The Sleepover (F+f/F+f) - Chapter 23 (Apr. 20, 2023) [COMPLETED]

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Post by Mineira1986 »

There is always... something when it comes down to spanking that looks kind of forbidden. It was established that Sera-Tori relationship was half big sis/baby sis and half mother/daughter, so having Tori spanking a tied up Serafina is definitely... something ;)

The ideas are cool. Having some courtroom drama mixed with tie-ups is fun and you have included some scenes of events that may occur (people speaking out of turn, witnesses declared as hostile, recreation of events, etc.)

My sole observation would be, most of the chapters look heavily packed. As in, many events are ocurring in just one chapter, so the characters need to jump from A to B with very short transitions. Probably because of that, I feel some of the more emotional scenes a bit melodramatic. Additionally, I think that's the reason why sometimes it feels the characters and/or the narrator just tell the readers what the characters are thinking/feeling, instead of letting the readers find out (because we need to move forward to the next event, otherwise the chapter will take 10,000 words). Personally, I would prefer more chapters with less events in each of them, so the story can take its time with each one.

But overall, it has an interesting series of events and cool ideas. Keep it up.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]GermanTUGFriend[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]Canuck100[/mention] [mention]TamatoaShiny123[/mention] [mention]hafnermg[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]lauragagged[/mention] [mention]Lucky Lottie[/mention]

Chapter 21

"My next witness is Jenny Danielle Kristensen. Please, Jenny, take the stand. Thank you, Jenny. You're welcome, Jenny. Now, Jenny, the bailiff will take care of things, and then we'll stop with this stupid but funny way I am conversing with myself," the witness was introduced in this goofy manner, sat down, and swore at Tori's behest.
"You needn't question yourself, but stick to a topic at a time," Bridget cautioned.

"I understand! It all started yesterday when Vittoria arrived at my place. Basically, as soon as she arrived, Giulia just grabbed me and tied me up. I was literally asking Tori what we should do first, and she just looked at me and said 'I know what Giulia wants to do' or something like that. Next thing I knew I was tied up!

"She tied me up pretty well. I was stuck for real... Like really stuck. I made the mistake, a month ago, of telling Giulia that I struggle to escape a tie when my wrists are crossed. Now she does it to me every time she ties me. And, sure enough, I fail every time."

"Jenny, I don't wish to interrupt...," Bridget paused the witness, "actually, I do! Have Vittoria tie you up the way Giulia did so that the jury can understand what kind of situation you are describing. Visuals are always useful and very enjoyable!"

Vittoria took rope and repeated Jenny's tie from the previous morning and even had the hapless girl on the table. Only this time being hogtied on the table meant Jenny was right in front of Bridget. Bridget looked at Jenny and smiled, Jenny smiled back, and Bridget gave her friend a girlfriend kiss right on the forehead and patted her on the head.

"Obdecthin! The dudth thould nah ee thmoozin hith the awyers!" Sera gag protested.
"Overruled! This is us being friends," Bridget didn't care what others thought, "This is outside fantasy. Pardon me for loving my best friends."
"Well?" Giulia shrugged, "Ah ahnnah argoo ith at."
"Oh-hay," Sera adjusted her kerchief again.
"Yeah, behave for the judge!" Tori imitated her sister.
"Stop it!" Jenny was frustrated with this nervous tic, "You got Tori doing it too!"
"Hmmmmm," Tori was curious about something and sneaked up behind Jenny.


"Yikes! Who did that?! Vittoria!" Jenny yelped and looked around herself.
"I couldn't resist! Sorry! You deserved it, though," Tori giggled like the tween she was.
"Naughty girl! You shouldn't have done that," Bridget upbraided the girl, "On the other hand..."


"HEY! Stop it! None of that now!" Jenny's tone shifted to Bridget
"Continue your self-deposition and self-deprecation," Bridget motioned to the captive witness.
"Thank you... Wait? Heyyyyy! Bridgie! Never mind...," Jenny smirked and wiggled her eyebrows, "Judge Idget."


