A Tight relationship F/M

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Nightly Binds
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A Tight relationship F/M

Post by Nightly Binds »

Hey everyone, after reading so many stories of Tie up games, and becoming so inspired by many works, I figure it was about time I'd give it a go myself, so this is my first story, and it is mainly me just seeing if I can write out a Tug scenario, so for that, I'm keeping it a bit simple of a premise but do let me know what you think.

A Tight relationship F/M

we both sat there on the Sofa trying to find something interesting to watch on Netflix, It has been a rather boring and uneventful Saturday evening, I was over at my Girlfriend House, which she insisted we spend the weekend at this time sense we had spent the past few at my place and that it was high time we spent time together at hers, to me it didn't really matter where we spent it as I figured we'd just be happy to be in each other's company., My name is Matt by the way, I'm 21 while my girlfriend, Julianna or just Julie as she is more commonly called, is just one year under at 20 and is a very sweet and kind girl and very pretty with her long brown Hair that flowed down behind her shoulders, there was always this innocent charm to her that I just found appealing., she though did sometimes have this playful attitude to her that I did noticed ever sense we been dating a little over a couple months now. she sometimes just liked to playfully tease in a variety of ways from calling me teasing little nick names like Matty bear or Matty pooh knowing I never really like it, but I never let it bug me, and I would say we were pretty happy together I think, as Julie always wanted to spend as much time with me as she could, from texting me about how I was doing and how much she couldn't wait to spend the weekend with me, I always saw Julie as just an overall cute and innocent mind, However I was soon going to learn the full extent of her playful ways, that I would have not excepted from her, and just how it'd change Our relationship in a way I'd never expect.

" Babe, it's been nearly a half hour and we still haven't found anything to watch " said to me, her voice emitting a pout like tone and sulked back onto her couch cushions

" Well, everything I suggest that we watch you keep turning down and you haven't come up with any options " I say in a joking tone, However I could still see the serious look on her face after saying that " um but if you do have anything in mind " I asked as she then perked up and slowly came over to me, her face inched from my own, I swear she was about to lean forward and kiss me, however instead she reached her hand towered and then plucked the remote out of my grip.

" ooooh, I might have some choices, and seeing as this is my TV..I should be the one to choose " she said in an almost seductive tone fallowed by a cute laugh as she backed away, to which I simply chuckled,

" well okay then, what would you have in mind then, It better not be a Chick flick, I said giving her a fake stern tone, but she knew I really didn't care for those type of movies either way.

However she didn't respond but instead simply began to search through the selections with a little smirk, giving me my answer . I couldn't help but notice that the way she seemed really eager to find what she wanted to watch as she had entered Crime movies section, which I did think was a little odd, never figured she'd be into crimes movies; however, I was proven wrong apparently when she stopped on a selection and blurted out.

" oooh, let's watch this one, ! " it almost startled me a bit admittedly. however, I looked at the title of the movie she was referring too which read simply read " Captive Thoughts " the image showing what looked like an old dusty room that had a single chair in it,

The title alone did interest me a bit and I could see it was in the crime Genre. I looked at her a bit confusingly, again as it didn't seem like the type of thing she'd be into. but I didn't see a reason not to watch it, though I still asked why this one.

she smiled at me, " I just hear it's pretty interesting, let's just give it a watch, it's better than sitting around and not deciding on what to watch I say " she said as I thought about it and, she did have a point, I didn't want to be doing that any longer "

" um, alright them sure, why not, " I said as Julie nodded with a smile and selected the movie. and soon enough it started up. as it did, Julie then got really close to me, and rested her head on my shoulder, I smiled as I pulled her in closer to me. we then proceeded to watch the movie together.

The film from what I could gather was about a man who wakes up in a dark room , tied to a chair, his hands were tied behind his back around the chair with duct tape, and his legs tied also tied together with tape wrapping around his ankles.
his mouth was gagged with a single strip of tape, he looked quite alarmed as he realized his current predicament. and began to thrash and scream into his gag as he looked around. I didn't really know what to make of this intro, but I had to admit, it was an interesting start, I glanced over at Julie who seemed to be very invested in the opening as I watched her stared at the screen. I couldn't help but notice how, captivated she seemed to be just from this scene as the man moan and groaned into his gag struggling to get loose.

Well anyway, later in the movie, we learn that the man is being Held captive by some women in what is revealed to be an old abandoned warehouse. apparently, this woman has kidnapped this man and his holding him ransom from a business rival or something like that. and the movie would jumpy from the man being held captive as his capturer would check on him now and again making sure he was not going anywhere. to the detectives trying to locate his where abouts. I had to admit, while the acting wasn't the best, I certainly was getting into it, and I could tell Julie was very much as well.

Eventually the movie came to an end with the Man being finally rescued as the women was arrested, with the man going over in a self-monologue about how he felt during he experience and how it changed him, he was glad to be free, but deep down he felt there was a part of him that was still captive in some way, as he watched the women be taken away, as sadistic grin was still on her face.

as the credits rolled, I felt Julie beginning to shift a bit next to me until she finally sat back up, she then turned to me,

" well, what did you think of that ? " she asked, as I looked at her, I thought of what I should say, as truthfully I didn't think the movie was anything spectacular but I didn't think it was bad either and I figured she must have thought the same on it, so deciding to not be super serious I put on my best critiquing voice.

" hmm, I don't know, it wasn't so bad, the plot was decent, the score was suspenseful, the acting was pretty cheap, " I said acting as thought to list off all the important facts, then I said " though the realism was pretty weak, I mean did you see how poorly he was tied up, " I said in a joking manner, " however i then notice Julie seemed to look a bit more interested when I said that,

" what do you mean by that ? " she said her tone, very carious, I though not thinking anything of it said.

