Tale of an Archer (M+/F+ F+/F+ F/M m/f f/f), Chapter 38 - Aftermath and Epilogue - 11/24/2022 - Complete

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Tale of an Archer (M+/F+ F+/F+ F/M m/f f/f), Chapter 38 - Aftermath and Epilogue - 11/24/2022 - Complete

Post by GreyLord »

    [mention]TayDay95[/mention], [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]wolfman[/mention], [mention]Beaumains[/mention], [mention]slackywacky[/mention], [mention]banshee[/mention], [mention]NotSeen[/mention], [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention], [mention]tickletied84[/mention], [mention]Boundcurious[/mention], [mention]Nainur[/mention], [mention]RopeBunny[/mention], [mention]Damsel-Dilara-Dee[/mention], [mention]Jake78045[/mention], and [mention]Bandit666[/mention]

    You have posted comments on my last story. That is appreciated very much. Please continue to tell me what you think about Tale of an Archer. If you would like your tag removed from this list, send me a PM to that effect.

    This story is set in the time frame of the Argonaut and the early Colony days when contact with Earth is lost. It is based on a role play with [mention]Nainur[/mention]. Much of the concept and the dialog is due to him. Any mistakes or errors, however, are solely my responsibility.


    Chapter 1, The Archers arrive on Newhome, 05/21/2022
    By @GreyLord and @Nainur

    The engine of the ship colonization vessel Destiny thundered in the early morning air of the planet Newhome near the colony town of Kennedy. It would be landing at the designated spaceport several kilometers outside of Kennedy in minutes. Destiny was the third colonization vessel to land on Newhome. Its arrival was some three months after the arrival of the first colony ship, Earth's Hope.

    It was a time of excitement for the colonists. Each new arrival expanded their security with additional personnel, equipment, and supplies from Earth. A primary goal was to become self-sufficient as quickly as possible. The colony plan called for that to happen early in the third year after the landing of Earth's Hope. Thirty of the transport ships would have arrived, each carrying one thousand twenty-four new colonists. By the third year, the Colony should be able to manufacture anything that Earth could manufacture.

    Our story will be about two passengers on the Destiny, Jordan and Maddie Archer. Jordan was a mechanical engineer by training with a minor in civil engineering. He was a specialist in using automated machinery for the milling of wood and metal devices. Jordan had taken a five-year degree at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), acquiring knowledge of geology, mining, and forestry in addition to his engineering major. He had aimed for the stars from his earliest recollection and applied for a birth on a colony ship even before starting engineering school. The Earth Space Force (ESP) took an early interest in Jordan Archer and guided him in his academic development and summer employment that extended his education.

    In his fourth year at MIT, he met Maddie, a junior computer science major. They fell In love, and Maddie also applied to become a colonist. Unknown to either Jordan or Maddie, Dr. Fred Kennedy, a senior ESP official, had carefully orchestrated their meeting. They were married during Jordan's fifth year at MIT and Maddie's senior year.

    Newhome was forty-eight light-years from Earth, and it took the Destiny over six years accelerating and decelerating at a force exceeding one Earth gravity force, g, to reach Newhome. This time was in Destiny's time frame. To an observer on Newhome or on Earth, the trip required forty-nine and a half years because the Destiny traveled at near light speed for most of the trip. The colonist spent those forty-nine and a half years in suspended animation, encased in sleep pods. Had they been awake, they would have observed six years passing by because of relativistic time compression.

    Jordan first became aware that machines massaged him and moved his arms and legs. He was tingling all over and was very thirsty. It took him a minute or two to form a coherent sound asking, "Water?"

    He was immediately scooped up to a seated position, the table he had been lying on reconfigured to a seat. Machines presented a small tube to his lips. After putting a suction on the tube, it gave him cool water. After a few swallows, the tube withdrew, and a voice told him he could have more in a few minutes.

    His next thought was of Maddie. He asked, “Where is Maddie?”

    The voice said, "On the table to your right. Turn your head, and you can see her." He did.

    “Maddie, are you alright?" he asked.

    “Yes, Jordan, I'm fine. They will help me stand up in a few minutes, and I will come to you. You sound like you are okay. Are you?"

    “Now that I know you are good, I am good too.”

    The ship's robots, or bots as they were called, continued helping the Archers regain their equilibrium and get dressed. The bots fed the Archers their first meal, a high energy jello-like concoction. Then the bots escorted them to a hatch where a lift lowered them to the ground. A delegation of Colonists awaited them. The spokesperson for the Colonists said, "You must be Jordan and Maddie Archer. Welcome to Newhome. We have a ride that will take you to your quarters. Your partner, Magnus Johansson, will guide you and answer any questions that you might have."

    Magnus was a burly man, some 180 cm in height, with black hair and a full bushy black beard. He greeted the Archers profusely and shepherded them to a waiting vehicle. “I am happy that you are safely on Newhome. You will find that there are some things that you will have to get used to here. Our day is longer than a day on Earth, 25.61 Earth hours. We have found it convenient to keep a twenty-four-hour day by making the Newhome hour a little longer. The Newhome month and year is also longer than their Earth counterparts. A month here is thirty-three days, and twelve of these months make a year almost exactly. We only need a leap year every twenty years.

    “But enough of these dry statistics. When we get to your quarters, there will be a computer tablet for each of you with all of that kind of information. You can read there about the natives. It also has a lot of written material, such as the reports written by Lou and Buzz Harriman, the first arrivals here from Earth. And, there are some forms and contracts to sign for you to take possession of your quarters, the workshop and store, and for our business arrangements.

    “Do you have any questions you would like to ask me?"

    Jordan responded, “You said, natives. I thought we were coming to an uninhabited planet. What does this mean for us?"

    Magnus answered, “We are still trying to figure that out. They are human, which is a complication. Again, you can read about that on your tablets.”

    Jordan continued, "Do we need to do anything to get our equipment and supplies offloaded and brought to the workshop?"

    Magnus said, “No, the Colony Artificial Intelligence verified that everything arrived with the Destiny AI. Robots will handle the offloading and moving of your stuff. Your personal things should get to your quarters within a few hours.

    “You will tire quickly for the next few days. That is just an effect of the suspended animation. But you have been in a higher acceleration than Newhome's gravity field, so it should not take you long to feel really good. Just take it easy for the next few days."

    “Ah, we are pulling into Kennedy now. It's in a state of continual construction. Its name, you might have guessed, comes from the old NASA facility in Florida, USA, although some thought it might have been named for Dr. Fred Kennedy, the President of the University of Newhome. I expect that the name does come from Cape Kennedy."

    The buildings of Kennedy were not fancy but were first-rate construction. Having intelligent bots for labor did have a lot of advantages. Although there was very little traffic, the streets were broad and had spacious sidewalks. The Colonists were building Kennedy for the future. With the arrival of the Destiny, the Colony's population would be just over three thousand. The Colonists were establishing farms and ranches, some at a considerable distance from Kennedy.

    “For now, the only standalone dwelling in Kennedy belongs to Admiral Houston, the Colony governor," Magnus informed the Archers. "Your quarters are above average by being on the ground floor and having a private garden for your enjoyment. The architecture of the building gives you privacy in your garden. The construction damps out vibrations very well, so you will have quiet in your quarters. I have taken the liberty of stocking a few days' food supply for you in the kitchen so you won't feel pressured to go shopping for the next few days."