"Address her as 'Your Honor' or 'Judge Sjaastad' or 'Judge Bridget' or... Be nice!" Vittoria asserted her position.
"OWWW! No more insults. I get it," Jenny groaned, "Where was I? Right!"

"There I am, hogtied and gagged with my socks from my morning run. Gross, right? Buzz off, Bridget; you, too, Sera! The sock eating twins," she giggled and continued, "And I promised Vittoria I'd take her to the bakery. But, go figure, when Tori tries to untie me, in comes Giulia Lecerf! And what does Giulia do? She ties up Vittoria for interfering with her captive. Well, with help from Giulia, we get out and finally go.

"Then there were adventures throughout the day. Then Giulia fixed Sera's wagon last night and made things all happy again," Jenny turned and looked at the defendant, "Thank you, Jules, but it was still a kidnapping. After Bridget gagged me with my socks, I told everyone that I was against having other's dirty laundry in my mouth. Then came this morning. Giulia was having so much fun kidnapping me she forgot about my boundaries and gagged me with her socks and panties. She didn't mean harm, so it's forgiven. But it's still a crime in TUG Court!"

"Was that really so bad? Or what about it?" Bridget questioned.
"It was awful! Don't kid yourself!" Jenny was aghast.
"Tori, get a piece of rope and a bandana and get Sera's panties out of the pile there and Jenny's out of the basket," Bridget calmly ordered.
"Whatever you desire, your honor!" Tori began the task.
"Are you serious? Bridget, you're crazy!" Jenny's eyes grew wide with horror.


"Be niiiiiiicccccce, Jennnnnnyyyyyyyyy," Vittoria imitated Bridget's sing-song.
"Vittoria!" Jenny couldn't believe this.
"Tie my hands behind me so that I cannot resist you in case it really is bad," Bridget ordered Vittoria.
"This is going to be fun to watch!" the girl innocently beamed and did so.
"Bridget, be reasonable! You don't to try this, trust me!" the emotional Jenny vainly tried to convince her guest otherwise.
"Now, gag me with those and the bandana just like a kidnapping! Spare nothing!" was Bridget's next order.
"With pleasure although I feel bad that I have these!" Tori jammed them.
"Mmmm! Ugh! Gah! EWWWWWWW!" Bridget immediately retched on the flavor and thrashed.
"I warrnnnnnnneeeddddd youuuuuuuuuuu!" Jenny rolled her eyes.
"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha! Haaaa ha ha ha haaaaaaaa!" Sera cackled into her gag.
"Tori, please untie me!" the captive runner asked the bailiff for assistance.


"Oh, Vittoria, why are you doing this?" Jenny groaned while still smiling.
"I should do more for what you did to Serafina this morning, but I'm going to let you go since you said 'please,'" the commandeering bailiff explained.

Jenny gave her version of everything from start to finish, but in brief terms, including Giulia's nabbing of Sera that morning. She also made mention of something particularly special: the Cool Girls' Club Minnesota Constitution of 2011. That was something new in this trial.

This document, written by two of the earliest CGC members (including the first true inductee), laid the purposes of the club and its personal ethical codes. It described commitments to friendship and also included statements about TUGs and safety. Explicitly mentioned were, in 2011 high school freshmen terms, a commitment to never violate boundaries.

"UGH!" Giulia groaned as she heard Jenny's words, "Ah'm oomed!"
"Tori, free Bridget," Jenny said with a smirk, "Your witness, Sera."
"Ah ave ots of huestions! UGH!" drool was pouring off Sera.
"May Sera remove the gag?" Jenny interceded for her friend.
"No! I warned her before she started swearing. By the way, your panties are gross, Jenny."

Bridget went to the fridge and got herself a glass of juice. Sera approached Jenny and started thinking about what to say and how to say it because the gag might make her unintelligible.

