Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

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Post by wolfman »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago
"We are never going to have a normal life again are we?"
I think a normal life may be highly overrated.

Thank you @wolfman. You have the talent to make the most mundane things completely fascinating.
Thank you [mention]GreyLord[/mention] I have always enjoyed writing the quiet moments, as much as the action or romance. It is always fun hiding little hints in plain sight buried in the mundane
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Post by Caesar73 »

@wolfman you have really a hand for those quiete reflective moments which contrast nicely with the Actio Sequences!
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Post by wolfman »

Never before has shopping been approached with such military precision. Kim sweeps through the store picking out t-shirts, hoodies and blouses. Tara co-ordinates tops with shorts, trousers, jeans and leggings. Ali raids stores for shoes, boots, slippers and socks, while Anya accessories with bags, jewellery and caps.

Sasha and Dani hang back and watch with amusement as the girls, wordlessly put together half a dozen unique outfits each. "They really are something." Dani says, with more than a little admiration.

"Thank you for helping keep them together. I don't know about them, but I will never be able to repay you." Sasha says, nudging Dani.

"You don't need to thank me and you never will. I just want you to be happy and be the mother you were always meant to be." Dani says, with a gentle smile.

"I mean it Dani. I owe you so much." Sasha says, giving her sister a hug.

Dani pulls away subtly, "Don't thank me just yet. The world's intelligence agencies have us on their radars, because I wasn't strong enough to stop myself spilling the beans."

"Hey, come on now." Sasha says, supportively, "You did what you could. Besides, I think dad has taken care of Russian and British Intelligence interests in us."

Dani stares into the middle distance and nods to herself. Sasha smiles, catching the look "Got a plan."

"To call it a plan, would be overly generous." Dani says, with a wink, "The way I see it, we need to secure a school for the girls, deal with the press and settle with US and Chinese intelligence. If we can do that, then everyone has a chance at a normalish life."

Sasha can't help but laugh gently, "Well, when you put it like that, it will be child's play."

"I am working on the details, but I think we can do this. In the mean time, let's give the girls a good day. What do you say?" Dani says with a wink.

Sasha smiles gently, "Apart from Kim they are starting from scratch. I have made arrangements for some of Tara's parents effects to be delivered, but they won't be here for a couple of days."

"You doubt yourself, but you are a good mum." Dani says, with a smile. "Never doubt that. Without hesitation, you are doing whatever it takes."

"I do what I can and pray it is enough." Sasha says, with a hint of sadness.

"You are doing great." Dani says, gently.

"How are you doing?" Sasha asks, following a quick check on the girls.

"I'm not great, but I am OK. Which is more than I thought possible, when I woke up this morning. This helps. Doing something normal for a change. I don't do enough of that." Dani reflects, "I have spent so long fighting, that I think I have forgotten what I am fighting for."

"I went the other way. I stepped back from the brink, so I could live a life and I think, I might have lost something in the process." Sasha shrugs.

Dani snorts and gives a chuckle, "Behave yourself. You are sharper than you have ever been. I know Niki healed you, but you are on your feet and watching the room like a pro. You can try to deny it, but we both know that you know the movements of everyone in this store, who is browsing, who is shopping for an occasion and who is shop lifting."

Sasha looks away, simply saying, "Not to mention, the store detectives trying not to stand out."

"You have your instincts and have lost nothing. But you have gained a passion and a drive that fills you." Dani says, "We are the same in some ways, we both feel a powerful love for those we care about, that drives us to do whatever we have to. Same goes for Niki."

Sasha gives a thoughtful look, "You might be onto something there. Although you two do it, in an altogether more terrifying way."

"Harsh but fair." Dani nods in agreement, as Kim and her sister's bounce over to them with their arms fully laden down.

"We think we're done, Sasha." Kim says, breathless.

"Let's get the painful part done and then we can grab some lunch." Sasha says, beaming a smile. She leads the way to the checkouts, unaware that her mobile phone is ringing back in the car.

Dani sets down her salted caramel and chocolate milkshake and leans back in her seat. With a gentle smile, she watches Kim and her sister's compare their purchases and chat excitedly.

In this moment, she couldn't be further from the horrors, she experienced at the hands of Edward Arno and she feels a sense of peace, descend over her.

Without warning tears fall softly from her eyes. Sasha notices and spins her chair to face her sister and gives her a tissue from her bag. she places a gentle hand on Dani's shoulder and whispers, "Are you alright?"

Smiling through tears, Dani nods and whispers back, "Thank you for today. I needed this to remember that there is still happiness in the world and I can be a part of that."

Sasha shoots a wary glance at the girls to make sure that they are not listening, before saying "Thank you for coming. It has meant a lot having you here to catch me if I fall."

Dani leans forward and hugs Sasha "Dopey sod. You are a natural mother and....." Dani pauses, searching for the right words, "I am sorry, I have not been there for you."

"You haven't been there all the time, but you have been there, when I needed you most." Sasha says, rummaging in her bag.

"I wish I could have been around more." Dani says with a pang of regret.

"You are here now." Sasha says, putting her bag down with a sigh. "Damn it."

"Are you OK?" Dani asks, concerned.

Sasha nods "Have you got your phone? I have left mine in the car and wouldn't mind checking on Liam."

Dani checks her pockets and shakes her head, "Sorry, I didn't bring one."

"Can you watch the girls for a moment? I just want to nip out and grab my phone. Shouldn't be long." Sasha asks with a sheepish grin.

"Sure. I've got this." Dani says, with a nod.

Dani chews her lip and quietly scans the entrance to the food court. "Damn it, Sasha. It's been ten minutes, what's keeping you?"

Kim notices her aunts disquiet and psis her sister's, "Something's up."

"Where is Sasha?" Tara psis, looking around.

"I heard her say to Dani, she was getting her phone from the car." Anya psis, dabbing the corner of her mouth.

"We are not that far drom the car. She should be back by now." Ali psis, beginning to clear the table.

Dani raises an eyebrow, watching the girls, wordlessly clear the table. When they return to the table, they begin to gather their bags. Dani taps the table twice to get their attention and whispers, "We're going straight to the car once we leave and we will not come back here. Make sure we have everything."

