Mystery at the Fether Manor (F/FFFFFF) - Completed

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Mystery at the Fether Manor (F/FFFFFF) - Completed

Post by ishfet »

this is a mystery story i wrote based on my OCs and @Alisonlovesropes and her family. its my first time writing a mystery story, so i hope it turns out well.

As Alison stepped through the ornate double doors to the grand entrance hall, an ominous feeling came over them. She knew little of this Isabelle Fether, yet from what Mrs Footwangler, their maid, would tell them, she was incredibly wealthy and quite interested not just in Alison and her wife, but also her mother and sister: Rebecca and Kerry, as well as their partners: Carol and Angela. Everyone was invited to a casual dinner party, with a special game planned afterwards.

At the door they were received by a female porter: short, dressed in a dark red jacket and black pants, with her blonde hair tied in two cute pigtails sticking out of her black cap.

“Hi, I’m Polly!” she had greeted everyone with a giant smile “Welcome to Fether Manor!”

Despite the friendly demeanor, such greeting did not make Alison’s feelings any less ominous. What exactly did Isabelle Fether had planned for them that night? Hugging Hailey’s arm, in the same fashion Rebecca and Kerry were hugging their spouses’ arms, but once they saw a familiar face greeting them, everyone felt more relaxed.

“Good to see ye here, misses” greeted Mrs Footwangler, dressed in her maid uniform consisting of a black knee length dress, a white laced apron with a matching headband and flat shoes. “Well, don’ jus’ stand there now, sit down, yer food’s gettin’ cold.”

Each seat had a label with each of the guest’s names on them, they all sat on their respective seat and had dinner. Oddly enough, at the head of the dining table, there was no one sitting, but rather a large screen was installed on the chair, as if it was sitting at the head of the table.

This led to lots of whispering inquiries among the guests:

“Who do you think this Isabella Fether is?” asked Alison.

“I heard she was the head of her own nut house” mentioned Kerry.

“I heard she was in a nut house herself” retorted Angela.

“Good evening” the large screen suddenly turned on revealing a woman from her shoulders up, and behind her a shelf filled with books, binders, and some fancy miniature porcelain figures “I am Dr. Isabella Fether.”

Everyone looked intrigued. Based on the monotonous tone and the movement of her eyeballs, Alison figured her host was reading from a teleprompter, or some cue cards.

“I have heard all of you have a particularly… binding interest” she arched her eyebrow as she said this “and so you’ve been invited to solve my mystery, not a murder mystery, but rather my disappearance…”

Alison could hear Mrs. Footwangler whispering to Polly the porter. The camera on Isabella began zooming out and it was revealed that the mistress of Fether manos was in fact tied up to the chair she was sitting on.

“You see, someone in this manor has abducted me and hidden me in one of the many rooms currently locked on. In each of your seats you will find an envelope with a note and a key. The note gives you a clue to the puzzle which could contain a hint of my whereabouts. Whoever rescues me will be rewarded handsomely but be warned: the abductor is one of you, and she will not hesitate to tie you up to stop you from getting to me.”

Dr Fether rolled her eyes and muttered something at her abductor, her face contorted and one of her eyes closed, as if she was repressing a sneeze or a burst of laughter, after a few seconds she regained her stoic demeanor and continued.

“Best of luck.”

The recording ended. Everyone looked perplexed. Including Polly and Mrs. Footwangler who apparently were not aware of their mistress’ whereabouts. All guests looked inside the envelopes and at each other in silence.

“I think we should split up” said Kerry, finally breaking the awkward silence.

“So that the kidnapper picks us up one by one?” retorted Carol.

“Oh please” dismissed Angela “I bet it was the butler, it’s always the butler.”

“There is no butler” chimed in Hailey.

“Whatever, we can go in pairs, that way the maid or the porter won’t get the jump on us.”

“Well now!” huffed Mrs Footwangler and stormed out along with Polly, who seemed less upset that her coworker.

Despite the dilemma, Alison could see a smirk on the faces of her sister and her wife, as well as everyone else. Everyone paired up with their respective spouse and went on to solve their puzzle, hoping Angela was right and that their significant others wouldn’t be the culprit, or worse, wouldn’t betray them and make them join Dr. Fether


Rebecca and Carol opened the door to the conservatory. Rebecca’s note had said the following:

“Three celestial bodies of the soil have gone astray on the garden, can you put them back in the right place?”

The conservatory was nice, and at the center had several circular indentations, but what really interested Rebecca the most, was the fact that she could access the garden through there. Before she started solving her puzzle, she took off her heels, rolled up her jean’s legs and walked around the garden as she felt the grass and dirt under her toes. Her sweater kept her warm enough not to regret walking barefoot around the garden as the sun began to set.

“Hey Bex, do you need some help with your puzzle?” Asked Carol as she looked outside the garden to her girlfriend walking through the dirt. Clad in turtleneck sweater and trousers, she didn’t join her as she wasn’t about to get her boots dirty.

“I’m good, I think I already know how to solve it” replied Rebecca. “Did you solve yours yet?”

“No, but it looks easy enough, all I must do is play some melody in the piano on the lounge room, or something. I was going to fix myself a snack in the kitchen before heading back to the lounge and solve it. You want something?”

