Bondage model by choice... (MMF/FFFF)

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Post by Caesar73 »

Beautiful Idea! Again :) Surely this will be an very interessting vacation :)
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Post by slackywacky »

No end in sight

Kyleigh was numb. The seven days of imprisonment had made her that way. The only thing she looked forward to during her day was when Alicia came to feed her, as that was the only distraction in her life now. Seven days without darkness, seven days without something comfortable to sleep on, seven days cuffed 24 hours a day, naked. Seven days with the same dull food every day and seven days with the same question, the question she did not have an answer to. The boredom was driving her nuts. She had long given up getting out of the cuffs, the first days she had tried repeatedly, but now she did not even try. Every little sound she heard made her perk up and every time when she did not hear another sound, she got disappointed again. The visits from Alicia were always the same too. Nothing ever changed, which was exactly what Alicia wanted. Her study on how imprisonment affected a person was going well, as Kyleigh had turned out to be a good test subject. She knew that when she was going to do the same test with Linda that she would get different results, or at least that was what she expected.

“Hello.” Alicia said when she entered the room where Kyleigh was kept prisoner.

The whole event did have an impact on Alicia too. The fact that she had to be mean to her friend was not easy, although several days in it became a little easier, after she had a talk with her professor. The whole project was closely monitored, and her professor had noticed she was more reluctant to go to Kyleigh. They had a long talk and it helped Alicia deal with her side of the project better.

“Here’s your food.”

Alicia put down the tin can. It contained army rations, the only thing Kyleigh had been eating since the start of the experiment. While Kyleigh ate, with difficulty, as her hands were still cuffed in front of her, Alicia replaced some of the water bottles and toilet paper. Patiently she waited for Kyleigh to finish the meal. Kyleigh had learned very quickly that if she did not eat the food fast enough, it would be taken away and she would go hungry.

“What is the combination to the safe?”

For Kyleigh it was the dreaded question, as she still had no idea what Alicia was on about. She did not know there was no safe and therefore there was no right answer. It was all part of the experiment.

“54, 55, 56.” Kyleigh answered.

Alicia picked up the food tin and walked out the room, closing the heavy door behind her. The visits had been roughly 15 hours apart, but Alicia had made it look like they were 24 hours apart, giving Kyleigh the false impression that she had been kept a prisoner much longer. But Alicia figured that it did not really matter for Kyleigh, as everyday looked the same. And every day she met with her professor to discuss the project and for now they had decided it would not end yet. She felt sorry for Kyleigh when she walked up the stairs, leaving the young woman chained in the deserted storage room.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

This Experiment is bizarre :) One must feel sorry for the poor testen subject - it will be interessting to see, how Linda will react :)
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Post by slackywacky »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago This Experiment is bizarre :) One must feel sorry for the poor test subject - it will be interesting to see, how Linda will react :)
I agree and it is the most difficult part of the story to write, as how does one feel after being restrained for 7 days? I never been restrained for that long myself and figuring out the state of mind for both captor and captive is an interesting challenge. It made me really think about mental process is part of bondage. Somebody once said, bondage is not bondage until you want out, which in a sense it true and getting to that point is actually more difficult than most people think. Yes, after being tied up for a while you want out, but do you really want out or are you just bored with the situation?

I know these chapters have a darker tone than the rest of the story, but I like that difference in situations. Both Kyleigh and Diana/Linda are restrained similar, but one is stuck in a room, the others are heading to a vacation. Same type of physical bondage, completely different mental states.

For those who want to weigh in on this, I created a thread in TUG Talk, as I want this thread here to be about the story, not a discussion. You can find the discussion thread here: ... c3cc93a927

Come and bring your opinion to the table in the discussion thread.

Thank you, as always, for your comments Ceasar73.
Vielen Dank fuer die Bemerkungen (my German is rusty)
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

slackywacky wrote: 4 years ago
Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago This Experiment is bizarre :) One must feel sorry for the poor test subject - it will be interesting to see, how Linda will react :)
I agree and it is the most difficult part of the story to write, as how does one feel after being restrained for 7 days?


Thank you, as always, for your comments Ceasar73.
Vielen Dank fuer die Bemerkungen (my German is rusty)
Your German is perfectly fine, there is nothing wrong with it. Thank you for your kind words! I imagine that writing that part is difficult, but I comment on that in the other section :)
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Post by slackywacky »

Immigration trouble

“Ladies and gentlemen, please put your chair in the upright position. We’ll be landing at Queen Beatrix International Airport in a few minutes.”

Linda let out a big sigh when she heard the announcement.

“Finally.” She said.

Robert grinned. The flight had been uneventful, if being chained up in a plane can be called uneventful, but it had been a long 8 hours. The seats in the plane were not very comfortable, the fact that both women had their hands cuffed the whole time, as regulations stated, did not help. Although feeding the prisoners was fun, according to Robert. Bathroom visits had been a little trickier, but they had survived and were about to land.

“I’ll be glad to get out of these cuffs.” Diana said.

“We’re not out of the airport yet. We’ll have to go through immigration and such.”

Jim could see Diana’s mood change when she heard the news, but since they did this the official way, with all paperwork in place, the girls would have to go through the immigration process at the Dutch airport. Aruba is part of the Netherlands and therefore their immigration laws were applicable.

“Don’t worry, it should not take long. We have hired a local lawyer to help us out with the regulations on this side of the flight, but all indications are it should be quick. It is not that we bring mass murderers into the country.”

“What did you tell them?” Diana asked Jim.

“You are both needed for a hearing on a hedge fund, but by the time we land, it should be cancelled, which would mean there is no reason to keep you restrained any longer.”

“And Robert got all of this done?” She continued.

“Yes, he used some of his old contacts. Seemed they used this trick before.”

“And why did we have to be cuffed the whole time?”

“For our entertainment.” Jim laughed. “A consequence of the level of paperwork was that you are designated a flight risk, so that’s why the cuffs have to stay on.”

“You better make it up to us.” Diana said.

The plane touched down on the island and people deplaned, while Jim and the others waited for the approval of the senior stewardess to leave the plane.

“You are good to go. Thank you for flying with us.” She said after the last passenger left the plane.

The captain and first officer were both standing at the door of their cabin when they walked by, and it did not go unnoticed that they both showed some interest in the female prisoners, but Jim guided Diana quickly out the plane, while Robert and Linda followed close behind. Quickly being an interested choice of word, as the ankle cuffs did not allow them to be very quick.

“And naturally we land at the gate furthest away from where we need to be.” Linda sighed when they entered the concourse.

As with their departure, they attracted a decent amount of attention, including people taking pictures, but Robert and Jim did not stop for anybody and they walked slowly to the checkpoint. There was a line of people waiting and they got in line, just like everybody else.

“Hope this does not take too long.” Diana sighed.

They had left late in the evening and with the time difference between them and Aruba, it was now early morning, and everybody was tired. Jim and Robert held on to their prisoners and the line progressed slowly to the booth with the immigration officer. The line they had selected had a female officer sitting in the booth. It took a good 20 minutes before they finally had their turn and a lot of people stared at them.

“Passports and relevant paperwork please.” The officer asked.

Robert handed her their ID’s and the paperwork that stated why Linda and Diana were in chains. The woman dutifully went through all the paperwork.

“I can see you are here for a hearing that was scheduled for yesterday.” She said.

Robert looked surprised, but recovered quickly.

“The meeting has been cancelled as far as I know and the requirement to hear these ladies is therefore no longer valid. We should have a lawyer waiting for us once we get through customs that is going to finalize that paperwork.” He stated.

“Who is this lawyer?” She asked.

“Mac Doornbos.” He answered. “We are to meet him in the arrival hall.”

He saw a glimpse of a smile on the woman’s face, but did not know why.

“Have you spoken to your lawyer since your departure?” She asked.

“No, all communication had been by email.” Robert answered truthfully.

The officer picked up a phone and made a call. Robert could not hear what was being said, but it took a little while and whatever he could pick up did not sounded English. The officer finished the call and wrote something on their paperwork.

