Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

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Post by Caesar73 »

wolfman wrote: 2 years ago but who knows where this will go.
That is always the question ;) But have complete trust in you.
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Post by wolfman »

Sasha marvels at the way that Vito has continuously issued forth a deluge of what she can only guess are Croatian expletives, since they got on the horse, without pausing for breath.

He spurs the horse on and they pound down narrow cobbled streets barely wider than a car. Buildings equal parts baroque and Romanesque, line the streets of the small walled town. Luckily the hour is too early for many people to venture out into the early morning sun.

Vito turns to her and switches back to English, "We have to get to the station and rally the policija. The Monarch's men will find Olec and the others before long and they will be out for blood."

"I had no choice. It was them or us." Sasha mumbles, feeling a pang of regret.

"You made the right decision. Sometimes the best you can hope for it to be able to walk away." Vito says, skidding around a bend and charging hard once more, "We have to expose the lie. We can go home."

"Why do you think Bernhard kept the island hidden and lied about the war?" Sasha asks, thinking aloud.

"Who knows? I guess we will find out." Vito says, through gritting teeth, bringing the horse to a braying halt. "Follow me."

Vito hops off of the horse and strides like a man half his age towards the door of the imposing repurposed villa. Sasha falls into step behind him, stepping through the entrance into the grand foyer. She takes a moment to admire the grand reception lined with suits of armour from roman to medieval times.

The young officer on the front desk, looks up from the night's incident log and salutes, "Chief. The Monarch's office have been trying to contact you."

"They can wait. Lock the doors. All officers briefing in this foyer. Five minutes." Vito barks, not breaking his stride.

Vito kicks the door in front of front of him and barges in. Sasha follows and clicks on the light, behind them.

The Chief of Policija, snatches a Kalashnikov, from the gun rack and slams a magazine home and pulls back the bolt. nodding to himself, he grabs a set of dark blue/Grey overalls from a shelf and tosses them to Sasha wordlessly.

She sets them down, struck by how sparse this armoury is. Discarding her hooded top she dons the overalls and pulls on a pair of boots and gloves.

Vito let's the rifle's sling bear its weight, while he adds grenades to the pockets of his vest. "Take anything you need. I have a feeling it will be a long day. I am sorry that there isn't more here, Bernhard's people allow us only enough to keep the peace."

Sasha nods and pops some first aid supplies into her pockets and tucks an extendible baton into each boot. She grabs a balaclava from one of the shelves and cuts a hole in it. With deft movements, she slips on the balaclava and pulls her hair into a ponytail, through the hole in it. "Ready." She says, unsure if she believes it.

Vito nods, "Not one for guns, eh? Not that you need them from what I have seen." He takes a deep slow breath and turns to the door, "Let's go."

The assembled officers mill about in the foyer, with the same bored look. A look which vanishes as soon as Vito strides from the door and takes the steps two at a time coming to a halt halfway up the stairs.

The officers stare confused at him, as if seeing him for the first time. "Chief?" The bravest of the men ventures, "Is everything alright?"

"No, it is not." He says, slowly and deliberately, the pausing with the weight of truth heavy on his heart, "We have long talked about, what to do when the war was over. Today is the day we find out." His voice is sombre and sonorous, resonating in the large space.

"Who is the woman?" One of the men calls out.

"Her name is Sasha, her sister killed Edward Arno and the Monarch wants her dead " Vito says, drawing gasps of surprise and shock across the room.

A low but excited murmur, burbles in the foyer. Vito raises his hand for calm, when the men and women fall silent again he continues, "Thanks to this woman, I have seen evidence that the Croatian war ended in our homeland in 1995. We have been betrayed. The Monarch's and his men are complicit and they are likely coming for me and for this young woman." He indicates Sasha with an open handed gesture. "I do not intend to go without a fight. I will stand alone and you will keep the people safe and tell them the truth."

"Not a chance Chief, we stand together." One officer says, saluting, followed by other calls of ascent and salutes.

Sasha cannot understand a word of the exchange, but she senses the power in Vito's words, matched only by the loyalty in the tone of his officers. Her gaze sweeps around the room, burning their faces into her mind.

Vito feels his heart thump, bolstered by the support of his men. "Sasha can you show them what you showed me, please?”

She smiles up at him brightly and feels relieved that she downloaded the clip, loading it up and pressing play, so that all assembled can see for themselves.

In the aftermath, everyone is lost in their own thoughts burdened with duty to those they have sworn to protect, when the mood is broken by a loud hammering knock at the main doors.

The young officer who was on the front desk when Vito and Sasha arrived, peers out of a curtain and gasps, "Chief. The Monarch's men are here and there seems to be a lot of them."

Vito takes a moment to look each of the officers in the eye, before saying, "I will face them alone. They will not do anything too extreme where there are witnesses."

As he approaches the front door, Sasha moves to follow him., but he shakes his head. "There are too many of them and my people will need you."

The firm determination in his face tells her, he will not back down and she nods letting him pass.

Vito steps out of the main door of the station and cockspur the Kalashnikov in full view of the dozen or so members of the Monarch's special guard. "I hear you are looking for me."

Sunlight glints off of the polished black helmets each man wears. One of the faceless men hidden behind an impenetrable face mask, steps forward, both gloved hands raised, "Easy Chief, we don't want any trouble. We have been asked to bring you in regarding the discovery of three dead bodies."

"I see. This is a very serious matter indeed." Vito says, inscrutably, "We must act immediately, where are the bodies, I will deploy my officers to secure the crime scene and search for evidence of their killer or killers."

Sasha watches closely, appraising the Monarch's men, "They move as a unit, well trained and disciplined, body armour covering chests, leaving arms and legs exposed, state of the art gear. Whereas the local police are under equipped and whilst disciplined are out of their depth." She notes a subtle change in the speakers body language and turns tail to run up the stairs.

"That won't be necessary Chief, we have it under control." The speaker says, subtly turning his left shoulder towards Vito.

"Don't give me that sonny. The island's charter states that in matters of island security, the Monarch's guard shall be the sole authority, whereas in criminal matters, the Municipal Policija shall hold authority. A murder is a crime." Vito protests, playing with the man.

"I have my orders." The man says firmly, placing his hand on the hilt of his sidearm.

"That was a defence given at Nuremberg. Didn't cut much ice then, either." Vito says firmly. Sub consciously, he tightens his grip on his rifle, gently stroking the trigger

The moment stretches, the breeze between the buildings stills and the birds overhead, become silent.

In the end, neither man makes the first move, as the plate glass window three floors above them, explodes outwards into the street.

Vito ducks back into the doorway for cover. Whilst the soldiers break protocol and cover their heads to protect them from falling glass.

Sasha follows the glass towards the street, kicking shards of glass at the Monarch's men as she falls, slicing open the arms of four men, before she lands.

She lands with a roll, effortlessly absorbing the force and the fall, before cracking the skull of the man closest to her with a hammer blow from her fist.

The men scramble to surround the impossibly fast woman in their midst, unable to get a clear shot as she weaves between them.

One man lashes out with a fist, only to have his arm broken. Another tries to trip her as she passes and finds his hip dislocated.

The screaming, panicked men, form a circle back to back. They turn this way and that, trying to draw a bead on her. But they fail to realise that she is the eye of the storm, crouching in their centre.

Just over a second later, they collapse, screaming with either their hamstrings, or the tendons in their right arm severed by a scalpel from the police stations first aid supplies.

The police watch from inside the building, speechless at the explosive display of violence.

Sasha moves among the downed men, like a shark amid a shoal of mackerel, kicking their weapons away coming to a halt before the man who stepped forward to speak.