“No thanks, Carol” replied Rebecca without even looking “I’m good.”

Carol left as Rebecca figured out the solution of her puzzle: as she had strolled around the garden, she noticed several potted plants and flowers, including but not limited to sunflowers, Venus flytraps and moonflowers. When she checked on the conservatory as well, she noticed the circular patterns resembled those of the solar system, and true enough, the circular indentations corresponded to the place where the sun, the moon and Venus would be. So, Rebecca rushed back to the garden and slowly but surely dragged the heavy pots to the conservatorium. That is until she was interrupted.


Alison and Hailey walked together back to the entrance hall. Hailey’s puzzle was there, and Alison’s puzzle was in the library, which so happened to be on the way there. Both wearing jeans, but while Hailey had a t shirt and her comfy slip-on clogs with black socks, Alison had a crop top and, true to her barefooter nature, went without any shoes.

“Sooo, what did your puzzle say Hals?” asked Alison.

Despite this technically being a competition, Hailey didn’t mind sharing the clue to her puzzle to the love of her life:

“A unicorn hidden in the Fether halls, can only be found in the woven falls.”

“I think I’m supposed to look for a unicorn on the tapestries,” said Hailey.

“Well, that was an easy one” retorted Alison “I’m not sure what mine is supposed to mean.”

Alison shared her clue:

“You Kan’t find the right letters back in 1766 and in 1786 because the circle is complete and why is there a second serpent there?”

“Oh, don’t be such a bad sport, I’m sure it’ll make more sense once you’re in the library.”

Alison gave her a half smile, wishing she shared the same optimism as Hailey, but reading the clue again she had to wonder if anyone could possibly have a harder time with their puzzles as her.


Rebecca flopped all over the stone floor like a fish out of water. The hemp rope that was used to bind her wrists behind her back and her knees and ankles together did not budge an inch despite her fierce struggles. The red ball gag in her mouth was less yielding with her protests and screams for help. Her captor was so confident with her job, she nonchalantly lifted the middle-aged woman and dropped her sideways on one of the lounge chairs. Again, Rebecca issues several muffled complaints, but her captor was more interested on the dirt tracked from the garden to the once pristine conservatorium floor. Looking at Rebecca’s dirty bare soles, it was clear who was the culprit.

The captor looked out into the main hall: not a soul in sight, as she expected. With everyone else too busy dealing with their own puzzles, she had time not only to deal with her captive but try to tidy up some of the mess she did. Rebecca growls angrily under her gag, all she could do tied up lying on the lounge chair in such an awkward position was to kick up her legs and wiggle her feet. Her feet soon got the attention of her captor, as she got a wet brush and quickly began scrubbing Rebecca’s soles vigorously. Rebecca immediately went into hysterics, she both hated and loved the way the scrubbing brush tickled her feet, but in her current situation, she hated it more than she loved it.

Once her captor was satisfied with the cleanliness of both the floor and Rebecca’s soles, she made her captive stand up and forced her to hop outside, she forced her inside a small wooden door hidden under the stairs and gently helped her made her way downstairs through a flight of rickety wooden steps.

Rebecca dreaded each hop, fearing not only that she would fall, but also that she would get a splinter stuck on her feet. Luckily her captor was not cruel enough to let her fall, and soon they both made it down to the cold concrete floor of the cellar. The fiend pulled out one of the foldable chairs stacked in a corner and forced Alison’s mother to sit in it, then used a small bench to rest her captive’s feet on it.

With all the knots tightened and her captive secured, she went back upstairs, leaving Rebecca alone, bound and gagged in the dark. She took solace in the fact that her feet would not get as cold as they would have resting on the concrete floor, yet the poor woman could not help to wonder with dread if all the others would share her same fate…

To be continued
Last edited by ishfet 2 months ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Truly loved the First Part - and the Choice of Names - beginning with the Title! Continue please! And a nice cliffhanger at the end too!
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Post by ishfet »

(Here's part two)

Kerry decided to accompany her wife to the billiard room. They both wore skirts and tights, but while Kerry had a stylish silk satin blouse and high heels, Angela just wore a t-shirt and flats. Kerry though Angela might need help with her puzzle, since the clue on hers was rather:

“Do not let the dancers look down on you, chin up and follow their graceful moves.”

“Don’t worry” reassured her Angela “Mine’s an easy one”

Angela showed hers:

“Beat my high score at pinball.”

“I think our mystery abductor was running out of ideas for the clues” commented Kerry

“Yeah… so relax, hon. I’ve got this”

“You sure?”

“Yeah, now stop procrastinating, go do yours before I beat you to it. Who knows if the others have already solved theirs.”

The sound of Kerry’s high heels walking on the stone floor signaled the now focused Angela that her wife had left her alone to play her pinball game.


Mrs. Footwangler was fuming. She wasn’t supposed to be part of the game, but of course it was always bad news for her whenever those women were involved, and now she was propped on top of the kitchen island and could not get off because of the accursed zip ties that hogtied her. The poor maid had tried to yell for help, but her captor had been wise enough to shove a clean sponge in her mouth and secure it with a kitchen towel tied tightly between her mouth. Not to mention the devious fiend had taken the opportunity to take off Mrs. Footwangler’s flats and tickle her big pale bare soles by gently scratching and poking them with the meat fork. Several minutes of constant tickling can tire any one out, as the poor maid could now attest.

