The Loop (?/FFF) *COMPLETE*

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Post by TomYi »

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Thank you [mention]Nainur[/mention], [mention]NotSeen[/mention], [mention]Ogg[/mention], [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]chelseykittyc@t[/mention], [mention]starinski[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention], [mention]CerberusKing[/mention], and [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] for the amazing feedback. You guys rock!

Once again, it seems that my desire to bring you plot and bondage has resulted in a chapter too long for one update. (That might become a running theme with this story.)

But you know the drill. I'll post Part 2 soon, and comments on either part of this chapter will count towards the next overall chapter. Hope you enjoy!
The first thing Heather did that morning was brush her teeth.

She woke up feeling fully restored. She wasn’t sore anywhere, and she thankfully couldn’t taste or smell anyone’s feet, but she still felt the need to brush her teeth and wash out her mouth for a very long time.

She heard Michael screaming outside. Miranda must have been in a particularly bad mood this morning. Who could blame her? Last night had been rough. Heather had always been scared of Gassy, but she’d never realized just how mean he could be. The strict hogtie, the gross socks, the forced foot smelling… It was enough to knock the fighting spirit right out of her.

Heather went on and on in the bathroom until she could taste nothing but minty toothpaste and Listerine. It was only then that she decided it was time to move on. Upon entering the kitchen, Heather saw Nadine at the table with a really surly look on her face. It looked as though she was trying to drown out the foul-tasting memories just like Heather, only she was using black coffee rather than toothpaste.

Miranda stormed into the room, and Heather suddenly didn’t want to be there. Her cousin was fuming, and Heather was worried that there would be a fight. It was Nadine’s idea to gang up on him, so Miranda probably blamed her for that whole foot fiasco.

Her older cousin looked as though she was about to scream, and Heather braced herself, but instead, Miranda just said, “I am never wearing socks again, and if I ever catch either of you wearing socks, I will burn them right off your feet!”

That… sounded reasonable. Everyone agreed.

“Alright,” Miranda said. “Now, where do we go from here?”

Nadine shook her head and said, “I don’t know.” She sounded so defeated. “We should have listened to Heather. That guy’s unstoppable.”

Miranda sighed. “You can say that again. It doesn’t make any sense! If Gassy is actually Gavin McGuiness, then how did he get to be so tough?”

“Well… maybe that’s what we should look into next,” Heather suggested.

Everyone looked to the timid redhead. She paused and spoke again. “Gassy’s practically superhuman. Either he’s not actually Gavin, or something really weird happened to that boy. Either way, we should look into it. If we can find out more about Gavin, maybe it’ll get us closer to learning how to beat Gassy.”

Nadine was the first one to respond. For a moment, it looked as though she was proud of her friend. “I agree. We’ve gotta keep going, and we still have a trail to follow.”

Miranda folded her arms. “Alright, but where exactly is this trail?”

They let Nadine worry about that. Heather’s quirky roommate was an expert at tracking down people on social media, and in a matter of minutes, they had a list of Gavin’s friends and family. If anyone knew what could have happened to him, it was them.

The trio divided their efforts, and mostly just sent a whole lot of messages that were left on ‘read’, but there was one fish that bit Heather’s hook: Bryan Montoya. Bryan said that Gavin was his best friend, and his Instagram page had a whole lot of posts confirming that. He was incredibly excited to hear Gavin’s name.

“Have you seen him? Where was he? Did he say anything? What was he wearing?”

The poor guy sounded so concerned for his friend. Heather suddenly had no idea how she was supposed to tell him what was going on. Luckily, Miranda stepped in. “We’ve seen him, but our encounter with him was… bizarre.”

His reply was very swift. “What kind of bizarre?”
That… definitely wasn’t the response that any of them had expected. After a bit of discussion, they typed: “Out of this world.”

A long time passed before they got his next message. He told them to come meet him at this campsite in the woods outside of town. It was a really weird request, and definitely the kind of invite that Heather would ghost on a normal day, but she felt safer with Miranda and Nadine to back her up.

When they got to the campsite, Bryan was waiting for them at a bench some distance away from the parking lot. He looked around Miranda’s age and kind of looked like he could be an old member of some bygone boy band. That being said, he also resembled someone who hadn’t slept in days. He wore a wrinkled jacket and had poofy black hair. Heather looked closely at all his features and came to the conclusion that if he would dress a little better and shave his stubble off, he’d actually be pretty cute.

He shifted his eyes around like some paranoid spy and clutched a tote bag close to his chest. Heather couldn’t understand why he was so shifty. There wasn’t even anyone else around. When he saw the girls, he signalled them over and they all sat down at his table. He whispered, “Tell me precisely what was so weird about Gavin? Did he move things without touching them?”

Nadine looked perplexed. “What? No!”

“Well, was he lighting things on fire or levitating?”

“Levitating,” Heather asked. “No.”

“Alright,” Bryan murmured. “Then tell me what he did do?”

Once again, Miranda found the words that Heather could not. “Have you ever seen Groundhog Day?”

Groundhog Day?!” Heather expected Bryan to walk out on them immediately, but instead, he leaned forward and said, “Go on?”

Miranda continued. “We’ve actually seen Gavin a lot of times, but every time we encounter him, time resets to this morning. It’s looped back six times already, and we’re the only ones that seem aware of it.”

“He’s messing with time now?! Does he make any incantations before it happens? Any hand gestures? What does he do to each time you see him?”

Miranda looked at her companions and started to blush. Everyone became really embarrassed, and no one wanted to explain the next part. Finally, Heather blurted the first thing she could think of. “He kills us.”

Bryan’s eyebrows shot upward. “HE KILLS YOU?!”

“Um, yeah.” Miranda nodded, playing right along with Heather’s little fib. “Murdered every day. It really sucks.”

Bryan shook his head, bewildered. “But, that’s not like Gavin at all. He’s a pussycat! He cried that one time when I pointed out that blind people can’t see puppies!”

Heather gasped and thought to herself, 'Oh my God! They totally can’t!' Soon she was holding back tears of her own.

Bryan rubbed his temples and said, “Oh, Gavin. What have you done?”

