A Vengeful Purchase (M/F, F/F)

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A Vengeful Purchase (M/F, F/F)

Post by BobaFettish1 »

A lone figure stood near the end of a large wooden pier that stretched out over the Hudson River. In the distance, across the River, the glimmering skyline of New York City bustled with activity, despite the time inching close to midnight. A shroud of fog hung over the city and light rain made everything in sight wet and shiny in the bright moonlight.

The lone figure was a middle aged Asian woman with dark eyes, milky white skin and black hair. Her clothes, jewelry, hair and makeup were all immaculate. She wore a fluffy mink coat with a long black skirt and brown high heeled ankle boots. Her thin frame and elegant wardrobe could be perceived as weakness and delicacy, but her posture oozed strength and fearlessness.

She stood on the pier with her arms clasped behind her. She glanced back towards the shore to to see where her black limousine was parked at the foot of the pier. Around it stood her team of bodyguards, all of which were noticeably on edge. She had insisted she be given some privacy while she waits, but her chief of security was unhappy, understandably so. As the head of the most powerful crime family in China, she had plenty of enemies that were always plotting her demise.

But Madame Chen could handle herself.

Soon the distinct sound of car tires on gravel reached her ears, informing Madame Chen that her associate had arrived. She turned away from the New York City skyline and watched as a white panel van drove up alongside her limo and parked. A large sliding door on the side of the van quickly slid open and at least 10 large men piled out. Each wore a business suit, dark sunglasses, and carried a large rifle.

“Americans and their guns.” She thought to herself, mentally rolling her eyes.

The men grouped together opposite Madame Chen’s security team and did their best to look as intimidating as possible. It seemed Chen’s reputation had preceded her and her associate wasn’t taking any chances. And they were right to be cautious.

Finally one man appeared out of the crowd that Madame Chen recognized. He was the only one not carrying a huge weapon, and he was easily one of the best dressed people on the pier, second only to Madame Chen, of course. He was tall with brown skin and short, neatly braided black hair. He wore an elegant three piece tan suit and one sparkling earring in his left ear.

Walter Davis was his name, and he was a businessman. A sleazy, crooked, lying, cheating, smooth talking, businessman. By day he was a well spoken philanthropist who was currently running for mayor of New York City. By night he was involved in numerous scandalous criminal activities, many of which had become a thorn in the side of the Chen family’s ever expanding criminal enterprise.

Davis strode towards Madame Chen gracefully with a winning smile spread across his face. Just based on height, the man towered over Chen. But it was clear that based on intellect, Davis was outmatched.

“I flew all the way from Hong Kong for this meeting,” Madame Chen said, before Davis had a chance to speak. “And yet somehow I arrived before you. Why is that?” Madame Chen sounded more curious than annoyed.

“I do apologize for keeping you waiting, Madame,” Davis said coolly. “Unfortunately we had a bit of trouble... securing the merchandise.”

“And where is the merchandise?” She retorted.

“Not to worry. It’s safe.” He added.

“I would like to see it. Now.” She demanded.

“Soon. First we need to discuss price.”

“We already agreed on a price. I’m not interested in playing any more games.”

“Nor do I, Madame. But it has come to my attention that you haven’t been completely forthcoming with me.”

Madame Chen narrowed her eyes at him.

“Apparently you want it much more than you let on,” Davis added. “As I understand, this purchase is quite... personal for you.”

“That’s my business.” Chen said.

“And now it’s mine” Davis said. “Being that as it may, I feel our original price seems... a bit low.”

“Five hundred thousand is more than enough.” Chen argued.

“I respectfully disagree. Especially since I just realized I prefer big round numbers like, say... one million.” He said snidely.

“That’s absurd.”

“That’s business.”

Madame Chen made no outwardly reaction, but she sighed internally. Davis may not have been the smartest or most powerful scumbag she had come across, but he certainly was the most clever. She had to give him credit for that. But she was done playing this charade with him. Besides, the money was irrelevant.

“I’m not giving you any cash until I see the merchandise.” She finally said.

“Fair enough.”

Davis snapped his fingers at his security detail and two of the larger men walked towards the van they had arrived in. They opened the rear double doors and reached in, heaving out a large trunk from inside the vehicle. The bulky container was old, rusty, pocked with stains, and even a few bullet holes. The muscle bound henchmen easily carried the trunk over to them and set it on the pier in between Davis and Chen.

“Open it.” Chen demanded.

“Of course.” Davis replied, snapping his fingers again.

One man bent down next to the trunk and used a key to unlock two large padlocks on the front of the box. He opened the latches and lifted the lid, causing the hinges to let out a long high moaning squeal. As the henchmen stepped away Madame Chen moved forward, peering down into the trunk and observing its contents. Her eyes went wide in recognition and she could barely contain her excitement.