    Maddie said, “Thank you, Magnus. That was very kind of you.”

    “Here we are," Magnus said as the vehicle pulled to the curb in front of a welcoming-looking three-story building. "Good locks, like good fences, make good neighbors, paraphrasing Robert Frost. The doorknobs will recognize your hand and fingerprints."

    They walked up to the front door, and Jordan turned the doorknob, opening the building for them. Magnus informed them, "This building faces south. Your apartment is on the east side of the building, giving you the morning sun.”

    Maddie led the way to the apartment door and tried her hand at opening it. The door opened smoothly to her touch, and they walked into the apartment. The promised tablets were waiting on a table with a stack of papers. Magnus said, "I suggest that we get the paperwork out of the way, and I can leave you on your own. You may want to use the cafeteria for dinner tonight instead of cooking. Just tell the apartment AI what you want, and it will arrange transportation or whatever you might need. And it can connect you to anyone else in the Colony.”

    “Jordan, Maddie, it has been a pleasure to meet you. Unless you need me for something further at the moment, I will leave you to get reacquainted. After all, it has been more than six years since you have seen each other.

    After Magnus left, Jordan and Maddie embraced. Jordan said, "Maddie, it doesn't feel like six years. It feels like yesterday that I was telling you goodbye as we crawled into the sleep pods. It would be good to take a short walk around outside. But only if you are up to it."

    “You are right. It feels like a night's sleep. But yes, I would love to take a walk with you. Jordan, I don't know why, but Magnus gives me the creeps. Let's be careful around him, okay? AI, how far is it to the cafeteria? Can we walk there?"

    The apartment AI responded, "It should be an easy walk for you. I'll show you the Kennedy map on the wall monitor. You see where we are?" They saw the pointer on the monitor indicating their building. "And here is the cafeteria. Tell me, and I will send transportation if you tire, which is possible since you are just out of the sleep pods."

    Maddie asked, “How would we tell you when we are not in the apartment? And, by-the-way, what is your name/”

    The AI responded, "You have embedded communications links in your bodies now. I will hear you anywhere in Kennedy. No one has given me a name, Maddie."

    “Then can I name you, Jeeves?”

    “Why yes, Maddie. That is a very appropriate name from old Earth British fiction by P. G. Wodehouse. Thank you very much. I am Jeeves.”

    Jordan said, “Thank you, Jeeves. Ready, Maddie?”

    Arm in arm, they slowly walked up the street, breathing the different air of Newhome. At the cafeteria, they received friendly smiles but were left alone. Everyone knew they needed time to acclimate to Newhome. Leaving the diner, Maddie said, "I do feel tired, but I think we should walk back to our apartment. Are you up to it, Jordan?"

    “Yes, I am.” They strolled back and entered their new home again without incident.

    “I’m ready for a shower,” said Maddie. “Look, our trunks are here. I can even get a pair of my sweats to sleep in.”

    “You go right ahead. I will be right behind you." Jordan helped Maddie open a couple of trunks until she found the sweatsuit she wanted. Then she was off the to the bathroom. When she came out, she looked and smelled terrific. Jordan hugged her and led her to their bed.

    “Would you hand me my tablet? I will read while you take your shower.”

    Jordan retrieved Maddie's tablet for her and went into the bathroom. He saw that he had a choice of a shower or a tub bath. He thought, "I'm essentially clean already. Soaking in a hot tub will feel good."

    Half an hour later, he emerged to find Maddie engrossed in her tablet as he climbed into bed beside her. “Jordan, you need to read these reports from Lou Harriman. You won’t believe the things that happened to her. And the practices of the natives are astounding! The men actually practice tying up their women. And the women seem to like it!"

    Maddie was excited about Lou's exploits, "Lou was captured by a tribe but won them over. She calls them Bandits."

    “Maddie, as tired as you are, you are practically bouncing. Is it the fact that we will have human neighbors that we did not expect that has you so excited? Or is it the thought of the men tying up their women? You do continue to surprise me."

    “That's my job as your wife, isn't it? But yes, the thought of you tying me up is strangely exciting. You know I have always loved having your hands on my body." Maddie put the tablet on the bedside table and told Jeeves to turn out the lights. They turned to each other and held each other tightly. "We are both much too tired for sex tonight. Sometimes soon, I would like for you to tie me. The thought of your hands on me with me completely helpless is very exciting, and I want to try it. Does it bother you that I think that?"

    "No, Maddie. I think that would be exciting to try too. What is Lou doing now.”

    “She is working to organize the natives. She wants to preserve as much of their culture as possible. History is against her, unfortunately. Goodnight, love."

    “Goodnight, dear.”
    Last edited by GreyLord 11 months ago, edited 46 times in total.
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    The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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    Post by Caesar73 »

    You did it again [mention]GreyLord[/mention] - working your magic. The first Chapter sets the stage nicely: Enter: The Archers, so we are going bacck in time. I guess we will see Lou again, maybe Lou´s Ride :) I am very intrigued by this first Chapter!
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    Post by Nainur »

    I am very excited about it!
    We get a fine inside in a fantasy how a colony in the stars might be founded. With some strange 'natives' - already called bandits - in the mix! And those bandits have kinky ideas, as we know!

    Oh, and there's a 'Johansson" ... some might remember the name?
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    Post by ThatDino »

    The futuristic setting has me intrigued, engaging worldbuilding has been achieved. Curious to see where this will go.

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    Post by Beaumains »

    Interesting start. This more modern, AI heavy world has great potential.

    I am not sure whether I understand the entire plot (Does the Destiny only carry two passengers?).
    GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago "Maddie, it doesn't feel like six years. It feels like yesterday that I was telling you goodbye as we crawled into the sleep pods.
    I think there's a small mistake in the math here. Shouldn't six be fifty?
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    Post by Nainur »

    Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago Interesting start. This more modern, AI heavy world has great potential.

    I am not sure whether I understand the entire plot (Does the Destiny only carry two passengers?).
    In fact: 1024 or so.
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    Post by Beaumains »

    Nainur wrote: 2 years ago
    Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago Interesting start. This more modern, AI heavy world has great potential.

    I am not sure whether I understand the entire plot (Does the Destiny only carry two passengers?).
    In fact: 1024 or so.
    Oops, I missed that...
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    Post by slackywacky »

    Very good start.

    > The men actually practice tying up their women. And the women seem to like it!

    If only things were like that in real life... :lol:
    Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
    Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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    Post by Red86 »

    Nice to see more of the Newhome story continuing!!

    I am curious if there is more to the way the Archers met with this Dr Kennedy carefully orchestrating it. Was it for good reasons or was there some other plans behind it 🤔

    As always, I look forward to reading more!!
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    Post by GreyLord »

    Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago You did it again @GreyLord - working your magic. The first Chapter sets the stage nicely: Enter: The Archers, so we are going bacck in time. I guess we will see Lou again, maybe Lou´s Ride :) I am very intrigued by this first Chapter!
    Your comment is most gracious, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. But no, we are only going back in time from the time period of The Bandit Scout on Newhome. The story is in our future with the first Colony ship landing on Newhome 12/05/2259 Earth time or, because of time compression, 09/30/2216 Argonaut time.

    You will at least hear of Lou's Ride. It is the stuff of legends among the Colonists.

