us” Ann explained “But now I have a question for you”

“What is it?”

“Do you have a problem with Rhys?” Ann inquired.

“No... Or at least no until this incident” Liel awkwardly explained, she wasn’t expecting that question.

“Don’t worry I can understand” Said Ann “Just be sure not to make it worse”

The night went by uneventful, the adventurers had reached the point where nights this calm felt out of the ordinary, but they definitively weren’t something to complain about.

After the night had passed the adventurers didn’t woke up after long since the first sunbeams had grazed the city even Eyiel was enjoying sleeping in a bed after so long.

The first of the adventurers to wake up was Ann, not a surprise at all, she had retained the discipline from being brought up by a family of knights her whole life and part of that was waking up early almost instinctively, although she still woke up later that usual.

Ann was surprised to find out that Elma was not on the house, but the servitude of the house had no problem guiding her through the mansion, according to what they said, Elma was still working but she told them that Ann as well as her friends should be made to feel at home while she wasn’t there, and they were making sure that her request was met.

The next one of the adventurers to wake up was Ferine, who woke up long after Ann, and after not so long she was followed by Zelliria, Liel, Rhys and finally Eyiel.

Despite lunchtime being near the adventurers were served a breakfast, none of them complained anyway since getting to eat the food that was served in Elma’s house was nothing to complain about.

But the adventurers late breakfast was suddenly interrupted by Elma herself, who busted the doors open and entered the room without saying a word, getting a confused look from all the adventurers. She didn’t looked good, she was visibly tired which could be noted by her eyes and posture and her hair was made a mess, but there was a smile on her face.

“Good news girls” Said Elma as she leaned onto the table.

None of the adventurers knew how to react, something about the way Elma looked and how she was behaving made it not very easy to ask what she was talking about.

“I’ve found the map”

“Great but... are you okay?” Ann asked a bit worried.

“Yes yes” Replied Elma like she knew that she was lying “I do need some sleep but first, I’d like to show you something”

“Sure...” Ann replied.

“Just finish your food and come with me” Said Elma.

“Why don’t you sit down with us?” Asked Liel worried about her fellow inquisitor.

“Girl, if I sit down I’ll fall asleep so I’d rather stay up until I get to bed” Said Elma “So if you want to be kind, eating faster should be enough”

That comment didn’t made them eat faster, it just made them leave the food and follow Elma outside, Eyiel would have kept eating but that was unsurprising, her manners were not the best, yet she didn’t complained when Ann told her that she should follow them.

The adventurers followed Elma through the streets of the city, Elma was walking fast with an energy everyone would have presumed she didn’t had and quickly the adventurers got a the place Elma was leading them to.

It was the inquisitor’s building, despite looking much nicer than the one in Bosport it was still clear what it was, probably because of the big coat of arms that hung over the main door. As expected the adventurers were a bit uneasy while inside the building, it brought bad memories, but Elma didn’t even noticed, she just lead them to a dungeon deep within the fortress.

“Can you explain what’s happening?” Asked Zelliria, her lack of trust for the inquisitors was making her think that Elma was about to throw them all inside the dungeon.

“I’ll do once I open this door” Said Elma while she struggled to get the heavy dungeon door open.

“Do you need help with that?” Asked Ann seeing how little the door had moved.

Like expected Elma accepted Ann’s help and the door to the dungeon was opened, most of the adventurers couldn’t see anything in the darkness that filled the room but Rhys and Zelliria got a glimpse of something inside that darkness thanks to their darkvision, they couldn’t believe it.

“Girls, now I present you...” Elma said as she walked into the room, she clapped her hands and with magic turned on all of the dungeon’s candles “Agatha Darkmore”

The light from the candles revealed Agatha’s figure in a position none of the adventurers would ever want to be, although Rhys could be an exception, and maybe Zelliria too, if it was the right person doing it to her. Agatha was on her underwear, her hands were crossed above elbow height behind her back, tightly tied with red rope and pinned to her chest by ropes that encircled her arms and went above and below her breasts to keep her from struggling. She was standing and her legs were forced apart from each other by straps attached to chains that pinned Agatha’s legs to the walls of the dungeon. And the icing on the cake for Agatha was a panel gag of black leather that left her face covered below her nose, she couldn’t even make a sound.

None of the adventurers knew how to react to the scene, Rhys was telling herself not to be fascinated which wasn’t working at all, Zelliria and Ferine were very happy about seeing Agatha in this predicament but Eyiel would rather see her dead, even Ann who had defended the inquisitor from Zelliria didn’t cared about how Agatha could be feeling about this, Liel was simply weirded out by the sight.

“It was quite a task to get her, but finally we did it” Said Elma as she leaned back on one of the walls “I assumed you wanted to see her so if you want to say a thing or two to her, this is the moment”

“What will happen with her?” Asked Ann.

“She’ll be taken to the capital for trial, and I don’t think the judges will be kind with her” Explained Elma.

Ferine lost no time and took a step forward, she inspected Agatha with care and the witch tried as hard as she could to get away from her, but the only thing she could do was shake her head.

“How’s our favourite witch Ferine?” Asked Zelliria as she stepped in, she was enjoying seeing Agatha like this too.

“Hmm... I think she’s a little tied up” Said Ferine “Don’t you think?”

“Just a little? This would make the Inquisitor of Bosport blush!” Said Zelliria as she ran a finger through the ropes that encircled Agatha’s chest “Great job Elma”

Elma just smiled at Zelliria as a way of saying thank you, she was too tired to even speak at this moment.

“Can we stay with her for a bit?” Asked Ferine as she looked back at Elma.

“Sure, just make sure not to kill her and to keep the gag on at all times” Said Elma as she reincorporated herself in the situation “Anyway, I’m going to bed now, you can stay with her”

That being said Elma walked out of the room, not even waiting for the adventurers.

“Get going girls, I don’t want her to fall asleep in the streets alone” Ordered Ann.

“You’re staying with us?” Asked Ferine “Now that’s unexpected”

“No, I just one to say one thing to Agatha” Replied Ann.

“Can I stay too?” Asked Rhys, exited about what her two friends would do with the witch.

“No” Ann replied sternly.


A single look from Ann was enough to keep Rhys from going against her, the knight looked serious like few times before. Rhys followed Eyiel who had already left with Elma and Liel, the fact that she didn’t argued with Ann didn’t not mean that she wasn’t angry at her for what she did, she was.

“Now what do you want to tell to her?” Asked Ferine as she grabbed Agatha’s face from her cheeks, forcing her to look up at Ann in the eyes.

Ann gave a few steps forward but and looked down at Agatha, her face was calm but the anger within her could still be seen.

“I just wanted you to know that whatever you these two do with you...” Ann made a brief pause to speak to Agatha on her ear “You deserve it”

And after saying that Ann walked out of the room, and closed the door behind her.

“Guess she has given up on the “Not be as bad as them, be better” bullshit” Said Zelliria after Ann left the room.

“If she’s making an exception for her I think we shouldn’t feel guilty about anything we do with her” Ferine said smugly.

“Not at all” Zelliria agreed.

“Mpghh!” Agatha’s scream was made a muffled moan by her gag, she was screwed and she knew it.

“Why didn’t you let me stay!” Complained Rhys to Ann as she was following behind her.

“You and I have something we need to talk about” Said Ann without even turning back to look at Rhys.

Rhys didn’t replied, whatever Ann wanted to tell her the streets of Zalaga were not the place to discuss it. She just pouted the whole way, she had been feeling like her friends were turning against her for long enough and now Ann was joining too?

As soon as the adventurers got to the house Elma went into her bedroom, but she stopped on her tracks just before closing the door behind her to turn back at the adventurers, she had to tell something to them.

“One more thing before I finally get to sleep” Sighed Elma as she raised a finger.

“What is it?” Asked Ann, wanting Elma to go to sleep more than to know what she needed to tell them.

“The king is organizing a party in a few days, Amelie told me that you’re all invited” Yawned Elma.

None of the present adventurers knew how to react to this invitation, it was the first time being invited to an event like that for most of them. Although the invitation wouldn’t appear bad at all it somewhat did to Ann, and she had to voice it

“Something tells me that we’re not actually being invited” Said Ann.

“You mean...” Eyiel quickly caught what Ann was trying to say.

“That’s right Ann, you’re being forced to go by Amelie” Elma said like if she was stating the obvious “Now if you excuse me” Was the last thing she said before closing the door behind her.

“What should we do about this Ann?” Asked Eyiel after the brief silence that followed the slam of the bedroom door being closed.

“I think we should go” Said Ann after meditating it for a second “We’ve had enough problems with inquisitors already, and I don’t think Elma deserves to have problems with us”

“Well I don’t like parties but if we have to...” Eyiel guessed.

“Eyiel you have to understand” Ann replied “I can’t risk the inquisitor ruining my family, as much as I hate it she has me hostage in this” She continued, her tone getting shyer as she became more ashamed of her situation.

“Don’t worry, you’ll get your revenge soon enough” Said Eyiel before leaving her friends to go back to her room.

“You can go too Liel, but Rhys, you have to stay with me” Said Ann as she grabbed the elf by the shoulder.

Liel left Ann and Rhys alone, knowing perfectly what Ann’s intentions were.

“Okay so what is it?” Asked Rhys once Liel was out of sight.

“Its about you and Liel” Ann answered.

Rhys immediately grew angry at Liel but also ashamed of herself, she would rather have nobody knowing what happened before Liel tied her up, but if Ann was making this question it could mean that something was about to go terribly wrong for her.

“She told me what you did to her before we found you on the bedroom yesterday” Ann explained “I hope you already know that what you did was absolutely wrong”

Rhys remained silent, deep within her she knew that what she did was wrong, she wasn’t stupid. Yet despite knowing how wrong she was and how wrong what she did was she refused to admit it.

“You don’t understand...” Rhys said Shyly.

“What would I have to understand that would make what you did right?” Asked Ann.

“If you just knew how she has made me feel all this time...” Rhys muttered, not daring to say what she thought out loud.

“What did she do to you?” Ann inquired.

“You wouldn’t understand....” Rhys muttered in response.

“Then don’t explain it” Said Ann as she turned back to leave Rhys on her own “As long as you never repeat what you did to her last night it shouldn’t be a problem”

Rhys looked at Ann as she left, it was the first time Ann had scolded her like this, despite Ann’s calmness what she said to Rhys felt worse than being shouted at by anyone else.

“Just know that if your problems with her ever cause problems within us you’ll be in trouble” Ann said before getting out of Rhys’ sight.
Rhys fell on her knees to the floor, she was truly being left out by everyone, first Ferine and Zelliria and now Ann, all because of Liel. She had to do something, but after what Ann said to her she didn’t felt like she was justified to do anything.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Agatha did deserve that :) And more :) Good dialogues between the Adventurers.
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Post by TimChimp »

Loving the story! Like [mention]Caesar73[/mention] said I have no pity for Agatha, she had it coming to her.
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 35: Party Preparations

Bit of a slow chapter, but the next one which will be out tomorrow compensates it

After a few days of travel the adventurers along with Elma and some of her guards arrived at the so called “most beautiful city of the continent” Vallarez. And with them was Agatha although they had seen none of her in the whole travel, she had spend all of the travel in a separate carriage that looked much more like an iron box than a carriage, a so called “prison carriage”.

“I’ll take her with me, you can meet me on the royal palace when you are done here” Said Elma after they arrived to the central square of the city.

“Wait they’ll just let us in there?” Asked Ann.

“Yup, you’re considered guests so don’t be shy”

“Its good to get to a city and not have anyone wanting to tie us up” Said Ferine. She was getting too used to get tied up as soon as she got to a city, maybe more than she would like it.

“Hello there” Said a very familiar voice that none of the adventurers were pleased to hear.

Amelie arrived there seemingly out of nowhere, although the adventurers were conscious that she would be there none of them was expecting her to show up like that.

“Spoke too soon” Said Ferine as she jokingly put her hands in front her, like expecting to have handcuffs put on her, something she wouldn’t allow if Amelie actually tried to do.

“Haha! Don’t worry about it for now” Chuckled Amelie “At the moment I have no excuse to do anything to you, but I can easily get it so you better behave”

“Shouldn’t we leave now” Elma awkwardly asked to Amelie, she clearly didn’t liked to have her near the adventurers.

Amelie left the adventurers alongside Elma, she grinned at them as she did, knowing very wall what all of them thought about her.
“I hate that woman” Said Zelliria.

“I think we all do” Replied Ferine with the same hate Zelliria had for Amelie.

“Anyway, what should we do now?” Asked Liel, trying to change the subject to something less angering.

“We’re invited to a very important party for some reason” Said Ann “I think we should prepare for it, we can’t go like this”

“What do you mean like this?” Asked Eyiel “Do you mean buy dresses get a fancy haircut?”

“Yes” Sighed Ann, knowing that Eyiel was likely to complain “You can’t expect to go there in armor and with an axe on your back”

Eyiel sighed, she wasn’t coming here willingly and now she was being forced to do all of this? Definitely not her cup of tea.

“But surely we can wait, the party is tomorrow anyway” Said Rhys “And I kind of want to see what they have in place for us in the palace”

Rhys proposal seemed much more popular than Ann’s, truth is, none of the adventurers were eager to get stressed about preparing for the party after a days long travel in a not very comfortable carriage.

The adventurers went all the way from the city’s main square to the royal palace they had been invited too. The city of Vallarez did honour to his nickname, it was indeed the most beautiful city in the continent that the adventurers had ever seen, even the not so extravagant part of the city had more charm than the royal palaces of some kingdoms.

