Devastation - A sequel to Devotion (M/F) (M/M) Complete

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Post by wolfman »

Mr Black steps away from the side of the transportation vehicle and slowly moves to its front. He sees the police interceptor parked a few metres in front of the van and quietly appraises the female officer who exits the vehicle. 

She closes the car door after adjusting her face mask and donning her cap. She stands straight, only her warm eyes and blond hair give any clue that she is a real person. The heavy looking body armour and equipment she carries, in contrast to her slim frame, make her look almost doll-like. 

"What seems to be the problem here?" she calls out, her soft Leeds accent wafting across the space between them. 

"Just needed to pull in to do a quick repair, the air intake for the back is clogged, we are just trying to fix it." Mr Black explains, ready to draw his knife. 

"Sounds about right. Save on the vehicles and spend on bonuses, eh?" She asks, candidly. 

"Something like that." Black says as she listened to an unintelligible message on her radio.

Turning her ear from the radio, the officer calmly says, "I understand that this vehicle is being used to transport a dangerous prisoner, I need to check to ensure she is still in custody and everything is in order."

"Of course, come this way." He says turning to lead the officer out of sight of any who may pass. 

She follows closely behind him, thinking, "This doesn't smell right.", she carefully maintains her distance from the man, as she follows, embracing the adrenaline, she feels in her veins.

As he reaches the rear of the van, he thinks, "Shame to do this, but I need the money. I wonder if I will get a bonus for two coppers in one day?", Mr Black takes a deep breath and he draws his knife, spinning sharply, slashing at her throat. 

The officer rapidly steps forward, inside his swing and strikes his wrist, sweeping his arm to one side with her left hand. His momentum forces him to stumble into the path of a fast knee to his solar plexus. The air is forced from his lungs and he is left doubled over and gasping. She ends the fight with a sharp downward strike of her right elbow at the base of his neck, dropping him motionless to the ground. 

She draws and extends her baton with a flick of the wrist, ducking low and spinning smoothly, to catch the man who was closing on her from behind, in the side of the knee. As the man falls, howling in pain, she swings her baton up, catching him under the chin forcing him to almost bite his tongue in two. She finishes him, with a savage downward strike to the top of his skull. 

The officer snatches a set of keys from the first man's belt and rises to a combat crouch. She cautiously edges towards the back of the van, baton ready. 

"That's far enough," The last guard begins, as she clears the rear of the van, "Drop the weapon and put your hands behind your head, or I slit her throat.", he speaks coldly, emphasising his point by tapping Shaw's neck with the razor sharp knife in his hands. 

The officer, sees the man holding a blade to the throat of the tightly bound and masked prisoner and knows she cannot reach him quickly enough to stop him. She complies slowly, dropping the baton and resting her hands behind her neck, all the while watching the man closely. 

"Jesus, I never knew coppers could fight like that.", he laughs, nervously. 

"Ma'am are you ok?" The officer asks Shaw, ignoring the guards comment. 

Shaw nods gently in return, thinking, "Please walk away, don't risk yourself for my sake." 

"No talking copper, get on your knees." the guard orders.

He sees the smile in her eyes, and suddenly feels anxious, "What are you so fucking happy about, bitch?" He spits at her, keeping the knife pressed to Shaw's throat. 

"I am not a police officer." she says, warmly, before she drawing a derringer pistol from the concealed holster strapped to her left wrist and aiming with lightning fast reflexes. He drops lifeless, a split second after she shoots him twice through the mouth, severing his spinal cord. 

Kate hears the gunshots and her eyes go wide under the mask, she struggles wildly and begins to hyperventilate. Unable to breath, she panics as she fights to draw breath. She feels herself begin to topple on to her side as white dots flash before her eyes. 

She feels a gentle hand on her shoulder holding her steady, her senses, clouded by a fog of panic and oxygen deprivation. She hears a voice, distant, indistinct, frantic.

The mask is torn off and she breaths as deeply as her restricted stomach allows her. Her senses swim as the straps are loosened by panicked fingers. 

She sees her flashes of her saviour, blonde hair, kind eyes filled with tears. Kate weakly lifts her head and mouths the words, "Thank you.", as she begins to fill her lungs with air.

Kate's eyes flash open, alerted by the soft sound of a vehicle rolling to a stop, outside of her line of sight, "Shit, they said pickup was on the way."

The officer, holds her gaze for a moment and drops the set of keys from the first man who attacked her and her derringer, at Kate's feet. 

She retrieves her baton and prepares to walk around the van. Briefly, she turns to Kate as she begin to free herself. She lowers her mask and winks at Kate, before refitting it and walking around the van. 

Kate's eyes go wide as she recognises her saviour, "Louise!" she thinks, "What are you doing here?" she wonders as she releases the handcuffs and starts unlocking chain about her waist. 

Louise rounds the corner of the van and sees the car, "Four men, probably armed, they have the drop on me, I need to disarm and neutralise them.", she thinks.

She raises a hand to the car and says confidently, "This is a crime scene, you will need to leave.", as she walks to her car she stumbles, prompting a chuckle from the men in the car. 

"Please. I need you to leave the area, this is an active crime scene." she says as she struggles to open the boot of the Mitsubishi Evolution police liveried vehicle. 

The men watch speechless, as she opens the boot and pull out a number of metal stakes only to drop them on the floor and stumble back to prevent them from impaling her foot.

She retrieves a number of rolls of police tape from the boot. She raises her hand and whiningly says, "Gentlemen, please leave the area." causing half of the rolls of tape to spill from her arms. 

As she scrambles to retrieve the last of the rolls, the driver chuckles, saying, "Jeez, dozy cow. I have a good mind to cordon the area off for her before we leave, rather than watch her struggle."

The front passenger bursts out laughing, as she returns to the vehicle's boot, "Even a sloppy sod like you would probably do a better job."

As the laughter in the vehicle quietens down and they settle, they notice the police officer standing less than a metre from the front bumper, with a large weapon pointed at the windscreen. As one the men whisper, "For fuck's sake."

Louise pulls the trigger of the M79 40mm grenade launcher aiming between the seats, through the vehicles windshield. A loud pop heralds the carnage to come. 

A normal grenade fired from this weapon requires between ten and fifteen feet to arm before it will explode, much further than the range to Louise's target. 

However, this launcher is firing a flechette round. The plastic casing holding the projectiles, falls away before they strike, but the tungsten and steel darts it holds, keep going and deviate course wildly, as they fly freely through the windscreen and defect in all directions.

The men inside the vehicle are shredded by countless miniature arrows that effortlessly slip through their bodies, from the darts and shattered glass. Once the darts pass through their flesh, they are deflected to new trajectories by striking the metal interior of the vehicle to strike new targets. 

Less than a second after their last laugh within the vehicle, all of the men are dead, resembling hamburger meat more than the men that entered the vehicle. 

Kate rushes to the corner of the van, unfettered and armed with the derringer. She looks on in a mixture of horror and awe as Louise, flicks the barrel release of the weapon one handed and ejects the spent casing before loading a fresh round, in front of the gore soaked vehicle. 

The dripping blood and mangled bodies call forth memories of waking next to Helen's ruined body. Kate feels a wave of nausea wash over her and she places a hand on the side of the transport vehicle for support.

For a moment nothing moves in the alleyway. Louise stands ready for another vehicle while Kate leans against the van steadying herself. As Kate starts to stumble, Louise rushes to her aid and helps her into her vehicle.

Louise starts the vehicle and begins to pick their way through the parked vehicles and out of the alley. She turns to Kate, "You are safe now.", she says, reassuringly. 

"Safe but still hunted by my colleagues." Kate says softly, her voice touched with sadness.

"Not for long." Louise says, "Steve is speaking to your boss, about now, to confirm that you were with us at the time Helen was killed."

"Why would he do that?" Kate says dumbfounded.

Louise squeezes her arm and responds, "Same reason I am dressed as a cop to effect a rescue." she says removing the mask, cap and wig for effect, "We are your friends."

Kate takes her hand and squeezes it back, "I don't know what to say."

"You don't need to say anything. I am just happy you are ok." Louise says, smiling, happy her friend is ok.

Louise thread the vehicle through traffic allowing Kate to make peace with her thoughts. "I cannot believe it. She is as lethal as Steve. But she seems so normal."

"I am sorry about your sister." Kate says, feeling awkward, unsure whether to offer her condolences, given what Helen did to Louise. 

Louise pulls the vehicle smoothly up to a set of traffic lights, before turning to Kate, "Thank you. I hate her for what she did to me, but she was still my sister."she pauses taking a shaky breath, "I can never forgive her, but if we can find her killer, maybe I can put what she did behind me and maybe Steve can be free from his past too."

"I am in." Shaw says, firmly, "I need to know what he did to me too."

They drive on for a few moments before Kate breaks the silence again, asking the question burning in her mind, "How did you get time to ready the grenade launcher?"

As she drives, Louise explains, "If you cannot deploy an illusion of strength to intimidate your foe into inaction, deploy and illusion of weakness, to buy time with their their pity. If you have no weakness, create a weakness to draw your foes focus."

"That sounds deep." Kate says, considering it. 

"Steve is full of phrases like that, about reviewing situations ands being prepared. That reminds me." Louise says checking her pockets one handed, as she drives, "These are for you." Louise holds out a packet of cigarettes and a lighter.

"Thank you. You have no idea." Shaw takes the cigarettes and lights one, drawing the smoke deep into her lungs and holding it, before slowly exhaling. "Thanks Lou."

"No worries, I had a feeling you would need some." Louise says dismissively. 

"Not just for these, for getting me out of there. You saved my life." Kate says, with a smile. 

"You would have done the same for me." Louise says, glancing at her passenger with a smile. 

"Maybe not with a grenade launcher though." Kate chuckles, knowing that if Lou were in danger, she would do the same thing.

Louise chuckles in return, "I wanted to end it quickly." she says in mock defence of her actions. 

"Well, mission accomplished as far as that goes." Kate laughs. 

When the laughter dies down, Kate's mind is haunted by flashes of her helplessness and feelings of horror over the last few hours, she turns to Louise apprehensively, "I meant it though, thank you. I can't believe you did this. You and Steve. I can't thank you enough." 

"We haven't known you long, but we both feel a bond with you. I genuinely like you and Steve. Well Steve respects you.  We wanted to clear your name, before we go after my sisters killer." Louise says, firmly

"Steve respects me?" Kate says shaking her head, as she takes a drag on her cigarette. 

"He sees a lot of similarities, between you and him and he respects your strength." Lou explains.

"Even if we weren't your alibi, we know that there is no way, you could have killed her, much less like that. We would have cleared you in any case." Louise says, warmly looking at the vehicles rear view mirror. 

"Thank you Lou. What's the plan now?" Kate asks. 