She seizes him by the throat and lifts him one handed, bringing his masked face level with hers. He fights the pain from his hamstrings and raises his hands to free his throat. But submits when Sasha, crushes his right with her free hand. "Today, you will be spared, to deliver a warning." She says coldly, "I am coming for the Monarch and his sister. Any member of the Monarch's guards, welding a weapon will be slaughtered. There will be no exception, mercy or quarter given."

She lowers the man back to the ground and addresses all of the men. "Remove your body armour, weapons and ammunition and leave them behind. If you attempt to attack me or anyone else, I will eviscerate you and the man next to you." She barks, drawing on the pain of being separated from her children.

Reluctantly, the men comply, peeling off their body armour and shucking their helmets and gloves. Sasha watches with a baton in each hand, ready to strike. Moving as quickly as their broken bodies and limbs are able, they build a stack of equipment and edge back from it.

"Thank you gentlemen, you may return to your base now." Sasha commands firmly.

She watches the men shambles away and only breathes a sigh of relief when they are out of sight. She jumps slightly feeling a gentle hand on her shoulder, but relaxes seeing Vito.

"I have never seen anything like that in my life." Vito says, shaking his head in disbelief.

Sasha's fingers tremble slightly, as the adrenaline begins to leave her system. "No matter how many times I do that, it is always a shock."

"Being able to do that. When it stops being a shock, you should stop doing it." Vito says, nodding.

"You are probably right there." She turns to him, with a serious look in her eyes, "Use the Monarch's guard gear to equip your people, use silver paint to spray on badge numbers to the body armour and helmets. The guard will be back in numbers and we need to be ready."

“Do we have anything approaching a plan?” Vito asks, raising an eyebrow.

“Not normally. But in this case, split your guys, half at the main entrance to the city, the rest ready to respond to incursions in the town.” Sasha says, thoughtfully.

“Sounds reasonable.” Vito says, stroking his chin, “I will lead the incursion response. There are a few good points for snipers, deadfalls and ambushes.”

“How long do you think we have?” Sasha asks, with a distant look in her eyes.

“No idea, maybe a couple of hours, maybe longer depending what their plan is.” Vito says, squinting at the sun. “Where will you be?”

“I am going to take the fight to them. But first, I need some information and I would like to gear up properly. If I can borrow a few things.” Sasha asks with a glint in her eyes.

Jim rubs his temples and stares at the data stream flowing through his mind. He smiles to himself feeling Natalie's finger gently massaging his scalp, "Thank you, my queen."

"You are most welcome after what you did for me last night." Natalie says, biting her lip. "Is everything alright?"

"Nikita is on her way to London-Luton Airport. We had a hit from the girls sketch and she is checking it out." Jim says, suddenly tired.

"I heard her say that before she left. Should I wake everyone, while you monitor things?" She asks, barely above a whisper.

"Yeah. I think that would be wise." Jim says, with a hint of sadness in his voice, focusing on the data steam and an uptick in traffic.

Natalie brightly bounces down the stairs, having rouse everyone she can find. "Everyone is on the move apart from Dani. No idea where she is."

She stops dead at the bottom of the stairs, seeing the pain and tears on Jim's face, "What’s wrong?"

Jim looks up at her stunned, "Police communications are saying that they have found Nikita's car, riddled with bullets, blood and signs of a struggle. But there is no sign of her."
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by Caesar73 »

What a cliff hanger in the End - that sounds not well ...... well done [mention]wolfman[/mention] !
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Post by GreyLord »

Powerful battle description. The forces of good scrambling against those of evil. The cliffhanger just points out that Sasha needs to cut the head off of the snake so the body can die.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by wolfman »

Sasha emerges from the Policija building, with her choice of items from the buildings collection of historical artifacts.

Atop her head, sits a classic roman helm with red plume, with a chain mail tunic covering her arms and body down to her knees,.

The gladius secured in its sheath across her back, has a comforting weight. Much like the Viking hand axe tucked into her belt.

Her footfalls are soft, despite the power in her legs, as she sprints along crowded streets. Unwilling to dodge between, towns folk, she runs along the sides of building and rooftops.

Ignoring the gasps of surprise from the streets below, at the edge of the town, she leaps off of a roof, clearing the high wall and slows her fall on leaves kicked up by the breeze until she hits the ground running.

“Vito’s people have the town covered. That said, no sense just sitting and waiting for am assault. Thanks to Vito, I have a few soft targets I can hit to keep the Monarch’s guard off balance, make them split their forces.” She thinks, thundering across the island at speeds no human can match.

“The guards who came to town, must have reported in by now.” She thinks, skipping across the surface of the only river on the island, like a stone. “Time to underline the message.”

Sasha skids to a halt, at the edge of the treeline. She crouches, watching the small guard house at the edge of Bernhard’s Estate. “If I hit them here, close to the Arno centre of power, it will force them to pull forces away from any assault on the town.”

Sasha takes a deep breath and leaps the forty feet from the treeline to the door of the small guard house. With three sharp raps, she knocks the door.

She hears the sounds of movement and weapons being readied from the other side of the door. “Sounds like they didn’t heed my warning.” A slow breath, helps her head to stop racing but she still feels that familiar pre battle tingle, “Pity.”

Her body and mind work in unison, as she leaps straight up, grabbing the eaves of the building. A split second later, the door explodes into splinters and bullets fill the space she would have occupied.

With a heave she swings into the open window and lands softly. Angry shouts fill the air from downstairs , accompanied by a crunch from the front door being kicked outwards.

She hears the man charge outside and quietly sneaks downstairs. Two men wait, poised on opposite sides of the front door looking out. With the gladius in her right hand and the axe in her left, she decapitates the two men effortlessly.

After a moment to wipe her blades clean, she sheathes them and snatches up the fallen men’s Kalashnikovs then steps out of the door.

Sasha alternates between her left and right hands and tags all of the shoulder with a three round burst. When the gun smoke clears, she is the only living soul in the clearing.

By the time the rifles she discards hit the ground, she had vanished from the scene and is on her way to her next target. Leaving a chilling message daubed in blood on the wall.

“All who bears arms in opposition, will be killed.”

Sasha stands atop a log, perfectly poised, racing down the river. She is calm and focused, considering her next target. She crouches low, as if on a stable wood floor and watches the rolling meadows and woods as she is swept past them.

The narrow river gives way to the open estuary and the speed of the water slows. Sasha takes a deep breath and dives into the water.

Beneath the waves, Sasha’s arms and legs pump like pistons, driving her towards the shore like a torpedo.

Sasha emerges from the surf and hugs the cliff as she climbs. She feels the chill of the breeze on her soaked skin out of the sun and feels exhilarated.

Like a puma she slinks over the cliffs edge keeping low. She makes a bee line for the airport, running through the canopy of the trees keeping herself out of sight.

She crouches in the upper branches of a downy oak overlooking the airport, “They really do have tanks.” She observes, making out their forms under camouflage netting behind the main hangar.

Keeping to the canopy, she leaps from tree to tree bringing herself as close as possible to the old Russian T-72’s.

Without a thought, she leaps from the tree over the fence and runs hard, sliding to a halt behind a couple of oil barrels. She closes her eyes and slows her breathing. But there are no shouts from any nearby guards.

She digs her hands into the fine almost sandy soil and smiles to herself. Moving like a wraith between the tanks, she removes all of the fuel caps and dumps several handfuls of soil into the fuel tanks. “When they start the engines will be clogged in a minute and scrape metal within two.” She thinks, with a dark smile.

Sasha pauses at the last tank hearing a noise from within. Cautiously she draws her axe and approaches the main hatch.

