Hitchhiker (M/F, some F/F)

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Post by slackywacky »

Chapter 75

I was too busy on my phone to pay attention to what was going on in the restaurant. Linda and Elsa had been all exited about coming here, but I had never heard of the TV show this restaurant was part of. And it was more important to find a good deal for my, our, next trip. Hell’s Kitchen as the restaurant was called was loud. The head chef seemed to shout a lot and I could do without the cameras. Luckily, they focussed more on Elsa and Linda than on me.

“Damn, I will miss you guys.” Linda stated while we waited, longer than usual, for our food.

We had been busy the last 2 days, playing tourist mostly, although for me the Shelby American museum was one of the highlights. I liked coming there and it had been a while. And Mount Charleston had been fun, as I had never been there. But things like the Hoover Dam and Mob Museum I had been to before, although the trip in the chopper across the Grand Canyon had been fun. But today was our last day in Vegas. Linda and Robert would be flying home tomorrow, and I had to get back on the road. Luckily Elsa was coming with me.

“You think he is cute?” Elsa asked Linda, pointing at the famous chef in the large kitchen.

“Who? Gordon Ramsey? Yeah, if he is not screaming.” Linda laughed. “Isn’t he too old for you?”

The question made Elsa grin. I did not know that she knew of this chef, but he seemed to be a big thing on TV, so maybe I should not be surprised. Personally, I hardly ever watch television. When the hotel offered us tickets, Elsa’s and Linda’s reaction made it not hard to accept them. The show was being recorded in the hotel, so we did not have far to go.

“What do you think?” Elsa asked me.

“Euh, what?”

I had not been paying attention, focussed more on finalizing the load.

“What are you doing?” Elsa asked me, looking a little annoyed that I was paying more attention to my phone than to her.

“Looking for a load, as vacation time is over.” I replied.


“Two options so far.”


“The load from Campo to LA is probably the most profitable. The one from Vegas to Washington DC the longest. But there is a tighter deadline on that one, that gives us very little time to stop anywhere.”

“I prefer to see some stuff.” Elsa grinned.

“You mean when he does not keep you tied up?” Linda laughed.

“I suspect I’ll be witness to him fucking some lonely woman while I am tightly tied.” Elsa said.

I turned red. I was pretty sure that Elsa would never let me forget those times. My explanation that it was not all my faulty had fallen on deaf ears I figured. Luckily for me our food arrived, which pulled the attention away from me.

“This looks very good.” Robert said, looking at his food.

I nodded; it did look good. The steak was perfectly done and tasted great. It had taken the blue team a long time to finally get some food out and I had understood it was a competition between both teams. Whatever they were doing, I was here for the food, not for all the drama in the kitchen. The girls did not seem to mind watching the drama unfold, which was fine by me.

“I think the camera likes the two of you.” Robert said, before taking a bite from his steak.

They did seem to focus on the women at our table more than any other table. It was not hard to admit that the simple summer dresses showed off their bodies and the minimalistic make-up made them look good. Both Elsa and Linda had their hair hang loose.

“I read somewhere that Ramsey is a lot friendlier behind the scenes than in the show. Most of it is just for show.” Elsa said.

“That would not surprise me.” Robert replied. “Often with these types of shows, the editing might make things look different from what they are. But you know that when you watch these shows.”

I agreed, but I did not really know this for a fact and I was enjoying my meal, but it was the polite thing to do.

“We should go by the LINQ on the way back.” Elsa said.

“Why? What is there at the LINQ?” Linda asked.

“They have an excellent photographer, Dylan, and Dany. They took some pictures of me when we were there last week. We should get some photos together.”

“What, like models?” Linda grinned. “I don’t know if the camera likes me.”

The statement made Robert, who was just taking a sip from his beer, almost spit out the drink.

“Don’t say things like that when I am drinking.” He laughed.

“No, really, I would love to have some photos of us without ropes.” Elsa spoke. “We always seem to be tied up.”

“Duh, that is to keep you safe.” I added, a wide grin on my face.

“Sure, we can do that.” Linda said. “I assume you know where to go?”

“Yes, I have a few photos from them already, they look pretty good.” Elsa replied. “Geez, it feels like that was a month ago we were there with Wynonna.”

She turned to Robert.

“Did you ever look up that site for TUG’s?”

“You mean that website those writers who Linda met in the bar were talking about?” Robert replied. “Yeah, I had a quick look. There is a lot of variety on there, ranging from stories for everyone to some hard-core stuff. Not everything was interesting, some stories were weird, but the stories from the writers you met stood out. They get a lot of views.”

“I liked the names they used. I can understand you do not use your own name on a site like that.”

“What was it again? Napoleon?” I asked.

“Caesar.” Linda corrected me, giving me a look. “Caesar73 and GreyLord. Those were the two I met.”

“I think it would be fun to be part of a story like that. Although I assume that if they would know about our lives, that we could be easily part of a story too.” Elsa added.

“Somebody writing about us. You think are lives are that interesting?” Linda grinned.

“This coming from the woman who got kidnapped, did a project for the university that kept her locked up for days, visited Europe and the Caribbean? Who would not want to read that?” Elsa said.

“Okay, if you put it like that. Your story could also be a book. Hitchhiking through the US, getting tied up all the time. Maybe you could occasionally say something in Swedish?”

“Ingen skulle vilja läsa det.” Elsa said immediately.

“What? What was that?”

“Ingen skulle vilja läsa det.”

She repeated the sentence a little slower.

“And that means what?” Robert asked her.

“Nobody wants to read that.” I said, looking at my phone.

“What? You installed a translation app?” Robert grinned.

“She has a habit of cursing at me in Swedish, so I figured I might as well know what she is saying.”

“Det kan jeg også si på norsk.” Elsa said, grinning.

“That sounded different.” Linda stated.

“I can speak Norwegian too.” Elsa grinned.

“Hidden talents.” Robert said, looking impressed.

“Oh, she keeps surprising me.” I replied.