Louise turns off of the main road watching her mirror. "We meet Steve at a safe house, get you cleaned up and then review the police evidence." Louise says absent mindedly. "But first we need to deal with the car following us."
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Post by Caesar73 »

Wow, that Grenade Launcher is a horrible weapon - one can only imagine what damage it does at this distance. And the evolution of Louise continues. The way how she handled the pick up team? Nicely done! I wonder though, who follows Kate and Louise. So Dionne is kidnapped by the same man who framed Kate and killed Helen ....
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Post by wolfman »

Steve slips unseen from Reading police station. As a blonde woman in white, barges past him and jumps into a the back of a waiting car. He shakes his head as he looks up and down the street. 

"Bugger." he says quietly to himself, as he noticed that Louise is no longer parked outside. 

He checks his phone to see a message waiting, 'Kate is being moved, will escort the vehicle. Love you xxx"

Steve makes his way up the street, heading towards a multi storey car park.

His phone pings again, with another message from Louise  'Trouble am going in. Love you xxxxx.'

His eyes narrow, as he begins to type a response, when he notices the battery icon is flashing. Before he can finish the first word, the phone cuts out and goes blank. "Damn." he says under his breath

Steve walks casually, looking into the windows of shops as he passes. "Bloody thing." he says to the phone, as it confounds his efforts to turn it on again.

After about five minutes searching for a mobile phone shop, he decides two things, "I need to either charge this phone or get another to use and I am being followed."

He ducks into an alleyway and waits for his pursuer to catch up. Concealed out of sight behind a large bin and cloaked in shadow, he crouches, like a coiled spring, ready to pounce.  She gingerly enters the alley.

Now he has a chance to properly look at his tail, he assesses her quickly, as she sneaks past his concealed position. "Late thirties, physique indicates a youth of activity, lapsed a little, but still active, probably on her feet a lot." he thinks, noting the smart, but comfortable looking ankle boots, "No apparent weapons, light clothing, scarf and tight denim jacket, small handbag, just large enough for phone and a little cash, no apparent weapons. Doesn't move like a soldier or police officer. Probably civilian, reporter perhaps."

He steps out from cover, standing between her and the street as she presses deeper into the alley way. He walks silently behind her and once her is within a metre of her softly says, "Are you lost?"

She freezes, tensing her whole body. She closes her eyes and swallows nervously, before slowly putting her hands up. 

Steve takes two steps back, "Turn around slowly please." He asks softly.

She turns to face him, unable to raise her bespectacled gaze to meet his, her lips quivering slightly. 

"I think you can guess what will happen if you scream." Steve advises quietly. 

She nods nervously and before she shakily speaks, "Please, this was a mistake. I am really sorry, please don't kill me."

Steve softens his gaze, "Who are you?" He asks curiously.

"My name is Eve Clark, I am a reporter with the National Herald."

Steve nods to himself, "Turn out your bag and pockets on top of the bin to your left and take four paces back."

She complies with shaking fingers and steps back trembling. "Please put your hands down. I am not interested in hurting you, unless you force my hand." Steve says softly. He moves to the bin and begins examining it's contents, "Press card, phone, drivers licence, cash, cards, touch up make up, tissues, keys with a carabiner ring and a vape." He says, checking the items. 

Eve takes her chance as he is distracted and makes a break for it. Steve steps into her path, expecting the move and catches her with outstretched arms on her shoulders. He calmly says, "Take four steps backwards and please don't do that again."

"I'm sorry, please don't hurt me." She pleads, knowing what this man who has her cornered is capable of. Tears start to form in Eve's eyes as she slowly walks backwards thinking, "I am going to die in this alley."

Steve arranges the items by the purse and looks at Eve, "I think you had better tell me why you are following me."

"My brother is a policeman at Reading station. He tipped me off that Dionne Carter, head of the Nirvana chain, was coming to the station to identify her daughters body. I was hoping to get a comment and maybe an interview with her. " She begins to explain. 

"So the blonde who barged past me was Louise's mum. Interesting. Would make sense that they would bring her in for formal identification of the body. " He thinks, before asking, "So why are you following me?" He asks deliberately, emphasising the end of the question.

"I was waiting outside for her, but she ran past me before I could ask her anything. But then I saw you and recognised you from the police press statement. I thought it was odd that you were walking out of a police station that she was at and was curious to know why. So I decided to follow you to see where you went." Eve explains. 

"I am sorry to say that I value my privacy, so I will not be sharing. I will say however, that I was unaware that she was in the building." Steve says, with a smile. His expression hardens slightly, "Why are you interested in Dionne Carter?"

"Sorry, but a girls got to have some secrets." Eve says, smiling weakly feeling momentarily brave.

"That would look good on a grave stone. Tell me." Steve whispers in a low tone, before barking. "Now."

Eve swallows her fear, "Please, this was a mistake. Please don't hurt me."

"Tell me and you will not be harmed. I give you my word." He says, solemnly. 

With no other option, Eve explains, "The hospital attack in Milton Keynes. All of the men who attacked it, have been regular visitors to the Nirvana spa in France. It is the common thread between them. I was going to challenge her on this and ask if this was related to her daughters death."

"Interesting, do you have evidence?" Steve asks, wondering how she connected the dots so fast.

"Yes back at the office. Travel records and check in details. What is your interest?" She asks, nervously. 

"Where did you get your information? Before you say about protecting your sources, remember where you are and who I am." Steve says, whilst thinking, "I hate scaring this poor woman."

"I received an email, with scans of travel documents and copies of reservation details. I did a little digging around and confirmed the details. When I emailed back to say thank you the address had been cut off." She explains, nervously.

"Is there a new player in this game?" Steve wonders. 

"Do you have the email?" He asks, casually. 

"Only on my work computer, I don't like having work emails on my personal phone, I lose my phone at least once a month and have had three new phones so far this year." she says embarrassed. 

"Fine. Do you remember the email address?" He asks with a raised eyebrow. 

"Err yes.", she squints as she tries to remember, "A friend @ thegate. Com."

Steve frowns as he considers her answer, "The Gate is an old email server, heavy encryption, hard to access. Was set up a few years ago by British Intelligence for sending coded cyphers. I heard it was shut down before the second Gulf War. Why would they email this reporter?"

Eve stands nervously, as he ponders her answer. "I hope he is not thinking of how to kill me."

"Button up your jacket and unbutton the cuffs on the sleeves. Then remove your glasses and place them in a pocket" Steve commands. 

Eve complies confused, regretting wearing this old jacket today, thinking, "I should have thrown this out a size ago.", as she struggles to button the jacket.

"Turn around and put your hands behind your back." Steve instructs, picking up her keys and removing the carabiner. ‎When she turns, he steps behind her and clips the carabiner through the button holes of the jackets cuffs, linking them together. Before he steps back he checks her clothing for any concealed items, finding only a reciept for a bacon roll and a latte from that morning.

She starts to shake more noticeably as she realises that her hands are stuck behind her. Steve sofly whispers, "As promised, I will leave you unharmed, but I need to slow you down a bit. Once I leave you, you should be able to release the carabiner with a little effort and free yourself."

She discreetly tries to pull her arms from the jacket, but the stiff fabric and tight fit, rob her of any leverage. "To risky to really go for it." she thinks, "I just hope he is true to his word."

Her takes her scarf and places it over her eyes, tying it tightly behind her head, before taking the ends of the scarf and bringing them around to the front of her face. He ties the ends tightly between her lips with a large knot, forcing a grunt of indignation from her throat. 

With steel fingers and a velvet touch helps her to sit, before tying the aces of her boots together. 

Steve picks up her phone and removes the SIM card before inserting his in its place. He turns the phone on and slips it into his pocket and leaves her SIM with her other items. 

As he turns to leave, he says, "Thank you for your help." he pauses, for a moment, or what it's worth, I am sorry to leave you like this.", before he begins to silently walk away. 

The sound of her soft crying echoes in the alley, her sobs punctuating his steps, as he walks away. ‎Once clear of the alley way, he walks purposefully in search of a vehicle and takes out the phone and calls Louise.
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Post by Caesar73 »

The Plot thickens ... Steve handled the situation nicely with tact. Who is following Louise and Kate then? Operatives of the Puppetmaster, I guess.
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Post by wolfman »

Kate stubs out her cigarette and uses the mirror on the rear of the vehicles sun visor, to see the vehicle following them. 

After watching for a couple of moments Shaw speaks, in a calm tone. "Driver plus three passengers, all dressed in black shirts, I see what could be the outline of a shoulder holster on the first guy. Can you take a left please?"

The vehicle swings around the corner, as Shaw watches her mirror, "I saw a glint of sunlight reflected from the shoulder rig as we turned, I am ninety percent sure that they are armed."

"Who do you think they are?" Louise asks checking the mirror to see the shoulder holster for herself. 

"Not sure, they don't feel like law enforcement. Ex military perhaps, maybe intelligence services." Kate says, thinking out loud. 

"What are your thoughts?" Lou asks, taking a sharp right turn.

"Apart from your derringer and the grenade launcher, do we have any other weapons?"

"Pistols in glovebox, other gear under back seat." Louise says, guiding the vehicle through another narrow street, in the latest in a series of switchbacks and turns, gradually picking up speed. 

Shaw looks at the back seat and shakes her head, "I don't want to know." she says with a smile. Kate opens the glovebox to reveal three small bundles, each holding a semi automatic pistol, shoulder holster and several spare magazines. She dons the holster over the coveralls and slots in ammunition, before loading and holstering the weapon.

"Can you load up another holster for me, in case I need it when we stop? I want to focus on driving, I am a little worried we are being coralled into a trap." Louise says, anxiously.

"How do you want to play this?" Kate asks, loading a pistol and slots it into the other holster. 

"I don't know, but they are sticking to us, like shit to a blanket. I can't shake them." Louise says, using one of Steve's phrases, wishing he was here. 

"The streets are quiet, if you cut your speed sharply, they can't get around us. I can disable their vehicle and then we head for more open roads and use this vehicle's speed to best effect."

"Best plan we have, let me know when." Louise says, nervously flicking her eyes between the road ahead an the vehicle in her rear view mirror. 

Kate tilts the seat back until it is horizontal, unclipping her belt. "When I say the word, open the boot and hit the brakes."

She folds one of the rear seats down and crawls into the boot, pushing the three bags to one side and readying her handgun. She braces herself and takes a breath, "Now."

Louise slams on the brakes and presses the boot release. Shaw pops her head up and sees the rapidly approaching vehicle. The gun in her hands barks three times. 

The first and second shots pierce the radiator, filling the engine compartment with steam.
The third shot strikes the vehicles airbag sensor, deploying it's front airbags and cutting the engine.

Shaw pulls the boot lid down and shouts, "Drive."

