The Ballad of Bad Dog Dawes and Ellen Hayes (M/F)

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The Ballad of Bad Dog Dawes and Ellen Hayes (M/F)

Post by TayDay95 »

Benevolence, Texas. 1875





So read the poster hanging on the Benevolence town noticeboard, greatly amusing Mr. Benjamin Dawes as he lit a match for his latest cigarette. He’d been laying low in this tiny mining town for three days, and despite his bounty poster having been hung there the entire time, not a soul had recognised him.

In his long, stylish black leather coat, his striking black cowboy hat, clean leather chaps, bright white shirt and shiny golden spurs, complete with a diamond-studded black belt on which he carried his mint-condition revolvers... Dawes wasn’t exactly trying to hide from anyone. Hell, he’d moseyed on up to the Sheriff just yesterday and complimented him on arresting a drunk in the local tavern. The big, boorish oaf had simply smiled and thanked him, completely unaware a notorious outlaw had free reign of his town.

Stroking his black stubble, Dawes’ devious dark eyes narrowed as he walked casually toward the First Bank of Benevolence. He’d been scoping the place since he’d arrived, and it was an easy target. Only a single guard, barely more than three or four customers at any given time, and best of all, on the opposite end of town from the Sheriffs office... Throwing away his cigarette after a few puffs, the outlaw prepared for his latest adventure.


“Miss Ellen? We’ve been riding for some time, perhaps you’d wish to stop and stretch your legs?”

Miss Ellen Hayes, soon-to-be Mrs. Arnold Everett, was relieved to hear such news from her driver and manservant Mr. Hughes, a short, older gentleman with a well-tailored suit and spruce moustache. She had indeed been travelling in her coach for quite some time, and a chance to walk around a bit and take in some air was quite welcome.

“Why thank you kindly, Mr. Hughes. Though we really mustn’t stop for too long, we really must be in Houston before sundown or mother will be quite put out.” The redheaded, high-society beauty reached out her delicate gloved hand and carefully stepped down from her seat with Hughes’ help.

Looking around her through bright blue eyes, Ellen was intrigued and enthralled by the simple little town in which they’d stopped. It was so calm and peaceful here, nothing like the maddening hustle and bustle of New York from which she’d ventured. A single muddy road ran through the centre of town, with a single line of wooden buildings and businesses on either side. Behind the western row of shops were scattered several small houses, no doubt home to the miners and their families, and trailing off from these houses was the road to the mine itself across the nearby creek.

“Oh Mr. Hughes, is it not splendid here?” She sighed, lifting her bright blue corseted dress slightly so as not to ruin it with mud.

“Oh, well...” Mr. Hughes quickly glanced around, his face scrunched up in disapproval. “I suppose it has a certain, common charm. Though it barely holds a candle to New York, I say!”
Ellen couldn’t help but roll her eyes, Hughes was so typical of the people she surrounded herself with: So high and mighty, so stuck up, yet so devoid of any real meaning or purpose despite living the good life. It was a life she despised, and she was sure her contempt would only grow once she was married off to that heartless Texan oil baron Mr. Everett.

“I’ll see if I can’t find us a place to eat that’s not filled to the brim with drunken degenerates. If you could please wait here by the carriage, Miss Ellen?”
“Of course, Mr. Hughes, of course...”

Again, Ellen sighed, brushing away a lock of her striking red hair from her bright, blushed cheeks which had slipped beneath her large dress hat. The life of an aristocrat was not for her and she knew it, despite it being all she knew in her twenty years of life. She longed for a different life, one in which she would be treated not as a piece of property, but an equal.

All of a sudden, Ellen’s thoughts were interrupted by the sight of something in the corner of her eye, and as she turned around, she was startled. Almost immediately she found herself locking arms with a tall, rather rugged and yet quite-well dressed man in a long, dark coat.

“Oh! Dang, pardon me Miss, I didn’t see ya there.” The man apologised, his face quickly sparkling with a handsome smirk. Ellen looked up and took in his face as her soft hands rested on his firm, strong forearms...

