Rope Practice With Brad and Diane: Complete! (m/fF)

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Rope Practice With Brad and Diane: Complete! (m/fF)

Post by Emma »

[mention]Mask6185[/mention] requested a story about a Boy Scout who practiced his knots on a friend and her mother; my husband Don has been working on the story. Here's Chapter One :) (Then scroll down for Chapter Two!)

No, it's not the Brad and Diane from that song, lol!
Brad Dew, 16, really enjoyed being in Boy Scouts. One thing he couldn't get the hang of was tying knots. He knew his friend, Diane Green, 16, could. Thus, he was visiting Diane one day at her house, to practice tying knots.
While Brad was wearing a black t-shirt, jeans and sneakers, Diane was wearing a flowery yellow short sleeved blouse (which went well with her short, curly blond hair), cut off jeans, and ankle socks. Diane's mother, 35 year old Stacy, was in her own bedroom, re-arranging her closet.

Brad and Diane were in the living room.

"Okay," Diane said, "What we haven't tried is the half hitch, or the diagonal lashing, because the things we have to use to tie them with aren't working. SOOO...." She handed him a piece of rope. "Try tying my wrists together with this," she said, handing him a piece of rope, then crossing her wrists in front of her.

Brad reluctantly took the rope. "Okay, sure. If you're sure." Diane nodded her head. "Go ahead and try."

Brad wrapped the rope around Diane's wrists, and tied it off. "You're kidding, right?," Diane asked. Brad moved his head quizzically. Looking straight at him, not her bound hands, Diane easily slid her right hand out of the ropes, and let them fall off the left hand, catching them with the right.

Brad looked at the rope. "I'm not gonna get this, am I," he said glumly. "Sure you will," Diane replied. You just have to practice. Watch." Diane tried wrapping the rope around one of her wrists, but couldn't tie it with just one hand. "I can't show you on myself, I'm gonna have to tie you, and you can watch."
"No way, nope," said Brad. "Getting tied up doesn't work for me, I can't do that. I can tie you, but getting tied, can't do it."

"Well,we're gonna need help," she said. "Hold on." Diane stood up, and walked away, towards the hallway.
"What are you doing?," Brad asked. "Getting help,", she replied.

Diane walked down the hall, and knocked on her mother's bedroom door. "Come in", she heard her mother's voice. Diane entered, and saw her mother, Stacy, finishing hanging a blouse in her closet. Stacy, with long, dark hair that went past her shoulders, was wearing a black blouse, just a bit small, and therefore showing off her figure. She also had on a knee-length red skirt, black pantyhose, and black heels. "Guess Dad's taking her out tonight", Diane thought to herself.
"Everything okay, honey?," Stacy asked.

"Yeah, fine, except Brad is having trouble learning a couple of knots. I tried showing but...I can't show him on myself. And he's squeamish about my trying to show him on himself."
Stacy closed the door on her closet. "I suppose I can help, then. But we're not doing this very long. This isn't quite how you said you were going to help him."

Diane and her mother walked back to the living room.

"Having problems with your rope tying?," Stacy asked.

"Yeah. I mean, yes, Mrs. Green. I know some, but I'm having trouble with a couple."

"And you tried tying Diane, correct?"

"No! I mean, well, yes, sorta. Just to try and figure out the knots, really." Stacy nodded. "Don't worry, I understand. And I can see how tying up someone could help. But you need to watch someone get tied first. "

"Yeah, that makes sense."

"So,", Stacy said, Diane's going to show you how to tie those knots by demonstrating on me."

"Ohhh", Brad said quietly. Stacy began to wonder if she should change clothes...her blouse, skirt, hose and high heels might very well be distracting for Brad, who was supposed to be paying attention to knots...not Stacy being tied up.

"I kinda thought, " Diane said, her arms folded, "that you were going to tie me up."

"No," Stacy said, "this is going to be strange enough. Brad, yes, Diane's going to tie me, and so are you. But understand, this is not something I want to hear you've been bragging about in school. I'm not really keen on this idea, but want you to get as much out of Scouting as you can. So pay attention, and keep all this to yourself."

"Yes, ma'am", Brad said.

"All right then", Stacy said. She picked up a piece of rope, and handed it to her daughter. "Tie my hands." Stacy turned around, and crossed her wrists behind her back. Brad wondered why she didn't just have Diane tie them in front of her? "That's interesting", he thought to himself. He watched as Diane tied her mother's wrists, and realized she really didn't need to tie them as tight as she did. What's more, Mrs. Green didn't protest.

"Okay, Mom, all done," Diane said. Stacy tugged at the ropes. "Good job, dear. Brad, do you think you can do this?"
Brad nodded.

"Good. Now, you untie my hands, pay attention to where the rope sits, and then tie my hands yourself."
"Um, sure, if you're sure it's okay."

Stacy sighed. "It's a little unusual, yes, but go ahead. You have my permission."

Brad quickly untied Stacy's hands, then started to retie them. "You'll have to tie me tighter than that, Brad, Stacy said. " Don't worry, I won't break."

Brad began tying tighter, hoping he wasn't hurting Stacy. Diane seemed a little concerned too, asking her mother "He's not tying you too tight, is he?" Stacy shook her head. "I'm fine, dear" she replied.