Flipping the head around, she wields it like a hammer and smashes the hinges with impossibly powerful blows before tearing off the hatch and tossing it aside.

The first thing she notices is a pair of fearful, tear filled eyes. The driver of the tank sits rocking back and forth in his seat, hugging himself and praying, as urine drips from his chair.

Sasha looks coldly down at him, ignoring his pleas for mercy and simply says, “You life is your own. You are not armed, you will be spared.”

The soldier genuflects and nods, whispering, “Thank you.” Between sobs, as she leaves.

“Samar, what is going on?” Bernhard asks, with concern in his voice, bursting through the door of the Villa’s operations room. The middle aged man’s dark hair greys at the temples. He wears his white shirt with the top two buttons undone. This, coupled with the dark chinos lend him an air of casual strength.

Samar turns to his employer, with furrowed brows, “Someone has hit the guard house. There are no survivors. Looks like our tanks are down, as well.” His black shirt and fatigues are all business. “That is just the start of it, we have been hit in ways large and small across the island.”

“Was it Sasha?” Bernhard asks, concerned.

The mercenary nods subtly, “No confirmation but indications are that, it was. She left several other warnings.” He pauses choosing his words carefully, “The men are rattled.”

Bernhard strokes his chin thoughtfully, “Of course they are.” He squints, looking into the middle distance, “This was a mistake. I should have accepted Edward’s death without seeking retribution, at least until we are done here.” He exhales slowly, “We were so close.”

“How would you like to proceed, sir?” Samar enquires, reluctant to interrupt his employers thoughts.

“Pull the men back to the mine. We must press deeper. Pull the locals from the mine and start blasting in earnest.” Bernhard orders.

Samar raises his eyebrows in surprise, “What of the woman?”

Bernhard wiggles his finger, “I think we are at the stage, where we shouldn’t dismiss her as just ‘the woman’. Sasha escaped from being significantly restrained. Leap from a plane with no parachuting in a storm and not only made it to shore, but contacted the chief of Policija and took him to the airport. She then took out three men by hand and then when men went to collect Vito, she took apart a twelve man assault team in under eight seconds.” He pauses rubbing the back of his neck, “I am not the fool my brother was, I will not underestimate Sasha or her siblings.”

Samar nods, grateful his employer is not still out for blood, “I will give the order. What should the men do if they encounter Sasha?”

“Lay down their weapons and don’t fight her. I know I pay well, but I don’t expect your people to throw away their lives.” He says, calmly, “She will decimate the men in moments, if they fight back. This way everyone lives and we might buy a little time. If we can finally get what we came for, she becomes an irrelevance.”

Samar nods, before adding “There is another thing sir. Josef has checked in. He is on his way back.” He let’s the point sink in for a moment, “He has Nikita Green in custody.”

Bernhard weighs the news in his mind before a smile stretches his lips, “Send word to make sure she is not harmed. When they get here we may be able to exchange her with Sasha for our lives.”

Samar nods, “Yes sir. Speaking of sisters. What about your sister sir, should we warn her to steer clear of Mrs Smith?”

“Don’t worry about Tamara. If anyone that she won’t listen to, has to give her a warning, it might as well be me.” Bernhard says, with a placating hand gesture. “She is as unpredictable as the sea she claims mastery over. I have no idea what she will do.”
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by Caesar73 »

Fascinating Chapter. Sasha in full action mode is a force to behold. Bernhard is interesting. He seems not to be such a black soul like his brother, he shows respect to Sasha and he does not underestimate her. Alas Nikita is in the Hands of the Enemy. But there is hope still. Tamara seems to be an unknown quantity. I wonder if she will so easily give in. As Bernard says: She is unpredictable.
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Post by GreyLord »

Sasha rolls onward. Nikita may be in the hands of the enemy. But we know that she is a handful. You are building tension grandly, [mention]wolfman[/mention].
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by wolfman »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago Fascinating Chapter. Sasha in full action mode is a force to behold. Bernhard is interesting. He seems not to be such a black soul like his brother, he shows respect to Sasha and he does not underestimate her. Alas Nikita is in the Hands of the Enemy. But there is hope still. Tamara seems to be an unknown quantity. I wonder if she will so easily give in. As Bernard says: She is unpredictable.
I wanted soneone a little more nuanced than my usual villains, just for a change of pace. Their are a lot of elemwnta coming together. Not just the big ones, but other more subtle ones, which have been foreshadowed for a while.
GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago Sasha rolls onward. Nikita may be in the hands of the enemy. But we know that she is a handful. You are building tension grandly, [mention]wolfman[/mention].
As you say, Nikita is a handful. But she did get captured.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by wolfman »

Sasha glides beneath the surface swimming hard, arms and legs pumping. “I spotted this yacht from the shore. It was hidden by the storm when I dropped from the plane last night.”

In the shadow of the hull, her head emerges from the water to take a breath. “This is not a cheap vessel. There is money here. This could be Bernhard’s escape route.”

Sasha launches herself from the water like a missile, chain mail and breast plate glistening in the sunlight. She lands on the deck of the sleek seventy foot yacht and waits for the sound of bulkheads doors opening, or boots on the deck. Instead all she hears is the soft waves break against the side of the yacht and the faint clink of cutlery.

She draws the gladius and softly pads towards the aft deck and the source of the sound. “This is eerie. Almost like a ghost ship.” She silently observes, noting the empty bridge and lack of any appreciable presence on the ship.

The scent of freshly cooked sea food assails her nostrils, getting stronger as she proceeds along the port side walkway, hidden on the blindside from the shore. Her stomach’s rumble betrays her presence.

The sound of cutlery being laid down, spurs her to action and she sprints along the length of the boat to confront the yacht’s lone occupant, “Don’t move.” Sasha snarls, seeing the diner.

The woman gasps, raising her hands, “Please I’m unarmed.”

“Keep your hands up. Stand slowly and push your chair back with your legs. Then step to the side of the table.” Sasha orders.

She watches the woman and sizes her up, as she moves, “Dark hair with an iridescent purple and green sheen. Smouldering deep green eyes, no make up. Toned but not athletic, natural looking but takes care of herself. Could be anywhere between twenty five and fifty.”

The woman stops and Sasha orders. “Turn to face the table, take one step back then place your hands on the table.” She watches the woman and adds commands of “Legs and arms wider apart please.” She repeats the instruction, until the woman is heavily overbalanced to the point where lifting any limb would result in her crashing face first into the table.

Sasha approaches cautiously and searches the woman with her left hand, checking the folds of her loose fitting white dress for and concealed items.

Satisfied that the woman isn’t hiding anything, she steps back, with a gentle but firm “Sit down, put your hands flat on the table.”

The woman nods her understanding and complies. She stares at Sasha with wide eyed fear, softly mumbling, “I know who you are. Please don’t kill me.”

“Well, in that case, you have me at a disadvantage. Who are you?” Sasha asks, her curiosity piqued.

“I am Tamara Arno. Please, it wasn’t my idea to bring you here. Edward deserved his fate.” Tamara pleads.

“I have no idea if she is lying.” Sasha thinks to herself, before saying, “He was your brother. Do you expect me to believe you are not upset by his death?”

Tamara closes her eyes and shallows hard, “He was a monster.” She says, her face twisting in disgust.

“If he was such a monster, why didn’t you or your brother try to stop him?” Sasha asks, unable to read the woman before her.

“Bernhard is weak and I.....” Tamara falters and softly cries.

“And you what?” Sasha asks, once Tamara’s tears subside.

Tamara wipes the tears from her cheeks and speaks, in a childlike voice, “I know from experience what he did to your sister.”