“Why... not to worry sir, I was in a daze, it was my fault entirely.” She chuckled in a shy manner. This man was one of the finest specimens of handsomeness she’d ever laid eyes on. From his piercing dark brown eyes to his powerful frame.

Mr. Dawes was equally in awe of what stood before him, though he did a better job of hiding it. He’d been with his fair share of women of leisure, but this, this was a bonafide lady he laid eyes on now, and by God she was beautiful. With her angelic blue eyes, fiery red hair and full, luscious lips, she could be mistaken for royalty.

“I hope I didn’t startle ya too bad ma’am.” The devilish outlaw smiled with his uncommon pearly whites.
“No, not at all sir. But I thank you for your concern.” The young heiress would hardly require makeup soon, so intense was her blushing. Especially when Benjamin gently took her hand and kissed it, not breaking eye contact for a second.

“I bid you a good day, Miss...?”
“Oh, Hayes, if you please, Miss Ellen Hayes. And you are, sir?”
“Well, Miss Hayes...”

Still smirking, Dawes motioned over his shoulder to the noticeboard, not a care in the world. “You can find my name over yonder, you have a nice day now, Ma’am.”

With a tip of his black hat and a cheeky wink, he continued walking towards the bank, his spurs clinking on the wooden boards as he went. Curious, and very intrigued, Ellen strode over to the noticeboard, and when she realised it was him on the wanted poster, her hand clamped over her lips in surprise... that man was an outlaw!

At that moment, a deep bellowing rang out across Benevolence:

“Bad Dog Dawes! This is Agent Thomas of the Pinkerton Detective Agency! We have you surrounded!”

Just then, half the men who had been standing around town, seemingly just minding their own business, sprang to attention and drew weapons from every conceivable place. Dammit, Dawes realised, it’s a goddamn trap!

Without thinking, Benjamin quickly looked around for something that could salvage his situation, and all that was close by was a big, fancy coach...

And a pretty young lady to take hostage.

Bolting over toward her, the outlaw clamped his big, strong hand over the delicate girl’s lips before she could even react, pulling her body close to his, her head falling back against his broad shoulders as her hat was knocked off.

“Mmmph?! Mmmmmph!!” Ellen squealed into the tall outlaws grip, unable to utter an intelligent word. By God, she thought, what is happening? Am I being kidnapped? Desperately she tried to call out for Mr. Hughes, but Dawes’ hold on her mouth was firm, and all she could manage was weak, muffled grunts. “Mmmph! Mmph mmph! Mmmmmph!!!”

Dawes drew one of his revolvers and rested it across Ellen’s blue-clad chest. She screamed and struggled in terror but was soon silenced when he cocked back the guns hammer, the chilling click scaring her stiff.

All around them, the huge posse of Pinkertons, bounty hunters and lawmen had all their guns trained on Benjamin Dawes, all just itching for the chance to put the notorious bandit down for good. Agent Thomas, in his smart grey suit and black bowler hat, stepped out into the road.

“You can’t get away this time, Dawes, it’s over! Your gang’s all dead or arrested, your family’s turned on you! Let the young lady go and just come in quietly, for God’s sake!”

Dawes worked his way over to the carriage, holding the distressed Miss Ellen close to him, the poor girl breathing heavily and loudly into his hand as her own hands stayed frozen at her sides. “Oh, I’d love to Agent Thomas, really I would...”

Glancing down, Dawes smiled as he saw the cigarette he’d thrown away had indeed done it’s job: lighting the fuse that led to a big bundle of dynamite just outside town...

“But what fun would that be?”


The resulting explosion rocked the whole town of Benevolence, scaring the hell out of the assembled lawmen, but as Dawes had intended, the blast was far enough away that nobody was hurt. Hurling the terrified Miss Hayes into her own carriage, Dawes quickly slammed the door, leaped into the driver’s seat and spurred the two coach horses into action.

“Shit! Shoot the bastard!” Agent Thomas roared at the dazed men all around him, whose guns erupted into a deafening chorus of shots. Several sprinted to their horses to give pursuit, but the town was in chaos, and many were nearly shot themselves.