Reaching over, I kissed Elsa. She smiled and looked at me, which, as usual, meant I forgot about everything happening around me and just stared into those blue eyes.

“Oh no, here he goes again.” Linda said.

Linda talking reminded me where we were and what we were doing. We finished our meals and after paying, we left the restaurant.

“What next?” I asked while we stood in the lobby of Caesar’s Palace.

“The LINQ is only 5 minutes away; we can walk or take a taxi.” Robert suggested.

“Or take a rickshaw.” Said Linda, pointing to a sign in the hotel lobby.

“That is another option.” Robert stated.

We walked to the entrance of the hotel and noticed there was only one rickshaw and 4 people was a bit much for one rickshaw.

“I’ll have another one for you in a few minutes.” The female driver of the rickshaw stated.

She got on the radio, trying to get another ride for them.

“So, we meet again.” A voice behind Linda said.

I recognized him as one of the writers Linda had talked to at the bar, 'GreyLord'. It was a good thing Linda had mentioned the names a short while ago, as this time I remembered them. It looked like he was leaving town, as his luggage was being put in a taxi.

“Nice meeting you again.” Linda said.

“I don’t think you have met our third writer. We were waiting for him when you met us in the bar. This is ‘slackywacky’.”

He pointed at an older gentleman, a little overweight, some grey in his hair. I figured he was in his 50’s.

“Nice meeting you.” She said to the gentleman.

“The pleasure is mine.”

His accent was European, I figured. Although that was as close as I could say.

“These are my friends.” Linda introduced us.

“Where is Caesar73?” Linda asked.

“He is coming.” GreyLord grinned. “We’re heading home.”

While we made small talk, it did not take long for Caesar73 to join us. The bellboys were putting his suitcases in the taxi.

“It was nice meeting you, but we need to head out, our flights don’t wait for us.” Caesar73 said.

“Yes, and we need to go too, our second rickshaw is here. Safe flight.” Linda said.

“Thank you.” Slackywacky said.

They got in their taxi.

“Oh, and if you are wondering, yes, we do know our real names. It is just that we have been communicating on the forums for so long, we tend to use our handles more. You guys have fun.” Slackywacky said before closing the door of the taxi.

“Okay, we are ready for you.” The two rickshaw drivers said, while the taxi left.

It did not take long to get to the LINQ casino. The weather was nice, and the casinos were busy. The big wheel was doing its rounds.

“Have you been in there?” Linda asked.

“Yes. But it is not that interesting. You are constantly waiting for the other cabins to empty and fill, so you sit more still than that you move.” I replied.

“Here’s the photo studio.” Elsa said, guiding us to the entrance.

Inside the well litt studio, Dany was busy folding some papers.

“Good evening, welcome to the LINQ photo… Oh, hi, welcome back.”

She stopped her standard greeting when she recognized us.

“How are you?” Elsa asked.

“I am pretty good. Dylan should be in soon; he is outside at the loop.”

I told Linda and Robert how we had met.

“Aren’t we missing somebody?” Dany asked, not seeing Wynonna.

“No, she’s at home. This is Linda and Robert. New friends.”

Hands were shaken. Dany was a friendly host.

“And what brings you in today? Need some special photos?” She asked.

“No, we do those enough as it is.” Linda said, understanding what Dany meant.


“I am a professional bondage model.” Linda grinned.

“Yeah, that would explain that.”

“We just want some group photos. This is our last evening together; we’re heading back to Searchlight after this, and we figured we might as well get some professional ones.”

“That would require a professional photographer.” Dylan’s voice said.

He greeted the group and got the updated on the plans.

“Sure, we can do that.”

It did not take long to arrange the studio for the group photos and to position us for the photos. Flashlights flashed, camera’s clicked, models laughed, photographers directed.

“I have an idea.” Dany said.

She walked away and came back a few moments later with a pair of handcuffs. She applied one side to Linda’s right wrist and the other side to Elsa’s left wrist. The women were in the middle between the men.

“Just to show your connection.” Dany grinned.

More photos were taken, including a few with the handcuffs on either Elsa or Linda, even a few with their hands cuffed behind their backs.

“Here are the codes for getting your photos. It will be two days or so before they are available online.” Dylan told us. “The URL is on the card.”

“Fancy.” Elsa said.

“Or you can just wait for them to get developed, which will take 2 days, as we’re kind of busy.”

“You mean I have to stay like this?” Linda said, as she still had her hands cuffed behind her back.

“Oh no, we can wrap you up a lot more if needed.” Dany grinned.

“Thank you.” Elsa said, while Linda was being released.

“My pleasure. If you excuse me, I must go back up to the loop for some more photos.” Dylan said. “They make the money for all of this.”

We said our goodbye’s and left the studio. Walking through the LINQ, we headed back to the hotel. Wynonna’s car was parked at the Nobu hotel, so we needed to pick up the car, head over to our own hotel where we still had some stuff and head back to Searchlight. It felt weird saying goodbye. We had become good friends during the last few days, but we all knew that it was time to split up again.

“I wish this could go on longer.” Linda said.

“Just win a few million and it can.” Elsa added, while pulling the handle of a slot machine at the LINQ after feeding it a dollar.

Bells started ringing and lights started flashing.

“You have won the jackpot.” I said, dumbfounded.

This woman was lucky in the casinos.

“How much?”

“$4880.” Linda said, looking at the display.

“Well, that is one way to leave Vegas with a profit.” I grinned.

The casino helped cashing out the winnings and we walked back to the Nobu. We were not really walking fast, trying to avoid the unavoidable, but eventually we made it to the hotel. While the valet got Wynonna’s Ford, Elsa and I got our stuff from Linda’s and Jacks room, including our bondage gear. By the time we got back down again, the Ford was waiting for us. It looked kind of out of place with all the other expensive cars around.

“I will miss you.” Elsa said, hugging Linda and Robert.

I nodded. I was not good at goodbyes.

“We will miss you too. But stay in touch and if you are ever in the area, drop in.” Robert added.

Finally, we got in the car. I started the engine and Elsa turned the window down on the passenger side.

