Visiting Uncle & Aunt (Request) (M/Ff)

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Visiting Uncle & Aunt (Request) (M/Ff)

Post by Detective-Gag »

It had been a bit of a long drive; but eventually Tabitha “Tabby” Smith had arrived at her Aunt Kristi’s home for a visit.

“It’ll be good to catch up with your aunt this weekend,” her mother, Kelly, had told her during the drive.

“Dad sure didn’t think so,” Tabby had said to her mother. “He seemed like he didn’t want either of us to go out the door.”

“Your father is just a bit salty,” her mother assured her daughter. “He’ll be alone this weekend house-sitting.”

“Dunno,” Tabby murmured. “He seemed to get annoyed when you mentioned Aunt Kristi.”

“Your father adores my sister,” Kelly said to her daughter, her mouth grimacing a bit, however. “It’s your uncle in-law she married he isn’t very keen on.”

“So…what gives?”

Kelly drummed her fingers on the steering wheel as they coasted along the road through the country. “Uncle Douglas is a bit…eccentric. Artsy.” Her mother shrugged. “It was part of why my sister Kristi decided to marry him; but his personality didn’t “mesh” particularly well with your father’s.”

“And what about you?” Tabby challenged, turning to look intently at her mother from the passenger seat. “What do YOU think about him?”

“Ah…” her mother started, but paused to clear her throat. “Well…he’s an interesting fellow.”

“Uh-huh,” Tabby grunted, catching her mother’s drift…while also piquing the daughter’s curiosity.

A bit of family drama might somehow manage to keep the weekend interesting, after all.

“Anyway; it’ll be good to see my sister again,” Kelly went on, changing the subject. “I haven’t seen her since Christmas!”

A short while after, they’d arrive at the nice rustic, three-story home at the edge of some woods. Pulling their car around a bend and parking it just past the front entrance; they saw that Kristi & Douglas were already opening the door to come out and greet them.

Aunt Kristi looked a lot like Tabby’s mother: both were taller women, Caucasian, with bright brown eyes…except that Aunt Kristi had dark, black hair like Tabby’s, which she kept in a stylish up-do, letting some loose strands of hair fall down across her brow. She wore a deep-blue cardigan over a black turtleneck, a pair of grey jeans with a studded bet, and a pair of boots.

“Kelly…!” Aunt Kristi beamed, trotting down from the front porch to come and embrace Tabby’s mom.

Tabby watched her mother return the gesture. “Kristi!” she echoed back, as the two laughed in a prolonged hug.

Tabby’s mother had wavy, light brown hair that she let down along her back, opting for a simple tan-colored sweater over a pair of black pants, and black shoes. Aside from this, the two were more-or-less identical.

Tabby stood off from the pair as they said their hellos, taking the opportunity to catch a glimpse of her uncle, Douglas, who was still waiting by the front door.

The man had a youthful appearance, with light skin & short chestnut brown hair. He wore a light blue polo shirt, a pair of slacks, sneakers, and a round pair of spectacles.

He seems like an average-looking, boring desk worker, Tabby thought to herself.

Her mother & her aunt separated, already in fervent conversation. “Do you want to come inside first?” Kristi asked.

Tabby’s mother checked her watch. “Maybe we should just go straight to the vineyard; so we can make the most of it,” she suggested.

“Honey, my sister and I are going to head out!” Aunt Kristi called back to her husband, bouncing with excitement.

“Have a good time!” he answered back, going back inside the house.

“Leaving me with the problematic uncle?” Tabby said, casting an eyebrow at her mom.

Kelly turned back to her daughter. “Oh, you’ll be fine,” she said, giving her daughter a light kiss on the forehead. “Keep an open mind; your aunt and I have a lot of catching up to do.”

“Enjoy the vineyard, I guess,” Tabby muttered, trudging up to the house as the two laughing women piled into their car to go on a wine trip.

“We have the two guest room doors open on the upper floor,” her Uncle Douglas said, when the dark-haired niece stepped into the foyer. “Pick either one you like!”

“Uh, thanks,” Tabby responded, taking her travel bag up the flights of stairs.

At the end of the hall there were two doors swung open across from each other; Tabby taking the one on the left: there was a made bed, a desk, cushioned chair, a dresser…and a two-door closet & bathroom door off to the side.

