Dressed at my best (Part 56 added) (F-self, F/F, M/F...)

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Post by Beaumains »

If that was the ending, it was an amazing story! But I kinda hope that there’s more
Thanks! I really appreciate your comments. I will continue the story, but I first have to work out a general direction.
That's a great story, lovely descriptions of the conflicting feelings.
Thank you very much!
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Post by Beaumains »

The remainder of my classes went well because I was energetic, cheerful, and concentrated. My first professor had mentioned the change in my mood. I had been doubtful it was clearly visible. I got many comments on it, so everyone had noticed it. Autumn had been correct; I had been somber and silent which was visible to everyone. But I wasn’t going to punish myself for my attitude of last week. The past is the past and so it is better to forget about it. Excluding the weekend, of course, because it had been unforgettable. Today, no one had shown they knew what occurred during the last two days. I didn’t expect any hints. Autumn would keep her word. If no one knew about my recent bondage adventure, which secrets would they have?

I headed home after getting groceries at the supermarket. It was my turn to cook, and I was going to prepare some Indian fish curry. I had never made this before, but I was inspired to try something new. When I arrived home, I saw Autumn was already there. I told her how joyful I was because my day had been fantastic. Then I thanked her again for the previous weekend and for keeping her word about my little secret. Or was it our little secret already?

Autumn smiled at me and I could see she was also well-rested. She explained to me how happy she was I had pulled myself over last weeks incident. I was content to hear she had also enjoyed our weekend together. She had discovered a lot about herself. Last Sunday she wasn’t doing it solely for me anymore. She acquired a taste for it as well. We laughed for a while before continuing our usual business. Boring reports and hard exercises. Afterward, I prepared our dinner which we ate together. It was one of those meals which took a long time. Not because the curry was bad, but because we talked so much. You shouldn’t eat while talking.

Then I walked to the bouldering club I visited every Monday. It was close to our dorm complex and I didn’t mind to walk. I was still loaded with energy. I mumbled hi to everyone before starting training with Lauren, my regular climbing partner. On her watch, I finally completed a difficult route. It had cost me three attempts, but I had been practicing for two months. This was the first time I succeeded. This day couldn’t get any better.

After the training, I invited Lauren to my dorm room to celebrate this achievement. Lauren had trained me for the past six months. Due to her guidance, I made it to the end of the route. I climbed casually, but the club was her second home. Lauren trained multiple times a week while working out every day. Naturally, she had a long, tender body. Combined with her ruthless exercises this gave her a figure I was almost jealous of. Her arms and upper body were strong, but she remained thin. This physique made her perfect for this sport. Lauren was one of the best climbers in our college. This was remarkable because she had been doing it for only one and a half years. Due to this, I wanted to be like Lauren. But I lacked the strength. I told myself this was how genetics worked. But actually, I was too lazy to achieve this.

Lauren was a childhood friend of Autumn, who introduced us to each other. They met in primary school and had been close ever since. When I informed Autumn I wanted to try out bouldering she convinced Lauren to aid me entering this club. She did this with grace, so I was quickly accepted by all other climbers. They there turned out to be friendly and innervating. This made the club ideal to forget about my studies for a moment. It was a perfect getaway to challenge myself physically. Collectively they helped me improve. I saw my body grew in the past six months. I became stronger and more agile. Climbing became easier, and I gained more confidence in my own abilities. Lauren had taught me the basics, but we continued climbing together every Monday.

We appreciated each other’s company and despite our differences in skill, both of us wanted to continue training together. When she climbed, I watched in awe how her body twisted in the most fascinating positions. Her flexibility and strength made it possible to move in all sorts of directions. When it was my turn, Lauren encouraged me from the ground while directing me through the newbie routes. I still had difficulties with them. But each time I completed one, she cheered as if she completed one of her absurd routes myself. When I failed, she inspired me to attempt it one more time. Lauren was experienced enough to know all routes by heart. Therefore, she was a magnificent guide through the routes. Our practice sessions were always serious, but we often chatted for hours afterward. Outside practice, she turned out to be a relaxed, down-to-earth person. Because both Autumn and I were friends with Lauren, she stayed over many times for dinner. She was one of the best friends of both Autumn and me.

After our training, Lauren and I walked back together to my dorm room. I texted Autumn I was bringing Lauren with me. Autumn answered she was glad I took her with me because it showed “I had escaped the mental state of last week.”. I was happy I had sent her the text because there was a double layer in her text back. We found Autumn watching Netflix on her bed. She rapidly closed her laptop and greeted us cheerfully. Then she snatched something for us to drink. It was ordinary tap water because we didn’t have anything else. But it was sufficient for three poor students. We had a great conversation involving many silly subjects. Lauren praised me for completing the route. She also remarked how joyful I was today and which impact it had on our training. We talked for a while, but the inevitable happened when talking on a Monday: the how-was-your-weekend question.

Autumn and I knew this question was likely to be asked. Needless to say, we wouldn’t tell Lauren we had been tying each other up for the whole weekend. I saw Autumn was nervous, so I quickly answered Lauren our window still was finally repaired. I didn’t dare to lie to her, but it wasn’t the complete truth. It was noteworthy enough to be true. I mean what spectacular things do I normally during the weekend? But it wouldn’t be the thing Autumn and I would remember from yesterday. She hadn’t noticed we were nervous when she asked the question. She seemed to believe our answer. All three of us praised the new tile and the fastened window still while complaining about how long it had taken. Autumn gave me a small wink behind Lauren’s back, but I was too scared to answer it. A couple more evasive answers saved us from telling the truth. It wasn’t factually incorrect that Autumn cooked twice, that we watched a movie together and that I spent much time studying at my table. But some critical details were left out.

We talked some more until Lauren left around midnight. It had been a long day, so I almost immediately went to bed. I was relieved Lauren didn’t found out about our weekend activity. The day had been great, and I was able to get asleep instantly. Just like the previous night, I slept soundly. Disappointingly, I could move my legs. Having them tied felt so nice. Especially the surprise in the morning was pleasant. The following two days were similar. I was cheerful and optimistic. Therefore, I performed well during my classes. I felt confident and save with Autumn. The vibe in our room was great because we laughed and joked all day. For some reason, most jokes featured me being bound. I was delighted Autumn had accepted me my little quirk.

On Wednesday, both of us hadn’t planned for the evening. So I invited Autumn to join me on a walk after dinner. As always, we would go to the woods behind our dorm building. Because it was February, it was dark outside. The last couple of weeks had been relatively warm and dry for the time of the year. All snow had melted away, but it was freezing again. It would be a cold walk through the vast forest. It was immense. I had wandered there for hours without seeing anyone. Most parents would disapprove that their daughters would enter a pitch-black forest in the middle of winter. But Autumn and I never felt unsafe. It was always deserted. And if you encountered anyone, it would be another hiker or jogger minding their own business.

We dressed up in our thick coats, woolen scarfs, and warm hats. We were ready to face the windy air. I had prepared a backpack this afternoon which I grabbed. Then we left our cozy, heated room and went entered the forest. As expected, it was dark and desolated. I had to use my flashlight to make sure we wouldn’t trip over any branches or rocks. Despite the cold, our clothes kept us warm. The weather wasn’t unpleasant for a walk.

I directed us to a small path that I knew well. It was gently sloping while being free of rocks and tree roots. Perfect for what I had in mind. We walked about a hundred yards on this path until I directed Autumn to stop. She had inquired earlier why I took a backpack. I had answered it contained some water and snacks, in case any of us would get thirsty or hungry. This was true, but there was more. I removed a couple of neat bundles of rope from the backpack and threw them on the ground, just in front of Autumn. She was shocked at this sight. Curious what I would do with her in the middle of nowhere. I saw her puzzled face and I closed the bag again. It contained more surprises for her. As expected of me, I had to tease her somewhat. So I inquired what she expected my plan to be.

Autumn was still confused I had brought ropes with me to this cold, dark, and deserted place. Her guess was I would bind her to a tree. I laughed. I answered this wasn’t an odd thought because we were in a forest. For a moment it crossed my mind to actually do this. Then I would leave, which would be terrifying for her. Then I would return after half an hour or so and untie her. But this wasn’t safe. If anything would happen to me, she would die. Autumn would be found by morning at best. But it could also be days. The night alone would be lethal in this weather. Furthermore, it was against the rules we had determined. Nope. I had to stick to my plan.

I smiled at Autumn while requesting her to stand still and to place her legs against each other. She did so, and I seized cold ropes from the ground. It was time to tie Autumn up.
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Post by Emma »

These chapters are a bit long, but very well written! They do leave you wondering what's going to happen next.
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=5915
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Post by Beaumains »

Thank you! Do you think the chapters are too long? I try to aim for 2000-2500 word at the moment.

I looked one last time at Autumn before kneeling in front of her. Her legs got tied together at three places: just above the knees, under the knees and around the ankles. Each of these knots was cinched. She couldn’t walk, only shuffle. I couldn’t tie ankle knot as low as I wanted due to her hiking shoes. Binding a rope around them would be a bad idea. The friction and dirt would ruin it. So I took a small cord and threaded it between her shoelaces. Now her shoes were one hard block of rubber and leather. Due to thick shoes, Autumn couldn’t use her toes or feet to move forward.

Then I took two bandannas from my backpack which became handcuffs. As usual, a rope between forced her hands together while her fingers couldn’t reach the knot. Autumn was stuck. She couldn’t escape without my help. But I wasn’t done yet. I removed a small apple from my backpack and showed it to Autumn. After I had washed it, I shoved it into her mouth. It had helpfully dropped open in surprise, so this was easy. With a bandanna around her head, I secured it in her mouth. Now Autumn was properly gagged. I knew it was a good gag because when Autumn tried to protest, only some vague mumbles escaped her mouth. I had been fortunate she didn’t come up with this trick last weekend. But she would certainly use the idea when tying me up.

I walked a couple of steps back and shined my flashlight at a displeased Autumn. I had imagined it like this: tied, frightened, and slightly curious about her upcoming adventure. I bet she had figured out she had to hop. How hard could that be? Autumn tried to tell me something, but again only some vague mumbles escaped her mouth. Speaking was out of the question. Now it was time for her to work. “Autumn,” I said firmly, “The rules are simple. Your goal is to reach the start of this path. This means you have to hop like a little bunny. I will light the ground in front of you, so you see what you are doing. To prevent you from falling and hurting yourself, I will stay close-by. This won’t be easy. So if you want to give up, shake your head furiously from left to right. But remember, there will be consequences if you quit. Do you understand?”. Autumn nodded slowly, so I rotated her in the correct direction. Then I shined the flashlight on the path, singing she could start hopping.

Although it wasn’t even one hundred yards, it would be challenging. Hopping is much more demanding than walking. Each jump costs loads of energy, while little progress is achieved. It is very exhausting. Despite the freezing temperatures, Autumn would be soaking in her own sweat. Her thick clothes would isolate her back way too good. This was potentially dangerous if her sweat cooled down too much. Her body temperature would drop quickly. I expected it would take her about thirty minutes to reach the start of this path. It would be tough, but I would watch her closely. Catching a cold wouldn’t be her biggest problem. The ropes would take that honor.

Autumn started off and already had difficulties. She had never done anything like this before. So she still had to figure out the most efficient technique. Initially, she tried little hops. They didn’t cost much energy but barely moved her an inch. Although bigger jumps carried her much farther, they required more strength and posed a higher risk of falling. After two yards, she found a decent middle-way between these methods. But I could see Autumn already had it difficult. I had caught her twice because she lost her balance. Her face was red, and she was panted the whole time. Autumn attempted to grasp enough air in her lungs, but the apple gag made this hard. After only a couple of minutes, she had to stop for a minute to recover from her efforts. I removed the sweat from her face with a towel I brought with me. Then I asked her if she was able to continue. Autumn nodded and went back on her way. This wasn’t a walk in the park for her.