“I am to inform you that you will have to be detained until we can verify that the meeting you talk about is cancelled. We will contact your lawyer and once all paperwork is completed, we will release you. Depending on the paperwork we will let you enter Aruba, or we will send you back. Unfortunately, we will have to place you in handcuffs, as that is procedure, since we cannot allow you into the country until all paperwork is in order. Since the ladies are already cuffed, we require the keys to their restraints. Also please put any other items from your pockets on the counter”

Two male officers and two female officers came towards them from a side door. Robert looked at Jim who just shrugged his shoulders and dug up the keys to Diana’s and Linda’s cuffs and handed them to one of the male officers. They put their phones and wallets on the counter.

“Turn around please.” The same officer instructed Jim, with a heavy accent.

Linda and Diana looked at what was happening with a smile on their faces. This was not what they had in mind when they set this up, but they enjoyed their boys getting cuffed. They were not going to tell the officers that it was all a joke, as that might have gotten them in more trouble. The two male officers had cuffed both Robert and Jim hands behind their backs and started to walk to the side door. The two female officers took Linda and Diana and walked them to the same door. All this had been watched by a decent crowd and you could hear them whisper.

“This way please.”

The officers escorted the group to the holding cells, not far from where they entered the side door. Each of them got placed in a separate cell and without releasing their cuffs, the doors got locked.

“Me and my ideas.” Jim thought while he inspected the small holding cell.

The room was just 2 meters by 2 meters and only contained a concrete bench. It had a plastic covered mattress on it. There was no window, other than the small one in the door that had a cover on the outside. The light was placed in the ceiling. The door, which was locked from the outside, did not have a door handle on the inside. Jim sighed and sat down on the mattress. The cuffs were not very comfortable, but he leaned back against the wall, waiting for things to come. He hoped their lawyer could do what was needed to get them in the country.

“Time for a nap.” He thought and closed his eyes.

The others did much the same, although both Linda and Diana laid down on the mattress, as that was easier with their cuffs. They heard some noises outside, but it was not easy to make out what was going on. Tired from the flight, the girls quickly fell asleep. Robert was the only one who did not fell asleep and he worried about what was happening, but in the end, cuffed and locked in a cell, there was nothing he could do.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

I guess, the Guys did not expect that turn of events: spending a night in a holding cell :) I´m curious how they will escape that mess :)
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Post by slackywacky »

Sun and sand

“Mac, how are you?”

Mac Doornbos looked up from her tablet at the voice. She had been waiting in the arrival hall for some time.

“Celeste, long time no see.” She stood up and hugged the woman who called out her name. “What brings you out here?”

Celeste, the immigration officer who had handled the paperwork for Jim and the others, looked at Mac and smiled.

“You are dealing with 4 people for a hearing, I believe?”

“Yes, the meeting was scheduled for yesterday, but I think there is something fishy about this. The company they have the meeting with is a mailbox company and there is nobody on the island that works for them.”

“I thought something was off. And I remember a similar case a few years back.”

“Where are they?” Mac asked.

“In the holding cells.” Celeste answered, smiling. “I figured I talk to you first. How about we talk to the women first? They did not look like they were here against their will, which they probably would have been if this was all legit.”

“Sounds good to me.”

Mac picked up her stuff and followed Celeste towards the immigration offices. Celeste led her to an interview room.

“I’ll get the first one. Wait here please.”

Mac sat down and a few minutes later, Celeste returned with a beautiful blond woman, wearing an orange prison suit, who was cuffed at hands and feet.

“Sit down please.” Celeste said in English, as the conversation with Mac had been in Dutch.

She did not introduce the other woman in the room. Linda looked at the woman. She looked around her late twenties, dark skin, tall and slim, with full breasts and beautiful long deep black hair, a smiling face and friendly eyes. She figured the woman was local to the island.

“According to your paperwork, you are Linda Daniels, 25 years old, occupation stated as a model. Correct?” Celeste asked after sitting down at the other side of the table, next to Mac.

Linda, who had no idea what was going on, confirmed the info.

“Why are you here? And not this bullshit about a hedge fund hearing.” Celeste warned.

Linda sighed and figured their back story was no longer working.

“We’re here for vacation.” She said.

“And why all this?” Celeste pointed to the suit and cuffs.

“Diana, the other woman, and I are bondage models, and we wanted a vacation, the snow and cold back home were getting to us. The boys came up with this idea that we would travel as prisoners. According to what I heard, somebody who Robert knows used this excuse before. We have a lawyer waiting to cancel all the paperwork, so that we can legally be released. It looks like we were caught in the act, but we meant no harm and we paid all fees that were applicable.”

Celeste talked to the woman next to her in a language Linda did not understand, but she figured it was Dutch, as sounded much like German, which she remembered from their trip to Europe some month back.

“I am Mac Doornbos, the lawyer you been looking for.” Mac stated in English.

Linda looked surprised, as they had expected a man and for some reason, she had envisioned their lawyer to be older.

“Nice to meet you.” She replied.

“I already dealt with the paperwork, there is no reason to keep you restrained any longer, other than for the fact you tried to get into the country under false pretense and that is a valid reason to send you back where you came from.”

Linda sighed and looked disappointed.

“However, Celeste has agreed that they will allow you to enter the country and enjoy your vacation. Where are you staying?”

“For the first few days we have a villa rented. Our stuff should be there already as we send it by courier. We are waiting for a friend of Jim and Diana to come with his yacht to the island, so that we can stay on board.”

“The address of this villa?” Celeste asked.

Linda provided the info, although she knew it was also in the paperwork immigration took from them.

“Good choice, that is a great place. I remember doing the paperwork for the current owner when he bought it.” Mac said.

Celeste stood up and took some keys and started to unlock the cuffs holding Linda prisoner. For the first time in 14 hours Linda was not restraint.

“Wow, that feels good.” She said, moving her arms and legs, to get the stiffness out.

Celeste left the room, while Linda and Mac talked about the villa. Mac was very knowledgeable about things on the island.

“Do you dive?” Mac asked.

“I have not done any training, I wanted to do that in the next few days before we get on the yacht. I am a good swimmer, but I know diving is different.”

“I can recommend a trainer, if you want. She is very good.”

“That would be great.” Linda said.

The door opened and Celeste entered with a still fully cuffed Diana. When she saw Linda sit at the table and a pile of chain and cuffs on the floor next to her, she sighed with relief. If Linda was no longer restrained, maybe things were heading in the right direction again.

“Diana, meet Mac, our lawyer.” Linda said.

Linda explained to Diana what happened and that they would be allowed to stay on the island. Relieved Diana sat down, and Celeste removed her restraints too.

“Oh, that feels so good. I’ll think twice about giving in to one of Jim’s ideas next time.” She stated.

Mac grinned.

“So, what are we doing with Jim and Robert?” Linda asked.

“They can enter too, but I think we give them a little more prison time.” Celeste said and she explained what she had in mind.

Jim opened his eyes when the door to his cell was opened. He must have dozed off and had no idea how long he had been in the cell, but his body told him it had been some time. A male officer stood in the door opening and motioned for him to stand up. Once he did, the officer came in and cuffed Jim’s legs, like what Diana and Linda had been wearing. Once done, the officer led Jim out of the cell, through several hallways and to a loading dock. A white prison transport van stood with the rear doors open. It was a converted van, with two benches on either side of the cargo area. The officer helped Jim into the van, told him to sit down and fixed the handcuffs Jim was still wearing to a hook in the wall of the van.

“Wait here.” The officer said, as if Jim could go anywhere.

Several minutes later, Robert was also brought to the van and placed on a seat across from Jim. His handcuffs were also fixed to a hook. The officer checked their bonds and left the van, closing the doors, leaving Jim and Robert sitting alone in the van.

“Any idea what is going on?” Robert asked.

“Nope, not the faintest. The guard did not say a thing and I wonder were the girls are.”

“I have not seen them. All I have seen for the last few hours are the inside of the holding cells they put us in.”