"Ah ihnapped eeple, ight?" Sera asked Jenny while pointing at herself.
"Well, yeah, me and Tori!"
"Ooh ihnapped eeple?" she asked again while OTM gagging herself with a handkerchief to mop up the drool.
"Let's see... you and Bridget!" confirmed Jenny.
"Idthef ihnapped eeple?" the train continued with her pointing to the judgge.
"Me and you and me again... Yeah!" was a third confirmation.
"Thee? We all ihnpped eeple!" Sera said with her arms out.
"No Constitutional questions?" Jenny was surprised.
"Uhn! Doth it an houth wules?"
"No, but its precepts on fairness and kindness and selflessness kind of preclude being possessive of captives when you don't warn people of such. I've been a personal captive enough times, but my captor always made sure other people knew. It's not being possessive of captives that's the problem; it's that Giulia just springs it at people at random."
"Ou're oomed," Sera looked at Giulia and shrugged, "Uhn ore huestion!"

Sera went to Jenny's bag and grabbed several bandanas of widely varying colors. She brought the pile over to Jenny and asked her to identify the color of each one. Sera thought she had a "gotcha" on Jenny's version of events, but she misunderstood Jenny's kind of colorblindness.

"Green, pink, grey, icy blue, beige, red, and orange! There!" Jenny said with a hint of pride.
"Rats!" the failing attorney returned to her chair.
"The state has a final witness, your honor!" Jenny announced.
"It does? Who would that be?" Bridget asked with curiosity.
"The boldest move," Jenny went to the door that connected to Giulia's, "I'm ready, Domenic!"

Domenic Lecerf was quite the surprise move, and no one really understood why Jenny would want Domenic to be a witness in the trial. Once she began questioning him, it became apparent. As Giulia's husband, he was her primary confidante, and it turned out she happily told him of her exploits.

"Giulia," his French accent was present, "Loves playing the games with you. It helps her relax and feel youthful and makes her feel like she still has meaning to people besides me and the boys. When she's really having fun, she'll tell me.

"Last night, I got to see strange things with her and Seraphima arguing. Then I hear tape ripping and see her pushing wrapped up Sera. After that, she got Bridget. She told me a week ago when Bridget first shared that she was arriving Saturday not Sunday. Giulia made plan to... hmmm... get all four tied together. But she always want an excuse to give reason for tying girl."

"When she tie Jenny yesterday," it sounded like Zhenny, "she said she wanted to 'kick things off.' She tie baby sister for attempting to release Jenny. Then she pick fight with Sera over baby sister and use filthy clothes gag. She want to do on Bridget, but I guess Jenny get girl first. Umm... Let me see... Oh, yes, she was very happy when Jenny take film of spanking Sera. Giulia had her excuse of Jenny spanking Sera when Sera Giulia's prisoner."

"Is that all?" Jenny asked, "No more details?"
"Except that I can see she's enjoying game very much? No."
"Sera-feem-a, do you have questions for Domenic?" Jenny asked her opponent.
"Nuh uh!" Sera adjusted her kerchief and started twisting in place again.
"You may go home, Domenic. Thank you," Jenny nodded.
"I have fun. Sera and Giulia are cute when shut up like this," he smiled and took his leave.

"Any closing statements?" Bridget asked, "The gags may come off now."
"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury," Jenny made her statement, "as you heard from the accounts of the victims, Giulia Lecerf is a repeat offender of her crimes. Not only that, but as you heard from the witness of her own husband, these attacks were often premeditated, and she boasted of doing these cruel things. Our expert witness on CGC law also demonstrated that her actions violated the covenant that binds us as friends, pun intended."
"I'm toast. Show a little mercy on my big sister, please?" Sera asked timidly while continuing to fidget, "I'm not too good at this."

"Members of the jury, give us a like on the comments I just posted if you think Giulia is guilty of that crime. Give an angry reaction if you think she's innocent. Anything else will be ignored," Bridget said, "Take 15 minutes."

Sera paced the room in circles and such and kept fidgeting with her clothes. Giulia, now untied, stretched her limbs and studied the marks on her arms and legs. Bridget sat explaining things to Vittoria. Lastly, Jenny adjusted her own outfit, but that because it really had gotten messy over the duration of the trial.

