Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

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Post by wolfman »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago @wolfman, you have so much going on in this chapter that it boggles the mind. Mine at least. The aftermath of Kim's last actions in Spain are proceeding satisfactorily. Good action there.

As for Dani, Nikita and Sasha back at home base, beautifully written. Then only thing that I could hope for that you haven't provided is an audio file of Dani singing.

Then you give us more by adding Sgt. Alex Mitchum to the mix. Thank you for your efforts.
Thank you [mention]GreyLord[/mention] for your comments and support.

I had some fun with this chapter and wanted to show a completely different side to Dani. I couldn't find the perfect version of the song as I imagine her voice to be. Think a cross between Norah Jones and Katie Melua with a little Sasah Mclachlan in the mix.

I wanted this to establish that there is a greater world involved that just the girls and show that the world is turning.
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Post by GreyLord »

wolfman wrote: 2 years ago ...
I wanted this to establish that there is a greater world involved that just the girls and show that the world is turning.
You did that very well.
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Post by slackywacky »

> "Find Kim and punish those responsible." Sasha says, firmly.

They'll regret the day they went after Kim ;) Great chapter and more twists and turns added.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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"What a day." Steve says, with a gentle shake of his head.

"Yeah, has been a day of it grandad." Kate says with a wink.

Steve beams with pride, "You aren't wrong great-auntie."

Louise sits back and watches the exchange with a gentle smile. She softly rubs her bump and reflects on the events of the last couple of days, worrying about Kim. "Poor little bugger, she must be so scared. I just hope she is alright, everyone will be devastated if anything happens to her."

"Are you going to Spain?" Kate asks, with a smile.

"No, my place is here. I want to be here for Louise, Sasha and the baby." Steve says, at peace, "What about you?"

"I am going to stay and help co-ordinate the search." Kate says, chewing her lip, "I can work my law enforcement contacts better from here."

Louise answers her phone with a frown and excuses herself, leaving the room.

Steve and Kate exchange a confused glance, "What was that about?" Kate asks, concerned.

"No idea. Must be serious though." Steve says, a little worried.

"Has Sasha chosen a name for the baby yet?" Kate asks, leaning back in her chair.

"No, she is waiting for Kim to come back, so they can decide together." Steve explains, with a sad smile.

"You ok?" Kate asks, concerned about her brother.

"No not really. My daughter is in pain, the father of her newborn is dead, her step daughter missing and I am sitting on my hands." Steve confesses, "I feel so useless."

"She needs you to be strong for her. Niki is staying in case, well, you know." Kate says, trying not to trip over her words, "She will be tearing herself apart inside between joy of having a baby, pain of losing Kurt and fear for Kim. She need you to keep her steady."

"I guess so. I hear your are staying as well." Steve says, speculatively.

"I see the look of pain and fear in Amy's eyes, every time I go on operation. I can't keep doing that to her." Kate confesses.

"Same with Lou and I." Steve says, gently tapping his knee with his fist. 

"Your kids are more than capable of bringing Kim back." Kate says, reassuringly, "Your battle is here."

Kate and Steve look up, when Louise returns, with a thoughtful look on her face.

"All ok love?" Steve asks, rising to greet her.

"Yeah." Louise says, kissing Steve on the cheek and retaking her seat on the sofa.

"What is it?" Kate asks, feeling uneasy.

"That was the Secretary General of the UN, he wants to contract us to manage the decommisioning of the Eyrie. With a view to take over Empowered security operations for the United Nations." 

Captain Reyes, sits in his office, looking around it with a pang of regret, "When we came, we were protecting the world, but as we leave, we are oppressors. I never should have given that rat bastards order to kill the prisoners. This is not what any of us joined up for."

"Come in." He calls, in response to a knock at the door.

The door opens and a younger man with close cut black hair and a crisp uniform marches in and salutes, "Status report, Sir."

"Thank you Commander. How are we looking?" Reyes says, wearily.

"All weapons are stowed and the men are ready to surrender to Nirvana forces. All counter-measures have been  de-activated."

"Thank you Commander." Reyes says, with a weary nod.

"Permission to speak freely, sir." The Commander requests, with a pained look in his eyes.

"With everything we have been through, you should know you never have to ask David." Reyes says in a kindly tone.

"Are we going to prison for this?" The younger man asks.

"No. You are all good men following orders." Reyes says, straightening his tie, "I will tell the authorities the truth of what happened here. With the tyranny of the director and the culture of fear. I will do all I can to keep everyone out of jail."

"Thank you sir. You are an honourable man." David says, with a look of relief.

Commander David walks purposefully through the corridors of the Eyrie and shoves open both of the double doors to the officer's mess. The assembled men look up expectantly as he enters, waiting for word.

"He supports that mad woman, wants to surrender and throw himself on his sword to save us." Commander David says with a sigh.

"What are we going to do sir?" A young ensign asks.

"Gather the men, we are not hanging around to get hauled off to jail." David announces, "We can commendeer a ship in Santander and head for international waters."

"What about the cops?" Another ensign asks, concerned.

"For the purposes of this action, there are no friendlies. Karma Sutra tipped out hand to the cops last night and are in a cell. We will not share their fate. We have kidnapped men women and children and executed a lot of people. Even if the Captain, takes the heat on it, we will all do time." David explains coldly, before softening his tone, "Any other questions?"

"What about the last escapees?" A lieutenant asks.

"Let them go. Not our priority." David responds. "We mobilise and head for the sea. Nothing gets in our way."

Lupita gets up from her desk and begins walking to the bathroom, her heels click rhythmically across the office. She feels her tormentors eyes bore into her back and she shudders slightly.

"How does this bitch know so much about me?" Lupita thinks, fearfully.

She enters the bathroom and closes the door behind her, not daring to lock it. "When she had me strapped down, it was like she was in my head. After that night it was such a relief to get arrested."

Lupita locks eyes with her reflection, remembering the feeling of terror as the transport van pitched onto it's side and the door opened. Revealing her tormentor standing there, impatiently tapping her foot. She remembers the humiliation of wriggling like a caterpillar towards the door, with her arms chained behind her back and her ankles chained together. Her heart burned with rage, as her tormentor made her crawl to her.

"I will get the better of this witch and make her serve me like I serve her." She decides, grimly.

She slumps her shoulders and breathes out slowly, "Who am I kidding? She has me wrapped around her little finger, eager to please at a moments notice. She sees through all the lies and obfuscation and sees me as I am. If my ex-husband had made me feel like this, then things would have ended differently."

She thinks about the woman outside, "My tormentor." She stares at the door, "I don't even know her face. Between the helmet and the leathers I have no idea what she looks like."

Lupita slips her hand between her leg and begins to stroke herself, for a moent before huffing her frustration, "Nothing, no luck since she let me go. She brought me to the edge and pulled me back so many times, I cannot find my way to the edge again, let alone push myself over it. The only way I will get pleasure will be if she releases me."

She closes her eyes and moans softly, imagining her faceless tormentor softly stroking her, until she hears three sharp raps on the door.

"Flush and wash your hands. I want you back out here." Her tormentor says coldly.

Lupita involuntarily bows her head and wipes herself before she stands and flushes. While she washes her hands, she stares at her reflection in the mirror, "She wants me close. That is something. I just need to keep her close to me and give her a reason to grant my release."

Detective Rodriguez stands tall in the early morning sun, with his hands on his hips. Dark glasses mask the black eye he got from Sutra, the previous night. A junior officer brings him a coffee in a cardboard cup. "Lifesaver, thank you." Joao says, accepting the cup and taking a sip.

He surveys the crime scene shaking his head, "The guy in the shallow grave died yesterday according to the coroner. I don't need an autopsy to see he died badly. Coronor found a human leg on the smoker and we have body parts from well over a dozen people in the freezer. This will take months to unravel, but we will bring some level of peace to a lot of people."

He takes a hot slug of coffee, with a wince from his lip. "My gut tells me Minh killed this guy. But I think she had a reason. She took out Karma Sutra and left them alive. Something else drove this."

Joao takes an inventory report from one of the attending officers who is looking a little green around the gills, "Are you ok son?" He asks, concerned for the man.

