Devastation - A sequel to Devotion (M/F) (M/M) Complete

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Post by Caesar73 »

You did absolutely fine, [mention]wolfman[/mention] - the last chapters gave the characters additional death, made them more complete. Good work.
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Post by Bandit666 »

Never a need to thank us for waiting wolfman, this tale just gets better and better. It’s a read that never disappoints, and for me at least will always be top of the list of those I return to even once completed
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Post by wolfman »


Thank you for your very kind words, I appreciate you taking the time to comment. This tale will soon come to an end. However, I am not done with these characters yet.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by wolfman »

Louise purrs lightly, as she sleeps by Steve's side. He turns and watches her sleep, savouring the feel of her breath on his skin. "She looks so peaceful, after such an emotional day. Well at least she can sleep." he thinks, kissing her forehead. 

He allows his gaze to linger, as his eyes sweep the breathtaking vista's of her beauty, her smooth soft skin, the toned muscles of her back and legs, the gentle curve of her lips. Idly, he strokes her skin, daydreaming of endless nights and love with this woman. "That is in the future, first, we have to get through the here and now."

He rolls onto his back staring at the ceiling, "In a day, I have found out mum had an affair and I have a half sister." his eyes moisten with tears.

Steve remembers when he was eighteen and about to leave to join the Royal Marines. 

"Dad sat me down with a scotch and said to me, 'Son, no matter what you face, nothing is as bad, as the waiting those you leave behind will go through. The pain of not knowing if you are ok, jumping when the phone rings or there's knock at the door. I put your mum through years of that and I don't know how she did it. Apart from when I was on leave, she raised you on her own. I did what I could when I was around, I wish I could have been there more for you both.' 

Dad stopped, searching the glass of scotch for the right words, 'If you find a girl, when you are serving and she sticks with you through it all, do right by her. Be a better man than I have been to your mum. Loneliness is a terrible thing and sometimes, a person can reach out for moment of connection, so they can hang on for another day, week, month.'

The younger Steve sips the scotch, grimacing at the taste, "Are you trying to say, mum cheated on you?', he asks, unsure he wants to know the answer. 

'Probably not, but if she had, I would understand. When you were a nipper, I was constantly deployed, Belfast, the Falklands, all over the place. Your mum must have been so lonely.' "

The older Steve sighs to himself, "I was too young and stupid to see it, but the old bugger knew. Maybe not the details but he knew." He thinks to himself, gently rolling off of the bed.

He relieves the slowly built up pressure in his bladder and splashes water on his face. Steve limps back to the bedroom, until he hears the soft click of a lighter outside.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who can't sleep." he thinks as he approaches the open French window, leading to the balcony. 

He quietly limps to the window, to see Kate laying back in shorts and a t-shirt with a cigarette poised between her lips. "Can't sleep?" He asks softly, making her sit upright sharply and drop to her back in pain from her stomach. 

He rushes to her side and grips her hand, "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's ok, I just didn't expect anyone." She says, "How is Lou?"

"Shaken up by it all, but ok. She is asleep for now. How are you?" Steve asks gently. 

"I have no idea. I have a half sister and a half brother who are deeply in love with each other, parents revealed and taken from me and I feel so alone." Kate says, exhaling smoke towards the stars. 

"You are not alone Kate, you've got us. We all have so much to process. I am just glad I have you and Lou by my side," Steve admits.

She turns sharply, looking at him, sadly, "Oh Steve, what does this mean for you and Lou?"

He smiles, gently, "We are related to you, but not to each other. Lou called Rob earlier and filled him in. He confirmed that there are no legal barriers."

"I am so pleased, you guys are so lovely together." Kate smiles, gently. 

"Kate." he pauses, searching for the right words, "It has been great having you with us this past few days."

"Let me guess. It has been great, but you think I should move on now and leave you and Lou to it." Kate says sadly. 

"What? No. God no." Steve says shocked, "I want you to stay as long as you want. I have always been fairly alone until I met Lou and now I have you too. I don't want to lose the chance to have my sister in my life. Please stay."

"I don't know what to say." Kate says, hoping the darkness of the night is concealing her tears. 

"We are all orphans, all we have is each other.‎ Lies have kept us from each other for so long. Now that I have you in my life, I want to be there for you." Steve says placing a hand on her shoulder. "You have been hurt, so many times and I wish I coud have been there earlier in our lives to help. If I can do anything to help you heal. I am here for you."

"I don't know who I am any more." She says, looking up at the stars for answers, "I feel so lost."

"You are the same person you have always been, but now, you know where you come from. You can make peace with it, or rage against it and tear yourself apart." Steve says, calmly. 