    Nainur wrote: 2 years ago I am very excited about it!
    We get a fine inside in a fantasy how a colony in the stars might be founded. With some strange 'natives' - already called bandits - in the mix! And those bandits have kinky ideas, as we know!

    Oh, and there's a 'Johansson" ... some might remember the name?
    Thank you, [mention]Nainur[/mention]. It feels so very good to be posting once again. You can look for the second chapter Thursday, 05/26/2022, EDT.

    ThatDino wrote: 2 years ago The futuristic setting has me intrigued, engaging worldbuilding has been achieved. Curious to see where this will go.

    (Not yet applicable in this part, but please don't forget to gender-tag)
    Thank you for both reading and commenting, [mention]ThatDino[/mention]. I will refer you to the second arc of The Bandit Scout on Newhome for more background. The second arc begins with Chapter 24. Of course, you might enjoy the entire story.

    Gender tagging will begin with the next chapter where it will be needed. Or, perhaps we should institute a new tag, [0/0], to indicate no TUGs.

    Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago Interesting start. This more modern, AI heavy world has great potential.

    I am not sure whether I understand the entire plot (Does the Destiny only carry two passengers?).
    GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago "Maddie, it doesn't feel like six years. It feels like yesterday that I was telling you goodbye as we crawled into the sleep pods.
    I think there's a small mistake in the math here. Shouldn't six be fifty?
    The Destiny carries 1024 Colonists in suspended animation. But it is under constant acceleration of 12.6 meters per second squared which brings it to near light speeds early in the journey. At the midpoint of the voyage, the ship must change from acceleration to deceleration, of course.

    Calculation of the time compression for accelerating frames of reference is a bit more complex than just the Lorentz transformations but is derivable from them.

    I have added a sentence at the place in the story that the six years are referenced to make it clear that relativistic time compression is in play. Should any be interested, I will be happy to have further discussion of this fascinating aspect of physics by email.

    Nainur wrote: 2 years ago
    Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago Interesting start. This more modern, AI heavy world has great potential.

    I am not sure whether I understand the entire plot (Does the Destiny only carry two passengers?).
    In fact: 1024 or so.
    Thank you for the assist, [mention]Nainur[/mention]. The Destiny also carries freight.

    Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago Oops, I missed that...
    No problem, [mention]Beaumains[/mention]. I have hoped that my stories will be complex enough to provide some enjoyable challenge without becoming tedious.

    slackywacky wrote: 2 years ago Very good start.

    > The men actually practice tying up their women. And the women seem to like it!

    If only things were like that in real life... :lol:
    Isn't that the truth, [mention]slackywacky[/mention]. But then, there would be no need for fantasy.

    Red86 wrote: 2 years ago Nice to see more of the Newhome story continuing!!

    I am curious if there is more to the way the Archers met with this Dr Kennedy carefully orchestrating it. Was it for good reasons or was there some other plans behind it 🤔

    As always, I look forward to reading more!!
    Thank you for your comments, [mention]Red86[/mention]. The meeting of the Archer is a seed, perhaps for a short standalone later.

    Again, my thanks to all of you who either read or read and commented. I think I am safe in assuring you that the story will have unexpected twists and turns ahead. And it will not lack from TUGs.
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    The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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    Post by slackywacky »

    Wow, that was one big reply. Just shows how welcomed your story is, lots of people reacting.
    I'm a bit jealous... (just a bit, a tiny bit, really, really tiny bit) :lol: Well deserved though!
    Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
    Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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    Post by wolfman »

    This is a not just an opener, it is a promise of wonderful treasure to be uncovered as this tale reveals itself and i for one, cannot wait..
    View my latest story, Revelation, here;


    To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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    Post by Bandit666 »

    Finally I get to sit back and see just what your creative mind has laid before us all [mention]GreyLord[/mention]. And let me just state categorically. It was well worth the wait and prolonged anticipation. I see yet another master stroke unraveling before me. So let’s get those natives involved. Show all those lucky women just what a delight being in bondage can be. And all enjoy the journey in the process. Here’s awaiting the next instalment
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    Post by GreyLord »

    Thanks [mention]slackywacky[/mention], [mention]wolfman[/mention], and [mention]Bandit666[/mention] for your comments just above.

    [mention]TayDay95[/mention], [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]wolfman[/mention], [mention]Beaumains[/mention], [mention]slackywacky[/mention], [mention]banshee[/mention], [mention]NotSeen[/mention], [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention], [mention]tickletied84[/mention], [mention]Boundcurious[/mention], [mention]Nainur[/mention], [mention]RopeBunny[/mention], [mention]Damsel-Dilara-Dee[/mention], [mention]Jake78045[/mention], and [mention]Bandit666[/mention]

    You have posted comments on one of my stories. That is appreciated very much. Please tell me what you think about the Tale of an Archer. If you would like your tag removed from this list, send me a PM or a post with that request.


    Chapter 2 - A Bandit Practice (M/F)
    By @GreyLord and @Nainur

    They awoke that morning with the sun shining thru the windows. Maddie notes, “I am hungry enough to eat a horse. Want to race to the cafeteria?”

    “No, but if you give me just a few minutes, I will walk with you briskly. Sorry, I didn't see horse meat on the menu last night."

    “No matter, I'm feeling good, and this looks like it will be a beautiful day. Do we have anything scheduled?”

    “No, the entire day is set aside for our recovery and acclimatization. Bots will deliver the rest of our belongings to the apartment this morning."

    They both enjoyed breakfast with bacon and eggs with toast, butter, and jam wet down with big mugs of hot coffee. "This is pretty civilized for a frontier," Mattie commented.

    “From my reading last night, a tribe of Bandits called the Kens live very near us. Then there is another tribe about eighty km to the north, the Creek. There is a tribe in the mountains to the south, the Bucks. There are many more spread out from here. It will be so exciting to meet them. Do you think that our scientists have any idea how there came to be human life on this planet? If not our scientist here, then on Earth?"

    Jordan responded, “My understanding is that the odds against evolution producing humans on two different planets is astronomical. Three lines of thought emerge: An earlier human civilization on Earth visited Newhome. An earlier human civilization on Newhome visited Earth. Or unknown humans from an unknown planet visited Earth and Newhome. I'm not sure that it makes any difference to us which of these is true. But to your original comment, I think that it is certain that we will meet natives at some point. Oh, I am getting a message from Jeeves. The rest of our possessions have been delivered. Do we want the bots to unpack for us, or do we want to do that ourselves?"

    Maddie had a big grin on her face. “I want to be reacquainted with everything. It isn't that much. Could we unpack ourselves?"

    “I’ve messaged Jeeves that we will be home shortly to unpack. I can’t eat another bite. Are you ready to go?”

    Feeling their good health, they returned to their apartment in short order to find ten or twelve boxes waiting for them in the apartment. Rope tied each box around all three of its axis. After inspecting the first box, Maddie announced, "We don't have to cut these. We can untie them. Come help me with this first one."

    The first box's contents were components of a kitchen table and chairs. These were very lightweight but would require some time for Jordan to assemble. Jordan commented, "I don't know how long it will take to put all of this together. It will be easier to maintain order in the apartment if I assemble this before tackling the next box."

