Aren't we having fun (F+/F, F+/F+, F/F) COMPLETE

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Aren't we having fun (F+/F, F+/F+, F/F) COMPLETE

Post by NotSeen »

Well, here I am again with another story. This is a bit more 'tug-light' than some of my others, but trust me, someone will get tied up before the story is finished :)
Once again, any and all feedback is welcome. Thank you.
--- ---

Aren't we having fun

Chapter 1 - Live (in fear) a little

Turning her head as little as she could, Hannah looked one way, then the other. She glanced at the clock at the bottom right corner of her laptop screen. She saved the project she’d been working on and shut down her computer. As the screen went blue and then faded to black, she stayed hunched over the keyboard, as if still working. Like prey wary of predators, she strained her ears, trying to listen to the wax and wane of the office chatter around her, trying to find out if something, anything, was amiss.


She got up from her chair as quietly as she could and slid it under the table. Keeping her head down, she stole furtive glances each way as she walked toward the changeroom in the back. She turned the handle and slipped in through the smallest of cracks.

The small changeroom was empty. Hannah rounded the corner, popped open her locker and pulled out her bag and sneakers. Heartbeat pounding in her ears, she pulled off her low heels, set them carefully into the locker so as not to make noise, slipped the worn once-pink sneakers into her feet, slung the bag to her shoulder and turned to leave.

She walked to the door, opened it - and was met by a woman standing in the doorway. “How come you’re in such a hurry, then”, the woman asked. She was dressed in a grey pantsuit and black heels, her blonde hair pulled into a tight bun and a bit too much make-up for office on her face. Face that was currently somewhere between a smile and a sneer.

Hannah’s eyes went wide. Without thinking, she backed into the changeroom. The woman crowded in after her, followed by her four companions. “Linda, please, I really have to go”, Hannah tried to plead.

Linda laughed in her face. “I bet you do, but we both know you’re not going anywhere until we say so. Right, ladies?”

The foursome behind here were eager to join their leader. Hannah knew them far too well - they were Linda’s current hangers-on, the latest in a long string of employees who had chosen to ally with the ‘queen bitch’ of the company. They came and went, numbering three to six, new members appearing seemingly randomly - and staying until they incurred Linda’s boredom, wrath or some random whim and got booted first from the group and usually, soon after, the company.

Hannah backed further into the room, glancing around as if to look for an avenue of escape. None was available. Chuckling and giggling among themselves, the five women corralled her further and further into the room.

There was a knock on the door. Linda glanced over her shoulder. “Sandy, Tonya”, she said. On cue, two of her entourage peeled off and headed to the door. Linda shoved Hannah into the back corner of the room and slapped her hand on the mousy brunette’s mouth. “One peep out of you and you’re in more trouble than you thought possible”, she hissed between clenched teeth. Hannah stood silently, her back pressed against the wall, hoping against hope that whoever was at the door would at least notice what was going on.

No such luck. There was a brief conversation at the door and then someone ducked into the room and was gone just as quickly. There wasn’t a person in the department who dared even think of crossing Linda. Nominally, Linda was a run-of-the-mill employee, but everyone knew she had the HR director wrapped around her little finger. She had gotten people fired for nothing before and nobody doubted for a moment she’d do it again if someone gave her a reason to do it.

Sandy and Tonya returned. “We won’t be disturbed again”, Sandy said, earning and approving nod from Linda, who then turned toward Hannah.

“Isn’t that nice? We get to have a bit of nice girl talk without anyone butting their nose in where it doesn’t belong.”

Hannah tried to calm herself down. This will be over soon. They’d just bully her for a moment, have a few laughs at her expense and then let her go. That’s how it always went, she told herself. This was, if not daily, then at least several-times-a-weekly occurrence.

“But then again, why stop at girl talk? Why not spend a bit more time together? After all, we know you don’t have anything else to do. That latest shitty Fifty Shades ripoff you got from Amazon isn’t going to go anywhere, you know. It’s Friday evening, we’ve got the entire weekend ahead of us! Why not have a little fun, let your hair down, go out and live a little? What do you say?”