"I am too spent for rae and I don't know how to make peace with it. There is so much I don't know." Kate says taking a final drag on her cigarette and stubbing it out.

Steve can see the exhaustion in her tear streaked face. "I might be able to help with that."

Kate looks at him wearily, "How?"

"If you get settled and ready for bed, I will make a hot chocolate and then, I can tell you all about mum if you like." Steve says, gently. 

"Hot chocolate and a bedtime story?" she  laughs gently. 

"Sorry, I've never been a big brother before. I am still learning." Steve says, with a lop-sided smile.

"You are doing a good job so far. Hot chocolate sounds nice." Kate says, smiling. She sits up and places a hand on Steve's arm, "Thank you Steve. I have no idea how much of a shock this has been for you. It means a lot to me, that you haven't pushed me away."

He looks her in the eyes, "I think on some level I knew. The way we talked and then how we worked together, was so effortlessly. The only other time I have had that is with Lou after so long in each other pockets." Steve explains, "But, the thing that really started me thinking, was after Lou hugged you earlier, you hugged her back. You hugged her, like I do. It got me thinking and things started to click into place."

Kate sits back and lights a cigarette, "How do you mean?"

"Got me thinking about why you were involved in all this. I would guess Harris was behind the murder and robbery of Wickham's investigator. He found out about your link to Louise and my families link to hers. He got Price to murder my folks and picked up the pieces. When I took Lou, he probably pulled strings to get you the case and set up Price in the Bed and Breakfast. He got Louise to set up a legacy agreement in the event of her death and bided his time. Killed Helen to draw out Dionne then killed her to drop everything in Lou's lap." He explains, with a faraway look in his eyes. 

"But, he couldn't be sure if she had made a will of her own. So if you were alive, you could challenge and if I were alive I could challenge as your next of kin." Kate offers.

"I was struggling to get my head round that, I was looking from the perspective that you and Lou were related, but you could actually make a stronger challenge as my sister. With all of us gone, he would have been free and clear." Steve says, smiling and shaking his head gently, "We even think alike."

"You should have been a detective." Kate says raising an eyebrow. 

"I have always been better breaking the law, than enforcing it." Steve chuckles, "It is getting late, I will get that hot chocolate on."

Louise wakes to the sound of muffled conversation and stretches out on the bed. "Steve must be talking to Kate." she thinks, noting, he he not beside her. 

She quietly dons pair of pale green silk pyjamas and a robe and rises from the bed. Quietly, she calls room service and orders hot chocolate, toasted bacon sandwiches and roasted mushrooms for them all.

She smiles to herself as she waits, "I wouldn't have believed it, if the blood tests I requested hadn't confirmed it. Kate is my half sister and Steve is her half brother." her smile widens slightly, as she thinks of Kate being her sister, "I am so pleased it is her. She has been a rock and the three of us, are a great team."

Louise opens the door to the suite to collect the room service order and quietly closes it behind her. 

She giggles to herself as she approaches the balcony and hears Steve say about making hot chocolate. She steps out tray in hand saying, "It's ok, stay where you are." with a cheeky smile. 

Steve strokes her leg, as she sets the tray down and passes food and drink to Kate and himself.

"Seriously?" Kate asks taking a sip of her drink, between chuckles, "It's three in the morning, after a punishing and emotionally scarring week. How the hell can you look that good?"

Louise looks up from her sandwich, with a wink and a twinkle in her eye, "Same way you do Kate. Good genes."
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Post by wolfman »

One month later. 

"Are you ready for this?" Ryan asks, casting a glance towards Steve. He takes a hip flask from the inside pocket of his suit jacket, offering it to him. 

Steve shifts nervously, pulling at the collar of his shirt. "No thanks Mike. Would kill for an ice cold beer right about now, though. This heat is killing me."

"Easy fella, you promised Lou that you wouldn't kill anyone today." Ryan says, with a big grin. 

"Yeah, I know. Blood is a bugger to get out of these shirts." Steve shrugs, "Where is she anyway?"

Steve and Mike stand tall, side by side, in dark suits and waist coats. Steve looks past the assembled close friends and the white wooden decking, down the seemingly endless white sands and palm trees of the private beach, looking for a sign of his bride-to-be.

"She will be here mate, don't worry." Mike says with a grin. He beckons Steve closer and whispers, "How many weapons are you carrying?", he asks trying to takes Steve's mind off of his nervousness. 

Steve looks at him with mock indignation, "Mike, come on, it is my wedding day."