Louise stamps on the accelerator, sending the vehicle surging forward like a stung greyhound, , as Shaw scrambles to return to her seat. 

Cars loom large, as they approach and fade quickly once past. Louise remains calm and focused, as she guides the roaring vehicle across the city, snaking through traffic, unimpeded, as they make their escape. 

Kate raises her seat to an upright position and secures her seat belt. As she continues to watch the rear view mirror for pursuers, she notes Lou's driving, "Lou handles a car like a pro. Good travelling at speed and very precise in the turns."

As Kate lights a cigarette, opening the window a crack to release the smoke, Louise pulls onto the motorway, de-activates the lights on the roofbar and accelerates hard.

As the traffic thickens slightly, causing their progress to slow, Kate says, "Middle lane, gap in four seconds, tuck in and accelerate hard."

The vehicle dives into the gap to freely move, as Shaw follows up, "Inside lane, gap in three, two, one." Louise slots the vehicle into the gap surging forward. "Hard acceleration, push, push, push."

"Middle lane, gap in five, outside lane plus two." Shaw calls out watching the traffic, as Lou slides the vehicle across two lanes with ease. 

Louise thinks, "It is like we are on our own motorway, constantly speeding up when the cars around us make space."

"Accelerate hard, the middle lane in seven seconds, maintain speed for a three count then accelerate hard and slip back into outside lane ahead of red roadster." Kate instructs, drawing deeply on her cigarette.

"Oh my God, I have never driven this fast, this is amazing." Lou thinks as the instructions keep coming.

"Draw ahead of car pulling caravan, slide into gap and then into inside lane." Kate calmly advises.

After twenty minutes they fly past the exit for Luton, their speed never dropping below a hundred and ten miles per hour as they charge north on the M1, leaving he M4 and M25 in their dust, as Louise's phone starts buzzing.

She takes it out and sees Steve has just tried to call. As she drives she connects to bluetooth and returns his call, breathless.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by Caesar73 »

The whole story reads like a action movie turned into words - the action scenes are scripted very well: I liked the sequence in this chapter, when Louise and Kate escaped their pursuers - I wonder who they are - if you read these sequence I can imagine it easily in my head: Kate crawling in the boot. Louise opening it. Kate firing - then Louise accelerating and escaping. Beautiful job!
Last edited by Caesar73 4 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by wolfman »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago The whole story reads like a action movie turned into words - the action scenes are scripted very well: I liked the sequence in this chapter, when Louise and Kate escaped their pursuers - I wonder who they are - if you read these sequence I can imagine it easily in my head: Kate crawling in the boot. Louise opening it. Kate firing - then Louise accerating and escaping. Beautiful job!
Thanks Caesar, that is kind of what I am going for an old school thriller novel where the characters do things that are plausible and can be visualised easily.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by Caesar73 »

wolfman wrote: 4 years ago Thanks Caesar, that is kind of what I am going for an old school thriller novel where the characters do things that are plausible and can be visualised easily.
Mission accomplished, Wolfman. And the arc of the story is well done. How the characters evolve, the relations between them.
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Post by wolfman »

Helen pants hard, recovering from the latest blow to her stomach, delivered maliciously by her mother. Her arms are tied behind the pole at her wrists and elbows and a spiral of rope pins her back and legs to the sturdy post. 

Dionne looks on coldly, snarling, "If you weren't bound to that pole so well, you would be a mess on the floor. You can't even take a beating without support. You useless girl."

Dionne sets her stance and unleashes a barrage of blows, one punch for every time Helen has failed her. She steps back breathing hard, preparing herself to punish her daughter again. 

She looks up at her daughter, to see Louise in her place, beaten and bound. "What have I done?"

Louise looks at her mother with a wicked look in her eyes, "You beat my sister, to punish her for your failings.", she says, spitting blood on the floor.

Dionne's eyes flash with anger and she launches herself at Louise, striking her hard across the face. 

"You focused all your attention on Helen and look how she turned out. You must be so proud." Louise says harshly. 

Dionne slaps her hard across the face. 

"Ooh, a mothers love never felt so good." Louise says laughing. 

"Stop it." Dionne says through gritted teeth. 

"Stop? Why? This is the most attention you have paid to me since I was born." Louise says, defiantly. 

"That is not true, you didn't need me, you were so independent, you made me proud with everything you did. I wanted Helen to be like you." Dionne says weakly, with tears in her eyes. 

"Pride cometh before the fall, mother dearest. Your duty to us, was to love us as your daughters, not view us as possessions to make you proud. You shut me out, I had to be independent, I had to excel for you even to notice me." Louise twists her mouth in disgust, "You never loved us, you ignored me so you could focus on forcing Helen to be something she wasn't." Louise says savagely spitting the words. 

Dionne shrinks back as if physically struck. Weakly, she whispers, "That is not true."

"You couldn't accept us for who we are. You had to try to mould Helen into who you wanted her to be, instead of who she was and you pushed me aside. Doing that destroyed my love for you, even before you anything else. But you destroyed Helen and Helen wrecked me." Louise says, coldly, blood coming from every pore. 

"I love you, both." Dionne said, knowing in her heart that Louise was right.

"You had her safe and she was taken from under your nose and butchered. You didn't protect her. You are incapable of doing anything right by your children. No wonder I have disowned you." Louise says, coughing up blood. 

"You are right, I failed you both." Dionne says sinking to her knees.

"If you had treated her better, maybe she wouldn't have drugged me for strangers to rape and left me barren." Louise says, bitterly. 

"No." Dionne screams as she wakes. She lays motionless, breathing heavily, naked, save for a sheen of cold sweat moistening her skin.

"It wasn't my fault.", she says weakly.

Her normally smooth brow, furrows as she realises that her legs are bound to a heavy wooden board at the ankle, above the knee and the thigh. She tries to move her spread arms only to find that they too are bound tightly to a pole, at the wrists and upper arms, with copious amounts of rope securing them tightly the beam. 

"Am I tied to a cross?", she asks as she tries to move her arms.  

"Good afternoon." a silken voice says from somewhere above her head. 

"What the hell is going on? I demand you let me go, right now." Dionne snarls angrily.

"No." The voice softly says. 

"What do you mean no? Untie me right now!", she demands. 

"Let's clear things up.", the silken voice takes on a warmer hue, "You will stay here until such time, as your death is of most use. At that time, you will meet the same fate as your daughter."

"You." Dionne angrily screams, "You killed my daughter? I will fucking destroy you."

She feels a hand clamp hard over her mouth and watches as the man's fingers, pinch her nostrils closed, just as she is about to breath in. Dionne starts to thrash against her bonds, unable to move her painfully pinned, head and jaw. 

Her lungs start to burn, starved of oxygen and her movements slow. As her eye lids begin to flutter, he releases her mouth and nose. 

She gasps for breath filling her welcoming lungs, with much needed air. 

"I will kill you slowly, you bastard, let me go." She gasps, defiantly. 

She tries to twist her head away, as she sees his hands reach for her. "No." she screams, desperate to evade his grip. His hand clamps over her mouth seizing her jaw. She tries in vain to shake her head loose, as he pinches her nose again. 

She sees black dots before her eyes as she fights for breath. He removes his hand from her mouth, just long enough for her to gasp for breath, before she feels him seize her mouth again. She grunts in frustration as she struggles for air.

Dionne's vision begins to blacken faster as the burning of in lungs intensifies. He releases her mouth and nose and steps back, while she recovers. 

"You've lived a life in control, where you could satisfy any impulse you felt. But here, you have no control. I decide how you will live and when you will die and there is nothing you can do about it.", he says, firmly. "When your time comes, I will bind you with barbed wire and mortify your flesh. I will mark every inch of your body, preparing your skin to be my canvas. Then I will take your last breath from you and turn your skin into a work of art dedicated to your death."

She listens horrified, "You can't do this. Not to me, don't you know who I am?" she hisses, pulling at her unyielding bonds. 

"From what you said, as you were sleeping, you are a bad mother, who beats one child and neglects the other. That alone would be reason enough to do this." He says softly, before placing a hand on her cheek and forcing her to face to her right, as her cheek is pressed into the hard surface under her. He leans in and whispers in her ear, "But your death is not about you. It is about those who will be affected by it and that is why I have been asked to do this."

"What do you mean?" she asks angry and confused.

"You are a means to an end. Your death is about someone else, not you. You are a stepping stone on a path to a greater goal." he whispers, with an edge to his silken voice.

He releases her face and steps back keeping out of her sight. 

"Who are you?" she says shaking. 

"I am the man that will kill you. I would have thought that was apparent." He says, impatiently. 

"What is your name?" She asks, tears welling in her eyes. 

"My name is irrelevant in the light of my purpose." He says, "I do what must be done. You may think of me, as the man who will take your last breath for now."

Dionne opens her mouth to speak, but stops herself, thinking, "Anything I say will anger this man and nothing I do, can help me."

"Good.", he says, noting her holding her tongue, "You are learning. Sadly, I didn't get long with your daughter and was denied the policewoman, but I will more than make up for my loss with you." 

She whimpers softly, to herself, unable to see what he is doing. All she can do is wait. 

She feels his hands massage something into her scalp, some kind of cream. Dionne knows this smell from somewhere but cannot place it. 

"This is the best hair removal cream on the market, I picked it up from one of your resorts. I have tried a lot of products and this is by far, the most efficient and effective.", he says softly. 

"What? Why? Please don't take my hair." she whispers in indignation, hurt by the impending loss of her hair. 

"It is not your hair anymore. This is my domain and everything in it, including you and everything on your person, is mine, to do with as I see fit." he says without emotion. 

She hears him step away, as her scalp starts to burn. He does not return, until her screams of pain subside. "Please help me." She begs. 

He rinses the mixture of cream and hair from her head with cool water. "Thank you." she says tearfully, hating herself for liking the gentle cool touch of her captor on her burning scalp.

The man keeps applying cool water to her scalp until the burning subsides fully. As he finishes he says, in an admiring tone "Perfect, not a single hair remaining."

Her eyes well up and she cannot stop the flood to come, as she silently weeps. 

"You cry for the loss of your hair, but haven't given a thought to your men. That says everything about you." The man says, coldly, "They are dead by the way."

"You didn't have to kill them.", she says, stung more by his comment, than by the loss of her men. 

"True, but this was the most efficient way." he says lifting something made of black rubber into her line of sight.

"What is that?" Dionne ask fearfully. 

The man forces the heavy rubber mask to over her head and pulls it down over her face. "This is a modified gas mask." he says pulling the straps tight, and checking the fit. "So much easier without your hair getting in the way."

She looks up at him through the thick glass lenses of the mask, her eyes wide with anger as he shows her a fist sized, round, metal container of some sort. 

"This is a modified filter.", he begins, "I have set it so that once it is in place, a valve will close for a variable period of sixty to seventy seconds and then it will open for a period of fifteen seconds. While the valve is closed, no air will enter the mask."

