Kaleidoscope: No Proscenium (M/F, FFFF+/M, MM/MF, F/M. F/F, etc.)

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Post by Caesar73 »

charliesmith wrote: 8 months ago That was a nice and fun chapter overall. Greg and Jessica are such sweethearts. I adore their relationship. I wonder where they will go from here.
Me too :) Nicely done @Fandango !
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Post by Rtj65 »

You weren't kidding with the disclaimer on this part - that was intense, yet I think it also contributed to the portrayal of a really positive, healthy relationship. It's made for a nice contrast to some of the more dramatic scenes you've written so far, but no less compelling. Keep up the good work!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by Fandango »

Rtj65 wrote: 10 months ago Also, there's something really funny about Jessica and Greg's initial disapproval of what Lexi was doing, while having no idea about Julie's own actions.
I will assure you that it is best for everybody that Greg and Jessica never find out about the more sordid details of Julie and Brendan's past and present. Greg is in fairly good health but the man's heart would still explode nonetheless. Greg doesn't like to think too much about what his daughter's do behind closed doors. To him they are his precious little sweethearts. And in Lexi's case...he's worldview of her is pretty accurate. She's mischievous but ultimately wholesome. For better or worse, Julie is something else. And it's probably best that her parents not look behind the curtain. We'll get Lexi's views on the whole sordid affair at some point in the future.
GreyLord wrote: 8 months ago What a great Happy New Year! @Fandango, you are very good at describing the feelings and emotions of your characters. Thank you.
Thank you very much, @GreyLord. That means a lot. I would like to assure you that I am not a married, Gen X, mother of two. Demographically, Jessica and I don't share much in common. And I always worry about writing for characters that have such a drastically different worldview than myself. So it's good to know that this POV worked for at least some people. Writing POVs for female characters is always something that I take seriously but that I find exceptionally tricky.
charliesmith wrote: 8 months ago That was a nice and fun chapter overall. Greg and Jessica are such sweethearts. I adore their relationship. I wonder where they will go from here.
I appreciate the kind words. We have not seen the last of Greg and Jessica. Seven of the eight POV characters that we've seen thus far will appear in the final four chapters. Slight Spoiler Tag:
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Rtj65 wrote: 8 months ago You weren't kidding with the disclaimer on this part - that was intense, yet I think it also contributed to the portrayal of a really positive, healthy relationship. It's made for a nice contrast to some of the more dramatic scenes you've written so far, but no less compelling. Keep up the good work!
I never kid. That's not true. I often kid. But not with Author's Notes and Warnings. I love that people read my writing. But I want them to enjoy reading it. I never want to trick somebody into reading something that will be off putting for them. I think it's important to let people know what they're getting into. And I have multiple people who read my stories on this site and others that have told me that they are asexual, aromantic, or averse to fluids. Just because I'm writing from the POV of character who is high libido, doesn't mean that all of my readers might want to take that journey.

As for the dynamic between these two, it's something that I certainly want to explore. I tend to get into a rhythm when I write and I retread a lot of similar grounds and tropes. Oftentimes, I'll have an idea that I want to explore in different ways and I'll use a similar setup in multiple stories. Thus aspects of my writing will absolutely appear derivative as I post more works. However, I always like to switch things up and play with variables. I oftentimes write about characters who are familiar with bondage but are new to each other. They have to learn how to react and trust each other and figure their partner out. The relationship is the new variable. In this instance, I wanted to work with a couple that already had that trust. That already had built a relationship. That knew each other inside and out. But that wasn't familiar with bondage. Bondage was new to them. In this case, the bondage is the variable. That's something that I wanted to explore. I also like to balance chapters where the bondage relationship between captor and captive is antagonistic with ones where it's playful and nourishing. So you might be able to guess that some harsh guff is around the corner.

Thanks to everybody for reading. I hope to have started posting Chapter 9 by the end of the week (Thursday or Friday).
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Post by Fandango »

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Since it's been a while, perhaps a slight recap of where our characters find themselves is necessary. Greg and Jessica have taken a dive into the world of kink and Greg surprised her with shibari classes where they've met a new set of friends that they can be more open around. Julie found out that her sorority sisters are making life hard for the Brendan and have been sharing visual media of his Greek initiation night... which was a strict no-no. Lexi is still basking in her win at No Proscenium's mystery theater night and her father has tentatively allowed her to keep the bondage addition that she added to their escape room. However, Julie will be calling her with a favor for help with a big project. Dominic is seeing Tabitha in her capacity as a Kink Shrink and she has convinced him to join the troupe at No Proscenium to ween his way off of his unwholesome enforcer job. Kylie is still suffering from the emotional grenade of the lab robbery. She has been fairly housebound but hopes to return to school after taking the first semester off.

All characters depicted in this story are fictional. But most settings are real places (though oftentimes unnamed) and I have set the narrative in our timeline. Therefore, the professional basketball game that serves as a backdrop for this story was a real game that took place on the specified date (1/2/23). The POV character for this story (Mia Blair) last appeared in Chapter 2: Red Letter Night and briefly in Julie's flashbacks in Chapter 6: Cognitive Dissonance. She is the Outreach Chair and de facto leader (though NOT President) of Delta Gamma. The contents of this chapter are more intense than many of the previous ones and feature irresponsible and distasteful decisions that the author does not condone, regardless of whatever justifications might be present within the narrative.]

Chapter 9 - Donovan Mitchell FTW (Mia Blair's POV) FM/F, F/F [Part 1 of 7]

January 2, 2023

Mia Blair shifted in her seat as she watched her beloved Chicago Bulls break the timeout. This was an incredibly nerve-racking game for her. The Chicago Bulls were clinging to a one point lead over the Cleveland Cavaliers. She turned to see the attitudes of her two friends on the couch. She was watching the game with her sorority sister Julie and Julie’s boyfriend Brendan. Brendan looked like a ghost. His face was pale and looked like a man who had just heard a guilty verdict that would be sending him away for the rest of his life. That was the proper look for him to have. He was fucked. Brendan was from Cleveland. He was a huge fan of everything Cleveland sports. The Browns, the Cavaliers, the recently renamed Guardians. He had hoodies and hats and shirts for all of them. He lived and breathed Cleveland sports and even though she gave him A LOT of shit for it…she had to respect it. He was not a fair weather fan. She was a Chicago girl and knew what it was like to suffer in the sporting world. Her Cubbies had finally broken through for their first World Series in 108 years when she was in high school. They were often frustrating to watch. The Chicago Bulls would have been a fun dynasty to watch had she been a little older. But sadly they’d one their last championship a few years before she was born. A lot of good that did her. And don’t get her started on the Bears. At least they had the #1 pick in the draft next year.

But today’s game was of monumental importance because of a VERY, VERY high stakes bet that she and Brendan had made. She honestly couldn’t believe that she’d agreed to it. She thinks that she wouldn’t have agreed to it if she hadn’t been more than a little drunk at the time. But thanks to her inhibitions being tampered with by alcohol, her thirst for the spoils that she would get to claim if she won, and a fair amount of goading and teasing by her sorority sister Julie…she had made the bet. Bulls vs. Cavaliers. Mia vs. Brendan. Loser has to be the winner’s slave. Not just a “do whatever the winner tells you slave”. That would be humiliating enough. This was another level. This was a “bound and gagged plaything slave”. That was not a price that Mia was even remotely prepared to pay. And luckily for her, with the way this game was closing out…she wasn’t going to have to.

Mia had never been tied up before. She was certainly interested in bondage. But she was interested in being a dominant force. There were thousands of boys on campus who would surely love to see her bound and gagged. But she was desirable enough that she could be very choosy in who she wanted to play with. And she only indulged boys who were willing to be tied up by her exclusively. She had no desire to ever taste the sting of ropes on her own body. But she’d somehow agreed to this bet. She’d agreed to it because the most enjoyable captive that she’d ever had at her mercy was on the table again. Brendan was Julie’s boyfriend. But Mia had first had him as her bound and gagged little boy toy before that had ever been official. Brendan had actually met Julie on the night in question. It was a hazing event that Mia had coordinated for Brendan’s Pledge Hell Week into Sigma Alpha Epsilon. And it had been everything that Mia dreamed that it could be. She and her sorority sisters had run the poor kid through the ringer. And he’d squealed and moaned and thrashed and struggled through just about every second of it. They’d thoroughly showed him who was boss. Girls had reigned supreme that night. Brendan might be a tall, muscular intimidating presence. But he’d never looked more helpless and demure and pathetic than on that night. And she’d never enjoyed tormenting a captive as much. It had been exhilarating. It had been ecstasy. So she was obviously eager to do it again.

But Julie had started dating him a couple of months after that event. Over the summer, while Mia found herself back in Chicago. And while she and Mia had a great relationship, you can’t simply ask your friend and sorority sister if it’s cool for you to bind and dominate her boyfriend. Brendan was strictly off limits. But they’d always have Red Letter Night. She owned him. And she liked to remind him that she’d owned him. She loved to watch him squirm and turn red. She enjoyed making him return to that night. When he had been hers to torment. She liked drinking in his humiliation. She wanted to bathe in his shame and indignity. She knew that that was a little perverse. She liked Brendan. He was such a nice guy. He was funny and good-natured. And he was a great conversationalist. And by all accounts he treated Julie like the queen that she was. She genuinely liked Brendan. So she did feel a little guilty about all of the teasing that she did of him. But she couldn’t help herself. She loved the raw, visceral reaction that she got out of him.