“Yaahhh!!!” Dawes egged on the horses pulling the wagon, desperate to get away. Inside the coach, Ellen screamed and curled up into a ball, the gunshots rendering her powerless.

“Heellllp!!! Somebody please!!” The young bride-to-be screamed. But within a matter of minutes none could hear her but Dawes, who had shot the few men that had managed to successfully follow them out of town.

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Post by Trickster »

Exciting story! You captured the spirit of outlaws in the Old West so nicely. Looking forward to seeing the story continue.
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Post by TayDay95 »

Thank you! I’ll be continuing it very soon 😁
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Post by TayDay95 »

(Ten minutes later)

“Out you get, little lady!”
“No! Please Mr. Dawes! Please don’t hurt me!”

Miss Hayes pleaded with the dangerous outlaw as he dragged her from the coach by the wrist to sit her down on a large, mostly flat rock near the coach. After losing their pursuers in the desert haze, Dawes had gone off-road and ended up at the base of a large cliff that offered shade and obscurity from anyone who might be searching for him and his captive.

“I promise sir, I won’t tell anyone where you are if you let me go!” The red headed beauty begged.
“I ain’t gonna hurt ya, Miss... Ellen, was it? Not ‘less I got reason to, now sit there and stay quiet, understand?” The dark vagabond loomed over her.

Ellen couldn’t believe her misfortune; kidnapped by a notorious criminal, stuck in the middle of the desert, completely at his mercy... she hesitantly nodded in response. Surely he would not be so barbaric as to harm a lady?

Sure enough, Dawes holstered his pistol which he’d kept drawn since Benevolence, and taking a few paces from the coach, let out a loud, sharp whistle. Ellen heard what sounded like neighing in the near distance, and sure enough, a great white stallion came galloping into view mere moments later.

Benjamin turned back to face Ellen, still smiling slyly despite his turn of luck. And he took a little bow. “Miss Hayes, may I present my one and only true friend: this is Caesar.”

Caesar slowed to a trot and then a walk as he approached the carriage, whereupon he was met by a warm, gentle pat on the neck by his rider. “That’s a good boy. Ain’t he a beauty Miss Hayes?”

Reluctantly, Ellen nodded “H-he’s beautiful.” Now that he’d put away his gun, she plucked up the courage to plead Benjamin once again for her release. “Mr. Dawes, my father is one of the wealthiest men in New York, my fiancé is Mr. Arnold Everett of the Everett & Sons Oil Company. I guarantee you they’ll pay any price you wish for my safe return.

Intrigued, Dawes clicked his tongue and Caesar went to chew on some dry grass nearby. The handsome outlaw walked up to the rock and placed one foot on it, leaning forward. “You coulda led with that, missy.”

“Of course, Mr. Dawes, nevertheless it’s true, they-“
“You ever met Arnold Everett?”

Ellen was immediately taken aback, no, she had not met her fiancé, but how dare this scoundrel presume to question her about her personal life?!

“I-I... Why... yes, of course I have he’s my... I hardly think that’s any of your business Mr. Dawes!”
“Oh but it is my business, Miss Hayes, see, I ain’t met him neither, but from what I heard, the man’d shoot his own mama rather than part with a dollar of his own money.”
“Well... well... my father will pay you, I promise! I’m his daughter!”
“Now that I don’t doubt for a second...”

Dawes sat down next to Ellen putting his big strong arm around her petite shoulders, causing her to shrink up. “But just how am I gonna get any money from him when he’s all the way up in New York?”
“No, he’s in Houston, with my mother for my wedding to Mr. Everett!” Ellen all but screamed, desperate for a way out of this mess.

“Aww darlin’.” Dawes gently placed his hand on Miss Hayes’ soft cheek, turning her head fully towards him. “I think we both know you can do better than him...”

The rugged outlaw winked at the young heiress without a care. She recoiled in shock.

“How dare you! You are a scoundrel, Mr. Dawes, a scoundrel and a fiend!” She announced, dealing him a stinging slap to the face, but he merely laughed in amusement.