Her body starts to shake and she thrashes wildly again the ropes that hold her so immovably. "Get this thing off of me. You already have me tied up. Why would you need to do this?"

He smiles unseen by Dionne and in a silky tone, dripping with honey, he says, "Simple. To prepare you to breathe your last breath."

The Breathtaker, then screws the filter to the gas mask and flicks the eye coverings into place, plunging Dionne into darkness. 

She screams, alone, as the valve clicks shut for the first time.
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Post by Caesar73 »

So there are more players in this Game. The Breathtaker works for someone else. I do hope this cruel Bastard gets what he deserves at some point.
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Post by wolfman »

Steve answers on the third ring. "Lou. I got your messages. Are you ok?" He asks in a hurried tone.

"Steve! Where have you been?" Louise asks excitedly. 

"Bloody phone died. Had to get another one. Are you ok?" He asks again concerned. 

"That's weird, you had it on charge all night, mines charging at the moment. Don't worry, we are fine." Louise says smiling. 

"We?" Steve asks, brushing past a sharp dressed man who is running from his car, taking his keys. 

"Yes, we. Kate is with me." Louise says warmly. 

"Hi Steve." Kate says with a smile, as she lights a cigarette. 

"Hi Kate. Glad you are safe. What happened?" Steve asks, his voice touched with relief.

"After I dropped you off, I was listening to  police radio chatter and it said about Kate being moved at short notice. I thought it didn't feel right, so I changed into a police uniform and discreetly followed the van." she begins. 

"Nicely done, I am glad you insisted we pack that for Kate now." ‎Steve says, as he unlocks the strangers car and enters, locking it before starting the engine. "Then what happened."

"They pulled onto an industrial estate and parked up. I took a chance and approached the van, two of the guards ambushed me and then the third held a knife to Kate's throat. I made sure Kate was ok, then the pickup team turned up. Once they were neutralised, we got out of there. Then we were being followed, until Kate killed their car. Now we are heading north at speed."

By the time she finishes, his head is spinning, "Sounds eventful, my love. Any idea who the pickup team and your pursuers were?", he asks warmly. 

Louise chides herself, "In the rush I didn't look for any indication who they were.", she thinks. 

"No, we left in a hurry and kept moving.", she says, kicking herself mentally. 

Sensing her mood, he softens his tone, "That was probably wise to stop you being a sitting duck. You are amazing, you know that."

"So are you." Louise says with a warm smile. 

"I am still here you guys." Kate says, with a chuckle. 

"Good point, not sure we know you well enough for a phone sex threesome." Louise says laughing. 

As the laughter subsides, Louise asks, "How did you get on?"

"You boss is a good man Kate. I gave him a statement and details on the hotel, he will confirm and get you clear of the charges." Steve says thoughtfully. 

Kate's eyes moisten as she speaks, "Thank you Steve, you have no idea what this means to me."

"Don't mention it. You let us walk after MK. You are a good person Kate and a friend." Steve says warmly. 

Louise glances at Kate and winks, with a smile. 

"There is something else. As I left the station, your mother barged past me." Steve said, gently. 

"Really? What was she doing there?" Louise asks, tensing up. 

"Best guess, she came to formally identify your sisters body." Steve offers. "To be fair, I didn't realise it was her at the time, a reporter that was hoping to see her and ended up following me, filled me in."

"I hope you hid their body well." Louise says half joking. 

"That's harsh, I don't have to kill everyone I question. I left her tied up in an alley unharmed." Steve says, pretending to sound defensive. 

"Unharmed? Really? I didn't think that was possible." Kate jokes.

"It was a mistake it won't happen again." Steve says, chuckling.

Kate asks, "What is the plan now?"

"Ryan is pulling together crime scene data and a copy of the call to police telling them of a disturbance at your place. Once we regroup, we review what we have an decide from their." Steve says, calmly. 

"How are you able to get that? Never mind, I don't want to know. Where shall we meet?" Kate asks.

"Back up rendezvous point. I am heading there now." he says. 

"See you there in a while." Louise says warmly, "I miss you."

"I miss you too. I love you Lou." Steve says looking forward to seeing her again. "I am really glad you are both ok."

"Thanks Steve." Kate says.

A few hours later, Louise pulls up to the safe house and stretches. The farmhouse is a good size and far from prying eyes. She parks the vehicle to the side of the building and jumps out, heading to the rear. 

Kate gets out of the vehicle and stretches, dropping her cigarette and crushing it underfoot. "Can I give you a hand?" She asks, moving stiffly to the boot. 

"Here you go." Louise says, handing her a bag from the boot. "As well as the uniform, I packed a change of clothes and some toiletries for you."

Kate takes the bag, "Thank you so much, not just for this but everything, I really owe you guys. I don't know how I can repay you."

Louise pauses and puts down the bag she is holding, "Kate there is something." she says solemnly. 

"What can I do? Ask anything?" Kate says warmly. 

"If anything happens to me, I need you to be there for Steve, he would be broken. Promise me, that if anything happens, you will help fix him." Louise says, slowly and sincerely. 

"Nothing will happen to you." Shaw says, reassuringly. 

"Promise me, please." Louise asks, with a pleading look in her eyes.

"I promise." Kate says solemnly nodding. 

They embrace warmly and carry their bags inside. After a quick tour they retire briefly to their rooms. 

Kate shrugs of the coveralls and strips, catching the faint smell of blood on her skin. she looks in the mirror, with sad eyes, "You held it together, now you need to let it go."

She takes the toiletries out of the bag and walks into the en suite bathroom, turning on the shower. 

Plunging into the hot stream she lathers a sponge and begins to scrub her skin. As the scent of blood from the night before fills the room, she scrubs more frantically.

"All that blood. She didn't deserve that no matter what she did." Shaw thinks, imagining Helen's fear as she suffer so terribly.

Her hands are a blur as she tries to clean herself in a frenzy. Tears fill her eyes and her legs buckle under her. She sits under the hot jet of water weeping until the smell is gone.

She sits under the hot jet of water, letting it cleanse her. She watches the water draining down the plug hole, taking her pain, revulsion and fear from the day with it. In its place, she feels a burning in her chest and is filled with nervous energy. 

She quickly dries herself and dresses in leggings and a t-shirt from the bag, Louise packed for her, before she heads for the gym.

Louise is woken from her nap by the sounds of a punching bag being pummelled. She dons a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and slips out of the room to investigate, "That's not Steve, the punches aren't heavy enough, sounds like Kate is working something out of her system."

Louise watches Kate from the door, as she unleashes a barrage of kicks punches and knee strikes at the bag. "Are you ok?" she asks concerned.

Kate looks at her with wide eyes, "I didn't hear you come in.", she says breathless. 

Louise enters the room slowly, "Is everything alright?"

Kate looks at Louise and slumps her shoulders. She bows her head, letting her hair spill over her face and begins to softly weep, as the highs and lows of the day surface once more. 

Louise gently embraces her, thinking, "With all her strength, I thought she was untouched by everything."

Louise whispers, "You are safe. It is ok, just let it go." She hugs her warmly as the tears flow like rivers, "Oh Kate. Let it all out. I am here." Louise says softly. 

"There was so much blood, how could anyone do that to a person." Kate says, in disbelief. Memories of waking next to Helen flood her mind. "All day I have been able to focus on everything else and keep thoughts of it out of my mind. I can't hold back any more."

Louise holds her as her body is shaken with convulsive sobs. She places a gentle hand on the back of Kate's head, letting her rest her cheek on her shoulder. "I am so sorry Kate."

"I wa ambushed in my home and couldn't do anything. He overpowered me before I could do fight back. In the van they killed officer Benny and I couldn't lift a finger. Waiting outside the van, I was powerless as that man held a knife to my throat." Kate says softly weeping.

"Is that why you were annihilating the punch bag?" Louise asks gently. 

"Yes." Kate admits. 

"I understand that." Louise says, releasing Kate from the embrace and walking to the side of the room. She opens a drawer and pulls two pairs of gloves, throwing a pair to Kate. "Show me what you've got."

"What? No. I don't want to hurt you." Kate says shocked at the suggestion. 

"You need to get it out of your system and feel like you are doing something. You need to get angry and battle it, before you find peace." Louise shares another of Steve's sayings. 

"Lou, you mean well, but I have been studying Muay Thai and Aikido for years. I don't want to hurt you." Kate says considering sparring. 

"That is fine, hopefully your training will protect you from me." Louise says, slowly moving towards Kate.

Kate takes a step back and assumes a ready stance. 

She launches a sweeping kick in an arc at Lou's head. Lou catches her ankle with both hands and sweeps her other foot dropping Kate on the floor. 

"Don't hold back." Louise says. 

Kate moves in and launches a flurry of punches and elbow strikes at Louise. Lou blocks with her forearms, striking Kate's wrists and forcing her to strike wide. "I don't know how long I can keep this up." she thinks as Kate steps back. 

"I can't land a blow, this is ridiculous. How is she this good?"

Kate unleashes a one - two combination followed by a spinning backfist. Louise blocks the punches with ease and expecting more punches moves to block them, unprepared for the backfist. 

Kate's eyes widen as she realises that this powerful blow will connect with Lou's temple and she is too late to stop it. She closes her eyes and feels it strike immovable flesh and bone. 

"Oh God are you ok," she says panicked opening her eyes. She sees Louise, her eyes closed and flinching mere centimetres from her fist as it rests against Steve's hand. 

"Good afternoon ladies, did I interrupt something?" He says releasing Kate's hand, putting an arm around Louise and kissing her cheek. 

"Steve! Louise says excited, "it is not what it looks like. Kate was upset and I suggested we spar to get it out of her system." Louise explains, fearful that he would attack Kate.

"You should really be resting your shoulder. Do you want to sit for a minute?" Steve suggests strongly. 

He turns to Kate, seeing the hurt and pain in her eyes "Take the gloves off." he says firmly. 

Kate slowly removes the gloves and slowly begins walking to the door, "I am sorry Lou."

"Where are you going?" Steve says putting a pair of gloves on. 

"I thought you wanted me to leave." Kate says confused. 

"No, Kate, I can appreciate how you are feeling right now. How you want to lash out and damage something. How you want to do something to prove that your actions matter. How you have been hurt and you want it to mean something.", he explains, "So no, I don't want you to leave. I want you to take that pain and channel it into something you can use."

She stands indecisive for a moment, before facing him. 

"How did Louise do by the way?" Steve asks. 

"Impressive to be fair. I was surprised how hard it was to hit her." Kate says warmly. 

"Good." he says nodding and winking at his fiancé, "When you are ready.", he stands relaxed, arms by his sides, he raises a finger pointing to her, "If you hold back, you will regret it.", Steve lowers his hand and takes a relaxed stance.