Sasha’s eyes widen in comprehension, “You mean he...?” She trails off not wanting to give the words a voice.

“Just because, I was his sister, didn’t mean that I was off limits. He abused me for years.” Tamara confesses, “He was pure evil and your sister did the world a great service.”

“OK let’s say I believe you. It doesn’t mean I trust you.” Sasha says softly.

Tamara exhales slowly, “I understand. What happens now?”

“I am going to check the rest of this boat. In the mean time, I need to make sure you aren’t in a position to be a problem for me.” Sasha says calmly, casting her gaze around the area, until her eyes fall upon a white silk robe hanging over a rail.

Tamara trembles watching Sasha slice the robe into strips and when she approaches, begins to beg, “Please, Edward used to tie me up and stuff my mouth before he made me do things for him. Please don’t do that to me.”

Sasha approaches slowly, reassuring in her tone and body language, “I need to tie you up for my safety. But I will not stuff or cover your mouth, I promise.”

Tamara feels the sincerity in the other woman and nods, slowly putting her hands behind her back and allowing her wrists to be tied palm to palm and cinched in between.

Sasha gently takes Tamara by the upper arm and guides her to her feet, before wrapping another silk band around her chest pinning her arms to her back and forcing her elbows closer when she cinched the binding between her arms and body. She leads her prisoner to a comfortable looking sofa and helps her to lay on her side before tying her ankles and thighs together with more silk.

As a final touch, she tie the last strip of cloth around Tamara’s ankles and pulls her heels towards her hands, securing the end to her wrist bindings.

“You are a lot gentler than my brother.” Tamara says, testing her bonds and finding no slack.

“Is anything pinching, or hurting?” Sasha asks, checking all of the bindings and putting a cushion under her prisoner’s head.

“No. You have done a good job. I can’t move, but I trust you enough not to hurt me.” Tamara says, blushing slightly.

“Good. I will not leave you like this any longer than I have to. You have my word.” Sasha pledges, gently squeezing her prisoners upper arm, before heading into the bowels of the ship.

After an hour of room to room searching Sasha returns to the aft deck, finding no signs of any other occupants of the boat. Tamara smiles brightly, seeing Sasha emerges from the cabin.

“Sorry, took longer than I thought it would. Are you alright?” Sasha asks, crouching at Tamara’s side and brushing a lock of hair out of her face.

“Yes thank you Sasha. I was almost ready to fall asleep.” Tamara admits, stretching as much as her bonds allow, “ A big meal followed by a lie down has that effect.”

Sasha’s stomach rumbles again, betraying her hunger. Tamara looks up at her, with a smile and says, “There is plenty of pasta left, help yourself, it might be cold but should still be nice.”

Sasha has a moment of indecision, contemplating her prisoner’s offer, before Tamara adds, “If you are worried about me turning on you while you eat, you can leave me like this for a bit longer.”

“Are you sure? I haven’t eaten since I was taken.” Sasha asks, surreptitiously eyeing up the bowl of uneaten tagliatelle and angel hair pasta, with prawns and flaked fish with a creamy sauce.

Tamara nods with a warm smile, “My brother’s men kidnapped you, the least I can do is feed you. Besides, you are much gentler than my brother. It almost feels nice , feeling so helpless, but knowing you will not hurt me.”

“Thank you, I will free you when I am done and then we will talk about what happens next.” Sasha says, scooping a generous helping of pasta onto a spare plate and taking a seat at the table.

Tamara warmly says, “It’s my favourite dish.”

“Smells amazing. What is it called?” Sasha asks, before taking a generous fork full and realising her error.

“It’s called revenge.” Tamara says coldly, as Sasha pitches face first into the bowl, unable to move.

“My brother was such a bad man. I am not a threat. I am a victim. Please don’t use your incredible abilities on little old me. I promise to behave.” She says mockingly, causing tendrils of sea water to arc over the side of the boat.

Sasha exists in a world of pain, unable to move, or stop herself from staring at Tamara, watching the tendrils shred the silken bonds of her former prisoner.

Tamara straightens the hem of her dress and runs her fingers through her hair, “Edward was such a dear sweet boy, but he was a fool. He had no idea what he was capable of. Lucky for him, he had an amazing sister.” She smiles coldly, “I helped him to understand the power he could wield and coached him in the pleasures of the flesh along the way.”

Sasha feels Tamara’s hand on her shoulder, pulling her upright in her seat and stares into her eyes, as she continues. “I was so very proud of him. He was my best student and just the best brother.” Tamara says, taking a napkin and wiping Sasha’s face clean, before grabbing her hair and forcing her face into the deep bowl of pasta and sauce, “And your sister murdered him.” She spits with malice.

The heavily seasoned sauce enters her mouth, as she breathes. Tamara yanks Sasha’s hair back, pulling her face free, “Do you like my pasta? All natural ingredients, including jellyfish tentacles with all their toxic goodness. I like the tingle on the tongue, but it is too much for some.” She giggles at the rhyme and the unintended poetry.

Tamara pulls Sasha’s chair back from the table and straddles her, cupping the helpless woman’s face in her hands, “Poor baby. So many questions.” Sasha wishes she could recoil, when Tamara leans in and begins to lick the sauce off of her face, “I am a mistress of the sea and rule as I see fit. As a bonus, I am immune to the toxins of all aquatic life. The tentacles of jellyfish inject their toxins, even if severed. Hence when you ate them, your fate was sealed.”

Sasha feels revulsion when her tormentor forces her lips apart and begins to lick and suck to sauce from her mouth. When Tamara comes up for air, she says, “This is my new favourite way to eat pasta.” She reaches back and grabs a ladle of sauce tips it into Sasha’s mouth. “I could definitely get used to this. It really is a pity that you don’t have that long.”

After what seems like a lifetime of her mouth being invaded, Tamara pauses her ministrations once more, “I am on this boat alone and you didn’t think to question why there was a spare plate.”

Sasha curses herself, “I cannot believe she played me so well, I walked right into it. How could I have missed the plate?”

“You did well to get this far. But our little dance will end here.” Tamara says climbing off of Sasha, “There are two stages to the poison. The first is a paralytic agent which cuts of your nerves ability to receive signals from the brain. However, it can still send them.” She pauses, lifting Sasha’s chain mail tunic and slipping her hand in to her underwear, to stroke her womanhood, “So you can feel me tease you.”

Sasha tries to shut out the sensation of being forcibly stimulated, then her heart feels heavy when Tamara, nibbles her ear before continuing. “The second is a nerve agent which will slowly shut down your organs one by one. Meanwhile the paralytic will slow your heart and ability to breath. Until you die.”