" oh, Well, Umm, you know how it is with these types of movies were the victim is loosely tied and can't get out of their bonds for whatever reason, " I said as Julie seemed more intruded to know what I meant.

" explain it to, how was he not tied properly then " she said as I looked at her, I was starting to wonder if she was actually be serious, but simply decided to explain it to her.

" well, his hands for starters, they were behind his back around the chair, even though the back of the chair was not nearly high enough for him to not be able to pull them over if he tried hard enough. not to mention his legs were only bound at the ankles, I'm sure that if he could manage to stand himself up, he'd be free from the chair, "I said as Julie now rested her arm on the back of the couch, clearly invested in what I was saying.

" okay, so, what if he could get up them, he'd still be bound, he's not be able to get the tape off easily " she said as if she was testing my knowledge on the whole thing, however I just told her what I'd do if I were him.

" well there was all those rusty pipes in the room. some broken with sharp edges, he could have hopped over to one and worked on cutting himself loose on one then free his ankles once his hands are. he then could have like, I don't know jumped the women when she returned and made his escape " I said .

" oh " I hear Julie respond " so, you think, that if it looked like they were better tied, that would have made it better ? " she said which made me look at her for a moment, I could see a rather, serious look on her face as she stared right into me, however I didn't think much of it and simply shrugged.

" well, I mean, it just looked like an easy escape to me, if they at least made it'd look like they couldn't escape, it wouldn't destroy some of the believability, I mean when you know the stakes are high but they don't seem all that confined and don't make much an effort to put a stop to it, you can't get sucked into it. " I said hoping I made my point clear, I then looked over at Julie as she, didn't say anything for a moment, but instead just continued to be staring at me, almost intensely, I swear though I could see a slight smile appear on her face

" I see then, hmm, well," she began as she rubbed her chin and not speaking, I could see and Idea forming in her eyes. she then looked at me with a rather, unusual expression.

" well what ? " I asked cocking my head a little, I never seen her act like this so I was really carious to know what she was thinking.

" Well, " she paused for a second " how about you let me Tie you up " she said without saying any more, even when I didn't respond right away, as I must admit, I was a bit taken back by that suggestion,

" Tie me up ? what do you mean tie me up ? " I said sounding a little dumb founded of what, clearly was an obvious statement, but my mind just couldn't believe what she was suggesting

" Tie you up, you know, like in the movie, I'll tie you to a chair and, well, we'll see if you can really escape it like you say " she said with a simple tone in her voice like it was nothing, yet she was suggesting I be bound to chair.

I could only look at her for a moment, I didn't know what to say, let her tie me up, something about it just, seemed a bit strange to me, I never thought about being tied up before.

" are you for real, you, as in actually tie me up right now, here ? " I said as Julie then smile lightly,

" well, yeah, right here, right not, so you can prove that being tied to a chair is an easy escape like in the movie " she said as I was still a bit unsure how to respond.

" well ? " she spoke again waiting for my answer. I thought about it for a moment, as my eyes gazed around the room, then landed back onto her,

" umm, well I uh, guess it'd be okay " I said clearly not sounding sure. " what would you even tie me up with ? " I said as I could see another grin growing on her face.

" oh, well, I know I have some duct tape around here, I could use it, just like in the movie, i'll bind you to one of the chairs in the kitchen and, you'd try to escape " she explained, as I glanced over at the kitchen, then rubbed the back of my head, didn't want her to think I was afraid or anything, I just was not prepared for such an offer. so with that I told her,

" oooh, alright, fine, lets try it then " it was there I saw the grin on her face grow even larger.

so with that said, Julie had left to the kitchen telling me to wait here, which I did as i didn't really see were else to go ? but anyway, I Soon I heard her return from the kitchen, this dragging in one of the Kitchen chairs across the floor, where she finally set it down in the middle of the living room facing it away from me, she then turned to face me and gave me a little smirk,

" Okay you, Hop on " she said giving the seat of the chair a little pat with her hand, I stood up and walked over to the chair and looked at it for a moment, I couldn't believe I was doing this but not wanting to back out I then simply took a seat on it, resting my hands on my lap. Julie then walked over to one of the drawers alongside the couch and opened it up and began to rummage through it she then pulled something out and turned to me, I saw what she had in her hands, It was a rather large roll of duct tape she had mentioned,

" okay then, let's do this " I said with a light role of my eyes but also a little grin letting her know I was key on still playing along. she giggled as she then began explaining what she wanted me what to do.

" okay, first place your arms behind your back " she said with a firm nod, as I did as she instructed , I placed both my arms together behind my back as I then heard the sound of the Duct tape being pulled from the roll. I then felt her place the end of the strip on my arms, and then begin unwinding and wrapping the roll around it a few times,, it was a good think I had very little hair on my arms, but I still wasn't too sure how i'd feel when it was time to remove it, but then I began to think this was a little strange as, the person in the movie was not tied with their hands simply behind their back, but behind the chair ? however, I didn't bring it up to Julie at the moment.

" There. that should do it for that ? " she said with a satisfied grin " now to make sure my " captive " can't run off " she said as she made her way to the front of me and the chair with the roll of tape still in hand, where she then knelt down before me.

" let's just take care of these " she said as she began to wrap the tape around my Left leg and the chair's leg, she wound the tape all the way up my leg and stopped just below my knee, practically covering the whole thing, again, glad I was wearing jeans, as I certainly did not want to deal with having that pulled off as my legs were more hairy then my arms., I felt how pinned my leg felt on the chair as I tried to wriggle it a bit, but it was stuck firmly, I then watched as Julie did the same thing to my other leg wrapping it up from my ankle to below my knee,, and once she was done she finally stood back up.