Brad finished tying Stacy's hands. "So, what do you think?," he asked Diane. She looked at her mother's hands, and checked the rope. "Not bad, pretty good. Maybe you should try again, though."
"Not my hands, though," Stacy said. "He can tie something else, but leave my hands alone. Constantly tying and untying them is a little rough."

Stacy sat down, with Diane sitting on her left, and Brad on her right. "How about your arms, can we do that?," Diane asked. Stacy looked at her. "It sounds like you plan for me to be completely tied up!" Stacy sighed. "I suppose it'll be all right. " She then looked at Brad. "I hoe you're learning something!" Brad nodded. "I am, really," he said.

"Good. Go watch Diane tie my arms," Stacy said. Brad stood up, walked over to Diane, and sat down on the floor. "Okay, watch carefully," Diane said. She took a piece of rope, and tied it to her mother's right arm. Stacy leaned over a bit, making it a little easier for Diane to wrap the rope around her upper arms. Neither of them said anything as Diane finished tying Stacy's upper limbs. Brad wondered, given how Stacy automatically leaned forward when Diane tied her arms, if they've done this before. "Nah," he thought to himself. "Ridiculous." Besides, he silently noted, those ropes. just above Stacy's breasts, were really showing off her busty figure. The white ropes against the black blouse really made the sight erotic.

Brad silently chided himself for thinking that about his friend's mother. "Concentrate on the knots", he told himself, as Stacy struggled a bit, testing the new ropes. "I guess it's your turn now. Get up here," Stacy said.

Brad stood up, and sat by Stacy, where he was sitting just moments before. He picked up a piece of rope, and began to tie it on Stacy's left arm, at the elbow. As he wrapped it around her, he realized the ropes would be just below her breasts. He wondered if he should take it off, and retie it a little lower. "You need to tie it tighter," Stacy said, breaking his train of thought. "Sorry," he mumbled. He did as asked, and pulled the rope much tighter, and did, indeed, tie it off.

Stacy tested the ropes now binding her. "You both did a good job," she said. She turned to Brad. "Do you think you have the hang of this now?," she asked. Brad nodded. I think I do, thanks. This was really cool of you, Mrs. Green."
"It was cool of you, Mom," agreed Diane, "but he's still gonna need more practice. Maybe he could finish tying you?"

"I think I have this down," Brad said.

Stacy looked at him. "Maybe. But since you've come this far, you might as well finish tying me up." She looked at her untied legs. "Give him the rest of the rope," she told Diane. "Let him finish tying me.. You don't need to show him again."

Diane tossed Brad the remaining ropes. "Here ya go," she said.

"Should I tie your legs or feet first?," he asked.

"Legs first, please," Stacy said. "Just above and just below the knees." Brad lined up the ends of a long piece of rope and began to move it under Stacy's legs. Stacy slightly raised her legs; Brad reached over them, took the ends of the rope in his other hand, then moved them above Stacy's legs. He then put the two ends of the rope through the loop at the middle, tightening it, bringing Stacy's legs together. Then he wrapped the rope around her legs, and tied it off near the loop.

Stacy tested the new binding. It was secure. "Pretty good job. What do you think, Diane?," she asked, turning towards her daughter. Diane stood up, and moved to her mother's other side. "Yeah, I think he gets it now."

"I think I should practice a little more," Brad said to both of them.

"Oh....well.." Diane looked to her mother, not knowing how to respond, or if she even should.

"If you think you still need practice, go ahead and finish," Stacy said, leaning back a little, and moving her legs forward a bit, giving Brad room to bind her lower legs.

"All right. Cool. Thanks," he said. He picked up another long rope, and tied Stacy's legs just below the knees. same as before. He tied them tight, and tied the rope off at the same place he did for the rope tying Stacy's thighs. He looked at her for a reaction. Her expression was blank, "Keep going," she said.
Brad sat on the floor, and began to tie Stacy's ankles. He tied them the same way he tied her legs, and tied them a little tighter.

"I think that's pretty good," he said.

"It look really tight, Brad," Diane frowned, looking at her mother's bound ankles. Diane looked at Stacy. "If that too tight? You want to be untied?"

Stacy shook her head. "Let me try and get loose." Brad and Diane both watched as Stacy struggled against her ropes. Brad hoped, and hoped hard, neither of the women realized he was enjoying the sight of Diane's mom, in her black blouse, red skirt, black stockings and black high heels, fighting the ropes that bound her arms and legs. He maintained a serious look, and tried to concentrate his gaze on the knots, not on Stacy's figure. He didn't always succeed. Fortunately, Stacy was too busy struggling to notice, and Diane was, in fact, concentrating on the knots.

"Well," she said, "Looks like I'm stuck, until you release me." She continued to struggle. "Just like the damsel in distress in those old movies, who were bound and gagged by the villain." Diane giggled. "Except you're not gagged, and Brad is a Boy Scout, the good guy."

"What if I did gag you?," asked Brad. I mean..." Brad stopped mid-sentence, as Stacy was now looking at him in shock, and Diane was looking at him as if he was insane.

"What does gagging her have to do with knots?," asked Diane. It was more of a statement than a question.
"Nothing. Just an idea, sorry. Here, I'll untie you." Brad and Diane sat on opposite sides of Stacy, and was about to start untying her when Stacy stopped them.