She’d often combine the taunts with a dig at his beloved Cleveland Browns. In Week 2 of the NFL season when they’d coughed up a seemingly insurmountable lead to the Jets by not being able to recover and onside kick she’d said: “Boy, the Browns really GAGGED that one away.” She’d placed the emphasis exactly where she needed to make his face go red and not elaborate on the joke to the other girls that were within earshot. In Week 6 after the Browns had gotten crushed by the Patriots by more than three touchdowns she’d led with: “Man, Brendan, your Browns really got SPANKED this weekend.” She’d accompanied the comment with a gesture that mimicked how Robin had paddled his helpless bare bottom on Red Letter Night. Emily and Trish had been talking with them and both cackled along with her as he had flushed again and excused himself a short time later. She LOVED that he got so embarrassed about it despite the fact that he apparently still let Julie tie him up and torment him all the time. A couple of her newer sisters had been invited by Julie to join her and Brendan for some kinky fun. And apparently he still was regularly getting bound, gagged, and humiliated. Only consensually now. That made Mia feel a little better. At least he was kind of into it. She did know that he didn’t particularly appreciate her digs about dominating him though. He’d asked her a couple of times to cut it out. She knew that she should. It was just a little hard to help herself sometimes.

There had also been the Halloween incident. Delta Gamma had thrown a big Halloween bash and Julie and Brendan had attended. Brendan’s costume was a little licentious, to say the least. He was dressed as George of the Jungle. Which basically just consisted of him wearing a loincloth. And he was ROCKING it. The guy had the body of Adonis. He looked great and had been drawing plenty of attention. Julie, for her part, didn’t seem to mind that a lot of the girls couldn’t keep their eyes off of Brendan. Or that he was wearing the costume around her sorority sisters. However, when she and Piper found themselves talking to Brendan later in the night they couldn’t help but remind him that they’d seen him wearing significantly less. He’d gotten quite embarrassed and they may have pushed him a little bit with their recollections of the evening because he actually got upset and stomped off. Apparently he didn’t have the same sense of humor about it as they did. Later that night, Julie had pulled her aside and told her in no uncertain terms that she’d like Mia to get over Red Letter Night and quit it with the teasing. Mia had taken the notes and changed tact a little bit. By that she meant that she never did her teasing in front of Julie anymore. She still teased Brendan. She still made jokes about it. She continued to regale some of her other sisters with the story of the night. That night had made her a legend in this house. It had been her plan. And it had been a wild, fun, bonding night for all of the sisters involved. Every Greek student got hazed. But nobody had ever done it with more panache than Mia. She liked leaning into her own legend.

But tying up Brendan ever again had been out of the question for her. Brendan belonged to Julie. He was her boyfriend. He was her submissive. Julie was her sorority sister. And one of her favorite sisters. There was no way that she’d ever cross that line. So she simply had to live in the reverie of that night. Brendan was spoken for. But then she’d been talking to Julie and Brendan at a Delta Gamma party shortly before Christmas Break. Red Letter Night had come up. Only it wasn’t her bringing it up. It was Julie. Apparently talking about the event was back on the table. She knew Julie would come around. They’d gotten to talking about it and how fun it had been while Brendan had squirmed and been more than moderately uncomfortable. Mia was glad that Julie still thought about it as fondly as she did. Then Julie had proposed a bet. Mia had thought that she was surely joking, but apparently she was serious. Chicago Bulls vs. Cleveland Cavaliers. They were going to play the day after New Years Eve. They should make a bet. Loser would be tied up and tormented by the winner. Mia had of course been reticent. There was NO way in Hell that she was going to let Brendan tie her up. But Julie had prodded her. Brendan didn’t seem any more excited about the possibility of the bet than Miq did. Probably because he stood to lose, just like her. It was easy for Julie to be excited. She didn’t get tied up and humiliated either way. And Mia knew that the risk was too great. She was of course going to decline. She’d tied up Brendan before. And she wanted to again. Oh. She wanted to SOOOO badly. But what if she lost? That would be humiliating. So she said No. And she’d thought that was that.

But then Julie had teased her later about not being willing to make the bet in front of some of the other girls. She’d joked that Mia was a coward who could dish it but couldn’t take it. Mia was self-aware enough to know that this was probably correct. But she didn’t like being thought of that way. She had a reputation for being fierce. But fierce people did the tying. They weren’t tied up. That’s not the way it worked. She’d brushed off Julie’s criticisms. She’d sidestepped them by saying that Julie didn’t get to call her a coward. Julie didn’t want to be tied and gagged either. They were both dommes and didn’t need to lower themselves to playing games of chance for the right to tie them up. That’s when Julie had pulled out her phone. She went into her camera roll and started showing some pictures off to the other girls. Trish, Piper, Rachel, even girls that hadn’t been at Red Letter Night like Sofia, Candace, and Laura. The pictures showed Julie tightly tied up on a bed. Tied up to chair. Hogtied on a couch. She was ball gagged. She was panel gagged. She was gagged with tape wrapped around her head. Sometimes she was blindfolded. Sometimes she was dressed. Sometimes she was in her underwear. In one of them it could be seen that she was at least topless and probably wearing nothing at all. The girls had been dumbstruck. Some of them laughed. Some of them gasped. All of them were SHOCKED. They’d always thought that she had gotten with Brendan so that she could have a sexy submissive to play with. Apparently their games went both ways.

Julie had been entirely unphased by showing some of her sorority sisters pictures of herself in her most helpless and vulnerable state. She simply had snidely remarked to Mia: “See. I can take it as good as I can dish it, fraidy cat.” Mia didn’t like being baited. But this made things difficult to walk away from. She’d agreed to the bet. These girls all thought that she was tough as nails and a badass. She was certainly going to lose some of that if she walked away from an open challenge in this manner. It would undermine her ability to mock Brendan. But she wasn’t a dummy. She’d insisted on the spread. Her Bulls were having some issues. They hadn’t been playing up to their potential to start the year. The Cavs were currently the better team. Not much better. Mia thought that the Bulls could take them. But she wanted every advantage. And the spread was only fair. That wasn’t even a real advantage. Julie had looked at Brendan. He did not seem nearly as excited as Julie did. He looked like he was going to be sick. But she gave him a little stroke behind his ear and he’d stretched out his hand to shake. Mia had reluctantly taken it and the bet had been made. She’d wished several times between then and now that she hadn’t. But it looked like everything was going to turn out for the best.

The Bulls were up by one point. There were 7.1 seconds left and Donovan Mitchell had just intentionally fouled Coby White. White was going to get two free throws. Mia was looking good. She had the spread. It was going to be physically impossible for the Cavaliers to beat the spread in regulation. Even if White missed a free throw and the Cavaliers hit a game winner…they’d win by one or two. Brendan needed them to win by five points or more. She’d basically won. The only thing that could stop her now was if the Cavaliers forced overtime. And even then they’d have to smoke the Bulls in overtime. She was feeling very confident. Not as confident as she’d felt at halftime. The Bulls had been up by 18 points at halftime. She’d talked SOOOOO much shit at halftime. She’d mentioned all sorts of things that she was going to do to Brendan. And he’d just sat there silently drinking like a man headed to the gallows. It was going to be super embarrassing if the Bulls blew this game. She’d really been ribbing him when it looked like the Bulls were going to steamroll the Cavaliers. The good news is that the Bulls could still lose and Julie would still win. That wouldn’t be as satisfying. She wouldn’t be able to rub how much Cleveland sucks in Brendan’s face. But she’d be able to rub her bare feet in his face when he was bound and gagged on the floor in front of her. That would be fun. She’d get over a potential two or three point loss really quickly.

The Cavaliers recently acquired star Donovan Mitchell had carried them back by scoring 55 points so far. It was a great game by him. But he was going to be falling a little bit short. She watched with excitement as Coby White hit both free throws. Brendan looked so deflated. He had better ready himself to be her squirming, mewling little bondage slave. This was going to be so fun. The Cavaliers inbounded the ball and started taking it down the court. Mia did NOT want a 3 pointer. The Bulls should foul. Force the Cavaliers to shoot free throws. Don’t allow a 3 and definitely don’t allow Donovan Mitchell to get a shot off. Mitchell got the ball and was immediately fouled by Ayo Dosunmu. Excellent. This thing was almost in the bag. A wicked smile was starting to form over her mouth as she could hear Brendan audibly groan.

Brendan: Oh God. Jesus.

He knew that he belonged to her. She’d been nerve-wracked for a couple weeks. But the ultimate treat was only a couple of minutes away. Donovan Mitchell made the first free throw. Once he hit the second, she just needed the Bulls to safely inbound the ball and then that should be that. Even if they didn’t the most that the Cavaliers would win by was two. The sting of defeat for the Bulls would be softened as she took out her frustrations on a bound and gagged Brendan. She watched as Mitchell shot the second free throw. It missed. Off the back of the rim. Mitchell swooped down the right side, grabbed the rebound and laid it back in off the glass. Fuck!! No!!! Tie ball game. They COULD be going to overtime!!! Brendan exploded out of his seat.

Brendan: YESSSSSSS!!!!!! Fucking YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! Oh my Fucking God!!! Mitchell, I love you SOOOOO FUCKING MUCH!!!!!

Mia felt a pit building in her stomach. This wasn’t over. She was still favored to win this bet. The Bulls could score in the next three seconds. The Cavaliers could steal the inbounds and score and she’d still win. She had a four point cushion in overtime. Things weren’t bleak yet but the possibility of her losing this bet began to creep into possibility for the first time in almost two hours. This was not a good feeling. Brendan kept going on and on. It was clear that he did not want to be tied up. He wanted to win. He wanted to tie her up.

Brendan: Oh Lordy. I needed that so badly. Thank you, sweet baby Jesus.

