Nothing Personal - 4 (F/F)

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 5 years ago Thanks for the recommendation @Caesar73 . Always welcome!
You are welcome, my friend ;) I thought, It would be easier to post a link to the Prequel - it is more comfortable that way - and Nothing Personal 3 deserves some more clicks too!

Chapter 31 was very good! The dialogues between Hayley and Natalie are alwas fun to read ;) ;) If I may say so [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] your style, your writing is even better than in Nothing Personal 3!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 32

The room spun pretty sharply and Hayley closed her eyes for another couple of seconds. It must have been a healthy dose of chloroform that her attackers had given her. Deciding to use these seconds wisely Hayley assessed her current situation. After a brief struggle confirmed that her wrists and ankles were securely tied with cord or rope, a quick glance down confirmed that there was further cord or rope wrapped around her body no doubt used to secure her arms to her body. Hayley could tell that there was something in her mouth, a quick investigation with her tongue identified it as something large and silky in texture and there was a scarf tied over her mouth to keep it in place. Hayley tried to remove the scarf but it was tied securely. Bugger! No chance of calling for help. Hayley tired to get up but the bulk of the dress that she was wearing combined with her bindings made that extremely difficult and after four attempts Hayley decided to sit still and wait for rescue. Suddenly there was some noise from above her and Hayley remembered about the woman that had been bound and gagged on the bed. Hayley tried to communicate with the woman; to tell her to hang on for help but it was no good with them both being gagged so effectively. Hayley settled down again to wait, hoping that it wouldn’t take to long.

In the end it didn’t take that long for rescue to arrive in the shape of Natalie as the door opened and she stood framed in her Sleeping Beauty dress with her phone held out. “The tracking application comes to the rescue again.” Hayley rolled her eyes at Natalie’s comment. No doubt her friend was going to spend the next couple of days letting her know how many times she had rescued her now. Natalie made her way over to Hayley and knelt down. “Hayley what happened?” Natalie asked as she looked at her bound and gagged friend.

“MMPPHH” take the gag off and I can reply, Hayley said dropping her chin and turning her head slightly. Natalie took the not too subtle hint, knelt down and started to work at the knot on the silk scarf. After a bit of picking Natalie managed to undo the knot and let the scarf fall away from Hayley’s head. Hayley tried to split out the panties in her mouth but they were wedged in place so Natalie had to reach round and remove them for Hayley.

“Thanks. Are those panties?” Hayley asked her friend held the mouth stuffing up and it opened up from its balled up state.

“Yes indeed. I hope that they were clean” Natalie commented as she went to work on the rope around Hayley’s ankles. As Natalie fumbled about with knots Hayley began to answer Natalie’s question.

“To answer your earlier question I was looking around and discovered someone searching this room. I was just about to investigate further when someone surprised me from behind and clamped a chloroform soaked cloth over my nose and mouth. Whoever it was dragged me into the room and the two combined to subdue me long enough for the chloroform to knock me out.”

“Who’s your friend?” Natalie asked. Before Hayley could reply or Natalie finish untying the knot in the rope around Hayley’s ankles the door flew open and in burst four women, without slowing down two of the woman sprinted toward Natalie, grabbed her and in a flurry of fabric forced her face down onto the floor.

“What the hell is going on?” Hayley asked squirming to try and get free to go to the aid of her friend.

“Keep quiet. Austrian Special Police” said one of the women, pointing an open leather wallet containing official identification toward Hayley.

“Wait a minute, get off me!” Natalie shouted, trying to break free of the women that were now on top of her. Natalie tried to fight them off but found her arms being drawn together behind her back then heard the familiar metallic click of handcuffs being locked into place around each of her wrists. “Hey! What are you doing?” Natalie was frantically twisting her head from side to side in an attempt to get a good look at her attackers. During her struggles Natalie looked on and saw that the other two women had completed freeing Hayley’s ankles and had helped her up. The two women who had forced Natalie onto the ground know also grabbed one of Natalie’s elbows each and hauled her up onto her feet. “Who are you guys anyway?” Natalie asked now that she had her equilibrium back. As she stood one of the women wrapped a length of rope around her in order to pin her arms to her body.

“Austrian Special Police,” Hayley said. Natalie could tell by the sound her voice that Hayley wasn’t convinced by that.

“Better gag them both as well. We can’t afford to have them alerting anyone that may ask questions,” the woman that had flashed the identification said.

“What do you mean gag us?” Hayley said.

“Where are you taking us?” Natalie asked hoping to get some answers before being silenced.

“Don’t resist or we will remove both of your panties and use them to stuff the others mouth.” This threat had the desired affect as both Natalie and Hayley stopped struggling, stopped talking and accepted that they were going to be gagged. The lead woman looked around and indicated toward the young woman lying on the bed. The fourth agent removed something from the pocket of her jacket and strode toward the bed. Hayley and Natalie watched on as the agent placed one knee on the bed and without hesitation plunged a hypodermic needle into the young woman’s thigh. Whatever it was didn’t take long to have an effect and they saw the woman’s eyes roll back in her head and her eyelids slam shut. That had distracted Natalie and Hayley slightly and when they turned back to face the front they suddenly found soft, thick cloths being forced into their mouths. Once the respective agents were satisfied that the cloths were filling enough of Hayley and Natalie’s mouths a folded scarf was placed over their mouths and secured in place.

“How are we going to get them out of the building?” The fourth agent said to the lead agent.

“We will have to bluff it passed security and hope that they don’t call the police.” Listening on Hayley didn’t really like the sound of that last comment. Surely if these women were the part of the police they wouldn’t have to bluff their way past anything. “Better put the compliance insurance policy in place,” the lead agent said with a smirk. With that the two agents that had gagged Hayley and Natalie produced a small electrical device from their pockets and removed a thin film from one side. In unison the agents both dropped and started to work there way under the petticoats. Hayley and Natalie looked at each other and one after the other shocked expressions spread over their faces as the device was stuck on their panties on top of a very private, delicate area. That job done the agents sprung back up into position in front of Hayley and Natalie.

“Right ladies we are going to walk out of here and you are not going to cause us any problems.” The lead agent said and produced a small remote control and held it up so that Hayley and Natalie had a good view. The remote had two buttons on it, one red and one green. The agent pressed the green button and suddenly Hayley and Natalie felt a vibration in the area where the devices had been stuck. A quick glance between them confirmed that they were both experiencing the same stimulation. Obviously it was coming from whatever has been attached to them by the agents. “Just a little something to ensure compliance,” the lead agent said with a smile. Hayley and Natalie both nodded their understanding. They wouldn’t make any trouble on the journey out of the building.
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Post by Caesar73 »

That is an unexpected turn of events ... are the Agents belonging to Crawfords Organisation? They couldn't have been that fast .... If not: Whom are they working for? Very devious: The compliance policy :) Now that Hayley and Natalie are captured .... who will rescue them? The pace of story is quickening rapidly .... Hope we will schon know more :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Thank you for the fast update with the Rapid follow up Chapter 32 [mention]mrjones2009[/mention]!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 33

The Austrian Special Police operatives led the bound and gagged Hayley and Natalie through the party and toward the exit, garnering occasional sideways looks from revellers as they went. To the credit of everyone at the party they soon shrugged it off as nothing unusual with enjoying the night. Hayley had to admit to herself that she found willing one of the revellers to intervene and was trying to communicate silently with anyone that made eye contact that she and Natalie needed help. Then the vibration sensation started between her legs and Hayley moaned softly into her gag. Hayley glanced at the lead agent and nodded. Message received and understood, don’t try anything.

Elise had been looking for Hayley and now she had found her. She was being lead with her hands tied behind her back and gagged across the room. To be fair not a lot of people noticed or pretended not to notice and even fewer passed comment or seemed shocked. Well it was a fancy dress party and Elise had a feeling that there was something else going on behind the veneer here as well but she didn’t have time to investigate that at the moment. Plus some old bloke at the bar had suggested that she put keys in a bowl later on. Elise shuddered at the thought. Anyway it looked like discussing the situation directly with Hayley would be out of the question so a new approach was going to be needed.

Elise wove through the crowd at an angle and pace that would let her directly intercept the group containing Hayley King before they reached the main door. Having judged it to perfection Elise emerged from the crowd and barged into Hayley, casually slipping a folded sheet of paper deep into her bra so that is was hidden from view by her cleavage. The women escorting Hayley and the other woman made a big play of guiding Elise away. “Sorry, sorry, just a little bit too mush to drink.” Elise even held up her thumb and forefinger slightly apart to make the point. As Elise was ushered off to the side she made eye contact with Hayley and winked. Hopefully Hayley didn’t think that she was just trying to cop a feel or set up an appointment for later on. Elise then turned and headed back into the throng of people towards the bar. One last drink and then back to the hotel before some other creep made a pass at her.

Following the interruption of the redhead with the purple dress the group pressed on toward the exit. On reaching the main door they found their path blocked by two security guards, both large slabs of meat wearing black suits, white shirts and black ties sporting crew cuts and earpieces. “What’s going on?” asked the lead guard, a quizzical look on his face. To be fair the sight of Belle and Cinderella bound and gagged being lead through a party by four leather clad women dressed like extras from a kinky sex video is the kind of incident that should have any security guard asking questions.

“It’s part of a fantasy game. These two entered a competition in the charity auction to have their wildest dream come true. They wanted to be damsels in distress so here we are making their dreams come true” the lead agent said opening her arms wide. “Look we even went to the trouble of faking up a bottle of chloroform.” A couple of yards away Hayley and Natalie started making disgruntled noises behind their gags. “It’s alright ladies we won’t use it unless we absolutely have to.” The Austrian Secret Service Agent turned and winked, big and exaggerated at the security guard. Hayley could see the man making the calculations in his mind, then the vibrations started again and both Natalie and Hayley moaned.

“Well as long as you two ladies are alright?” the lead security guard asked. Not seeing any other option Hayley and Natalie both nodded. “Then good night ladies.” As they passed the lead security guard stopped the lead Austrian Secret Service Agent and slipped her a card. “If you need someone to rescue the damsels later on….”

“We will certainly keep you in mind.” With that the group made there way toward a large black van that had just pulled up at the bottom of the stairs.


Elodie watched all of this through binoculars from the shadows on a large tree situated across from the chateaux on other side of the street. She handed the binoculars to Christina before making a telephone call. “Boss, we may have a problem that you will have to make a call about.” Christina watched the scene through the binoculars and shook her head. Once again Hayley had managed to get herself captured. What was it with that woman? Call over Elodie turned to Christina. “You head back to the hotel and wait for me to contact you.” Then Elodie hurried back to where she had left her motorcycle and quickly got prepared to head off in pursuit of Hayley, Natalie and the Austrian Secret Service agents.

In the back of the van Hayley and Natalie sat comfortably, or as comfortably as their bonds would allow, their gaze moving from stolen glances between each other to what their latest captors were up to. The lead agent took out the bottle with chloroform written on it. “Don’t worry ladies it isn’t actually chloroform,” Hayley and Natalie both relaxed slightly at this news. However both of their brows furrowed when the agent delved into a bag that was lying on the floor of the van and produced a silver canister with some kind of connection at one end, then with her other hand produced a black rubber mask. “I am not that crude. This however will send you to dreamland.” Hayley watched on as the agent connected the mask to the canister. This simple task completed the agent approached the bound and gagged pair, the mask looming menacingly in her right hand. Strapped into the seat as she was Hayley had nowhere to go as the agent placed the mask over Hayley’s nose and mouth, Hayley shook her head but the agent placed her left hand behind Hayley’s head to lock the mask in place. The first thing that Hayley could smell was the unmistakable smell of rubber. The she heard a faint click then felt a soft breeze hitting her lips and nose, the device was obviously pressure activated and the small changed from rubber to fresh flowers. Almost immediately Hayley started to feel lightheaded as whatever this gas was started to have an effect. The effect wasn’t harsh; it was gentle, like lulling you into unconsciousness. It took a couple of minutes but that is what happened to Hayley whose eyes closed over and staid that way. The agent removed the rubber mask from over Hayley’s nose and mouth and turned to Natalie. “Now it is your turn.”


“Kirsty that reporter’s name just popped on as a guest on invitation list to that gala ball.” They had been remotely monitoring the operation from the command post in one of the train carriages and were currently undertaking an after action review when Perrie had discovered that interesting piece of information. Kirsty took a minute to compose her thoughts. The reporter was the only person that had the knowledge to seriously damage their current operation so Kirsty decided that she had to take action to solve that problem.

“Take Christine and see if you can track her down. She would have had to provide full details, including an address to the security team before the event. We might get lucky.” Perrie nodded to Kirsty and headed off. “Remember Perrie we are heading to Paris shortly so you will be on your own.” Decision made and instructions issued Kirsty went to update her boss.

Kirsty had found her boss sitting at the big desk in her private cabin and brought her up to speed on what had happened during the mission. Elizabeth Crawford nodded as Kirsty explained but she could tell that her boss was distracted. “It was dangerous to take that job Elizabeth.” Kirsty said as she stood across the desk from her boss. Just at that moment the train’s brakes released and it jump forward into motion causing Kirsty to sway forward and have to place a hand on the desk to stop from falling forward.

“I agree Kirsty but we had to take some jobs otherwise people would start asking questions,” Elizabeth replied but there was something else on her mind. Kirsty decided to bide her time. “Did you see who they managed to get a photograph of?” Elizabeth Crawford asked Kirsty.

“Yes I did.” Kirsty replied. It had been Hayley King. It couldn’t have been worse timing. Kirsty knew that her boss had a soft spot for this woman and didn’t want to it distract from the mission in hand. “But have to stick to the plan and head to Paris.”

“Kirsty you are correct, we have important business in Paris. We have to drop off the information from tonight’s job and I also want you to visit Mrs Stanley-Ramos and remind her of her forthcoming duties.” With that statement Crawford went back to not fully concentrating on the task at hand. Kirsty excused herself and exited the cabin. Once outside and alone Kirsty leaned her forehead against the wall and cursed silently. She knew that Elizabeth Crawford would somehow try and snatch Hayley King.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Yeah, what is it with this woman? ;) Christina asks herself ;)

And once again, it seems, that it is old realiable Christina who must rescue Hayley and save the day. That is the only silver lining at the horizon :)

Kristy is totally right: Crawford has a soft spot for Hayley. And it is as safe as are carts to horses, that Crawford will try to lay her hands on Hayley - in every sense of the words.

But for now, let us hope, that Christina can save her Friends - let us wait and see and keep all fingers crossed! Christina to the rescue! Yay!!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 34

Tallinn, Estonia

The sun was setting which Sasha Conteh had to admit was fitting given that it seemed like a metaphor for her attempts at trying to find the elusive cat burglar. Sasha had tried to avoid using that term but the detectives from the Estonian Police had kept using it and it had stuck. The detective that had originally contacted Sasha had been correct, this time she had made a mistake and been caught nearby on CCTV. It had been solid police work by the team to track down the image. Since she arrived in Tallinn Sasha had been working her way around hotels, hostels and rental apartments showing the image around trying to track her down. Whilst the image wasn’t great it was clear enough to be recognisable. No luck to date and this was her last day in the city, work beckoned and she was booked on the last flight out.