"Wait, I still want to see if I can make any headway with this on my own, "she said. She looked at Diane. "It's okay if he wants to gag me. It won't help with his knots, but if you want the whole damsel effect, I think I should be gagged.
"Ah, are you sure about this?," asked Brad. He really did want to gag her, but he also didn't want to get Diane angry with him.

"I'm sure," Stacy replied. She tuned to Diane. "Honey, go get some scarves from the closet, please."
Diane stood up, and walked to the closet. "Ooookay, if you're really sure."

Stacy and Brad watched as Diane retrieved several scarves from the closet near the front door. Stacy noticed Brad's intent look on her daughter. She understood he was imagining her tied, in the blouse, cut off jeans and ankles socks she was wearing. The idea of Diane being tied up didn't bother her, but she thought an outfit other than Diane's blouse, shorts and ankle socks would be better.

Diane returned with several scarves. and held them out for her mother.
"The red goes with my skirt, so I can be gagged with that, Stacy said. "He can use the white, green, and the other white one for stuffing."

"Stuffing?," Brad asked, confused.

"it goes in the mouth first," Stacy said. "It doesn't totally silence anyone, but it's better than nothing. Just wrapping cloth over someone's mouth looks good in movies, but in real life, it doesn't do anything."
"All these scarves, huh, " Diane said. Stacey nodded. "Roll up two of them, put them in the third, then bundle them up. Tie the four corners of the third scarf, like it's a pouch."

Diane did as she was told.

"Now, after I'm gagged, I want fifteen minutes to try and get free," Stacy told the teens.

"Okay. Sure, Mom," said Diane.

"Fifteen minutes. You'll need more time, I bet," offered Brad, who checked his watch.

"Brad, do you think you need any more practice?," Stacy asked, in a probing manner.

"I dunno. Maybe. Do you think I should tie you again, after we untie you?," Brad asked, then quickly adding "Or you get free?"
"You're already tied really tight, Mom," added Diane. "Maybe another time?"

"I wasn't thinking about me, dear," said Stacy. "I was going to suggest if you both think he needs a little more practice, he might practice on you. If you're fine with it, of course. It's totally your choice."

"Oh," said Diane, straightening up a bit. Well, yeah, sure. Cool. We'll need more rope. And a gag?" She looked at Brad. "Do you want to use a gag?"
Brad tried to say something, but couldn't. Stacy could see he was imagining Diane bound and gagged. She knew if she didn't say something right away things were going to get awkward.

"You can decide on that after you're tied," said Stacy. "But first, you need to change clothes."

Stacy could see the disappointment in Brad's eyes. Diane nodded. "Longer pants?" she asked.
"I was thinking one of your leotards and a pair of tights. You don't need rope marks all over your body," Stacy replied. She looked at her own arms. "I'm certainly going to have them."
"Yeah, you are. Sorry." Diane looked and felt guilty about her mother's impending rope marks. Brad also looked as if he had regrets.

"Go ahead and change, and don't worry about me," Stacy smiled.

"All right, I'll be right back," Diane said, spinning around in on her sock-clad heel. As she walked towards her room, Stacy watched, waiting for her to close the door behind her. She noticed Brad watching too, for other reasons.
As soon as Diane her bedroom door, Stacy turned her attention to Brad. "I hope all this is going to help with your Scout knots," she said. Brad turned towards her, again trying not to show that he liked seeing Stacy tied up. "What do you mean?," he asked. "OH!" He remembered the reason Stacy let herself be bound, and was now going to allow the same for Diane. "Yes, the knots. For Scouts. Yes, this is really helpful, thank you," he said quickly.

"Good", said Stacy. "I'm going to let you tie up Diane, but that's all. You can tie her up in her bedroom, but having her bound and gagged is it. And if you do anything, trust me, I'll know."

Brad nodded in agreement, unsure if he should say anything.

"All right, go ahead and gag me," Stacy said. She opened her mouth, and Brad gently pushed the bundled scarves in. "That okay?," he asked. Stacy nodded her head.
Brad wrapped the red scarf around Stacy's head, tightening it off behind her. "Too tight?," he asked Stacy. She shook her head.

Even though he hadn't added any more ropes, Stacy began to struggle against her bonds. Brad took a couple steps back, and watched. Once more, he tried to focus his attention on the knots, but more and more found himself just watching Stacy struggle best she could. She kept moving from side to side, her arms testing the ropes that bound them. She raised and lowered her tied legs. She leaned forward and back.

And she made noises through her gag. "Mmmmph" and "uggg", with no intelligible words. Brad wondered if she was even trying. He found he didn't really care, she looked great bound and gagged.

As Stacy continued to fight the ropes binding her, and Brad continued to watch, Diane walked back in the living room, unnoticed. It was clear to her that her mother was enjoying trying to get free, even though she really had no hope of doing so. Brad certainly didn't mind watching.

Diane made a fake cough . Stacy stopped struggling, and looked at her.

Brad didn't realize Diane was behind him.

Stacy shook her head, and looking at Brad, darted her eyes over to one side. He realized she was trying to get him to look behind his back. He did so, and saw Diane, decked out in a black leotard, which showed off her own busty figure, and black tights. She had no footwear.