"We have a verdict!" Bridget announced for the room and her stream, "This court finds Giulia Randaccio Lecerf guilty of three counts of kidnapping, one of unlawful imprisonment, and both counts of violating the CGC Constitution! Giulia, after supper, we're going to sentence you."
"Guilty?" Giulia asked again go be certain.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]GermanTUGFriend[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]Canuck100[/mention] [mention]TamatoaShiny123[/mention] [mention]hafnermg[/mention] [mention]lauragagged[/mention] [mention]Lucky Lottie[/mention]

Chapter 22

"I'm really curious to see what punishment you all conceive for me!" Giulia spoke excitedly.

With that, Giulia motioned for them all to follow her into her house where a nice Sunday dinner awaited them. Giulia was glad she had made so much because Tori and Jenny ate thirds! Soon, the time came for Sera and Vittoria to leave. The girls packed their bags, and Jenny sent them with a "Christmas present for the whole family." Before they left, Bridget had a request.

"Girls," Bridget spoke, "before you leave, you should leave those ruined pantyhose with us so Jenny can give them one last hurrah."
"What? So Jenny can gag you with them?" Sera asked, "Oh, all right. No harm in that!"
"Thanks," Bridget rolled her eyes playfully, "But maybe not Jenny."
"I think she means Giulia," Tori started giggling.
"You're going to really kidnap her?!" Sera's eyes widened.
"We sure are," Bridget shooed them.

Goodbyes weren't necessary. Bridget would see them both tomorrow, and Jenny would be back in a couple weeks. These remaining hours of Sunday were for Jenny and Bridget to bond a little with Giulia. It was time for the sentencing.

"I have your panties from yesterday," Jenny said to her co-conspirator without even explaining why.
"Jenny, you're as evil as I am!" Bridget jokingly cackled like a witch when she said this.
"I'm getting Giulia. Get ready to grab her!" the runner sent a text to her landlord.
"All right!" Bridget jammed the panties into Tori's hose and then all of it into Sera's.

Soon, Giulia was there, and Bridget and Jenny invited her to sit down at the table.

"What's this about?" asked Giulia as she sat down.
"It's time to sentence you for your crimes," Bridget said as she locked the door to make escape more difficult.
"My sentencing?" the basketball player asked hopefully.
"Jenny, Giulia is ready to be sentenced!" Bridget said in Swedish.
Jenny responded in Danish, "Giulia is going to enjoy this gag!"
"What are you two saying?!" Giulia knew this was trouble.
"You were found guilty of your crimes! I sentence you to 60 minutes bound and gagged!" Bridget spoke in English.
"TUG Court's revenge!" Jenny showed herself.

Giulia was clueless as to what was said before, but she knew what it meant when Bridget tackled her! Bridget pinned her down so that Jenny could jam the gag package in her mouth. She pushed and pushed until Giulia's cheeks bulged and then wrapped and wrapped and wrapped as much as she could before knotting off the gag.

Bridget zip cuffed the basketball player's wrists and elbows while Jenny blindfolded her with a green bandana. They then worked together to zip her ankles, knees, and thighs. Giulia shrieked into the gag quite a lot, but it was kind of fun to be on the receiving end of the same punishments she had dished out to others.

The conclusion of the zipping meant the commencement of the wrapping. It was finally time to use that cling wrap... on Giulia! They removed Giulia's shoes and socks and wrapped her legs all the way up her black slacks and up her torso to her neck with only her butt and feet left unwrapped. They used the narrow roll to wrap her neck and entire head; Jenny, who wrapped the head, was glad Giulia's brown-blonde hair was in a ponytail and left only the ponytail and her nose unwrapped.

"Take that!" Bridget said giving Giulia a spank on the butt, "Your sentence from the Newark TUG Court."
"Mmm!" the girl moaned while Jenny filmed her in her helpless state.
"Even if you don't like this, Giulia," Jenny said in a happy voice, "You'll better understand us afterwards."

Giulia was beginning to regret her dirty laundry gags as she had a horrid mixture of flavors brewing in her mouth now. Now she knew how Jenny felt with the gag earlier, and it wasn't too nice especially after explicitly saying she hated those gags. Boundaries were apparently super important in TUGs. Worse, the flavor made her question Sera and Bridget's appetite for these things.