She set her bag on the bed, unzipping it and taking out her clothes for the weekend. Making her way over to the dresser, she opened one of the drawers to stack her clothing inside…when she spied a black box resting at the bottom.

Curious, she set her clothes aside & picked up the metal box: it had a lid with a handle on top, and whatever contents were inside rustled slightly.

At first, Tabby thought she might have stumbled upon a hidden stache of money; the kind people hid in their mattresses or in their closets just in case of emergency. But this box didn’t have a lock on it.

Tabby glanced over at the guest room doorway, and took the box over to the bed, lifting the top off the box to peer at the contents inside.

Well, it wasn’t money like she thought it was…it was photographs, all neatly stacked. Tabby deflated a bit; photo albums were not uncommon to clutter up a household.

She nonetheless took out some of the photographs, absently skimming through them…they were older, showing pictures of her Aunt Kristi and her mom, before the digital cell phone age had sunk itself deep into society.

Tabby recognized her father with her mother in another one; and then a younger Douglas without glasses started to show up in a few with her Aunt Kristi. Must have been when they’d met each other and started dating.

She shuffled through a few more pictures, already growing bored…when she suddenly stopped on a rather peculiar one.

“What the…?” Tabby whispered, taking the singe photo out from the stack.

It was her Aunt Kristi...her face filled the frame of the photograph, her dark hair pulled back in a ponytail; but over her mouth, there were strips of white duct tape. Her eyes were wide, appearing surprised.

Shocked, Tabby flipped through several more photos in the handful she'd taken; and she found another picture which matched the first she'd found, this one a full-sized photo of her standing up in a long black dress...white rope encircled her torso, pulled tightly above & below her breasts; herself standing slightly sideways to the camera, to show her arms pinned to her sides & her wrists cuffed behind her back with more of the rope.

Bewilderment shook Tabby...when had THIS happened!?

She put the two photographs to the side, and then took out two more big handfuls of other photos from inside the box, beginning to sift through them...she passed through a few more "normal" pictures of her aunt & uncle laughing on vacation...a couple of holidays photos...

...and then sure enough, there came another disturbing photo of her Aunt Kristi: she sat in a unrecognizable basement, secured to a sturdy-looking wooden chair with a high-back on it, her wrists lashed to the arms of the chair & a white rag pulled tightly over her mouth!

In one photo, she stared defiantly into the another, her eyes were closed; seemingly growling into the fabric that covered her mouth.

Tabby was pouring through photographs now...she found another picture of her aunt tied up in in a walk-in closet, her wrists tied together with her ankles, her eyes hidden by a white blindfold & her mouth sealed with silver duct tape....yet another picture showed her contorted on her belly, her legs bent over & secured to her wrists held behind her, a pink bandana tied over her lips...still another had Aunt Kristi bound to a bedpost, her arms rigid at her sides with black cord & herself in a white nightgown; a light blue handkerchief silencing her as her chest protruded outward from her struggling.

What exactly was she looking at, Tabby wondered...had her aunt been subjected to some kind of kidnapping? Her parents had never mentioned such a thing...and these multiple photos showing different ways that her aunt had been incapacitated seemed to indicate that they had occurred at different times...

Tabby frowned as she glossed over these photographs she'd singled out...she realized that Aunt Kristi looked slightly different in each of them...different hairstyles, different makeup; she also seemed different ages in one or two of them.

Also, Tabby realized...they were just of Aunt Kristi; nobody else had been seemingly tied up in any other photograph she'd looked through. Where was Uncle Douglas in these pictures? There'd been plenty of them together in the ones where they were seen on vacation.

Could it be that...was it Uncle Douglas that had been taking these pictures?

Had her uncle been the one tying up her aunt?!

Tabby's paranoia swam in wild directions...was her uncle holding Kristi hostage? Was this a demented case of Stockholm Syndrome!?

"Going through some of the old photographs?" came a voice from the guest room doorway.

Tabby yelped, dropping several of the photographs accidentally on the bed, with some of them drifting to the floor.

Uncle Douglas stood at the doorway, arms folded, an amused expression on his face. "See anything you shouldn't have?" he said jokingly, which had the inadvertent of effect of freaking Tabby out.

"I,, no," Tabby lied, as she began frantically collecting the pictures from the bed & shoving them back into the black box. "Just putting my stuff away, and moving this, um, out of the way..."