She had given up struggling by now. The multiple strands of red hair loosen from her maid headband, falling onto her freckled face were evidence of the futility of her struggles. If all the bucking and trashing she did during her tickling could not manage to loosen up her bindings, nothing would. The maid was too tired to react to the fact that her captor cut her hogtie loose and helped her stand up. Her captor muttered something about not leaving her in the kitchen where anyone could find her. A large kitchen towel was used to blindfold her, and she was half dragged, half carried, where? The poor maid wasn’t sure, but it was cold, dark, and although she wasn’t sure, as she was forced to sit on a plastic chair and her feet were mercifully lifted away of the cold floor and on to a wooden stool, she could have sworn someone else was there too.


Carol had searched all over the garden for Rebecca, but her girlfriend was nowhere to be found. Her boots were still there in the conservatory, a long with a huge mess of dirt, and displaced cushions and potted plants. She carried with her a tray with some snacks for her, but now she was gone…

Befuddled she left the conservatory and searched the rooms next to it. There was a lot of noise coming from the billiard room, but it was just Angela playing pinball.

“Say Angela, have you seen Bex, by any chance?”

Angela did not bother to look back at her, just muttered something as she continued playing.

“I made her some snacks, but when I …”

“Ooh, thanks, I could use some munchies” interrupted Angela as she reach out to the plate Carol was holding.

“No!” Carol takes the tray away from Angela “those are for Bex.”

“C’mon, just give me some…”

“Absolutely not! ‘Angie’ I know you’ll end up eating the whole thing.”

“FUCK!” Angela yelled as she smacked the pinball machine “I’m down to my third ball!”

Carol left, rushing back to the lounge before Angela would take out her loss on her, she was bad enough ‘hangry’, but hangry after losing a game? Best not to deal with that at all. Trying to think about something else, she focused on her own puzzle:

The lounge was furnished with some comfy couches, a rocking chair, shelves of porcelain figurines and at the center of it all a piano, which her clue was hinting at her to play. She wasn’t all that proficient in piano, but her knowledge with clarinet playing led her to understand what notes she needed to play. After half a dozen failed attempts, she finally got the right notes and a secret compartment on the piano opened, revealing about a dozen luxurious silk scarves and a note.

Before she could read the note, someone startled her from behind.

“What the..! oh, it’s you… what are yoummmph!!!”

Carol’s speech was interrupted when her visitor tackled her to the ground and clasped her hand over her mouth, causing her to throw the scarves she just found up in the air. The scarves proved to be useful for her assailant as she used them to bind her wrists behind her back and her knees together. She originally shoved one on Carols mouth, but surely enough, she managed to spit it out and immediately protest.

“Hey! What do you think you’re doing, let go off me!”

Frustrated, the fiend went to unzip Carols boots.

“Watch it! Those are expensive!”

Ignoring Carol’s complaints, she peeled off her socks and shove them in her mouth, this time securing them with a silk scarf tied tightly over her mouth.

“Mmmmgrph!!!” Carol growled, but her captor continued using the rest of the scarfs to bind her ankles and pin her arms to her torso.

With all the scarves used, she had to make sure Carol could not break free at all, and with her soft bare feet fresh out of her boots, it would have been crazy not to test their sensitivity.

Carol could see the intentions of her captor in her eyes and quickly shook her head and issues several mumbled pleas before her sharp nails danced through the wrinkles of her soles. Carol immediately trashed and pulled away from the fiend tickling her, but her captor had her secured. The socks even did a marvelous job at silencing her. After a few minutes of nonstop tickling, she was convinced that Carol was not going anywhere. She tightened the knots to ensure the scarves would continue holding her in place, and after a spank in her bottom and nonchalantly eating some of the snacks Carol had on a tray, it was time to take here captive somewhere no one could find her…


Kerri looked around, there wasn’t much in the ballroom: aside from a first aid kit with far too many bandages and an amber bottle of something called ‘Trichloromethane’, there really wasn’t much else. One wall had the chimney, the other was the entrance, the other had the windows (now covered with heavy curtains), the other had a long mirror, and on the roof…

Kerri gazed at the mural painted on the roof: a sequence of lady in a white dress dancing on a pastoral scene. She figured she needed to replicate the dance moves to solve the puzzle, but this proved to be more difficult than it looks.

“I just need the right mood” said Kerry to herself “I can’t dance without my tunes”

She put on some music on her cellphone, crank the volume as loud as she could and danced away. The music was so loud, she felt like someone could scream bloody murder on the same room and she wouldn’t hear a thing. The ballroom was large enough that she could stretch and prance to her hearts content. Arching her head up she looked at the dance moves depicted on the ceiling and did her best to recreate them.