As Sasha approached the final place she raised her hand to shield her eyes from the glare of the low sun and didn’t see the group of woman exit the hotel and bumped into someone who had come out of the hotel. “Sorry about that,” she said instantly and took a step back to create space between herself and whoever she had collided with. Sasha stood and took in the figure that she had bumped into who had now been joined by two other figures, all were women. The first two were basically identical and had to be related. Tall and athletic with jet black hair and deep set eyes with something behind them that gave Sasha the chills. The third woman was petite with lighter colouration of hair, eyes and skin. The eyes were not as deep as those of the other two women but possessed a keenest and sharpness that suggested that they didn’t miss much. “Sorry,” Sasha volunteered again.

“No problem. Accidents happen,” the woman that Sasha had bumped into said. The woman had a Russian accent and the smile that played across her lips did not reach her eyes. The four words came across as much as a threat as an acceptance of an apology. The three women turned and made there way down the street. Something about them made Sasha’s spider sense tingle.

The lobby of the hotel was tired if you were being kind and decrepit if you were being honest. Sasha made her away across to the reception desk and was confronted by a small, skinny man wearing a dirty tracksuit and from what Sasha could see nothing below. “English,” Sasha enquired. The man nodded and she produced the still image and slid it across the desk toward him. Sasha didn’t have to ask the question, she could tell by the man’s reaction that he recognised her. But there was something else as well. “Where do you recognise her from?” The man shook his head. Sasha took a deep breath and thought for a second. Looking round this was obviously not one of the city’s finer establishments. “Look unless you want the police down here every night you better start talking.” Sasha knew that she was overplaying her hand with that statement but she was so close to a lead now that she didn’t care. To sweeten the deal Sasha slipped her hand into her purse and produced some cash. Hoping the man would take the hint.

“She was here for a couple of nights,” the man replied taking the cash.

“What name did she use?”

“Ingrid Bergmann.”


“Pay cash. No questions.”

“When did she leave?”

“About twenty minutes ago, heading for the ferry port…” Sasha had turned and was running toward the door before the man had finished. Just as got to the door Sasha realised that she didn’t know where the ferry port was, stopped and spun round. “Left out of the door, second right and then straight ahead to the docks, form there it should be obvious.” Sasha turned and ran out of the door. The man raised his hand to get her attention but she was gone. He was sure that the woman would have wanted to know that the three Russians had been asking about the same woman just before she turned up.

Rhiannon Scott slipped out from between the bed coverings and swung her bare feet onto the carpeted floor of the cabin. Taking a glance at the small electronic clock next to the bed Rhiannon noted that the gentle rocking of the ship must have lulled her back to sleep again, she could have sworn that it was only seven in the morning five minutes ago but the clock now said eight thirty six. After the events of last year Gayle Hutton had quickly become one of the gang and with both of them being academics Rhiannon and Gayle had become friends. When Gayle had invited Rhiannon to meet up at the conference in Copenhagen she had jumped at the chance. Rhiannon had taken a couple of weeks beforehand to indulge in a spot of sightseeing in the former Soviet Union before catching the ferry from Tallinn to Copenhagen and meeting Gayle. With her stomach rumbling Rhiannon decided that it was time to get dressed and get some breakfast.


The breeze from the sea ruffled Sasha Conteh’s hair as the ship moved silently through the calm seas. Staring into the distance she couldn’t help but wonder if she had made a mistake in jumping on the ship at the docks in Tallinn. Having arrived at the docks just before the ship left for Copenhagen she had been forced to make a snap decision on whether or not to get onboard, and she had. It was only as the ship pulled away from port that she realised that she had no idea whether the suspected burglar from the CCTV would be on the ship. Sasha had spent the previous day walking round the ship casually observing all of the passengers hoping to catch a glimpse of the woman caught in the image. However to this point she hadn’t had any success. Anyway her stomach was rumbling so it was time for breakfast.


Having eaten her full at the breakfast buffet Sasha sat sipping a coffee and looking at the landscape through the large windows. They weren’t that far from their final destination and that would be the end of the adventure so to speak. She had already had to phone her supervisor last night to explain why she would be a day late getting back to work, or her actual job as he had called it. Then someone caught her attention in the reflection and alarm bells went off in her head. Sasha spun round and looked at the person that had started the bells ringing as they walked out of the room. She was sure that the person was the one shown on the images from the CCTV and the person was currently heading for the exit of the restaurant. Quickly Sasha drained the rest of her coffee and headed off after them.

As Sasha reached the door leading from the restaurant she caught a glimpse of the figure disappearing round the corner and headed off in pursuit. She couldn’t be 100% sure that the figure was the person in the CCTV images but something told her that it is. All she had to do to confirm was get a decent look at the figures face.


Jane felt loops of rope tightened around her crossed wrists. When she has walked through the door of her cabin something heavy had hit her on the back of her head, knocking her to the floor. Jane had known that given her occupation that there was a chance that someone would come looking for her but now she guessed that they had found her. It belatedly occurred to the dazed burglar that this might have been her best opportunity to mount a meaningful resistance, but now it was too late. Her wrists were already trapped, bound solidly together. The rest of the tying was straightforward and undertaken with ease. Further rope above and below Jane's breasts, which were also wrapped around her elbows securing Jane's arms to her body, then her legs were bound together at the ankles and just above and below her knees. All this happened very quickly and efficiently with a practiced skill. Although still stunned by the initial blow to her head Jane could now at least identify that three women had attacked her. Jane could see two of them and there was a third checking the bindings on her legs to make sure that they were secure. Then the taller of the two women that Jane could see said something to the other in a language that Jane couldn’t understand. The only word that she picked out was Ksenija which she assumed was the woman’s name. Jane groaned as a second wave of pain hit the back of her head. This seemed to prompt action as the woman that had been binding her clamped a leather gloved hand over her mouth. Jane looked on as the woman called Ksenija pulled some items from her pocket, one of which was a bottle. Jane saw the woman pour a clear liquid onto a large wad of cotton wool which she the wrapped in a large white handkerchief. Ksenija then knelt down so that she could lean into Jane’s ear and whisper “Lady don’t panic too much, the liquid is a sedative that will keep you docile for the journey. It will slowly soak through the handkerchief and be absorbed into your system.” Without any further talk the glove was removed and Ksenija rammed the chunky package into Jane’s mouth, totally filling it. A large strip of mircofoam tape was plastered over Jane’s mouth to ensure that she could not eject the wad. The women then left Jane and searched the cabin. Jane tried struggling against her bonds but didn’t get anywhere. Then she felt the handkerchief in her mouth become cold and damp. Jane felt a strange sensation start to come over her, light headed and dizzy and then felt her body get weaker, her limbs started to feel like rubber. There was, of course, no way for her arms and legs to relax, given how she was bound. Her vision of the cabin began to blur, a strobe effect took place as her eyelids fluttered and closed.

Standing in the passageway looking at the cabin door behind which she was almost certain was the woman that she had been tracking for months Sasha Conteh had to decide how to proceed. It didn’t take her long to decide. She had been the only one to show any interest in the case and she wanted to be the one to bring in the suspect and in her eyes rightly take the credit. With that she took a deep breath and strode up to the door whilst at the same time pulling her identification from her pocket. Once at the door she knocked on it firmly with her clenched fist and waited.

Inside the room Irina, Yelena and Ksenija were just about finished searching the cabin when they heard the knock at the door. They all froze and glanced at each other. None of them dared move for fear of making any noise. Surely if whoever was at the door didn’t get a response they would leave each woman thought. Then there was another set of knocks at the door. “Did you lock the door?” Irina hissed softly at Yelena who shook her head in response. There were glances between the three Russians and they sprang into action just before the doorknob turned and the door edged open.

Sasha took three steps into the room before she notice Jane lying bound on the floor however before her brain could process the sight in front of her she heard the sound of the cabin door shutting and felt several sets of hands grab her and force her down onto the ground. Sasha instantly thrashed against the hands holding her but another attacker landed on her legs preventing her from kicking out. Suddenly Sasha remembered that she really should scream for help but before she could a hand wearing a leather glove was clamped over her mouth, smothering any noise that she could make. “Make sure that is the chloroform and not the other sedative that you pour on the cloth,” Yelena said to Ksenija. Sasha heard this and started to thrash even more to get free. Having read the reports on the various burglaries Sasha knew what that word meant and assumed that the drug was about to be used on her.

“Remember not in English.” Irina said in Russian. Suddenly the hand was removed from Sasha’s mouth but relief was short lived as almost instantly a thick white cloth was pressed over the lower half of Sasha’s face. Sasha was shocked at the pungent sweet fumes that attacked her nostrils as soon as the cloth was in place. Sasha would have held her breath but the brief but vigorous exertions of trying to escape from her attackers made that impossible. Sasha knew that she had to get free and continued to lash out but it was no use these women; and they were women Sasha could tell from the physiology of her attackers knew what they were doing. The cloth remained fixed in place over her nose and mouth. Sasha’s attackers knew that it was just a matter of time before the chloroform took effect. Yelena knew from her work with Elizabeth Crawford that as long as you were in control of the captive it wasn’t a bad thing if they struggled. It just meant that they used up more energy and inhaled more of the drugs fumes. Then suddenly, to her surprise Sasha found that she managed to get one of her legs free and used it to lash out at the attacker lying on her legs. Sasha felt her heel make contact with bone; probably a shoulder and her legs were suddenly free. Small victory but not the one that Sasha required which was the cloth removed from over her nose and mouth. Sasha tried to wrestle free of the other two attackers but it was no good, the more that she struggled the more of the chloroform fumes she inhaled and they were starting to her an effect, her vision was blurring at the edges and her limbs were starting to feel really heavy. Sasha then felt the third attacker jump back onto her legs, pinning them to the deck. At this point she could now feel the chloroform having a real effect, her arms and legs were tingling and she was starting to lose strength in her struggles. Her attackers obviously noted the development also “The chloroform is starting to have an effect. Hold her a bit longer and she will be out” said the one holding the cloth over her nose and mouth. Suddenly, panicked and in one last attempt to get free Sasha summoned the last of her strength and came to life, growling into the thick cloth currently held over her nose and mouth. Her attackers seem to be caught off guard with this but kept a firmed grip of the spunky investigator. The squirming Sasha's movements gradually slowed. ‘I guess this is what it feels like to be chloroformed’ Sasha thought as the last bit of fight went out of her and with a soft moan her eyes slammed shut and she slipped into a chloroform induced slumber. Once the struggle was over the three Russians stood looking down at the unconscious Sasha.

“Irina what will we do with this one?” Ksenija asked. Yelena had noted that the woman drop what looked like a thin wallet on the floor when then had pounced on her, walked across to where it had landed and picked it up.

“She is law enforcement sister,” Yelena said waving the wallet in the air. Irina shook her head.

“We will take her along her well. We can’t afford for the alarm to be raised. Yelena you tie her up and prepare her for transport. Make sure you use that other sedative.” As she said this Irina was patting down the pockets of Sasha’s jacket. Finding what she was looking for she tossed it to Ksenija. “Go to her cabin and pack up her things. We need to make it look like she just left the ship at the dock of her own free will so that nobody will ask questions.” Now having their instructions Yelena and Ksenija went about their tasks.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 35

Just outside Paris

The sun was starting to set as Natascha swung her rented car back onto the main road from the country track that she had been driving on for the last twenty minutes. Her boss had passed on information received about a possible location for Elizabeth Crawford so she had decided to check it out. Following an awkward conversation on both sides Hayley, Natalie, Christina and their French contact had headed off for Vienna leaving her to chase up some leads on her own. It had turned out to be a false lead but it was better than doing nothing. The location had turned out to be an abandoned farmhouse. There was no evidence of any recent activity; in fact it looked like nobody had been near the place in at least ten years. Natascha had got out of the car and had a good look around the area but there was noting of interest.

Once back on the smooth surface of the main road Natascha reached down and from feel located her sunglasses in the door compartment and slipped them on. Relaxing into the drive Natascha looked around at the open farmland on either side of the road and couldn’t believe that she was so close to Paris. It would only be perhaps fifteen minutes until the suburbs of the city would appear on the horizon. There was a sharp right bend coming up and Natascha knew from memory that there was a ditch on the other side of the road so Natascha carefully depressed the break to slow the car before the upcoming turn but there was no resistance in the pedal, she was able to depress it all the way to the car floor. Staying calm Natascha took a deep breath and went to try the break again when her car was bumped from behind. Natascha looked in her rear view mirror to see a large black vehicle with tinted windows so that she couldn’t make out the drivers features. At first Natascha assumed that he driver was some idiot driving too fast and gestured when the vehicle speeded up and bumped her again. It was then Natascha knew that she was in trouble and frantically tried the brakes again and again but there was no response. In hope she tried to turn the wheel but knew that the car was travelling too fast to make the turn, especially having been bumped from the rear. The last thing that she remembered was the car mounting a bank and crashing through a fence. Then her head hit the steering wheel and everything went black.


Horace made the turn easily and pulled the large four wheel drive vehicle over to the side of the road. Getting out of his vehicle he jogged across to the point where the car had left the road, the instructions were to make sure that it was only minor injuries that were sustained, nothing more than that. Satisfied that the vehicle was in no danger of catching fire he pulled out the burner phone and made an anonymous call to the emergency services to report the incident. That job complete Horace jumped back into his vehicle and texted Kirsty to confirm completion of the job. To be on the safe side Horace and Kirsty thought that he should leave the vicinity of accident so set the satellite navigation for Vienna and pulled back onto the road.

Austrian Secret Service Headquarters

Hayley had come round several minutes earlier and had immediately taken stock of her current predicament, which she had to admit wasn’t great. Hayley was strictly bound to a large chair with heavy, padded leather straps. They were straps around her ankles, thighs, waist, chest, upper arms and wrists holding her tightly in place, there was no wiggle room at all. Lastly a padded leather strap had been put on place over her forehead holding her head in place, so even moving that was out of the question. So that left her staring straight ahead at the blank, green painted wall above the desk in front of her. In addition to being secured to the chair the large dress that she had been wearing before being rendered unconscious had been removed, meaning that she was restrained in nothing but her underwear. Fortunately Hayley had put on some seriously sexy underwear this morning so wasn’t going to be embarrassed. It was then that she remembered the incident with the young woman at the Gala Ball and shifted her chest around. She noted that there was still something under her right breast and so assumed that it was whatever had been placed there by the young woman so they obviously hadn’t searched her too thoroughly. It was only then that she noted that Natalie wasn’t in the room with her.


Natalie came round and immediately felt a large, padded item had been placed between her lips. From previous experience she knew that it was a pillow gag, a thickly padded one to keep you nice and quiet. “Just relax and bite into it and it wont be that bad” she remembered someone saying what seemed a long time ago, great advice. It took Natalie a couple of seconds to clear her mind from the after effects of the knock out gas and put things together and started to assess her situation. Apart from being gagged Natalie could tell that there were padded cuffs around her wrists and what felt like another set of cuffs around her upper arms, between her elbows and shoulders. Glancing down Natalie confirmed that leather sets of leathers cuffs had also been places around her ankles and thighs. Nice touch, Natalie thought. Looking around Natalie confirmed that she was lying on a small cot with her head on a pillow. She was looking at a plain green wall so with a bit of effort managed to squirm round so that she was now looking into the room rather than directly at the wall. The effort was in vain as it didn’t improve the view any. Rather than looking at a plain green wall she was now looking at a plain green wall with a single steel door in it. The door had a small rectangular window in it but Natalie couldn’t see anything on the other side. It seemed to Natalie that there was nothing to do but settle in and wait until someone call through the door, only then did she wonder where Hayley was.