The palace itself was not on the main city but on an island on the river that crossed the city. The island itself was connected to the main city by a long bridge, protected by a big gateway.

“I don’t really feel comfortable entering that place” Said Eyiel as they stood in front of the massive structure.

“To be honest I don’t feel comfortable either” Ann sighed, it was rather unexpected, as far as they knew she’d had her fair bit of aristocrat parties, she was nobility after all “I wouldn’t trust any invitation by the inquisitor”

“Then should we...” Eyiel quickly said.

“No, we’re not running away” Ann interrupted.

It was worth the attempt, thought Eyiel.

“Excuse me ladies, are you...” The guard proceeded to say all of the adventurers names, surnames included which Ann didn’t liked.
They replied affirmatively and the guard lead them into the palace building, if the city was beautiful the palace was more, built on an island surrounded by well kept gardens it was hard not to get lost on its beauty.

As expected the interior of the palace was as beautiful as its exterior, the throne in the main room was empty, something that Ann was pleased to see since she didn’t wanted to explain to Eyiel that she had to kneel before someone.

“This is your room ladies” Said the guard as he opened the door to an opulent room in front of the adventurers.

“Thanks for...” Ann was interrupted by seeing Ferine and Zelliria jump directly on the beds of the room, not very polite to her.
The guard left the adventurers alone on their room without any more words.

“That wasn’t very polite!” Ann scolded.

“Who cares? They would be the ones chasing us out of the palace if the inquisitor told them to do so” Ferine said happily as she made herself comfortable on the bed.

Ann sighed, Ferine and Zelliria may not have been polite on that but she wasn’t ever going to argue on the inquisitors behalf.

After leaving all of their stuff and making themselves comfortable in the room the adventurers had some time to relax in the opulent room they had been put in. None of them paid attention to the time, they were too comfortable to care about it.

Ann was about to ruin the calmness of the room by reminding her friends that they still had to prepare for the party, but the opportunity was taken from her when someone knocked on the door. Seeing how none of her friends were willing to get up and open the door, she did it herself.

“Oh, hi Elma” Ann greeted the more friendly inquisitor that had knocked on the door.

“Hi Ann, Amelie told me to give this to you” Said Elma as she handed a box to Ann.

“What is it?” Ann intuitively asked.

“She didn’t told me, she says that she wants it to be a surprise” Elma answered.

Elma left the room saying that she had matters to attend to, Ann closed the door and looked at the box intrigued, what could the inquisitor want to surprise her with? She trusted her so little that another rope golem seemed plausible.

“So, what is it?” Asked Zelliria.

That made Ann finally decide to open it and took out a beautiful blue dress from the box. Ann as well as everyone else in the room seemed surprised by the gift, it was a beautiful dress but coming from the inquisitor nobody could be sure about what it meant.

“Wow the inquisitor is really into you” Said Ferine “That makes me feel bad for you”

“But are you going to wear it tomorrow?” Zelliria teased “She’d surely love it”

Ann inspected the dress for a few seconds, the dress seemed normal, beautifully crafted but normal.

“Can you do something for me Rhys?” Asked Ann as she took her gaze from the dress to Rhys.

Rhys nodded, not knowing what Ann could want but happy about being useful.

“Check for magic in this” Ann said as she gave the dress to Rhys.

Rhys laid the dress on a bed and did the ritual that the spell demanded and after looking through the gem at the tip of her staff she saw the dress glow, like Ann suspected it had magic on it. Rhys explained what she found to Ann, the knight was not surprised.

“It should have been obvious but thanks for looking into it” Said Ann “Any idea of what type of magic the dress has?”

“I’m not sure” Rhys said shyly, she was lying.

The magic on the dress was quite similar to the one Rhys had learned to use in ropes, but she’d rather not explain how she knew it to her friends, and she was not going to risk being wrong.

“But we shouldn’t try to find out, it may be dangerous” Said Rhys.

“All I hear is that I should get another dress, anyone want to come with me?” Asked Ann.

Everyone agreed although Eyiel did so reluctantly after Rhys persuaded her to do so. The elf wasn’t eager to go with Ann either but she understood that they would have to do it sooner of later, and it would be her first time on a dress that wasn’t part of the uniform of the magic academy she went to, maybe she would look good in one.

And so the adventurers had to make their way through the city to find something they liked and wasn’t enchanted by a sadistic inquisitor. It wasn’t hard, the city was wealthy enough to have plenty of stores that sold nothing but what they were looking for.

Seeing how problematic getting clothes for Rhys and Eyiel was Zelliria and Ferine went their own way to get theirs, leaving Ann to take care of the other three by herself.

“How long until we find something that fits me?” Asked Eyiel after leaving the third shop in which they hadn’t found anything for her.

“I’m as tired as you but you have to understand that most dresses aren’t made for women six feet tall like you” Ann explained.

Eyiel snorted, not only she had to dress in very uncomfortable ridiculous clothes but she also had to find one that fitted her, and apparently that wasn’t easy at all. That was why she hated cities and their culture, it felt like they were places not meant for her.

“And you Rhys, why are you taking so long to find a dress?” Asked Liel with the purest of intentions “You’re very pretty, It shouldn’t be hard for you”

Rhys bit her tongue to prevent herself from responding something that she shouldn’t. The intention with which Liel asked was of no importance to her, to her, it just felt like she was teasing her.

“I just don’t feel comfortable with dresses showing too much skin” Rhys replied shyly.

“Wait I think I have an idea” Said Eyiel as she stopped on her tracks.

Her friends turned back to look at her with intrigue, most of the times Eyiel had an idea said idea was pretty dumb, but at this point they were open to almost any solution.

“If none of the woman’s clothes fit me why don’t I get something for men?” Eyiel asked like if she had just voiced the smartest of solutions.

Ann sighed, she knew that Eyiel wasn’t used to this but she didn’t knew that she would test her patience this much.

“I actually think that’s a great idea” Said Liel naively “It will surely save us time”

“You know what, lets do that” Said Ann “I’m sure they’ll understand”

Ann wasn’t sure about that last part, but she would rather explain why her friend was dressed like a man that keep looking for a dress that clearly didn’t exist.

“So we just have to get something for you Rhys and we should be finished” Said Ann.

“Don’t worry, I’ll try not be picky with the next ones” Rhys explained, wanting them to be done with this as soon as posible.

Meanwhile Ferine and Zelliria were on their own on another part of the city, without Eyiel and Rhys slowing them down they could take as much time as they liked. They also had something that hadn’t got before, and it was some time together that it wasn’t just before going to sleep. Turns out both of them had a lot in common apart from their liking of Liel, the only surprise for them was that it had taken them so long to find out.

Night fell on the city and Zelliria and Ferine were ready to go back to the palace, both of them had found a dress they were comfortable with but most of their time alone they had spent chatting idly, having to buy to the dresses was like an excuse for them to spend more time together. But as they made their way to the palace they both noticed something, something that may as well mean trouble.

“Do you think those guys are following us?” Whispered Zelliria without looking back.

“Maybe, I’ve seen them too” Ferine replied “They’ll sure stop once they see where we’re heading”

Zelliria nodded and kept walking with Ferine, Ferine’s words made sense to her and she trusted her abilities enough not to fear anyone in this circumstances.

Just when Ferine and Zelliria were about to get to the higher district of the city, more people like the ones who were following them blocked their way in the other end of the street. Not very worriedly both of them looked behind them just to confirm their suspicions, the others had blocked the other way. All of the men blocking their way had covered their faces, making it clear that they didn’t have well intent if all of this.

“Oh no, we’re trapped!” Zelliria jested, she didn’t felt in any way trapped.

“What are we going to do?” Ferine played along.

The men blocking their path seemed confused, more than one stepped back, not being sure of what to do.

“Surrender now!” One of them shouted “Or this will end badly!”

“Oh sure?” Zelliria goaded “How badly?”

Again the men seemed unsure of how to proceed, but the men who had spoken before was quick to speak again.

“Proceed with the plan” He muttered.

Zelliria and Ferine unsheathed their weapons, expecting the men to run towards them, but instead they just started throwing things at them, apparently they were throwing... bags?

Both Zelliria and Ferine were confused, the small pouches didn’t even hurt when they landed on them, not that the throwers were very accurate anyway but the confusion made both adventurers lower their guard.

“Is this a joke?” Asked Ferine as she grabbed one of the bags.

That was when Zelliria noted the smell that came from the bags and connected it to the men who had covered their faces, this was bad.
“Ferine throw that away!” Zelliria shouted.

“Why? Its not going to explode isn’t it?” Ferine asked sarcastically, but her voice felt tired.

Zelliria tossed the bag Ferine was holding away but it was too late and she could tell by the smell getting stronger and stronger. Ferine fell on her knees and Zelliria quickly followed, they pointed their swords at the men approaching them, but it was of no use, they were rapidly falling asleep and the last thing they saw before closing their eyes were their weapons falling to the floor.
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 36: Waking Up Tied up

Ferine slowly woke up by motions on the floor, she was sitting on a cold flat surface that she identified as some type of metal, she tried to rub her eyes but like she expected, her hands were tied behind her back.

“What the hell?” Said Ferine as she tested her restraints, her hands had been tied behind her back and her ankles tied together, but apart from that she was free, not tied to anything, her arms not pinned to her body and even her legs restraint were little compared to what she was used to.

“Turns out there is someone in this city who wants to tie us up after all” Said Zelliria who had been awake since before Ferine woke up, she had been tied up in exactly the same way that Ferine had been tied..

“I guess I was too optimistic when I assume they weren’t” Said Ferine as she “Where are we anyway?”

“On a prison carriage, but I have no idea where they are taking us” Zelliria explained.

Ferine looked around, this indeed seemed like a prison carriage, she had been in one before more than once, a literal box made of iron with a door and a window that didn’t let too much light in..

“Whoever captured us sure is new to this or has no idea of who we are” Said Ferine “Just my hands and ankles tied? I could escape right now if I wanted to”

“And no gag for me, I wouldn’t even be surprised if they hadn’t taken our weapons from us” Zelliria chuckled “I could bust open this prison from the inside and they wouldn't know what happened”

“So that’s the plan then?” Asked Ferine.

“Actually I have a better idea” Zelliria replied.

“I’m all ears”

“Clearly these guys aren’t a threat to us, at best they are an annoyance” Zelliria explained.

“Yeah I know that” Ferine said quickly, she wanted Zelliria to get to the point.

“What I think we should do is to let ourselves be taken to wherever they are taking us, and then find out what they want with us” Zelliria continued “That way we could also find out if they have the others too”

“Normally I’d think you’re crazy but I think that makes sense” Said Ferine “So we continue to play the damsel in distress?”
“Yeah, let them believe they’re in control”

Not too long after the carriage stop, and they heard movement outside of it, when they heard the heavy metal door being opened they knew it was time to play the damsel.

“What are you going to do with us?” Asked Ferine “Let us go!” She made her act as genuine as possible.

There was no word from her captors, they just grabbed them by their waist and carried them on their shoulders. Surprisingly for the not so helpless prisoners their captors put no blindfold on them so they were able to see where they were being taken to, they were on he outskirts of the city, beyond the walls and in the middle of an open field and with some difficulty both managed to look at what her captors were taking them too, it was a mansion.

The doors were opened and both prisoners were carried through a hallway until reaching a room that they weren’t able to see until they were thrown into it. The room had iron bars that on top of the regular walls and a wooden floor unlike the stone one that was outside the room.

Plenty of crates were laid on the floor, they couldn’t think of any purpose for this weird room.

“Don’t get near the walls” Order one of the guards before closing the door and leaving them trapped inside.

Before they could ask what this room was they received their answer as the room started to descend below the floor, apparently it was some sort of elevator.

“Now this is weird” Said Ferine.

“You mean?”

“One one hand these guys don’t seem very capable of capturing someone, but on the other they have this elaborate hideout worthy of a kidnapper mastermind” Ferine explained.

“I wouldn’t care too much” Said Zelliria as she rested her back on Ferine’s “They are clearly working for someone, and if they don’t know how to keep us from escaping whoever they are working for doesn't know either”

The elevator went down for a while but eventually it reached an open space, both Zelliria and Ferine could see through the bars of the elevator that they were in some sort of basement built inside a cave.

“Is this the time to escape?” Ferine whispered.

“Not yet” Zelliria replied.

The elevator finally reached the floor and four lightly armored men were waiting for them. Ferine and Zelliria looked at them with a faked expression of fear, not really fearing anything about their situation.

The men grabbed the prisoners by the arms through the elbows, one on each side, and dragged them through the cave until reaching a room separated from the rest of the cave by a heavy wooden door. The room was empty apart from two chairs and a set of beams that seemed to serve no real purpose, Zelliria and Ferine were too used to this to know what was next.

Like they expected they were sat on the chairs and tied to them, they put up some fake struggles that they knew to be futile as the men tied them to the chairs.

“Please don’t do this!” Zelliria pleaded falsely.

Like they expected and wanted, her pleads and struggles were ignored and soon enough they were both tied to the chairs. Their arms had been tied to the armrests at the wrists, something that they didn’t expected but didn’t mind either and a set of ropes had been ran around her waists to pin them to the chairs.

“Really?” Asked Zelliria as she tilted her head backwards once her captors had exited the room. Zelliria couldn’t believe how easy her escape was going to be.