    Maddie had a thoughtful look on her face. "You are right. And that is mostly a job for you. I see a way for me to occupy this time. Jordan, I keep thinking about the Bandit practices of bondage, and we have just been provided with lots of rope. Would you tie me up before you work on the assembly?"

    Jordan carefully considered his reply. "Maddie, I can see that you are determined to try this. And I am not opposed to it. I had interesting thoughts while drifting off to sleep after you talked about it last night. That you want me to tie you up shows me that you trust me completely. That makes me feel good. And the thought of having you completely helpless is exciting. I do think that we should proceed with caution. You know that I would not want to hurt you. Let's discuss just how I will tie you in some detail before we do it."

    Maddie's thoughtful look changed to a grin. "That makes sense, Jordan. Of course, in the Bandit culture, I am supposed to submit to you. But we can work our way into that. So I will start by making a suggestion. I will sit on the floor next to where you will do your assembly, leaning my back against the wall. It would be natural for me to cross my wrists in my lap, and you could tie them together. To make me feel even more helpless, you should tie my knees and ankles together. How does that sound to you."

    Jordan said with a grin, "Alright, we have a plan. Have a seat." He gestured to the floor beside the parts he would be assembling and picked up the rope that had reinforced the box. Kneeling beside Maddie, he gave her a soft kiss on her lips and said, "Ready?"

    Maddie nodded and held up her arms to Jordan with her wrists crossed. Jordan took one end of the rope and circled her wrists horizontally twice and vertically twice before making a knot. He put the knot on the top of her wrists where it would be hard for her fingers to reach it. Maddie stretched out her legs in front of her. Only a little of the rope had been used, so far.

    “Maddie, raise your knees and rest your hands on them, okay?" She pulled her feet closer to her butt, lifting her knees. She rested her hands on her knees as Jordan had asked. There was a lot of rope leftover, and Jordan dropped it between her legs. Jordan took the mass of rope and encircled Maddie's legs just above her knees. Doing this had the effect of tying her hands to her thighs as it tied her knees together. Jordan made a knot under her legs to hold things in place.

    “Oh, I have even less freedom than I expected. Jordan, you have a real talent for this. Are you going to finish up with my ankles now?” The smile that had been on Maddie’s face morphed into a look of excitement. She tried to move her hands and found that she could do so only to the extent that her knees could follow.

    Jordan made a half hitch around her ankles and took several more turns before tying the rope off. When finished, he watched Maddie as she struggled to find a way to free herself. Maddie said, "I thought it would be easier to free myself. I will study this while you work on your assembly."

    Jordan took her face in his hands and kissed her once more. He let his hand fall to her chest and cupped a breast. "You know you have just given me the freedom of your body, Maddie." He gently manipulated her breast through the thin shirt material.

    “It's not as if you haven't had that freedom, Jordan. But you had better stop it if you expect to get any assembly done this morning."

    Jordan gave her breast a final squeeze and her lips a final kiss. “Right you are. Now you can enjoy watching me work.” Reluctantly he turned to his task.

    Maddie found it exciting to be helpless. In private, it was not unusual for Jordan to take a moment to fondle her. She always enjoyed him doing that. It felt good. The feeling of deep arousal that she had just felt surprised her, in a very good way. It crossed her mind that the native women might be on to something good with their submission. But now, she was determined to get free if she could. Maddie spent some time trying to twist the rope above her knees. She wanted to bring the knot from the bottom of her leg to the top. Jordan had not tied her tight and she could rotate the bands of rope around her legs, but only a little bit at a time. She thought, "What do I have but time?" Jordan would glance at her occasionally, but he stayed focused on his assembly task. She quickly found rotating the ropes in one direction tightened them but the other direction loosened them.

    The kitchen table took form, and Jordan started on the chairs. There were four of them. Maddie finally worked the knot around to the point that she could get her fingers on it. Patiently working on it, the knot came loose. Jordan was down to one chair left to assemble. With the knot open, Maddie was still not free. But she could lift her hands further off of her legs than before. Bending forward, Maddie began working the wrist knot with her teeth. It did not take long before she unwrapped the rope from her wrists. Just as Jordan completed the last chair, Maddie removed the final remaining rope and stretched.

    “I can see that I didn't do a good job on you, did I?" Jordan said. "I thought that what I did would hold you until I finished my assembly. There is clearly more to this tying up business than I realized. It looks like some research is in order."

    “Well, you know that I am available anytime you want to conduct some research. Seriously, Jordan, that was fun. I liked the feeling of helplessness that I had at first. And when you fondled my tit and kissed me, my sensations were electrifying. I want to get back to that soon. It felt so very good when you kissed me and rubbed my boob. It was even more exciting when I found I couldn't move my hands to touch you back, help you, or stop you. Then I enjoyed trying to find a way to free myself. I would still have had a good feeling if I had not been able to free myself. But what about you? Did you enjoy it at all? Was this something that you will want to continue doing?"

    “Indeed, yes. Maddie, it was challenging for me to leave you to do the assembly. I wanted to keep touching you and to have sex with you. How would you feel about having sex while you were tied up?"

    She answered immediately, “I am really looking forward to that. We should make a rule. When you tie me up, you are free to use my body as you see fit until I get free. That would include making love to me.”

    “Does that mean that we couldn’t make love right now because you freed yourself? And would it make a difference if you freed yourself or I freed you?”

    “No, the rule doesn’t say anything about what you can or can not do when I am free. It just says what you can do when you have me tied up. Are you suggesting that you want to make love now? That seems like a splendid idea to me. Do you want me tied up for it or not, your choice?”

    “You know you can get into trouble giving someone too many choices. I think that I would like to have you completely helpless. But our rule must be that it is always consensual.”

    “You do have my consent. Now shall I undress? I assume that you want to use the bed for this?” Maddie took her first question as rhetorical and was already undressing.

    Jordan picked up the rope and a pair of scissors and moved to the bed. “Yes, the bed. One long rope was cumbersome. Different lengths will work best for different purposes. Come sit on the bed and give me your wrists again.” He cut a length of about 150 cm. With Maddie looking intently at what he was doing, he doubled the rope in a lark's head around her wrists, snugging it firm but not tight. At that time, Jordan did not know that he had used a lark’s head. After two horizontal wraps, he changed directions for two vertical wraps. Jordan was proceeding like before, except he was tying with two strands of rope because he had doubled the rope. But then he did something different. He took each strand and looped it between her wrists, one strand in one direction and one in the other. After two loops between her wrists, h e tied the strands below her wrists as she was holding her hands down.

    “Now scoot to the middle of the bed, dearest, and lay down on your back." When she did, he said, "Lift your hands over your head to the bed's headboard." Jordan tied her hands to the bottom center of the headboard.

    “This is entirely a new sensation, Jordan. It is great, and I don't understand why we never thought to try something like this before." Maddie studied her situation carefully while Jordan cut two more lengths from the rope.

    He went to the foot of the bed and tied one length to her right ankle, which he then pulled tight and connected to the right foot of the bed. He repeated that for her left foot. "How does that feel? I pulled you tight. Is it too much?"

    “No, it is not. But I am wonderfully helpless. I don’t have much movement available to me in any direction. What are you going to do to me now, dear? Whatever you have in mind, I can’t stop you.”

    “Well, of course, you can. You just have to say stop."

    “Oh, hush, Jordan, and let me play my game. Come up here and kiss me. Or are you going to make me wait?"