"Yeah, I know, what are you packing?" Ryan asks, with a twinkle in his eye. 

Steve scratches the back of his freshly shaved head, "Beretta Nano.", he checks his nails for dirt and slowly exhales, "You?"

Mike smiles, "A Beretta Nano? I never hear you call a gun by its actual name, what gives?"

"Was a present from Kate." Steve says, with a smile. 

"How is she doing?" Ryan asks. 

"She is good mate, once she followed doctors orders, her recovery really took off and she almost ready to go back unto the breach." 

"I thought she was quitting the service." Ryan remarks, raising an eyebrow. 

"She still has a few weeks notice left, I think she has made peace with leaving. Dionne left her enough to be comfortable for the rest of her life." Steve explains, with a soft smile.

"Kate's had a rough deal in this whole thing. I am really pleased things are working out for her." Mike says with a warm smile. "Before you say it, no, I don't fancy her."

"I'll take your word for it." Steve says with a knowing smile.

"Besides, if I make a move, Adam will probably plant me in a shallow grave." Ryan says, looking across at Adam. 

"Really?" Steve asks confused. "Why?"

"Seriously? He looks at her, like she is a squirrel and he is a tree, begging to be climbed."

"That look is probably be gas." Steve shrugs. 

"Yeah, could be, I suppose." Mike chuckles, as he watches the waves, gently lapping the shore.

Kate glances at her immaculately turned out companion, as they cross the hotels car park to the waiting Aston Martin. "You look stunning, Lou." she says with a wide smile, remarking on the white, mermaid style, wedding dress, with a sweetheart neckline and a plunging back. Minimal makeup, a simple veil, and diamond teardrop earrings from the Nirvana groups vaults complete the look. 

Louise looks nervously at Kate for validation. "Do you really think so?"

"You look absolutely beautiful. Steve has seen you every which way, but he has never seen you looking this good." Kate reassures her. "You are going to take his breath away."

Louise smiles at her sister. "Thank you, Kate." she looks at her as se walks, "I have never seen you with your hair and makeup done, you look fantastic." she smiles, "That dress is perfect on you.", she says, referring to the ice white V-necked, satin dress, with a skirt, split from hem to hip. "It's nice for you to show a little skin."

"Thanks Lou, I never wear anything like this." Kate says, self consciously.

"I know." Louise says, placing a hand on her shoulder, "I appreciate you doing this. It means a lot having you by my side today."

"I am so pleased for you. You are Steve are a great couple. I love you both so much." Kate says opening the door for Louise. 

Louise hugs her sister warmly, "We love you too, Kate. Thank you for everything."

"Steve has really surprised me with Kate." Louise reflects, "While Kate was recovering he spent time with her during the day, as I was getting to grips with Nirvana. From what she has told me, he has told her all about their mum and his life growing up and she has shared her life story with him."

She settles back in her seat, almost feeling like it is hugging her, "Kate and Steve have been great with the planning for this. I am curious about where the ceremony will be." She thinks as Kate guides the vehicle out of the car park. 

"We're running late. I am so sorry Lou." Kate says, sadly. 

"It is not your fault, It took me longer to get ready than I thought." Louise says, with a smile. 

"That's not why I am sorry." Kate says, stamping on the accelerator, sending the vehicle surging forward, with a giddy grin on her face. 

Louise giggles and grins at Kate sticking the tip of her tongue between her teeth. "This dress is too tight for me to stick my head between my legs and kiss my ass goodbye. So you'd better drive faster than the reaper can catch us."

Kate hits the bend hard, dropping the revs through the apex of the turn and accelerating hard into the straight. She notes the slight crest of a rise in the road up ahead, easing off on the climb to prevent take off and pushing hard down the other side. 

The Aston is built for performance and in Kate's hands, it earns every penny of it's hefty price tag, eating up the road, at a dizzying pace.

Louise giggles with heady excitement beside her, "You have to teach me how to drive this fast.", she says with a grin. 

"Funny, Steve asked me the same thing." Kate says, with a giggle.

A crescendo of engine noise, heralds their arrival at the beach, ten miles and seven minutes after they left the hotel. They giggle mischievously as the dust settles around the car. 

When the air clears, Louise finds her door being opened by Robert Wickham. She takes his arm and elegantly exits the vehicle. Her breath catches in her throat as she hears the soft rush of the waves, the other side of the dunes. 

Kate steps out into the sun and tenderly pats it's roof, "Good work." she whispers, walking to the vehicles boot. As Louise and Rob join her, Kate hands Louise a bouquet of white roses, gypsophila and pale pink carnations, trimmed with pastel blue satin ribbon. 