" okay, how are we feeling then ? can you move your legs at all ? " she asked me as I gave her an example of how stuck they were by trying to wriggle them, but all I could succeed in doing was wiggling my feet a little.

" hmm, yeah, I don't think you'll be getting out of that chair then, but still we need to make sure of it don't we ? " she said as she held up the tape in front of me and gave it a little wiggle., she then walked over behind me gain as I hear her pull the tape yet again and this time proceed to wrap it around my upper body, around my chest pinning me back against the chair now tightly, it was there I decided to ask her, why she was trying me so differently compared to the Movie.

" Uh Julie, I know I said you could tie me to the chair, but this isn't what I thought, I mean, this is nothing like how it was done in the movie, I said wriggling a bit trying to test my restraints.

" I know that " she simply said as she now took the tape and began to use it to wind around my Torso and the back of the chair. I turned my head to look as her as she did.

" but, I thought that's how you'd tie, me, you said you'd tie me to a chair like in the movie so I can show you how easy it is to escape " I said as she finally tore the tape loose from the role. and stood up and walked over to the front of me again.

" well, if you think about it, I said I'd tie you to a chair like in the movie," she said as she played with the roll of duct tape in her hand and not looking me in the eye, but I could see a slight Mischievous smile appear on her face" however I didn't say I'd tie you exactly how it was done int he movie, " she said now looking up at me, I looked at her a bit dumbfounded...

" what ? but you sai-"

"I know what I said, and I'm telling you now, that this is how I'm doing it " she said folding her arms now and giving a little sly smirk.

I couldn't believe it, she, she had tricked me, and after knowing that, I suddenly didn't feel like wanting to be tied up anymore. and began to protest this whole thing.

" okay, you got me, I get it, I shouldn't have made fun of the movie, you made your point, , just untie then " I said with a sigh, and hoping she'd comply, however she just looked at me with that smirk she had been giving me constantly all night..

" hey now, that wouldn't be fair now would it ? you said to me you would escape if I tied you to a chair, we barely even started this, and in fact I'm not even quire done yet , what sense would it be to just let you go now ? " she said as I looked at her in disbelief

I looked at her still a bit baffled " look I only said I'd escape because of how I thought I'd be tied ? " I said as I squirmed a bit in my bonds.

" well, maybe you still can, " she said with a little teasing manner as she notice the rather annoyed look in my eyes, she then knelt next to me and place her hand on my cheek stroking it a bit " oh but come on, this can be fun, just think, you being my little captive for the evening, " she said in an almost seductive playful tone. which I admit did cause me to blush just a little, I could tell that she clearly was just wanting to have some fun with this,. and looking down at my bond state and didn't say anything but only gave a little sigh. I didn't know exactly what to say right now. but Julie spoke back up again

" okay look, I just thought it'd be a little fun if we played around with this, like, you could spend the evening being my " Captive " so you'd remained tied here until I'd let you go after a little while, unless you manage to escape first. " she said as she lightly rubbed my Shoulder, but from the look she was giving me as I notice her eyes gaze focus down at my Bonds, I could tell she didn't expect me to be doing that anytime soon, she then spoke back up " but If you really don't want to do this, I'll untie right now then, you just say it, " she said with a sinecure tone, as I looked up at her now, I felt my bonds as I gave one little squirm in them, I knew it wouldn't be easy getting out of these, though looked back up at Julie, and saw the look on her face, she really was serious about this wasn't she ? it's almost as though she was, planning on this or something , especially backed up by the way she tricked me, but I quickly shoved that thought from my head, and began to focus what I should say, I admit, it did feel a little, nice to be at the mercy of the woman you really liked and as a plus, thought was very attractive. and she did have that sweet personality to her, perhaps this could be fun ? maybe I did overact a little by being quick to be annoyed, so maybe I could just play a long for a bit, after all it was harmless fun, I thought as I looked up at Julie who was still patiently waiting for my response, taking a deep breath,, I decided to just, go for it then.

" okay then," I said with a nod " lets do it " Julie looked at me with pure glee in her eyes,

" oh, really ! thank you so much, ! she exclaimed acting like a little kid who just got the best gift ever on their birthday " I know you'll enjoy this, trust me ! " she said giving me a little kiss on the cheek, as I blushed once again, I did like seeing her happy.

" yeah sure, no problem " I said still a bit unsure about what to expect or think of all this. but decided to just go with it.

" Alright then, back to serious business then " she said her tone now turning much Firmer. " time to make sure my captive is taken care of completely " she said with a serious nod, then took the role of duct tape in her hand and tore a piece loose. " have to make sure you can't call for help , so close your eyes and open your " she said as I wondered what she meant by that, I knew she was refiring to gagging me, but, what did she plan to put in my mouth ? however, I simply did as I was told and shut my eyes and opened my mouth, as I hear her doing something, I heard sound of something sliding off something then moments after I felt some soft balled up martial being placed in my Mouth, I opened my eyes a bit surprised by the taste. which let's just say didn't taste like candy. however, before I could spit it out, Julie applied the strip of duct tape over my mouth, sealing it inside, however wasn't down yet as she applied another strip, followed by another and another and finally one more, I now had five strips plastered across my face.

" Mmmpphhh ! " I shout out of my gag, not caring for the bitter taste in my mouth, but at this point I it's not like I could say anything on it really.

" okay, there we go, now your all taken care of, tied down and quiet, " she said as she stroked my cheek again. and looked at me with her seductive eye " I hope you like the taste of that sock, I been wearing it all day just for you " she said in a teasing manner she then showed off her bare foot now that was missing a sock.

" Mmmmph " I looked down at her bare foot now then up at her, as she smiled at me and ran her hands through my hair.