Diane had her arms folded in front of her, with a look of slight annoyance on her face. "Hi," she said to Brad. "I'm Diane. Remember me?" Brad stammered a bit, not sure what to say. Diane hid her amusement well, turning her attention, and therefore Brad's, to her mother.

"You want to be untied? Because you're REALLY tied pretty tight."

Stacy shook her head. "Uck elk ee uu ee oor" she said through her gag.

Brad and Diane looked at each other and back at Stacy. " ELLLK EEE UUU EEE OOOR" she repeated, nodding to the floor. "The floor," Diane said, understanding. She wants us to help her to the floor. " Stacy nodded to confirm. Diane and Brad walked to opposite sides of Stacy, and helped her up, helped her turn around, and sat her down on the floor. Stacy immediately rolled over on her stomach, and raised her bound legs behind her.
"Oooh, I get it," said Diane. She sat down near her mother and looked at Brad. "Get another rope, and sit over there," she said, motioning to the floor on the other side of Stacy.

Brad, understanding, picked up a piece of rope a little longer than what was used to bind Stacy's wrists and ankles, but not as long as what was tied around her chest and torso. He sat down by Stacy's legs, opposite from Diane.
Brad began to tie one end around the rope binding Stacy's ankles, but Diane shook her head. "that's not what we were practicing," she said. Brad, thought a moment, lined up the ends of the rope, and slid them between Stacy's ankles, just below the rope that bound them.

He looked at Stacy. "Um, is it okay if I take your shoes off? I think it'll work better." Stacy nodded in agreement; Brad pulled off one of her high heels, then the other. With Diane looking on, Brad wrapped the two ends of the rope above the rope tying Stacy's ankles, and through the loop under them. He pulled the rope tight, then began slide the ends of the rope under Stacy's bound hands.

Again, Diane stopped him. "Tie it to the rope tying her arms. Her upper arms. That way there won't be so much pressure on her wrists. 'Wonder how she knew that', Brad thought, as he slid the rope under the rope that tied Stacy's arms above her breasts. He pulled the rope so Stacy's legs were bent at the knees, with her feet straight up.
"Pull it tighter", Diane suggested. Brad looked at Stacy, who again just nodded in agreement. He did so, pulling her legs so they were just slightly over her back. He then tied the ropes off.

Brad stood up, as did Diane. They both looked at Stacy, who now began to struggle again, though she couldn't move much at all. She mumbled something unintelligible while looking at the teenagers, then just struggled some more, while looking away.

"We'll be back to check on ya", Diane said to Stacy, then correcting herself. "Well, Brad will." She took Brad by the hand--which surprised him--and led him down the hall. "C'mon," she said.
To Be Continued... Scroll down for Chapter Two!
Last edited by Emma 5 years ago, edited 22 times in total.
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I can't seem to post Tag notations. I have the screen for it, but nothing shows up when I type.
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Post by TightsBound »

I LOVE this first chapter! I hope Diane gets tied up. I’ve and tight in chapter 2. Can’t wait for more! :)
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Post by Bandit666 »

Great first chapter can’t wait for part 2
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Great and Awesome Start to story!! Can't wait for next chapter. Seems like Brad is really enjoying himself
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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Post by Caesar73 »

Bandit666 wrote: 5 years ago Great first chapter can’t wait for part 2
I do share that sentiment :D Very good work!
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Post by gaggednbarefoot »

Excellent story so far. So glad Stacey's heels came off. I just wish one of them was barefoot.

Really looking forward to Diane's bondage.
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Post by Emma »

Thank you [mention]TightsBound[/mention] , [mention]Bandit666[/mention] , [mention]Beetlebailey13[/mention] , @[mention]Caesar73[/mention] and [mention]gaggednbarefoot[/mention] for the kind words :)

Gagged, this story was a request, with hose, heels, and tights specified. It's possible a future story, might have a barefoot heroine, but hubby (the actual author) happens to like me wearing those during our own games....
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by gaggednbarefoot »

Emma wrote: 5 years ago Thank you @TightsBound , @Bandit666 , @Beetlebailey13 , @@Caesar73 and @gaggednbarefoot for the kind words :)

Gagged, this story was a request, with hose, heels, and tights specified. It's possible a future story, might have a barefoot heroine, but hubby (the actual author) happens to like me wearing those during our own games....
No offence. I love the story.
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Post by herdfaninrva »

Great start! Looking forward to part 2. Glad you got the tags working because I would have missed it if it hadn't been for the tights tag.
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Post by Emma »

herdfaninrva wrote: 5 years ago Great start! Looking forward to part 2. Glad you got the tags working because I would have missed it if it hadn't been for the tights tag.
I'm glad you liked it! And thank you again for the help with tagging.
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by herdfaninrva »

Emma wrote: 5 years ago
herdfaninrva wrote: 5 years ago Great start! Looking forward to part 2. Glad you got the tags working because I would have missed it if it hadn't been for the tights tag.
I'm glad you liked it! And thank you again for the help with tagging.
Any time, my friend! :D
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Post by CapturedCarol »

Hey I love this story. Especially the way mum helps them to tie her up. She even asks to be gagged.

I suspect it is not the first time mum has,been tied by daughter. Or the first time daughter has been tied.
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Post by Emma »

CapturedCarol wrote: 5 years ago Hey I love this story. Especially the way mum helps them to tie her up. She even asks to be gagged.

