The 4 of us, part 1: the game (M/F)(M/F)(F/M)(F/M)

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The 4 of us, part 1: the game (M/F)(M/F)(F/M)(F/M)

Post by OkDokey »

The Four of Us
Part one: the game

Somewhere in northwestern Pennsylvania, Spring, 2003.

Daniel, Lauren, Robert and Natalie were friends who work at a Brownwoods High School together. Daniel is a maintenance trainee, Lauren is one of the school nurses, Robert is a Social Work Intern, and Natalie is a student teacher. Conveniently, Daniel and Lauren are dating and Robert and Natalie are dating.

Daniel is 21, has medium-long black hair, and has very muscular, as he is an athlete in high school. Lauren is 22, tall, and has blonde hair that goes to her shoulders. Robert is 20, thin yet built, has short brown hair and thin framed circular glasses. Natalie is 21, has medium-long red hair, and is relatively small.

"So, are we staying for our little game?" Robert asked the other three after the fourth quarter of the high school basketball game came to a conclusion. The time was 8:00. The crowd was Clearing out and the four began their walk from the gymnasium to the bathrooms on the other side of the building where they would wait for the building to be locked and the last person to leave.

"We better be" Lauren said, looking at Daniel.
"Yes, but we have to be careful not to cause suspicion, nobody is supposed to be in this building after 8:30" Daniel responded.

"What is this game?" Natalie asked.

"Just a new Tie Up Game for us to play, and way to abuse these babies" Daniel chimed, twirling a ring full of keys around his finger.

"I cannot believe the school trusts us with keys to every room in this building." Robert added, unlocking the staff lunch room, where they hung out until it was safe to play.

"So how does this game go?"
A bored Lauren asked.

"Well" Daniel began, "basically there are two teams which for this game will be me and Lauren against Robert and Natalie."

"For round one, we will hide each others girlfriends from each other" Daniel explained as he glanced at Robert. "Robert will secure Lauren in a hidden location where she will be tied, and I will do the same for Natalie. We then have to find our girlfriends before the other does.

"However" Daniel continued. Producing a duffel bag full of duct tape, lanyards and other similar items. "We must prevent our captives from alerting their hero. You can also use any materials you find in the school."

"Okay, sounds reasonable" Natalie chimed in.

"And for round two, us boys will be the captives"

"Sounds fun!" Robert was glancing at a clock on the wall.

"One rule: no using restrooms, dressing rooms, and soundproof rooms" Daniel mentioned. They all agreed.

"Hey Lauren, check outside will ya?" Natalie asked. "It should be time" Lauren noted. The four decided to go together to the lobby, where the game began.

"Robert propped open a door at the front entrance with a shoe he scavenged from the lost and found table.

"Parking lot is clear. Except for our cars" he reported.

"Okay, I'll hide Natalie first" Daniel said.
"Okay Lauren, let's go wait in my car while we wait" Robert said, making sure the shoe was holding the door open, since the one key did not have, ironically, was one to the front entrance.

The time was 8:35

Robert and Lauren were outside in Robert's car facing away from the school.

Meanwhile, Daniel grabbed Natalie's wrists.
"Not quite sure what to do with you" he noted.
He looked at the duffel bag of supplies, which would remain at the lobby for both teams to use.

Daniel pulled Natalie's wrists in front of her and duct taped them tightly together. He then instructed her to jump on his back. She instinctively put her taped arms around Daniel's head, and he held her thighs, giving his captive a piggy back ride to their location.

"Where are you taking me?" Natalie asked.

"I'll figure it out" Daniel replied.

He walked down the north wing of the building, and spotted the science lab.

"Perfect" he thought.

He unlocked the door, entered. And set Natalie down right next to a humming fish tank that was on a counter with cupboards underneath.

"I'm putting you under the gullies" Daniel said proudly.

"Guppies" Natalie corrected.

"Whatever, time to shut you up" Daniel playfully retorted.

He then found a damp sponge and shoved it in her mouth, causing the shocked natalie to let out a muffled shriek.