At that moment the van started driving. As there were no windows, just vents in the van, the prisoners in the back had no idea where they were going. The ride was bumpy at times and based on the sound, the road was not always paved. Neither Jim or Robert had been to Aruba before, so they could not tell based on the road condition where they were going. At least the driver was not too bad, as Jim and Robert did not get thrown around the van, but having your hands cuffed and fixed behind you did not make it easier being a passenger.

“I wonder where we are going.” Robert said.

Jim shrugged, as he had no idea. The ride lasted for about 45 minutes before they stopped, and the van backed up. They heard some voices, but could not make out what they said. Then the doors were opened.

“Hello boys.” Diana said with a smile on her face.

Jim noticed things had changed a bit since the last time they had seen each other. Diana was not wearing any cuffs anymore and was dressed in a bright yellow 2-piece bikini, a piece of clothing that Jim knew was part of the shipment they had sent by courier. Linda stood a few steps behind her, also without restraints and dressed in a light blue one-piece swimsuit. The third woman he did not recognize, but he liked what he saw. Her long dark hair fell around her face and the white 2-piece swimsuit contrasted nicely with her dark skin and it could barely contain her assets. A male immigration officer, the driver, stood to the side, although it was easy to see he was distracted by the beautiful women around him.

“This is Mac, your lawyer.” Diana said, introducing the dark beauty to Jim and Robert.

Both Jim and Robert looked dumbfounded, as she was, much like Diana had done, not what they expected.

“Welcome to our villa. The immigration officer and Mac saw through our little spiel, but luckily, they let us in, so we can have our vacation. But we figured a little punishment for you guys was in order, so while we went to the villa, you stayed locked up. The transportation bit was added by Celeste, the immigration officer at the airport.” Diana explained.

The immigration officer got into the back of the van and unlocked all restraints. Jim and Robert got out and for the first time in many hours, they were outside.

“This place looks nice.” Robert stated, looking at the large villa and the sea behind it.

The immigration officer left with the van, and the group walked to the patio area behind the villa. It looked out over a sandy white private beach and the blue waters of the sea.

“Welcome to Aruba.” Mac stated.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

So the Guys earned themselves a little payback :) I think they deserved that - the dialogues were very good as always :)
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Post by slackywacky »

Escape challenge

Linda walked out of the water onto the white sandy beach, dragging an oxygen tank with her, dressed in an SBART bright blue neoprene long sleeved short leg wetsuit, that clung to her body and showed off all her curves. They had been diving all morning and she was getting the hang of it and was enjoying herself. The water was clear, the fish colorful, and even though sharks occasionally were seen around these waters, most of the time they stayed away from the shallower waters.

“That was fun.” Linda said to Mac, who also dragged her tank out of the water.

Mac was dressed in a black and grey full-body Aqualung wetsuit. Even if it was less colorful than Linda’s, it still showed off all her curves.

“Every time I dive, I get fascinated by the beauty of the sea. I am blessed to work here.” She said.

After Jim and Robert had been delivered to the villa, they had taken an easy afternoon, relaxing and sleeping, recovering from the flight and the restraints. Mac had turned out to be the diving instructor she had mentioned to Linda at the airport, and Linda, who was getting on very well with the dark-skinned beauty, had suggested she could stay at the villa while she gave Linda the lessons, since Mac lived at the other side of the island. There were more than enough rooms available. Mac had gone home that afternoon and had shown up early this morning with her diving gear and an overnight bag. With the weather in Aruba being very nice this time of year, you did not need much bulky clothing, a bathing suit sufficed for most things.

“Let’s have some lunch, we’ll take a break and resume in the afternoon.” Mac said and Linda agreed.

Diana was sunbathing on a lounge chair on the patio, when she saw the two women walk up the path. There was a hut at the beach that contained the equipment to fill the tanks, so they did not have to drag it up to the house.

“Had fun?” Diana asked.

“She is a fast learner.” Mac said, while drying her hair with a towel.

Linda smiled. Mac had turned out to be a very competent diver and an excellent teacher, with a lot of hands on training, so it had been easy to learn the basics of diving. Luckily Linda was already a good swimmer, which clearly made it easier.

“I am making lunch. Anybody want some?” Linda said.

Diana got up and walked with the others into the villa. The building was all white and constructed in such a way that the building stayed cool, even with the sun beating down on it all day.

“Where are the boys?” Linda asked, while they were making food. “Do we need to make something for them?”

“They are in town, getting the licenses we need. Mac told them were to go and who to ask for. We need a fishing license and a diving license.” Diana replied.

“The money from the licenses is used to preserve the waters around the island.” Mac explained.

“Okay, they can make their own food.” Linda decided for them.

Everybody helped making food and a short time later they sat outside again, enjoying the cool sea breeze and the food they made.

“Why did you get along with the whole prisoner thing yesterday?” Mac asked. “You were both cuffed for like 16 hours in public.”

“It is not as bad as it looks. Being restrained like we were still allows you a lot of mobility, you are just not capable of doing everything you want.” Diana replied. “I have been cuffed longer, just not this long in public. In most cases we play behind closed doors, but the pictures and movies go on the website, so we are still part of what is out there.”

“And the boys told us it would only be for a few hours, once we were on the plane, we would be released.” Linda added.

“Which was a total lie.” Diana sighed, still a little angry.

“Do you have any plans for more restrictions while you are here?”

Diana laughed.

“With these two guys around, I’ll bet somebody is tied up before the end of the day.” Linda said, also smiling.

“You want to join in?” Diana asked, giving Mac an opening.

“The problem is that I cannot be seen in bondage, as it could have a negative effect on my profession, being a lawyer. On the other hand, none of my girlfriends were into this.”

“Girlfriends?” Linda asked.

“I am a lesbian, if you had not figured that out yet.”

Linda was silent for a moment, thinking back to her interactions with the dark beauty since they met.

“No, I was not coming on to you, if that is what you think, but I am not saying that if the occasion would arise, that I would not take advantage of it. You are both hot.”

Everybody laughed and Linda looked more relaxed. It was not that she had never considered a relation like that, it had just never come up. Diana seemed relaxed and at easy with Mac’s statements.

“I suspect you brought some rope with you when you came here?” Mac asked.

“Yes, lots of it, what did you have in mind?”

“Like I said, none of my girlfriends were into bondage. So, I do not have any real experience into being tied up. Why don’t you two tie me up? That way I hope I show that I trust you guys.”

“There is no need for that, we trust you.” Linda replied.

“I know you do, we were diving together, and diving is also based on trust. But I want to do this outside of the water. You tie me up and allow me an hour to try to escape. If I don’t escape, you can do what you want with me.”

“And if you escape?” Diana asked.

“I get to play with Linda.” The dark-haired woman said.

Linda looked up when she said that.

“Sorry Diana, I have something for blondes. Probably because there are not that many on the island.” Mac stated.

They all grinned.

“Okay, deal.” Linda said. “And knowing how Diana ties, there is no chance you get out.”

“I want you to tie me up, since if I escape, I get to play with you.”

Linda thought about it and agreed. She had enough experience working with Jim and Robert to know how to tie somebody. And it was not that she had never kissed another woman.

“But no handcuffs, leather or chains. Just plain rope.” Diana added.

“I have no problem with that. Let me sort out some rope, so that we can start the fun.” Linda said.

“I suggest you go to the bathroom.” Diana told Mac. “You might be stuck for a while.”

Once Mac returned, they talked about where the challenge would happen and one of the empty rooms of the villa, the place could easily cater for 12 people, was chosen. Linda grabbed the rope, while Diana and Mac went ahead to the room.

“This will be your prison for a while.” Diana said, showing Mac the room.

It was 3 by 3 meters (roughly 10 by 10 feet) with no window and was completely empty. It was probably used for storage, except there was nothing to store for now. A simple carpet covered the floor, so Mac did not have to sit on concrete.

“Did you want to change?” Diana asked, as Mac was still in her Aqualung wetsuit.

“No, I think this will work fine, it will protect me from rope burn.”

Diana agreed that it was probably not a bad idea to wear the full-body wetsuit. Linda walked into the room with a bunch of rope and started to sort out the different pieces.