When she did them all she arched her head back down, only to be received by a rag drenched in some sweet-smelling chemical pressed over her mouth and nose. Kerry instinctively fought back, but her arms were pinned to her sides and the chemical did not took long to make its effect, causing her limbs to grow weak, her body feel numb, and everything to go dark…


This was not Angela’s day. She lost her third ball at the pinball game, did not beat the high score, and now she was lying face up on the billiard table with each limb handcuffed to one of the table’s legs and gagged with a shiny yellow ball gag… so all in all, she didn’t feel it was all that bad. Taking off her flats and tickling her feet was a bit of a frisky move on her part, but it certainly kept her mind off being unable to beat the high score on the pinball machine.

She wasn’t all too pleased that she left her alone. She was hoping she would do something else besides tickling her feet. Cuffed spreadeagle as she was, there was very little she could do to pass the time but count the wooden beams on the ceiling, something that grew old fast.

Luckily the sound of keys clinging signaled her not only that she wouldn’t be alone for too long, but also that she might be cuffed in a much interesting position. Yet something felt wrong: the sound of footsteps, the scent, the muted chuckling… they didn’t sound like her at all, it was someone else…

Angela’s eyes widen and a slight squeal escaped her gagged mouth as she saw face to face the person who now held the keys to the handcuffs restraining her, but more importantly, who she was holding next to her: Kerry was wrapped with bandages from her mouth all the way down to her waist. And although she could not see beneath Kerry’s waist, Angela bet her wife had also her legs wrapped in bandages too.

The woman holding her, and her wife captives smiled as Angela let out a sad moan. She was right on both accounts: she wasn’t going to be alone, and she would no longer be lying down on the billiard table. But she was no longer sure that was such a good thing anymore.


Hailey took a deep breath. Maybe now that there was some peace and quiet, she would finally be able to find that stupid unicorn on the giant tapestry that covered the entire main hall. This was the biggest Where’s Wally illustration of all times, and after what felt like an eternity, she couldn’t even find a horse, let alone a unicorn.

Frustrated, Hailey read the clue again:

“A unicorn hidden in the Fether halls, can only be found in the woven falls”

It seemed straightforward enough: find the unicorn hidden in the tapestries on the main hall, yet nothing even remotely resembling a unicorn. Then it hit her: she’s been looking for an image of a unicorn, but perhaps she should be looking for the word ‘unicorn’ instead. After a second search, the word ‘unicorn’ was nowhere to be found.

Frustrated, she kicked the base of one of the tapestry sections, making it wave, making the neighboring sections to wave a little and the ones next to those remained still. Hailey observed that despite being segmented into different parts, the tapestry was meant to represent a single large image depicting a pastoral scenery. Although she did find weird that in the middle of such scene there was a map that merged to different places: one segment ended with a depiction of the Isernia province in Italy, and the very next one showed the district of Oxfordshire in England. As she looked at the pictures, Hailey saw that the village of Cornwell aligned with the commune of Monteroduni.

“Theres the unicorn” proclaimed Hailey to herself, and as she separated the two segments with the town ending in Uni and the one ending inn Corn, the found a segment of the stone wall that was different from the rest.

“A secret door?” she wondered, but a hand clasping her mouth and an arm grabbing her from behind would prevent her to do any further inquiries…


Alison read the clue for her puzzle for the millionth time:

“You Kan’t find the right letters back in 1766 and in 1786 because the circle is complete and why is there a second serpent there?”

“I don’t get it, why is the word ‘can’t’ misspelled and capita- ohh”

It dawned on Alison. The word ‘can’t’ wasn’t misspelled, it was a clue! She searched the library and found a section dedicated to the works of Immanuel Kant. The book spines thankfully had the year of publication printed on them, making it easier to search for the ones published in 1766 and in 1786. She read the titles:

“What Does it Mean to Orient Oneself in Thinking? [OT]”

“Dreams of a Spirit-Seer [DSS]”

She deduced the letters she needed were the abbreviations of the titles, but she letters couldn’t form a specific word.

“Stods…Dosts…” Alison wondered.

Reading the rest of the clue she noticed two things: ‘the circle is complete.’

“ ‘the circle is complete’ … that must be referring to the letter O, so if the O shouldn’t be e complete, or rather it should be a semicircle, then it must be a U”

She looked at the final part of the clue

“Hmmm… ‘Why is there a second serpent there?’ … a second serpent? I guess they mean the letter S, but what letter is the other S supposed to be, Why is it asking…”

As she said it out loud, she realized the clue wasn’t referring to the word ‘Why’ but to the letter Y, thus, when she arranged the letters to form the word ‘STUDY’

Alison rushed to the study, hoping she would still reach Dr. Fether in time…


Hailey yelled as loud as she could, but even if sound could traverse the cavernous cellar, her black socks stuffed in her mouth muffled rather well her speech. She could not spit them out because a thick velvet cord was tying them in place. The cellar was a little bit cold, but luckily she did not have to worry about that, as she was wrapped from ankles to shoulders with a thin tapestry, looking like a barefoot and gagged burrito, still her encasing was flexible enough to allow her captor to sit her down in one of the foldable chairs arranged in a row, she was even able to prop her feet on a barstool, much to Hailey’s relief, since the concrete floor would have turned her toes into ice cubes.

