Kidnappin’ Cousins: All Dressed Up For The Tying Up Game (m+/fff+) - New Chapters

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Kidnappin’ Cousins: All Dressed Up For The Tying Up Game (m+/fff+) - New Chapters

Post by mrshadow »

There were four cousins talking closely at the O’Connor Springtime Family Reunion. There was Katherine, called Kate, the oldest. She was short with a curvy figure, and wore a floral knee length dress with high-heeled platform thick strap sandals. Her shoulder length brown hair had purple highlights. Then there was Catherine, called Cate, tall and slim with long brown hair, uncolored, falling loose down her back. She wore a black velvet knee length dress with a white collar, and high heeled black sandals. Then there was Kathryn, called Kathryn, shorter than Cate with curlier, lighter brown hair falling loose. Her knee-length dress had a different floral pattern from Kate’s, and her shoes were black open toed stilettos. Lastly, there was Kathleen, the youngest, tallest and slimmest. She had blond hair, blue eyes, and wore a minidress that was black on top and white on the bottom with black high heeled ankle boots. Her hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail, and she was only half paying attention to what Cate said.

“My brother is going to try to tie us up,” Cate said.

“How do you know?” Kathryn asked.

“I saw him talking to someone about it,” Cate said, “And he has a bag full of ropes. I saw him packing it.”

Kate rolled her eyes. “We’ve been playing that game forever. Besides, there’s like a hundred people here. Just stay together and we’ll be fine.”

“Yes. We need to stick together. He’s probably working with someone though, and we don’t know who it is,” Cate said.

“Sean, John, Johnny, Jack, Tommy…” Kate rattled off names, “They’ve all played this game at some point. It could be any of them.”

“Right,” Cate said, “It’s important we all stay together. Okay?”

“Okay,” Kathryn looked worried.

“Mmhmm,” Kathleen looked at her phone.

“Yeah,” Kate said.

“Cate,” the voice of her mother came from the next room, “Come in here. Please.”

“Good timing,” Cate said with a rueful smile. “I’ll meet you all in the rec room downstairs. Be careful.” Cate stepped off into the next room full of barely known relations.
“Okay,” Kate said, “Let’s get down to the rec room. This way.”

Kate led the way and Kathryn followed close behind.

“Be right there,” Kathleen said, still looking at her phone. When she looked up, she was alone.

Cate finally freed herself from the endless series of introductions. Her brother had been there too. She tried to keep an eye on him, but he’d slipped off before she could. She steeled herself for the lonely walk to the rec room. It was only two of the less traveled hallways and the stairs down, but so much could happen between here and there. She took two deep breaths and strode forward.

One hallway down. She turned right. There were two open doorways she could see. She approached each one cautiously, but each time found no one waiting inside to jump out at her.

Second hallway down. She stepped from the hallway carpet to the tiled kitchen floor, her footsteps went from a muted thud-thud to a loud clack-clack. She marched through. The door to the rec room was in sight. Her heart pounded in her chest.





And then she was there!

She clattered down the steps to the rec room.

When she descended, only Kathryn was there waiting for her.

“What happened?” Cate said, “Where are Kate and Kathleen?”

“Me and Kate realized Kathleen wasn’t with us when we got down here,” Kathryn said, “Kate told me to stay here and went to look for her.”

“Shit,” Cate said. This could not have gone more wrong. “We have to go find them. If they’ve been tied up, no one else is going to save them.”

“Where should we look though? This place is huge,” Kathryn said.

Cate thought. There were a few possibilities. One of the bedrooms on the upper floor maybe. There was a big attic too. It was mostly filled with junk, but it was accessible and private. Or Grandfather’s office, also private, but risky if they were caught.

“Let’s check the bedrooms,” Cate said.

Up the stairs, through two hallways, and up the main stairs, they found themselves in a long hallway with eight closed doors, and one at the far end that was the master bedroom.

“Let’s look in the big bedroom first,” Cate said.

They crept down the hall toward the end. Cate pushed open the door. Inside the spacious room was a large four poster bed, several dressers, but no cousins. She closed the door softly.

They moved on to the next one. It was a big linen closet. No cousins inside.

They moved across the hall to the next door. Cate opened the door softly and poked her head in. There was a queen sized bed, a large dresser with a mirror… and Kathleen! She was seated in a tall ladder-backed chair in front of the closet and tied very well to it with white nylon rope. Her hands were crossed behind her back. Her arms had been tied down to her sides, and then she had been tied to the back of the chair around her waist and shoulders. Her ankles had been tied together, then in turn tied to the crossbar in the chair’s legs.

Kathleen looked up. A thick, knotted, green bandana had been tied in her mouth.

“Mmmp! Helf wre Caae!” she said through the gag.

Cate and Kathryn rushed over to her. Cate pulled the gag out of her mouth. Kathleen tried to clear her tongue.

“What happened?” Cate asked.

“I just looked up, and I was alone, so I looked for you and your brother got me!” Kathleen blurted out.

“Was there anyone else?” Cate asked.

“I don’t think so.”

“Where did he go?”

“He said he saw Kate going up to the attic, and then he left,” Kathleen said.

“We have to go help her right now,” Cate said. She and Kathryn turned to go.

“Wait! Don’t leave me like this!” Kathleen said.

Cate sighed. She couldn’t leave Kathleen tied up, but if they didn’t go right away her brother would get Kate for sure. She hated what she was about to do, but she didn’t see any other choice.

“Kathryn, stay here and get her free. I have to go help Kate. Once she’s untied, be sure you stay together though. Promise,” Cate demanded.

“I promise,” Kathryn said.

“I’ll come back as soon as I can. Don’t go anywhere until i get back.” With that she left, and closed the door softly behind her.

Kathryn went around behind Kathleen and tried to figure out where to begin untying her.

“Please hurry!” Kathleen said.

Kathryn started to pick at one of the knots.

Behind her, the closet door slid open, and a figure rushed out, grabbing Kathryn from behind, covering her mouth with his left hand.

“MMM!” Kathryn squeaked.