" alright Matty Pooh, " she said using that Nickname I hated. " it's time you be a good captive and say there nice and still, don't make any noises, not that you can much " she said with a giggle as I grumbled a bit into my gag.

" once your " ransom " is paid I'll let you go, " she added, as she seemed to ponder on what she was going to do next

" hmm perhaps we could watch another movie together, the night is still young " she said, as she looked at me, as if waiting for me to respond.

" oh right, you can't speak, silly me " she giggled, ,well another movie sounds perfect, but first, I'm going to go make something to eat while we watch the flim,, you can just sit back and relax for a bit, and maybe see if you can get out, but I don't think I'll need to worry about my captive going anywhere until I say " she said with a wink before heading out of the room leaving me there alone now,

I sat there on the chair as I tested my bonds some more, I struggled and pulled at them as best I could but all I could succeed in doing was causing to the chair to shake a little and creak with my struggles, I could not even get a single limb loose, my arms remained pinned back behind me, my body practically glued to the chair and my legs firmly held against the legs of the chair, I couldn't even call out for help if this was a real captive situation, bottom line I was really stuck.

I hear Julie in the kitchen as she prepared her food, the sound of something frying could be heard in there, and I could smell a rather delicious aroma and I wondered just what she had instore for me when she got back, did she just plan to leave me like this as she ate and maybe watched some TV or something ? I just wasn't sure, I decided to continue with my attempts of trying to get loose but, I don't think that was going to work out in my favor. the tape held tight and I felt like it was getting tighter the more I fought against it, but I was determined to try and free myself, imagining what I'd do if I really was being held captive like in the movie, but at least the scenery looked nicer I thought as I glanced around, then moved my tongue a bit and was reminded of the not so pleasant taste in my mouth. that I was not very fond of at all.

soon heard Julie call out from the Kitchen, " how's it going in there ? are you being a good captive and staying still ? " she said in a teasing tone as I looked over at the doorway.

" Iiggh cagghn ghh ghlllse ! " I called back trying to tell her I can't get loose.

" that's good, keep being an obedient captive " I heard her respond, not sure if she even understood me, but I just slumped back as best I could as I waited for her to return, I know I was not getting out of this on my own, so best to just wait it through, I guess.

Shortly after what must have only been a few minutes, Julie had returned into the room with what looked like a bowl of spaghetti and an iced beverage, how did she have time to make spaghetti in there ? I thought, though as if she read my mind, she answered me.

" some left overs, fried it up really quick " she said as she took as seat on the sofa now and set her drink on the side stand by the couch.

I turned my attention back in front of me, not sure of what to do now, how would she know I couldn't escape ? did she already know I couldn't ? so just when did she plan to let me go, I wondered ?

" right then as we decided,, some more TV " I heard her say as I saw the TV flick on in front of me. " sense you're a little tied up now, I guess I'll be the one to be doing all the picking, and I know I picked a good movie last time, so, this time I know you'll just love what I have in store " I heard her say with a tone that made me start to think otherwise. I watched as the screen on Netflix began scroll about its options.

" hmm, what to watch, what to watch " I hear Julie say behind me, " ooh, wait I think I have just the thing " she said as saw the screen quickly scroll to one section, " How about a nice " Chick Flick " ? " she asked as my eyes widened,

" Mmmmh ggghh ! " I tried to yell, not wanting to have to endure and hour of what ever that could consist of.

" hmm if you don't want us to watch one , then just say so, I'll find something else " I heard her say in a mocking tone, I began to grunt and scream into my gag not wanting her to turn one on, I know she knew I couldn't do or say anything about it but still I couldn't contain myself.

" mmmppph ! ggmmmpph ! "

" well, I guess if you aren't going to say anything, you don't mind then, okay i'll pick this one " she said in a cutesy tone and pressed play on the movie, the title I couldn't care less about to mention, but I knew I was in for a not very good time now.

" Gggrrggh "

" so not like you to let me watch one of these movies, you always say you don't like them, I can never understand why, but nice of you to give it another chance " I hear her say

I groaned into my Gag as the movie started up, and I was forced to watch and listen to it first hand with the chair I was taped to practically positioned in the centre of the room facing the TV. Julie though paid no attention to my obvious annoyance as she helped herself to her fried spaghetti and watched the Movie which I unfortunately learned was about a bunch of ladies heading to Los Vegas for a " Girls only " Time, which was mainly just full of gossip and how much fun Girl's time is. Ugh I just did my best to sit through it as it wasn't like I had many other options.

" mmmm this spaghetti is SOOO delicious. " I heard Julie as she enjoyed her Meal, I glanced back at her a bit as watched her take a bite of her food as she then looked over at me " ooh, where are my manners, did you want some ? " she said with a smile, I did have to admit, I was a little hungry I had not eaten sense I first came over, the smell of the fried Noodles did come off as very appealing to me, I guess Julie must have notice how I was looking at her food so she said,

" i'll take that as a yes " she said with a grin, " here how about this, after I finish mine, I'll then let you have some ? "

I looked at her and felt my stomach give a little grumble, prompting me to give little nod. to which she just giggled then said.

well I bet so as it'll probably taste a lot better than that sock in your mouth " she teased as I just mumbled into my gag, but she was right, in the mean time I turned back as I was forced to watch the Movie some more as she ate her Meal. which I now knew was focusing on one of the girls who has fallen for a guy she met at the resort they are staying at, and her girlfriends were not having any of that on their girls only Time and attempting to keep them apart, cause yeah, that's reasonable.

Julie however finally finished her meal as she stood up now. " alright then, I'm going to go take care of this dish, then I'll come back and let you have yours " she said with a smile as she headed out of the room, leaving me alone with the movie still playing.