Robert helps Louise adjust the veil over her face. "You look beautiful, my dear. Your parents would have been so proud.", he turns to Kate and smiles warmly, "Your father would have been proud of you too, my dear."

He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a small box, "This was your grandmother's, I think she would have wanted you to have it."

Louise opens the box and pulls out the small white gold locket. "It's beautiful." she gasps, opening the locket to see a small picture of her mother and father holding Louise and Helen as babies. She closes it and holds it to her chest as Rob fits the clasp behind her neck.

She closes her eyes and breathes deeply, centring herself, as the first strains of the wedding march, are carried on the breeze.

Steve hears the howl of the Aston Martin and looks back towards the dunes expectantly.  As the string quartet begin to play the wedding march, a gentle breeze stirs.

Louise and Rob emerge from between the dunes, with Kate following closely behind them. When their eyes meet, Louise and Steve beam at each other.

The breeze teases the flared base of Louise dress and the tips of her veil. Steve's eyes moisten, "My God, Louise looks exquisite. I am the luckiest man alive."

Mike discreetly taps his arm and passes him a tissue. "She looks lovely mate, I am so pleased for you both."

The assembled guests turn to see the blushing bride approach, serenading her with gasps and sighs. As she and Rob approach arm in arm, she feels her pulse racing and tears of joy, threaten to ruin her makeup. 

"This is perfect. Palm trees, white sands, sun glistening off of the water and not a cloud in the sky." Louise thinks, struggling to take everything in, as the scent of the nearby jungle and the ocean, rises on the breeze. 

Before she knows it, she is standing beside Steve. They turn to face each other, and Steve dabs his eyes with the tissue and leans forward to whisper, "You look breathtakingly, my darling. I love you so much."

She appraises him in return, loving the way the suit, follows the contours of his muscles without being too snug, "You look so handsome.", she says, feeling like a schoolgirl, speaking to someone she has loved from afar for the first time.

Lovingly, he gazes into her eyes, and holds her hand, "You are incredible. I dedicate my life to you today my darling. This is the knot, I have always wanted us to tie together."

The St Lucian minister approaches and greets them both before casting his gaze over the guests and the bridal party and addressing everyone present, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today...."
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Post by Caesar73 »

Beautiful. The dialogues, the conversations. It is good to see, Kate fully recovered.
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Post by wolfman »

Her heart flutters, swelling in the moment, "It is really happening." she thinks, warmly and taking a deep breath before uttering the words that will change her life.

"I do." Louise says, with a flush to her cheeks. 

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." the minister announces, "You may now kiss your bride.", the slim black man steps back, flashing a smile of perfect white teeth, as Steve embraces his new wife. 

Their lips meet, in a gentle kiss not of lust, but of love. Reflexively, his arms pull her to him as she pulls him to her. The applause of the assembled crowd bring them back to the moment. 

Before Steve releases Lou from his embrace, he whispers, "I can't wait until tonight, Mrs Marks."

Hearing Steve call her Mrs Marks, for the first time as husband and wife, prickles her skin with goosebumps and sends a delicious shiver down her spine, "Neither can I Mr Marks, I want you." she whispers with a wink.

Steve wiggles his wedding ring whispering, "I am yours, always and forever my love."

They turn to their guests and wave, to the sound of cheers. Mike and Kate throw rose petals into the air, that swirl round the happy couple, as cameras click and flash furiously.

As the sun sets over the beach, a gentle breeze teases the fabric of the large marquee, in chorus with the gently lapping waves on the sand.

Louise leans back in her seat, holding her husbands hand. To her left Kate, sits beaming, filled with happiness for Louise and Steve's wedding. To Steve right, Mike sit back, reflecting with a gentle smile as he prepares to give his speech.

The remains of the wedding breakfast are cleared away and everyone's glasses have been filled. Nervously, Mike waits until Steve gives him the nod. He takes to his feet and gently taps his wine glass until the quiet burble of conversation, dies away.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen.", he begins, "I would just like to say a few words about my best friend and his wonderful wife. Please rest assured that I won't prevent you from drinking for too long." he relaxes as he hears the guests gentle laughter. 

"Without going into detail, they had something of a rocky start. But, they listened to their hearts and used the rocks of their start and forged them into a foundation for their love, that will stand the test of time and stand true as a steady bedrock for the rest of their lives." Mike pauses to allow the ahh's and ooh's die down. 

"For as long as I had know him, Steve had been a loner. Putting up walls that no one could climb. I had been working with him for a while and whilst we got on, we never got close. Then I noticed a change in him, small at first be then the walls came down. When he told me that he and Louise were together, it was like he was a different person. Even at that stage, I could tell, she was good for him."