Sasha feels her captors fingers explore her body. “In the mean time, I will defile you and you will feel my love for my brother, as you die.” Tamara whispers, darkly.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Outstanding. Outstanding but Dark. I found the Chapters when Arto tormented Dani difficult to read. But Dani had a Chance. The Situation of Sasha seems hopeless. Who should save her with Nikita captured? I despise Tamara already.
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Post by wolfman »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago Outstanding. Outstanding but Dark. I found the Chapters when Arto tormented Dani difficult to read. But Dani had a Chance. The Situation of Sasha seems hopeless. Who should save her with Nikita captured? I despise Tamara already.
Thank you for your kind words. The situation seems dire, the pieces are set, soon we will see how things play out.
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Post by GreyLord »

wolfman wrote: 2 years ago ... The situation seems dire, the pieces are set, soon we will see how things play out.
What was it the [mention]slackywacky[/mention] said about having patience. Oh, that's right. He didn't have any. Such good writing, [mention]wolfman[/mention].
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Post by Bandit666 »

And so my statement has been proven true. More twists and turns. And even a couple I hadn’t expected lol. But once more a great read. And I nice way to return to fold for myself. Such literal delights from yourself and of course many others. Long may this last
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Post by wolfman »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago
What was it the @slackywacky said about having patience. Oh, that's right. He didn't have any. Such good writing, @wolfman.
For those that do have patience you also have my thanks. More will follow soon.
Bandit666 wrote: 2 years ago And so my statement has been proven true. More twists and turns. And even a couple I hadn’t expected lol. But once more a great read. And I nice way to return to fold for myself. Such literal delights from yourself and of course many others. Long may this last
Welsome back Bandit, it is good to see you around again. I am glad to have been abke to provide a few unexpected twists. With luck i can continue to surprise you and my other loyal readers
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Post by Caesar73 »

wolfman wrote: 2 years ago
GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago
What was it the @slackywacky said about having patience. Oh, that's right. He didn't have any. Such good writing, @wolfman.
For those that do have patience you also have my thanks. More will follow soon.

Oh Patience! I have her well spoken off :) Alas we are not well acquainted :)
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Post by wolfman »

Nikita lays back in the darkness of her confinement and sighs exploring her bonds, “Hands taped into fists, so if I extend my claws, I will slash my hands to ribbons. Arms bound together, behind my back with some ridiculously strong tape. Then wrapped from head to foot in more tape. Apart from a small hole to breath, I am completely encased.”

She tries to get comfortable, but the steel bands over her shins, thighs, waist and chest, that are screwed to the base of the crate make even the thought of it moot. “I guess they decided to take no chances when Sasha escaped.”

“The tape is so strong that if I turn my arms into tentacles, they will be pulverised, having too much mass to be contained but not enough strength to break the tape. Same for changing into a mass of insects. I could release ants two or three at a time but that would take hours and the plane is already descending.” Nikita thinks, contemplating freeing herself.

“All things considered, it could be worse I suppose.” Nikita thinks to herself with a smile, “It’s not like I am here alone.”

Dani steps from the Dead World into the toilet of the aircraft. The white NAKI suit composed of necrotic matter, hugs her like a second skin. Blades adorn her belt and back, with more tucked into her boots.

With a smile on her lips, the backpack she wears transforms into heavy duty bags, which float and swirl around her.

She takes a deep breath to centre herself and quietly opens the door.

Half of the men, don’t even have time to look up. Within a second of the door opening, each of the six men are enveloped and overwhelmed.

One of them tries to cut the bag with a combat knife and the others panic and reach for their sidearms. Neither party find success. Both blade and bullet contained within the sacks. They cease their struggles, as they feel the bags squeeze their bodies, with some necrotic fabric forcibly invading their mouths.

Dani steps over the helpless men and opens the cockpit door, to address the wide eyed flight staff. “Ignore all that happens back here. Fly the plane. Take us where you were going. Comply and their fate will not be yours.”

She turns her back on the cockpit and subtly nods to herself, “It feels good to be back.”

Nikita smiles to herself understanding what has just happened and the sense of peace in Dani’s life pulse. She allows herself to relax, comfortable that she is in safe hands.

Dani stands over the six feet long and two feet wide crate in the middle of the cabin and with powerful fingers rips the lid off. A knife floats out of its sheath and changes into screwdriver heads, guided by her will to release the bands before reforming and retuning to the knife’s sheath. “I’ve got you, babe.” She says tenderly, gently stroking her sisters head.

Dani unwraps Nikita’s head first, taking care not to damage her hair or skin. A sense of relief washes over her, when she sees Nikita’s eyes smiling back at her. “Hey you. There you are. Let's get you out of this mess.”

When her mouth is free Nikita cheekily says, “Took your time.” With a wink.

Dani raises an eyebrow and puts the tape back on her mouth. “Actually, I think I prefer you like this.”

“Mmmm!” Nikita protests, shaking her head. Dani smile and winks down at her sister removing the tape again, before beginning to unwrap her sisters body.

“I have no idea what you did to those guys but, they are slowly suffocating.” Nikita points out, as her body is unwrapped.

“Yeah, I know. They can stew for a little longer.” Dani says, pulling the tape off as quickly as she can, “Jeez, when they wrapped you up they really meant it.”

“This was a good plan, but I didn’t agree to straight up murdering people.” Nikita says warily.

“Well then you should have read the small print. Mercy is for the worthy. These men took our sister away from her daughters and newborn son. They are animals and animals get slaughtered.” Dani days coldly.

“Dani this is not the way.” Nikita says her voice tinged with horror, over the protesting moans of the men in the bags.

“Arno destroyed the part of my soul that held my compassion. If you are too weak to do what must be done, maybe you should stay wrapped up here and out of my way.” Dani says maliciously.

“Dani please don’t leave me like this.” Nikita pleads.

“Choose. Stay here and they live, or come with me and we leave bodies behind.” Dani says, coldly laying out her terms, winking and sticking her tongue out.

“Don’t make me laugh.” Nikita mouths screwing up her face, before composing herself and saying, “I will come with you.”

The men in the bags erupt into howls of protest, struggling furiously against their bags. “One condition, before you kill them, it might be wise to see if they know anything useful.” Nikita says, in a pleading tone.

The nearest bag flies towards Dani, landing at her feet. She roughly opens the bag and grabs the man by the chin in an iron grip. “Talk, or I will crush you like an anaconda’s breakfast.” Dani barks at the man.

“I will tell you anything you want to know. I didn’t sign up for this.” The man says on the verge of tears.

“What security is on the island?” Dani asks, with a sneer.

“Small municipal police force of around twenty officers with minimal equipment. The Monarch’s guard comprised of mercenaries with high end gear. Garrison of around two hundred men. Limited vehicles but they do have a couple of tanks and helicopters concealed by Bernard’s magic.” The man blurts out.

“What of Sasha?” Dani asks, dispassionately.

“She escaped before we even landed. We were over the ocean, no way she could have survived, or at least that is what we thought until our source confirmed that she had made contact.” He confesses.

“What source? What have they told you?” Dani asks, uneasily.

“We have a source I don’t know who they are. They said about the shopping trip, warned us of Nikita heading to Luton Airport and that Sasha had made contact.” He says, defeated.

“What do you know about the source?” Dani asks, lifting him painfully by his chin.

“They are close to your family. Recruited when you were first on the trail of Edward. But we don’t know who they are.” He says wishing he knew more.

Nikita gently taps the crate, just loud enough to get Dani’s attention, when Dani looks up, she mouths ,”Who is Bernhard?”

Dani looks at the man thoughtfully, "Who is Bernhard?"

“Bernhard Arno. You should know him, you killed his brother.” The man says, emboldened.

Dani’s expression doesn’t change as she flexes her mind and forces the bag to contract, “I have killed a lot of people. You would do well to remember that, unless you wish to join them. Now, answer me and remember your place.”

“I’m sorry. He is Edward’s older brother. He keeps the island hidden and Tamara keeps the populace fed. Edward provided resources to keep the island safe, until his own ambitions overwhelmed him.” The man gasps.

Dani eases the bags grip on him. She exchanges a troubled glance with Nikita and then looks back at the man “Why this island? What is so special about it?”

“I don’t know.” He says, his tone more pleading and the bag tightens, “I swear, I don’t know. Only the Arno family knows why.”

“How many others are there in the Arno family?” Dani asks, coldly.

“As far as I know, just Bernhard and Tamara.” He says, praying she believes him.

As she opens her mouth to speak a shudder runs through the plane, “What was that? It didn’t feel like turbulence.” Nikita says, beating Dani to the question.