When the girls solemnly nod, Dani adds, "If you see anything out of place, speak up." Dani sees the immediate comprehension of her words, play across the girls faces.

Kim freezes, picking up her bag, her eyes transfixed on a spot under the Dani's seat. "A-angel. It looks like Sasha's keys are under your chair.

Dani subtly reaches down and picks up the keys and turns them over in her hands. If there was any doubt, in her mind seeing the key chain with a photo of Kurt on one side and Kim on the other. "We move now." Dani says, getting to her feet, with a dark pit opening in her stomach.

They move swiftly through the crowds, a perfect square with Dani at the centre. As they, enter the carpark, the hustle and bustle of the shopping centre, gives way to the hush of the multi storey car park.

"Spread out a little, don't bunch up. If one of us falls, take cover and we regroup. If you are the last one standing, drop everything and escape and evade." Dani whispers, keeping her tone calm and even.

She senses the nerves of the girls and gives them a wink, "Sasha is probably playing hide and seek."

The girls nervously giggle, but neither they nor Dani believe it. To the casual observer they look like a family returning to their car, but a trained observer would see them checking every vehicle, scrutinising every shadow and maintaining clear lines of vision.

The girls heads snap as one to focus on a car next to Ali, who hisses, "Angel."

Dani rushes to her side, to share with dismay at the object of her focus. A bundle of torn and shredded clothing that only fifteen minutes ago, were being worn by her sister. She stuffs the bundle into her backpack and turns to the girls. "Car. Now. Double time."

Dani eyeballs the car from a distance and nods to herself, seeing no items affixed to the underside and. the tyres still inflated. She unlocks the car from a distance and helps the girls load in their shopping.

No one says what they are all thinking as they take their seats in the car.

Dani snatches up Sasha's phone noticing a dozen missed calls and voicemail and a text message. She quickly opens the message app and sees a message sent from the phone she is holding, from before they left. Nervously she opens the message.

"Kim, if you are reading this, give the phone to Dani. Dani if you are reading this, don't panic. Before I came round this morning, dad said that someone pulled a gun on him and we should stay close to home and exercise caution. I had other plans, I got Niki to suggest shopping and took a gamble that you would be able to come.

I needed to be able to leave the girls and have them protected. At the time of reading this, I have walked away on my own, on the hunch that we will have been followed from the moment we left. With me being on my own, whoever is following will take me.

Normally, we go to ground and fumble and stumble, till we find out what is going on then go in like a hammer. I have sat back for long enough, whilst my family has faced peril. Today that changes.

I will allow myself to be taken and then be carried to the heart of their operation and dismantle it from the inside, whilst you and the others, assault from the outside.

In case you had to break into the car, the keys were under your seat in the food court. Please take the girls home and get them settled. Don't worry, I will see you again soon. Tell Kim, Tara and Liam that I love them very much and that no force on earth, will keep me from my children."
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by Caesar73 »

Wow [mention]wolfman[/mention], you did it again :) I began to read enjoyed the harmless shopping spree, the thoughtful Conversation between Dani and Sasha - and then: Boom! The Hammer falls, the story takes a sharp turn. Brillant - the question is: Will Sasha´s Gamble pay off?
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Post by wolfman »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago Wow @wolfman, you did it again :) I began to read enjoyed the harmless shopping spree, the thoughtful Conversation between Dani and Sasha - and then: Boom! The Hammer falls, the story takes a sharp turn. Brillant - the question is: Will Sasha´s Gamble pay off?
Thank you for your kind words. Can't have them resting for too long. I wanted a nice normal scene and let them all rest for just long enough to think they were safe, before hitting the gas again.
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Post by GreyLord »

Underestimating Sasha would be a grave error.
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by wolfman »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago Underestimating Sasha would be a grave error.
You might think that, i couldn't possibly comment.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by wolfman »

Dani looks down at the phone and shakes her head in dismay, "Oh Sasha." She mutters under her breath.

For a moment she is lost in her own thoughts, when she feels four pairs of frightened eyes staring at her. She takes a slow breath and centres herself. She turns in her seat and addresses the girls, "I don't know where Sasha is and I think she might be in trouble. We don't have the resources to engage in a search and I need to get you home."

Kim looks up at her aunt, fearfully, "We can't just leave without trying."

DanI gently cups, Kim's chin, "Darling, we have no trail to follow and no resources to conduct an investigation. We could try, but we are exposed and we need to approach from a position of strength."

Kim nods thoughtfully digesting her aunt's words, before nervously saying, "OK, but when you go to get her back, can we come?"

"It depends on the circumstances, of the extraction." Dani says, starting the engine, "When the time comes you may need to stay behind, to protect those who cannot protect themselves. It may be down to you, to ensure that we have a safe haven to return to."

"It's OK you don't have to spare our feelings, we get it." The girls say sadly, as one.

"That is a little unsettling." Dani thinks, before easing the car out of the space. "Actually, you don't get it. You are wildcards. Any opponents who try to take those who are less able to defend themselves, will get the shock of their lives when they come up against you girls. You did well in Spain, it is clear that there is more to you than what you read in my book."

Dani frowns as they pull out of the car park, "On that subject, we need to have a talk about Spain. But that is a conversation for another time. Right now we need to check in."

With trembling fingers Dani calls the number that has trying to contact her sister.

The line barely rings once, before Nikita screams down the phone, "For fuck's sake Sasha, what are you playing at?"

"Niki. It's Dani. Sasha is missing." Dani says, at once shell shocked and heartbroken, before telling Niki about the day and Sasha's message.

Less than a mile away, in the darkened interior of a van's cargo bay, a man speaks into a mobile phone. "Target of opportunity acquired. En route to Evac site."

"Which one?" The man on the rother end of the line asks.

The man in the van settles back on the crate and sighs, "The medic."

"Any problems or concerns?"

The man smiles in the darkness, "No sir. Our source was correct, unlike the others, she has had no operational training."

"Our source has proved very useful, thus far. Walk me through the extraction."

"Of course sir." The man says, before beginning, "The target split from the main group and proceeded towards the groups vehicle. We isolated and surrounded the target and proceeded to engage from a distance with tranq guns. We removed all of her clothing and scanned her body to confirm no means of tracking was present. We then loaded her into the vehicle and are current E and E from site."