He pulled her back from Kathleen’s chair. She did not fight very much, just stood and whimpered into his hand.

“Help! Cate, help!’ Kathleen shouted.

The figure let go of Kathryn with his right hand, reached over Kathleen’s shoulder, and pulled the knotted bandana back up into her mouth.

“Wmmm! MMM wuh mmm!” she said.

With Kathleen gagged, the figure turned his full attention to Kathryn. He took his hand away from her mouth. She didn’t scream. He stood her in place and crossed her slender wrists behind her back, then looped some nylon rope around them and pulled it tight. He wrapped the rope around them several times before cinching it and tying it off. Then he wound a rope around her middle, just above her elbows, pulling her arms into her back. Once her arms were securely tied, he produced a soft red bandana with a big knot tied in the middle.

“You don’t have to gag me,” Kathryn said softly, without conviction.

The knot slid in between her teeth, and another knot was tied behind her head to hold it in place. Kathryn chewed lightly on the knot.

The figure then took her by the arms, pushing her to walk ahead of him. She stumbled a little bit, as she struggled to anticipate what he wanted, but quickly she was guided around Kathleen and toward the bedroom door. He opened the door, guided her out, and closed it behind him.

Cate clacked carefully up the bare wooden steps into the attic. The space split off into three hard to see directions when she reached the top, and she tried to decide which way to go.

“Kate!” she hissed, “Kate! Are you up here?” she waited for a moment, and got no response. She decided to go to her left. The room was filled with old cardboard boxes stacked up to the ceiling, but arranged with narrow rows between them. Old cardboard covered the floor as well, muffling her footsteps. It was a maze, and Cate was going to have to check everywhere.

She picked a path at random. Nothing.

She tried the next one. Nothing.

She tried a third blind alley. A hand fell on her shoulder from behind.

“Aaahh!” she screamed.

“Shhh!” Kate said.

Cate spun around to face her.

“You scared the crap out of me!” she said.

“We have to be quiet,” Kate said.

“Have you seen my brother?”

“No, I haven’t seen anyone,” Kate said.

“We found Kathleen tied up in one of the bedrooms,” Cate said, “Kathryn is untying her now, but she said my brother came up here after you.”

“I haven’t seen him yet,” Kate said, “Let’s get back downstairs, go hole up in the rec room like we planned.”

“Yeah, let’s go,” Cate said.

The two of them made their way out of the cardboard maze and back to the stairs, then clacked down to the door, Kate in front and Cate behind. Kate opened the door, looked both ways, and stepped out. Cate followed her.

Once Cate had stepped out of the stairs, onto the carpeted hallway floor, she was grabbed from behind. Both of her arms were pinned down to her side, and a hand clamped over her mouth.

“MMM!” she shouted into the hand, “Lmm mm gmm!”

This was a bold move for her brother. He couldn’t expect this to work, not with Kate right there to help. She looked up at Kate. Kate walked up with a big smile on her face and grabbed both of her wrists.

“MMM!” Cate said.

“I tricked you,” Kate said smugly, “I was the one working with your brother, and now we’ve got you. C’mon, let’s tie her up.”

“MMM!” Cate said.

They dragged her into the nearest bedroom and shut the door behind them. A bag full of ropes lay on the bed. They guided her over.

Kate let go of Cate’s wrists and rummaged in the bag. She pulled out a thick blue bandana with a big knot tied in the middle.

“Open,” Kate said.

Cate’s brother let go of her mouth. Cate did not open.

“Mmm mmm,” she said, closing her lips as tightly as she could.

“Open,” Kate commanded again, putting the knot right up to her lips.

Cate shook her head back and forth. “Mmm mmhaaaahahaha!” Laughter burst out as her brother tickled her side. Kate seized the opportunity and stuffed the knot into her open mouth. Cate tried to struggle, but her brother held her fast while Kate tied the bandana tightly behind her head.

Cate’s brother wrestled her arms behind her back. Kate took a piece of rope and wound it around tightly several times before tying it off. Cate’s brother then tied her arms down around her middle, just above her elbows. Satisfied that she couldn’t escape, Kate grabbed the bag of rope, and Cate’s brother grabbed Cate. Kate opened the door, and led them both back to the room where Kathleen was still tied to her chair.

Kathleen’s head snapped up when the door opened.

“MMM!” she said as the bound Cate was pushed into the room.

Cate looked at her sheepishly.

Her brother guided her over to the bed, turned her around and made her sit down. Kate took a rope from the bag, looped it around Cate’s ankles, and tied them together with a cinch in the middle. Then she took another rope and tied it around her legs just below her knees.

The pair stepped back.

“What do you think?” Kate asked.

“I think we should tie her to something,” Cate’s brother said, “She’s good at escaping.”

“I can grab a chair from another room,” Kate said.

“No, I’ll get it,” he said, “You stay here with her.”

Kate approached Cate once her brother had left the room, and inspected the bonds. Cate was obviously mad at her cousin for tricking her. Kate didn’t mind though. When you play the tying up game, you either win or you spend the rest of the day tied up. Kate knew which one she preferred.

Cate’s brother opened the door and dragged in a heavy chair with a cushion on the seat. He placed it catty-corner to Kathleen. He and Kate each took one of Cate’s arms, stood her up, and made her hop over to the chair. He turned Cate around and sat her down, while Kate fetched two more ropes from the bag. She handed him the long one, which he used to tie her to the chair back, winding it first around her middle, then working his way up to her shoulders before tying it off. The second rope was short, and Kate got down and looped it through her ankle ropes, then tied it around the crossbar in the chair legs, just like Kathleen.

Kate and Cate’s brother stood back to admire their handiwork.
“Now we just need to find Kathryn,” Kate said.

“That won’t be a problem, I know where she is,” Cate’s brother replied.

The door to the bedroom opened on cue, and Kathryn, arms tied and gagged, stepped in ahead of cousin Pat, who had his hand on her shoulder.

“Pat is with us too?” asked Kate, suddenly feeling uneasy.

“Yeah,” Cate’s brother said, “How do you want to tie her up?” He motioned to Kathryn.