The path wasn’t totally horizontal. The first couple of yards had been flat, but a modest descent followed. Autumn’s eyes revealed her fear of stumbling. I positioned myself in front of her and encouraged her to continue. She dared to make the jump. A small smile reappeared on her face when she noticed this was, in fact, more pleasant. With little hops, Autumn steadily progressed down the hill. The smile stayed on her sweaty, gagged face. I had the feeling she liked this stage. Unfortunately for Autumn, this was only a minor descent. Another hill followed. She had to go up. It was only a small ascent, but a slight slope already makes hopping much more strenuous. Autumn stopped thrice in ten yards to regain her breath. Every time I rinsed her face, which had become a cold mixture of saliva, apple juice, and sweat. It would be disgusting and unhealthy to let it freeze to her face.

This climb was considerably harder for Autumn than I had imagined. I knew I was much more experienced in this kind of thing; I had done this weekly for years. So I expected Autumn to be slower. Her winter attire, restrained hands, and gag made it even more difficult. The temperature and darkness were also not in her favor. At my parents home, I had hopped over slopes like this many times. But this would be almost impossible for her under the current circumstances. Was it even a fair challenge? Could she even complete it? But last Sunday I thought, when I had to read my textbook, Autumn was harsh to me. Why would I have to assign her something easy?

Ultimately, Autumn made it to the top of the small climb. I asked again if she was alright, but she didn’t respond. Autumn just stood still catching her breath. I started worrying and repeated my question. This time she just looked at me with her wearied face. I knew she didn’t want to quit yet but was barely handling herself. Autumn had been hopping for 20 minutes, but she wasn’t even half-way. It would take her an hour at this pace. Twice as long as I had anticipated. And this was under the assumption she would maintain her current speed.

Luckily for her, the path went down again. Autumn descended swiftly. She started to learn how to move with your legs bound together. But when I shined my flashlight forward, she groaned. This hill up next was steeper and higher than the previous one. I started taking pity for Autumn’s situation. While she stood still, thinking about the upcoming monstrosity, I removed the drenched apple and bandanna from her mouth. After I had tossed the apple in the forest, I cleansed her face. It was ice cold. The fluids had cooled down significantly around her cheeks because the bandanna had absorbed it. This was bad. I inquired if she felt all right while a tear dropped from her right eye. She stretched her face after moving her lips together. They had to be ice cold. Then a small thank you escaped her mouth. I could tell she had depleted all her reserves and wouldn’t make it to the end. But the choice to quit was hers alone. I wouldn’t force her.

While she stood still, I was told she was cold and exhausted. Another tear escaped while she realized she couldn’t finish the challenge. But she continued hopping. Without gag, it was simpler to grasp for air and losing body heat went much smoother, so she sweated less. A minor change could produce a massive impact. But half-way on the hill, she stopped.

I wiped her face again with the towel, but she told me she had to quit. I requested her to confirm this, which she did. Autumn had given up. So I released her and gave her a big hug. She had given so much, she could barely control her tears. The exhaustion and the fear of falling had drained her energy. I was impressed she had pushed so far. I gave her the bottle of water I brought with me, from which she eagerly drank. Slowly she recovered, and a vague smile returned to her face. I was so proud of her.

After I had put everything in my backpack, we walked back to our dorm room. For me, it was an enjoyable evening walk, but Autumn had clearly used all of her energy. She was hobbling, barely able to stand up. Her hands were very cold, and she told me she was drenched. There wasn’t much I could do, but I offered her the other apple I had taken with me. She had contradicting feelings about this. On the one hand, she wanted to regain some strength. But she didn’t want to taste more apple today. Ultimately, she accepted it. Her need for energy was more urgent at the moment.

When we arrived back home, Autumn instantly took a long, hot shower. She had been dirty, sweaty and above all, frozen. Refreshed and warmed up, she returned to our room. Autumn looked so much fitter, I couldn’t help reminding her she had failed my challenge. So there would be consequences. Then I saw the exhaustion in her eyes. Therefore I said it wouldn’t happen today. I knew Autumn wouldn’t be able to handle it now. I didn’t spot any anger. She was just tired, defeated and ready to go to bed.

She had recovered by morning. During breakfast, she complained it hadn’t been fair because it was impossible. I replied I aimed it to be fifty-fifty whether she would make it. Autumn looked displeased. She probably wanted to take revenge by giving me a similar dare I would fail. In fear of this, I told her how proud I was on her. Her punishment wouldn’t be as bad as it could have been. But I had to remind her failure always carries consequences.

I had nothing planned for this morning, so I decided to do my laundry. No sane student would rise extra early on a Thursday morning to do the laundry, so I decided to also wash my dress, leotard, bandannas, and ropes. It was necessary. One of the bandannas was dirty from last night while the dress and leotard smelled of my sweat. The bottom of my closet would stink if I left it there any longer. Silently I made my calculus problems while the laundry was spinning. After two hours, I put them back in the basket, hidden under my usual clothes and returned to the dorm room. Autumn was already gone. So I texted her I had taken “the items” to dry in our room. Now she wouldn’t bring anyone home this afternoon. It would be awkward if they saw them. How would we explain that?

Meanwhile, it was getting late; I had to go to my lectures. Like the previous days, I felt energetic. I learned so much more in a good mood. Immediately after, I went to my aerobics class. When I arrived back home, it was six o’clock. We knew this beforehand, so Autumn cooked today. When I entered our room, I saw she had already stored the bondage equipment. I sat on my bed while I smelt the freshly baked spices which filled the air. I always loved the smell of cooking. It is was especially satisfying when you arrive home. You could just sit down and wait for your meal.

Fifteen minutes later, dinner was ready. Autumn and I ate it together while discussing our day. Afterward, I did the dishes while Autumn left to hang out with some friends. Then I made my weekly call to my parents and learned some more for the upcoming exams. It was just a slow evening for myself. I noticed I started to get more confident about those exams. With my newfound energy and motivation, all material from the lectures seemed more logical.

Autumn returned just before midnight in a cheerful mood. I waited until she was ready to go to bed and then told her it was time for her penalty. I asked her to put on some warm socks. Then I removed a rope and two bandannas from the usual hiding spot. Autumn accepted her loss and looked at me as if she wanted this to quickly over. After all, she could guess she would be restrained for the entire night. It wasn’t particularly creative to bind her legs together for the night. Autumn did the same to me last week. But it was the least irritating way to be restrained for an entire night. Being tied to yourself is more comfortable than to some object. Your legs bound together is, in turn, more pleasant than having your hands cuffed. So I tied her ankles together. I gave her slightly more than a foot of rope between her legs to move. I wished her a good night while dimming the lights.

The following morning I woke up early. Autumn was still sleeping peacefully while her legs were tied together. She hadn’t chickened out. I took a shower, put on some clothes and went out for a little morning walk. When I returned, I saw we had received mail. I wasn’t really surprised because we often got flyers and advertisement magazines. So I retrieved them, ready to throw them away immediately. Then I noticed two strange items, a red envelope, and a folded letter. Both were addressed to me.

I was baffled for a moment. Then I recalled what day it was. It was Valentine’s Day! Generally, I couldn’t care less. I had never sent or received anything. But this year I had received not one, but two Valentine’s cards. I rushed back to my room to read them. Autumn was showering, so I was able to read them without being disturbed. My heart was pounding from excitement.
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

Can't wait to read more of this.
Great writing!
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Post by volatiledesire »

Enjoyed your story.

I hope there's more.
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Post by slackywacky »

Still a very enjoyable story to read.
Dank je wel!
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Beaumains »

Still a very enjoyable story to read.
Dank je wel!
Graag gedaan!
Enjoyed your story.

I hope there's more.
Thanks, I also love your own story!
Can't wait to read more of this.
Great writing!
Thank you!
I rushed to my bed and laid down. It was a long time ago since I was so enthusiastic. I grabbed my letter first. I instantly noticed it was handwritten and of decent length. Someone had put effort into this. For whatever reason, my head instantly went to the bottom of the page. To my delight, it wasn’t anonymous. I read the name thrice in total surprise. I never expected anything.

The letter was signed by Julian, Lauren’s little brother. Like me, he was a freshman chemistry major. There weren’t many of us in our college, I guessed about forty each year, so we shared almost all our classes. Additionally, I had seen him a few times in Lauren’s apartment and once near the bouldering club. We had never done a project together; both of us had our groups of friends. Now I thought about it, we hadn’t spoken unaccompanied at any time. There were always others around. I barely knew him.

Julian was tall and slender with short, raven black hair and brown eyes. His face displayed many similarities with his sister. Only his hair was a lot shorter. I thought he was a bit nerdy, like most boys within my major. He was mostly quiet but could be energetic with his friends. Julian wasn’t someone who stands out in the crowd but wasn’t a loner by any means. All in all, he was kinda cute. Before letting my thoughts drift away to some higher dimension, I probably had to read his letter first.
Dear Katherine,
What a weird thing this is, writing a letter of love. Well, can this be considered a love letter? How could I be in love with you? I have seen you many times, but we never held an actual conversation together. How can I be sure I have seen who Katherine is? If I don’t know who you are, can this be called love? I don’t have a conclusive answer to this question. So I will call this a letter of admiration.
What am I expected to tell you in a letter of admiration? Presumably why I admire you. So that is what I will write. Allow me to begin:
I sense you smile every day. In our lectures, you absorb the hard material joyfully as if it is nothing. You seem to understand everything, but it never goes to your head. You remain friendly, patient, and understanding to everyone who struggles while assisting them unconditionally. Every class you attend is more vibrant and fun. During experiments in the lab, you are relentlessly cheerful and optimistic. Even during the most boring practicums, you spot interesting, little details no one else sees. Everyone, including our professors, know they are blessed to share a classroom with you.
Every time I talk with Lauren about bouldering, the conversation tends to your Monday night practice sessions. She genuinely appreciates your company. It is fantastic to hear how much enjoyment you share. I have watched you climb once. It is fascinating how positive you stay, even when you fail. This spirit of yours is admirable.
As I said before, it is hard to say “I love you” at this moment. But I want to get to know you. Therefore, I won’t invite you on a date to the cinema. Instead, I welcome you to a hike in the forest after classes today. Of course, we would picnic halfway near some remote meadow. So we get acquainted.
I can merely imagine how weird this letter is for you. Perhaps even creepy. It has also been bizarre for me to write. But I have noticed your upbeat spirit all week. I could not stop thinking about you. Therefore, I propose you hang out something white out of your window if you want us to hang out. Otherwise, it is no big issue. I won’t bother you anymore. Please, it would be tremendous if you would give it a shot.
Hopefully, I will see you soon.
I read the letter twice while I was astonished. Julian was correct. It was creepy to read this letter. It contained so many compliments from someone I barely knew. But it felt so good. The difference a good compliment can make is incredible. But it was peculiar to know someone has these feelings for you. Especially when you’re unaware of them. My heart started pounding even faster. How could I read this without excitement flowing my their body! My first love letter! Yes, dating would be a bit of a big step. But getting to know each other wouldn’t hurt anyone. I had nothing planned for today anyway and admired Julian’s courage. Sending such a letter requires a lot of bravery. It makes him really vulnerable. Especially when he dares to sign it. Of course, I was going to accept his invitation. There was no doubt about it. My brain had entered that higher dimension.

While I thought about this, Autumn left the bathroom nonchalantly while a big yawn escaped her mouth. I spotted the light marks the bandannas had left on her ankles. While she put on some clothes, a soft “Morning Kat” left her mouth. She took some tea from the kitchen before noticing the paper on my bed. Mornings can be hard. Autumn inquired what I was reading on which I replied it was Valentine’s Day. Autumn placed her mug on the table and sat down next to me, trying to read my letter. I told her it was private and tucked Julian’s letter swiftly under my blanket. Autumn looked confused until she noticed the red envelope. Her jaw dropped. “You got multiple cards?”. I had been so confused about this as Autumn was at the moment.

I took both Julian’s letter and the red envelope and went to the bathroom. I locked the door. Privacy wasn’t an unnecessary luxury when reading love letters. I knew Autumn had had an exciting night, but I had other priorities right now. I opened the red envelope and unfolded the paper it contained. This time it was a poem instead of a letter. It was also printed rather than handwritten. First I checked who had written it. I smiled; again it wasn’t anonymous. The bottom was signed by some Theodore. The name didn’t ring any bells, so I started reading.
Dear Kat,
I hope this doesn’t make you mad.
I’ve something I require to say,
during this lovely Valentine’s Day.
Your beauty is unprecedented,
but more should be complimented.