The Bulls inbounded the ball and Demar DeRozan’s game winner attempt didn’t hit. Mia had a thought. What if she offered Brendan a draw? He clearly was still very scared of the prospect of getting tied up. Maybe he was as scared as she was. They hadn’t played overtime yet. She had a four point advantage. Overtime was only five minutes. It would be hard to really pull ahead in five minutes. She’d offer him a draw and they could walk away from the bet.

Mia: I’ll tell you what Brendan. You’re spotting me four points. I’d say I still have the advantage, but I’ll extend you an offer. We call the bet off now. I don’t make you my slave. You don’t make me your slave. We call it a draw. What do you say?
Last edited by Fandango 5 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rdo4y8 »

I both love this story and as a Bulls fan have nightmares about the specific game in question here.
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Really great to hear from you again! Interesting new beginning with the bet, I’m curious how things will turn out!
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Post by GreyLord »

Nice to see you return to this story, @Fandango. Does the bet stipulate Julie's role if Brenden wins? I'm not a basketball fan and don't know the outcome although the indications are that Mia will lose. If so, that will be fascinating, indeed.
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An Unlikely Savior Completed
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Post by charliesmith »

Nice to see you picking up this story again. It’s interesting to see that Julie and Brendan will be teaming up to dominate Mia :D
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
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Post by Rtj65 »

I don't know anything about the game in question here, but it does look like Mia is about come up on the wrong side of this bet. Really looking forward to the rest of this chapter though, I think that Mia's POV will be very illuminating. I suppose she's had a bit of an unfavourable portrayal so far, and I think that will change to some extent here. Thanks for providing the recap as well, that was a useful reminder of where all of the different plotlines are at.
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by Fandango »

Chapter 9 - Donovan Mitchell FTW (Mia Blair's POV) FM/F, F/F [Part 2 of 7]

Mia watched as Brendan considered her offer. He was seriously mulling it over. It was clear that he very much did not want to be her slave. OK. So maybe he didn’t enjoy all of this as much as she was beginning to think. She knew that she’d given him a good offer. A four point spot in overtime was no joke. He’d be a fool not to take it. Yet just as Mia felt that he was about to call it off, she saw him look over at Julie.

Brendan: What do you think, babe?

Julie: It’s your call, babe. But I think you should let it ride.

Mia: Brendan, Julie doesn’t know sports like you and I do. You’re spotting me four points in five minutes. This is a good deal. You know it is.

Julie: Hey. I might not know a lot about sports. But I know that momentum is important. And I think that your guys have it, B. Look at that second half comeback. That’s got to count for something.

Mia: Brendan, you’re the one who is at risk here. Not Julie. She wins either way. You’re the one that suffers if the ball doesn’t bounce your way. Remember that.

Julie: She’s right. If you want to pull out, babe, go right ahead. But I think you should see it through. You’ve already seen the worst that she can do and lived to tell the tale. You’re strong.

So that’s how Julie wanted to play this? It almost sounded like a challenge. She was going to lull Brendan into staying in the bet by convincing him that he’d already been through similar before. Well Mia figured that she had better stomp out that line of thinking right now.

Mia: That’s foolish advice, Brendan. I can assure you that you have not even BEGUN to see what torments I can deliver. I’m prepared to make last time look like child’s play. Your imagination cannot fathom the nightmares that I have in store for you. So consider carefully.

Mia really laid it on. She could tell that Brendan was exceedingly nervous and she was hoping to prey on that insecurity. However, Brendan looked over at Julie and a wordless conversation appeared to be passing between them. Clearly she’d said something that had struck a nerve. Had Mia played her hand a little too aggressively? Perhaps. But only because she was eager to avoid the punishment that was now again a realistic notion for the first time in almost two hours.

Brendan: Thanks for the offer, Mia. But I’m not backing down. The bet is still a go.

Brendan said this confidently. He had steeled his nerves and she could sense that pushing him further would have little value. They were still doing this.

Mia: Fine. It’s your funeral.

Mia settled back down onto the couch as the teams broke their huddles to tip off the extra period.

On the first possession things got off to an ignominious start. The Cavaliers won the tip and Jarrett Allen cleared an offensive rebound before the ball found it’s way back to Donovan Mitchell who canned a step back three-pointer. She felt her heart drop down into her stomach. Brendan let out a raucous cheer as Julie patted him on the back.

Brendan: Fuck yeah, Donovan!!

The teams traded missed baskets on each of their next three possessions before Jarrett Allen cleared another offensive board and slammed it home. The Cavaliers were up five. There were about two and a half minutes left and Mia was currently sitting on the wrong side of the spread.

Brendan: Atta baby!!

Mia felt literal chills going through her body. Her extremities were tingling. An existential dread was creeping over her. Time appeared to be rushing forward towards her fate. It seemed like only mere seconds had passed when Donovan Mitchell hit another basket. Oh God! Jesus Fuck! This was happening.

Brendan: Donovan, you absolute monster!

The Bulls called for a timeout to regroup. Nobody said anything during the timeout. But Mia could feel Brendan and Julie watching her. She imagined that she was probably as ghostly white as Brendan had been for most of the game. She needed a three. A three pointer would take the bet back to a push. Maybe then she’d finally be able to breathe. But the weight in her chest right now was unbearable.

The Bulls inbounded the ball and shortly thereafter Zach Lavine missed another three point attempt. Donovan Mitchell cleared the rebound and the Cavs were on offense again. They milked the shot clock down before Kevin Love hit Donovan Mitchell with a pass on the perimeter and Mitchell hit ANOTHER step back 3 pointer. For Christ’s Sake! The guy couldn’t miss. Demar Derozan finally got the bulls a basket on the next possession, but Mia barely had time to muster hope before Donovan Mitchell hit yet another three pointer. What was happening? She’d never seen a player get this hot. Some of these weren’t even good shots. He was just heat checking and ball was going in. She felt like she was about to cry.

With thirty seconds left Donovan Mitchell had hit two more free throws to take his total for the night to 71 points. The Cavaliers had a double digit lead. She was as good as Brendan’s slave for the evening. Lavine missed a deep three pointer to make it official as Jarrett Allen cleared the rebound. There were twenty five seconds left and she was almost begging them to do something. But everybody knew it was over, even the Bulls. They let the Cavaliers run out the clock and score went final. Cleveland 145. Chicago 134. Fuck.

Brendan: Thanks, babe. I knew I needed to trust my boys. Momentum is a hell of a drug.

Julie: Now problem, B. That was so exciting. That Donovan Mitchell guy is pretty good. I think you guys are a real contender.

Mia: Pretty good? This is his best game ever. He turned into God for the last hour just to fuck me!

Julie: I’ll take your word for it. But if so… I appreciate his timing.

Mia: Who’s side are you on, Julie?

Julie: Hey. I’ve seen Brendan tied up before. I’ve never seen the mighty Mia Blair in ropes. Maybe Mama just wants some strange.

Mia: I can’t believe I fucking agreed to this.

Mia really couldn’t. It seemed so short sighted. She’d been baited. They’d played on her pride and her wants and now she was in quite a pickle. But Mia knew her worth. She was still an intimidating force. Brendan might be her captor for now. But she was prepared to show him what domming from the bottom really looked like.

Julie: Shall we get started?

Brendan: Absolutely. I’ll go get the supplies.

Brendan got up from his chair and went to the other room while Mia saw that Julie was fixing her with a sassy smirk.

Mia: Yuck it up, Jules. You’d better keep your boyfriend in line like we discussed.

Mia had addressed the issue with Julie a couple of times in the last few weeks. She had informed Julie that if Brendan did win, that she’d hold Julie responsible for keeping him in line. Things were a little different now than they were when she’d tied Brendan up before. Julie and Brendan were in a relationship. She knew that winning today wouldn’t have given a free pass to do EVERYTHING that she wanted. There were standards of friendship that needed to be adhered to. But she expected that that went both ways. Julie surely didn’t want Brendan getting too licentious or lascivious with another woman. And if Brendan’s hedonistic mongrel tendencies did rear their ugly head, Mia expected Julie to use a firm hand with him.

Brendan returned with a duffel bag full of supplies. Mia felt herself becoming even more uncomfortable as he began to rifle through the bag and throw neatly coiled cords of black rope onto the floor. Mia found the organization and appearance of expertise to be intimidating. Brendan looked like he knew exactly what he was doing. She thought back to the photos that she’d seen on Julie’s phone of Julie all tied up at Brendan’s hands. It had looked secure and not particularly comfortable. Julie seemed very nonchalant about it when she showed them off. But the photos didn’t make her look like she was having fun. She looked to have been glowering at the camera in most of them.

Brendan: Alright, Mia. You can start taking off your clothes.

Mia: What?!?!

Julie: You heard him.

Mia: Julie!!

Julie: What?

Mia: You’re OK with your boyfriend making another girl strip for him?

Julie: Ummm…. yes. I’m pretty sure that half of the things that you said you were going to do to him when the Bulls were up didn’t involve him wearing those jeans.

Mia had known that the tact that she was taking was unlikely to work. She absolutely would have made Brendan strip for her. But she was hoping that she could talk her way out of certain indignities by using societal norms and etiquette. Apparently Julie and Brendan were in lock step on what the plan was. She couldn’t guilt or shame them out of this course of action at all.

By the time that she had arrived at Brendan’s apartment for the game the temperature had already dropped to 60 degrees and it was expected to fall into the low 50s that evening. So Mia had dressed fairly modestly. She had also hoped that in the event that she did lose this bet, she’d be able to suffer the indignity of her punishment in the clothes that she was wearing. These consisted of a pair of tight fitting jeans and a midnight blue hoodie pulled over a black T-Shirt. It did not appear as though Brendan was going to go for that. But Mia had no intention of allowing herself to be pushed around too much. He might think that he was in charge. But he was only going to be as in charge as she allowed him to be.