“I appreciate the originality though, I expected them to tie our hands behind our back” Ferine said as she playfully tested her restraints, they were pathetic “Anyway is time now?”

“Yup, lets get to work” Said Zelliria.

“How about a little competition?” Asked Ferine before she or Zelliria tried anything.

“What do you propose?” Zelliria Asked.

“I propose that the first one to escape can tie the other up until... the next week” Ferine confidently proposed.
“Fine for me” Zelliria replied as confidently as Ferine.

“So the time begins in three, two, one...”

Ferine rapidly began her struggle to get free, but calling it a struggle was not very accurate, sure it was challenging, although just a little, but she wasn’t thrashing against the restraints and tugging them like crazy, she knew that that wasn’t the way to get free of any restraint, that would only make them tighter.

Ferine quickly got one of her hands free and after that everything was easy, she took the dagger that she always hid inside her boot and cut the other restraints loose.

Not even a minute had passed since the countdown had ended and Ferine was already free, she turned to look at Zelliria who she was sure was still struggling against her restraints, in no way could she have gotten out before.

“Finished already?” Asked Zelliria, who was standing free, leaning against the chair she was tied to a few seconds ago and looking at Ferine with one of the most smug looks she had ever given someone.

“How?” Ferine asked completely puzzled by seeing Zelliria free.

“Sorry Ferine but magic will always win in cases like this” Said Zelliria “You did a good job though, not like that would save you of being my sub until the next week”

“Wait that’s cheating!” Ferine tried to argue despite knowing that she had said nothing about magic in this challenge.

“We can argue about in once we’re out of here and you’re tied up” Said Zelliria “Now lets find out who is our captor”

Zelliria and Ferine got to the door and found it was closed, they were both expecting it. Zelliria tried to bust it open with a spell but surprisingly it didn’t work.

“You’re magic is not so useful now huh?” Ferine teased.

“Then its the perfect time for you to use some of your thief skills isn’t its?”

Ferine quickly got to work with a lock pick she always carried with her, she had experience getting through locks with it but this one was being quite a challenge.

“Apparently they’re better at making locks than at tying up their prisoners” Said Ferine as she tried to get through the lock.

Ferine had reasons to say that, usually it didn’t take her more than a minute to get through a lock but this was different, it almost was as if their captors actually didn’t wanted them to escape. Ferine kept trying but a sudden surprise made her stop, a smell, an awfully familiar smell coming from a gas that was coming from below the door and that was slowly filling the room.

“Shit” Said Ferine “Open that already!”

“I’m trying!” Ferine shouted, unlocking the door was hard enough on itself but the smell of the gas that was filling the room only made it worse.

“I’m sorry” Said Ferine as she felt her body becoming weaker.

“I’m getting tired of being knocked out” Said Zelliria as she fell to her knees.

The half elf tried to dissipate the gas that was filling the room with a wind spell, but she had no luck with it, the gas only dissipated for a couple of seconds before it filled the room again and by then she was too tired to cast the spell again, once again she fell unconscious to the floor.

This time Ferine was the first of them to wake up, and she did not liked how she woke up at all. Sure she expected to be tied up but not strictly as she was.

Her arms and legs were stretched far from each other in a spread eagle, but that wasn’t the worst part. Ferine had woken up because she felt like she was being pulled down, a not very pleasing sensation, and she found out what was causing it as soon as she looked down.

She was tied in a spread eagle yes, but she she was also suspended, tied to two parallel poles at her sides. If she tried she could stand on her toes but that didn’t helped at all. Apparently she was on the same room she was in before, the poles she was tied to were the ones that seemed to serve no purpose, although now she knew very well what they were meant to serve as, and the heavy door in front of her was the same that she failed to open who knows how long ago.

Ferine tried to escape and reached for the knots that restrained her hands but found it impossible, the knot wasn’t on the wrist restraint, it was on the pole and she knew that she had no way to reach it. Seeing this Ferine started to get nervous but also angry, if only she hadn’t followed Zelliria’s plan she would not be on this position right now.

Ferine was so angry that she did what she knew she never should do when she was tied up, she struggled madly, tugging every rope that held her prisoner. It didn’t work, she didn’t expected it to do so, but it was more of a way to let out her anger that to escape.

All of that struggle ended up waking up Zelliria, who slowly opened her eyes to find out that she was tied up at Ferine’s side, in exactly the same way as her.

“Good plan Zelliria” Ferine joked, but her voice showed too much anger to make any joke sound like one.

“Mpgh!?” Zelliria grunted through her gag as she looked down to see that she was not only tied but also suspended by the ropes.

Apparently their captors had taken better care of them now, not only they had tied them un in such a complex and inescapable manner but they also had taken care of Zelliria’s magic by strapping a ballgag in her mouth.

“Yeah I’m thinking the same” Ferine replied to Zelliria’s muffled complaints as she tried her best to find a not so strenuous position in his bondage, she failed to do so.

Suddenly the door on the other end of the room opened, light coming from the other side and revealing the silhouette of a woman. Both prisoners ceased their struggles and moved their attention to whoever was this mysterious woman.

“Hello there” Said the woman with a very familiar voice “I see you’re a little tied up at the moment”

“Amelie!” Ferine Shouted angrily as she quickly recognized who she was talking with “I thought we were working for you!”

Zelliria also tried to say something, but like expected her gag prevented anything she said from being understandable.

“And so you are” Said Amelie as she stepped on the light before her prisoners.

“I suppose I should have expected you to treat your workers this way” Chuckled Ferine, still trying to appear confident.

Amelie smiled, Ferine may not know it but she was speaking the truth, and Amelie wasn’t afraid to admit it.

“I guess you’re wondering why I brought you here” Said Amelie.

“Not really” Replied Ferine.

“Oh, so if you know why don’t you tell me?” Coaxed Amelie.

“Probably because you want us to take part in one of your sadistic games” Ferine stated confident in her prediction despite not liking what it implied.

Amelie laughed at Ferine’s prediction, Ferine had no idea what to make of it, she had Amelie for a borderline crazy woman and at this point didn’t knew what to expect from her.

“You flatter me, but sadly that’s not what I have planned for you” Said Amelie “But don’t get me wrong, I’d love to do so”

“What’s your plan then? To just get rid of us?” Ferine asked.

“Do you really think I’m that evil?” Asked Amelie as she walked from side to side, taking pleasure in the sight of her two bound prisoners.

“I certainly have reasons to think so” Said Ferine, every second it passed she had more trouble speaking calmly, the pull caused from being suspended was too distracting.

“Then to show you that I can be kind if I want to I’ll do you a favour” Said Amelie “I guess you want to be able to stand, being suspended that way can cause a lot of pain”

“What do you think?” Ferine asked back, not wanting to show weakness to Amelie.

“I’ll make your position easier on you but only under one condition” Said Amelie.

“I won’t met any of ...your conditions” Speaking was starting to be difficult for Ferine, the pull of gravity was certainly something but she liked to think that she could bare it.

“Well, I guess I will leave you up there until you change your mind then” Said Amelie before turning her back on her prisoners and started to walk out of the room.

As Amelie moved away from them Ferine became doubtful about her decision, she didn’t wanted to show weakness but neither did she wanted to be left like that.

“Fine, what do you want?” Asked Ferine just before Amelie left the room.

Her prisoners couldn’t see it but Amelie smiled to herself as she heard Ferine, having her prisoners comply with her comply with her was part of a plan and she was happy to see it working out.

“Now you want to hear me?” Asked Amelie as she walked back to Ferine “It seems you’re not so tough after all”

Ferine would have loved to tell her that she wold refuse to comply if Amelie kept that attitude of hers but she didn’t wanted to be left like that much more and she knew that would be Amelie’s solution to any resistance she could show.

“Before explaining... give us something to stand on” Ferine said with difficulty.

“Is think something’s missing in your request” Amelie replied.

“Please!” Ferine didn’t liked to plead, let alone plead to someone like Amelie but she had no choice, if she wanted out of that pain she had to do it.

Amelie smiled and went towards one of the walls were she pressed a stone button that made the stone slabs beneath Ferine rise enough for her to be able to stand on it.

“Is that better?” Amelie asked.

Ferine gave a sigh of relief, now that she had been relieved from the pain she could pay more attention to whatever Amelie was going to tell her.

“Hey! Give one to her too!” Ferine shouted at Amelie after she saw that Zelliria was still suspended above the floor.

“You’re not in a position to ask for anything dear” Amelie said, not caring at all about Zelliria.

“Please!” Ferine pleaded, she had no shame in pleading to Amelie if it was for her friend’s sake.

“Fine, If you ask for it like that” Amelie gave in, she wasn’t expecting Ferine to go to such lengths for Zelliria but seeing that she did so she considered that getting Zelliria out of her torture would be a good reward.

Amelie pressed another button and a slab rose beneath Zelliria, effectively doing the same it had done with Ferine.

“I’d have liked to have her asking me for it but well, I don’t think she can” Amelie teased as she walked back before her captives.

Amelie stood in front Ferine and Zelliria just in the middle of them, she had to contain her eagerness to torture them for as long as she wanted, she knew that she couldn’t but that didn’t made her not want to do so.

“Ready to hear me then?” Asked Amelie after a few minutes of contemplating her prisoner’s bound bodies.

The captives nodded.

“Good” Said Amelie “Its a pretty simple thing so you shouldn’t have to much of a problem with it”

“If It warrants having us like this it certainly isn’t that small” Ferine deadpanned.

“Basically I just want you two to wear the dresses I’ll send to you tomorrow for the party” Amelie continued, ignoring Ferine’s remark.
“I guess they are enchanted like the one you sent to Ann am I right?” Ferine asked without much interest, she already knew the answer.
“Yes, but you shouldn’t have to worry about the enchantment as long as you behave” Amelie explained “Now that you know what I want we can put you two back to sleep and send you back to the palace”

“Really?” Ferine sighed, the whole being knocked out thing was getting annoying for her.

“You should be used to that by now”

Amelie was right, they were used to it and they hated it.

“Then before you knock us out again, can we at least know something?” Ferine asked.

“I guess that you want to know why am doing this to you don’t you?” Coaxed Amelie.

Ferine nodded in response.

“Well, I’ve had problems with both of you, and I know enough about you to know that you’re not the same passive type as the rest of your friends, and together you two may cause a lot of trouble if unsupervised” Amelie explained “That’s why I decided to take especial care of you two in this important event, you are here on my behalf so I should take responsibility for your actions shouldn’t I?

“I guess so” Sighed Ferine, she liked to be considered a threat but not if to implied putting on an enchanted dress that she didn’t knew what it could do “Go put us to sleep already”

“So eager to leave already?” Asked Amelie as she got close to Ferine, close enough to grab her by the waist “I can easen the restraints so you can stay with me a bit longer”

“Yeah thanks but no thanks” Said Ferine as she looked down to Amelie, the inquisitor was pretty in her own way and she didn’t denied it, it just was that after all she had done to her and her friends she couldn’t find her attractive at all “I don’t like this side of the ropes anyway”

“Fine” Sighed Amelie “I guess its time for you to go back to sleep then”

After being knocked out yet again Zelliria and Ferine woke up in the same carriage they were taken to the inquisitor in the first place but this time they were properly tied which wasn’t really necessary, they had already been captured and now they were about to be released so their need and willingness to escape were low.

This time their restraints went much further than rope around her wrists and ankles, the ropes also went above and below their breasts, pinning their arms to her bodies and to the ankle restraints on their legs ropes above her knees and around their thighs were added,
definitively something much harder to escape from, so much that if the inquisitor had tied them herself they wouldn’t be surprised.

The travel went for long enough until they arrived to the palace, or least they thought so because from inside the iron box they were in they couldn’t see much outside. They were already expecting to be dragged tied up through the halls of the palace for everyone to see, but apparently the inquisitor’s orders were not that evil. Before leaving the carriage they were untied and Zelliria’s ballgag was removed and they could calmly enter the palace free of any restraints.

“Remind me not follow your plans never again” Ferine said angrily to Zelliria once both had stepped out of the carriage.

“I’ll do, but you’re still my sub for the next week” Zelliria replied calmly as she rubbed her sore wrists.

Ferine sighed, she wasn’t very eager to get tied up by Zelliria every night but a promise was a promise and she wasn’t the type to break them.
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

Thanks for the the new chapters! Especially the second had lots of action - I wonder what the inquisitor has in mind :)
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Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 37: The Party

And so the party took place the next night, most of the adventurers felt out of place in the whole event, it had been long since they had been involved in something so important and they had yet to figure out why they were invited to the party in the first place.

On a Palace Balcony

Ferine and Zelliria had went on their own, they were chatting together on a balcony trying to avoid most of the people inside the ballroom. They had obeyed Amelie’s orders and were both wearing the same black dresses that she had sent them the same morning.
“You still have the marks on you I see” Said Zelliria as she pointed the rope marks on Ferine.

“They wouldn’t be there if you hadn’t made the ropes so tight” Ferine replied as she tried to hide the marks. The dress Amelie had given to them left all of their arms exposed which made the marks easy to see, to cover those marks Ferine had put on a coat despite the night not being really cold.

“Should’ve thought about that before making that bet” Replied Zelliria.

Turns out that after loosing the bet she had made to Zelliria Ferine had to agree to be tied up by her whether she liked it or not. She’ll have to it for the whole week and it had started that evening. As soon as Zelliria and Ferine had some time alone Zelliria was quick to remind Ferine of what she should do and Ferine was reluctant but quick to agree.