She looked to her right to see who else was joining her, it looked like everyone else was here already: Rebecca and Mrs. Footwangler rested on each other’s head, Carol stared at the ceiling, already used to the ever growing list of captives in the basement and Kerry and Angela tugged against their bonds, though spiritlessly, as if they had been trying to break loose for a while and now were at the end of their strength.

Hailey didn’t even try to break loose: the tapestry wrapped around her was held in place by tightly tied velvet ropes, and it was wrapped so many times around her that the thick encasing would dampen most of her movements, reducing her motions to just arching her neck and wiggling her toes. Besides, her captor was still there.

After securing everyone in place, she smiled: this game was almost over, and once she got her hands on the final guest, her victory would be absolute.

Hailey could only look at her captor walk upstairs, unable to stop her, unable to warn her wife of the incoming danger. Only hoping she can outwit the abductor and come rescue everyone…

(Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Excellent second Part :) So far the Kidnapper is pretty successful - looks like nobody will be able to stop the Villain - but we will see. A lovely tale so far.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Looking forward to the Conclusion of this Gem!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Reread the first two Parts and can say I am intrigued even more :)
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Post by ishfet »

To Alison’s disappointment, the door to the study was locked. However, a trail of feathers came out of the study and went along the hallway.

“A trail of feathers guiding me to Dr. Fether… a little bit on the nose, but…”

Alison interrupted her thoughts when she noticed something. She had been walking through he main hall from one end of the mansion to the other, and not a single soul could be heard

“Where is everybody?”

The conservatory was trashed with dirt and only Rebeccas boots remained neatly propped on the coffee table. The kitchen table had a pair of black flats sitting neatly on the kitchen island. Carol’s boots were set next to the recliner on the lounge, Angela’s studded flats were neatly set on top of the billiard table, Kerry’s heels were in the middle of the ballroom, and she immediately noticed Hal’s clogs sitting by one of the tapestries.

Finally, she followed the trail of feathers, down to the closed dining room, she opened the doors and saw Polly the porter siting in on of the dining chairs. Her arms were tied to the chair’s arm rests with cloth napkins, her legs were tied together with napkins as well and two napkins knotted together preventing her to explain to Alison anything that was going on. A note taped to Polly’s chest said the following.

“Polly’s SOLEly purpose is to study your attempt to reach the lady of Fether manor”

Alison quickly knew what needed to be done. Despite the muffled protests of the bound and gagged porter, she took of her shoes and socks and found a small key taped to the sole of her left foot.

Her attempts to rip off the tape were hindered by the constant wiggling of a very ticklish Polly. But ultimately, she managed to get the key to the study, and just for good measure tickled Polly’s soles once more. Since she had the key to the study, Alison figured she was the first to get it, therefore she could still win the game.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be back once I go to the study to rescue Dr. Fether” said Alison.

Polly shook her head and tried to say something to her, but most that came out were muffled giggles.

Ignoring the tied-up porter, Alison rushed to the study, unlocked the door, and met face to face with Dr. Fether.

Alison saw Isabelle Fether exactly as she was on the video during diner: sitting up straight at her desk, behind her the bookshelves of important looking books and trophies, her demeanor hadn’t changed one bit, even though she was sporting a straitjacket strapped on tightly on her torso, her ankles were cuffed together with padded leather cuffs and a panel gag silenced the doctor, preventing her from warning Alison about the figure standing behind her, not that she was putting much effort in warning her anyway.

A hand quickly grasped her mouth, and a long, strong arm pinned her arms to her torso. Alison looked up and saw her captor, she was tall, her straight black hair nothing short of perfection, it was… Isabelle Fether?

“If you calm down and willing to cooperate, I’ll answer your questions” said the Dr. Fether look alike.

Alison nodded, there was little she could do against the tall woman. She then pushed Alison to the desk of the phlegmatic Dr. Fether as she taped her wrists behind her back and told her who she was.

“My name is Isadore Pheder, because our names are similar and we work on the same field, that unemotional phony ended up taking credit for my research, my state and my fortune”

Dr. Fether rolled her eyes at that comment. Pheder ignored that and continued taping Alison’s arms to her torso

“Was planning on just capturing her and her staff, but since she had guests, I had to make sure no one else intervened…”

“Where is everyone? Where Hals?” Interrupted Alison

Likewise, Pheder interrupted her captive with a few strips of tape placed over her mouth.

“I’ll take both of you to them” she stood up Alison and uncuffed Dr. Fether’s ankles so she too could stand up.

Both women were marched outside the Study and taken to an inconspicuous door that Alison had not bother to explore. Pheder unlocked it and marched her two captives downstairs. Alison gingerly made her way downstairs, hoping the creaking wooden steps wouldn’t get her a splinter on her bare feet.

When she reached the bottom, Alison shuddered at the ice-cold concrete floor touching her soles. Her captor flicked on the light, and she gazed in awe at the seven captives sitting neatly in a row with their bare soles propped on a foot stool. Rebecca, secured with rope and gagged with her own socks tied with more rope; Carol, tied down and gagged with scarves; Kerry, wrapped up and gagged with bandages; Angela, cuffed to the armrests and chair legs with a red ball gag in her mouth; Hailey, wrapped up in a blanket and cleave gagged with her own black socks Even Mrs. Footwangler, tied with zip ties and gagged with a sponge, and Polly, restrained with cloth napkins were captives at the mercy of Dr. Pheder. two empty chairs were already arranged for Alison and Dr. Fether to occupy them.

