Susans Crazy Arrest (FF/F) (vote story)

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Post by johopp »

Mix between A and E

Chapter 53

Susan pleaded, "I'm really sorry, Ben! If I could, I would undo it! Please set me free!" She tried desperately to escape, but Ben sat on her back and pushed her to the ground. He laughed maliciously: "Not in my dreams, bitch! Where did you hide your ropes? "Answer!" "I don't know what you're talking about! Ouch!". Tears welled up in Susan's eyes as Ben pulled on her hair. The pain was huge. "Stop it, Ben - you're hurting me!", Susan howled. But Ben continued to hold her hair and repeated his question. Crying, Susan got out the box with the ropes.

Ben searched the box conscientiously and smiled impishly. Susan only briefly considered running away - it would have been hopeless anyway. Trembling with excitement, she awaited Ben's next instruction.

Susan expected the worst - but this instruction surpassed her worst fears: "take off your clothes baby!" Susan tried to argue one last time, but a stern look silenced her. One piece of clothing fell silently in a pile after the other. When she was done, Susan blushed and tried to cover certain areas with her hands as best she could.

Ben laughed: "Don't worry, I'm not interested in your body! But so that your expensive bonze clothes don't get damaged when we go to the bathroom now..." Because Susan did not move, Ben had to slap Susan's bare bottom a few times. "Move now, and put your hands in the air!" Finally, Susan scuttled towards the bathroom, hands up, always careful never to face Ben.

Just outside the shower, Susan stopped, facing the wall, and Ben tied her hands behind her back. Then Susan had to get into the shower and lie down. Ben blindfolded her with a cloth, then tied her in a hogtie position on the shower floor. "I hope that taught you a lesson - don't mess with me! I'm off now!" With these words he turned on the shower.

Susan screamed hysterically into her gag. The water was cold and the jets of water hit her everywhere - but at least she quickly noticed that more water was draining away from below than came up from above - she would at most freeze, but not drown!

It felt like hours before the water was finally turned off and she heard her mother's worried voice, "Susan, what happened? Are you alright?" Susan nodded, shivering from the cold. Her mother untied her and sent her to bed with a hot water bottle and a warning not to engage in bondage when she was alone. Susan never told her who really left her in the shower.

The next day Susan was warmed up again. Claire stopped by to bake a cake with her.

What happened this time?

A) Susan is tied up and gets flour and eggs in her hair.
B) Susan has to bake the cake with her hands tied behind.
C) Claire has to eat the cake with her hands tied behind.
D) Claire throws a piece of the finished cake in Susan's face.
E) Both girls take turns choosing eggs from an egg carton that contains half raw and half cooked eggs. The chosen egg is smashed on the head of the choosing girl, which is tied up.
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Post by Bondageboi »

A please. Could be followed by a second rinsing in the shower.
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Post by JulieG »

E, because both girls get tied up.
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Post by johopp »

Mix between A and E

Chapter 54

Susan was immediately part of the idea. She had a huge sweet tooth and just the thought of cake made her mouth water. The mother provided a cake recipe and they both gathered the ingredients. However, they quickly found that there was no more flour in the house, much to the mother's astonishment. "No problem - I'll buy some in a hurry! In the meantime, you could boil eggs. Half a pack. Then you mix the eggs in the pack that you don't need for the cake. When I get back, Susan chooses half the eggs - I get the other half - and mother ties one of us to a chair. The other smashes the chosen eggs on the head of the tied one.", Claire suggested. Everyone agreed and Claire made her way to the supermarket.

The queue at the supermarket checkout was longer than expected. When Claire finally returned, Susan said, "Since you took so much time, we've already boiled and chilled the eggs. You mix them up again - and then I'll choose my five eggs. You get the rest - we'll save Time!" Claire nodded and was the first to be tied to the chair. Then she watched as Susan thought hard as she chose her eggs.

Tied up Claire thought she had a 50/50 chance - but it wasn't! Susan's hard thinking only served as a distraction! She had marked the boiled eggs inconspicuously and therefore had no problem selecting only the boiled eggs.

