A night at the Museum FINISHED F/F, */FF (sequel to the Dark carnival)

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A night at the Museum FINISHED F/F, */FF (sequel to the Dark carnival)

Post by SoftlySwitching »

It was the week before finals. Tiffany and her friends knew they needed the extra credit, so when they saw a flyer on the board for an extra 10 points to their overall grade in the class, they knew they had to take their chance.
“Failing history? There will be a costume party at the Metropolitan museum tonight, and anyone who attends and writes a three page report on the exhibit their costume represents will get an extra ten points added to their total grade for the semester. Turn that d into a passing c, or that b+ into an a+!”
“Do we really want to spend our last Friday night before exams at some dingy museum?”
Leia was the group’s second in command. She was a black haired beauty, a bit sarcastic at times, but usually the first to follow Tiffany’s lead.
“At least it’s a costume party!”
“Maybe we can even meet some cute guys there!”
Bee and Dee as everyone called them, or Betsy and Daisy to their families, were practically sisters. Both were leggy blondes, and would have needed the help academically even if they hadn’t been slacking off all year.
“At the very least it’ll be a chance to wear a costume before October!”
Nina was the sporty one of the group, with her long brown hair hanging loosely over a cheerleader’s uniform.
“Well, I guess it’s this or risk failing out. Let’s all meet up, and we can even pick different exhibits from the list. I can’t wait to see what you dress up as!”
Tiffany excitedly jumped and clapped her hands, her bright red hair bouncing in her short bob as she did so.
They looked at the list of exhibits, each contemplating what they could throw together on such short notice.

Tiffany looked herself over in the mirror. She planned on taking notes on the “House of the future from the 1950’s” exhibit. She had always like futuristic stuff, and having grown up watching the Jetsons cartoon she dressed up in a Jane Jetson costume complete with purple too, miniskirt, and white boots. As she arrived, she met up with Leia first. Leia was dressed in an off fuzzy red and black outfit with a cute monster hood that looked better suited for a rave. “What are you supposed to be?”
“Can’t you tell? I’m Krampus! Fear me! My grandma was from Poland, so I figured the exhibit on the superstitions and folklore of Eastern Europe would be something I could talk to her about. Maybe do an interview for extra extra credit!”
Behind them two voices chimes in.
“As uptight as professor Greyanna is, I’m amazed she gave us one chance at extra credit.”
“Yeah, you’ll be lucky if she doesn’t subtract points for going outside the assignment!”
Bee and Dee were dressed as a sexy mummy and a witch respectively, most likely going to the Egyptology and Salem witch trial exhibits.
“I don’t know, I think she’d be happy to see us doing work instead of just gossiping about her for a change.”
Nina playfully thumped Leia on the butt with her plastic club, part of a cute cavewoman outfit clearly meant for the prehistoric life exhibit, eliciting a small squeak from the rave Krampus.

The girls had gone in and mingled for a bit before the lights dimmed. As they did, a figure walked up to a podium and tapped on the microphone. It was professor greyanna, all dressed up. Rather than her usual blouse, and with her dirty blonde hair done up in a strict bun, she wore an elaborate green dress covered in foliage, and had dyed her hair green and let it flow loosely to her shoulder blades.
“Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the first annual Costume Gala held by your very own Metropolitan museum of History and Culture! Here at the MMHC we pride ourselves on teaching the youth, and as such, I’ve gathered some of my students from my college class to do some research. So to all of my students, you may now explore the exhibits. For everyone else, we will be commencing the silent auction in the rotunda in five minutes. I know you’ve all been eagerly awaiting it, so please take your seats and we will begin shortly.”

The girls walked against the crowd, each finding their own way to their chosen exhibits as Professor Grayanna snuck a glance their way with a knowing smirk.
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Part 2 - Nina the Neanderthal

Nina followed the hall to a sculpted cave entrance hung with a sign carved on very old wood “prehistoric life: a journey through the past”. As she walked along she thought to herself “I’d really love to see a dinosaur”. At the start of the exhibit, she was met by a massive skeleton of an extinct snake, the titanoboa. Looking at it she thought to herself “that thing could swallow me without even trying!” Moving along, she came to an exhibit of a giant sloth easily ten feet tall. It’s claws were the size of her head! Unable to resist, she set her phone to take a photo on a timer and posed as though she was swinging her club into the sloths belly. The flash went off, and she took up her phone, a new mission in mind.

The next creature she came across was a smiladon, a small saber toothed cat. Walking up to it she got another picture, this time of her clubbing it down on its head. The penultimate room had several large mammals, wooly mammoths and a wooly rhinoceros. She took a picture sitting on the horns of the mammoth.

Walking into the final room she came on a split scene. On one half we’re three cavemen hunting a large wolf with a net, and on the other were two more in a camp around a fire with tents, furs made into beds, food cooking over the fire, and the start of some paintings on the cave wall. She walked up towards the paintings and touched them, but this time when her camera flash went off, it seemed to fill the whole room.

Nina heard a rattling coming from the other rooms, sounding almost as though a thousand dice were bouncing along the floor. Creeping around the corner, she saw that nothing had changed in the room with the mammoths. Walking towards the room with the smiladon, she heard the rattling noise again, this time much louder. Glancing around the corner she saw the titanoboa skeleton moving on its own, coiling around the side of the room. Trying to move as stealthily as she good, she crept backwards until she bumped into something large and furry. She must have been at the mammoth! Crouching just a little, she moved behind it, hiding behind its rear leg. As she crouched, she noticed a foul smell in the air, accompanied by a deep rushing of air. Looking for the snake she saw that the mammoth had started to breathe, and was swinging its massive head back and forth as though looking for something. She bolted for the last room and the exit, no longer caring how much noise she was making.