There is a pause on the line before the voice says, "This is very fortunate, given that one of our agents was careless and allowed himself to to spotted and taken down. Now the family will be on high alert."

"Are we sure we want to anger them? We saw what happened when one of them cut loose." The man in the van says, nervously.

"It is a calculated risk. Edward was family. One of theirs killed one of ours and we will kill one of theirs in return." The man on the phone says, irritated, before demanding, "What is her current situation?"

The man in the van, shifts uncomfortably upon the crate, on which he is sitting and says, "Target is out cold. We have wrapped her from her shoulders to her feet in NAKI tape and nailed her into a crate for her safety during transport."

"Very good.", there is a pause on the line for a moment, "What is NAKI tape?"

"Our source sent us the process for making the fabric that Nirvana's NAKI suits are made from. Technical have been able to use the process to make strips of the fabric and added an adhesive to it to make bullet proof tape."

"That sounds very useful. However, are you sure the target is secure?"

"The target has been wrapped tightly from just below her shoulders all the way down. For extra security, we have put a security mask on her." The man says.

Inside the box, Sasha smiles to herself, "Seems that your source doesn't know that tranquillisers don't work if you have PCS in your system."

"Are there any signs of pursuit?" The man on the line says, with the vaguest hint of an accent she cannot place.

"Not at this time. Decoy vehicles report no pursuit either. We should have a clean run."The man says, thoughtfully.

Sasha bites down on the sponge in her mouth and sighs softly, thinking to herself, "That's good to hear. I would hate to go to the trouble of getting myself captured, only to get rescued before I an taken to their lair."

"How long till you arrive?"

The man checks his watch and does a few calculations, "Maybe five hours, maybe less with a tail wind."

"Not long enough for USA, maybe Eastern Europe, Northern Africa, Middle East at a push." Sasha thinks taking a deep and slow breath and then raising her heart rate slightly. "I wish I could place their accents, it sounds Eastern European, but I am not sure where."

"Will the principal remain unconscious for the journey?"

The man nods, "We dropped her with enough tranquillisers to drop an elephant. She will be out until morning. Even if she does wake up, she will be so demoralised when she realises how securely she is wrapped up, that she will be compliant."

Sasha suppresses a giggle and shakes her head, thinking, "Nope."

"Very good. Check in when you are airborne."

"Do you really think you have the assets in place to deal with her family?" the man in the van asks, concerned.

"The details are in hand, nothing will be left to chance." the man on the line days coldly. "Our defences are impregnable and our forces ready for anything, should they come for us."

The call ends with a click and the man in the van pulls his phone into a pocket in his jeans. He sighs to himself and mumbles, "I hate that guy."

Sasha lays back in the dark and quiet of the crate and takes a moment to feel every inch of her body. Her breathing is under strict control, ensuring each muscle in her body gets precisely the amount of oxygen it needs and no more. Her pulse is elevated, raising her body temperature very slightly.

"So they are going to kill me in retaliation for Edward Arno's death." Sasha thinks, shifting slightly, "They referred to him as a brother, his family perhaps? Nevertheless, I don't fancy getting killed today, or any day for that matter. Once I am on the plane, I am getting out of this crate."

In the hold of a private jet, at cruising altitude, Sasha breathes deeply, forcing oxygen to her muscles. "Mistakes were made." She thinks, imagining the man sitting on the box. "First you wrapped my arms to my sides instead of either wrapping individually, or pinning them together, before wrapping me up." She rhythmically, flexes the muscles in her arms, whilst keeping them still to mix the sheen of sweat that is gathering with the adhesive of the tape.

Sasha concentrates on her blood vessels and begins pushing the tranquilliser toxins through the pores of her body, dissolving the adhesive.

She rests for a few moments feeling the van come to a halt and hearing the rear doors open. "OK we have been on the move for less than an hour since I was taken. The general direction and rough guess on speed would make this, London-Luton Airport."

Tilting her head back, she breathes out of her nose and does a quick calculation. "My breath did take long to reflect off of the roof of the crate and hit my body. I would guess, I have about six to eight inches of clearance above my body."

She waits until the crate is laid to rest in the hold of the plane and can hear no sounds around. Slowly, she works her sweat slicked arms under the tape, to bring them under the tape to her front, "Second mistake you guys made, was assuming that bullet proof tape was enough to hold someone, without thinking about the quality of the adhesive and the technique used to apply it."

With focused effort, she works her hands up her body until her fingers emerge, where her captors stopped applying the tape, "Third mistake, you stopped wrapping under my shoulders, you really should have wrapped over the top of them." She thinks, pulling the cocoon down, freeing her arms and body."

Working the remaining tape down past her hips and her legs until she is able to pull her feet free, she focuses. With her body free, she reaches up behind her head and releases the buckles holding the mask that covers her face. "Fourth mistake, you should have locked this."

Sasha takes a moment to catch her breath and pull the sponge from her mouth. She presses her hands and knees against the crate and applies even pressure, slowly pushing the lid of the crate up, despite the nails. Shortly after, the lid pops quietly up and Sasha emerges silently into the aircrafts hold. "Fifth mistake, you assumed you had me and I would not be able to wake up or break loose."

She smiles and takes the tape out of the crate and bundles it up. "Sixth mistake, you should have put me somewhere that you could keep and eye on me."

Sasha pauses, as the aircraft shudders for a moment, sending some high packed cases tumbling.

When the aircraft settles, she moves quickly around the aircrafts hold and manages to scrounge a white t-shirt, hoodie and tracksuit bottoms, which whilst slightly too big, fit comfortably. In addition to socks and white trainers. However, it is the mobile phone which draws the biggest smile from her lips, "Number seven." She thinks, setting it to silent, before slipping it into a pocket.

"Well it appears that number eight is a Jackpot." Sasha thinks, opening and checking a large rucksack.

"We are descending." She observes, putting on the pack and securing it to her with several straps.

"Sounds like they are ready to declare war on us and pick off everyone as they attack." She thinks, "They are in for a shock."