Nadine had a serious expression, but she spoke with a soothing voice. “Bryan, if you know anything about Gavin, we need to know it too. It’s urgent.”

Bryan stared down at the bench for a long time before finally saying, “What do you three know about magic?”

Heather was at a loss for words. “Magic?!”

“You’ve gotta be freakin’ kidding me,” Miranda groaned quietly.

“It’s true,” Bryan exclaimed. He opened up his tote bag and dumped its contents onto the bench. Mostly, it was dog-eared notebooks and locked diaries. “Gavin was way into the paranormal. He’d kill me for sharing this with anyone, but this is an emergency. I’m really starting to think that he’s in trouble.”

“Define ‘paranormal’,” Miranda demanded.

Bryan unlocked a diary and spoke as he shuffled through its pages. “A paranormal phenomenon is any phenomenon that defies one or more laws of reality.”

Miranda clapped back fast. “If it defies reality as we know it, then how can you have any understanding of how it works?”

Bryan simply said, “I don’t know how it works. I don’t know anyone who truly understands how it works.”

Miranda started getting exasperated, just like she had after Nadine gave all her money away. “If you don’t know how magic works, then how the hell are you supposed to distinguish genuine magic from an illusion?!”

“I don’t know.”

“Oh for crying out loud,” Miranda moaned.

“I know it’s frustrating,” Bryan said. “I’ll admit, the number of charlatans greatly outweigh the number of actual practitioners, but there are some people that can just do it naturally.”

He flipped to a page that had a photograph taped to it. It was a photo of Gavin standing outside of a cabin in the woods. He was floating six feet off the ground and beaming excitedly at the camera. Bryan smiled fondly and said, “Not even he knew how he could do it, but there was just no other explanation. The dude was magic!”

“Do the words: ‘argumentum ad ignorantiam’ mean anything to you?” Miranda rolled her eyes and turned to her companions. “Why are we wasting time with this guy?”

She may have been unconvinced, but Nadine and Heather still wanted to hear what Bryan had to say. Nadine pointed to the picture and asked, “Where was this taken?”

“Gavin had an old hunting cabin deep in the woods,” Gavin explained. “He was messing with powers he didn’t understand, so he wanted a place to practice where he couldn’t accidentally hurt anyone.”

“Where is this cabin,” Nadine asked.

Bryan shook his head. “Don’t bother. I cleared it out after Gavin disappeared.” He gestured to all the notes sprawled across the bench and said, “This is all there was.”

Heather glanced at the diary’s pages and said, “I don’t recognize the writing. Did he write this in code?”

Bryan nodded. “That’s exactly what he did. But he’s shared enough with me that I can make out his entries. There’s nothing in here about time loops though. That stuff’s way out of Gavin’s league.”

“Why would you need to encrypt something that no one understands anyway,” Miranda asked.

It looked like Bryan was starting to get irritated with Miranda. “Gavin practiced because he dreamed of one day learning how to control his powers. Magic’s a weird thing. It’s not something you can just learn at Hogwarts or anything. Since no one knows how it works, no one knows how to control it; But there are a small number of people that are more naturally talented than others. Have you guys ever heard of the Great Ozolas?”

The girls all shook their heads.

“They’re an old pair of gifted twins from Latvia. Gavin always said that those two were the closest thing to true mages he’d ever seen. They run a travelling carnival called ‘Wandering Wonders’.”

Heather noticed her cousin rolling her eyes at the mention of a travelling carnival, but Bryan seemed unaware. “Valdis Ozola can work wonders with his magic, but Iveta’s the one who really runs the show. She doesn’t perform crazy miracles like her brother, but her prophesies are impeccable. She’s like an oracle or something.”

Miranda looked like she wanted to rip into Bryan’s beliefs, but she held herself back and said, “What do they have to do with any of this?”

Bryan turned to the final entry of Gavin’s diary and pointed to what looked like some lines of gibberish. “This was Gavin’s final entry. He said that Iveta Ozola had spoken to him in his dreams, and he believed that she was in trouble. I think that he was on his way to visit her when he…”

Bryan’s voice broke and he had to stop for a moment. He blinked back tears and said. “I’m sorry. I haven’t been handling the loss all that well.”

Heather gasped inaudibly. She felt so bad for this poor guy and genuinely wanted to hug him, but she was also worried about making things awkward.

“Listen, even if the Ozola’s have nothing to do with your troubles, they’re the next ones you should talk to. If there’s anyone who can help you fix time, it’s them. Their carnival is passing through this state right now. I was going to go talk with them tomorrow, but if everything you’ve said is true, I may never get the chance.”

They spoke for a while longer, but Bryan didn’t have much else to say that was all that helpful to the girls. When he was all done, he gathered up Gavin’s notes and bid his farewells. Once he stood up and started lumbering back to his car, it became apparent just how broken and miserable he was. Heather wanted to hug him all over again, and involuntarily called out, “Hey, Bryan.”

Bryan stopped and turned to her, and the look in his eyes released butterflies in Heather’s tummy. The heartbroken redhead stood there like a moron, saying nothing. After a moment, she blurted, “Please take care of yourself,” and scurried back to her car.

The girls got to their vehicle just as Bryan sped past them, which turned out to be pretty bad timing. He was long gone by the time anyone noticed that Heather’s passenger-side tires had been slashed.

“Awe, c’mon,” Miranda groaned in exasperation. “Who would do…” She stopped herself mid-sentence. They all knew exactly who would do this.

It was Heather who saw him first. She jumped back and screamed as a black figure rose from the floor of her cab. A figure that looked at her through the goggles of a gas mask.
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Post by Nainur »

truly: 'fantastic' stuff! Epic!
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Post by starinski »

Who else would kill for a deviantart version of this beautiful story? :D
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Post by Rtj65 »

Catching up on this again, and it's fantastic! Really enjoying how the mystery behind the story is being slowly unravelled, and of course the sheer creativity of the bondage is magnificent - looking forward to the next part!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by CerberusKing »

Aight, we got magic now. So now after the get captured, they can move on to the next step.
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Post by Red86 »

Well it seems the girls are on to something here. Let's see where these new clues will lead them!