I suspect it is not the first time mum has,been tied by daughter. Or the first time daughter has been tied.
Interesting observation! See, there's another requested story in the works about this mother and daughter....
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Post by Emma »

And now, Chapter Two!

As soon as they were in Diane's bedroom, Brad noticed Diane's earlier outfit of her flowery blouse, shorts, and socks were neatly folded on a chair. And then he saw the bed.

On top of the neatly made bed, were several cords of rope, all neatly coiled and ready for use. He also saw several scarves; white, black, red, greed, and purple; a long strip of white cloth and a blindfold. A sleep mask, actually, but, along with the ropes and gag materials, it was obviously for tying games.

Diane stood in front of Brad. He had never noticed before how nice her curly blond hair looked--probably because he had never seen her in a black leotard and black tights before. She had nice, shapely legs, and though she always seemed tall, she now was a bit shorter than him "Of course", he thought to himself, "she's not wearing shoes. No heels."

"All right," Diane said, trying to pretend she didn't realize he was staring at her, " I want you to tie me up the way you tied my mom. The first time. Not the hogtie. She handed him a short piece of rope. "Not yet anyway." She turned around and crossed her wrists behind her back. Brad hesitated, causing Diane to say, annoyed, "Well, come on. Tie my hands!"

"Maybe I should tie your feet first." Brad said.


"Well," he continued, "that way if I mess up, you can show me how to--" Diane cut him off, her wrists still crossed behind her. "No, you've watched me enough! Either tie me up now, or not at all!"

Brad took a deep breath. "Okay," he said, barely speaking. He tied Diane's wrists as he had seen her tie Stacy's, and as he had done himself. He made sure to tie them tight. Diane tested them; "I guess that'll be okay," she said.

"OKAY???" thought Brad. "If I tied them any tighter, her bones would break!" He kept those thoughts to himself, simply asking out loud "So, your arms next?"

"Yes, please," Diane replied. Brad thought the phrasing a little strange, but didn't say anything.

Brad lined up the ends of a longer piece of rope, still behind Diane, he slid his left hand between her left arm and her side, just above her breasts; he slid his right hand between Diane's right arm and her side, putting his arms around her and making certain he didn't accidentally touch her breasts in the process. He moved the ends of the rope from his left hand to his right, pulling the ropes between Diane's right arm and her side, then, passing it through the loop they made.

Diane said nothing.

Brad took the ends of the rope and reversed the direction, this time binding Diane's arms to her sides. He was able to wrap the rope around her three times, showing six lines of white rope against her black leotard. He pulled the ends of the rope up as tight as he could, then tied them off behind her back.

"You're getting good at this," Diane said. Brad, still standing behind her, could hear the smile in her voice. "Yeah, I am," he thought to himself. "Gotta find some excuse to do this again."

Brad moved in front of his friend. He was a little surprised, and pleased, to see how well the ropes lined up...with the bottom one barely touching her upper breasts. He was also relieved to see Diane didn't mind at all. he realized she was looking in a mirror he hadn't noticed before.

She knew where the ropes were.

Diane tested the ropes binding her upper arms and hands. They were more than secure.

"Okay," she said, " get the other really long rope off the bed, and finish tying my arms." Brad wasted no time in doing so. He tied Diane's lower arms exactly the same way he tied her upper arms, this time moving in front of her a couple times to make sure the top rope was barely pressing against the lower part of her breasts. They were. Diane watched approvingly as he tied her.

Without asking, Brad took her left arm, guided her a couple steps back, and eased her to the bed, having her sit down. He said nothing, just pressed gently, but firmly, on her shoulder. She understood.

Brad picked up one of the shorter pieces of rope, knelt on one knee, and began tying her ankles. Again, he made a loop with the rope, wrapped it around her ankles, and pulled the two ends through it. He wrapped her ankles three times, so once again, there were six lines of white rope, now against black tights.

"That's really tight," Diane said, remembering how tight Brad had tied her mother. Brad looked up. "Too tight?", he asked. Diane nodded. "Yeah, but..just leave it. It's supposed to be too tight anyway."

Brad raised an eyebrow. "Supposed to be? So...yay or nay?" "it's fine," Diane replied. "It's good. Just tie my legs now." Brad quickly picked up another long piece of rope (though not as long as what he used to tie Diane's arms) and began to tie her lower legs, exactly as he had been doing.

Brad worked faster this time, and again, ended up with six lines of white rope against black tights. He stood up, and again without asking, picked up another long piece of rope, knelt down again, and began tying her upper legs.
As he began, he stopped, and looked up. "You're still okay with this?, " he asked hopefully. Diane stifled a giggle. "Yes, I'm very okay with it. Go ahead!"

Brad again tied her legs swiftly. When tying the ends off, he had to slide--push through, really--his hand between Diane's bound upper legs in order to wrap the ends around the bindings. he was careful to touch only the legs.

The second Brad was done, Diane began struggling frantically, so much she almost knocked him over.
Sitting on the floor, Brad watched Diane struggle. She raised her legs, and rolled over on the bed. Brad stood up, and watched Diane sit up, lie down, raise and lower her legs, and sit up again.

Diane looked to her left, away from Brad, and motioned with her head towards the scarves and strip of cloth on the other side of the bed. "You should gag me," she said. She looked at Brad. "Mom was right, if you want the whole damsel effect."