Hannah shook her head. “No, I can’t, I have plans for tonight.”

Linda took a half-step closer, forcing Hannah to back up further until her back was literally pressed against the wall. “I wasn’t exactly asking, you know. I don’t give a shit about your plans. You’re coming with us, period. End of discussion - and if I was in your shoes, I’d try very hard not to attract any kind of attention. Understand?”
--- ---

I'm thinking about posting Chapter 2 on Friday - although... should this get more than a comment or two, I might be persuaded to post it earlier...
Last edited by NotSeen 3 years ago, edited 9 times in total.
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Post by Blackfox74077 »

This is great start love the handgagging to keep from getting help or trying
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Post by Bandit666 »

Well this is certainly an interesting start. Although I’d say there’s plenty of opportunity for more that just a little tying before the end of the story
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Post by brashieel »

Great start! Love the bullying dynamic.
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Post by Trickster »

I love how you ended that 1st chapter.
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Post by tickletied84 »

Great start - sounds like there could be a lot still in this story, and agree that the power dynamic of the bully adds another dimension.
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Post by chelseykittyc@t »

Love this
Heyyy, I’m back. My name is Chelsey. I am into foot fetish, sock fetish, shoe fetish, HOM, bondage, gags, smelling, and getting kidnapped. I am always down to role play sooo message me (;
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Post by NotSeen »

Wow. I said 'more than a comment or two' and did I ever get what I asked for... Thank you to each and every one of you, [mention]Blackfox74077[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]brashieel[/mention] [mention]Trickster[/mention] [mention]Tiedandgagged[/mention] [mention]tickletied84[/mention] [mention]chelseykittyc@t[/mention]. I can only hope that the continuation lives up to your expectations. Here you are:
Oh, and while we're at it... [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]smooth_talker45[/mention]

--- ---

Chapter 2 - Exposure

Hannah swallowed. She could feel tears starting to form in her eyes. “Please, Linda, please let me…”

Linda shut her up with a raised hand. “Save your breath. Seriously, have you heard of breath mints? Your breath stinks like something a truck ran over two weeks ago”, she said, wrinkling her nose. The foursome behind her giggled as if Linda had told a good joke. Linda shut them up with a glance. “You’re coming with us and we’re leaving now. You won’t need this”, she said, yanked the purse out of Hannah’s hands and handed it behind her back for one of her entourage to take. “Put that in her locker.”

“Okay, boss”, Mary said and took the bag. “But don’t you want to keep it?”

“Are you deaf as well as stupid? I said put it in her locker. Do you really think I want some cheap supermarket garbage in my locker? Besides, we’re not thieves, are we”, Linda said, turning back toward Hannah. Behind her, Mary glowered as she walked to Hannah’s locker. The other three did their best to hide their sniggering at the rebuke. “Take off your clothes”, Linda said to Hannah.

Hannah’s eyes went wide. “What…” was all she could think to say.

Linda threw her hands in the air in mock exasperation. “Am I suddenly not speaking English? Take. Off. Your. Damn. Clothes. Don’t worry, we’re not going to make you walk out butt naked, you’ll get to put them back on.”

Embarrassment radiating from her, Hannah began unbuttoning her blouse. With shaking hands, she handed it to Linda, trying her best to ignore the stares and catcalls from the women watching her. She stepped out of her skirt and handed it over, too.

Linda looked at her. “Didn’t you hear what I said? Take off your clothes! All of them!”

Hannah felt like she was going to faint. She staggered briefly before finding her balance.

Linda snorted. “Sandy, Veronica, make sure miss prim and proper doesn’t keel over. Since she apparently is hard of hearing and since I’m not going to stand here all damn evening, I guess I’ll have to do this myself”, she said and reached out to grab a hold of Hannah’s bra. Hannah felt like she was watching the whole scene from the outside as Linda yanked her bra so hard the hooks in the back snapped free. She pulled the plain white undergarment off and tossed it in the nearby wastebasket. Then she took a pair of scissors Tonya handed to her and, none too gently, cut Hannah’s panties at the side seams. Snip, snip - and then she yanked the ruined garment free with such force that Hannah yelped. Tossing the panties into the wastebasket, Linda pushed her face within a centimeter or two from Hannah’s. “Remember what I told you about not attracting attention? This is your one and only warning. Put your rags back on.”