From behind her Hayley heard the sound of the door being opened and the closed. In the periphery of her vision a person appeared and became clearer until they were in full view standing on the other side of the desk. The woman was tall and slim, mid forties with shoulder length jet black hair. She was wearing a black skirt that stopped just above the knees and a white blouse, all very smart and professional. A pair of spectacles sat at the top of the woman’s nose, these were taken off and the end of one of the arms nibbled as if contemplating what she had left off the shopping list. Hayley knew from experience that this was all an act.

“What were you doing at the Gala Ball?” Hayley was shocked as the directness of the question which seemed to come out of nowhere. Turing her full attention back to the woman Hayley found that the woman was now staring at her intently from the other side of the desk.

“Who is asking?” Hayley replied trying to gain some traction in the conversation.

“That is not important. Just answer the question.”

“Not until you let me know what is going on. Or do you normally abduct tourists attending charity functions and hold them hostage.” The two women stared at each other for what seemed like an age. Hayley wasn’t going to be the first one to break the silence.

“So you are playing the innocent bystander card? You just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?”

“Now you have it. I was just looking for the toilet when I was attached from behind. A cloth was clamped over my face with some kind of chemical on it. It put me to sleep and when I woke up I was tied up. My friend must have come to find me and just after you did your goon squad burst in and grabbed us.” Hayley replied, her voice getting higher as she went through the story.

“If you are the innocent tourist then you can prove who you are by supplying identification that matches the name on the invitation that you used to get into the Gala Ball? We certainly didn’t find any official identification on your person.” Hayley glanced downward away from the piercing gaze of the woman. “I thought not. And just to answer your earlier question, industrial espionage. That is what is going on. We had information that an external non government organisation was planning to steal valuable information during the event.”

“Well my friend and I certainly weren’t involved in that. I assume that you didn’t find anything on us when you stripped and searched us?” By the look on the woman’s face Hayley knew that she had scored a point.

“But you were found in the room where the valuable information was stored. You are a foreign national carrying no formal identification,” as the woman spoke she came round from behind the desk closed the distance to where Hayley sat strapped to the chair, “we asked around and nobody seemed to recognise you. So you can see why I am suspicious?” Hayley had to admit that when put like that she could see where the woman was coming from. Suddenly Hayley heard the door open as someone burst in.

“Captain you have a telephone call.” The woman was now close to Hayley, practically leaning over her. The woman nodded at whoever had entered the room and then leaned round with her left hand. Out of the corner of her eye Hayley saw another leather strap emerge, this one and a large pad at the centre of it and at the centre of that large pad was a protruding shape. As the shape came closer it lined up with Hayley’s mouth. Hayley didn’t have to be asked and opened her mouth to allow the object to enter her mouth before closing her mouth around it. The silky smooth pad was now sitting over her lips. The woman walked round and secured the strap in place, tightening it so that it forced Hayley’s head back into the small padded area on the high backed chair that was under her head.

“Look to an extent I believe you but I also think that you are not telling me the entire story. And until I am satisfied you won’t be going anywhere.” Suddenly Hayley felt vibrations and stimulations again in her groin, this time though they were more intense. They had obviously not removed the device when they had stripped her. Now the gag made more sense, it would muffle her groans and screams as the device stimulated her. “I am going to take this call but it will give you some time to think on that story.” As the woman that had been asking the questions left the room Hayley tried to think of something, anything to take her mind from the sensations that would at some point overcome her.

Hayley had lost track of time and was perspiring heavily whilst moaning into her gag when the sensations around her groan suddenly stopped. Hayley opened her eyes and found that the woman had obviously entered the room without Hayley noticing. The woman was leaning against the desk with her arms crossed over her chest. “I have just had an interesting conversation with my counterpart in French Intelligence Monique Moreau.” Hayley didn’t react and knew that this was the key moment. Had Moreau vouched for them or thrown her and Natalie under the bus? “Hayley we are going to let you and your friend Natalie go……..but with a warning that neither of you show your face in Austria for a while.” Hayley sighed with relief and tried to nod her head to confirm that she understood but the restraints prevent her head from moving.

The woman quickly removed all of the restraints that held Hayley to the chair before also removing the device from Hayley’s panties, which were now moist. “Maria will take it from here.” The woman indicated toward someone that Hayley couldn’t see behind her. Gingerly Hayley got out of the chair and headed for the door to find one of the women that had grabbed her at the Gala Ball standing holding the door open.

“Follow me,” Maria said and marched out of the door and turned left. Hayley followed the woman along the corridor around a left then right turn and down two flights of stairs. Maria paused outside a door and grabbed the handle. “You have fifteen minutes then I will be back,” Maria said and opened the door to allow Hayley to enter. Once inside the door was shut behind Hayley who looked round the room to find Natalie sitting on a chair in the corner.

“No offense, but you don’t look your best Hayley.” Natalie commented.

“Thanks for the compliment. Did they explain what was going on?”

“Only that they were going to let us go.”

“I will explain what happened to me later but let’s get dressed first.” Hayley said indicting their costumes that were hanging up in a corner. The two friends grabbed their respective dresses and hurriedly put them on. They finished the task just in time as soon after Natalie had zipped up Hayley the door opened and Maria walked in followed by one of her colleagues.

“Turn round and place your hands behind your backs ladies.” Natalie and Hayley glanced at each other and shrugged before complying. The friends son found that there wrists were secured together with a set of leather cuffs. Maria and her colleague then each took one of Hayley and Natalie’s upper arms and lead them out of the room and along the corridor. At the end of the corridor was a set of double doors that the group went through and found themselves in what Hayley looked like was a large warehouse with a loading bay. At one end of the loading bay sat a black van with its rear doors open. The two women led Hayley and Natalie toward the van, then up into the rear compartment where there were a run of seats. Hayley and Natalie were helped into two and seatbelts put across there bodies to hold them in place. Marie took a seat across from them and started to rummage through a black holdall that was sitting at her feet. Her colleague got out of the van and closed the rear doors. Hayley looked at Maria as the van’s engine started and it started to pull away. Hayley watched as Maria pulled out a steel canister with a black rubber mask attached. “Well ladies you will know what this is.” Maria checked the connections before moving across to sit bedside Hayley who rolled her eyes, this time voluntarily.

“Is there any need for that?” Hayley asked.

“Don’t worry we have already told French Intelligence where to find you.” Maria deliberately ignored the questions as she placed the mask over Hayley’s nose and mouth.


The vessel had docked at the terminal about thirty minutes ago and Rhiannon was making her way through the crows toward the gangway that led of the ship dragging her large case on wheels behind her. When she heard her mobile ring Rhiannon fumbled in her pocket and whilst attempting to retrieve it took her eyes off where she was going and bumped into someone. “Sorry,” she said out of habit before looking up and making eye contact with the women that she had bumped into. It was a large, fierce looking woman who clearly was upset at being bumped into.

“You should be more careful,” the woman said in a Russian accent. At that point Rhiannon noted the two women standing behind the woman with the Russian accent. Thankfully the woman broke eye contact and moved off. Rhiannon watched the three women carry on down deck and the noted the two large wheeled cases that they were pulling behind them. They were even larger than the one that Rhiannon had and looked extremely heavy.


Hayley opened her eyes and instantly closed them again due to the sunlight that streamed into them. She gave it another couple of seconds before slowly cracking them open again, constantly blinking until they became used to the early morning sun rising over the horizon directly in front of her. Hayley heard a groan and turned to find Natalie coming too next to her. “Are you alright Nat?”

“Yeah, fine. My head hurts a bit and I feel like I could drink a bath full of water but apart from that I am good.” Hayley looked around and confirmed that they were sitting on a bench on top of a small hill in what she assumed was a local park, it was that or someone had a really large private garden. Natalie stood up and surveyed the area. “We should look for a public telephone or ask someone for directions back to the hotel.”

“I think that we should stay here. The Austrian’s said that they would let Elodie know where to find us. Plus in these outfits we do tend to stand out a bit. We would look out of place on public transport.” Natalie nodded and sat back down on the bench. It took about ten minutes before Hayley saw Christina approach on the path up the hill toward them. Thankfully during that period only a dog walker and an early morning jogger had passed. The dog seemed friendly enough but both people gave them funny looks. As Christina approached Hayley and Natalie rose and met them a couple of yards away from the bench.

“I am glad to see you.” Natalie said. Christina just nodded in response. Hayley had noted the serious expression on Christina’s face.

“What’s up Christina? Looks like you have had some bad news.” Christina looked uncomfortable for a spilt second before deciding to just dive straight in.

“Hayley there has been an accident in Paris. Natascha was involved.” Whatever colour was left drained from Hayley’s face. “I don’t have all of the details yet but she is in hospital. We have a car waiting to take you to the airport.” With that the three women started to walk back toward where Christina and Elodie had entered the park. Once there they exited through a gate and Christina pointed toward a car idling at the kerb with a man behind the wheel. “Elodie is waiting for you with your passport and a ticket for the next flight to Paris. Your bag is packed and in the back with a change of clothes lying out.” Hayley nodded and headed toward the car, getting halfway before she turned back and delved into her bra before producing the piece of paper that the young redheaded woman had stuffed in there and handed it to Christina. “I will text you about that.”


The flight had left on time and been smooth. On landing Hayley had retrieved her suitcase and hurried to the pick up point where Jessica Warwick was there to meet her. As she jumped into the passenger seat her mobile pinged with a message. It was from Natascha letting her know that she wasn’t that seriously injured in the accident and would hopefully get out tomorrow or if not then the day after. Relief washed over Hayley like a wave, she had spent the entire trip to Paris fearing the worst. “Good news I guess.” Jessica asked. Hayley nodded in response.

“Not as bad as I feared, should be out in a couple of days at worst.” Hayley closed her eyes and through her head back. “Could you still take me to the hospital and I will see if I can get in to visit for five minutes?”

“No problem.” Jessica replied but Hayley didn’t hear the response as she had already drifted off to sleep.


Hayley felt something nudge her in the ribs and jolted awake. “That’s us at the hospital Hayley.” It took her a couple of seconds to process what had happened, she must have drifted off.

“Thanks Jessica. You can head back to the hotel. I can walk back from here, it isn’t far.” Jessica nodded and Hayley got out of the car and headed for the entrance to the hospital. Hayley turned as the car pulled away from where it had been idling and waved at Jessica who didn’t reciprocate the gesture. She couldn’t have seen me wave Hayley thought. Turning up the collar of her wool jacket Hayley made her away through the park cars toward the double doors with the neon sign above then. The automatic door slid open and Hayley entered the hospital and found a member of staff sitting behind a desk with a glass partition. Hayley made her way across and in a combination of very poor French and broken English phrases asked for directions to the section of the hospital where Natascha’s room was. The man behind the desk didn’t turn speak English so it took a bit of time for them to get the information across that Hayley required. Eventually they got there and Hayley thanks the man and headed the way that he had pointed toward a bank of elevators.

After exiting the elevators Hayley turned left, the way right was blocked with a couple of waist height barriers. It looked like there were renovations being undertaken to the hospital in that direction. Hayley found the correct ward number and pushed through the door. There was nobody at the small desk just inside the door but there was a large whiteboard above the desk with room numbers and names against them. Hayley scanned the board and found Natascha’s name marked against room 5. She made her way around the desk into a short corridor with closed doors off to each side. There were windows beside each of the doors and although they had curtains pulled down over them you could tell which ones had lights on, room 5 did. Hayley made her way to the door marked with 5 and knocked. “Come in,” said a faint voice from the other side of the door. Hayley opened the door and stepped inside to find Natascha sitting crossed legged on the bed reading a newspaper.

“And what have you been up to whilst I have been away?” Natascha got up from the bed and Hayley made her away across. The two friends embraced and Natascha winced.

“Not so tight Hayley. The ribs are pretty bruised.”

“Sorry honey.” Hayley replied before releasing her friend. This allowed Hayley to get a better look at her friend and she noticed the cut and bruising above her left eye. “Looks like you have gone a couple of rounds in a boxing ring.” This comment brought a pained smile from Natascha as she sat back down on the bed as Hayley pulled over a plastic chair that has been sitting in the corner and plonked her bottom down on it. “So tell me what happened?’

“Well it all started with a call about a reported sighting of Elizabeth Crawford. So I went to check it out.” After starting the story with that Natascha went through it in details for Hayley who sat silently until Natascha had finished with the moment that her head hit the steering wheel and she blacked out. “And I woke up in the back of an ambulance on my way here.” Hayley waited a moment an asked.

“So you think that whoever was in the car behind you deliberately ran you off the road.” Natascha thought about this for a moment before answering.

“No question that it was deliberate. Plus they didn’t stop and give assistance.” Hayley nodded.

“Which does beg the question why were you targeted?”

“I assume that it was something that I have been working on. So we all have to be more careful.” That comment prompted a moment of silence between the two friends. “So what have you been up to?”

“You want believe me but here it goes anyway.” Hayley took a deep breath before going through in detail the events of her trip to Vienna from obtaining the invitations to the Gala Ball, to finding operatives at the event, to her encounter with the Austrian Secret Police and eventually her trip to the hospital.

“Sounds like you had an eventful trip,” Natascha said before yawning deeply. As the two friends had exchange stories the night had started to close in and outside it had gone from dusk to dark.

“It certainly was. But it looks like you need some rest so I will be off and let you get some sleep.” They both got up from their respective seats and hugged.

“Be careful,” Natascha whispered into Hayley’s ear. They broke the embrace and Hayley made to leave the room but paused at the door.

“If the doctor says that you can get out tomorrow, give me a call and I can come and pick you up.” Natascha gave Hayley the thumbs up. Hayley exited the room and walked back the way they she had come toward the elevators.
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Post by Caesar73 »

A blurr of action in the last three chapters! Fascinating! Briliant!

So, what happened? Jane met good old Jelena und Sasha Coteh joined the Party by accident ;) I think both Ladies will travel not very comfortable :)

It is a save assumption that the Russian, who Rihannon bumped into was Jelena :) And it is a sve guess as well why the laguage of Jelena and Company was somewhat heavy :) Something tells me, that Rihannon will manage it somehow to join the Party sooner or later :)

Hayley and Natalie were lucky, they were saved by Moreaus Intervention and I think Hayley possesses the Informations the Austrians were looking for, but did not know that. The "accident" of Natascha? So Hayley is in Paris again - and there are some old aqquaintances in Paris is well.