Mia took a seat on the recliner and started to remove her sneakers and socks. Julie and Brendan looked so God damn smug as she peeled them off. They seemed like they were licking their chops to finally be able to lord over her. Why can’t the Bulls just close out a fucking game? Once Mia had removed her hoodie she was already starting to feel a little panicked. She’d be in her underwear. This shouldn’t be anything too big for her. She very regularly wore bikinis that covered way less than her current underwear to the beach with a lot of the fraternity guys. And yet it was. Because this didn’t feel like her decision. Somebody else was trying to mandate that she remove her clothing. And she didn’t much care for it. But she continued to remove her shirt and slid out of her jeans and then stood up with a confident swagger that belied the embarrassment that was already starting to creep over her.

Mia knew that her body gave her a lot of power. And she put in a lot of effort. It took just the right type of diet and exercise for her to maintain a flat stomach but still have a nice, sizeable, toned butt. She was rarely self-conscious. So the butterflies that were currently flapping up a storm in her stomach felt alien to her. She crossed her arms over her considerable chest and waited for Brendan to enlighten her on his plan of action.

Julie: Why are you stopping, girl?

Mia: Julie! Don’t be a bitch.

Julie: If I recall correctly, Brendan was wearing WAY less than that when we tied him up.

Mia: That was different. This isn’t my hazing.

Julie: I’m just saying, I think you need to lose the underwear.

Mia: Absolutely. The. Fuck. NOT. Not going to happen, Julie. End of discussion.

Julie: Sorry, Mia. Didn’t know you were a prig.

Brendan: Julie, it’s fine. If I recall the first time that I tied you up, you asked me to let you keep your underwear on and I acquiesced. I’m going to extend Mia the same courtesy.

Brendan was getting very sanctimonious and holier than thou. Mia decided to quip back.

Mia: Except it’s not a courtesy. You’re not LETTING me do anything. I’m making a DEMAND. It’s my choice.

Brendan: Sure it is, Mia. Whatever you need to tell yourself.

Mia wanted to have a quip to come back at him with. She was usually very quick with jabs. But her current state was playing with her. Everything that came to her mind sounded petty and undignified and she was could feel herself blushing with humiliation.

Mia thought back to when she’d first seen those photos of Julie. The ones that had helped to bait her into this bet. Julie had showed them to about 8 or 9 girls. Mia was fairly confident that those were the only witnesses to the fact that this bet was made. She’d certainly take a social hit if she welched on this bet, but she was beginning to wonder if that was the better play here. Getting tied up did not sit well with her. And the fact that it was her friend Julie pushing for things to be even more lascivious than they were was not a good sign. What if Mia just got dressed and walked out? What would they do? What would the ramifications be? Julie would probably slag her off to all of the other witnesses of the bet. But Mia could outmaneuver her. Mia had never met a narrative that she couldn’t control.

However, as Mia was still doing the mental math on sacrificing some of her pride for other dimensions of her pride, Julie and Brendan had already picked up the ropes and were approaching her. They were both grinning like a couple of jackals.

Julie: You want to tie her upper body or her lower body, babe?

Brendan: As much as I hate to admit it, you’re better at tying than I am. You take the upper body. We can’t have Mia getting loose on us.

Julie: No reason to hate to admit that. You know you love it.

Before Mia had time to properly gauge things Julie pulled her hands behind her back and Brendan crouched down and pushed her ankles together. They were going to be tying her up in tandem. Mia found herself less focused on Brendan as he began to wrap her ankles than she was on Julie who was pulling her arms back into a fairly untenable position. Mia was flexible, but Julie was really torquing her arms to get them into position. Mia recognized the position that Julie was going for immediately. Her arms were being box tied. Mia had never been one to box tie people. She normally opted for a column tie for her captives. But Julie swore by them and was quite good. It’s what they had used on Brendan the previous April. Mia hadn’t been sold on it, but Julie had assured her that if it was tied correctly, it was the way to go. Julie hadn’t actually tied it that night. But she’d taught Trish how to do it in the preceding weeks and it had held like a dream. And as Mia felt the ropes starting to constrict her arms… she was fearful that this one might hold also.

Mia’s hands had been forced in opposite directions to the point where they were almost cupping her elbows on each side and she could feel her arms being tightly lashed together. This pull had the added effect of pushing her chest further out and she blushed from the notable vulnerability of being unable to defend her modesty in any way, shape, or form. She was barely noticing what Brendan was doing to her legs as she felt Julie’s expert rope work constricting her upper body. With each lashing and knot she felt her freedom slipping out from under her. It would be incumbent upon her to use her natural charisma to remain in control from here on out. There were ropes encircling her torso and pinning her arms into place. Eventually she felt Julie pull the end of the rope down over her shoulder and slide it right between her cleavage.

Mia: Hey! What the fuck?!?!

Julie: What’s wrong now, Princess Mia?

Mia: Is that really necessary?!?!

Julie: Define “necessary”.

Mia: Needed to stop me from getting out.

Julie: No. You’re not getting out with or without this chest harness. But it’s necessary for me to get maximum enjoyment out of the situation.

Mia: You are such a fucking bitch sometimes, Julie.

Julie: I know.

Julie gave her complaints no heed as she took the rope and proceeded to contour Mia’s perky breasts even more completely. They were propped up and accentuated by the tight ropework. It looked utterly humiliating. She squirmed uncomfortably which only made the rope rub awkwardly against her chest. She was growing angry and impatient with her friend. She understood why Brendan might have a little bit of an axe to grind. But Julie was her trusted sister. And she wasn’t digging the attitude. By this time Brendan had securely tied her ankles and knees and was now securing her upper thighs. His muscular arms and hands were continuously grazing her bare legs, mere inches from her most delicate region. She shuttered at his touch as his meticulous ropework wrapped around her smooth legs and further served to fuse her legs together. Mia somewhat retreated into herself as the thought of her body being worked over and objectified was bothering her on a surface level. Julie and Brendan finished at approximately the same time. While Julie stepped back to assess Mia’s general visage, Brendan went to the duffel bag and retrieved a ball of twine.

Julie: Oooohhh. Is that for what I think it’s for?

Brendan: Yep. I thought that a little toe tie might garnish things nicely.

Julie: I agree. And you’re the boss. Whatever you want, babe?

Julie gave Mia a little wink that made her shutter. She knew that Mia absolutely couldn’t stand having a guy be in control of her in a situation like this.

Mia: I think you’ve spent just about enough time with my feet, you pervert.

Julie: Now, now, now, Mia. That’s no way to talk to your master, is it?

Brendan: Eh. Is she wrong? She certainly does have a nice set of feet. Easily the second best in the room.

Mia: Pshhhh. She fucking wishes.

Brendan: What makes you think I wasn’t talking about my own?

Brendan flashed a cheeky grin.

Mia: Shut up, Brendan.

Brendan just grinned at her and sat down at her feet with the twine and a pair of scissors.

Julie: Speaking of shutting up, you’re being awfully mouthy tonight, Mia. That’s no way for a fairly acquired slave to speak. You lost, fair and square.

Mia: Fair and square?!? Donovan Mitchell shit a fucking horseshoe to get me in this position. The sequence of events that conspired in the last minute of regulation to get me here are 1 in 1000.

Julie: Maybe. But sometimes… that’s all that’s needed. Now Brendan might be permissive of this lip at present, but I’d start showing more respect if I was you.

Mia: You’d better not mess up my pedicure, Brendan. It’s brand new. I got it in Chicago from my lady yesterday.

Mia’s toes were painted and polished a satisfying pastel pink color. She’d treated herself. She liked a place in Chicago but there was no real point in getting one in Chicago in the winter. But since she’d been heading back to San Diego where she might actually wear sandals, even in January… she’d stopped in on New Year’s.

Brendan: It looks great.

Julie: Don’t worry, Mia. Brendan and I can give you a new one while you’re his little pet. Wouldn’t that be fun, Brendan?

Mia: You’ll do no such fucking thing!

Mia felt Brendan loop the twine around her two big toes several times and then tie the string off in a neat little bow after he clipped it with the scissors.

Brendan: There we go. All set.

He got up and walked over next to Julie. They both looked at Mia, or rather their ropework, admiringly. Mia struggled and squirmed in a standing position as she tested the bonds. It was pretty clear to all three parties that she wasn’t going anywhere. She was getting loose when Brendan permitted it.
Last edited by Fandango 5 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Truly excellent part. I like the Julie and Brendan working together, tying Mia up :)
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Lucky Lottie
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Post by Lucky Lottie »

This is going to get interesting, can't wait to see this continue
In her natural habitat is:
-Giddy when approached
-Passive when suspended
-Bratty when loose
-Obedient when cuddled
-Cheeky when gagged
-Truly happy when tickled
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Post by Lucky Lottie »

This is going to get interesting, can't wait to see this continue
In her natural habitat is:
-Giddy when approached
-Passive when suspended
-Bratty when loose
-Obedient when cuddled
-Cheeky when gagged
-Truly happy when tickled
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Post by GreyLord »

Yes, Brendan and Julie have excellent teamwork. Surely, they will know of other good uses for those scissors. Requiring less than the full display of Mia's body would seem to be letting her off of the hook. And Mia is so deserving of the full treatment.
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Now it gets really interesting! I’m excited what will follow, but I’m sure Mia won’t be able to talk so much in a short while ;)
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Post by Rtj65 »

This chapter is really starting to hot up now. I thought that you did a really good job of conveying all of the uncertainties going through Mia's head; she's clearly somebody who likes to have a good handle on what's going on, and things are changing almost faster than she can respond to them in this scene. We, of course, know that Julie and Brendan aren't revealing everything to Mia yet, but Mia doesn't know exactly what she's in store for, and it makes her perspective all the more compelling.