Brad went to the other side of the bed, grabbed the scarves and the strip of cloth, and returned to Diane, who was still sitting up. "You should check on my mom," she said. "We've been here fifteen minutes. You can't--" Brad quickly, and a little roughly, shoved the now bundled scarves in Diane's mouth. "Shut up," he said. "She'll be fine." He then quickly wrapped the cloth around Diane's head, and tied it off behind her.

"MUUUMPH!! OOOPPPH!" Brad wasn't sure if Diane was even trying to say anything intelligible. He turned around, and walked out, saying nothing. Diane struggled against her ropes, giving up on trying to talk. She was both annoyed with Brad for his burst of gruffness, but also found she kind of liked it. "That's...unexpected", she thought to herself. She also thought Brad should have hogtied her. "I guess it's time for another lesson," she thought to herself. She swung her legs over the bed, and scooted to the edge, standing up when her toes could touch the floor. Then, she began hopping towards the closed door...

To Be Continued....
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Good and Awesome Chapter. Glad to see Brad coming out of his shell
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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Post by gaggednbarefoot »

Fantastic part 2. And ready for a part 3
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Post by TightsBound »

GREAT second chapter! I can’t wait to see what she has up her sleeve, her leotard sleeve :p
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I'm never gonna hear John Mellencamp the same way again :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Emma »

And now....drum roll please....

Chapter Three And Done! :D

Brad walked swiftly back to the living room, where Stacy was still hogtied. He slowed his walk just a bit, to fully take in the sight of Stacy, enjoying the white ropes against her black blouse and black hose; the red skirt made the scene perfect.

Stacy was on her stomach when he walked in; she turned on her right side, to face him. She had an amused expression on her face, and struggled a bit more, showing that she had made no progress while he was gone.
Brad knelt on one knee in front of her. "Everything okay? Do you need to be untied?" Stacy shook her head. Brad nodded. "Okay, let me check. " He gently turned her on her stomach, and checked the rope binding her wrists. Her hands had lost no color, and she could easily wiggle her fingers. Her dark pantyhose made seeing her skin on her ankles difficult, but it looked as though there wasn't a problem. "Sure your feet are fine?," he asked. Stacy mumbled they were. Brad gently grasped the soles of her feet, and saw her toes wiggle. he took that as a good sign.

"Let me check your gag," he said. Stacy obediently turned her head away from him. He saw it was secure.
But that's not why he had her turn her head.

As soon as Stacy had turned her face away from him, he took out a red scarf he had in his pants, one he took off Diane's bed from her scarves for gags. He quickly blindfolded the unsuspecting Stacy, who immediately began struggling, and trying to talk through her gag. "AAK RR UUU OOOEE???" Brad turned her back on her side, looking into her her blindfolded and gagged face.
" 'What am I dong?' Is that your question?" Stacy nodded.
"Just blindfolding you. Now you're, bound, gagged, AND blindfolded." He took a deep breath. "I hope that's okay", he added.

"EEEEY!! EEEY!" The muffled noise wasn't coming from was coming from behind them.
Brad turned around to see Diane, in her black leotard and tights, still securely tied and gagged, hopping towards them. He was pleased to see the ropes tying her legs weren't sliding down. The ropes tying her arms weren't slacking off either...still tied securely, above and below her breasts. He noticed how her blond hair was a pleasing contrast to her black outfit.

"I thought you were supposed to stay in your room," Brad said. He turned towards Stacy. "Do you want her..." He undid Stacy's gag, and pulled it off, removing the stuffing from her mouth. "Do you want her in her room?" Stacy rolled her tongue around her mouth, trying in vain to get the taste of the gags out. "It doesn't matter. You need to untie me anyway, I have to change clothes for my date with her father. We might be divorced, but things change. And he doesn't need to see the rope marks you gave me. "

Brad stood up, walked to Diane, and helped her sit down. She sat on her butt, her legs slightly bent. Brad took her gag out as well, then moved back to Stacy, to begin untying her hands.

"You should probably take the blindfold off, too," Diane said. "Is he dominating her her? Not just tying her?" she thought to herself.

"I'll take it off her last," he said, in a monotone, emotionless voice, as he finished untying her hands. Stacy said nothing, but moved her hands apart as far as she could, moving them to her sides after Brad had loosened the ropes binding her arms enough. he then moved over to her legs, and began untying them, then her ankles.

Diane also said nothing, just watching. She struggled against her own bonds for a minute, then stopped. Her attention was on how Brad was untying her mother. He was doing so now with confidence. "He's a Dom, he just didn't realize it," she thought to herself.

Finally, he took off Stacy's blindfold, clearly not wanting to. He then helped her stand up. "He didn't need to do that either," Diane thought. "She can stand up fine. Cool!"

Stacy rubbed her wrists. "I'm fine," she said. "Go and untie Diane, please." Brad shook his head. "Unless you're giving me an order, being her mother, this being your house, I'm not untying her yet. I'm not finished with her." He held up the scarf that was just used as Stacy's blindfold.

Stacy and Diane both looked at Brad with shock.

Brad lowered the scarf, realizing he crossed a line.

"Oh, shit!," he thought.

"Ma'am." he said.

