Volleyball Camp F+/F+

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Volleyball Camp F+/F+

Post by herdfaninrva »

bikini barefoot chance request overnight

This was planned as a story for the summer contest, but life got in the way, and I didn't finish it in time. It also ended up WAY over the word limit for the contest. Hope you enjoy. Note: There may be a sequel at some point, but my top priority is going to be finishing the Julie/Kenny story.

Heather and Stacy had been beach volleyball partners since they were 14. Now 18, they were attending senior camp for the first time. When they arrived, they were not surprised to see that Vickie and Pam, their longtime friends and rivals from across the state, were there was well. In fact, the quartet were assigned as roommates. As they were settling in, Heather was absent-mindedly skimming the camp policies, when suddenly she exclaimed, “I DIDN’T SEE THAT WHEN I SIGNED UP, BUT I LOVE IT!”

“What are you talking about?” replied Pam.

“Quote: ‘Each day, the losing teams in randomly selected matches will be blindfolded, gagged, and tied up as the winners choose at any location in camp from 10 pm until 7 am. Campers so tied will be supplied with bikinis so as not to damage their personal property. Campers not so bound may inflict upon them the torments listed in Appendix B.’”

“That’s crazy!” Stacy commented. “No offense, partner, but I hope we lose one of those matches. For some reason, I think you do, too.”

“You know me too well, my friend!” Heather laughed. “I do indeed!”

“Tell you what would be more fun,” Vickie commented. “If we all lose one the same day and can get the winners to tie us in the same place.”

“Agreed! Gotta get someone to take pictures if that happens!” Stacy said. “I can imagine the comments from our Facebook friends about the four of us in that kind of predicament together.”

A few hours later, the last workouts of the day had just ended. Camp director Amy called everyone together. “Great first day, ladies! Go get a shower, put on a fresh bikini, and meet back here in an hour. DO NOT BE LATE!” Indeed, no one was late, so right on time she continued, “I know all of you have seen the rule about match losers spending the night tied up. Since we haven’t had any matches today, we have a different way of choosing who it happens to. Counselors Misty, Sara, Jenny, Morgan, and Tabby and campers Lindsey, Whitney, Ali, and Shawn, front and center...These eight were chosen by random draw to participate tonight. In a moment each of you will draw a card from a standard deck. Highest card in each group gets first choice tie or be tied and on down the line...Counselors first. Show your cards...Jenny?”

“Be tied.”


“Be tied.”

“Well, that settles things for Misty and Sara. You’ll be doing the tying. Campers. Lindsey?”



“Be tied”


“Be tied.”

“Shawn, you’re with Lindsey. Tyers, you have 15 minutes to plan what you’re going to do. You can either work together or as separate groups. Tyees, you know where the camp bikinis are. Go get them on. One change this year. You’ll also find handcuffs, shackles, and gags there. Cuff your hands behind your backs, shackle your ankles, and gag yourselves before you return. Everyone else, find someone you don’t know and make her your new friend.”

15 minutes later, Amy’s whistle blasted through the late evening dusk. Four very willing young women stood bound and gagged in prison orange bikinis before their fellow campers. Blindfolds were added, and the entire camp headed for where Ali and Whitney would spend the night. When they reached the game courts, Lindsey told them, “On the ground. Step through your arms. I know you can do it. Hands above your heads.” Doing so brought their hands within inches of tent stakes which had been driven into the ground. A chain soon connected their cuffs to the stakes. Another was run across their waists and likewise connected to stakes. The shackles were removed from their ankles and their ankles connected to stakes a little beyond shoulder-width apart. “Don’t go anywhere, you two. Some of us will be back after Ali and Whitney are taken care of. By the way, campers, their feet are extremely ticklish.”

The bound duo screamed into their gags at that last comment. “Karma, ladies. Remember what you did to my sister last year? OK, counselors, where to?”