And Hayley does not know about Crawfords furture plans for her .... I hope, we will see some downfilled goodness in the near future! :) Yay!! :D :D

The pace of the story accelerated, I like that! More and more pieces fall into place! Keep it going dear [mention]mrjones2009[/mention]!
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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 5 years ago Natalie came round and immediately felt a large, padded item had been placed between her lips. From previous experience she knew that it was a pillow gag, a thickly padded one to keep you nice and quiet. “Just relax and bite into it and it wont be that bad” she remembered someone saying what seemed a long time ago, great advice.
The good old pillow gag ;) The previous experience Natalie is refering to, is Nothing Personal 3. If I´m remember correctly, Chaper Ten, when Natalie was captured by Operatives of Elizabeth Crawford. :)

After her capture Natalie had the dubious pleausre to enjoy the the comforts of the Enhanced Restraining System and a nice holiday by courtesy of Elizabeth Crwaford on her Island ;)
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 36

Paris, France

As Gabriela Vasquez made her way through the unpredictable and riotous craziness that was traffic in Paris her mind wondered toward the task at hand. Since the incident at the apartment of Hannah Stanley-Ramos the investigation had went nowhere. Hannah Stanley-Ramos had decided to get a lawyer and keep her mouth shut when they got her into an interrogation room. You would have thought that with her daughter in trouble that she would have wanted to co-operate with the authorities but that hadn’t been the case. Without anything further from her the investigation couldn’t really go anywhere. Charlotte was back at the hotel working on her laptop going through correspondence and records requested from the bank to see if anything looked out of place. Meanwhile Gabriela had decided to give it one more try with Hannah Stanley-Ramos and see if she could get anything from the woman, if she ever managed to get there through the traffic.


“Boss, its Kirsty. I have had that chat Mrs Stanley-Ramos that you wanted…..just to focus her mind.”

“Good. Did you let her see you?”

“No boss. I made sure that the lights were out and I kept to the shadows. You were also right about the other thing. Mrs Stanley-Ramos confirmed that someone did come with the intention of asking her questions. From the description it sounded like Raquel English.” Interesting Elizabeth Crawford thought. English was known to be one of the Broker’s top agents. “Also not long after a couple of International Financial Fraud Agency agents turned up and started asking questions.” There was a moment of silence from the other end. “She claims not to have told them anything.”

“It sounds like Mrs Stanley-Ramos was very forthcoming. Well at least with you.”

“That is what happens when you have leverage.”

“Yes it is indeed,” replied Elizabeth Crawford. Kirsty could picture the smile that was on her boss’s face as he said this. “So where are we now?”

“Hannah Stanley-Ramos left about fifteen minutes ago to head back to work after the weekend. Everything should be in place to go.” Then there was the sound of a door opening and Kirsty stopped talking for a second to identify the noise. Lowering her voice Kirsty whispered into the phone, “boss I will call you back, I have to go.”


Gabriela had found the front door lying slightly ajar and had pushed it open. There had been a loud creak that had made her wince but she had still entered the flat. Given what had happened during her last visit to this flat Gabriela cautiously made her way through the rooms of the flat, not daring to call out to confirm if anybody was in. The only light in the flat came through the windows from the streetlights when suddenly without warning there was the sound of movement behind her, before she could react something hard prodded into the middle of her back and she paused and raised her hands in a gesture of surrender. “Wise move” said a female voice that she didn’t recognise from close behind. “Keep them raised and walk until I say otherwise. Walk slowly, don’t turn round and be quiet.” The pressure of the prod increased and Gabriela took this as her queue to start walking. Gabriela was doubly annoyed at herself. The woman had obviously heard her and then she had let the woman get the jump on her but she certainly wasn’t going to compound those errors by getting shot. She walked slowly through the flat until she found the master bedroom, the woman following a couple of steps behind. “Stop, this is as good a place as any” said the voice from behind. Gabriela did as instructed. The noises behind her suggested that the woman was doing something but as earlier instructed Gabriela faced forward, then there was the sound of movement again and Gabriela felt the gun barrel in her back. She thought that meant that it was time to move again, but then the woman's left hand flashed in front of her face; it was enclosed in a black leather glove and held a soft, thick cloth that was clamped over Gabriela’s mouth and nose. Gabriela took a deep breath because she was startled by what had happened and immediately recognized the sweet odour from a couple of days’ earlier, chloroform. Gabriela first thought even with her hands still above her head, was to fight, but the gun barrel in her back was a warning against that instinct. "Don't fight me. I'm just putting you to sleep for a bit. You just have the misfortune to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I know that you don’t want to be knocked out but it is better than the alternative.” As if to inform Gabriela of what the alternative was the woman jabbed the gun into her back. “You can thank me later," the woman told her. Gabriela thought that the woman talked too much then realised that the distraction meant that she had been breathing normally and inhaling the fumes from the cloth. The woman held the cloth tightly over Gabriela’s nose and mouth so that she had no chance to breathe fresh air. The woman also kept the gun barrel firmly in Gabriela's back to remind her not to struggle. Gabriela didn't struggle. Her hands were in the air, but her arms were starting to feel heavy. Her legs were feeling like rubber, all her limbs started to go numb. After a minute or so Gabriela couldn’t hold her arms up any longer and it was getting more and more difficult for her to keep her eyes open. Her eyelids slowly closed and then fluttered for a brief moment before Gabriela slumped to the carpet. Ever the professional the woman kept the cloth firmly in place and ensured that Gabriela received a good dose and was fully out before standing up, folding the cloth and putting it back in her jacket pocket.

Kirsty Black stood over the woman for a couple seconds then leaned down and searched the unconscious form lying on the ground and found a leather wallet in the inside pocket of the woman’s jacket. Opening the wallet the Kirsty noted the official identification. “Interesting”, she said quietly and produced her phone, took a photograph of the identification and e-mailed the photograph to her boss and the on duty technical person within their organisation. Well she still had business to attend so Kirsty thought that she should better get the unconscious woman secured. Picking her up under the arms Kirsty half carried, half dragged the woman through to the dinning room and with a final effort hoisted her up into one of the large, wooden high backed chairs around the table; fortunately Kirsty had thought to bring something that could be used to tie someone up with. Better to have rope and not use it than need it and not have it.

Having come round and found that her head was pounding again. From experience she now knew that was the after effects of the chloroform. Gabriela couldn’t believe what had happened, she had let someone get the drop of her again and bow found that she was sat bound to a chair. She had quickly gone from never being tied up to being bound twice in the space of a couple of days. Gabriela tested the bonds that were holding her to the hard backed wood chair but they weren’t for coming loose. There were several coils of thin, strong cord or rope around her wrists holding them to the arms of the chair. There were more coils around her upper arms securing them to the chair; also just below her breasts pinning her tight against the hard back of the chair. Similar bindings across her thighs and around her ankles held her fast in place. Then she heard steps approaching and a woman entered from another room carrying a small bag and what looked like a bag of cotton wool pleats which she placed on the dining table and proceeded rummaged about in, looking for something. Gabriella noted that the woman wasn’t disguising her appearance in any way; she didn’t know whether this was a good or bad thing.

“Who are you?” Gabriela asked.

“Nice to see you are awake but please be quiet. I wouldn’t want to disturb the neighbours” the woman said not looking toward Gabriela.

“What were you doing in this house?” The woman strode the five paces across from the table to stand in front of where the chair that Gabriela was bound to was positioned. The woman used a leather gloved hand to slightly raise Gabriela’s chin so that their eyes locked.

“I told you to be quiet. I don’t want to have to use the chloroform again. Well I wouldn’t mind that much but I am sure that you would rather that I didn’t.” Gabriela had to concede on that but thought that she should at least make a point.

“Well I never was good at taking instructions. Ask any of my former bosses?”

“Spunky. I like that. However the question that you should be asking is what do I plan to do with you?” Gabriela tried to stay clam but couldn’t stop herself from swallowing nervously. Kirsty caught that, crossed her arms across her chest and leaned back on the edge of the table and smiled. “Now would you like to tell me what you were doing here?” Gabriela didn’t trust her voice so just shook her head.

“Now I haven’t got all day so let’s try another one. What did Hannah Stanley-Ramos tell you?” Once again Gabriela shook her head. She wasn’t going to tell this woman anything despite being apprehensive about what came next. The woman had a detached calm about her that was unnerving. Suddenly the woman bounced up from the table using nothing but the muscles in her thighs and buttocks. “As much as I have enjoyed our chat it is time to get you nice and quiet.” Gabriela knew what was coming next, she was about to be gagged. Gabriela watched on almost in fascination as the women delved back into her bag and from it produced a handful of fabric, dropping it onto the table bedside the bag of cotton wool. The woman selected a white cloth and scrunched it up in her left hand. “Open wide” the woman said. Gabriela clamped her lips together and jutted her chin out defiantly. “Play it like that then.” The woman pinched Gabriela’s nose and waited, eventually Gabriela had to take a deep breath and the woman took her opportunity and stuffed the cloth deep into Gabriela’s mouth, filling it completely. Gabriela moaned and glared in indignation as the woman went back to the table but didn’t attempt to expel the cloth from her mouth. Gabriela watched on thinking what was next as the woman picked up the bag of cotton wool and a silk scarf before walking back across to where Gabriela sat bound to the chair. The woman reached into the bag of cotton wool pleats and produced a large wad which she placed at the centre of the silk scarf that had been folded into a wide band. The woman picked up the scarf and centred the cotton wool over Gabriela’s packed mouth and held it in place whilst she took both ends of the scarf and walked behind Gabriela who felt the cotton wool compress and the two ends were tied together, there was a brief pause in that increase as the woman freed Gabriela’s long, black locks from under the gag then pull it tighter, eliciting a muffled groan from Gabriela before securing the scarf with a knot. Then the woman picked up another cloth and folded it into a pad, placing it at the centre of another folded scarf. The woman approached Gabriela again and with a wicked smile lined the folded cloth up with where Gabriela’s mouth would be and placed it over where the cotton wool was and then tied the silk scarf behind Gabriela’s head, very tightly keeping, viciously compressing every other part of the gag, keeping everything snugly and securely in place. Gabriela winced as the second scarf was tightened, encasing and compacting all of the material over her mouth. What was this woman doing? This gag was far more than was required to stop her from calling for help from anyone outside the flat. Gabriela doubted she could make a noise that would be audible to someone even ten yards away. Seemingly satisfied with her handiwork the woman packed everything that was on the table back into her bag before turning her attention back to Gabriela. “Now you be good and don’t’ move whilst I check on a couple of things.” The woman said to Gabriela as she stared daggers at her captor. The woman headed for the exit and as she was about to leave the room the woman felt her phone vibrate, finding it in her pocket she glanced at the screen, recognising the number she instantly flipped it open to answer. “Hello boss.”

“Are you in private?” the voice at the other end of the line said.

“Give me a second” the woman said, glancing round at Gabriela and then walking out of the room and into the hall where she should be out of earshot of the bound and gagged woman. “Clear now boss.”

“I had a look at the information on the agent that had the misfortune to stumble across you. It looks she may be one of the agents that Stanley-Ramos talked with. It may be interesting to have a chat with her to corroborate what Stanley-Ramos told the authorities.”

“It would be difficult to conduct a full interrogation here. Also I don’t have the tools of the trade along with me. What do you want me to do?”

“Can you bring her along? I think I should have a talk with her to establish what the authorities know.”

“Yes I can bring her along.”

“Do you need me to send a team?”

“It’s alright. Miss Beneteau is with the car backing me up. We will manage between us. Anyway I already have the agent secured and there is always chloroform if she doesn’t co-operate.”

“Thanks Kirsty. As always you are exceeding expectations.”

“Thanks boss.” The line went dead and Kirsty hung up the call then found Vernie’s number on her phone and sent a text telling her to come up to the flat.

When the woman had been out of the room Gabriela had tried the security of her bonds and found that there was no give. All that she had succeeded in doing was rocking the chair on its legs a little. Just as she had finished attempting to get loose the woman walked back into the room where Gabriela sat bound to the chair. “Change of plan. My boss wants a word so you are coming among with me.” Gabriela looked at the woman, wondering who her boss was and why that person thought her important enough to want to talk to. Gabriela stared as the woman took up a position leaning against the wall and crossed her arms as if she didn’t have a care in the world. Gabriela tried to relax and took deep, controlled breathes through her nose, in and out, in and out. Then there was a noise from the general direction of the front door into the flat, Gabriela turned her head and hoped that salvation had just knocked but a glance back at the woman told her that it wouldn’t be the case, there was no look of concern on her face. The woman pushed off from her position against the wall and calmly walked out of the room and once again briefly out of view, returning followed by another women, this woman was slightly shorter with shoulder length blonde hair, highlighted and obviously expensively styled. The new arrival wore a similar outfit to the first woman, tight jeans, tight dark coloured sweater and a long down jacket. The new arrival also wore what looked to be the same black leather gloves as the first woman. The dark haired woman took up a position slightly to the right of Gabriela whilst the blonde broke off slightly to her left and moved closer in. “As we are going to be spending some time together we may as well get to know each other. My name if Kirsty and my colleague Miss Beneteau, or Vernie to her friends is going to alter your bindings.”

“Do not struggle and comply with my instructions and this does not have to be an unpleasant experience.” Gabriela stared at the woman that had been introduced as Vernie Beneteau like she was a bit weird. What on earth was that supposed to mean?

“If you think this is a chance to make some kind of move Agent Vasquez, forget about it, Carry on Vernie.” Kirsty said as she removed the dart gun from the pocket of her jacket and levelled it at Gabriela, who nodded her understanding. There would be no resistance from her. The woman called Vernie approached and untied both of Gabriela’s wrists and upper arms from the chair and followed that by untying the rope that was just below her breasts, securing Gabriela to the back of the chair. Once that was completed Vernie told her to lean forward, Gabriela complied with the instruction. “Now put your hands behind you back and cross your wrists.” Once again Gabriela complied with the instruction and felt cord being wrapped and then tightened round her wrists, securing them together. Vernie then released Gabriela from the other bindings her to the chair and helped her to stand up.

“Nice gag Kirsty.” After once again marvelling at the strange exchanges between these women Gabriela made a mental note of the names. You never knew when information may come in useful. Once she was in a standing position Vernie picked up one of the lengths of cords that had been used to secure Gabriella to the chair and wrapped in around Gabriela’s body to pin her arms to her body. Whilst this had been going on Kirsty had made herself busy collecting all of the unused length of cords and putting them back in her bag. After putting the cords in the bag Kirsty removed another scarf, this one brightly patterned and folded it before placing it on Gabriela as a headscarf, tying the ends together under her chin.

“Not very modern I admit but it helps to disguise the gag a bit,” Kirsty explained, “and it looks good on you.” Gabriela stared daggers at Kirsty, suddenly wishing she had done more to resist before being chloroformed and bound.

“I moved the car to the back of the building,” Vernie informed Kirsty.

“Ideal. Let’s get going. You can lead the way and I will lead our friend.” Vernie picked up the bag that Kirsty had put on the table and headed for the door. “I hope I don’t have to tell you not to try and cause a scene as we leave.” Gabriela just stared at the woman again, deciding that if she got the chance she would try and get help, although at this point she didn’t know how. The only question was how. Gagged as heavily as she was there was no chance of alerting anybody by calling for help. Kirsty grabbed Gabriela by the upper arm and lead her out of the flat and onto the landing. Kirsty stopped and allowed Vernie to close the door behind them and retake the lead. Vernie walked along the corridor with Kirsty and Gabriela a couple of paces behind, casually walking passed the lift and down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs Vernie turned toward the rear of the building and Gabriela’s heart sank as she realised that there was nobody around for her to try and get the attention of. As the back door was held open Gabriela could see that it was now pitch black outside with the only light coming from dim bulbs attached to the back of the buildings overlooking the alley. The group approached a large, dark coloured four door saloon car that was pointing down the alley.