“Hahaha careful missy, I might think you’re flirtin’ with me!” He chuckled, she went to slap him again but he caught her hand and cast it aside. She crossed her legs and arms and turned away, disgusted.

“Alrighty then, we’ll I suppose you know what comes next...” Dawes said, standing up.
“And what’s that?” Ellen moped.
“Well, I gotta tie you up.” He chuckled to himself again.

Ellen stood up as well, backing away from Dawes. “Sir, I am willing to cooperate with you as your captive, but I refuse to be ensnared, bound or tied so you may do with me as you please!” She rambled.
“Miss Hayes, I didn’t say nothing about doing things to ya...” He replied curiously before whistling for Caesar once again.
Ellen, blushing, brushed it off.

“Well, what am I to think? A man like you holding a woman like me captive... look, that’s not the point, I refuse to let you tie me up!” She stiffened her posture, trying to impose some kind of authority.
The bandit reached into his saddle bag and pulled out several coils of fairly thin brown rope, as well as a thick red bandana, which alarmed Ellen the most.

“Wha-what’s THAT for?!” She pointed.
“Look I’m sorry Miss Hayes but... frankly you’re talking far too much. Now come here!” He marched towards her, rope in hand.
“No! I won’t let- Argh! NO!”

Ellen tried to turn and run, but was slowed down by her dress, and before she knew it she was wrapped up in Benjamin’s big, muscle-bound arms, he held her like she was a feather, weighing almost nothing at all...

“How dare you! My father will hear about this! He’ll have every bounty hunter in Texas after yo-Oww!” She whined in pain as he roughly pulled her hands behind her back and quickly wound rope around her delicate wrists.
“Ain’t ya heard, Miss Ellen? I already got every bounty hunter in Texas after me!” He laughed deviously.

The rope was so coarse and rough against Ellen’s high-society skin, nevertheless, Dawes wound it around her wrists in a large coil so as to not cause as much discomfort, after cinching and properly knotting those bonds, he grabbed Ellen by her corset-wrapped waist, kicking and screaming by this point, and sat her on the step of the coach.

“You’re a vile man, Mr. Dawes, truly.” She snapped at him.
“Oh aren’t I just?” He grinned back, lifting up her dress to tie her ankles.
“Oh dear lord!” Ellen was shocked, the fall of this man!

Before she knew it, Miss Hayes’ feet were bound just as well as her wrists, she pulled, tugged and struggled away, but clearly Mr. Dawes was no stranger to tying people up. Her thoughts were interrupted, however as he stood her up again and began winding rope around her breasts as well.
“Mr. Dawes?!” She gasped in utter shock and horror. No man had ever touched her in such a way in her young life.
“Yes, Miss Hayes?” The scoundrel asked, laying a hand on her chest and squeezing through the fabric.
“I-I... how... Mr. Dawes this is... oh my...” Ellen didn’t know quite how to feel. On the one hand she was appalled, but on the other, in a way... she liked it.
“Relax Miss Hayes, I ain’t the kinda feller to take advantage of a lady... unless she wants me to.”

With that, Dawes continued to wrap rope above and below Ellen’s enticing cleavage, her breasts now glistening with sweat, enlarged by the bondage and even more so by her corset. As he tied the ropes, pinning her arms behind her back, Benjamin could feel a great bead of sweat running down his face, and he was sure it wasn’t from the desert heat...

“Mr. Dawes, please, this is highly improper, I... oh, God...” In a moment of weakness beyond her understanding, Ellen felt a sudden urge rush through her body, and she leaned forward, almost unconsciously, into Dawes’ hands, letting him touch her bulging breasts. However, she then recoiled back again, regaining her composure.

Dawes finished tying the knot at the back of her arms, walking around to her front. “You feeling ok there, missy?”
“Yes, yes of course, I...” she cleared her throat. “I just felt somewhat dazed... that’s all.” Ellen was blushing hard, something had awoken inside of her, and she didn’t yet know what.

