In their Talons mf/mff

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In their Talons mf/mff

Post by Chris12 »

Sarah's visit to the bank had not gone as expected. It was supposed to be an ordinary affair. Waiting in a long line until you were called for a long conversation with the most boring employee about even more boring finances was hard enough for any teenage girl. Making things harder was that Sarah was simultaneously having to babysit her little brother Sam. ''I'm so bored! was something Sarah was allowed to think. Sam saying I'm so booooored!'' repeatedly got old really fast however. Some customers had even started to give them dirty looks.

Sarah wished for something, anything interesting to happen. And then it happened. Sarah's was freed from her boredom by a loud explosion. Sam jumped straight in front of his big sister. As if that would do any good. When the bank robbers came Sam lasted exactly one second. To her credit Sarah lasted two seconds and even kicked a bank robber between the legs. No one touched her Sammy.

So here Sarah now sat. On the stone floor of an invaded bank. Her slender arms were duct tape in front of her and half a roll of duct tape was wrapped around her mouth without a care for her long blonde hairs getting stuck in it. To prevent a flight Sarah's legs were taped together as well. But worst was what was taped to her chest. A weird device was attached to Sarah's chest, to Sam's chest and that of all the other customers that were sitting tied up in the main hall. The robbers did not say what it was but Sarah was fairly certain it would say ''boom'' if those villains pressed a button.

''MMRRMMHH! NGRMMMMMMH!'' Sam lied before her feet, struggling furiously and screaming bloody murder at everyone coming too close to Sarah. Originally he had been seated too but the struggling caused the boy to fall over. The struggling swiftly stopped when then the head villain came close and was instead replaced by terrified trembling. Sarah couldn't blame her brother. To hide his identity the man dressed in a black cloak and wore a white skull mask. The man looked like as if walked straight out of a cartoon and should be very silly. He wasn't. There was something about him that inspired dread in Sarah and if she wanted to snicker at the costume then the six shotguns he carried at his side would put a swift stop to that.

''Be silent boy. You are getting on my nerves And then that voice. It was not normal. It was so deep and gravely, and filled with hatred.

''Mnmmm...n-nmmhp!'' Sarah peeped when the man knelt to address her. It was shameful but she was as obviously frightened as her kid brother.

''Keep your spawn in line. If I get irritated things can get...explosive''

''Can ya believe he practiced that line all day?'' A young woman smirked. The man's partner walked towards them. This young hispanic woman was not wearing a disguise but it would be wrong to say she was not in a costume. Decorating her was a bright purple jacked with skulls all over it. Purple had to be her favorite color as her hair was half its natural brown and half purple. Sarah had a word for girls like her when at School: freak.

''So! Robbing banks now Gabe? Sounds a bit beneath us dontcha think?'' The woman said.

''........'' The man in black(apparently his name was Gabe) did not answer but seemed to lose interest in Sam's behavior now something annoyed him much more.

''Oi! See that pequeño?'' The woman winked at Sam ''The old silent treatment. Maybe old Gabe agrees with me. Those days are rare. Should we savor the moment? I'm gonna savor the moment!'' The woman definitely savored the moment by making a selfie with her, Sarah and Sam, with Gabe standing grumpy in the background.

''.....Bills do need to be paid, Sombra'' Gabe growled.

''Hola! Star Hacker standing dos feet away from you'' Sombra chuckled and proudly showed Sam her selfie with them ''Pequeño here might be in a better mood if you let me hack this place instead of...well the whole hostage thing''

Th boy's mood interests me not. Get to work Sombra'' Gave retorted in that awful voice of his. Meanwhile Sombra was making talking gestures with her hand to signal that ''bla bla bla...'' was all she got from her partner.

''heeheemmm himmi! Sam giggled and even Gabe glaring at him didn't make him stop.

Even if the woman distracted Sam from his fright Sarah wasn't liking it. On closer exception the young woman wasn't so young. She acted like a brat but when she came closer Sarah noticed she was definitely pushing 30! Not the sort of woman she wanted near her brother. The contempt was dripping from her face.

''Oi. Looks like we got a mamma bear. Now what do I do with those?'' Sombra smirked devilishly and leaned closer in an almost sadistic manner. She raised her hand and.....

''N-nommm!'' Sarah shrieked. Would she be beaten for offending this robber? Sarah's bound arms desperately tugged at the duct tape, her legs struggling with all she got to break the tape and run.