"Yes sir, just a little, um you know." The officer says, swallowing hard.

"It is rough in there. Take your time. Get some air. See if you can get some water." Joao says, with a wink. "You are doing well."

"Thank you sir." The officer says, shakily as he walks away.

Joao looks down at the inventory in dismay, "Dozens of backpacks, piles of clothes and at least fifty sets of ID." He rubs the stubble of his chin, "Almost killed by UN soldiers, saved by a child who apparently stopped a serial killer." 

He squints looking at the rising sun for a moment, before looking at the younger junior officers of the Santander Policia around him processing this scene, "I feel something coming and I don't think we are ready."
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Post by slackywacky »

> "I feel something coming and I don't think we are ready."

I have that same feeling. Great chapter, lots of people will get closure from the actions in this chapter. Well done.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by wolfman »

slackywacky wrote: 2 years ago > "I feel something coming and I don't think we are ready."

I have that same feeling. Great chapter, lots of people will get closure from the actions in this chapter. Well done.
Thank you mate. There are a lot of players in motion at the moment. I like writing the quiet moments between characters and occasionally planting little seeds.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by wolfman »

It didn't take the girls long to settle in to the safe house. They Ignored the mass of tarpaulin covered items and pallets and the racks and shelving. Instead they made a beeline for the bedrooms and bathrooms to wash the dirt of the day away and dress in clean clothes. Kim finishes first and takes inventory of the kitchen, before cooking up a storm, laying on a feast.

Anya reaches forward, taking her third chicken drumstick, "Damn Kim why did you cook so much food?" 

Kim glances for a moment at Tara devouring a steak and Ali attacking a pile of ribs, as if her life depends on it. She finishes the last bite of her burger and says, "Everyone needs a good meal. We have been through a lot." She takes a rack of ribs and begins following Ali's fine example.

"Yeah but there is enough food here to feed us, for two or three days." Anya says, loading up her plate with steak and potato salad. "So good though."

Kim smiles and nods, trying not to show any signs of fear about what she plans to do.

"Thank you so much for this." Tara says on the verge of tears, "The meal last night was great but this is amazing. This is the best meal I have ever had." She says bursting into tears.

Kim wipes her hands clean on a napkin and puts her arms around Tara. "Hey come on. It's ok."

"I never thought I would be happy again. But you guys make me think it might be possible." Tara confesses, weeping tears of joy.

Kim cups her cheeks, gazing deep into her sisters eyes, "When this is all over, we will all get together and make so many happy memories." She says, beaming a smile.

Tara's smile falters slightly, "How are we going to get out of this? We haven't found a satellite phone yet. How will we contact your family?"

Kim looks gravely at the faces around the table, "I told that cop, I was Minh of the Mrenh Kongveal. When he puts that in his report, it will raise a red flag. They will come to this area to start looking for us. To be fair, there are a lot of piles of stuff out there, we might still find a satellite phone."

"How will they find us down here?" Ali asks, finishing the last of her ribs.

"Angel knows where this place is, but we might have to go to them." Kim says, taking a breath to centre herself, "Karma Sutra have probably given a description of the van to T.H.I.S. so we wont be able to use it."

"What are we going to do?" Anya asks, savouring the perfectly cooked steak, "What's your plan?"

"We need an edge." Kim retakes her seat and begins to attack her spare ribs, "Did I ever tell you about my step mothers powers?" She begins, between mouthfuls of pork ribs, "There is a drug called PCS. PanaCeaeSterone. It is a healing drug that is found naturally in my step mum's family's blood."

"So?" Anya asks, finally having eaten her fill, "So what?"

"So she took a massive dose of this drug and then was put in a freezer, as everyone thought it killed her. But she wasn't dead and the cold stopped her from over heating and her body kept spasming." She says, licking hoisin sauce from her fingers, "Each spasm tore her muscles and the PCS healed them. By the end of her time in that freezer, she had a perfect physique and she was able to perform any act she could concieve of. At that point they say her abilities manifested."

"What does that have to do with us." Tara asks, before taking a bite out of a burger.

"They were wrong. Her physical prowess comes from PCS. But her ability had already manifested." Kim says, knowingly.

"So she could already fight?" Ali asks, confused.

"No, the PCS did that. Everyone thinks that her fighting ability is her power, but they are wrong." Kim says, with a warding hand gesture, "Her ability is more subtle and more powerful than that."

She pulls out one of the safe house's tablets and pulls up a video, "This is the fight where Angel protects Sasha and auntie Kate from an assassin. Watch closely."

The girls gather around and Kim presses play. They watch the back and forth between Dani and Lady Chameleon, then watch Lady Chameleon draw a pistol and Sasha grabs a bottle of hand sanitiser from the bedside table, throwing it at the Chameleon. The bottle bursts into flames when the gun goes off and then a savage fight commences ending in the Chameleon's death..

Kim pauses the video and asks, "Did you see it?"

"The winner of that fight is awesome." Tara says, stunned.

"Did anyone see it?" Kim asks again, to which the girls shrug and shake their heads. Kim plays the clip again, starting to wonder if she is wrong. 

"Hold up a sec." Anya says, "Can you run it back around five seconds?"

"Has she seen it?" Kim wonders, running the video back and hitting play, just before Lady Chameleon draws her pistol.

"There. Stop it." Anya says, pointing at the screen. "Damn."

"Seriously?" Tara says looking up in surprised comprehension.

"What is it? I don't see anything." Ali says, exasperated.

Kim zooms in on the bedside table, "It's not what you see, but what you don't."

Ali looks at the screen closely for a moment and then she frowns, "Where is the sanitiser bottle?"

"Exacty." Kim says feeling vindicated. "It is not the only time, either."

"After she took a load of PCS, she rescued a clinic full of people, charging down a corridor on spring loaded stilts from the site's shop, that she found tucked at the back of the shops shelving." Kim pauses for effect, "But the shop never had a record of stocking them."

"Then the fight on telly. She used steel knuckle dusters from the armoury. A weapon not held in any other armoury in Nirvana group." Kim continues, letting her points sink in.

"So your stepmum can make weapons appear?" Tara asks, trying to understand.

"No, she decides what she wants to do and the world bends to let it happen." Kim says, finishing her ribs and plucking a drumstick from the table.

"Soooo. What does this have to do with your plan?" Anya asks, feeling confused.

"I found a bottle of PCS in the fridge. If I take a large dose of PCS, I will be able to fight like my step mum and protect us." Kim explains, "The food is to make sure I have reserves in my system and, the leftovers are for a top up."

"Is it dangerous?" Ali asks, fearfully.

"If I haven't enough reserves in my system, it will consume my muscles, whilst trying to rebuild them." Kim says, feeling the sensations of fear and trepidation. "Also if I get too warm it might kill me, as my body goes into overdrive."

"How can you be sure that you will be ok?" Ali asks, her eyes widening slightly.

"Simple answer is that I can't be sure." Kim confesses slumping her shoulders slightly. "There are a lot of risks involved."

"What if Sasha ability to bend the world allowed her to survive the PCS." Tara asks, shaking her head subtly.

Kim opens her mouth to speak, but her own thoughts stop her, "She has a point. I hadn't thought of that."

"Kim we need you."' Tara pleads "If there is a chance you will be taken away from us." She says unable to voice her concerns any further.

"Why would you do this?" Anya says, taken aback.

"I don't want to lose anyone else." Kim blurts out. "Since I met you guys, we have been hounded and hunted and nearly died. So many of our siblings have been taken. I have only just found you, I can't lose you as well. It ends today."

Tara slips around the table and hugs Kim, feeling her pain, "We have all lost loved ones, because of T.H.I.S." She says softly, "You guys are all I have and I can't lose you either. More to the point, Anya and Ali need you and your skills. My ankle is still dodgy and I can't do anything you do." Tara swallows trying not to cry, "No one is waiting for me. Let me take the dose, if it works I can help you. If it kills me, they still have you." 

"Fuck no." Kim blurts out, unused to swearing. 

"Why is it alright for you to do this, but not us?" Tara asks, shocked.