“Miss you.” She called out, hanging half out of the window

“Goodbye.” Linda called back.

I hit the gas pedal and we drove away from the hotel.

“Okay, lets get our gear and head home. Tomorrow, we must get ready for the road again.” I said, sighing.

“Does that mean I get tied up again?” Elsa laughed, leaning over to me.

“I am sure you will.” I grinned.
Last edited by slackywacky 1 year ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]slackywacky[/mention] wrote
“Oh, she keeps surprising me.” I replied.
Yes indeed. Elsa keeps surprising Jack and me. Long may it continue.
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
The G-Man
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Post by The G-Man »

Quite a few celebrities showed up for this chapter, oh, and some dude named Gordon Ramsey. lol. Yeah, Elsa has a lot of surprises, given she's fluent in a minimum of three languages, and she's done some rally driving. This was a fun chapter, and I'm curious to see where Jack and Elsa end up next.
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Post by slackywacky »

The G-Man wrote: 2 years ago Quite a few celebrities showed up for this chapter, oh, and some dude named Gordon Ramsey. lol. Yeah, Elsa has a lot of surprises, given she's fluent in a minimum of three languages, and she's done some rally driving. This was a fun chapter, and I'm curious to see where Jack and Elsa end up next.
Did you hear that [mention]GreyLord[/mention] and [mention]Caesar73[/mention], we're celebrities ;)

Thank you G-man. And yes Elsa can speak Norwegian, although only a little as she mentioned when they visited the USS Alabama.
Appreciate you took the time to comment!
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by slackywacky »

Chapter 76

Coming around the slight bend in highway US-95, or veterans Memorial Highway as it was called here, the abandoned gas station was the first thing that greeted us, although it was hard to see in the dark. The streetlights start roughly at the same spot as where the gas station is, so you can see the old buildings, but not really any details.

“Home sweet home.” I sighed.

“Why does it feel like we have not been here for weeks?” Elsa said, looking at the small town.

Searchlight is not very far from the California border, it is closer to California than it is to Las Vegas to be exact, and it was the last stop before the border. That did not mean much, as most people that travelled on US-95 got their shopping and gas in Vegas and had no need to stop in Searchlight. I drove by the Terrible’s Roadhouse, which was still open as usual, and wondered if Wynonna was on duty. I must have stared a little, as Elsa noticed it.

“Thinking about your ex?” She asked.

“Just wondering if she was working.”

“You know that I like her and that I can get along with her well, so I can understand that it might be weird for you to be in this situation. You still have feelings for her?”

I was not sure how to answer that question and it was one that had kept me busy during the time we had been together in Vegas. And to be honest, I did not have an answer yet.

“Some, yes.” I answered.

“Which is not weird, you were lovers for a while…”

“But that feels to me like I am betraying you.” I said, sounding timid.

“You should know by now that I am not that easily offended. And just make sure that I am tightly tied and gagged when she screws you, so I can’t intervene.”

Luckily the Chevron Gas station showed up and that distracted us, as I needed to fill Wynonna’s car up before returning it to her, it was the least I could do. Elsa got out and disappeared into the Terrible’s Casino that owned the gas station. And before you ask, yes, the same owner as the restaurant Wynonna worked.

“Morning, Jack. Been a while.” A voice said behind me while I was filling up the car.

I turned around and recognized my friend and mechanic Josh Neville. Our birthdays were 4 days apart and we had been mates since high school. Later when I turned truck driver, Josh had turned out to be a great mechanic and he still worked on my truck when needed.

“How are you?” I asked.

“Not bad. Grabbed dinner with my girlfriend. Heading home. You are going on the road again soon?”

Sneaking a glance to the car parked one pump over, I did not recognize the red head sitting in Josh’s preciously restored dark blue 1965 Dodge Hellcat.

“Euh?” I just said, looking at Josh.

It did not surprise me to see a woman in his car who I did not know, I think Josh had a new girlfriend every other week and I had stopped keeping track.

“That is Solina, looking for a job in Vegas. Just helping her out.” He replied to my ask.

“Just helping her out… Yeah, right.” I grinned.

“What’s there to laugh?” Elsa asked as she came back to the car.

Josh was standing with his back to her, and it was funny to see his reaction when he turned around. He looked at Elsa, turned back to me and looked at me in surprise.

“Wow.” He mimed with his lips, before turning back to Elsa.

“Elsa, meet Josh. He is my mechanic.” I laughed.

For some reason his reaction had not surprised me, as I was not known as somebody who went around town with a woman. Most of the times I was alone.

“Hi Josh, I am Elsa.” She held out her hand.

For a few seconds Josh just stared, probably getting lost in Elsa’s blue eyes, just as I constantly did. Finally, he regained his composure and shook Elsa’s hand.

“Nice to meet you, Elsa.” He said, a slight stutter in his voice.

“You never told me.” He said, while turning back looking at me.

I just grinned. It was not that I kept him informed about who I was seeing, but it was clear that he was surprised that I had connected with a woman as beautiful as Elsa. The summer dress clung to her body and showed off all her curves and her long natural blond hair was hanging loose around her face, accentuating those mystifying blue eyes.

“Do you, euh, you know what…” Josh asked me.

He knew about my likes for tying women up, as he maintained my truck and had found my magazines, but he had always been very discreet about it.

“Yes, he ties me up.” Elsa said, before I got a chance.

“Oh, wow, I… Good for you, man.” He said, not really knowing what to say.

Solina came to the rescue, calling out to him from his car.

“Yoh, babe, are you done? I want to go home.”

“Euh, yeah.” Josh stuttered again, making Elsa laugh. “I should go.”

“Drop by today and check the rig, I am, sorry, we are heading out tomorrow.”

“That sounds like a good idea. Around 3?”

“Sounds good. Have fun.” I laughed.

Josh walked to his car, looking back not once but two times.

“Who was that woman?” I heard the question from Solina.

The answer got drowned out by the heavy 7-liter V8 engine of the Hellcat as he left the gas station.

