Miss Blywistle Flouts the Rules (M/f) chapt 1-17

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Post by Plueschbabycd »

I know other contries, where corporal punishment not forbitten even in some parts at school and in family in near every part. I may not hold anymore but it is from staat permitted. Even iliketights use f for me is Miss Blywistle adult senior Stundt on prived highschhool ( grammar school) or college wher they agree with it. I could last change to get graduate from school.
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Post by Amm1973es »

Obviously there are still countries where physical punishment in schools is allowed, although not to the point of introducing bondage. In the old cannuck website, I read some supposedly real stories of some teachers who came to gag and even handcuff some students from their classrooms, of course those teachers incurred an excess and risked being expelled from their jobs (in the best of the cases) regardless of the year in which such an event could happen.
I am a man with the role of Rope top/Rigger, I have been attacked by the Tugs since I was a child. Both without sexual components, and with them within my limits.
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

Hallo, it could be that this school get truble if this punishment would hit student with parnts how want it. But it could that thy see only the book of rules in witch stand no punischment and with this could all agree. The Headmaster is now good in to decide witch punishmant fit for student and his parents, so that this stundents would never get this puunishment. Perhaps this school where only students visted that need get graduate from school and so parents would agree with unusual conditions.
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Post by Amm1973es »

That there is a similar center is not dismissable, although not as a traditional school. Although it has nothing to do, there is a hotel for submissive male millionaires I think in France where they pay for the services of some dominas.
For what eventually exists a center that simulates being a school for submissives of both sexes of the same economic level and who enjoy submitting to those standards, would not be impossible.
I suppose that like me, you use a translator, so some things I find hard to understand. Although from what I thought you understood you suggested that both students and parents accepted the rules, so in principle there would be no problems with those parts when the director administered the rules based on their criteria and without exceeding the students. This school is still impossible in real life, the different authorities would make these practices unrealizable.
Sometimes, fortunately, and sometimes unfortunately, we have laws that make it impossible to exceed certain limits in society.
I am a man with the role of Rope top/Rigger, I have been attacked by the Tugs since I was a child. Both without sexual components, and with them within my limits.
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

I must now say this story stand in Fictional folder, so for me could there things that in real don't accepted. On other side hear in last time things came up, that would long keeped secret or would seen in past diffent. So this story will work only not Europa and not in our time. I nean in short "No plaintiff, no judge"
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Post by iliketights »

Miss Blywistle Flouts the Rules, chapter 8

“Oh, Headmaster, you don’t have to worry about me making noise in the library! I promise I won’t!”

“I have to be certain, young lady. This is a microfiber cloth that is used in the library when dusting the fragile books in the antiquated book section. It’s very soft. I think you will find it to be as comfortable as possible. And please don’t worry – this is a clean one. Now, open that pretty mouth of yours.”

“Headmaster, please don’t! There’s no need for thMMMMPPHHFFF!!!!!” she squealed as I began to stuff the cloth in her mouth.

“There, you see, you DO need to be gagged! You’re attempting to yell inside the library! It’s a good thing I was prepared.”

Her squeals grew fainter and became mere moans as I continued to stuff more and more of the cloth into her mouth. When the cloth was all the way in, I took another one that was longer and narrower. This second cloth was pulled between her lips. I pulled the cloth back firmly and wrapped it around her head twice, pulling it deeply between her lips both times. I tied the cloth securely behind her. She now had not a prayer of spitting out the first cloth.

I gathered my briefcase and looked at the beautiful bound and gagged girl. “Hmm, I don’t think I’ll call that leather-smith to install new straps on Old Edgar after all. I like the way the rope looks. Of course, it takes longer to apply ropes than it does to tighten leather straps, but I think it’s worth it. Thank you, Miss Blywistle, for helping me to decide. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a busy afternoon ahead of me.”