Your hair is as glistering copper,
making you a real eye dropper.
In your eyes, silver can be found,
just around your iris, that is round.
So far your real beauty is untold,
because your heart is made of gold.

This isn’t all we need to discuss,
that is bounded to be dangerous.
I desire you to serve as my bride,
while our hearts and souls are tied.
Nothing about this will be shady,
I’ll merely shackle me to you, my lady.

Dressed golden as the brightest star,
cuter than the daughter of the char.
A princess, on who many princes hope,
needs to be kept on a silver rope.
To protect you against villains thirsty,
you won’t be freed by my copper key.

A damsel like you should be secure,
served and taught to be mature.
I hereby offer to be your guide,
while you’re always firmly tied.
Your life will be led as a rock,
restrained with knots as a lock.

Your dresses make you sublime,
colorful, and sparkling all the time.
Your Beauty will be released,
while defended by your Beast
I offer what you need and more,
yours faithfully, Theodore.
While I sat on the toilet seat, I looked up from the poem. Its start had been beautiful. It wasn’t outstanding quality, but it is amazing someone puts so much effort in you. But around the middle, little hints started to show this wasn’t serious. This was a lame joke of Autumn or someone else who knew everything about our weekend. Because the latter was practically impossible, it had to be Autumn with some wicked continuation of last Sunday. This also explained she wanted to join me to read it. To watch my reaction. Just like her shock when I told her I had two letters. Of course, she didn’t know I would receive anything serious. Valentine’s Day was just a good reason to start a weekend of bondage. Why would I get something for Valentine’s Day?

I folded both letters before returning to the main room. Autumn carefully observing me from her bed. I took a white t-shirt from my closet, hung it outside my window and winked towards Autumn. She asked me why, and I told her an admirer wanted me to do that. A small shock went through her body. She hadn’t expected me to get a date on Valentine. Autumn, nosy as always, tried to extract from me who it was. For her, this was more interesting than teasing me about “Theodore”. But I kept my mouth shut out of respect towards Julian.

During our breakfast, it stayed a recurring theme. Autumn kept inquiring about it while I kept refusing to release his name. After Autumn had realized this was hopeless, we discussed her night with her legs tied. To my surprise, it hadn’t been very unpleasant for her. She had had some difficulties falling asleep and had woken up several times during the night. But she had been able to get a decent amount of sleep. She confessed she had loved the morning the most. Waking up while being restrained was wonderful. This was something I had known for years. Then she thanked me for this experience.

The daily topic of who would cook that night was up next. Autumn almost instantly proposed she would take the honors. After all, I would be gone for most of the afternoon. But I was skeptic about this offer due to her poem. But I accepted her offer. I was curious about what she had in store for me this time. That poem was an impressive opening of the weekend. After Autumn once more tried to get me to reveal the name of Valentine, we tidied the table. I placed the letters in a small, secret compartment within my bag, reevaluated the clothes I was wearing and brushed my hair again. Then we put on our coats and took our bags before walking toward our classes. I had the feeling this would be a good day.
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

Are you dutch?
Kzag juist dat je Nederlands Sprak. XD
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Post by Beaumains »

Are you dutch?
Kzag juist dat je Nederlands Sprak. XD
Yep, I am Dutch.
I nervously walked through the hallways toward my classroom. Before I dared to open the door, I peered through the window. Julian was already there. The seats next to him were already taken. So I didn’t have to choose whether to sit next to him or not. I stepped through the door while Julian smiled at me. I replied with my own smile, cautious to not make it too big or specific. I didn’t want everyone to know about our afternoon appointment. I took a seat in the row behind him, next to one of my usual lab partners. I made some small talk with her while I spotted Julian’s backpack; it was completely jammed. He seemed well prepared for our picnic.

The professor entered the room and started talking. I had to focus now. Surprisingly, I succeeded. The lecture was complicated, but I was satisfied with myself. Not only did I comprehend what was stated, but I had been capable of shielding my thoughts from Julian. But I couldn’t help feeling excited. Although the lecturer was enthusiastic and knowledgeable, I couldn’t wait until he was finished.

After two dragging hours, he ended his lecture. I saw Julian was packing his things slowly, so I followed his example. Then he left the classroom with a friend. I decided to trail them. Julian’s letter didn’t contain specifics about what we would do now. While I walked behind them, Julian obviously tried to get rid of his friend. So he had noticed me. After they had reached his bike, they wished each other a good weekend. He biked away slowly. Now it was time for the two of us.

I walked towards Julian and said hi. He blushed while searching for words. I doubted he expected me to show up, or at least he forgot what he wanted to say. A small greeting escaped his mouth, but he wasn’t totally comfortable at the moment. Just like me. We stared at each other for a moment. This was going nowhere. So I decided to take the initiative. “Julian, before we go, I need to put on some other shoes.” He nodded while a kind smile appeared on his face. Probably glad I didn’t show up to tell him I wouldn’t come with him. I removed my sneakers and pulled on my hiking shoes. Julian followed my example. Now we were prepared for a long hike.

We left the campus area and entered the forest. Initially, we saw some other couples, but the trails further than a couple of minutes from the campus were deserted. We were alone. During the first mile, both of us were virtually silent. Julian tried to initiate a conversation a few times, but he had no clue what to say. Although he wanted to talk, I didn’t mind the silence. Merely walking together was a bonding experience already. There was a whole day left for talking. He kept struggling, so I decided to help him. A conversation is a two-way process. “You know, this is the first time I received something for Valentine. It’s an excellent idea to go hiking; the weather is lovely. Thank you for your letter. It is so sweet of you.”

From the corners of my eyes, I observed a vague smile on Julian’s face. “You’re welcome. I am glad you liked it. It was tough for me to write it. I had no idea what I was expected to do. When I was done, I thought it was a bit creepy. But I couldn’t come up with any improvements. This is also the first time I do something for Valentine. Actually, it is my first time dating.” It was also my first date, but I didn’t dare to mention it. “It is alright. It was indeed absurd, but I knew you meant well. In my opinion, it’s more romantic than an anonymous red rose.” Julian smirked. “But I had something to explain to my roommate about that white t-shirt. As you might expect, she wanted to know who it was, but I didn’t bulge.” I offered him a generous smile.

The initial awkwardness slowly faded away while we arrived at our common interest: chemistry. We talked about our studies. We trash-talked our professors while praising the few who knew something about didactics. Both of us started loosening up. I actually started enjoying our talking. Perhaps because we didn’t have to stare at each other. Short silences also were no problem because the trails were sometimes hard to navigate. All our concentration was required to prevent us from tripping.

Julian led the way while I followed his directions. I was familiar with most trails in this forest, so wasn’t completely lost. I precisely knew where we were. After a left turn, we entered the path where I had forced Autumn to hop. Even for a trained eye, it was impossible to deduce what had happened two nights ago. Her faint tracks were barely visible. I felt nervous at this sight, but I knew Julian wouldn’t be able to suspect why. I tried to keep calm while Julian explained how he almost burned his hands during the first practicum in college. He didn’t note anything about me.

Slowly we progressed through the forest while discussing our college lives. I learned Julian lived in the dorm building opposite of mine from where he could see my dorm room. So he hadn’t been waiting under my window whether I would hang something out of it or not. It was possible to validate if I wanted to come from the comfort of his own room. That was a pleasant surprise. Autumn and I repeatedly complained to each other about our view. The other side of our dorm building faced the forest. Much more pleasing than a gray concrete complex. But for once, it had been useful.

The natural, or cliché, question what I was doing next to my study also passed. Of course, I wasn’t going to speak about my weekend with Autumn. Therefore, I repeated the standard story about climbing, aerobics, and hanging out in my room while mostly watching tv-series online. Unexpectedly, this gave a new talking point because we apparently watched the same sci-fi series.

After two hours of walking, we stopped at a small meadow. Julian was correct about it being remote. Between the ancient oak trees were a small patch of grass and a bobbling brook. I was sad it was winter. I imagined all plants and birds which would be here in spring. This place would be marvelous. Julian took a brightly colored blanket from his backpack and spread it over a rock in the middle of the grass. While we settled down, I noticed my hunger. It was thirty past two while I hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast. I was hoping Julian had something good with him.

Julian didn’t disappoint. Firstly there were many sandwiches which we swiftly devoured. Hungry me loved these sandwiches. But otherwise, I would have adored them as well. They were royally topped. Much better than I would have made for myself. Both of us had expected there would be more than enough, but we ate all of them. I felt loaded already, but he removed more from his bag: two generous pieces of home-made apple pie and a thermos containing hot chocolate milk. Both of them were incredible. It was still cold outside, especially when sitting still on a rock. The cacao made me warm again in the inside. Apple pie as dessert is fantastic. As a humble student, it was unusual to have a dessert. Now it was baked specially for me.

I thanked Julian for all of this. I felt honored how much work he had put in this afternoon. Everything just for me. After we had consumed everything, Julian took the blanket, folded it, and placed it in his bag. Then we hiked a more sloping trail back. Both of us walked at a fast pace, which made a conversation difficult. But we were enjoying ourselves while talking about those sci-fi shows.

It was five o’clock already when we returned to campus. We chatted for some more time near the entrance of Julian’s dorm building. I thanked him again and gave him my phone number. The date had been great; I couldn’t wait to meet him again. We gave each other an intimate hug and said our goodbyes. Then I walked towards my dorm room while collecting my thoughts. Julian had undertaken everything to make me as comfortable as possible. It was awkward at the beginning, but we had had a pleasant conversation. I could feel he was in love with me, but I wasn’t convinced I loved him. He surely was a decent guy. I wanted to spend more time with him, but I doubted I was in love. Perhaps it was a bit too early.

Then I stepped through the door of my dorm room. Autumn was in the kitchen preparing dinner. After I had taken off my dirty hiking shoes, I got a moody “there you are” from Autumn. She had been waiting for me. I greeted her while she interrogated me about my date. Obviously, I wouldn’t tell her anything. I noticed I had sweat a lot during the hike, causing me to stink. I excused myself and went to the bathroom. I peed and took a long, hot shower while my thoughts returned to Julian. I couldn’t help but smile when thinking about the day.

I heard Autumn snatching something in the bathroom, rudely interrupting my reflection of the day. I wouldn’t mind at all under normal circumstances because there was a shower curtain between us. We had seen each other often in just our underwear. When living together in one room, you get used to having almost no privacy. But it was a shame she had interrupted my thoughts. Not much later, I ended my shower. I dried myself and pulled the shower curtain away. There I identified something I wasn’t content with.

The golden Belle dress was laying on the ground. The clothes I had worn all day were gone. I had forgotten about Theodore’s letter. Autumn defeated me. Fortunately, I found fresh underwear and the long, yellow socks under the dress. Otherwise, my feet would freeze off. I didn’t like this at all because I was tired from hiking and dating. Couldn’t I just have a free night? I doubted I retained enough energy to engage in Autumn’s games. But she had won this round. Subsequently, I sighed before leaving the bathroom. I was curious about Theodore but fearful of Autumn.
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Post by Beaumains »

After I had left the bathroom, Autumn captured me in her arms. “My princess, are you employing any logic? You can not appear in your current state. Here, enable me to come to your aid.” Autumn forced me back in the bathroom and started brushing my hair hastily. I had no idea what she was doing. “My lady, I assume you are unaware of today’s festivities. That would show the complete negligence of your duties. Enable me to remind you. In a moment, you will confront your potential future husband. So, please, behave. Display your most noble side because your current behavior is utterly unacceptable.” I sighed while Autumn continued brushing my hair. “I recognize this will be demanding for you, my princess, but your father desires this marriage. It will reinforce the bonds between our two kingdoms. The future of all peasants in this empire depends on your ability to act mature. Therefore, I will observe you closely. Please act like a proper princess.”