She moves several boxes in the corner and pulls up the carpet revealing a small hatch. "Here goes hell." She thinks, pulling up the hatch and seeing the landing gear of the aircraft. "I just hope they lower the landing gear early."
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Post by Caesar73 »

Well, it seems those Guys did make one serious Mistake already: They underestimated their Prey - if they had done proper research, the would have known that Sasha is not just a Medic. They will learn soon enough that Sasah is anything but than just a doctor. Give them hell Sasha!
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]wolfman[/mention], this is suspense worthy of a Clancy or a Ludlum. What else can I say: Go, Sasha,go!
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Post by wolfman »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]GreyLord[/mention]

Thank you for your kind words gentlemen. Sasha has always been kind of a quiet one, but soon we see what a nightmare she can be for the unprepared.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by Bandit666 »

Well what can I say. Like any good book. I place this tale to one side. Allow the chapters to build up. Set aside a few hours to sit back and savour the interaction between those described within. To delight in the twists and turns that see events unfold. Some expected some not so much. And you never fail to deliver [mention]wolfman[/mention]. It’s most certainly a pleasure to read on. And long may your creativity and imagination continue.
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Post by wolfman »

Bandit666 wrote: 2 years ago To delight in the twists and turns that see events unfold. Some expected some not so much.
Welcome back [mention]Bandit666[/mention] you have been missed on the forum. Expected plot turns? We can't have that. I might have to up my game with the curveballs i throw.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by wolfman »

Sasha casts a glance up at the aircraft as it streaks away from her across the night sky. "Speaking of mistakes." She thinks tumbling through the air, in the heart of a storm.

Fighting every instinct she stills herself and stabilises her fall, dropping like a starfish. Sasha cannot stiffle the giggle, that escapes from her lips, as for the first time in so long, she feels exhilarated.

She savours the taste of the rain, the wind tearing at her clothing and the cold, making her tingle from head to toe.

She pulls the cord and waits for the crump and abrupt stop of the parachute deploying. Her heart skips, hearing the rippling of torn fabric above her head. It's shredded remnants flail in the wind above her like a deranged jellyfish, as she falls.

"Shit." She thinks making out the peaks of waves looming below her, illuminated by the lightning above.

Without a reserve chute, the pack is useless. On instinct she pops the quick release on the harness and let's it fly free. "The entry in my diary will read say, Helped Dani connect with herself, went shopping and got kidnapped. The escape started well, but didn't quite proceed as planned."

"Well it could be worse." She thinks, sadly, "Not sure how, but I am sure it could. Well, I did promise Dani nothing would keep me from my children." Exhaling slowly, she purges all thought from her mind.

She acts without thought, resting her feet on two rain drops and bending her legs at the knee absorbing the impact. before launching herself at another raindrop.

Sasha pumps her legs hard trying to keep moving and slow her descent, using the water swirling in the air around her. Hail and rain lashes down around her and thunder peels overhead, like the sound track to her charge.

Time has no meaning as she follows the aircraft, running, leaping and cavorting through the storm and skipping on the waves. Eventually, she comes to rest on the cragging rocks of an imposing island at the foot of a three hundred foot tall basalt cliff.

The man from the van, checks the aircrafts hold for the tenth time since landing and sighs to himself, pulling out his phone. "This will not be fun."

He dials a number and waits, taking a seat on a suitcase.

"Have you landed?" The voice on the line says.

"Yes, but there is a problem."

"What?" The voice is impatient.

"She has escaped. Nearest we can figure, she escaped her bonds and broke out of the crate and picked up a damaged parachute and jumped when the landing gear deployed."

"You had better be joking."

"No sir."

"Can you recover the body?"

"We had a malfunction with the landing gear and had to lower it around six miles off of the coast, in the heart of a storm. She may have jumped then. If the impact with the ocean didn't kill her, the waves will have done. She is gone." He admits, fearful about his future.

The man on the line, sighs loudly, "Without a body, there is no appeasement for Edward's death. Either find her body, or bring me another." The man on the line says, before hanging up sharply.

Josef considers taking a boat out for a moment, before ordering the captain to have the aircraft refuelled and return to the UK.

Sasha bounces from rock to rock, skipping up the cliff like the world's fastest mountain goat. She crouches on the cliff edge, waiting for someone to shout that she has been spotted.

When no shout comes, she breaks into a sprint through the lush woodland along the cliff top heading deeper into the islands interior.

She sees the lights of the airport in the distance and kneels at the crest of the hill. "This is where I was headed, question is where is this?" She ponders, her eyes sweeping the area for signs of life.

"From here the airport looks small, probably only sees one or two planes per day. Not seeing much in the way of roads around here." She observes, "There is a village, but it only seems small. There must be a larger settlement elsewhere on the island."

She looks at the trees and plants around her, and thinks to herself, "Foliage from a warmer climate, I am guessing I am in the Med somewhere. I have no idea where though."

On a hunch, she creeps closer to the village. Even with the cover of the storm she takes no chances, staying low and approaching the outskirts of the small settlement.

Ducking between outhouses and cottages, she takes shelter under the eaves of a building, next to a window. Risking a peek inside she sees the small living room of the home, lit by a small log fire. the furniture looks old but in a good state of repair.

Sasha rests back against the wall and thinks to herself, "This is so odd, the style of building is familiar, but I just can't place it."

"Snap out of it. Looking at the shade of the sky, it will be light in a couple of hours. If you are going to be nosy, now is the time." Sasha says launching herself into the air, running on raindrops through the storm climbing higher above the ground.

An extinct volcano sits at the heart of the island and Sasha sits atop the highest peak surveying the land. "OK this island is roughly twenty by ten miles, two settlements, one airport. No powerstation and every home has solar panels. Only one harbour as far as I can tell, no commercial tourist boats, military vehicles or anything larger than one of the fishing boats.."

She leans back against a rock, and shakes her head, "No powerlines, few cars to speak of." she tries to pin down the thought in the back of her mind, but knows fatigue is getting the better of her.

As the sun, peeks over the horizon she descends down the side of the volcano, heading towards the small town. She nods to herself, "I should be able to find a quiet spot to hold out for the day and come up with a plan."

On the outskirts of town, she tries the door of an old barn and nods to herself, "This will do for the day. It's dry, cool and sheltered from prying eyes. If I can lay low, they will not suspect I am here until I am ready to strike."