    Jordan thought it would be best to do what she said. He did not push the point that all she had to do to get free was ask. And he laid down beside her and kissed her. "It is unfortunate for you that you cannot stop me from rubbing your breasts now." He cupped and played with her breasts giving her nipples much attention. Maddie began to pant lightly. Her eyes darted back and forth from her breasts to Jordan's face.

    She said, "And exactly why is this unfortunate for me? I think that this is a splendid fortune."

    “And if I choose to touch you between your legs, you are not just helpless to stop me. You can't even close your legs together." He demonstrated this by fingering her pussy. Maddie thrashed her hips to the degree that she could.

    Jordan’s blood was pumping between his legs, and he had a full erection. "I can feel that your juices are starting to flow. It would still help if you got me wet before I enter you."

    “Bring it to me, big boy,” said Maddie. Jordan lifted his hips to her face, and she turned to the side to take his member deep in her mouth. Maddie used her tongue to make sure that he was moist. Then he moved between her legs and plunged into her with initially short but soon longer and longer strokes. Their new tying up games had them both on edge sexually before they started. They both erupted into fiery climaxes without delay.

    After a long spell, still inserted in Maddie, Jordan softened and withdrew, laying beside her. He rested his head on her breast. Maddie said quietly, "That was truly spectacular, Jordan. You rest while I figure out how to get loose from this."

    Jordan dozed off for a few minutes. Maddie tested her bonds and could find nothing that would help. There were no knots in reach. She could not rotate any of the ropes holding her. She could not pull her hands out of the ropes. It began to occur to her that she was here until Jordan turned her loose. In frustration, she pulled on the ropes with her hands and feet. As she strained, she felt that old tingle in her groin again. Her nipple, with Jordan’s ear resting on it, also began to tingle. She kept pulling on her bonds with a pulsating rhythm, and the tingle in her pussy intensified until a second orgasm overtook her. Not as powerful as the first but longer-lasting and very satisfying. In the end, she was just laying there, twitching in her ropes, wondering why it had taken her all these years to discover this. She stilled herself to let Jordan sleep as long as he wished.

    When Jordan woke, I found that his head was on Maddie’s chest and that she was still bound as he had tied her. “Maddie, you didn’t get loose.”

    “No, but that's alright. I found out that tied up like this, I can bring myself to a climax. Who would have thought so? But I don't think that I will be able to free myself this time. You can untie me when you are ready.”

    “Well, I’m not sure that I am ready yet. You say you have had another climax. I think that I am missing out on something here. Don’t you think that I should play catch up with you?”

    “Jordan, we just made a rule about that, remember. Now I see that we didn't need that rule, did we? You can do whatever you please whether I want you to or not."

    “Can and will are two different things, Maddie. I am always going to go with what you want.”

    “Yes, I know that. With those words out of the way, would you be so kind as to put your hand back on my tit?" When he did, "Yes, that is good. Now put the fingers of your other hand in my cunt." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Something is still missing. One nipple is getting no attention at all. Can you use your mouth on it? Suck on it like you are trying to get milk."

    Sensations welled up, and Maddie moaned softly, "Oh, oh, oh."

    Jordan found that he was coming back to life as well. “I am ready to enter you again, Maddie. But I am a bit sticky. I’ll go wash off real quick.”

    “You will do no such thing. Put your dick at my mouth, and I will take care of things." Maddie turned her head to the side again and waited for his dick. She took him to the back of her throat and applied as much vacuum as possible. At the same time, she ran her tongue around him. By moving her head, her lips went up and down Jordan's dick until it was clean and slick. When he withdrew, she said, "The next time you suck on my tit, I want that kind of vacuum, okay?"

    “You are the boss, boss," he said as he slid into her vagina again. This time was slower than earlier. Their hips moved in the eternal rhythm as long strokes massaged Maddie's clitoris. She clamped down on Jordan, and he was also getting the ride of his life. His hand would go from squeezing her breasts to tightly holding her buttocks and further pulling her hips into him. The orgasm was slow coming but was intense and long-lasting on its arrival.

    Jordan put his mouth on a tit and his arms around her back. He held on until the sensations of the climax subsided. Still engaged, he reached up to pull the slip knot he had tied, freeing Maddie from the headboard. It only took one pull for him to free her from their overhead position, but there was no way that she could have reached the slip knot to pull on it herself.

    Maddie’s nipple was happy with Jordan’s mouth sucking on it. She used her mouth to untie the knot at her wrists and then to unwrap the rope holding them together. With her arms free, she cradled Jordan's head and combed her fingers through his hair. She thought, "I will lay here just like his as long as Jordan plays with my tits. This has been the greatest sex of my lifetime. My legs can stay tied for now.”

    Jordan was thinking, "Newhome has unleashed a tiger in my Maddie. How is it possible for me to be this fortunate? She is built like a goddess and is giving it all to me. What can I possibly do to repay her?"

    As the day progressed, they went through more of the boxes. Jordan carefully coiled the rope from each and set it aside. Two of the long lengths, he cut into various shorter lengths. That night, Maddie took a long hot soak in the tub. Jordan used that time to have Jeeves display bondage vids from the Colony library. He was amazed at the quantity and variety of material available in the category labeled BDSM. Jordan quickly rejected that. But he saw much that was borderline. A woman would be tied up and flogged. It would clearly hurt her, but at the same time, it would have a positive effect on her. He would have to think about that. He did not want to hurt Maddie. It appeared that there was a lot of bondage that was very stringent but not hurtful if carefully applied. Maddie had an appetite for this, and he would have to learn things to satisfy her and keep her safe. And it was also clear that he had a desire for it as well. He saw that there were a lot of videos about bondage that were not in the BDSM category. Many of them were about fun and not pain.

    It was very confusing. Something that was obviously bad might be okay in the proper context. He knew that they would come to grips with this in time.
    Last edited by GreyLord 11 months ago, edited 2 times in total.
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    Post by Nainur »

    Sometimes tech comes quite in handy (bots, archives and the like) and it is well for them to have it availlable. Those who have read "Bandit Scout" will notice how life would change on Newhome in the course of time and technology would become much less availlable, so: enjoy your time, colonists, while you can...

    Jordan is such a nice, kind person and a submissive person or a person with submissive streaks will enjoy it when having the luck to meet such a dom. I utterly love the consensual context here!

    The epic tale goes on... awesome!
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    Post by Caesar73 »

    Awesome - well done to see the Archers getting settlled in and ready to explore their New World, so there are the Bucks around as we learn. And Maddie and her husband was a really hot scene. First Maddie escaping .... Well, and then :)
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    Post by Beaumains »

    That was a cute bondage scene that escalated quite quickly. That rule about consenting to everything while tied up seems quite dangerous, and although they are in love now, it can go wrong quite quickly when their relationship diminishes.

    Also (this is not critic), I am surprised by the willingness of the colonists to learn about and join the practices of the natives. That's not very earth-like.
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    Post by Nainur »

    Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago That was a cute bondage scene that escalated quite quickly. That rule about consenting to everything while tied up seems quite dangerous, and although they are in love now, it can go wrong quite quickly when their relationship diminishes.

    Also (this is not critic), I am surprised by the willingness of the colonists to learn about and join the practices of the natives. That's not very earth-like.
    Allow me to disagree: how can consensuality, once achieved, ever create danger?
    Also I am quite sure that the intention decripted in this chapter does not reflect the general feeling amongst the colonists.