I wished she would have at least paused it so I could at least have a break from it, I shook my head as I then proceed to look around and decide to my bonds another little strain, wondering of the tape had weakened in anyway. but of course just like before, they were holding firm as ever. I then thought about what Julie said about the sock in my mouth. which I certainly had to agree, anything would be better than having this in my mouth. I moved my tongue bit as I felt the balled-up sock of hers shift a bit in my mouth, and causing me to wince a little, I was almost crazy to believe what exactly was happening right now, the position that I was In. here I was, Duct taped to a chair in my Girlfriends House, and gagged with one of her own socks, and I let her do this to me, let her talk me into this. I never would have thought that spending an evening at her place would ever lead to something like this. Yet, despite that, I couldn't help but feel, a little excited from it, like just how thrilling this actually was, sure I don't care for being forced to watch this ridiculous movie and the sock is rather Gross, but, Julie was right about one thing, this certainly wasn't a Boring evening and being helpless at the hands of the girl I really liked. I felt myself blushing a little at the thought which was soon interrupted by Julie returning to the room.

" okay my Captive, it's time for you to eat " she said as she made her way over with a small tray in hand that Had a Bowl and small glass on it. she then set the tray down on the ground next to me as she finally and thankfully paused the Movie giving my eyes and ears a break.

" Okay, I'm going to remove the tape from your mouth, however you must remember, you are my captive and as being such you are not to make a sound unless instructed too, got it ? " she said as she look at me, a firm glare in her eyes, as I simply agreement. she then suddenly turned to a very happy expression, clearly she was enjoying herself. it was funny how during all this, she was able to sound so sweet and innocent but also come off as Serious and stern when she wanted, a notion I never imagined of her but yet here it was. anyway, Julie leaned forward and proceeded to remove the tape from my Lips. and as soon as it was clear, I immediately spat her sock out of my Mouth were landed on the floor between her feet.

Julie just looked down and laughed, " well you seem very eager to eat " she said as she now reached down and picked up the bowl of the ground, I could see it was filled with more of the Fried spaghetti, which she was stirring around with a fork. " this will defiantly taste much better than the Sock " she said

" Alright then, you just be a good boy while I feed you your food " she said as she took out the fork that was covered in strands of Noodles.

" Wait feed me ? I thought as Julie saw the slight surprise on my face as she chuckled a little,

" yes, I'm going to feed you, how else are you supposed to eat while all tied up ? " she said in a playful manner ,to which a felt a bit dumb for being shocked by the notion, but still the fact of her feeding me didn't come to my mind at all during the mentions of my meal.

" And sense I'm such a nice capturer, I'll let you speak this once so you can ask me really nicely to feed you, " she said with a smirk, as I looked at her like she wasn't really expecting me too,

" go ahead, ask me real nicely I'm giving you permission " she said with a little smirk on her face. I just sat there, unsure how to say it, so I simply just said.

" um, please feed me ? " I said

Julie though shook her head " No no, I mean really ask me nicely, something like " Please oh please will you feed me, your poor little captive " she said with a pleading but teasing little manner then grinned back down at me, I looked at her. did she really want me to say that ? I knew I'd feel really silly if I did.

" come one, I know you really want some of this delicious spaghetti " she said as she played around fork in front of me. " I mean what's better the spaghetti that's re-cooked by frying she chuckled as she waited for me to respond, I sighed a little, figuring it wouldn't hurt, and yeah, I couldn't say no to re-cooked spaghetti. so, I with a deep breath, I said what she wanted to hear, while also putting on my most pleading voice and eyes.

" oh, please oh please, Will you please feed me, your Poor little captive " I said as Julie looked as though she was about to explode from trying to hold in laughter.

" well, alright then, sense you asked so nicely, " she said as she rescoped the fork into the bowl and dug up a big fork full of spaghetti. and looked at me for a moment with a grin on her face. " okay now, say Ah "

just deciding to go along with it, I opened my mouth and she held the fork up and brought it to my mouth and fed me the spaghetti to which not surprisingly tasted great, Julie just smiled as she proceeded to feed me the rest of it. and I must admit it was a very interesting experience to be fed your meal while all bound up. Julie didn't make much of a big deal of it during the process and simply just Fed me the food and I actually was sort of enjoying the experience I must admit. there wasn't a whole lot to have to eat either so it did go by pretty fast, and during the last few bits left, she decided to tease me a little.

" oh, Look Matty bear, here comes the Airplane ! " Julie then said in a baby talk voice as she mimicked the noise of one. to which I gave a little glare.

" seriously ? " I said not amused, and forgetting I was not supposed to be saying anything else while she fed me.

however, she just snickered and said " sorry, I couldn't help myself "she then fed me the last few bits of the spaghetti before she gave me a drink from the glass that was also on the tray, with a straw, which turned out was iced tea, it was certainly refreshing. once she was done with that, she stood up with the tray and dishes.

" Okay, now that you are all Fed, I'm going to take this to the kitchen, however It's time to make sure you can no longer make any noise " she said as I looked at her a bit surprised, wondering how much longer she was going to keep me like this, but then my eyes turned to terror as I saw her holding up now another one of her socks.

" now I know it's no dessert, but sense you been working on cleaning the other so well, you can take the time with this one as well " she said with a devious grin then proceeded to tear some duct tape loose now. that's when I decided to start protesting again.

" Julie hold on, don't you think I been tied up long enough, maybe it's time you let me go " I said as she looked at me with a slight grin,

" Let you go ? oh, come now, , why should let my captive go, when there is still so much Fun to be had" she said with a smug grin, as I looked at the sock in her hand.