The question is, are the girls getting closer to ending the loop or are they just at the top of the rabbit hole? With addition of the magical element, it would seem we've barely started our descent 😁
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Post by TomYi »

Heather froze up. Hadn’t she locked her doors? How had he snuck in there unnoticed? How did he always know where they were? What was she supposed to--

“RUN,” Miranda yelled.

Gassy opened a rear door, and a black boot stepped out of Heather’s car.


Miranda was already running for the hills, and Nadine soon followed suit. It was a bit of a knee-jerk reaction and Heather had no idea what to think of it, but Gassy wasn’t giving her any time to think at all.

So, she ran.

Miranda had gone west, and Nadine had gone north, so Heather ran to the east. She dashed across the vacant campground and ran right into the tree line. Branches slashed at her face and tugged at her hair, but she kept on going in an adrenaline-fueled scramble. She made so much noise that she couldn’t tell if he was behind her, so she just kept running.

Heather didn’t know how long she ran for, but it was long enough to bring her to her knees. The exhausted redhead fell to the forest bed, panting with exhaustion. All was quiet. Gassy wasn’t chasing her.

She suddenly remembered what Miranda had said: “Get help.” Nadine had gone in the direction of the highway. They were a pretty long way from that, but if she managed to make it, she could flag someone down there. Miranda had just gone into the woods, so her best bet would be to hope for cell service and call for help. Heather realized that that was probably her best option as well.

She reached into her back pocket and felt nothing. She checked her bra and felt nothing, and then her heart sank. “I left my phone in the car, didn’t I?”

She kicked herself for about a minute before calming down and collecting her thoughts. Maybe splitting up was the smart thing to do after all. If she was lucky, she could double back to her car while Gassy was chasing the others and retrieve her phone.

It was as good a plan as any. Heather kept a brisk pace on the way back, but she was much slower this time. She was tired, and she needed to look closely for her old trail. She looked for broken branches and quickly discovered that there were broken branches in every direction. She searched for familiar trees and found that all trees look the same.

She was lost.

A lump formed in her throat. What if some wild animal found her before Gassy did? What if Gassy never found her at all? What if no one ever found her? She gulped and stared down at the ground. She was hyperventilating. She needed to calm herself.

C’mon, Heather,’ she thought to herself. ‘You can’t afford to be scared. No one else is here to help. What would Nadine do?'

Heather’s breathing slowed. She rose back up, took a deep breath, and trudged on. “She would keep going.”

A moment later, Heather heard a shrill cry echo through the woods. It sounded like Miranda, and it came from Heather’s right. Gassy must have gotten her, which meant that right was not the direction she wanted to go. She continued marching straight ahead at a faster pace.

For a long time, she just walked through vegetation. Tree after tree, bush after bush. But then there was something beyond the trees. Open space! Heather rushed onward, and her spirits soared. She was back at the campsite!

The giddy geek couldn’t believe it. She’d had no idea what direction she was going, but by either dumb luck or sheer willpower, she had found her way back. She could see her car. She was going to make it! She was going to--


A gloved hand reached around her head and clasped over her mouth. She didn’t feel so victorious all of a sudden. The hand pulled her back into the trees, and Heather was pressed against a nearby trunk. Heather was staring Gassy right in the face now, and it made her skin crawl.

She put her hands in the air. “It’s okay. We’re okay. There’s no need to-- hey!”

Gassy grabbed her right hand and readied a roll of silver duct tape. Heather’s hand was balled into a tight fist before being wrapped up. He then did the same with her left hand, leaving each of Heather’s arms capped off with round stumps of tape. He then bent down and wrapped the tape twice around her ankles. Her dash through the woods was officially over.

Gassy reached into his backpack and pulled out a sponge. It was kind of big, but it looked clean. He balled it up and Heather asked, “Is that really necessary?”

He answered ‘yes’ by shoving it in her mouth. A wide strip of tape was pressed across her lips and smeared over her cheeks. She was gagged, but at least it wasn’t a sock gag.

“Wmmph!” Heather let out a muffled cry as Gassy wrapped his arms around her hips and hoisted her over his shoulder. He carried her quite a long way like that. The positioning was actually kind of handy since Heather was now facing away from all the pointy tree branches that Gassy walked through. Heather tried peeling off her gag, but her tape fists just weren’t up to the task. Even with her arms free, there was nothing she could do.

After a while, they stepped out of the trees. Gassy gently set Heather down from his shoulder, and the ginger damsel took in her surroundings.

She’d been taken to a clearing. A tiny meadow encircled by tall trees with relatively narrow trunks. One nearby tree had a large grey rock sitting at its base, and another two trees had…

“Mhrhndmn? Nhdhnn!”

Heather was apparently the last one to be caught because Miranda and Nadine were already in the clearing. Heather’s friends both had their backs pressed against separate trees. Their hands had been taped up behind their respective trunks, and each one of the girls was wrapped from head to toe in duct tape.

Nadine was wrapped the most thoroughly. She almost resembled an ancient Egyptian mummy at that point. There was even tape wrapping her head against the tree trunk. One wrapping went over her eyes, and another wrapping went over her mouth. The only parts of her body that weren’t wrapped in tape were her breasts, her neck, and her bare feet.

Miranda was barefoot as well and was similarly blindfolded and gagged with her head wrapped to a tree. Her hands were all taped up behind the trunk, but her body wasn’t quite as mummified as Nadine’s. That being said, it was still a whole lot of duct tape. Between the two of them, there must have been over a mile of adhesive in that clearing!

“mm! mmnm mm nmn mnmn mm!”

That pitiful gag talk was the only indication that the others had heard Heather’s cry. They had both been so completely taped up that neither one of them could muster an inch of movement. Both Nadine and Miranda had been rendered as rigid and immobile as the trees they were taped to!

It was only then that Heather noticed that neither of her friends actually had their feet on the ground. The tape held them in the air about a foot up the trees’ trunks. That was the last detail she was able to take in before Gassy lifted her up like a child and stood her atop that big grey rock with her back against a tree.

“Mmph!” The writing was on the wall, and Heather knew what was next. “Nm! Plmmf dhnt thp mn mp!”