Claire suspected no harm when the first two raw eggs shattered in her hair and the sauce ran down her face - all while giving Susan a few headaches. It wasn't until she got all the raw balls and Susan couldn't stop laughing that she realized she'd been tricked. She swore revenge and whispered something in mother's ear.

Susan's laughter only stopped when she realized that only Claire was being untied. "You cheated, tagged Susan and the balls!" Susan blushed like a tomato, and that was proof enough for the mother! "Aha! Now clean up!" But while Claire slipped untied into the warm shower, Susan remained tied to the chair and was first covered with flour, which of course stuck to the yolk, then showered with buckets of ice-cold water which the mother poured out over her body. Shivering, Susan apologized after that and was released.

The next game, they played in the garage. The mother opened the doors and trunk of her car to make it accessible for the girls' next game. As safety precautions, she wedged a brick under the gas pedal and placed several strips of duct tape over the ignition switch.

Smiling, she threw the car keys to her daughter. (None of the new radio keys, but an analog one that you still had to turn in the lock). Susan smiled knowingly: With the keyhole taped shut and the accelerator pedal jammed, there was no way to accidentally start the engine. Susan sat in the driver's seat and put her hands on the steering wheel while Claire lay on the back seat so that Susan couldn't see her in the mirror either. Susan made engine noises with her mouth and eagerly awaited Claire's action.

After "driving" for a while (not for real, of course), Susan yawned exaggeratedly loudly. That was the prearranged signal for Claire, who rose from the back seat and jabbed a knife lightly into Susan's ribs. Out of fright, Susan briefly jerked the steering wheel, but quickly got it back under control and wanted to say something. But Claire hissed: "One peep and you're dead! I just robbed the Big Bank and now I need a getaway car. Drive off, I'll tell you where! And like I said: No peep!" Susan nodded and "drove" off in silence.

After a few minutes of "driving" in silence, Susan coughed three times. Then she hit the brakes and opened the car door. But of course there was no escape from the locked garage and Claire had already caught up with her and pulled her to the ground. She pressed her knee into Susan's back and grabbed a rope. "I guess I need to secure my load a little better!" Susan grinned, as her shoes and socks were taken off.

How is Susan tied up?

A) In the driver's seat, hands tied to the steering wheel.
B) On the passenger seat, hands tied behind the backrest
C) In the driver's seat, hands behind the backrest and bare feet on the steering wheel
D) Hogtied on the back seat
E) Separate hands and bare feet, locked in the trunk.
F) In the back seat, hands behind her back and bare feet on the passenger seat headrest.
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Post by JulieG »

F . Ready for tickling!
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

I’ll go with F too, for the same reason Julie says.
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Post by Caesar73 »

F it is!
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Post by johopp »

F wins

Chapter 55

Barefoot as she was, Susan no longer resisted. Claire helped her to her feet and dragged her to the driver's door. With gentle pressure, she pressed Susan's legs and torso against the car while her hand gripped a long rope. A pleasant shiver went through Susan. Without further prompting, she crossed her wrists behind her body and felt her hands being tied tightly. Another rope fixed her arms to her torso. Susan briefly tested her bonds - secure as ever, escape impossible.

Expecting her feet to be tied together next, Susan sat on the floor and held out her bare feet to Claire. But Claire apparently had other plans: She opened the door and put Susan in the back seat. She buckled Susan properly. Then she adjusted the passenger seat so it was as far back as possible and slipped Susan's bare feet through the small gap between the passenger seat and the headrest.Then she tied each foot separately to the short connecting rod between the headrest and the seat. Now Susan's feet were fixed in the passenger seat, high above the rest of her body.

Satisfied with her work, Claire got back in the driver's seat and drove off (as mentioned before, not really, but with steering wheel movements and engine sounds - in both girls' imaginations she was driving). Susan's attempts at liberation failed, so she soon gave up and waited for the destination of the journey.

When they finally reached the garage, Susan asked, "What are you going to do next? Untie me! My whole body aches from being in this unnatural position!" Her grin told Claire that her hostage was just playing her part. So she said, "Shut up! I gotta think!" Susan grinned again - and then screamed loudly for help! Claire scolded, "Stop that right now!" - and then she began to tickle Susan's bare feet, which were still tied to the headrest.