“Long time friend?” Elsa asked.

I nodded and explained while paying for the gas. We got in the car and headed for my trailer. Even in the dark I could see that the Mack was covered in sand. It would be one of the tasks before leaving tomorrow, wash the truck. After opening the door, I had at least not forgotten to lock the door, we brought the stuff from the car into the trailer. With no air-conditioning going, the trailer was hot. Much warmer than outside, which was still around 70F, so Elsa and I sat down on the front porch of the trailer.

“What?” Elsa asked me as she watched me watch her.

“Just need to ask. Are you coming along again on the road? Or is this where our path diverges?”

Her smile was visible in the light that came through the windows of the trailer.

“If you do not mind having me around, I would love to come with you. There is so much I have not seen yet and what better person to do that with than you.”

She scooted over, leaning against me, and gently kissing me on the cheek. Before she answered I had held my breath, not sure if she would come along. It was my uncertainty with the opposite sex that always made me doubt myself. Even now I could not completely believe that Elsa was here with me.

“You are a good guy, Jack, don’t ever forget that.” Elsa said, looking at me.

I turned towards her and kissed her, our tongues playing in our mouths. It did not take long before something started stirring in my pants and when I kneaded Elsa’s breasts, I could feel her hard nipples poking her dress. Without caring if any of my neighbours were around, I lifted the dress over her head, tossing it to the side. Our tongues were busy again, my hands roaming over her tanned body, her moans intensifying. Her hands went to my pants and released the belt and button, giving her access to my manhood.

“Fuck me.” Elsa said in between our lips kissing.

I lifted her from the porch, lying her on the sand in front of the trailer, visible to anybody that would come by, which was not very likely at this time in the night. Rolling on top of her, my knees next to her legs, I held each of her wrists and held them next to her head, while kissing her more, going from her mouth to her breasts and back.

“Don’t want me to go, are you?” She grinned, fighting a little against me holding her.

It was clear she did not really mean it; it was all playful.

“Maybe I should just tie you up more and fuck you, instead of all this teasing.” I replied, teasing her nipples with my tongue.

“Promises, promises.” She laughed.

We played around a few more minutes, but the sand in front of the trailer was not a nice surface and it was getting everywhere, so I picked Elsa up and carried her into the trailer. The airco had at least partially cooled the place down. I walked into the spare bedroom and dropped Elsa on the bed. As I had been outside, I sat on top of her and held her wrists again. We continued our playfulness, my tongue moving all over her body again, ignoring the sand that stuck to her body.

“Let me go you bastard.” She called out while I was on a kissing trip from her mouth to her nipples and further south.

The bed had just the mattress on it, no sheets, or other bedcovers and when I looked to the side, I noticed that the box with my bondage gear was right next to the bed. Elsa must have brought it in, as I would not put it here, but who was I to complain. It took only seconds to lash her arms to the metal corners of the bed.

“Oh, more than promises.” She cooed, looking at me while I was tying her up.

The ropes would hold her, but I bet if I left her alone, she would be free in minutes if not faster. It was not meant as a restraint to keep her in place, it was more to keep her in place. With my hands no longer having to hold her wrists, they were free to roam her body. Her panties and my pants went the same way, away from our bodies and onto the floor. I started another trip south, slowly moving from her mouth to her nipples, to her naval, and beyond. Even now I still found some sand and when I had to spit some out, Elsa laughed.

“Not funny.” I told her.

She just looked at me, her arms held above her head, a smile on her face.

“What are you going to do about it?” She grinned. “That’s what you get for trying to have sex in the desert.”

I knew she was right, it had not been the best idea, but that was water under the bridge. I had to grin using that expression, as it stood right opposite from the desert and sand, we had been in. Elsa’s playfulness had kept me hard, and the sex was satisfying, allowing her to come before I did, although it had been hard, as she was looking hot and looking at her had made it more difficult to hold on.

“Wow, you looked like you really had to work on that one.” She grinned after I was lying next to her on the mattrass, her arms still fixed to the bed.

We rested on the bed.

“You know I could have gotten out easily, right?” She asked after a few minutes.

“Yes, I did, but you know what, that can be changed easily…”
Last edited by slackywacky 1 year ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

On the road again :) Some interessting Conversations and a very hot scene at the end of this chapter - obviously Jack will improve Elsa´s bondage :)
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Post by GreyLord »

Hot, [mention]slackywacky[/mention], very hot. Elsa is experienced enough now to know better than to tell a rigger that she could have gotten out easily.
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

That was a really got chapter! It's good to have some good old on the road bondage again!
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Post by slackywacky »

[mention]FabianStr2016[/mention], [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]GreyLord[/mention], [mention]The G-Man[/mention], [mention]tickletied84[/mention], [mention]Beaumains[/mention], [mention]DIRK[/mention], [mention]Trammel[/mention], [mention]Bandit666[/mention], [mention]wolfman[/mention]

Chapter 77 - have fun reading. If you want to be added/removed from above list, let me know.


The Mack Anthem 64T stood shining in the Nevada sun. There was no carwash in Searchlight, so I had washed the truck, as so many times before, by myself. A hose and long cleaning brush was all you needed. And I had done it pretty good, even if I said so myself. First a pre-rinse to get the sand off using a low water pressure, then the shampoo and the brush, while the final rinse cleaned up the truck. I should really wax the truck, but I did not have the time. But the truck looked a lot better without the sand on it. After I cleaned up the gear that I used to wash the truck, I walked back into the trailer. It was getting warm. The sun would dry the truck faster than I could, so I just left it sit outside. I changed my clothes, as I was soaking wet from the truck washing, and grabbed a cold drink.

“Did you escape yet?” I called out to the bedrooms.

“You asked me that an hour ago. Why do you think I can get out now, if I could not escape an hour ago?” Elsa replied from the spare bedroom, the same bedroom we had used earlier today after we got home from Vegas.

“Josh will be here soon. You better get a move on.” I called out.