"My step mothers family are all experts in their field and I will never be like them. But to get us out of this, I need to be."' Kim's lip trembles slightly, "Because this is so hard and I don't want to be a victim anymore." She says, as the flood gates open and her body is racked with sobs. "I need to be strong to protect you. I need to be strong to be there for Sasha and the baby. I am not strong enough on my own and I cannot risk losing you."

Anya and Ali join the hug and in an unspoken agreement they share with Tara, come to a decision.

"This might be your burden, but you don't have to face it alone." Anya says, gently but firmly.

"You have stepped up for me, I am here for you too." Ali says, nodding to Anya.

"The only way, is all the way." Tara says, "We all do it, or none of us do."

"No. What?. No." Kim says unable to process, what they are saying.

"You are awesome just as you are." Tara says, gently "But if anything happens to you we are sitting ducks. If we all do this and it works we can help you. If it kills us, we die on our own terms."

"She's right." Anya says, softly, "Our luck has held so far, but there is no telling what will happen next."

Kim slumps in her chair, "It is too dangerous. It could kill us all."

"I could have died three times in the last day and you have saved me each time." Anya says, fighting back her own tears. 

"Everytime I come back it is your face I see. Every moment of my life from now on, I owe to you." Tara says, taking a deep breath.

"I trust you Kim." Ali says, earnestly. "If you are up for this, I am by your side and will do it too."

Kim pulls away from the embrace of her sisters and as they rise to follow her, she says, "I need a moment."

Kim wanders through the tarpaulin covered piles and idly searches them as she gathers her thoughts, "We need an edge to help us get home safe." She thinks to herself.

"I can't let my sisters do this." Kim decides, "To be fair, I can't let myself do it either."

She thinks of her sisters, and smiles to herself thinking, "Even though it is all so new, it feels right to call them my sisters."

"If I said we inject PCS despite the risks, they would." She ruminates, "Whilst it might make everyone like Sasha and give them a chance, it might kill all of us, I can't bear the thought if any of them being hurt as a result of this."

She wanders the aisles, trying not to think, but soon she is at war with herself and she just sits feeling numb.

"Hey." Anya says, taking a seat next to Kim, putting her arm around her, "Why don't you come back in? We kinda need you."

Kim looks at Anya warily, "What's wrong? Is everyone alright?"

"Sorry, yes everyone is ok. Ali would like to put some music on, so she can sleep without nightmares, but she hasn't got the password to the tablet." Anya says, with a goofy smile.

"Sure." Kim says, starting to get up then sitting back down, "Before we go can I talk to you?"

Anya shrugs, "Sure, why not? What's on your mind?"

"You are to be fair." Kim says, trying to choose her words carefully, "You dont make sense."

" 'Scuse me?" Anya says incredulous.

"To start with you were daddies little girl, then it turns out your dad is not about and you are a little bitter. Then you say you can use a gun, but refuse to pull the trigger." Kim says, leaning back on a tarpaulin covered pile of boxes, "Ali and Tara has been up front from the start, but I cannot honestly say if you have told us anything true."

Anya turns away and bows her head, "I'm sorry." She says, softly.

Kim thinks to herself, "Something is wrong." Before asking, "Do you want to talk about it?"

Anya nods, weakly, "I felt helpless when they took me and mum. I felt helpless when they killed mum in front of me and every day I was in that cell. I just wanted my daddy to come and he never did. I could have shot Karma and stopped all of it, but I just couldn't, because when my dad took me out with a gun and he was so proud of me, when I didn't pull the trigger. I am a fuck up and I am weak. Then there is you." She sniffs back tears, "Stone cold badass and the version of me, that is everything I am not. I wanted you to like me. I didn't want you to think I was weak, so I tried to act bitter about dad, to make me sound tough."

"Soppy sod. I dont care about the lie. I am here for the real you, sis." Kim says hugging Anya. "You might not have shot Karma, but Tara said that when you kicked him between the legs, you lifted him off the ground."

"Then he jumped me and made me pay though. Then I needed saving again." Anya says hating herself. 

"He jumped you, while you were trying to free Ali. Next time you put someone down. Make sure that they stay down." Kim says, "You had your moment, you took it. No fear, no hesitation, you did what you had to do. That makes you a badass in my book. You all are. You stepped up when your time came."

"We all did but we failed." Anya says, sadly.

"I have some training, that is my only edge." Kim says, then cracks a gentle smile. "Until I met you guys. You girls make me want to be better. I want to get you all home."

"C-could you teach us to be like you?" Anya says, almost pressing her hands together in prayer.

"I wish I had time to teach you everything I know." Kim says, earnestly then nods "When we get up in the morning, we are going through this place and gear up. I will be able to show you guys some stuff."

"Don't matter, I wouldn't be able to shoot anyone anyway." Anya says, bitterly.

Kim smiles and winks, "We will look for some non lethal countermeasures."

"Huh?" Anya asks, confused.

"Light body armour we can wear under our clothes, tranquilliser dart pistols, cap guns, or stun guns we can conceal." Kim says, "I can show everyone how to use them quick enough."

"Cool. I would be ok with that." Anya says, nodding. "What about the PCS?"

"If I had my way, everyone can have some to treat current injuries but we wont do a massive dose each." Kim says, firmly, "We vote on it."

"That will be a no from all of us then. We all had the same idea that we would say we will take it, to stop you from doing it." Anya confesses, sheepishly.

"You dumbasses, I was so close to just going 'Yep, let's do it.' I could have killed us all." Kim says, feeling the colour drain from her face.

"Would have been a team effort." Anya says, with a nervous smile, unsure of Kim's reaction.

"Then we would have survived, as a team we can do anything." Kim says, believing it with all her heart.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Very interessting chapter, not much action - but that does not matter: We learn how much Kim and her new Friends have grown together as a team. They realize what they can achieve together. And there are those more reflexive moments, I like that very much!
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Post by wolfman »

Kim sets down the needle after the last injection, "Ok ladies, that's all she wrote."

"How much did you give us?" Tara asks, rolling down the sleeve of the long black t-shirt she has changed into for bed.

"Three hundred milligrams. Maximum safe dose for one person for one night according to the book." Kim says, taking a seat on her berdoll. "We all have a few injuries aches and pains, it will be enough to get us on our feet and ready for anything in the morning."

Anya rubs the rope marks on her neck and remarks, "It feels warm."

"The marks should be gone by morning." Kims says, before turning to Tara, "Yo T, hows your ankle."

Tara gives a thumbs up and settle back on her bedroll, "Much better babe."

"Ali, talk to me. How you doing girl?" Kim calls out.

"Feeling pretty good, but." She pauses looking around the large chamber, "Are we really safe here?"' Ali asks, looking around expecting to see someone coming for them.

"We are underground, one entrance and that is closed and locked. We are about as safe here as we would be anywhere babe." Kim says, in a soft reassuring tone. "The only people who know about this place are my Step mothers family and they are world class at keeping secrets."

"Are you sure?" Ali asks, hopefully.

Kim beams a warm smile, "Yes, babe." She feels the tension leave her sister, as she smiles back.

"Well ladies, I have only known you guys for two days, but I know we will be close for the rest of our lives." Anya says with a massive smile.

"Wherever I end up, I will keep in touch with you guys." Tara says, with a mixture of sadness and hope.

"Have you got any family?" Kim asks, gently.

Tara shakes her head, "It was just me, mum and dad until they took me. The only other relative I really had was my grandad."

"What happened?" Ali asks, feeling her sisters pain.

"Don't really know." Tara shrugs, "He died in a helicopter crash about two years ago."

"That sucks. I am so sorry babe." Ali says, sitting on Tara's bed next to her sister and putting an arm around her.

Tara leans against Ali's shoulder, with a sad smile, "I only got to see him a few times a year, but when I did, he always told me cool stories about the things he had done when he was a soldier. He was my hero."

"My dad is my hero. He is a DEA agent and he works all over the world, keeping drugs off of the streets." Anya says, thinking of her father.

"My auntie Dani, my guardian angel is my hero. She is a badass soldier and cannot be killed. When someone tried to detonate a nuke on La Palma, she swam out to sea with the nuke, to save everyone."

"For real. That was her?" Ali says, eyes wide. "That is awesome."