I looked in the mirror witnessing how Autumn placed a tiara on my head. Even from here, I could detect it was cheap plastic. She informed me to wait here while she dodged to the main room. Swiftly she returned with her office chair, ropes, and the panda sleeping mask. I grasped what was coming, so I assumed my place on the chair. Autumn placed the sleeping mask over my eyes. The darkness had returned.

The almost familiar routine of Autumn binding a blindfolded me to a chair began. Autumn lifted my dress and tied my legs together above my knees. Then she returned the yellow fabric back over my legs. I liked to be bound under my clothing; it felt excellent to be restricted while it was invisible why.

Much earlier than I had expected, Autumn started tying my hips. For whatever reason, my feet were still free. The ropes squeezed me tightly to the back of the chair. There was no other option than sitting straight up. Next, she tied my arms to the arms rests. I felt there were a dozen or so windings around each wrist. While Autumn cinched the knots tightly, I noticed I was stuck. I couldn’t reach the knots. There was no way back except for using the safeword.

But Autumn continued tying me. First, she added bandanna cuffs to both of my ankles. Then she grabbed my right ankle, bent it backward, and connected its cuff to my hip rope. My left ankle underwent the fate. I opposed this; it placed much pressure on my hips and my legs. Fortunately, Autumn made a reasonably comfortable knot around my hips because the tension was spread over multiple windings which didn’t cross. But it would become painful if I was stuck for long. My sleeping mask was removed while I was turned toward the bathroom mirror. It was strange to see myself bound, in the dress, and with the tiara. I looked like some sort of knock-off princess.

My chair was rotated to overlook the entrance of the bathroom. Autumn knelt in front of me while looking sternly in my eyes. “Your highness. As I addressed before, this dinner is crucial. If you fail, millions will suffer from the consequences. I will reexplain the rules to you. First, you will instantly comply with every command. Additionally, you will adhere to formal etiquette. Do not spill anything, eat with your mouth closed, et cetera. Just normal table manners. Finally, you will make sure to smile the whole time. Be joyful and positive. Try letting him love you. You will support both our lives if you comply with these procedures. To motivate yourself some more, I will note every infringement. For every violation, an hour is added to your punishment.” Autumn was so grave I would almost believe her. For whatever reason, I wanted to try my best to appease her. But I had the feeling it would be hard.

I scouted Autumn’s face where I couldn’t detect any irregularities. Both she and her treat sounded genuine. I wondered how she would bind me for so long. But I could feel I would find out when it was time. Autumn placed the panda mask back over my eyes. “For your interest, my princess, your punishment is already three hours long. The negligence of your obligations, your attitude towards me and your wearied, bewildered face are three violations.” I was in shock. Three more hours of being stuck? “If I were you I put on a smile now. Otherwise, I will add hours until you do.” I complied. I hadn’t much choice. My cheeks hurt from the fake smile I was putting on. Autumn grabbed my throne and slowly drove me until my chest was pinned against the table.

Autumn walked away to the kitchen, likely getting our dinner. I felt she placed something in front of me. Then Autumn started talking in a slow, sincere voice. “Dear Prince Theodore, I greet you to this palace. In front of you is your future queen. She is confined as your request stated. I hope it satisfies the strict standards of your kingdom. My name is Autumn. I am a simple servant ready to satisfy your needs and will assist you where necessary. A humble three-course meal is prepared for you. Please, take this valuable time to get to know each other.” I was puzzled but kept smiling. I didn’t want to receive that punishment of Autumn. Then my blindfold was removed.

I was blinded because all our lamps were shining in my face. Autumn put me in some sort of spotlight. I looked down where a deep bowl of tomato soup stood. At least something edible. Then I saw the rest of the table. It was set formally with a white tablecloth, multiple glasses for both of us, and a carafe with water. I looked farther forward to Theodore. He was Autumn’s old teddy bear. At least that explained his name. I was delighted he wasn’t another human being, but engaging in a conversation with him would be difficult. He bore a cardboard crown and sat on the table. It had its own bowl of soup. But contrary to me, there was a spoon next to his bowl.

Then Autumn tapped me on my shoulders, so I turned my head towards her. She looked dissatisfied. I deduced it was bad etiquette to look at him like this. So I put my fake smile back on my face. Autumn walked to the kitchen, scribbled something down and returned with a large serving spoon. Then she sat down on the wooden chair next to me. I looked at her, but that was a mistake. “My princess, perhaps it is an idea to focus on your future groom.” This would be another hour of whatever punishment she had in mind.

I looked at Theodore, while Autumn placed the spoon in my soup. I opened my mouth for the spoon. It entered not much later and filled my entire mouth. I flinched from the heat, but everything remained inside my mouth. Then I removed all soup from the spoon with my lips. Fortunately, the soup wasn’t hot. Otherwise, I would have burned myself. But it was still reasonably warm. I kept looking at the teddy bear, while another spoon entered my mouth. After almost all soup was in my mouth, I choked. I tried keeping it all inside except for some small spatters. Autumn had noticed it because she paused for a moment. This would be another hour.

The rest of the course went smoothly. Autumn nourished me slightly slower while I kept staring at Theodore. Next, a glass was pressed against my lips. It contained tap water which I drank without any problems. I was pretty confident about how well I did. Autumn walked away to scribble something down. Then I was blindfolded again. In the bathroom, Autumn confessed I had “only” earned three more hours. Then she left me, presumably to finish the next dish. Or to devour Theodore’s soup.

Now there was no distraction left, I felt my legs and hips. The ropes were cutting into them. It hurt. For whatever reason, I could handle Autumn’s princess speak this time. Last Sunday, it had been so annoying. Now I was mostly ignoring it while trying to pick up the crucial details. If she would have mercy with the ropes, I could survive this night.

Fifteen minutes later, Autumn collected me. Just in time, I realized I had to smile and did so. She drove me to the table and removed my blindfold. Theodore was still there wearing his paper crown. There stood a plate of spaghetti with meatballs in front of him. I carefully looked down. My foot was standing on a small container. I made a connection with Theodore’s eyes, waiting for Autumn to deliver it to my mouth. But nothing seemed to come. Ultimately, Autumn bend towards my ear, whispering I had to do it myself. Ehm, what was she expecting of me? My hands were bound. Autumn saw me struggling with my hands. Then she whispered I had to use my mouth. This would equally count as not obeying a command.

So I had to eat like an animal. This explained why Autumn hadn’t bound my chest to my throne. Back at home, I had done this kind of thing dozens of times before. It was more challenging than you would expect. It looks so easy when dogs or cats do it, but the faces of humans are much flatter. Your mouth doesn’t open as far as you want while your tongue is shorter and less flexible. You also can’t observe your own moves.

This dish was likely chosen to make it even harder. The uncut spaghetti noodles were hard to control; picking one up could cause a chain reaction by flipping everything towards my face, or from my plate. The meatballs were hard to grasp with my mouth. The red sauce would make my mistakes clearly visible. All in all, I knew my face would look like a toddler after a dessert. But I had one advantage. I was sitting straight up. That is way better than lying on the floor. Gravity would help to push the food through my gullet.

Autumn had placed her chair on the other side of the table, so she was facing me. A notebook was in front of her, including small dashes for each of my mistakes. I reckoned I should start eating, so I bent forward and took the first bite while my nose drowned in the sauce. My cheeks were wet already. I kept my head down, eating silently. This gave me more control, but Autumn corrected me immediately after she had noticed the trick. Now I had to snatch a bite, face Theodore, and chew it away. In practice, this meant I looked at Theodore while slurping a long spaghetti noodle towards my mouth. After three nibbles, I noticed the first red stains on the white tablecloth. This would earn me more hours. But eating was the sole way to end this thing.

Slowly I made progress, but next to the pain from the ropes, I encountered another problem. Autumn gave me a well-filled plate. The late picnic with Julian and the soup had taken much space in my stomach. I feared what would happen if I failed to eat everything. So I continued eating while once every minute or so, Autumn noted something down. While producing many mistakes, I made it in the end after cleansing my plate with my tongue. Autumn nodded and drove me back to the bathroom, where she scrubbed my face with a washing cloth. Then the blindfold went back on again.

“My princess, you have extremely disappointed your father, me, and the remainder of the kingdom. You were messy, clumsy, and careless. Which man would desire a wife who eats like this? This was an utter disaster. Your face, your dress, and the tablecloth are tarnished. This is embarrassing. In total, this course has gained you twenty-seven more hours. You should be ashamed of yourself.” Autumn was furious. But her task had been impossible. It is impossible to eat a dish like this gracefully with just your mouth. I was angry. The date with Julian, the pain from the ropes, and the amount of food I had devoured had exhausted me. Autumn’s expectations were too high.

“Please, Autumn. It has been enough. Can you please stop? Those ropes are hurting. I can’t bear this anymore. The princess stuff is no problem. But I have reached my end physically.” Autumn paused for a bit, unsure how she would react. She walked a couple of rounds around me before replying. “My princess, pain is part of life. It has been and will always be. Especially with your background, you will see and experience much pain during your life. But I can relieve you.” Autumn removed the ropes connecting my ankles to my hips and massaged my ankles. I felt relieved, but it wasn’t over yet. “My princess, please excuse me, but I have a guest to care for. Someone has to repair your mistakes.”

Autumn abandoned me while I was still blindfolded. With my free legs, I could touch the floor and push myself away. I tried so but quickly noticed Autumn had fastened my chair. I was still stuck while there was no sign of Autumn. She was likely eating Theodore’s spaghetti while preparing the dessert.

After thirty or so minutes, Autumn returned and removed the sleeping mask. She had put her face directly in front of me and she looked enraged. This shocked me. Not a pleasant sight when your blindfold is removed. “My lady, we have encountered a major problem. Prince Theodore was so embarrassed that he left. The dinner for today is over. There will be no dessert served to you. But I will add another six hours to your punishment, that is now exactly forty hours long. I hope you learn something from it.” It was smart from Autumn to end it this way. I was just happy it was over, so I nodded. What else could I do?

Autumn swiftly released me and ordered me to wait. While I stood there wondering about her next plan, she left with all ropes, the bandannas, and the throne. After she gave me a plastic bag, she left and closed the door. Then she ordered me to undress completely and put all my clothes in the bag. I complied and passed it to Autumn’s hand that she held through the doorway. I noticed the deep, red rope marks on my hips and legs that would remain all night. Autumn inspected the bag before giving me another one. It contained a brightly colored unicorn onesie, but no underwear of any kind. I put it on, zipped it up, and watched myself in the mirror. The vibrant blue, pink, and purple colors made it hideous. Additionally, It had a flap around my butt and tail. I loved it.

Autumn inquired if I pulled it on already, which I confirmed. She entered the room and instantly placed a small padlock around the zipper at the front. I noticed it was modified for this purpose. She had tricked me again. “Kat, the rules are again simple. In the next forty hours, you will wear this without exceptions. So you will be released around noon on Sunday. Even during the night. You can still go to the toilet. You have to skip showering for a day and sleep in it. As an extra condition, you have to be bound all the time. This means you’re unable to use your hands or feet for the next forty hours. Good luck and have fun!”
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

This is prob one of my fave chapters of the story so far!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by Beaumains »

Thanks, it was a lot of fun to write that chapter.
As a result, I was stuck in this onesie for the next forty hours, unable to leave my room or to take a shower. This thing would become a greenhouse: Warm and humid. Sleeping would be terrible. Additionally, I would be restrained the whole time according to Autumn. She wasn’t going easy on me, or at least much harder than I was going on her. But I wasn’t expecting or desiring anything less from her; I was more experienced, so I had to deal with longer and stricter ties. However, forty hours is a long time. Notably, when I would remain bound the whole time. But more importantly, there was only one more week before the exams began. I had to study. I felt miserable.

Needless to say, this wasn’t fair. Autumn was doing this for me. Writing such a poem costs a lot of time. Then she prepared this night, just for me. Moreover, she had spent money on the tiara and the unicorn onesie. It would be downright cruel to quit now. I put the hood of my prison of fleece over my head and admired its horn before leaving the bathroom. I would do whatever she demanded. But I would talk to her first.