"I remember the first time I met Louise. Sat outside of a dusty office, struck by how far out of his class Steve was punching." he pauses for the chuckles of those gathered. "But more than that, in that moment, I knew that this day would come. On that day, she made me a promise that she has always kept. She is an amazing woman and since she came into Steve's life and he has grown more than for the whole time I have known them." Mike pauses for effect. "I was a copper for a long time and I learned to spot when something wasn't right. With these two," he stops to embrace the pair in the sweep of his hand, "everything slots into place. They are perfect for one another and I ask you to toast their happiness, this evening as I do every evening."

When the applause dies down, Mike retakes his seat. Steve leans across to him, "Good speech mate.", he says quietly, "Wasn't sure what you were going to say."

"Well, I couldn't really say that they had a rocky start, when Steve kidnapped Louise and their relationship didn't really bloom until Steve rescued her from another kidnapper. It developed quickly, whilst Steve had Louise's sister locked in a basement on a steady diet of beans and LSD. Please raise your glasses for living proof that Stockholm syndrome works." Mike chuckles. 

Steve leans towards his best man and laughs, "Yeah, I am glad you didn't go with that one.", unaware that the wedding party, are being watched.

The room falls quiet again to the sound of glass being tapped with a knife. Surprised, Steve and Mike turn to see Kate risen from her seat, with her glass ready. 

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen," Kate says, nervously,‎ pausing briefly, wishing she had rehearsed, "Louise and Steve are amazing as individuals and even better together. I have not had the privalege of knowing them for very long, but in the short time we have shared, they have saved my life, in more ways than one. They are the family, I never knew I had and they have given me so much since they came into my life."

She chokes back tears before continuing, "They say you can't choose your family. For the longest time I was alone, but finding my family has filled me with joy. If I could have chosen my family, I would have chosen you two.", she smiles at Steve and Louise, "Thank you for everything. ‎I feel blessed for the chance to have you in my life. I hope everyone will all join me in a toast, to your love, your happiness and a long future together."

As Kate retakes her seat after the toast, Louise hugs her warmly, "Thank you Kate, we didn't expect you to give a speech. That was lovely." she smiles, "We are blessed to have you in our lives too."

Louise cannot stop smiling, as she walks hand in hand with Steve for their first dance. "Such a shame about Steve's leg, it would have been great to have a classical dance. Mind you I really like the track we chose. This will be amazing." she thinks, facing Steve. 

He nods to the string quartet and they begin to play. "I thought we were going to have Sway by Dean Martin?" Louise thinks confused, as the first few bars drift across the decking. 

Steve steps in close, pulling Louise tight to him. "Kate told me you loved this dance." he whispers, softly brushing her ear with his lips.

As the strings rise in pitch and urgency, Louise surrenders to the music and her husbands lead, as the rhythm of 'Pour Una Cabeza' fills her heart and the power of the Argentine tango, grips her soul. 

Cheek to cheek, body to body, hip to hip, they glide with sensual grace. For the newlyweds, nothing exists, but each other and the music, as their bodies move in perfect unison to the strains of the music. Every step quickens their pulses, every turn, stoking the flames of passion within them.

As the music ends, Steve leans forward, bending Louise back and kissing her deeply. Each sweep of his tongue against hers, electrifying their senses. 

He straightens up, bringing her with him and they stand breathless, as their guests cheer. "Thank you." Louise whispers. 

"Kate told me you liked the tune and your uncle Rob said, that you always loved that dance. I thought it a little more appropriate for our first dance together, Mrs Marks. I really hope you approve." Steve explains in a whisper.

"It was perfect, thank you so much Steve." Louise says with shining eyes. "Just you wait until I get you alone later."‎

Beyond the edge of the party, a lone figure sits, quietly watching the proceedings.  

As the band starts to play and the dance floor is filled with revellers, Kate steps back from the reception, retreating to the shadows. She lights a cigarette and savours the cool breeze cutting through the heat of the day, before running her fingers through her hair.

"After a day in the limelight with the happy couple, I need a break from the attention.", she thinks, taking off her heels. 

With her dark hair and tan, from a distance, she give the illusion off a sheer white dress, floating in the air, across the sand, between the beached row boats, towards the sea. 

The warm water caresses her aching feet and after a long day, she feels herself relax as her toes sink slightly into the sand. "This has been the best day, I am so pleased I have been a part of it."

She walks a little way along the shore, to the edge of where the music can be heard and stares up at the sky, counting the stars. Kate pauses and listens to the waves, "Is there any better medicine than this?"