As she rounded the corner, her hopes were dashed. Somehow the security gate leading from the exhibit had come down. Quickly trying to find a place to hide, her eyes lit on the tent! She dashed over and pulled the shaggy furs of the bed around herself just as she heard the massive footsteps of the mammoth coming into the room. Her head was the only part of her exposed, and she was too afraid to move it much. In her peripheral vision she could just see the massive form moving around a little, before turning around and walking out of the room.
Raising her head up just a little, Nina looked around the room. The two cavemen were still motionless around the fire, as was the one stalking the wolf. “Wait a second,” she thought to herself, “the *one* stalking the wolf? Weren’t there three?” Leaning her head back she had just enough time to see the two forms behind her, one with a net at the ready and the other with a rubber club from the exhibit coming right down on her head!

She came to seconds later, feeling her body being moved. Looking down she saw that the net had been wrapped around her, trapping her in the furs of the bed. The cavemen were standing nearby, pushing each other and pointing back to her. She was fairly sure she knew what they were arguing about, she was just unsure whether they wanted her for dinner or as a wife. One punched the other who grunted before shouting and tackling him back. As the shout subsided it was answered by a trumpeting from the following room. The mammoth came barging in, knocking over the two cavemen. Both landed heavily and did not get up. Swinging it’s head around once more it glared at Nina, locking its eyes on the furs she was wrapped in which looked suspiciously similar to its own. It reached its trunk down and harshly wrapped it around her body, lifting it up in the air and nearly crushing the air from her lungs. Thinking it couldn’t get any worse, Nina heard the rattling noise and realized she was wrong once more.

The Titanoboa skeleton came slithering into the room, reading up before the mammoth. Hissing in its face, the massive snake started swaying back and forth, its eye sockets glowing with a green light. The mammoth slowly relaxed its grip on Nina, holding her form out with her feet dangling down. The undead snake maneuvered itself underneath her, and started swallowing her as the mammoth released her. With a scream Nina slid down the bony creature until she was lodged in its rib cage, unable to move. In her orison of bone, net and fur she could only stare as the snake slithered through a hole in the exhibit. It went through a tunnel (taking her with it) until it came out into the adjoining arboretum. It slithered over to a patch of red flowers on the ground, and slowly came to rest on the ground. A red glow surrounded it as its bones began to turn to dust, dropping Nina to the floor. Wherever the dust touched the earth, the flowers seemed to move, extending vines in a carpet and forming a loose net over the already bound Nina. As the glow faded, Nina was left with one flower directly in front of her face. It’s petals slowly blossomed outwards, revealing a bulb at the center. As they opened, her face was dusted with pollen, and she opened her mouth to sneeze. As she did, the flower rushed forward, sealing the bulb in her mouth and wrapping the petals around her cheeks. The bulb began to secrete a sugary liquid, and Nina quickly succumbed to the chemical and stopped squirming.

Professor Greyanna watched the girls struggles cease, and turned back to the museum halls. “One down, four more to go, and I can siphon enough life energy to summon my sister back from her banishment in the Faerie realm!”
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Part 3 - Dee gets Dunked

Dee had gone off to explore the exhibit on the Salem witch trials. She exited the museum through a door into a fenced in area outside, with several hits and a pond resembling an early colonial village. Walking around she saw dozens of mannequins dressed as puritans.

The first building she came to was a household. Walking inside, Dee saw a family seated as though for dinner, and a red button glowing to the side of the door. When she pushed the button, a droning voice started chiming in about the family lives of Puritans in those times. Quickly growing bored, Dee turned to leave, before bending over and flashing her underwear at the mannequins. “I bet that would have given you something to talk about”.

Coming to a larger building, Dee walked inside to see an early courthouse. A judge seemed to be shouting at a young woman who was chained to a chair, with a jury on one side and villagers behind them in attendance. Seeing the judge with his fist extended pointing one finger at the woman, Dee walked up to it and pushed her cleavage together, leaving the mannequin’s finger right in the middle. She smiled as she took a selfie of that. Pushing a button near the woman, she received a lecture on the bias of the trials. She turned and walked out, once more growing bored.

Coming to a smaller building on the outskirts of the “village”, Dee found it to be stocked with jars of herbs. Clearly his was the house of the victim in the courthouse. Reaching for the button by the door, Dee noticed that the jars held all sorts of plants. She reached in and grabbed several, thinking they might make a neat souvenir later. Pushing the button, she was disappointed to hear nothing but static. After a moment the static cut out, to be replaced by shouting. “Kill the witch!” “Burn her!” “There she is!” The shouts increased as she heard a pounding on the door, and realized the shouts weren’t a soundtrack, but were really all around her. She backed away from the door as it was flung open and several burly villagers grabbed her and dragged her kicking and screaming to the courthouse.

She was roughly forced into a wooden chair in front of the judge’s stand and tied down. Her torso was tied to the backrest, her ankles were tied to the legs, and her thighs were tied to the seat. She looked up upon hearing a familiar voice. “I call this court to order. The people of this village find you to be a witch. What say you to these charges?” It was Professor Greyanna in what was a very skimpy version of a judge’s outfit.

“Professor, what’s going on? Tell them I’m not a witch! I’m your student Daisy!”

Greyanna simply looked down at her. “Let it be known that the girl is clearly being possessed by spirits. Everyone knows a woman can’t be a professor, and certainly not a student. Someone gag her lest she attempt to cast a spell on us.”

One of the peasants attending the trial swiftly grabbed her headscarf off and balled it up before shoving it roughly in Dee’s mouth. Another grabbed some thin rope and wrapped it around her head five teams, sealing it brutally tightly in before knitting off the improvised cleave gag.

“And to the village, what proof do you have that she is a witch?”

“She came into our dinner and showed her underwear”
“She forced me to touch her flesh”
“We found these potion ingredients on her”
“Just look at how she’s dressed!”