This time there was no reaction. I walked up to the door of the spare bedroom and looked at Elsa. Compared to earlier in the day, she was tied much better to the bed. After we had sex, I retied her arms and tied her ankles, tying her naked body in a spreadeagle on the bed. I used the metal bars at the corners that kept the mattress in place. This time the ropes were snug, and the knots had been out of her finger’s way. We both had fallen asleep, Elsa tied, me lying next to her. I had woken up around 9 and had left the bed, Elsa still asleep. She had woken up 2 hours later and I had told her when she asked to be released, she should escape by herself as I was too busy.

“Någon gång ska jag sluta leka med.” She had said, not giving a translation.

Prepping for a trip always takes time. And I had to prep for two people now. I knew that Elsa did not need much, but I still wanted her to feel comfortable during the trip. The laundry machine was running, and I had to laugh when I put her clothes in the machine, as it has been a while this machine had seen frilly underwear. While she tried to escape, I had prepped the cabin, cleaning up a lot of stuff I had collected over the last few months but did not really need. The storage area under the bed in the 70” sleeper was now empty. I also did an inspection of the truck itself, making sure there was nothing damaged. Josh would look at the engine later, so I left that for him.

“Anyhting particular you want me to take along on this trip?” I asked Elsa, looking at her as she tried again to get free.

“Did you pack the ropes? And gags? Tape? Tie-raps?” She asked, grinning.

“Do we need those?” I asked, playing innocent.

“No, don’t think so. Nobody around here likes bondage games.”

She laughed, looked at me and went back to trying to escape.

“You know that this is illegal? You can’t keep me here against my will.” Elsa said.

“Oh, am I holding you against your will?” I countered.

“Varför kan jag inte bli arg på den här killen?” She sighed, again not providing a translation.

“Not sure what you are saying, but it did not sound like you asked me to not let you go.”

Elsa sighed and rolled her eyes. There was a nock at the door of the trailer. I noticed Elsa had heard it too and she tried a little harder to escape. Walking back into the main area of the trailer, but leaving the door to the bedroom open, I looked at who had knocked.

“Hello lover boy.”

“Wynonna, good to see you. I was going to bring the car back soon, but you saved me that trip.”

“I was bored.” She replied. “I figured I come by and rescue Elsa, as I suspect that she will be tied up somewhere.”

“Yes, in here.” Elsa called out from the guest bedroom.

“I told her to escape, so far she has failed that task.” I grinned, stepping aside, and letting Wynonna pass.

The native beauty had her hair done up in a ponytail, not something she did often. The black wetlook mini dress she wore was so short that if I wanted to check if she was wearing panties, all I had to do was bend down a little. And at the top end it showed lots of cleavage. My eyes followed her while she headed to the rear bedroom.

“There you are.” She grinned when she saw Elsa tied on the bed.

The fact that Elsa was naked did not seem to bother either women. I had used Elsa’s state as an incentive for her to escape, telling her Josh would be here soon and find her, but I should have remembered that being naked was nothing special for Elsa. Whenever they went to the sauna in Sweden, they would be naked too, even in mixed company.

“Having fun?” Wynonna asked, sitting down next to Elsa on the left side of the bed.

Reaching out for Elsa’s nipples, she started to run her fingers over Elsa’s helpless body, focussing on her tits. The reaction of Elsa was quick, as her nipples got hard, and her breathing changed.

“Meanie.” Elsa said.

“Are you calling me mean?” Wynonna asked, a sly smile on her face.

Instead of playing with Elsa’s nipples, Wynonna’s hand went to Elsa’s crotch, and she slid her fingers into Elsa’s pussy, playing with the clit of the helpless woman. Her other hand she placed over Elsa mouth, preventing her from saying anything.

“You guys good in there?” I asked from the main area of the trailer, not knowing what was going on in the bedroom.

“Sure, just talking to Elsa.” Wynonna replied.

She kept playing with Elsa, while still holding her other hand over Elsa’s mouth.

“Be quiet.” Wynonna told her.

I walked outside to empty out Wynonna’s car. As there was no other car parked outside, I suspected that she had walked here. It must have been an interesting site, seeing this gorgeous woman walk through Searchlight in that little dress. We did not live far apart, but she had to pass lots of houses and the main road to get to my place. After making sure nothing of mine or Elsa’s was left in Wynonna’s car, I walked back into the trailer. A muffled scream came from the bedroom.

“Are we having fun?” I called out, using the same question Wynonna had asked earlier.

When I looked around the corner of the bedroom, I could see Elsa buck against her restraints and Wynonna’s hands, while she had an orgasm.

“One of us is.” Wynonna grinned, seeing me peek around the corner.

Elsa slumped on the bed, the orgasm draining her. Her breathing was short and quick, it was obvious she was trying to recover from the orgasm that Wynonna had given her. With Wynonna’s hand no longer on Elsa’s mouth, the Swedish woman could breathe a little easier.

“Strip.” I told Wynonna, as I walked into the room.



The question of whether she was wearing underwear got answered quickly, as Wynonna pulled the short black dress over her head and tossed it on the floor. Now there were two naked women in the room.

“Sit on top of Elsa’s waist, facing her.” I said to Wynonna.

Wynonna moved to sit on Elsa’s stomach, one leg on either side of the blond woman on the bed. I grabbed some rope from the box that was still standing next to the bed and tied both of her legs frog style, ankles to upper leg, preventing her from stretching her legs. She was still partially supporting herself this way, not having to put her full weight on Elsa stomach.

“Nu kommer vi någonstans.” Elsa said, looking interested at what I was doing.

I tied a rope around Elsa’s waist and looped it over Wynonna’s legs, making sure the two women could not separate anymore.

“Are we having fun?” Wynonna asked, using that same line again, looking at me while I grabbed more rope.

I grinned. Sure, I was having fun. Who would not have fun with two gorgeous naked women?

“Looks like you are having fun.” Elsa grinned.