Autumn entrapped me in her arms and reminded me I had to be bound according to the rules. As compassionate as she was, I was allowed to determine whether my legs or arms would be restrained. My legs still hurt from earlier, so I selected my hands. I hoped she would bind them in front of me. Disappointingly she didn’t have so much mercy. So I turned around while obediently placing my hands behind my back.

Instead of the usual bandannas, Autumn crossed my wrists. She bound them as if they were poles, just as she had done numerous times during her scout years. Three intricate wraps around them, followed by cinching the rope thrice. This was uncomfortable. Supporting my back was impossible. I produced a generous smile and sat down on my bed before asking the inevitable questions. “Autumn, can we talk? I’m not angry, but I think we have to discuss tonight and the upcoming days. I’m accepting my punishment. But I hope you don’t mind evaluating tonight as we promised before.”

Autumn sat down opposite of me. I saw she was concerned, but equally knew this discussion was necessary: “It has been fantastic so far. I’ve only a small remark about this punishment. You evidently plotted it to be so long. Please inform me beforehand if you want to play for so long. I have nothing planned outside my room this weekend, but it would be unpleasant if I had to cancel on someone because of this.” Autumn nodded and acknowledged my criticism. But she looked sad and prepared to apologize.

This wasn’t what I meant; I didn’t want to feel guilty. It was only one minor problem. Communication is complex. “This night has been terrific so far. It was perfectly organized. Your poem was unreal. Initially, I was weirded out. But it was witty and actually hilarious. The Theodore princess thing is simultaneously terrifying and awesome. You depict your character scarily good.” Autumn smiled and knew I appreciated her efforts.

But I wasn’t done yet. “If I hadn’t had that other date, I would have been in better shape. But you couldn’t have known. Both were incredible. It’s a shame that the two most significant events of college so far were on the same day.” I had the feeling I had misspoken because Autumn kept staring at me. I had the feeling I had offended her. We stared at each other for some time. But ultimately she acknowledged I was correct. It had also cost her a lot of time and energy to prepare. We gave each other a massive hug. Or better said Autumn hugged me because my hands were still bound. It had been an unlucky coincidence. But it was still the best day of my life.

I still had one surprise for Autumn left. I turned to her and put on a big smile. “Autumn, you’ll have me hate this unicorn onesie within hours. You possess that ability. I used to love the Belle dress, now I am frightened of it. This onesie is beautiful; I cherish it. It was kind to buy it for me. However, I have considerably more back at home. Now I don’t have to conceal it for you anymore, we can collect it the first weekend after the exams. My parents won’t be home for long, so perhaps it could be interesting. It will provide many more options for the rest of the year. What do you think?” Autumn smiled at me. Her eyes started twinkling. I bet she was thinking about all the possible items I could possess. We hadn’t discussed my collection in much detail. But I told her it would be a surprise for her. As one might expect, Autumn accepted the trip.

Then I noticed something. I had to go to the toilet. Ten minutes ago, I had been nude and free in the bathroom. But I couldn’t do it myself anymore. I asked Autumn to free my arms. She didn’t look happy hearing this request. After a brief moment, she came with a reply. “Kat, you aren’t so clever, are you? You just had the chance. But I am generous today, so let’s make a deal. I will change your bonds once tonight, but you’ll be hogtied until bedtime. You look exhausted, so I would say you go to bed around half-past ten. That means you will be hogtied for more than two hours. Do you still have to go?”

In that case, I thought, I could hold it slightly longer. But this wasn’t reasonable and certainly not generous. “Autumn, there’s a difference between being bound and being immobilized. I will accept it now, but I have to study tomorrow. You can’t detain me like this all weekend. Isn’t there some middle way?” Autumn looked at me with a puzzled face. It was just her fantasy to hold me for so long. It already had been a tedious day. So we discussed a possible solution. After fifteen minutes, we had agreed on the rules. I would throw an eight-sided die and a four-sided die. The four-sided die would indicate how many hours I would be stuck. The eight-sided die would describe how I would be restrained. After the time was over, I would roll again until the forty hours were over. The numbers were distributed as follows:
1. Hogtied.
2. Spread-eagle.
3. Arms and legs tied to a chair.
4. Arms bound behind the back.
5. Arms in front.
6. Legs strictly tied together.
7. Legs cuffed with a one feet slack.
8. Kat’s choice of the above possibilities.
But there were a couple of exceptions: Autumn would hogtie me after I went to the toilet tonight. In addition, she would determine how I would spend both nights. If I had to study while unable to use my arms, I could postpone this particular bound and reroll. Eating wasn’t an exception. I would be fed if I couldn’t do it myself. Because the first two numbers were quite strenuous and immobilizing, their times would be halved. Autumn would also lower the room temperature by a couple of degrees. These were all the rules we agreed on.

Autumn stood up and shook my hand that was still restrained behind my back. I sighed. This wouldn’t be a weekend I would quickly forget. I rolled myself on my bed, trying to get some rest. I didn’t want to go to the toilet yet. Being hogtied for two hours didn’t sound tempting to me. But lying still only made me think more about my bladder. So I asked Autumn to give me my laptop and start a specific Netflix series. Autumn disagreed with that and started a movie. This was fine by me. But she couldn’t let herself by teasing me some more. The movie was called Unicorn Store.

While we watched, Autumn kept feeding me more water. She wanted to hogtie me and liked my struggle to hold it as long as possible. It started irritating so much I couldn’t forget it; the tension on my bladder was growing. About halfway through the movie, I couldn’t hold it any longer. I was afraid to have an accident. Autumn paused it while explaining she had to tie my legs before she could release my hands. I always had to be tied. I placed my legs next to each other while urging Autumn to hurry. She took my ankles and quickly rounded a rope them. Then she cinched it and released my arms.

As quick as possible, I hopped toward the bathroom. There I lowered the butt flap, sat down, and peed. I didn’t even bother closing the door. I just had to go. It felt marvelous to sit still while being able to move my hands. But I was also starkly reminded of my position. I was panting. Hopping in this thing was exhausting. I felt the first sweet flowing across my back. I knew more would come. Perhaps this wouldn’t be even harder than I initially expected.

While I was sitting on the toilet, I started asking myself some questions. Why would I leave this bathroom? Couldn’t I wait here until it was bedtime? I stood up, closed the butt flap, and washed my hands. Meanwhile, Autumn had understood my trick. She summoned me and explained I would still be hogtied for so long. Autumn got me. So I left the bathroom. Autumn stood ready with my ropes. I slowly hopped towards her.

Autumn laughed. “That tail of yours sweeps beautiful when you hop. I think I will let you more hop more often.” Autumn only made one minor error. “Don’t do it too often inside. Our downstairs neighbors might be able to hear it.” Autumn looked at me, knowing I was correct.

At that moment, she seized two pieces of rope that she bound above and under my knees. Next, my hands were bound parallel behind my back. All of these knots were cinched. From under her sweater, she revealed a bandanna and one of the yellow knee-high socks I had worn during the dinner with Theodore. I grasped what her plan was, so I instructed her to stop. But she didn’t listen. She rolled the sock up and told me to open up. I obediently accepted it before Autumn bound the bandanna around my head to secure it. This was her revenge for the apple. I tried talking, but only some sounds confirming the gag worked escaped my mouth. I had always preferred clean socks. I hated the flavor of sweet. But there wasn’t much I could do now. Autumn was in control.

Autumn ordered me to hold still. I had no choice but to obey. She lifted me up and placed me on our tables. I faced my bed and my chin was over the edge of the table. She took my legs and bent them back before connecting them to my wrists. I don’t know how Autumn found out about hogtying, but she exactly knew what it was. I had never dared to tie myself up like this because I was anxious to get stuck. I had been close, but always with many safety slipknots. Now it would take me a lot longer to escape. If I could break out of these ropes. This position felt a lot more pleasant than I had expected. Or at least for arms and legs. I doubted Autumn had pulled them as far together as she could have done. Silently I thanked her for that. She handed my tail in my hands and requested me to hold it.

As a final touch, she presented me with a couple of pats on my head and pulled my unicorn hood back over my head. There was nothing I could do against her. With the tail in my hand, she reminded me of my even more about the peculiar situation I was in. I was warm and due to the lying position and gag, I had trouble with breathing. But I knew I had to stay calm.

Autumn placed the laptop with the movie on my bed and set the wooden chair next to me. In this way, we continued watching. It was uncomfortable. I had to keep my head lifted up, but I had the feeling I could make it to the end because I was capable of regulating my breathing. My body requested a lot of my mental energy. Breathing was difficult. As a result, I missed most parts of the movie.

After the movie, Autumn instantly removed the hogtie and released my arms. She congratulated on clinging to my tail before supporting me off the table. Then she directed me to prepare myself for bed. I carefully hopped to the bathroom, where I went to the toilet and scrubbed my teeth. I watched myself in the mirror and thought again about what I was doing to myself. I wondered if I could deal with Autumn for the rest of the weekend. But at the moment I was too tired to make a fuss with her. At the minimum, she would enable me to sleep. I doubted that would be possible while wearing this onesie. In addition, I would also be restrained. This wasn’t a night I was looking forward to. I turned around and started hopping toward my bed.
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When I returned in the room, a strap of rope was attached to each bedpost. I hopped toward my bed and flung myself on it. Let get this over with. I always had to be bound; hence, before my feet were released, my arms had to be fastened. Autumn shifted me to the middle of my bed before restraining my wrists. Next, she untied my legs before retying them to the bed. Because I had to sleep like this, the spread-eagle wasn’t pulled tight.

Autumn ordered me to struggle to see how much movement I had left. When I lowered my body, my feet could barely touch. But this hurt my arms. Likewise, when I moved up, my fingers were able to meet. This produced sufficient space to turn to one of my sides but wasn’t pleasant. The ropes cut in my limbs. Autumn used my blanket to cover my feet up. At least I wouldn’t die from the cold.

Subsequently, she inquired whether I could sleep like this. I nodded. The spread-eagle was the least of my worries; I had slept with less space to move. But the onesie would remain problematic. Autumn continued speaking. “I will monitor you for half an hour before I’ll go to bed myself. If you doubt you will sleep tonight, please notify me in time. I also want to get a decent amount of rest. Please don’t wake me up in the middle of the night. Sleep tight.” Autumn patted my head before shoving the panda sleeping mask over my eyes.

“Autumn, why are you blindfolding me? Isn’t it bad enough already?” This wasn’t convenient. I shuddered at this idea. “Kat, you know this is a sleeping mask? You’re about to go to sleep. This precisely is its target use. On top of that, I can do some things for myself with the lights on. Just attempt to snooze. Your eyesight will be the least of your problems.” I had more substantial problems than being blindfolded and wouldn’t win this fight. So I closed my eyes.

I had expected I would lay awake for hours. So much had happened today. But I was too tired, so almost immediately fell asleep. During the night, I dreamed vividly. I was wearing the most gorgeous dresses while being tied and tickled by masked men who all turned out to be Julian. Autumn was laughing in the background. She gradually approached me and started feeding me a huge unicorn cake. I felt nauseous. However, she kept nourishing me while I was restrained to a St Andrews cross. Odd dreams like this were recurrent when sleeping bound. Another reason I enjoyed to sleep tied up.

The next day, I woke up well-rested. I attempted opening my eyes. However, I couldn’t see anything. Then I felt my bounds and prompted myself of my warm, sweaty, and restricted situation. The warm fleece was still encasing my body. This was nasty. I whispered for Autumn but there was no reaction. I calmly stared in the darkness while noticing how bored I was. I had no idea what time it was. I listened but couldn’t discover anything worthwhile.

As a result, I waited in the hope of detecting some sounds. However, it was quiet. Even in the hallways. Therefore, I was anxious it was early in the morning. But it was a Saturday; we were likely the only ones who went to bed before midnight. So we were presumably also the first to rise.

While I kept murmuring unsuccessfully for Autumn, I started getting concerned. I wanted to be released or at least have some information about what was going on. I couldn't take this much longer. My shoulders ached from this position while I was also thirsty. But I was anxious to waken her; she wouldn’t be charmed. I suspected she would gag me and get back to sleep. Consequently, I had to do it myself.