Uncle Douglas tilted his head, and stepped into the room; reaching over and plucking one of the photos Tabby had dropped onto the carpet...adjusting his glasses, he inspected the subject of the photo.

"And this?" he said, flipping the poloroid around to display Aunt Kristi trussed-up with rope & tape over her mouth. "This didn't spark any interest?"

Tabby's heart started pounding, and she took several steps back from her uncle as she raised her hands. "Look, I didn't see anything!" she stammered. "I won't say anything! Please, just let me get out of here!"

Uncle Douglas blinked at her niece's startled reaction, and then laughed.

"Oh, dear, uh...I'm really sorry, kid," he apologized awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand. "I didn't think you would take those pictures THAT seriously."

He squinted at the picture he held, and scanned over the ones still laying out on the quilted mattress. "But I suppose if you look at all of them at the same time, it DOES create an absurd amount of questions," he admitted, dropping the photograph onto the others.

He sighed, while Tabby watched him uncertainly from the corner of the guest room. "Your aunt and I...we have particular interests," Uncle Douglas started to explain to her. "She had some wild fantasies back in the day; where she enjoyed old TV shows where the damsel-in-distress got nabbed by gangsters & outlaws."

"...excuse me?" Tabby eventually said, as the words sank in.

"When we started dating, I was actually writing for a few of those sorts of TV shows," Uncle Douglas went on. "My profession, you & script-writing. Crime drama. When your aunt discovered that I seemed to write these sorts of scenes rather well; she revealed that she had always wanted to be tied up like in the stories."

He shrugged. "Turns out, we both enjoyed these fantasies quite a bit."

"So all these photos..." Tabby began to say.

"Some memories of our better fantasy sessions," Uncle Douglas clarified, waving a hand over the pile. "Some people call it "bondage" sessions; but I don't think your aunt or myself ever really thought about it in that way." He smiled, seemingly lost in thought. "We just enjoyed acting out the stories."

"So you...tied up my aunt," Tabby said slowly, trying to come to grips with what she was hearing. "Multiple times? And you take pictures?"

"We still do," Uncle Douglas revealed, hands going on his hips. "We do keep this aspect of our lives rather private, though."

"My mom never even mentioned this to me," Tabby muttered, looking at the pictures in a different sort of light now.

Uncle Douglas rubbed his smooth jaw. "Well, I'm sure that Kristi has told her," he mused, frowning a bit. "I'm not entirely certain that your mother understood her sister's fascination with getting tied up...and I'm pretty sure that's why your father doesn't particularly like me."

He lifted his pals upward in a helpless sort of gesture. "It's not for everyone," he said simply. "So I don't talk about it around family."

Tabby processed everything that was being told to her, gazing back over the photos.

Suddenly, everything was making better sense; this had been why her family had been so estranged with her aunt & uncle.

...and Uncle Douglas was starting to get more and more fascinating than she had previously considered.

"Where'd you learn to tie up my aunt like that, anyway?" she asked, having relaxed a bit & now projecting a bit more confidence, stepping over to her uncle.

"I was in the Boy Scouts when I was a kid," Uncle Douglas divulged. "Not for tying people up, you understand; but we learned how to handle rope and knotwork." He paused to consider. "Your aunt actually helped me get through the fundamentals when we started doing it."

“Get out!”

“I’m serious!” he assured, chuckling again. “Your Aunt Kristi had VERY specific notions of how she wanted to get tied up… “Just like in the TV shows!”…she would tell me.”

Tabby thought it over; and she recalled numerous movies she’d seen herself where the damsel gets tied up by villains & criminals.

Quite a bit of movies, she realized…and yeah; they matched up pretty well with the photos of her aunt.

“How…how would one go about doing this, exactly?” Tabby then asked, her voice tinged with awkward uncertainty.

Uncle Douglas blinked. “Excuse me?”

Tabby shuffled her feet a bit. “Getting tied up…how do you start?” she asked, twirling a strand of her dark hair nervously.

“Well, I’ll be…!” Uncle Douglas laughed, shaking his head. “Not sure if that’s the sort of weekend your aunt and your mother planned for.”

“Don’t call me kiddo,” Tabby muttered; then paused, catching herself being rude. “Sorry.”