"How about this?" Jenny asked as she produced a hair brush.
"Is that what you got from the bathroom?" Bridget asked back, "Show me your ways, oh wise and wicked one!"

Jenny demonstrated the technique of using a hairbrush for tickle torture. There was toothbrush torture, but hairbrushes were very different altogether and required a different touch. However,the brutally forced noise being expelled by the victim was just the same.

Years of experience played into this. The brush and it's prongs created a chilling effect that tickled all the nerves in an unique manner. This result in fewer but much more powerful laughs and sounds from those whose feet the hairbrush met. No one wanted to mess with the hairbrush more than once if possible.

At the same time, Bridget was spanking Giulia in the moments Jenny was not tickling her. The rower knew exactly just the right strength to use at each moment and which location to land upon to make sure she got a good strong squeal. Giulia's reactions proved what she had previously hinted to Jenny about having a spanking fetish and being occasionally spanked by her husband.

The real tickle torture followed with the captor's fingers exploring as many of the more susceptible regions as possible. Some couldn't be reached on account of the plastic wrap, but many could. Giulia howled into the gag throughout the torture until they abruptly stopped.

"I have a red-eye flight plane to catch, and I have to get ready,"Jenny said.
"Let's dump her in the hall for Domenic!" Bridget suggested.

Together the two carried the landlord out into the hallway between the apartments and put her down.

"Domenic, I have to get ready to leave," Jenny shouted, "Come fetch your wife!"
"All right, all right!" he called back calmly.
"Thanks for playing!" Jenny kissed Giulia, "I love having you for a landlord!"

The two locked the door from their side and Bridget tidied the apartment while Jenny finally handled her previous day's laundry. Soon, the apartment was even nicer and tidier than Jenny liked it, her laundry was handled, and she had the clothes she wanted for her trip home. Having similar styles, Jenny and Bridget harmoniously sang Christmas songs together while they worked.

"Who is it?" Jenny asked in a happy sing-song.
"Me!" Giulia responded.
"Who is me?" Jenny asked again and sarcastically.
"You know who me is!"
"Come in!" the tenant called back.
Giulia giggled, "You locked me out, you dimwit!"
"Oh, right!" the girl ran to the door, "Come in and take a seat."
"I'd rather not."

Jenny was confused and didn't understand why Giulia had said that, but Bridget rolled her eyes and laughed. That had turned out to be more than they had planned. Giulia made a joke about the torture getting more intense after they had deposited her and that she was going to take a shower before Domenic returned with the boys; nothing dirty had happened besides spanking, but when tied up it's much more intense than otherwise.

"I never thought you needed the lessons more than Tori. How was that mixture?" Jenny asked while giving as best a hug of forgiveness as a 5'1" girl can give a 5'10" girl!"
"I don't see what Serafina likes about it, but it's... I'm not much for being restrained... but I now understand a lot more why you girls enjoy being tied up... and why you should never be left alone unless I am super careful with the rules you taught me."
"Ha ha ha!" Bridget started laughing.

The sleepover had been as magical as everyone had hoped. Lessons were learned both the easy way and the hard way, and in the end everyone was as happy as Jenny envisioned. As Jenny squished herself under a blanket on the loveseat for a nap, she turned and saw Bridget, similarly on the sofa, smiling back at her.

Their portion of the sleepover was done.
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Lucky Lottie
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Post by Lucky Lottie »

Another great update. Love the mummification and tickling, a brilliant sleepover for sure.

Keep up the great work.
In her natural habitat is:
-Giddy when approached
-Passive when suspended
-Bratty when loose
-Obedient when cuddled
-Cheeky when gagged
-Truly happy when tickled
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Post by Bondageboi »

Love this episode. As for hairbrush vs toothbrush torture, I agree they are BAD in different ways, but you can’t beat fingernails for tickle torture.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]GermanTUGFriend[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]Canuck100[/mention] [mention]TamatoaShiny123[/mention] [mention]hafnermg[/mention] [mention]lauragagged[/mention] [mention]Lucky Lottie[/mention]

Chapter 23

That night, the Randaccio sisters were in the elder sister's bedroom getting ready for bed. After getting home, they hadn't actually talked to one another about anything. They didn't talk much in the car, either, but Tori was waiting for her chance. Finally, bedtime brought her opportunity.