There, laying in the bottom of the trunk, was a woman. She was young and beautiful, mid 20s, with a thin athletic physique, light skin, long red hair, and blue eyes. She was dressed in what could be described as business attire; a pink button up blouse, a high-waisted black skirt, black pantyhose, and high heeled black pumps.

“As I’m sure you’re aware”, Davis began. “This is a feisty one. She was very uncooperative while trying to transport her.”

Madame Chen noticed the girl was a bit disheveled; her hair was messy, her shirt was partially untucked, and her makeup was smeared. It was obvious that she had put up a hell of a fight upon being captured and had been thoroughly manhandled. Chen grinned upon observing that the Redhead's blouse had been unbuttoned just enough to reveal an uncomfortable amount of cleavage. Perhaps Davis' goons had had a bit too much fun with her.

“Getting her properly restrained was... quite a challenge.” Davis added.

The woman was laying on her right side and was left completely immobilized inside the trunk by rope... Lots and lots of rope, Madame Chen noticed. Her arms had been pulled behind her and bound at the elbows, forearms and wrists with the black rope. Her legs had also been tightly tied at her thighs, knees, shins and ankles. Madame Chen was doubly amused when she noticed a piece rope had been wound under her heels, a simple trick for making sure her shoes didn’t fall off.

Furthermore, her entire body had been crumpled severely in order to fit inside the cramped space and tied thoroughly. Her knees had been pressed into her chest and her ankles had been pulled back to her thighs. Rope encircled her body many times over leaving her in a tight ball. She had also been gagged with a heavy coating of black duct tape that had been wrapped around her head several times.

As Madame Chen observed her bound form the Redhead startled awake and looked up wearily from her confinement. She struggled against the ropes in a vain attempt to free herself. Finally, the young woman’s eyes met the stare of Madame Chen and they suddenly went wide. A look of recognition filled her eyes and Madame Chen smiled.

“Remember me, little bitch?” Chen thought to herself.

“We captured her last night,” Davis continued. “She was posing as a secretary in one of my office buildings. She tried to steal a hard drive but a couple of my men caught her in the act. It wasn’t until we did the proper research and interrogation that we realized who she really was. That’s when we realized we had a... hot commodity on our hands.”

As Davis continued on monologuing Madame Chen half listened. She was still enthralled with watching the young woman squirm in the ropes. Chen had so looked forward to the day she would come face to face with her again, and had been anxious to give her a slow and painful death.

But this... this was so much better. Having the little red headed wench bound and gagged at her mercy was absolutely thrilling for Madame Chen. This provided her with so many ways to finally get her revenge.

“Out of all the bidders, you were by far the highest and most persistent one,” Davis added. “If you don’t mind me asking, Madame... Why makes you so eager acquire this damsel?”

Madame Chen thought about the question and didn’t provide an immediate answer. For a moment her mind wandered to another place in time, back to that horrible night...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It was late in the evening and Madame Chen was making her way back to her office. The floor she was on was at least one hundred stories above the streets of Honk Kong, and one of the many floor-to-ceiling windows nearby presented a magnificent view of the city’s skyline. Tonight she was wearing a burnt orange sleeveless evening dress with a long slit down the side, along with black fishnet stockings and matching high heels. The building was mostly deserted and she assumed she was alone. All of that changed when she swung open the door to her private space.

Suddenly, she noticed a lone figure crouching behind her desk on the far side of her spacious office. The person was definitely not one of her own staff or guards. They were dressed in tight fitting black clothes that covered their entire body, save for a small slit that showed their eyes. They were presently unarmed, but that could change any second.

Madame Chen had no time waist. She sprung into action, sliding to her right to grab a katana that had been elegantly hung on the wall nearby. In that split second the intruder made their move as well, leaping over the desk and fiercely charging towards Chen. All the while, they managed to produce weapons of their own; a pair of sai. Chen heard the distinct metallic sound of the twin daggers being unsheathed before she saw them. She cringed knowing the criminal had most likely stolen them from Chen’s collection of weapons that adored the walls of her office. But it didn’t matter in the end. Whoever this was would pay for this outrage with their life.