Uncle Douglas held up a hand. “No biggie,” he answered. “But I think we need to wait for your mother and aunt to get back first; so they can sign off.”

“They’re going to be at the vineyard all afternoon!” Tabby whined. “And it’s going to be dull here otherwise!”

Uncle Douglas arched an eyebrow. “Wow, thanks kid…um, thanks Tabby, for the seal of approval,” he corrected.

Now Tabby DID feel rude. “Sorry,” she repeated.

Uncle Douglas tapped a foot for a moment. “Tell ya what,” he finally said. “We’ll do a VERY basic knot…nothing too serious; so that nobody goes nuts and bites my head off for it.”

Tabby perked up. "Really?"

Uncle Douglas nodded. "Go ahead and finish unpacking your things," he told his niece. "I need to go downstairs to grab what I need anyway."

He left the room, and Tabby quickly began moving her things from her luggage. What a turn of events this had become!

She was finished rather quickly, and hastily moved from the guest room back down the stairs. By the time she found the open area towards the back half of the house that served as the living room, Uncle Douglas was already laying out several bundles of white rope onto the wooden table.

"How do we start?" Tabby asked eagerly, approaching the table.

"Generally, you start with the hands," her uncle explained, picking up a smaller coil of the white cord, beginning to the unwind it. "In the movies, you don't want the character to be able to resist or untie themselves; so binding the wrists usually comes first."

Tabby nodded, and held out her wrists.

"Ah, but putting your hands in front of you is actually a poor way to secure someone," Uncle Douglas said, stretching the rope between his hands once it was untangled. "They can see the knots, and have more mobility to free themselves or remove their gag."

"I see," Tabby murmured, dropping her hands to her sides. "So...?"

"Go ahead and turn around; then cross your wrists behind your back," Uncle Douglas suggested.

Tabby nodded, and put her back to her uncle, moving her wrists to the small of her back. A moment later, she felt the soft material of the rope begin to loop around her wrists, with surprising speed & dexterity from her uncle-in-law.

"Oh, wow," Tabby breathed. "You work fast!"

"Not too tight, I hope? Uncle Douglas asked as he worked.

"No, it's fine," Tabby said, feeling a curious sensation as the cord tightened, and the pressure of the rope held her hands together.

"And...there we go!" her uncle announced, and Tabby felt him step away.

The girl tested the rope, trying to separate her hands. "Oof...I can't even slip one hand free," she said, as she twisted her wrists. "They almost feel like handcuffs!"

"That's the secret to a proper knot," Uncle Douglas explained, as she turned back around to face him. "You tie a length of the rope around the material between the wrists; and that cinches it together so you can't get loose."

"Not sure I understand; but it's damn effective!"

"Language," Uncle Douglas chided, but smiled, gesturing to the couch behind the table. "Here; I can show you what I mean."

Tabby tilted a head, but walked over to take a seat on the couch, as the man picked up another bundle of the rope, stooping over & folding the cord in half.

"First, you wrap the rope around both limbs to hold them together," he demonstrated, pulling the material over the ends of Tabby's jeans, and securing her ankles together. "Except for this, we're using your feet instead of hands."

"Then, we take the ends of the rope; and actually wrap them AROUND the space in the middle," he went on; and Tabby watched as he pulled the length between her legs, turning the rows of rope into a sturdy cuff, and tied it off.

"Presto!" her Uncle Douglas said, standing up. "You are now bound, hand-and-foot."

Tabby pulled against the ropes, stretching out her feet as she continued to fidget with the ropes holding her hands behind her back. "They're not coming off!" she stated, impressed.

"Told ya," he said to her, crossing his arms as he observed his niece continue to test his work.

Another thought occurred to Tabby. "Aunt Kristi had more rope around her, uh...chest," Tabby ventured. "And wasn't she, um...gagged?"

"Let's go slow, shall we?" Uncle Douglas answered. "I promised a basic knot; and now you're talking about getting entirely immobilized."

"C'mon!" Tabby urged, egging her uncle on. "How can I be a hostage if I can shout for help?"

Uncle Douglas blinked behind his glasses. "And suddenly; you sound just like your aunt," he said.

"Is that a yes?"

He sighed. "Alright...hang on."

He departed the living room, sounding as though he were going downstairs. Tabby spent that time with him absent continuing to wriggle the ropes, finding the experience fascinating.