He placed 2 strips of duct tape tightly over her mouth. He taped her ankles and knees before placing her in the cupboards underneath the counter. She barely fit, but her hands, while bound, were still mobile.

"I wouldn't want you freeing your mouth" Daniel noted.

"Mmph". Natalie moaned

He then took her bound hands and pulled them over behind her head. After that, he slid her against the cupboard wall and put a bunch of textbooks and stuff between her feet and the wall opposite of her head.

Daniel thought he had done it. He has literally deprived Natalie of space to the extent that her hands would not fit back over her head. Not only that, but the humming of the fish tanks were significantly drowning out her muffled cries.

"See you later" Daniel shut the cupboards and returned to the lobby.

He came out to his car, right next to Robert's and tapped on the window. He went in his car and waited for the next phase.

Robert and Lauren were now in the lobby. Robert thought for awhile before relieving Lauren of her lanyard. He took the ID off and gave it to her. She slipped it in her pocket.

He pulled her wrists behind her and bound them tightly with her lanyard.

Robert wasted no time restraining his captive. He took her to his office, (or what will be his office, once he finishes the internship) a small room with a desk, a computer, and a window essentially.

"This is kind of obvious, dont'ya think?" Lauren said.

"I never said I was putting you here" Robert replied.

He then grabbed a stress ball off of his desk and pushed it into Lauren's mouth. Just as Robert suspected, it fit almost perfectly.

He then wrapped duct tape over her mouth and around her head twice, since her hair was in a bun that day.

He picked her up bridal style and carried her down the west hall to the music room, he took her to the back where the private practicing rooms were. This was not against the rules, as these rooms were not completely soundproof (much to the annoyance of just about everybody).

Despite this, he noticed the closet adjacent to these rooms, and took her there instead.
These rooms had hooks which uniforms for the marching band and the like resided.

He maneuvered her to the back. Behind what seemed to be the entire ninth grades class worth of uniforms, and put her lanyard bound hands on the lowest hook he could find.
While it was easy to slide her bound hands on the hook, pulling them up and off would be next to impossible.

"Mmmh" Lauren whined.
"I know it smells in here" Robert agreed sympathetically.

Since she was standing up, her legs could still kick something, so to remedy this, he taped her ankles together tightly, and did the same just below her knees. Now she couldn't kick without losing balance.

Robert made his way through the maze of uniforms and before leaving the closet, looked back to get a feel of what Daniel would see.

Lauren was not visible as the thick of uniforms completely covered her, there was little movement from the back as well.

Robert also took this time to appreciate the soft classical music that always played from the speakers in the music room. This music played so long as there was no class.

"Ahhh Bach, or is it Mozart?" the somewhat musically inclined Robert noted.

This provided a sort of white noise. And was just loud enough to drown out the gagged whimpers coming from the closet. To an extent at least.

Robert and Daniel had both returned to the lobby. It was 9:10.

The search began. The first to get their girlfriend unbound and to the lobby wins.
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Post by OkDokey »

Part 1. Chapter 2.

Daniel and Robert both diligently searched the entire building for about 10 minutes before they were on the right track. Eventually, Robert was going down the north hall and putting his ear up to each door, peeking through the windows.

Daniel had a different method, he was taking the time to unlock each and every door in the west hall, spending almost a minute in each room.

Robert reckoned that since background noise was pretty quiet, he would hear something from the door if she were in there, this didn't stop him from looking in the windows on each door. Scanning the rooms for any sign of movement.

Daniel had finished fruitlessly looking through the ceramics room when he decided to take some risks and skip rooms he thought were an unlikely hiding place for his damsel.

He recollected Robert's fascination with the upright bass kept in the music room, so made his way there next.

Robert was looking inside the lab when he noticed the cupboard doors beneath the fish tank moving slightly. He decided to unlock the door and made his way inside, where Natalie's frustrated grunting became hopeful cries.

Robert opened the cupboard door to find his significant other with her hands taped behind her head, silver tape stuck tight on her face. Her eyes were wide as she beckoned him to free her.

"Mmmmmmpph!" She mewed frantically.

Robert tore the tap off her lips and pulled out the sponge.

