The Cadet Experience (mmm/f)

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The Cadet Experience (mmm/f)

Post by Phantomette »

Having a military dad had its perks. We lived well and we travelled quite a bit while I was growing up. But that also meant that I was essentially forced into the Cadet Corps at a young age. Here I was, a 15-year old, petite blonde girl who was 5'5 and probably not going to grow any further amongst teenage boys with raging hormones going through massive growth spurts. I had taken solace in the few other girls that were in the Corps. I got to be a girl around them, which felt really good. Plus, we were always the centre of attention when it came to the rest of the boys.

Of course being in the Corps wasn't the best environment for us girls. We were looked down upon by the instructors and those who didn't do so tended to be a little creepy toward us. It didn't help that we were all physically in shape either. We'd receive dumb challenges from the boys who wanted to show off their newly achieved strength and speed. We all preferred to be a girl's girl, but we didn't get the chance given our upbringing. The biannual formals was always a good time for us to really be girls and there were times where some of the boys would be chivalrous and really treat us the way we wanted. A couple of the girls had been successfully won over, but there were 4 of us who wanted to see what was out there before we decided.

One evening, we were in our dorm watching a romcom when Lt. White barged in. She was our only female instructor and our only confidant in an environment surrounded by testosterone. She seemed a little anxious as she was breathing heavily. "Girls, I'm so sorry," she started, as our faces went white in fear. "I bet Lt. Sams that the 6 of you could successfully evade capture from the boys in the forest," she continued. Our fear turned into cynic mode immediately. "Yeah, sounds easy," Stella, one of the other girls, said. We all nodded in agreement. We weren't big and we were rather nimble and slippery. It shouldn't be hard enough. Lt. White looked relieved. "Alright, get dressed and ready to go. I'll meet you at the entrance," she said as she raced off.

We were rather confident. I put on my issue cadet pants, boots and standard issue blank tanktop on. I was too lazy to tie my hair up, so I took a black bandana, slicked my hair back and wrapped it around my head. The others got dressed and we made it to the entrance of the forest that surrounded the camp. "Oh, look who FINALLY showed up," yelled Lt. Sams. "Told ya these girls always took forever," he laughed to the 3 boys he had picked. "3 boys? 6 of us? Really?", Tania whispered, all of us insulted that he thought 3 boys could do the trick. The rules were laid out, the boys had 4 hours to find us in the forest and capture us. The boys only won if at least 4 of us were captured. Us girls would get a 30 minute head start.

We raced off into the forest, first in pairs, before splitting up. I trudged through a section of the forest I was familiar with, armed with a torch and my backpack that had supplies. I hiked for what seemed like a couple hours before resting up against a tree. I checked in on my transceiver and it seemed all the girls were still safe. The forest was vast, there was no chance the boys would find me. I dropped my backpack and shined my torch for a short second to get my water. I rehydrated before picking my bag back up. Just as I resumed walking through, a large hand clasped my mouth from behind.

"HRMMPH?!", I reacted into the large hand, which didn't smell great, first of all. Secondly, it was so tight and I couldn't fight it off. I watched Cadets Shane and Ken come through from in front of me. I assumed the hand over my mouth was from Cadet Pat, the 6'2 giant. I rolled my eyes as I watched the other two examine the area. Shane walked up to me and asked "Is there anyone with you? Nod if yes, shake your head if not." I shook my head. Shane checked in on his transceiver. "Sir, we found Cadet Shan," he spoke into the device. "Only took you fools 2 hours!", Lt. Sams' voice yelled back. "Now go get the rest and don't call again till you have all of them!", the comms cut out.

Shane looked at his comrades a little dumbfounded. "Umm, so what do we do with her?", he asked. "Well, we take her with us!", Pat's baritone voice chimed from behind me. "URRPPHH!", I cried out into Pat's large hand. "I think you can take your hand off now. If anyone was around, the yelling would have chased them away," Ken said. I always liked Ken, he was one of the more gentle guys. Pat removed his huge hand from around my mouth. I took a deep breath in. "We all split up, we're not together," I revealed, knowing that there was no way the boys were going to get 3 more girls in 2 hours. "How can we trust you?", Pat asked. "You can't, but it's the truth," I said nonchalantly.

Just then, my transceiver received a transmission. "Girls, check in," I heard Stella's voice call out. She was essentially the boss bitch of the group. Ken grabbed the transceiver from my bag and was about to respond when Shane stopped him. "Wait, let her check-in. Make them feel safe," he said before turning to me. "You, don't try anything funny!", he warned. I rolled my eyes again. "Fine, you know we don't take this so seriously right?", I said. Pat chimed in, "Well, we got promised a day-off PT if we won!", he claimed. I was taken aback. "All this for a day off?", I questioned as I swiped the transceiver from Ken. By now, the 4 other girls had checked in with Stella. I heard Stella call out specifically for me. "I'm here, I'm good, but I think they're near," I responded in as discreet a tone as possible, looking at the boys to make sure they were ok with my response.