“That’s it unlocked.” Vernie said. Gabriela hadn’t heard anything nor seen the lights flash so those features had obviously turned off. Vernie got into the driver’s seat but Kirsty stopped Gabriela just short of the car.

“Right if you promise to behave you can ride on the back with me. If not then you can go in the boot.” Gabriela nodded her head confirming that she would behave. Hopefully that’s the way Kirsty took the gesture as she had no interest in spending the journey in the boot. Kirsty opened the rear car door and Gabriela felt a hand on top of her head guiding, encouraging her down onto the rear seat. Gabriela turned and twisted and with her hands tied and arms pinned to her body managed to get her bottom positioned onto the seat. Instinctively Gabriela went to swing her legs into the car but Kirsty stopped her; then quickly used a length of cord to bind her ankles together. Kirsty nodded and then Gabriela swung her now bound ankles into the car. As soon as she had done that Kirsty shut the door, walked round and got in the other side. Gabriela heard the engine start and felt the car pull away. Not long after the car pulled away a scent caught the back of Gabriela’s throat; it was a scent that she recognised from the not too distant past. Then suddenly something soft and thick was pressed over the lower half of her face. The smell intensified greatly, it was the smell of the fumes that had now rendered her unconscious on a couple of occasions. Gabriela couldn’t help it, the natural reaction to the fumes and cloth was to throw her head back to try and escape, to shake the cloth of off but she needn’t have bothered. The cloth remained clamped in place and it didn’t take long for the chemical to have the desired effect and she slipped into unconsciousness.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Among many other things, I like the complexity of the plot! It never gets boring, not in the slightest. Kristy is a true professional. She let Gabrielle no opportunity. And we do not know, what it is, that Crawford wants, besides Hayley King 😁
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Just out of interest the below are who I would ideally cast as Hayley and Gabriela in the film version of the story. All I need now is the £100million budget and a crew. Anyway back to the I am sure that is what you are here for.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 37

Buoyed that her friend wasn’t as badly injured as she has first feared Hayley was in good spirits as she made her way back toward the elevators. After pushing the button to call the lift Hayley heard and a noise and turned to confirm where it had come from, the area that was blocked off with barriers. It was then that Hayley caught a glimpse of a female nurse with red hair and a doctor disappearing around the corner at the end of the corridor and something at the back of her mind told Hayley that there was something familiar about the doctor, the hair and the way that she moved. It was also strange Hayley thought that the medical professionals would be heading deeper into a section of the hospital that was clearly being refurbished. Despite knowing that she really should get back to the hotel her natural curiosity got the better of her and Hayley found herself snaking between the barriers and walking along the corridor then around the corner. There was a set of double doors about twenty yards away with a sign on the left hand door that even Hayley could translate, No Entry – Works. There were no other doors so the two medical staff must have gone through that door. A small voice at the back of her mind told Hayley that she shouldn’t go any further but once again curiosity got the better of her and Hayley pushed though the doors and took several steps into the corridor beyond. Hayley jumped slightly as the door swung closed behind her, taking with it a lot of the light. The corridor and the rooms beyond where Hayley was now standing were obvious closed for refurbishment; dingy off white walls met a worn brown carpet on the floor. There were various pieces of building equipment strewn around the area; sheets hanging from the ceilings, paint cans on the ground and only about every fifth light operational, giving the area a dingy glow. It was like set from a cheap horror film. Hayley stood perfectly still for about half a minute before deciding that whatever had drawn her into this section of the hospital had been satisfied and now she wanted to leave. When she turned to leave Hayley found that standing just in front of her was the nurse that she had glimpsed earlier on. Hayley stifled a scream by clamping her hand over her mouth and almost jumped ten feet in the air. “Sorry, did I startle you,” the nurse said.

“Yes, yes you did,” Hayley replied after regaining her composure.

“Well you shouldn’t really be in this area of the hospital. It could be dangerous.” Hayley nodded and took a second to appraise the nurse closely. The woman spoke very good English but with an accent that wasn’t German. If Hayley had to guess she would have said Mediterranean, probably Italian. The nurse had a pretty, round face with green eyes with shoulder length auburn hair and a bosom straining against the tightness of her uniform.

“What are you doing here then?” Hayley replied. As she studied the nurse Hayley noted that the woman’s hair was shiny and stylishly cut, the make up subtle and well done, the hands looked smooth and the nails manicured but what gave it away were the footwear, a high pair of white heels. No nurse would wear a pair like that whilst on shift. The two women locked eyes for a split second and Hayley could tell that the woman posing as a nurse knew; knew that Hayley had saw through the disguise. Suddenly there was a flash of movement and Hayley felt herself flying backward, the roof came into view a split second before her back impacted on the floor. Before Hayley could do anything she felt a weight on top of her and a cloth pressed over the lower half of her face. Despite being attacked Hayley took a brief moment to admire the speed of the move that the woman had made; now she had to fend off the attack. The moment that the cloth had been placed over her nose and mouth the familiar smell of chloroform had hit her nostrils and throat. The nurse had the advantage of leverage and surprise but Hayley struggled to fight her off. Hayley knew that the more that she exerted herself struggling the more of the fumes that she would inhale but there was nothing else for it. Hayley squirmed around and managed to get her left arm free but the nurse responded quickly and pinned that to the floor using her own right arm whilst keeping the cloth firmly in place with her left. Hayley’s right arm was trapped between her and the nurse and she had to get it free soon as she could feel the chloroform start to take effect. The struggle was in stalemate for what seemed minutes but Hayley knew that couldn’t have been the case otherwise she would have been unconscious, however at the last second and with the dark cloud starting to close in at the corner of her vision Hayley’s right arm slipped free and with one last effect balled up her fist and lashed out with all that she could muster against the nurse. The punch contacted square against her temple and the woman grunted before slumping onto Hayley, the cloth slipping away from Hayley’s nose and mouth. The nurse wasn’t out cold but Hayley had to take advantage of this and get away. With some effect Hayley heaved the nurse to the side and managed to get out from under the woman wearing the nurses’ uniform and began to crawl along the carpeted floor until a pair of feet wearing black, strappy heels appeared in front of her. “Hello Hayley. Nice to see you again” said a familiar voice from above. Hayley was absolutely shocked by this turn of events; this was the last person that Hayley expected to find at this place, right now. Surely it couldn’t be. Hayley didn’t want to look up and let her eyes confirm what her ears told her but forced herself to do just that. So shocked was Hayley that she forgot to keep moving which gave the nurse a chance to pounce, once again pressing the cloth over Hayley’s nose and mouth and then almost jumping onto Hayley’s back. This brought Hayley back to what her original problem was and started to fight back but a second person fell onto her legs. “Just go to sleep like a good little nuisance…” said the voice from above. “Then again I do like it when you get feisty.” This prompted a muffled grunt in response from Hayley but she knew that she was in deep trouble, slowly being drugged to sleep, the dark cloud now almost blocking her vision. “We can get reacquainted later when you wake up.” That was the last thing that Hayley heard before her eyes closed and she went to sleep.

"I love it when their eyelids flutter like that," Elizabeth Crawford said almost to herself.

“What did you say Ms Crawford?” said the woman in the nurses outfit as she unsteadily got back to her feet, moving her jaw and rubbing it with one hand.

“It was nothing important Nicole. It looks like she caught really caught you with that right.”

“She did that Ms Crawford,” Nicole responded with a grimace, casting a dirty look at Hayley lying prone on the grimy floor.

“Get the stretcher and take her to the train. No mistakes with this one Nicole and no thoughts of getting any payback for that punch. This one is personal and not professional.” Crawford said to her colleague with the auburn hair. Nicole nodded and turned to help Mila, the person that had landed on Hayley’s legs retrieve the stretcher from further along the corridor. Wheeling the stretcher level with the prone Hayley, Mila depressed the lever that allowed the legs of the stretcher to collapse which made it easier for them to lift Hayley and place her onto the stretcher. Mila then held the lever down again and allowed the stretcher to bounce back up to its full height.

“Mila, will you buckle our guest in whilst I clean up a bit?” Mila nodded

“I will see you back at the train,” Elizabeth Crawford said over her shoulder as she walked down the corridor toward a set of emergency escape stairs. Mila and Nicole both looked on as Elizabeth Crawford strode away, slipping off the white doctor’s coat as she walked and throwing it aside. As Nicole picked up the chloroform soaked cloth and Hayley’s shoe that had come off during their earlier struggle she looked across at Mila. The woman had long black hair that almost touched her waist tied back in a ponytail and was wearing the stolen uniform of a French paramedic. Mila was not a member of Elizabeth Crawford’s organisation but was local muscle hired for this particular job with the group being stretched thin with Perrie and Christine in Vienna and Kirsty and Vernie on another job in Paris. Mila didn’t say much; in fact she hadn’t uttered a word since they had met up an hour earlier. To be honest that was fine with Nicole. She watched as Mila slipped off Hayley’s jacket and other shoe and stored them under the bed of the gurney. Then she secured Hayley’s ankles and wrists to the gurney using the inbuilt leather straps, this was followed by two larger straps across Hayley’s thighs and torso, firmly securing Hayley in place. Nicole walked across and placed the lost shoe beside its partner before grabbing a white blanket and draping it over Hayley to hide the straps binding her to the gurney.

“What do we do with this?” Nicole turned and looked at Mila who was holding up Hayley’s handbag. This was the first thing that Mila had said to her. Nicole reached out and Mila handed the bag over. A quick search revealed nothing of interest, except of Hayley’s mobile so Nicole decided to leave it behind and left the bag an its contents on the floor.

“Let’s get moving.” Nicole said and moved to the front of the gurney, Mila moved to the rear and the two started to push and pull the gurney through the empty section of the hospital toward a bank of elevators. After the car had arrived Nicole and Mila carefully manoeuvred the gurney into the elevator and pushed the button for the ground floor. Once the doors opened they found themselves in the busy Emergency Room area of the hospital. Calmly the two women started to move the gurney toward the large doors where patients entered and exited the Emergency Room from and to ambulances. Nobody gave them a second glance as it was not an unusual sight to see a paramedic and nurse wheeling a patient on a gurney. As they approached the large doors that would see them exit the building they opened automatically to let them through with ease. There was nobody around to ask them any questions as they approached the van and they made a sharp right turn and headed toward a row of ambulances with a plain black van at one end. Nicole pulled out a key fob and pushed a button, the indicator lights on the van flashed to indicate that the locks had been disengaged. Nicole opened the rear door and looked inside. Although it was a plain van the interior had been adapted so that it could accommodate the gurney in a similar fashion to an ambulance. They quickly got the gurney with Hayley strapped onto it in the van and fastened it in place. Nicole got into the rear of the van and sat on a seat beside Hayley and handed the keys to Mila. “The shortest route to the station but don’t attract any unwanted attention.” Mila nodded and closed over the rear doors as Nicole leaned back in the seat to try and relax for the duration of the journey.


The room had started to come into focus about five minutes ago as Hayley found herself sitting on a chair that had been placed in the corner of the room. The room was seemed strange in some way but Hayley couldn’t put her finger on it. Although it was small there was still space for two single beds in addition to a single stand alone wardrobe, the light came from a couple of bright led fittings in the ceiling. There was what looked like a window over to Hayley’s right but it was covered in some way. She would have got up and checked but her wrists and ankles were secured to the chair in which she was currently seated in by leather straps. Hayley could have tried calling for help but she didn’t know where she was, plus there was a strip of tape plastered over her mouth. Then Hayley noticed the two large objects lying out, one of the nearest bed and the other on the floor. They looked like overstuffed sleeping bags but were actually used by her captors as inescapable long term restraining devices. Hayley gulped in anticipation of the fate that no doubt awaited her. Not long after regaining consciousness the narrow door to the room opened and three figures entered, the nurse from earlier, a woman with dark hair and leading the way Elizabeth Crawford. “It is so nice to see you again Hayley. I am sure that you feel the same.” Hayley had to admire the woman’s sense of self if nothing else. “Let me get that nasty tape off your mouth.” Elizabeth leaned in, grabbed the edge of the tape and sharply yanked the tape off. Hayley winced but didn’t give the women satisfaction of yelling out.

“Where are my shoes?” Hayley asked. The three women all looked at her with puzzled expressions. No doubt shocked that someone who had been abducted would open with that question.

“Don’t worry we have kept them safe,” Elizabeth replied with a smile. “Not that you will need them where you are going. Well at least not for a while anyway.” Hayley tired to disguise her discomfort at that comment. Hayley knew that Elizabeth and her crew were skilled operatives when it came to keeping people captive.

“Good because I really like those shoes.”

“Well Hayley I guess that you are wondering why our paths have crossed again? Perhaps who wanted you out of the way?” Hayley sat silently but did wonder what was going on. Could it have been the De Havilland sisters that hired Elizabeth Crawford too keep her out of the way until the trial? Perhaps it was an old foe from her time in the employ of the government or someone from the past couple of years as a private investigator. “I can see that the question intrigues you but I won’t spoil the surprise right at this moment.”

“Something to look forward to later,” Hayley commented.

“Well something else after being restrained Hayley,” Elizabeth replied. Hayley couldn’t stop herself from rolling her eyes at that comment. “Well enough chat for now. Time to get you properly restrained for the journey and I won’t lie for hopefully a long time beyond Hayley” Elizabeth Crawford gloated. “Annika and Nicole will see to it that you are comfortable.” Hayley glanced again at the two large bags lying on out, on the beds, they looked even larger and more puffed up than Hayley remembered. As if reading her mind Crawford said. “New and improved versions Hayley; I am sure that you will notice and enjoy the difference.”

“Thanks” was all that Hayley could think to say.

“Ladies, Hayley has experience of being bound and restrained like this before so she should be a willing victim. Any nonsense from Miss King and you can use the chloroform.” Elizabeth they turned her attention back to Hayley. “We can catch up properly later.” With that Elizabeth Crawford exited the compartment. Although Hayley didn’t want to be bound and restrained again but the path was already chosen when she had been grabbed at the hospital, there was nothing that Hayley could do to resist now. There was no way that she could get through the two women between her and the door without them pressing a chloroform soaked cloth over her nose and mouth and knocking her out. Even if she managed to get through the two women and through the door she had no idea what was beyond.

“So which one of you is Nicole,” Hayley asked. The redheaded nurse from earlier nodded her head and rub the left hand side of her face before walking across to where Hayley sat and began to release the straps from her wrists and ankles. “Sorry about the whole punch thing earlier. No hard feelings.” Nicole finished the last strap and stood back, ignoring the comment.

“Tough crowd,” Hayley commented as she stood up.

“First things first Hayley you will have to strip” the other woman who must have been Annika said. Hayley shook her head but starting to slowly take off her clothes, starting with her socks and moving up. As Hayley was stripping under the watchful gaze of Annika, Nicole pulled a pink down filled suit out of the wardrobe. Then Nicole walked across to a large box sitting on the corner of the compartment and pulled a large, thick adult diaper. Whilst undressing Hayley glanced across and noted that the smooth external shell of the diaper was also pink. Nice that they were keeping it colour co-ordinated Hayley thought. Annika kept a wary eye on Hayley as the captive removed her jeans and blouse, folding them neatly and placing them on the chair that she had been secured to. Nicole nodded and Hayley reluctantly slid her panties down to the floor and stepped out of them. Knowing what would be next Hayley strode across lay down on the empty bed, noting that there was a plastic changing mat lying on it. After a couple of seconds Hayley felt a tap on her hip and took this as a sign to raise her bottom from the bed. Hayley then felt her bum and private area being wiped with a damp cloth and tensed before a cool cream was applied over her delicate areas and then talcum powered was sprinkled over her and then gently patted in.