"Finally, it was getting so cramped in there, Daniel will pay when it's our turn" she said confidently.

Robert struggled with the tape restraining her body.

"Hold still" Robert said as he found a pocket knife in the teachers desk. He freed Natalie and they made their way back to the lobby.

Daniel ran to the music room, and initially found nothing. He was about to turn and look elsewhere before he heard a sound that did not seem like part of the orchestral arrangement playing softly over the speakers.

The sound, Which was a dull thud, continued.

He examined the private rooms before settling in the closet. Which was clearly the source of the noise, as he opened the door, Lauren made clear to her presence in the room by screaming into her gag.

"MMMMMMPPH!" Daniel ran through the uniforms and found his girlfriend trusting up on a hook, she was tightly gagged with tape which was wrapped around her head, he first tore the tape off. Which was quite painful for Lauren. She tried to spit out the stress ball, but Daniel had to assist her in pulling it out.

"I cannot wait to get Robert back for this" she said menacingly. Daniel freed her hands and feet after some struggle, and they ran back to the lobby.
Coincidentally, both teams had arrived at the same time.

They all stood and looked at eachother.

"Tie?" Natalie reckoned.

"I suppose", Daniel said the game was now to be determined by the girls.

…Round 2…

Natalie and Daniel were in his car as Lauren prepared to captivate Robert.

She led him down the west hall towards the music rooms, but kept going past the hallway that led there and unlocked the maintenance room, which Lauren figured was the perfect place to hide Robert. This room had a metal door that had no window, and the thick walls, alongside the whirring of pipes, machines And servers would drown out his deeper pitched moans.

She sat him down in a chair and found some parcel tape.

She tightly taped his forearms to the arms of the chair, at the wrist and right before the elbows.

She taped his ankles and knees together and even took his shoes off, to hinder his escape attempts.

"You wont be going anywhere" Lauren jeered.
"Is that so?" Robert replied, almost intrigued.

Lauren found a leather utility belt on the ground, it had nothing in it, she wrapped it around Robert's waist, and tightened it as tight as it would get behind the spine of the chair.
"Natalie will find me h-"
Lauren shoved what appeared to be a dirty rag she found on a table into his mouth, much like the stress ball Robert used on her, it fit perfectly.

She took the opportunity to wrap the packing tape around his head not twice, but three times, she did it so tight his cheeks bulged below and above the tape, and it was not evident his mouth was stuffed.

"Mmmmph" robert himself was suprised at how well he had been gagged.
He almost couldn't hear himself even. He looked up at Lauren, in an almost worried fashion, Lauren just patted his head playfully and rolled the chair into a corner, then pulled a workbench in front of him, so he was crammed between the workbench the wall and some water tank that would hum every now and then.

The entire time be was screaming as loud as he could into the rag and tape, but Lauren just chuckled. She had used the remainder of the roll of parcel tape to restrain and gag Robert, which was over half of a roll.
"see ya"

Natalie was slightly nervous, she had no idea how she would restrain Daniel, the athlete.

While Lauren waited in her car, Natalie began leading Daniel to his comfort zone, the gymnasium. She hastily tied his hands behind his back with jump rope, and used another to secure his ankles.

"What's your plan?" Daniel asked tauntingly.
"This" Natalie replied, before pushing him onto his knees, then on the a mat that was unfolded from wresting practice. She then took a third jump rope and connected his ankles to his wrists, effectively hogtying him. She found a headband and pulled it over his eyes.

"Natalie, I have got to say…"

"I'm not done yet" she retorted.
She found a clean towel before shoving it I to his mouth, which it filled, with about half of it hanging out yet.

When Daniel tried to spit it out, Natalie found another headband and pulled it over his mouth. When she found it wasnt tight enough to hold in the towel, she pulled the slack behind his head and twisted it, creating another loop, which she pulled over his head once more.

His face was almost completely covered by headband and towel.
Natalie giggled before folding up the mat over his hogtied body, it was evident something was in there, but she continued to fold it to completion.

"Can you breathe?"

"Mmhmm" an upbeat groan came from the mat.