“Turn around and hold your hands behind your back.” Linda told the dark beauty.

Mac obeyed and crossed her wrists behind her back. Linda wrapped a rope horizontally around the wrists of Mac, making it snug, but not super tight. A challenge meant there had to be at least a small chance of escaping. She continued with tying the rope vertically around the wrists, before tying the knot.

“Not too tight? Nothing hurts?” Linda asked.

“No, I am fine. Keep going.” Mac replied, testing the bindings on her wrists.

Linda took a long rope and wrapped it around Mac’s chest, just above her firm breasts and then below them. She pulled it tight, without overdoing it. There were six loops above and six loops below the breasts, before Linda tied a knot. The white rope looked good against the grey of the wetsuit.

“Let me help you sit down, so I can do your feet.” Linda said, helping Mac sit on the floor.

A last rope was tied around Mac’s ankles and cinched and knotted, before Linda stood up and examined her work. Diana, who had more experience as a rigger, noticed that the ropes were snug and all ropes had been tied with only a single knot in each, making escape easier. However, she said nothing, as it was not her challenge.

“Go ahead, we’ll leave you alone for the hour, if you are not out before then, we’ll play with you.” Linda said.

“Damn, that is almost a reason not to escape.” Mac grinned, before the others left, closing the door behind them.

“Let’s get out of these ropes.” Mac sighed and started her escape.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

I wonder if Mac escapes 😁 But either way: It will also be fun if Linda loses the bet 😁
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Post by slackywacky »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago I wonder if Mac escapes 😁 But either way: It will also be fun if Linda loses the bet 😁
I have not made my mind up yet, I am actually at the point where I have not written the next chapter yet and I publish when I finish a chapter, so it can go either way. Or maybe it does not matter, because the boys will mess everything up... We'll see.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Boys are boys :) They have a tendency to mess things up - I speak from experience here :) If you ask me: I would like to see, what Linda and Diana would do, if they have the Chance to play with Mac :)
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Post by slackywacky »

Losing is winning

Diana looked at her phone for the time. She had set a timer so that she knew exactly when Mac would have to escape. The countdown timer showed another 10 minutes to go.

“Ten minutes.’ She said to Linda, who was sunbathing topless on one of the lounge chairs on the patio.

“This could turn out to be a good afternoon.” She replied, not moving from the chair and not indicating what result of the escape challenge would mean the afternoon would be good.

Diana, dressed in the yellow bikini she had on before, laughed and continued reading her book on her tablet.

“Did the boys indicate when they would be back?” Linda asked.

“Nope.” Diana replied, not even taking her eyes of her book.

She was almost done and wanted to finish it before Jim would be back. The sound system in the villa played tropical music and the temperature was nice and warm, without the humidity the heat always had when they were having these temperatures at home. There were a few fluffy clouds in the sky, but nothing that would ruin a nice day. The forecast was predicting more of the same.

“Time is up.” Diana said ten minutes later when the countdown alarm started beeping, which happen to coincide with her finishing the book.

Linda got up and grabbed the red bikini top of her outfit and put it on, before walking towards the villa. Diana turned her tablet off and followed the blond woman. When they walked into the hallway where the room was with Mac in it, the door was still closed. Carefully, as she did not know if Mac would be behind the door, Linda opened the door and looked inside.

“Hello you two.” Mac greeted them.

She was still lying on the floor, tied much the same as she was when they had left her. The ropes around her upper body had shifted a bit and two loops were loose over her shoulder, but her hands were still tied behind her back.

“I could not get to the knot.” She stated and showed that Linda had tied the knot just out of reach of her fingers. “I could feel the end of the rope, but I could not get to the knot itself. You win.”

Linda smiled, while Diana kneeled and untied the rope around Mac’s feet, upper body and her wrists.

Mac got up, stretched her tall body and looked at Diana and Linda.

“Now what?” She asked.

“Now, you go and change, as that wetsuit is not very suitable for your punishment.” Linda replied.

“Oh, punishment it is now, is it?” She asked, heading towards the door of the room. “I’ll be back.”

It took only a few minutes to change from the wetsuit into the white two-piece bikini she had worn before. It barely covered her assets and she figured that it was more useful for her ‘punishment’. After checking herself in the mirror, she walked back to the room where she had her escape challenge. Linda and Diana were still there, but Mac could see they had brought some more items.

“I am your prisoner do what you want to do.” She stated with a big grin on her face, stepping close to Linda and pushing her breasts against Linda’s.

“Slow down, tiger.” Linda said, grabbing a piece of rope from the floor. “Hands please.”

Mac stuck her hands out and Linda tied them in front of Mac, keeping the dark beauty’s wrists palm-to-palm.

“We’ll tie your wrists and blindfold you, before we move you to a different location.” Diana said.

Linda executed what Diana had said, and soon after Mac stood patiently waiting with her wrists bound in front of her and a scarf wrapped over her eyes. She felt somebody fumble with the strings of her bikini top and moments later it was removed, leaving her topless.

“Starting already?” Mac said, responding to whoever had taken her top off.

Instead of a reply, hands guided her out of the room into the hallway, out the back door and towards the storage shed she knew was out this way. She felt sand between her toes and soon she heard the squeaking of the shed door, confirming her suspicion as where they were heading.

“Thank you for not leaving me out there.” She said.

“We know, no worries.” Diana replied.

Mac heard some noises and felt something being attached to the ropes around her wrists. Suddenly her wrists got pulled up into the air and they kept going higher and higher until her arms were stretched above her head.

“Wow, that is tight.” She said when the rope stopped rising.

She tried to get comfortable, but the position stretched her body, putting pressure on the rope around her wrists. Luckily Linda had used many loops, but she could feel the rope digging into her wrists.

“Comfy?” Linda asked.

“Not really.” Mac replied.

“Good, as this is not meant to be comfortable.” Linda said, running a finger over Mac’s exposed side, resulting in a squeal from their prisoner.

“Ticklish, are we?” Diana asked.

“Eh, uhm, maybe.” Mac replied, avoiding the answer.

“Have you been gagged before?” Diana asked her.

“No, not since I was a kid.”

“Okay, with a gag in your mouth, it will be hard to signal something is wrong, so either snap your fingers, or hum a song, whatever song. That will indicate you want something. Okay? It will not mean you get untied, it just means we stop and will get your gag out if needed, so we can figure out what is wrong.”

Mac nodded her understanding.

“Open wide.”

The sock that Linda pushed into Mac’s mouth was not very big, but since she had never been gagged before, they figured they would keep it easy on her. Linda tied a rope around her mouth, keeping the sock in, also including Mac’s arms, forcing her head to stay between her outstretched arms. She cinched the rope on either side of her head, making it nice and snug. To test the gag, she ran another finger over Mac’s sides.

“Hmmmppppppffffff.” The bound female squealed.

“It works. Let’s do her legs.” Diana said.

Mac felt how her legs were spread, forcing her body to lower itself, tightening the ropes around her wrists. Diana had to release the rope a little, to allow Mac to still stand on the ground with her legs spread. It was not a very wide spread, just two feet (60 cm), but to Mac it felt her legs were pulled miles apart.

“Hmmmppppppffffff.” She said in her gag, making no sense.

Both Linda and Diana ignored her and completed the task they were working on. Mac stood helplessly in the middle of the shed, hands raised to the ceiling and legs spread wide. Suddenly she felt hands caress her breasts. Nothing else happened, just the hands on her breasts, but the fact that she was tied up, gagged and blindfolded, made the feeling more intense. Also, the fact that she had no idea who was doing the massaging was an added excitement. She groaned in her gag as could feel her body reacting.

“Hmmm, nice nipples.” She heard Diana say.

And suddenly somebody was sucking on her nipples. The hands were still on her breasts, but she felt lips suck on her nipples.

“You think she is enjoying this?” Linda asked.

“Hmmm, hmmm.” Diana responded, while continue to tease Mac’s nipples.

“Let’s see.” Linda said, and the hand’s on Mac’s breasts disappeared.