I knew what she meant, as I had a boner hiding in my pants, which was hard to hide. Trying not to pay too much attention to it, I kept on tying up Wynonna. Her arms were next, first her wrists, palm to palm, then her elbows. I made sure the ropes were not too tight, but snug enough to not give her any hope on escaping. All knots were out of reach of prying fingers.

“What are you doing?” I said, looking at Wynonna.

She was leaning back and in that position her fingers could just reach Elsa, clit again. Having her arms tied behind her back did not prevent her from playing with Elsa.

“Oh no, you don’t.” I said, tying another rope top her wrists bonds and pulling it to the bottom of the bed, fixing it to the frame.

“Spoil sport.” She grinned, as now her arms were pulled back and she could no longer reach Elsa.

“Precis när saker och ting började bli intresserade.” Elsa sighed.

I had, again, no idea what she had said, and I did not have the translation app on my phone handy, as my phone was on the table in the livingroom. What I did know was that I had to prevent Wynonna from leaning backwards. An idea formed in my mind. I grabbed 4 clothes pegs and some thin rope, the stuff you use to wrap up a package. I had a half-used ball sitting on a shelve. However, I knew I better gag my two wenches first as they might not agree to what I had in mind.

“Gag time.” I said to no one in particular.

“Oh, come on, really? Why can’t we have some fun?” Wynonna protested.

“You will have some fun soon, but after the gags are in place.”

“What are you planning to do?” Elsa asked, sounding a little worried.

“I bet we are not going to like it.” Wynonna added.

Ignoring their comments, I gagged both with a ballgag, just a simple single strap one. Elsa got the slightly larger one, the 2 ¼ inch, while Wynonna got the 2 inch one.

“Hmmppppfffff.” She said, shaking her head.

I picked up the plastic pegs and placed them on the nipples of both women. Judging by the gagged grunts, they did not agree, but all four nipples were erect, so it was not hard to apply them. I used the rope to fix the pegs on Elsa’s breasts to the ones on Wynonna. I did not make it too tight, just enough to force Wynonna not to move too much, as that would pull the peg off.

“Hmmmmmppppppffffff.” Elsa grunted.

She did not look overly happy with the situation. To make sure Wynonna would not escape, I added a rope from her neck to Elsa’s, keeping them stuck in the position they were in.

“Having fun now?” I asked, on purpose using that line again.

“Hhhmmmmppppffff.” Both women grunted.

Elsa was the least mobile, as she was spreadeagled to the bed and had Wynonna sitting on her, while Wynonna was held in place by ropes top the bottom of the bed and the neck rope that connected her to Elsa. She did not have much movement. And of course, the clothes pegs connected both women too. The neck rope was slightly tighter than the peg rope, so getting free of the pegs would require a little more effort. And neither women would know which peg would come loose, if at all. Just as I wanted to walk out of the room, a voice called out.

“Anybody home? Jack, it is Josh, coming to check up on the truck.”
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Post by Caesar73 »

Sounds like Jack is having fun - Elsa and Wynona? Probably less - this tie is devious: The connected pegs .... the chemistry between the characters is great as always .)
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Post by TightsBound »

Oh my. That was a really enjoyable chapter. Am I the only one that finds it adorable and sexy when Elsa speaks Swedish when she’s teased and toyed with? Way to keep this story interesting for 31 pages and counting!
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Post by GreyLord »

Yes, indeed, Jack is having fun. But so are Elsa and Wynonna. If they didn't find some pleasure in what happens to them, they wouldn't keep getting into these fixes. And a lovely fix it is, [mention]slackywacky[/mention]. The Swedish makes me think of a movie a few years back, "A Fish called Wanda". Jamie Lee Curtis gets turned on by anyone speaking a foreign language. Else's Swedish has that effect on me.
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Post by Beaumains »

Great chapter (as usual!). Elsa is such a devious character, getting the worst (or best) out of Jack. I still expect this story to end soon with

"And then jack woke up in his truck, alone. He had been waiting for a day for a new load. He was tired, and his dreams had only saddened him."

Elsa is just too perfect. Too perfect for him. Especially the last two chapters feel closer to a lonely man's fantasy than a possible reality. Don't we all want to believe Elsa truly exists?
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Post by The G-Man »

Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago Great chapter (as usual!). Elsa is such a devious character, getting the worst (or best) out of Jack. I still expect this story to end soon with

"And then jack woke up in his truck, alone. He had been waiting for a day for a new load. He was tired, and his dreams had only saddened him."

Elsa is just too perfect. Too perfect for him. Especially the last two chapters feel closer to a lonely man's fantasy than a possible reality. Don't we all want to believe Elsa truly exists?
I'd like to believe Elsa exists myself, and why not?

Fun chapter and wouldn't ya know just when things are heating up somebody shows up to check the truck.
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Post by slackywacky »

Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago Especially the last two chapters feel closer to a lonely man's fantasy than a possible reality.
Darn, found out. :lol:

I like your idea about Jack waking up and finding it all a dream. Poor guy...
But I still have some chapters to write, so he has to dream a little longer.
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Post by slackywacky »

TightsBound wrote: 2 years ago Way to keep this story interesting for 31 pages and counting!
According to Word: 77 Chapters, 411 pages (font size Calibri 10.5), 182,040 words, 275,180 views, 764 replies (765 with this one) and (as you mentioned) 31 pages on this board. One decent paperback based on those numbers.
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Post by GreyLord »

Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago Great chapter (as usual!). ... Especially the last two chapters feel closer to a lonely man's fantasy than a possible reality. ...
[mention]Beaumains[/mention] insights are spot on enough to be scary. But any truth in this view in no way diminishes the fact that this tale is a ripping good yarn. I remember a literature professor once describing Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan as a jungle sex fantasy. If I had to pick between Edgar Rice Burroughs or [mention]slackywacky[/mention] to reread, I would pick @slackywacky.