She creeps inside and climbs up to the top of the ladder to the hay loft and settles back. Her eyes widen in realisation, "How could I miss it. there are no mobile phone masts, satellite dishes or TV aerials." She laces her fingers together behind her head and lays back, "This place makes no sense, modern solar panels, but no modern comms."

Sasha closes her eyes for a moment, immediately seeing the faces of her baby and newly adopted daughters, dispelling all other thoughts, "I love you." She whispers in the vain hope that her words will be carried to their ears. "I will see you again." She vows, before forcing her body to sleep.

Tara chews her lip, sitting on the sofa looking at Dani, heartbroken. Dani catches her gaze and moves next to her on the sofa, putting her arm around her.

Tara shrugs the arm away and moves further down the sofa. "We should be doing something. Not just sitting here." She says with a mixture of fatigue and disappointment.

"There was no trail to follow. We had to regroup and Marshall our resources, otherwise we would be wasting our time." Dani says, gently.

With tears in her eyes, Tara turns to her, "I know you are right. but I just wish I could something to help."

"I know sweetie." Dani says moving to comfort the young woman.

Kim sits watching the exchange and feels defeated. Despite all her skill she and her sister's are powerless.

Anya and Ali fold and refold the clothing that they all purchased, just to have something to do.

Occasionally, noises from next door intrude where Jim and Carl go through the city footage from the shopping mall, carpark and surrounding area. Steve is making calls to his contacts and Kate calls some of her former colleagues.

Dani stands up decisively and addresses the girls. "There is something you can do." She pauses, seeing the girls look up at her with hope in their eyes, "Someome must have been keeping tabs on us. chances are that they knew where the cameras were and kept out of their sight. However, you may have seen them.

She looks the girls in the eyes, each in turn, as she continues, "I need you to go through your memories of the day and pick out any faces that either keep appearing or stand out for some reason."

"What if we can't find any?" Anya asks, frowning.

"This is a long shot. But, that doesn't mean it isn't worthwhile. It could be the lead we need." Dani answers gently.

Without another word, the girls lay back in their seats and close their eyes. "We should share memories, so we are all working from the same pool." Kim psis.

Tara, Anya and Ali respond as one, "Done." and they begin.

"Focus on the period between the time she walked back to the car and the time Dani called me." Nikita says, looking over Jim's shoulder.

"Prime time of day for deliveries, there are a lot of vans, in the area. I am trying to get into the police traffic camera system, to trace them all but with the amount of vehicles and data, it will not be quick." Jim says, his voice distant.

Kate hangs up the phone and interjects, "They found the guy who pulled a gun on your dad, dead in the burned out husk of his car, just outside Warford. They are covering their tracks."

Steve ends his call and thoughtfully adds, "Maerig confirms, it was no one in British Intelligence and indications are that the US and China are operating under a don't bother us and we won't bother you basis. which is something."

"That's one problem solved at least." Nikita says, thoughtfully. "I have a helicopter on standby ready to move when we have a lead."

For the next few moments everyone works in silence, before the door opens and Dani leads the girls in. All heads turn as on watching them enter. "The girls might have something." Dani says, placing a reassuring hand on Kim's shoulder.

Kim steps forward nervously, "There was a we saw twice on the way to the mall and it was pulling out as we got back to the car. We have a registration and a sketch of the driver." She passes the sketch and reg to JI'm and returns to Dani, snuggling under the crook of her arm.

"The reg doesn't exist." Jim confirms, "And yet, it was picked up by the car parks ANPR system. The sketch is a match to the driver. I can work with this."

"Can you run it through facial recognition, focus on airports, rail and ports? I have a hunch Sasha is already out of the country." Nikita asks, gently. Dani says nothing, just nods as her gut tells her the same thing.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Well, the bad Guys had an unpleasant surprise - Sasha escaped. And I do hope, when they return to the UK they are in for more surprises - of the most unpleasant sort. Sasha played this clever so far. And Kim and her Friends won´t let her down. I have the feeling their Adversaries have no Idea who they are dealing with.
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Post by GreyLord »

Running on raindrops, how very inventive and elegant, [mention]wolfman[/mention]. I don't know how you are going to proceed. Only that it will be very interesting.
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Post by wolfman »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago Well, the bad Guys had an unpleasant surprise - Sasha escaped. And I do hope, when they return to the UK they are in for more surprises - of the most unpleasant sort. Sasha played this clever so far. And Kim and her Friends won´t let her down. I have the feeling their Adversaries have no Idea who they are dealing with.
You know, I think you might be right. Both in terms of underestimating their opposition and the surprises in store.
GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago Running on raindrops, how very inventive and elegant, [mention]wolfman[/mention]. I don't know how you are going to proceed. Only that it will be very interesting.
I aim to please, she has an somewhat nebulous skill set and more will be revealed over the coming chapters

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Post by wolfman »

Sasha wakes to the familiar click-clack of a pistol's slide being pulled back. She fights the urge to leap up and slowly opens her eyes to see a a man staring down at her, with his pistol aimed at her chest, "Just far enough away to prevent me from taking him, but close enough that any shot is a kill shot."

Slowly she sits up and appraises the man, "He looks about sixty, but well maintained with neat grey hair and a dark goatee. kind but sharp eyes. Looks like some kind of police uniform. Black shirt and trousers, clip on tie and well worn coat. All neatly pressed, buttons highly polished but frayed at the cuffs. Epaulettes bear signs of rank."

He says something she cannot understand, the words possibly Eastern European, but she is unfamiliar with the language.

The officer raises an eyebrow at her apparent lack of understanding. He pauses thoughtfully, quickly looking Sasha up and down, before asking, "Do you speak English?"

Sasha slowly nods, with a softly spoken "Yes."

The officer nods, keeping his weapon trained on her, "Where are you from?"

"I got lost exploring the volcano last night and decided to stay here until the storm passed. I must have fallen asleep." Sasha answers, trying to hold his gaze whilst not staring.

Keeping his weapon on her, her retrieves two pairs of handcuffs joined with a padlock around their chains from his belt. He tosses them at her feet. "Lock your ankles and wrists together." He commands, gently.