This meant removing my sleeping mask. Autumn would certainly punish me when she detected I had taken it off. I couldn’t place it back if I knocked it off my head, so I had to be careful. I shoved the mask down with my left hand; it was still murky in our room. This was excellent because the lights weren’t on, Autumn was playing another game with me. I was relieved because she was still sleeping. I turned toward my alarm and saw it was 7:30 in the morning. After I had blinded myself again, I decided to wait half an hour before calling Autumn. Nine hours of sleep should be sufficient.

I lay patiently still. Despite my dreadful position, I wouldn't try escaping. I wanted to prove I could survive a night like this. Earlier than I expected Autumn's alarm rung. She instantly stood up and walked toward me. She whispered my name and removed my sleeping mask after I had confirmed I was awake. I knew she hadn’t noticed I had cribbed because she smiled at me before inquiring how I felt. I truthfully replied my body was soaked. Autumn touched the warm fleece and reached the same conclusion before producing a disgusted look. “Kat, that feels horrible. I ain’t going asking if you want to continue because you know that’s your call.” Next, she put the two dice in my left hand while placing a plate below them. Ruthlessly she followed our rules. If I desired mercy, it would be over.

I dropped the dice on the plate. Autumn watched them and smiled at me as if she was suggesting I was in trouble. I feared the outcome. She shoved the plate under my chin, so I witnessed them myself. This frightened me even more. I looked down and saw the D8 showed a five. My hands would be bound in front of me. The other die showed a three, so this would be the case for the next three hours. I was relieved with this result. Autumn had engaged in another wicked mind game with me. I smiled at her while my hands were released. Then they were crossed in front of me and retied. She sadistically had prevented me from stretching my arms. My legs were untied next. Straight away, I stood up and walked a couple of rounds through our room. At least my legs were able to get some movement.

I felt so favored with my dice. This was likely even more convenient than my legs tied together. I went to the bathroom, where I encountered no substantial problems. Only the shower looked awfully tempting. It was a shame I couldn’t clean my entire body. I rolled up the sleeves of my legs and rinsed my ankles. When I also tried to cleanse my face and arms, some water dripped down in my suit. The cold drops instantly connected with my skin. I cooled down and seriously considered taking a shower. I would smell so much better. The sole problem was my suit because it would take a long time to dry.

After I had left the bathroom, I drank a couple of glasses of water before eating breakfast with Autumn. I was cheerful and optimistic. The rinsing and sleep had done me well. The suit had been less uncomfortable than I had expected. Even Autumn was surprised how well I made it through the night. I happily devoured my breakfast as if I had never slept under those dreadful conditions. She was also startled by how easy I ate and drank with my hands restrained. I had to admit it was harder than ordinary, but I had years of experience. I would never forget the easy tricks involved in eating handcuffed.

We tidied the table and started revising for our exams. I didn’t mind my cuffs much because I was mostly reading. They were merely annoying when I had to scribble something down. But all in all, I worked concentrated. Around eleven o’clock, Autumn summoned me. My pleasant three hours were over. Arbitrary chance would decide if the upcoming hours would be as convenient. This time I threw a three with the eight-sided die and a one with the other. So I had to be bound to my chair for an hour. I informed Autumn I needed to study and proposed to spend the lunch bounded. Autumn accepted this offer and requested me to reroll. I braced myself and rolled the dice. This resulted in that my legs had to be strictly bound together for three hours. This was also decent. I knew I had been favored so far. I enjoyed this random chance. Both of us couldn’t predict how harsh the day would be for me. Every roll was a wildcard.

Like the dice commanded, Autumn bound my legs together. She used all of my rope. So my legs were practically wholly covered. She didn’t cinch the knots, yet they maintained their pressure. It was as if I was mummified. I had never done this before because it is impossible to accomplish yourself. However, if my entire body would feel like this, I couldn’t wait to try. Although this idea lessened my focus, it had been a remarkably productive day so far according to my own standards.

When it was time for lunch, Autumn restrained my hands behind the chair with a narrow belt. Then she untied one of the ends of the rope at the bottom and connected it to the right leg of the chair. The tie was lazy but served its purpose; I couldn’t utilize my arms while my legs were also useless. I reckoned I could escape from the chair but I would be stuck for just an hour. There was no need to worry about breaking free.

Autumn fed me my lunch which was as humiliating as ever. Her feeding techniques had improved drastically, so it went polished. Probably because she didn’t try getting me to spill. No food had dropped on me as had happened earlier when she fed me. It was almost relaxing to sit back and chew. There was nothing I had to do myself. As long as the food was presented at a decent pace, there was nothing for me to worry about. But I experienced the lack of freedom with each bite. Autumn, nevertheless, possessed absolute control over me.

I had to stay like this for another half an hour. There was nothing I could do, so we mostly discussed how I was doing so far. Meanwhile, Autumn ate her own lunch. Afterward, she removed the additional restraints and brought me my study books. I would be bound for one and a half-hour in this absolutely satisfactory position with only my legs tied together. Better to use this time properly, I thought. So I started studying.

After half an hour someone knocked on our door. Autumn and I looked terrified at each other while signing to be quiet. “Kat, I know you are there. Do you mind opening the door?” The voice was Julian’s. Autumn had recognized him as well. I signed to Autumn to haul me to the bathroom. She did swiftly and silently. At that time, I whispered she had to let him in. Autumn looked confused but honored my wish. She opened the door and welcomed him in our room. Terrified, I loosened Autumn’s knots. Fortunately, I could almost step out of the knots. I swiftly placed the ropes in one of the bathroom cupboards.

Simultaneously, Autumn and Julian were talking in the room. Julian confessed we had been on a date yesterday and Autumn was genuinely surprised about this. I was delighted I had kept it secret. But Julian swiftly started asking about me. “Autumn, what is going on with Kat? Yesterday had been so enjoyable. Is she hiding from me? I know she’s here. In that case, I will leave again.”

This was against my wishes. I wanted to stay on friendly terms with Julian. Now he thought I regretted our date and never wanted to speak to him again. So I had to leave the bathroom. There was no way to explain to him later why I hid. I had to confront him in this unicorn onesie.
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Post by slackywacky »

Can't wait to see how that explanation will go down ;-)
Thank for continuing this story.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

I am really looking forward to Kats Explanation - in her Onesie 😁😁
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Post by Beaumains »

Thanks for the kind comments!
I tucked the little silver lock in my onesie. Although it explained why I didn’t change, it would make the situation even worse. Then I watched myself one last time in the mirror. Terrible was the most accurate description of my appearance. My hair was unbrushed while my face was mostly unwashed. I also stank disastrously. However, I decided to keep my hood down. Untreated hair wouldn't be weirder than a horn on my head. This was a nightmare coming to life. I sighed and stepped through the door. My heart was hammering. Was this a way out or utterly insane?

Julian instantly turned toward me when he heard the door. His face transformed from bitter and unsettled to perplex and anxious. We stared at each other while I smiled clumsily. But he couldn’t connect with my eyes because he kept scanning my colorful outfit. I turned around and noticed Autumn had closed the door. No-one else had seen me, so I turned around and faced Julian. His eyes were now focused on my sweeping tail.

I strode toward him while requesting him to sit down; I owed him an explanation. Both for my behavior and my outfit. But first, I fetched three glasses of water in the kitchen and placed them on the table. Our two chairs were occupied by Julian and Autumn, so I sat down on my bed. I exhaled slowly before starting to speak. “Julian, I know how embarrassing this is, both for you and me. I am fully aware of this thing and would prefer meeting under different circumstances too. I lost a bet, so I've to face the consequences. In this case, I’ve to wear this all day. It’s dreadful. It's even secured to me.” I showed him the lock near my throat. This caused him to be even more bewildered.

I gave Julian ten seconds to process this information before continuing. “Consequently, I couldn’t get dressed in something else. I'm terrified of being seen in this thing. I know this story is completely ridiculous. But I hope you understand.” Julian slowly nodded. Somehow, it made sense to him. There was a correlation between my actions and my onesie. “Julian, I don’t dislike you and didn’t want to hurt your feelings. Our date was great. I absolutely want to continue meeting you and merely hoped to spare myself this embarrassment.” It was accurate I had lost a bet, though I wasn't revealing what the wager was or how I failed. Naturally, I would also avoid admitting I always had to be bound. I would only mention the bare minimum.

During my explanation, Julian silently surveyed me. He primarily displayed a neutral expression, though his shock was still visible. I smirked at him as if I was soothing him. What more could I do? I had told him everything I wanted. There was no elegant way to explain the situation. Julian stayed speechless. So I looked toward Autumn who, as usual, maintained a smile on her face. Perhaps this wasn’t going as horrendous as I had expected. Maybe I would survive this and would be able to show my face in class again. I returned to a silent Julian while we waited on each other to begin speaking.

Fortunately, Julian was courageous enough to interrupt the silence. “Ehm, I don’t know what to say. Your story is indeed ridiculous, but I think I understand the situation. Even your unexpected reaction sounds logical. I think hiding would be my choice too.” He replied to my awkward smirking with an even more unnatural grin. “Kat, please understand, I ain’t offended. This is an option I, eh, hadn’t considered. I still like you and want to continue seeing you, despite this. It is an atrocious bet you lost, but if I am honest with you, you’re an adorable unicorn.” He winked at me making me blush. Hadn’t I tried making this conversation less uncomfortable?

“Kat, I'm joking. But I think I've to explain myself too. I had been listening anxiously in front of your door for a couple of minutes. So I had heard both of you and wanted to know you were there before I knocked. Now I say it like this; I notice how creepy it sounds.” It was eerie to know you’re being eavesdropped. Julian rapidly added he should have texted me first. I agreed that was indeed a more proper approach.

“There's a genuine reason I came to you. I wanted to invite you to a movie night in my room. My roommate is visiting his parents, so we will be alone. What do you think?” I looked at my leap and detected the colorful fleece. Could I leave my room like this? But for some reason, I wanted to go. That would be a decent payback for this situation. “Kat, although it would be odd to appear in that onesie, I couldn’t care less about clothing. A coat and sweatpants will conceal it perfectly.”

I knew my cheeks turned scarlet. Julian had to be genuinely into me because this hadn’t frightened him. I glanced at Autumn, who smiled broadly. She had been fortunate she wasn’t an active part of this scene. Especially since she came up with this suit in the first place. Autumn nodded toward me. In some sense, I had searched for her permission to go and received it. I directed my gaze back to Julian before accepting his offer. He was euphoric while I was puzzled. How was our feeble relation still intact?

He stood up and thanked me for the water. He knew it was time to leave and said his goodbyes. Autumn let him out and paused for a moment. Then she turned around and started laughing. “So Julian is into you? That is unexpected. No wonder you wanted to keep it secret. Does Lauren already know?”

This uncomfortable conversation wasn't over yet. Why would I tell my bouldering buddy I had a date with her little brother? Either Julian and I were too awkward with each other, or Autumn utterly misjudged the seriousness of the situation. “Ehm, I don’t think she knows. I hope you can guess why.” Autumn positioned herself next to me and playfully pushed me away. “I would have done the same. But what do you see in him?” I didn’t feel to gossip about Julian momentarily. I knew Autumn had known him for most of her life as Lauren’s little brother. Hence, she wasn’t the person to discuss this with. Both Lauren and Autumn were too close to me to discuss this. Meanwhile, Autumn continued talking enthusiastically. “You two are so cute together. Are you already a couple?” I sighed. There was only one route to rescue me from this situation. I stood up and took the dice.

I was more willing to be tied up by Autumn than to discuss my love-life with her. When I threw the dice, I started doubting this move. I had enjoyed my freedom. I stared at the dice and regretted my actions even more: a spread-eagle for an hour. Because I was still studying, I rerolled and smiled at Autumn while I witnessed what my tie would be: an eight. For the next two hours, I would be tied as I desired. Autumn fetched the ropes from the bathroom. This wasn’t the outcome she had hoped for. She wanted me to be less convenient and interrogate me about Julian. Presently, she got none. As one might expect, I chose to have my foot cuffed; the most comfortable of the options. I was not granting her the favor of more exciting restraints.