"Serafina, may I come in?" Vittoria asked after quietly knocking on the door.
"Are any boys out there?" the older sister asked.
"No," Vittoria responded.
"Come in then, and lock it," Sera instructed her sister.

Vittoria, still in her clothes from before and looking like a smaller version of her big sister, entered the room and quietly shut and locked the door. Sera had just pulled her kerchief off and shook her head before taking off her skirt. Tori just watched with silent admiration of her big sister before she spoke.

"Thank you for this weekend. You're a better sister than I knew before," Tori spoke meekly.
"It comes with the territory. You didn't come here just to say that though," Sera's voice lilted a little as she took off her shirt.
"No... what is it Jenny likes to call you? Gangsta Chick?" she asked Sera.
"That's it! It sounds cute coming from you," Sera giggled.
"Well... ummm...," Tori played with her skirt a little, "The Gangsta Twit wanted to see if the Gangsta Chick wanted to be tied up before bed time."

Sera turned and looked at her sister, and together they laughed. Gangsta Twit. Tori was indeed like a mini-Sera at the moment, but she was unique as well. Her eyes conveyed different messages from Sera's, and she had more of a natural goodness than the elder sisters did. The bigger sister smiled at the smaller, younger one.

"Brigida would take me just like this," she twirled about in her underwear.
"Please put something one in case one of the bigger boys comes by," Tori said with her own giggle.
"How about I just get dressed again?" asked Serafina.
"I spent enough time seeing you tied in that today. Noooooooo!!" she shook her head resolutely.
"How about my college rowing uniform? Or my high school one?" asked the adult in an excited way.
"Just pajamas, Sera," Tori laughed, "No Gangsta!"
"I never realized you were so jealous of my fashion," Sera playfully rolled her eyes and smiled.
"I already have plans for you to wear two bandanas," the younger one made a pun.
"My second and third favorite places, perhaps?" teased Sera while grabbing pajamas from the drawer.
"Second and third? What's your favorite?" Tori took the bait.
"On my head!" Sera quipped and put some yellow pajama pants, "Two and three are my eyes and my mouth!"
"In that order?"
"Oh, for sure! Those are the best ways!" the captive-to-be buttoned up the matching shirt.
"I like wearing them in that order too," Tori said confidently.
"Oh, really?" asked Sera, then added in sing-song, "Tori's a gangsta. Tori's a gangsta."

Tori was giggling like the tween she was now if only because she realized there was something funny in all this. Namely, she realized for herself what Giulia had said before, that Sera was her idol and the one she admired most. There was so much to like about this girl and her sassy ways.

"I had so much fun this weekend even if we had a couple little fights," Tori finally spoke.
"Tori, baby, it's a pleasure to be able to call you a Cool Girl," Sera bounced a little.
"It's but a silly title; it's really for me sharing in your life. I don't have all the friends you do."
"Someday you will, girl. You learned a lot, and you made me proud with how you handled everything. Now, you wanted to tie me up, right?" Sera beamed.
"Yeah! What would you like?" Tori asked excitedly.
"Tape is my favorite, but we cannot do so except in the boys room. Too loud. Bandanas and hankies for soft and comfy?" Sera presented an option.
"It's that or rope," shrugged the little Gangsta Twit.
"Rope it is. Show me you can safely truss up a girl!" Sera declared.
"I can!" confidence oozed from her words.

Vittoria took her sister's yellow rope and carefully proceeded with her own master class. After hearing so much, she had to test Sera's flexibility for herself without hurting her captive. Thus, Tori began with a simple and secure binding of her sister's wrists. She had Sera test to make sure it was as safe and effective as she wanted.