“Hmmmppppppffffff.” The bound female squealed again, when suddenly she felt a finger between her legs, entering her and moving around.

“Oh yes, she is enjoying herself.” Linda said with a smile.

Mac just groaned. It had been some time since she intimate with another woman, and now she was at the mercy of two gorgeous women. Damn right she was getting exited. All she needed was a little more and she would get her reward.

“Oh no, you don’t.” Diana said, seeing how their prisoner was tensing.

Mac groaned in frustration when the hand disappeared from between her legs and the lips were gone from her nipples.

“Hmmpppfff, hmmpppfff, hmmpppfff.” Mac groaned in her gag.

“Oh, we know what you want. But this is not a five-minute thing we’re doing here, we’ll keep you here for a while. And we’ll determine when you get your reward.”

“But that does not mean we cannot play with you.” Linda added and Mac felt hands on her breasts again.

While Linda played with the breasts, Diana tied a tight crotch rope on the helpless woman, making sure the knots she had tied in the rope were close to where she figured Mac’s pleasure points were.

“We’ll allow you one reward now.” Linda said. “Since you have been good. But only one. If we find out you came more than once, you will be punished.”

Meekly Mac nodded. She knew she needed more than one orgasm, but she figured she would get her chance.

“Hmmpppfff.” She confirmed.

Diana and Linda made it very easy for Mac. The kneading of her breasts, licking her nipples, pulling on the crotch rope, kissing her gagged mouth, all turned Mac into a shameless slut and very quickly a powerful orgasm spasmed through her body. She heaved her body against her bonds, which held her tightly in place, before hanging quietly, breathing heavy.

“Think she enjoyed that one.” Diana stated in a matter of fact tone.

“Yep, let’s give her a break, before we start this again, I’m starting to enjoy this.” Linda added.

Mac just concentrated on breathing. Having an orgasm while tied up and helpless had made it much more powerful than she had experienced before. She really needed that break.

“See you later. I’ve set up a monitoring camera, so we can see and hear you. Remember, no orgasm without out permission. We’ll be back soon.”

With those words, Diana and Linda left the shed and their prisoner.
Last edited by slackywacky 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Linda and Diana played nicely 😁 That was fun 😁😁
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Post by slackywacky »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago Linda and Diana played nicely 😁 That was fun 😁😁
Well, Linda did, until Diana decided differently...
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Mac stood lonely in the middle of the shed. With her arms pulled up and her legs spread wide, there was not much she could do. The very interesting and, according to Mac, very annoying gag, using her stretched out arms as part of the gag, made it impossible to move her head, as it was held between her arms. She had no idea how long Diana and Linda had left, but at least she had recovered from the explosive orgasm. Being bound surely had made it more intense. It was not that she had never experienced such an orgasm, it was just that it had never happened to her that easily. And that kind of surprised her. Something about being helpless must have triggered something in her that caused her to experience that magnitude of an orgasm. She wouldn’t mind doing it again, but for now all she could do was wait for Diana and Linda to come back. Being bound and not having somebody around was kind of boring, she thought. She enjoyed being toyed with more than just standing there. The ropes around her wrists were tight and standing with her feet apart this much strained her leg muscles, but the gag, even if they used a small sock, did its job and kept her silent. And she was not going to snap her fingers or hum a tune, she would show them she could stand being tied for a little while.

“Missed us?”

Diana’s voice interrupted her reflective mood and brought her back to the situation at hand.

“Hhhhmmmpppffff.” She replied.

“I have no idea what you said. Looks like we have to do some gag talk training on you someday.” Diana said.

Mac grinned, gag talk was not easy with your mouth stuffed.

“I have a surprise for you.” Diana continued.

Mac did not really know what that meant. Was she going to be released? Or would she be brought to another orgasm? She could sure use one of those again.

“No, we’re not releasing you. If that was what you thought. And no, I am not giving you another orgasm, yet.” Diana added, understanding very well what Mac wanted and putting the emphasis on the ‘yet’.

Mac suddenly felt a body pressing against her back. She did not know who it was, but since only Diana and Linda were around, it could only be one of them. She felt an arm on either side of her and then felt how the wrists belonging to those arms were bound together in front of her belly. Whoever did the tying was pretty good and did it tight, as there was not much space left between the arms and Mac’s upper body. The upper arms of the person being tied to her pressed against her breasts. She felt how her crotch rope around her waist was undone, but then it was retied differently, and judging by how it felt, it was now tied in such a way that it ran through the crotches of both women that were standing back to back. It felt like the end of the rope had been fixed to the wrists that were tied in front of her.

“That should help having some fun.” Diana said, which made Mac believe Linda was the one tied to her.

Linda was indeed standing back to back with the dark beauty. Only dressed in her red bikini bottom, the blond was standing against Mac’s back, with her hands tightly tied behind her back, in front of Mac’s stomach. Diana had suggested she joined the fun, as both winner and loser of the challenge should be rewarded. It had been a while she had been tied this close to another woman and even though she was not a lesbian, it was not unpleasant.

“Open wide” Diana said, stuffing another sock in Linda’s mouth, silencing her in the same way as Mac had been with a rope around her head to keep the sock in.

With more rope, Diana tightly tied Linda’s ankles together and fixed them to the spreader bar that kept Mac’s legs apart, creating a nice package. She tied another rope around their upper bodies, pulling the ropes taut, forcing the two bound women closer together. A blindfold was added to Linda’s predicament, leaving her without the ability to see what Diana was up to.

“Linda controls, within limits, the tightness of the crotch ropes.” Diana said. “Have fun.”

Diana stepped away to look at the two females. Mac’s dark skin contrasted nicely with the tanned skin from Linda. The beautiful black hair and the blond hair also worked nice together.

“Hmmm, I think I forgot something.” Diana said, grabbing another rope.

Linda felt another rope being tied around her head and what seemed to be Mac’s upper arms. Much like Mac had her arms incorporated into the gag, now Linda was also forced to keep her head still, as the rope of her gag was now tied to Mac.

“Hmmmppppppffffffffff.” She exclaimed, but Diana ignored her.

Every movement Mac made, could be felt by Linda and vice versa. It was an interesting sensation to be tied to another person this tightly. It became even more interesting when suddenly there was a hand on Linda’s breasts, kneading and playing with her nipple. Based on the reaction of Mac, she was experiencing the same thing.

“Let’s have some fun, shall we?” Whispered Diana.

Her hands roamed all over the bound females and it was funny to see how doing something to one woman, resulted in a reaction from the other woman, as they were tightly tied together.

“Remember this?” Diana asked Mac, leaving the breasts of the women alone.

She attacked the sides of the helpless woman, who started screaming in her gag and moving violently, as far as she could.

“Hmmmppppppffffffffff.’ Mac screamed.

Linda got shaken around due to the tickling Diana gave Mac. She knew that Diana would not tickle her, as she was not ticklish, but Mac was. Being bound together meant that all the movements Mac made, resulted in Linda also being moved around and being tied and gagged did not make it easier. Fortunately, Diana stopped after a few minutes, leaving an exhausted Mac hanging in her bonds.

“We’ll do that again soon.” Diana said.

She could see that Mac tried to shake her head, but the rope from the gag and he fact that Linda’s head was also tied to her, made it almost impossible.

“I have some more surprises.” Diana said.

Both Mac and Linda dreaded what she had in mind and they found out soon enough, as Mac suddenly felt Linda’s body tense and a yelp escaped from Linda’s gag. Soon followed by a second yelp. Mac had no idea what happened to Linda until something sharp suddenly bit her left nipple. And moments later her right nipple experienced the same thing. Diana had applied nipple clamps to both females.

“Am I not nice?” She asked the gagged females.

Her hands started roaming around the topless females again, including sliding in their crotches, while she used her mouth to kiss and lick their breasts, kiss their gagged mouths and tickled their ears. She could see how Linda pulled on the crotch rope, which resulted in moans from Mac. The assault on both tightly tied women resulted in an almost simultaneous orgasm.

