Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

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Post by wolfman »

Tara gasps, when the chair is turned around to reveal the room. She struggles to take in the large bed, high ceilings, large windows and small balcony. "Wow, this room is bigger than my old house."

Nikita smiles to herself, hearing the happiness in the young womans voice. "Do you want to get some fresh air, love?"

"Yes please. I need to see the open sky." Tara says, hopefully.

"No worries." Nikita says, barely breaking her stride to take Tara to sit on the balcony. She helps the young woman out of the wheel chair and into a large padded seat, overlooking the grounds and lake of the facility.

"Thank you." Tara says, looking up at Nikita.

"You are most welcome. From what I understand, you helped Dani save Kim's life, so I owe you. Anything you want, all you have to do is ask." Nikita says, warmly.

Tara thinks to herself and bites her lip, "Could I get something to eat?"

"Sure." Nikita says, getting up, "Just a sec." She ducks back into the room and picks up the tablet, swiping away from a story about an aircraft explosion over Tuscon. Then grabs a blanket from a drawer near the large flatscreen.

Tara takes the blanket with a smile and tucks it around her and accepts the tablet from Nikita. "It is linked to my ID, order whatever you want."

"Really?" Tara says opening the menu and seeing the prices, "It is too expensive."

"Carry on. I'm good for it." Nikita says with a smile.

"Would you like anything?" Tara asks, looking Nikita in the eyes, almost pleading for company.

"Yeah, could you order me a bacon taco with medium rare diced steak and mushrooms, with a side of beer battered onion rings?" Nikita asks, before adding, "Ooh, can you get me an iced lemon tea with that."

"That sounds really good." Tara says with a nod, scanning through the menu. She begins to panic, unable to choose between the various meals and options.

Nikita places a gentle hand on her arm, "Don't worry. You have a long time to work through the whole menu. You are safe now."

Tara feels the sincerity in Nikita's voice and calms herself, ordering a few items from the menu, then passing back the tablet. Nikita nods approvingly at her selection and confirms the purchase. "I will leave this logged on, so if you want to order anything from the boutique onsite you can."

"Thank you. You don't have to though." Tara says, sheepishly.

"You helped save Kim's life, that means I owe you." Nikita says, pulling out a switchblade and offering it to the girl.

"I don't understand." Tara says, reluctant to take the weapon.

Nikita flops into the seat opposite her on the balcony and stares up at the sky, "I was held for six months. Every day doctors would effectively kill me, so that I could come back to life. All so they could harvest PCS from my blood. When I was free and supposedly safe, I slept under the stars and kept a weapon with me to feel safe." Nikita regards the young woman and nods to her , offering the knife again, "Take it, it might help you feel more settled."

"That is awful. How could they do that to you?" Tara says, for a moment, forgetting her own pain.

"Greed. They saw profit, not a person." Nikita says sadly.

"They kept me in a room on my own for six months" Tara says, for a moment transported back to her cell. "They were afraid of me and kept me caged like some kind of animal in a tiny room, not daring to expose themselves to any harm I might have done them."

"I am so sorry Tara, you didn't deserve that." Nikita says, feeling the young woman's pain.

"They made me watch as they killed my parents." Tara says, closing her eyes. "Despite everything, I don't hate them."

"You are a bertter person than I am. I still hate the people that held me and tortured me. The people that imporsonated my mother and made me watch as she killed my father." Nikita confesses, "Even so far down the line, I can't forgive them."

"I can't hate them, they brought me together with my sisters." Tara says, with a bittersweet smile.

"In a way so did my captors." Nikita says, in a moment of realisation,"I hadn't thought of it that way." She thinks of the people who tormented her and sighs deeply, "In some ways, they made me who I am. Brought out my strength and gave the family a reason to come together. They hurt me on a fundamental level and destroyed the person I was, but if they hadn't I wouldn't be the person I am today."

"Mum used to say, don't sacrifice today, to regret yesterday or fear tomorrow." Tara says, smiling up at Nikita.

"Wise words." Nikita says, winking at Tara, "I see why they call you Sage. Did your mum have any other wisdom to share?"

Tara thinks for a moment, before tearfully saying, "I am never going to see her again."

Nikita hugs the young woman and says, "A big part of who you are comes from their love. You will see her and your dad, in every thing you do, they will always be with you as long as you remember them."

They both look up at the soft knock at the door and Nikita rises to her feet. With the grace of a jungle cat, she slinks across the room and opens the door, accepting the tray of food.

Tara eases herself into a chair at the small dining table and smiles at Nikita, as her benefactor lays down several plates. "Thank you  Niki."

"Chicken dhansak, peshwari naan, American hot pizza and a char sui port chow mein. I hope you are hungry."Nikita says laying down her order.

Tara sits staring at the food salivating, "This looks amazing. May I start, please?"

"Of course you can, enjoy it." Nikita says, warmly, "You never need to worry about going hungry here. The kitchens never close."

Tara is lost in a frenzy of consumption, gorging herself on the feast before her. Pausing only to look in wonder at the perfectly woven bacon lattice, grilled to perfection acting as a taco for the steak and mushroom. Her eyes light up when Nikita, breaks some off and offers it to her. "Thank you, Niki. Would you like to try any of my food?"

Nikita smiles and shakes her head gently, "No sweetie, you enjoy it."

They both sit back on their chairs once all the plates are cleared, "Feel like I have eaten enough for a month." Tara confesses.

"Her lifepulse is steady and she seems relaxed for the first time since she arrived here. I must admit, I am enjoying spending time with her. She seems like a good kid. Just like I was." Nikita thinks to herself. "Well, Sasha and Kim are fine for now. Carl is tinkering. Fey still helping Jim wrap up at the Eyrie and Dani is in the bar for now. No reason to dash off."

"Thank you for this evening, Niki." Tara says, sincerely.

"No drama. Tell you what, shall we order some desserts and maybe a hot chocolate, then see if we can find a film on telly?" Nikita suggests, with a gentle smile.

Tara's smile falters for a moment, "You don't have to stick around, because you feel sorry for me."

"That's good. Because I'm not." Nikita says, "When I look at you, I see myself after I was freed from captivity. I needed help to deal with everything and I was lucky enough to have Sasha. Now you have me and the rest of the family."
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by GreyLord »

That was very poignant, [mention]wolfman[/mention]. Nikki is one of my favorite characters in your story. It is beautiful the way she opened up with Tara. Great writing.
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by NotSeen »

Niki arranging food for Tara reminded me of Kate&Sasha's first meeting in the beginning of the story - and boy howdy the stuff that has happened since then... I hope that in the end of all this there is a place for all of them to live in peace... though with so much that has happened I do wonder if there is such a future for them.
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Post by wolfman »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago That was very poignant, [mention]wolfman[/mention]. Nikki is one of my favorite characters in your story. It is beautiful the way she opened up with Tara. Great writing.
In some ways, Niki is the more human and grounded of the original three sisters. Dani is the soldier, Sasha is blessed and can do the impossible. Niki has paid in so many ways for her gifts and yet after unspeakable treatment, remains kind. She and Tara have had similar experiences and can help so Tara doesn't have to face things alone.
NotSeen wrote: 2 years ago Niki arranging food for Tara reminded me of Kate&Sasha's first meeting in the beginning of the story - and boy howdy the stuff that has happened since then... I hope that in the end of all this there is a place for all of them to live in peace... though with so much that has happened I do wonder if there is such a future for them.
They have all walked a hard road, but in the end they will have their rewards. But who is to say what may happen in the mean time.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by wolfman »

Three hours later

Dani sits is a reclining chair on the bar's patio area. Her jeans and t-shirt, simple compared to the clothing of some of the other patrons, but perfect for her, in the warm early evening air. She sips an ice cold vodka and tonic and lights a cigarette.

She stares at her phone on the table reflecting of the call she had just had with Jim and Fey, "The Eyrie is secure and all of the workers are in custody. Successful operation overall. Sounds like Jim and Natalie might be an item before long." She smiles to herself, "That's nice, Jim is a lovely guy. He deserves someone special."

She takes a long slow lungful of smoke and exhales slowly, "Rough few days. Kim and the girls have been through hell and they have come through the other side. Everyone is pretty sorted and settled really. They don't need me." She thinks with a little pride, "At least they don't need me as much as I need them."

Dani becomes aware of a man stepping out of the bar, past a couple of members of the bar team on a smoke break and onto the patio. She assesses him quickly, ready to smash her drinks glass and defend herself, "Slightly under six feet tall, above average build, but not stacked. Moves like he is on his feet a lot, used to crowds. He is dressed similar to everyone else here, but he is too crisp. Smart clothes, neatly pressed and shoes so well polished, you could see your face in them."

She causally watches him as he picks his way between the tables, trying not to look like he was making a bee line for her. He glances her way every few steps, checking that she is still there and not alerted to his approach. She finishes her drink and pushes the glass away from her, using the reflection to monitor the man's progress until he appears at her side.