"Angel, my step mum and auntie Niki, took out like a hundred guys to get to the nuke and Angel sacrificed herself, to save the others. They are all so like, beast." Kim says, chewing her lip, "I want to be like her, when I am older."

Ali chuckles, "Really? You have been like a beast in your own right, this past two days and you are thirteen." She looks up at Kim nervously, "I see you, facing everything in front of you and not backing down, just cracking through and I want to be like that. You probably have a dozen plans to get us home. Where all I can do, is worry about having nightmares tonight."
“It will be just a dream, it cannot hurt you, babe.” Tara says, giving her a gentle hug.
"When you close your eyes, try Tara's breathing technique and lose yourself in a peaceful memory." Kim suggests, gently.

"I don't know if I can focus on anything good." Ali says, her head swimming for a moment.

For a brief second, the girls see a flash of Ali’s brother’s last moment and him laying motionless. They exchange shocked glances, before Kim asks, “What the hell was that?”
“I think we just saw what happened to Ali’s brother.” Tara thinks, “Can we see each other’s thoughts?”
“I think you’re right but I have no clue how.” Kim says, chewing her lip.
“Whoa. What the hell?” Tara says, afraid, “I didn’t say anything.”
Kim, sees the shock on Anya and Ali’s faces and turns to Tara. She opens her mouth to speak, then closes it again, tapping her lips with a finger. “If you can hear me raise your right hand.” She thinks.
Tara and Ali warily raise their right hand and Anya raises her left slightly before raising her right, thinking “Donut.”
The other girls laugh, Tara thinks, “Yup, we just need to roll you in sugar.”
“Are we psychic?” Kim thinks to herself. When there is no reaction from her sisters, she frowns and thinks, “We can send some thoughts to each other, but not all of them.”
“I don’t like this.” Ali thinks, “What is happening?”
Kim imagines giving Ali a hug and thinks, “It’s alright, we are in this together.”
Ali cracks a smile at her, “Thank you big sis.” She thinks, soon to have the thought echoed by Anya and Tara.
Kim blushes slightly. Tara thinks about all Kim has done for them and sends the what she feels to Kim. Anya thinks, “That is a lovely thing to do.” And follows suit, as does Ali.
Kim weeps overwhelmed and without realising sends the feeling of love she has for her sisters to them, uniting them all in a warm mist of sisterly love. They all smile, lost in their own thoughts, while the feelings of their siblings wash over each other.
Kim thinks to herself, “I wonder…” and slowly gets to her feet, won’t be a moment.” She says, breaking the silence.
A moment later she returns with a zip tie, “I need a volunteer.” She thinks, looking around the room.
Ali stands up and shrugs, “Ok.”
Kim gently turns her around and secures her wrists behind her back with the tie. Then she thinks of the fastest time she has escaped from one. “Do you want to try to get out?”
“Erm, ok.” Ali says, taking a breath to centre herself.
Ali jumps into the air, bringing her knees under her chin and passing her wrists under her and around her legs. Once her arms are clear she straightens her legs planting her feet on the ground, then slams her arms against her sides, snapping the tie.
Tara and Anya look on in awe at this display and Kim’s eyes shine with pride. “Awesome.” She says, patting Ali on the back.
“How did I do that?” Ali says, in stunned shock.
“I sent you my experience and you used it to escape.” Kim says with a grin.
“So we can send transmit thoughts, feelings and experience? That is mad.” Tara thinks, “Can I try? To make sure it's not just you that can do it?”
“That is a great idea.” Kim thinks with a nod.
She plucks a napkin from the table and hands it to Kim, then thinks of making a paper crane. Kim’s eyes light up with delight and she quickly makes a crane, “I have always wanted to know how to do that.”
“How is this possible?” Anya asks, chewing her lip.
Tara shrugs, “Maybe as we are spending time together and sharing experiences, we are becoming closer. You hear of twins having psychic bonds.” She says, unsure of herself.
“That is not the most out there idea.” Kim says, nodding.
“I wonder if it works on other people?” Ali thinks, idly.
“Probably not, because we would already have felt that.” Tara thinks, “Although, being together now might have triggered it.”
“What shall we call it, when we send thoughts to each other?” Anya asks, quite excited, “Transmit? Think at? Beam?”
“What about just psi?” Ali suggests, trying to be helpful. “As in I have something I need to psi to you?”
“I kinda like that.” Anya says with a grin, followed by a “It’s cool with me.”
All eyes fell on Kim for her opinion, “It’s genius. Close enough to the word say, that if we use it in conversation, it could be dismissed a mispronunciation.” She psis.
“This is awesome. If I have a nightmare, would you be able to psi something to make me feel better?” Ali psis looking at Kim.
“Damn straight.” Kim says, with a grin.
“I got your back, too.” Anya psis.
Tara chews her lip thinking to herself, “Long shot, but what if it works?”
They all sit back down on their respective bed roll and each cracks open an ice cold bottle of water. Tara sets hers down and sits crossed legged, setting her elbows on knees, lacing her fingers together, deep in thought.
Kim gently brushes her arm and psis, “All ok?”
Tara thinks about it for a moment and nods slowly, “What if I could stop you having nightmares?”
Ali snorts and smiles, “That would be awesome and if you have any magic beans that I can have on toast when I wake up that would be good too." Prompting a laugh from Anya and Kim.
“I’m serious.” Tara psis, “Breathing exercises and immersing myself in my memories, was great during the day in my cell. But at night it was of no use. Then I remembered a book my mum wrote on lucid dreaming.”
“I think I have heard of that.” Kim psis, “Isn’t that where you can control your dreams.”
“Yeah pretty much.” Tara psis, “You realise that you are dreaming and recognise it, then you can consciously control your dreams. For me, if I see a cartoon bus, I know I am dreaming.” She recalls her experience of waking within dreams and psis the feeling to her sisters.
Kim gasps, wondering about the possibilities of lucid dreaming. “Ladies. If you see a cartoon bus in your dreams, hop on it and come find me.” She psis, whilst her heart thumps in her chest.
“How do you mean?” Anya psis, suspecting the answer.
“We have a connection in the waking world. Stands to reason we would have one in our dreams too. We could meet up and share some skills.” Kim psis, excitedly.
Tara, Anya and Ali exchange looks of open mouthed shock. “I am in on one condition.” Anya psis with a smile.
“Name it.” Kim psis, sceptically.
“At some point, we go horse riding on this beach I love.” Anya psis, hopeful.
Kim gasps, “That’s sick. I would love to learn to ride a horse. Will you teach me?”
Anya nods enthusiastically, “Would love to, but how is it going to work.”
“We share our experiences and then use the dream to practice.” Kim psis, thoughtfully. “We all have something to offer.”
“I can fly a helicopter but not brilliantly and can use a boat, jetski and scuba dive. Oh and I have done a parachute jump.” Tara psis.
“I can ride a motorbike, an atv and a horse, use a bullwhip and lasso and I can shoot a bit too.” Anya psis.
“I can…. Well it is a bit of a list, but we can hit the high notes.” Kim psis, surprising herself with what she knows how to do.
Ali goes red, embarrassed and psis, “Nothing special.”
“Not true.” Kim psis, “You play rugby to start with and you could teach us movement techniques and takedowns, which would work well with small unit tactics that I can do.”
“Thanks for trying but it’s alright. Compared to what you guys can do, rugby is a poor relation.” Ali says, with a shrug.

"I think you are holding out on us." Kim says, with a sly smile, "What you got?"

Ali slumps her shoulders, "You will take the piss out of me."

"I promise we wont." Kim pledges, earnestly. Tara and Anya exchange a glance and then pledge, "We wont babe."

Ali closes her eyes and stands up, beginning to toss the top of her bottle between her hands, until it vanishes. She stands, palms up and open, then turns her hands over and clenches her fists, when she turns them over and opens them again a bottle cap is in each palm. Then she starts juggling them adding a third and forth cap from no where. Then before the eyes of her sisters, one by one the caps disappear, as Ali palms them and secretes them away, until none remain. 

Kim rubs the back of her neck, trying to make sense of what she has just seen, "How did you do that?"