“Hmmmppppppffffffffff.’ Mac and Linda screamed at the same time.

Diana grinned. She had experienced enough situations where she was brought to a climax while tightly bound and gagged, that she knew what to do. And in this case, she knew not to stop, but bring them to another orgasm. Her hands went on the offensive again when she noticed both women started to recover and she could see how Linda pulled on the crotch rope, sending them both to another high.

“Good girl.” Diana whispered in Linda’s ear.

Linda could not reply, she was still recovering from the last orgasm. It was a good thing that both were bound, otherwise they would have fallen on the ground. The ropes just held them up, which was not very easy for Mac’s wrists, as they carried most of the weight.

“Come on, we’ll do another one.” Diana toyed with the prisoners.

Both Mac and Linda grunted. As punishment, Diana tickled Mac again for several minutes, which exhausted her even more, before she started her relentless attack on the breasts of her prisoners again. Diana could tell Linda and Mac were exhausted, as it took more effort to push them to another high, and Linda came before Mac this time. Both captives were breathing hard through their noses and drool ran from their mouth. Without mercy, Diana rubbed the wet globs of spit over their bare breasts. She pulled on the chains of the nipple clamps, which resulted in a scream from Mac and a curse from Linda.

“Behave, or you stay here a while longer.” Diana threatened.

Linda was trying to catch her breath, as was Mac. Both were exhausted and both were sure they were going to kill Diana for doing to them what she did, after they were free.

“Hello, what is going on here? Are we missing the party?”

Linda lifted her head, she recognized the voice and it was not Diana. Jim and Robert must have returned and walked into the shed, as it was Jim’s voice.

“Looks like you guys had fun while we were out.” Robert added to Jim’s statement.

Diana smiled and nodded.

“You want to play some more?” Jim asked, picking up a rope from the floor and walking towards his beautiful wife.

For a moment Diana considered the fact that Linda and Mac were exhausted, but then she figured they had most of the fun so far, even though playing with the helpless females had been fun, and she nodded. Jim grabbed her, brought her arms behind her back and tied them tightly. Once done, he lifted his wife up in her arms and carried her out of the shed.

“You can take care of those two, Robert. He said, before turning the corner and disappearing towards the main building.

Robert looked at the two females standing in the middle of the shed. He inspected the ropes, seeing that Diana had done a very good job in restraining the women, as neither would be able to get free without help. He tugged the crotch rope, which resulted in a squeal from Mac, so he did it again.

“Interesting.” He said.

One of the ropes wrapped around both women had gotten some slack, so he fixed it and tightened it, which resulted in a grunt from Linda, who figured she, and by association Mac, would not be released yet.

“Let’s see what we can do.” Robert said, kissing his girlfriend on her gagged mouth.

Pain shot through her nipples, as Robert removed the clamps. He did the same to Mac, who reacted much the same, screaming into her gag.

“At least we know these gags work.” Robert said, grinning, before he went back to kissing Linda.

Mac was intimately aware of what Robert did to Linda, as she felt every movement, but since she was still bound to Linda, gagged and blindfolded, there was not much she could do. She just hoped Robert would not forget her, she could use some more attention too. She might be a lesbian, it did not matter to her who brought her to an orgasm.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

That Part was even better - Linda joining the fun and Diana playing the task master - she was really devious :) I like the tone of the story and the interaction between the characters :)
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Post by Mask6190 »

Nice job :D

Sexy, hot, and fun!
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Post by slackywacky »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago That Part was even better - Linda joining the fun and Diana playing the task master - she was really devious :)
Mask6190 wrote: 4 years ago Sexy, hot, and fun!
Glad you enjoyed it. Not every chapter will be as sexy, hot or fun, but I will try. ;-)
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Post by slackywacky »

A breath of fresh air

Linda, dressed in her wetsuit, stretched while walking barefoot into the kitchen of the villa. She smelled coffee and knew that Robert had made it, as he had left the bed already.

“Hi honey.” She said, kissing him and running her hand through his short brown hair.

Robert, dressed in dark blue shorts and a short-sleeved shirt with a wild pattern on it, with the buttons undone, looked up from his newspaper at the blond woman and smiled.

“Did you recover from yesterday?” He asked.

Standing behind him and wrapping her arms around him, she kissed his neck.

“I did sleep all night, even after you were mean enough to keep us tied for another two hours. Not sure how Mac felt, she is not used to this.”

“She did not complain.” He stated, turning around and wrapping his arms around her waist.

“She was gagged the whole time.” Linda stated.

“Yes, but she had a safe word, and she never used it. Besides, she was enjoying it too.”

“I think you were the one who was enjoying himself, two bound females to play with. Maybe I should be jealous, you paid more attention to her than to me.”

“No, I did not.” He grinned, pulling her close and kissing her long and intimately.

The kiss lasted a long time and Linda pressed herself against him, pushing her breasts against his chest, her nipples standing erect under her wetsuit.

“Are we going to play some more? I could use a bath.” Linda asked coyly.

Another long kiss was Robert’s reply and she felt his tongue enter her mouth and she pressed herself even tighter against his body. His right hand slowly made his way down to her crotch, when somebody coughed.

“Am I interrupting things?” Mac asked, walking into the kitchen. “I smelled coffee.”

Linda stood back straight and looked at Mac and grinned.

“Damn, you know when to break up a party.” Linda sighed, letting go of Robert and grabbing a coffee mug.

“I don’t remember me being the one who was complaining.” Mac replied, also grabbing a mug.

Linda poured herself and Mac a cup of coffee and both women sat down at the table in the kitchen. Robert, who had been sitting at the breakfast nook, joined them.

“Sleep well?” Linda asked Mac, who was also dressed in her wetsuit.

“Oh, I slept like a baby. It has been a long time I slept like that, although my wrists were still hurting a little this morning. I am not used to being tied up.”

“You just need some more experience, how about we tie you up for a few hours? I am willing to do the hard work.” Robert said with a smile.

Linda smacked him one.

“Auw.” He said, still laughing.

“Leave that poor woman alone. If there is anybody who is tying her up, it will be me.” Linda added.

“I think I better run.” Mac said, laughing, but not following up on what she said.

“I filled the air bottles.” Robert said, changing the subject.

“Thank you. We’ll be heading out soon.” Mac replied. “We’ll do breakfast after the dive.”

Mac and Linda had decided to do a diving lesson every morning, so that they had time in the afternoon for other things.

“We’ll be training on sharing the air hose and I found the perfect spot for testing this. Would you join us as the safety backup?” Mac asked Robert.

Robert was an experienced diver, trained during his army days, but so far, he had not gone into the water as he had been too busy with other things.

“Yes, I can join you. Is there anything else you need?”

Mac told him what she needed, and he nodded and went to get the stuff she requested. Linda looked curiously at Mac.

“Why would you need that?” She asked.

“No worries, you will find out.”

Once they finished their coffee, Mac stood up.

“Ready to head to the beach?” She asked.

“Let me go to the bathroom, and I’ll be ready.” Linda replied, leaving the kitchen.

Not long after, they walked together the short distance from the villa to the building that housed the tanks. Robert was already there, he had changed in a bright red speedo.

“Hmmm, I like what I see.” Linda said.

“I would almost turn straight again.” Mac added, making everybody laugh.

They grabbed their air bottles with full face masks attached, diving weights and their set of Scubapro Go Sport fins.

“Okay, so here is what we’ll do. We’ll swim to the deeper water, we need a little more than the shallow water in front of the villa, so we will take a leisure swim towards the wreck that is just a few hundred meters out. We’ll do the air hose sharing there and will swim back afterwards. We have enough air for the whole trip, and we’ll be close to the surface for most of the trip anyway, so we can surface anytime we want. We have practiced already what to do with the masks, now we’ll be doing it under water. Questions?”

Neither Robert nor Linda had questions, so they walked into the water until it was deep enough to start swimming. They put on their fins, they already had the diving weights around their waists, hoisted the air bottles on their backs, Robert helping Linda with hers, and put on their masks. One last check from Mac, made Robert and Linda give the okay signal and they went below the surface.