The two combatants charged at each other from their opposing sides of the room. Chen leaped into the air and raised her katana, then used all her strength to slam it down towards the skull of the intruder. But Chen soon realized that this person was not unskilled. The intruder used both of their sai to catch the katana before it could reach its intended destination. A millisecond later, while still holding Chen’s katana at bay with one sai, she pulled the other away and swiped low across Chen’s stomach. Chen anticipated the blow and jerked backwards, breaking their blade lock and putting her on the defensive. The intruder lunged forward with another attack, shoving both daggers forward in an effort to stab Chen firmly in her chest. Chen parried the move by bringing her own blade to bare, catching the sai and swiping them away. With their weapons pushed to the side, the intruder leaned into the motion and swung their whole body around. Before Madame Chen knew it, she was taking a roundhouse kick to the face. Chen was sent tumbling backwards and slammed into a glass case that was a meter behind her. She landed in a heap as glass shards rained down all around her.

Madame Chen’s entire body throbbed and her vision became clouded. She knew her guard was down and she expected death to come any second, but it never did. Finally, she looked up to see that the intruder had not yet gone in for the kill yet. They just stood there motionless, watching as Chen slowly regained her senses. Apparently the intruder did have a shred of honor left, enough to keep them from killing an incapacitated opponent. Madame Chen was impressed, but also pitied them. She would not make the same show of honor if given the chance.

Chen used the moment of reprieve from the battle to quickly size up her enemy. Clearly she had underestimated the skill of the intruder, which had almost been a fatal mistake. If it wasn’t already apparent from their fighting prowess, the intruder’s clothing confirmed that this was no ordinary criminal. They wore a black skin tight spandex body suit with matching thigh high leather boots, gloves, a utility belt, and a thick cloth mask. Chen also noted the individual’s dainty physique and large chest; it was a female. Madame Chen was now more intrigued than ever to find out the identity of this attacker. And she would.

Without warning, Chen leapt to her feet and lunged towards the intruder. She swung her katana hard and wide in a horizontal motion toward the neck of her opponent. The intruder flipped backwards into a handstand to avoid the attack, then landed back on her feet and drew her weapons. Chen threw herself at the intruder and they locked blades once more. Face to face with her opponent, Chen glared into the other woman’s bright blue eyes.

“You’re going to die!” Chen said angrily in her native language, spitting the words out like venom.

“Don’t we all eventually?” A strong feminine voice retorted, also in Chinese. But there was something different about her accent and the way the intruder said the words.

“An American.” Chen thought with disgust.

The two traded more blows and the sound of clanging and scraping metal filled the room. The fight became more and more intense as the combatants seemed evenly matched. After several minutes Madame Chen finally managed to gain the upper hand and push the female intruder back. Putting her opponent on the defensive, Chen began wailing on the intruder with ferocity. Within seconds her opponent was backed against the desk. The Intruder had just managed to catch Chen’s blade with one of her sai right before it sliced through her neck. Chen gritted her teeth and pushed harder against the intruder, trying to force her blade into the the woman’s flesh. Chen and the intruder’s eyes met, and Chen could swear she saw a glint of panic in the woman’s eyes. Chen was going to enjoy watching her die. But first, she wanted to see more than just the eyes of her next victim. Chen quickly reached up and grabbed the fabric mask on the intruder’s head. But before she could rip it away from her face, Chen heard movement behind the intruder. Chen realized far too late that she hadn’t been paying attention to the intruder’s other hand. The fear Chen previously saw in her eyes quickly turned to confidence.

In a fraction of a second, both combatants made their moves. Chen pulled the mask away and once again tried to press her katana into the Intruder’s neck. The Intruder countered by bringing her hidden hand around to the front to reveal what she was holding. Suddenly, Chen felt a searing pain in her neck. She had been hit hard, but it wasn’t the intruder’s fist, it was something... blunt.

Chen saw stars and fell backwards into the middle of the floor of the office. She looked up to see the intruder standing on top of Chen’s desk, now without her mask. The woman was Caucasian with light skin, full lips, and short red hair. She was young and beautiful enough to be on the cover of Cosmopolitan, not breaking and entering in the headquarters of a notorious crime family. But that wasn’t the most disturbing aspect of this deadly female.

The gorgeous intruder was now wielding a pair of shiny black nunchucks. The weapons had been ceremoniously placed as a display piece on Chen’s desk. Now they were in the hands Chen’s would-be assassin.

“I’m warning you,” The Redhead announced. “I’ve watched a lot of Bruce Lee movies.”

“You think this is humorous?” Madame Chen asked with contempt.

“I’ll admit, I have a pretty messed up sense of humor.” The intruder countered casually.

“I’ll make you laugh, little bitch.” Chen snarled.

“Don’t try it.”

But Chen was already moving. She twirled backwards to grab a second katana and then ran full speed towards the red headed assailant. She raised both swords, ready to unleash a vicious attack. The Redhead grabbed one end of the nunchucks and began spinning the opposite end quickly and elegantly. So quickly that it could barely be seen with the naked eye.