"Hello?" The man says with a soft but strong voice, with a faint Devon accent. "Any chance I could have a light?" He asks, producing a cigar from his shirt pocket.

Dani looks up at him, and offers her lighter, with a non commital, "Sure." Thinking to herself, "Chiselled jaw, gentle smile and nice aftershave. Manicured nails and neatly trimmed hair. This man is a honey trap."

He takes the lighter and holds the flame to the end of his cigar until it is lit and then hands back the lighter, "Thank you." He says, then rolls smoke around his mouth and takes a slug of brandy, before exhaling, 

"Wait for it." Dani thinks to herself.

"You know, it is never good to drink alone. Would you like some company?" He asks, giving an easy smile.

"I am not drinking alone, my glass is empty." Dani says, with a shrug.

"Let me fix that for you." He says, attracting the attention of a waitress, "Vodka tonic for the lady please."

Dani smiles up at the man, "In that case, you had better take a seat, to save me from myself." She says, indicating the seat to her right.

"It would be my honour." he says with an easy smile.

"Such a gentleman." She says, playfully, whilst thinking, "Textbook so far. Extracted a small service from me in terms of getting a light, then repaid it immediately with something larger, namely the drink. He will keep building credit with drinks and compliments and then call in the debt."

"I am only a gentleman in the presence of a lady." He says, bowing to her as he takes a seat.

"What makes you think I am a lady?" Dani says, raising an eyebrow.

"You hold yourself with the poise of a lady." He says, staring into her eyes for a split second too long, then licking his lips subtly and looking away. "And you have a regal presence, my dear lady."'

The waitress deposits an ice cold vodka tonic and he pays cash with a generous tip. "Trying to demonstrate he has money and is not afraid to spend it."

"May I ask, what is your name dear lady?" He asks, looking into her eyes once again.

"He already knows my name, just like he knew my drink." She thinks, to herself, before simply answering, "Zoe."

Her suitor, pauses for a moment and unbidden, takes her hand and softly kisses her knuckle, "A pleasure to meet you, Zoe. I'm Ben."

"He wasn't expecting that. The kiss of the hand, was a distraction so I wouldn't notice his reaction. I wonder if his name is a lie too." She thinks, smiling coyly.

"Might I say, you look very beautiful tonight." Ben says, stroking the back of her hand.

"I accept all compliments, from a handsome man such as yourself." Dani says, thinking, "He is trying to build connections. Eye contact, hand holding and stroking. He is pushing hard, he wants to close the deal quickly."

"That is reassuring to hear, because looking at you now, I feel like I could live for a thousand years and still not have enough time to describe your beauty." Ben says, tenderly.

"Well in that case, you had better keep going, while you can." Dani says, thinking, "Let's see how far he will go."

He pauses for a moment and speaks softly, taking her hand in both of his and staring into her eyes, "True beauty is not about perfection, it is about how you shine in an imperfect world. Zoe, you shine like a star in my world."

"'Only a star?"' She asks playfully, "How many other stars are in your sky?"

"The only one I see is you." Ben says, with a smile, that sends a shiver up her spine.

"You place me on a pedestal, as if I am the love of your life. Don't you think that is a little premature?" Dani asks, playfully.

Ben gives an easy smile, watching her lips as she speaks, before answering, "I don't see you as the love of my life, however I do see you are the most beautiful woman I have seen in a long time."

"Even in scruffy jeans and a t-shirt with no make up?" Dani asks, watching closely for his reaction.

"With looks like yours, you don't need clothes or makeup to look beautiful." He answers, almost a little too quickly.

"Following that logic, I would look even more beautiful naked." She says, timing her answer to coincide with him sipping his brandy.

He coughs for a moment, taken aback, before responding, "I didn't mean it like that."

"If you say so." She says in an innocent tone. "I was going to see how far this went, but I think it better to end this soon." Dani thinks, to herself, stubbing out her cigarette after a last drag on it.

He takes her hand in his and strokes her arm gently. He leans in close and whispers to her, "Do you fancy getting out of here?"

She whispers, gently, "You seem like a sweet guy, but I am not really looking for sweetness."

"Is there anything I can say that would change your mind?" Ben asks, nonchalantly.

"You talk a good game, but I like a little spice." Dani says with a shrug.

He regards her coolly, before subtly changing his posture to lean in a little closer and whisper, "Shame. I was hoping to strap a rubber ball in your mouth, tie you to my bed and ride you till dawn."

"Unlucky. Maybe you should have led with that." Dani says, thinking, "Seriously, you thought that was your best option?"

"Maybe I should have." He says, with a playful shrug.

"Sorry fella, you you were doomed to fail from the start. I have no time for players and con men." Dani says with a shrug.

"What gave it away?" He asks, letting go of her hand and sitting back in his chair.

"You walked across the patio, to get a light from me, ignoring everyone else, including a couple of smokers. Then you lit a cigar and haven't smoked it, so it was an ice breaker." Dani says, relaxing slightly. "Then you order me a vodka tonic without asking what I was having, so you must have been watching me. It didn't help your case that you were obviously trying to get me alone, but were using lines poorly suited to a one night stand. However, biggest give away was when I told you my name. It wasn't what you were expecting."

He puts his hands up in mock surrender, "You got me."

"Shall we start again?" Dani asks, seeing the reflection in her glass, showing two men circling at a respectful distance. The first an older man maybe in his early fifties with dark hair, greying at the temples. The other a shorter bulldog of a man.

Ben thinks to himself for a moment, then extends his hand, "Ben, nice to meet you."

She takes his hand and shakes it gently, but firmly, "Danielle."

"Would you like another drink?" He asks, trying to read her body language, but failing.

"No thank you. I still don't trust the first one you got me." She says, watching for his reaction. "Is that the plan, get me drunk or drugged and back up to your room?"

"Up to the room, yes. Not drunk or drugged. Just need to get you somewhere private to have a chat with you." He says, calmly.

"Not happening. You want to talk, we talk here." Dani says curtly.

Ben hesistates, weighing up his options whilst Dani makes to leave, "Ok Corporal Taylor. We talk here."

"I think you must have missed the memo, but I am not a Corporal anymore." Dani says, bitterly.

He takes an envelope from his pocket and slides it across the table to her. "This cancels out that memo."

"I think I will pass, why don't you tell me the short version." Dani says, feeling uncomfortable.

"The findings of your court martial, have been reviewed and the result over turned. You are hereby returned to full rank and expected to return to active duty, effective immediately." Ben says, betraying no emotion as he speaks.

Burning with indignation, she snatches up the envelope and tears it open, reading the letter within. As she takes in the contents of the letter, her indignation subsides, replaced by a cold hard lump of steel, where her heart once was. "Shot your load too soon, again soldier. I am legally dead and in order to enforce this, you would need to prove otherwise and In the meantime, I would disappear."

"We have faked a lot of deaths, we can soon fake a resurrection." He says, without humour.

Dani bursts out in laughter, "That is the most ridiculous threat I have ever heard. I mean, seriously. Out of all the things you could have said, that was the best one?"

Ben struggles for a comeback,  but finds himself wanting. The grey templed man who has been circling approaches Ben, then wordlessly places a hand on his shoulder. Ben hangs his head and reluctantly rises from his chair, with a sorrowful, "I'm sorry, Danielle."
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by GreyLord »

WOW, this has suddenly gotten very interesting. Not that it hasn't been all along. But this is special.

As always, [mention]wolfman[/mention], you have pulled off the totally unexpected. It will be hard to wait to see what you do with this next.
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Post by wolfman »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago WOW, this has suddenly gotten very interesting. Not that it hasn't been all along. But this is special.

As always, @wolfman, you have pulled off the totally unexpected. It will be hard to wait to see what you do with this next.
I figured that Kim and her sisters have earned a break and Niki is showing a bit more of her softer side, so it is time for Dani to get her hands dirty again.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by Bandit666 »

I don’t think I could have said it better myself. This really has got very, very interesting. With yet another one of your expertly devised twists. One that as [mention]GreyLord[/mention] quite rightly stated was totally unexpected

Once more this tale has provided such a wonderfully entertaining read
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Post by wolfman »

Bandit666 wrote: 2 years ago I don’t think I could have said it better myself. This really has got very, very interesting. With yet another one of your expertly devised twists. One that as @GreyLord quite rightly stated was totally unexpected

Once more this tale has provided such a wonderfully entertaining read
Thanks [mention]Bandit666[/mention] , I like to try to keep things fresh, if at all possible. I see this more as an ongoing saga at this time than a tale with a definitive end and as long as it is exciting for me to write and it's followers to read, I will keep going.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by wolfman »

The grey templed man takes Ben's seat, before he has even turned to walk away. "I told him, it wouldn't work. I know you are too switched on for that nonsense to have a chance of sticking." He says, with a deep Welsh burr.