“You have one chance to save yourself. Do you confess to being a witch?”

Dee shook her head as hard as she could, her hat flying off and her blonde hair flying out about her. “MMMMMPH! MMPH NOMPH A WMMMPH!”

“Very well, if you refuse to confess, you will be ducked until you do. Gentlemen, if you will?” With that, four of the villagers picked up Dee’s bound form and brought her over to a wooden contraption sitting next to the pond. The chair was hoisted onto a bracket on the end, and the four men used their weight to lever the bar out and over the pond water. They lowered her down into the water ten times, fully submerging her and soaking her through. After the tenth time Greyanna shouted “Do you confess to being a witch yet?”

Ready for the torment to end Dee just nodded her head. The villages moved her back over the shore, and untied her from the chair. She was barely able to struggle as they led her to a wooden post standing amid a wooden platform. They tied her standing to the post with her arms at her sides and rope around her ankles, knees, thighs, hips, stomach, and chest. She could only watch as they started to pile up wood around her. She struggled and screamed into the gag as they did so, until she was surrounded by a pile of wood over a foot high on all sides. Greyanna looked at her and winked as she lit a match and dropped it onto the logs, which seemed to immediately catch fire. As soon as the flames lit, a trapdoor underneath Dee’s feet opened, sliding her bound form along the post before dropping her in a tunnel underneath the exhibit. Still tied up as she was, she could only wriggle slowly along the tunnel, as it led not only forwards but also upwards, towards a light at the end.

Reaching the end she realized she was several feet up in the cliff wall of the arboretum. She could see several trees, a waterfall and stream, what looked like a giant Venus fly trap, a bed of red flowers moving slowly in the breeze, and beneath her a plant shaped like a giant hanging green sack. She thought to herself “if I can tumble into that I can make my way down, and then to that rose bush. I’m sure I can use the thorns to help get loose.” Struggling and squirming so that she was lying sideways on the edge, Dee let her feet roll over first, dropping her straight down into the plant. Rather than bend and deposit her onto the ground, much to her surprise it held fast, and the opening drew tight around her neck. Stopping just short of strangling her, it kept her from moving at all, leaving her with just her head sticking out, her blonde hair draped over the edge of the plant. Finally it started to sag, and she thought she might be about to get free, but then she noticed vines coming from the pitcher plant and dragging her slowly towards the tree by the flower bed. As it got closer the vines pulled her up the tree until she was hanging over the flower bed, and could see Nina’s face, with a flower obscuring the lower half.

A similar flower was lowering itself from the tree in front of Dee’s face. This one was dripping with a green liquid. It affixed itself over the gag, and Dee could feel the digestive juices dissolving the gag as the flower wrapped itself around her cheeks before secreting the sugary hypnotic juices.

With two of her victims captured, Greyanna could feel their energy flowing into her. The question was who next: Bee the mummy, or Leia the raver?

Hope y’all are enjoying, and feel free to comment on who you’d like to follow in the next chapter!
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I'm glad to see you have decided to continue writing stories with this set of characters. This is another great story so far, and I can't wait for more.
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I’m really glad to hear it. I’ve been struggling with writing this next part without it getting repetitive, and seeing over 250 views with no comments was a little disparaging. Hopefully the next several parts will be easier to write. Anyway, here’s part 4.
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Part 4 - Bee’s bandage bonanza

Bee had found the Egyptology exhibit. It was set up like a fake Egyptian temple, with statues of animal headed gods on the sides of a long entryway. In front of them stood all sorts of Egyptian artifacts. Walking past these she came into a large room, with columns going around the sides. In between each set of columns save one and the doorway she walked through was a sarcophagus. Each was minimally ornamented, with just a face showing on it and a sword and shield crossed over where the torso would be on a person.

In the final space between the center columns on the opposite wall stood an incredibly ornate sarcophagus. Walking through the exhibits in the middle of the room, Bee made her way over towards the final sarcophagus. On it was the most beautiful golden tiara she had ever seen, set with sapphires, rubies, and turquoise. She just had to try it on. Carefully taking it off the sarcophagus, she turned to find a mirror. A low rumbling started as all of the exhibits began to slide down into the floor, and up slid two thin posts almost two meters apart. Bee tried placing the tiara back on the sarcophagus, but it did nothing. Figuring she had already taken it once, Bee grabbed it again and started for the exit.

As she entered the second room Bee almost dropped the tiara in shock. The exit was completely gone. In its place was another temple wall, this one unadorned except for a mirror surrounded by small holes. Walking over to the mirror, Bee saw herself in her mummy costume placing the tiara on her head. Reaching out, she felt nothing but glass, as her reflection resumed its normal copying of her, except for the tiara. Since the reflection was okay, there must not be any problem with it. Bee put the tiara on, turning left and right to get a good view.

As soon as the gold hat settled, she heard a chattering from the holes around the mirror. She ran for the other room again, without looking to see what was coming. She just knew it was getting louder. Just as she was entering the back room Bee tripped over the threshold, falling flat on the ground. As she was about to get up she felt hundreds of things landing on her: scarab beetles. She could feel them moving, and little by little her outfit was eaten away while she was at the epicenter of a storm of insects. Once the last scrap of cloth was gone, the swarm dissipated back towards the entrance room. Bee was trying to slowly back away when she felt one of the poles at her back.

Trying to move around it while still watching the entrance, she felt her ankles getting tangled up in something. Looking down she realized she had two bandages wrapping her ankles together. Each led to a massive roll of bandage at the bottom of each of the poles. The sound of stone being dragged across the floor had Bee trying to turn towards the ornate sarcophagus, succeeding just in time to see it start to open. As it did, out stepped a lithe figure in a very ornate Egyptian dress. It took Bee a moment to realize it was professor Greyanna. Greyanna stepped forward, gently stroking Bee’s cheek.when Bee opened her mouth to question Her, Greyanna’s other hand came up swiftly cramming a wadded up silk scarf in Bees mouth tightly.