Emboldened, she decided to push herself up from the couch...wobbling a bit as she steadied herself, she tentatively began shuffling her feet from around the table; the ropes around her ankles keeping her from walking.

Moving much to slow for her liking, she began hopping across the rug...and peculiarly, she found herself enjoying the challenge.

Had her Aunt Kristi been on to something, after all?

Uncle Douglas returned, holding what looked like a silk handkerchief. "Already moving about, are we?" he noticed.

"You're going to gag me with that?" Tabby guessed.

"As an introduction," the uncle responded, taking the fabric in both hands. "A simple detective gag that goes over your mouth."

Tabby was suddenly taken by an impulse. "'ll have to catch me first!"

Before her uncle could react, Tabby quickly began hopping in the other direction, out the opposite entrance to the living room.

She was about two feet out the door; when Tabby felt two hands clamp down on her shoulders.

"Gah!" she exclaimed...partly in shock, and partly in her Uncle Douglas steadied her from falling over.

"You know you can't really get far like that," he told her.

"It was worth a shot," Tabby breathed. "Guess this means I get gagged, then."

"Guess so," the uncle chuckled; and Tabby saw the white cloth drop down past her eyes as Uncle Douglas lowered it over her mouth.

"Mmph!" Tabby grunted in surprise, as her uncle suddenly pulled the handkerchief rather firmly against her lips; to a point that Tabby barely had time to close her mouth. "Wmph!"

Despite the pressure of the cloth around her jaw as her uncle tied the gag in place, the material felt soft & smooth against her cheeks.

"Flms wrdmph," Tabby tried to say, and giggled as she stumbled over the words.

"Mmm? Afraid I didn't catch that," Uncle Douglas said innocently, as he tightened the gag.

Tabby blinked. Was he teasing her?

"Hymph!" Tabby mumbled again, eyes flickering over her shoulder.

"And...there we go," Uncle Douglas stated, spinning her niece around to inspect the gag.

Tabby was pretty sure her face was flushed…from her sudden getaway or from the tightness of the gag…probaby embarrassment...and wouldn’t meet her uncle’s eye.

“Looks good,” he approved, and carefully helped her niece hop back to the couch.

“Alright kid,” he said to her as she sat back down; his voice taking on a mock-dramatic tone. “I’m gonna keep you here for a bit; just stay quiet & don’t try to run off again.”

“Mnn wnm’tmph,” Tabby responded through the cloth, unaccustomed to the foreign material pressing against her mouth.

Uncle Douglas left the room, apparently heading to the kitchen.

Left alone now, Tabby felt a little less awkward about her current state, and began exploring how well she could move.

It wasn't actually all that bad, she realized...though she couldn't separate either her hands or her feet; Tabby could still more or less still move her limbs freely, as she twisted around on the couch cushion, extending her legs outward.

The gag was the curious part of the experience: pulled against her lips, it almost was like a reminder that she shouldn't speak.

"Mrmph," she grumbled, extending her chin as she felt the handkerchief over her mouth tighten, making her cheeks bulge. "Hrmph!"

She wondered how she looked right now...her thoughts drifted towards the scenario posited by her uncle: kidnapped, and held hostage in the room.

"Gmph!" she mumbled, as she began lightly bouncing up-and-down on the couch, her pulse quickening. "Hlmph! Hlmph mmph!"

She had to escape before her kidnapper returned, she thought to herself...looking quickly at the doorway where her abductor had left, Tabby quickly leapt to her feet, hopping out into the open carpet before plopping herself onto the rug.

She had a hunch about her current predicament...continuing to grunt underneath her gag, she slowly rocked forward and backward on her butt, testing her reach.

She realized that if she planted her feet & slowly raised herself up...she could move her bound wrists underneath her and...

"Mmph!" she exclaimed, as she pulled her tied wrists under her legs, and up in front of her face.

Ha! she thought. She'd just pulled off her first escape!

She didn't know how she would untie her hands...but she quickly untied the knots Uncle Douglas had done around her ankles; and pulled the handkerchief down from her mouth.

Leaving the rope on the floor, she stood up, and began walking towards the kitchen; where she found her uncle sitting at the kitchen table, reading a magazine with a cup of espresso.

"I see you've managed to work yourself mostly loose," he remarked, taking a sip from the cup.