“Next time I may go a bit easier on you, but not too much” Zelliria teased.

“Sure whatever” Replied Ferine, telling herself that this was going to be over soon.

“Good to see that you have obeyed my orders” Amelie broke into the scene much to the displeasure of Ferine and Zelliria.

Zelliria and Ferine looked at Amelie for a second but ignored her, she may be forcing them to be there but now that they already had done what she asked for they didn’t wanted to allow her to force them to have a bad time.

“Do you like the dresses I picked for you?” Asked Amelie a bit annoyed by being ignored.

“We would like them better if we knew what they do” Replied Ferine.

“Oh so you want to find out?” Asked Amelie.

Ferine sighed and Zelliria shared the sentiment, the determination to be pain for them that Amelie seemed to have was getting far beyond annoying.

“We already did what you wanted, can’t you just leave us alone for once?” Complained Zelliria holding back as much as she could.

“That’s why I gave you those dresses, I don’t trust you two to be left alone during an important... are you listening to me?” Amelie interrupted herself as she noticed how Zelliria and Ferine were facing away from her and were just talking to each other.

“Honestly no, so feel free to leave” Zelliria replied without even looking at Amelie.

That made Amelie very angry like it was expected. She could stand not being on the spotlight but being ignored by someone who she considered to be below her was the ultimate disrespect she could be faced with.

Amelie lowly uttered some words in the celestial language that she used to cast her spells, she was not going to allow such disrespect.

“Huh?” Ferine looked back as she thought that it was someone else speaking but she quickly returned to chatting with Zelliria as she saw that nobody but the inquisitor was there with them.

Suddenly Ferine and Zelliria felt something strange with their dresses, it felt like the strings that they were made of were moving on their own and not how they were supposed to do so.

It didn’t took long for them to realize what the strings were doing and it took them even less to figure out who was behind it. The strings on the lower part of the dress were forcing their legs together and on the upper part the dresses seemed to be tearing themselves apart to get strings to pin their arms to their sides.

The strings that tied their bodies were tight which was made worse by the fact that they were extremely thin to the point that it felt like they were cutting their skin on their exposed arms .The strings that forced their legs together got so tight that eventually both girls had to lean against the balcony’s railing to avoid falling on the floor.

“So this is what these dresses do huh?” Asked Ferine.

“Do you like it?” Asked Amelie as she grabbed the two girls by their hair.

“Not the most comfortable way I have been tied” Said Zelliria “Maybe you could do better if...”

Amelie interrupted Zelliria’s mocking reply by spanking her on the butt, she was angry at both of them but she had a special hate for Zelliria, even more that Ferine or any of her friends.

“So, you sure that the dresses were meant for us?” Asked Ferine “I think you’re doing a much worse job at not behaving than us”
Amelie would have spanked Ferine right then and there like she had done with Zelliria but in some way she didn’t liked what Ferine was saying made sense to Amelie.

“Imagine that someone walks into the balcony right now and sees this, what would he think?” Inquired Ferine.

“Inquisitor Amelie grabs girls by the butt in a party organized by the kings of Thoecia!” Zelliria jested.

Amelie gave a step and again spoke some words in the celestial language, almost immediately the dresses on Zelliria and Ferine went back to normal.

“You win this one” Said Amelie before getting back into the ballroom, without even giving a chance to the girls to look at her blushed face, she was ashamed of herself.

Zelliria and Amelie looked at each other and laughed, for them, messing with Amelie was the best thing that party had given them.

Inside the Ballroom, Near a Dessert Table

Inside the palace Ann and Liel were a bit out of the way of all the people, Liel was too shy, awkward and unaccustomed to being around so many people and Ann wasn’t going to leave her alone knowing that.

Liel’s shyness wasn’t helped by the fact that she and Ann attracted many glances, Ann was used to it, she knew she was pretty but for Liel it was the first time being looked at like that.

“Why are they looking at us like that?” Asked Liel.

“They think we’re pretty” Ann deadpanned.

“I guess that’s good then” Liel replied nervously.

Ann smiled at Liel, her awkwardness and shyness could be annoying sometimes but most of the time it just made her cute in her own way.

“Look who decided to disobey me” Amelie said as she walked up to Ann and Liel “Do you think you can get away with that?”

It wasn’t hard for Amelie to see that the dress Ann was wearing was not the one she had given her, the dress Ann was wearing was of a much deeper tone of blue and had a different shape overall.

“Maybe if it wasn’t enchanted I’d have considered it” Ann replied “What are you going to do about it? Scold me in front of all this people?” She challenged, being sure that Amelie was incapable of doing it.

“I want to be angry at you so much Ann” Said Amelie “But I can’t”

Amelie stepped closer to Ann to the point that the two of them were uncomfortably close. Ann kept staring at Amelie with a straight face, she didn’t knew what she meant by that but she had no interest in playing along.

“Maybe that defiance is what I love of you” Amelie said almost like if she was talking to herself “Yes, maybe that defiance is what I needed in someone” Amelie tried to touch Ann’s face but Ann calmly moved the inquisitor’s hand away, she didn’t needed any affection from someone like her. Amelie wanted to be angry at that gesture but it somehow she couldn’t, something in Ann made it impossible for Amelie to lash out against her.

“We’ll see each other later” Said Amelie as she walked away from Ann and towards Liel “I have some things to talk about with her too” She continued as she grabbed Liel by the arm.

“Do not dare to hurt her” Ann said to Amelie as she saw her walk away with Liel.

“Don’t worry about it” Amelie chuckled “But even if I wanted to, how would you stop me?”

Ann wanted to reply aggressively but within herself she knew that Amelie had a point, and if she wanted to keep her away from Liel she just had to bring up certain information she had about her.

“Don’t give that look, you know I’m right” Amelie said as she saw the angry look i Ann’s blue eyes “For now you should focus on having a good time, I know someone here has missed you a lot”

“What?” Ann quizzed, she had no idea what Amelie was talking about.

But she had no response from Amelie who just walked away almost dragging Amelie by her side.

Ann looked around to see if she could find out who Amelie was talking about and she quickly found out. Not so far away from her was Fulk, he was difficult to spot among so many people but it wasn’t hard for Ann to recognize him once she had seen him.

Ann greeted Fulk and he confirmed that indeed Amelie must have been talking about him, he told Ann that he had not come alone with Amelie but he doubted that any other of the people he came with would have missed her.

Fulk explained why he was there, something Ann was interested in. Turns out that the inquisitor had him in high regard after so much time working for her, and Fulk suspected that she knew more about him and Ann but that he kept most of that secret from the knight, if somehow Amelie knew how he felt about Ann he didn’t wanted Ann to know about it too, not yet.

“How does she know that anyway?” Asked Ann, she didn’t remember telling Amelie anything about her relationship with Fulk.

“I wonder that too” Fulk shrugged off Ann’s question.

Ann looked at her friend incredulous, she found it hard to believe that Amelie would have just guessed out that and found it far more likely that Fulk had revealed something that she shouldn’t.

“I’m telling the truth! I really have no idea of how she knows that!” Fulk excused himself.

“She got it out from you with some of her...” Ann tried to find a word to describe what Amelie had done with her and so many other “methods...”

Fulk nodded very shyly, he didn’t wanted Ann to know that, he thought that knowing that he had been tortured by Amelie would make Ann think that he was weak, or worse, that he was pathetic.

“Don’t worry, I understand” Said Ann as she stroked Fulk’s hair “Sorry about bringing it up”

Just the gentle touch of Ann was enough to make Fulk forget about what he had just said, he was glad to find out that the reaction he expected from Ann was far from reality.

The subject immediately moved away from Amelie and both Ann and Fulk were happy about it.

Fulk had no intention of getting in trouble with Ann by saying more than he should about Amelie., especially this night in which she looked so beautiful. It wasn’t hard for Fulk to find Ann beautiful, even he who had seen her during the most difficult moments of her training couldn’t remember a single moment in which she didn’t looked good, but needless to say, his bias was big.

Fulk could notice that Ann had taken care in appearing as good as she could that night, she smelled good and her clothes really favoured her. Her hair was longer than the last time he had seen her and was now tied on single braid that fell over her shoulder.

“You look very pretty tonight” Fulk said after he gathered the courage to do so.

“Aw you too!” Ann gave back the compliment, without thinking much of it.

In the Middle of the Crowd

Unlike Liel who had Ann to accompany her Rhys’ shy self was alone in the middle of all the people, trying to get as far away as she could from all the people while she looked for a familiar face. At firs she had the company of Eyiel but the amazon was quick to leave Rhys on her own once she found a table with enough food and drink, and if she wanted to avoid embarrassing herself it would be better for her to stay away from a drunk Eyiel than to be near her.

Rhys’ keen hearing was betraying her, in the middle of the loud party her hearing was easily overwhelmed, she quickly became nervous and unaware of her surroundings and that had an awful culmination for her.

Trying to escape the crowd Rhys accidentally hit a woman, she fell to the floor, felt something wet her dress, heard the sound of glass shattering and then he deafening noise of countless conversations turning into low, concerned and unfriendly remarks about Rhys that she could hear too well. And hearing what all of the people who were saying was the last thing she needed.

“Watch your step!” Barked the woman whom Rhys had crashed with, she was about to leave when she noticed all the spilled wine on the floor “Do you realize what you have done!?”

“I... I’m sorry I...” Rhys spoke with difficulty, the remarks she heard being made about her didn’t let her speak.

“That was wine from a reserve of Izburg!” The woman screamed even more loudly than before “It was older than you and I, and you just spilled it!”

Someone in the crown joked about the fact that Rhys may be older than the wine, she was an elf after all, and plenty of people laughed. Now Rhys had to hear people laughing at her, the whole situation was getting worse by the minute.

“I expect you to pay for this elf” Said the woman as she bowed forward to get a better look of Rhys face, but there wasn’t much she could see with Rhys looking down and hiding her face with her hands out of shame.

“What’s the matter here?” Eyiel broke in the circle that had gathered around Rhys “What’s the matter with her?”

The rage that filled the woman’s face was visible but it didn’t intimidate Eyiel one bit, Eyiel had trouble taking seriously people that she was confident that she could beat up, and this woman was one of those cases.

“Is she your friend?” The woman asked pretending to be calm.

“Yes, and I don’t take kindly to have people yelling at my friends” Eyiel replied.

“Well your friend just made me spill the worth more gold than you can imagine” The woman said as she pointed to the spilled wine on the floor.

“I don’t care” Yawned Eyiel, not seeing the severity in the situation “Come on Rhys, we have no time for this old hag”

Eyiel’s response was so unexpected that the woman couldn’t come up with a reply on the spot, she just stared angry and in disbelief at Eyiel as she lifted Rhys from the floor and walked away with her.

"Stupid butch" Muttered the noblewoman as Eyiel and Rhys walked away.

"Did you said something?" Eyiel asked intimidatingly as she stopped on her tracks

"Nothing" The noblewoman said as she looked away with a disgusted expression.

“Thank you...” Rhys said shyly as she walked away with Eyiel.

“You could have handled that yourself” Eyiel said trying to cheer Rhys up.

Rhys looked up to Eyiel, she asked herself if she really thought that she could have handled that situation herself.

“Come on, don’t look at me like that!” Eyiel said as she noticed Rhys looking at her “I’ve seen you burn trolls to a crisp and shot lightning out of thin air, do you really think you couldn’t have handled that?”

“I couldn’t have done those things...” Rhys explained, she knew that Eyiel was trying to cheer her up but she thought that her expectations of her were a bit exaggerated.

“Surely you could have done something, you always have something to do” Eyiel replied “But that doesn’t matter, all that matters is that you’re okay”

“Do you think that woman will forget about it?” Rhys asked.

“Remember why we came here?” Eyiel asked rhetorically “I’m sure that if she doesn’t decide to forget about it now she’ll do once she found out we came here thanks to the inquisitor”

That made sense to Rhys, she hadn’t thought about that despite it being so obvios. She tended to overlook simple solutions like that in favour of complex solutions that only she would think of, a flaw that Eyiel didn’t had.

“Ann.. do you want to...” Fulk was gathering the courage to speak even when he already was speaking.

“Yes?” Ann asked tying to help Fulk voice his thoughts, it was easy to notice that he was having trouble speaking.

Fulk wanted to ask Ann to dance with him, this was a chance he was never going to get again but that didn’t made it easier to say. Just talking to Ann made him nervous, asking her to dance was unimaginably worse.

“Ann” Amelie interrupted as she moved between the two, bringing Liel with her.

“What is it?” Ann asked tiredly as she turned to look at Amelie.

“Dance with me” Amelie said as she extended her hand to Ann.

Ann was confused and didn’t knew how to react. Fulk was suddenly filled with Anguish, even though he hoped that Ann wouldn’t do it she knew that she had no choice, he knew that he was about to see her being taken from him.

“Or else...” Amelie threatened subtly.

“Ugh, fine” Ann grunted as she took Amelie’s hand “Sorry guys” She said as she was taken away by the inquisitor.

Amelie looked over her shoulder as she walked away with Ann and smiled at Fulk, a malicious, sadistic smile that made it clear to Fulk that she knew exactly what she was doing.

Fulk had trouble keeping all of the anguish to himself, if he didn’t had the self control that only someone with his training would have he would have either get into a fit of rage or cry, but he did neither.