I walked to the door and looked back. “Remember to use this time wisely, my dear. Ponder your many recent rule violations and how you can learn to obey the rules better in the future. It might not seem like it now, but I am doing this for your own good. Some day you’ll thank me. Have a good afternoon, Miss Blywistle.”

With that, I exited the Historical Artifacts Room and began to push the heavy metal door closed. The ancient hinges groaned. The sound of Adelaide’s gagged protests ceased as the door closed with a loud clang. I locked the door so that no one could interrupt her meditations on her recent bad behavior and went on my way.

To be continued ...
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

I knew she’d be shut up eventually :D
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Post by iliketights »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago I knew she’d be shut up eventually :D
:) Yes! Although I must admit I feel bad for her. She's essentially two floors underground in a windowless room behind a massive, thick door. She could be screaming at the top of her lungs and no one would hear her in the rest of the library. There was no need for him to gag her! That damn headmaster!

For that matter, there was no need to tie her to the Overdue Book Detention Chair either! There's no way she could have escaped the Historical Artifacts Room without the key, even if she hadn't been tied up.

I am getting sick of that headmaster guy. I think Adelaide's parents need to transfer her to a school where sweet young ladies such as Adelaide are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

iliketights wrote: 5 years ago
TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago I knew she’d be shut up eventually :D
:) Yes! Although I must admit I feel bad for her. She's essentially two floors underground in a windowless room behind a massive, thick door. She could be screaming at the top of her lungs and no one would hear her in the rest of the library. There was no need for him to gag her! That damn headmaster!

For that matter, there was no need to tie her to the Overdue Book Detention Chair either! There's no way she could have escaped the Historical Artifacts Room without the key, even if she hadn't been tied up.

I am getting sick of that headmaster guy. I think Adelaide's parents need to transfer her to a school where sweet young ladies such as Adelaide are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve.
Me too! Quite frankly,we need justice for Adelaide!!!
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Post by iliketights »

Miss Blywistle Flouts the Rules, chapter 9

My way out of the library proved fairly uneventful, except for my brief delay dealing with additional misbehavior. Elsie Coriander and Eulalia Brightbottom were whispering a little too loudly for my taste, considering they were in a library. I soon corrected that, leaving the two schoolgirls securely hogtied and gagged in one of the study rooms before continuing on my way. A headmaster at a girls' school must be ever-vigilant. I cannot let my guard down for one moment.

"Did you find Miss Blywistle, Headmaster?" asked the ancient Miss Bilgewater, the assistant librarian, as I headed for the exit.

"Oh yes, thank you Miss Bilgewater. Miss Blywistle is currently pondering her transgressions. I don't think we'll be having any more problems with overdue library books for awhile."

Four hours later, I returned to the library to release Miss Blywistle. First, I stopped to release Elsie and Eulalia from their hogties. While I was packing the ropes and gags back into my briefcase, they assured me that they had learned their lesson. I continued on my way down to the bowels of the library and negotiated the labyrinthine corridors until I came to the Historical Artifacts Room. After unlocking and opening the massive door, I turned on the light and released Miss Blywistle from her restraints that had held her securely to "Old Edgar" for four hours. The last time a girl had spent this much time restrained to Old Edgar was 116 years ago. That girl, Hermione Tiffle, was never the same again. She suffered from intense fear of isolation and fear of the dark for the rest of her long life. Adelaide, on the other hand, seemed to suffer no ill effects at all. She even stood on her tiptoes to kiss me on the cheek after the last rope was removed.

"Thank you for coming to get me, Headmaster! I learned my lesson. I will never keep another book past its due date ever again!"

"You're quite welcome, Miss Blywistle," I said while picking up her shoes and returning them to her. "My methods of discipline might sometimes seem a little strict, but they are for you girls' own good, and for the good of our beloved institution. Shall I escort you out, or did you want to spend some time looking at the other historical artifacts?" I asked as I packed away the plentiful amount of rope that had until very recently been bound tightly around the pretty student.

"Oh, I must come with you, sir. I would never find my way out again by myself!"