Stella was satisfied and I handed my radio back to Ken. "So what now?", I asked. "Well you gotta come with us," Pat demanded. I flashed a condescending grin. "You know we're allowed to run off and escape right?", I chuckled. The boys seemed thrown off by my response. They kept flashing blank stares at one another. Breaking the awkward silence, I sighed. "You're wasting precious time here. Why don't you tie me up or something to make sure I can't escape?", I tried leading them. Us girls often played tie-up games in our dorm. I'd always wanted to know what it was like with a boy tying me up.

The boys looked around before Ken dropped his bag, which was much larger than mine. "We've got rope," he said. Shane nodded, "Alright, tie her up then!" Ken handed coils of rope to Pat. I turned around and instinctively crossed my wrists behind my back. "You seem to know what you're doing," Shane dropped a sly comment, shining his torch around my butt. "I'm not an idiot," I replied, mildly annoyed. I felt a jolt of excitement as I felt Ken wrap the rope around my wrists, cinching the knot tightly. "Hope it's not too tight," he said, rather shyly. I tested my bonds, and gave him a reassuring nod. The knot tying classes we had definitely paid off - they were tight, but comfortable. I was somewhat used to it.

"Don't sympathise with her," Shane ordered, which earned him the third eye roll of the night. They sat me down as Pat started tying my ankles together, just as tightly as my wrists. "You idiot!", Shane exclaimed. "How is she going to come with us if you tie her ankles?!", he berated the giant. Pat stopped wrapping the rope and looked up at their 'leader'. "Well, if you tied me up properly, you could just leave me here and come back for me later," I suggested. Shane seemed to agree. "Tie her up tight," he commanded as he looked around to see if anyone else was in the area. Ken then wrapped the rope around my torso, over and under my breasts. I could clearly feel him and Pat getting a little flustered with the giant not able to take his eyes off my chest. "Like what you see, Pat?", I flirted and even in the darkness I could see his face going red, causing me to giggle.

Once Ken was done, he got back up. The rope around my body was tight. It honestly felt quite exciting being tied up by boys. Maybe this wasn't that bad of a predicament after all. But there was one thing I thought of which could improve my situation. "Good job boys, only 3 girls left to go," I joked, knowing they had wasted too much time with me. "I'll be sure to tell the girls the direction you go in if they find me," I threatened. I could see Shane's face go red, but from anger rather then embarrassment. "Gag her," he scowled as he nudged Ken. Ken looked a little afraid. He slowly walked up to me. "Umm, I need to gag you now," he said. He searched his bag but all he could find was a single bandana.

My eyes gleamed in excitement. I'd never been gagged before, but I loved watching those movies where the damsels get tied and gagged, especially the feisty ones - felt relatable to me. I could see Ken struggling as Pat and Shane discussed where they were headed next. I could see their 'leader' staring at Ken impatiently. I whispered to Ken, "hey that cloth won't do much. I've got a spare pair of socks in my bag, just stuff one in my mouth and use the cloth to keep it in." He nodded as he rummaged through my bag. Ken was really sweet, at the last ball he was really sheepish but managed to ask me to dance with him. If someone had to gag me, I was glad it was him.

He folded the sock up and brought it up towards my face. I opened my mouth and let him push the sock in. It was a pretty large sock, so it filled my mouth really well. Ken then went behind me and I kept my mouth open to ensure he tied a nice cleave gag under my teeth, keeping the sock in my mouth. "Is that ok, not too tight?", he asked. "Mmmphh," I said as I nodded, letting him know he did well. He smiled as he got up and rejoined his companions. I saw Shane look back over me, before he huddled up with the other two and said something I couldn't hear. He and Pat laughed but I saw Ken look back at me, a little reluctant. Shane pressured him on, as he came running back towards me.

His eyes were rather remorseful. My eyes widened, slightly fearful. I'd wondered what they had asked of him. "I'm really sorry," he said as he reached behind my head and untied my bandana, causing my hair to fall in front of my eyes a little. "Wmmphh?" I asked, unsure of what he was doing. Were they taking my bandana as a prize? He then pushed my hair aside gently, before folding my bandana into a triangle. He then wrapped the bandana over my nose and mouth, tying it at the back of my head. "RRMPHH?!" I cried out as I could hear the other two oafs laughing. "I'm really, really sorry," Ken said before he ran off, not even taking another look at me.

The smell of my sweat resonated from the bandana and breathing became a little harder. "WRRRMMPHH!", I called out to Ken who was running off. The other two kept laughing. "That'll teach her to be a smartass," I managed to hear Shane say as they walked off, disappearing. I was stunned, I didn't expect such an elaborate gag and for them to use my own bandana. I started struggling against my bonds, but they were very tight. My squirming was only making my breathing more elaborate and the smell wasn't helping either. I resigned to my fate, leaning up against a tree, waiting till the game was over. I hoped none of the other girls had to be on the same end of humiliation as I was.