Benjamin shrugged, amused by the whole situation, and finally picked up the thick red bandana he’d pulled from the saddle bag. “Well missy...” He took it in both hands and then held it in front of Ellen’s face “Any last words for now?”

Ellen turned her head to face him, looked him up and down with contempt, and simply said:


Well damn! Dawes thought, maybe this fancy lady ain’t so polite and cultured after all. And with that, he pulled the bandana back into her mouth, forcing it open wide as the cloth filled her mouth, pulling back her lips and cheeks. It really was a thick gag, and it would do it’s job well, keeping Ellen’s mouth well and truly forced open, but leaving her unable to talk at all aside from muffled moans and groans.

“Mmm...” Ellen winced as the gag went in. Her face contorting in discomfort.
“Ya like that?” Dawes asked cheekily.
“Nmmmph uhm dmmmph!” She grunted and whined.
“Yeah, haha, I thought you might.”

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Post by Caesar73 »

Sounds beautiful to me all the way! Ellens reply nailed it 😀
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Post by TayDay95 »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago Sounds beautiful to me all the way! Ellens reply nailed it 😀
Thank you so much and yeah, she’s feistier than she knows! 😁
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Post by Trickster »

That made me smile. A match made in heaven if I ever saw one! And I LOVED the gag scene!
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Post by TayDay95 »

Trickster wrote: 3 years ago That made me smile. A match made in heaven if I ever saw one! And I LOVED the gag scene!
Lol quite a pair aren’t they? 😂 I’m glad you loved it I enjoyed the hell out of writing it haha!
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Post by TayDay95 »

(Two hours later)

Having ditched the carriage and the horses that pulled it, Benjamin was now riding Caesar along a dusty road, his hands grasping the reins tight, his back arched forward, and his chin resting on the bare shoulder of his tightly secured captive Ellen. She was sat in the saddle in front of him, his arms wrapped around her body so that he could still control Caesar. Much to his delight and her frustration, Ellen’s hands were stuck in such a position so that as Caesar walked, they could do naught but rub up and down the crotch of Dawes’ pants.

“Comfortable, Miss Hayes?” He said directly into her ear.
“Yrrmmph uh hrrbmm mmmph!” She spouted at him through her gag with fire and disgust in her eyes.
“Ohh relax, darlin’.” He teased, stroking the tattered red hair from her face “Not far to go now, we’ll be in a safe spot soon. Hell, if ya behave I might think about untying you.”

By God, Ellen thought, the idea of being free from these skin-clenching ropes was enough to force the slightest smile onto her face, despite the massive cloth bandana that separated her teeth and lips. As she thought of being released from her bondage she scanned the country ahead of them, truly, there was nothing but sand, rocks and dry desert shrubs out here, where could this nefarious scoundrel possibly be taking her?

Suddenly, she noticed Mr. Dawes get skittish in his saddle, something was wrong...

“Ah, shit...” he cursed behind her, she tried to turn her head to see him properly but he’d stood up on his spurs to look at something up ahead.
“Whammph? Whmmph mph mmph?!” Ellen grunted and mumbled through her gag, now desperately trying to see what he saw, was it a rescue party? A stranger who could help?

Yes! Sure enough, although at first obscured by the haze, two figures on horseback appeared on the road up ahead.
Oh, thank God, Ellen thought, I’m saved!

“Hemmmmmmmphh!!!!” She screamed, almost falling off Caesar’s back she struggled and kicked so hard, only for Dawes to wrap one of his great big tree trunk arms around her waist while he also grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling back on it not hard, but enough that she knew to stop struggling.

“Mimphmm Dmmph, plmmph, plmmph jmmph Lin mmm gmmph!” Ellen whined, she was so desperate to go now help was so close.
“Be quiet, little lady, trust me, you’re far too valuable to me now to be letting’ you go. Now you stay the hell on this horse or bad things will happen, understand?
Tears formed in Ellen’s beautiful eyes, she just wanted to go home! The poor young lady began to sniffle and sob. She then screamed and moaned as Dawes yanked on her hair.
“Do you understand... Ellen?” Dawes repeated in a sinister tone.