She lights another cigarette and begins slowly walking back to the party, through the ankle deep surf. "Back to the madness." she thinks, feeling refreshed.

Kate walks slowly towards the party, embracing the scents and sights of the evening. The haze of the nights champagne, making her oblivious to the darkly clad figure watching her from the shadows.
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Post by slackywacky »

After being a way for a while, I had lots to catch up on, including this story.
And I in particular like stories that you write @wolfman
Your writing style stands out from most others.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

I guess, the time of joy and relaxation is about to end :) Who is watching Kate? Will he or she just watch or act?
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Post by wolfman »

[mention]slackywacky[/mention] Thank you very much for your kind words, I try where possible to keep things fresh and write so it is easier to visualise what is going on. I appreciate your kind words.

[mention]Caesar73[/mention]. Who is to say? Maybe that is a tale for another time, as this one draws to a close.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Was that already the last part of this story [mention]wolfman[/mention] ?
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Post by wolfman »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago Was that already the last part of this story @wolfman ?
Not quite the end, but nearly.
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Post by lochness »

I was thinking that the person watching from the shadows is just making sure Louise and Steve are fine and well. And then just disappears.

Thank you for the wedding on a beach.
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Post by wolfman »

lochness wrote: 3 years ago I was thinking that the person watching from the shadows is just making sure Louise and Steve are fine and well. And then just disappears.

Thank you for the wedding on a beach.
It somehow seemed more fitting than a wedding at the Chateau, somehow more in keeping. So much of the major events have happened near bodies of water, it felt right.
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Post by wolfman »

Louise lays back in Steve's arms, as he carries her across the threshold of their suite. She gazes up at him, with wide loving eyes. He brushes the door closed with his heel and whispers, "I love you so much, Mrs Marks."

"I love you too Mr Marks." she replies breathlessly, as she pulls his head down for a kiss.

As their lips part, Steve smiles at Louise. "What?" she asks, nervous. 

"Have you noticed that kissing feels different since we wed?" Steve whispers, carrying her to the bedroom. 

"I have, but can't put my finger on why.", she say biting her lip. 

"I think, our kisses before were fervent, as if each could be our last. Now they are luxurious, as if each kiss is the promise of more to come.", he says softly

"I like that a lot." she whispers as he sets her gently on the chair.

"Will love making will feel different too?" He wonders, as he sets to work unbuttoning her dress, "Right now, I am so glad you didn't go for a corset waist."

"Cheeky. Do you like the dress?" Louise asks, speculatively. 

"It is beautiful, Lou. It shows off every part of you. You took my breath away, when you walked up the aisle towards me.", he admits. 

"Kate said it would. She helped me pick the dress." Louise says with a smile. 

"You both did a great job. This has been the best day of my life." Steve says softly as he helps Louise slip out of the dress. She takes the dress from him and hangs it up inside it's cover, while, Steve pours them each a glass of champagne. 

Steve watches his wife, as she glides around the room, clad in white breast cups, panties, stockings, heels and wedding garter. Her perfectly toned and tanned body accentuated, by the delicate white undergarments. He sits open mouthed, hypnotised by the display. 

Louise sees him staring and smiles mischievously, "Like what you see Mr Marks?"

"You are beautiful, beyond my ability to describe, Mrs Marks. Thank you for being my wife." Steve says shrugging off his jacket and loosening his tie.

"Thank you for being my life.", she says softly, as she removes his tie and starts unbuttoning his wait coat.  

"I will always be yours, Lou." he unbuttons his shirt and discards, it showing his well muscled torso. Louise kisses his chest softly. 

She sinks into his arms, as he reaches behind her, pulling her close with one hand and stroking the small of her back with the other.

Louise gently rocks in his arms, resting her head on his chest, as he leans back. He strokes her hair as she kisses his chest. Gently she pulls away and rises to her feet. He moves to stand with her. She places her hand gently on his chest and whispers, "You gave me a first dance, I will never forget Mr Marks, now it is your turn."

Steve settles into an armchair, watching his wife as she steps back and says, "Media. Play Sade, No ordinary love."

Louise closes her eyes and tilts her head back, as she strokes her skin, from her neck, down to her breasts. She slips the cups from her breasts and discards them on the chair behind her. Her hands return to her breasts, kneeding and caressing them, as she sedictively sways her hips. 

Steve watches rapt, by the vision of his wife slowly writhing before him. He sits on the chair giving her a standing ovation, that threatens to tear his trousers.