Kate relaxed a little.

“I guess we should get another chair,” she said.

“Pat, can you go get a chair?” Cate’s brother asked. Pat nodded and slipped out of the room. “Let’s finish tying her up.”

They sat Kathryn down on the bed and tied her ankles and knees the same way they had Cate’s. She sat compliant. Kate, with a little smirk, gave her a light push on her shoulder and watched her flop down onto the bed.

Pat came back in carrying a hard bottomed wooden chair, and placed it catty-corner from Cate, so it faced Kathleen. Then he and Cate’s brother lifted Kathryn off the bed and sat her down while Kate fished a long rope out of the bag. They boys held Kathryn in place while Kate tied her to the chair back herself. This chair had no crossbar to tie her ankles to, so Kate took out a small rope and tied her ankles to one of the chair legs.

They stood back to admire their work, and enjoy their victory.

“I guess we should go back down to the party,” Kate said, and started edging toward the door.

“One more thing we should do before we go,” Cate’s brother said.

Kate lunged for the door, but Pat and Cate’s brother both pounced on her. Pat pinned Kate’s arms behind her back in a half-nelson with one arm, and covered her mouth with his free hand. Cate’s brother scooped up her legs.

“MMMMMMM!” Kate screamed. She wiggled and thrashed as she was carried over to the bed. Cate’s brother dropped her legs, and pulled a thick orange bandana with a knot in the middle from the bag. Pat let go of her mouth.

“You asshole! I’m going to get you for this!” Kate said. Cate’s brother just smiled and pushed the knot into her mouth, then tied the gag tightly behind her head. Pat twisted her arms behind her back, and in short order Cate’s brother tied her wrists together and tied her arms down just the same way she had helped to do with Cate only minutes ago. They hoisted her up onto the bed. Cate’s brother started tying her ankles together.

“Do we have another chair?” he asked.

“Yeah, I know where one is, I’ll go grab it,” Pat said and disappeared.

Cate’s brother finished tying her ankles and began working on her knees. Kate looked over at Kathryn, Cate, and Kathleen. They all looked back at her, offering no sympathy, taking all the enjoyment they could out of her getting her comeuppance.

Pat returned with a chair and shut the door. He placed it Catty-corner to Kathryn and Kathleen, facing Cate. The two of them picked Kate up and carried her over to the chair. She struggled as best she could, which wasn’t very well. They sat her down, and starting at her waist used a long rope to bind her to the back of the chair, going all the way up to her shoulders before tying it off. Finally, Cate’s brother took a rope and looped it through Kate’s ankle ropes, then drew it all the way up behind the chair and looped it through her wrist ropes and tied it off.

“What should we do now?” Pat asked.

“Let’s go see if there’s anyone else to play with,” he said, “We should check in to make sure nobody has escaped, it’d be nice to add to our collection when we do.”

“Yeah, let’s do it,” Pat said. They left the room and shut the door.

Once they were gone, Kate tried to gagged apologize, but Kathryn, Cate, and Kathleen were not gagged having it. They gagged yelled at her, and when that got old, started to struggle against their ropes. They were very well tied tough, and it was clear that they were not getting loose until their captors untied them. All that was left was to wait and see if anyone else found them or joined them before that time came.
Last edited by mrshadow 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Very good story so far! Nice turns and twists :)

Post by Hojojutsutengu »

Really fun story - love the formal attire and stick together game
Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

Hojojutsutengu wrote: 3 years ago Really fun story - love the formal attire and stick together game
Loved that too!
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Tights tights tights
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Post by Tights tights tights »

Wonderful story!

I love how you described the girls clothing at the beginning. I also admire the many trwists and the up tecneques.
HHHMMMPP mmnnpph mmpph nnnpph hmm hmmm mmmnnn hhhmmhhpp

Post by Hojojutsutengu »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago
Hojojutsutengu wrote: 3 years ago Really fun story - love the formal attire and stick together game
Loved that too!
Reminded me of an old story that happened after church or on Easter and gals were in dresses. Too cute
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Post by mrshadow »

Thanks for reading. I'm glad you all enjoyed it so much.
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Post by Mask6190 »

Fun story! A lot of variety with how the girls are captured and tied.
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Post by mrshadow »

Part 2

Aunt Catherine, called Cathy, crept softly down the hallway, checking doors one at a time. She wore a sleeveless, floor length muted floral dress with a slit up the back, and shimmery grey high heeled sandals. Her long hair, dark brown with highlights, hung loose down her back. She reached out and turned a doorknob ever so gently, then pushed it open as softly as she could, and peered through the crack. Four cousins sat tied to chairs. She opened the door and stepped all the way in.

Cate was the first to look up.

“MMM!” she said.

Kathryn and Kathleen looked up and each added their own “MMM!”

Kate tried to look back over her shoulder.

Cathy closed the door softly behind her, then glided across the carpet to the four bound girls.

“Well, they are off to a fast start,” she said, mostly to herself. “Let’s see how they did.” She leaned in close to Cate and inspected the ropes holding her, first in front then behind.

“MMM?” Cate said, as Cathy poked at the knot on her wrists.

“Shhh…” Cathy said, “We don’t want anyone to know I’m in here.”

“MMM!” Cate said.

“If my presence here is too disruptive, I can find a blindfold,” Cathy warned.

Cate stayed silent. Cathy patted her head.

Cathy strode over to the bed and sat down, crossing her legs. If they were moving this quickly, they would probably be back before too long.

A short time later, the door opened again. This time Cate’s brother came through followed closely by Pat and cousin Mary. Mary had long legs and long black hair that was held back by a white hairband. She wore a short black dress and black shoes that had moderate wedge heels with ankle straps. Pat was holding her arms behind her back in a half-nelson with one hand, and covering her mouth with the other. Cate’s brother closed the door behind them. All three of them froze when they saw Cathy sitting on the bed.

“Well,” Cathy said, “I see you’re not letting up. But what is your plan?”

The two boys eyed her suspiciously.

“What do you mean?” Pat asked.

“I mean there is a lot of day left,” Cathy said, “How much rope do you still have?”