Ali blushes a deep shade of red and stares at the floor, "When I was little and my mum got me a book on magic, I have practiced in my bedroom and even entered a few talent shows. I only played rugby because Dad wanted to get me out of my room and make friends. I pushed myself, because it made dad so proud."

Anya and Tara sit fascinated watching as Ali makes various objects disappear and reappear, juggles and produce items out of thin air.

"Why would you think we would take the piss? That is so cool." Kim says, grinning in admiration, "Oh look she is unarmed. Oh no she has a knife. Damn she stabbed me."

"You promised you wouldn't take the piss." Ali says hurt.

"I am serious. You have to teach us everything you know." Kim says, softly, "I can teach everyone how to fight and shoot, maybe a little tradecraft, but you have mad skills."

"Damn straight." Anya says, sending the feeling of wonder she just experienced to Ali.

"I have never been so excited to go to sleep." Tara says, laying back and thinking of a song that her father used to love, unwittingly psi-ing it to the others.

Kim lays back feeling the song in her mind trying to remember the name of the song. "One of those songs I heard but never found out who played it." She thinks listening to the words.

"So close, no matter how far,
Couldn't be much more from the heart,
Forever trusting who we are,
And nothing else matters,"

The more Kim, Ali and Anya hear the song the more they feel it describes them. At the end, they all nod and psi a thumbs up. "Awesome choice T." Kim psis, "What song is that?"

"Cheers Kim, Metallica Nothing Else Matters." Tara psis.

Ali thinks of one of her favourite songs and psis "How about Clean Bandit Symphonies?" And begins to psi it. 

"I've been hearing symphonies,
Before all I heard was silence."'

"Tune." Kim psis. 
"Sick." Tara psis.
"This is beautiful." Anya says, experiencing it for the first time.

When the song ends, Kim smiles and psis tearfully, "This was my dads favourite song."

"Today is gonna be the day,
That they're gonna throw it back to you,
By now you should've somehow, 
Realised what you gotta do,
I don't believe that anybody,
feels the way I do about you now,"

"That's awesome, babe." Tara psis, as the song ends feeling the power in the song and the way it speaks to Kim.

And so it continues, with an exchange of the music that touches each of them, until sleep finds them.
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]wolfman[/mention], I love what you are doing with this. They are forming a gestalt and who knows where you will take is. It is so pleasing to read. Thanks you.
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Post by Caesar73 »

The way the Girls bond is outstanding - and I love the Metallica Sequence at the End! I am curious where you will take this story [mention]wolfman[/mention], it never fails to amaze me with what surprises you come up with - whenever I tried to guess which direction the story would take, I always failed, so I stopped doing that and just wait :)
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Post by slackywacky »

Funny thing is that I had that song playing on my Spotify yesterday morning and I was singing (badly) along with it. Funny how the life plays tricks like that.

Very nice update, well done.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

slackywacky wrote: 2 years ago Funny thing is that I had that song playing on my Spotify yesterday morning and I was singing (badly) along with it. Funny how the life plays tricks like that.
I like that song veryx much - I while ago I found an Arrangement for classical lute instead of the Guitar - it worked out very well, which says a lot about the quality of the Original Composition :)
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Post by wolfman »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention]

I was listening to some music when writing this and Metallica came on and it just clicked with the story.


I am going for more of a hive mind where the girls retain their own identities, but in an early version, I was considering a gestalt consciousness.
Who knows it may turn into a blend of the two. Good catch
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Commander David opens the hatch of the armoured personnel carrier and emerges into the cool night air.  He looks back surveying the convoy with a pang of regret. "We were heroes and now we run like thieves in the night. The men deserve better than this, but this is the only way to keep them out of jail."

He turns around to look at the road ahead, while the APC rumbles on. "We hit Santander soon. If we move fast, we can take one of the liners anchored in the harbour and be in international waters, before the harbour master wakes."

He takes a slow deep breath, thinking of the Captain. "He will declare us AWOL as soon as he wakes up." He looks up at the moon, "Couldn't bring myself to silence the old man. He is an honourable man and doesn't deserve to die."

"Alert for the commander, over."  The radio crackles.

He unclips the radio from his belt, "Go for David, over."

"Sir, this is Banda. We have visual confirmation that Carrillo and her driver are following the convoy, over." The radio crackles again.

"She probably wants to avoid jail too." He thinks, considering his options, "She is a pain in the ass, but may have some value. She has access to a lot of resources."

"Let them follow us. Keep me informed of their movements. If they try to hinder us in any way put them down, over and out." David orders in a low firm tone.

"Roger that sir, over and out." Banda confirms.

"Why are we following them?" Lupita asks, sat bolt upright in the front passenger seat of the limousine with her hands on her knees.

"To minimise the loss of life. There are a lot of well-armed, twitchy and nervous soldiers in the vehicles in front of us. This is could be a bloodbath." Hel says, still clad in leathers and helmet. "Besides, if they find the girls we need to be close by to rescue them."

"Why do you care about the subjects?" Lupita asks, coldly.

Hel's eye twitches behind her visor before she speaks,"They have done nothing wrong and they have their lives ahead of them." She says, slowing the vehicle slightly to match the speed of the convoy.

"Really?" Lupita scoffs in disbelief.

"'If anything happens to them and I could have done something, I would never forgive myself." Hel admits, with a shrug.

"You are such a humanitarian." Lupita says snidely under her breath.

"Something you wish to say?" Hel asks, in a cool tone. It takes every ounce of her will, to stop herself from smashing a leather gloved fist into her smug face.

"You claim to be a champion of the weak and just look at how you have treated me. Hypocrite." Lupita snarls.

Hel smiles behind the visor of her helmet. "With everything you have done and all the lives lost because of you, I make an exception." 

"Haven't I suffered enough?" Lupita says, a sheen of sweat starting to shine on her skin.

A low sinister laugh fills the cabin of the limo, "Really? You are responsible for dozens of kidnappings and murders and all the evil in those girls lives and you dare to question your treatment."

"Kill me or let me go. This is inhuman." Lupita begs, subtly shaking from the effort of keeping still with her hands on her knees.

"You do not get to dictate terms." Hel says, sharply. "Put your hands behind your head and lace your fingers together."

Lupita does as she is ordered and feels some relief from the strain of being still, "Thank you."

"Don't thank me yet." Hel says coldly.

"There is nothing to stop me snapping her neck and walking away." Lupita thinks, not daring to voice her thoughts. A single tear runs down her cheek, "But if I do that, I will be forever constrained by her will."

"What are you going to do with me?"  Lupita asks, barely above a whisper.

"You will live for as long as you are useful, then I will kill you." Hel explains in a matter of fact tone, "If you help me, I will release you from my will before you die."

Lupita stares numb out of the windscreen at the vehicle in front. With a sinking heart, she mumbles, "I will help you."

"If she realises that the only power I have over her, is her own weakness she will go for me." Hel thinks, before she coos, "Good girl. I know you will." She reaches across with her right hand and slips her fingers past the waistband of Lupita's skirt, inside her underwear. With a gloved finger, she parts the lips of her captive's labia and strokes her clitoris. 

Lupita moans softly and a ragged "Please." escapes from her lips, as waves of pleasure begin to radiate from her core.

Hel slowly withdraws her finger and holds them before Lupita, "Lick it clean."

Lupita leans forward and takes the gloved finger into her mouth, her lips caress the finger and she slowly works her way down it's length. Her tongue wraps around the finger tasting the leather and her own juices. "Good girl." Hel whispers, feeling her captives frustration.

"What a beautiful evening." Officer Javier thinks, taking a sip of coffee, behind the wheel of her cruiser.

She gazes up at the sky and marvels at the stars, "Something is wrong." She thinks, feeling a low rumbling vibration, through the seat of her cruiser.

Slowly she clicks open the door of his vehicle and steps out into the cool night air. She hears the low hum of heavy diesel engines approaching and turns away from the ocean to survey the city. Javier narrows her eyes suspiciously, seeing a line of lights approach the city from a few miles the south.

She tips the dregs of the coffee away and tosses the cup in the bin. "Trouble."