“I don’t like her too” Liel brought Fulk back to reality “Amelie of course”

“Yeah its hard to like her” Said Fulk “I bet nobody at the headquarters does”

Talking to Liel was a good way to take Fulk’s attention away from Amelie dancing with Ann, something that was at plain sight for him. Liel, having worked in the same place as him for roughly the same amount of time had a lot in common with Fulk and the two made a good pair for a good enjoyable conversation. That was until Liel decided to ask Fulk something...

“How do you know Ann?” Liel asked.

That question made Fulk come back to reality, and in the reality he lived in Ann had just been taken away from him.

“We’re childhood friends...” Fulk replied.

“Just that?” Asked Liel “I thought you were a couple... you’d make a cute one!”

Liel’s compliments were good but in that situation they felt like daggers against Fulk’s heart, but he contained himself.

“Do you like her?” Liel asked with naively, she had no idea about how Fulk felt about Ann and how he was feeling.

“I...” Fulk didn’t knew what he should reply, should he lie and have Liel tell that lie to Ann or should he tell the truth and have Liel tell that to Ann?

Fulk was saved from responding by the loud noise of various carnyx being played by fancily dressed guards. The crowd split into two to make room for someone very important who was coming through the hall.

“Ladies and gentlemen, now we kneel before queen Dania Brogimara, daughter of Tauri XIV and queen of Thoeceia” A guard proudly announced just before following his own orders and bowing.

Everyone present obeyed the orders too and bowed before the queen as she walked up to the throne, everyone but a certain someone, Eyiel wasn’t seeing the reason why everyone was kneeling and just stood where she was with her arms crossed.

“We’re supposed to do what he says!” Rhys said as she pulled from Eyiel’s pants to get her attention.

“Huh? Why?” Asked Eyiel as she looked down to Rhys.

“I’ll explain you later now just do it” Rhys said getting more nervous with every second that passed.

“Nah I don’t think I will” Eyiel said calmly, almost teasing the nervous Rhys.

“Please!” Rhys pleaded.

“Fine but only because you ask it” Said Eyiel before finally kneeling before the queen.

“Jeez you made me really nervous” Rhys said as Eyiel got to the floor beside her.

Eyiel laughed it off, she never expected an angry Rhys to be so cute.

The queen sat on her throne and looked around, she thought that she had seen someone standing but whoever it was she couldn’t find him.

“You may stand now” Said the queen.

Everyone stood, the queen looked around once again but failed to find the person she was looking for. Seeing that she took a deep breath and prepared for the lengthy speech she had to give.

“Tonight we celebrate the tenth anniversary of the northern union, the union that makes us, the kingdom of Athor and the Kingdom of Turus an unbreakable alliance govern by a single archking, king Victrion III of Turus” The queen made a pause for everyone to clap, what she was speaking of was indeed something to be celebrated.

“What is she talking about?” Eyiel asked as she clapped more because of compromise than for celebration, she had no idea why they were clapping in the first place.

“Basically a single family governs the whole three kingdoms, its complicated” Rhys explained.

“Yeah better not bother explaining, I don’t care that much” Eyiel replied.

“But as you may know, this union is at risk” The queen resumed her speech “The rebellious Remicus, my cousin and pretender to the throne of Athor, has made clear attempts to break this union apart.

The queen’s words seemed to generate bewilderment among the crowd, those were bad and worrying news.

“He doubts the ligitamy of archking Victrion and has stated that he will break this union apart if the legitimacy of Victrion isn’t proved. We would like to take measures with our own hands but sadly his words have reached too many people, enough to make an execution too risky” The queen made a pause to let the attendants process the information “But there is a solution!”

“Time to step in” Said Amelie as she started to make her way through the crowd, leaving Ann behind her.

“There is a way to prove to my rebellious cousin that the legitimacy of the archking isn’t to be questioned” The queen made a pause and looked at the guests, she wondered if they were ready to hear what she was about to tell them “Our old family relic, the Chalice of Krysin, is our way to prove the legitimacy of Archking Victrion”

The crowd broke their silence and an audible murmur filled the room, like the queen expected, she had spoken controversial words.
“What the hell is that?” Eyiel asked to Rhys.

“Supposedly it was something given to the first king of the north by the ancient gods of the forest” Rhys explained “But it thought it was a myth”

“If it is a myth why should we even care?” Said Eyiel.

“I really don’t know”

The guards hit the floor with their spears, a clear signal for all of the people to shut up, the queen needed silence.

“I know what you’re thinking, I thought the same not so long ago” The queen resumed her speech “But we really have no choice, it is this or a civil war, and that is what our enemies want”

Amelie cleared her throat, it was her turn to do the explaining. She introduced herself in great detail, moving all of the crowd’s attention to her.

“But now to the matter at hand, the Chalice of Krysin” The inquisitor finally got to the point “I’ve confirmed the existance of the chalice by methods only the queen knows and needs to know, I have also gathered a group of people to bring the chalice to us”

The murmur of the crowd now signaled a lot of discontent with what Amelie was saying.

“So that’s what she wants with us” Said Ferine.

“I hope there’s a payment involved in all of this” Said Zelliria “This doesn’t sound like an easy job”

“For security reasons, the details of the mission will remain secret” Amelie’s explanation was met with audible disapproval by the crowd “And if you don’t like it you can complain to the queen herself”

Amelie walked behind the throne and left the room through a door hidden behind it. Her absence brought bewilderment among the crowd, the murmur among them was audible but unitelligable, nobody dared to speak up.

“If someone has a disagreement with our plans, he can stand before me and say it to me” The queen said.

The queen’s statement calmed down the crowd, but even if all of the people in the party were appeased the party just couldn’t keep going, the ambient was too tense for anyone to have a good time.

The ballroom emptied rapidly and soon enough the only ones left in there were the queen, the guards and the adventurers who didn’t knew if they should left the room or not.

“You can return to your rooms ladies” Said the queen “I left something for you there”

Ann was the only one to make a reverence to the queen before leaving the room, thankfully the queen didn’t seemed to care much about Ann’s friends not doing one.

“Are you sure that they can handle it?” The queen asked as she laid back on her throne, being a queen was tiring.

“Absolutely” Said Amelie as she emerged from behind the throne “I have them under my absolute control.
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 38: Dark Visitors.

“You’re moving”

“Mppghh!” Ferine moaned under her gag, she wasn’t moving, she was just trying to get comfortable.

Zelliria ungagged Ferine, she was eager to know what she had to say after so much time being gagged.

“Ugh, don’t you have enough of this already?” Ferine asked after working on her ached jaw. A ballgag on her mouth for so long had left her jaw aching quite a bit.

“I don’t think so” Said Zelliria as she sat beside Ferine on the table she was tied to “But I was getting bored of you being so quiet”

“Very funny” Said Ferine “You want me to talk then?”

“Yeah I think I’d like to hear you say something other than muffled moans”

This was the third day in a row Ferine had been tied by Zelliria, this wasn’t at all her idea of a week of rest which was what they were supposed to be having. After all the inquisitor recognized that the mission that she was sending them in was a difficult one, so she decided to let them some rest in the royal palace before going on that journey.

Zelliria was trying new things with her new plaything Ferine, at this point she had already tied her to her bed and to a chair, this time she had hogtied her on top a table, leaving the scout there like if she was the centerpiece of a banquet. The only thing Ferine was happy about was that Zelliria didn’t tied her up when the others were around, even though she knew that they could see he ropemarks left by Zelliria’s bondage she preferred that instead of her friends seeing her tied up.

“What do you want to talk about?” Asked Ferine. It was hard to come up with topics when tied up.

“Well if you don’t think of something yourself I’ll have to gag you again until yo do it” Said Zelliria.

Ferine was used to it working the other way around, usually captors would gag their captive if it speaks too much, not if it doesn’t all. But Ferine was willing to work with Zelliria’s unorthodox methods.

“What did the queen gave to you?” Ferine said what came to her mind first.

“A harp” Replied Zelliria “I asked Rhys to analyze it and she told me that its magical but I still don’t know how to use it”
“Why don’t you ask the queen then?” Asked Ferine.

“I’m pretty sure I can figure it out on my own” Said Ferine “I’ve been a bard all my life”

“Sure you can” Ferine said sarcastically.

Zelliria replied by smacking Ferine’s head, not strong enough to harm her but strong enough for her to get the hint. Zelliria wouldn’t allow her prisoner to mock her even in the slightest.

“Don’t give me that face, you being like that is completely your fault” Said Zelliria.

“Yeah whatever”

Zelliria smacked Ferine again, she was getting too comfortable for someone tied up at her mercy.

“Some day I’ll get you for this you know” Said Ferine.

“Then that day I’ll make sure to have you tied up” Zelliria replied “But anyway, what did the queen gave to you, just that sword?”

“Yeah just that” Ferine replied “The inquisitor told me that it glows when enemies are near, I think that’s good to know”

“Any idea of what she gave the others?” Asked Zelliria “I just know that Liel received a weird wand but that’s it”

“I think she gave Rhys a new spellbook and a shield to Ann, Eyiel told me that she had given her a weapon but she rejected it”

“That girl really loves her weapons huh” Said Zelliria “If the one the queen gave her was magical like what she gave to us she’s really stupid”

“Any weapon becomes magical when wielded by her” Said Ferine “And she has a special connection with her axe, I wouldn’t expect her to ditch it so easily”

“Anyway I think I’ve had enough of you talking” Said Zelliria as she grabbed the ballgag.

“Ugh, really?” Asked Ferine, already knowing the answer.

“Open up!”

Ferine allowed Zelliria to gag her, resisting would not only be tiring and pointless but she also knew that it was what Zelliria wanted, and she wasn’t going to give that to her.

“Now what should I do with you?” Zelliria asked as she ran her index finger through Ferine’s body “I would like to give your ass some spanks but your legs kinda get in the way when you’re hogtied”

Ferine tried to ignore Zelliria but there wasn’t much for her to distract with but while she looked around the room she saw something that meat trouble, her new sword which was posed against one of the walls was glowing.

“Maybe I should...”

“Mpghghghg!” Ferine screamed, interrupting Zelliria.

“Oh, are you scared?”

“Mpghghghg!” Ferine screamed again, louder than before but still greatly muffled by the ballgag.

“Shh don’t be so loud” Said Zelliria, still don’t getting what Ferine was trying to say “You wouldn’t want anyone to find us like this wouldn’t you?”

Ferine kept screaming under her gag, having to say something so important while being tied up and gagged was so frustrating, worse than any torture Zelliria could put her through.

“Fine I guess you really want to say something” Zelliria removed the ballgag “Ok what do you...”

“Untie me right now!” Ferine yelled.

“Wait I don’t think...”

Zelliria was interrupted not by Ferine but by the sound of a loud explosion that came from outside.

“The sword is glowing!” Ferine shouted.

Zelliria immediately knew what to do and undid all of the ropes that held Ferine tied up with a spell, they had no time to waste undoing knots.

On a Palace Balcony

“So, how has Rhys behaved with you?” Asked Ann.

“Fine thankfully” Replied Liel “She hasn’t talked to me at all to be fair”

“I guess that’s better than her being cruel to you” Replied Ann “I’m sure it’ll get better with time”

“Why do you ask?”

“We’ll start our journey in a few days and having problems among the group is the last thing I want” Explained Ann “I know that I already told you that but I’m still worried”

“We’ll do fine” Said Liel as she laid her hand on Ann’s shoulder

“I’m glad you think that, but I’m not so sure” Said Ann as she looked down.

“Why?” Asked Liel worriedly.

“You see we, nearly got defeated the last time we fought someone powerful” Said Ann as she remembered the events that took place in Swampcross “If you hadn’t been there when Agatha captured us I don’t know what it would have happened”

“But I was there” Said Liel “And we defeated Agatha, that’s all that matters”

Ann smiled, Liel was always so innocent and optimistic and after traveling together for so long she was starting to appreciate that. It was like whenever something happened she could count on Liel to have something good to say about it.

“As long as one of us is there for the others we will always get through” Said Liel “No matter how hard it is”

“Never change Liel” Said Ann she turned to look at her and grabbed her by the shoulder “We’ll really need you to be like that if we go on this journey”

Liel didn’t knew how she should take the compliment, she wasn’t used to receive them.

“Do you know what happened to Fulk?” Asked Ann “I haven’t seen him today”

Fulk had spent a lot of time with Ann and thereby with Liel who was almost always with her. He knew that it will take long for him to see Ann again so he wanted to spend that time as best as he could.

“He’s doing something with Amelie” Replied Liel “I think she doesn’t like him seeing you”

“What makes you say that?”

“Well she took you dancing when she saw you with him at the party and whenever he’s with us she makes sure to be with us too”
“Sound like something she would do” Sighed Ann “She definitively likes me much more than I like her”

“That’s not hard” Joked Liel “It would be hard to find someone who likes her even less than we do”

Ann had no time to laugh for the loud booming sound of an explosion reached the balcony they were in and from the height they were in they could see the flash of orange light of the explosion coming from a small forested area in the gardens.

“Lets go!” Said Ann as she ran out of the balcony, Liel hastily following her from behind.

On the Palace Training Grounds

Fulk fell to the floor and before he could stand up again he had a sword dangerously close pointing to his chest, he had lost the sparring match again.

“You lose again” Said Eyiel as she moved the sword away.

Like Liel expected, Amelie was trying to get Fulk away from Ann as much as she could and this day she had come up with a creative way to do so. Not only she’ll have him training all day but she’ll have him training against the toughest warrior she was sending on the mission to recover the chalice of Krysin.