Natalie pushed with all her might to get the mat containing Daniel to the corner of the gym, she found a spot under the bleachers and shoved Daniel's mat right in.

There wasnt much to drown out Daniel. In fact, sounds in the gym echoed. But to both Daniel and Natalie's suprise, that mattered little as her makeshift restraints, blindfold, and gag seemed to be quite effective.

The time was 9:40 Lauren and Natalie were both in the lobby and after some playful banter. Began their search.

Robert had used a considerable amount of effort trying to escape to alert Natalie. He had been in there for enough time to understand that the water tank he was situated by only made a loud humming noise for 5 minutes, before stopping for 1.

He would shout as loud as he could during that 1 minute period, and saved his energy during the 5.

Daniel was blindfolded. But he knew where he was and how he was tied, he also knew that any noise in the gymnasium would be amplified by the emptiness and space of the room. He failed to consider the concession stand between the gym and the rest of the building, which contained vending machines that hummed, stopping his muffled groans from passing by.

None of this mattered, of course. Natalie and Lauren were both capable and wise enough to know where to look. Just not right away

Natalie had looked in Robert's office before moving on to the history and econ rooms.

She was passing by the maintenance room to look in the ceramics rooms when she made the realization that Daniel had showed Lauren the maintenance room, which is otherwise off limits to anybody else.

She unlocked and pushed open the heavy door, failing to notice Robert at first, who's gagged face peeked from behind a workbench and water heater.

"MMMMBLYYYY!" Robert attempted to cry his girlfriends name into his gag.

Natalie's heart slipped a beat, and she rushed over to aid Robert.

She pulled the workbench out of the way and she could tell it his eyes that he was smiling behind the parcel tape tightly wrapped around his face.

"You look so cute like this" Natalie said and kissed the tape where his mouth was. Robert mewed happily and Natalie cooed with pleasure.

Finally she pulled the tape off and took out the rag.

"So did you by the way" Robert said almost immediately.
After being freed, they returned to the lobby.

Lauren was looking in the math rooms, since natalie spent most of her time there, but after no success, checked the main office which was in the lobby, it would have been a clever place to put a captive. Since it's right by the starting point, nobody would think to look there.

This hypothesis, proved to be false. The now frustrated and rushed Lauren made her way to the gym, she knew it was her last shot, although she thought she hid Robert well.

She checked behind the concessions counter and the weight room before running into the gym itself. She looked around, following a deep grunt originating somewhere in the large room.

She finally noticed the out of place gym mat moving underneath the bleachers. She ran up to it and, pulled it out. That task alone exhausted her, Daniel was almost 200 Lbs.
"I have no idea how Natalie got him in there" she thought aloud.

She unfolded the mat to find Daniel hogtied with jump ropes, and gagged and blindfolded with headbands and a towel.

"I cannot believe she covered up your handsome face" Lauren removed his blindfold and gag before kissing him for what seemed like a minute.

"Okay okay, just untie me so we can beat them at the game!" Daniel finally said once his lips were liberated.

Robert and Natalie were hustling down to the lobby from the west hall. "Did Daniel mentioned the terms regarding winners and losers?" Robert asked.

"I dont think so" Natalie responded.

As Robert and Natalie emerged from the west, Daniel and Lauren emerged from the south.

They all stood in the lobby. There was no way this game had been a tie twice in a row.

"I cant believe it" Daniel said, out of breath (which was not a common sight, considering his track record).

the other three were running on pure adrenaline.

"What do we do now" Lauren asked

"Let's go home now" Natalie said.

The clock read 10:30.

"Meet at the house?" Robert asked.

All four had shared rent on a modest house in town, just 15 minutes away from the school.
"Let's go home and tell stories" Natalie suggested.
"Have you guys heard about how we got together" she asked.
" nope, but cant be better than our story" Lauren responded.

The two couples embraced as they walked to their cars in the night.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Good story! I hope there is a tie breaker coming soon =)
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Syko Sith
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Post by Syko Sith »

I'd love another story featuring these folks.
Hogtied and loving it
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Post by crow3467 »

Really nice and fun story
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