Louise places her hands over her breasts and bites her lip, before turning away from him. His pulse quickens, when she looks over her shoulder and winks.

He unzips his trousers to release the pressure, marvelling at his wifes perfect behind, as she bends forward, rolling her hips. Louise's hands caress her hips and when she bends forward, her hands travel slowly down her legs, to stroke the back of her calves. 

The combination of the position and her heels, accentuate the tanned, toned muscles of her legs beautifully, as she seductively sways in time to the rhythm. 

Slowly she straightens up, moving her hand up her legs, caressing her behind, as she sways, slowly she turns, trailing her hands a little way up her back and over her stomach before cupping her breasts. 

Steve is transfixed by the taut muscles of her stomach as she writhes, snakelike in front of him. "Every day, you give me a new reason to love you.", he muses.

Louise's right hand, strays from her breast and caresses her neck, before she slides a finger into her mouth, sucking and licking it as she pins Steve to the chair, with a smouldering look.

Slowly, she glides towards him and places her hands on his hips. He lifts himself slightly allowing Louise to pull down his trousers and shorts, freeing his manhood to stand proud and tall. 

Louise kneels between his legs and bows her head, teasing the inside of his thighs and privates with her hair. Steve moans softly as he looks down, seeing his wife raise her head with a look of wanton desire. 

She holds his gaze, as she takes a glass of champagne and toasts her love. He takes the glass from her and places back on the side table, as her hot lips, envelope him. 

He gasps, "The heat of her lips, the cool of the champagne, the frisson of the bubbles. This is amazing."

As she slowly explores him with her lips and tongue, she swallows the champagne, savouring the cool liquid and the taste of her husband. 

She pulls back, with only the head of his member in her mouth and, gentle teases it with her tongue, tracing a figure eight over and over, before plunging her mouth down the length of his shaft until the back of her throat stops it's journey. 

In another world, Sade has stopped singing, but Louise has found her own rhythm, as she travels the length of her husband. Slow and fast by turns, her mouths journey continues, whilst her tongue takes it own course, probing, caressing and stroking the prisoner in her mouth. 

She moves her hands from his thighs, taking the base of his shaft in one cool hand, whilst caressing his balls with the other. 

"I have no idea how much longer I can hold on. This is incredible." Steve thinks, struggling to gather his thoughts, in the face of such a sensory crescendo.

She releases his shaft and lifts her head briefly to take more champagne as she caresses his balls gently. Steve breathes deeply, his body slick with sweat. He strokes her hair as her mouth takes him again. 

He leans back and tenses, allowing the combination of hot and cold, gently tingling of the bubbles and the power of her lips and tongue, break through the walls of his resolve. 

Louise smiles to herself, as he explodes into her mouth, she swallows his load and licks him dry, looking up at him from between his legs. All she sees is love in his clear blue eyes, as he gazes back at her, unable to speak. 

She releases him and pulls back, wiping her mouth. Louise stays on her knees and looks up at Steve expectantly. 

"That was amazing. Thank you Lou, that was certainly a dance, I will never forget." Steve says, with a gentle warmth. 

"You always do so much for me. I wanted to give something back." Louise says beaming. 

"I worship you Louise. I always have." Steve confesses, still recovering, "That was incredible."

"If you thought that was good, you wait until my knickers come off." she says, with a seductive glint in her eyes. "Why don't you get cleaned up and I will see you in the bedroom."

"Are you sure you are up for this?" Steve asks, hopefully. 

"Yes, my love. I will just need a few minutes." she says, with a kiss. "I will be ready when you are."

Steve sighs as he watches Louise enter the bedroom, "I hate seeing her go, but I love watching her leave.", he thinks, transfixed by her pert, firm cheeks, swaying with her walk. 

He removes the rest of his clothes and races to the bathroom. Resting his hands on the sink, he looks up at his reflection, his normally piercing blue eyes, softened at the edges by the afterglow of her affections. 

After splashing water on his face and rubbing a cool wet have over her closely shaven scalp, he smiles, reflecting on the day. "A perfect day, beautiful weather, stunning location, exquisite wife and now a night to remember."

He quickly washes himself down and brushes his teeth, making sure he is ready for anything.
Steve smiles at his reflection and thinks, "I think I have kept her waiting long enough."

Steve opens the door to the bedroom and sighs at the vision before him. Louise lay back on the bed, naked, save for the red ribbons wound around her chest, then down between her legs and tied off with a bow. 

She lay back, her arms and legs spread wide, held fast in red leather cuffs. Louise looks up as he enters and and gazes longingly at her husband. In a husky voice she whispers, "Well hello Mr Marks, are you ready to unwrap your wedding gift?"