One thing I am curious about though is the nature of this bet. We know that Julie and Brendan planned this, but they seemingly took a big risk to get it, so how would things have gone if the game had fallen the other way?
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by Fandango »

[NOTE: Some readers might notice that the number of parts has changed. I'm splitting the chapter a little differently and it will be seven parts instead of six.]

Chapter 9 - Donovan Mitchell FTW (Mia Blair's POV) FM/F, F/F [Part 3 of 7]

Mia shifted uncomfortably in the labyrinth of ropework that was completely foreign to her, while Julie and Brendan stared at her like a couple of creeps.

Julie: Alright, Mia, you’ve got a choice to make.

Mia: Oh yeah? What’s that?

Brendan: You have to choose one of us.

Mia: What?

Brendan: I think you heard me. You have to choose one of us to help you get situated into the next phase of things. Oh, and call me “Dominus”.

Fuck. So that’s what this was about.

Mia: In your dreams.

Brendan: Oh. What a poor sport. I like to think that I jumped on the “Domina” train without too much prodding.

Mia: You’re you. I’m me.

Mia knew that antagonizing her captor might not be a great idea, but the knowledge of her personal superiority was what was keeping her from freaking out at present.

Brendan: Maybe that was my problem. I started playing along. Maybe I shouldn’t have. Things didn’t turn out that great for me. Let’s see if your tact works any better. Either way… you still need to choose. Me or Julie?

Mia: Do I, Brendan? I choose neither. I’m not choosing. I might be tied up, but I’m not going to play your silly little game.

Julie: Oh no, Brendan. She’s out. What ever will we do now?

Mia could hear her friend’s voice dripping with condescending sarcasm and she didn’t care for it.

Brendan: I believe this is called deferring. She doesn’t want to make the decision. So she’s passing the responsibility of decision making onto you and I. We’ll just have to decide.

Julie: OK. So what do you think? You or me?

Brendan: I’m leaning towards you. I think she’d be more comfortable with that. She clearly doesn’t like or respect me. I think she’d prefer it be you.
What the hell were they talking about wondered Mia.

Julie: I mean… mine are more accessible.

Accessible? What was happening here? She stared at the two of them having a little pow wow right in front of her. They were playing some game with her. Brendan appeared to be trying to correlate her predicament with that of his. She thought back to Red Letter Night. They’d made him choose his handler. She wasn’t being asked to pick a handler? Was she? They couldn’t possibly be expecting to force her to play any games out in public?!?! She’d kill them.

Brendan: OK. It’s settled then.

Julie: I guess so. Get the tape.

Tape? Fuck. They were going to gag her. Then Mia realized what they meant by Julie’s were "more accessible" and she cringed. Brendan walked over towards the duffel bag. He was wearing a pair of khaki pants and an old school Shawn Kemp Cleveland Cavaliers jersey over a black T-Shirt. Julie, on the other hand, was dressed in bright blue halter top and a very short yellow skirt that barely made it halfway down her thigh. It might be San Diego, but it WAS January, Julie. And then Mia saw Julie reach up under the hem of her skirt. She was taking off her underwear. Now Mia realized what they planned to do. Absolutely the fuck not!

Mia: Julie Huff! Don’t! You! Fucking! Dare! Absolutely not! No WAY, No HOW!

Julie paid Mia’s defiant protest no heed as she dropped a pair of panties down her long, smooth legs until they hit her sandal-clad feet and then stepped out of them one leg at a time. The panties that Julie was wearing were not her normal style. Julie had it and she liked to flaunt it. She normally wore pretty revealing underwear. And even if it was full-bottomed, no-frills underwear, it was usually cute or stylish. This pair was just regular black cotton and appeared to be a several sizes too big for her. It didn’t look like something that Julie would ever wear. Nevertheless, Julie deftly bent over and picked up the panties off the floor and approached her. Mia was panicking. Julie had the look of somebody who fully intended to stuff their dirty panties in her mouth. Mia was an intimidating presence, but she’d known Julie long enough to know that Julie was probably one of the few people that she couldn’t intimidate. She looked down at her bare feet and bound ankles with the toe tie around her dainty pedicured toes. She considered whether she should try and hop away. She should see how much mobility she had and try to fight as much as possible. However, just as she was about to try and figure out if she could maneuver with her legs so tightly trussed, she felt a strong pair of arms wrap themselves around her and pull her close. It was Brendan. Her bound arms pressed into his muscular abdomen and she gasped as his powerful grip held her steady.

Mia: Get your filthy hands off of me!

Julie: That’s “Get your filthy hands off of me, Dominus!” It’s not that hard, Mia.

Mia: You are NOT gagging me with your dirty panties, Julie. That is so fucking gross. I’m drawing a HARD line. That is beyond the pale.

Julie: We did it to Brendan.

Mia: That’s different.

Julie: How is it any fucking different?

Mia: Because he probably fucking loved it. I’ll bet you that night wasn’t the last time that he had your panties in his mouth.

She felt Brendan shake with laughter as he gave a hearty, legitimate laugh at her outburst. She shook with him in his powerful embrace.

Brendan: I gotta say, Julie. She’s got us there. She does have a point.

Brendan clearly had found Mia’s prescient point to be funny. The expression on Julie’s face told Mia that she was not nearly as amused.

Julie: To be fair… we do still frame it as a punishment. And you shouldn’t knock it until you’ve tried it, Mia. Sometimes you need to suck on a pair of panties to know that you don’t like sucking on panties.

Mia: No! I’m good, thanks.

By now Julie was upon her. Brendan was holding her still as she began to buck and squirm in his vice-like grip. She found herself becoming flushed as he pinned her half naked body into his. Julie held the panties up to Mia’s face and clearly expected her to open her mouth and accept them. That was not going to happen. And Mia was unnerved by the fact that she could smell the panties that danced inches away from her face. There was nothing fresh about these. They seemed very unsanitary.

Julie: Be an obedient girl and open up, Mia.

Mia didn’t. But she couldn’t even respond now. Julie would try and take any opening to force the offending undergarments into her gob. She just pressed her lips, gritted her teeth, and turned her head away.

Julie: This is truly disappointing. Normally I’m fine with taming a brat. But I just REALLY wasn’t in the mood this evening. Let’s see. How did Robin do it?

Robin? What did Robin have to do with this? Robin had graduated last year. And then Mia felt Julie’s fist slam laterally into the bottom of her rib cage on her left side. It impacted her bare skin with force and partially knocked the wind out of her.

Mia: Ooowwwwwwww----mmmmmmmmmppppppppppphhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mia let out a surprised, indignant cry of pain at the entirely uncalled for bolo punch to ribs and that was all the opening that Julie needed to begin stuffing her panties into Mia’s mouth. Mia coughed and sputtered as Julie crammed the garment in. They were certainly oversized and began to fully fill her oral cavity as Mia hawked and retched. And they were rank! They tasted absolutely rancid! This wasn’t normal. These seemed incredibly filthy. What the fuck had Julie done to these? Tears welled in her eyes as the foul undergarment was forced further into her mouth. Julie’s deft, nimble fingers pushing it and packing every crevice of her mouth.

Mia: Mmmmmmmmmmppppppphhhhhhh!!!!!! Mmmmmmmppppphhhhhhh!!!!!!! Nnnnnnnnnnmmmmmpppppppphhhhhhh!!!!!!! Hhhhmmmmmmppppphhhhhh!!!!!! Mmmmmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!!!

Julie: That’s it. I think we can fit the whole thing. Let’s get it all in there.

Mia: Mmmmmmpppphhhhrrrrrmmmppppppppphhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Mia was livid. She ranted and glowered at her sorority sister. Julie was going to pay DEARLY for this fucking betrayal. She tried desperately to force the panties out with her tongue as she felt it being pressed down to the floor of her mouth. She also felt her cheeks expanding ever wider as Julie crammed the garment in. The panties were thick cotton and WAY too big to be Julie’s. These were almost certainly the panties of a plus sized woman. Mia didn’t want to know why Julie had been wearing them. And it was disturbing enough that they might have been Julie’s worn panties. She didn’t even want to think about the fact that they could be somebody else’s entirely. The taste of them was overpowering and it was taking all her effort not to cry and retch. Eventually Julie had packed her mouth full and only a little wisp of cotton was protruding out of her mouth. Now Julie placed one hand on top of Mia’s head and the under underneath her chin and pressed her mandible closed as Mia fumed. She then felt Brendan release his grip and heard the telltale RRRIIIIIPPPPPP of duct tape coming off of the roll.

Mia: Nnnnnnnnnnmmmmmmpppppppphhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

It was too late. Duct tape was stretched out in front of her and she felt it being firmly pressed over her lips and smoothed down. It was then torqued around her head and passed around multiple times. However, as Brendan did this, Mia felt Julie holding her shoulder length raven hair out of the way. While it was good that her hair wasn’t getting caught in the tape, the lack of hair as padding under the gag made the tape contour even more tightly to her face and pressed her cheeks inwards. The tight seal was burying the disgusting package inside her mouth even deeper and more securely in place. Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve… Mia thought that the rotations would never cease. Until Brendan had tightly wrapped the tape around her head thirteen times. Thirteen. A truly unlucky number. She heard the tape rip and then she felt it being firmly smoothed down against her cheek just underneath her right ear. She wriggled and squirmed for all that she was worth but her futile grinding against the bonds that ensnared her only made her captors laugh at her pitiable state.

Brendan: God. This is going to be so much fun.