With increasing confidence, Tori took the next rope and bound Serafina's elbows. Much to her surprise, Sera's elbows really did touch nicely like Jenny's, but Tori was careful to avoid the areas where she had been warned nerves passed through. Sera again tested and found her elbows nicely secured over the yellow fleece.

"You had a good teacher!" Sera grunted.
"Thank Jenny," Vittoria pursed her lips together.
"Haha!" Sera shook her head, "You are a twit!"

Using the skills taught, Tori continued to cautiously put Sera into an increasingly worse predicament. Next to fall, or rather come together, were Sera's ankles. When Tori was satisfied with that, she tied Sera's thighs as well. With each step, she critically analyzed her knots to make sure she was completely satisfied.

The tough part was the breast harness. It was so tough that Tori asked permission to look at photos on Sera's phone to find a good example to jog her memory. After a couple minutes, she was back to work tying the harness to further restrain Sera's arms.

"Where's your gag?" Tori asked her.
"In my bag in the closet," Sera felt her heartbeat increasing.

Tori was about to use the ball gag, but then she changed her mind. That gag had spent enough time in Sera's mouth today. Instead, she got one of the blue rubber balls and a red bandana and used that to gag Sera along with a piece of microfoam tape.

"Mmmm!" Sera tested her gag.
"Mama!" came a knock on the door, and Sera grew wide-eyed.
"I have this," Tori covered Sera with a blanket and went to the door, "Benny, you're supposed to be in bed. What's wrong?"
"Zia Vittoria, where's Mama?" the little boy looked up at her.
"I'm giving Mama a massage, and she can't come out," Tori told a half truth given her intentions.
"It's cold! I need a blanket!" whined little Benny.
"I'll get it for you," Tori winked back to Sera and took the boy's hand.

Vittoria lovingly assisted her nephew and gave him a good night hug and returned to Sera's room. She again locked the door and exhaled deeply from a stressful escape. It wasn't every day that Benny got out of bed at 10 o'clock, and Sera grunted her approval of how Tori handled it.

While Tori was gone, Sera explored her bonds. She wanted to see how well her sister had done and began squirming and rolling on the bed to push the limits of the rope. To her pleasant surprise, she was stuck, but Tori saw her sister's actions differently.

"Sera! Naughty girl! Were you trying to escape?" Tori tapped her foot on the floor.
"No!" Sera wondered what was coming to her.
"Bad girl!"
"Hey!" the victim cried out.
"Where was I?" Tori asked herself, "Blindfold."

Tori grabbed a black bandana and carefully blindfolded her big sister. Yes, yellow pajamas, yellow rope, a red bandana, and a black bandana. Ascetics had no place in Vittoria's TUGs, and she didn't care what others thought.

"Yipe! ih-horia!" Sera gasped.
"Butt massage and a rib cage massage too," Tori whispered to her sister.

Tori's fingers began digging into Sera's ribs. Her small hands more easily got into those tight places than even Jenny's had before. Sera grunted loudly as the fingers assaulted her armpit most roughly of all. Alas, there was nothing Serafina could go except accept her torment her baby sister. It didn't take long for the forced laughter to become a heavy grunt. This went on for only a few minutes though before Tori paused.

"Phew! Ugh!" Sera took a deep breath.
"Yow! Thith, ooh are mean," the captive was shocked.
"I'm nicer than Jenny," the Gangsta Twit was right about that.
"Yike! Ohhh!" Sera rolled over onto her back.

When Sera was on her back, Tori tickled her tummy and ribs especially; when the Gangsta Chick was on her stomach, she was spanked or had her legs and/or armpits tickled. There was no way to win it seemed! It was either shriek or grunt, but Tori added a layer to things.

Sera's pink vet wrap appeared, and Tori gingerly wound it around Sera's face until only her nose was exposed. Her jaw was now further clamped around her ball gag, and her chances of shoving the blindfold off were non-existent now.

"And some rib torture!"