I fearfully eyed her sock as I looked back up at her " I well I think you should now, I mean, it's been fun and all but-, "

" now if I recall, you agreed to be my captive until I decide to let you go, and I don't think I'm quite ready for that, so unless you manage to escape " she said looking at my bonds knowing very much that'd not be an option " ,you're not getting loose just yet. " she said as she dangled the sock in front of me. " now open up " she said

However, I simply shut my lips tight, as she just placed her hand and sock on her hip and shook her head,

" okay then, I see how it is, I guess I have no choice but too- " she said as her voice trailed off when suddenly she shot her hand straight at me, and began to tickle my side, e as I burst out laughing from the sudden attack, wasting no time, she quickly shoved the sock into my Mouth making sure to pack it in, she then clamped her hand over it preventing me from spitting it back out, she then used her other hand to grab the strand of tape she had place on the side of the chair and slap it across my mouth instead now,

" Mmmmpphh " I rolled my eyes knowing I couldn't get it out now. Julie though just teased me by ruffling my hair some more then began to apply more stripes over the first, so that I soon had Eight pieces, that covered my entire lower face now. she smoothed them out with her hands before she patted my cheeks then stood back up.

okay, you just sit tight, I'll be back in a moment " she said as she carried the tray out of the room, leaving me along yet again, grimaced at the taste of her other sock in my mouth, sure much like the other it wasn't super dirty or anything but it still wasn't an Ideal thing to have in your mouth, especially after you just ate. but did my best just to cope with it.

shortly after Julie soon came back into the room again and said to me, " now that we have that all taken care of, I think it's time we teach you what it means to be a good little captive ? "

I looked at her a bit puzzled as she smiled and began to explain,

" sense you not only broke the rule about not speaking unless I say you can, " she said as I looked at her with a little bit of worry in my eyes " but also you were just giving me a hard time with the gag, I think that certainly deserves a little punishment, what do you say Matty Pooh " she said in her mocking tone

" ggghm iiigh mmmph enggpuphhh ! " I tried to say through my gag as I shook my head.

" good you agree, now then, just what should I do for your punishment, " she said as I could only sit there and worry what sort of thing she could have in mind, I then notice she began to pace around me and the chair with her " hmm, so many things, I can inflict upon you to make sure you learn your place being my captive. " she said as now tapped her chin.

I grimaced thinking just what she could to do me, I know she'd never actually do anything to harm me, but when your bound and powerless to prevent anything from being done to you, it can still be pretty worrying for sure. but worst case, I feared she was going to make me watch another chick flick.

" hmm, I think I know just what I should do, seeing as I had to resort to such drastic but effective measure to get you to listen to me, perhaps it'd only make sense to continue out such action. " she said with an Evil grin on her face. I then notice her beginning to wriggle her fingers in front of me.

Widening my eyes knowing just what she meant I yelled in into my gag and began to struggle yet again into my bonds, of course to no avail

" nnnnhhhpphh ! " pllllssssshh ! "

Julie just smiled as teased me by wriggling her finger closer and closer to my body but not even touching once, which that alone was torture, I never told her before how extremely ticklish I was before. but I knew she could tell just from her tickle teasing and when she made me open my mouth to gag me a second time, just how bad it was going to be for me,

" uh oh, Matty, you're so helpless " she said in a mock of concern

" Mmmph ! " I pleased into my gag only proving her point.

" there isn't a thing you can do to stop me " she teased wriggling her fingers just inches from my stomach. I squirmed some more as I felt like they were practically touching me.

" nngghh ! "

" which mean, * gasp * your going to get restlessly tickle by my fingers. " she said putting on more of her fake concern tone. " just, like, This ! " she said as she finally dove her fingers down on my helpless restrained body as I screamed and laughed into my gag from the attack, I began to wriggle and shake my head as her fingers began to wriggle and dance all over me and I was as Julie said helpless to stop it

" mmmmmmmphhhhh ! nnnnngggghhh ! hhmmmmmmppphhh ! " I shouted and wriggled for all that it was worth, which wasn't much as Julie just continued to her tickle assault all over me, making sure to get my ribs, belly and even digging her fingers under my arms, teasing me all the while.

" awww, now whose my helpless ticklish captive, huh ? who is it ? " she cooed as I simply just wriggled and laughed frantically into my gag,

" Hhhhmmppphh hhmmmpphh ! "

" that's right, you are, you are my helpless, ticklish captive ! who cannot do a single thing to stop me from doing what I want, and right now I just want to tickle you senselessly ! " she said as she tickled my body harder.

" Plllgggghh ! shttmmpph ! " I shook my head, now feeling tears beginning to form out of my eyes.

" I'm sorry sweetie, but you need to learn your lesson, you obey me when your my captive, cause when you don't this is the sort of thing that's going to happen " she said as I throw my head back now and just let loose another round of laughter, I felt like I was going to lose my mind if she didn't stop, but she kept going, tickling and teasing me all at the same time, her fingers would run up and down my body as I was powerless to stop it, and she did this for what felt like an eternity, though in reality it was only five minutes, but needless to say, my face was turning read now as I felt like I was about to finally loose it completely, when suddenly and finally it stopped. Julie then stood back now as I panted into my gag as I rested my Head on my chest,

" well that was fun, but, I think your Feet could use some of the attention too " she said looking down with another devious grin on her face. I shook my head yet again as I wriggled my feet as best I could, but Julie just laughed

" aww, look I think they are eager, let's not make em feel left out " she said eyeing me, then proceed to kneel down in front of me, then looked at my feet. which didn't meet the floor, as they were probably an inch off the ground.

" okay, let's just get these guys off " she said worked about pulling my socks off, which were only ankle length, so not buried far under the tape that pinned my legs to the chair, she then finally pulled it off and teasingly held it in front of me with a smile on her face, then tossed it behind her back, I just moaned a little into my gag as she worked off the other sock, and did the same motion of tossing it behind her, once she had, she rubbed her hands together.