Still, great insight, @Beaumains.
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Post by TiedupNick »

how on earth can this story keep getting better and better?
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Post by slackywacky »

[mention]FabianStr2016[/mention], [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]GreyLord[/mention], [mention]The G-Man[/mention], [mention]tickletied84[/mention], [mention]Beaumains[/mention], [mention]DIRK[/mention], [mention]Trammel[/mention], [mention]Bandit666[/mention], [mention]wolfman[/mention], [mention]TiedupNick[/mention]

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Chapter 78

Hearing Josh’s voice made me stop dead in my track. And I was not the only one reacting, because when Wynonna heard Josh’s voice, she jerked her body so hard, she almost pulled the pegs of her nipples. The only reason it had not worked was the neck rope.

“Hmmppffff.” Elsa grumbled.

Since her neck was connected to Wynonna’s, when Wynonna jerked, she felt the jerk too. I quickly walked over to Wynonna and took her gag out, leaving it hang around her neck.

“You okay? I’ll be back. Just be quiet.” I told them.

I was going to take Elsa’s gag out too, but it would have taken too long. Ignoring the two women, I walked back into the main part of the trailer, greeting Josh, who was waiting at the door.

“Beer?” I asked.


Josh walked in, closing the door behind him, giving the airco a small chance of cooling the place down. I was sweaty from the work I had done, and I could almost change again, as my t-shirt was showing wet spots all over.

“How is… Solina doing?” I asked.

It took me a moment to remember her name.

“Fine, I guess. I have not seen her since last night.”

“It is time you find somebody steady.” I said to him.

“That’s what my mum says too.” He grinned.

Josh and I go back to high school. He was in the grade above me, doing mechanics, I was not, but since I liked working on cars, we had hooked up and had become friends. Even in high school he never had a fixed girlfriend, always having somebody else. During the time I went out with Wynonna, he had been in the service, doing more mechanics, and when he came back, he had tried to get his own garage going, but Searchlight is not the ideal place to start something like that. Now he was working in Vegas for one of the large trucking companies. But he still looked after my truck.

“Wynonna here? I saw her car outside. I had not recognized it last night.” He asked me.

“We used it to go to Vegas. I was not going to take the truck.”

“I could have given you something better than that wreck.” He grinned.

“At least it is paid for.” Came Wynonna’s voice from the bedroom.

“What? Euh… Wynonna?”

“She’s in the bedroom.” I laughed.

I had not decided if I would introduce Josh to the fact that I had two women tied up on the bed in the spare bedroom, but it seemed Wynonna was taking matters in her own hands, maybe I should have kept that gag in her mouth. Not that I worried, Josh knew of my ‘hobby’ as he called it. Josh got up from the couch and walked over to the bedroom. I followed a few steps behind, giving him space.

“Wynonna?” He asked, looking around the corner of the spare bedroom door. “Oh, wow.”

For a moment he stood just inside the bedroom, taking it all in. A naked Wynonna tied on top of a naked Elsa, connected with ropes. With the way she was tied, Wynonna could not see behind her, and Elsa could not see Josh because Wynonna blocked her view.

“I… euh… I knew you did this bondage thing, I just had not expected it to be this hot.” He finally said when he turned to look at me.

“Are you just going to stand there?” Wynonna asked, much to my surprise.

“Euh… what do you want me to do?”

He looked a little out his element, which was kind of surprising since he had a different girlfriend every day. I just grinned and let things develop.

“What do you think? I am tied naked on a bed with another naked woman. What do you think we want?”

He walked further into the room to the left of the bed, standing next to the bed, allowing both women to see him.

“Hmmppffff.” Elsa said, her eyes smiling.

“Euh, hello again.” Josh greeted her.

It was obvious that Josh did not really knew where to look. For somebody who had so many girlfriends, he behaved as if he had never seen a naked woman before. But it was obvious he was a fast learner.

“Can I…?” He asked me.

“Can you do what?”

“Touch them?”

“Does it look like they can resist?” I grinned.

“I will bite your fingers off if you touch me.” Wynonna said.

“Maybe you should gag her again.” I said to Josh. “It is a lot quieter that way.”

“Oh no, you don’t.” Wynonna said, but since she was still tied, she had a losing battle on her hand.

Taking the ballgag that was hanging around her neck, Josh undid the strap and held it in front of Wynonna’s mouth. The native beauty refused to open her mouth, a smile on her face, until Josh flicked the peg on one of her breasts. When she opened her mouth to complain, he pushed the ball in.

“Hmmppffff.” Wynonna grunted while Josh tightened the strap.

“That’s better.” He grinned.

He got a dirty look from Wynonna.

“How come you never went out with me?” Josh asked Wynonna.

She looked at him as if to say why he would ask that question now, as he just put a gag in her mouth. I had to laugh, as I could see why she reacted that way.

“Hmmppfff.” She grunted.

It sounded a bit like she said ‘idiot’. Which might or might not have been the case. To her surprise, and mine, he flicked the peg on Wynonna’s breasts again.


Whatever she had said, it was more of a squeak than a word.

“This is fun.” Josh said, doing it again. “Oh, this one has almost come off, we should fix that.”

Before Wynonna knew what happened, Josh had removed the peg on her right breast and applied it again. She had almost pulled that one off when she had heard Josh come into the trailer, but now it was back on. Wynonna screamed in her gag.

“Wow, that is loud.” Josh stated.

He ran his hand over Wynonna’s breasts. Tied as she was, there was not much she could do. To me it looked like she did not really resist. Josh pulled on the thin rope connecting both women, which made Elsa squeal.

“Oh, you also almost lost one.” Josh said, re-applying the peg on Elsa’s left nipple.

He did not touch Elsa, other than re-applying the peg. As if she was off-limits as she was with me. Wynonna was different. He knew she was not seeing me, and he probably knew about the break-up, Searchlight is not a big town. And in my opinion Wynonna and Josh would not make a bad couple. He grabbed her face, turned it his way and kissed her on the gag.

“You are a very good-looking woman.” He said, running his hands over her helpless body.

“Hmmppffff.” She replied.

I had no idea what she said, and probably so did Josh, but I could see that Wynonna was trying to push herself closer to Josh. Looking at Elsa, who was kind of a spectator now, I could see a smile on her face. I think she also liked what she saw. I walked over to the bed and kissed her on the gag too, mimicking what Josh had done to Wynonna.