Chen was right on top of the Redhead within an instant, each of her swords thirsty for blood. But the Redhead was ready. The nunchucks spun violently around her, swatting away each blow from the katanas. Suddenly, one end of the nunchucks struck Madame Chen’s left hand. The biting hit caused her to drop one of the katanas which flung from her hand and impaled itself in a nearby wall. Chen cried out in pain but kept fighting, now using both her hands to tightly grip her remaining sword. The Redhead managed to hit Chen with the nunchucks again, this time near her abdomen. She refused to succumb to the pain, or even acknowledge it. Instead, she noticed that the intruder had made herself vulnerable to go on the offensive. Chen took advantage of the opening and swiped towards her opponents right arm. The katana found its mark and the sound of tearing spandex met Chen’s ears.

The Redhead was stunned for a moment and clutched the slice on her upper sleeve. She pulled her hand away and revealed that her black glove was now stained with red. For the first time since Chen had seen her face, a look of annoyance and anger spread across the younger woman’s face.

“You don’t want to do this.” The woman said.

“You shouldn’t have come here.” Chen replied, panting.

Chen leaped towards her opponent again, raising her sword high into the air. The Redhead tensed, but did not move. Before Madame Chen could bring the Katan down it was knocked backwards out of her grip. A decisive blow to her hands from the nunchucks made her drop her only weapon. Completely unarmed and stunned, Chen braced for the Redhead’s attack. But she could never prepare herself for when one of the nunchucks met with the side of her head.

Madame Chen felt the wave of pain radiate through her temple, but she was out cold before she hit the floor.

Madame Chen’s eyes fluttered open. She was groggy, in pain, and felt sick to her stomach. A flurry of emotions and thoughts raced through her mind and her whole body tensed. She tried to move... but she couldn’t.

She soon realized she was laying on her stomach. Her arms were trapped together behind her back parallel to one another. It felt like cold telephone wires had been tightly wrapped around her wrists and elbows. Similar bindings had been applied to her stocking covered legs above and below her knees and at her ankles. Another wire had been used to connect her bound wrists to her ankles, and they were pulled together tightly, leaving Chen in a painfully strict position.

She began glancing around the best she could and realized she was laying on top of her own desk. In addition to the damage that her office had incurred during the earlier battle, it had now been completely ransacked. She rocked back and forth in her hogtie, trying desperately to get free. She soon stopped herself, realizing that if she didn’t maintain her balance she could fall off the desk and injure herself further. She tried to call out to anyone who might be nearby who could help her, but she found she couldn’t speak. A piece of cloth had been stuffed into her mouth and was held in place by another larger piece of fabric that covered her mouth and nose. She grew infuriated when she realized that the gag was the same burnt orange color as her elegant evening dress. That devious Redhead had ripped a portion of her dress to gag her. She screamed into the gag with all her frustration, but it came out as a muffled yelp.

“Ssshhhh,” She suddenly heard a familiar voice utter in the darkness. “You’ll wake the neighbors.”

The red headed intruder casually strolled into the room. Her right arm had been bandaged with some white gauze where Madame Chen had wounded her earlier. She was unarmed and only carried a black leather briefcase.

“Sorry about all... that.” The Redhead said casually, obviously referring to how she had trussed up Madame Chen. “You can’t say I didn’t warn you though.”

Being unable to speak, Madame Chen put as much emotion into her eyes. She stared at the young woman with a look of hate and disgust. The Redhead seemed unbothered.

“Thankfully I got what I came for, so I’ll be leaving now” The Redhead said, holding up the briefcase. “It's a shame I can’t stick around for round two.” She finished with a wink.

The intruder grabbed her mask off the floor and put it back on, being careful to conceal her face and her distinct red hair. She then attached the briefcase to a hook on her utility belt and grabbed for an unseen object near the window. At first it looked like a backpack to Madame Chen, but she soon realized it was actually a parachute. The Redhead strapped the parachute to her back and then pulled out a tiny cylindrical device. She pointed it towards the window and it fired a small projectile that landed directly in the middle of the large pane of glass. The Redhead pressed a button on her wrist watch and walked to the opposite side of the room. Madame Chen continued to glare at her as she worked. Her hate for the redhead grew with every second. She would make her pay for this humiliation.

“Gotta fly!” The Redhead said as she took off running towards the window.

Madame Chen noticed a faint beeping sound that was growing louder. Just as the intruder got within a few feet of the window, it exploded in a ball of smoke, fire, and shards of glass. The window disappeared just as the Redhead reached it and she jumped through into the night air. She sailed into the open void the Hong Kong sky, free falling for a handful of moments before pulling a small cord and releasing her parachute. Within seconds the Redhead had disappeared into the night, concealed by the vastness of the city and the glare of the bright lights that covered the skyline.