" Okay, now, let's get started shall we ? " she giggled as she then positioned herself that she was laying on her belly, between both my legs, while her legs were bent back up behind her, she could reach over and grab each foot if she wanted,

" now, then, let's just try this " I heard her say, as I then felt her fingers beginning to tickle the underside of my feet., Immediately began to squirm and try to kick my legs away, but of course was stopped by the firm tape pinning them to the chair.

" Mhmhmhhhh ! hmhhmmmmh ! " scream wriggling my toes as it was the only thing I could do.

" coochie coochie ! " Julie just teased as I felt her fingers run up and down my soles,

" such helpless ticklish toes you have Matty Poo, all you can do is laugh and squirm and it won't stop or bother me in any way, " she said in casual manner, "

" mmpppph ! hhhmmmpphh ! "

" That's right, this is what happens when you don't listen to your capturer, " she said as she continued her tickle attack on my feet, "

" mmhhmmhpph ! " I squirmed and struggle some more as I laughed into my gag,

" I could do this all night you know, just lay here, tickling your defenseless feet, it is really quite fun " I hear her tease some more, as I simply just continued to laugh and scream into my gag.

" and by the sound of it, your quite happy with it, so, who knows, maybe I just will then, " she chuckled as she ran her fingers down my sole, then back up then back down,

" that's right, laugh all you want, struggle all you want, you're not getting out of those bonds and no one will hear your muffled laughs but me, " she cooed and teased.

" mmhhhmmppphh ! hhhmmmhmmmpph ! "I tried to yell as I now felt her finger start ticking under my toes, I thrashed and screamed, yelled, what ever I just did all that I could, and Julie knew i was going mad from this, she knew, but she continued to tickle and tease me, letting my helpless soles have it, that is until she finally decided to let up allowing me to breath again from all the laughter. I shut my eyes and rested my head once again as I panted, I didn't hear Julie say anything, but heard her get up.

I opened by eyes now, still heavily panting into my gag, my belly raising up and down, I looked up to see Julie now standing back with a pleased look on her face. she waited for my breathy to calm down again before she finally spoke.

" aww, there, now how did that feel then ? you think you learned your lesson about listening to me " she said as she folded her arms now, I looked up at her for a moment as I then lowered my head and nodded. however, then I felt her hand cup my chin as she lift it to make me look at her.

" It's okay, I believe you, " I saw a small smile appear on her face, as her hand then stroked my cheek as she had done before. " I promise no more punishments tonight, I just wanted to see how you'd handle it, " she said in a reassuring manner, as she continued to stroke my cheek.

I looked at her as she just seemed to be staring at me, like she was taking the sight of me in for a moment, she then did something I wasn't expecting, bent down In front of me, and Kissed me, kissed me square on my gagged lips, It's not like we never kissed before, but, with how things have been currently, and from what just happened, the last thing I expected was to get kissed on the lips from her. I however was not complaining and just let it happen as I closed my eyes as I let her kiss me, wishing I could do the same to her properly, however she then stood back up now,

" well then let's say we, lets finish that movie to wind things down " I widen my eyes as I groaned into my gag, but I now had to admit, after being tickled it certainly was the less torturous scenario. and needless to say, I spent the next half hour being forced to watch the rest of that movie, but, this time, Julie had dragged me and the chair over by the couch now so that I was right up against it. she then spent the time watching the movie, with either her arm lightly running through my hair, or when she'd lay back along the couch she'd use her foot and playfully but gently poke my body with it from time to time, I admit, it actually wasn't that bad this time around being made to watch the film and once it was finally over, it was then when Julie spoke up and said the words that I was both relived and, admittedly a little, disappointed to hear.

" well my captive, it seems your Ransoms has been paid, i guess this means it's time for you to go free "

" Mmmppph ! ? mmmppph ! " I said shifting a bit, my eyes wide with joy as Julie walked over to me and nodded.

" yes, I'm letting you loose now Matt " she said with a grin, " just wait here while I go get the scissors and I'll cut the tape off " she said as she then headed out of the room. leaving me there alone not even taking the gag off me, so I just waited and began to ponder just what happened these past couple hours. gee was that only how long it's been, It felt like it was much more then that I thought, but I guess if being tied to chair with not much to do,, things are going to feel that way.

I however began to wonder just how I truly felt about this, I admit there was some things I did not like, Julie sure took great delight of my helpless state. but I must admit, it was a little fun to be in such a situation, not like being a real captive I imagine. soon Julie came back with the scissors in hand. "

" alright just hold still " she said with a giggle knowing it was really all I could do. she then got to work and cutting away the Tape holding me to the chair, the tape around my legs allowing me to finally stand up,

" Mmmph ! " I moaned into my gag trying to indicate for her to remove it ,

" okay here let me get that " she grinned as she pulled the tape off letting me spit out the sock once again.

" thank you " I said as she then worked on cutting the tape binding my arms behind my back and once,

" No problem, " she said with a grin as she cut the last bit of tape binding my arms together, and once they were free, I let out a stretch of relief, I then made my way over the couch and plopped right down on it, being bound even if only for a couple of hours, it felt amazing to lay down and fully stretch out.

" oooh, man, this feels good " I said finishing my stretch as I sat up a bit and turned to see Julie who was watching me with a light smile on her face, she then said nothing as she made her way over to me and sat down on the end of the couch, and placed the scissors on the stand next to her, she then turned to face me,

" so " she began, " then tell me, what did you think of it then. ? " she said she just smiled, I looked at her, then looked around for a moment.

and waited for me to respond., I looked at her for a moment as I began to think of what to say, what did I think, should I tell her how I felt, that I actually did sort of enjoy it ? what would she think ?