Silently so as not to give their plans away, Misty motioned toward the cabins. When they arrived at an empty one, Sara unlocked one bracelet of each of the captives’ handcuffs then guided them to poles supporting the porch roofs. “Sit. Feet in front of you...Hands behind the poles and lock your cuffs back on.” She and her partner removed the leg shackles then tied the girls’ ankles tightly together. A rope around their waists holding their bodies against the post finished their predicament. “We’re not going to tie your feet to anything so you can sleep a little easier, but if we hear of you trying to get away from people tickling you, we’ll come back and tie them to the railing. Understand?” Both nodded their agreement.

Four hours later, the mournful sound of an old train whistle announced lights out. All four captives were covered in whipped cream, mustard, catsup, and flour. It was quickly discovered that Jenny and Tabby were just as ticklish as the other duo, and full advantage had been taken of that much to the delight of both tickler and ticklee. Not one of them regretted choosing to be tied up. Through the night, Amy and other staff members came by to check on them and remove their gags briefly and give them a drink. Just before the others were awakened, they were taken, still bound and gagged, to the pool deck. There when everyone else had assembled they were led one at a time to the outdoor shower, rinsed off, freed, and sent to get dressed for breakfast.

Fast forward 3 days. Despite their desires, Heather, Stacy, Vickie, and Pam had not been selected to be bound for the night. They had gleefully participated in tormenting those who were and tried to overdo it with a few hoping those girls would take revenge on them should they be chosen. Knowing that this was their last chance, they asked Amy if they could talk with her. “What’s on your minds?” she asked.

“We REALLY want to be tied up together tonight. Can we just volunteer, no drawing?” Pam asked.

“The four of you want to be tied together? I thought you were big rivals.”

“Most people do, and we like that,” Vickie answered, “On the sand we are. Off it, we’re actually good friends. We want to do this, get some pix, post on social media, and have some fun with our friends at home. You know, mess with their minds a little.”

Amy thought for a moment, and the smile on her face grew as she did. “How can I turn down that request?” she laughed. “Sure. We’ll do that. Any preference on who ties you?”

“Ask around camp. See who most wants to get us back for what we did to them when they were tied up. Just don’t get anyone who’ll go easy on us,” Heather replied.

The rest of the day went as normal until just before the final match of the day. During the break before it, staffers Ali, Whitney, Tracey, and Kristen came up to the quartet. “Hands behind your backs,” Ali ordered. The girls quickly complied and their hands were cuffed. “Come with us.” When they got to the building where the tie up bikinis were kept, Whitney ordered them to sit, and their ankles were tied. Ali continued, “Amy told us that you wanted whoever tied you to go hard on you, and she knew that we would be harder than any of the campers. We believe her, but we want to hear it from you. Since we like you It’ll make us feel better if we hear you ask us. Stacy?”

“Please tie me up. Don’t make it easy for me. Torment me tonight as much as you want. Tell everyone in camp that I’m ticklish everywhere.” Her three friends responded in the same way with all three admitting that they were vulnerable to tickling.

Kristen threw four bikinis on the floor, and to the captives’ surprise they were red instead of the normal orange. “Before you ask, these are special suits that allow things to happen that we don’t want girls tied up randomly to experience by accident. It can get pretty challenging, so we only use these when a staff member needs to be punished and she has agreed to this. We don’t normally use them with campers, but since you asked for a hard evening we’re going to use them on you if you agree. Things will happen that aren’t on the list but nothing that will do any harm. Do you agree?”

“Yes,” all four agreed.

“OK, take these in the changing rooms and follow the instructions you’ll find inside,” Tracey told them. A few minutes later, they emerged. Under the bikinis, they wore stirrup pantyhose. All had shackled their ankles so close together that walking was extremely difficult but possible. Their mouths were stuffed and covered with elastic wrap. Hinged handcuffs held their hands behind their backs. “Well done, ladies!” Tracey told them. Stepping in front of them, she continued in her kindest, gentlest voice. “Are you OK to go on? It’s only going to get harder from here, so no one will think less of you if you bail out.” The other three blindfolded the captives before she continued, “None of your friends can see you. I’m going to tap you on the shoulder, if you’re OK to go on, nod your head. If not, shake it.” All four nodded that she wished to continue. Once they did, the blindfolds were removed and the ankle shackles replaced with ones that made walking easier and safer.