"Mostly," Tabby answered, giving her bound wrists a small shake.

"So...what'd you think?" her uncle asked.

"It was...actually interesting," Tabby replied thoughtfully, slipping into the chair on the opposite side of the table. "I think I might've rushed it, to be honest."

"Well...we only started with the fundamentals," Uncle Douglas pointed out, looking up at the kitchen clock on the wall.

He drummed his fingers on the table. "I'd give your mother and your Aunt Kristi maybe two more hours before they decide to head back," he reasoned, looking her way. "Provided that you're still interested; did you want to keep going?"

Tabby lit up at the suggestion. "What did you have in mind?" she asked. "And yes, by the way!"

Uncle Douglas thought for a moment, before standing up and pulling out a chair from the table.

"Well...let's start by making sure you remain seated this time..."

(to be continued)
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Post by Smythdean »

What a great story. Your writing is amazing

Looking forward to more
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Post by Caesar73 »

Smythdean wrote: 2 months ago @Detective-Gag
What a great story. Your writing is amazing

Looking forward to more
Agreed! Looking forward to the next Part!
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Post by charliesmith »

Fantastic story. Enjoyed it and looking forward to the next parts :)
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
My ongoing stories:

Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
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Post by JennyTied »

Great do continue!
I help write DiD stories on .
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Post by Inkstain »

Getting VERY interesting!
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Post by TightsBound »

Fantastic story so far! Great introduction to the characters and scenario that could easily become a series. Can’t wait for more!
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Post by Trammel »

Great story!!!
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.

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Post by Detective-Gag »


“Oh my god…that was so much FUN,” Kelly said to her sister, as her house came into view as they drew closer.

“And with more fun to come,” Kristi added, patting the bag which contained several more bottles of the wine they had sampled while at the vineyard.

The duo had enjoyed their afternoon of merriment; reminiscing on old times while catching up on current events. With the day winding down, Kelly was looking forward to decompressing; maybe watching a movie with her sister or streaming a show on Netflix…it might be a good way to include Tabby; who was do doubt bored to tears.

They pulled their car up to the house. “Want me to grab that for you?” Kelly offered, pointing to the bag.

“I’ve got it,” Kristi assured, stepping out of the car. “You still haven’t unpacked; take your time & go ahead up to one of the guest rooms.”

Aunt Kristi took the bottles of wine inside while Kelly ferried her belongings inside & up the stairs.

Aunt Kristi found her husband lounging in the living room watching TV. “We’re back!” she announced.

“Did you have fun?” he said to his wife, turning his head from the couch and smiling up at her.

“We had a blast,” she stated, playfully tussling his hair as she passed by the couch where he sat. “I just need to put this in the kitchen before we have dinner.” She looked around the space. “Where’s Tabby?”

“As luck would have it; she’s in the kitchen now,” Uncle Douglas informed.

“Kelly said she might have been a bit gloomy,” Aunt Kristi said, concerned. “Hopefully she wasn’t a handful.”

“Actually, I think the two of us really hit it off,” Uncle Douglas answered, much to Aunt Kristi’s surprise.


“Well…you can see for yourself,” he said simply.

An eyebrow raised, Aunt Kristi headed for the kitchen. “Tabby!” she called ahead, pushing the door open with her elbow as she carried the wine. “We’re back…”

Aunt Kristi froze briefly in the doorway, her gaze fixing on Tabby seated at the kitchen table…or rather, stuck to it.

“Mrm-Krstmph!” the dark-haired girl muttered, eyes wide above a white cloth that had been in lightly pulled over her mouth, muffling her words. She strained against rows of white rope wrapped around her arms, securing her to the kitchen chair. “Mm cnmph explnph!”

There was a brief moment of shock as Aunt Kristi processed what she was seeing. “Oh, my word…” she breathed, rushing to put the wine down on the counter before addressing her niece.

More rope snared Tabby’s legs below the knees & around her ankles; as the girl tapped her feet lightly on the kitchen floor beneath the table & continued to speak through the gag.

“Mm agrmnd tm thsmph,” the girl tried to enunciate, jaw moving beneath the white cloth.

“I can’t understand you, Tabby,” the aunt said, taking a step towards where she sat. “Here, let me…GMPH.”

A hand shot out from behind Aunt Kristi and fell upon her mouth, halting her mid-step.