Julie: What a pretty picture she is? Do I look this good tied up, B?

Brendan: Even better, Jules. But I have to say, this is best that Mia’s EVER looked. You’re so thoughtful and erudite that I feel bad about gagging you. Given the garbage that comes out of Mia’s mouth… tonight is going to be a very needed respite.

Mia: Mmmmmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhh!!!!! Hhhhhhhhhmmmmmpppppphhhhhh!!!!! Mmmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhh!!!!

Mia stomped up and down and butted her head at Brendan.

Julie: Now she’s playing along really nicely. She knows that you like them angry, right?

Brendan: I hope she’s playing along. Look at those eyes. She looks like she’s trying to cast some sort of gypsy curse on me.

Julie broke their playful tone for a second and addressed Brendan in her normal voice.

Julie: Brendan, can I ask you a HUGE favor?

Brendan: Anything, Jules.

Julie: I think Mia might be a little riled up and anxious and I think tonight will go better if I properly set the expectations for her. Could I have twenty minutes or so of private girl talk with her while you pick up dinner?

Brendan: Sure. What do you want for dinner?

Julie: I already ordered it. You just have to go and pick it up. I got Shanghai Saloon.

Brendan: Hell yes! I didn’t even see you order. Did you get me the Dragon Beef?

Julie: I like to think that I know you as well as anybody, B. Dragon Beef for you, Shanghai Shrimp for me, Kung Pao Chicken for our special guest, and vegetable lo mein to share.

Brendan: Sounds great. You want me to go now?

Julie: If you could. It’ll be ready by the time that you get there. I promise you… your helpless little plaything isn’t going anywhere.

Brendan: Great. And will Mia still be here also?

Julie chuckled.

Julie: You God damn rascal. Go get the food.

Brendan: OK. I’ll be back. Mia, Julie is in charge while I’m gone. Got it?

Mia: Nnnnnnnnnnmmmmmmpppppppphhhhhh!!!!!! Mmmmmmmmppppphhhhhhhh!!!!! Hhhhhhhhmmmmmmpppphhhhh!!!!

Brendan: Good girl.

Those words only enraged Mia even more. So much for trying to intimidate and hold her ground with her captors. They had fucking steam rolled her. She was trussed, gagged, exposed, and fuming. She’d lost any and all leverage in the situation and was now completely at the mercy of these two infuriating, pig-headed idiots.

Brendan gave Julie a quick kiss and then headed for the door. Mia saw him give a quick glance back at the two of them before opening the door and closing it behind him.

As Brendan left the apartment, Mia felt an eerie confusion course through her body. His leaving should be a good thing. Her new “master” was gone. It was just her and her trusted friend Julie. She’d be spared the humiliation of his roving gaze until he returned. He wasn’t going to be toying with her yet. She should be relieved. And yet she felt an uneasiness settling over her. She almost wanted him to come back. Part of this almost certainly had to do with her friend Julie’s bright mischievous grin. She was clearly enjoying this. What was up with her? Mia had agreed to this because she really wanted to relive last April when they’d dominated Julie’s now boyfriend. The only way that she was getting Brendan back in her clutches was with a bet like today’s. But Donovan Mitchell had ruined that. She had been humiliated and her supposed friend’s excitement towards the matter was entirely unwelcome. She began to feel even more self-conscious as Julie eyed her bound and exposed body with a hungry look in her eye.

Julie: Girl! You look really great like this. This is a look. I mean it. Absolutely serious.

Mia: Nnnnmmmmmpppppphhhhhh hhhhhhhhmmmmmpppphhhh mmmmmpppphhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Julie: Oh, calm down. You are a snack. An adorable snack. And those little whines that you’re making are soooooo cute. I love it.

Mia had NOT been whining. She was protesting this abominable treatment. And those noises were not cute. They were indignant and mortifying.

Julie was supposed to be on her friend. On her side. Sorority sisters. Girl power. She was enjoying Mia’s absolute mortification WAY too much.

Mia: Nnnmmmmmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!! Hhhmmmmpppphhhhh!!!!! Nnnnmmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!!!

Julie: Alright. Let’s get you relaxed. Take a seat on the couch.

Mia: Hhhhmmmpppphhhhhh???

How did Julie expect Mia to just take a seat on the couch. Was she supposed to hop over to it? Bound up as she was? What if she fell? As if anticipating her concerns Julie made her way over to Mia.

Julie: Here. I’ll help you. We’re just going to hop that cute little bound butt of yours over to the couch.

Julie placed her hands on Mia to steady her so that she wouldn’t fall. Except that her hands were not positioned in an appropriate manner. She was expecting Julie to grab her by the shoulders to help her steady herself. Maybe she’d put her hands on Mia’s hips. But instead Julie’s right hand planted itself firmly on Mia’s underwear clad butt. Mia was almost sure that she felt Julie’s hand contract into a subtle little squeeze as she positioned her hand. Then her left hand went to Mia’s sternum. It pressed into her torso making her stand upright and she let the thumb of her hand find it’s way up under Mia’s bra and nestle itself between her bare breasts. What the fuck?!?! Her friend was definitely feeling her up.

Mia: Hhhhhmmmmppppppphhhhhhh?!?!!? Mmmmmpppphhhhh nnnnnnmmmmpppphhhhm mmmmmppphhhhhhmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!

Julie: Short little hops. No need to overexert yourself. We’ll be there in no time.

Mia wasn’t hopping. It was undignified. She was going to give Julie a piece of her mind whether that piece was intelligible or not.

Mia: Mmmmmmmmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!! Nnnmmmmppphhhhhhhhh!!!! Hhhmmmppphhhmmmmmm!!!!!!

She felt Julie’s right hand come off of her butt. Then she felt it smack HARD against her left butt cheek. Julie had spanked her with some force unexpectedly and she gave a sharp squeal of pain and surprise.

Mia: Hhhhhmmmmmppppphhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Julie: I said “HOP!” Don’t make me ask again, Mia. I’m in charge while Brendan is gone. I think that was pretty self-evident. Now hop your cute little butt over to the couch and don’t give me any fucking sass.

What?!? Where was this coming from? Mia turned her head to look at Julie. She glared absolute daggers at her treacherous sorority sister who was still giving her a playful little smile. But something in Julie’s eyes told her that she needed to obey. She was in no position to argue. So she decided to go ahead and hop. But she hoped the glare that she was giving Julie let her know that this was not going to sit well.

Julie steadied Mia as she gave short little hops in the direction of the sofa. Mia lifted herself up on to the balls of her feet, then plunged her heels down to spring up for a slight little hop. She landed firmly on the balls of her feet again and repeated the process in order to try and maintain momentum. The hops were all very short and cautious, but they came in quick succession. With every hop she let out a little grunt as she hit the floor. She could feel the way that her butt and toned calves flexed and tensed with each hop and she felt very self conscious about it. She was glad that Brendan wasn’t here to see her ample bosom bounce up and down with every leap and landing. Eventually she was at the couch and Julie pushed her down into the seat at the far left side of the couch against the armrest.

Julie: Alright, Mia. Now I know that you’re a little perturbed by this whole situation, but we have some things that we need to go over. I have some things that I need to get off my chest. So settle down and I’ll clue you in on three things that I might not have been totally honest about.

Mia: Mmmmmmmppppphhhhhhh nnnnnnnnmmmmmmppppppphhhh hhhhhhmmmmmppppphhhh nnnnnnnmmmmmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!!!

Mia was more than a little perturbed. She was pissed. And what was this about Julie not being honest with her? Julie had a lot of explaining to do.
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Post by GreyLord »

Your descriptions and dialog are wonderful, @Fandango. I will admit that I tend to enjoy consensual play more than non-consensual. This chapter ranks as an exception. It can be particularly satisfying when someone who richly deserves their treatment gets what is coming to them. Mia falls in the middle of that category. Your versatile and active imagination will determine just how far that treatment is to be extended. Kudos!
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Post by beeblebrox883 »

Great part of the story. Can’t wait for what is next!
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Post by Rtj65 »

Although I know that this isn't being done to Mia in good faith, the progression of her predicament over these first few parts has still been very satisfying. It sounds like things are going to shift in the next part, and I'm intrigued to see how Mia responds. Brendan and Julie probably have a clear idea in their heads as to how this lesson that they're teaching Mia is going to go, but I think a lot hinges on how receptive she is to it. Can't wait for the next part!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by Fandango »

Chapter 9 - Donovan Mitchell FTW (Mia Blair's POV) FM/F, F/F [Part 4 of 7]

Julie gave Mia a domineering grin as she circled her with something akin to extreme mischief in her eyes.

Julie: You really do look great like that, Mia?

Mia: Nnnnnnnmmmmmmmpppppppppphhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Julie: But I can see that you’re feeling a little self-conscious.

Mia: Mmmmmpppphhhrhrmmmmmppphhhhh hhhhhmmmmppppphhhhhhhh!!!!!

Julie: Brendan probably would be staring quite a bit. But how could he not? You’re quite a sight. I’ll help you out. I’ll deflect a little bit of his gaze back at me. I’ll get just as undressed as you are.

Mia: Hhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmpppppppppphhhhhhhh?!?!?!?

That’s not what she wanted. She wanted Julie to let her go. But Julie didn’t seem to care what she wanted. Julie just began stripping. She slipped out of her sandals as she simultaneously reached down and grabbed the sides of her halter top cross-armed and pulled it over her head, revealing a bright blue bra. Julie then shimmied out of her exceedingly short skirt revealing a bright blue thong. Clearly the panties that Julie had pulled off earlier that were currently residing inside Mia’s mouth had been some sort of prop. She knew that they weren’t akin to anything that Julie might wear. But the theater of this whole thing wasn’t sitting well with her. Why had Julie had on extra panties? Why had dinner already been ordered seemingly prior to Brendan’s win? There were a few things that weren’t quite adding up.