“I love diving.” Linda thought to herself, as she followed Mac, who was leading the way.

Robert made up the rear, looking at how Linda was doing. He knew she was a good swimmer, but he was impressed with how quickly she had adapted to diving. It had been a while since he had been diving, but it was something you never forgot. Mac checked in couple of times to make sure they were doing fine, and they made good progress to their destination. The bottom of the ocean became more overgrown with vegetation, close to the shore it was pure sand, and colorful fish started to become more present. This was why Mac loved diving, seeing nature at its best. In the distance a larger shadow appeared, the remains of a ship wreck. The ship had sunken years ago and there was nothing much left of it than some steel beams.

“Stop.” Mac signaled.

The halted next to the wreck and Mac signaled to the others to surface. It took a little effort with the weights around their waists, but they managed, and Mac went through what they were going to do one more time.

“Okay, lets go.” She said, after checking with Linda that she knew what was expected of her.

The dove to the wreck, the water was only 4 meters deep and Linda and Mac settled on a wide beam of the wreck close to the bottom, taking their bottles of their backs and putting them in front of them. Mac took her face mask off and inserted the spare mouthpiece in her mouth, before shutting off the air to the face mask, as the air was escaping as nobody was wearing it. Mac signaled to Linda to take her mask off and close the valve. Linda took a deep breath and pulled the mask of her face, shutting the valve and looking at Mac for the next step. Mac took the mouthpiece out of her mouth and gave it to Linda so she could take in air. They repeated the process several times and Linda did good.

Robert was watching them close by with a spare mouthpiece, just in case one of them got into trouble, but nothing happened. Mac signaled Linda to put on her regular mask again, and Linda put it on, opened the valve and performed the steps to clear the water from the mask, just as Mac had told her. She signaled she was fine.

Mac signaled Robert she needed the bag he was carrying. After he gave it to her, she took out a set of handcuffs. She snapped one side on Linda’s right wrist and the other on a piece of metal on the beam they were sitting on. Linda was totally surprised and caught off guard. She looked in shock at Mac and started to pull on the cuff, but the cuff and the metal it was connected to both held and Linda was stuck under water, handcuffed to a large piece of metal. Suddenly Mac pulled the mask of Linda’s head, while she was still trying to get the handcuffs off. Without stopping, Mac dragged herself and the air bottle out of Linda’s reach, leaving the blond woman with no source of air. Wide open eyes looked at Mac, and the movements got more desperate as Linda was running out of air. Mac pointed to a small air bottle that was lying at Linda’s feet, but Linda had not noticed. She grabbed it, opened the valve and put the integrated mouthpiece in her mouth and started to breath, in through her mouth, out through her nose. Linda visually relaxed now that she had air again. Then she saw Mac taking off her air bottle and mask, dropping it on the sea floor. She swam to Linda, pulled the air bottle away and dropped it on the ground too, just out of reach of Linda’s hand, leaving the woman without an air supply again. Mac swam to the surface, took a deep breath and dove back to Linda, who saw her coming down again. She put her mouth on Linda’s and pushed the air in her lungs into Linda’s by breathing out as in a long drawn out kiss. Quickly she swam to the surface again and came down, repeating the process. She was providing air to Linda for several minutes. Finally, Mac picked up Linda’s regular mask and bottle and the small air bottle. She used the small bottle for herself, while helping Linda with the process of putting on the face mask. Once Linda was done, Mac went to her own regular bottle and put it on.

“Key.” She signaled to Robert, who had been standing by the whole time.

Robert gave her the little key and Mac swam to Linda to unlock the cuffs. She tried to get the key in the cuff which was attached to the metal and dropped it. It fell in between pieces of the wreck and she could not get to it.

“Key?” She signaled to Robert, who shook his head.

Mac tried again if she could get to the fallen key, but it was useless. Then she looked at Linda and signaled if she was okay. Linda figured there was not much she could do, handcuffed underwater, but she had air and Robert was around, so she answered with the okay signal.

“I’ll get a spare key.” Robert wrote on a notepad he carried, specifically created for divers.

Mac and Linda both nodded and before he left, he checked the air bottles. They still had air for 30 minutes and it should take less time than that to swim to the villa and get another key. Quickly he swam away, leaving the two females at the wreck. Mac inspected the handcuffs and tried again to see if she could get the key back, but it was useless. Linda would have to stay put until Robert came back.

“Okay?” She signaled for the tenth time.

Linda sighed. She could see Mac was worried, but as long as they had air, she would be fine. And if worse came to worse, they could do the re-breathing thing they had done earlier, where Mac brought air to Linda. Mac swam to the surface to check if she could see anything, but nothing indicated Robert had made it to the shore yet or that he was on his way back. She dove back down to Linda, who was just sitting there, breathing slowly, conserving air. Mac checked the air, 15 minutes left, plus they still had another 10 minutes in the small bottle. At least the colorful fish were distracting Linda from her predicament.

“Okay?” she signaled Linda again, when suddenly a shadow appeared above them.

A moment later Robert dove down to Linda, holding another handcuff key. Mac handed him the small bottle and he took it in his mouth, before releasing Linda. He signaled she should swim to the boat. Both Mac and Linda went up, while he removed the handcuffs from the wreck. He checked around to see they had not left anything behind, before also heading to the surface.

“Okay?” he asked Linda when he climbed back into the rubber boat.

“I know I said I wanted to take a bath, but this was not what I meant.” Linda joked.


“I’m good, thanks. Sorry Linda, it was not my intention to drop the key. I wanted to introduce a little bit of danger into the dive, to see how you reacted to stress, but you did good.”

“The re-breathing was special.” Linda said. “Never knew you could do that.”

“It works, but it is very tiring. Not something I want to do for a long time, but if needed…” She let the end of the sentence trail.

“Let’s get back to the house, I think we deserve breakfast.” Robert said, starting the little outdoor motor and steering the boat to the beach.

“At least I do not need my bath anymore.” Linda laughed.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

Fine idea this diving scenario - it has some thrill in it :)
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Post by slackywacky »

Silent darkness

Jim walked barefoot into the living room of the villa, dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, with a FedEx package that just was delivered. The clock showed it was 4 PM. Diana, sporting a sexy black Spellbound Monokini swimsuit, was sitting at the table, browsing some magazines that were left behind by the previous occupants. She had her long brown hair hanging loose around her head. He noticed the magazines were all Hollywood related magazines and he knew Diana was not really into that, so he figured she must be bored.

“Nothing better to do than reading gossip?” He asked her.

“Yeah, the sun is too warm now, Linda and Mac are in the hot tub and Robert is taking a nap. I did not feel like being outside for now. What are you up to?” She replied, looking at the package he was carrying.

“Surprises.” He said.

“I like surprises.” She replied, smiling.

“Yeah, I know, but this is a different surprise.” He said, peaking her interest even more.

“Come on, show me.” She said, indicating he should come sit with her at the table.

Jim sat down next to his wife and cut the box open. It was not a very big box and the content was a little plastic box and what looked like a cream tube. A piece of paper was the only other thing in the package.

“What is that?” Diana asked.

Jim held up the little plastic box and showed her. It looked like contact lenses. Diana wondered why they needed contact lenses, as none of them used any.

“These are special. You want to try them? I think you should apply them yourself, might be easier.”

Diana had used contact lenses before, so she opened the plastic box and picked out one of the lenses and applied it to her left eye.

“Oh, wow, I can’t see a thing.” She exclaimed, grinning. “This is fun.”

She applied the other lens and sat on the chair at the table, looking around, holding out her hands in front of her, but seeing nothing.

“I am blind. These work really well, all I can see is darkness.”

“I saw an ad online and they sold dark contact lenses. However, the ad was a fake, as so often is the case, but it made me search for the real thing and I found a supplier in California who made real ones and I ordered these up. They specialize in more kinky stuff than just this.” He said.

For Diana it was as if she had gone blind without the use of a blindfold. The lenses blocked any light of getting through and it did not matter if she moved her head or her eyes, she could not see a thing. From Jim’s perspective, nothing has really changed. Diana was still sitting at the table, she was just moving her head around. Unless you looked more closely at her eyes, you would not know she was wearing the contacts and was not able to see.