Hannah got dressed mechanically, as if on autopilot. Her mind had gone blank. She was mortified with the thought of having to go out without her undies, but even that feeling registered only as a clinical, distant observation, not as the gut-wrenching terror it should have been. Her fingers felt clumsy as she buttoned her blouse.

“There you go. Just one small detail. Veronica”, Linda said and held out her hand. Veronica handed her what looked like a black dog collar. Smirking, Linda raised it to Hannah’s neck.

“Linda, please, no, don’t”, Hannah pleaded, raising her hands to push the collar away.

Linda swatted at her hands. “I said you get put your clothes back on, but I can still change my mind! Believe me, I won’t think twice about marching you out the door butt naked, but if you behave, it won’t come to that. What’s it going to be?”

Trembling with fear, Hannah lowered her hands. Linda wrapped the collar around her neck and buckled it, leaving it just short of restricting Hanna’s breathing. Then she stepped back and nodded approvingly. “Okay, now you’re ready. Let’s go”, she said and grabbed Hannah by the arm. With her entourage in tow, they made their way to the elevators through the deserted office. The elevator car wasn’t really designed for six people, but they managed to cram themselves in. Hannah was pushed into the back corner. The others stared at her for the entire ride to the parking garage level.

Once the elevator arrived, Linda pulled her out of the elevator toward the cars. “Mary, Tonya, you know the way, right”, she asked.

The named duo nodded. “Yeah, see you there. Don’t get started without us”, Tonya said as they headed to a different car.

Linda guided Hannah toward her own car and pushed her into the backseat, getting in after her. Sandy got behind the wheel and Veronica slid to the backseat, trapping Hannah between Linda and herself. Linda pulled something from her purse and before Hannah had a chance to react, she’d slipped a black cloth bag over her head. Hannah tried to raise her hands to pull it off, but her hands were grabbed and bent behind her back.

“Listen to me”, Linda hissed, her face so close that Hannah could feel her breath through the fabric. “There’s more where that came from, so get used to this. Now, if you try to act up, you’ll only make it worse for yourself. Sit still, shut up and behave - and maybe we’ll show some leniency.”

Hannah forced herself to stay still. She felt a cord wrap around her wrists - tight, far too tight for her comfort, but she kept her mouth shut. Protesting would only infuriate Linda even more. As the car started and reversed out of the parking space, she was reeling. Sure, Linda and her coterie had bullied and humiliated her more times than she cared to remember, but this… It had never, ever, ever been anything like this ever before. Never. What on Earth was going on, she thought as the car climbed up the ramp to street level.
“Relax, dummy, it’s not a very long ride. Once we get there, I’ll take that bag off you”, Linda said in a conversational tone that was completely out of place in such a situation.
Where are they taking me, Hannah began to wonder - and dread.
--- ---

For part 3, you'll have to wait till Friday. No, really, this time around. Have a good one, everyone.
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Post by TayDay95 »

Poor Hannah, all I really feel is sorry for her.

Hope Linda gets her just desserts by the end of this story!
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Post by Blackfox74077 »

Wow somthin bout this story got me hookd
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Post by Caesar73 »

I´m truly fascinated so far :) Keep it going! I have not the slightest idea what may be in store for Hannah :) But that is part of the fun :)
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Post by tickletied84 »

Oh dear, it seems Hannah is getting more and more stuck with each sentence of the story. Nice touch with the collar too!
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Post by Boundcurious »

Ah darn it, wish I’d discovered this tomorrow so I didn’t have to wait for that particular continuation...!
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Post by NotSeen »

It's Friday and here's chapter 3.
I am very, very grateful for all the comments. It's always rewarding to see that so many enjoy my writings. [mention]Blackfox74077[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]brashieel[/mention] [mention]Trickster[/mention] [mention]Tiedandgagged[/mention] [mention]tickletied84[/mention] [mention]chelseykittyc@t[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]Boundcurious[/mention]
--- ---

Chapter 3 - Abandon all hope...