He watches her closely as she unleashes a flurry of blows, leading as she did with Louise. He deflects them easily. "Testing my defences, establishing a pattern."

He drops onto his back, leaving her striking at air and over balancing slightly. He puts his feet between hers and moves them swiftly apart before rolling to one side. 

She falls forward as her legs are swept from under her and lands, bracing herself with her forearms, she quickly gets to her feet to find Steve waiting.

She launches a right jab, which he deflects with ease. Kate feels herself twisted by the force of his block and uses the momentum to launch a savage kick to his side. ‎

As the kick comes, just above his hip, he steps forward inside the sweep of Kate's leg and pins her hip to his side, then places a hand on her shoulder and twists dropping her on her back. 

He steps back and waits. She rises to her feet and lunges feigning a punch, but delivering an upwards elbow strike aimed at his chin. Steve ducks back and places a hand on her elbow, before stepping forward. Off balance again, she falls, as he keeps walking and turns around to face her. 

Anger flashes in her eyes, as she charges in and aims a knee at his groin. He punches down, striking the top of her thigh, careful not to use full force.

Kate stumble back, her leg stinging a little from the blow. She maintains a ready stance as she catches her breath. 

"Enough. Breath through it." Steve says calmly, winking at Lou again. "Look at me for a moment, let's try something else."

Shaw looks him in the eye as he continues, "When you punch or kick, you a braced for the impact of the blow at the point you attack. That tightens your muscles and slows you down." He takes off the gloves and dons a pair of training pads, holding them up. "Hit these as hard as you can but this time, don't brace until the point of impact."

"I don't see the point. I will never hit you." Kate says feeling defeated. 

"The point is, to get you to a place, where you can. You have moves, but, you are slowing yourself down.", he says, thoughtfully. 

"Fine." she says stepping up to him. She unleashes a punch fully clenching her fist just before she makes contact with the pad. 

Steve rocks back absorbing the force of the impact. "Good. Again please."

She unleashes a series of left and rights at the pads clenching later. "It is hard to be sure, but, that did feel quicker."

He sees the look in her eyes and knows what she in thinking. "Better. That was faster. Do your forearms feel as tight now, as when you normally do that?"

She thinks for a moment. "No, don't think about it, feel it. If you think about it, you will be too lost in your thoughts and lose the moment." Steve instructs, bracing the pads, "Again. Use the emotion eating at you to fuel your punches and use the emotion of a cherished memory to stop, when I ask."

She pours her heart into each blow and soon her most devastating combos are laced with fury, but ended in peace.

After four hours of punishing impact drills and coached sparring between Louise and Kate, they settle for dinner. As they settle down for a simple meal of stir fried chicken and vegetables with egg fried rice, Steve holds Louise's hand. 

She looks at him fondly, smiling. As their eyes say unspoken volumes to each other.

Kate finishes her meal and makes her excuses. Stepping into the darkening twilight, she lights a cigarette. "I ache a bit but feel good. Lighter, perhaps. It is nice to have friends at the end of a hard day. I am not used to that."

Tears of joy fill her eyes, at the feeling of warmth she finds with them. She draws deeply from the cigarette and wipes the tears from her eyes. Something catches her eye from the tree line. "Is there something there?" she thinks, discarding the cigarette and stepping away from the lights of the house, peering into the gathering gloom. "Movement."‎
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Post by Bandit666 »

Well it would appear I have come to this party just a little bit later than most, having I admit, stayed clear of your previous tales, for no other reason than them featuring male characters bound, a subject that leaves my cold and uninterested. But what a mistake that may workout to be.

This tale is much more that just the sum total of just a link between bondage events, it a novel, a story worthy of a feature in the book section. The thought, the characters, I honestly felt like I was reading an Ian Rankin, or James Patterson novel,

Keep up the great work wolfman your talent shines through

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Post by Caesar73 »

Bandit666 wrote: 4 years ago
This tale is much more that just the sum total of just a link between bondage events, it a novel, a story worthy of a feature in the book section. The thought, the characters, I honestly felt like I was reading an Ian Rankin, or James Patterson novel,

Keep up the great work wolfman your talent shines through

Yeah Bandit! Ian Rankin and James Patterson can spring to mind, reading these Saga. We learned a lot about Steve, Louise and Kate in the last Chapter. The way how Kate tries to cope with her ordeal, her sparring with Louise and Steve as a Mentor? I liked that very much. This installment seems like an interlude. Kate captures Movement, so the quiet time is over. Someone has tracked them down.
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Post by wolfman »

Bandit666 wrote: 4 years ago Well it would appear I have come to this party just a little bit later than most, having I admit, stayed clear of your previous tales, for no other reason than them featuring male characters bound, a subject that leaves my cold and uninterested. But what a mistake that may workout to be.

This tale is much more that just the sum total of just a link between bondage events, it a novel, a story worthy of a feature in the book section. The thought, the characters, I honestly felt like I was reading an Ian Rankin, or James Patterson novel,

Keep up the great work wolfman your talent shines through

Thank you Bandit, being a fan of your work, I realy appreciate you comments and kind words.

I take on board your thoughts regarding male bondage and would say that whilst men may be bound in my stories, it is only ever as a plot point and not as a focus, used when it makes sense to the plot.

I am really pleased that you are enjoying this tale, more is sure to follow.
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Post by wolfman »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago
Bandit666 wrote: 4 years ago
This tale is much more that just the sum total of just a link between bondage events, it a novel, a story worthy of a feature in the book section. The thought, the characters, I honestly felt like I was reading an Ian Rankin, or James Patterson novel,

Keep up the great work wolfman your talent shines through

Yeah Bandit! Ian Rankin and James Patterson can spring to mind, reading these Saga. We learned a lot about Steve, Louise and Kate in the last Chapter. The way how Kate tries to cope with her ordeal, her sparring with Louise and Steve as a Mentor? I liked that very much. This installment seems like an interlude. Kate captures Movement, so the quiet time is over. Someone has tracked them down.
Thanks Caesar, I am trying to develop the main characters to make them more tangible. I often use the interludes like this one, to deepen their characterisation and add depth to the story, so when the action starts there feels like there are real stakes.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by wolfman »

Kate slips back inside the house, closing and locking the door. She moves swiftly through the house to find Steve and Louise, cuddling on the sofa. 

"Guys." Shaw says, with a worried tone "I think I saw movement in the tree line."

Steve's eyes snap to her, "How many?"

"I couldn't tell, I am not even sure if it or they were people, the bushes in one area were not swaying like the others. They moved out of sync.", she explains, beginning to doubt what she saw. 

Steve considers this for a moment, "Could be nothing, maybe a deer or a poacher. But the timing is iffy."

He is on his feet and moving almost before the ladies can react. 

"Steve, what are you thinking?" Louise says nervously. 

Steve quickly kisses her on the cheek and rises from his seat, darting to the basement. Kate and Louise wait nervously. 

He emerges a moment later, with an compact sub machine gun and tactical vest and two sniper rifles. "You any good with a big weapon, Kate." Steve asks passing her one of the rifles. 

"I am well practiced with a large weapon." Kate says, confidently, before realising the innuendo and turning scarlet. 

Steve smiles and passes Louise the other rifle, "I know you can handle a big weapon."

"I prefer it when a weapon needs two hands." she says playfully.

"These guns have thermal sights, so if you can watch the tree line and cover me, I will get a visual confirmation." Steve says, looking at the door. "If it is nothing, then no harm done, but if it is something, they might be waiting for it to get fully dark before moving."

Louise nods, loading the weapon and checking the sight, with practiced ease. Kate watches her thinking, "Six months ago, she was a shy office manager, now she is a trained killer, taking everything in her stride. How does she do it?"

Louise heads upstairs, leading the way, ‎Kate moves to follow her, but Steve catches her arm, "Kate, I need you to do something, but, I have no right to."

Kate freezes, unsure. She nods slowly. 

"If anything happens to me, please make sure Louise is ok. She hasn't got anyone else. Promise me that you will be there for her.", Steve whispers quietly. 

"It must be bad if he is asking that. What does he know?" Kate wonders before answering, "You have my word."

Steve moves slowly, crawling on his belly, across the open ground to the tree line, sub machine gun in his hands, darkened steel tanto strapped to his forearm. "Twenty metres to contact." Louise says in his ear piece, as she nervously watches the large cluster of heat signatures. "There are too many, this is a bad idea.", she thinks, as she counts at least thirty signatures through the scope. ‎

He pauses, listening. "There is definitely something there.", he thinks as he hears the low snap of a branch. 

Quietly, he advances, belly on the dirt, in the as the grass starts to grow at the woodlands edge.

He rises to his feet ready, but keeping low. "Five metres, you are almost on top of the closest contact, Kate and I are picking up multiple heat signatures. Be careful." Louise says, softly. 

As she watches from afar, she cannot help but think, "I know you can handle anything, my love. Please come back safe."

Steve bursts through the grass, weapons raised. Black eyes, stare into his. Dark fur, powerful muscles, antlers like scimitars. 

The startled stag, rears up, it's fore legs flailing. Steve slams back against a tree with a thud, with more instinct than thought, he dives to the towards the grass, narrowly avoiding the rapidly descending antler curving towards him.

Steve rolls and twists through the grass, barely able to stay ahead of the large stags hooves, as they crash down shaking the ground under him as they narrowly miss his head, as it relentlessly pursues him. 

Louise looks on in horror as the massive beast, rears and kicks down with mechanical precision. Tears fill her eyes as she attempts to line up a shot, unable to draw a bead on the wildly, frenzied animal. 

Steve twists and rolls to his feet, raising his gun high into the air, sending a three round burst sky ward. The stag rears back and bolts into the wood, with it's herd, as they turn tail and charge through the forest.  

"Steve! Steve! Are you ok?" Louise asks fearfully.

"I am ok. Herd of deer. Will do a quick sweep and head back." Steve subvocalises into the microphone for his throat mic and he heads to the forest edge once more. 

On the rooftop, Louise softly cries tears on relief, as Kate places a comforting hand on her shoulder. Together they keep a vigil awaiting Steve's return.

"It was moving too unpredictably to get a clean shot from here." Kate reassures her, "You were right to hold you fire. It may have wounded it and sent it running for a slow death in the woods. Or worse, you could have killed it and dropped it on Steve."‎

Louise nods, thinking about what Kate says, "I know she is right, but I feel like I failed Steve."‎

"Why didn't you shoot it, Steve?" Kate asks as Louise tends to a cut on Steve's cheek.

"I am not comfortable with killing animals, besides, it is the stag's wood, I was just visiting." Steve says, sipping a scotch. 

Kate looks at Steve astonished, "Really?"

"When a person finds themselves in my cross hairs, it is because they have done something, or made a choice. An animal, simply lives and does what it does. Doesn't feel right to kill them, just because they are there." Steve explains.