Mia slid down onto the couch and draped her legs across Mia’s lap with her bare feet resting on Mia’s left thigh. She looked down at her captor. Julie was reclining with a casual arrogance.

Julie: Now. Where were we? I think I’ve got a few things that I need to tell you in order to properly set your expectations for what’s to come. I really do think that you need to drop the whole “Boss Bitch” act and start getting into your role as Brendan’s dominated little slave. It will make things so much better for everybody.

Mia: Nnnnnnmmmmppppphhhhhh hhhhhhhhmmmmmmppppphhhhhhh mmmmmmpppphhhhhhhhmmmmmmm!!!!!!!

Julie: I know how you’re feeling. Don’t think that I don’t. I’ve known you long enough to know exactly how you’re feeling. You wear your frustrations and disappointments out openly in the world. But you’re really not a great listener, Mia. And I’ve always thought that about you. So I want you to shut your little mouth and listen to a few things. Because I don’t think you know how I feel. And that’s partially on me. I haven’t been honest with you about several things. And I’d like to confess those right now.

Mia thought that she was a perfectly adequate listener. But the way to prove that wasn’t be kicking up a ruckus right now. So she had almost no choice but to sit back and listen to Julie. Even though she reviled the way that she was currently being treated.

Julie: There are three lies that I want to confess to. The first is that I’m pretty sure that I told you that I’d be rooting for you tonight.

Mia: Mmmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhmmmmmpppppphhhhhhh.

Julie had said that. She’d said it when Mia was wavering on the bet. It had certainly seemed like a lie all night. Julie appeared to be firmly on Team Brendan. She’d taken to soothing him when his fate looked bleak and she was currently giddy at Mia’s own ignominious plight. She appeared to be absolutely reveling in Mia’s utter humiliation.

Mia: Yeah. I was going hardcore for the Cavs tonight. And you know me, Mia… I’m not a sports fan. But how exciting was that?!?! It almost made me want to buy a Donovan Mitchell jersey. But I’ve seen the prices. Those things are so God damn expensive. Do you know how many bottles of decent wine I could get for one of those? But I guess he’s probably my new favorite player. It was really fun to watch. When you’ve got stakes riding on a game like this, I can see how you sports fans get so into the spectacle.

Was that her confession? Mia had already sussed out that lie. Julie wasn’t telling her anything that she didn’t know.

Julie: OK. The next lie… it isn’t really a lie. I mean, it is. But it isn’t. It’s more me being intentionally misleading and withholding information from you.

What was Julie getting at now?

Mia: Would you say that you’re of the impression that I’m straight?

What!?!? Yes!! Mia and Julie constantly talked about boys. She seemed thoroughly besotted by Brendan. Julie was definitely straight.

Julie: I don’t want to babble talk an economics major like yourself with my psychology class lessons. But are you familiar with the Kinsey Scale?

Mia: Mmmmmmppppppphhhhhhrrrmmmpppphhhhh hhhhhhhmmmmpppppphhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Julie: Mia, I can’t understand a thing you’re trying to say because of those scrumdiddlyumptious panties that you’re snacking on. I’m going to need you to use your big girl communication skills and either nod or shake your head.

Mia: Mmmmmmmmmmpppppppppphhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mia fumed at her exceedingly condescending and disrespectful sorority little sister. This was so humiliating as it was and she was turning the knife every chance she got. Mia huffed and panted in frustration but nodded her head that she understood what the Kinsey Scale was. She’d taken Psychology 101 for three of her science credits. She had little interest in trying to deal with the hard sciences like Physics or Organic Chemistry at the college level.

Julie: Good. Well, I’m pretty solidly a 2. I honestly believed in high school that I was a 3. But there’s just something about men. They’re intolerable and infuriating and more than a little gross, but God bless them they definitely have a certain allure. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t thoroughly enjoy a dalliance with females. You may have heard that Brendan and I have experimented a little bit with three ways. Everybody thinks that that was for his benefit and pleasure. Believe you me… those were a little gift for me. Brendan is certainly enough for me. But I want to try and taste everything from life’s rich tapestry while we are young and there is just something about the female form that I find so insatiable.

As Julie was saying this, Mia could feel Julie running her bare foot from Mia’s thigh, up her bare midriff, and then poking at Mia’s breasts with her wiggling toes. It was making Mia’s skin crawl a little bit as Julie was talking about Mia like she was a piece of meat.

Mia: Mmmmmmmpppppphhhhhh!!!!!! Nnnnnnnnmmmmmmpppppppphhhhhhh mmmmmmmppppphhhhhhhh!!!!!!

Julie smiled mockingly at Mia’s discomfort and continued to trace around the area of Mia’s nipple with her big toe as Mia squirmed and bucked.

Julie: Relax. This isn’t some long con on my part to get you in bed. I’m just having fun because you’re our prisoner and you have it coming. I can’t imagine that there are too many people who come out in high school and then go back in the closet in college. But it’s just easier to be a Delta Gamma without people knowing. And that kind of sucks.

Mia: Hhhhmmmmmmppppppphhhhhhh?!?!? Mmmmmmmmmpppppphhhhh mmmmmmpppppphhhhhh hhhhhhhhmmmmpppphhhhhrrrrrmmmmmppppphhhhhhh!!!!!!

Mia was a little incensed by this accusation. They had plenty of out sorority sisters. Briana, Mara, Heather… and she thought they all felt welcome and accepted at Delta Gamma. What was Julie getting at?

Julie: Oh. I know that you think that we’re accepting. But I hear a lot of the tasteless jokes that get made. I see you girls hike up your towels a little bit higher after a shower whenever one of our lesbian sisters is around. There isn’t outright prejudice. But I think there’s a stigma. And it’s just easier to not be out. Especially when I’m involved with a guy. I feel bad for not saying anything. But it really wasn’t anything that you’d earned the right to know.

Mia: Mmmmmmmmmppppphhhhhhhmmmmmppppppphhhhhhh!!!!!!

Mia and Julie would have to agree to disagree on this one. Mia knew the tasteless jokes that Julie was talking about. But that was just good fun. She didn’t want to have to walk on egg shells around people. She and the other girls wouldn’t make them if they thought that they were really bothering anybody. And if Julie thought that Mia was being subconsciously prejudiced against the specter of predatory lesbianism… then it was a little disingenuous for her to keep rubbing Mia’s tits with her bare foot.

Julie had actually slid closer and closer to Mia as her monologue had progressed. Julie’s almost bare bottom was getting closer and closer to Mia’s thigh. All of the sudden Mia felt Julie’s foot traverse it’s way upward and start rubbing against her face. Ew. Fucking gross.

Mia: Mmmmmmmmppppppppphhhhhhh nnnnnnnnnnnmmmmmpppppphhhhhhh hhhhhhhhmmmmmmpppppppphhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Mia squirmed and bucked and thrashed indignantly as Julie danced her dainty little toes across Mia’s face.

Julie: Wow. I have to say. We did a really good job with the gag. You sound ridiculous. I can’t make heads or tails of your cute little mumbles. That mouth of yours is really packed. And look at this cute little bump. I guess those panties were just a little too big.

Julie tapped her toes twice on the bump that formed near the lips on the front of Mia’s gag where the wisps of the panties had still been protruding out of her mouth.

Julie: As you can probably guess… those weren’t my regularly scheduled panties. I wanted to give you a mouthful. So I did a little improvising. I understand why you didn’t pick Brendan when we gave you the option… but it probably would have been more pleasant. There’s a lot of mess on there.

Mia: Mmmmmmmppppphhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhmmmmppppphhhhhh nnnnnnmmmppppphhhhhh mmmmppphhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

She hadn’t picked anything. She’d refused to pick. This wasn’t on her. She’d FORBID them from using their underwear to gag her.

Julie: Yeah. Those can’t be fun. I wore them under my shorts to spin class a few times. It certainly wasn’t comfortable. But the look on your face tells me that it was worth it. And I’ve been using them to wipe the counters here for the last two days or so.

Mia: Mmmmmmppppphhhhhhhh nnnnnnnnnmmmppppphhhhh hhhhhhhmmmppppphhhhhhh!!!!!!

Mia cringed and thrust angrily. This was disgusting.

Julie: Don’t worry. I wiped down the counters properly afterwards. We have standards for Brendan’s counters.

Mia glared at her in disgust. But Julie knew that’s not what she meant.

Julie: Ironically, I can almost promise you that you’re going to wish that those panties and that gag were even more severe in about twenty minutes. You’re going to pray that they’d make you even quieter. I know that that’s hard to contextualize now. But you’ll just have to wait and see.

Mia: Mmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhh nnnnnnnmmmpppppppphhhhhh hhhhhhhhmmmmppppphhhhh nnnnnnnmmmmpppphhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

Mia wasn’t interested in waiting and seeing anything. Julie had better let her go post haste or the consequences of her actions would crash down on Julie like a chandelier.

Julie: I suppose that brings me to lie number three. Doesn’t it?

Mia: Hhhhmmmmppppphhhhhhh?!?!

Mia was beside herself. But she was interested to hear what additional treachery Julie had in store for her.

Julie: I said that I’d keep Brendan in line. That I wouldn’t let him go too far if he won. That was probably the biggest lie of all. I’m not going to hold him back. I’m going to push him harder than he is comfortable going.

Mia: Hhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhh!??!?!?!?!?! Nnnnnnnnnmmmmmpppppppphhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

This was unacceptable! Mia was her sorority sister. That was a sacred bond. Mia was vulnerable. Julie absolutely owed it to her to protect her.