Returning to the main court, the quartet was led in and stood before all those in camp. Amy took the mic. “Ladies, there will be no drawing tonight to see who gets tied up. These four rivals and friends asked me to let them volunteer, and I agreed. They want to be challenged like none of you have been. You and they will learn the reason for the hose and different bikinis shortly. All have asked me to tell you that they are extremely ticklish and want you to take full advantage of that. You will have other options for tormenting them that you will learn shortly. Everyone, follow me.”

Within a moment, no one but Amy knew where they were headed as she led them down a trail that had been marked “off limits” through the week. Even the staff had no idea where it led. At the end was a very large ordinary-looking cabin, clearly well maintained. “For reasons you will know in a moment, the lights are off inside. There is nothing to trip over or otherwise hurt you,” Amy assured them. “Just stick together and move slowly and carefully.”

Blindfolded and having even less idea where they were than their colleagues, the captives grew eager with anticipation. “This is going to be good!” they thought to themselves.

Once inside, Amy slowly turned up the lights. All were shocked to see themselves in a large room surrounded by several jail cells. “Before anyone asks, I’ll explain. Since we only use this camp a few weeks a year, the owners rent it to other groups. One is a group of bondage enthusiasts who built this cabin for their play. Don’t get any ideas about ghosts of people who endured horrible things here or any other scary stuff. Everyone who comes here does so of his or her own free will, just as our friends have today. All left happy and healthy.” On Amy’s instructions, the captives were taken to a cell at the far end of the building. The floor had been covered with rocks which were rough enough to be uncomfortable but not enough to be painful nor to cut their feet. Their hands, still cuffed behind their backs, we connected to the bars, and headphones placed over their ears so that they could not hear Amy as she continued, “In a moment, each will be placed in her own cell. You may restrain the captive you are playing with in any way that you wish. All the locks use the same key. You may take the blindfolds and gags off if you like. There are plenty of replacements for you to put on when you finish. Besides what you’ve been able to do all week, you may also spank them on their butts and their feet and those spots only. After two hours, the ladies who captured them will give each a safeword to use if she’s had all she can take. From that point on, no gags. BUT the powders that you see may be used. They are itching powders. Harmless but annoying. As you might guess, the green is the mildest, they yellow in the middle, and the red the most intense. I’d recommend using the gloves with all of them. You may sprinkle these anywhere inside their clothing. If you want to use it on their feet, there are ankle hose that you can sprinkle it into then put it on them. The time limits for each level are on the wall. After four hours, the staff will get them ready for bed. Amber, our camp photographer, will be around to take any pix that you want. The captives want as many as they can get. Questions?...OK. On last thing.” To everyone’s shock, Amy removed her warmup suit to reveal a green bikini. Like the captives, she was wearing stirrup hose under it.” Someone has to be here at all times for safety, that person will be me.” Walking to one of the cells from which all others could be seen, she put her hands behind her back. “Debbie, cuff them then grab one of the chains, put it around my waist, and lock the cuffs to it. Put one of the radios on the bed where I can reach it with my hands where they are. Yes, I’m willing to be tormented as well. Slightly different rules. Spanking is good, but it takes a lot to get a reaction from me. Itching powder is OK any time. The green doesn’t work well on me, so go yellow or red. Time limits are double. You’ll also find some pads that have blunted thumb tacks embedded in them. You may put those inside my bra, preferably after a couple of rounds of powder. 2-hour limit on that, but you can put it back after a 15 minute break.”

When Debbie completed her tasks, an evil grin crossed her face as she asked, “Can I be the first to do something to you?”

“By all means!” Amy laughed.

Debbie grabbed a pair of gloves and the can of red powder. Not sure how much to use, she sprinkled a bit into each side of Amy’s bra. “That would be fine for our campers, but you need about twice that much for me,” Amy told her. Debbie obliged then left the cell and locked the door.