Dani regards the dark haired man in his late fifties, "Ben with his crisp clothes was ready for inspection, but this guy is a soldier ready for war." She thinks, regarding his black turtleneck sweater and black jeans. "Smartly dressed, but looks like he would be as comfortable in a firefight in a nameless jungle or desert training camp, as he is here. This is a dangerous man."

"You were a talented soldier. Scored high in all your classes, well respected by everyone you worked with and if you hadn't been kicked out, you would have been on a fast track to special operations." The newcomer says calmly and raises a finger to get the waitresses attention.

Dani takes a deep breath and counts to ten, "I am not coming back. I have a new life now." Dani says, whilst thinking, "He is used to people rolling over and doing what he says, I need to establish some level of control."

"I have been watching your career, both as a regulator and in the time after. The truth is, that you are an exceptional operator and right now your country needs you." He says, with a sigh, "One job, highly dangerous, but with countless lives on the line."

Dani pauses, with her elbows on the table, steepling her fingers. "Why me?" Dani asks, lighting a cigarette.

"You are well trained, adaptable and resourceful. It also helps that you are officially dead. If this goes south we can deny any knowledge of you. Most importantly, you are no stranger to fighting to save the lives of others." He confirms, taking a brandy from the waitress.

Dani watches, getting a good look at the brunette waitress. "He said that, in full earshot of the waitress, she probably works for him." She muses before answering "I have a family to fight for. I am needed here." Dani says, "I respectfully decline."

"Final answer?" He asks, putting the brandy on the table and pushing it towards her.

"You can't control what he says, but you can control the silence. Make him wait and the moments between words belong to you." Dani thinks, pausing and staring into the middle distance, swaying her shoulders subtly as if wrestling with her decision before she nods softly, "I would have been more receptive, if you hadn't tried to con me first."

"That is regrettable."' He exhales slowly and looks her in the eyes, "I have always favoured the direct approach."

"If you had come directly to me and said, you can have your record cleared, but we need you to do a final job. I would have at least considered it. But now, there is no way I can trust you." Dani says, looking the man in the eyes. 

"For what it is worth, I am truly sorry that it has come to this, but you leave me no choice." He says grimly, before closing his eyes.

"He wants me to object or plead my case. Let's see who breaks the silence." Dani thinks, resolute.

He opens his eyes after a minute, and fixes her with a grave gaze, "This morning Sasha submitted a request to formally adopt Tara Michaels. I have seen the preliminary report."

Dani shakes her head in denial, "No, no, no, no." She whispers over and over as he continues.

"It is felt that as Sasha's home is located on a paramilitary training facility, surrounded by armed personel and which has been subject to multiple armed conflicts, it is not a safe place to raise a child. Especially given the questionable actions of some of Sasha's close family members." He says, wearily, "As a result, the application will not be granted."

"You bastards, that poor girl has done nothing wrong." Dani snarls, feeling her heart break for Tara.

"A motion has also been tabled to remove Kim Smith and Sasha's baby from the family home, for their protection." He adds, hating have to turn the thumb screws.

Dani's eyes and mouth widen in shock, "You can't do this." She says, her voice clouded with disbelief, "This will destroy Sasha and those girls."

"It is in your power, to stop this." He says, slowly and deliberately. "One job."

Dani sends a plume of smoke towards the sky and thinks to herself, "I can't let this happen. I can fight him on this and win, but that would mean that Sasha, Kim and Tara would lose. They don't deserve this." She takes a deep breath, "I will do this, to protect them. Maybe I can get something to sweeten the deal."

Dani bows her head and closes her eyes, then covers her mouth with her hand, quietly considering her options before she composes herself and replies, "One. Grant Sasha's application for adoption of Tara. Two. Allow for Sasha's adoption of Kim to keep the girls together. Three. Set it in stone. Four. Leave my family alone. Five. If any more of Kim's sisters are discovered who have no family, grant Sasha's request to adopt them, if she requests it."

"Interesting. She is backed into a corner and still wants to negotiate, as if she has the upper hand." He thinks to himself, then curiously asks, "Why would I agree to that?"

"You came to me." Dani says, in a quiet firm tone. "Over and above all of the personel you could just order to do this, you came to me. Moreover, the effort you have put into backing me into a corner, says you want me at any cost."

"Big risk to take based upon a hunch." He says, leaning back in his seat and gazing at her with fresh eyes.

"My gamble is not based on that, it's based upon your discomfort at threatening to take Kim and the baby. I am willing to hope, that on some level, you are an honourable man." She says, whilst thinking, "Here is hoping that I have given him an aspiration, he wants to live up to."

He nods thoughtfully as she speaks, calmly waiting for her to finish. "You have my word. If you are there for us, we are there for you." He says, sliding a business card across the table to her. "Be at the address on the back of the card for nine AM tomorrow. You will be taken to a secure location and briefed."

She examines the high quality business card and looks up at the man, "Maerig Draig?"

"Correct. My call sign is Dragon." Maerig confirms, "There is one more thing."'

"Let me guess, you need to swear me to secrecy." Dani sighs, breathing smoke out of the corner of her mouth, "I can't even tell them that I have to go, can I?"

Maerig gives her a sympathetic look, "I'm sorry, but we require the utmost secrecy for this operation."

"I understand." She says, with a thoughtful nod. 

"Thank you." Maerig says, warmly, noting that she seems somehow distant. "Until tomorrow."

"There is one thing Dragon." Dani says in a low, firm tone, "I will do this job for you, but if you betray me, target my family, or break your word, I will kill you and everyone you have ever known."

"In all the time I have been doing this, it is rare to see someone who keeps their head this well. I made the right choice." Maerig thinks, "She really is like her father."

Dani watches, as he rises to his feet and leaves. She sits at the table for a few minutes wartching the other patrons of the bar's patio area. With a twinkle in her eye, she looks up at the security camera monitoring the patio. She stares at the camera and then stares at the untouched brandy glass, then once more back at the camera and back at the glass.

She rises to her feet, using a napkin to pick up the glass and casually tipping out its contents, before returning to her home.

Dani opens the door to an empty home, with everyone either still in Spain or otherwise engaged. Without pause she walks up to her room and places the glass in the centre of the desk on top of the letter Ben gave her. She opens a drawer in the desk and takes out a sewing needle. With a wry smile, she pricks her thumb and plants a bloody finger print on the corner of the letter. 

"I said I wouldn't say a word. That doesn't mean I can't leave a message." She thinks, using a tissue to clean her thumb.

Dani discards the tissue then stands in the centre of the room and embraces the emptiness inside her, becoming spirit once more. In the living world her clothes spill to the floor. But in the dead world, she floats feeling neither hot, nor cold. There is no up or down, simply the world.

She floats through the wall and rises up into the sky, sighing in the silent night of the dead world and marvelling at the twinkling of the living in the distance. She closes her eyes and feels the ebb and flow of life around her, letting the symphony of life and death soothe her troubled mind.

"There is a strange kind of peace here, no one stays long. Everyone passes through on the way to somewhere beyond." Dani thinks, before playing out the events of the evening in her mind.

"How did this go so wrong, so quickly?" Dani wonders, conjuring a cigarette out of the necrotic energy around her. "How did Maerig get this set up so quickly? Sasha must have only made the call today."

In the air around her she conjures a series of white boards and fills them with the steps required, for Maerig to set her up so effectively.

She floats along the line of boards examining each one in turn. "This isn't right, he hasn't had enough time."

She re-arranges the boards, half a dozen times to make sense of how he has pulled everything together and shakes her head, "'There is no way he could have done this in a day."

"The report on Sasha's fitness as a mother could have been written at any time, but there wouldn't have been a reason unless, her status as either a prospective adopted mother or as Kim's guardian was in question." She realises, nodding, "The letter clearing me and reinstating me to duty, could have been written any time, but dated today."

"That could have been in place for a long time waiting for the right moment. The full leverage comes from Kurt being dead and Kim being in the picture. This is not about Tara, she was a convenient catalyst. Maerig may have been planning this for a while."

"Hmmmm. Why me?" She wonders, floating on her back and looking at the stars, "Jim, Carl and Fey are unknowns to the world. Sasha is laid up. Niki is too high profile. Lou and Kate not military. Which leaves me and dad. Could be that that I am the best option as I am empowered and a trained soldier, or Dad is the best option and I have been approached as a way to draw him in."

She exhales smoke that doesn't exist, to be carried away by a breeze that isn't there and nods to herself, "The question is, if he has set this up over a period of time, why now? What has happened to make him enact his plan." 

Dani returns to her senses, fully refreshed and naked in her room and snatches a robe from the back of the door. A moment later she is sat on her bed with a tablet in her hand. 

"Ok, lets see what has been happening in the world." She says to no one, scrolling through news feeds. 