“Good girl Hayley. Don’t worry its just to clean the area and help avoid diaper rash. You can lower your bum back down now” Nicole said. When she did Hayley felt her bum land on the centre of the soft, thick diaper. Hayley lay perfectly still as Nicole finished the process of putting on the diaper by bringing up the front and securing the sticky tabs to keep it in place. After that process was completed Hayley spun her legs and got back off the bed to be instantly handed the down filled suit by Annika. Hayley looked at the suit for a second, before taking it from Annika and slowly putting it on. First the left leg then the right before slipping her arms through the smooth nylon arms and shrugging the suit over her shoulders and zipping it up fully to the neck. Despite her current predicament Hayley couldn’t help but run her hands over the smooth surface of the suit and admire how comfortable it was.

“Hands out in front Hayley.” This time the instruction came from Nicole who produced a pair of finger control mitts and proceeded to put one of each of Hayley’s hands. The mitts had a small buckle at the wrist section which Nicole tightened to lock the mitts in place. Hayley winced as the buckle was secured and tried wriggling her fingers. The mitts were thickly padded and severely limited the movement of her fingers. That combined with the silky smoothness of the fabric on both the inside and outside of the mitts meant that trying to pick something up almost impossible, rendering her hands useless. Then Hayley watched as Nicole placed padded cuffs on her wrists, just above the end of the mitts, locking them together with not much of a gap, restricting independent movement.

“Open you mouth” Hayley jumped slightly then did as instructed. Nicole picked up what Hayley recognised as one of those large padded gags with a ball in the middle. The large soft ball at the centre of the gag was forced into her mouth, almost completely filling it. Hayley instantly reacted and closed her mouth around the ball as the pad was pushed against her lips. Hayley felt it push down on her lips as Nicole used the buckle at the back of Hayley’s head to secure it in place, Annika kindly held Hayley’s hair out of the way before the buckle was tightened completely.

“Is there any need to make it so tight” Hayley said. Obviously due to the heavy gag nothing more than a mumbled whisper could be heard. Once again Hayley concluded that the pad was made of the same material as the mitts, thickly padded and smooth to the touch.

“I can hardly make you out. Say that again” Nicole said cupping a hand to her ear. “On second thoughts, don’t bother. There isn’t any point.” A smile crept across the face of both of the other women in the compartment. Maybe Hayley shouldn’t have thrown that punch earlier on.

“Yes very effective gag detective and definitely required” Annika chipped in.

“MHUPH WIHTH” Hayley protested from behind her gag. On seconds thoughts she should have cracked Nicole harder.

“I can’t understand what you are saying but I am guessing it wasn’t complementary” Annika said. Whilst this exchange was taking place Nicole had went into a bag and produced five padded leather straps. Christine approached Hayley and used two of the larger straps to bind Hayley’s arms tightly to her body, Hayley grunted into her gag as each buckle was tightened. Nicole then indicated for Hayley to sit on the edge of the bed with the restraining bag on it. Once Hayley had sat down Nicole quickly used three more straps to secure Hayley’s legs together at the ankles, just below the knees and around the thighs, leaving Hayley securely bound. Hayley noted that there was slightly less discomfort around her groin when the thigh strap was buckled so she thought that they must have made improvements to the design of the diapers, or she was just used to wearing a diaper. That thought was not comforting.

“Now let’s get you into the restraining bags and comfortable” Nicole said. With Hayley’s movement extremely limited by her bindings Nicole Hayley into a standing position next to the bed whilst Annika manoeuvred the internal bag into position, running her hand over the nylon shell to check the smoothness and loft of the bag. Once the bag was in position Nicole and Annika manhandled Hayley into position and sat her onto the centre of the bag. Without having to be told Hayley swung her legs up, round and slipped them into the bag. Annika quickly folded the top of the bag over onto Hayley and zipped the bag all the way up and closed. Taking the opportunity whilst the external bag was prepared Hayley had a wriggle around to get comfortable; she knew there was no chance of getting free. Hayley noted that the thickness or filling of the sleeping bag seemed to more than the other bags that she had been restrained in previously as the bag felt tighter around her body when she wriggled about.

“Hayley please do not struggle whilst we put you in the second restraining bag.” Hayley certainly wasn’t going to help them and just lay still as she felt her legs get lifted as they were slid into the second bag. Hayley heard the sound of the two nylon surfaces against each other as the women went about the business of slipping the rest of Hayley’s nylon and down encased body into the larger, second bag. Finally getting the hood under Hayley’s head Nicole with some assistance from Annika managed to bring the two halves of the external bag together and fighting against the loft of the internal bag managed to get the centre zip up to the top before locking it off. “Just hold still and no squirming for a minute whilst we make you secure.” Hayley wondered what that comment meant but found out when she felt tugging at the sides of the bad around where her elbows would be located.

Nicole and Annika took a side each and went to work. This external restraining bag was slightly different to those that they normally used. Due to the nature of the movement of the train they had been adapted to take this into account and prevent the captive from rolling off the bed and injuring themselves, although with the amount of padding layered in the two restraining bags how much damaged could be done was debateable but Nicole supposed that it was better safe than sorry. Each bag had three buckled on either side; in relation to the occupant they would be mid-torso, around the hip and at the ankles. They corresponded to belts positioned on the bed that once connected would hold the down filled cocoon and it’s occupant in place through all but the most violent of manoeuvres. It didn’t take long for the women to secure all six straps to the buckles and tighten them. “Now Hayley that’s us strapped you in place for the journey, purely for your own safety. Feel free to squirm about and get comfortable within the bags themselves but don’t try to move around on the bed as movement will be restricted. No means of escape but you will be very comfortable for the duration of your captivity. But then you know that better than us” Nicole said with a smile and with a pat of the bag turned to leave. The two women exited the compartment and Hayley heard the door close behind them. Annika pushed two bolts into place at the top and bottom of the door so that it couldn’t be opened from the inside.

Just at that point Kirsty came walking along the tight corridor followed by a bound and heavily gagged Gabriela with Vernie bringing up the rear. The group stopped and the four operatives exchanged pleasantries. “Nicole, would you assist Vernie and help her take Gabriela to the main suite?” Nicole nodded and she led Vernie and an obviously unimpressed Gabriela through a door and toward the next carriage. “I assume that is Hayley King in there?’ Kirsty asked once Gabriela was out of earshot.

“Yes. Are there special instructions for this one?” Annika asked knowing that their boss had a particular interest in this captive. “Should I keep her sedated with chloroform?"

“Not unless you have to. As long as Hayley behaves herself, I don't see any reason why she can't stay awake and enjoy the ride. There is no way that anybody gets out of those restraints but hourly checks to be on the safe side. Apart from that it will be standard full restraint procedure in place” Kirsty replied.

“That is fine.”

“Thanks Annika. I had better go and check in with Ms Crawford.” Kirsty squeezed passed Annika and made her way toward the first carriage Elizabeth Crawford’s office.

Left to her own devices Hayley once again wriggled about, well as much as the loft of the down compressing against her body would let her to get comfortable. Hayley knew from experience that the loft would increase over the hours and the nylon would get more restrictive. After a short amount of time Hayley thumped her head back into the pillow under her head a couple of times in frustration at finding herself a captive of Elizabeth Crawford yet again, once was bad luck, twice bad judgement but three times! The only conciliation was that as opposed to being bound to a steel framed cot on a thin mattress by her French friends she was indeed very comfortable.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Hope that you enjoyed the previous chapter! [mention]puffalover[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]Windrunner[/mention] [mention]Amberbound[/mention] [mention]TamatoaShiny123[/mention]
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Post by Caesar73 »

I really did enjoy this chapter [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] - the Enhanced Restraing System never falls to impress me! It is well thought through and I feel sorry for Hayley! She won't get out of that bags soon and I 'm rather sure, Hayley won't like it at all, what Crawford understands under catching up. To rescue Hayley out of Crawfords Clutches this time, will be even harder when last time ..... poor Hayley! Keep up morale will be difficult. On the plus side, her friends are out there.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Another question which intrigues me: Crawford is using a a train very frequently this time. I wonder where Crawfords Island is located. In the Atlantic? I Or in the Meditereanean? Or in another region altogether? Somehow Crawford does not strike me as friend of a more northern climate.

And there is that: Rihannon will spent a few days with Gayle in Italy - so this points maybe to a lake there or an Island near the Coast?

Oh and I liked the colourtheme of the restraining System! Pink suits Hayley :) A pink Lady 😁😁
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 38

The door had been opened and the two women had pushed Gabriela into the room, well cabin would be a more accurate description as they were on a train and from what Gabriela had seen it was no ordinary train. It was clearly a very high specification private train with four carriages split into different compartments. Gabriela had been brought in at the end of the last carriage and led through what looked like a small kitchen and break out room at the rear then along two carriages with compartments off to one side and finally into this last carriage and into the first compartment which had a double bed and some other furniture and was tastefully and expensively decorated. Gabriela had been careful to take a note of anything that could be useful when she made her escape which included the names of the women who had grabbed her. There was Vernie and Nicole who were with her now plus Annika and Kirsty, who seemed to be in some kind of supervisor role. Kirsty couldn’t have been in charge as they all kept referring to someone as the boss. No doubt Gabriela would meet her at some point, hopefully soon and have a discussion. But first they would have to take her hefty gag off; that had remained in place as had the ropes around her wrists and pining her arms to her body. Nicole went across to the bed and pulled something out from underneath it, a long plastic coated item and placed it in the middle of the floor. “Lie down on that,” Nicole said. Bound as she was that wasn’t going to be easy and it took a little help from Vernie managed to do just that. Nicole then leaned down and placed a small pillow under her head. Gabriela was a bit confused about what was going on. Then she started to panic as Vernie undid her shoes and pulled them off, the woman then moved up and started to unbutton Gabriela’s jeans.

“MMPPRRHH,” Gabriela screamed but that was barely audible through her heavily gagged mouth.

“No point in trying to scream and struggle. Don’t worry we aren’t interested in doing anything sexual, at least not until the boss says that it is alright.” Gabriela stopped and stared at Nicole totally perplexed. “We are professionals and treat all of our captives with respect.” This just got weirder Gabriela thought. “If you want to be silly about this then we can also use the chloroform. Would you like that?” Gabriela shook her head slowly and made decided to play along for the moment until she saw an opportunity so raised her hips to allow Vernie to remove her jeans and panties. Next Nicole handed Vernie a pair of scissors and she used them to cut away the clothes that Gabriela was wearing on her top half until only her bra was left. “Don’t worry we supply the wardrobe for all of our guests.” Once that was job was completely Gabriela watched Nicole move across the compartment and pull out a thick package from a drawer below the bed. It was pink with some small white sections and looked to have some kind of faint pattern on it. If Gabriela didn’t know better she would have sworn it was a larger version of a child diaper.

“OORRRMMM” Gabriella moaned behind her gag. It was bad enough being bound and gagged in addition she didn’t want the humiliation of having to wear a diaper as part of these chicks weird games.

“Look Gabriela the diaper is going on, even if we have to knock you out again. The boss insists that every guest has to wear one whilst restrained. Now raise your hips.” There was a rustling sound as Nicole unfurled the diaper to its full length and pulled out the flaps. After a couple of seconds Gabriela complied and lifted her hips. “Look at her face Vernie. You could boil a kettle on it.” Gabriela could feel that her face was bright red with a combination of anger and embarrassment. Gabriela felt her bum and private area being wiped with something cold and damp and tensed before a cool cream was applied over her delicate areas and then talcum powered was sprinkled over her and then gently patted in.

“Good girl Gabby. Don’t worry its just to clean the area and help avoid diaper rash. You can lower your bum back down now” Nicole said. When she did Gabriela felt her bum land on the centre of the soft, thick diaper and lay perfectly still as Nicole finished the process of putting on the diaper by bringing up the front and securing the sticky tabs to keep it in place. Now thoroughly humiliated at being almost naked and being made to wear a diaper Gabriela didn’t offer any resistance as the two women helped her up and led her the short distance to the bed where they forced her face down onto the bed and quickly used a length of cord to tie her ankles together before positioning Gabriela onto her back with her head at the centre of one of the pillows with her long body and shapely legs stretched out. Finally Vernie leaned over and slipped a thickly padded sleeping mask over Gabriela’s eyes. The two women seemed satisfied with what they had done and busied themselves with a quick tidy up before exiting the room.

After hearing the door shut and counting off what she considered to be an appropriate amount of time Gabriela proceeded to attempt to get free. When she tried to roll onto her face and then over onto her other side, the goal seemed almost impossible. The bedding was oversized; almost twice the size of regular bedding, so soft and bulky that her body sank into the duvet and the mattress beneath, allowing her no firm surface that she could rock against to create momentum. In any case, her choice was restricted. If she was able to roll about on the bed, her struggles could carry her over the edge, and she was completely powerless to prevent a rough landing if she was to fall. When she attempted to rub her face against the coverlet in a bid to dislodge either the gag or the blindfold, the same softness plus the silky smooth surface of the duvet cover thwarted her efforts. She succeeded only in burying her face into the loose layers and had to raise her head quickly to catch her breath and keep from smothering. When it became too much to bear she struggled anew, but it always ended in the same way, with exhaustion, her wrists burning from the tight cords that held them together, her jaws stretched wide apart, mouth clogged with cloth, head pounding from the after effects of the chloroform and embarrassment of being forced to wear a diaper.

“I like it when girls struggle” a female voice said, a voice that she hadn’t heard before. Gabriela tried to ascertain from where the voice had come from. She had been so intent of escaping that she obviously hadn’t heard the door opening. At the same time she wondered how long whoever belonged to the voice has been watching her. Gabriela then felt weight on the bed next to her which dented it enough so that she fell toward it and hit what she assumed to be someone’s leg. Suddenly the sleep mask was whipped off but before her eyes could fully adjust to the light again a hand containing a folded white cloth suddenly appeared in front of Gabriela’s face partially obscuring her vision briefly. It was promptly pressed over her nose and mouth. Before Gabriela could react she had already inhaled a substantial amount of the sweet smelling vapour from the substance which had wet the cloth, chloroform. Gabriela whimpered in frustration at her situation. “Don’t get frustrated we are good at this,” the woman whispered as her free hand stroked the hair away from over Gabriela’s face. Her vision came into focus briefly and over the top of the cloth Gabriela could see the stunning features of a woman in her mid forties. Then her vision lost focus again and the not soon after that everything went black.