“Enough for you,” Cate’s brother said.

“I’m sure,” Cathy said, “But why just tie me up, when I could easily help you double your number?”

“Go on,” Cate’s brother said.

“I know where several of your cousins are hanging around, in small groups,” she said, “And I know where you can find more materials. I can see you are well prepared, but I peeked in your bag and you have enough for the two of us,” she gestured toward Mary, “and maybe one more? I also know that the Vals are around. Here’s what I’m offering. You can tie me up, I probably can’t stop you, or we can work together and claim a bigger haul than anyone has seen in years. What do you say?”

Pat and Cate’s brother looked at each other, then turned back to Cathy.

“Okay, we can work together,” Cate’s brother said, “Tell us about Val.”

Cathy smiled. “First thing’s first,” she said, “Come lay her down on the bed.”

“MMMM!” Mary said into Pat’s hand.

They took her over to the bed and laid her face down. Cathy instructed them to tie her hands behind her back, and then to tie her ankles together. Cate’s brother produced a soft purple bandana with a big knot tied in the middle, and gagged her with it. Then, again at Cathy’s instruction, they folded her legs up and used a short piece of rope to put her into a hogtie. Cathy inspected their ropework when they were done.

“Now, we should move them,” she motioned to Cate, Kate, Kathryn, and Kathleen, “so they can’’t be seen from the door.”

Pat and Cate’s brother moved the chairs one at a time, producing a startled “MMM!” from each of the girls as they tipped them backward and dragged them across the room. They were moved to a corner and placed two along each wall, so that anyone looking into the room would have to come all the way in to see them. Then they each took hold of Mary from one side, and lifted her down onto the carpet next to the bed.

Cathy expressed her pleasure when they were done, and told them a few places where they could find more materials.

“When you’ve gotten everything you can, meet me back here,” she said. “We can plan out what to do next.”

The boys took their bag and departed.

Cathy went from girl to girl and checked their bindings again.

“This is very good work,” she said, mostly to herself again.

“It’s always rough to get tied up early,” she said, this time to the girls. She pointed to Cate, “You almost had a good plan,” she pointed to Kate, “and you almost had a better one. You didn’t figure on being betrayed though, and that will get you every time.”

After she felt enough time had passed, she went to the door, opened it, and looked both ways before stepping out and closing the door behind her.
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Post by mrshadow »

Part 3

In a small sitting room on the far side of the house, well away from the rest of the party, five girls spoke in low voices. Word had spread that the tying up game was afoot, and now plans were being made.

There was Kathleen, called Katy, in a loose fitting red dress and silver sandals. She had pale blue eyes and long mousy-brown curls arranged into a french braid over her shoulder. Then there was Sarah, not just tall for a girl, but for anyone, and slender. She wore a red silk skirt with a cream colored silk blouse, and black high heeled strappy sandals. Her blond hair was pulled into a high ponytail. Then there was Aunt Valentine, called Val, wearing a pink ankle length dress with a slit up the left leg and off-white pumps. Her long blond hair hung straight and loose down her back. Then her daughter Valentine, called Young Val when Aunt Val wasn’t around, for she would never allow herself to become Old Val even by implication. She, like her mother and Sarah, was from the tall blond side of the family. Her hair hung straight and long down her back held back from her face with a pink hairband. She wore a teal green dress with a pink floral pattern, and gold t-strap shoes with a modest heel and straps for toes. Lastly there was Aunt Cathy, who we already know.

Aunt Cathy had gathered them together, and was discussing her plan. She had made an alliance with two cousins that had gotten out to an early lead, and now was planning to double cross them. The plan had two parts. First she would provide them with one or two more victims, to gain their trust. Then she would use Young Val to lure them into a trap, where they would be waiting, gaining them along with everyone they had already tied up.

“Boys are so dumb,” Young Val said with an excited smile.

“Yes,” Cathy smiled back, “but we need to make sure we don’t mess this up by making them suspicious. So first, who can we feed to them?”

“It’s tricky,” Aunt Val said, “Now that the word is out, everyone is getting into groups.”

“How about Mary?” Katy asked.

“They already got her,” Cathy said, “She’s tied up with Cate, Kate, Kathleen, and Kathryn.”

Sarah and Aunt Val looked impressed for a moment, then struggled to think of another option.

The sound of dress shoes on the hard floor stopped short just outside the threshold of the sitting room. Everyone turned to look. Keri, petite with shoulder length black hair wearing a blue pastel dress with white wedge sandals stood in the doorway, looking a little wary.

“I heard there’s some kind of ‘tying up game’?” She said, “Do you know what’s going on?”

Cathy’s face broke into a friendly smile.

“Yes!” She said, “And it’s a good thing you found us. It’s not safe by yourself. There’s a few places where people are gathering. Let’s go to one.”

Cathy strode forward and put her hand on Keri’s back, guiding her away.

After they were sure she was out of earshot, Aunt Val turned back to the others and said, “Okay, so you all know what to do?”

“We’re going to get the duct tape and bring it up to the attic,” Sarah said. Katy nodded.

“I’m going to wait upstairs, and lure one of them up to the attic,” Young Val said.

“Good,” Aunt Val said, “after they take care of Keri, Cathy is going to separate them, so only one should follow you up the stairs. I’m going to go up there now, to pick our spot and get things ready.” They all nodded agreement and went their separate ways.

Cathy led Keri around the outskirts of the party and up the stairs, repeating assurances that it was important to stick together, and that she would be well taken care of where they were headed. Just past the top of the stairs, they ran into Keri’s sister Kate, Just Kate. She was dressed similarly to her sister, wearing a pink pastel dress and black wedge sandals. She was a little bit taller though, and wore her auburn hair long, held back by a black hairband.

“Some boys tried to grab me,” she said, “but I got away.”

“You should come with us,” Keri said, “Aunt Cathy is taking me somewhere safe, where other people are hiding out.”

A small smile touched the corners of Cathy’s lips. “Yes,” she said, “You should come too. But I have to ask, where did they try to grab you?”