"Actually a quiet week for news for a change. COVID figures world wide are stable. Gas explosion in Guam, a week ago, destroyed the offices of a small US Security firm. Airliner exploded in mid air over Tucson, Arizona and a lot of airliners have grounded their flights as a result. A sighting of the Loch Ness monster. A top Japanese executive found dead in a locked room." Dani says, thinking aloud "Wish I was Carl, he would be cutting straight to the core of this.

She lays on the bed and loads up Jim's hacking software thinking to herself, "I will never be able to second guess, what this is about, but I might be able to find out something useful, which will help get me clear from all this." She stares at the ceiling, sadly thinking aloud, "Who am I kidding? I am in their pocket now, I will never be clear."
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by GreyLord »

Beautifully written, [mention]wolfman[/mention]. You really get into Dani's thought processes. You show an analytical mind at work under great stress. Well done, Sir.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by wolfman »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago Beautifully written, @wolfman. You really get into Dani's thought processes. You show an analytical mind at work under great stress. Well done, Sir.
I have written a lot about Dani's prowess in combat but I want to explore the rest of her abilities and skills and tell a bit more of her story.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by wolfman »

Dani slips out of her front door a little before six AM, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt under black motorcycle leathers and boots. Her look is completed by black leather gloves and a polished black crash helmet. She eases her bike away from her home and off of the grounds of the Nirvana academy, not fully opening the throttle until she is a mile outside of the grounds.

She drives the bike hard whipping along country roads, with her visor open. "I feel awful leaving without saying good bye. There is so much I would like to say to everyone. If only the wind on my face was strong enough to blow away my guilt."

She thinks of those she misses, picturing their faces and their smiles, imagining their voices wishing her luck.

The bike cuts through the countryside like a knife, slowing only when she encounters a light mist just outside of Swindon. She pulls onto the motorway, joining the early morning traffic and weaving between cars and lorries. 

She checks her mirrors regularly and changes lanes constantly, checking for signs of pursuit. Satisfied she is clear, Dani eases the bike into a motorway services, then ignores the wolf whistles and cat calls, as she makes her way inside.

Dani enters the disabled toilet and embraces her emptiness, just for a moment and then re-appears in the small room, refreshed and relaxed, as if she had slept all night. Quickly redressing, she focuses on the task at hand.

"I have a few ideas, what this op could be but, none of them are what I would call good." She thinks, pulling on her boots before exiting the toilet. "No sense second guessing, I need to focus on the moment that is, not the moment that may never be."

She returns to her bike with a double espresso in hand and lights a cigarette. "Maerig has gone to great lengths to cover his tracks. There are not many traces of him and his digital signature is almost non existent. No birth certificate, national insurance number, passport, personal email or anything linked to him. All I could find was a grainy image of him in the background of a social media post, in Rome ten years ago."

Dani raises the scalding hot coffee to her lips and takes a sip focusing on the feeling of it travelling warmly down her throat, "Nice to have sensations after taking my spirit form." She thinks, taking a lungful of tobacco smoke and another slug of coffee.

She exhales slowly, intensely aware of every inch of her body. Feeling the press of her clothes against her skin, the gentle kiss of the breeze against her exposed neck and the warmth of the sun on her face. "I wonder how it wouild feel to have sex after recorporating?" She muses, quickly dispelling the thought.

Dani removes her right glove and strokes the body of her motorcycle, feeling grounded by its' physicality. Over the next few moments, her enhanced sensuality fades and she feels a sense of peace descend over her. Draining her cup, she thinks to herself, "I am ready."

Twenty minutes later she arrives at the co-ordinates on the back of the card. She pulls up to the checkpoint at the entry to the small air strip. She eyes the security guard suspiciously, "Talk about hiding in plain sight. This guy looks about sixty years old and twenty stone, courtesy of beer and kebabs. But it is a lie, he has a lean and muscular neck and slim hands. He is wearing a fat suit, probably bullet proof and the wrinkles are high quality prosthetics."

Casually she looks to her left as the guard approaches, "Hardened structure concealed by bushes. I can almost feel the assault weapons aimed at me." She thinks.

"Name." The security guard asks, in a heavy brummie accent.

"Danielle Taylor." She says, lifting the visor of her helmet.

He looks her up and down and once sure she has no concealed weapons in the skin tight leather suit, says, "Through the gate. One hundred metres straight ahead and take the first left. Pull up next to the roller doors of the red building."

She nods to him and proceeds, keeping her speed low and pulling up by the red building as instructed. She doesn't have to wait long until the roller doors open and a four man team, in full body armour and armed with submachine guns beckon her inside. Slowly she guides the bike inside and removes her helmet.

One of the men lowers his faceplate, showing that it is Ben, "Good morning Danielle. Thank you for being punctual. Can you please step away from the motorcycle and lay your helmet on the ground?"

"Good morning Ben." Dani says, stepping off of the bike and stretching her back, then laying down her helmet.

The four men surround her, covering her warily with their weapons, Ben drops a duffel bag and a plastic wrapped bundle at her feet, "Can you please remove your clothes and place them in the duffel bag, then put on the underwear and clothing in the sealed packet?"

Dani sighs, "Let me guess, You want to be sure I am not wearing a wire, concealing a weapon, or hiding anything else."

Ben looks her in the eyes and nods, "Yes ma'am. Sorry for the indignity."

"He actually seems regretful." Dani observes and thinks "Good job, I put on old clothing." Before, silently removing her motorcycle suit. She takes a second longer than she has to, to remove her t-shirt. Slowly she bends over, undoing her boots and slipping them off one by one.  The soldiers shift uncomfortably, as they watch Dani slowly unbutton her jeans and slide them down caressing every inch of her legs on the way down.

Dani smiles to herself, slipping her socks off one at a time, thinking, "Sorry boys, but if you are going to make me strip, I will make you uncomfortable." She cast a glance over one shoulder and sees one of the men standing awkwardly, "Bullet proof trousers, stop a lot of injuries, but they are so tight and restrictive." She thinks almost feeling sorry for the man as she removes her bra and panties.

Slowly and deliberately she bends over and loads her clothing and boots into the duffel bag, then tears open the bundle and begins to dress, in the Royal Navy overalls, "So what is the operation?" She asks directly.

"We will take you to Maerig and he will brief you personally." Ben says, in a clipped tone, with a pained look on his face, he pulls a thick black scarf from one of his pockets and a set of handcuffs from another, "I'm sorry, but can you please turn around and put your hands behind your back."

"Your people are on edge, they will probably be a little less twitchy this way." She says turning around and placing her hands in the small of her back. Ben steps forward, closing the distance between them. She feels the cold steel of the cuffs close around her wrists and remains calm, as the cloth is tightly tied across her eyes.

Ben leans forward and whispers quietly in her ear, "Thank you for being a professional about all this." She feels his hand gently but firmly take her left upper arm and allows herself to be guided away from her motorcycle.

"I don't hear much, but I smell diesel. I have a feeling we are going for a drive." She thinks, then notes,  "My escorts are keeping perfect step with each other. Definitely trained."

Fifty paces north and twelve paces east, Ben gently pulls back on her arm to stop her and she hears the click of a car door opening, Ben turns her around and says, "Car seat, behind you." He helps her ease back into the vehicle and places a hand on the back of her neck, softly saying, "Mind your head."

"Textbook again, asking me to strip and allow myself to be restrained, he has repaid by being nothing but courteous and polite and treated me well. Question is what is he after?" Dani thinks, to herself and she is helped into the car.

Dani settles into the middle of the vehicles back seat and feels the straps of a seat belt being tightened around her. "Seat is a lot higher than most vehicles, I would guess Range Rover from the height and the smell of the leather." She thinks, constantly appraising her surroundings and checking for signs, that she is being taken to a shallow grave instead of a briefing with Maerig.

She feels Ben sit in the seat to her left and another man sits to her right. The other two men get into the front and she listens to the quiet purr of the engine as they begin their journey, "Engine timing seems pretty much spot on. Slight knock from the off side front suspension. This is not a new vehicle, but has been fairly well maintained, with some signs of wear."

For a moment, the radio turns on playing jazz, only to be silenced quickly. The man in front and to her right, curtly says, "Silent running." Chastising the man in the front passenger seat, in a harsh Geordie accent..

She feels the men either side of her, turn slightly away as if watching the windows for signs of trouble. "They all seem a little on edge. I get the impression that they are expecting trouble, but not from me."

Dani feels Ben's hand rest on her leg and decides not to resist for the time being. Under her blindford her eyes narrow as she feels him tap his finger in morse code, "Tap my leg with your foot, if you understand this."

She imagines his nodding to himself when she taps him ankle with her foot. "Sorry about all this." He taps.

"No drama." She taps with her foot against his ankle.

"Seriously though. I am sorry we tried to decieve you." He morses

"I am guessing you had a good reason." She taps with her foot, against his ankle.

"I am not able to tell you anything about the operation. But Dragon would only take this route if he needed a specific person." Ben taps on her thigh.