"Do you think we are clear?" asks Louise, anxiously.

"Hard to be certain, without of combing the whole wood, but I am reasonably happy we are alone." Steve says, thinking of the three man team, he found trampled to death by the stampede. "That said, I am wondering if any of us will get any sleep if we stay here tonight."

"What was that look on his face?" Shaw thinks, lighting a cigarette, "Did he see something and he doesn't want to let on? Maybe he doesn't want to worry Louise."

"I think Steve's right, I know I won't sleep at all. I'll be too worried in case Bambi's dad comes back to finish the job." Kate says, straight faced. 

"Oh fuck off." Steve says, shaking his head and bursting into laughter. 

Louise is overwhelmed, by convulsive bursts of laughter, as she let's go of the tension she has felt since Shaw said about movement in the trees. ‎

Steve sits behind the wheel of the stolen car, as they drive into the night, he checks the rear view mirror to confirm no-one is following and to see Kate sound asleep. 

A glance at Louise, shows she is asleep next to him. He places a gentle hand on Louise's thigh giving it a gentle squeeze. Louise purrs gently in her sleep and a small smile pricks her lips. ‎

He slowly replaces his hand on the wheel, thinking, "The men in the woods prove it, I could have written off the team that tailed Lou and Kate, but that is the clincher. We are being tracked." He gazes solemnly at the road ahead, noting every pothole and ripple in its surface. 

"Should have known." he thinks, as he realises, "The phones. Mine and Louise's are both losing charge quickly, must be a tracking app running in the background. Someone could be using company assets against us. How could I have missed that?"

He guides the vehicle smoothly along dark narrow lanes devoid of traffic, negotiating a switchback turn and ascending a steep hill. Once the road becomes less changeable, he settles back into his thoughts, "Who would have the technology to infiltrate our systems with no red flags? Who has the skill to do that, plunder the records of the Nirvana group and has access to thegate server?" 

At the edge of Sheffield, the inky black of the country darkness, gives way to harsh street lighting, as Steve guides the vehicle, swift and sure. Despite the light of the city, his thoughts remain dark. "Who were those men in the woods? All roughly forty years old, No identification, no tattoos, only armed with handguns and knives. Radios appeared smashed by the herd. No listening devices only binoculars. What were they doing there? Did the herd kill them, or were they there already?"
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Post by slackywacky »

You are keeping me busy (in a good way) with these updates. ;)

> What were they doing there? Did the herd kill them, or were they there already?"

And all these questions to answer...
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by wolfman »

Troubling thoughts drift across Steve's mind as he approaches the train station. After circling the car park twice, he parks the vehicle in a space set back from the main building.  As the sun begins to crest the horizon, he gently wakes Louise and Kate. "Morning campers."

Louise opens her eyes lazily and smiles, and yawns languidly, "Morning." The only sign of life from the rear seat is a muffled, "Nooo."

"What time is it?" Louise asks, her eyes too bleary to see the clock.

"A little after six. Do you need to freshen up?" Steve asks them both openly.

"Where are we?" Kate says, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Edge of Sheffield, I've been sticking to back roads to avoid traffic cameras, but I thought we should have a change of transport." Steve says, squeezing Louise's hand. "Morning lover."

"Mmmm morning." She says accepting a kiss. "Could do with stretching my legs.", she says reaching for her phone. 

Steve squeezes her hand, as she looks up, he shakes his head. She nods in comprehension and leaves the phone undisturbed, allowing Steve to slip it into his pocket. 

Steve and Louise emerge from the car to the click of a lighter, as Kate lights a cigarette. The trio head towards the front of the station, after collecting their bags from the boot, walking slowly. Each of them alert, looking for anything out of place. 

Kate hangs back at the entrance, to finish smoking, "I'll catch you up." she says, stretching. 

Before they head in Steve hands her a roll of ten pound notes, "So you have your own cash."

"Thanks Steve." She says accepting the roll, "I will pay you back."

Steve shakes his head and leads Louise into the store, heading toward the ticket booth. Louise stops and gently tugs his hand, prompting him to look up at her.

"They're tracking the phones aren't they." Louise mouths silently.

Steve nods, gently. He cocks his head towards the ticket booth. Louise nods and they walk hand in hand to the desk. 

"How can I help you?" The attendant says, almost as if he is on autopilot.

"Not a morning person." Steve thinks as he asks, "Three for Edinburgh please." 

"Single or return, sir?" the attendant, called Andy, according to his name badge asks.

"Singles please." Steve asks impatiently. 

"£185.60, please." The attendant, says glancing at the screen. 

Steve feels a sharp pain in his wallet as he hands over a selection of notes and accepts the tickets. 

Kate joins them as they step away from the booth. "So where are we going?" she asks sleepily.

"Edinburgh. We have half an hour before we need to move, I say we grab a coffee and print screen shots of the stuff Ryan sent." Steve suggests. 

"Why Edinburgh?" Shaw asks, curious. 

"There is a secure safehouse there, weapons, money, medical supplies. It is a good place to regroup and it is out of the way." Steve explains.

As they gather around the table of the small coffee shop, they look at the reports and photos and Louise breaks the uneasy silence. "There is nothing new here, have we got the call to the police reporting a disturbance."

Steve starts a small dictaphone, pressing play and they listen closely.

"Police, how can I help?", The operator says, professionally. 

"Good evening, young lady." a silken voice says, "I hate to bother you good people, but I think my neighbour is in trouble."

"Can you please confirm why you think that?", the operator asks. The soft clack of keys in the background, indicate that she is typing. 

"I have heard screams and loud thumps and it sounds like she is having an argument with another woman.", he smoothly says. 

"Can you please confirm the address please?" The operator asks, as she types. 

"Flat five, Emmerson Court.", he pauses, "Please hurry I fear for the poor girl." he says, smoothly, hanging up as soon as he finishes speaking.

"Not much to go on." Steve says, shaking his head. 

"It's him." Kate says emotionless, "I would know that voice anywhere."

The look in her eyes, tells Louise and Steve that there is no need to ask if she is certain. Louise looks slightly confused, asking, "Can you play it again?"

She listens closely, as the recording plays again, shaking her head slowly, "His voice is too smooth, too even. He speaks very precisely, he breathes in and holds it for a second before speaking, almost as if he is planning what to say.", she observes. 

Kate, falling back on her training notes,, "It almost sounds mechanical, or electronic, there is no accent."

"We had better make a move, we can pick this up on the train." Steve says noting the time, thinking about the voice. 

They make their way to the platform deep in their own thoughts and as the train approaches the gather with other commuters at the edge of the platform. 

The doors open and Kate moves forward, only to be held back by Steve. The trio watch as the train departs, with their phones secreted in the pockets of two unsuspecting travellers. 

"I was beginning to wonder when you would ditch the phones." Kate says, lighting a cigarette. 

Steve looks at her with a raised eyebrow, as Louise smiles. 

"The tail that just happened to find us yesterday, the lack of conversation in the car, printing off details, when it is easier to see on a phone, taking a train, where a car is more flexible, slipping Lou's phone into your pocket instead of letting her take it." Shaw says, exhaling a plume of smoke. 

Steve smiles, "Now we are all on the same page, let's get moving."

"Where are we going?" Louise asks warmly. 

"Hunting. I think I may have an idea, who we are dealing with." Steve says, with a hard shine to his eyes.

They gather around a table in a quiet park, across town from the station. Louise chews on a fresh croissant and sips orange juice from a bottle. Kate eschews food, opting for a large black coffee, with extra espresso. They sit opposite Steve as he lays down the last of his marmite on toast and begins to explain.  

"When you said about he voice sounding electronic, it got me thinking.", he says nodding to Kate, before he begins. "About ten years ago, I was stationed in Afghanistan with the SBS after an extended secondment with the Mountain and Arctic Warfare Cadre. I was assigned to a company of tunnel warfare specialists from across the UK's armed forces. We would sneak into hostile tunnels, with a pistol shaped charges and a knife and covertly, interfere with those in the tunnels."

He sips his tea before continuing, "It was hard work. In places the tunnels were highly unstable and the residents tended to defend their homes rather well. I was selected because of my experience in climbing and elevated altitude operations, to replace the lieutenant who was injured."

He pauses while a small roup of students pass by, "He was leading an extended op, with a small team in the north. He took point clearing an abandoned tunnel system and setting charges to deny it to the enemy. However, the tunnels were more unstable than they first thought and suffered a partial collapse.", he sips another draught of tea. 

"The rocks had crushed his body, pinning him completely and compressing his chest. He was barely able to pull any air into his lungs while trapped. When they pulled him out after a few hours, he was in a coma. His squad managed an extraction to Bastion by they couldn't bring him around." Steve explains. "He was suffering from severe oxygen starvation as a result of being pinned for so long."

"That sounds really bad. But how could he be the man responsible." Louise asks. 

"I am getting there. Sorry for the preamble." Steve says to Louise warmly. "He suffered from brain damage as a result the oxygen starvation and the part of the brain responsible for speech was effectively wiped clean. He knew and understood words, but couldn't speak them." Steve responds. 

"That sounds awful." Louise says reflexively. 

"If this is our guy, don't feel sorry for him." Kate says, placing a hand on her arm, gently. 

"The doctors said he would have to have speech therapy for years until he could speak again. At this point, he disappeared. One day the nurse came in and he and all him belongings were gone. The rumour has it that he shut himself away for a months, typing words into a text to voice program and practiced, day and night, saying each word over and over." Steve continues. 

"So you think he would sound like an electronic voice, as he copied the computer." Kate says. 

"I know it is weak." Steve says raising his hands before draining his cup. 

"It is a bit of a stretch, but all we have right now. So who was he?" Louise asks, curiously. 

"I don't know his name, the team only used rank and call sign, no real names. We were often far behind enemy lines and the decision was made for everyone to use an alias to protect families back home, in case any of us were captured." he explains. 

"How can we find out his name?", Kate asks, "The hospital, perhaps." 

"It was ten years ago and I doubt anyone would remember him. None of the old unit shared real names so even if I found one, no one would know his real name." Steve explains. 

"So where does that leave us?" Louise asks, draining her juice. 

"I need to go to see my old commanding officer." Steve says, with a faraway look in his eyes. "We need to get off of the back foot and start pushing." 

Kate thinks back to the pick up vehicle, Louise destroyed and the tail they picked up as they made their escape. "We can cover you then, I think I need to go back to work.", she says, deep in thought. 

"They will be watching the station, if you go back they might come for you." Steve warns. 

"I am counting on it." Shaw says, with a malicious grin. ‎
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Post by wolfman »

Her lungs burn for the thousandth time, as the valve opens for her to gasp great gulps of air. Dionne weakly struggles in her bonds, her muscles exhausted from constant struggling and lack of oxygen. "How long have I been here? Is he ever coming back to free me from this hell?", she thinks, struggling to focus.