For the next six hours, the four campers and Amy were subjected to a laundry list of discomforts and indignities. They were bound spread-eagle and tickled or covered with benign messy substances (and washed off with cold water each time after the latter). They were bound with their feet suspended while they and their butts took their share of spankings. All four campers became familiar with all three powders. Every available body part was intensely tickled. Despite this, when their gags were removed, their laughter was indistinguishable from their captors’. The many pictures taken would reveal nothing but smiles on everyone’s faces. Despite her position as camp director, Amy was shown no mercy. Her breasts were rarely without the tack pads or itching powder, and she was spanked regularly as well.

At 10 pm, senior staffer Ali and Whitney returned to get the campers ready for bed. To their displeasure, all were untied and moved into one cell. “I know you aren’t happy about being free, but we have to be safe,” Ali told them. “Heather, you and Pam have to drive home tomorrow, don’t you?”


“So we have to make sure that you get enough sleep. Are you sure you can sleep tied up?”

“Absolutely. I’ve done it MANY times...Oh, no! I can’t believe I just said that!!” Heather replied as her face turned fire-engine red.

Her companions did their best to mitigate her embarrassment by stifling their snickers but were only partially successful. “Don’t be embarrassed, my friend,” Stacy replied. “You know I have, too.”

“Likewise,” added all four others.

“Now that we have that settled,” Whitney chuckled, “No torments from now on. Go get a shower, put on the fresh suits in there, and come back. You can choose how we tie you for the night. One catch before we do tie you, though. You have to thank Amy for making this happen. We’ll have her tied when you get back. Each of you gives her 10 of your best swats on her butt and puts a heavy dose of red powder on her. We’ll time it and clean her up.”

When they had completed their assigned duties, all chose to be tied spread eagle. The staffers did so, gave each a quick tickle on her feet, then locked the cells.

When morning came, all the campers arrived at the jail to escort the captives, all including Amy with their hands cuffed behind their backs and ankles shackled, to the closing ceremony. Once there, they were freed and the traditional closing activities carried out.

As they headed to their cars, the four friends/rivals came together in a joyous hug. “What a week and what an ending!” Stacy said.

“Last night or closing ceremonies?” Vickie asked.

“Both,” Stacy answered. “We can’t let this end. We have to come back as staff next year.”

“Agreed!” her friends replied.

“I wonder if Amy could arrange for us to use the jail for a few days before camp,” Vickie added.

“Sounds good to me,” Heather commented, “but why wait until next year? I’ve heard this place is gorgeous in the snow, and it’s not hard to get to. Maybe she can arrange for us to meet here after Christmas. Our present to ourselves. All in favor…”

Last edited by herdfaninrva 4 years ago, edited 6 times in total.
"I can't tell why I love the smell of coal smoke, valve oil, and steam." Johnny Horton
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Post by herdfaninrva »

Had a couple of technical problems with posting.

1. I wanted the intro to be in italics and couldn't get that to happen.

2. I couldn't get the tags to work.

Any help on either would be appreciated.
"I can't tell why I love the smell of coal smoke, valve oil, and steam." Johnny Horton
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Post by herdfaninrva »

[mention] Emma [/mention]
"I can't tell why I love the smell of coal smoke, valve oil, and steam." Johnny Horton
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Post by Emma »

herdfaninrva wrote: 4 years ago @ Emma
I am tagged!

It works :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Good idea!
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Post by Emma »

I liked this story.... somewhere between G-Rated and PG. Just kids having fun. It's a nice change from i think most stories here.

That's not a put down of the other stories, I want to point out. Just that it's nice to have something completely different sometimes.

There very last line almost promises a sequel, as well....nice!
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Post by ArrestedForever »

Nice work. VB girls are some of the hottest. I used to think I was the only one who wanted to see some of them tied up.
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Good and Awesome story. Very Cool story
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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Post by BindPam »

This was a fun story. I think my favorite character was Pam.

No idea why.

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