With that she walked back to her sarcophagus and flipped a switch inside the lid. When she did so, both of the poles started to rotate quickly around Bee, and Greyanna walked off with a smile. Bee went to pull the gag out of her mouth, but her arms had already been caught at her sides by the quick yet incomplete wrapping. With bands of bandages around her ankles, knees, stomach and chest, the poles slowed down. The bandages moved to her feet, and started working their way up again, although much slower this time. Bee struggled to get lose to no avail. Within a minute she was completely wrapped from rose to neck.

Bee started to panic, worried that the bandages would block her breathing. They covered her mouth as she thrashed her head back and forth. When they got to her nose they seemed to leave just her nostrils uncovered, and her breathing was unobstructed. Once they got to the top of her head, Bee felt them stop and drop to the bottom of the poles. They started moving again, once more slowly working their way up her body. Bee was only able to struggle a little this time, with the bandages getting tighter as they went up. This happened a total of five times, leaving only the vaguest outline of a female form underneath almost a solid inch of bandages. Bee heard multiple sarcophaguses opening and felt several hands lift and carry her for quite some time.

Greyanna had returned to the garden, where she watched as several mannequins from the mummy exhibit lowered Bee’s bandages form into the second pitcher plant right next to Dee. A special yellow orchid swayed in front of Bee’s nose before bursting in a shower of spores. The spores ate through the bandages, leaving Bees uncovered head to get accosted by another of the flowers that auctioned itself to her face. Greyanna observed her handywork with a smile. One brunette in a bed of red flowers, and two blondes with their hair falling nicely around the pitcher plants. All that were left were Nina and Tiffany. She turned to oversee her next capture.
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Part 5 - Leia’s looking luckless

Leia had been enjoying the looks she’d gotten in her outfit, but she really was interested in learning more of her heritage’s folklore. She found the exhibit quickly, and bounced into what appeared to be the Main Street of a small Eastern European village. The storefronts and houses were small and cozy, with some trees and bushes around as well. Walking down the main boulevard, she came across a series of mannequins in festive garb, but with one wearing some fur and with horns on her head. Bending over to read the placard, she said “Hmmmm. Krampusnacht. That must make you Krampus.” She pokes the figure. It had a wicker basket on its back and a series of birch branches in its hand. Reading aloud, she continued “Krampus was said to punish the wicked not with coal, but by kidnapping them and beating them with a switch. Well, not that I’m the judge, but I’d say I wear it better.” With that, she flicked the mannequin’s nose, and continued along.

A few paces further, and there was a flurry of snowflakes in the air that very quickly picked up into a full on snowstorm. Leia couldn’t see well enough to even find the road, so she turned towards the nearest doorway and tried the door. It opened, and she jumped in, slamming the door shut behind her. The room itself was hardly lit, but she could see very clearly thanks to the candles on the Christmas tree. It had been decorated in an old world style, although the candles were clearly LEDs. The tree itself was hung with tinsel and handmade ornaments. The rest of the room appeared to be a living room, with a fireplace, a coat rack, a couch with a thick wool blanket, and a stairway leading to a blank wall. Clearly the details of he exhibit only extended so far.

A thudding resounded from the door, before a light voice cried out “Please let me in, I’m freezing out here!”
Leia walked to the door, and looking through the window saw nothing.
“Who’s there? I can’t see you.”
The voice slowly took on a more menacing tone, until by the end it was still feminine but also a low growl. “Let me in Leia. It’s cold out here. You wouldn’t leave someone alone in this, would you?”
“Go away!” Leia yelled. She moved over to the couch and curled up on the side farthest from the door, pulling the blanket around her and shivering. Her breath was starting to fog in the air as the temperature dropped further.

The next 30 minutes kept getting worse. The temperature kept dropping, and now the candles, despite being LEDs, were slowly dying out. When there was little more than a twilight’s worth of luminescence coming from the tree Leia had all but dozed off. Had she been more awake, she would have heard the thudding of footsteps on the roof. Had she been more awake, she may have heard the rattling of chains in the chimney. As it was, when the chains snakes themselves around her, she woke fully with a start. As the chains tightened, she looked on in horror as a figure emerged from the chimney. It looked almost like Professor Greyanna, but wearing some very well made Krampus outfit.
“Professor, what’s going on? Why are you acting like some demented Santa knock off?”
“My dear, you talk too much. And Santa is a whole different creature. Believe me, you do not want to be on her bad side! But for the meantime, let’s make this easy. You’ve been bad, and Krampus punishes bad girls. So come here,” With that Greyanna tugged on the chains, pulling Leia firmly into her arms, “and don’t make this any harder than it already has to be.” With that she took both of the pompoms from Leia’s hood and shoved them into her mouth, wrapping the strings around the opposite sides of Leia’s head locking them in fairly well. She then walked to the door and opened it just long enough to bring in a large wicker basket, about three feet tall and open on the top.

She allowed the chains from Leia’s waist downwards to drop off, and grabbed the poor girl by the back of her skirt. She pulled up, before hooking the back of Leia’s underwear over a hook on a coat rack, leaving her struggling a foot off the ground. The rest of the chains dropped off, and the blanket started to fall with them. Without missing a beat, Greyanna grabbed it and folded it double before rewrapping it around Nina’s upper body, trapping her from waist to neck in a very thick, very warm bundle. She then waved her hand and the chains sprung back to life, cooking themselves around the blanket before tightening immensely, nearly restricting Nina’s breath. With that done, Greyanna moved the basket over to where Leia was, and then picked up the girl. She flipped her upside down and stuck her headfirst into the basket, so her butt was hanging just above the rim.