Stacy shook her head in amusement. "I suppose it's fine, then. But remember what we talked about earlier." Brad nodded. "Yes, ma'am", he replied. Stacy looked at the rope marks on her arms and legs. "I do have to change," she said. She picked up her shoes, and went to her room.

Brad sat down next to Diane.

He put his right hand on her bound ankles. and pulled down her gag with his left hand. She pushed out the stuffing with he tongue. "Geeze, Brad", she said, "you're really getting into this tying thing. I think you have the knots mastered now." She looked at his hand, on her ankles. "Um...", she continued, "what exactly did you mean, that you're not finished with me?"

Brad took a deep breath. "I'm not finished with you being tied up. I mean, yeah, I don't need to practice with knots. I just, dunno, like seeing you tied up. You look really great tied up. With the leotard and tights."

"So," Diane asked, "If i was wearing an oversized sweatshirt and sweat pants, I wouldn't look as good?" She began to struggle lightly. She could see Brad was enjoying it, though he was pretending not to.

"I didn't say that", Brad replied. "Look, you're pretty, you'd look fine in sweats. I guess. Sure."
"If I was wearing sweats, would your hand still be on my ankles?"
"Well, um..." Brad took his hand off her ankles.

"It's the leotard and tights, just admit it," Diane said. Brad sat back a bit. "Well, yeah. That, and your being tied up," he said. "He admits it," Diane thought to herself. "He knows he's a Dom."

"And you liked seeing Mom tied up, too. And she wasn't wearing sweats either."

"Well, yeah, I did," Brad said. "You're not mad, are ya?"

"No, I'm not mad. It's a little weird, a guy liking me in, tied and gagged, and liking Mom that way as well, wanting us both tied up, but I can deal," Diane said. "Besides, I think Mom likes the idea of someone a lot younger thinking of her like a damsel."

"So, we're good, then?, asked Brad. Diane nodded. "We're good. So," she said, straightening up a little, which meant struggling against her ropes, "What now? After Mom leaves? Brad smiled. . "I think you should be hogtied. Should have done that earlier. And gagged again. And," holding up the scarf once more, "blindfolded. Bound, gagged, and blindfolded."

"You want me blindfolded? Well," said Diane, "Okay, do what you want, but after Mom leaves, okay?"

"I think I should before she leaves." Brad didn't move towards her, or stand up. he just spoke in the authoritarian voice he used earlier. "He's taking control again," Diane thought. "Good". She tried not to smile, but she did involuntarily grin slightly. Brad saw it, and replied with a slight grin of his own.

Stacy then walked back in the room, still wearing the black blouse, hose and red skirt she had on earlier. She also had put her black high heels on. "I'm afraid there's a change of plans," she said dejectedly. "Your father," she said, looking at Diane, "just called. His boss surprised everyone by saying he's taking them all to the football game."

"That's fifty miles away from here," Brad said softly.

"Yes, and he'll not get back in town under very late." Stacy sighed, and sat down in a chair near the teens. "This kind of thing is what led to our divorce. I was thinking maybe he and I might...well, never mind." She looked at her daughter. "I'm sorry, honey," she said. "I know you hoped for a reconciliation, but I really doubt that's going to happen."

Brad moved behind Diane. "I'll untie you," he said, "then I'll head out. Maybe we can do this again sometime."

"Just a minute," Stacy said, interrupting him. "If you were planning to continue....this.. you're free to do so. I can fix dinner here, and you can continue practicing on Diane, I suppose."

"Mom, you sure about this?" asked Diane. " I dunno about just leaving you alone here or in your room or whatever while we, uh, practice."
Stacy stood up, and smiled at the teens. "I'm okay. Look, I had fun being tied up this afternoon. I can find something to do this evening, and I don't want to interfere with your practice."

Brad now stood up; he looked first, down at Diane, who was still tied up, still sitting on the floor, then at Stacy, who stood only a couple feet from him. "I need to know something," he said, again using his authoritarian tone of voice. "What is he doing?," Diane thought frantically. "He's getting bold!"

"Did you really have fun? Did you like helping me with knots, which I no longer need help with, or did you enjoy being helpless?" Diane opened her mouth, but couldn't find the words. "Holy crap", she thought to herself, "he's gonna get banned from here! Line crossing! Line crossing!"
"If you want me to be honest, Brad, both. I liked helping you learn to tie knots, and"--her voice becoming a bit softer-- "being helpless." In a slightly lower and louder voice, she added "Both."

"She really is like me," Diane thought to herself.

"And I appreciate that you both helped me learn about knots," Brad said. " And letting me find out I also like, well, being in control, I guess."

Brad walked to the couch, and picked up a piece of rope. "Gonna hogtie me?," asked Diane. Brad shook his head. "Not just yet." He walked between Diane, still sitting down, still bound, and Stacy, who was still standing up. "I'm gonna tie up your mother first." Brad was looking directly in Stacy's eyes. He and Diane both saw submission in them. "If she's willing to be helpless again," he added.

Diane had a look of astonishment on her face. Brad continued to look right at Stacy. Neither of the teens knew what Stacy would do next.

Stacy simply nodded, and turned around.

She crossed her wrists behind her back.

Brad stepped forward, and swiftly tied Stacy's hands. He took her arm and turned her around, so they both faced Diane. As he did, Diane could see he tied her mother's hands just as he had just been taught--and pretty tightly, as well.