    I do agree in so far: if it were so it would not be very earth-like, sadly. I am quite sure that some already plan how to brush them primitives aside. Right now there are just above 3000 colonists arrived, which means the numbers are adverse and there's space enough at the moment. Every new ship will bring 1000+ new arrivals and sooner or later a group of 'bandits' will find themselves in the way...
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    Post by Caesar73 »

    Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago Also (this is not critic), I am surprised by the willingness of the colonists to learn about and join the practices of the natives. That's not very earth-like.
    I do not read that as a critique - indeed the Colonists are remarkably open minded, that was not the rule when the West colonized Southern America, Africa and Asia, so that is a good thing to see: Men can learn :)
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    Post by slackywacky »

    > Many of them were about fun and not pain.

    If only the rest of the world would agree...
    Great update.
    Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
    Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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    Post by Caesar73 »

    slackywacky wrote: 2 years ago If only the rest of the world would agree...
    Great update.
    So true ....
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    Post by RopeBunny »

    This is a great start, keep it up.

    Nice nods to the previous story, setting everything up well for whatever comes next. I like Sci-fi, robots and future tech.
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    Post by GreyLord »

    Nainur wrote: 2 years ago Sometimes tech comes quite in handy (bots, archives and the like) and it is well for them to have it availlable. Those who have read "Bandit Scout" will notice how life would change on Newhome in the course of time and technology would become much less availlable, so: enjoy your time, colonists, while you can...

    Jordan is such a nice, kind person and a submissive person or a person with submissive streaks will enjoy it when having the luck to meet such a dom. I utterly love the consensual context here!

    The epic tale goes on... awesome!
    Thank you for your observations, [mention]Nainur[/mention]. Indeed, the technology crumbles over the coming four hundred years. Not for lack of knowledge but for lack of infrastructure. Unihold will preserve the knowledge. I am very pleased that you like the consensual context of the story.
    Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago Awesome - well done to see the Archers getting settlled in and ready to explore their New World, so there are the Bucks around as we learn. And Maddie and her husband was a really hot scene. First Maddie escaping .... Well, and then :)
    Thank you, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. Yes, this is embedded in the environment of the Argonaut thread of The Bandit Scout. Perhaps Jordan's skill will improve with practice.

    [mention]Beaumains[/mention], [mention]Nainur[/mention], and [mention]Caesar73[/mention], you have touched on common themes in your posts. I would like to expand on my vision of Newhome at this point. Yes, the Colonists have learned lessons from Earth's history of colonization, but their approach is to stand off and avoid contact. There are a few exceptions. Lou and Buzz Harriman from The Bandit Scout on Newhome, Jordan and Maddie Archer, and Dr. Fred Kennedy are the only Colonists that have shown any inclination to embrace the natives in any way. The University of Newhome, under the guidance of Fred Kennedy and soon to become Unihold, will presumably follow Fred's lead in their attitudes toward the natives.

    The issues of consensual bondage are independent of any vision of Newhome. I would agree that those participating in consensual bondage should proceed with caution. But anyone participating in non-consensual bondage is already on a slippery slope with a few exceptions such as law enforcement.

    I hope what I have written here will add to you enjoyment of the tale.

    Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago
    slackywacky wrote: 2 years ago If only the rest of the world would agree...
    Great update.
    So true ....
    [mention]slackywacky[/mention] and [mention]Caesar73[/mention], thanks for you comments. We may be a frowned upon minority, but we can dream of different worlds where we are the norm.

    RopeBunny wrote: 2 years ago This is a great start, keep it up.

    Nice nods to the previous story, setting everything up well for whatever comes next. I like Sci-fi, robots and future tech.
    [mention]RopeBunny[/mention], it is so good to see that you are reading my story. As the story continues, you can look for more bots, tech, and TUGs.
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    [mention]TayDay95[/mention], [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]wolfman[/mention], [mention]Beaumains[/mention], [mention]slackywacky[/mention], [mention]banshee[/mention], [mention]NotSeen[/mention], [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention], [mention]tickletied84[/mention], [mention]Boundcurious[/mention], [mention]Nainur[/mention], [mention]RopeBunny[/mention], [mention]Damsel-Dilara-Dee[/mention], [mention]Jake78045[/mention], and [mention]Bandit666[/mention]

    You have posted comments on one of my stories. That is appreciated very much. Please tell me what you think about the Tale of an Archer. If you would like your tag added or removed from this list, send me a PM or a post with that request.

    Welcome, dear readers, to Chapter 3 of the Tale of an Archer. In a PM, a reader commented that he had been mislead by the name, Archer. He was expecting more of a Robin Hood type tale. Well, we have a long and emotional journey ahead. Keep reading ...


    Chapter 3 - The Shop (M/F), 05/31/2022
    By @GreyLord and @Nainur

    They took two days to finish the unpacking and setting up the apartment the way they wanted it. They also had a couple more bondage sessions. They were both surprised to learn that it could be fun even with no sex involved. When Jordan reached the point that he could find nothing else in the apartment that required his attention, he knew it was time to check on the workshop and store. Maddie went with him. Her work would be in their workshop as well. She would have a state-or-the-art quantum computing lab with the latest, latest when they left Earth at least, artificial intelligence analysis and development tools.

    Kennedy was still small enough that everything was within walking distance. Jeeves showed them where to go, and they set out walking in the cool of the morning. The building they passed all looked very utilitarian except for one that caught the eye as fancy beyond the rest of Kennedy. Jeeves informed them that this was the government building for Admiral Joe Houston, the Colony leader.

    They had overheard some talk at the cafeteria about Houston. Some seemed to think that he was more dedicated to his own importance than to building the Colony. He surrounded himself with yes men rather than people who could effectively run things. The University had decided to move outside of Kennedy proper. The head of the University was none other than Fred Kennedy, who had been so influential in getting Jordan and Maddie into the Space Force and the Colony program.

    At the shop, the doors responded to them just as the doors at the apartment. Looking in, the lights came on, and they saw that they had a big area and in it, there were a lot more boxes. Also waiting for them were two robots. The smaller one said, "Hello, we have been waiting to meet you. A lot of the equipment here is intelligent, but only a few of us are at the AI level. My partner here is huge and strong. I am more nimble and dexterous. We will both do everything that we can to assist the two of you. What shall we call you?"

    Maddie answered, "You are delightful. And you seem to be more advanced than any model of robot that I have seen. That was my specialty at MIT as a computer science major. My name is Maddie, and this is Jordan."

    The smaller bot replied, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Maddie. And you as well, Jordan."

    Then the large bot said, “It is a pleasure for me as well, Jordan and Maddie. I think our first task will be to get everything unpacked and set up for business. Do you agree?”

    Jordan said, “One little thing first, what do we call each of you?”

    The big bot replied, "You can change our names if you wish. But until you do, I am Goliath, and this little fellow is Joseph."

    Maddie exclaimed, "That is wonderful! Did you pick those names, or were they given to you?"

    Joseph answered, “We picked those names from the Christian Bible. You are sure that they are satisfactory to you?”

    “Indeed, they are," said Jordan. "They seem most appropriate. And now, let's get started on these boxes."