She then picked up the basket and flipped Leia so that she was lying on the couch, basket still covering her from waist up. With a gesture she made the top of the basket disappear, and the basket itself began to shrink leaving Leia’s head and legs fully exposed. With that done Greyanna hoisted Leia onto her shoulder with her head facing backwards and headed out into the snow. As she left the front of the building she picked up her birch switch, and started walking through the now clear street. Every few steps she would give Nina’s backside a hard swat, so that by the time she reached the garden Leia’s rear was covered in angry red welts.

When she got to the garden she went over to the tree, where a massive knothole had appeared going cleanly through the center of the trunk, just above the pitcher plants with Bee and Dee in them, and over the flower bed that was Nina’s netted form. Greyanna slid Leia through, smiling with satisfaction as she got wedged with just her head sticking out. Yanking off Leia’s hood, Greyanna held up another of her unique flowers which quickly latched on to Leia’s face. With the quarter secured, Greyanna stalked off to deal with Tiffany, the biggest nuisance she’d ever had to deal with and the ringleader of these four.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Fantastic Story! I like the creativity in Display very much!
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Part 6 - Tiffany in trouble

Tiffany really needed the extra credit. Her grades had really been slipping. And it was all because professor Greyanna disliked her so much. So what if she talked or texted in class? It’s not like they were going to need to know anything about history to get a real job? At least this futuristic exhibit should be fun.

As soon as she crossed the threshold, Tiff was greeted by a world of chrome lining. In front of her was a very modern art looking desk, with a computer terminal flashing from behind in big green letters. It simply said “commence tour?”
“Start the tour already” Tiff shouted irritably. With that the floor that she was standing on started to move, and she realized it was a moving conveyor belt. A door in the wall slid up, and she was moved into what appeared to be a foyer. All of the walls had big windows showing a jetsons looking city painted onto the walls behind them. As the conveyor belt took Tiff into the living room, an old 50’s voice chimes up. Here in the house of tomorrow, everything you could want is catered for you. After a long day of work, what better way of relaxing than with some TV?” The conveyor belt carried her into a living room, with a couple of couches, a fake robot dog in the corner, and a TV with 2 metal circles instead of cables or an antenna. The conveyor belt stopped in front of one of the couches where a footstool slid over, pushing Tiff onto the couch. Two cushioned arms slid out from the footstool and positioned her feet on it. As soon as she did, the robot dog kicked into life it started rolling around the floor on its four wheels, leaving dirt behind it from a small chute at its back. “Even messes in the future are easy to care for. Watch as your automated vacuum system cleans this mess.”

A small freestanding vacuum cleaner raced out and began following the dog’s trail, leaving the floor spotless behind it. As it crossed in front of Tiff she heard a crack of electricity, followed by a tearing noise, and the bag of the vacuum ripped, leaving dust and dirt all over her feet, legs, and stomach.
“UGH, STUPID ROBOT! Where am I going to change clothes now?”

The voice seemed to provide her answer. “Do you need to activate the routine: change clothes?”
“Oh thank god. Yes, activate change clothes!”
The conveyor belt started up again, this time carrying Tiff into a bedroom. It neared a corner with a closet and a bin, and the voice piped up. “Please deposit all soiled clothes into the hamper.”
Eyeing the hamper dubiously but trusting there would be something in the closet, Tiffany stripped off her costume, feeling more than a little regretful that she hadn’t worn any underwear tonight.
“Very good. Now please raise your hands above your head.”
Tiffany did, hearing a series of whirs and gears overhead before a very plush pink bathrobe fell onto her, landing perfectly on her, but backwards.
“Stupid machine, it’s backwards. Now fix it!”
“Dissatisfaction detected. Repairing garment. Auto repair initiated.”
Two arms dropped down from the ceiling and held the robe closed behind Tiff while a third popped out of the wall holding a needle and thread and swiftly sewed it shut, leaving her trapped in a backwards full length fuzzy robe.

“Ugh, you dumb machine let me go!”
“In order to exit, you must complete the tour.”
“I don’t want to complete the tour, I want to leave!”
“In order to exit, you must complete the tour.”
“Exit tour! End tour! Just stop!”
“In order to exit, you must complete the tour.”
“Fine, I’ll do it myself”
Tiff started to hobble to the door, but it refused to slide open.
“Dammit! Have it your way, continue tour.”
“To resume tour, please take designated position and place feet in slippers.”
Tiff walked back to where she started and out her feet in the slippers. She felt a latch click, and found they had tightened around her ankles.
“For your safety, you will be confined here until the tour is over. Now resuming tour.”

The belt kicked on, taking her through the living room and into the kitchen. Once there, a mini conveyor belt on the counter kicked into action, bringing two glasses and a plate around to the cooking are. Trapped as she was Tiff could only watch as a series of arms started juicing oranges, setting a pan on the stove, and putting two slices of bread in a toaster. As the juicer finished it poured the orange juice into the two glasses. Another arm took three eggs out of the fridge and started juggling them. “As you can see, the sensors and our high tech actuators can do everything far better than humans can.” Right as it said that it missed a toss, and one of the eggs landed square on tiffs Head, cracking and oozing down the side of her face.

“Malfunction defected. Ending tour prematurely!”
“Oh thank god!”
The belt stirred into motion once more, this time bypassing three other rooms to return Tiff to the reception area. On a hanger on the wall was her costume, looking laundered amazingly quickly.
“You are attempting to leave with tour property. Please put your clothes back on and leave at once!”
Tiffany was trying as hard as she could to remove the robe, but when it was sewed on, it was attached tightly!
“Thank you for taking the tour, please have a nice day. Dirty garments detected. Initiating Auto-clean sequence now.”