As the valve closes once more, she whimpers softly, her throat too sore to coax forth a scream, as her eyes fill with tears. She stays still for as long as she can, until the urge to breath is too strong and she weakly starts to thrash at the ropes binding her arms and legs. 

"Hush my dear." the smooth voice says, like a bolt of lightning through a night, causing her to tense her body and freeze as the filter clicks open.

She feels his hand gripping the mask, moving it from side to side gently, followed by a decrease in pressure against her face. Dionne hears the click of the filter closing and groans miserably. She takes a deep breath to comfort herself, "I can breath, the filter clicked closed and I can breath."

As Dionne takes joyous lungfuls of air, the smooth voice says "Breakfast is served, my dear, open your mouth, please."

"He will need to take the mask of first.", she thinks, confused. As she opens her mouth to speak, a tube is thrust into her mouth, through the hole in the mask, where the filter is normally fitted. 

He places a hand on her brow, pinning her head down. "Be still or this will be unpleasant.", he warns. 

"I am tied naked to a cross and wearing a gas mask with blocked eye lenses, I would say things are already unpleasant." Dionne muses, when he lifts his restraining hand. 

She feels the first drops of water fall from the end of the tube onto the back of her throat. It's cool caress, quenching the burning, caused by hours of screaming. 

The trickle becomes a steady, but gentle stream and she gulps thirstly taking her fills, before the stream stops. 

Dionne feels something warm land on her tongue and instantly recognises the taste, "Porridge? I hate porridge.", she thinks in dismay, reluctantly forcing herself to swallow the thick liquid. 

A little more water rinses her mouth and then she feels the tube removed. "Wait, please, I have money. You don't have to do this."

"Money is not my concern. I have been instructed to do this, therefore, it will be done." he says, with an eerie smoothness. 

"I will do anything you want, please just let me go and that will be an end of this." Dionne pleads. 

"In this position, I can already do anything I need to do, releasing you, would make things," he pauses, choosing the right words, "Inconvenient."

"Who has told you to do this?" Dionne asks, "Please, I want to know why?"

"I am not at liberty to say, but you will die, to further their goals." the Breathtaker says.

"How? Why?", she begs to know. 

"I have already told you what you need to know", he says, a slight edge creeping into the silken smoothness of his voice. 

"My people will find me and when they do, they will kill you." She threatens, her voice low. 

"No on both counts, I am sorry but, I must leave you. I will return after I have concluded my business." he says, as Dionne feels him grip the lower part of the mask and wiggle it again. She tries to pull her head away, but ultimately, she cannot resist. 

Dionne listens to the slowly receding steps of the man and weeps as the valve clicks shut once more.

Time passes slowly, in her sightless captivity, punctuated only by breaths not taken. She cannot rest, as soon as sleep threatens to claim her, her struggles for air shock her awake. 

Her body screams in pain. The ropes holding her arms and legs dig into her flesh painfully as she twists within them.

She gasps as the air valve clicks open, bringing with it a strange smell. Sweet, intoxicating, unfamiliar. Her eyes flutter. "Something is wrong, I feel myself slipping away." Dionne thinks, pulling and twisting against her bonds. 

As the chloroform takes hold, the breathtaker works quickly, removing the filter for now. With deft precision he fits a catheter and administers an enema to his guest.  He gazes down at her bound naked body and the breath catches in his throat. 

"Delightful, such a perfect specimen. She will be my masterpiece.", he thinks, appraising every curve of her body, "Oh dear." he says softly, noting that she has gained a little slack in the rope holding her right wrist. 

With practiced hands, he checks and secures her bonds anew. "That's better, we can't have you running away before your big day.", he says, smoothly, with a hint of compassion. 

The Breathtaker reverentially, takes a cloth and wipes the sweat from her skin, before he retrieves a permanent marker from his pocket and begins with eerie precision to place a mark on every inch of her skin. "It is normally such a rush, it is nice to have the time to prepare." he pauses, placing a hand on Dionne's still unconscious forehead, "I will do all in my power to make this perfect for you, my dear."

The Breathtaker slowly walks away as her fight for air continues. "I feel it drawing closer." he whispers to himself. 

His breath becomes ragged as he returns to his workshop. He removes his clothes and gazes upon his ruined skin. "More scar than man." He reflects, seeing the patchwork of scars and callouses on his own body.

He sits still as a spider watching his web, as he stares at the two rough pieces of flint. With the gentle care of a lover, he takes them into his hand and begins striking one against the other until a flake of flint is struck loose. 

With precision and care he picks up the flake and examines it, "Sharp as a razor and almost as deadly." he whispers as if in prayer. He lays the flake on a tray and continues to knap the flints together. "As stones cut me, they shall cut her in my image. She will bear the marks, she will lose her life and she will become exalted in death."
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Post by wolfman »

Adam paces the halls of Nirvana, anxiously, "Where the hell are they? The team should have reported in by now." 

He bursts into the command centre, "Where is the pickup team and where the hell is Ms Carter." he bellows. 

"The police channels have nothing relating to Ms Carter, only that she identified the body and stormed out." The young communications clerk says nervously. "Indications are that the pickup team and the prisoners guards, were ambushed. No survivors. The reserve team Ave chase to a police car fleeing the scene, but their vehicle was disabled before they could complete a hard stop."

"Why am I finding out about this now?" Adam shouts exasperated.

"I am sorry sir." the clerk says.

"Activate all channels, find Ms Carter. Get any camera footage in the area and find out where she went." Adam orders sharply, turning sharply on his heel and leaving the office. 

"Should we notify the police, sir," the clerk asks, nervously. 

Adam thinks for a moment, weighing up the options, "No, not yet. If we do and word gets out, it will knock millions off of the share value. Work every resource we have. Find her.", he says firmly.

Etienne looks on, concealing his amusement. "Imbecile." he thinks, checking his bank balance, which has grown significantly in the last few hours.

He exits the command centre and dials a number on his phone, waiting for a response.

"Good afternoon, I trust payment has been received." the voice on the line says, in a gruff English accent. 

"Indeed monsieur, our business is concluded." Etienne says quietly. 

"Excellent, thank you for your assistance.", the voice says warmly. 

"No problem, I did all the interviews on site about the girl. No one suspects my involvement." the Frenchman says, conspiratorially. 

"No regrets?" the man on the line asks. 

"Her reign of terror is at an end. She has made my life hell for ten years. I have lost count of those she has hurt and killed on impulse. The world will be a better place for her passing." Etienne says, warmly. 

"What will you do now?" the voice asks.

"Once she is found dead. I will continue to run things here. It is only a matter of time before I am appointed as her natural replacement." 

"Be very careful, my friend. If we speak on the other side of this, we may be able to negotiate a very beneficial arrangement." the Englishman says, warmly. 

"I am all for getting richer. When will she be found?" Etienne asks, already speculating how much money, he can wring from this arrangement. 

"Soon enough." the Englishman says, darkly.

Retired Colonel James Laws sat at his desk in the aftermath of the strategy meeting. "They talk of sending the troops into battle as if they know what it means." he thinks, staring at the ceiling. "Days like this make me wish, I handle swapped battle dress for a pin stripe suit."

"Two years ago, I was running combat operations on three continents and now this.", he thinks ruefully about the meeting, for the launch of their new seasonal range. "They primp and preen and act like the supply of potato is life and death." 

He types an email to the head of logistics, to provision extra delivery capacity for two weeks commencing the following Wednesday. 

Following the recommendations he made, the company would be pushing forward, with the campaign a week later than planned in order to build stocks and maintain the momentum of the forecasted spike in demand. "At least this way, Marjorie doesn't have to lay awake at night, wondering if there will be a knock at the door."

Laws reviews a report on year on year sales as there is a soft knock at the door. "Come in." he says softy, rapt by the figures on screen.

As the figure walks in and softly closes the door behind them, he asks absent mindedly, "Can I help you?"

"Yes, I am looking for a two bird evac with immediate dust off to hot zone Kilo Indigo." Steve says. 

The retired colonel looks up from his screen to see Steve snap a smart salute, and he smiles, "Major?" He says, unable to believe his eyes, "Good God man, no need to salute, those days are gone. How the devil are you?" he says rising to his feet and extending hand. 

Steve shakes his hand warmly, "I salute the man, not the rank."

"Please, take a seat. Can I get you a coffee?" Laws asks. 

"That would be great, thank you sir." Steve says as he settles into the generous chair. 

Laws pours a cup of black coffee and presents it to Steve before taking a seat. "It's good to see you. How have you been?"

"I have been." he pauses to find the right word, "Busy."

"I heard that, Southampton? Was that you?" Laws asks. 

Steve just smiles and sips his coffee. The Colonel nods sagely, "I thought it bore your signature, I have to ask why."

Steve considers his answer carefully, "A maniac kidnapped my fiancé. She was being held there."

"Seriously." Laws asks, with raised eyebrows, "You are engaged?"

Steve smiles, thinking of Louise, "I met a woman, who I don't want to let go. She is incredible."

"She must be." Laws says appraising Steve anew, "I knew something was different about you. The anger is gone, but there is a quiet strength to you, that wasn't there in the old days."

"What can I say? She brings out the best in me." Steve says, warmly. 

"I never thought I would see the day you would be settled after," Laws stops, looking Steve in the eyes solemnly, "I never got to give you my condolences. I was sorry to hear about your parents."

"Thank you sir, that is actually why I am here. Their killer has struck again." Steve admits, with a faraway look. 

"Good God. Are you sure?" Law says, shocked. 

"My fiancé's sister. Killed same way as my folks." Steve says, swallowing his anger. 

"I am so sorry Steve. How can I help?" The Colonel says, straightening in his chair. 

"I have a possible lead on the killer, but I need a name." Steve admits. 

"I see. You think the killer was a Royal Marine?" Laws asks gravely.

"Not sure, but possibly. What can you tell me about the officer running Operation Mausoleum Wood, before I was assigned?"

Laws exhales slowly, as the colour drains from his face, hanging his head, Laws says "Bad business. I knew one day, someone would come asking about him, never thought it would be you though." He pauses, closin his eyes and shaking his head slowly, "Price was never the same after the accident. I should never have let him go back into the field. You must understand, we were under so much pressure."

"Price? I thought he mustered out after the accident?" Steve asks. 

"Captain Lee Price was an exceptional officer before the accident. When he returned to duty, there was something off about him. You could see from day one, something was wrong. Would have been better if he had left the Royal Marines." Laws admits. "He was in recovery for nine months, all told. When he came back, he was covered in scars, whole body except his face, the stones cut his body to ribbons. He spoke strangely, as if saying each word for the first time. But it was his eyes that were the most unsettling. The extended oxygen deprivation left the whites of his eyes, permanently bloodshot." Laws explains, feeling sickened "He was too controlled, too calm. I should have known."