Gassy carried on. Heather didn’t know why she bothered pleading with him anymore. It was just sort of involuntary. She really didn’t want to wind up like her friends. Of course, her captor had his own plans. He pulled Heather’s arms behind her and wrapped them tightly around the tree trunk. He crossed her wrists together and taped them up tight. Her ankles were wrapped to the trunk next.

As he worked on her, Heather stared at her transfixed friends with big, frightened eyes. Was that her fate? She didn’t want to be blindfolded and left in the woods!

The bound and gagged redhead let out a startled whimper when Gassy grabbed her jaw. He wasn’t rough or anything. It was just surprising. He pressed her head against the tree trunk so that she faced straight ahead, and then he wrapped tape over her mouth. It went tightly around her head and the trunk. Gassy stopped after two rotations, but he didn’t rip off the roll. Instead, he did something he’d never done before with Heather.

He placed a hand on her side and began to tickle.


Heather let out a little scream and laughed maniacally. She was a very ticklish girl. The boys in grade school used to tease her with tickles during recess, but she never saw the fun in it. It was even less fun when she was taped to a tree with a big sponge in her mouth.


Gassy was a multitasker. As he tickled his defenceless damsel, he continued wrapping the tape over her mouth in circuit after circuit. Heather’s cheeks bulged over the tape, and her forced laughter became more and more muffled with each pass.


By the time he was through with her gag, the ripping tape was louder than her distressed mewls. It dawned on Heather just then that even if Miranda or anyone else had managed to call for help, it'd be really hard for a search party to find them. She reckoned that not even the songbirds perched above them could hear her screams.

Apparently satisfied with his victim’s gag, Gassy stretched the tape roll wide open and levelled it right in front of Heather’s eyes.

“nm! nmnn!”

Heather tried to shake her head or turn away, but her wrap-around tape gag prevented that. Gassy pressed the tape over her pleading eyes, and she was plunged into darkness. She felt him wrapping it around several times, and her head was pressed even tighter against the tree. She couldn’t turn her head if her life depended on it!

Her feelings were her most useful sense left from there on out. The sounds of rumbling tape filled her eardrums, and she felt its sticky constriction against her legs. More wrappings were added above and below her knees, and beneath her breasts. She hoped that this meant that Gassy wouldn’t tickle her ribs anymore.

He didn’t tickle her ribs, but the torture was just beginning.

“mmhmhmhmhm!” Heather writhed uncontrollably as Gassy’s fingers assaulted her belly. The tape hurt her skin, but she couldn’t help herself.

And then he added more tape.

Heather was lucky that the tree he’d picked was nice and straight and had decently smooth bark. It was almost comfortable to be pressed tight against its trunk. Almost. After all, Heather was wrapped up tight. So tight that she could barely struggle the next time Gassy tickled her.

It was then that Heather realized what was happening. Gassy was using the tickles as a test to see just how secure his prisoner was. If Heather ever made noise or moved too much, her kidnapper would simply remedy that by adding more tape. Is this why Nadine and Miranda had been bound with so much tape? Had those poor girls already gone through this hell?

Heather froze like a statue. Movement only meant more tape. Screaming only meant more tape. But holy crap, was she ever ticklish!


This was so not fair! She couldn’t help herself. The tingles from Gassy’s invasive fingers sent Heather into a frenzy every time. It went on until she was bound with so much tape that Gassy had run out of spots to tickle.

And that’s when he removed the rock from beneath Heather’s feet.

The cocooned captive barely sank an eighth of an inch before the tape took on all her weight. Heather thought she could hear Gassy throw the stone away, and seconds later, she heard a very distant thud.

By that point, there was so much tape on Heather’s body that it was kind of hard to breathe. She thought that the end was surely near, but then she felt him pull her shoes off.


Heather’s feet were her most ticklish part of all. When his fingers ran over her bare soles, it provoked a panic like none before. Heather hadn’t even known that she had it in her. Gassy added more tape, but she always managed to squirm one way or another every time he went back to her feet. It was hell on earth!


At long last, she didn’t move. She cackled into her gag, and tears collected beneath her blindfold, but she did not move. It just wasn’t possible. She couldn’t tell anymore where she ended and the tree began.

That was good enough for Gassy. Finally! Heather wanted to sing to high heaven, but that obviously wasn’t an option. Sleep was her only option now, and that could be achieved easily enough. She already had the world’s most effective sleeping mask, and she was exhausted beyond belief.

Yes,’ Heather thought. ‘I think I’d like to sleep now…
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Post by Nainur »

oh, wooooooow.
Only wished he would used ropes! But I am feeling for the girls, indeed I do...
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Post by Caesar73 »

Hi Tom! Outstanding chapter again - Gassy never runs out of ideas :) I like the idea taping the girls to the trees and subjecting them so tickle torture.

Great job [mention]TomYi[/mention] !!
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Post by chelseykittyc@t »

Love the tickling (:
Heyyy, I’m back. My name is Chelsey. I am into foot fetish, sock fetish, shoe fetish, HOM, bondage, gags, smelling, and getting kidnapped. I am always down to role play sooo message me (;
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Post by CerberusKing »

Nice, the heavy gags are always fun to see.
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Post by Rtj65 »

Another excellent chapter, creative and vividly described as ever. Looking forward to more!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by slackywacky »

> Movement only meant more tape. Screaming only meant more tape.

Everybody learns eventually... Great story, looking forward to the next update.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by TomYi »


“Oh, man. This isn’t my place!”

Miranda groaned as she crawled out of bed. When this time stuff had all started, the sound of a nearby car crash had been more than enough to jolt Miranda out of sleep, but now it was just the start of another loop to her. It was kind of like using a wild song as your alarm, only to get sick of it and go back to abusing the snooze button.

Or perhaps Miranda was just feeling stiff from her latest encounter. It was definitely not her finest tie-up. At least she hadn’t had to suck on dirty socks that time, but Gassy had still found a way to make her suffer. It didn’t even make sense. She had surrendered once she’d been caught, so what did she do to deserve so much tickle torture?

She did a quick stretch before going to kick Michael.

“Oh hey, fancy running into y--OOF!”