"Feels nice to be wanted." Dani taps, not letting her emotions show.

Ben pauses for a moment, "He told me what he was looking for and I gave him a short list. You were the top candidate."

"Are you able to tell me what were looking for?" Dani taps, whilst wondering, "I wonder why he hesitated, scared of admitting it is partly his fault I am here, or perhaps something else."

"Competent solo operative, investigative background, covert operations skill set, experience operating in multiple theatres, professional, loyal, relentless, current or former British military." He morses, then pauses, "Someone who  can be leveraged into co-operation."

Dani considers the points for a moment and lets him wait a little longer for her reaction, "Yep, that is me, to be fair." She taps, with her feet.

Dani doesn't react, when she feels Ben relax next to her. The steady vibration of the vehicle rumbling on, is strangely calming but not enough to sleep, "Much as I think, I am relatively safe here, I don't trust them enough to drop off."

Half an hour later, she taps Ben's ankle, "Ben? Is there anything else you would like to tell me?"

"Not at the moment." Ben morses.

"My mistake, I thought when you left your hand on my leg, you had something to add." Dani says, pursing her lips slightly and giving a small smile.

Though she cannot see him, she can imagine the slight widening of his eyes, minute dropping of his jaw and the reddening of his cheeks, that he can do nothing to hide, from those in the vehicle not currently blindfolded. "Sorry." He morses, slowly moving his hand away, trailing his fingers across her leg and resting his hand on his own leg.

The vehicle comes to a halt and the driver is asked for Identification. Dani relaxes in her seat, "We have been travelling for a around three hours, definitely south west. Taking into account how the driver has been asked to identify himself, I would say we are at RNAS Culdrose. Too quiet for Plymouth or Portsmouth"

Her door opens and she is helped out of the vehicle. "Not far now." Ben reassures her.

True to his word, a few moments later, Dani stands in an air conditioned briefing room and allows the handcuffs to be removed. She reaches up and unties the scarf from behind her neck and hands it back to Ben. 

The room is bathed in natural light from the large windows on three of the four walls. A screen graces the fourth wall next to the door. Dani takes a seat with a good view of the screen, she sits back in the chair and rests her hands on the desk simply waiting.

Maerig enters the room and extends his hand to her, she graciously shakes his hand and he takes a seat, "Thank you for coming. I am sorry for the motivation and means of your transport." He says, opening his laptop and connecting to the projector.

"I am guessing that the ends justify the means." Dani says, calmly. "That being said, you have gone to some lengths to get me here, would you care to tell me why?"

The blinds begin to close by themselves and the projector blinks into life. Maerig uses the slight delay to lay two documents on the table in front of her. "I need you to read and sign these."

Dani reads the titles of the documents "Official Secrets Act, Section One" and "Official Secrets Act, Section Two."

Slowly and carefully she reads them and thinks to herself, "Here we go."
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Post by GreyLord »

I have learned to have high expectations of you, [mention]wolfman[/mention], and you never fail to deliver. Dani is going out of her way to accept physical indignities, no matter how politely they are enforced. I suspect that she must have some idea of the nature of what they want if not the details. Very well done.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

Yoou have been very productive [mention]wolfman[/mention] ! I will need some time to read all of the updates - I am thrilled, that much I can say already!
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Post by wolfman »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago I have learned to have high expectations of you, @wolfman, and you never fail to deliver. Dani is going out of her way to accept physical indignities, no matter how politely they are enforced. I suspect that she must have some idea of the nature of what they want if not the details. Very well done.
Thank you for your kind words. Soon we will see some insight into how good Dani is.
Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago Yoou have been very productive [mention]wolfman[/mention] ! I will need some time to read all of the updates - I am thrilled, that much I can say already!

I hope you enjoy once you have read the updates
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by wolfman »

Tara wakes with a start, fighting against the soft and warm sheets as if they were a wild animal trying to smother her. Nikita’s soft voice, soothes her nerves and quells her panic, as she lays a hand on her shoulder, “Easy. You are safe. No one is going to hurt you.”
Tara lays back on the ned and allows herself to relax, as her breathing slows.
Nikita, dabs Tara’s brow with a cool damp cloth and smiles down at her, “Welcome back to the land of the living. You have been asleep for about ten hours.”
Tara stretches tentatively, wincing at her bruises and broken bones, “How long will it hurt for?”
“With a combination of PCS and bed rest you will probably start to feel better in a few days.” Nikita says, gently.
“Kim said you healed her quick once by putting her injuries into Dani. Is that true?” Tara asks, sceptically.
“Yeah. Dani agreed and it worked quite well.” Nikita explains.
“Could you do it again?” Tara asks, “I can feel Kim’s pain and it would be great if you could help her.”
“Unfortunately, there is an emergency only she can handle, she has had to go.” Nikita says, giving a minute grimace. She thinks, “I can’t believe she has run off again. Still, no sense putting her down.”
“Is she ok? We have to find her.” Tara says, trying to sit up sharply, but being defeated by her wounds.
“Whoa, steady, you need to slow down.” Nikita says, “Wherever she is, Dani is going to be ok.”
“Could you take some of Kim’s pain and put it into me?” Tara asks, earnestly.
Nikita smiles down at the young woman and gently shakes her head, “You need to recover from your own pain, before you can take anyone else’s on.”
Tara nods, with a weak smile, “Just want to help her.”
“Well if she and Sasha are up to it later, you can visit.” Nikita says, with a smile.
“I would really like that.” Tara says, beaming. “What is the plan for today?”
“A nurse will arrive soon to change your dressing and help you wash, then we will get something to eat and then see what you want to do.” Nikita says, gently.
“A wash sounds awesome, I feel really scummy.” Tara says, with a smile, before looking at a small pile of aluminium cases near the door, “What are they for?”
“Just some stuff from my place that I might need.” Nikita says, with a shrug.
Tara pauses thoughtfully, before saying, “Thank you for this Niki. You don’t have to do this, I know you probably have things to do.”
“Bits and pieces, but I am not operational at the moment. So if it is alright with you, you are stuck with me for a bit longer.” Nikita says, sensing the young woman’s fear.
“I can sense and talk to my sisters, whenever I like, but I still get lonely. Are you ok to stay for a bit?”  Tara says, with a hint of pleading.
“I am not going anywhere.” Nikita says, looking over at the door, “Nurse is here.”
Tara looks at Nikita confused and then stares at the door, in response to three sharp knocks.
Tara sits on the side of her bed feeling a little more human thanks to the nurses efforts. Nikita pulls two of the cases from the stack by the door and sets them on the bed by Tara.
Tara looks at Nikita and then gazes at the cases, questioningly.
“I am a trained beautician and hair dresser, amongst other things.” Nikita says opening the cases, “I am guessing that you haven’t had a trim in a while, if you want, I will cut your hair.”
Tara bites her lips, nervously and nods, “That would be lovely. Can I ask a favour, though?”
“Of course.” Nikita replies without a pause.
“Anya was held for a long time too, would you be able to help her too?” The young woman asks.
“I can feel Sasha and Kim are having a nap for a while, so we have enough time. Do you want to ask her and see if she is well enough to come here, or if she needs us to go there?” Nikita says, with a gentle smile, thinking “Tara has a good heart, just like Kim.”
Tara nods excitedly and a moment later says, “She and her dad are having some lunch and then they will come around.”
“If they want to come for lunch that’s cool.” Nikita says, selecting a few items from her case.
“They will be right around.” Tara says, grinning, “Thank you for this.”
“Do you want to invite Ali as well?” Nikita says smiling gently.
Alex, Rachel and Moses relax on the rooms balcony, as the girls chat and Nikita cuts each of their hair in turn.
Tara has her hair cut first, trimmed to shoulder length, with layers and feathering to accentuate the shape of her face. Anya opts for a sleek a-line bob cut with auburn highlights. Ali leaves her hair shoulder length, but Nikita shows her how to braid it at the sides and leave the ends of the braids loose to be gathered in a ponytail.
Rachel sheds a tear, seeing that her little girl is not so little anymore, realising once again that she is not a child. Alex wraps a comforting arm around his wife’s shoulders and kisses the top of her head. In a soft whisper, he simply says, “I know.”
Moses slowly rises from his chair and crosses the room. He wraps his arms around Anya and softly kisses the crown of her head, whispering, “Your mom would have been so proud of you. I know I am.”
The door to the room opens with a loud thump and Kim wheels herself in, “Is it my turn for a trim yet?” She asks, giggling.
Tara, Ali and Anya rush to her side in a cacophony of squeals and excited laughter.

"Easy guys, I'm still a bit delicate." Kim says with a grin.

"Is Sasha ok with you coming around?" Nikita asks, pleased to see her looking so happy, despite her ordeal.

"Yeah, some guy in a suit came and she said she needed to talk to him in private." Kim explains with a shrug.