We made our way back to the main floor of the library and parted company, with a parting warning from me, "Be on your best behavior, young lady."

"I will, sir!"

The next few weeks passed with very few breaches of discipline committed by students, and even those were very minor. That is, until one morning I found a piece of paper tacked up on the bulletin board. It said, in the flowery handwriting style of a teenage girl, "Headmaster Taskmaster is a tad too strict sometimes." In purple ink! The outrage! Every girl here knows that only black or blue ink is allowed!

But what caused my head to throb was the wicked caricature drawn below the blatantly untrue statement. It was a drawing that evidently was supposed to be me! A drawing of me, looking stern! A comic book style speaking balloon was coming from my caricature's mouth, saying "You were 2 seconds late to class, young lady! Your going to be tied up for 6 hours!"

"It's YOU'RE going to be tied up, not YOUR going to be tied up!" I yelled in the still-empty hallway. Not only had some delinquent dared to ridicule me, she had committed a serious mistake in grammar! And in purple ink!

The girl who did this is going to pay. Oh yes, mark my words. I will find out who dared to do this. This shall not go unpunished.

Oh, my head … oh the pain … I staggered toward my office. Oh, my head ...

The next thing I knew, I was laying on the floor of the outer office. Miss Honey, my new secretary, was waving smelling salts under my nose.

"Headmaster! Headmaster! Are you alive? You must have passed out! Do you need an ambulance?" she was saying frantically.

I pushed aside her hand and saw the note still in my hand. The note that had so cruelly mocked me.

"Announce an emergency assembly, Miss Honey, the moment the first bell rings. I need to get to the bottom of this. There has been a serious breach of discipline. I have been too lenient and I am now paying the price. Assemble the girls, Miss Honey! But first, help me up."

To be continued ...
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Yay! A continuation!!!!! :D
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Post by Bebbington »

I wish my headmaster was like this!
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Post by iliketights »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago Yay! A continuation!!!!! :D
Yes, and I'm almost finished with another one!
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Post by iliketights »

Bebbington wrote: 5 years ago I wish my headmaster was like this!

I wish I could be this headmaster for one day!
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Post by iliketights »

Miss Blywistle Flouts the Rules, chapter 10

The girls had been assembled in the auditorium. I was beside myself with rage. Like a man possessed I railed at them for a solid 30 minutes, until the entire student body was weeping.

After I took my first pause after a half-hour of venting my rage, I looked around.

“It’s now time for the guilty party to unburden her conscience. Who confesses to this outrage? Who dared criticize my disciplinary methods? Who dared draw the hideous and unflattering picture of me? Who posted this trash on the bulletin board for the world to see?”

By the time I got to the end of my fourth question, I was pounding the podium so hard I feared either it or my hand would soon fracture. I was literally seeing red for the second time that day. My head was throbbing. My eyes were bulging. The veins in my forehead were swelling alarmingly.

Not a sound came from the assembled girls except for stifled sobs. I waited. I could have heard a pin drop in the auditorium. I waited. I waited some more.

“Very well. Perhaps the miscreant who perpetrated this vile deed would prefer to confess in a more private setting. I will wait 24 hours. If I do not receive a confession, either verbally or in writing by this time tomorrow, I will be forced to punish you all. One at a time. IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER!”

At this most unwelcome announcement, Abigail Aardvark let out a piteous moan of despair.

“DISMISSED!” I thundered.

Girls were practically climbing over each other in a mad rush to get away from my frightening visage.
I mopped my sweating brow with my handkerchief. This job will eventually be the death of me.

Twenty-three hours later

“Come,” I said, hearing Miss Honey’s gentle rap on my door.

“Headmaster, Adelaide Blywistle has asked to speak with you.”

“Send her in. Ah, Miss Blywistle, I was just about to summon you. You must have heard that your altered skirts just arrived back from the seamstress on the island.”

I walked over to my cabinet, unlocked it, removed a stack of skirts, and handed them to her.