Kicking that jerk’s nuts was a great way to wake Miranda up. It was good for a lot of things, actually. If only Gassy could get hurt as easily as Michael…

She left him lying in the driveway as usual and returned to the kitchen. She found a fresh pot of coffee, but no one was in the room. Rather than wait, Miranda filled a mug with hot black goodness and took a seat. Her energy was just beginning to return when Heather entered.

Miranda’s little cousin was wearing a pink shirt with denim shorts, red flip flops, and a fluffy red scrunchie on her wrist. Miranda had figured for a while now that those things would fall out of fashion soon, but she supposed that fashion would never change at the rate things were going.

Speaking of fashion, Nadine entered the kitchen soon after. She was wearing dark flats, slim navy-blue jeans, an off-white shirt, a light purple jacket, and a violet hijab. Something was up. Normally at this hour, the girls were still wearing their nightwear and recuperating from their latest tie-up; but on this morning, they looked ready for a shopping trip. They’d even put on makeup already!

“…What are you dressed up for,” Miranda asked.

“For the circus,” Heather answered.

“Finish your coffee and get rolling,” Nadine said. “Wandering Wonders might be in our state, but it’ll still be a long drive.”

Miranda could barely believe it. “We’re actually following up on that guy’s lead? We’re gonna try to fix time by asking carnies for help?!”

For a short moment, it looked as though things would play out the way they had after Nadine gave all her money away, but the others both seemed to sympathize with Miranda this time. Heather gave her the pleading look of a child wanting to go out for ice cream and said, “Miranda, it’s the only lead we’ve got.”

Miranda sighed and down a large gulp of coffee. It was obvious that Gavin had just picked up a couple of tricks from circus magicians and suckered that air-head, Bryan, into believing in magic. And now that sucker had suckered Nadine and Heather into chasing those same illusions. Their only lead was absolutely bonkers, but Heather was right. It was their only lead.

“We’re the worst detectives ever.” That was all that Miranda had to say before she finished her coffee. The others frowned at that statement, and it made her feel surprisingly guilty. So much so that she shut up and went to change without a word. Might as well get their little adventure over with and let the results speak for themselves.

Miranda borrowed some makeup and clothes from Heather and Nadine. They’d been letting her do that for what felt like a whole week, and the materials were always right back in the same place each morning. She went with a pair of navy-blue skinny jeans, a grey and form-fitting undershirt, and a plaid blouse with the sleeves rolled up and the buttons undone.

Ever since the time loop had started, Miranda had been progressively admitting to herself that nothing mattered. Everything would just be undone, so why bother with stuff like hygiene or fashion? But when she saw herself in the mirror with a fresh new look, she couldn’t deny that it felt nice.

“Alright,” Miranda grumbled to herself. “Let’s go to the circus…”

Nadine wasn’t kidding about the long ride. That stupid circus was practically on the opposite corner of their state! The three of them took turns driving Nadine’s Honda Civic for hours on end. Heather had warned them not to take any less-traveled roads, recounting her car crash with Gassy, so they mostly stuck to the freeway.

When they finally did arrive, they found a carnival that was even more laughable than Miranda had imagined. It was set up in a field outside of town, and the establishment was split in two halves that were divided by a ramshackle barricade. One half was open for business while the other half was full of rides and machines that were still being awkwardly assembled. Miranda could overhear the shouts of hustling workers, and it sounded like a real fustercluck. The welcoming signs and cheerful banners all looked as though they had been bright and vibrant once upon a time, but now they were dirty and dilapidated.

“Is this how mages live,” Miranda asked sarcastically.

“Why don’t we go and find out,” Nadine answered.

They split up and searched for either one of the so-called Great Ozolas. Miranda’s hunt yielded nothing but burnt out carnival workers who mostly all said the same thing: “We’ve had some pretty bad luck, but it could be worse.”

It turned out that both of the Ozolas had both taken an extended (and spontaneous) leave of absence a few weeks ago. This was a pretty major blow to Wandering Wonders, since those two were apparently the heart and soul of their carnival. Without Valdis or Iveta, the remainder of the management was in way over their head. At least the interim boss had managed to keep morale up by buying out nearby motel rooms to each one of the workers. The carnies seemed overjoyed at not having to sleep in tents or share a porta-potty.

No matter who Miranda talked to, no one knew where the Ozolas had gone. What a waste of a road trip! Miranda had not come into this with high hopes, but Bryan’s lead had still managed to disappoint!

Miranda met back up with Heather and Nadine, who had both gotten the same worthless info. It looked like a complete bust, but Nadine wasn’t ready to quit just yet.

“We can’t have come all this way for nothing! Maybe the Ozolas left something behind that will tell us where they’ve gone?”

Miranda was sick of playing detective, but Nadine was right. They shouldn’t give up after having come so far. And so, Miranda suggested: “How about we go into town, wait until everyone’s gone, and then come back and search the trailers? I saw a camper that looked like it could be Iveta’s.”

“Yeah, I saw it too,” Heather said. “Good thinking!”

Nadine liked the idea too, and so they headed into town. They’d already spent most of the day on the road, so they wouldn’t have to wait long to return. They went to a KFC for dinner, and Nadine went inside to pick up their order while Miranda and Heather waited in the car.

It was remarkable how quickly their spirits seemed to fall once it was just the two of them. Heather frowned and fiddled with the scrunchie on her wrist. She seemed to get more and more antsy until Miranda couldn’t help but ask, “Are you doing okay over there?”

“I-I’m fine,” Heather said. “I was just thinking…”

Miranda finished her cousin’s sentence. “What are we gonna do if we don’t find anything?”

Heather nodded meekly, and Miranda felt compelled to downplay her own despair. “We’ll just have to take a step backwards and look again. Maybe next time we can find a friend of Gavin’s who isn’t a gullible tool.”

“Hey, don’t be mean to Bryan,” Heather said. “He was just desperate to get his friend back.”

“So desperate that he was willing to eat up our insane ’Happy Death Day’ story,” Miranda countered. She went on before noticing a familiar look in Heather’s eyes. “Seriously, we could have told him that we were Nigerian princes and he’d… oh my god! You’re crushing on him, aren’t you?!”

“N-No,” Heather stammered. “I just wanna help him out is all!”