A new pair of arms dropped down, and two half circles closed around Tiff’s waist, trapping her hands at her sides and picking her up. They carried her, all the while she was screaming and swearing, over to a long hallway. They moved about five feet in before coming to a stop.
“Removing particulate matter Now”
An arm with a carpet beater attached to it popped out and started pummeling Tiff’s butt. The robe helped cushion it a little, but not a whole lot. The arm retracted, and Tiffany was carried further along to the next station.

“Wash sequence initiated.” Tiffany was dropped into a large tub with a rotating arm in the middle. It was circling slowly, but knocked her over a couple of times. At one point soap was poured into the water, causing it to bubble up. The water quickly drained, leaving Tiffany slouched against the side as the tub began to spin. It picked up speed into the worlds worst spin cycle before stopping, leaving Tiffany waterlogged but not dropping.

Another arm came down with a hook at the end and picked Tiff up by the collar of the robe, moving outside of the tunnel into a sunlit area. There were three clothesline’s crossing the area, and Tiffany was placed on the far one. Her arms were stretched out, and a series of locking clamps secured the robe to the line, leaving her hanging in a ‘T’ position to dry. After what seemed like an eternity, Tiff was dry and Greyanna came out wearing a skimpy excuse for a spacesuit.
“Now now, struggling wont help you. It certainly didn’t help your grades any, now did it?”
“What the fuck are you doing? Let me down NOW!”
“Such language! I’m afraid I can’t tolerate that. In fact, here’s something I wish I could have done in class.”
Greyanna walked behind Tiff and gave her a fierce smack to the behind, causing her to help. This was followed by four more.
“Now, any more lip from you and that will happen again. To fill you in, yes, I’m evil. No, the machine normally doesn’t do that, but I’ve made a few ‘modifications’ just for tonight. And lastly, I’ll take you to your friends. I put up this clothesline just for that purpose.”

Greyanna started reeling the clothesline our, pulling Tiffany further from the exhibit, she passed through a space in the trees, and was hanging over the Arboretum. As she was moved along, she noted that she was heading over a tree with a flower bed next to it, and two plants hanging down from the side, as well as a giant Venus flytrap. When she was over the flytrap, Greyanna cut the line, causing Tiffany to plummet onto the flytrap. She scrambled to get off of it, and just got her head clear before it snapped shut, leaving her head peeking out of one side. A strange flower bloomed up next to her before opening up and latching on to her face, forcing a bulb into her mouth. With all five of her chosen victims trapped and their energy being harvested, Greyanna was ready to help her sister get back to this world.
“Are you sure she said to meet here? Museums are boooooring” Stephanie complained to the group.
“I’m sure of it! Tiffany said they were gonna get some extra credit, and then we could check out the new exhibit on the history of spoooooky horror movies,” Amber waved her hands theatrically while saying this. “Maybe we should meet them in the exhibit. I don’t feel like getting caught up in that masquerade without a costume. I’d feel self conscious.”
With that Amber, Ryan, Claire, Stephanie and Danielle headed into the Museum.
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Part 7 - mini update

The group walked into the exhibit through the side entrance, being immediately confronted with the Xenomorph from Aliens. Amber walked right up to it and posed cheekily looking like she was about to shriek in terror.

“You know, if you acted like that on set we’d have better modeling gigs by now,” Claire piped up. She had grown out of her goth phase and adopted a more high fashion look. Amber had stayed much the same. Both wore nice furs, Amber’s in layered bands of grey, with her red hair won curly and long, while Claire’s coat was a tan with spots, and her hair was long, straight, dirty blonde, and crimped at the back.

Danielle and Stephanie walked up to the xenomorph, both wearing looks of disgust.

“I always hated these things, they terrified me as a kid, and I still can’t stand them” Danielle was wearing a very fluffy calf length brown coat, with her hair still nicely done from the last shoot.

“Aw, come on Dani! Where’s your sense of excitement? Scary movies can make you feel alive!” Steph had actually toned down her appearance, having quit modeling to work on photography. She wore a much more casual short haired hooded coat, and left her blonde hair looking far more natural.

“Well, I always liked these movies!” Ryan piped in. His dark hair was cut short, and he had on a black leather jacket and nice jeans. “Come on Amber, let’s see if we can find your friends. Do you girls want to meet back here in half an hour?”

He was answered by a chorus of “yes”, and so they split up, each heading their own way.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Thank you for continuing this Saga! I like the combination of texts and pictures - they spur the imagination :)
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Part 8 - Nightmare at Camp Crystal Raiser

As they walked, Steph and Dani had definitely come down the wrong aisle. On either side of them were horror movie monsters and scenes. They passed Freddy Kruger menacing them in a boiler room with his famous glove, Jason Vorhees terrorizing two teens in sleeping bags, Pinhead with a victim locked in an Iron Maiden, and so on. As they came to the end of the aisle, rather than another section or an exit, they just found a blank wall.

“Steph, I really don’t want to go back through those, they were super creepy.”

“It’s not like we really have a choice though. Come on, I’ll even hold your hand” Steph added with a wink.

“Well, I suppose so...” With that, the two clasped hands and headed back. When they got to where Jason had been, they saw that both he and the camper mannequins were missing. They looked at each other for a brief moment before coming to a quick agreement and started jogging back towards the others. Before they could get to the end, the two mannequins plummeted from the ceiling, landing on Dani. Steph tried to free her, but jumped back when she realized the mannequins were moving and trying to grab her too. She bolted back towards the wall, but slammed into something hard instead. With a wave of his hand, Pinhead swung the door to the Iron Maiden shut just as Steph turned around. She squealed before realizing that the spikes on the inside weren’t poking into her, they were just foam. All that was showing of her was her head, so she started screaming at the top of her lungs.

“There will be plenty of time for that later my dear” Pinhead said as he waved his hand and a black leather panel gag flew over affixing itself to Steph’s face. He picked up a chain from his exhibit and attached it to both a hook on the back of the Iron Maiden and to a winch on a rail in the ceiling. Steph’s form was lifted up, and the winch moved towards the blank wall, stopping right in front of it with its cargo.