I could imagine my entire lower face was covered and even a little bit of my peripheral vision was affected from the bandana right under it. I sighed as I looked up and waited for the time to pass. It was a rather tiring activity and I was quite exhausted, from the running, keeping alert, the struggling etc. I slowly started to doze off. I was jolted awake by a yell. "I found her!", I could hear Tania's voice as the other girls came running towards me. In the horizon, I could see that the rays of the sun were starting to emerge from the top of the trees. Stella crouched down in front my bound and gagged body, rather excited. "We won!", she said. "None of us got captured!", she was excited but it only rubbed more salt in the wound.

Alexa then chimed in, "well, except ONE of us," she joked. "I don't know, it kinda looked like she had fun in her own way," Tania said as the other girls giggled. "Hmmmph?!", I asked, getting a little angry that none of them had united me yet. Stella then stared right at me. "You know, maybe we should leave you like this, seems like you're having fun," she said, prompting another round of raucous laughter from my 'friends'. "HHMPPHH RMMPHH!", I protested, now frustrated with still being tied. "Ok, ok, we're kidding," Tania said as she and the other girls started untying me.

I stretched my limbs to get the blood flowing through them again. "Those were some tight bonds," Cali commented. "And the gag, I can't believe they did that," Nikki, the quiet one in our group said. "Well, I kinda asked for it, I even told Ken how to gag me," I confessed. The girls were shocked. "The whole thing was your idea?!", Tania asked, rather stunned. "Well, the sock and cleave gag. Shane decided it wasn't enough and decided it was a good idea to use my bandana," I narrated. "Scumbag," Stella muttered. The other girls nodded. "So, Ken huh," Nikki teased, breaking the tension. The other girls didn't let me live that one down, continually poking fun at me as we exited the forest.

I saw Ken at the mess the next day, but he immediately turned tail and started scurrying off. I ran after him and caught him outside. "Hey!", I said, grabbing his shoulder so he finally stopped. He turned around and was immediately apologetic. I calmed him down, reassuring him that it was ok. I returned the cloth he used, which came as a huge relief to him. "I'm really sorry again. Shane kinda.." he said before I cut him off. "Water under the bridge," I responded, seeing his lovely smile. I tapped the top of his shoulder twice, before turning around to walk away. But before I did, I turned my head back to see him. "Besides, I kinda liked it...", I confessed as I skipped away cheerfully, knowing fully how he was reacting to that statement. I thought to myself that I might just let him do it again.
'Diamonds? Nah, bandanas and socks are this girl's best friend.'
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nice one!
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Post by ninterz »

What a funny little story.
I really liked it
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Lucky Lottie
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Post by Lucky Lottie »

I wish my time in the Cadets was anywhere near as fun as that 😅
In her natural habitat is:
-Giddy when approached
-Passive when suspended
-Bratty when loose
-Obedient when cuddled
-Cheeky when gagged
-Truly happy when tickled
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Post by harveygasson »

Very good story, good work
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Post by TightsBound »

Great story! It was well written and fun, and you have a great character that is perfect for future stories. I hope we get to see more of your work soon!
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Post by Canuck100 »

Great story! I hope there will be more “domming from the bottom” tie ups with Ken.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Fun little story, and I liked the way you told the story from the first person on this one.
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Post by laz »

nice story
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Post by Phantomette »

Thank you all for your kind words on my first story.
TightsBound wrote: 4 months ago Great story! It was well written and fun, and you have a great character that is perfect for future stories. I hope we get to see more of your work soon!
I haven't decided if this will be a series or not, but thank you.
'Diamonds? Nah, bandanas and socks are this girl's best friend.'
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Post by Trammel »

Wonderful story. Descriptions are great. Loved the way she got left bound and gagged and the scenario when the other girls found her. Good job!!!
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.

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Post by Phantomette »

Trammel wrote: 4 months ago Wonderful story. Descriptions are great. Loved the way she got left bound and gagged and the scenario when the other girls found her. Good job!!!
Thank you, glad you enjoyed it.
'Diamonds? Nah, bandanas and socks are this girl's best friend.'
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Post by Nadiatugs »

That was amazing. I liked how you narrated the events of your story! Very new story line too :)
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Post by Phantomette »

Nadiatugs wrote: 4 months ago That was amazing. I liked how you narrated the events of your story! Very new story line too :)
Thank you, I really appreciate the compliments.
'Diamonds? Nah, bandanas and socks are this girl's best friend.'
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Post by sweetvillain »

Very very beautiful. Remind me old teenage games that i would like play again.
Thank you.
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