Now sobbing hysterically, she nodded “Mmmmph hmmph!”

The two figures drew closer and closer as Benjamin dismounted, throwing his hands up in the air he waved at the encroaching riders. “Hello there! Gentlemen! Thank the Lord I found you!”

Ellen couldn’t believe her ears or eyes, what on earth was Dawes doing?

The men approached, not wearing badges or fancy clothes, clearly they were just a pair of locals on the road, now caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. One, a short stocky man with a thick black beard and sunburnt face, turned to his companion, a taller fellow with greying red mutton chops, and went to draw his rifle from his saddle.

“Jesus Christ, Bill, look at that there!” Said Sunburn in utter shock.
“Holy shit, mister! Mister now you listen here!” Cried Mutton Chops, also presenting a long double barrel shotgun. “You best be lettin’ that young lady outta them ropes now y’hear?! And take that damn thing outta her mouth!”

To Ellen’s amazement, disbelief, and dismay. Dawes appeared completely unfazed and continued to greet the men as friends...

“Aw hell come on now gentlemen! I’m afraid you don’t quite understand the situation here.” The fearless outlaw walked up to the men, hands raised. “You see...”

“That’s far enough there boy!” Sunburn shouted, cocking his lever-action gun as a warning. Taking the hint, Dawes halted about ten feet from their horses.

“Of course, of course, gentlemen, may I kindly offer you the perfectly reasonable explanation for the current predicament we have found ourselves in? If you find my explanation unreasonable, by all means shoot me. But I have a very good reason to keep this harlot bound and gagged upon my horse.”

“Hrrlmmph?! Fmmmk mmph!” Ellen growled, the unmitigated gall of this man never ceased to amaze her.
“Oh my, you see gentlemen, this is no lady you see before you...” Dawes recoiled in pretend shock, only to turn his head so the men couldn’t see and wink at the poor damsel...

“This woman is an outlaw.”

Catching on to Dawes’ ruse, Ellen screamed and shook her head emphatically, she had to convince these men that she was a victim and Dawes was the outlaw. But lord, the ropes binding her bodice were so tight, so restrictive that she couldn’t possibly offer any way to signal the poor men.

“Pfft! An outlaw?! Jesus Christ, she look like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth! Besides I ain’t hearda no woman outlaws out here!” Sunburn turned to Mutton Chops, seeming utterly confused.
“Indeed, and right you are, mister! She DOES look like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth, and my, oh my, she counts on it.” Dawes replied, putting on a perfect act. “You see sir, I’m a bounty hunter, licensed to operate in the states of Texas, Arizona and New Mexico. You may call me Duncan Wright!”

With all the irresistible and infuriating charm Ellen had experience all day, Dawes walked slightly closer to the men, smiled and took off his hat, bowing gracefully.

“And this..” He pointed to Ellen “Is the notorious husband-killer turned bank-robber, Ellie “The Hellcat” Haines!”
To Ellen’s sheer despair, even as she shook her head furiously, sobbing and pleading into her gag, the two strangers were clearly drawn in by Dawes’ lies. “Nmmhmmhmmph! Plmmmph plmmmph nmmph! Hemmph mmm plmmph!”

“Husband-killer? Damn! Really?” Mutton Chops gasped.
“Yes indeed sir, I’m afraid so.” Dawes continued “Married five rich men in the past few years, as soon as each one changed their will in her favour...” Snap! He clicked his fingers in a flash. Ellen was appalled, yet still rather impressed with this scoundrels theatricality. “She took everything and moved on to the next state to find another fool to rob!”

For the next ten minutes, Benjamin regaled the foolish strangers with tales of Ellen’s fabricated crimes, and even threw in a story of how he’d managed to “catch” her. It would’ve sounded like complete nonsense to any educated man, but, unfortunately for Ellen she’d been found by the two biggest numbskulls in all of Texas. They hung on Dawes’ every word, even asking him questions like children at story time, the devious outlaw had these men in the palm of his hand...