Dani struggled under the mannequins for all she was worth, but couldn’t manage to get free. After a moment, they started to move, and as she prepared to run she was lifted up by the back of her coat. Jason Vorhees has come up behind her and lifted her out of the mess. He carried her kicking form back to his exhibit where he picked up a sleeping bag with his free hand and lowered her in. Once she was neck deep he tightened the drawstring, although not enough to choke her, pulling out what seemed like 200 feet of string. He then looked that several times around her before putting her cocooned form into the other sleeping bag and repeating the process. He took the end of the drawstring and ran it through a winch on the ceiling similar to the first, which hoisted Dani up and pulled her just behind Steph. I

“Steph, is that you? Are you oka-MMMMMPh!” During her questioning Jason had come up and shoved a cloth rag into her mouth, forcibly tying another around it before silently stalking off.
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Post by SoftlySwitching »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago Thank you for continuing this Saga! I like the combination of texts and pictures - they spur the imagination :)

I’m glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for commenting! It always makes me feel like people are actually reading these and not just clicking through :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

The last Tableau was especially good: Freddy Krueger and Jason Vorhees :) A fine idea! And the iron maiden with foam spikes also :)
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Post by wolfman »

Great story. Nice touch hving pinhead with jason and freddy. In the original Jason vs Freddy script, pinhead was going to come at the end and they would have to team up to beat him.
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As a horror buff, him not being in FvJ was a massive letdown for me
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Post by wolfman »

Agreed. Needed pinhead at the end
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Part 9 - the rest fall

Amber, Claire, and Ryan had headed down the other aisle. On either side were scenes depicting famous movie monsters. They passed a life size Predator looming over a fallen soldier, some nurses from Silent Hill standing around a couple of empty stretchers, Gremlins causing mayhem in a shop, a small Godzilla attacking a town, and one of the spiders from Eight Legged Freaks. Coming to the end of the aisle, they were greeted by a life sized shark from Jaws.

Amber walked up and jokingly put her head in its mouth while I took a picture, and Claire stood back to look at the Predator. We heard one of the others scream, and Amber jumped back from the shark, towards the spider.“What was that?”

“Probably just Steph messing with Dani. You know how those two can be.” Ryan replied, still looking down the hall.

Claire started to come over when she pointed behind Amber and shrieked herself. The six foot tall spider had started moving. Ryan saw this and leapt over to Amber trying to push her out of the way. All he succeeded in doing was getting flung most of the way down the aisle by the arachnid as it pounced and pushed Amber against one of the upright gurneys in the Silent Hill exhibit. It started spinning a web over her, quickly costing her from mouth to toes in the super sticky webbing, leaving just her eyes, nose, and red hair sticking out. It finished its work and turned to Ryan who was nearly unconscious on the floor and Claire who was backing away slowly.

Claire was so focused on backing away from the spider which seemed perfectly content to add more layers to Amber’s bondage that she didn’t notice the creature behind her until it was too late. The alien from the front of the exhibit grabbed her from behind by the arms before spinning her around to hiss in her face. It pushed her, kicking and screaming against one of the gurneys that was on the floor and started to use its saliva as a fast curing resin to hold her legs in place. As each leg was secured Claire was trying to struggle loose, her hair flying all about. With both legs immobilized, the alien moved on to her hands, holding each in place as it bound her with its secretions. With both arms pinned the creature started once more at Claire’s feet, completely encasing her from the neck down in an unbreakable cocoon. Once it was finished it stalled back to its position at the front of the hall, and the spider, which had finally finished trapping poor Amber under an incredibly thick sheet of webbing, did the same.

“Ryan! Ryan wake up!” Claire shouted, but rather than stirring Ryan into motion, it caused the Silent Hill nurses to stir. They grabbed several rolls of bandages and completely sealed Claire’s head except for her nose before resuming their stillness. Once they had stopped, the Predator crept into motion. He walked up, examining the work on the two captives, before picking up the gurneys and hoisting them onto the rail on the ceiling. First Claire and then Amber were moved along behind Steph and Dani in front of the blank wall when it started to slowly rise up into a long hallway. The track rumbled and they slid forward. Ryan started to wake just in time to see Amber’s gurney sliding off into the darkness, recognizing her bright red hair. He forced himself up and started to follow them along.

Meanwhile in the garden.....
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FInal chapter - return of a familiar face

The girls had been removed from their plant prisons and arranged in a circle around a small pond with the exception of Leia who was still stuck in the tree. The four girls around the pond had been stripped down to their underwear, and the bulbs in their mouths had flowers growing from them that had almost fully bloomed. Each girl was tied spreadeagled to a standing frame. Greyanna walked slowly around the outside of the circle, chanting an incantation in an unknown language. A glowing half sphere was forming as she chanted, and the flowers were starting to glow as well. Greyanna stopped her movement behind Tiffany and lazily draped her arms over the girl’s shoulders. “Now, for all of the times that you were a pain in my classes, you’ll finally do something useful and help me bring back my sister!”

As colors began to twist and coalesce within the portal, Greyanna gave Tiffany a push, causing her and her frame to drop into the maelstrom of color. Walking around to Dee, Bee, and Nina she pushed in each in turn. When Nina plunged forwards, the portal disappeared , leaving in its place grass where the pond had once been. In a circle of mushrooms in the grass stood Trixie, wearing her hair in an outrageous black hairstyle with her face heavily made up and a crop in hand.

Greyanna ran up and greeted her with a warm hug! “Dearest sister! I’m so glad you made it back! I take it those tributes I sent were enough to empower you?”

“Oh yes! They’re currently entertaining those that used to work for me at the carnival, at least until we can bring them back over as well!”