Steve gazes down at her, seeing not just her body, or the restraints, but also the unbridled love he feels for her. Slowly he crossed the room, savouring the moment. 

He lovingly strokes her side, before leaning down to softly kiss her. Louise moans softly as their lips part and she watches, as he reaches for the ribbon securing the bow. 

Steve plays with the ribbon, but does not pull it. "We have a lifetime." He whispers, as his hands slowly explore her body, "No need to rush."

Louise bites her lip at the electric feel of his touch on her bound body. A gutteral moan escapes her lips, as he kisses the soft flesh of her stomach and she let's the world fall away and lose herself in the sensation. 

Steve rises from the bed and slowly pulls the ribbon securing the bow, freeing her breasts. He sighs warmly thinking to himself, "Not even a full day and I already love being married. This promises to be a very, long night."

The End
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]wolfman[/mention] I've only just started reading this tale, but wanted to extend a special congratulations for bringing it to completion.
Takes quite a bit of dedication to work on interconnected, continuing tales and actually finish them.

The opening scene is gruesome and quite gripping.
Well done, mate!
You carry your username well 8-)

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Post by lochness »

An excellent ending. For a reason I can't explain, I saw Steve looking just like Steve McGarrett. Except that he is not even near as romantic as Steve Marks.
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Post by wolfman »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] I really appreciate you taking the time to comment on this and hope you enjoy this tale. Writing this and it's two sequels has done a lot to keep me sane in a world gone mad. These characters and the world of these stories, has more to share and I am sure another tale will be on its way shortly.

[mention]lochness[/mention] That is an interesting choice and I can see where you are coming from there. In my head Steve is kind of a mix between Charlie Hunham and Henry Caville.
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Post by slackywacky »

The end?????? Darn, how will I pass the endless hours of my sleepless nights in the dimly lit bedroom without this tale of intrigue.

I am devastated but I will devote my time to devouring the next story from your hands! Thanks for a great story.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by wolfman »

slackywacky wrote: 3 years ago The end?????? Darn, how will I pass the endless hours of my sleepless nights in the dimly lit bedroom without this tale of intrigue.

I am devastated but I will devote my time to devouring the next story from your hands! Thanks for a great story.
[mention]slackywacky[/mention] Thank you for your kind words, Slacky. I am glad you enjoyed it.

And don't worry, their Devastation has passed, but a Revelation will soon follow.
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Post by Caesar73 »

wolfman wrote: 3 years ago
slackywacky wrote: 3 years ago
And don't worry, their Devastation has passed, but a Revelation will soon follow.
I´m all in :)
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Post by GreyLord »

Wolfman, I have just finished reading Devastation 8 months after its completion. It has been a long time since a story has captured my interest as this has. I have enjoyed every minute spent reading both the story and the comments of other readers.

It has been interesting to see that you remind readers of other great authors. I certainly do not take exception to any of their comparisons. But I would like to mention two other writers that came to my mind as I progressed through Devastation. First, there is a frisson of Arthur Conan Doyle. Steve has command of situations much as Sherlock did. Then there is Leslie Charteris, the creator of the Saint. Steve has the gusto for life displayed by Simon Templar.

But you have not just given us Steve. Louise and Kate are both characters worthy of additional stories. I encourage you to contemplate publishing your work commercially. You have enormous potential.
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Post by wolfman »

GreyLord wrote: 3 years ago Wolfman, I have just finished reading Devastation 8 months after its completion. It has been a long time since a story has captured my interest as this has. I have enjoyed every minute spent reading both the story and the comments of other readers.

It has been interesting to see that you remind readers of other great authors. I certainly do not take exception to any of their comparisons. But I would like to mention two other writers that came to my mind as I progressed through Devastation. First, there is a frisson of Arthur Conan Doyle. Steve has command of situations much as Sherlock did. Then there is Leslie Charteris, the creator of the Saint. Steve has the gusto for life displayed by Simon Templar.

But you have not just given us Steve. Louise and Kate are both characters worthy of additional stories. I encourage you to contemplate publishing your work commercially. You have enormous potential.
[mention]GreyLord[/mention] thank you for your very kind words. I really appreciate the comparisons to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Leslie Charteris.

Steve is a master of his craft and commands any situation he finds himself in. Louise at here core is a submissive, but only for Steve, in her life she is in control. Kate on the other hand is as strong as Steve, but lacks his inner darkness. Individually they are strong, but together they are truly formidable.

I am toying with the possibility of publishing and in the future I may well do.

Thank you again for reading and taking the time to comment.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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