Eyiel having to spend this week training was supposed to be a punishment for not kneeling in front of the queen but to her this felt like anything but a punishment. She missed this type of training, she usually trained against Ann but that had gotten old a long time ago, she already knew that she could bear Ann with strength and that Ann could beat her with technique. Eyiel wanted to put her abilities to the test so badly that she gladly welcomed the inquisitor’s assigned “punishment”

“If you keep fighting like that you’ll never beat me” Said Eyiel as she extended her hand to Fulk to help him get up.

“Its not fair” Said Fulk as he go up “Your way stronger than me, why did they even asked me to fight you?”

“That’s not an excuse” Said Eyiel “I’ll have you know that I have lost to Ann in many occasions despite her being way weaker than me”
“But I’m not her!” Fulk excused himself.

“If you keep making up excuses she’ll never notice you” Said Eyiel.

“Huh?” Fulk was caught off guard by Eyiel.

“I know you like her” Eyiel stated “And I also know she’ll never be attracted to a man that makes excuses for himself whenever he looses” She taunted. Eyiel was trying to get a reaction out of Fulk, she could see that he was not putting his heart into the fight and that making him angry would be a good way for him to do so.

At fist Fulk was embarrassed by Eyiel but after that attack he was more angry at her than anything, who did she thought she was? She barely knew him and she dared to make such statements, Fulk was not going to let that slide easily.

“Oh I’ll show you” Said Fulk as he got in a fighting stance.

Eyiel smiled, she had gotten what she wanted.

Fulk and Eyiel charged at each other, ready to engage in another round but just before their weapons made contact something interrupted them, a loud explosion outside the training grounds, that couldn’t be good.

On the Palace Gardens

Rhys was sitting on a high tree branch while she read her new book, the book she had before had some good spells on it but this one had much better ones. She never imagines that she would be able to lay her hands in such knowledge, with that book she felt more powerful than ever before.

The elf was also enjoying the week of rest the inquisitor had gave them to get some time for herself. Even though she liked the company of her friends she also needed some time for herself that she rarely got when traveling with her friends.
Rhys tried a spell from the book, it was simple one that wouldn’t cause any damage to the gardens she was in, a simple sphere of water that she held in the palm of hand like it was solid, she could make the sphere bigger if she wanted to but she didn’t needed that now.
She disbanded the spell when her elven hearing alerted her of something, something was moving atop the other tres, she could easily tell that the sound she heard was not the wind blowing through the leaves and branches.
“Who’s there?” Asked Rhys as she put her book down.
There was no reply, but she heard that sound again, something moving atop the trees. Rhys wondered what could it be, the garden had some peafowls living there, but she didn’t thought those were capable of flying high enough to get to the tree branches, but if wasn’t that what could it be?
“There’s no need to hide...” Rhys said nervously.

Then something lunged at Rhys from the trees, better said, someone did. Rhys heard it in advance which gave her time to barely dodge it. She turned back to look at her attacker, it was certaily humanoid but she coudln’t tell much apart from that, it was dressed on tight black clothes, a black hood covered its head and a it had its face covered from the nose down by black cloth. But what was most scary for Rhys was that it had a drawn dagger, whoever it was, it was out for blood.
“I don’t know who you are but if you’re here to kill me...” Rhys said as she pointed her staff to her attacker “You’ll be in for a bad time”
Rhys then hurled a lightning to the assassin who didn’t managed to dodge it quickly enough not to be struck by it. The assassin quickly felt the effects of the electricity through her body which made it fell, but it managed to grab to a branch before falling to the floor.
Rhys was ready to find out who the assassin was when another one of them lunged at her from above, this one was much bigger and was carrying a big sword instead of a dagger. Rhys lost her balance trying to dodge the sword. The newly appeared assassin was ready to get its sword through Rhys’ heart but the elf created a blinding light at the tip of her staff, gaining enough time to get back on her feet and prepare a more powerful spell.
Now standing and pointing her staff at this new assassin Rhys was able to get a better look of it as it recovered from the blinding effect of her spell. It was tall and seemed strong, the sword it was carrying certainly took some strength to use. But what worried Rhys more was the little that she could manage to see of its face, despite the hood and the cloth mask she was still able to see a pair of red eyes and dark purplish skin.

“You’ll pay for that!” The assassin screamed enraged, it had the voice of a woman.
Rhys gave no time to the assassin and shot another lightning at her while she was blinded, but the one she was fighting before came just in time to move her staff away and make her miss her attack.
Rhys struggled for the control of the staff, in moments like this she wished she had strength of some of her friends. In order not to lose control of the staff she tried to produce the blinding light that had saved her before but the assassin with the sword caught up to what she was doing and covered the staff’s gem with her cloak, the light had been covered.
The whole situation was getting bad, Rhys needed to do something and quickly because of she didn’t she would be at the mercy of the assassins, and assassins only have one purpose with their victims.
Rhys started to speak the language of the mages, she spoke with care as not miss any detail of the spell but as fast as she could to get out of that situation quickly.
Realizing what Rhys was up to the assassins quickly stepped back, they didn’t knew what the elf was exactly up to but they knew that they didn’t wanted to find out. As they tried to run away Rhys pointed her staff at them and a small sphere of fire shot from the tip of her staff towards the assassins.

Then it exploded.

The sound was deafening and the light blinding, the shockwave nearly made Rhys fall of the branch she was on and a long high pitched whistle haunted Rhys ears for a long time as she tried to put herself back together after the explosion. She saw the effects of the spell, the trees were blackened and all of their leaved were gone, the scene became more and more clear as the smoke and fire dissipated, she was starting to think that she had exaggerated but what could she have done if not that? After all it was her life what was at stake.
“Good grief, seems you two can’t do anything without me” Said a feminine voice from inside the smoke cloud.
Rhys immediately raised her guard and readied her staff, she was starting to see the silhouettes of the assassins and someone else, she couldn’t see much detail of this newly arrived figure but there was something that her hood couldn’t hide, a pair of horns coming out of her forehead made her easy to tell apart from her companions.

They seemed to be covered by a bluish transparent barrier, clearly some type of defensive magic, but how? Who could stop one of the most powerful spell Rhys had learned with such ease?

But before Rhys could make out the details she saw the barrier disappear and immediately after a whip lunged towards her, rapidly wrapping itself around Rhys’ body and around a tree pinning Rhys to it.

“You are such a problematic girl” Said the dagger assassin as she started to walk towards Rhys, her voice revealed that she was too a woman.

Rhys was too scared to talk, she just froze and watched as the assassin walked towards her, putting one foot in front of the other as not to loose balance on the now fragile charred branch they were standing on.

“Is this all a high elf can do?” The assassin goaded Rhys knowing perfectly that she could do nothing.

Rhys started to speak the language of the mages again, she spoke as fast as she could, trying to get a spell to get out of the restraints but she was interrupted by the assassin who grabbed her by the chin and closed her mouth.
“Shh, stay quiet for now” She said.

Rhys was forced to look up to the assassin and in her covered face she saw the same features that she had seen in the one with the sword, eyes with red irises and dark purplish skin.

“You must have so much questions...” Said the assassin as she caressed Rhys’ chest.

Disgusted by the assassin’s touch Rhys squirmed in her restraints trying to get away from her despite being clearly unable to. Unhappy with Rhys reaction the assassin let go of her chin only to slap her in the face, knowing that she had left her free to speak she grabbed her face again but this time she shoved her fingers into her mouth and grabbed her tongue, putting her thumb in the middle and pressing it with her index finger from below. With a hold of Rhys’ tongue she dragged it out of her mouth and forced her to look down.

“Look at me” Ordered the assassin.

Rhys looked up to the assassin, she couldn’t get a clear image of her because of the way she had her head forced but then she could see enough. Needless to say she was terrified, she had been attacked before but never had her attackers been so intimidating, and she never had been alone when attacked before.

“That’s good” Said the assassin as she resumed her petting “You’re way too cute to be our enemy you know”

“We don’t have time for this Nem!” Shouted the sword assassin from behind “Lets get going already, that explosion surely alerted enough people”

“Ugh really?” The so called Nem looked at her companions over her shoulder, she seemed disappointed, she was clearly enjoying her time with Rhys “Just when I was starting to have fun”

“You can have all the fun you want once we’re done” The sword assassin replied.

“Ugh fine” Nem said as she turned back toward Rhys only to find her sobbing “Oh don’t cry sweetie” She said as she cleaned the tears of Rhys face with her free hand.

Rhys didn’t even noticed that she had started to cry, apparently the fear had overwhelmed her and she just started to tear up, it wasn’t something she could control but after noticing it she wished she was be braver.

“You! Stop right now!” Rhys heard Ann’s voice say from the floor.

The three assassins turned to look at where the voice was coming from and saw not only Ann but also Zelliria, Ferine, Eyiel, Liel and Fulk.

There were a few seconds of silence until the sword assassin decided to speak.

“Ann Golsbreik, best swordswoman of your family...” The sword assassin pointed her sword towards Ann “For a long time I’ve wanted to fight you...”

“Lets get going” Said Nem as she let go of Rhys’s tongue “We really have no time for this”

“Are we retreating? Now?” Asked the sword assassin.

“Yes, it is better to retreat than to loose”

The sword assassin clenched her fists, she seemed angry.

“You can have your duel later, but if you have it now it’ll be your last one” Nem continued “Get us out Aries, we loose this one”

The horned assassin casted a spell and the three of them banished in a flash of blue light, they were gone.

Nem had let go of her whip, freeing Rhys inthe process but also letting her fall to the floor. Thankfully for Rhys Eyiel quickly went to her rescue, catching her mid air before she hit the floor.

The amazon’s heart dropped as she saw Rhys’ face covered with tears, she had no idea who those assassins that made her cry were but she was certain about something:

“They’ll pay for this” Said Eyiel, that was what she was so certain about.

Everyone else rushed to see if Rhys was okay and they were thankful to find out that she indeed was. Rhys was a bit ashamed of being seen crying but the relief of having been saved was far greater than the shame.

People from everywhere in the palace rushed to the scene and quickly the adventurers were surrounded by guards, aristocrats and eventually the queen herself.

“What happened here!?” The queen demanded to know.

It wasn’t until then that the adventurers realized how bad their situation was, a whole chunk of the palace gardens were burnt to a crisp and they were the only ones in the scene.

“We can explain...” Ann quickly jumped to their defense.

It didn’t took long for the whole crowd to start aggressively questioning the adventurers, screaming at them in anger. Ann couldn’t make herself be heard by the crowd, their screaming was greater than anything she could say.

“It’s all my fault” Rhys mumbled, still in Eyiel’s arms.

“Don’t say that!” Said Eyiel “We saw them!”

The screaming match between Ann and the crowd continued until the queen spoke up, demanding for everyone to shut up and let her hear what the adventurer had to say.

“We heard the explosion and came to find out what was happening” Ann explained “We saw our friend being attacked by three hooded figures”

“And where are those hooded figures now?” Asked the queen.

“They fled using magic” Ann said, knowing how bad that made them seem.

The queen went silent fro a few seconds, the adventurers were expecting the worse from her.

“Escort them to the palace and watch out for any intruders” The queen ordered.

“To the dungeons?” Asked the guard’s leader.

“No, to the court” The queen said “I think they have something important to say”
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Post by Caesar73 »

The last chapter was most intriguing. The frequent changes of locations - I like that! I wonder who the assassins were and what the Queen will do.
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Post by TimChimp »

I do admit that some chapters are pretty slow but like you said there's always payback! I can only wonder what's coming next.
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 39: The Queen’s Resolve

Even when obeying the queen’s orders the guards seemed reluctant, it was clear that they didn’t trusted them as much as they queen seemed to do. The court itself was a screaming match between the queen’s advisors, the only good part about that was that at least there was discussion, not everyone seemed to be against them like they expected.

Amelie and Elma were the only familiar faces in the court, Elma seemed sorry about the adventurers but Amelie, she seemed downright angry at them.

With difficulty Rhys explained what had happened to her, the audience was divided, some seemed to believe her, other seemed to think she was but a liar. The discussion made one of the queen’s advisors ask a fair question.

“I know that your attackers had their faces covered, but isn’t there any other detail that you can remember about them?” Asked the advisor.

Rhys proceeded to answer the advisors question as best as she could, everyone seemed to be taking her seriously until she mentioned the horned assassin, then everyone laughed at her.

“I’d not advise to be so doubtful about the elf’s description” Said an old advisor who had been silent until then.

Everyone went silent and the queen ordered him to proceed.

“We know there are some humans cursed with such features, maybe the ones of you that don’t leave the palace grounds don’t know but I have seen them with my own eyes” The advisor made a pause to ensure everyone was listening to him “We call them cursed children, they usually live hidden away from humans but they are very real”

Even though some seemed doubtful about his explanation nobody replied, it seemed that this man had some level of respect within the court’s personal.

“I’ll decide what to do about this this night” Said the queen “I’ll take that decision alone, and my resolve will be final, for now double the security around the palace and let these people rest”

Nobody argued.

The adventurers alongside Fulk, who had gotten involved in all of this too, left the court and headed to their room, sleeping was going to be hard.

“I’m sorry about this” Said Rhys “You all got in all of this trouble because of me...”

“Oh don’t say that” Said Eyiel.

“We got involved to save you, there’s nothing to be sorry about” Said Ann.

Rhys couldn’t be more happy about having friends like them, but she still felt bad about getting in trouble.

“I guess I’ll have to leave now” Said Fulk before going on his own way “I pretty sure the inquisitor isn’t very happy with me”

“I’m sorry for you” Said Zelliria.