Hannah had no idea how long the ride was. Sandy drove like a maniac, accelerating and braking as quickly as possible, taking every turn as aggressively as possible. Linda and Veronica sniggered as Hannah tried to stay upright as the car swerved.

“What are you, drunk? Hey, Linda, little miss prim and proper is hitting the booze during the day”, Veronica said as she grabbed Hannah, as if to keep her from falling over - only to almost shove her over in the other direction.

Linda pushed back so hard, it felt almost like a punch. “Get off me! If you ruin my clothes, I swear I’ll take it out of your next paycheck!”

Her face hidden beneath the hood, Hannah ground her teeth together to stop her from crying. Neither the constant jostling nor mockery was something she’d ever had to endure from Linda and her entourage - which only served to make her more worried by the moment.

The car stopped with a jolt, once again getting the trio to laugh. Linda grabbed Hannah and yanked her to lean against the backseat. “I bet you’re just dying to find out where we’re going. Well, good things come to those who wait”, she said and pulled the hood off Hannah’s head.

Hannah blinked a few times and looked around. They were in an open-air parking lot, somewhere near the town center by the looks of the buildings around the lot, but none of the buildings looked familiar to her.

“Eyes front, dimwit”, Linda said and turned Hannah’s head so that she looked out the windscreen. They were parked right against the fence between the lot and sidewalk. Across the street was an old office building. Directly in front of the car, a row of windows were covered with what looked like black drape. In the center was a pair of doors, also colored black. The only thing to catch the eye was a white outline of handcuffs. Linda and her hangers-on burst out laughing as Hannah froze. “Yes, that’s exactly right”, Linda hissed into her ear. “We’re going to a BDSM studio - and you get three guesses on who’s going to get the treatment!”

Frantic, Hannah tried to pull her hands free and climb out of the car. Linda and Veronica grabbed her and threw her against the seat. “Listen to me and listen good, bitch! If you think we’re playing, think again. Everything has been set up, you’re going there and that’s all there is to it. We’ve gotten you a session from their craziest dom who won’t give a shit about what you think. If you try to cause a scene, you’ll regret it”, Linda said, her eyes filled with malevolence.

“Please, no…”

“What part did you not understand? You’re going in and that’s final. Once we go in there, you’ll walk to the counter, tell them your name and do whatever they tell you to do. We’re coming along, too, so no funny business. If you cause a scene and if they don’t put you in your place, I will - and I’m going to make you wish it had been them that did it.”

Hannah could only stare at Linda, her entire body trembling. Linda stared at her a few more seconds and then her face curled into the single most unsettling smile Hannah had ever seen. “What’s the matter, dummy? You’re getting a taste of what it’s like - and we’re paying!”

Veronica untied Hannah’s wrists and she was pushed out the door. The three women crowded around her as the duo from the other car showed up. “Hey, what’s gotten into Hannah? Her cat die”, Mary asked.

“No, but her pussy may yet do that”, Sandy replied. The fivesome burst into laughter as if it was all just too funny.

They walked toward the parking lot exit, keeping Hannah in the center of their little group. Linda walked beside her, holding Hannah’s arm in a vicelike grip, her long nails digging into Hannah’s arm even through the fabric of her blouse. Hannah herself felt like she was in a haze. Her mind was still refusing to believe what was going to take place, but at the same time she was all too aware that it was, unfortunately, completely real.

Tonya opened the door and Linda shoved Hannah first through the door. The blacked-out doors opened to a reception area. The floor, walls, ceiling and furniture - the receptionist’s desk and a few couches near the wall - were all black, a few red curtains the only splash of color. Behind the counter sat a young black-haired woman dressed in a black catsuit.

“Hello and welcome to Miss Berenice’s. How may I help you?”

Linda shoved Hannah forward by the small of her back. Hannah walked to the counter. “Hello. My name is Hannah Miller. I… I believe I have a reservation here”, she said, trying her damndest to sound normal.

The receptionist looked at her and then peeked around her at the five women standing behind her. “And they are…”

“Oh, we’re her friends. We’re just along for the ride”, Linda was quick to reply.