''Boop!'' Sombra just affectionately poked her nose and laughed ''Relax, hermana. You just sit nice and quit, and you'll all live....well, unless someone thinks he'd like to be a hero. It could my partner Gabe pointed out...explosive''

''......get. to. work'' Gabe growled and stood over Sombra menacingly. Would this Sombra feel the urge to pee her pants? Sarah certainly did. With a casual shrug Sombra just walked to the vault and started to hack the security system.

''And now we wait....silent as the grave'' Gabe growled with that last bit no doubt meant for Sam. Or Sombra.


Waiting was the hardest part for Sam. Sitting still was NOT his area of expertise. He wanted to run very far away. Sam always liked to run but running from bad gays was definitely a great idea. He wanted to tear off this tape and be a hero, to get this tape off his lips and bark at anyone who came to close to his big sis. But he couldn't. The silver tape kept him completely immobile no matter how he tugged at it. Sam wanted to at least scream loud ''MMMMM's' like captured kids on tv always did but mister bankrobber who totally wasn't aping Skeletor or something would't let him.

At least the nice lady did him a couple of solids. How red he had gotten when she poked his nose and how glad he was when she took his handheld, the Game-lad and instantly unlocked all his favorite heroes in SuperDuper Slam Siblings. But still, not being held hostage but supervillains was definitely preferable. Emphasis on SUPER villains btw. Stuffy Sarah might not know but he certainly did. The mooks with the Red masks? Typical Talon henchmen. And mister Gabe? Talon agent supreme! The nice lady called him Gabe, maybe some code name or something but actually his name was Reaper. And if the terrorist organisation known as Talon made its move....well....would SHE get here? Oh, he hoped so.

Sam's hopes were answered too ''Mmmmf!'' he cheered when two henchmen were knocked over

''Cheers luve! The cavalry is here! '' Making her dramatic entrance was a young woman. Spiky brown hairs, some freckles an AWESOME brown jacked with AWESOME orange rubber pants and some even MORE awesome orange goggles. There was also a blue device strapped to her back. Sam didn't know what it was for but it was sooooo cool! Standing before the prisoners and villains was Tracer herself, star agent of Overwatch.

''The cavalry is here!'' Sam cheered but thanks to the duct tape over his mouth it naturally sounded as ''Thm ghvhlrn Hmf hmrm!''

''Yup! That be me!'' Tracer winked which filled Sam with glee.

''Umm....'' Sarah came closer and gave an inquiring muffle. She naturally didn't get that a catchphrase was there to actually say. Sam would have gushed about the glory of Tracer to her if he hadn't been gagged.

Sarah shrieked but Sam cheered when the guns came out. Two small white pistols from Tracer against Reapers six shotguns. Neither of them had much of an edge over the other. Tracer was so great, and fantastic and GREAT that she dodged every bullet, even making a pose to wave and make funny poses. You could do that with super speed and time control.

''YMM! KLMMH HM!'' Sam screamed as Tracer positioned himself behind Reaper and emptied her plasma bullets through his skull. Or at least that would have happened if Reaper had not made the shots pass trough him as if he was a ghost.

''It looks you have a fan. Tracer, always so good with the children. Reaper said and stepped closer to the siblings.

''Nfffm!'' Sam definitely realized he was coming for him ''Nrmmm! nmmmhh!'' Crawling very far away was definitely the best thing to do. Everything from then on out became a blur. Sam would never retell this but fear fried his brain the moment Reaper grabbed his collar.

''Nmm! dmm hrmmt hmm!' Sam heard his sister cry out for him, he heard Reaper chuckle ''Then why not come closer. Close enough to sign an autograph. One that will be explosi....a blast. It will be a blast''

''MMMMRMMMMM!'' Sam was tossed at Tracer in full force. The bomb around his chest started to glow a bright red.

''.....shit'' Tracer's cocky smile vanished.

''You got two seconds....luve'' Sombra smirked, having pressed the button to detonate the prisoner.

If Sam was convinced this was the end it was because it should be. The bomb definitely detonated. he felt the warmth of fire on his chest and his ears definitely ringed hard from the explosion. And yet he had not a scratch on him. No...scratch that, Tracer tossing him away definitely scratched him but he wasn't blown to bits.

Tracer had two seconds to unstrap the bomb from Sam. She needed one. With super speed she snatched the bomb from the hostage and threw him far away. Sadly the bomb did detonate in her hands, obliterating her plasma shields and bringing the heroine to her knees.

In horror Sam gazed at Reaper marching at Tracer ''Any last words?''

''Just the one? You forgettin' I can do do-overs? No? Well here goes!'' The device around Tracer's chest glew bright blue.