Miranda just about rolled her eyes into another dimension. “Oh, please. You think I didn’t notice that ‘Please, take care of yourself, Bryan-poo’?”

Miranda’s spot-on impression got her cousin blushing like a cherry. “Shut up,” she cried. “I-I just didn’t know what to say.”

“That’s the easy part, Heather! Guys all want one thing. Just let them know that you’ll give it to them, and they’ll fall head-over-heels for you. Not that that shmuck is worth your time anyways.”

“Didn't I tell you to leave him alone?”

“Leave who alone?” It was Nadine. She tapped on the glass, holding three paper bags of chicken, salads, and fries.

“No one,” Heather yelped.

Miranda resisted the urge to laugh at her cousin’s endearing embarrassment. “We were just talking about stupid-ass crushes on stupid-ass boys.”

Nadine looked legitimately offended. “Without me?! C’mon, unlock the doors! Lemme in!”

‘Oh god, really?’ Miranda shook her head as Nadine darted into her seat. Their olive-skinned companion had suddenly gotten very excited. “Was Heather telling you about Scott?”

Miranda resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “The weeb from bio class? Yes, she already has, and it’s two thumbs down from me. Our campus doesn’t really have any decent guys.”

Nadine made that offended by look again. “Um, excuse me! Have you not seen the basketball team?! Snack City over there!”

“And that volleyball team though,” Heather added.

Nadine’s face lit up. “YES! Yes!”

Miranda did not share their enthusiasm. She actually knew from personal experience that a lot of those athletes did not have the personality to match their looks, but rather than ruin their fun, she decided to just tell Heather, “Whatever. You have weird tastes anyways.”

“I do not,” Heather countered.

Miranda smiled. “Girl, you went through a furry phase as a kid!”

Nadine looked at Heather, seeming to love this newly acquired gossip. “What?!”

Heather made a cute look of embarrassment and slowly said. “First of all: it was a ‘horsegirl’ phase, and secondly: those DreamWorks animators had no business making the horses from Spirit look that pretty!”

Nadine wasn't about to let her friend off with that. “How does that even work, though? Did you wanna ride the horse literally or figuratively?”

Miranda and Nadine both snickered, but Heather clapped back with tea of her own. “I was a kid! Besides, you have weird crushes to this day, Nadine. Remember Geralt of Rivia?”

“Ew,” Miranda cried. “Really?!”

Nadine didn’t look ashamed in the slightest. “What’s wrong with the Witcher?”

“He’s way too rough around the edges,” Heather answered, now on the offensive.

“So what,” Nadine replied. “That’s why he’s a crush and not a future husband.”

“He doesn’t even look good,” Heather said. “He’s got weird hair and freaky eyes.”

Nadine was quick to respond. “What makes you think that I’m looking up there?”

That made Miranda laugh. “Okay, valid point. I dunno about Geralt, but let me just say: Henry Cavill can split me in half whenever he wants!”

“AAH!” Nadine let out a short scream and giggled uncontrollably. She held up her hand for a high five and shouted, “Now that’s good taste!”

“Not so fast,” Heather gibed. “You don’t know about Miranda’s childhood crush…”

Miranda’s stomach dropped. “Heather, don’t!”

The redhead made a cheeky grin and folded her arms. “Sure, you tell her then.”

“No,” Miranda shouted. “It barely lasted a month!”

“You started this,” Heather said. “If you don’t tell her, I will, so spill it!”

Miranda cursed internally as her face went red. Heather had her trapped. That girl sure picked a bad time to suddenly be so assertive. Too embarrassed to make eye contact, Miranda just looked at the ground and mumbled her humiliating secret.

“...Patrick Stewart.”

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Nadine clutched her sides and bent over, roaring with laughter. “You had a crush on Sir Patrick Stewart!?”

“Shut up,” Miranda cried. “I don’t know what I was thinking!”

“Neither do I!” Actual tears were forming in Nadine’s eyes. “He’s like seventy years older than you!”

“He’s not even sixty years older than me,” Miranda shouted defensively.

That just made Nadine laugh harder. “Oh my God, you even memorized his age!”

“What? NO!” Miranda buried her face in her hands and said. “You guys are the worst!”

Nadine appeared to be in actual pain from all her laughter, but Heather was just standing there in silent smugness. Just as things started to quiet down, she leaned up to Miranda with a playful grin and asked, “Okay, serious question: Would you, or would you not call him ‘Sir’ in bed?”

STOP IT,” Miranda cried out.

The others did eventually stop, but only after fifteen more minutes of laughing and teasing. Partway through all that fooling around, Miranda felt something that she hadn’t felt in a really long time. She felt like a little girl at one of her old slumber parties.

She felt like she was having fun!

Between the time loop and all the BS of her senior year, it was a big deal for tired ol’ Miranda to be able to sincerely smile and giggle. It felt kind of like a breakthrough in a weird and pathetic way. She’d actually been happy!

Maybe she could be happy again once she was free of the time loop; but until then, Miranda was glad to be trapped with such good company.

They snuck back into the circus after dark. Sure enough, everyone had gone off to their ‘fabulous’ motels. The new management must have been even worse than Miranda had thought, since security seemed to be virtually nonexistent. Heck, the skeleton crew had only managed to set up a gravitron and a carousel since the girls had last been there.

They went straight for a trailer that had ‘IVETA’ written on its door. They were able to pry the door open with a conveniently misplaced crowbar, and quickly hustled inside. They weren’t surrounded by witnesses anymore, which meant that Gassy could show up at any moment, so they had to hurry.

The trailer’s interior looked like someone’s home, but it definitely didn’t look lived in. Someone had cleaned it up spick and span. The crew must have had a lot of respect for Iveta.

The three trespassers quickly got to work raiding the trailer. They searched in every nook and cranny for a note or a receipt or anything that could give away Iveta’s location. Being the tallest of the three, Miranda looked in the high cabinets. It was there that she found a folded piece of paper beneath a wobbly coffee mug. That struck her as odd, so she curiously unfolded the paper and found a handwritten message.

Show this to your friends, Miranda. All three of you need to read this.