“Downstairs. I just ran up here and thought I’d hide in one of the rooms, but then I heard you coming up the stairs and wanted to see who it was.”

“Okay, we should be safe here. Follow me,” Cathy said, and led them down the hall to the bedroom where everything would be taken care of.

They arrived in front of the door, and Cathy knocked lightly before opening it. She opened it slowly, then ushered the girls inside before entering herself and shutting the door again. They took a few steps in before just Kate looked around and gasped, “Oh no!”

Out of sight from the doorway, but in full view now, were five bound girls and one cousin Pat advancing on them with a roll of duct tape in his hand. Keri spun to face the door, but Cate’s brother was leaning against the wall next to it, also holding duct tape. He stood up and advanced on them too.

In a nervous reaction both girls grasped Cathy’s arms with both hands and huddled close.

“Are they going to tie us up?” Keri asked. As they drew close, Pat peeled off a long strip of tape.

“No,” Cathy said, “They’re going to tie you up!”

“What?” Kate said, “You tricked us!”

“Yes, and...” Cathy began, but cut herself off when the girls suddenly pulled her hands behind her back. “What are you doing!?” Their grip on her arms was suddenly very firm.

“Hey, wait, I thought we had a deal,” Cathy said as Cate’s brother grabbed her by the shoulders, soldering her in place.

Pat came around behind her and started taping her wrists together. .

“Oh, I bet you think you’re so clever,” Cathy said as her hands were bound, “What about Val though? What about - hey, that’s tight!”

Just Kate and Keri let go, and Pat began to tape her arms. Starting above her elbows, he wrapped the tape around three times before beginning to work his way down below her waist. He finished and ripped off the tape, patting the end into place. Cate’s brother gave her a push, urging her toward the bed. Cathy stumbled a little, but got over to the bed, where they made her sit down.

“This is a big mistake,” she said. Just Kate and Keri knelt down and pushed her legs together. Pat began to wrap tape around her ankles. “We were going to get five more together. I had them all lined up.” He stood up and began taping her thighs.

“Oh, come on,” Cathy said. Pat continued to wrap tape around her legs with a little smirk on his face. Just Kate and Keri still held her in place. She turned to look at Keri.

“You’re an idiot,” she said, “They’re just going to tie you up too.”

Pat finished taping her legs. Then he ostentatiously peeled a long strip of tape, tore it off, and handed it to Keri. Keri smiled and held it up to Cathy’s face.

“Seriously,” Cathy said, “They’re going to tie you up right here in front of me. You see if they don’t! They’ve already betrayed Kate. They’re going to wrap you up right here and I’m going to laugh! Okay, wait! No! Mmm-mmmmm!”

Keri pressed the tape over Cathy’s mouth and smoothed it down with both hands. Two more strips were added for good measure.

“Mmm!” Cathy said, “Mmm MMMMM!”

Pat gripped her ankles and tipped her back onto the bed. She screamed as she fell back.


Her legs were placed up on the mattress, and she was left lying on her side. She began struggling immediately. First she tried to pull her hands out, but only succeeded in flapping her fingers without effect. Then she twisted her feet in any direction she could. This turned out to not be many directions. With a mighty “HMMMMMM!” she strained every muscle in her body against the tape, only to fall limp after a minute of achieving no result. She panted through her nose.

“What do we do now?” just Kate asked.

“The Vals and Katy and Sarah were downstairs plotting with her,” Keri said, “She was going to offer me up and then try to lure one of you up into a trap in the attic.”

“Good thing we didn’t trust her,” Pat said.

“Mmmm!” Cathy said, lying helpless on her side.

“Are they all up in the attic now?” Cate’s brother asked.

“Young Val is around here somewhere,” Keri said, “You’re supposed to follow her to the attic.”

“Okay, I think I’ve got something,” Cate’s brother said.

“MMMM!” said Cathy.

Young Val thought that somebody would have come by now. The plan had been to stay out in the open, then make a beeline for the attic if somebody came near her. She’d followed Aunt Cathy at a distance when she led Keri up, then gone the other way toward the attic when the coast was clear. Now she was bored though.

She paced back and forth, walking heel to toe. She loved her shoes, and looked down at them as she stepped. They were shining golden leather, with a t-strap that connected to two crisscrossing straps just above her toes. She wiggled her toes at herself.


The voice startled her, and she jumped straight up, giving a little shriek. The thin heels on her shoes betrayed her a little when she landed. She stumbled, but managed to stop herself from falling down. Once she’d steadied herself, she turned around to face Kate, Just Kate, looking hunted.

“Have you seen Keri?” Just Kate asked, “They started doing the Tying Up Game and I can’t find her.”

Young Val froze. She had in fact seen Keri, though she didn’t know exactly where she was. The options that presented themselves to her were:
lie and say ‘no’, and allow Just Kate to walk away,
send her off in the vague direction that Cathy took Keri, and let what happened happen, or
Try to lure her up to the attic, where her team was waiting in ambush. It wasn’t for her, but the boys weren’t showing up and Just Kate certainly wasn’t on her team.

All of this played out across her face while Just Kate waited anxiously. Young Val made her decision and assumed the world’s worst poker face.

“Yes!” She said brightly, “She ran up into the attic! Some other people are hiding out up there.” There was a pause and then, as the thought occurred to her, she said, “I am down here to see if anyone needs help, and send them up.”

Just Kate blinked three times, then said, “Okay, if you’re sure it’s safe.”

“Oh, absolutely!” Young Val said. She began to head down the hall for the attic door. This involved walking past several doors and turning a blind corner. The pair had just gotten around the corner when a voice some way down the hall behind them said, “Kate!”

Just Kate stopped short and turned around.

“Keri!” She shouted, and trotted back down the hall toward her sister. Young Val made a face and went after her.

“We should hurry,” she said to them when she caught up, “we don’t want anyone to see us.”

“You tried to get me tied up!” Keri snapped.

“No! I-“ Young Val protested. Both sisters reached out and grabbed her. She was taller than they were, but very slim, and once they had a hold on her had little trouble dragging her into the nearest bedroom.