She guns the engine and fires up the light bar and sirens, heading out to intercept the inbound convoy. She keys her radio, "Car thirteen to control, come in. Over."

"Dispatch to car thirteen. Come in. Over." The dispatcher calls out.

"I am heading to the south side. Eyes on a large convoy of vehicles. Don't know why but I smell of trouble. Who else is on duty? Over." Javier asks, nervously.

"Most of the shift are up in the mountains, with this serial killer. Over."

"Javier, This is Detective Rodriguez. I have eyes on the convoy. Largely military vehicles, with a limo bringing up the rear. They are definitely heading into Santander." Joao cracks his neck nervously, "Dispatch, get onto Joint Forces Command, see if there are any operations panned in this area. Over."

"Detective, should I move to intercept? Over." Javier says, guiding her cruiser through the dark city streets.

"Negative, if it is a sanction military operation we will be getting in the way, if not it will be a bloodbath." Joao advises.

"I will hang back to monitor progress. Over." Javier confirms.

"Detective. Joint Forces Command confirms no operations in the area. They are dispatching forces to support. Over." The dispatcher confirms.

"Cancel all leave. We have a potentially hostile military force entering the city. Over." Joao says, patting his sidearm for reassurance. "All units. All units. Maintain a safe distance from the convoy and do not engage until reinforcements in place."

The convoy rumbles past the city's outer limits and begins to crawl through the quiet streets. The local residents asleep in their beds are oblivious to the line of trucks, armoured personel carriers and light tanks, lumbering slowly past their windows towards the harbour.

"Sir, we have a problem." Ensign Pilar says, "We have been monitoring police communications and Joint Forces Command has been notified of our movements, We are going to have company."

"Damn, I was hoping we would have more time, get to a boat at least." David says, bitterly, "Brief the men, let them know we will not be able to make it to a ship and even if we do we will not make it out to sea. Tell the men to deploy around the city and dig in, we will trade the city for our freedom."

"Sir this is madness. They will not negotiate." Pilar says, shaking his head.

"Ensign you have a lot to learn about politics. Karma Sutra were killed on the road to Santander. We will breif the authorities that even though we are disgraced, we will lay down our lives to stop the last escaped prisoners. We will blame any casualties on them and be heroes. We will vindicate ourselves and our actions and we shall prevail." The commander says, "Might even get a medal."

The Ensign nods and begins to brief the convoy in rapid fire Spanish.

No one notices that the limo following the convoy, peels off and disappears down a side street.

"Aspect change, the convoy is breaking up. Over." Javier confirms, watching the convoy race towards the edge of the city.

"Confirm orientation. Over." Joao orders.

"They are scattering across the city. Over." Javier confirms.

"Damn it. If they scatter, we will never catch them." Joao thinks, before keying his radio, "Car thirteen, wave off Over."

"Affirmative sir, Over." Javier says, pensively.

"Dispatch brief Joint Forces Command." Joao orders, "Wake the chief of police and alert all hospitals in the area."

The limousine glides into an old multi storey carpark and descends to the lowest level. Hel turns to Lupita with a smile. "Get out." She says coldly.

Lupita stares out of the windscreen and bites her lip, "This is it. Isn't it?" Then takes a sip of water, from her flask.

Hel turns to face her "Why would you ask that?"

"The convoy has split and the Eyrie is deserted apart from the Captain. The soldiers have broken away from their chain of command, I have no power over them." Lupita says, grimly, taking another sip of water from the flask, "At this moment, I am more of a hinderance in your search for the girls, than a help."

Hel says nothing, simply nodding once. She thinks to herself, "She still thinks there is a way out of this for her."'

"I see." Lupita says staring at the floor between her feet. "Is there anything that I can say that would change your mind?"

Hel again says nothing, but this time shakes her head.

"Will you tell the world what I have done?" The Spaniard, asks breathlessly.

"No, but I will tell the girls why." Hel says, gently. "Now, would you be so kind as to step out of the vehicle please?"

Lupita drains the last of the water from the flask, then sighs and steps out into the cool dark parking garage. Hel steps out, her dark leathers and helmet almost making her blend into the shadows. She walks around to the vehicles passenger cabin and opens it. "Come here please."

Lupita obeys grudgingly and allows her tormentor to lock a pair of titanium handcuffs around her wrists. "Down." Hel orders, placing a hand on her shoulder and guiding her onto the floor of the limo. The plush carpet of the car is little more than an annoyance to her impenetrable skin, the hurt she feels is due to being on her knees in this place.

She winces feeling a cuff lock around her ankle and sighs with dismay as the chain of the ankle cuffs is looped around the chain of her handcuffs and another cuff is locked to her other ankle.

Lupita grunts from the strain of having her arms pulled back so severely, "Is this really necessary?" She asks, feeling the cuffs pinch her skin and pull roughly at her arms. "Is it not enough that you will execute me in a car park on my knees. But do you really need to chain me like a dog?"

"They are for my safety, as much as anything else." Hel confesses, feeling the impotent rage of her captive.

Lupita laughs bitterly, "Probably wise." The humour drains from her expression and she looks over her shoulder at Hel and asks. "What will you tell them?" 

"The truth." Hel says, without emotion.

"Can I make a last request?" Lupita asks, slyly. She thinks to herself, "Why chain me if her control over me is so complete?"

"You can ask." Hel says, thinking to herself, "If she asks to cum, I will kill her right now."

"Would you record my confession to the girls?" Lupita says, almost whispering.

Hel thinks for a moment, then takes a seat, before pulling out her phone.

"Can I be unchained, please?" Lupita, asks raising an eyebrow.

"You don't need your arms and legs to talk." Hel says, impatiently.

"Very well, shall we begin?" Lupita says, taking a deep breath.

At the end of her confession, Lupita exhales slowly and says, "Thank you.", with a smile. She thinks to herself, "I will take any victory over this bitch."

Hel saves the recording and slips her phone away. Trying to hide her disgust, she asks, "Do you feel better now?"

Lupita looks up at her faceless captor and searches her soul for how she feels, "That's the first time I have said it all out loud. The litany of my deeds. I feel lighter. Thank you."

Hel sees the smug look on her face, "She's trying to wind me up, make me react so she can have some sort of victory."

"How will you kill me?" Lupita asks, imagining any number of different ways she would be executed..

Hel takes a deep slow breath and gently says, "I have already done it."

The kneeling woman looks up confused and the closes her eyes and nods in comprehension, "The water."

Hel nods, "It will take a while to have an effect, but when the end comes, it will be quick and painless."

Hel sees the cloud across Lupita's mind and thinks, "The rage, the frustration, the indignation. She is livid."

"How dare you poison me? Putting me down like a dog." Lupita says, her voice dripping venom, whilst she thinks, "Why poison? Doesn't she think she can kill me another way?"

"You don't deserve a say in your death. With everything you have done and all the people you have hurt I wish I could make your death last an eternity." Hel says, viciously. She pats Lupita on the top of her head patronisingly and steps out of the vehicle slamming the door behind her, ignoring the screams and frantic thrashing of her captive.

Outside the vehicle Hel zips up her leather jacket and stretches her arms and legs for a moment, thinking to herself. "I have spent so long in her head, I may never forget the things I have seen. With my gift I have sensed so many people, but she is a monster. There is only one way to purge the taint of her from my mind."

Lupita emerges from the back of the limo and stands tall. Cuffs still arorn her wrists and ankles but the chains dangle free between them. "You have tormented me, humiliated me, enslaved me, torn apart that which I created and killed me with poison." Lupita snarls, "Then you are stupid enough to leave me alone so I can break free. What's the best you thought was going to happen?"

"I was thinking that you would be angry enough to break your chains, get out of the car and seek a warrior's death." Hel says, bracing herself, taking the strength and toughness from the titanium ring on her left middle finger. "Come and face your death, you fucking witch."
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Post by GreyLord »

WOW! This is tense, [mention]wolfman[/mention]. Hel is a fantastic superhero. You are the master of suspense.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Intense is the Key Word, I agree! And the final confrontation will follow between Hel and Lupita. I think though, that Hel is a mixed character at best, she has chosen the ways of her enemies to reach her goals.
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Post by GreyLord »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago ... I think though, that Hel is a mixed character at best, she has chosen the ways of her enemies to reach her goals.
Sometimes, that is the only way to survive.
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago Sometimes, that is the only way to survive.
Absolutely, I have think of Nietzsche here though:

“If you stare too long into the abyss, then it stares back at you”
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Post by wolfman »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]GreyLord[/mention]

Thank you for your comments gentlemen.

if Helen can survive the fight with Lupita, can she fight back to the light?