Kim misses the look of concern flash across Nikita's face. Nikita reaches out with her senses and pick up the lifepulse of the man in the room with her sister, thinking to herself, "Both seem to have a calm and steady heartbeat, he is a respectful distance away and whilst Sasha's heartrate is raised she seems ok. Although to be on the safe side...." Unnoticed by everyone else in the room, a fly launches itself from her shoulder and flies out of the window.

"Auntie Niki. Are you ready for me?" Kim asks, letting Ali drape a towel around her shoulders and lift her hair clear of it.

Twenty minutes later, Kim is looking in a mirror at her new hair and gazes up at Niki, “I love it so much, thank you.”
Nikita nods to herself pleased with the uneven a-line bob, curling around on the left, with an undercut on the right side. “She looks so grown up, Kurt would have been proud of her.” She thinks, hugging the young woman.
“Where’s Angel? I would love her to see.” Kim says, hopefully.
“She has had an emergency and had to dash off. She will be back as soon as she is able.” Nikita says, wishing she knew where Dani was.
“Will she be alright? What did she say?” Kim asks, in wide eyed innocence.
“She didn’t get a chance to talk to anyone before she left.” Nikita says, “If she was in trouble, she would have made sure she had back up.”
“You are not just saying that to make me feel better are you?” Kim asks, with a quivering lip.
“Nah, she is a one woman army.” Nikita says with a wink, “I feel sorry for anyone in her way.”
Without betraying her emotions, she thinks to herself, “Damn it Dani, don’t make a liar out of me. Please come back.”

Sasha watches, as the man in the dark suit closes the door behind Kim. The man in his early thirties, takes a seat without being asked and hands her a business card.

Sasha takes the card eying him warily, "He claims to be from Child Protective Services, but I can almost feel the hostility from him." She reads the card, thoughtfully, "Robert Hackett, Senior Consultant, Child  Protection Services, Hertfordshire."

"Moderate quality paper and ink. Suit is that of a civil servant and looks like he hasn't polished his shoes in a while. Body language is that of a weary man, with anger in his heart." She thinks, reclining back on the bed with a wince.

"How can I help you Mr. Hackett?" Sasha asks, breezily, but watching him for any signs of aggression.

"We received an enquiry from yourself yesterday, in relation to the adoption of Tara Michaels." He says, keeping his voice even.

"I didn't expect a response so soon." Sasha says, trying to hide the worry in her heart, "This is bad. From my research, the first response can take anything up to a few weeks."

He leans back in his seat and exhales slowly, "The adoption process is a slow process, which takes place over the course of months. The time is to ensure that a prospective family would provide the right nurturing environment for a child requiring love and care." He says, almost reverentially.

"I am well aware of how rigorous the process is and I am fully prepared for it." Sasha says, somewhat warily.

"Oh, of course you are."' He says with a slight edge to his voice, "Following a preliminary assessment a formal inspection will take place, before a series of interviews, testimonials, means testing and compatibility tests. An application may fail at any stage of this process."

"I understand the need for thoroughness and I am willing to do whatever it takes to demonstrate that this would be a good home for Tara and that she would be very happy here." Sasha says, fearing the worst.

"When we received your application, we performed our preliminary assessment. This was taken from news stories, police reports and a number of open source data." He says, gravely.

Sasha struggles to swallow, her mouth suddenly dry. With every ounce of her will, she holds back tears, fearing what he will say next.

He slowly and deliberately opens first one lock on his case and then the other and pulls out a single sheet of paper. "This is the preliminary report, somewhat shorter than most, it is none the less illuminating."

Her lip quivers, as he continues, "I won't read the whole thing, I'll just skip to the highlights." Hackett says, coldly, "The prospective parent, is a social media star, who confronted a hostage taker and beat him nearly to death on international news. She is also part of the team that disarmed a nuclear device on La Palma." He scans down the document, picking out another excerpt, "The proposed family home is within the grounds of a training facility for special forces operatives and security personel from across the globe. The estate is patrolled by openly armed guard, and firearms can be seen regularly onsite."

Sasha closes her eyes and bows her head, thinking, "I can't argue with him, he is right."

He continues allowing a little savage anger dilute the coldness of his tone, "The estate in question, has been subject to a number of armed conflicts, including but not limited to a recent drone strike, which hospitalised a number of people and resulted in the death of four security personel and two medics." Hackett pauses, composing himself, "Given the inherent danger of the site and the propensity for violence displayed by Sasha   Smith, it is our recommendation that this application be rejected at this stage, to prevent harm to Tara Micheals."

Sasha feels her heart break, knowing that there is nothing everything is true and she cannot argue with him.

"At this stage it is recommended that, Tara Michaels be removed from this environment as soon as possible." He says, coldly, pausing for a moment to let the point sink in before continuing, "It is out further recommendation that Kim Smith and prospective mother's newborn be removed for their own protection at this stage also."

Sasha's heart lurches in her chest and sits numb, unable to look at the man. All she can do is stare at her son, frightened to take her eyes off of him, in case the next time she looks he is gone.

"In all my years doing this job, I have never read such a damning preliminary report. I have placed thousands of children into safe and nurturing homes and would never even consider taking your application further." Hackett says, disdainfully.

Sasha feels a hole empty inside her, filling with the pain of Kurt's loss, the thought of losing Kim and the baby, the thought of Kim losing her, her baby brother and her sister, the list goes on. She looks at him pleading. "Please Mr. Hackett, I....." Her words are barely audible beyond her own lips and trail off when she cannot find the strength to finish.

"Save it." He hisses, "I got an angry phone call from the Home Secretary this morning at four o' clock demanding that your application not only be approved, but fast tracked. Not only that but an additional application for you to adopt Kim Smith as your own daughter is also to be processed, to ensure that they can never be split up." He snarls angrily, when she still appears confused. "I don't know how you have done it, but in under twenty four hours, you have successfully adopted two girls, circumventing the system. Mark my words, I will be watching you like a hawk. If I get any sense that your children are in danger, I will move heaven and earth to ensure their safety." 

Sasha sits back stunned, unable to speak, as he pulls two sheafs of papers from his case and thrusts them under her nose. "Sign." He snarls.

With shaking hands she adds her signature to each sheet, where he indicates. The paper sheafs seem endless, while she works her way through them. By the last sheet of paper, it feels like her hand is about to drop off.

Over the time it has taken her to sign everything, Hackett feels his anger subside from a roaring fire to smouldering embers. He gathers the papers together and counter signs every sheet and gathers them up, then presenting half to Sasha. For a moment, he keeps them just out of reach, "Just promise me, that you will do everything you can to keep them safe and do right by them."

She takes her half of the papers and sees the sincerity in his eyes, "I will give everything I have to give them a good and safe life, full of the love they deserve."

"Congratulations, Mrs. Smith." He says, depositing the remainder of the documents in his case, with a clack-clack of the locks. "I will be watching." He whispers harshly, into her ear, before he leaves.

Sasha sits staring at the documents, the only noises are the soft whup and hiss of her son's ventilator and the buzzing of a fly. With exhausted eyes she looks up at the door, as it cracks open. Sasha smiles tiredly watching Nikita slip into the room and rush to her side. "I heard everything. Are you alright?"

Sasha locks eyes with her sister and wearily raises an eyebrow, "What the fuck has Dani done?"
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Post by GreyLord »

Hackett is an asshole. Oh, well. I am fighting the urge to take off on a political diatribe inappropriate for this site. Inspired writing, [mention]wolfman[/mention], to invoke such strong emotions.
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by wolfman »

With the documents signed and sealed, Maerig takes his seat and looks into Dani's eyes, with a gaze that touches her soul. "What do you know?"

"I haven't been told anything yet." Dani answers, keeping her voice calm.

"I need to know if my instincts were right. I know you haven't been told anything, but I am interested in understading what you are thinking at the moment and if you have any thoughts, as to why you are here." Maerig asks, stroking his chin.

"You are military in some capacity, however, you don't have a rank of your own, because you don't officially exist. Unless it suits your purpose." She begins, "You have done a good job of covering your tracks, almost as if you walk in the world but you are not a part of it. Everything about you screams, Military Intelligence."

Maerig watches her with detached focus, as she continues, "I am guessing that you are a problem solver. Matching problems to solutions. You are valued for cleaning up other peoples messes."

Maerig sits back in his chair and rests his right ankle on his left knee, smiling enigmatically to himself, "That is simple guess work, what else have you got?"

"You will stop at nothing to get what you want. That doesn't mean you like it. By the same token, there are no limits to what you will do to reward loyalty." Dani says, looking him in the eye and holding his gaze. Two breaths later she adds, "As to why I am here. I am guessing you have a massive problem, that you need me to fix." She leans forward towards Maerig and spreads her arms, encompassing the room, "Whilst all this is very nice. The clock is ticking. Why don't we just cut to the chase?"

Maerig smiles to himself, "Normally someone in your position tries to impress me and wax lyrical about how great they are. Nice to have someone, who wants to crack on." He says, warmly.