Gabriela was not sure how long the chloroform had kept her under, probably not that long but it had enough for her captors to subdue her again, this time in a different position, tied spread eagled to the bed, on top of the overstuffed bedding. There were leather cuffs around her wrists and ankles and each had a metal loop on it that was connected to a similar loop on each corner of the bed by a length of black rope. The chloroform had left Gabriela with a headache and a further tarnished ego, embarrassed at how easily these women were able to control her. This time Gabriela heard the door open and watched as the woman that had knocked her out earlier. The woman didn’t say a word as she walked over to the single wardrobe in the room, opened it and took out a hanger. Gabriela watched intently through the dim light as slowly and deliberately the woman took off the dress that she was wearing, revealing a set of skimpy dark underwear and carefully hung it on the hanger. Next the woman reached into the wardrobe and removed a silky robe and slipped it on. “My name is Elizabeth Crawford. I thought that it was time that we were formally introduced.” Whilst making the introduction Elizabeth reached into the wardrobe, pulled something out and hid it behind her thigh so that Gabriela couldn’t see it. “I need to ask you some questions but first let’s have some fun.” Gabriela was frozen, wondering what the woman was doing as Elizabeth approached her and clambered onto the bed, resting on her knees off to one side. Elizabeth reached out toward Gabriela who turned her head away but her bindings only allowed so much movement and Elizabeth was able to run her fingers down from Gabriela’s cheek all the way down her body, stopping at where the diaper started. “You are a beautiful woman Gabriela.” Gabriela was still looking away as she felt and heard the sticky tabs being torn away and the front of the diaper folded away. She looked back just in time to see what Elizabeth had been hiding, it was a vibrator. Elizabeth quickly turned it on and placed it on the inside of Gabriela’s thigh who instantly winced at both its touch and the soft burring noise that it made. Gabriela began to thrash against her bonds, panicking at what might be about to happen to her. Although a woman in her late twenties Gabriela had never used sex toys of any nature. “Just relax and this will be an enjoyable experience. I am quite the expert, even if I do say so myself”. Gabriela twitched as Elizabeth Crawford moved the vibrator up one of her thighs, across and then down the other, Crawford continued to do this, lingering on Gabriela’s most private area, constantly, expertly altering both the vibration patterns and touch from feather light to deep pressure to change the intensity of the sensations that Gabriela was feeling.

“MMOOMMTTHH,” Gabriela moaned, getting louder in her own ears even though very little could be heard by Elizabeth Crawford through her gag. Gabriela has never experienced stimulations like this before and after what seemed a long time she felt hot and flushed with sweat beading all over her body, breathing deeply through her nose. Gabriela moaned deeply into her gag as the sensations built towards a climax and threw her head back as the tension and heat in her body built and built until the dam burst and a wave of relaxation spread over her entire body.

“That’s it Gabriela,” Elizabeth Crawford said. Gabriela relaxed a little as the sensations from the vibrator died down and her breathing and hearth rate started to lower a bit. It was then that Gabriela realised that the woman wasn’t finished just yet.


“I won’t tell you anything you sociopath so you may as well do whatever you are going to do to me and get on with it.” After what had seemed like hours Elizabeth Crawford had finally stopped stimulating Gabriela with the vibrator and removed her gag. There had been only one question that the woman had asked. “What did Hannah Stanley-Ramos tell you?” The answer was nothing; beyond that her daughter had been abducted to force her to undertake a task but Gabriela was not going to give that information up, even after what she had just been through.

“Gabriella…I can call you Gabriella, can I. Look I have no interest in hurting you if that it what you think. Anyone who has been held by me will tell you that. Well they would if they weren’t gagged most of the time,” Elizabeth Crawford said.

“As I said I am not telling you a thing,” but the slight crack in her voice gave away her true feelings on her current situation.

“If that’s how you feel then I am happy to oblige. I can take you back to our facility where we can have a proper conversation. I have many tools at my disposal that enhance conversational skills” leaning down to whisper in Gabriella’s ear she continued, “if you think our little chat here was fun wait till I get you back to mine.” Elizabeth Crawford got off the bed and Gabriela assumed that this was the conversation over. Gabriela had to admit that this woman intimidated her. It was the woman’s sense of being in total control that was most affecting. Also Gabriela had to admit that she was nervous about what the future held for her after what Elizabeth Crawford has said about what awaited back at her facility. There was a knock at the door and Gabriela looked toward it. Elizabeth Crawford walked over to it and cracked it open. There was a brief conversation that Gabriela couldn’t hear and then the door closed again. Elizabeth Crawford walked up the side of the bed opened the top drawer of the bedside cabinet, When she appeared in Gabriela’s vision again it was with a bottle in one hand and a thick, white cloth in the other. “Can you guess what this is?” Elizabeth Crawford said with a wicked smile on her face. Slowly she unscrewed the lid of the bottle and poured a lavish amount of the liquid onto the cloth with Gabriela looking on, her will broken and resigned to her fate.

“Please not again,” Gabriela said, her voice almost cracking.

“You will have to get used to it Gabriela,” Elizabeth Crawford said before pressing the cloth over the lower half of Gabriela’s face. Elizabeth then produced a silk scarf and used it to hold the cloth in place by tying it tightly at the nape of Gabriela’s neck. That job done she went about making herself presentable again as Gabriela was forced to inhale the chloroform’s fumes from the cloth and slowly slid into unconsciousness.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 39

The door opened and Kirsty swivelled around in her chair to see Elizabeth Crawford stride into the room. There was a bounce in her step that suggested that the boss had enjoyed her little conversation with their latest captive. Although having also captured Hayley King also had something to do with it Kirsty would wager. Crawford walked past Kirsty on the way to sit behind the desk that sat in one corner of the compartment and patted her on the shoulder. “Sorry that I interrupted boss.” Crawford shook her head, dismissing it as an issue and picked up a bottle of rum. Crawford poured a measure into a glass before gesturing toward Kirsty with the bottle. Kirsty thought for a second before nodding her acceptance. Crawford poured a similar measure into another glass before dropping a single large ice cube into each glass and topping it off with a mixer. Crawford walked around the desk and handed one of the glasses to Kirsty before leaning back on the desk to help her with the swaying motion of the train. The pair clinked glasses and took a mouthful of the drink. Kirsty hoped that they weren’t celebrating prematurely.

“So what did you want to tell me?”

“Perrie called about fifteen minutes ago boss” Kirsty replied. “They have secured that troublesome reporter that had been asking around.” Elizabeth Crawford smiled. This was very good news, the reporter was probably the only loose thread still out there and they had just taken her off the board.

“Have you made arrangements to pick them up?” Kirsty nodded and glanced at her watch.

“Journey time left to Vienna is about six hours. I have made arrangements to meet them at an old siding about thirty minute’s drive time outside of the city. Horace is going pick them up and drop them off.”

“I knew that I you would have taken care of everything Kirsty. I don’t know why I even bothered asking.” Kirsty accepted the compliment with good grace and took another mouthful of the drink from the heavy glass.

“What would you like me to do with that agent, Gabriela?” Kirsty asked

“At the moment keep her separate from Hayley. Put her in the second guest compartment. When we pick up Perrie and Gisele we can decide where we put the reporter. I still have to make up my mind who I want to detain on a permanent basis.” Kirsty nodded again and made to get up and make have Gabriela moved and secure. “Sit down and finish your drink Kirsty. I have left our guest breathing in some chloroform fumes so there is plenty of time.” Just as Elizabeth finished that sentence her mobile phone burred on the desk. A quick glance at the screen told her who was calling; she had been expecting the call. After the operation of obtain the information in Vienna she had sent Christine to make the drop off then instructed her to meet up with Milena Novak. In addition Elizabeth had sent another of her operatives, Antonija along so that Christine had back up.

“Do you want me to leave?” Kirsty asked as Crawford reached to pick up the mobile.

“No. You may as well hear this.” Elizabeth picked up the mobile and pressed the button to accept the call.

“I don’t need babysitters Elizabeth,” Milena Novak said forcefully from the other end of the line.

“Good afternoon Milena. A pleasure to hear from you as always,” Elizabeth responded trying to clam the woman on the other end of the line.

“Do not try and fob me off here Elizabeth. Why did you send your people to check up on me?”

“It isn’t that Milena. We are at a key time in the operation and thought that you may need some assistance. That is all.” Elizabeth made a face at Kirsty.

“Look, I know what you are doing Elizabeth. You don’t trust me and want to have someone close to report back to you.” Elizabeth had to concede that point. She didn’t trust many people and with the operation heading toward the end point she did want to have someone that she could rely on keeping an eye on things to make sure that nothing went wrong.

“Well you did volunteer to have those two agents travel with you,” Elizabeth commented and instantly regretted it.

“I know what I am doing and I have them on a tight leash. They were going to investigate me anyway so better that I can control the narrative. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” There was now silence at the other end of the line and Elizabeth guessed that Novak’s fury had blown out. “So are you ready to move the operation to its final phase?”

“Let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves Milena.” Elizabeth Crawford leaned back in the large armchair behind the desk in her private carriage of the train as it rattled along the tracks. There were still several steps of the plan to get through. “We still have to get into the vault and then crack the codes on the files to obtain the information.”

“The information in the vault doesn’t really bother me Elizabeth. I am purely in this for the money.” Elizabeth could picture the large smile that had broken out across her partners face when she said that.

“Well nice to hear from you Milena. We will keep in contact over the next couple of days.” Elizabeth Crawford pushed the button to terminate the connection then spun her chair round so that she could stare out of the train window and contemplate. Elizabeth did admit that Novak was correct in that to date the plan was progressing well; nobody had gotten wind of what she had planned yet. Even Hayley King getting involved had worked out in the end as Hayley had snooped in the wrong place and they had manage to capture her and she was now secured in a compartment in the next carriage. The next steps in the plan were to get Hayley back to base and hidden out of the way then secure a mathematics expert that can solve complex equation which would facilitate access to the information held in the vaults. Crawford had to admit that she couldn’t wait to find out what information was held in the vault. The rumours were that it was information on individuals such as politicians, famous faces and some of the most influential members of the international community in addition to stuff that governments wouldn’t want to be made public knowledge. She only hoped that the rumours were true and it was worth this effort. Anyway there was one more stop to make before any of that to pick up that snooping reporter. Kirsty knew that her boss was contemplating so kept quiet and sipped her drink until it was finished. Then Elizabeth Crawford seemed to remember that Kirsty was in the room.

“Have you got that list of attendees for the Conference in Copenhagen?” Kirsty picked up her tablet from the desk and scanned through the documents as her boss spun back round to face her. Selecting the appropriate file opened it and handed the device across the desk to Elizabeth Crawford.

“There you go boss, not long arrived from our Scandinavian operative.” Crawford read through the list and tapped the screen; sometimes a bit of luck was all that was required. “I think that we have found the identity of our mathematician Kirsty.” Kirsty leaned in to see the screen and nodded. It was amazing how small the world was at times.

“I will make the arrangements.”

“Kirsty it might be best if you send Christine and Antonija to link up with the assets that we already have in place. They can take the target back to one of Novak’s places. I think that would be better for what I have planned. Also it might convince Novak that I trust her and calm her down.” Kirsty nodded and went to exit the room but Elizabeth Crawford stopped short.

“Have you heard anything from Dubois recently?” Kirsty asked.

“Nothing, however that is hardly surprising.” Elizabeth Crawford shook her head but didn’t say anything further. Intrigued Kirsty decided to push her luck.

“Why is that?”

“I have heard that Dubois and some of her organisation have been detained by the authorities and that she is currently on route to America to be held if indeed she is not there already.”

“Should we be worried?” Kirsty asked.

“I don’t think so, not about Dubois anyway. We only ever dealt with her a couple of times about information for the Vienna job and some other some parts of the operation. She doesn’t know enough to tell the authorities anything. Novak on the other hand might be an issue. I shall have a think if there is anything that we can do to strengthen our hand.” Elizabeth Crawford turned away and Kirsty knew that the conversation was finished. Closing the down Kirsty had to wonder where her boss was getting her information from on what the other side was doing. Did she have a source? Elizabeth hadn’t told her so obviously if she did was playing it close to her chest.
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Post by Caesar73 »

So Gabrielle will have the dubious pleasure to experience the comforts of the Enhanced Restraining System. And Elaine too, I think ;) At least Hayley gets some Company small comforts, but comforts never theless!

The Interrogation Sequence was especially well!

So they transport Hayley back to base. The Train will stopp in Vienna next. I guess, the Base is located somewhere south. Italy?

Somehow, my Spidersense tells me, that Gayle Hutton will meet Crawford in the near future. Indeed, a small world.

Maybe it is too much to hope for, but I do hope, that somewhere in future Crawford will enjoy some downfilled goodness herself, including a pink diaper:)
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 40

Several hours earlier in Vienna

Having made her move for assistance at the Gala Ball Elise Rodgers had gone back to her hotel and waited in her room. Given the situation that Hayley King was in when Elise had made the move she didn’t expect to hear from the woman right away, if she got in contact at all. Elise didn’t want to think about what she would do next if Hayley King didn’t get in contact. To stop from going mad waiting for the phone to ring Elise decided to head out for a walk. Well it wasn’t as if the hotel room was furnished well enough for her to want to stay in it. Grabbing her coat and bag she headed for the door.

Elise finished the first flight of stairs and crossed the small half landing to the next but stopped halfway down when she saw the two women having a discussion the man behind the desk. Elise couldn’t explain what it was but something told her that the women were looking for her. The two women were dressed similarly in long down jackets, tight fitting jumpers in different shades of blue, tight fitting jeans and sensible shoes. Although able to hear the sounds of the conversation Elise couldn’t make out what either side was saying. However she could tell that the conversation had taken a serious turn when one of the women leaned forward to talk in hushed tones with the man behind the desk. Deciding that it may be best to make a retreat Elise pivoted on her right foot in order to turn and head back up the stairs. Unfortunately as she did that the stair creaked loudly. Elise paused and the conversation stopped at the desk. It only took a couple of heartbeats for Elise to decide to start running up the stairs, without having to turn back she knew from the loud footsteps below that the two women had started after her.

Fortunately Elise had anything vital in the bag that was slung over her shoulder as there was no time to get anything from her room. Working the situation through her head she thought that her best course of action would be to head for the fire escape at the other end of the hotel. As she passed the third floor her breathing started to get laboured, it didn’t help that she could hear the footsteps closing behind her. If she made it out of this Elise made a promise that she would take up some form of exercise.

The door at the end of the corridor was only ten yards away but Elise never made it as she was tackled from behind, her legs grappled together as she went face first onto the carpeted floor. The impact knocked the wind out of her lungs and before she could recover and call for help as a wadded up cloth was forced deep into her mouth, filling it completely. The woman that had tackled Elise grabbed both of her wrists and forced them behind her back and wrapped a length of rope around them knotting it to secure them together. Elise was amazed at how quickly she had been subdued by these two women, her best hope was that somebody appeared, realised what was going on and called the police. The two women grabbed Elise under each arm and picked her up from the floor, between them the two women managed to guide the feisty, struggling reporter back into the small room and the door closed behind then. Elise was trying to use her tongue to push out cloth in her mouth to allow her to call for help when a pad of cotton wool was placed over her mouth, this was then held in place with several layers of bandage were quickly wrapped around her head. The gag was finished off with a folded silk scarf. Next Elise felt two hands in her back as she was propelled toward then face down onto the bed, Elsie grunted as she landed. “Well that was a bit more effort that I hoped in was going to be Perrie” the taller of the two women commented. Elise felt both of her ankles being grabbed and held together as rope was tied around them.

“Keeps us sharp Gisele” said the other woman.