“Hey! Let me go! Help!” Young Val shouted, before Just Kate reached up and put a hand over her mouth. “MMMM!”

The door swung shut as soon as they were through, and Pat stepped up with a long strip of tape in his hands. He pressed it over Young Val’s mouth firmly as soon as Just Kate had removed her hand.

“MMM! mm! Mmm!” she said.

Cate’s brother stepped up, peeling duct tape off the roll with a flourish. Keri and Just Kate pulled her arms behind her back. Cate’s brother quickly taped them together, then set to work taping her arms, starting near her shoulders and working his way down to her waist.

She was ushered over to the bed, and hoisted face-down onto the mattress. They taped her ankles together, then wound the tape slowly up her legs, past her knees, then wrapped it three times around her thighs before tearing it off. Pat rolled her onto her back. Keri and Just Kate each took a strip of tape, and one at a time pressed them down firmly criss-crossed over the tape already over her mouth.

“MMM! MMM! MMMMMM! MMM!” Young Val said.

Cate’s brother scooped her up and carried her over to the door, where he stood her on her feet. Pat opened the door and Just Kate stepped out to see if the coast was clear. She signaled that it was. Pat opened the door the rest of the way.

Young Val knew this was her only chance. She made a break for it, and hopped like mad down the hall toward the attic door. Keri and Cate’s brother chased after her, laughing. She had made it less than ten feet when they caught up with her. Undaunted, she kept going as they walked by her side. It wasn’t until they approached the corner that would lead to the attic door that Cate’s brother stepped in front of her, and in one smooth motion scooped her over his shoulder.

“MMMM! MMMMMMMMM! MMM!” Young Val cried as she was carried back to Just Kate and Pat. All together, they brought her back to their room near the other end of the hall.

“MMMM! MM! MMM! MMMM!” Aunt Cathy cried as Young Val was carried through the door and dumped on the mattress next to her.

“MM! MMMMM! MMMmmMMM! MMM!” Young Val responded.

They renewed their efforts to escape. Cathy kicked her legs. Young Val rolled from side to side. Pat, Keri, Just Kate, and Cate’s brother slipped out of the room and closed the door.

“Mmm mm mmm mm mmmm!” Cathy issued instructions to Young Val.

“Mmmm?” Young Val said.

“Mmm mmm MMM!” Cathy said and cocked her head to the side. This was to explain that they should both roll over so they could try to pick at each other’s tape.

“Mmmm?” Val said, eyes wide with incomprehension.

“MMHHHHMMM!” Cathy said and flopped her head onto the mattress in exasperation.

The four girls tied to chairs in the corner, who remembered how superior Cathy had acted earlier that afternoon, enjoyed the show. The one hogtied on the floor, who remembered how she had helped tie her up, flopped over onto her side and tried to wriggle away from the bed so she could see better.

Cathy tried to demonstrate what she wanted. With great effort she rolled onto her back and then heaved herself onto her other side. She wiggled her fingers at Young Val.

“Mmm?” Young Val said.

“MMMMMMMMMMM!” Cathy shaking her head, whipping her hair about, and flapping her hands as hard as she could.

“MMM!” Young Val said, and planting her feet against the mattress, pushed herself onto her side, the scooted backward until their hands could touch.

Cathy sighed and let her head flop down again. She resigned herself to a long rest of the day as they started picking at each other’s tape.
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Post by mrshadow »

Pt 4

Aunt Val went up into the attic like planned, very conscious of her heels clacking on the steps without an actual idea of what or who she would find up here.

At the top of the stairs the attic split into three sections. To the left was the maze of cardboard boxes where Kate had found Cate earlier that afternoon. Straight ahead was a space that had been used as living space a long time ago. It still contained an old bedframe with no matress, some probably empty bureaus, and a sink that probably didn’t work anymore. To the right was a room filled with old furniture. Sofas and chairs covered with drop cloths. This was as good a place as any for a collection. She uncovered a few of the chairs and found a couple that were sturdy enough to hold her targets. Then she checked to make sure there were at least two more. She would need to find a way to separate Sarah and Katy after they got the boys, but first thing was first.

And then the waiting.

It didn’t take long for her to become restless. She started to poke around, digging out old knicknacks. The sound of hard soles on the stairs made her jump. She tried to tiptoe over to the corner behind the door before they reached the top without making enough noise to give herself away. She managed it just before the footsteps got to the top.

“Aunt Val?” Katy said in a loud whisper.

Aunt Val exhaled and stepped out from behind the door. Katy and Sarah were there holding two rolls of duct tape and a handful of neckties.

“In here,” Aunt Val said. Sarah had to duck under the doorway. They inventoried their tying materials, and declared them adequate, since if things went according to plan most of their tying work would already be done.

“Is Val set downstairs?” Aunt Val asked.

“Yeah,” Sarah said, “We haven’t seen Aunt Cathy though.”

“That’s good, she’s supposed to be with them,” Aunt Val said.

They went over the plan once more, and then it was back to waiting.

Time passed. Rather more time than any of them expected. They jumped at old house noises, but no one ever came up the stairs.

“Someone should have come up by now.” Katy said. “I’m going to check downstairs.”

“I’ll go with you,” Sarah said, “You shouldn’t go by yourself.”

The pair clacked back down the stairs. Katy peeked out of the doorway, then stepped out and looked around. No one was there. She reported this back to Sarah.

“She’s gone,” she said, “Is it time for plan b?”

“Yeah, let’s do it,” Sarah said.

They clacked back up the stairs.

“It’s us,” Katy said when they got to the top. Aunt Val stepped out from behind the door again.

“Y- Val says she hasn’t seen anyone,” Sarah said, ducking into the room. “But she says she needs to tell you something.”

“Tell me what?” Aunt Val asked.

“She didn’t say,” Sarah said and shrugged blandly.

Aunt Val tried to keep her face steady.

“Hmm, okay,” she said.

Sarah and Katy awkwardly made room for her to pass between them. As she did, they both reached out and grabbed her arms.

“Hey!” Aunt Val yelled, “Hey! Stop it!”