“We’ve passed through the barrier concealing the island from the world.” He explains.

“Does that mean we will be able to see the island?” Dani asks, deep in thought.

“Yes. We use this jet to bring in supplies and reinforcements. Once you cross the barrier, you can see through all fixed illusions on the island. Saves us time, orienting new recruits.” He says, sheepishly.

The bag closes over his head once more and he tries in vain to prevent the fabric invading his mouth, before joining the other bags in the centre of the cabin.

Dani transforms the remains of her backpack into over a dozen hands which begin quickly and efficiently stripping the tape off of her confused sister. “How the hell.....?”

“I have a few new tricks.” Dani says, sheepishly.

“Damn and there is little old me. Same as ever.” Nikita says climbing out of the box freed and naked.

“Do you want some clothes?” Dani asks, averting her gaze.

“Nah, I’m guessing that we are getting off of this plane soon and clothes will only get in the way.” Nikita says with a shrug.

“Fair play. Let’s get these jokers into the cockpit then we can pop the door and get cracking.” Dani says, lifting all of the bags with her will and moving them towards the cockpit door.

“Hold up a sec.” Nikita says, moving to one of the fold down tables, “Laptop.” She opens it up and smiles, seeing that the user has not locked it and that the plane has Internet access, “Just going to drop Jim a line.”

“Good shout. I got these guys.” Dani says with a thumbs up.

Nikita types quickly, writing an encrypted message to Jim and her father, “Lioness and Angel checking in. We are on approach to Snositi, we are within the barrier concealing it from the world. Sasha not in hostile custody. Sizeable forces in opposition. Be advised they have a source close to us, who tipped them off about the shopping trip and Lioness heading to airport. Be careful, it could be anyone.” She pauses briefly, re-reading the message before adding, “If you can, deep dive Bernhard and Tamara Arno and Snositi island. There is more to this than we are aware of.” She hits send in time to see Dani slamming the cockpit door.

“Ready babe?” Dani asks, moving to the cabin door.

Nikita jogs to her side, giving a thumbs up. “Let’s go and see what mayhem Sasha has gotten herself into.”

“Glad we talked about this in the car.” Dani says, switching to Khmer.

“I am just glad you heard me leave and decided to tag along.” Nikita says also switching to Khmer before she hugs Dani, “Thanks babe.”

“No worries, I’ve always got your back. Besides, I think I need this.” She confesses, smiling distantly.

“Be strong babe. This is just another day at the office. We find Sasha, defeat opposition, get clear, go home.” Nikita says, “Do we have a plan?”

“We will get her back. I can scout the bulk of the island from the Dead World, although, I am not sure what is waiting for me there.” Dani says, thoughtfully, “If we split up we will cover more ground.”

“Sounds good to me.” Dani peers out of the window, “There is a volcano in the centre of the island and looks like a town and a village near the airport. Shall we meet at the town hall?”

“Sounds good to me.” Nikita says, nodding to the door, “Shall we?”

“Time is a ticking.” Dani nods popping the door release and launching into the air above the costal waters of the island.

They hang in the early evening air, free falling, before Dani signs “Don’t scare the locals.” and steps into the Dead World.

“That’s rich coming from you.’ Nikita thinks, before she explodes into a flock of gulls.
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Post by GreyLord »

Pins and needles, [mention]wolfman[/mention] , you have me on pins and needles. I'm so excited about the prospect of havind Dane, Nikita, and Sasha in action together. But I know that's not certain.
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

you worked your magic again :) At first you think, Nikita is stuck, then her thought "I am not alone", the way Dani takes out her opponents that´s the Dani we know. A sad moment though: Dani confesses that Arto had something inside her destroyed.

Most interessting? The Mole, who may it be? He or she will have hell to pay. Good thinking of Nikita sending the encrypted Message.

Let us hope the Sisters are on the Ground in time to safe Sasha.

Breathtaking and intimate, this update!
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Post by wolfman »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago Pins and needles, @wolfman , you have me on pins and needles. I'm so excited about the prospect of havind Dane, Nikita, and Sasha in action together. But I know that's not certain.
Up until this part of the story, i have held back with everyone including Dani, it may be tine to unleash their full potential. As for seeing them in action together, i wont spoil the surprise.
Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago Well
you worked your magic again :) At first you think, Nikita is stuck, then her thought "I am not alone", the way Dani takes out her opponents that´s the Dani we know. A sad moment though: Dani confesses that Arto had something inside her destroyed.

Most interessting? The Mole, who may it be? He or she will have hell to pay. Good thinking of Nikita sending the encrypted Message.

Let us hope the Sisters are on the Ground in time to safe Sasha.

Breathtaking and intimate, this update!
Dani is still recovering from her ordeal with Edward, she is capable but she is still human. It just made sense to have her shadow Nikita, plan in the car and free her on the plane.

As for the mole, time will tell.

On another note i am curious to hear from readers new and old, who is your favourite character? If you cant choose one, maybe top three and why?
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Post by wolfman »

Tamara climbs off of Sasha and plants a kiss on her forehead. “Don’t worry baby. I am not going far.” She says, coldly.

She turns on her heel and strides to the sofa, making a show of removing her dress, with her back turned to a victim who cannot look away, “Just like I taught Edward. Reinforce powerlessness.”

When the dress falls to the floor, it reveals a body covered in flawless skin and breasts of a woman twenty years her junior.

She turns back to Sasha, with mock sympathy in her eyes, “Poor baby.” She whispers, wiping away a drop of blood from under her victims nose. “Looks like the neurotoxins are already breaking your insides down.”

Sasha can do nothing, except stare straight ahead, as Tamara rubs her breasts against her cheeks.

“Do they feel good, baby?” Tamara mocks, pressing them hard into Sasha’s face, robbing her of air.

She one again straddles Sasha and perches herself on her lap. She embraces the helpless woman close and nuzzles her neck, showering her neck with kisses. Pausing for breath she sighs, “Pity you haven’t got long left. If you were alive to see the Black King, I would have loved to celebrate with you.”

“So they are looking for some one or something called the Black King. This is a small island, so it is unlikely to be one of the populace. I think I have everything out of her short of a full interrogation. Time to sort her out.” Sasha is aware of everything around her, but her focus is elsewhere. “She has no idea of the extent of control I have over my body.”

In her mind she visualises the toxins in her body being pushed away from her nervous system and back into her blood stream. “So if it is not a member of the populace, it must be hidden or small.”

With her face free from Tamara’s breasts for a moment, she takes a slow breath and forces the toxins to come together in a capillary in her nose, then freely leave her body. “No, that makes no sense, with thermal gear and strict search protocol they could have catalogued every rock, plant and animal on the island in around five years, let alone twenty five years.”

Sasha ignores the sensation, as Tamara grinds her body against hers, heedless of the blood dripping from her victims nose. “Vito mentioned miners. Maybe the mine had something to do with it. If it is buried deep.”

Sasha blinks and then she smiles, as she thinks, “Sometimes it pays to get captured so that you can trick your captors into revealing their secrets, to a so called defeated foe.”

“Oh you like that do you?” Tamara says, seeing the smile but not understanding what it means.

Tamara stands over Sasha and bends down to kiss her forehead in contempt. Sasha grins at Tamara and winks.

With a steel-like grip Sasha clamps her hands either side of Tamara’s head and pulls hard, slamming her victims face into her forehead, twice.

Tamara reels back, stunned. Sasha catches her with a hand behind her neck and delivers two more punishing blows to Tamara’s temple and face.