Julie: Yep. You see. Brendan isn’t like you and me, Mia. He doesn’t have that little demon inside him that preys on other people.

What the fuck was she talking about? Mia didn’t have a demon inside of her.

Julie: He’s not cutthroat like us. He’s really sweet. That’s what I love about him. But he’s too sweet for his own good. He owes you some torment and then some and I’m going to make sure that he gets his pound of flesh. I’m going to push him towards things that he’d never do of his own volition. I won’t be holding him back. If you’re lucky… he’ll be holding me back.

Mia: Nnnnnnmmmpppphhh hhhhhmmmppphhhh mmmmmppphhhhrrrrmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!

Julie: Speaking of which, we have some really fun stuff in store for you. Some games. Some tasks. I should really get you ready for the first one before he comes back. So why don’t we quit messing around and get you on your feet? I need to get you all set up, my snug little bug.

Julie slid her feet off of Mia and onto the floor as she pushed up off the couch.

Julie: Alright, sister. Up you go.

She reached down and took a firm hold of Mia and pulled her up into a standing position. This was going too far. Mia struggled and gyrated around for all that she was worth. But Julie was significantly stronger than her. Even if she weren’t tied up. This wasn’t a fair fight. She was on her feet in a matter of seconds with Julie lording over her. She huffed indignantly and gave Julie a stare that should probably have been able to kill. Julie simply smirked at her and Mia took great offense. She hopped up in the air and stomped down on Julie’s foot with her bound feet. She had intended to be a violent act, but Julie just looked at her like it was the insignificant act of a snotty child.

Julie: Now, listen here, you smarmy little minx.

Julie gave Mia’s left breast a sharp, indiscreet honk.

Mia: Mmmmmmmmmpppppppppphhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Mia was huffing wildly and glowering furiously at her sorority sister. She was angry. Very angry. And if her hands weren’t firmly box tied behind her, she would have throttled Julie. Her anger only seemed to fuel Julie, however, as the tall shapely blonde gave her sorority sister a devilish smile in response.

Julie: You’ve got to learn that you’re not in charge anymore. And that things are going to be much more pleasant for you when you learn to do what your told, when your told. That starts here. With me. But it extends to when Brendan comes back. He won. Fair and square. You’re his slave. Whatever he wants. You’re going to do it. He’s the boss. Understood?

Mia: Nnnnnnmmmmppppppphhhhhh mmmmmpppphhhhhhhmmmm nnnnmmmppphhhh nnnmmmpppphhhhh!!!!!

Mia was unleashing a defiant fury out from beneath her gag on her bratty little sorority sister. Not that Julie was going to be able to make out any of it. The panties and duct tape were seeing to that. But Mia was definitely making it clear that she was nonplussed by the current state of affairs and that consequences would be forthcoming.

Julie: I really, really wish that you had just fully stripped when we told you to and not insisted on keeping your underwear on.

Mia: Mmmpppphhhhhhh mmmmmppphhhh nnnmmmppphhhh hhhmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!!

Julie: This bra and panty combo looks SOOOOO cute. And I really hate the fact that I’m going to have to cut them off of you now.

Mia: Hhhhhhhhhhhhpppppphhhhhhhhhh?!?!?!?! Nnnnnnnnmmmmppppppphhhhhhhh!!!!! Mmmppphhhhhhhh!!!! Nnnnnmmmppppphhhhh!!!!!

If Julie thought that she was going to do that, then Julie was sorely mistaken. She’d make her a dead woman. That was beyond the pale. Entirely uncalled for.

Julie: I mean…it’s only fair right. You’ve seen Brendan entirely naked. I’m going to make sure that he sees EVERY. LAST. STITCH. OF. YOU.
On each of those last five words Julie poked and prodded her in a different place working her way down Mia’s body. She poked her in the forehead, tapped her finger twice right on top of Mia’s gagged lips, gave her covered nipples a little flick, poked her directly in her naval, and finally stroked her right over her panty covered pussy. Mia had tried to give this condescending little bitch as little reaction as possible, since she knew that’s what she wanted. But the final contact with her most private and delicate region made her squeal with indignation.

Mia: Mmmmpppppppphhhhhhhhh?!?!?!? Hhhhmmmppppppphhhhhh!!!!!! Nnnnnmmmmpppphhhhhhhmmmmm mmmmmpppphhhhrrrmmmmmmppphhhhh!!!!!!!!

Julie was really pushing her fucking luck. And Mia was certainly going to light her ass up when she was done with this ridiculous, unacceptable humiliation. The contemptuous look that she was giving Julie right now was certainly scornful.

Julie: Oh, come on. You know you’ve earned this. You were a VERY naughty girl.

Mia: HHhhmmmmmppppphhhhh?!?!?! Nnnnmmmmmpppppphhhhhhh mmmmmmpppppphhhhhhh hhhhhmmmppppphhhrrrrmmmmmmmm!!!!!

Mia realized that what they’d done to Brendan had not been nice. And it HAD been her idea. But Julie was just as guilty if not more so. Julie had been JUST as excited about it as she had been. Julie had played an even more integral part in tormenting and humiliating Brendan. Who the fuck was she to be all high and mighty now and pretend like Mia had been the “naughty girl”?

Mia: Mmmmppphhhhrrmmppphhh hhhhhmmmmppppphhhhhh mmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!

Mia thrust her head towards Julie in some vain attempt to get her point across. There was zero chance that Julie actually was interpreting any part of her protests. Her smug sorority sister’s grotesque panties and the layers of tape were turning all of her ravings into absolutely unintelligible gibberish. Julie was just smirking and smiling with a self-satisfied arrogant dominance as Mia uselessly postured and lobbed a thoroughly muffled tirade at her. Mia was sure that this was all Brendan’s doing. He’d turned her sister against her. Poisoned her. Convinced her that Mia was the responsible party. That Mia needed to be punished. Maybe he was only even with Julie to get proximity for such a revenge. There was no way that Julie could blame Mia and consider herself free from blame if it wasn’t for manipulations from Brendan. Julie wasn’t that detached from reality. This was some brainwashing bullshit. However, Julie’s eventual response made Mia think that she just might be able understand her a little bit.

Julie: Me?? Were you saying what about me?

Mia: Mmmmpppphhhh hhhhmmmmppppphhhhhhh.

Julie: Are you saying that I was a naughty girl also?

Mia: Mmmmmppppphhhhhh hhhhhhhmmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!!

Mia was glad that her sorority sister was getting it.

Julie: Well of course I was a naughty girl. I was incredibly guilty. I know that. Of course I know that. What we did was BAD. Like REALLY BAD. Please don’t think that I don’t know that and that I don’t think about that often.

Mia: Hhmmmmppppppphhhhhhh mmmmpppppphhhhh mmmppphhhhhhrrrmmmmppphhhhhhhhh?!?!?!

Now Mia was confused. Had Julie just been teasing her about this being some sort of reprisal. Was this simply for Julie’s entertainment. Julie realizing that what she was doing wasn’t OK…but doing it anyway.

Julie: You’re such a silly goose, Mia. You still think this is about Red Letter Night, don’t you? You think that’s what I mean by “naughty girl”?

Mia: Hhhhhhmmmmmpppppphhhhhh?!?!?

Of course Mia thought that this was about Red Letter Night. Giving Brendan an opportunity at revenge. Tying her up. Gagging her with Julie’s panties. Toying with her. Stripping her nude. What else could it possibly be about?

Julie: No. No. No. My dear, Mia. Don’t get me wrong. That might deserve punishment enough. But we’re past that now. That was something that Brendan and I had to get over. And we got over it. He’s completely forgiven me. Have I forgiven myself? No. Will I ever? God, I hope so. But Brendan has made his peace with what I did to him. And through some sort of transitive osmosis I think he was more than ready to forgive the rest of you also. You never ASKED him for forgiveness. You never apologized. You never tried to make anything right. You never tried to make him feel like he was anything more to you than an object of torment. But I’ve found that Brendan has such a small capacity for animosity and pettyness. He doesn’t want to let it poison his heart. So he lets it go. And that was quite a boon for you and the other girls.

Mia: Hhhhhmmmmpmppppphhhhhhh mmmmppphhhhhh hhhmmppphhhhrrrmmmmmmm nnnmmmppphhhh mmppphhhhh?????

Now Mia was confused. If Brendan didn’t need revenge or closure, then what was the purpose of this whole shameful charade? Why was she tied up? Why was there a disgusting pair of panties shoved in her mouth? Why was her sorority sister being a royal bitch to her? And why was Julie demanding that she be stripped naked so Brendan could take his pound of flesh if Brendan truly didn’t give a fuck anymore about what happened last April?
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Post by GreyLord »

Oh, poor Mia. She just doesn't have a firm grip on reality. Her world is totally Miacentric. Julie is clearly having the time of her life. We just have to hope that Brendan will as well. Another great chapter.
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Post by GreyLord »

Oh, poor Mia. She just doesn't have a firm grip on reality. Her world is totally Miacentric. Julie is clearly having the time of her life. We just have to hope that Brendan will as well. Another great chapter.
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Post by Rtj65 »

I really enjoyed this part, though it did make me wonder how much Julie is actually doing this for Brendan, compared with how much she is doing it for herself. That said, while I do feel a little bad for Mia, she went into this completely willing to do the same to Brendan, and it's not like she has a ton of self-awareness. She'd be revelling in this just as much as Julie is right now, which is saying something. On a separate note, I enjoyed Julie's style of teasing in this part, though I still wouldn't want to get on her bad side.
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Great continuations, it really gets intense and interesting! Keep up the great work, I wonder what Brandon will do when he finally returns…
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