They did not stop it. Sarah slid one of her long arms around her elbows, pinning them behind her back.

“What are you doing?” Aunt Val shouted, “Let me go! Help! Val, help! Mwwwwmmmm!”

Sarah pressed her other hand over her mouth.

Katy picked up one of the neckties. Aunt Val’s hands were pushed together behind her back. Katy wound the tie once around each wrist, then around both wrists, then cinched it and tied it off.

Sarah took her hand away from Aunt Val’s mouth. Katy pushed the thickest of the necties between her teeth, wrapping it around again to get a second part between her lips before tying it off.

“Wrr ghhuuh wrrgu wwirgr,” Aunt Val said as they pushed her into one of the chairs. She scuffed her heels across the dusty floor.

Once they had seated her, Katy bent down and used ine more necktie to bind her ankles together. Sarah picked up a role of duct tape and pulled off a long strip.

“Wuuh gre wggr wwhrrwh!” Aunt Val said, shaking her head furiously.

Starting at her shoulders, Sarah began taping her to the chair back. She took her time, making sure to get a good double wrap before angling down about a hand’s width and doing it again. She repeated this process until she reached Aunt Val’s waist. Finished with that, she moved on to Aunt Val’s lap, very thoroughly taping her thighs down to the seat of the chair.

“Whh wh rrhhw whhr!” Aunt Val pleaded.

Sarah tore off a strip of tape, then pressed it diagonally over Aunt Val’s lips, making sure to smooth it down with her hand. Then she did the same again the other way, making a gray ‘X’.

“There, now we just need to sit tight until the end of the day,” Satah said, “We might not be breaking any records, but we won’t be empty handed, and if we stay together up here we’re probably safe too.”

“What if Young Val is still out there?” Katy asked.

“MMMMM!” Aunt Val said.

“Her? I think it’s unlikely,” Sarah said, waving her hand. “I mean, it’s not impossible she just wandered off, but even if she did, anyone could have grabbed her. I guarantee you she’s tied up somewhere right now.”

“MMMM!” Aunt Val said.

The attic door opened, and the sound of dress shoes on hardwood echoed up the stairs. Katy and Sarah fell silent, looked at each other, then quickly retreated to places that weren’t visible from the doorway. The footsteps reached the top of the steps, then veered off into the maze of cardboard boxes.

Katy motioned for Sarah to get the duct tape, then tiptoed out after their new guest. Just Kate disappeared around the corner of a pile of boxes. Katy positioned herself at the corner of the passage, and waited foe her to come back out.

When she did, Just Kate walked right past her. Katy reached out and tapped her shoulder.

“Hey,” she said.

“Aah!” Just Kate said, “You scared me!”

“Are you looking for a place to hide?” Katy asked.

“Yeah, me and Keri just got away from Aunt Cathy and Pat and Cate’s brother!” Just Kate blurted out. “We thought it might be safe up here, so I came up to check it out.”

“Wow,” Katy said, “Good thing you got away. I’m hiding in the other room with Sarah and Aunt Val. You haven’t seen Young Val, have you?”

“No,” Just Kate said with convincing concern, “Sorry.”

Katy let her lead the way out of the box maze.

“Let me just run down and get Keri,” Just Kate said, and made for the stairs.

“Wait!” Katy said, just a little too forcefully, “You should come check out the room first.”

Just Kate looked at her uneasily, then turned and made for the stairs again.

“No you don’t!” Katy said and lunged after her. She wrapped one arm around her neck, then clapped her other hand over her mouth.

“MMMM! MMMM! MMMMMMM!” Just Kate said. She grabbed Katy’s arm and tried to pull herself loose, but it was no use, she was too strong.

Katy walked her backward into the side room with the old furniture, where Sarah and Aunt Val were waiting. Just Kate continued to try walking forward. Her soles skidded on the dusty floor each time Katy pulled her back.

Sarah came over with a strip of tape in both hands, pulled taut. Katy let go of Just Kate’s mouth. Before she could make a noise, Sarah pressed the tape over her lips as hard as she could, then smoothed it down with the palm of her hand.

“Mmmwwmmmm mmm mwmm!” Just Kate said.

Katy released her from her headlock, and grabbed her arms instead. She pulled them behind her back, crossing her wrists. Sarah quickly set to wrapping tape around them. It was six times before she tore it off from the roll. Then she set to work binding her arms heavily around her middle, starting above her elbows and ending just below. Once that was finished, Katy held her still, while Sarah bent down and taped her legs together, first above her knees, then around her ankles. As a final indignity they pushed her hop over to the old dusty sofa, and made her lie face down on it.

“Mmm mmm! Mmm!” Just Kate said. She strained against the tape with no effect.

“She said Keri is just downstairs,” Katy said, “I want to see if I can lure her up.”

“Okay!” Sarah said with a big grin. As the tallest cousin she was excited by the prospect of nabbing the shortest.

“MMM! MMMM!” Just Kate said.

Katy padded down the steps. Her flat sandals made her better at sneaking than anyone else here today. When she reached the bottom she opened the door carefully and poked her head out. Keri was standing just at the corner where the hallway turned.

“Keri!” Katy whispered very loudly.

Keri turned around.

“Where’s Kate?” she asked.

“Upstairs,” Katy said, “ It’s safe. She’s with tall Sarah and Aunt Val.” She motioned for her to come.

Keri approached cautiously. As she drew near, Katy pushed the door open wide to let her in, but instead of starting up the stairs, Keri grabbed one kf her wrists with both hands and pulled hard.

“Waaaaah!” Katy was caught off guard, and screamed as she tumbled out of the doorway, though she kept her feet under her.

As soon as she was clear of the door, it swung shut, revealing Pat and Cate’s brother behind. All three took hold of her, Cate’s brother covered her mouth, and together they lifted her off the ground and carried her kicking and muffled screaming into the nearest bedroom.

They dumped Katy onto the bed, and the boys held her down while Keri used duct tape to tie her hands behind her back. Then the boys pushed her legs together and Keri taped her ankles, then her knees when that was done. They rolled her onto her back.