This will be the last update for a couple of weeks, I am taking a little break so I can come back ready for more.
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Post by wolfman »

Carl opens the door to Jim's room quietly and slips inside. Feeling the pattern of the room, he weaves around discarded shoes and clothing to stand by the bed. Even though the cutains are drawn, little light from the approaching dawn filters through the window, as he reaches down and gently shakes his shoulder, "Dude." He says, gently. "Wake up fella."

Jim groggily wakes and slurs, "Time zit?"

"Just before four. Sorry mate, we have to go it is kicking off in Northern Spain." Carl says, with a quiet urgency.

Jim rubs his face with his hands roughly and slaps his cheeks to wake himself, "Gimme minute. Need shower."'

"Shower on the plane. I am sorry mate, we're rolling in ten." Carl says, wishing he could give his brother more time.

"Waz da rush? I fought we were goin' at six." Jim asks half asleep, swinging his legs out of the bed and sitting up.

"The world has turned while you've been asleep." Carl says, passing Jim tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt, "Nirvana have been contracted to decommission the Eyrie. We have all been given freelance credentials as security specialists." Carl pauses, while Jim puts on the t-shirt and pulls on the bottoms over his boxers, "A couple of T.H.I.S. Soldiers tried to kill a local cop, but were critically hospitalised by a teenage girl calling herself Minh of the Mrenh Kongveal. She disappeared with her three travelling companions and pointed the cop to the body of a local serial killer who appears to have killed dozens."

Jim snaps to full awareness, "Kim?" He asks, with quiet respect for the girl.

"That's the working theory." Carl nods.

"I see. Anything else I need to know?" Jim asks, reaching under the bed for his go-bag.

"The entire military presence at the Eyrie has deserted apart from their Captain. Commander Julio David has issued a statement that he and his men will lay down their lives to defend the people of Spain from four escaped prisoners. The Spanish aren't buying it as T.H.I.S. refuse to disclose details of the escapees. T.H.I.S. have locked down the city and they are resisting attempts by law enforcement to apprehend them. The whole of Northern Spain is a giant no fly zone." Carl says wearily, "We will land on the French side of the Pyrenees and travel over land."

"Well that would indicate that T.H.I.S. don't have Kim or the other girls as yet." Jim says, getting up and searching for some socks. "What's the plan?"

"We have dispensation for the clearance of the Eyrie. That will get us across the border with our gear. We still need to secure the Eyrie and the non-combatants. We are lobbying the Spanish for permission to intercede in Santander." Carl explains, grabbing a pair of boots for Jim, "The Spanish respect the handling over the La Palma affair, but are still wary of bodies on the news. It will take time to get an official remit."

"Let me guess, in the mean time, Dani slips in to Santander and gears up from the Cache and does a covert sweep and clear? Fey sneaking in too?" Jim asks pulling the boots on.

"Pretty much. You get control of traffic cameras and other sensors and Identify hotspots in the city, then I read the patterns of deployment and guide them around." Carl says, getting to his feet.

"Trouble is these things never go to plan." Jim says, hefting his go-bag over his shoulder and heading for the door. 

"True." Carl sighs, before waving a finger, "Just so you know. We have had another father turn up while you were asleep, Alex Mitchum. Ex army, dad vouches for him." Carl says, as they head for the stairs.

Jim stops for a moment, "Ok, former sergeant in British Territorial Army. Served in Gulf, Afghanistan and the Balkans with distinction. Medals for bravery under fire. Family man, married with two kids. Runs a small computer and electronics repair business from home. Wife Rachel is an English teacher. Seem like a nice family." He says, performing a full background check, "Son. Dean at university studying engineering." He smiles, "Get this, the daughter Ali, is about to join the England under sixteen female rugby team."'

"The boy was hurt badly, when they took Ali. He is being moved into the clinic here for specialist care." Carl adds, as they head downstairs.

"Is Niki coming?" Jim asks, quietly.

"She is staying here for Sasha and the baby. So is dad." Carl confirms with a whisper as they approach the foot ofthe stairs.

"Shame, she would end this in less than an hour." Jim whispers, "I respect her decision though."

"If Niki came, the report would read, 'Six AM, Lioness inserted into city. Five past six a soldier is heard asking, what is with all these hornets? Six fifteen, Lioness orders a cappucino and lights a cigarette. Cleanup begins six eighteen.' Maybe even a little quicker." Carl shrugs, suppressing a smile.

Jim grins and shakes his head, "Dickhead."  

They enter the living room and all eyes are on them, Moses and Alex in black fatigues over NAKI suits with light body armour, Fey in a NAKI suit with skin tight combat webbing and Natalie in black fatigue trousers and a white tank top. Jim lazily yawns and waves, "Morning all."

"Morning." Natalie says, brightly with a shine to her eyes, seeing Jim.

"Where is your gear?" Moses asks, confused.

Jim does a half turn and jiggles his shoulder to emphasise the go-back slung under his arm. "Will change on the plane." He says, wearily.

"Are you sure you are ok to join us?" Fey asks, frowning.

"Yeah, feeling much better thanks." Jim says, pouring himself and Carl a coffee. He winks at Dani, "What's the plan?"

"Two teams. You, Carl, Moses and Alex, secure the Eyrie with a contingency of Nirvana personel. Once secured I need you to dial into camera feeds and elint sources for Santander to track troop movements." Dani says lighting a cigarette, "Fey and I, will head to Santander. The cop encountered Minh on the road between the area of the Eyrie and Santander, that is where the girls are headed. We will infiltrate separately and converge on the cache there, before commencing a sweep for them."

"Kim might have headed to the cache as well." Jim offers, taking a hot slug of coffee.

Dani exhales smoke slowly, "How would she know about it?"

"The book. I redacted and editted it before I sent it to her removing details of safehouses and caches, as well as more unsavoury items from the book leaving her with hand to hand combat, cyber warfare and escape and evasion techniques. However, she used the cyber warfare section to clear all edits and get the full version." Jim admits, sheepishly.

"She has the full version?" Dani asks, with an air of disbelief.

"What is this book and what does it matter?" Alex asks, slightly confused.

"It is a field operations manual. It covers hand to hand, CQB, FIBUA, Bomb disposal, counter insurgency, guerilla warfare, escape and evasion, electronic and cyber warfare, psychological warfare, covert infiltration, field medicine and a host of other key skills." Dani explains, before taking a lungful of smoke.

"I might have to have a read of that myself." Alex says with a shrug.

"She has the skills to keep herself and those with her safe." Dani says, turning serious, "I don't like to bring it up but we need to get this out there. There is a chance that it isn't Kim and" she pauses turning to Alex and Moses, "there is a chance that, your daughters may not be with her."

Moses nods, grimly, "A small chance is better than no chance. Until today, I had lost my daughter. Now I have a chance to get her back and even." He stops, the words catching in his throat, "Even if she is dead, we can reunite another child with her family."

"If anything has happened to my little girl. I have no idea what I will do." Alex says, with a faraway look in his eyes.

"Steady on Al." Dani says, gently but firmly, "I need to know you are focused and on point."

"You can count on me. I am just worried about my little darling." Alex confesses.

Carl puts a hand on his shoulder, "We all are mate." he says, reassuringly.

"Shall we continue this on the move, people?" Jim asks, draining the last of his coffee.

Kim and her sister's eyes snap open as one and they blink themselves awake. Each is soaked in sweat and breathing hard. They stretch mirroring each others movements, feeling different.

They spring from their beds and sprint to the kitchen, each grabbing a bottle of water and guzzling greedily. The girls descend upon the leftover food with reckless abandon, between them devouring almost fifteen pounds of food, in under ten minutes.