Fulk wasn’t happy about having the leave but maybe if he pleaded hard enough to Amelie his punishment wouldn’t be very harsh and getting to her late wouldn’t help him.

The adventurers went to their room in silence.

“Should we try to escape?” Asked Zelliria once they were in the room.

“No, that would only make it worse” Said Ann.

“How?” Asked Zelliria “If the queen decides to lock us up I don’t think trying to escape is in any way worse”

“But if she decides that we’re innocent It’ll just make us look worse” Ann replied “I know you’re nervous, we all are, but I’m sure she’ll decide to let us go”

“And if she doesn’t?” Asked Zelliria “We’ll just agree to be locked up or worse?”

“Do what you want Zelliria, but if you try to escape you wont be with me” Said Ann.

“Zelliria, she’s right” Said Liel as she hugged the half elf from behind.

Liel was far more effective at making Zelliria reason, in the end they all went to bed in silence and tried their best to fall asleep.

The night went on and slowly everyone started to fall asleep, everyone but Rhys. Every time she closed her eyes she saw the assassins, she could remember Nem, her touch, her dead stare.

Rhys gasped, she was having a nightmare again, those assassins haunting her mind and the guilt of getting her friends in trouble wasn’t letting her sleep. She was about to cry again.

“Can’t sleep?” Asked Eyiel as she sat on Rhys bed, the elf was to distracted with her own thoughts to notice her coming.

Rhys nodded in response, trying to hold back the tears.

“Don’t worry, I’ll sleep with you” Said Eyiel as she got into the blankets with Rhys.

“I was so scared” Said Rhys as she hid her face in Eyiel’s chest “I’m so weak... I’m such a coward.... I...”

“Shh” Eyiel hugged Rhys “Don’t say that about you”

“If I’m not those things why did reacted like that?” Asked Rhys “I know that none of you would have done so, not evel Liel”

“I see you have yet to understand bravery Rhys” Replied Eyiel as she stroked Rhys’ red hair.

“Then tell me, what is bravery?” Asked Rhys “You and Ann always say things like that and...”

Eyiel posed her index finger against Rhys’ soft lips.

“All I can tell you is that today you came one step closer to being braver” Said Eyiel as she continued to caress Rhys “But for now you shouldn’t worry about it”

“How can I not worry?” Asked Rhys “If it wasn’t for you who knows what would have happened to me?”

“That’s why you shouldn’t worry” Said Eyiel “We were there for you and you’re okay, that’s all that matters”

“But what if you hadn’t been there?”

Eyiel hugged Rhys tighter.

“I’ll always be there for you Rhys”

Rhys would have argued, but Eyiel’s hug really made her feel like the amazon will always be there for her.

“Always” And she hugged her tighter.

The Next Day

The adventurers woke up early, they had managed to sleep but the nervousness wouldn’t let them keep sleeping for to long after the sun had risen. They all saw Rhys and Eyiel sleeping together, Rhys blushed at the thought of her friends having seen that but nobody asked about it, they knew that it was the last thing Rhys needed.

Not to long after they they woke up the adventurers were called into the court again, there the queen’s advisors were waiting as eagerly for the the queen’s resolve as them. Fulk and the inquisitor were there too, waiting as everyone else.

The queen waited for everyone to settle down and then bagan to speak.

“I know you are eager to know my resolve so I’ll skip the formalities and get to the point” The queen said.

The only response she received was silence, exactly what she wanted.

“I have decided to believe their story, not only is it plausible and makes sense but we have found proof of it” The queen awaited for anyone to argue with her but was happy to see that nobody did so, then she signaled Elma to step forward.

“I, inquisitor Elma Kleiber, was able to find out through the testimony of a prisoner that there are indeed, a group of Dark Elves is indeed behind this women” Elma explained “And thanks to the elf’s testimony and the aid of experts in the court, we can confidently assume that the attackers were a pair of dark elves and a cursed human”

Elma stepped back, the queen seemed satisfied with her explanation but the adventurers got more worried with every word she said.
Dark elves had a bad reputation among all races to the point they were rarely seen among them, but it wasn’t that which scared the adventurers, after all most of them had traveled around the continent enough to meet their fair bit of good dark elves and evil members of other races. What was worrying for them was that someone was following them, and they were terrifyingly good.

But saying that the adventurers didn’t feared dark elves was not right for all of them. The thought of dark elves brought back bad memories to Zelliria and Liel, they knew that it wasn’t fair, but they couldn’t help it.

“However, we must acknowledge something” The queen continued her speech “With those assassins behind them, their very presence in the palace is a danger in and of itself”

The adventurers didn’t liked to hear that, nothing good could come after that sentence.

“That’s why we have decided to have them depart today and traced another route for them” The queen explained “The details will only be revealed to them, we have to keep a degree of secrecy in this mission. You may leave now”

With that said the queen waited for everyone to leave the room, everyone apart from the adventurers and the queen’s guards did, but a few people came back after a while, they entered the court from other entrances, not the main one, they didn’t wanted the rest of advisors to know that they were coming back. The adventurers could recognize Elma, Amelie and the man that had explained the cursed children the previous day, but the other two they could’t recognize.

“Now we can get to the matter at hand” Said the queen after everyone who she wanted to be in the room was there.

“What is the new plan?” Asked Ann “This very sudden, I know that we’re endangering you, but we are in danger too you know?”

“Your majesty is perfectly aware of the danger you’re facing” Replied the advisor from yesterday.

“Then how will she help us?” Asked Ferine “I don’t think another route will mislead our pursuers”

“They know we’re here, no matter what route we take they’ll where we’re starting” Added Zelliria. Like Ferine she hated having other people take decisions for her, no matter their intentions.

The advisor was about to snap back at the adventurers but the queen stopped him.

“That’s why you’ll not start from here” The queen said.

The adventurers were confused, how could they not start their journey from the place they currently were in?
One of the advisors that the adventurers didn’t knew of jumped in to explain.

“There’s a way to do so, but we’ll need your help” The advisor extended his hand to Rhys “I’m Danius Vethas, he’s my brother Saulis Vethas, we’re mages like you” He introduced himself and the other unknown advisor.

Rhys shook his hand shyly, she wasn’t used to be treated with such respect.

“Follow us” The queen ordered as she gave everyone her back.

Before the adventurers could ask where they were supposed to follow her to, one of the Vethas brothers posed his hand on a wall, against his touch the wall started to appear strange, its texture changed and it started to move like if it was melting, then it disappeared, showing another room on the other side. The wall itself was an illusion.

The adventurers walked behind the others who didn’t seemed surprised by what had just happened, they clearly had done that before.
“As you may know this city was founded by elves a long time ago” Saulis explained “It was abandoned centuries before humans inhabited it again, but the elves left something in this city apart from the palace”

Everyone stood around a circle carved in the stone floor, it was detailed with intricate shapes and strange characters from the old elvish alphabet.

“A teleportation circle” Said Rhys after inspecting it for a few seconds.

“Indeed it is” Replied the advisor who still had his name unknown.

“We usually have someone educated in the old elven language to help us activate it, but our scholar is currently in Valerrol, and we can’t afford to wait for him” Danius explained.

“We need three mages to activate it,but only one has to know the old elvish language to start the spell, we count on you to do it” Saulis continued his brother’s speech.

“I can activate it but we need to know where does this lead us to” Said Rhys.

“This is where we get to your new route” Said Amelie as she walked up to one of the walls. There she extended a map of the continent with a trail drawn on it.

“Is that...”

“Yes, you’ll have to cross through the forest of the ancients to avoid being tracked by your assassins” Said Amelie.
“No way!” Zelliria complained “We can fight the assassins, we can’t fight the whole forest!”

“Is that or the dungeon lady” Said the queen with chilling calmness.

Zelliria wanted to say something but she couldn’t think of anything, to her the dungeon was as bad as the forest.

“We’ll need preparation” Said Ann “You can’t expect us to get through the forest unequipped”

“We’ll take care of that on the other side” Said Saulis “The circle will take us to Aviria, a city under our control, there all equipment you need will be provided to you and tomorrow you’ll have to get into the forest”

“I’m not entering that place” Said Zelliria “If you want us dead you can kill us right now”

“There is a payment involved if that is a bit more persuasive than the dungeon” Said the queen before anyone could say anything to Zelliria.

Zelliria didn’t said anything and walked away from everyone, ready to leave the room.

“I’m just going to get my stuff” Said Zelliria “I think I already understand how is this going to be.

Zelliria left the room.

“You should go with her, It’ll take us some time to get the circle working” Said Sauils.

“But you’re not allowed to tell anyone about this” Amelie added.

The adventurers did not argued and just left, the only one who remained was Rhys who had to stay there to activate the circle. They all had mixed thoughts about this new plan, the forest would obviously be safer from the assassins, but it will be dangerous by itself.

“Turns out we should have taken the forest route in the first place” Said Eyiel once they had left the room.

“We’ll have to trust you to get through it” Ann replied “If you’re so confident in your ability to do so we’ll have to trust you”

The adventurers then went on their way, they had to get everything they had before leaving. On their way they stumbled upon Fulk, Ferine had little to do with him so she just greeted him and went on her way, but the others like wanted say goodbye, even if it was against what the inquisitor had told them.

“So you’re leaving?” Asked Fulk.

“Don’t tell that to the inquisitor but yes” Sad Ann “For our own good”

“Don’t worry, like if I would take that risk” Said Fulk “Anyway, I hope your travel isn’t too dangerous, but I’m sure you’ll make it”

“Lets hope so” Said Ann “Good luck Fulk, If we’re lucky we’ll see again”

Ann kissed Fulk on the check, he blushed so deeply he though that he felt like if he was being burned alive.

“Goodbye!” Said Liel before walking away behind Ann.

Fulk gave a sigh of relief, he could only hope that Ann hadn’t noticed that, then he noticed Eyiel, who was still there and visibly holding back her laugh.

“Is that obvios?” Asked Fulk once Ann an Liel were no longer in sight.

“You should have seen your face” Chuckled Eyiel “I don’t know how she didn’t noticed”

Fulk laid against a wall and looked at the gardens through a window.

“Why don’t you tell her?” Asked Eyiel “You may not get another chance”

“If I did now It would be for the worse” Fulk replied “She already has an important mission ahead, she doesn’t need to know how I feel”
Despite saying that Fulk really wanted Ann to know how he felt, it was hard for him to remain silent, especially now that he knew what Ann had ahead of her.

“I love someone too you know” Said Eyiel as she looked through the window too “I think I know how you feel”

“Good to know that you’re something more than a warrior” Said Fulk.

“Maybe that’s why I’m such a good warrior” Said Eyiel “Maybe its because I fight for someone”

The adventurers made use of the portal not too long after, they were reported to Aviria like they expected, a small city on a high cliff that overlooked the endless green sea that was the forest of the ancients. There they slept on a fortress on the edges of the city which they accesed thanks to the mage brothers accompanying them, it would be a long time until they got to sleep on a bed again.

Zelliria looked at the endless forest through one of the fortresses’ windows before going to sleep, she couldn’t believe that they were about to get in there.
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 40: Into the Forest

There had already been three days of endless walking though the forest of the ancients and the adventurers were already hating it. Even Eyiel who at fist didn’t mind going through the forest wasn’t happy with it, it was nothing like the forest she remembered from her childhood, as far as she remembered the forest was green and full of life, nothing like the nightmarish place they were in now.

Eyiel would have blamed the seasons but it wasn’t possible, it was spring, the season when forests are superposed to be at their peak of beauty, yet the forest of the ancients was cold, dark, with almost all sunlight covered by the dense canopies of the the trees, wet and had all of its greenery tinted by gray. The birds and all other animals were mostly silent, which made the adventurers feel alone in such a vast place. Eyiel didn’t dared to say it, but she was sure that something was messing with the forest.

“How long until we get out of this place” Said Zelliria as the adventurers prepared tos set camp once the sun started to settle.

Eyiel and Ferine, who were the ones taking care of the travel through the forest since they were the ones with more experience moving through the wilderness, nailed the map to a tree trunk and started to draw a continuation of the route they were following.

“At this rate we will arrive next month” Said Eyiel.

“Next month!?” Zelliria asked angrily.

“Its the best we can do” Said Ferine “Traveling by night would be to dangerous, and we are on the fast available route that we know of”

“I know this place is horrible but at least we haven’t faced any dangers as of yet” Said Ann as she sharpened her sword, the weapon had been busy cutting through the dense foliage of the forest.

“Like you said, as of yet” Said Zelliria “I bet all of this forest’s dangers are waiting to attack us at any moment “

“Think of what we will get once we arrive there” Said Ferine.

“That stupid chalice for that stupid queen?” Zelliria asked sarcastically.

“Of course not, do you think I care about that?”

Zelliria didn’t replied, she knew that Ferine didn’t cared but she didn’t knew why she was embarking on that travel other than threats from the inquisitor, in fact, she as well as Liel had no idea about what was the personal objective of the adventurers in that place of legend.

“What do you want from there then?” Asked Zelliria “What do all of you want from there?”

“Where do we even begin?” Eyiel said as she sat on fallen tree “We have been searching for that place for what feels like years” She exaggerated, but they indeed had been looking for it for a long time.

“Personally, I want a family relic that has been lost for a long time” Said Ann “Some of the things that the first Golbreisk left behind that me and my family would really like to have”

“I see, and you Ferine?” Zelliria asked.