Dr. Pheder towered in front of her captives, their wiggling toes displayed the anxiety they all had. Their captor stuck electrodes on each of her captives’ soles, which in turn was connected to a weird machine.

“If my doppelganger could talk, she would tell you about the amazing properties of the electro stimulator 3000, and its amazing properties of reducing a person’s mind into mush through intense tickling.”

She turned the machine on, and surely enough, Alison was sent into hysterics. Her eyes widen as she felt the electronic device tickling every inch of her bare soles like no feather, nail or any other device used on her feet. Though the tickling made it nearly impossible to focus on anything else, she did notice that the reaction of everyone else, even the stoic Dr Fether, was the same. Their gags did little to muffle their screams of laughter but being inside a cellar in a house with no other inhabitant meant no one will hear them or come rescue them.

“Do not worry, my guests” she announced, “you will go home once I’m done with you.”

That was barely a relief for the laughing Alison, whose face was bright red as her tickling torture continued. she would be going home, but who knows if by the time her tickler is done with her, she’ll know where home is, or anything else for that matter.

The end?

(well, thats how it could have happened...)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Sometimes the classics are the best :) The good old Doppelganger! Somehow I have the feeling, this Gem demands a fourth Part :) Well done @ishfet !
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Post by ishfet »

(...but what about this: ?)

When Alison went inside the studio, she saw Isabelle Fether exactly as she was on the video during diner: sitting up straight at her desk, behind her the bookshelves of important looking books and trophies. Alison’s host was sporting a straitjacket strapped on tightly on her torso, her ankles were cuffed together with padded leather cuffs and a panel gag silenced the doctor, preventing her from warning Alison about the figure standing behind her, not that she was putting much effort in warning her anyway.

A soaked rag was placed over her nose and mouth, and as she inhaled the fumes it expelled, she felt her limbs weaken and recognized the aroma as that of chloroform, before losing consciousness…

When Alison came to, she was sitting on a dark, stone cellar, the one yellowish lightbulb illuminated enough for her to see that the room was deprived of all furniture, only the row of chairs that she and her family involuntarily occupied. Rebecca, secured with rope and gagged with her own socks tied with more rope; Carol, tied down and gagged with scarves; Kerry, wrapped up and gagged with bandages; Angela, cuffed to the armrests and chair legs with a red ball gag in her mouth; Hailey, wrapped up in a blanket and cleave gagged with her own black socks; Mrs. Footwangler, tied with zip ties and gagged with a sponge; Even Dr Fether was strapped snugly into a straitjacket with her ankles cuffed with leather cuffs and gagged with a panel gag. Alison herself was secured to the chair with layer after layer of duct tape, her mouth was duct taped as well, muting all the questions she had to her fellow prisoners, all she could do is stare at the black brick walls, the cold concrete floor and everyone’s squirming bare feet, propped on a foot stool (something she was grateful for since the floor looked like it would freeze her soles). After minutes of inane boredom, she heard footsteps walking down the wooden stairs leading down the cellar.

“See doc, this is what happens when you don’t pay your employees properly.”

Hopping down the stairs came Polly, the porter, and daintily walked in front of her captives.

“You cannot say I did not perform splendidly” she said to her employer “I captured each of your guests one by one while they were busy solving their own puzzles… some enjoying it more than others.”

The blonde porter eyed in the direction of the rest of her captives. Who was she referring to specifically? No one could tell and no one could ask her.

“Had you paid me what we agreed on, you would not be in this situation yourself, or poor Mrs. Footwangler, who decided not to support my little strike.”

Mrs Footwangler protested, but the sponge gagging her muted anything she said, not that Polly would have listened anyway.

“So now that I have you here with your guests, I think I know how I can convince you to agree for a small raise to my salary” she wave a feather duster in front of Dr. Fether. Isabelle however did not falter in her stoic demeanor.

Polly called her bluff and proceeded with brushing the feather duster on her employer bare soles. At first, she just twitched her toes, her expression giving no indication that she might be ticklish. Everyone looked attentively as the doctor let out annoyed grunts and wave her feet back and forth trying to shake off the feathers caressing her exposed soles, yet Polly was relentless. It took several minutes, longer than any of the other captives would have endured, but eventually the stoic, unemotional Dr Isabelle Fether burst out into hysteric laughter.

“So, you agree on giving me a raise...?” asked Polly

Dr. Fether nodded energetically.

“…and paid vacations...?”

Isabelle’s eyes widen, shocked by the cheekiness of her porter asking for more benefits. Despite her helpless state, she had to put her foot down on this one, figuratively speaking that is.

“Hmm…’ Polly stopped tickling her employer “maybe you need a little bit of… peer pressure.”

She looked at the rest of her captives, and they looked at each other, puzzled at might their captor meant by ‘peer pressure’ in a matter of seconds that became self-evident.