"In the battle of Minh versus food. Tonight, Minh won." Kim says wiping her chin, with the back of her hand. She takes another bottle of water for each of them and passes them around, before sipping her own. She feels her pulse return to normal and settles back in the chair.

"Kim? What is going on?" Anya asks, fearfully.

"I am not sure. I think it is the PCS." Kim says, trying to work out what happened. She closes her eyes and uses Tara's breathing technique to relax and focus on Dani's book. Her eyes scan the page in her mind confirming the dose of three hundred milligrams. Then continues to read to see if there are any side effects and then, he blood chills in her veins, seeing the words, "Dosage to be adjusted to reflect weight and body type."

Anya and Tara see the colour drain from Kim's cheeks a moment before she opens her eyes again. "Kim? Is everything ok babe?"

Kim's lip quivers and she psis the page to her sisters, "I have fucked up. I didn't double check the instructions for PCS, I have given us an overdose."

Her sisters feel her fear and sincerity and Tara and Anya move to her side and hug her. "It's ok. We're alright, no harm done." Tara whispers, reassuringly.

"It's going to be alright." Anya assures Kim.

"Since eating, it feels like everything has settled." Tara confirms, "My ankle feels better and I feel awesome."

"My ribs are fine and my neck feels much better too." Anya says with a shrug. "Ali how are you?" She calls out.

When there is no response, Anya, Tara and Kim's eyes search the room. There is a moments silence and a crash followed by a rapid thunderous hammering noise from the storage area. 

They emerge into the open space to see Salvaje's camper van on its roof and Ali unleashing a barrage on blows bare knuckled at the van's side. Kim's eyes widen realising that Ali is practicing the kata's she showed her in their dreaks last night. Ali leaps up and strikes the van squarely in the side with a two footed thrust kick which puts it back onto it's wheels.

She glances over her shoulder and spots her sisters watching aghast, then grins. She executes a series of lighting fast backlips and somersaults over their heads to land behind them and put her arms around Kim and Tara's shoulders. "Well the PCS worked." She psis with unbridled joy.

Kim opens her left hand and with a wave appears to pull a bottle of water from thin air and hands it to Ali. "I think the lucid dreaming did as well."

Anya performs a forward flip and hangs upside down, wrapping her legs around a support beam of the storage racking. She performs a number of stomach crunches and unlocks her legs and twists landing on her feet. "I feel like a new person. I am stronger and faster than I have ever been." Anya psis to everyone, "How about everyone else?"

Everyone nods, except Kim who hangs her head, "I am so sorry guys, we agreed not to and I screwed up and forced this on everyone."

"Well according to Angel's book, you cannot change the past, you cannot know the future, you can only manage the now." Tara psis, "This means that the burden is no longer yours alone to bear. We are all with you."

"We are equals." Ali psis, squeezing Kim's shoulder.

"We are together." Anya psis, "You saved our lives, healed our bodies, made us stronger and taught us how to look out for ourselves. I will never be able to repay you for all you have done for me. I am not sure any of us can."

"I will never be able to repay you guys either." Kim psis, to the confusion of her sisters, "You have helped me to see that I don't have to be a victim and am stronger than I ever thought possible."

"Question is what do we do now?" Tara asks, examining her arms and legs, seeing muscles she has never had before.

"I don't know about anyone else, but I am too wired to sleep." Anya psis, with a shrug.

"We were asleep by ten last night and it is about half four." Kim psis, gathering her thoughts, "Sasha only sleeps about four or five hours a night since she took the PCS. We might as well shower and decide what we will do with ourselves."

"Sounds good, I feel minging." Tara psis, drawing a nod from Ali.

"Minging?" Anya psis, unfamiliar with the term.

"Smelly and disgusting." Kim psis, to clarify.

"Ah with you. Yeah I'm feeling you there." Anya psis.

"Let's do this." Kim psis and wordlessly the girls each head to a different room to shower.

Kim finishes quickly and steps shakily out of the en-suite bathroom and sits wrapped in a towel on the edge of the bed, thinking to herself, "I was in good shape before but I look like an olympian now. Sasha will kill me for this."

She thinks mournfully to herself, "She will be furious when she hears what I have done. I have been feeling sorry for myself, thinking about what has happened to me and my sisters. But she has lost dad as well and is probably worried about me." She plugs in the hair dryer and begins brushing her damp hair, "With the baby on the way, she doesn't need this."

She thinks of her step mothers smile and fights back a tear, "I am so sorry Sasha. I have let you down again." She thinks mournfully.

As a distraction, she turns on the television. She freezes seeing the local news and psis the images from the screen to her sisters with the message, "We have a problem."

In separate rooms they watch the news in horror. The screen shows images from Santander, of soldiers dragging people from their homes and police exchanging gunfire with men in uniform. The headline at the foot of the screen reads, "AWOL UN soldiers tears city apart."

The news reader speaks in an excitable tone, "In breaking news, members of the T.H.I.S. section of the United Nations who have deserted from their command have seized control of the streets of Santander. There have been reported exchanged with local law enforement, as they claim to be searching for four escaped individuals with Transhuman abilities." She presses a finger to her ear and pauses, "We have a statement from the Commander of the soldiers."

The camera cuts to a man in military uniform standing outside a hotel, lit by spotlights.The headline on screen reads simply, "Commander Andre David, Spanish Navy deserter."

"We are in pursuit of four very dangerous individuals, who killed the officers that were transporting them and have been linked to the further assault of two more of my men. The individuals appear to be four identical teenaged girls, this is a disguise. We are unclear what their real form is at this time. They are to be considered armed and highly dangerous. Under no circumstances, should they be approached. Please notify us immediately of any sightings." The screen fades to black and a photo of Tara is displayed.

Kim turns off the TV and sits thinking to herself. "We are public enemy number one and being chased by renegade soldiers. People are being dragged from their homes to find us."

Tara warily edges into the room, followed by Ali and Anya, "We saw." Tara psis.

"What are we going to do?" Anya psis, chewing her lip.

"We should lay low. Keep our heads down. We are safe down here, they won't find us." Kim psis, unable to make eye contact with anyone, "We should stay put."

"You are right. We should stay here." Ali psis, nodding unconvincingly.

"Yeah, it is too risky to go out." Anya psis, still chewing her lip.

"I don't believe this." Tara psis, "They kidnapped and tried to kill us and they are making us out to be the bad guys. They're dragging people from their homes and blaming us and we're just going to sit here. Whatever happened to standing for those who cannot stand for themselves?"

"We have some skills, we have enhanced bodies, but these are trained soldiers and if we screw up people will get hurt." Anya psis.

"The question is how many will get hurt if we do nothing?" Ali psis, "We can't let this happen. "

Anya raises an eyebrow, "What are you proposing?"

"I don't know." Tara psis, "But we should do something."

Everyone looks to Kim for guidance. For a moment she plays out different scenarios in her mind, then nods to herself, "I said we should stay. Didn't say it was the only option."
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Post by GreyLord »

What a fantastic chapter you have left us with as you start your break, [mention]wolfman[/mention]. You richly deserve your time off and I hope that you enjoy your decompression.

This episode has so much. The Kimlings have gone superhero and psi. Nirvana is in a full military mount-out loaded for bear. Thank you for giving us so much to ponder while you are away.

Again, enjoy your time!
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago What a fantastic chapter you have left us with as you start your break, @wolfman. You richly deserve your time off and I hope that you enjoy your decompression.

This episode has so much. The Kimlings have gone superhero and psi. Nirvana is in a full military mount-out loaded for bear. Thank you for giving us so much to ponder while you are away.

Again, enjoy your time!
I have nothing to add - but one word: Outstanding again, [mention]wolfman[/mention] ! This Chapter has it all - and nice change of place and time: We do not know how the fight between Hel and Lupita is going.
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Post by slackywacky »

This story keeps on giving. As a writer myself (as you know), it keeps surprising me how often you provide updates for this story, and these are not short updates either. I commend you.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by wolfman »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention]

Thank you for your kind words gentlemen, the wait is nearly over, more will come shortly.

Thank you [mention]slackywacky[/mention] for your kind words. Your works were one of the reasons I joined this site in the first instance so I take your comments as high praise.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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