Reluctantly, Sasha complies, first locking one pair of cuffs around her ankles, and then with difficulty locking her wrists together. "He has me cold. Whilst I am not keen on rendering myself helpless, this is my best bet until I see an opportunity." She thinks, sitting forward with her arms pulled towards her feet.

The officer strokes his chin wearily. "OK. Here's the problem, I got a call from someone walking their dog just after sunrise that someone was seen entering this barn. So you have already lied to me once."

"Shit." Sasha curses under her breath. "If I can buy five seconds, I can dislocate my thumb and get a hand free. But I have to choose my moment."

The officer rubs the back of his neck and looks her in the eye, "Let's start again. I will tell you my thoughts and you'll tell me the truth." He says, in a gentle but world weary tone.

Sasha nods her head and softly says, "OK."

"There are no English families living on this island. Which could mean that you are married to someone here. You don't wear a ring, however, you have an indent on your finger as if you recently took one off, so it is possible. You are clearly not a miner and you are about thirty years to young to be a doctor or soldier." He says in a gentle tone, "I know you are not a police officer, I am the chief of police."

"He is playing with me. He has me right where he wants me." Sasha thinks, before wondering, "Why don't I feel under threat?"

"My gut feeling is that you are a recent visitor to this island." For a moment, his expression becomes more serious, "Procedures state that if an outsider is on the island, they are a spy and should be turned over to the Monarch's office for interrogation."

Before Sasha can protest, the chief waves his hand dismissively, "Relax. I know you aren't a spy."

Sasha frowns and asks, "How do you know that?"

"Espionage is not like the movies. Spies don't have chiselled looks and sculpted physiques. They are average looking people, non descript, able to blend in. That is not you." He pauses for effect before pressing on, "Your complexion is flawless and you have an athletes physique. My guess is that you draw looks when you enter a room. If you are a spy, you are the worst spy ever."

Sasha watches confused, as he holsters his sidearm and sits on an old straw bail. "So if you are not a spy, who are you and what are you doing here?"

Sasha pauses in a moment of indecision, unable to craft a plausible lie, she opens up, "My name is Sasha Smith. My sister killed Edward Arno and I was brought here to be killed to answer for his death."

The officer regards her with a troubled look, "Your sister killed the Monarch's brother?" He exhales slowly, before continuing, "Good riddance to the bastard. That said, I should probably turn you in."

Sasha nods grimly, "Yeah." She looks up at her captors trying to read his emotions, "I won't beg. I won't scream. I won't fight. I just ask that you get word to my family."

"I am sorry Sasha, I can't do that. We have not been able to communicate with anyone off of the island since we cut ourselves off." He shrugs.

"How do you mean, you cut yourselves off? Where are we anyway?" Sasha asks, confused.

"My apologies, where are my manners, welcome to the island of Snositi. It is Croatian for bear. The last place in the country that they were seen." He explains, with a hint of pride.

Sasha subconsciously pulls against her handcuffs and comes to a realisation and blurts out, "Of course. The buildings. I knew I recognised the style." before she focuses, looking the man in the eye, "My husband and I brought his daughter on a cruise of the Croatian islands, but I don't remember Snositi."

The aging cop, smiles weakly. The expression at odds with the sadness in his eyes, "No, my dear. I don't imagine that you do." His voice trails off, softly.

They sit in awkward silence, the air heavy with tension. The only sound is the wind in the trees and grass outside.

Sasha tentatively ventures a question, to break the silence "Is everything alright?"

"Only regrets and what ifs? In life they are what kills a person's spirit." He says sadly, "So you had a cruise in Croatia?"

"Yes, the islands were wonderful." Sasha says, lost in the memory, "Hvar, Cres, Mljet and Silba, with a layover in Split."

The officer closes his eyes, holding back tears, "It has been so long. Tell me everything you saw." His lip quivers, "Please."

Sasha shrugs and decides, "If this keeps me safe from being turned over for a few more minutes, why not? Besides, it is nice to remember a better time."

Speaking gently, she begins "It was Kurt's idea. He had been driving to Croatia since about two thousand and six. He kept saying how beautiful it was and we decided to bring his daughter........"

By the time she has finished the officer looks drained and visibly shaken. "Tell me Sasha. Do you know about the war in my country?"

Sasha struggles to remember, what the man said on the tour of Split, "I think most of the fighting was over by the mid nineties, with the last conflicts in the old Yugoslavia over by the end of 2001."

The policeman leaps from the straw bail and begin punching the wall and wailing in Croatian. Sasha baulks at the sudden display of fury and worries for her own safety. She tries to shuffle back away from him but soon reaches the edge of the hay loft.

He rushes to her side and pulls her away from the edge. Without a word, he wraps his arms around her and weeps.

The keys are almost in her grasp, but she hesitates, wary of setting this man off. "I am a power house, but chained up like this, I might as well be a kitten."

He pulls back from her, with a lost look on his face, "In 1991 when the war began, people here were scared. No one knew what to do. It was brother against brother. Father against son. We were a small island and we wanted to no part of the war."

Sasha takes a moment to comprehend what he is saying. For a moment the angle of the sun into the barn makes it appear as if the lines on his face deepen. "I get the sense something bad happened here. He is ready to talk, I just need to wait "

"You must understand, we were scared. we all saw the news reports and lived in fear of the violence coming here." He pleads, exhausted, before composing himself, "That is when they came."

"Who came?" She asks, sensing the revulsion in his voice.

"Bernhard, Edward, Tamara and their personal guard. We were having a town meeting and they just strode in. The guards put a cloth sack at the end of every aisle and Bernhard and Edward walked casually onto the stage, while Tamara moved around the room. Before anyone could react, Edward ordered everyone to sit and we were instantly under his spell."

Vito pulls out a hip flask and takes a swig, "Edward addressed the crowd and commanded everyone to take a rock from the bag at the end of their aisle and throw it at the mayor. Bogdan was such a kind man. Gentle to a fault. Would always make time for people. I could almost hear his heart breaking as the community he loved turned on him so quickly. I had to clean up the mess after wards." He spits onto the floor, trying to get rid of the bad taste in his mouth.