The receptionist nodded and turned to look at the tablet in front of her. “Ah, yes, here it is. Ms Miller. I see your questionnaire is already completed, so everything is all set”, she said and pressed a button on her table. Behind the counter a door opened and out stepped another woman in black. The newcomer had a definite Asian look to her features and was dressed in a black corset, elbow-length gloves and knee-high boots, the heels giving some height to her otherwise petite frame. She looked at the receptionist, who nodded toward Hannah. The newcomer turned to Hannah.

“Miss Hana will take you to the dungeon. Miss Berenice will be along shortly. I wish you a pleasurable session in our care”, the receptionist said as Miss Hana cocked her finger at Hannah. Her five tormentors moved behind her, in effect pushing her toward the diminutive Asian.

“Here we go”, Linda whispered into Hannah’s ear. Hannah, feeling for all intents and purposes like she was being taken to the gallows, walked forward toward the door. The intricate text ‘Abandon all hope, ye who enter here’ above the door didn’t exactly help.

“Where do you think you’re going”, Miss Hana asked, looking at Linda and her coven. Her voice carried such authority that not only Hannah, but the five women behind her all stopped. “I am here for her”, she added, pointing at Hannah. “Not any of you.”

“We’re coming along to watch”, Linda replied, jabbing Hannah in the back. “Isn’t that right?”

“Yes… Yes, they’re with me”, Hannah managed to answer.

Miss Hana’s expression didn’t change one bit. “I said I am here for her. Not any of you. You will be invited in due time.”

Linda gasped in surprise at the perceived insolence and looked like she was ready to go off there and then, but Miss Hana silenced her with a glance. She opened the door and waved Hannah through before closing it behind both of them.
--- ---
...and that's where we leave off for today. :twisted:
As usual, any and all comments are appreciated. Chapter 4 should be up on Monday. Have a good weekend, everyone.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Got Linda right. I think a session with Miss Beatrice would do her good :)
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Post by Boundcurious »

I wrongly assumed that with a time difference (I thought you were in the US, I wouldn’t see the update till tomorrow. I am glad to be wrong! 😁
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Post by TayDay95 »

You're straight up teasing us with that chapter ending! 😂

I'm so intrigued to see where this is going! I hope either Miss Hana or Berenice put Linda in her place, the bitch lol
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Post by NotSeen »

TayDay95 wrote: 3 years ago You're straight up teasing us with that chapter ending! 😂
Of course I am :twisted: Can't have you not coming back to see how it continues...
TayDay95 wrote: 3 years ago I'm so intrigued to see where this is going! I hope either Miss Hana or Berenice put Linda in her place, the bitch lol
Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago Got Linda right. I think a session with Miss Beatrice would do her good :)
Do stick around. Who knows, maybe you will get your wish...
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Post by Caesar73 »

NotSeen wrote: 3 years ago Do stick around. Who knows, maybe you will get your wish...
That I will do, promised :)
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Post by tickletied84 »

Oh dear, are Linda and the gang starting to lose control? Is there a glimpse of hope for Hannah?

Miss Hana sounds formidable - looking forward to the next part! :D
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Post by Bandit666 »

What a great pair of updates. And I love where this is heading. Maybe Linda and her gang will get their just deserts. Maybe Hannah will break down and tell all before becoming the new mistress of the office. Who knows. But I think much fun can be had yet
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Post by Switcher1313 »

Nice set up. Looking forward to the dungeon scene and aftermath. :D
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Post by NotSeen »

No, this isn't the next chapter. That is due tomorrow. Sorry if I got your hopes up. It's just that reading all the comments made me want to say this:
Thank you, all of you, for reading and commenting. I am grateful and humbled by how many of you read my stories - and even more so by how much my writings are liked, especially given how recently I began posting on the forum. Thank you.

Now then - in less than 24h, you should get to find out what will take place behind that door Miss Hana led Hannah through...
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Post by slackywacky »

Fun to see how Linda lost (part of) her control on the situation. Great story so far.
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Post by Mikal903 »

Great story
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