“Well, certainly not something so sophisticated, my family has no relic to speak of so...” Ferine scratched her head, saying what she was looking for after Ann felt a little out of place “Basically I’m just in for the money, a lot of gold and gems are supposed to be there after all”

“Respectable, but I’d like you to know that I want my share of those” Zelliria said half jokingly half honestly.

“Good luck taking them from me, the greatest thief of the whole continent!” Ferine joked too.

“You Rhys?” Asked Liel as Zelliria and Ferine laughed together, she thought that maybe by showing interest in her things would get better between the two.

“Well... Its something for my magic academy” Rhys said a she tried to get the fire going with a spell, which was surprisingly hard because of how wet all of the wood was.

“Cool! What is it?”

“Well it is complicated...” Rhys tried to find words to explain what she was out for “Imagine it as crystal ball, through it you can communicate with other mages from long distances, those are no longer fabricated and my academy always wanted to study one”

It wasn’t until then that Rhys noticed something weird, she wasn't angry at Liel for talking to her, it felt weird, so weird in fact that she went silent after her explanation.

“And you Eyiel?” Asked Zelliria.

“Me, heh” The amazon chuckled “I’m just in for the adventure”

The adventurers ate the bland food that they had been given at Aviria again, it was nearly tasteless but it was what they had. Hunting of foraging was out of the question, an animal corpse would be a magnet for predators and scavengers alike and nearly every fruit that grew on the forest was venomous to a degree.

Eventually night fell on and it was time for the adventurers to set up guards in groups of tow like always. The guards rotated every few hours which meant that instead of a pair of them getting no sleep at all everyone had time to sleep, just not as much as they wanted to which along with the harsh sleeping conditions made for not the best of nights.

And so it kept going for the following days, walking through the silent forest all day until the sun went down. The only good part of the whole walk through the forest was that they didn’t came across many dangers, most predators tended to ignore groups so big and most poisonous plants were cut out of the way by Ann before they came too close to them. Among those plants was the infamous insect ivy that Agatha had used on Ann a long time ago, Ferine and Eyiel decided to carefully take some, knowing its effects it could be a good weapon if used intelligently.

A week went by and the adventurers still were walking through the forest, it was midday and still the sun barely got through the tree canopies, the adventurers feet were cold and hurt a lot, especially for those with less experience walking for long distances like Rhys, Zelliria and Liel.

Suddenly Eyiel who was leading the way stopped and extended her arms to her sides to prevent anyone from passing her.

“What is it now?” Asked Ferine who was behind her.

“I think there’s a trap here” Said Eyiel a she knelled to take a closer look at the floor.

Eyiel poked the floor with her axe and a trapdoor opened in the floor, its wooden doors were nearly rotten and they broke upon hitting the sides of the hole they lead to.

“Interesting” Said Eyiel as she looked down the hole “I don’t think this is dangerous, come take a look”

The adventurers looked down the hole, there they saw what a long time ago surely as a deadly trap but now it wasn’t likely to kill anything. The wooden spikes that were supposed to act as deadly weapons were now rotten and broken, serving as the burrow for a small group of badgers.

“If that trap is made to kill someone of cuteness I think its deadly” Said Ferine as she looked at the small animals in the bottom of the pit.
“Yeah, wonderful how a deadly trap can become home for life so easily” Said Ann as she covered back the pit as to not disturb the badgers.
“Lets not get distracted though, the fact that there’s a trap here means someone built it” Said Eyiel “We should watch out for more, maybe some traps still remain dangerous”

The adventurers came across some other traps that were as old and useless as the one that they had already come across and eventually they found the ones who most likely built them, or better said, what was left of them. On what once was a clear and now was as dense as the rest of the forest the adventurers found the rests of a camp. Tents, crates and some rusted tools and weapons all covered by the forest to a degree.

“Who were these people” Said Ann as she inspected a rusty axe she found on the floor.

“Probably the iron tribes” Said Eyiel as he did the same with a hammer “This tools and weapons seem to be made by dwarves, pretty common for the iron tribes”

“Are they dwarves?” Asked Liel.

“No, they are humans, they just get this weapons from trading the things they get from the forest for weapons and tools with the dwarves from up north” Explained Eyiel.

“You seem to know an awful lot about them” Said Ferine “Any idea of why they could have abandoned this place”

“No” Said Eyiel as she sat on an ivy covered crate to think about the question “They usually take their stuff with them once they migrate”
Eyiel tried to think of a possible answer but she couldn’t think of anything, she was well acquainted with the iron tribes and their customs to know that this didn’t made any sense, and she doubted that in the time she had spent apart from them their customs would change so much.
“Girls...” Liel called from a distance “I think I know what happened to them”

Everyone went to where Eyiel was, it was one of the bigger tents if not the biggest. But it wasn’t the tent that mattered, it was what was inside it, its insides were covered in cobweb, more than the adventurers had ever seen.

Zelliria gulped and started to sweat, she had to go outside the tent to rest against something, she felt like she was about to puke, but it wasn’t out of disgust, it was out of fear. And like if Zelliria’s fear couldn’t get worse her elven hearing alerted her of something, a disgusting clacking sound coming from above her.

With fear in her eyes Zelliria looked up and saw giant spider, nearly as long as wolf and wide as a shield, and it wasn’t alone, dozens of others were with it, walking through the cobwebs that covered the treetops and that they, too focused in the abandoned camp hadn’t noticed.
Zelliria screamed out of fear and that was enough to get all o her friends to rush outside the tent and see Zelliria on her knees looking up at the dozens of giant spiders that looked at them with their fangs dripping saliva.

“This is bad” Said Ann as she unsheathed her sword.

Everyone prepared for battle too, everyone but Zelliria, who was too absorbed by her fear to react.

“What should we do?” Asked Liel as she readied her new staff.

“Lets keep our distance” Said Ann “Rhys, can you attack them from here?”

Rhys nodded and prepared her staff to cast a spell, a line of lightning shot from its tip, killing three spiders on its path. Ferine started to attack too, shooting all the spiders she could with her bow while the rest took care of the few spiders that managed to get to them.

“Zelliria, snap back!” Shouted Ann as she looked behind her after killing a spider, only to find out that Zellira was not in the middle of them but above them. A spider had caught her with its web and was slowly lifting her her up the trees.

“Zelliria no!” Screamed Liel a she saw her friend being taken away from them, she uttered a spell in the celestial language and shot a bolt of radiant lighting to the spider that was taking Zelliria away.

The spider fell dead to the floor, but Zelliria was already too tightly attached to the web above them to fall to the floor.

Trying to save her friend ended up being costly to Liel, who was attacked by a spider from behind, the arthropod started to wrap her in web but Ann was quick to save her. But more spiders were coming, and they were getting tired.

“Should I do it Ann?” Rhys asked, raising her voice as much as she could to make herself heard above all the noise of spiders screeching and being sliced to death.

“Yes! Everyone, take cover!” Ann ordered.

But as the adventurers jumped to take cover the spiders ran back, encircling the adventurers from a distance. Everything went silent, up to that point the adventurers thought that the spiders were nothing more than animals following their instincts, but now they were starting to think that they were something more.

“Now Rhys!” Said Ann as she raised her new shield.

But immediately after Ann said that all of their spiders shot their webs at them at the same time and suddenly all adventurers were wrapped in their sticky web. Ann managed to avoid it thanks to her shield and having her sides and behind covered by her friends who weren’t as lucky, but Rhys, for Rhys it was almost like the spiders had missed on purpose.

“What the hell?” Asked Ann as she looked above her shield “Girls!” She shouted as she looked behind and only say Rhys, then she looked up and saw Liel, Eyiel and Ferine being lifted by the spiders like they had done with Zelliria.

Unlike Zelliria who was still paralyzed by fear Liel, Eyiel and Ferine were struggling madly against the cobwebs that wrapped them, the webs went around their chests so tightly that they forced their shoulders and arms behind their backs and more spiders took care of wrapping their legs together,

But the webs didn’t cede against brute force and it wasn’t like there was a knot for Ferine to get a hold of. Eyiel was the only one who had the necessary strength to get some damage done to the sticky strings but every time the web broke other spiders were there to wrap her in more of it, it was enraging for her.

Almost like if they were mocking them the spiders ran back to the forest, only showing their glowing six pairs of red eyes from the shadows.
“Come on, do it” Said a feminine voice coming form somewhere in the trees “Burn them to a crisp”

The voice was taunting Rhys, she knew that she couldn’t cast the spell she wanted otherwise she would harm her immobilized friends.
That voice was what brought Zelliria back to reality.

“Run!” Zelliria screamed.

“What? No!” Ann shouted back “No way we leave you like that!”

“She wont kill us!” Zelliria screamed awfully sure of her words “But if you want to save us you can’t fight her right now!”

“What? Who even is she?” Asked Ann.

“I’ll explain when we see again” Said Zelliria “Now run! Run before its too late”

“Go!” Shouted Eyiel, she didn’t had any idea of what Zelliria was talking about but she was sure of something, she wasn’t going to watch the spiders web up Rhys without her being able to do anything to stop them.

“We leave Rhys” Ann muttered.

“What?” Asked Rhys.

“She’s right, we can’t win if we fight them now” Said Ann “But I promise we’ll save them.

Rhys looked up, she hated to see her friends like that, nothing scared her more than seeing Eyiel, the one who had sworn to protect her being unable to do so.

“Go! She’s coming” Shouted Zelliria as her elven hearing alerted her of something big coming towards them.

Ann grabbed Rhys by the arm and ran away with her.

The webbed up adventurers looked in front of them, toward where the sound that was now audible to all of them was coming from, in the awkward position they were in.

Zelliria was hanging from her back and ankles, Ferine just by her back, Liel by her back and thighs but Eyiel was the one in the most uncomfortable of positions, she was hanging by her ankles and chest like Zelliria, the only difference was that she was upside down.

Finally that which was coming revealed itself, better said herself. At first glance the adventurers only say the body of a lightly dressed gorgeous dark elf, with all the features typical of its race, pointy ears, white hair, purple skin and red eyes. But they were all quick to notice that they were not looking at a regular dark elf. Below her wide hips the supposed dark elf didn’t had legs, she had the whole body of a giant black spider, much bigger than the ones the adventurers had just fought, a type of creature known as a drider.

“Well well, look what I caught in my web” Said the drider as she walked towards the webbed adventurers, she got to Eyiel fist, the amazon tried to avoid her touch but hanging like she was there was little she could do “Such a naughty group of flies...” She said as she grabbed Eyiel’s face “You killed so many of my babies, I think I’ll have to teach you a lesson”

Eyiel was about to say something in response at the drider, she was enraged at her, her very touch against her face felt disgusting. Not only she dared to humiliate her in such a way but she also did in front of Rhys! But as soon as she moved her lips the drider kissed her, still grabbing her head to prevent her from avoiding it while she futilely struggled. Eyiel couldnt believe it, bound and then kissed by this beast, but despite her anger growing bigger every second the kiss lasted her strength did the opposite, it faded.

“Eyiel!” Screamed Ferine as she saw the amazon cease her struggle and let the gravity pull her down.

“Don’t worry she’s not dead” Said the drider as she grabbed Eyiel’s face by the cheeks and showed it to her other prisoners, she had her eyes closed but was clearly breathing “She’s just sleeping, and soon all of you will be”

The three adventurers started to struggle as fiercely as they could but they as they did the spiders holding the webs they were trapped in made the webbing get tighter to the point that the struggles of the adventurers were nothing but a barely noticeable squirm.

The drider kissed Ferine and then Liel, Zelliria was forced to see how the drider did that and she could do nothing about it. Then finally the drider got to Zelliria by walking through the silky webbing her underlings had made so she could reach the height at which Zelliria was hanging.

“Well well, correct me id I’m mistaken but are you Zelliria the half elf?” Asked the drider as she grabbed Zelliria’s face.

“The one and only” Said Zelliria, struggling to hide her fear.

“Then you must remember me, Nicith Onzuc of the forest of the ancients” Said the drider.

“Sorry but you’re not that memorable”

“Oh really?” Asked Nicith as she grabbed Zelliria’s legs “This shaky legs tell me otherwise, are you exited to see me again?”

“Yes...” Said Zelliria “But I’m more exited about how it will end this time”

“I’m am exited about that too” Said Nicith “This time you’ll be with me forever”

“No...” Said Zelliria “This time you don’t make it out alive”

That greatly angered Nicith, her terrified prey talking to her like that was unacceptable. Nicith grabbed Zelliria’s clothes and tore them open, greatly scaring her in the process.

“I see you still have it” Said Nicith as she caressed Zelliria on the clavicle “I think It would be interesting if I bite you in the same place I bit you all those years ago”

Nicith got her face closer to the shaking Zelliria until she was ready to bite her old scar with her pointy venomous canines.

“I’d have loved to kiss you Zelliria, but you left me no choice” Said Nicith.

And then she bit Zelliria’s clavicle, a few seconds later she fell unconscious like her friends.

“Take them to our hive babies” Nicith ordered at the spiders “Mom will have a lot fun tonight”

The spiders carefully took the unconscious adventurers far from the abandoned camp, swinging them from tree branch to tree branch with their web.

Quickly the camp was left as empty as when the adventurers found it, it was then when Rhys fell on her knees to the floor and took a deep breath, she had held the invisibility spell that had kept her and Ann hidden for too long.

Ann became visible too and grabbed Rhys to prevent her from fully hitting the floor, she looked at the treetops, she needed to save her friends.
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