"Sit down," Brad told Stacy, in his authoritarian voice. Holding her arm, he helped her down to the floor, with her sitting across from Diane, so they were facing each other. Brad began to tie Stacy's arms, as he had earlier, as he had tied Diane's, as he was taught earlier. He tied her arms as tight as he could, and it showed. "That has to be way uncomfortable," Diane thought, "but she really doesn't mind." The tiny, almost impossible to see smile on Stacy's face told Diane all she needed to know.

After binding Stacy's arms just above and below her breasts, Brad moved to her legs. "You won't need shoes tonight," he said. "No, I guess not," she replied, watching--as was Diane--him pull off her heels and toss them behind him.
"You know if you keep talking, I'm going to gag you," Brad said, as he bound her ankles once more. "If you want." Stacy said softly. "I can't stop you".

"I think you're enjoying this a little TOO much," Diane said, in a teasing tone. Brad gave her a mischievous grin.

"You're getting gagged too, you know," he replied. He then began tying Stacy's legs, right below her knees.

"Remember what I said earlier," Stacy said to Brad, in almost a whisper. Brad stopped for a second, then began tying Stacy's legs just above her knees. "I remember. Don't worry," he assured her, remembering her earlier admonishment not to hurt Diane in any way.

"Blindfold first," Brad said, taking a scarf and wrapping it swiftly around Stacy's head. "You blindfolded her already," Diane noted. Brad nodded as he finished tying the blindfold in place. "And I tied her up earlier, too," Brad replied. He looked at Diane. "You're getting a blindfold yourself."

"Maybe I want to watch you," Diane said, in an annoyed voice. As Brad wadded up three scarves, Stacy replied. "We should let him blindfold us, if he wants. We agreed to this, dear, he's in charge now." Diane opened her mouth to protest, to point out they agreed to help with knots, and that alone. But she also didn't want to discourage him from asserting himself. "Okay," she said, with deliberate meekness.

"Open your mouth, Stacy," Brad said, sternly. Stacy obeyed, knowing she was about to be gagged...and she was.

Diane again marveled at how quickly and effectively he gagged her mother. Without saying a word, Brad picked up a piece of rope, and tied it to the rope binding Stacy's ankles. "He's gonna hogtie her again" Diane thought. She was correct. Brad took the other end of the rope, pulled it under the ropes tying Stacy's arms, over those ropes, and between the ropes tying her ankles. He pulled it up tight, so the heels of her feet were almost touching her back.

Brad leaned down to Stacy's face. "If that's too tight, let me know, and I'll loosen it." "Good," Diane thought, "He's remembering to practice safety. Mom's gonna have to tell him it's too tight."

Stacy shook her head.

"Good girl!" Brad said, smiling. He stood up, and walked over to Diane, sitting by her.

"Brad, that really looks too tight!"

"She said it's not, and she's the one who knows. And, " he said, lowering his voice to a whisper. "I'm getting her out of that hogtie in a few minutes, and tying her to you." Diane was about to reply, when Brad swiftly blindfolded her, causing her train of thought to leave her.

"Oh!" she said quickly. "I guess you really are in contMMMPHHH!" Brad wasted no time in gagging Diane as well. As soon as he was done, he pushed her face down on the floor, and pulled her legs up behind her.

"I'm getting hogtied," she thought. "Cool, about time." As she suspected, Brad did hogtie her, binding her exactly as he did her mother; including having the heels of her feet almost touch her back.

"Now, ladies," Brad said, standing up, "we're going to find out if i can cook as well as I can tie up beautiful women. I'm fixing dinner. And i'm going to check on you...though you won't know when, will you?" Brad let out an evil chuckle, and walked deliberately to the kitchen. Then, he turned around, and quietly walked back...sitting in a chair, watching with pleasure the blindfolded and gagged Stacy; in her black blouse, red skirt and black hose, struggle against both the hogtie, and the ropes that bound her to begin with. And he watched the blindfolded and bound Diane; in her black leotard and tights, also struggling against her ropes and hogtie.

As Brad smiled, watched the bound beauties struggle, he felt a twinge of guilt for taking advantage of their good nature and generosity. He wondered if he would ever get to to this with them again.

"If i start dating Diane", he thought, "I could probably do this with her again. But i dunno about about Sta..un, Mrs. Green."
He had no idea what the bound mother and daughter were thinking, of course. No idea that Diane was thinking "He's turned on by this, he really likes me in tights..and i do look hot in this outfit..and he IS a Dom...I can get him to date me."

He had no idea Stacy was thinking "He's really good at tying and dominating! He's decent and respectful, too...he would be a good match for Diane...though I doubt she would accept him tying me anymore. Unless...."

As Brad smiled at the sight of Stacy and Diane fighting against the ropes that bound them, he failed to see the tiny smiles beneath their gags.

The End

Last edited by Emma 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by Deleted User 1665 »

That was a wonderful story :D Thank you.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I agree! This story is wonderfull, totally :D The interactions between Stacy, Diana and Brad are very well written.
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Post by TightsBound »

Great story! If feel like we can and should see more “practice” with these characters. Thank your husband for writing it! :)
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Post by herdfaninrva »

GREAT story! All kinds of good possibilities from here.
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Awesome and Great story. With Cute and Adorable Awesome ending
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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