Sasha sees the same pain in his eyes, that she saw in Dani's eyes and her heart goes out to the man as he continues, "Bernhard spoke with a soft tone that even those at the back could hear perfectly, "Now that the mayor has stepped aside, you need to decide on your future. Accept me as your ruler and this is the only horror that will visit this island." Vito spits on the floor of the barn and grimaces, "The only thing worse that the mayor's death that day, was how quickly everyone fell into line."

"He declared himself Monarch. He allowed the police to keep the peace, but any insurgency was met with force delivered by his guard. About a week later he called a town meeting. He told us that the war was getting worse and he would have to use the old ways to protect us."

"The old ways?" Sasha asks, with a nervous frown.

"Magic. His family all have the gift. Edward squandered his gift on being able to control the mind, but Bernhard mastered illusions and protection wards. That night he sacrificed a young woman and sealed us off from the world. Every year since he sacrifices another to renew the magic." The old cop, explains sadly.

"But if the island is cut off how do you survive here? There is not a lot of livestock on the island, or crops." Sasha asks, trying to make sense of everything.

"His sister Tamara, mistress of the ocean ensures that we always have enough kelp and fish to live. She also ensures that the aquifers are always full of fresh water, whilst solar panels keep the lights on." He explains, before getting a distant look in his eyes, "He promised that when the war was over, he would free us. Can you prove the war is over?"

"If I could get online, I could show you." She says, remembering the bulge in her pocket. "I have a phone in my pocket. I can get proof "

The cop weighs up the options and throws a key at her feet, "Sorry, I am still not sure if I trust you. Unlock the padlock connecting the handcuffs and show me the phone."

Sasha does as instructed, careful to make sure he can see everything she is doing and shows him the phone. "Here you go. Ahhh, do you have a name?"

"Not like a phone I have ever seen." He squints looking at the phone, dismissively. He hands it back adding, "Call me Vito."

"Thanks Vito." Sasha looks at the screen and curses inwardly, "If I can get a signal, I can use this like a computer."

"No chance of that on Snositi, transmissions do not leave the island." Vito says with a pang of regret.

Sasha sits back leaning again a wooden beam, "That is a problem." She says weakly, before remember the call the man in the van got, "Wait a moment. When they took me, someone got a phone call. Somewhere here must have a signal and be able to communicate."

"If there is somewhere in the island that could communicate, I have no idea where." Vito says, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"What about the airport?" Sasha suggests, with a shrug.

Vito frowns and stares at her, "What airport?"
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Post by Caesar73 »

That was quite the intriguing Chapter. Finally we learn more about Edwards Past. And it was hearbreaking to hear Vito´Story. So we are somewhere in the Mediterreanean - or did I get something wrong? So Sasha may have found an Ally - and there is that Tamara. I hope, Sasha is on her guard. When remember what happened to Dani in the first place?
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Post by GreyLord »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago That was quite the intriguing Chapter.
[mention]Caesar73[/mention] is a master of the understatement. This Chapter was absolutely fascinating. I will be waiting on the proverbial pins and needles for what may follow. Great work, [mention]wolfman[/mention].
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Post by wolfman »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]GreyLord[/mention]

Thank you for your kind words gentlemen.

I wanted to try something a little different and so far i am happy with the results. But feat not there will be twists and turns aplenty.
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Post by wolfman »

Vito crouches under an olive tree and stares into the middle distance at the bushes in front of him. "I am sorry Sasha, but I just don't see it."

Sasha raises her cuffed hands in exasperation, tapping the fence post before her. To Vito it appears that she is pushing against a thicket. She watches the aircraft that brought her here, taxi on the runway and line up for take off, while aircrew perform their final checks.

Her eyes meander, taking in the small air traffic control tower, hangar and other more militaristic buildings. "I swear to you. It is right there."

The officer appears crushed by the weight of his years, for just a moment. "Bernhard hid the island from the world, so I can accept he hid some areas of the island from us. But there is nothing here."

Sasha chews her lip and nods, "Can we have one more try?" She points, West along the fence only she can see, "There is an outbuilding about a hundred metres up the way. We might be able to reach through the fence and I don't know." Her voice trails off.

Vito feels a pang of sorrow for the young woman and nods, "One last try. Consider it a leap of faith."

She looks the police chief in the eye and smiles, "How about an act of faith?" She asks, raising her still handcuffed arms and jingling her ankle cuffs.

"Sorry, Sasha. I have a feeling that whilst you mean well and are a victim in all this, you are trouble in your own right." Vito says, sadly.

Sasha snorts and chuckles, "Little old me? I am the sweet one in my family."

Vito suppresses a smile, "Tell you what, if this doesn't work out. We can have breakfast back at the station and discuss our next move." Thinking to himself, "Nice to feel like a real policeman for a change. She might be nuts, but at least it is better than staring at the four walls of my office all day."

They reach the spot level with the outbuilding and Sasha looks at Vito brightly, "Anything?"

"No dear. I can only see bushes." Vito says, sadly, "We should head back to the horse."

Sasha closes on Vito flipping her hands over his head and around him, eliciting a gasp, "What are you doing?"

Sasha grits her teeth, "A leap of faith." She squeezes him tight. With a heave of her legs, she launches them both over the fence, landing out of sight behind the outbuilding.

Vito pants, wide eyed, "How the hell did you do that? We must have jumped forty feet up."

"If I decide to do something, I can. No matter how absurd or unlikely, provided I don't think about it, I can do it. The moment I start to think about it, real world rules take over." Sasha explains with a shrug, holding up her cuffs, "When I woke up and saw you. I thought about the threat you posed, preventing me from backflipping through a wall before you could shoot. Then as soon as I felt the cuffs, I knew I would not be able to escape quickly."

"So you have a little magic about you too eh?" Vito nods with a hint of admiration, before his jaw drops, "I see it. My God what else has been hidden from us?"

Sasha slips her arms over his head, to let him sneak to the corner of the building and risk a peek at the jet taking off.

Her hand darts to her pocket retrieving the phone, "YES." She cries, her voice shrouded by the noise of the planes take off. The phone has a weak signal, but a signal nonetheless.