“Let’s see how this goes.” Diana said, standing up, moving her chair away from the table.

She moved around, but had to use her hands to feel around where she was. Humans have a keen memory for layouts of rooms, so she knew where the table was supposed to be, but she could not see it, so she had to feel for it. Carefully she moved around the room, making small steps, as she did not want to bump her toes.

“It is like being blindfolded, but without a blindfold. We could be walking around town and nobody would know I could not see.”

“Don’t give me ideas.” He replied, laughing out loud.

“What was the other thing in the box?” Diana asked, feeling her way back to her chair and sitting down, but not removing the lenses.

“I can show you. Oops sorry, I can demonstrate.” He said. “Let me get you a glass of water first.”

Coming back from the kitchen, he placed a glass of water in front of her on the table.

“It is in front of you.” He said.

Diana smiled and carefully moved her hands around and searched for the glass. She found it, brought it to her lips and drank the fluid, unable to see what was in the glass. It was however plain water.

“Here is a towel, dry your lips.” Robert said, putting the towel in her hands.

She did what he asked and placed the towel on the table.

“Now what?” She asked, unable to see what Jim was doing.

“Hold still, don’t talk.” He told her.

Again, she did what he asked and sat silently on her chair. She felt a thick liquid being put on her lips. It felt like a cream. She wanted to ask him, but remembered he had said not to talk, so she waited.

“Press your lips together and hold for a few seconds.” Jim told her.

She pressed her lips together, wondering what was going on. The liquid distributed itself between her lips, it did feel a bit weird, but it did not hurt or anything like that.

“How does it feel?” Jim asked.


She tried to separate her lips to say something, but they were stuck together. With a shock she realized Jim had glued her lips together.

“Hmmmppppppffffffffff, hmmmppppppffffffffff.” She tried.

“Don’t worry, I did not use superglue. It is a glue, but a special one. This glue is specially designed for the movie industry. It acts like superglue, but it dissolves after a while by itself. Nice gadget, right?” He asked Diana.

She shook her head, not agreeing to what Jim said. She agreed that being blind and gagged, without anybody being able to tell she was, was an interesting concept, but heaving her lips glued shut was a little uncomfortable. The only question she had was how long it would take before the glue dissolved, but with her lips sealed shut, it was a little hard to ask.

“According to the manual, the glue dissolves in 4 hours, depending on the quantity used.” Jim said, anticipating the question Diana surely would have.

At that moment Linda walked into the room on her way to the kitchen.

“Hi guys, what’s up?” She asked, glancing at Jim and Diana at the table.

“Just having a conversation.” Jim said.

Linda felt around and found one of the magazines she had been reading. She flipped the pages as if she was browsing through the magazine.

“I need to get some ice from the kitchen. It is warm outside” Linda said, seeing how Diana was reading her magazine.

She walked into the kitchen and came back with some ice.

“I did not know you read those?” Linda asked.

“She was bored. I asked the same question.” Jim replied.

“Yeah, although I normally read them right side up, not upside down.” Linda added, looking suspiciously at Diana. “What’s going on?”

“Hmmpppfff.” Diana said, looking in the direction where she suspected Linda was.

She, nor Jim, had noticed that the magazine was upside down.

“Oh my god, what happened? Why can’t you talk? And why are you looking past me?”

Linda walked up to Diana and looked at her closely. She noticed the dark contacts in her eyes and the cream like substance on her lips.

“Oh, wow, you cannot see or speak?” She said, looking closely at Diana’s eyes and lips. “I assume you can undo the glue?”

“Yes, it dissolves by itself in roughly 4 hours.” Jim answered.

“We should take her into town, like this, later today. Nobody would guess she is blind and mute. We could have some fun with that.” Linda said.

“Diana said something similar when she was testing the contacts.” Jim said

Even though she had offered something similar, the idea caused Diana to shake her head. Not that she had objections to being blindfolded and gagged, she was used to that, but there was a festival going on in town and she wanted to see it and enjoy it. That would be a bit hard when blind.

“Hmmpppfffff.” She muttered.

“Don’t worry dear, we will take good care of you.” Jim said.

Diana sighed, she figured her opinion would be ignored. She brought her hands up to her eyes to remove the contacts, but Linda grabbed them and pushed them down.

“Oh no you don’t.” Linda said. “This is fun, we’ll keep you like this for a while, at least until the glue resolves. Are you going to leave your eyes alone, or do I need to get some rope and tie your hands?”

Diana sighed and shook her head; she didn’t need to be tied up now, she would play along for now. She knew that if she wanted to stop the game, all she had to do was tell them.

“No, you are not going to leave your eyes alone? Or no, I don’t want my hands tied?” Linda asked laughingly.

Diana just grunted, got up from the table, slowly found her way to a lounge chair and sat down. It was a good thing Jim had given her a drink, before gluing her lips shut, as it would be a while before she could drink again.

“I have to tell Robert about this.” Linda said, walking towards the bedrooms.

Jim got up and walked over to where Diana sat.

“You okay like this?” He asked her.

A nod of her head confirmed that she was fine. It was so weird, sitting in the dark without feeling anything over her eyes. The same for the sealed lips. She tried to pry them open with her tongue, but the glue worked well. The only thing she hoped for was that the glue really dissolved in a few hours, she did not want to go to a hospital and explain why her lips were glued together. She heard Jim walk away and knew she was alone in the room. With a sigh she settled in the chair and tried to relax, but it was hard not to put her fingers to her mouth to feel her sealed lips. Going into town like this could be fun, she thought, before relaxing in the chair.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

I guess, Diana did not expect that turn of events :)
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Post by slackywacky »


The lights in the room were on, as they had been for the whole time Kyleigh had been locked up in the abandoned building. Deep down she knew it was only a study, but the boredom of being locked up in a room without distractions like other people, television or radio had an impact. Any little movement in the room was something she focused on. The ant walking along the wall, or a sound from outside the room, anything that was more than just the boring time in the room was something to rejoice for. The chain around her waist, the handcuffs and ankle cuffs, the heavy locks keeping everything locked tight, all had been the focus of extended scrutiny, but she had never found a way to beat them, she was still as tightly cuffed and locked up as she had been at the start. She had no idea how long she had been locked up, the constant light, the irregular visits from Alicia, the varying sleep periods, had messed up her sense of time. It could have been weeks, she really did not know.

“Hello?” She called out, when she heard a noise outside.

The noise was one she had learned to connect to a visit from Alicia. There were some other sounds, some she did not recognize, and then the door was opened.


She heard Alicia calling out her name. The 24-year-old redhead walked into the room, wearing dark blue sweatpants and a yellow sweater with the university logo on it. To Kyleigh’s surprise, she was not alone. Professor Joanne Mosley, their psychology professor at the university, walked in behind Alicia.

“Hi Kyleigh. How are you doing?” The professor asked.

“The study is over, Kyleigh.” Alicia added.

“What?” The young woman asked, not quite understanding the words she heard.

Alicia walked up to the chained-up woman and started to unlock the locks that were keeping her locked to the chain that was fixed to the center of the room.

“It is over? I am set free?” She whispered, while Alicia removed the ankle cuffs and handcuffs.

For the first time in 10 days, Alicia was free to walk around. Joanne had walked up to Kyleigh with a robe and slippers, put them on the young woman and then both Alicia and Joanne held on to Kyleigh while slowly guiding her towards the large door.

“I am so sorry I put you through this, Kyleigh.” Alicia said, while they walked towards the steps heading up. “But I thank you for helping me.”

“I... I, can’t believe this is over.” Kyleigh stuttered, still not grasping the fact she was free again. “How long was I in here?”

“Ten days.” Joanne said. “We figured that was long enough.”

“This was only ten days? It feels like much longer.”

“We’ll do a post interview later, now we first get you to your room, get you into a bath and let you rest.” Alicia said, while they slowly climbed the stairs towards freedom.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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