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[mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Rtj65[/mention] [mention]CerberusKing[/mention] [mention]chelseykittyc@t[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]Red86[/mention] [mention]Ogg[/mention]

Thank you everyone for your incredible support! I really hate to do this to you guys, but I'm going to have to leave you hanging with a cliffhanger.

You easily surpassed the comment quota of 5, so there will definitely be a second half to this, but a really busy schedule this weekend means that there will be a slight delay in the continuity. Just rest assured that Part 2 will get here eventually! Until then, enjoy some plot and character development!

And yes, [mention]starinski[/mention], I do indeed get tempted to commission DeviantArt portraits of certain scenes now and again :lol:
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]TomYi[/mention] No complaints on my part here - regarding the cliffhanger :) Well, maybe just a bit, but on the other hand you presented us with a very good cliffhanger, promising us and our trio answers. This chapter was most entertaining, the atmosphere not scarry this time, no Gassy jumping out of the bushes.
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Post by Nainur »

just take your time...
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Post by starinski »

Thanks for the update [mention]TomYi[/mention]
As for Deviantart, may I suggest you follow your temptations? :P
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Post by chelseykittyc@t »

Cliffhanger? :P love and hate you for it
Heyyy, I’m back. My name is Chelsey. I am into foot fetish, sock fetish, shoe fetish, HOM, bondage, gags, smelling, and getting kidnapped. I am always down to role play sooo message me (;
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Post by Red86 »

You can't just leave us on that kind of cliffhanger. We want to know what the rest of the paper reveals 🤣🤣

Joking aside, that was a really good cliffhanger 😀. Take your time and I look forward to seeing this continue when you have more free time!!
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Syko Sith
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Post by Syko Sith »

This is a well written story. A little upset about the cliffhanger but only a little :D Also if anyone says hi I prefer Syko
Hogtied and loving it
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Syko Sith[/mention] Welcome onboard Syko!
It's always a thrill to see a new face on here :mrgreen:
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Post by CerberusKing »

Cliffhanging teasers, ugh. Take your time, I'm just excited.
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Post by starinski »

For those who have watched Edge of Tomorrow, the "Oh hey fancy running into you " is like the "On your feet maggot" :D
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Post by Rtj65 »

Another great chapter, I actually enjoyed the cliffhanger - its suspenseful and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by TomYi »

For a moment, Miranda simply stood there trying to make sense of this note. How had its author known that Miranda would find the note, or that she would have two friends with her? Were they being followed?

“…Hey, guys, I think I’ve got something.”

Miranda brought the paper down to the floor and unfolded it entirely. She could hear the others rushing over and looking past her shoulder.

“What is it,” Heather asked. Miranda simply answered by reading it.

I commend you all for coming this far, but there is no sense in searching for me. By the time you read this, I will be unable to help.

Do not worry though. All is as I have foreseen. The three of you are in the eye of a great storm, but you are very much on track to saving our future. Heed my words, and the winds of chaos shall sweep you away no more.

You must trust one another, for you are the chosen few. Embrace your strengths, rise above your weaknesses, and give a voice to the one you cannot hear.

Godspeed, dear ladies.

The Great Iveta

Was that it? That couldn’t be it! Miranda flipped the page around and plucked at its corner. Maybe there was another sheet that was stuck to the first one.

“Can I read that again,” Nadine asked.

Miranda practically threw the letter at her companion. If she held onto that stupid paper for one second longer, she might have ripped it in half. She’d been naïve enough to let that first line get her hopes up, but the letter wound up containing nothing but the same vacuous garbage that you’d hear from any other “psychic” conman.

Seriously, what was stopping that woman from just using plain English?! The only parts that even came close to useful were the ones that told them to stop searching and instead give a voice to the unheard one.

Heather must have had the same thought because her words soon cut through Miranda’s silent rage. “So… who’s the one that we can’t hear?”

“It’s gotta be Gassy,” Nadine said.

There were a dozen problems with that logic, but Miranda chose to focus on one. “And what if it is? We’ve tried talking to him umpteen times and he never utters a peep. Are we supposed to give him throat surgery or something?”

“What if it’s his mask,” Heather said. “What if that’s what’s stopping him from talking to us?”

Miranda was quick to counter that. “If that were true, then he’d be in a hurry to take that thing off. Instead, he couldn’t get it back on fast enough back when we fought him back at the gym.”

Heather frowned. “So what do we do then?”

Nadine folded up the note and stuffed it away. “We head back to the car. If we stick to the roads, it’ll buy us some time to think.”

“That works for me,” Miranda said as she headed out the door. “Let get out of h--"

She stopped dead in her tracks. They all did.

Across from the trailer stood Gassy. His outfit blended well with the shadows, but his silhouette was one that the girls easily recognized. The petrified trio stared at him and he stared back for a moment. Then, he advanced.


Miranda’s ‘fight-or-flight’ instinct had kicked in, and fighting wasn’t going to work, so she flew to the right along with Nadine. Heather must have gone the other way. Splitting up would normally be the most nonsensical thing they could do, but they’d already tried all the alternatives.

“Aah!” Miranda yelped as something tackled her from behind. She came crashing to the ground, and the impact sent the wind rushing out of her lungs. As she laid wheezing on the ground, a pair of black hands grabbed her wrists and crossed them behind her back.

“Get off of her,” Nadine yelled.

What was that girl doing? Miranda couldn’t see all that well, but it looked as though Nadine was attacking Gassy, trying to yank his mask off. Had she seriously bought into Heather’s idea? Miranda wanted to tell her to run, but she didn’t have her breath back yet.

Gassy wound some rope around Miranda’s wrists and tightly lashed them together. It was a familiar feeling by that point, and Miranda half-expected her assailant to follow the usual routine and proceed to her ankles. He did not.


Miranda suddenly felt Gassy’s weight shoot off her. She twisted her gaze back and saw Gassy grabbing Nadine by the wrists. After a short struggle, Miranda’s Muslim cohort was thrown to the ground beside her. Gassy mounted Nadine, just as he had with Miranda, and drew some more rope.

His mask was extremely loose, practically dangling off of his deformed flesh. It wasn’t all the way off, but there was nothing Miranda could do to finish what her friend had started. Her wrists were held firmly together with no slack in the rope. Gassy had made sure to secure her arms before moving on to Nadine.