But Autumn showed she understood me. Autumn complied and informed me she was proud of me. She was content about how I handled it with Julian. But I directly returned to my punishment. Because I sacrificed some time of my previous tie, I wouldn’t receive additional time. Because I wouldn’t be restrained during my movie time with Julian tonight, I had some time to catch up. We agreed I would spend three more hours in this onesie. I was satisfied with this, so I returned to my books.

After two hours, I was again lucky because only my legs had to be tied tightly together until dinner. Autumn looked pissed because it had been ridiculously comfortable for me. I was able to reach the toilet without problems and could take care of my own drinks. Autumn’s help wasn’t necessary. Meanwhile, I was getting used to the suit and had practically forgotten how warm it was. Autumn had lowered the room temperature, so she had to wear a thick sweater. Both of us studied earnestly. I was feeling more and more confident about the upcoming exams. When you grasp the ideas, it isn’t that hard.

Autumn started cooking while I stayed in my chair. Another perk of being the victim: not having to cook. Autumn was humming and seemed extraordinary cheerful. I didn't receive a clue why until dinner was ready. Autumn not subtle reminded me about my hour of being bound spread-eagled.

I sighed and accepted my loss. It had been reasonable; I had enjoyed an effortless afternoon. So I started hopping toward my bed. However, Autumn briefed me to sit down in my chair. I returned and witnessed how Autumn emptied the entire table and placed the white tablecloth on the table. Many big, red stains could be found around one particular circle, prompting me about my previous dinner. Autumn hoisted me on it and rolled me my stomach. While I lay there, she attached ropes to the four outer corners.

She tightly bound my arms and legs to these ropes. Because our table wasn’t as long as my bed, my arms and feet were floating in the air. But it was a lot broader, so my legs were spread far apart. This made the position already very uncomfortable. The hard table and pressure on my wrists made it even worse. Autumn placed a plate in front of me, put my hood back over my head and starting feeding me. It was a modest meal of sausages, carrots, and mashed potatoes.

Like during lunch, she was considerate with me. She made the bites small and provided me with sufficient time to nibble them away. The previous times she had sat next to me while feeding me. Now she was directly in front of me. Therefore, we were forced to look at each other. It had something motherly how she cut a small bite from my sausage and placed it in my mouth. She held the fork slightly higher, so had to move my neck upward. Therefore, I was forced to look at her grinning face. This was the most humiliating position I had experienced during dinner. My upper legs hurt from the constant spreading. I required this to be over.

After I had emptied my plate, I got a couple of comments from Autumn about horses and carrots as if I was unaware of my unicorn appearance. Fortunately, she untied my legs instantly afterward and restrained them together to the middle of the table. Next, she prepared her own plate and retook her position right before my face. As one might expect, she slowly ate while staring me in the eyes. There was nothing I could achieve against her. Routinely she flexed her arms and legs, nudging me of my inability to move.

She told me there was still a dessert left and fetched two small disks containing two scoops of vanilla ice-cream each. This was the dull brand we purchased frequently. As I told before, we often bought the least expensive food available. Our food budget was small. While Autumn filled our mouths, she kept gazing at me. Due to my position, I had to look upward to perceive what she was doing. The height difference and closeness of our faces amplified our roles. I felt as low as I was. Under normal circumstances, I would have enjoyed this ice-cream. But now it felt laborious. The hard table was uncomfortable.

After we were both done, she patted my head and returned our plates to the kitchen. “Kat, although you still have ten minutes left, I will release your hands now. Hopefully, your rope marks will be slightly less visible. Since you can wear socks there, your legs can stay tied. But I expect you to stay where you are. That means flat on the table.” I obeyed and laid still. Autumn started doing the dished afterward. Although this was beneficial, my back and knees disliked this position. But displeasing a compassionate Autumn wouldn’t be in my favor.

After the ten minutes, Autumn released my legs from the table but kept them bound together. I had to spend the remaining half an hour until I would have to leave like this. I was nervous, so doing homework wouldn’t be useful. I wouldn’t be productive. But sitting still was equally impossible. Autumn had detected this, so she talked with me about other things. This aided me greatly. When it was time, I united my legs, put everything on and left. I felt safe leaving the room. But it still felt unusual.

The Autumn called me back and tucked my tail in my pants. How could I forget about that? Instantly I was nervous and anxious. Slowly I started walking toward Julian's room. Paranoia started to kick in.
Last edited by Beaumains 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Enjoying so far.

Who's Lauren? Other than Julian's sister, did I miss her connection to Autumn and Kat?

Keep going, please
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

volatiledesire wrote: 4 years ago Enjoying so far.

Who's Lauren? Other than Julian's sister, did I miss her connection to Autumn and Kat?

Keep going, please
I thought she was in the same climbing club as Kat.
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Post by Beaumains »

Enjoying so far.

Who's Lauren? Other than Julian's sister, did I miss her connection to Autumn and Kat?

Keep going, please
Thanks, I have added a couple of sentences for clarification.
I thought she was in the same climbing club as Kat.
You are correct!
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

Just wanted to say that I'm really enjoying these chapters.

Keep up the good work!
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Post by Beaumains »

Just wanted to say that I'm really enjoying these chapters.

Keep up the good work!
After I had thanked Autumn for her suggestion, she wished me a good night. The door was closed behind me. I walked through our hallway toward the stairwell. I passed a drunk girl who hadn’t noticed me. Still, I had the feeling I wasn’t safe. The unicorn hood created a small hump on my back. How obvious was it?

I had never done anything similar before. My bondage and dress-up games had always been private. I had fantasied many times about them happening in public. Ideas like being left in the middle of nowhere in some ugly outfit were startling. Subsequently, I had to hitch-hike with strangers to get home. Another one was running restrained through a forest to escape a kidnapper. That would be thrilling. But, of course, nothing had ever happened. I’m way too shy for any of these things. Nothing strange had ever happened in my life. But now for the first time, I was wearing one of those ugly outfits in public. Although this was technically true, it was hidden under other clothes. It was also dark. Furthermore, I saw nobody outside. But I was still frightened. Could someone spot me from their window?

I raced over the desolate lawn which separated our dorm buildings. It was a cold February evening, so no-one was outside. So I walked in a straight line to the door of Julian’s dorm building. I hadn't encountered any problems so far. But when I tried to open the door to Julian’s dorm building, I almost collided with a well-looking dude. We stared at each other for a couple of seconds and awkwardly grinned at each other. As a true gentleman, he stepped aside to let me pass first. After a brief thank you from me, I swiftly ran up the stairs. Would he have noticed my onesie?

But that wouldn’t matter because this bloke had likely forgotten me already. I didn’t know him. Even if he could trace my identity, there were dozens of reasonable explanations for the hump. For example, I could be wearing an oversized sweater. Then I recalled my almost accident with the tail. Now I was content Autumn had spotted it. Otherwise, he would definitively have seen it while I raced up the stairs. He wouldn’t have forgotten that sight quickly.

When I reached Julian’s door, I instantly knocked. I didn’t want to spend another second in these hallways. Julian opened the door a chink, inquired whether it was me and let me in. I wondered why. But when I slipped in the room, I understood. I was shocked. An enormous smile appeared on my face.

Julian had slipped out of the casual clothing he had worn this afternoon. To my delight, he was currently also dressed in a onesie. It was a red dragon with small, white wings and golden horns. He made a pirouette showing off the purple spikes that covered his spine. Just like me, he also had a tail which wiggled when he moved. He looked adorable. He lifted his arms up, causing his wings to spread. He had to blush when he saw me giggle. This made him look even cuter. I had stared at him for a brief moment before he requested me to remove my jacket. I did so and not much later I stood there in just my unicorn onesie. Naturally, I put my hood on my head. I was allowed to look ridiculous momentarily. We looked at each other in awe and started laughing.

Then I started examining his room. It didn’t contain a bathroom or kitchen like my own room. Hence, it was way smaller. Only a large closet, a narrow bed, and a desk for each of them stood in their chamber. Posters of various video-games were plastered on the walls. The room was much tidier than I expected. I supposed Julian had cleaned it for me. Just like Autumn and me, they had shoved their desks together to form a bigger table. Although I assumed the room would look like this on an ordinary day. Now a couple of things were different. I noticed one of their beds didn’t have a mattress. But the most striking thing was that their table was encased by bed linen. I couldn’t contain my smile. Julian had built me a blanket fort!

Julian inquired if I liked his outfit. I smiled at him and revealed the truth: I loved it! He told me it was an old Halloween costume. He smiled, clearly delighted I had dared to show up in my onesie. Otherwise, it would be extremely awkward. I had to admit it had crossed my mind to request Autumn to release me for the evening. But I kind of promised Julian to wear it. I was content I had carried on with this plan.

Julian pulled a flap of fabric away and welcomed me into his lair. I crawled in. His mattress was placed on the floor and topped with a couple of pillows. Cheap Christmas lights were fastened under the table. There were also multiple bags of snacks, two plastic glasses, and a bottle of soda. After I had made myself comfortable, Julian entered with his laptop and a Bluetooth speaker.

This was an eight-year old's dream: dressed-up in a blanket fortress with unlimited snacks and no adults around. Because the mattress was barely three feet wide, we had to lay almost on each other. After some struggles, we silently agreed on how to place ourselves: Julian wrestled himself behind me. So my head rested on his shoulders. Next, the movie started; it was one of the old Star Trek movies. So he hadn’t forgotten about our mutual interest in science fiction movies. Julian was incredible because he arranged another perfect date. The fact he wore a dragon onesie made it even better and made me feel more comfortable. I wasn't the only one who looked ridiculous anymore.

Both of us watched it a long time ago, so we didn’t have to concentrate. We ate the snacks and softly cuddled. There were only two layers of fleece between my back and Julian’s slowly oscillating chest. I had never been closer to a boy since primary school. During high school, I had heard many profound stories of classmates and their boyfriends. It had intimidated me for this kind of intimacy. But Julian was lovely. He wasn’t attempting anything inappropriate; I felt safe and protected. Increasingly, I was developing a crush on him. He not only looked cute; he turned out to be adorable too.

After the movie, we stayed in the dragon’s lair and chatted for a while. First, mostly about trivialities. Later I received many questions from Julian. As one might expect, he desired to know what kind of bet I lost. It was indeed relevant why we had to dress up as a unicorn and a dragon. His questions were subtle because he didn’t want to scare me off. But I grasped what he was attempting, and obviously, I wasn’t going to recount anything. But I mentioned I had been a unicorn since yesterday evening. His movements betrayed his shock. “Kat, that is plainly cruel. Why did you agree? Such a bet is pretty extreme.” I smirked. I had been thinking all afternoon about this question myself. There wasn’t a proper explanation, so I told him a partial truth. “Ehm, I think I enjoy a challenge. It also makes a weekend much more interesting too. Otherwise, I would just be thinking about homework all day. Now, something could distract me. It also motivates somehow. Besides, only Autumn would see me.” Conveniently, I skipped the bondage part.

Julian laughed and gave me a couple of friendly knocks on my leg. “Kat, you’re an odd one. I had assumed you were always bloody serious. Apparently, you have a wild side too.” I laughed. I enjoyed a much wilder side he wasn’t aware of. He kept trying to figure out what my bet with Autumn was. I gave him nothing useful because it was a little bit too personal to share.

He didn’t like my answer. Because I was so uncooperative, he started tickling my sides. This was annoying since I am very ticklish. I wanted him to stop but didn’t want to release any information. It was playful banter. But one wrong comment might end this evening because both of us were still insecure about our actions. Therefore, I started fighting back. I turned on my stomach and positioned myself on top of him. Julian was still on his back. So I had an advantage. Presently, he was the one being tickled and was sensitive for it as well. So he had to defend himself. He grabbed my right wrist and forced it away from his belly. I almost fell forward. With his hand, he pushed the fleece around my wrist up revealing the vague rope marks from my dinner spread-eagle. I had completely forgotten about them.