“Gotcha,” came a voice from behind her teasingly.

Aunt Kristi moaned into the hand, reaching up with hers to pull it from her mouth.

“Grmm…! Ah!” she gasped, as she forced the hand down from her face. “Doug, I swear to god…!”

The uncle laughed, stepping back from his wife as she turned to face him with her hands on her hips. “What is going on here?” she demanded, jabbing a thumb over at Tabby as she tapped her boot on the floor expectantly.

Uncle Douglas raised both his hands in a pacifying gesture. “Honey, Tabby found your photos,” he answered calmly. “You left them in the guest room.”

“The photos…oh, sh*t!” Aunt Kristi mouthed, before realizing what he meant.

“Afterwards, Tabby actually got a bit curious,” Uncle Douglas went on. “She sort of…wore me down into letting her try.”

Tabby pulled her chin upwards, and after a few sharp jabs, managed to slip the gag off her mouth. “It’s true, Aunt Kristi,” she said once she could speak. “I put him up to it; I wanted to see what it was like.”

She gave the chair a few good shakes as she pushed against the ropes. “Turns out…it’s pretty effective,” the girl admitted, slightly embarrassed. “I’m pretty stuck.”

Aunt Kristi looked between the two of them; somewhere between impressed & mortified.

“I can’t believe you found those old photographs,” she groaned.

“To be fair, sweetie, some of those were pretty new,” Uncle Douglas pointed out, causing Tabby to giggle.

Aunt Kristi punched her husband lightly on the arm, and then cast an eyebrow over at the snickering Tabby.

“So…what should we do about our little houseguest?” Aunt Kristi said slowly, tapping her chin.

Tabby ceased laughing. “Um…how about letting me go?” she offered.

She might as well have borne her neck to a wolf; because suddenly her aunt was grinning a wide, mischievous smile.

“Oh, I don’t know about THAT,” Aunt Kristi said coyly, striding over to where she sat, untying the cloth from around her neck.

“Hey…!” Tabby said, shifting in the seat. “I’ve already been here for ages! Can’t you…MMPH?”

Her aunt tied the white handkerchief back over Tabby’s mouth, smothering the words. “You stumbled across some evidence you shouldn’t have,” Aunt Kristi said, knotting the gag at the base of her neck. “Now it seems we need to deal with you!”

“Mm, c’nmph!” Tabby mewled, looking in Uncle Douglas’s direction. “Unclmph Dglmph, hlpmp mmph!”

“Sorry kid,” the man apologized, shrugging with the ghost of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “You opened Pandora’s Box…and she’s wanting some payback, it seems.”


"We need to hide the kid before "someone" finds her," her Aunt Kristi then said, pointing a finger up at the ceiling to indicate that she meant her sister, Tabby's mother. "Help me move her."

"Ah, the 'ol kidnapping routine," Uncle Douglas sighed, striding over to bend down & begin untying Tabby's ankles.

Tabby looked down at her uncle, and back up at Aunt Kristi as she began removing the ropes holding her against the chair.

"Whrm wm gmphing?" Tabby asked, as the cords fell away & Aunt Kristi stood her up from the seat. Notably, her wrists were still bound behind her back.

"Hush," Aunt Kristi said to her niece, putting a finger to her lips. "We're taking you making any noise!"

Her uncle coiling the discarded rope around his shoulder, both her relatives proceeded to take her by either arm & march her out of the kitchen.

Filled with a sense of urgency at the narrative her Aunt Kristi was forming, Tabby grew both excited & anxious at the prospect of her mother discovering the rather unusual activity she'd volunteered for.

The fear of that awkward conversation...along with the gag...kept her silent, as she was led to the stairs & down into the basement below. The area was as well-furnished as their living room; but her aunt & uncle led her past all of that, around the corner, and through the door to the back storage room.

A large blue mat...the sort used for yoga or martial arts...was laid out down on the concrete floor; the space surrounded by shelves, boxes, and the boiler system / AC systems in the corner.

"Easy now," Uncle Douglas warned, as he and his wife gently lowered Tabby onto the blue mat, and he took the rope around his shoulder and began re-tying her arms & legs.

"Mmph!" Tabby mumbled, looking up at Aunt Kristi while her uncle worked. "Nm mnmnt!"