The porter quickly brushed the seven pairs of helpless bare soles with the duster, forcing everyone to a cacophony of muffled laughter.

“Wished you had a bigger duster Mrs. Footwangler” Polly retorted “This is hardly enough to do the job.”

Mrs. Footwangler snarled in the couple of seconds she had to rest from the tickling onslaught. As Polly continued, no one needed an explanation on what our captor needed them to do. In between giggles and muted guffaws, the captives growled and whimpered to Dr Fether to concede on giving Polly what she wanted.

Maybe it was an unseen empathy she felt for her guests being tickle tortured, or the peer pressure she felt from the chorus of muffled voices asking her to concede, but the doctor finally nodded, agreeing to give her employee paid vacations.

Of course, Polly did not stop there.

“…and paid medical insurance...?”

Dr Fether disagreed, and everyone got tickled until she conceded.

“…and dental plan…?”

Dr Fether protests were met with minutes of intense, nonstop, forced laughter for everyone.

“…and to praise me for the fantastic job I’ve been doing?”

Polly had stopped tickling her captives, giving them a chance to catch their breath. She crossed her arms and glared at them expectingly, her captives looked at each other nervously, unsure on what to do.

“… ‘For she’s a jolly good fellow’…” She edged her captives to sing.

Tired of all the tickling they’ve endured, they half heartedly sang, which was barely heard under their gags.

“Louder!” Polly demanded.

The captives raised their voices and gave their best effort to sound more energetic. Which, much to their relief, satisfied their captor.

Alison wondered what else the crazy blonde porter had in store for them, but one thing was for certain as she looked at the faces of her wife and everyone else bound and gagged barefoot, this was an unforgettable evening.

The End?

(stay tuned for the actual conclusion)
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Post by Caesar73 »

That was quite the interesting and funny finish :) Especially singing "For she is a jolly good fellow!" Well done!
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Post by ishfet »

(But here's what really happened: )

Alison went inside the studio and met face to face with Dr. Fether. Isabelle Fether was exactly as she was on the video during diner: sitting up straight at her desk, behind her the bookshelves of important looking books and trophies, her demeanor was far too nonchalant for her to be sporting a straitjacket strapped on tightly on her torso and her ankles were cuffed together with padded leather cuffs.

“Hello, you must be Alison” She greeted her in a calm, unemotional tone. “Congratulations, you’ve won.”

Alison was dumbfounded by her demeanor.

“What do you mean I’ve won? I thought you were kidnapped”

“Well… yes” explained Isabelle “I asked Miss Polly to assist me in binding me and set up the cameras…”

She arched her head, prompting Alison to turn her head and see not just the camera that recorded the video she saw earlier today, but also a series of monitors, each showing a room of the mansion.

“After hearing Mrs. Footwrangler’s stories about your family and their keen interest for bondage, I was interested in seeing what they would do if they were to find me restrained like this, but things took an interesting turn…”

“What do you mean?”

“Polly” called out Dr. Fether to the Porter, who was standing on the entrance of the studio “Would you kindly show Alison to where the rest of the guests are?”

“Sure thing, miss Fether” replied Polly in a peppy tone.

“Ahh, Polly!” Dr. Fether called her porter as she raised her long, toned legs and rested them on the desk “Please remove the ankle cuffs, I wish to be there when Alison uncovers the mystery. You may keep me under the straitjacket, its proving to be an interesting sensation, to say the least”

Polly nodded and released her boss’ ankles, but kept her torso restrained upon her orders. The three ladies went downstairs to the cellar.

Without the lights on, Alison could only distinguish half a dozen silhouettes shuffling in the dark. There were some led lights on the wall that illuminated a stack of foldable chairs and stools on a corner and a shelf displaying different ropes, chains and gags. When Polly turned out the lights, Alison saw with amazement how every guest was bound and gagged: Rebecca, secured with rope and gagged with a red ball gag; Carol, tied down and gagged with scarves; Kerry, wrapped up and gagged with bandages; Angela, cuffed to the armrests and chair legs with a yellow ball gag in her mouth; Hailey, wrapped up in a tapestry and gagged with her own black socks secured with a thick velvet cord. Even Mrs. Footwangler had been restrained with zip ties and gagged with a sponge.

The sight of Alison brought them back from their slumber and they moaned and grunted to her through their gags.

“Did Polly did this?” Alison tried to guess how they ended up in this predicament.

“Hmmm… not entirely” replied Dr. Fether. “She did, however, capture your wife.”

Both Alison’s and Haley’s eyes darted at the young porter

“Well…I…” Polly muttered “I just wanted join in the fun… like she did with her captives.”

Alison turned to see Haley, her eyes still glaring at her captor.

“You did this, Hals?” she asked her wife, prompty replied with a quick shake of her head.