" well uuh, it was, defiantly interesting that's for sure. " said rubbing the back of my head, Julie just looked at me and smiled lightly,

" just interesting ? that's it ? " she said placing her hand on her hip.

" well, okay it was more than just that. it was, it was a little fun, " I said not looking directly at her,

" so you thought it was fun huh, and tell me, what exactly did you find fun about it " she said with a little smirk as I now sat up.

" well, I don't know I mean there was a few things I didn't care for like um, the tickling was a bit much and would not like experience that again , but as for just being bound to the chair, it was sort of just fun to be, helpless for a little while especially while it's spending time with you " I said with a light blush on my cheek, as Julie just looked at me for a moment, then I notice her hand reach over and place itself on my knee,

" well, that's really nice to hear, as, I did enjoy having you as my captive for the evening " she said with a smile, as I looked at her,

That I could defiantly believe I thought, " really, well that's good to know then I guess, " I said with a chuckle. but I notice she didn't have a very joking expression on her face. instead she just looked down for a moment like she was thinking something else now.

" so, if you really enjoyed it, tell me, would you do it again if you could like, being tied up ? " she asked as I looked at her now a bit more stunned by that question.

" again ? well, I uuh, I don't know, as I said I admit it was pretty fun, " I began to think more about it, then I looked up at her, one it made me wonder, wonder about this whole thing, this whole night. do I decided to ask her a question instead.

" Why ? " I simply said. she looked at me, however she didn't seem so surprised that I asked her a question.

" well, " she " said, because if you enjoyed it enough, I was thinking that maybe, " she paused for a moment then began again " that maybe we could do something like this more often, with you being tied up as my captive, " she said with a light smile,

I felt a tingle go through my body hearing that, she wanted to do this again ? I thought about it, I looked over at the chair I was bound to, as the night began to repeat in my mind, and as I said before, while i didn't enjoy some aspects of it, it still was a rather enjoyable experience, so with that, I told her.

" I suppose so I would like to, " I said nodding " yeah, I'd like to try it again " I said as I saw the expression on Julie change, from being a slight smile to suddenly looking filled with so much joy, she then surprised me by suddenly leaping onto me and hugging me,

" Oooh Matty, I'm so glad to hear that, " she said as she then kissed my face. there is so much more fun we'll have with when you'll be my captive " she said hugging me tightly to which I then started to wonder something else, about this whole thing,

" hey Julie " I said as she looked up at me

" Yeah ? " she said as I looked at her.

" about all this, something has sort of been, bugging me a little, " I said, " it just seems like, about how much you been eager to do this, like when you first tricked me about how you'd tie me up " I said as Then Julie then stat back up now, I then saw her blush a little as she rubbed her arm a little

" oh right, well, okay, I'll come clean to you, " she said as she then began explain herself " I had planned for something like this to happen tonight for a while, that's why I invited you to come over to my place and suggest we watch a movie" , she said as I just listened. " I wanted to watch that movie with you, in hopes that I could convince you to let me tie you up. however, when you mentioned how the guy in the movie was tied and stuff, I saw that as the perfect opportunity to put my plan into action. " she said as I just looked at her.

" you see, I like the Idea of having a guy tied up and being helpless to me and ever sense I met you, I always thought about having you tied up and gagged in some way, and tonight I finally did, " she said with a sheepish grin, " I hope that doesn't make you upset or anything " she said now waiting for my response.

So, it all made sense to me now, my suspicions were true about how I felt she had planned this in some way, but now that I finally heard it, I didn't feel really upset or mad. but sort of flattered in a way, that she'd want to have this sort of relationship with me.so I told her how I felt.

" oh no, I'm not upset about it, in fact I think this is actually really neat, " I said as she looked at me " And I cannot wait for our next little " session " " I said with a smirk as she then grinned and leaned back over to me, we looked each other in the eyes.,

" well then, I am glad to hear that then as I have much more stuff stored away that I can use to Tie and gag you, Matty poo " she then said with a smirk as she planted another kiss on me. I now began to wonder just what other things await me next time, I'm her captive.

The end.
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Post by DallasNotAustin »

Very will written! I really liked it! Good job!
Your local catboy maid & sock enthusiast.

If you're reading this, you can do me a huge favor and have a great day!
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Post by TightsBound »

This was fantastic! Well written and fun. I’d love to see more tie up games with this cute couple. If you write this well on your first story, then we’re going to be in for a treat with everything you write. Thanks for posting!
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Nice! I loved how she tricked him, how she teased him while he was all helpless (calling him by the pet name he hated... perfect!) Really great story!
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Post by Canuck100 »

Great story! Julie is the perfect girlfriend :P Hope there will be a sequel to this!
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Post by Nightly Binds »

DallasNotAustin wrote: 3 years ago Very will written! I really liked it! Good job!
Thanks a ton, glad you enjoyed it :D
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Post by Nightly Binds »

TightsBound wrote: 3 years ago This was fantastic! Well written and fun. I’d love to see more tie up games with this cute couple. If you write this well on your first story, then we’re going to be in for a treat with everything you write. Thanks for posting!
Thanks a lot for your thoughts , I suppose I just had a lot of inspiration to work off, there is definitely more Ideas I'd like to work around with new characters and settings, but I don't think this will be the last time we see these two ;) thanks again.
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Mineira1986 wrote: 3 years ago Nice! I loved how she tricked him, how she teased him while he was all helpless (calling him by the pet name he hated... perfect!) Really great story!
Heh heh, Yeah, she certainly new how to keep her captive " Entertained " when tied nice and tight :lol: thanks a ton.
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Post by Nightly Binds »

Canuck100 wrote: 3 years ago Great story! Julie is the perfect girlfriend :P Hope there will be a sequel to this!
Heh heh, thanks and she certainly is something and oh, there's a big possibility they'll return for another story.
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