"No offense, but you have blackmailed me into this. I just want this done." Dani says, impatiently.

Maerig is drawn to his pocket by a soft beep. He checks his phone and nods, before slipping his phone away. "The adoption of Kim and Tara has been signed off and is completed. Ratified by the Home Secretary herself." He says in a matter of fact tone.

Dani stares at him for a moment, "He is calm, relaxed and completely at ease. No signs of self soothing or discomfort. I think he might be telling the truth." She thinks, trying to make sense of things.

"At this moment, I have no hold over you. The only thing keeping you here is your honour." Maerig says taking a gamble.

Dani sits for a moment before she gets out of her seat and begins walking towards the door.

"If you leave, you will never know what this was all about." He says, his soft voice filling the near silent room.

She rests her hand against the door frame and bows her head, "Guam. The electronics firm that was destroyed. It wasn't a gas explosion." She says wearily.

Maerig nods appreciatively, "Interesting." He purses his lips and steeples his fingers, "If it is not a  gas explosion, what is it?"

She takes a breath and bumps the door frame with her fist, taking another three breaths before speaking, "No idea. But a gas explosion, tends to go up and out, not leave a thirty foot hole." Dani says, with a shrug, not turning to face him.

"We have the reports from the local authorities, if you would like to have a look."' Maerig says, hoping he can tempt Dani.

"The reports are only there to support the claim it was a gas explosion. Compiled by the US authorities on the island." Dani pauses again considering her options. She keeps her back turned, when she says, "'I will review them on the plane, however, I need to see for myself."

"So you're in then?" He asks, moving to get out of his chair.

She turns and waves gently down with her hand, indicating he should stay seated. She spins a chair around and takes a seat, straddling it. "I am in." 

His expression turns grave and he leans forward, "Thank you. I am impressed you worked out where you would be going."

"Just a ghost of a feeling about it.  This is the start of something larger." Dani says, taking a blank sheet of paper and a pen from the nearest desk and begins writing when she continues, "I will need a flight, and the clothes and items on this list."

Maerig accepts the list with a raised eyebrow, "No weapons?"

"No. There are a lot of American military on the island. A weapon would create more issues than it solves. Same goes for obvious breaking and entering tools. I will imporvise any operational gear I need." Dani says, firmly. "Before you suggest local assets scouting the site. I am not sure what I am looking for, but I know I cannot see it through another persons eyes."

Maerig nods thoughtfully as she speaks, "A helicopter will take you to to Stanstead. Your equipment will be waiting for you."

"When I have something, I will call the number of your business card." Dani says, rising from the chair.

Maerig pulls a tablet from his laptop bag, "All relevant files are on this, run the Morris Dancer app, before you arrive in Guam to wipe it."

Dani accepts the tablet and nods her ascent, "Interesting way of doing things."

"I need you focused. Not worried that I will cross you." Maerig shrugs. "Those who walk away, have an iron clad reason to keep quiet. Those who stay the course, do so willingly."

Dani settles back in her seat on her third flight, somewhere over central India, staring at the tablet. A clip plays showing CCTV footage from a camera down the road from the Electronics company for the tenth time. 

Everything is normal on the street. People are seen walking and chatting. Cars drive down the street. The building housing the Electronics firm "Copraktik" almost seems to erupt upwards and outwards, in a shower of dust and debris, showering the street instantly and creating chaos amongst the locals. Before the dust settles there is a loud bomb and every window in the street explodes.

Dani pinches the bridge of her nose and closes her eyes for a moment, "Well it took a while but eventually managed to removed all of the added layer on the video. This was no gas explosion, there was no smoke or flame, either during the explosion or in the immediate aftermath."

"The board of directors of the Copraktik, all have identities of dead men and women, from the US. This is obviously a front company, question is, for what?" She thinks, reclining her seat and laying back, "I haven't got the time to follow the money fully, but it seems like every cent so far comes from one shell company paying another. I have a bad feeling about this."

She opens up the webpage and runs a trace on the IP address for the website, then begins the process of stripping away the layers of encryption to get to the true location of the websites source. She curses under her breath when the location is revealed, "Shit. Arlington, Virginia."

Dani runs the Morris Dancer app and watches, as the tablet wipes itself to the point of no repair. She looks out of the window and sighs to herself with the thought, "It was too easy to trace to be the CIA. With the amount of money involved, I would guess US Department of Defence."'

"Damn it, why didn't I walk away? We have a front company possibly for the DOD, destroyed by an explosion with no flame. That takes out all the windows in the area after it explodes." She shakes her head gently, then rests her head and closes her eyes, "I am going to have to kill a lot of people, before I get home again."

Dani screams in her mind, watching as her body and spirit are torn asunder. Her flesh is pinned to a wall, by chains of iron and her spirit form is held fast by bonds of necrotic energy. Both parts of herself are bound spread eagled. 

She feels their pain and being torn away from each other and held out of each others reach. Her flesh and spirit writhe agonised and scream in torment. Every sound that they make, makes a new scar on her soul.

Dani watches on aghast as her flesh and spirit turn to her and speak in unison, "We are both part of you. Why do you keep us apart?"

She wakes with a start, staring up at the stewardess, gently shaking her shoulder. "Miss, we are on final approach, you need to put your seat belt on." The stewardess says, calmly.

Dani takes a slow breath and gives a thumbs up. She reaches across herself and pulls the belt across her waist clipping it securely. She sits up and takes a few deep breaths calming herself down. "What the hell was that?" She thinks, feeling her heart slow.
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Post by MrBind »

This is some saga! I'm pretty far behind, but having actual adventure in with bondage is thrilling reading.....
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Post by GreyLord »

This is edge of the seat, exciting, tense, reading. You continue doing so well, [mention]wolfman[/mention]. I'm on pins and needles waiting for what may follow.
ImageA List of my stories:
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by wolfman »

Nikita returns to Tara's hospital room to see the girls excitedly chatting, while the Mitchum's and Moses look on smiling at them.

She places a gentle hand on Kim's shoulder and whispers in her ear, "Can you pop back and see Sasha? She is asking for you."

"Is everything ok?" Kim asks, wide eyed and fearful.

Nikita smiles down at her niece, "Yes darling, she just needs to see you." She turns to Tara, "Would you mind going with Kim to make sure she gets there alright?"

Confused Tara nods and helps Kim maneuver her wheel chair out of the room.

Moses raises an eyebrow, as they leave and nods to Nikita, "Problem?"

Nikita beams a smile, "Not at all, tell you in a bit."

Sasha leans back on the bed, trying to get comfortable as the door opens shakily. She beams at Kim and then does a double take, "Kim, your hair." 

"Auntie Niki cut it for me." Kim says, nervously.

"You look fabulous." Sasha says, almost welling up.

Tara helps Kim set her chair next to Sasha's bed and nods shyly to her before turning to leave.

"Actually Tara, would you mind staying a little while please?" Sasha says, smiling with the warmth of a summer day.

"Erm ok." Tara says, before awkwardly lowering herself into a chair.

"We need to talk about your future."' Sasha says, looking into Tara's eyes.

Tara's lip quivers "Would have been nice to stay a little longer." She thinks mournfully. Her eyes snap to Kim, feeling her sister squeezing her arm.

"Sasha." Kim says, swallowing her nerves, "Tara hasn't got anyone else. Please let her stay." Her eyes are on the verge of tears by the time she finishes speaking.

Sasha struggles to sit up and swing her legs around on the bed, "Kim, do you really want Tara to stay here with us?" Sasha asks, softly, "No half measures."

Kim nods, "More than anything."

"I am sorry, I havent spoken to either of you about this before." Sasha says, biting down against the pain in her stomach "Yesterday, I applied to adopt Tara."

Kim and Tara reflexively grab each other hands. "But you've never even met me." Tara says, daring to hope.

"You are family." Sasha says, warmly.

"I don't know what to say." Tara says, shocked, "Thank you, so much. I will do anything."

"All you need to do is allow yourself to be happy here." Sasha says, warmly."we'll work out the details on that." Sasha says, turning to Tara, "You can share with Kim if you like, although if you would like your own room, we have space."

"I would quite like my own room." Tara says, unable to belief she is discussing a future which might be ok.

"Well that settles it then." Sasha says, warmly, "Would you like to meet your little brother, Liam?"

A few moments later, Sasha watch Kim and Tara coo and sigh over their little brother and thinks to herself, "This is the right thing to do. If Kurt were here, he would agree."

Moses clicks the door to the hospital room closed behind him watching Anya settle in an armchair by the bed, feeling his heart swell with pride. But his pride gives way to sadness, knowing the conversation he has to have with her.

"Daddy, is everything alright." She asks, picking up on his feelings.

"I need to talk to you." He says, wearily, "We need to discuss our future."

"What do you mean?" Anya asks.