This combination rib, armpit, tummy, leg, and arm massage was unlike anything Sera had experienced before. The energetic young girl had no quit and merely judged things based on what others said. If Jenny mentioned 30 minute tickle sessions and Bridget mentioned 30 spanks, then Sera could take 30 each! Around the 17 spank mark, Sera stopped struggling, but she kept vocalizing.

"Time to really teach you a lesson!" Tori sat on the bed and put Sera on her lap.
"Huh?!" Sera was amazed by this power swap.
"Oh, hori!"
"You've been a naughty Gangsta Chick!"

Tori wasn't enjoying this as much as the Gangsta Chick, though. Indeed, Sera was experiencing a new level of euphoria that was foreign to her. She almost seemed to be spacing out, in a sense. Around the 22nd spank and its accompanying tickling, Sera just surrendered herself. Her fight was gone, and she was literally on the metaphorical cloud nine. The state only heightened with the continued torture.

"All those kidnappings and other TUG crimes you committed this weekend."
"That's enough," Vittoria said and helped Sera sit up.
"ohhhhh," the dazed girl groaned.

Tori wasn't sure what to make of this as Sera just seemed completely limp. Wanting to be sure that Sera was all right, she unraveled the vet wrap, albeit with childish pleasure, and removed the blindfold. Sera seemed to almost be asleep, but she was breathing.

"Come here, Sera," Vittoria gave Sera a tight hug.
"Oor thuch a ood thither," Sera was barely intelligible.
"This has been so much fun," Tori giggled, "Are you ready to come out?"
"Mmm," Sera nodded.

Vittoria finished freeing her sister by untying the bandana holding the ball in the girl's mouth. Overall, Sera's condition was strange and foreign to both of them, and neither one was sure what had happened. All Sera knew was that she had lost her sense of time and space and that it had felt good.

"That was the best," Sera said weakly but while smiling as Tori embraced her again, "Tori, I've never had so much fun in a TUG... ever!"
"Let's get you out," Tori just saw it as an emotional high of some sort.

Untying the ropes was easy, and as Tori did the deed Sera slowly regained her usual self and began teasing Tori about being the naughtiest Randaccio girl of them all. She was meaner with the spanking and tickling than Sera and Giulia? Perhaps she needed to keep herself in check, them, lest she go overboard in the future.

Tori rubbed Sera's arms, back, and legs to massage the muscles and help her relax. She also got some skin lotion and applied to her sister's arms and legs. Sera said nothing and just let her sister do what seemed best. Tori even took a brush and fixed up Sera's here. Each phase was done with tender care.

"You made that so much fun, but what made it really fun was that it was with you!" Sera said proudly.
"Well, thank you... I just tried to do what your friends might have done at school," Tori blushed and adjusted her bandana.
"Stop idolizing me that much," Sera pulled the kerchief off Tori.
"Heh heh, I do though."
"Gangsta Twit, the Cool Girls' Club is blessed to have you," Sera held her arms open.

Vittoria and Sera embraced in a very special way. The sleepover had made their sisterhood something even more special than it was before. They weren't just sisters anymore; they were dear friends. Now, Vittoria was part of that small private circle of girls, TUG buddies, who had hauled Sera out of the pit of depression.

And Vittoria now had her own such circle of people she could tie, trust, and love.

Last edited by AlexUSA3 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Lucky Lottie
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Post by Lucky Lottie »

Congratulations on finishing such a great story. I'm a sucker for happy endings. Good job
In her natural habitat is:
-Giddy when approached
-Passive when suspended
-Bratty when loose
-Obedient when cuddled
-Cheeky when gagged
-Truly happy when tickled
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Post by Dreamerforever2004 »

Hi Alex!
I've just finished reading your beautiful story.
I like the ending a lot.
Too much "dirty laundry" gags for my tastes...
And I found, sometimes, difficoult to follow the courtroom part but...
These are only minor drawbacks for me.
The most important thing, the one I beloved much, is that you highlightened the tugs game as a way to show a deep form of love, friendship and care.
True Bondage is all about care, tugs, good emotions...
And I liked a lot all your characters.
And now...
Let's go to read some more stories of yours!
Have a nice day and thanks for sharing with us your stories!
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