Suppressing a giggle, Aunt Krisit leaned down and pulled the handkerchief down from her mouth. "Yes, hon?"

", what's the angle with this?" Tabby asked, as her uncle finished tightening the ropes. "How long am I supposed to be down here?"

"That's entirely up to you, dear," Aunt Kristi told her. "What sort of story do you want this to be?"

Well, Tabby had had some time to formulate her own fantasies while her uncle had her tied up in the kitchen. "Let's say...that you broke in, and you tied me up," Tabby said, after thinking for a moment. "But then my mom got home; and you quickly had to hide me down here in the basement until you figured out what to do about her."

" you want to involve Kelly in this, huh?" Aunt Kristi asked, her tone scandalous.

Tabby felt her face redden. "Hypothetically," she clarified. "Either way, she can't know I'm trapped down here."

"Quite right," mused Aunt Kristi, looking about the storage room. "Doug, do you know where the duct tape is...?"

"Way ahead of you," Uncle Douglas responded, appearing from a nearby shelf with a roll of silver tape.

Tabby took a deep breathe through her nose upon seeing the roll of tape. "Going to try to gag me like that other picture from the box?" the girl guessed.

"Only if you want," he assured her. "Otherwise, we can just keep using the cloth."

Tabby considered for a moment. "Well...why not!" she finally said.

"Atta girl!" her Aunt Kristi said, winking down at her. "Honey, hand me the tape."

Tabby blinked, as Uncle Douglass tossed the roll to his wife, and Aunt Kristi ripped off a small rectangular strip.

"Not often you get the play the role of kidnapper, eh sweetie?" he teased, placing his hands on his hips as he watched his wife stoop down with the duct tape pinched between her fingers.

"Great, I'm being kidnapped by some lovesick puppies...HYMPH!" Tabby added, before her aunt quickly pressed the tape over her lips, surprising her.

"Very much so," Aunt Kristi agreed, smoothing two more pieces of silver tape in addition to the first. "But enough talking for now."

"Wmph," Tabby mumbled, feeling her aunt's fingers smooth the sticky tape over her mouth. Unlike the handkerchief, which had been loose enough for Tabby to exhale partially through; the duct held firm against her cheeks like a seal, forcing her to breathe through her nose.

Tabby had to steady herself as she closed her eyes & took a deep breathe, feeling a fresh rush of adrenaline.

"Aw, you look cute like that," Aunt Kristi teased, peering down at her sitting on the mat.

Tabby rolled her eyes, suddenly yanked back into her default rebellious-teenager attitude. "Mf, plmph," she muttered, feeling the duct tape crinkle on her mouth.

"Honey, your sister will be waiting upstairs," Uncle Douglas reminded his wife.

"Aw, sh*t, right," Aunt Kristi cursed with a half-laugh, as she quickly tied the white cloth back over Tabby's taped mouth.

"Heymph!" Tabby exclaimed, as she felt two layers of the gag put pressure over her lips.

"Now be a good little girl," taunted Aunt Kristi as she lightly tussled her niece's dark hair, causing her to bristle.

"Little girl...?!"

"Grrrrrrrmph!" Tabby growled beneath the gags, looking up at her aunt & uncle as they strode over to the door.

"We'll see about what to do with you in a little bit," Aunt Kristi laughed, disappearing out the doorway.

Uncle Douglas gazed back at Tabby on the floor. "We'll make sure to check on you," he promised, ensuring that Tabby was safe.

Tabby nodded back at him, and proceeded to squirm & twist on the mat, resuming the make-believe portion of the process.

"Hlmph!" she yelled mutedly through the gag, banging her bound feet against the blue mat. "Gmt mmph mnt mmph hrmph!"

Uncle Douglas chuckled, closing the storage room door behind him; hearing his niece continued to struggle inside.

He had an idea where his wife intended to take this game...which meant that he would be having his hands full that evening!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Very fine continuation!
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Post by Dpsiic »

Only just found this. What a great story, looking forward to seeing how it unfolds.
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Post by slavetickle »

Hope there's another part! Love this story :D
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Syko Sith
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Post by Syko Sith »

Well now, this is a story I haven't seen in a little bit. It's fun, playful, and most importantly well written. Easy to follow too. It's checking all the boxes for me. Solid job.
Hogtied and loving it
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