Madame Chen, still bound, gagged and humiliated, continued to stare out the broken window as the intense wind from outside blew papers and debris all around her. It was then and there that she promised herself that she would learn the identity of her attacker... and that she would one day have her revenge.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Madame, are you alright?” Davis asked

Apparently Madame Chen had been lost in thought for a few seconds too long. She slowly lifted her head to meet Davis’ concerned gaze. Just as she did, a look of disgust flashed across her face.

“You ask too many questions, Mister Davis.”

The man never saw the blade. An instant after leaving the inside of Madame Chen’s fur coat it had been impaled in the man’s neck. Walter Davis hit the ground before he even had a chance to bleed.

She casually produced a handkerchief and cleaned the tip of the sai dagger she had used to end Davis’ life. She glanced back towards the congregation of bodyguards at the foot of the pier. Now only half of them were standing. All of Davis’ men lay sprawled on the ground, completely lifeless. None of them had had a chance to even pull the triggers of their precious weapons. Standing over their bodies were Madame Chen’s expertly trained soldiers, who had just carried out an unspoken order from their Sensei.

Madame Chen peered down into the trunk at the Redhead who was still wrestling with her ropes. She looked up at Chen with fear in her eyes, and defiance. The sight of the bloodied sai in Chen’s hand inspired a look of horror on the pretty young woman’s face. Gone was the witty, confident woman Madame Chen had sparred with over a year ago. She had been replaced with a terrified little girl.

“Oh, don’t worry, my dear. I’m not going to kill you.... At least not yet.” Chen said, kneeling down next to the trunk. She used the tip of the sai to caress her new prisoner’s cheek, and then lifted a tuft of red hair out of her face. The young captive shivered in terror. “I have... Other uses for you.” Chen finally finished.

Chen pulled away the sai and the woman swallowed hard. Then, in one last act of desperation, the redhead wiggled and squirmed inside the trunk, determined to escape her bondage. Madame Chen almost laughed at the sight of her struggling. They both knew it was a futile effort. Chen simply tapped the lid to the trunk and it slammed closed. Chen then motioned to her goons.

“Take it. We’re going home,” She ordered.

Two of her soldiers grabbed the trunk and tossed it into the van in which it had arrived.

“Go! Take her to the the jet and make sure she’s secured until I get there!” Chen added.

The duo of soldiers jumped into the van and peeled away from the scene. As they did, the rest of the men worked quickly to throw the dead men’s bodies into the Hudson River. Within minutes, all traces of what had just occurred we’re gone. Madame Chen and her entourage vanish into the foggy night.

On the way to the airport, Chen enjoyed a martini in her limousine. A Celebration was in order after an eventful night. She had single-handedly taken out a major competitor and acquired a valuable prize. Chen began to make a mental checklist of all the ways she wanted to viciously torture that meddlesome Spy. Chen was eager to teach that foolish little girl the consequences of crossing Madame Chen.

The limo finally drove through the airport gate and sped across the tarmac to Madame Chen's private jet. Chen immediately noticed her personal assistant, Jiang, was waiting outside for her. But something was amiss. Jiang seemed almost panicked, and the white panel van was nowhere to be seen.

“Madame, I’m sorry...” Jiang began.

“What is it?” Chen inquired.

“The van carrying the prisoner never made it here,” Jiang nervously blurted out. "We tracked it to the other side of town and found it abandoned."

“What?” Madame Chen exclaimed.

“Agent 38 has escaped.”
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Post by Caesar73 »

Beautiful story :) The end was .... unexpected 😄 And I do like surprises!
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Post by Sportsfan »

Fantastic twist! I love the subtle clues throughout the story.
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Post by BobaFettish1 »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago Beautiful story :) The end was .... unexpected 😄 And I do like surprises!
Sportsfan wrote: 4 years ago Fantastic twist! I love the subtle clues throughout the story.
I'm delighted that you guys enjoyed. :D

I'm looking forward to writing more "unexpected" stories in the future. ;)
The G-Man
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Post by The G-Man »

Madam Chen is at it again. Can we expect to see a Man Called Jennings soon?
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Post by BobaFettish1 »

I think it's safe to say that Madame Chen's thirst for revenge was not quenched in this story, and we will no doubt be seeing her again in the future. ;)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Good news :)
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Post by Cali Callie »

Nice story. I enjoyed reading it
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Post by BobaFettish1 »

Cali Callie wrote: 4 years ago Nice story. I enjoyed reading it
So glad to hear that! :D
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