But he’d forgotten her legs.

Miranda drew a deep breath and scrambled onto her feet. She couldn’t help Nadine – especially with her hands tied – but she could perhaps break free and buy Heather some more time to escape.

She took off and quickly discovered that running was an awkward task with your hands tied. Still, Miranda hadn't put in all those miles on the treadmill for nothing. It wasn’t long at all before the sound of Nadine’s struggles became quiet and distant.

Miranda needed something sharp, something that could cut her loose. Maybe if she found a good hiding spot, she could grind her wrists against a sharp corner. Miranda turned to look at the nearest structure. Her eyes were still adjusting to the darkness, but she could make out the letters on its wide, rusted sign.



Miranda continued past the Mirror Maze. She’d seen enough thrillers to know that that was a horrible idea. Instead, she ducked under a raised stage and began rubbing her bound wrists against a steel plate that connected two sections of the stage’s frame. It wasn’t much, but that was all the runaway damsel could do.

Half an hour ago, it had looked as though they’d lucked out with the carnival’s lack of security. Now, Miranda really wished that they had left at least one guy behind. She could scream to high heaven, and no one would hear her.


A chilling cry echoed from across the carnival, and it sounded like it had come from Heather. Miranda cursed under her breath and doubled her efforts to cut herself loose. It was frustrating that she couldn’t see how deep she had cut, or how much farther she needed to go, or if her attempts were actually doing anything at all. She really couldn’t do anything but grind away at those ropes and hope for a breakthrough.

‘Just gotta keep going,’ she told herself. ‘Just gotta keep going…’

She never did get to see how far she’d gotten with that rope. She was found before she ever got the chance. Gassy came crawling through the darkness with his mask done back up and a roll of tape in his hand. Miranda knew what was coming, and she scrambled to think of something.

“Gavin,” she said softly. “It is Gavin, isn’t it? You can tell me what’s going on. If there’s anything you want, I can help you. I can--mmn mmph!”

It was a desperate attempt. Miranda didn’t know what she was expecting, but it came as no surprise when her captor stuffed a foam ball in her mouth without saying a word. The foam expanded to fill Miranda’s mouth as her lips were glued shut by two long strips of silver tape. From there, Gassy grabbed her by the ankles and dragged her out from under that stage. He scooped her up in his arms and began walking. Miranda stared onward, trying to see where she was being taken.

He carried her to the border between the open and closed portions of Wandering Wonders. It was a crowded area, and Miranda saw no signs of the others. There was only a bunch of stalls and rides. Namely, the newly added gravitron and a vintage-looking carousel lined with about a dozen colourful ponies impaled by thin vertical poles.

Apparently, it was the carousel that Gassy had his eye on. He carried Miranda over to a white unicorn and seated her down on its back. The ride was kind of small for Miranda, and she was seated backwards. She had a decent idea of why she had her back to the unicorn’s pole, but she couldn’t really ask. She could only watch as Gassy wrapped more rope around her right ankle, ran it under the unicorn’s belly, and tied it off to her left ankle. He repeated that trick in a couple of other places until Miranda had no chance of moving her legs off of that plastic saddle.

He then untied Miranda’s wrists before crossing them together again and retying them behind the pole. It was just as she’d predicted. Once her wrists were securely bound, her kidnapper proceeded to tie up a snug boxtie around her arms and chest. The boxtie wound around her breasts and constricted against her arms, all while keeping her back firmly pressed against the thin metal pole.

It had been hard enough to try and break free with only her wrists tied, but by the time Gassy was done with his boxtie, she wasn’t going anywhere. That was how he left her, tape gagged and forcibly mounted on a merry-go-round. Miranda tested her bonds while he was gone, but deep down she knew that there wasn’t any hope at this point.

About a minute later, Gassy came back. This time, he had Heather cradled in his arms. Miranda’s redhead cousin was similarly tape gagged, but her ankles were bound as well as her wrists. Gassy stood her up next to a yellow pony ahead of Miranda and got to work relocating his ropework. When he was done, Heather was tied atop that yellow pony and boxtied to the pole just like Miranda was.

Gassy left again, and Miranda could easily guess why. Sure enough, he returned with Nadine. Gassy’s third prisoner squirmed in his arms much more than the other two had, but she didn’t make much more noise than them. This was because Gassy had wrapped the tape tightly around Nadine’s head and over her mouth. Miranda wondered if that was her punishment for undoing his mask?

Apparently, the gag was the start of Nadine’s special treatment. Gassy pulled the ropes extra tight as he retied her atop a mocha-colored pony. When he retied Nadine’s arms around the pole he crossed them in a different way from the others. Both Heather and Miranda had their wrists tied in a low cross, but Nadine’s arms were crossed up high between her shoulder blades. The boxtie that followed looked extra secure, and extra uncomfortable.

Nadine twisted uselessly atop her steed and mumbled inaudible curses to her captor, but he didn’t seem to mind. He gave the three restrained riders a final look before stepping out of sight. Miranda leaned her head against the metal pole and sighed through her nose. There was nothing left to do but fall asleep and start over now.

Above her was a clear, starlit sky. ‘At least I can look up at the stars tonight,’ she thought optimistically.

And that’s when the lights came on.

The sudden buzz of an electric engine startled Miranda, and she squealed into her gag. Miranda darted her gagged head back and forth, taking everything in. The carousel had powered up, and its colourful lights glided over the lifeless horses.

“Mmmph.” Miranda groaned and shook her head. ‘Is this guy for real?’

Apparently so. After a moment, a cheery little jingle started sounding from some nearby speakers, and the carousel’s mechanisms creaked into motion. The next thing Miranda knew, she and her tied up friends were going on a carnival ride.

It didn’t take long for that corny music to get on Miranda’s nerves, and she couldn’t see Gassy anywhere. ‘Surely this thing will turn itself off after a while, right?’

Wrong. Around and around they went. Miranda’s snug ropes slid smoothly up and down her pole as they incessantly orbited their merry-go-round of bondage.

“Mmmph!” Miranda growled loudly with frustration and tugged uselessly at her ropes. It was going to be hard to fall asleep tonight…
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