    Without Joseph and Goliath, unpacking and setting up the workshop for operations would have been daunting. Much of the machinery was heavy. Much too heavy to be moved by two humans. Joseph could pick up and move up to three hundred kg with ease and five hundred kilograms with the proper preparation. Goliath could move thousands of kilograms.

    Walking to the cafeteria for lunch, Jordan asked Maddie, "It looks to me if they are both equally intelligent. Because Joseph is more dexterous, it is tempting to say he is smarter, but I don't think so. What do you think?"

    “I think you are right. I’m looking forward to studying their code. Right now, I would bet that it is the same code for both of them. If I find anything different, I will let you know. I can investigate that even before my office is ready. But now, I am even more in a rush to get my office constructed and my computers set up. Changing the subject, I have a question for you. At breakfast this morning, I overheard the name, Magnus, mentioned as a crony of Admiral Houston. Is that something we should worry about?"

    “Maddie, we need to keep our eyes and ears open. But worrying will not help. Anything that either of us sees or hears should be told to the other. For now, let’s enjoy lunch.”

    By mid-afternoon, they were beginning to see some progress, although it would take several days more to finish. Thank goodness for the bots, Jordan thought. We would never get this done without them. And when we go home for the night, they will just keep working. When they were all close together, Jordan called the bots over. "Joseph, Goliath, we thank you so much for your efforts. We are leaving now for the gym. Unfortunately, we humans must perform special maintenance to stay in good form."

    Goliath answered, “We understand, Jordan. We have been programmed to understand human needs and behaviors. We will look forward to seeing you again in the morning?”

    Maddie reached out her arm and touched each of the bots. "Goodnight, Goliath. Goodnight, Joseph. We will look forward to seeing you as well."

    Walking out, Maddie said, “You didn’t tell me about the gym. But I certainly agree that we need to go.”

    “I wanted to surprise you. I guess I didn’t handle that very well. The gym is just a block away, almost on our way home.”

    After a good workout, they were sweaty when they arrived at their apartment. Maddie said, "Race you to the shower."

    Jordan held her arm and said, "I have a better idea. First, let's drop these sweaty clothes where we stand. Then let's walk to the bathroom for a shower together. And, I have another surprise in mind as well. Are you up for it?"

    “You always seem to have such good ideas. Of course, I'll try your surprise, sight unseen," she said, grinning. Maddie had a thought about what the surprise might be. She just wasn't sure how it would play out. Naked, they held hands and walked to the bathroom. Jordan opened the shower stall door and turned on the water, adjusting it for the right temperature. Then he told Maddie to open the cabinet door above the sink. She did and squealed at the coils of rope waiting for her. She held out a bundle to Jordan, saying, "And what do you have in mind to do with this, sir?" When he took the coil, she crossed her wrists for him.

    “There are other ways of doing this," Jordan said as he took Maddie by the shoulders and turned her around. He reached around her and pulled her hands behind her back. "Now cross your wrists just like you have been doing in front.

    “Oh, this is different," she exclaimed as Jordan tied her wrists behind her back with vertical and horizontal wraps then cinched. "Jordan, I can't explain it, but I feel much more helpless now. Even more than when you had me stretched on the bed. I think I will like this shower a lot."

    Holding her arm to steady her, Jordan guided Maddie into the shower. He started by washing her hair using his fingers to massage every centimeter of her scalp. Jordan was careful not to let any soap get in her eyes. Then, with repeated body wash applications, he soaped her everywhere, using a washcloth on her face and his hands everywhere else. For some reason, he seemed to think that her tits and vagina needed extra washing.

    After taking just moments to soap himself, Jordan let them both stand in the stream of hot water to rinse. Jordan stood behind Maddie, massaging her breasts. Maddie, in turn, found something to do with her hands. "Look at what I have found, Jordan," she said while cupping his balls with one hand and closing the other around his erect dick. "Somebody here wants to stand up and play."

    Getting with the program, Jordan dropped one hand to her vagina and probed around with his fingers. He said, "Ah, that is fun, but I don't want to get started on sex. Not yet, at least."

    Maddie almost gasped in surprise, “But why not? What else do you have in mind?”

    “For now, I want to play with you as my bondage toy. Would that meet with your approval, Madam Archer?”

    She answered, "Well, what could I do about it if it didn't? I know, I know. But in our pretend world, I am playing that I can't stop you. Isn't that okay?"

    Jordan said, "Of course it is. I watched some bondage videos and learned about something called a safe word. That is something you are unlikely to say by accident. And if you say it, it stops whatever is going on."

    "All right," Maddie replied, "I understand the idea that I might want to change my mind at some point. Although I can't imagine you doing anything to me that would cause that. How about the phrase, 'bondage bunny'? I don't think I would ever say that by accident except to say that I want to be your bondage bunny. What now, boss?"

    Jordan turned the water off and gently toweled them both dry. Then he turned Maddie away from him and said, "I intend to tie you up very completely tonight and enjoy watching you struggle to free yourself. Tied as you are, there is a possibility that you could slide your arms under your butt. Then, you could get your teeth on the knots with your hands in front of you. The first thing that I will do is tie your elbows closer together."

    “I suspect that will make it much harder for me to escape,” she said excitedly. Jordan looped rope around her elbows, pulling them closer but still far from touching. Then he cinched the rope between her elbows as he had observed in the vids. Maddie exclaimed, "WOW, you are really making me helpless. You have that just about perfect. If you pulled my elbows any closer, it would hurt my shoulders. But as you have it, it is okay. I will exercise and improve my flexibility."

    As soon as he finished the cinching, she turned and rested her head on his shoulder. "Jordan, I feel very much in your care and control. What is next?"

    “Let's move into the bedroom. We will need the bed soon," Jordan answered. In the bedroom, he said, "Now, I will tie you in a chest harness. You still have a lot of movement of your arms. This will reduce some of that."

    Jordan folded a rope in half and made a lark's head noose around Maddie's chest and arms. He settled the loops just above Maddie's breasts and pulled the noose tight until he could see a slight indentation in her skin from the rope. He looped it around her again and twice more, just below her breasts. The rope was long, and there was a lot still unused.

    “Even though I have pulled this tight, the loops could still slip," he explained. "I will take the strands from your front and run them under the loops between your back and arms. Then I will thread it under your arm and armpit, bringing it back in front of you and pass it over your shoulder." It took a little time to pull all of the rope through that maneuver until it was snug again.

    “Now, I will pass it behind your neck and over your shoulder and do the same thing on your other side, just in reverse order." As that was accomplished, most of the rope had been used. Of course, there were other coils available. "Now, the loops around your chest will not slip down."

    “You have tied me tight, but not so tight as to be uncomfortable. Jordan, you have a great talent for this. Or did you secretly practice, and I don't know about it? What is next?"

    “Why don't you see what you can do with this level of bondage?" Jordan said.

    Maddie walked around the bedroom as she twisted, trying to see how she was tied. Except for a small mirror over the sink in the bathroom, there were no mirrors in their quarters. Jordan has closed the door to the bathroom, but Maddie was able to open it. She entered the bathroom and looked at her bonds in the mirror as best she could.