“Now that snoopy reporter here is secured” Elise felt a tap on her bum and tried to communicate her unhappiness but nothing went past her gag “we can search the room. Let’s not take to long though.” Elise rolled over and watched as the two women quickly and professionally searched the room. If they hadn’t gagged her Elsie would have been able to tell them that there was nothing to find, except her clothes. Elise noted that the women gathered these up and put them into her larger bag. Once that was done the women returned to the bed, untied Elise’s ankles and helped her onto her feet.

“Now we are going to take you out the back. No funny business.” Elise didn’t respond. The taller of the two women who was called Gisele said. The other woman went to the door and opened it, looking both ways the woman signalled for Gisele to bring Elise toward the door. They led Elise out of the room, along the corridor, through the door and out onto the fire escape. They made there way down the stairs and into the alley behind the hotel and other buildings on the block. There was no help in sight for Elise as she was led toward a large black car that was sitting, idling at the kerb with a man behind the wheel. Perrie opened the rear door and Gisele helped Elise into the back seat cop style with hand on top of head. Gisele leaned in and signalled for Elise to scoot across the seat. After Elise had complied Gisele slid in beside her, Perrie got in the front passenger seat. “You must be tired with all that running around Elise. Time for nap I think. Could you pass me the chloroform Perrie?” Elise watched on nervously in anticipation as Perrie handed a dark coloured bottle to Gisele who had produced a cloth from the pocket of her full length down coat and scrunched it up. Next Gisele poured what Elise considered to be quite a lot of liquid from the bottle onto the cloth and allowed it to soak in. As the woman leaned across the seat toward Elise, leading with the cloth Elise worked furiously at the ropes binding her wrists to get them free. Elise had seen enough black and white films to know what was going to happen next. The snooping reporter was going to be put to sleep. “No point in struggling lady. Those ropes are tight, did them myself and I pride myself in my knots.” Gisele clamped the cloth of Elise’s nose and mouth shutting out access to fresh air. Elsie didn’t know what to expect as from chloroform as her only experience was from films. The aroma from the chemical fumes coming off the cloth were sweet, almost sickly so but it also caught the back of her throat. Instinctively Elise held her breath to avoid inhaling any more of the fumes. “No holding of the breath Elise. That’s cheating.”

“I would advise against holding your breath Elise” commented Perrie from the front seat. “There is really no point plus Gisele really enjoys her counter move.”

What counter move was that, Elise thought. It didn’t take long for Elise to find out as Gisele’s cocked her free arm before jamming its elbow into Elise’s solar plexus; it was a short, sharp blow. Not especially hard but well directed, causing Elise to gasp and therefore involuntarily inhaling a large amount of chloroform fumes. “That’s it just relax and keep taking deep breaths” Gisele almost whispered to Elise. “It won’t be long until you go to sleep.” Elise’s arms and legs had gone numb a while ago and her vision was now blurring at the edged, she was finding it difficult to keep her eyelids from closing. With one last sigh Elise’s eyes slammed shut.

“Are we heading straight to the station?” the man behind the wheel asked.

“No Kirsty has arranged to meet at a private siding about five miles out of town. How long will it take Horace?” Gisele asked the man behind the wheel. Perrie leaned across to allow Horace to see the location on a map that was on the screen of her mobile.

“Around thirty minutes. A bit quicker if we get lucky with traffic.” Gisele took a quick glance at her watch. Good that meant that they would get there just before the train. Just after she relaxed back into the seat she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Pulling it out read the text message and then punched in a reply. A couple of seconds later another text arrived.

“Instructions from Kirsty, after you drop us off Horace go back to that hotel and erase any trace of the reporter ever being there then track her movements to make sure that nothing has been missed.” Horace nodded his understanding. “If you need further instructions contact Kirsty direct.”
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 41

The combination of the rhythmical motion of the train, the soothing comfort of the down cocoon that she was currently restrained within and the residual affects of the amount of chloroform in her system must have meant that she dozed off without realising because Hayley jolted awake at the sound of the compartment door opening. It took her another couple of seconds to process that the train was no longer in motion. Then the door opened and being inquisitive Hayley struggled against her bonds and the loft of the down filled restraining bags to get a view at what was happening. Hayley saw two of Crawford’s female goons wrestling a bound and gagged young woman with dark auburn hair into the compartment and toward the other bed. It was then that Hayley noticed that another pair of restraining bags had been laid out in anticipation of another captive being welcomed aboard. This auburn haired woman was obviously the unwilling victim that was to get to sample the delights of a down filled cocoon. Speaking of that Hayley noted that during her nap the loft of her down bags had increased and she was now even more snugly encased. “Let’s just use the chloroform and knock her out again Perrie. I can’t be bothered with this struggling.” This comment had come from one of the women struggling with the auburn haired young woman.

“Get a cloth prepped Gisele whilst I hold her.” The woman with the blonde hair that was holding the auburn haired woman’s left arm let go and pulled a thick white cloth from the pocket of her full length down jacket. The sight of the cloth seemed to strike fear into the auburn haired woman who stopped struggling at once.

“Alright then Elise, that’s better. Don’t resist us. As long as you behave and do exactly as we instruct we can forgo the use of chloroform.” Elise nodded her understanding. Looking on Hayley could see the young woman’s shoulders slumped. It was amazing what the threat of being forcibly put to sleep could achieve on a woman’s behaviour. Hayley knew that accepting defeat was difficult but the in this situation there was no other option but to comply. She filed away the names on those involved in the struggle for future use. Perrie moved behind Elise and loosened the rope that kept Elise’s wrists bound behind her back. Once they had been released Elise rubbed both of her wrists where the rope marks were obvious. Perrie then undid the knot on the scarf that was tied over Elise’s mouth which allowed Elise to spit out the cloth that had been forced into her mouth several hours earlier, know a saliva soaked blob of material. “Right strip, everything has to come off except the bra, including panties. Don’t worry its nothing kinky we just need to put a diaper on you” Perrie ordered, taking a step back and planting her hands on her hips.

“Don’t worry you will get used to the diaper. Just ask Hayley over there” Gisele said nodding toward where Hayley was lying. Elise took a glance across as if noticing the large sleeping bag like contraption for the first time. Elise took in the sight and inhaled deeply. ‘There is someone in the middle of that'. Elise thought detecting some movement within the object on the other bed. That is what is going to me was the next thing that crossed her mind. Once Elise has stripped, leaving a neat bundle of clothes on the floor Gisele began the process of securing Elise. “First things; hands out in front of you”. Elise complied and watched on nervously as Gisele picked up what looked to her like a pair of large, heavily padded white gloves and proceeded to put one of each of Elise’s hands. “They are finger control mitts. Originally developed for the medical sector but adapted by us to stop captives picking at knots and buckles” Gisele explained. The mitts had a small buckle at the wrist section which Gisele tightened to lock the mitts in place. Elise winced as the buckle was secured and tried wriggling her fingers but the thick padding severely restricted their movement. That combined with the silky smoothness of the fabric on both the inside and outside of the mitts meant that trying to pick something up almost impossible rendering her hands useless. Elise had a feeling that she was not going to like what was coming her way.

“Open you mouth” said another voice. This time is was Gisele’s colleague Perrie issuing the order. Elise jumped slightly as she was still staring at the strange mitts that had been placed on her hands; then did as instructed. Perrie advanced toward her with something in her left hand; it was a large padded gag with a ball in the middle. The large soft ball at the centre of the gag was forced into Elise’s mouth. Elise’s reaction was to close her mouth around the ball and Perrie pushed the pad firmly against Elise’s lips. Elise felt the pad press down on her lips as a buckle was used at the back of her head to secure the in place. Elise concluded that the pad was made of the same material as the mitts, thickly padded and smooth to the touch. Whilst Perrie was busy gagging Elise her partner Gisele went to the large cupboard in the room and took out an adult sized diaper changing mat and a chunky pink package.

With the restraining bags covering the bed Gisele put a changing mat on the floor. “Lie down on that and I can get a diaper on you.” Elise looked on as Gisele unfolded the chunky pink object out into the recognisable shape of a diaper.

“NYTH WERRY HGALIKH UNE” Elise mumbled from behind her gag. ‘Do I really have to wear one?’

“You will be restrained for a long period of time so if you want to take the chance its up to you but I certainly wouldn’t want to………well you know. Just lie down on the mat” obviously a question asked before. Elise knew that her face was getting brighter by the moment but awkwardly managed to get into a prone position on the mat. Elise’s embarrassment not helped by the two women that were now looming over her. Gisele then got down on both knees in a position to the side of Elise.

“Raise your bum like a good captive” Gisele requested. Elise lifted her hips from the mat. After a couple of seconds Elise felt a cold rubbing sensation over her bottom and most private areas, once that had been completed she felt a substance being applied to the same areas and then a tap on her hip and took this as a sign to lower her bottom again. When she did Elise felt it land on something soft and thick. Elise lay perfectly still as Gisele proceeded to diaper her like a newborn child. “Lift your knees up toward your shoulders.” Elise did as instructed then Gisele applied talcum powder and pulled the diaper between Elise’s legs, making sure it was nice and tight before she finished the process of putting on the diaper by securing the sticky tabs to keep it in place. “Not so bad that was it Elise. Right get back up off the mat.” With her hands in the mitts and the diaper firmly in place this more difficult than normal it would have been normally and Elise needed the help of Gisele.

Whilst Gisele was helping Elise to her feet Perrie had removed a large, pink garment that was hanging in the cupboard and held it up against Elise. “That should fit nicely.” To Elise it looked like a ski suit but far more voluminous and with built in feet. Perrie unzipped the suit and held it open “Step into the legs if you please” Elise once again did as ordered and with a little help from Perrie, especially with the arms found that she was wearing a down filled suit. Once again she noticed its thickness and smoothness of the fabric that it was made from. Perrie zipped up the front of the suit. “Hands out again” Elise did as ordered and watched as Gisele placed padded cuffs on her wrists, just above the end of the mitts, locking them together with not much of a gap. Perrie picked up two straps from the bed and used them to secure Elise’s arms of her body. Elise had never been tied up before, not even when playing as a kid and was stunned and shocked at the seriousness and professionalism with which these two women had set about binding her. Elise was brought out of her reverie by the sound of the zip that Gisele had just pulled down in order to fully open up one of the sleeping bags that were lying on the bed. Perrie grabbed Elise’s shoulder and pushed Elise down so that her bum was resting on the inside of the sleeping bag.

“Legs together Elise” Gisele then used three more straps to secure Elise’s legs at the ankles, just below the knees and around the middle of the thighs. Elise felt slight discomfort as the thigh strap was tightened due to the thick diaper that she was wearing. Noticing this Perrie smiled and commented

“You’ll get used to it.” Elise didn’t like this comment. It did suggest that she would be bound like this and wearing a diaper for a significant amount of time.

“Swing your legs up and get in the bag” Gisele said sternly. Once again with a little assistance Elise managed to do as instructed. Lying perfectly still, nervously awaiting what was coming next Elise looked on as Gisele pulled the top of the bag over her and zipped the bag up fully. Out of the corner of her eye Elise could see Perrie pick up the second bag.

“Elise please do not move around whilst we put you in the second restraining bag.” Elise lay still and felt her legs lifted as they were slid into another bag. Elise didn’t struggle but she wasn’t going to assist her captors either so she lay there as dead weight as the two women managed to slip the bag under her body, finally getting the hood under her head. This bag had a centre zip so Elise soon found Perrie almost straddling her to bring the two halves of the top section of the bag together and zip them in place, fighting against the loft of the down to get the zip up to the top before locking it off. “That’s us finished Elise. No means of escape but you will be very comfortable for the duration of your captivity as long as you relax and enjoy the trip.” Before leaving Perrie and Gisele secured the external straps and buckles that would keep Elise secured to the bed should the train make any sudden movements.

“Ladies that is you now secured for our trip; lie back and get some rest. We will be back to check on you later.” Gisele turned and headed for the compartment door, turning the lights off as she exited. Soon after there two captors exited the compartment Hayley felt the train lurch into life again and pull away.

Having now been left alone, well with only the other down entombed woman called Hayley on the other bed for company she may have well be alone Elise took the opportunity and had a wriggle but there no give in her bindings. What’s more with the smoothness of most of the material she couldn’t gain any purchase to get something loose by rubbing them against each other. Thumping her head back in frustration she noticed that the thickness of the sleeping bag was increasing as the loft inflated. The bag was unlike any sleeping bag she had used before. The material was very, very smooth and the down filling must have been very high to make the bag feel so tight around her body. She gave it another thrash but after several minutes of pointless struggling against her bonds Elise’s muscles relaxed as she submitted to the situation, stopped struggling and thought about how she could get out of this situation.

Hayley, now relaxing with her head resting in the thickly padded hood of the restraining bag and the soft, thick pillow under her head heard the movement on the other bed and smiled, well as much as the large gag in and over her mouth would allow. Hayley thought back to the first time that she had experience of these restraints. Raising her head to find that she was encased in what looked like a large mummy shaped sleeping bag overstuffed with extra down and padding to bulk it up and narrow the inside of the bag. The outside of the bag had been puffy with deep creases forming around each baffle which had elastic installed so that it tightly fitted around her body. She had struggled and squirmed against her bonds but only succeeded in making noises as the fabric of her suite rubbed against the fabric of the restraining bag. And that was just the single bag, now they were doubling up and had made some improvements with any more padding. Hayley could have told the young woman that there was no chance of getting free. You only got free if they made a mistake or they let you. They again maybe better that she was gagged and couldn’t depress the young woman any further.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Eloises contact with the Enhanced Restraining System must be intimidating - humilating. I wonder how Gabrielles reaction will be.

Compared to her fellow captives Hayley is a Veteran - with intimate knowlege of the System and its perfection.

I wonder what the Destination of their Journey will be ....and how Crawford catches up with Hayley. Knowing Crawford, the fun will be on Crawfords side only :)

Let us wait and see :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 5 years ago Hayley, now relaxing with her head resting in the thickly padded hood of the restraining bag and the soft, thick pillow under her head heard the movement on the other bed and smiled, well as much as the large gag in and over her mouth would allow. Hayley thought back to the first time that she had experience of these restraints. Raising her head to find that she was encased in what looked like a large mummy shaped sleeping bag overstuffed with extra down and padding to bulk it up and narrow the inside of the bag. The outside of the bag had been puffy with deep creases forming around each baffle which had elastic installed so that it tightly fitted around her body. She had struggled and squirmed against her bonds but only succeeded in making noises as the fabric of her suite rubbed against the fabric of the restraining bag. And that was just the single bag, now they were doubling up and had made some improvements with any more padding. Hayley could have told the young woman that there was no chance of getting free. You only got free if they made a mistake or they let you. They again maybe better that she was gagged and couldn’t depress the young woman any further.
One of the parts, I liked most of ths chapter is the last paragraph of it: How [mention]mrjones2009[/mention]describes Hayley feelings, her thoughts while she is totally inescapably encased in downfilled goodness, this is very convincing. It is somehow paradox: Totally comforable on one side, but absolutely escapeproof on the other side. And Hayley knows firsthand the confusion, the desperation Eloise must experience. This restraining system is perfect. Knowing that, it mus be incredible difficult to keep morale up. Especially since Hayley does still not know what plans Lizzie does have. Keep it going, [mention]mrjones2009[/mention]! ;) ;)
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Wow! Well over 5,000 views. Thanks to all that have read the story. Hopefully you enjoy the continuing adventures...
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