“You’ll be happy to know I saved you one treat for you to enjoy on this side, and I also have a surprise for you!” Greyanna walked over to where Leia was trapped in the tree. Stroking the trunk she caused the hole Leia was wedged into to open up, dropping the girl out, still bundled in the blanket with her legs and thighs open to torment.

“I’ll certainly have fun with that one dearest sister, but I’m dying to see the surprise you promised me....”

“Follow me then. And bring that pet with you.”

Trixie waved her hand, and a collar appeared around Leia’s neck with a leash attached to it. With another wave of her hand Leia’s bindings faded to be replaced with a fuzzy sweater dress. Her arms were bound behind her back, and the bulb in her mouth was replaced with a ballgag, the bulb and flower appearing in Trixie’s hand. As soon as the bulb vanished Leia started struggling, but she could only follow along as Trixie yanked violently on the leash. The trio left via a tunnel in a wall that led them down a flight of stairs and into a large underground storage room. A dilapidated fire system leaked overhead, and four forms were on one of the side walls. In order we’re Steph in the Iron Maiden, Dani in the sleeping bag, and Claire and Amber in their respective cocoons, the gurneys standing upright against the wall.

“I believe these are the four responsible for your banishment? They are my final ‘welcome back’ gift to you. I’ll leave you to enjoy your return, I have guests upstairs to attend to.” With that Greyanna turned and left, leaving the quartet to stare in fear at their worst nightmare returned. Trixie walked down the line, pausing before each girl. When she got to Amber, she grabbed the girl’s hair, forcing them to stare eye to eye. She walked into the middle of the room, conjuring a very small mirror. In it was the face of a businesswoman, her mid length brown hair stopping at the top of her business suit. “Dear Lizbeth, I’m glad to let you know our dearest sister has brought me back. I’m sending you three mortals for safekeeping. Please keep them ‘entertained’ until I return for them”. With that the mirror flashed a purple light over Steph, Dani, and Claire. As it dead, they seemed to fade from view until all that was left was the bare wall and Amber.

“No need to fret my dear. Your friends are safe with my sister and a literal shopping mall’s worth of torments. You on the other hand are the reason I lost everything in my park. So we are going to have some fun girl time.”

She made a series of mystical passes with her hands and three pieces of furniture appeared in the middle of the room. One was a table, with numerous feathers, brushes, dusters and other tickling implements on it. Another was a pillory with a cushioned seat, and five holes along a wooden board. The final one was a large wooden frame with multiple leather straps along it. Leading Leia to the frame Trixie started strapping her in, and after about five minutes Leia made a fairly nice chair with the frame just supporting her and locking her into place. Trixie then flourished her hand, and the webbing fell off Amber. The second she was free she bolted down one of the hallways, running full speed to get away from Trixie. Trixie whistled, and two large creatures appeared in front of her. Each was the size of a bear with incredibly soft fur and long drooling tongues. Out of their shoulders rose a pair of tentacles thrashing in the air. Trixie whistled again and they took off after Amber. As they rounded the first bend they barreled right past Ryan who was coming up from the other direction.

After the creatures had passed, Ryan crept forward, and froze when he saw Trixie sitting in Leia’s lap.

“Oh, come now lover. Aren’t you going to welcome me back? Come over here and give me a kiss!” With a wave of her finger she caused Ryan to rise into the air and float over to her. He turned his head away, causing her to pout until the two creatures returned with Amber writhing between them. Their tentacles were holding her aloft by her hands and feet while their tongues were tickling her relentlessly.

“Now, you can give me a kiss, or I can continue torturing poor little Amber here.”

“I’m not your branded cattle to drag around, Witch!” Ryan practically spat the words on Trixie’s face.

“Oh? Well, maybe we should fix that!” Trixie snapped her fingers, and the creatures brought Amber over to her and ceased their tickling. Instead they used their tongues to pull up her jacket and pull down one side of her skirt, leaving one butt cheek exposed. Another wave of Trixie’s hand caused a flaming brazier to appear, smoke curling up from the hot embers. She grabbed the wooden handle of a brand with the stylized letter ‘T’ on the end. “I’ll give you a choice. Give me a simple kiss, or I mark little Amber as mine. Make your choice!”

“I think I choose to be rid of you!” Ryan said with a fling in his eye. Just then the fire extinguishing system kicked on, set off by the smoke from the brazier, and Trixie immediately started shouting in pain. At the same time both the creatures and the furniture began madly flickering before finally leaving reality with a loud ‘POP’. Trixie ran down a hallway fading from sight as she did so before simply vanishing with a flash of light.

Amber fell into Ryan’s arms and looked up at him. “What did you do to her? How did that happen?”

“Well, I read that fairies hate iron, so while I was looking for you I passed the water tanks for the fire system. I may have taken a rusted shelf and broken off pieces of it into the tanks, dissolving some iron into the water.”

He looked over at Leia, who was standing soaking wet by the exit. “We should really go. We need to get you caught up on these crazy witches, and find out what you know. I have a feeling this isn’t over yet.

Amber chimed in, “This is Leia, she’s besties with Tiffany, the friend that told me about tonight. We have a bigger problem though. Trixie was talking to her other sister, and mentioned a mall. We need to find out where that is so we can get our friends back.”

The trio headed out to plan their next move, not knowing that three pairs of eyes were following them. Two through a crystal ball upstairs in the museum, and one from a wireless connection to the security camera from her office at the SouthSide Regional Mall.

To be continued in the next installment: A Black, Black Friday

Thank you to everyone that has been reading so far. I always appreciate comments to let me know you’re enjoying things. To make this more interactive, and without giving too much away, I’m taking suggestions as to retail stores people might get trapped in at a shopping mall for the next story, which I’ll probably get started by Monday. Please post any ideas or suggestions below.
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