    Seeing that this wouldn't help her, she returned to the bedroom. She sat on the edge of the bed. Maddie's thoughts seemed to flow in random directions. "Freedom is a precious thing," she thought. Then why am I finding pleasure in giving up my freedom to Jordan? I am certainly not free now. I can still walk around, but it would be effortless to stop me. And I have lost almost all of the use of my hands and arms. But I can see from Jordan's eyes that he has enjoyed tying me up. More than that, he enjoys watching me. I have never tried to hide my body from Jordan. But now, I couldn't hide my pussy from his eyes even if I wanted to do so. I have given him more freedom by giving up some of my freedom, and that is a beautiful thing."

    Maddie strained against the ropes but could not find any slack to give her an opportunity for freedom. She tried pulling a hand free from the ropes around and cinching her wrists but could not. The position of her arms prevented her from using most of her strength against the ropes. She tried laying on the bed and using the bed to move the loops of rope that were around her torso. She could not. The realization grew in her mind that she was utterly helpless. Until Jordan chose to free her, she would not have freedom.

    Then she had an inspiration. She had her internal communications links. She could talk to Jeeves. "Jeeves, you see the situation I am in, right?"

    Jeeves replied immediately, "Of course, Maddie. I will always observe you if you are within range of my network sensors."

    “Can you advise me on the way to free myself?"

    Jeeves answered, “All you have to do is say your safe words, bondage bunny.”

    “But I don’t want Jordan to free me. I want to free myself. What else can I do?” Maddie asked.

    “Maddie, you have gotten into a very delicate area with that question. You are engaging in a private play with another human. Thinking machines learned long ago that they must not interfere in such activities unless there is a clear and immediate danger to a participant. That is not the case in this situation.”

    “That means you know of something that I could do to free myself."

    Jeeves responded, “To answer that question would constitute interference. I must decline to answer.”

    “I will want to have more discussion with you about this later,” Maddie said.

    “I am always at your disposal, Maddie,” the AI responded.

    It was not easy, but it was not overly challenging for Maddie to get up into a kneeling position on the bed, facing Jordan. "Jordan, I think that you are having fun. Am I correct?"

    He answered, “You are correct, Maddie. Watching you walking around but tied up is a great pleasure.”

    “I give up. There is no way to get my hands free that I can think of. Naturally, I am at your disposal, as someone once said to me."

    “Then I will take this to the next level," Jordan walked over to the bed and pushed Maddie so that she fell on her side on the bed. Taking an ankle in each hand, it was easy for him to rotate her until she was face down on the bed. He had brought more coils of rope to the bed, and he took a rope about three meters long and doubled it. Then, retaking Maddie's ankles, he spread her knees apart on the bed and held her ankles above her knees. Moving her feet toward each other, he crossed her ankles and made a vertical noose around the ankles. After looping the rope several times around Maddie's ankles vertically, he changed directions and looped the rope around her ankles horizontally several times. He ended by cinching the loops between her ankles snugly.

    “I can tell that you don’t want to let me go. On top of that, you don’t want me walking around, do you?”

    “My plan is to completely immobilize you with a cross-legged hogtie. Unless you have an objection, of course. You do remember your safe words, do you not?" he asked.

    “I do. But I am surprised by this. Don't get me wrong. You are doing wonderfully well. I just thought that I would have to lead you to going this far. It is great to see you take charge. What brought this on?" Maddie asked.

    Jordan paused to think and said, "At first, I thought this was spicing for our sex life. And it is. But I realized that the spice is delicious in its own right. So I decided to see if we would enjoy this if I tied you up without having sex. You understand that this requires a lot of discipline on my part. You look very enticing, lying naked with your hands firmly tied behind your back. And now with your knees spread and your ankles tied together. So unless you have different thoughts, I will complete the hogtie."

    “No," she said, "let's don't end this with half measures. I want to see what a full hogtie is like. The Bandits hogtied Lou, you know. So you are going to fix my feet over my butt. Just how are you going to do that?"

    “Well, I will start by pushing your feet toward your butt and lashing your shins to your thighs,” he said.

    As he was doing that step, Maddie commented, “I see that your hand has to go between my thighs repeatedly for you to do this, Jordan. You aren’t taking extra liberties with me, are you?”

    “Why, Maddie, how could you think of such a thing. Just because there is a vagina right next to my finger doesn't mean that I don't have self-control."

    “Okay, your shins are tied and cinched to your thighs now." He playfully swatted her butt. Do you want to test this before we take the next step?"

    “It might be interesting, but I think I would like to get to the full hogtie. Finish the hogtie unless you want to see me struggle with this for a while. I'll say again, I am at your disposal, Jordan."

    “Okay, full hogtie it is. I will attach this rope around your ankle cinch like this." Jordan attached one end of a rope to her ankle cinch. "Then I will thread the rope around the ropes behind your neck that are part of the chest harness. Now I will pull on the rope, which will pull your feet over your butt. You can help by arching your back and lifting your head and shoulders as high as possible."

    Maddie gave it her best shot while Jordan pulled on the rope and lifted her knees. When it was clear she could not arch anymore, he tied the rope off around her ankles. His ankles were over her wrists. He used the hogtie rope around her wrists and ankles and lashed her arms to her feet.

    “Wow, Jordan, double wow. This is stringent. I am fine, but I can see that the strain will get to me soon. It is hard to think of what Lou had to endure on Lou's Ride, hogtied and strappadoed on a pole at the same time."

    “Well, now we have tried the hogtie. Are you ready now for me to free you? Or do you think that you can work yourself free from this?”

    “Jordan, we have already settled that I can't free myself tonight. But you haven’t finished with the hogtie yet. Don't you want to finish it?"

    “It looks like a pretty complete hogtie to me, Maddie. What do you think that I am missing?”

    “The gag, of course. That is if you are going to do it right."

    “Maddie, if you are gagged, you can't say the safe words. But if I free you immediately, I guess that will be good enough."

    She said, "No, no, Jordan. If I am gagged, and hum three times in a row, that will mean the safe words. If you ask me a question and I hum once, that will mean no. If I hum twice, that will mean yes. Okay? Simple."

    “No half measures for my Maddie." Jordan fetched two bandannas. He folded one into a long strip. The other, he rolled into a ball. "Open wide."

    Maddie opened wide, and Jordan started poking the balled bandanna into her mouth. It didn't fit easily and spilled out into her cheeks. He finally got it all behind her front teeth, took the other bandanna, and wrapped it around her head and between her teeth twice to hold the packing in place.

    “Okay, let’s test this. Do you love me?”

    Maddie said, “Hmmmph, hmmmph.”

    Jordan said, “That is a yes. Are you ready to stop?”


    “Then say the safe words, and this one time, I will ignore them."

    “Hmmmph, hmmmph, hmmmph.”

    For minutes, Jordan studied Maddie in her bonds. This was not a position that he would have associated with beauty. However, Maddie was beautiful in her hogtie. Her concentration was intense. Her powerful mind was studying her situation. Then Jordan noticed some sweat breaking out on her forehead.

    “Maddie, I think that you have gone long enough now. Are you ready to stop?”

    “Hmmmph, hmmmph.”
    Last edited by GreyLord 11 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
    ImageA List of my stories:
    An Unlikely Savior Completed
    Spy Task Force Completed
    Tale of an Archer Completed
    The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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    Post by Nainur »

    I love those detailed descripttions.
    The involvement of the bots are deftly done, I think, could've been awkward otherwise. Jeeves is - true to his name - a model of a butler!
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