“No! Please!” Katy said as Keri presented tape to gag her with. I can help you get Kate out!”

“Is she tied up upstairs right now?” Keri asked.

“Yes,” Katy blurted out, “Sarah’s up there by herself. She’ll let her guard down if I go up first.”

Keri lowered the tape a little.

“Did you tie up Aunt Val?” she asked.

“Yes.” A devilish grin spread across Katy’s face as she said it.

“If it’s just Sarah up there the three of us can just force our way in,” Pat said.

“No!” Katy yelped.

Keri made a face that said “‘Fraid so,” and brought the tape down on Katy’s mouth. The boys bunched up her hair and lifted it out of the way. Keri wound the tape back behind Katy’s neck and brought it back around again to overlap over her mouth. She repeated this process four more times, until the tape covered Katy’s mouth from the bottom of her nose to the tip of her chin.

“mmm! mm! mmm!” Katy said.

It had been quiet, and Sarah was starting to worry. Katy should not have been gone this long. The attic door opened, and the sounds of footsteps echoed up the stairs. They did not sound like Katy. Even if she had Keri with her, they were too many and too heavy. Her heart sank. She was trapped up here. She looked around for a place to hide. There was a closet near the door. She ducked in and left the door open just a crack so she could see.

The footsteps reached the top of the stairs. Pat entered the room, followed by Keri. Behind them, Cate’s brother carried in a tightly bound Katy over his shoulder. He brought her over to the free chair that Aunt Val had laid out before everything had gone so wrong for her, and sat her down.

“MMMM! MMMMM! MMMMMM! MMMMM!” Just Kate said. She strained to look up from the couch, flopping her feet trying to leverage her head out of the soft cushions. Keri walked over and ripped off her gag.

“Ow!” Just Kate said, then, “She’s in the closet!”

The closet door burst open, and with a scream Sarah tried to rush to the door. Pat and Cate’s brother both grabbed her, and wrestled her to the floor in a tangle of long limbs. She was forced onto her belly. Cate’s brother straddled her hips and held her arms behind her back. Pat grabbed her ankles and sat on her legs. Keri produced the bag of materials.

“Let’s use all the rope we have left in there,” Cate’s brother said.

Keri smiled wickedly. As the shortest cousin she was thrilled to be tying up the tallest.

Sarah tried to struggle away. Cate’s brother held her arms firmly, while Keri looped rope around her wrists, cinching it and tying it tightly. Then she moved down and began to bind her ankles. Sarah kicked her feet ineffectually, Pat held her firmly in place as Keri wound the rope around her ankles and pulled it tight. Cate’s brother took the last of his prepared gags, a pink bandana with a big knot in the middle, and pulled it between her teeth.

With Sarah tied well enough for the moment, the three poked around until they found a tall wooden chair, sturdy with no armrests. They placed in front of Sarah, then set about tying her some more. They tied her knees together, then sat her up and tied her arms down just above her elbows. Pat and Cate’s brother hoisted her up into the chair. Keri began to wind a rope around her thighs, tying her to the chair seat. The boys began tying her to the chair back. They used three ropes, first around her shoulders, then around her middle, and finally around her waist. Keri looped a rope through Sarah’s ankle bonds, and ran it back under the chair and tied it to her wrists, putting her in a kind of sitting hogtie. Cate’s brother picked up the roll of duct tape Sarah had left, and layered three pieces over her lips.

Now that she was well and truly helpless, the three admired their work.

“I guess we should untie Kate now,” Keri said.

“Please?” Just Kate said sarcastically.

“Shame though,” Keri said, “Right now we’re actually tied for the record.” She walked over to her sister and examined her bonds. She was tied very well. “Sorry, sis,” she said, and reached for the tape.

“Wait! No! You can’t!” Just Kate wailed. Keri stretched out the tape. “No! No! Come on!! MMMwwwmmmm!”

Keri stuck the end of the tape over her sister’s mouth, then wrapped it around her head the same way she had done to Katy. She stood back, relishing her betrayal. Just Kate wailed behind her gag.

The only warning was the ripping sound of more duct tape behind her. Before she could react, the boys had grabbed her and began immediately taping Keri’s arms down to her sides.

“Hey!” she squealed. Cate’s brother pressed his hand over her mouth while Pat continued to wrap her up.

“MMM wwMMM!” she said into his palm.

They tied her arms down all the way from her shoulders to her wrists. She flapped her hands uselessly as they turned her around, then pushed her down onto the sofa next to her sister. Pat began taping her ankles. Cate’s brother retrieved the other roll of tape and gagged her the same way she had just gagged her sister, starting by pressing the tape firmly over her lips, then wrapping it around the back of her head and around again. He stopped when everything from the bottom of her nose to the tip of her chin was covered.

“That’s the new record!” Pat said when he finished taping Keri’s knees together.

“Mmm mmm!” Keri said

“We should start moving them to the room,” Cate’s brother said. “It’d suck if anyone started poaching our captures.”

Pat nodded.

They moved over to Aunt Val and positioned themselves with Cate’s brother in front of and Pat behind her chair. Carefully, they tipped her backward, then lifted the chair between them and tudnled out the door and down the stairs.

“Mmmm! Mmmm! Mmmm!” She protested.

The other three began struggling as soon as they disappeared down the stairs. Ten minutes later when the boys reappeared, no one had gotten loose. They picked up Sarah’s chair next, in the same way they had Aunt Val’s.

“Mmm! Mmm mm! Mmmmm!” Keri said to her sister, flapping her hands for emphasis. She wanted Just Kate to show her hands so she could pick at the tape. Just Kate was still raw about the re-gagging though, and not in the mood to listen to Keri about anything.

“MMMMM!” Keri said in frustration. Just Kate looked the other way. The boys came back, and lifted them off of the sofa, Pat taking Keri and Cate’s brother taking Just Kate. They each slung them over a shoulder and trooped down the attic stairs one last time.

Post by Hojojutsutengu »

Such a fun story especially hauling the girls away, need more dresses up TUGs
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