Moses slumps down in a chair opposite his daughter and leans forward taking her hands in his, "I am no longer a DEA agent. After the mess in Cambodia, blame has been placed at my feet and I am out."

"Oh dad, that is so unfair." Anya says, squeezing her fathers hand.

"I have been offered a job. The money is good, but it would mean that we would need to move." Moses explains.

"But our home." Anya says, visualising her room and the garden, choking back a tear seeing her mom in the kitchen.

"I know baby. I know it's hard." Moses says, feeling his heart break for his daughter, "I'm sorry. You have been through hell and lost so much. If you say no, i will turn down the job and we will find another way."

"What's the job?" Anya asks, thinking, "I have lost mom, will lose my sisters and now the family home as well. This is too much."

"I have been offered a job as a consultant here and would be working alongside Ali's poppa, providing training as a technical consultant. We would have to live nearby." Moses explains, "Until we get a place of our own, we would be able to stay in a suite here."

"Ali would be staying here too?" Anya asks, feeling her world turned upside down.

"Yeah, Alex is a solid guy and he has accepted a job here as well. Whilst I will be providing coaching on the South East Asian theatre and anti drug operation, he will be advising on CQB and FIBUA." He explains, catching himself, "Sorry he will be advising on...."

"Close Quarters Battle and Fighting In Built Up Areas. It is cool dad I know." She says, with a smile. "Let's do it."

Moses looks at his daughter, no longer seeing the little girl she was, but the young woman she is now and he feels a certain sadness at the loss of her childhood. He remembers a night when she was seven, when he was home and he sat up with her and his wife eating ice cream and watching christmas movies. "Would you like some ice cream?" He asks, unsure of her response.

"That would be awesome." Anya says, with a grin.

"How about we order up some and a couple of hot chocolates?" Moses suggests, with a smile.

"That would be really nice." Anya says, hoping for some time with her father.

He passes her the room service menu "I have gone for the orange and mascarpone, salted caramel and hazelnut and dark chocolate and blackcurrant swirl."

Anya has a far away look in her eyes and stares beyond the menu, Moses sees her lip quiver subtly and moves to her chair putting his arm around her. "Hey, come on." He says gently, "What's the matter?"

She turns and sobbs into his shoulder, weakly saying, "Mum would have like this."

Moses squeezes her shoulder, "I miss her too, baby." He holds her close, trying and failing to retain his composure. Eventually their tears cease and father and daughter just sit quietly. Anya feeling the safest she has ever felt, in her fathers arms and Moses feeling regret at every moment of his daughters life he has missed.

"What say we stay up tonight and we talk about your mom? Share our memories of her. See if we come up with something we could do to remember her." Moses says, softly. "As long as she is in our hearts, she is with us."

"I would really love that." Anya says, drying her eyes.

Nikita sits in the quiet hospital room, alone. She sees Sasha, Kim and Tara's life pulses and smiles to herself, "They are so happy, I can feel the warmth from here."

She gets up from her chair and moves out onto the balcony, staring out over the grounds watching a pair of stoats, scamper across the lawn. She laughs to herself, "Even the bloody stoats have someone special."

The door to the room clicks open and she turns to see Tara come in, beaming a massive smile. "You see happy. Have you had some good news?" Nikita asks, beaming.

"I can stay." Tara says, elated.

Nikita crosses the room and hugs her niece, "'Welcome to the family."

"Thank you Niki." Tara says, squeezing her new aunt.

"It is great to have you with us." Nikita says, genuinely overjoyed. "Get yourself comfy and I will order us a jug of virgin strawberry daiquiris and a couple of sticky toffee puddings, to celebrate."

"Cool." Tara says, shuffling painfully across the room to slump in her chair.

"Then it's settled." Nikita says, walking across the room to get her phone.

Tara watches in horror as Nikita doubles over in pain and collapses to the floor. Tara pitches forward off of the chair onto her hands and knees and crawls to Nikita's side.

"What's wrong? What can I do?" Tara asks, panicked, "Should I get help?"

Nikita rolls onto her back in agony, clutching her chest and stomach. Gritting her teeth, through the pain, "I am ok, sweetie. This will pass in a moment."

"Can I do anything?" Tara asks, fearfully.

Nikita takes her hand and looks earnestly up at Tara, "Just talk to me, until this passes." 

"What about?" Tara asks, seeing the pale and pain wracked woman holding her hand, a world away from the woman who greeted on entering the room.

"Anything." Nikita says, pained.

"I can't think of anything."' Tara says, desperately trying to think of something, "My grandad would be able to think of something to talk about. He always had a story and a kind word."

"He sounds lovely. Why don't you tell me about him?" Nikita says, weakly.

"He was a soldier and he decided to help other soldiers when he left the army. He always listened to me, whatever it was, he always listened like there was nothing else in the world." Tara says, seeing his face smiling down at her, "I often asked him about his time in the army and every time he would say, 'There are some things a young lady doesn't need to know. I have seen some very bad things and knowing them would not help you sleep at night.' Then he would make up a story that would make me smile."

"He sounds awesome." Nikita says, feeling the pain ease.

"He was." Tara sighs choking back tears, "He was the best."

"What happened to him?" Nikita asks, seeing Tara's pain.

"Helicopter crash, a couple of years ago." Tara says, wearily.

"I'm sorry to hear that. He sounds like a fab grandad." Nikita says, wrestling herself into a seated position.

"He was. But...." Her voice trails off.

Nikita wraps her arm around Tara's shoulder, more to comfort the young woman, than to steady herself, "Are you ok?"

Tara struggles to gather her thoughts, before asking, "Can you keep a secret?" 

"You can always tell me anything." Nikita assures her.

"I saw him, the day before he died." Tara says, chewing her lip, "He told me that he was planning something that would mean that we would never have to worry about money again. I think he died because of whatever he was trying to do."

Nikita hugs her niece, thinking for a while, before speaking "We could do a little digging, no promises, but we might be able to find something."

"Really? You would do that for me?" Tara says, bright eyed.

"Yes, but I need you to do something for me." Nikita says, gently. "I need you to promise me, that you won't tell anyone about me being in pain tonight."

"Erm. Ok." Tara says, hating having to keep secrets.

Nikita turns to Tara and puts her hands on her shoulders, "When Liam is in pain, I take the hurt into myself, so he doesn't need to suffer."

Tara sits open mouthed for a moment, shaking her head as she looks into Nikita's eyes, "You give so much and no one has any idea, do they?" Nikita lowers her gaze and shakes her head,  "Why don't you tell Sasha?"

"Because she would end up having to make a choice every time, he is in pain. Liam suffers, or I do. This way, the baby is safe and Sasha can focus on him and his needs." Nikita says gently. "I am not good for much, but I can give him a chance at a life."

"You do so much for everyone. What do you get in return?" Tara asks, slightly awestruck.

"I get to sleep, knowing that those I care about the most are safe because of me." Nikita explains, thoughtfully. "This is where we differ in so many ways. Dani does what must be done. Sasha follows her heart. I do what feels right."

Tara stares at her agape, "It's not just Liam is it? You do this for everyone."

Nikita cannot meet her gaze, casting her eyes downward, "No, it isn't."

"My sisters and I. With the injuries we have, we should be on our backs. Even with the PCS." Tara says, in a moment of comprehension. Nikita simply nods. "Who else?"

"Kate has a toothache and I am repairing the tooth. Her wife-to-be has been pulling double shifts and I am helping her too and I am helping Sasha with her pain too." Nikita confesses.

Tara simply hugs Nikita and begins to cry to herself.

Nikita hugs her back and asks, "What's the matter, sweetie?" 

"You are so lovely helping everyone, but I don't like seeing you in pain." Tara says, crying.

"It looks worse than it is. For one off things, like Kate's tooth or Amy's fatigue, I take it in one go and but with your pain and Sasha's it is too much, so I have to do it gradually." Nikita explains, "I am eating like a pig to keep my energy levels high. Protein helps me to recover quicker."

"Things have been rough for you guys and Sasha, I am helping the best way I can." Nikita says, putting her hand on Tara's shoulder, "It doesn't matter if you have special abilities, the only thing that matters is that when it counts, you do what you can. Dani taught me that."

"Do you know where is she now?" Tara asks, sensing that Nikita needs Dani on some level, in a way that she cannot be there for her.

"No idea. But wherever she is. Trouble wont be far away." Nikita says, suddenly missing her sister.
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Post by GreyLord »

You fascinating story moves on. All of the players have their unique touches of greatness. Reading this chapter is wonderful, but I must admit it leaves me longing to know what is going on with Dani at this time. Please keep up the good work.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by wolfman »

Fear not [mention]GreyLord[/mention] now that we know where everyone stands, we will soon be seeing what Dani is up to.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by Caesar73 »

So, I have finally read all the updates I missed during my absence. And I have to say: Great stuff as usual. What I find most intriguing is the mix: The tender sequences and the Hospital and Dani´s story line. Well written and thrilling - as always.
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