“They have been shortened considerably and are now in compliance with rule #26”

“Oh, thank you Headmaster!” Adelaide said, pleasantly surprised. “May I put one on? I’ve been ever so self-conscious attending classes without a skirt. I’ve been so looking forward to this!”

“Certainly, Miss Blywistle.”

She cheerfully stepped into one of the skirts and pulled it up. It was now short enough to meet the dress code. I couldn’t help admiring her shapely legs.

“Are you sure the skirts aren’t too short now, Headmaster?”

“Let’s make sure, shall we? On your knees, if you please.”

I pulled out my tape measure and measured from the floor to the bottom of her skirt. “Yes, it’s in compliance. The seamstress we employ knows her business. You may stand. You may go, Miss Blywistle.”

She didn’t make any motion to leave. She stared down at the floor nervously.

“Is there something else, Miss Blywistle? Spit it out. I’m a busy man.”

“Headmaster … I … I …”

“Yes? Be articulate, young lady. Enunciate. Remember your diction lessons.”

“Yes, sir. I … I’m the one you’re looking for! I wrote the note, drew the picture of you, and tacked it to the bulletin board!”

I could not have been more surprised. Adelaide? True, she has broken several rules. But this? This sweet girl was capable of this kind of behavior? My surprise quickly turned to anger. I should have known. The ones who appear most gentle and kind often have evil lurking behind their pleasant, attractive facade. Beauty is often skin deep, as they say. Standing before me was a monster. Oh, she may appear meek and innocent. This was a beautiful monster, but a monster nonetheless.

I was seeing through a red haze again. My head began to throb. I grabbed rope from my cabinet.

“Turn around and put your hands behind your back.”

To be continued ...
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Post by Caesar73 »

That Headmaster is one of a kind ;) Not the Albus Dumbledore Type, more like Dolores Umbridge ;) If you allow for the comparison. I I wonder what punishment Miss Blywistle is in for .... surely it has something to do with ropes, I guess :)
Nicely done!
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

That Adelaide Blywistle confessed was clear form now even more that like punishment more than rewards.
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Post by volatiledesire »

I wonder how many students will confess? :)

Abigail Aardvark nice one.. :lol:
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Post by hafnermg »

I look forward to the discipline!
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Post by iliketights »

Caesar73 wrote: 5 years ago That Headmaster is one of a kind ;) Not the Albus Dumbledore Type, more like Dolores Umbridge ;) If you allow for the comparison. I I wonder what punishment Miss Blywistle is in for .... surely it has something to do with ropes, I guess :)
Nicely done!
Thanks! I always wondered why Mrs. Umbridge didn't get more love. I liked her! :lol:
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Post by Caesar73 »

Good question :) In my humble opinion: Creating this character was a masterstroke bei JK Rowling :) May be Umbridge had a secret love for bondage herself? In the Forbidden Forest she used the Incarcerous-Charm against one Centaur :)
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Post by iliketights »

Plueschbabycd wrote: 5 years ago That Adelaide Blywistle confessed was clear form now even more that like punishment more than rewards.
Maybe! I wonder what the headmaster would do if he suspected some girls actually like his punishment? It's not really punishment if they like it!
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Post by iliketights »

volatiledesire wrote: 5 years ago I wonder how many students will confess? :)

Abigail Aardvark nice one.. :lol:
Thanks! Miss Aardvark doesn't seem to be in favor of alphabetical order punishment! Lucky for her someone confessed in the nick of time.
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Post by iliketights »

hafnermg wrote: 5 years ago I look forward to the discipline!
The next chapter is almost ready. I hope the headmaster doesn't go to far with the discipline thing. Maybe they need to replace him with a nicer one.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

iliketights wrote: 5 years ago
hafnermg wrote: 5 years ago I look forward to the discipline!
The next chapter is almost ready. I hope the headmaster doesn't go to far with the discipline thing. Maybe they need to replace him with a nicer one.
Lol, maybe
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