Steve nods, quietly listening, "What happened, sir?" He asks softly.

"About a month after he returned, his unit were on patrol and captured an insurgent. He ordered his men to stand guard while he interrogated the prisoner. After listening to the poor bastards screams for an hour, his sergeant walked in to try and put a stop to it. Price had the man staked out and had slashed his skin all over. Price went into a rage, it took four men to pull him off of the sergeant. The prisoner died of blood loss, Price was court marshaled out of the service and the brass covered it up. The sergeant is still in a wheel chair. " Laws stops, looking deflated, "I should never have put him in the field. I knew. I bloody knew, he wasn't right." he says, punching the desk.

"There was no way, you could have known sir." Steve says, thoughtfully. 

"We were fighting on all fronts, the pressure was on to get men in the field and we were always on the back foot. I signed to say he was fit for duty, despite my reservations. I am responsible. If he has killed again, the blood is on my hands." Laws says, bitterly, "I can't make it right, but if you need anything to stop him doing this again, let me know, Major."

"It seems he is the one. Don't worry sir, I will stop him." Steve pledges to his old CO. 

"Steve, Price was an exceptional soldier in his day, excellent marksman at all ranges and a specialist in FIBUA. He was every bit as good as you. Be careful against this man." Laws warns.
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Post by Bandit666 »

Yet again a fantastic set of updates, it moves at the perfect pace, the characters thoughts and feelings so well described. A masterpiece in how to truly tell a story that while it includes plenty of bondage truly has a plot, a beginning and an end somewhere in the future.

Wonderful, simply wonderful.
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Post by OldTUGger »

I've read Tom Clancy novels that weren't as gripping as this tale. Well done.
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Post by wolfman »

Bandit666 wrote: 4 years ago Yet again a fantastic set of updates, it moves at the perfect pace, the characters thoughts and feelings so well described. A masterpiece in how to truly tell a story that while it includes plenty of bondage truly has a plot, a beginning and an end somewhere in the future.

Wonderful, simply wonderful.
Thank you for your kind words Bandit. In order to set up the action to come, there is a lot of dialogue driven scenes at the moment, to properly set everything up. The action and the bondage is a little light, but more is on the way
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Post by wolfman »

OldTUGger wrote: 4 years ago I've read Tom Clancy novels that weren't as gripping as this tale. Well done.
Thank you OldTUGger, I really appreciate you taking the time to read and comment on this. I am kind of going for a Clancy/Lustbader/le Carré feel with this tale, as opposed to the more action heavy Devotion. I hope you continue to enjoy.
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As Kate emerges from the French hatchback, a light breeze tousles her hair. She sweeps it out of her face before, one handedly, flicking open a pair of sunglasses, with reflective lenses in the same shade of blue as her dark trouser suit. "I will see you guys later." she says to Steve and Louise, donning the glasses. As she checks her appearance in the cars window, she surreptitiously checks the street for anyone paying too much attention, before lighting a cigarette. 

"Good luck." Louise says warmly, passing Kate a hair tie. 

"Thanks I will need it. I'll keep you posted." she says tying back her hair and walking towards the station. "Here we go." She reflects "Just like any other operation, no concrete information on what I will face, just an idea of possible variables." Kate stands at the corner using finishing her cigarette, as a cover to watch the street and ather her thoughts, "Don't second guess, girl. Deal with what is real, as it presents itself."

Her shoes click lightly on the tiles as she marches in barely breaking her stride. The desk sergeant buzzes her through the security door, picking up his desk phone her dials a number from memory. 

"Chief Superintendent Snipe speaking."

"Sir, this is Sergeant Graham, Chief inspector Kate Shaw has just entered the building." the Sergeant says, warmly. 

A large smile creeps across Snipe's face as he is filled with relief, "Thank God, where is she?"

"Judging by the look in her eyes and the direction she was heading, I would say she is on her way to see you, sir," Graham says. 

"Thank you very much for letting me know." Snipe says opening the window of his office and placing an ashtray on the table.

Inspector Hughes of Scotland Yard, has been at Reading Station ever since a note appeared in his pocket after a walk in a Hyde Park. In the bathroom of his hotel, that morning, he washed his face with ice cold water and didn't know the man he saw in the mirror. "Someone found the one button they can push with me and now, I am in their pocket."

He sits at his desk, reviewing everything that they have, sickened at the thought of finding something he would have to conceal. "A part of me wants to walk into the the Chief Superintendents office and confess all. But I would lose everything." Hughes is shaken from his thoughts, by someone in dark blue, gliding like a wraith across the ready room.

"Shit, what is she doing here?" he thinks, as he sees Shaw walking across the office towards the Chief Superintendents office. Remembering his instructions, moves to intercept her. "I am sorry chief inspector, I have to ask you to accompany me."

"I need to see the Chief first." Kate says, allowing him to block her path, thinking, "Don't know you. Shabby suit, cheap aftershave, scuffed shoes. Got to be on secondment from Scotland Yard. Probably short term, living out of a suitcase"

"I am sorry but you have a number of questions to answer first, regarding your escape from custody, yesterday and the suspected murder of several individuals." he says pulling out a pair of handcuffs. 

"Fine." Shaw says turning around and placing her hands behind her back. "Let's get this over with." She thinks, reluctantly, "I am getting tired of being handcuffed."

Hughes, swiftly handcuffs her and begins leading her by the arm to a wall, by the doorway to the cells. In this the shadows of the corner, he turns her to face the wall and begins to search her, placing her phone, cigarettes and light, cheap purse on the top of a filing cabinet.

As he checks through her items, she turns to watch, only to be told, "Face the wall please."
Shaw shakes her head subtly, saying "Fine.", as she faces the wall. 

Hughes quickly finishes checking the items, before slipping a cigarette into her packet. 

Snipe sees Shaw being searched and opens his door, quickly. "Get those off of her and send her in here, Inspector." He calls out. 

Hughes stops sharply and turns, "I am sorry sir, but protocol dictates-"

"Protocol dictates, that if you are given and order by a superior officer, you follow it. Get her in here." Snipe bellows, sharply, cutting him off.

Hughes feels his face burning, as he releases the handcuffs. Kate retrieves her possessions from the cabinet and joins the Chief Superintendent in his office. 

Hughes returns to his desk and pulls out a phone sending a message to his benefactor, "Shaw is onsite. Stinger planted. Please, I can't do this anymore."

A minute later his phone beeps, "Await further instructions. Failure to comply with order wishes, will cost you everything."

"My God Kate, are you ok? Where have you been?" Snipe says, in a fatherly tone. 

"With friends sir." Kate says, warmly, "I am ok."

"I see." he says nodding, with a twinkle in his eyes, "When we found the van with Constable Benny and the guards dead and you gone, we feared that the worst had happened. Especially given the state of a car parked nearby."

"You didn't think I got free and killed them?" She asks cautiously. 

"Behave yourself. There was no way you were getting loose, besides, I know you would have only left bodies if there was no other way." Snipe says pouring her a coffee, "What happened?"

"One of the guards slit the constables throat and they planned to hand me over to the team in the car, but my rescuer, shot one and beat the other two." she explains, accepting the cup, "Thanks. Did you get anything from the car?"

The chief asks, "Was reported stolen," he pauses, bringing up the report, "yesterday morning. Forensics have been scooping out the occupants since it was brought in. There is not even enough left of them for a check on dental records. What happened to it?" 

"Grenade launcher with a flechette round. They were there to pick me up." Kate says fumbling with her cigarettes, taking out two cigarettes and lighting one, placing the other on the desk. "Menthol, sorry."

"A grenade launcher, Jesus, I would be glad they're friends.", he says. "I really shouldn't, but thank you." He says taking and lighting the cigarette.

"Could you do a PNC check on a plate for me?" Shaw asks, "It followed us after I was freed from the van."

"Go for it." He says, passing the keyboard and turning the monitor. 

Her fingers fly across the keys as she enters the vehicle registration from memory. She sits back and exhales smoke at the ceiling, "Reported stolen yesterday morning, from Reading Westbound motorway services. Where was the other one taken from?" she asks. 

"Interesting," he says, checking the report, "the vehicle from the crime scene was taken from there too." Snipe says, nodding. "I will get their CCTV and vehicle identification footage sent over."

She takes out her phone and texts the word "Hello." to his mobile, "That's my number, can you let me know if anything comes up? Maybe we can trace the vehicles they arrived in, get images of the crews."

"Of course.", he pauses, "I am really glad you are ok. I know you are going and this probably won't change that. But," he takes a breath, "You are missed, when you are not here."

She feels a tear in her eye, "Thank you sir." She says sincerely. "Sir?"

"Yes Kate." Snipe says warmly. 

"The mask that they put on me when I was arrested. Is there any way we can make sure no one ever has to wear them ever again." Kate asks, remembering her experience during captivity.

"I am meeting with our providers tomorrow, to discuss the conduct of their guards. I will raise it with them." Snipe says nodding gently. 

Kate smiles weakly, "Thank you sir."

"There is something else." Snipe says, pensively. 

"Sir?" she says, stubbing out her cigarette. 

"We called Dionne Carter in yesterday to formally identify her daughter. She confirmed verbally, but knocked Harper on his arse and flew out of here, without signing to confirm it was her." Snipe begins, cautiously, "I have been trying to get hold of her ever since."

"What are we saying?" Kate asks, fearing the worst. 

"No one has reported her missing, but no one here can get hold of her and Nirvana are giving us the run around. Normally, I wouldn't question it. A mother not wanting to speak to the police after her daughter is murdered, but the timing makes me wonder." Snipe speculates.

"Price." Kate says, her voice tailing off. 

"Who?" Snipe asks curiously. 

"Potential suspect." Shaw says, cautiously, "Former Royal Marine Captain Lee Price. Injured in Afghanistan, similar manner to the way Helen Carter and the Marks were killed. He may have done it before."

"You've been busy." Snipe says with a twinkle in his eyes. 

"I need an address for him." Kate asks. 

"You know, you shouldn't be involved in this. You are too close." Snipe says, leaning back in his chair. 

"I need this." Kate says firmly. "I have to end it."

"Do what you need to do Kate. Find this man and bring him in." Snipe says, opening his desk drawer. 

"Thank you sir. I will start digging." she says motioning to get up. 

"You will need this." he says retrieving a warrant card and holding it out for her. 

Kate takes the warrant card gently from him, and examines it closely, "Thank you sir, it is good to have it back."

"Be a shame when you have to hand it back for good." Snipe says, with a smile, "Not too late to change your mind."

"One last case and then I get out before the job kills me." Shaw says, with a faraway look in her eyes.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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