''Mnnn! Mnnn! Mnnmmm!'' Unaware of Sarah's highly likely desire to cry over his safety Sam addressed her to gush. Tracer had this in the bag you see. She could blimp back in time for a bit you see, back before she got so wounded. She'd easily beat the snot out of Reaper and...why exactly was Tracer glowing purple?''

''Everything can be hacked...and everyone'' Sombra explained, pausing from her can of soda to briefly get involved and hack Tracer.

'' if ya switched this thin' back on love?'' Tracer giggled awkwardly ''No?.....yeah I thought so'' heroines didn't winch but Sam definitely spotted Tracer doing so as Reaper seized her.


''Aaaaaand done. Smiile!''

''Nmm Im wmmnt!'' Tracer instead gave a giant pout when it was time for her selfie with Sombra.

And there was plenty of reason to pout. Tracer was in a bit of a pickle here. Those restraints were definitely a problem. No duct tape for old Tracer, well there was plenty of it over the mouth(and Sombra had written ''wrecked'' on it too). But to keep her in place Tracer was bound in thick heavy chains. chains around her legs, chains to keep her arms behind her and plenty around her torso ''Mmmf! imm hmmmfy!'' It was quite heavy but complaining about it didn't make them remove it.

''Nrmmm hmmmf!'' Tracer huffed. Okay, the cavalry is in need of some cavalry. That happens sometimes. And sometimes....''NMMMFFMMMMMM!!!'' Tracer shouted as she pulled on the chains with all her might. wasn't working at all.

In her bound state Tracer brooded on a plan so she could still help the cavalry when it arrived. Some sad muffled eventually cought her attention. ''Mmf sommmy'' Some blonde kid muffled sadly at her

''D'aaaaw, the poor thing is blaming himself. Can't have that, can we'' Tracer thought. So through the tape she pulled out a sunny smile ''Ghmmrf lhvm, Thm ghvhlrn Hmf hmrm!'' she cheered, causing the boy to get gleeful once more. A little white lie. The cavalry wasn't here...yet. But they would be. And once they came Tracer would see herself free and kick some arse! But until then...

Tracer's effort at moving around were a lot more successful then the other prisoners. Seemingly without effort she rolled to a prisoner, a young blonde girl and sat down in front of her ''mhi!'' she smiled and would have waved if possible ''Wmmts yrmm nmme?'' she asked.

''S-smmah'' the girl mumbled.

Sarah it was then! ''Mmhi Smmah! Imms gmmna bmm mmmkay!'' Tracer promised her moving moving to cheer up an old lady, compliment a captured bank employer and more. Gotta keep those spirits up!

''She is getting on my nerves'' Reaper growled when somehow Tracer managed to have an actual discussion with the blonde boy about how cool Winston was despite both having tape on their mouth.

''What doesn't, boss?'' Sombra chuckled ''Soooo uh, any preparations to make? Ya know...for the whole cavalry thing?''

''We got the cavalry right here. Let more come if they wish. This time I'll take no more prisoners...'' Reaper clenched his guns meaningfully.

''Oooommmf!'' Tracer's eyes lid up. She gave Sam a mischievous look and pointed her eyes to the corner. The lad's expression when spotting her cyber ninja friend in the shadows was priceless.

Heroine and Hostage exchanged stary eyed looks when the cavalry really did arrive. Genji stormed from the shadow and rapidly assaulted Reaper with his blade to prevent him from bowing up the hostages. One could not press the detonator when a ninja beat down on you after all. Nor when a gigantic Gorrila scientist started zapping you!

''Um...hola. I got a detonator too'' Sombra smiled ''So sorry, Pequeño'' she winked at Sam before pulling out the detonator.

''Haha! JOOOOOOIN ME IN GLOOOORY MY FRIENDS! CHAAAAARGE!'' A gigantic German in even more gigantic armor tackling Sombra into the wall and stamping the detonator to dust swiftly put an end to that.

Winston, Genji, Old Rheinhard and doctor Ziegler. The cavalry really had arrived. She even said so to the boy. Thm ghvhlrn Hmf hmrm! Thm ghvhlrn Hmf hmrm!'' she chanted cheerfully at him and he chanted it back just as cheerfully.

''Nmmm! umm? cmm ymm frmmm mme!'' Tracer muffled and held out her chained hands to her friends. A sword slice from Genji and the chains fell off ''Nrmmm! OWMMMMMMM!!'' Tracer whined like a little girl while pulling the tape off ''Right! Time to kick some arse! You'll all be out in a jiffy!'' she assured the prisoners. It was time to do some Hero stuff!
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

I like the payful tone of your Story :)
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