I noticed Julian had recognized them, so both of us instantly stopped wrestling and looked at each in shock. I was dying inside. Julian swiftly covered my arm again. “Kat, please don’t panic. Try to keep yourself calm. But I know what they are. Ropes have caused them, haven’t they? Are you okay?” The fun was over. I wanted to flee from him, so I would never see him again. But that wouldn’t solve anything. I felt I had to tell him.

I took a deep breath and started talking. “I’m good, thanks for asking. Yeah, you’re correct. Those are indeed rope marks. Part of the bet was I would be tied up.” I sat above him while trying to smile my problems away. There was no return. “When you knocked on the door this afternoon, my legs were bound together. Autumn had carried me to the bathroom before she opened the door. When she talked with you, I silently untied myself.”

I waited for a moment thinking about what more I would tell Julian. But this was unnecessary. “I can’t imagine how embarrassing it is I found out. It’s okay. Autumn may have told you she used to be tied up in her scout years. I was also part of that troop and familiar with being bound. We used to do it all the time.” Now I was stunned. Autumn had talked about being tied up a couple of times. Now Julian casually mentioned it was a routine activity. What had happened within that troop?

For the second time today, I had assumed my life was over. But Julian had saved me once more. I hugged Julian before I slowly started sobbing against his red onesie. Julian returned my hug. He was so sympathetic. There we lay, a unicorn
and a dragon in a
blanket fortress softly soothing each other.

After a couple of minutes, our newly acquired knowledge started sinking in. Our eyes met again while we produced faint smiles. I confessed to Julian, Autumn had found out only two weeks earlier. Before that, I had primarily performed self-bondage. But I didn’t dare including how Autumn had treated me in my Belle dress. I exclusively talked about the bondage part. Julian nodded and answered how cool it was to allow her to tie me up.

Then he explained how tying up in their scout troop was handled. Apparently, it was primarily some sort of internal punishment. Or it was done when you weren't capable of fighting back. Nobody chose to be bound voluntarily. Because they frequently went too far, it was forbidden. Hence, it wasn’t uncommon to spend the night gagged in your sleeping bag. At that time, there were no adults around.

For me, this was peculiar. Being bound was the best part. But if you put a bunch of kids together who are all skilled with knots, then the tying part is probably more interesting. Besides, they are insecure teens who want to assert their place in the hierarchy. Having them tying each other up against their wishes would cause problems. In turn, Julian would probably have difficulties comprehending why I would tie myself up.

Both of us felt warm due to our onesies, the blanket fortress, and our playful fight. Hence, we decided to go on a little walk. After we had dressed up in sweatpants and jackets, I double-checked if our tails were invisible before leaving the room. We walked to the forest where I dared Julian to ditch his extra clothes. He complied, so I followed his example. We ran a mile or so through the woods. It was too cold to walk outside in just a onesie. Our tails sweep through the air. I could tell Julian was enjoying himself. It was pleasant to be together. But it was even better I didn't have to explain my embarrassing self-bondage preference.

After we had returned to the edge of the forest, we redressed. Our clothes were ice cold. Julian escorted me to my dorm building where we hugged before wishing each other a good night. I walked back to my room where Autumn was sleeping; it was 1 AM already. I brushed my teeth and went to the toilet. I wanted to go to bed immediately. When I laid down, I noticed something was stinging in my back. They were ropes. I found a letter on my pillow that I read on my phone’s flashlight. It was Autumn’s instruction on how I should be restrained tonight. Clearly, I had to follow them. Although the letter mentioned it as well, I knew there would be consequences otherwise. I sighed and started reading. The fun of tonight had ended.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

N’aww! Matching onesies!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by Beaumains »

I sat down on my bed while rereading Autumn’s instructions. I wasn’t content with them. Because she desired to sleep, I had to tie myself up in the bathroom. Since this was reasonable, I grasped everything I required and stepped out of the main room.

Here I tied a tight rope harness around my upper body with my longest rope. It pressed on my onesie as it pressed my skin. I was sure it was tighter than Autumn had intended. In the instructions stood that my tail had to be free; ropes shouldn’t suppress its movements. So I did this. Next, I put some long, black socks on which I pulled over the onesie. Otherwise, my feet would be cold because there would be no blanket to warm them tonight. Subsequently, I had to bind my feet. Fortunately, Autumn had been merciful since they merely had to be cuffed with at most one feet slack. I did so while hoping the rope wouldn’t stretch. After a miserable night, this would provide Autumn an excellent excuse to make my day even worse.

So far, I hadn’t encountered any problems. This would be tame compared to being home-alone in my parent’s house. Well, except for the onesie; I detested to sleep in it. The direction that frightened me most was Autumn requiring me to cuff my hands behind me to the rope harness. I hated sleeping with them behind my back since it interfered too much with my sleep. It is also complex to bind your own hands both comfortable and tight behind you. You practically had to resort to some sort of slipknot. But putting such a knot directly around my wrists was plainly dangerous.

Another solution was required. Fortunately, I had acquired years of experience with self-bondage. A bandanna wrapped twice around my wrists with a slipknot in between was optimal in my experience. The slipknot cinched the sides of the bandanna together. So escaping was hopeless while the maximum tightness of my cuffs was predetermined. Exactly what I required. When I did this alone, I always released myself with another slipknot. But that would be cheating now, so I omitted it. I bound these cuffs as close as possible to the back of my rope harness.

I examined myself one last time in the mirror before I switched the light off. Then I waddled to my bed. Autumn’s final order asked me to wear the unicorn hood and sleeping mask over my head. I laid down before adhering to this instruction. Next, I turned on my stomach. Then I put my hands through the bandanna and pulled it tight. Now I was stuck. I reiterated her letter once more in my head to be sure I had completed everything. Since that was the case, it was time to attempt to sleep.

As I had expected, this was problematic. I hated sleeping on my stomach; it felt unnatural. But the sleep ultimately won after two dreadful hours. I slept poorly and woke up several times. Therefore, there weren’t any pleasant dreams tonight. However, it was manageable; there was no need to waken Autumn to release me from my stupidity.

In the morning, I was woken by a gentle stroke on my shoulder. “Wake up my unicorn. It’s ten o’clock already!” Autumn sounded cheerful; she had likely been awake for some time already. I never slept in this long, even during weekends. A dissatisfied grunt escaped my mouth while Autumn laughed in the background. “You look bloody adorable. Your night was undoubtedly rough, but this sight is priceless.” I suspected what she attempted to convey. From the back, I resembled a genuine fake unicorn with my tail, manes, and hood. My restrained hands and rope harness completed the image.

Autumn removed the hood and blindfold. After I had explained to her, I couldn’t untie myself anymore, she loosened the rope around my wrists. I turned around and saw a well-filled plate on the table. Autumn had been scarily friendly so far. There had to be some catch, but I had to reap the benefits of her generosity while I could.

With my cuffed feet, I moved to the table and started eating. Conveniently, I had forgotten about the dice. Since the food was delicious, I absolutely didn’t desire Autumn to shove it in my mouth. Although it was a hard-boiled egg and bread with jam and cheese, this breakfast was unusual luxurious for our standards. Autumn had already devoured her own a long time ago, so she silently observed me eat. I already felt much better after a horrible night.

Afterward, I wanted to visit the toilet. But this was impossible with my rope harness. Surprisingly, Autumn allowed me to remove it without any sanctions. In the bathroom, I also brushed my hair and cleansed my face. Of course, I moistened the onesie once again. This didn’t bother me at all because of the feeling of being refreshed outweighed the disadvantages. I returned to the main room where I sat down opposite of Autumn. We had to talk.

During the night, I had finalized my thoughts. I had to tell Autumn what occurred yesterday. As one might expect, I wouldn’t inform her about the blanket fortress or the dragon onesie. But she had to learn Julian knew about my rope marks. I believed he would keep it secret, but it wasn’t unlikely he would speak with Autumn about me. This realization caused Autumn to blush. Rapidly she stated it was bound to happen if we were going to spend much time together. Luckily, she expected he would respect my quirky hobby. I could merely hope Autumn was correct.

Subsequently, it was her turn to talk. I informed her Julian had mentioned some vague information about their scout troop. But I added he hadn’t told me any specifics. I required Autumn to explain this to me. But she simply dodged all my questions. I couldn’t get anything useful out of her. What were they hiding from me? I disliked this, but there wasn’t anything I could do against her. Since this wasn’t going anywhere, the subject changed.

Autumn mentioned our room was getting filthy. Hence, we had to clean. Obviously, this couldn’t wait until I was freed from my onesie. This meant I had to be restrained as well. Instead of rolling dice, Autumn proposed I could determine what my task would be. The first option was cleaning the kitchen and bathroom with my hands tied in front of me. My legs would be secured against each other, so I was forced to hop. The second choice was vacuuming and mopping our entire floor with my hands behind my back and feet cuffed. This was also not very tempting. But I came up with a plan.

I peered in Autumn’s eyes while asking whether she would handle the other task. She confirmed this without hesitating. I generously smiled because she had fallen for my trap. I informed her that meant she had to be bound as well! I stared intensely in her eyes while she attempted to chicken out. But I wouldn’t clean anything until she had agreed. When I proposed she could choose her task, she gave in.

Autumn decided to clean the kitchen and bathroom. I suspected she feared to have her hands fixed behind her after last Wednesday. But now, she had to hop. This had been her idea. My ankles were already tied correctly, so I bound her legs first. Then Autumn secured my wrists behind my back; they were cuffed with a couple of inches of rope between them. Ultimately, I had to bind her hands. This was troublesome because I had to work behind my back. When I was finished, I turned around and examined my knot. Autumn equally enjoyed some space between her wrists. It would be sufficient for now. In further encounters, I would be less forgiving. This would be fun.

Both of us started performing our tasks. From the corners of my eye, I observed how Autumn cleaned the kitchen. It wasn’t extremely problematic for her. Although she had estimated the tasks to be of similar difficulty, mine was much harder. Her sole problem involved her legs. Handling the rag wouldn’t be an issue. By leaning against the cupboard, she could easily support herself.

But I somehow had to operate a machine from behind my back. Initially, I had determined it to be hopeless. But I found a solution. When I stabilized the handle between my legs, I would have some control. The open areas were doable now. But it was virtually impossible to clean under our beds. Even if I laid on the floor, it would still be hard. So I skipped that part.

Ultimately, I had managed to vacuum most of our room. Around the same time, Autumn was finished in the kitchen. I observed she had skipped the lowest parts of cupboards. Because she had to lay on the ground to reach them, she wasn’t content with this. At these moments, the drawback of her choice became visible. But she joyfully laid herself on the ground. The challenge excited her. I understood why because this was the same reason I had entered the bouldering club. The problems were fundamentally equal: how to maneuver when it is virtually impossible.

Next, I had to fill my bucket with water to mop. Autumn did this for me because it was impossible in my current condition. Mopping wasn’t considerably harder than vacuuming. The same technique also worked. There was only one problem involving the mop: it was way too wet. I couldn’t get it dry enough while I tied like this. But I continued scrubbing as if nothing was wrong. Our room was modest, so it didn’t take long. After Autumn had cleaned the bathroom, we untied ourselves entirely. The floor was covered with little puddles of water that we cleaned up. It was a mess. But Autumn didn't punish me for it.

The cleaning had taken much more time than usual, so it was time for lunch already. Afterward, we spent the last couple of hours until I was allowed to be released studying in our room. Both of us weren’t interested in any more tie-ups today. It had been sufficient for this week.

When it was time, Autumn released me. For some reason, this saddened me because I had silently hoped Julian would hop by for a couple of minutes. Now I had to confront him in ordinary clothes once again. I stepped in the bathroom, removed my fleece prison, and took a remarkably long shower. I had a couple to make up. Here, I noticed how much I stank. It felt marvelous to rinse my body and hair. I felt reborn.

I replayed all the events of the last three days in my head and concluded this weekend was among my all-time favorites. I couldn’t wait until Autumn came up with a new creative idea to tie me up. But I was equally eager to meet Julian again. Which surprises would the upcoming weeks have in store for me?
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