“So you see, I need to get this monster back to Dallas so they can try her, am I, per chance, heading in the right direction?” Dawes asked.
“Oh yeah sure y’are mister! Why it’s just another three or four days the way you’re goin’, depending on how you ride.” Explained Sunburn, excited to be aiding in the capture of a ‘dangerous criminal’.

“Hmmph” Ellen sighed, absolutely defeated.

With that, Ellen’s two best hopes for freedom kept on riding along the road, and Dawes mounted Caesar once again. As he noticed her begin to cry again, perhaps something had reached his cold, mean heart because he began patting Ellen softly on the shoulder, even embracing her warmly.

“There there now, Miss Hayes. It ain’t as bad as all that. Here.” He pulled the bandana out from between her teeth and down off her face. “That better?”
She nodded, sniffling and whining with tears streaming down her smooth cheeks, she turned her head toward him and tried to look up at him, her head rested against his broad chest.
“All I want is to go home, Mr. Dawes, I want to see my mother, my father, my sister. Please, you’ve tormented me long enough!” She moaned miserably through her tears.

Despite the sincerity in her words, Ellen was sure they’d fall on deaf ears, thus far Dawes had done nothing but toy with the helpless redhead beauty. But, to her surprise, his reply seemed wholly genuine:

“You’re right, Miss Hayes, I consider myself a gentleman, and as a gentleman I regret to say, well... I ain’t been treating you right. I apologise, I was unnecessarily harsh and rough with you before and it won’t happen again.” He looked down at her, his eyes wide with sadness and his face dead serious.

“Well...” Ellen was quite taken aback “Well, thank you, Mr. Dawes, could... could you please untie me? I promise I’ll cooperate with you.” She pleaded, her innocent young blue eyes gazing up at her handsome captor.

“I’m sorry, I truly am Miss, but no. I’m afraid I just can’t trust you not to run off on me and I need the money from your ransom. But I’ll make you a promise instead, huh? I’ll not touch you inappropriately, nor will I do anything rough like how I pulled your hair before. That was wrong of me.” He gazed back at her with his piercing browns. “I’ll stop making vile remarks too, I haven’t really appreciated how hard this must be for you.” There was a real sadness in his eyes as he spoke those last words...

“Th-thank you, I suppose...” Ellen hesitated.

“Now, I’m gonna gag you again, just until we get where we’re going, we’re not far at all, and once we’re there I’ll untie you for a while and allow you a respite, okay?” He said calmly, grasping the bandana once more.

The poor girl moaned in distress, she really, really didn’t want to be gagged again, but the thought of being untied made her think, surely she could endure it for just a while longer. “Okay, very well...” she sighed heavily.

Dawes took the bandana in both hands and held it in front of Ellen’s face, but before he could place it in her mouth she turned her head sharply...

“Wait, wait... Mr. Dawes...?” the young beauty inquired.
“Yes, Miss Hayes?” He answered.
“Why... why are you suddenly being kinder to me?” She asked.

The normally dauntless outlaw went completely silent, Ellen couldn’t really see his face, but she could feel a change in his mood, he’d gone from serious to hopelessly and completely sad... she could sense him staring into space, no doubt pondering whatever it was that troubled him.

“M-Mr. Dawes?”

“When I saw you all crying and distraught like that you uh...” the supposedly heartless mans voice quivered as he spoke “you reminded me of someone I knew... that’s all.”

Regaining his composure, Benjamin once again presented the bandana in front of Ellen’s face, this time she accepted the gag, still somewhat begrudgingly, but without a fight. And so with a click of his tongue, Caesar started forward again.

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Post by Caesar73 »

Great chapter. The interactions between Villain and Damsel are very much in character - and touching at the end.
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Post by TayDay95 »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago Great chapter. The interactions between Villain and Damsel are very much in character - and touching at the end.
Thanks a bunch mate, comments like this are really encouraging, thank you 😊
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Post by GreyLord »

Another good tale. I do hope that you will continue with this. It has such great potential.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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