Sasha slams Tamara face first into the ground with contempt, delivering a swift kick to the head, “Should have killed me while you had a chance love.” She whispers on the breeze.

“That’s not possible.” Tamara says, skidding to a halt with fire in her eyes and blood dripping from her broken nose.

The gladius has a comforting weight in Sasha’s right hand. “In the case of my family and I, you need to rethink what is possible.”

“We’ll see.” Tamara hisses as two sea water tentacles reach from the sea into the boat. The ribbons of water lunge at Sasha, smashing into the deck with pelagic fury when she leaps over them.

Tamara retreats and sweeps her arms back. The sea water tentacles, coil around her like snakes ready to strike.

Sasha takes a step back and draws the axe with her left hand. Slowly she swings the two weapons, appreciating their heft and balance. “Why don’t you try taking me on, without poisoning me first?”

“I preferred you paralysed and half dead.” Tamara snarls, lashing out with a tentacles.

Sasha lashes out with the sword, but it passes through the tentacle which reforms as soon as the blade passes through it, without fully bisecting it. “Not wide enough.”

Tamara smiles darkly, “There is nothing you can do to stop them. I am coming for you.”

Sasha ducks, weaves and sidesteps a flurry of strikes with ease. She stands back with a raised eyebrow, “I’m waiting.”

Tamara screeches like a banshee and over a dozen more water snakes spring from the sea and coil around her.

Sasha watches the movement of the snakes noting that there are no gaps between them, through which to strike her foe. Tamara’s smile drips with malice as she mockingly says, “Should have killed me when you had the chance love.”

Sasha back flipping away, landing behind the sofa and sends the two seater careening across the room with a massive kick, causing Tamara’s snakes to swarm down to protect her legs.

The sofa splinters, with the impact of the snakes and their tearing and ripping. Tamara looks up from the ruined furniture, “Is that the best you’ve g......”

The quip is ended with a high speed flying knee strike to the chest. Tamara flies backwards through her snakes as the orbit her turning them to puddles. “It appears that when the snakes strike, they conduct the crushing forces of the oceans depths, but have no tensile strength to hold or stop objects.” Sasha muses, leaping forward.

Sasha lands atop her foe and delivers four powerful hammer blows. She looks down at her vanquished foe and checks her pulse.

Sheathing her weapons, she climbs off of Tamara and stands, head bowed for a moment.

She is aware of everything in this instant. The gentle sea breeze in her hair, the sound of gulls in the distance and the gentle lapping of the waves, the creak of the boats rigging, the soft breathing of her fallen foe.

With inhuman speed she moves, heading below deck for some items she found during her earlier search.

“What the hell happened?” Tamara asks herself, as she drifts back to consciousness.

She feels herself gently rocking as if on a ship, but somehow not. “This feels so strange.” She thinks to herself.

She feels fabric pressing in on her from all sides. She tries to move it causes her whole body to rock. “What is going on?”

Reaching up, she finds her movements limited by the fabric around her. She touches her face and winces, not needing to see her face to imagine the heavy bruises, or the dried blood around her mouth and chin. As she touches the injuries on her face, she sees flashes of the fight, “That bitch. What has she done?”

With probing fingers she explores the limits of her confinement. “I am in some kind of sack.” She inhales through her nose , seeking clues of her predicament, “This smells like. Oh my God. I am in a laundry bag.”

Sasha spreads out the blanket, in the shadow of an rocky overhang. She takes a deep breath and leans back against a rock to appreciate the view.

At this time of day the inside of the caldera of the island volcano is a complex interplay of light and shadow. Laid out before her the caldera of the extinct volcano is both sun blasted and shaded by degrees.

She takes a moment to lay out a loaf of bread and a selection of cheeses, that she purloined from the yacht, with a bunch of grapes.

“Nothing beats a little cheese board after a hard day.”, she thinks, pulling a bottle of wine and a glass from the bag, “Although, a chilled crisp white, comes a close second.”

Taking her time she savours the deep salty flavour of the cheese, the sweetness of the grapes and the crisp wine, using the bread as a pallet cleanser.

She lays back, propping herself up on her elbows after her meal. She let’s her gaze, trace a path along the length of the cable she has secured across the length of the caldera. She smiles to herself when her gaze rests upon the slightly bobbing laundry bag at the centre of the line, over a hundred metres above the jagged rocks beneath.

Sasha slips the gladius from its sheath and picks up a shard of flint. With slow strokes she draws the stone down the blade of her weapon in a mantra like a moving meditation.

She breathes slow and focuses on each muscle and nerve cluster in turn, forcing any lactic acid into her blood stream and processing it out of her system.

When the gladius is sharpened to a razors edge, she draws the axe, to continue her mantra.

She turns her focus inwards once more, accelerating her replenishment of adrenaline, endorphins and readying her body for anything.

With a slow exhalation of breath, she opens her eyes. Flipping to her feet, the axe returns to her belt as sharp as her senses.

Sasha pulls a large meat cleaver from the bag, slowly grinding its blade. “Always nice to have a back up.” She smiles to herself remembering her father’s words, “If you don’t have a back up, you don’t have a plan.”

She stretches for a moment and looks out across the caldera. “I am not sure I have either a plan or a backup of any real note. Take everyone out and go home. If I fail Hopefully, either Niki or Dani stops these goons, before anyone else is hurt.”

With a fresh flint she resumes the sharpening of the cleaver, whilst getting a feel for its weight and balance. Her eyes wander to the bag, gently rocking above the caldera. “I am also not above trading her life for the safety of those who are dearest to me.”

She blows the dust off of the razor edges cleaver and twirls it, appreciating its heft, “If Tamara manages to create more water snakes, this should be wide enough to bisect them.”

Sasha flips to her feet and dusts herself off. With great care she returns the remains of the cheese and bread to the back with the neatly folded blanket.

With the bag slung over her shoulder, she walks the caldera, picking up flakes of volcanic glass, some as thin as a human hair, placing them carefully into a pocket in the side of the bag.

Her ears prick up and she leaps into the rim of the caldera, hearing the approaching jet engine. “That jet could be bringing in reinforcements for the Monarch. I think it is time to get on the move.”
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Post by Caesar73 »

Dear @wolfman you made me almost speechless :) The solution you found for Sahsa escaping Tamara was as simple as elegant. And Sasha kicking Tamaras Ass was the icing on the cake. The fighting sequence was breathtaking. Nice idea stowing Tamara into a laundry bag.

A good counter point: Seeing Sasha relaxing after the Fight having a simple meal.

And the End, the plane arriving. That this plane brings reinforcements is true, but Sasha does not kno yet, that her Sisters are on the way!
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] analyzed your last chapter beautifully. I will just say that your wonderful story sweeps me along for the ride almost breathlessly. Fantastic writing. Thank you, [mention]wolfman[/mention].
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Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by wolfman »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]GreyLord[/mention]

That you for your very kind words gentlemen. I hinted earlier that Sasha has profound control over her body, this chapter for me highlights the precision of that control

She is highly capable and has chosen to stick to the background to focus on her life and now she has a reason to step out of the shadows. There is a lot more to see from her.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by wolfman »

Unlike other times when Dani has entered the Dead World, where all is calm, a maelstrom engulfs the island. The landscape of the island is seen, but the sky is a roiling black malignant mass, spewing forth lightning and ribbons of tornadoes.

Dani descends, feeling her hackles rise. “Something is here.” She feels, with an unbidden thought. “I don’t know who, what or where, but I am not alone.”

She dives and banks wildly, evading strikes of lightning that seem to be centring on her. “This is like a horror movie. The thunder sounds like the cracking of bones and the tornadoes sound like screams.” She observes, feeling her confidence shaken.