“Yes, you did!” retorted Polly “I saw you drag those two here in the cellar” the blonde girl pointed at Angela and Kerry

Alison ungagged her wife, hoping to solve this mystery once and for all.
Haley spit out her black socks and after moving her jaw for a little while, she spoke

“I was trying to solve my puzzle, but I couldn’t concentrate with all the loud music coming from the ballroom. I asked Kerry multiple times to turn it down, but she wouldn’t listen. So I finally took matters into my own hands: I saw the first aid kit had a bottle of chloroform and several rolls of bandages… enough to mummify a person”

Polly handed Alison a pair of safety scissors and she cut off the bandages gagging Kerry

“I didn’t want anyone else to find Kerry and let her loose” continued Hailey “so I looked for a place to stash her. As I passed the billiard room, I saw Angela already cuffed to the billiard table.”

“I hope you didn’t scratch it” interrupted Dr. Fether “that is a very expensive table.”

“Oh, don’t worry, I took off her flats before she laid on the table” commented Kerry once she was able to speak.

“Wait, you tied her up?” Alison asked her sister.

“Yeah, I saw her coming from the lounge, fuming about how she lost that game of pinball, so when I saw the handcuffs and the ball gag displayed on the billiard room. I figured we could have a little tickling fun while everyone else tried finding Dr. Fether… I mean, its not like she was going anywhere, no offense.”

Isabelle puffed her cheeks but said nothing. Alison ungagged Angela, hoping to either disprove or corroborate Kerry’s story.

“So, you were upset you lost a pinball game?”

“I was so close to beating the high score!” retorted Angela “and it didn’t help Carol wouldn’t share her snacks with me, even after making me loose.”

“Gmmmrrphh!” Carol tried to say through her gag.

“Its your own damn fault for calling me Angie!” Angela countered.

“I’m guessing you vented out your frustrations on poor Carol, didn’t you?” deduced Alison.

As soon as Carol was ungagged, her suspicions were confirmed.

“I was just trying to find Bex, its not my fault you’re not as good as you think you are at pinball.”

“What do you mean you were trying to find my mom?”

“Well, I went to the kitchen to make her a snack, but when I came back to the conservatory, she was gone…”

“I don’t know, but Mrs. Footwangler was of no help. All she kept saying was that I needed to get out of the kitchen, so…”

“Let me guess, you found some zip ties, and tied her up?”

“Mmmmphhr…” groaned Mrs. Footwangler.

“How did you know?” inquired Carol.

“I’m sensing a pattern…” answered Alison unimpressed.

She removed her mom’s ball gag to let her speak.

“I’m guessing you went to the garden barefoot.”

“Well, yes” explained Rebecca “I had to place a couple of potted plants on some indentations.”

“And while you did that you tracked mud all over the conservatory.”

Rebecca nodded sheepishly.

“Mom! You know how Mrs Footwangler gets when we get her floors dirty.”

Alison looked at the gagged Mrs Footwangler

“I’m guessing you took matters into your own hands again.”

Now it was Mrs Footwangler who sheepishly nodded.

“Well, that still doesn’t explain how everybody ended up in the cellar, neatly lined up in a row.”

“Well, I found this secret passage by the chimney on the billiard room” Hailey chimed in “I just left Angela and Kerry there”

“That’s funny” said Angela “I found a secret room on the lounge where I put Carol”

“I just found the door that lead to the cellar by the kitchen” confessed Carol.

“Yes…” interrupted Dr Fether “though Mrs Footwangler was the first to use the cellar to hide her own captive.

She paced gracefully in front of the six tied up ladies, despite herself being restrained with a straitjacket.

“When we saw you were doing the same to her, ironically, I instructed Polly to make everyone more… ‘comfortable’. She took advantage of the secret rooms, as they all lead here to the cellar.”

Everyone nodded, without missing the opportunity to give a dirty look at Polly for being complicit in their own captivity. Alison could help notice her well-toned legs and the way her high heels clicked as the walked on the cellar’s concrete floor.

“But your peculiar kinks have proven to be quite entertaining, and very insightful as to the behavioral change of a woman going from dominant captor to submissive captive” Isabelle continued “It is fascinating who your minds react when inmmmmphrrr!!!”

Her speech was interrupted by a panel gag secured firmly over her mouth. Behind her, Alison smiled fiendishly.

“Yes, well. It’ll be more fascinating when I take you back to the study to collect my prize” replied Alison “after spending hours solving your stupid puzzles for your entertainment, its only fair we get our own.”

She guided her Isabelle upstairs when she heard the chorus of ungagged captives complaining to be released.

“Polly, would you mind releasing them?” instructed Alison “They’ve been tied up for quite a long time”

Polly looked at her boss, a glare and a nod from Dr Fether confirmed that her paycheck would depend on the freedom of her guests.

“Besides, I’m sure they won’t take it out on you the fact that they were stashed on a cold damp cellar for who knows how long.”

Polly looked nervously at the six tied up women in front of her. They said nothing, but she could they all had their sights set on the same future captive.

“Hals, do join me in the studio when you're done” said Alison mockingly.

Hailey giggled and glared at Polly. The poor porter swallowed saliva and began worked on releasing everyone, knowing for sure what would happen to her once everyone was released.

“Well, it’s a living…” Polly muttered to herself.

After all, there are worst jobs out there.

The End
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Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

Lovely Finish, so it was the Doctor itself - who was behind it. Would be interesting to see what Alison does with Dr. Fether and what the former Captives do to Polly :) Well done @ishfet !
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