Quickly she writes a message, "Badger, this is Guardian. Tell Dani and Niki I am so sorry for deceiving them. Please tell Tara, Kim and Liam that I love them very much. I was taken by Bernhard Arno, brother of Edward Arno to answer for his death. I am on Snositi island. Croatia. Hidden from the world, by magic. Don't ask. Trace my call. Come quickly, things are about to kick off." She reads the message twice and hits send, before calling her brother and opening up the Web browser, to download a few videos.

Feeling a wave of relief wash over her, she slumps to the ground and hangs her head. Slowly she breathes in and out, letting herself calm down.

Vito slumps down next to her and looks perplexed at the phone, putting on his glasses. He stares at the screen and looks confused until Sasha presses play. He watches in rapt fascination at the first news report covering the end of hostilities in Croatia.

Vito weeps softly as the footage plays out, muttering under his breath, "So many years. So many wasted lives. That rat bastard must pay."

Sasha cannot understand what he says, but feels his pain. She lays a gentle hand on his arm and let's him embrace her.

"Forgive an old man, this is so much to take in." Vito says, weakly.

"I understand completely." Sasha assures the man, "I am sorry that there wasn't an easier way."

Vito and Sasha's eye dart to the source of the harsh voice that interrupts the moment, "Touching." The young man dresses in black fatigues, sneers , while his two colleagues spread out to his sides. "You should not be here Chief."

"Olec you know what's been going? How could you be a part of this? What this man has done to us is barbaric." Vito says, in disbelief.

Olec scoffs, "Barbarism pays well Vito. If you weren't so principled, you could have gotten a taste."

Vito's eyes flash with anger and he jabs a finger into the air between them, "You little bastard."

"Enough." Olec barks, "On your knees. The woman too."

"No you little shit, if I die, I die on my feet." Vito says, before slowly getting to his feet and subtly dropping a handcuff key next to Sasha's hand.

Standing tall, Vito straightens his uniform and tie, before removing his glasses. He puffs out his chest and sticks out his chin in defiance.

Olec shakes his head at the old fool before him and raises his pistol in a two handed grip, taking careful aim, despite the shaking of his hands.

Olec begins to squeeze the trigger barely registering the flash of white overhead.

Sasha pivots in mid air, her somersault perfect in form. Both feet connect with the top of his skull, compressing Olec's neck and spine, severing his spinal column.

The other two men, despite their shock reach for their sidearms, but all they find in the stinging pain of a pair of handcuffs striking their temples.

Sasha somersaults strikes the disoriented man on her left, with her feet, full force in the face. As he flies back lifeless, she uses the momentum and resistance to backflip into the last man and end his story the same way.

"I knew you were trouble." Vito chuckles, in shock, before removing the mens weapons.

Sheepishly, Sasha rubs the back of her neck, "Sorry,"

"Don't be sorry, you have given this old man the chance to warn his people. Speaking of which we need to get out of here." Vito says, offering one of the men's guns to Sasha and pocketing the rest.

Sasha declines the offer and zips up her hoodie. Effortlessly, she throws Vito over her shoulder in a fireman's lift and leaps back over the fence. "Ahhh, which way to the car?" She asks, barely above a whisper. Her heart is pounding, adrenaline floods her body and her thoughts are calm, "This is me, the eye of the storm."

Jim wakes feeling groggy, he slowly reaches for his phone sensing the message and that it is ringing. He stares at rhe screen, trying to make the words on the screen make sense, before he sits bolt upright.

Natalie looks up at him, subtly pulling at the ribbons that secure her to the bed. "Mmmm?"

Jim pulls the cloth from her mouth and unties one of her wrists. "Sorry Nat. Gotta go. Sasha has made contact."

"Do what you have to do. I will be here for you whenever you need me." Natalie says, beaming a smile and sighing at the sight of his perfect tight buns, before he hides them with his boxers.

Nikita's eyes flash opening sensing the sharp shift in mood from her brother. Taking a moment to check the lifepulses of her family, she breathes slowly.

"Something's up." She thinks, pulling on a loose fitting pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She glances at the packet of cigarettes and lighter and steels herself, heading downstairs to meet Jim.

Jim reclines on the sofa wearing loose fitting slacks and an unbuttoned white shirt. He slugs back a tall glass of fresh orange juice and sends an alert out to everyone.

"Rough night?" Nikita asks, brightly.

Jim stretches his back, "She won't leave me alone, even now, with everything else going on. I swear if I didn't tie her down, she would be riding me around the house."

"Shit dude, TMI. " Nikita says, trying to get the image out of her head.

"Sorry." Jim says pouring another OJ, "To business. Sasha has made contact. She is on a Croatian island called Snositi, which she says has been hidden by magic. An island that doesn't exist. Which makes sense because I traced her call to a spot of empty sea in the Adriatic."

"Thank god. Is she OK?" Nikita asks, hopefully.

"She doesn't say, but, if she is able to send a message that is a good sign." Jim confirms, with a shrug.

"Did you get anywhere with the vehicle and face the girls provided?" Nikita asks, wondering.

"Vehicle never existed and no sightings. As far as the face goes, nothing on that...." His voice trails off and he closes his eyes, "I have a match. About an ten minutes ago, a photo was posted on social media from baggage claim in London-Luton airport. The man from the girls picture, was in the background."

"So he has returned to the country? Any news on his flight?" Nikita asks, considering the options.

"Not yet, the blokes a ghost." Jim says, shaking his head.

Nikita does a sharp about turn and heads for the front door, snatching up her leather jacket. "Where are you going?" Jim calls after her.

"To the airport. I have a flight risk to catch." Nikita says, fishing her keys out of her pocket, " They had Sasha and she appears to have escaped, maybe he is back for another of us. I am going to nip this in the bud."
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]wolfman[/mention], this is wonderful. Following my hopes, Sasha is doing well. The family is mobilized. The story proceeds extraordinarily well.
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Post by Caesar73 »

One of my favourite Moments of this Chapter: When Vito realizes Sasha has told the Truth and he has been played. Another: Sasha taking down those shifty fellows. She has not lost her touch. Back at home: It will be interessting to see if Nikita can follow through and have a go at their Adversary.
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Post by wolfman »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]GreyLord[/mention]

Thank you for your continued support and very kind words. The die is cast and i hope you really enjoy the ride that is to follow. I have a lot of twists planned but who knows where this will go.
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