Dani swoops low, taking to the streets, as a line of strikes stitch the ground in her wake. Lightning strikes all around her and windows explode showering her with glass that doesn’t exist. She pulls up sharply as a column of rock shoots up from the ground in her path.

“What the hell is going on here? It is like a war zone.” Dani thinks, as she is buffeted by force from approaching tornadoes. She casts a glance at the clouds and sees a mass of contorted and interwoven souls.

“This is nuts, no way I will be able to scout the island like this.” Dani narrowly dodges a strike and into a building seeking refuge.

The walls of the small town house shake as, lightning strikes thunder into the roof. All goes quiet for a moment and the cracks of the strikes are replaced by the screaming roar of the tornado engulfing the building.

Dani sighs, “This is going to be a problem.” She calls necrotic matter around her, sealing herself in a suit of thick armour, which flexes as freely as her own limbs. “I have never seen a formation of souls like this. I am worried about getting caught up in the weave.”

She blasts through the roof, streaking upwards through the heart of the tornado. “I need to get above the maelstrom and see what I am dealing with.”

Winds buffet her as she ascends. Wisps of hands reach for her from the walls of the tornado, trying in vain to stymy her progress.

At the apex of the tornado she hits the cloud, with a thud. The tightly woven mass of souls refuses to yield without a fight. Mustering all of her will she separates the two souls closest to her and squeezes into the space created, before working on the next pair.

It takes all of her will to prevent the armour from being torn from her body by the countless ghostly hands that assail her and pull her deeper into the storm, “This will not be my finest hour.”

Sasha kicks in the main doors of the Monarch’s villa and crosses the threshold, unbidden. She frowns, thinking “Why is it so quiet?”

She switches the laundry bag onto her left shoulder and draws the gladius, drawing moans from the bag.

She runs at a sprint, searching the villa from room to room, with a growing sense of disquiet, “This is eerie.” She thinks, discovering that she is alone in the massive house

Sasha becomes aware of the weight of the bag of the shoulder. “Tempting as it is to keep her in the bag, it is not practical. I think it is time for us to part ways, but I need to keep her out of the way for a bit longer.”

She walks back through the house, letting her gaze wander. Picking up a fire extinguisher, she carries it loosely in her right hand, having sheathed the sword.

Unmolested, she makes her way through the villa, from the well stocked kitchens to the opulent parlours and staterooms.

Moving like a wraith, past the gym and dance studio, she heads to the master bedroom. “This is the largest bedroom, so I am guessing it is Bernhard’s. I will leave this Harridan here and she will be found soon enough.”

Without ceremony she dumps the bag on the floor then takes a seat on the large antique trunk at the foot of the bed. She stares coldly, watching Tamara force the bag open and crawl out on all fours.

Sasha winces seeing the massive bruising to Tamara’s face, but any sympathy drains away, as soon as the woman opens her mouth, “You bitch, how dare you treat me like this? Don’t you realise who you are dealing with?”

Faster than the woman on the floor can see, Sasha moves across the room grabbing her around the neck and putting the nozzle of the fire extinguisher in her mouth. “If I pull the trigger on this, carbon dioxide will fill your lungs, force the oxygen from your blood and freeze your windpipe.” She pauses for effect, “Make no mistake, I have no problem ending you. But if you don’t give me a reason to, I will let you live.”

Tamara glares at Sasha, but nods her understanding. She flexes her jaw as the nozzle is pulled from her mouth.

Sasha returns to her seat and sets the extinguisher on the trunk beside her. “Now that we have an understanding. I want some answers.”

Tamara twists herself to sit on the floor and looks Sasha in the eye, “What do you want to know?”

“Tell me about the Black King.” Sasha asks, coldly.

Tamara closes her eyes and berates herself for letting it slip. “You caught that eh?” Tamara says, the feels a chill from the look Sasha gives in response, “He was the ruler of this island in the thirteenth century. After a lot of searching we found his body.”

“Why have you been looking for him?” Sasha asks, with a hint of impatience creeping into her voice.

“We are his last descendants and it is our duty to lay him to rest properly.” Tamara says, trying to appear nonchalant.

Sasha leaps across the room and nails Tamara with finger strikes to several nerve clusters before back flipping and returning to her seat. “Do not test me Tamara. When I ask you something, tell me without holding back, or your suffering will know no bounds before you die.”

Tamara twitches on the floor, her body riven with pain, unable to move. Sasha slowly rises from hear seat and saunters over to the agonised woman on the floor. She looks into the tearfully eyes of the helpless blubbering mess on the floor. Sasha pinches Tamara’s shoulder between her neck and collar bone and jams a thumb under her ribs. “Talk.” She commands, simply.

Tamara looks at Sasha as if seeing her for the first time. “I will do anything you want, please don’t do that again.” She feels the weight of Sasha’s gaze, like the press of the oceans she controls pressing down upon her.

“Timor Arno, was born in the thirteenth century. The legends say he could talk and read before he could walk. The truth is that, he drew the spirits of the dead to himself and consumed them, gaining their knowledge and power.” Tamara explains, then bows her head reverentially, “That is how his power began to manifest. By the time he was five, he had consumed enough souls, to be able to speak a dozen languages, ride a horse and wield a sword.”

“Sounds similar to Niki and Dani’s abilities, but more focused on skill retention.” Sasha thinks, as Tamara continues.

“He moved across Europe slowly building his power until the day of his twenty first birthday. Timor celebrated at the Vatican, claiming the souls of scholars and holy men. His spiritual power was like a river, flowing through him and shaping the lands around him. Wherever he went, local militia rose up to stop him, but only succeeded in adding to his power.” Her voice raises, building to a fervour, “He waged a one man campaign, cutting a swathe across the world, with an army of the dead, until one day he just disappeared.”

Sasha thoughtfully considers the tale she has just been spun, before asking, “So what happened ro him then? Why did he stop?”

“No one knows for sure, the commonly held belief is that, he was killed in a great battle and he was buried where he could never be found.”

“What do you believe?” Sasha asks, detecting a hint of scepticism.

Tamara purses her lips and in a faint smile, “I think that he saw a glimpse of the future and decided to lay in wait to greet it.”

“Hence the mining operation. You are digging deep to find him.” Sasha offers, watching the other woman closely.

“Correct. And we are...” Tamara’s voice trails off.

Sasha sits forward and raises an eyebrow, “And what?” She demands.

“And we are so close, I can almost smell him.” Tamara says, darkly. “When we find him, your days are numbered.”

“Are you sure about that? I still have you as a bargaining chip.” Sasha says calmly, “Besides, I have a few tricks up my sleeve.”

“You might think you have me, but Bernhard’s men have Nikita and she is on her way here now.” Tamara gloats

“Well the best resolution would be to take out Bernhard’s forces and stop Timor being found.” Sasha says, with a shrug, “I can collapse a mine shift.”

“You can but you won’t, you might hurt or kill the miners.” Tamara says, “And what would you do with me, in the mean time. Before you say kill me, you are not a murderer.”

Sasha purses her lips a smiles with a twitch of her nose, “Don’t worry, dear. I have something special in mind for you.”

Before Tamara can respond, the younger woman leaps across the gap between them, with a precise strike to the temple.

“I need to get her secured quickly and get moving.” She thinks, hearing the distant approach of a jet to the island.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by GreyLord »

You are giving us more glimpses of the foe's capabilities, [mention]wolfman[/mention], and it is daunting indeed. But our team is battle hardened as well. No insight, as yet, as to the identity of the mole. We see the handicap of morality. Rationality says Tamara should be dispatched. Your story remains a great read.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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