“Hmmppffff.” She softly mumbled, her blue eyes drawing me in.

As so often, I completely forgot about what was going on around me and just stared into those eyes.

“He, Jack, can I change her ropes?” Josh asked me.

“Sure, but don’t you want to look at the truck first?” I asked, as that was after all why he was here.

“Oh, yes, sorry. I got side tracked.”

He looked at Wynonna, smacked her bottom and laughed.

“Don’t go anywhere.” He said, before walking out of the bedroom.

I followed close behind just in case he needed help. It took us just over an hour to go over the truck. Luckily all was well, the engine looked good, no fluid leaks and such. When we were done, we were both sweating. The Nevada sun was warm today.

“Another beer?” I asked.


He dropped his tools in the back of his truck, a white Nissan Titan XD. It looked brand new.

“Any good?” I asked, while handing him a cold beer.

“Not bad. I got it cheap, somebody did not like it.”

We talked cars for a while, drinking our beers. But I could see that he kept looking at the trailer, so I did not drag it out any longer.

“Want to go in again?” I asked.

“Good idea, it is getting warm out here.” He replied.

I had to grin, as I expected it was also ‘hot’ inside. Josh did not even stop, but walked straight to the bedroom, where not much had changed. Both Elsa and Wynonna were still helplessly tied. I suspected that Wynonna would be glad to get out of her current predicament, as it was not easy on her muscles.

“You still going to bite my fingers off?” Josh asked Wynonna.

She nodded. Josh looked at the rope around her neck and untied the knot. Now Elsa and Wynonna were only connected with the pegs and the thin rope.

“I suspect this will hurt.” He said, before he quickly removed the pegs on Wynonna’s breasts.

He had been right, as Wynonna screamed into her gag. I understood from others that applying and removing nipple clamps, or pegs in this case, was the most painful part. Elsa was looking at Josh to see if he would remove hers too, but he ignored her. He undid the rope that connected Wynonna’s wrists to the end of the bed and lifted her off Elsa. Gentle he placed her on the ground and released the ropes that held her in a frogtie. To her surprise, instead of putting the rope away, he used it to tie her ankles together.

“Hmmppffff?” She asked.

“I never said I would let you go.” He grinned, also tying her knees.

For somebody who had no real experience, at least that was what I suspected, he did a decent job. When he was done, he helped her stand up. She was a little wobbly, not surprisingly, but he held on to her.

“I’ll return the ropes and gag at a later date.” He said to me.

I just nodded

“Nice meeting you, Elsa.” He greeted the still tied to the bed blonde.

He lifted Wynonna over his shoulder and carried her out of the bedroom.

“Where are you taking her?” I asked.

My question had nothing to do with being worried, I knew Josh long enough to know he would never lift a hand to a woman. It was more for understanding what he was planning.

“I’ll take her to her home. Did she have a key?”

I walked back into the bedroom, grabbed the little black dress she had worn and brought it back to Josh.

“If she was hiding a key in this thing, I probably would have seen it.” I laughed, handing the dress to Josh.

“Hmmppffff.” Wynonna grinned.

She looked at me and winked when Josh walked to the door of the trailer. It looked like these two finally met and had a connection. I held the door open, and Josh walked to his truck, putting his naked prisoner on the passenger seat of his truck, putting the seatbelt around Wynonna.

"Okay, I'll find it. Leave her car here, I'll pick it up. Put the keys on the tire."

“Sure. Have fun.” I said as he got in.

“Thanks. Have fun too. She’s cute.” He said before getting in his truck and driving off.

I grinned, it was clear he meant Elsa, before walking back into the trailer and to the spare bedroom.

“Now what shall we do with you?”
Last edited by slackywacky 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GreyLord »

Is this the beginning of a beautiful friendship for Wynonna? I hope so. While I am wishing, I may as well hope for many happy miles for Elsa. I don't have to wish for Jack. The fool just has to behave and he'll be set for life.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Good question [mention]GreyLord[/mention] :) I guess we will see how things are going in the future. And to Jack´s credit he did not do anything stupid. The interaction between the characters as exquisite as ever :)
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Post by tickletied84 »

A new blind date service? "Attend my trailer and I'll have a bound girl of your dreams waiting for you?" :lol:

Excellent update as always [mention]slackywacky[/mention]
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Post by slackywacky »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago Is this the beginning of a beautiful friendship for Wynonna? I hope so.
I did not want to leave Wynonna alone dealing with the break-up. She deserved more. And who would not want to have a beautiful women like her as a girlfriend? So when I wrote the chapter where Josh and Jack meet at the gas station, I had just in mind that Josh would see the women tied. That turned into a bit more when I wrote the last chapter. Bit typical for my writing style that I have no clue when I start writing where the chapter will go.
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Post by tiedpgirl »

I've enjoyed the last two chapters very much! I was really hoping that Wynonna would return to the story for more than just returning her car, even if it's just for the short time before Jack and Elsa hit the road again.

Now that Wynonna's been "kidnapped" though, there seems to be very little that'll keep our travelers in Searchlight. Excited to read where they're off to and what mischief/predicament Elsa gets into next! 😉

Edit: I kind of hope Jack gets his bondage materials back before they leave. It wouldn't do for his bondage collection to be incomplete when the next adventure comes along when he'll need it.
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Post by Beaumains »

Interesting. Now I can see where Jack got his ways, screwing random woman all over the States. If Jack thinks his sex life is boring compared to Josh, we need a complete story on the adventures of Josh.
slackywacky wrote: 2 years ago She deserved more. And who would not want to have a beautiful women like her as a girlfriend?
This is maybe true, but I have to disagree. As far as how Josh is portrayed so far, he does not seem like a good boyfriend. After a month, she will be alone once more. If you wanted to spare her the pain of the break up, Josh is a really strange choice for a character to fill that gap. Maybe you wanted him the be edgy, but to me, he seems mostly unreliable.
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