For the next half hour, only Susan's high-pitched laughter was heard - only briefly interrupted by Susan's loud breathing noises when she was about to faint and a short tickle break was inserted. But then the tickling started again.

After the tickling, Claire briefly put her phone to her ear, listened - and cursed: "Damn - the police are already on their way here! I have to get out of here! But you can't rat me out to the cops! I'm sorry - but they can never get you alive!" She dragged Susan out of the car and tied her in a hogtie position behind the car. Then (again imaginary) she started the engine and said, "The carbon monoxide from the exhaust will kill you in minutes! You can't rat me out to the cops like that! Farewell!"

Susan played her role Oscar-worthy: her loud cries for help were increasingly interrupted by coughing, then becoming quieter - until they finally fell silent and Susan's head fell to the floor. For a few seconds, only her quiet breathing could be heard. Claire - now in the role of a paramedic - rushed to Susan, untied her and tried to revive her - in vain! All she could do was fill out Susan's death certificate. Then they both jumped up and laughed. It was really a great scenario.

As the girls were leaving the garage, they heard their mother scream loudly. They immediately ran to her and saw that dozens of crows were eating the seed. Claire had an idea: she tied Susan's hands and feet to a wooden cross - as a "living scarecrow".

Does Scarecrow Susan succeed?

A) Yes, the birds land on Susan's outstretched arms.
B) Yes, but the birds land on Susan's head.
C) Yes, but the birds are pecking at Susan's bare feet.
D) Yes, but the birds are pecking at Susan's ears.
E) No, the birds completely ignore Susan.
F) No, the birds shit on Susan's head.
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Post by JulieG »

C. There’s some seed there too.
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Post by Caesar73 »

C it is!
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

C. Definitely the feet
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Post by johopp »

C wins

Chapter 56

The mother noticed Susan's surprised look when Claire came back from the shed with a huge wooden cross. She explained that this was once part of the support beams of a now defunct garden shed. "Don't make folk speeches - better help me!" Claire groaned under the weight of the cross. Laughing, the mother and Susan helped with the cross, surrounded by all the flappers. With combined strength, the three raised the cross and fixed it in the holder in the grass. Still barefoot, Susan stood with her back to the cross and the mother tied her bare feet, thighs, and torso to the beam with ropes. At the same time, Claire stood on a box so that she could tie Susan's wrists and elbows to the left and right of the longitudinal beam.

Susan closed her eyes with relish: A real crucifixion! She enjoyed the feeling of helplessness. But she was quickly brought back to reality by the fluttering noise. Claire had to yell loudly to top the flapping, "It's no use. The birds don't seem to care about you! But I have one more idea - I'll be right back!" She disappeared back into the house while her mother tried in vain to scare away the birds. Susan had almost completely forgotten about this - her attention was more on the ropes that fixed her to the cross. Susan smiled, but then the daughter came back - with a cereal box? "That's birdseed!" Claire answered Susan's unspoken question. "If that doesn't work, I don't know what else to do!"

Seconds later, Susan's bare feet had completely disappeared under a pile of assorted grains and seeds. It seemed to work: she watched in fascination as one bird after the other landed next to her feet to nibble on the table setting. All three broke into loud cheers.

Susan was not afraid of large birds - she watched in fascination. The tickling of the feathers also made her laugh, but it wasn't unpleasant. She closed her eyes with relish. The sound of a camera clicking also pleased Susan - she was curious to see how she looked crucified.

But over time, her bare feet began to hurt - the searching beaks of the birds had reached the skin of her bare feet. At short intervals they pecked again and again. Susan yelled as loud as she could against the flapping.

But the other two didn't seem to hear her. Tears welled up in Susan's eyes.

Finally the mother called out: "Ready, the field is covered bird-proof. Susan, everything clear? For God's sake!" She took the garden hose and aimed it at Susan and the crows. Then her daughter turned on the faucet.

Susan got wet through and through - but the crows finally took off! Susan was untied, dried and her battered feet patched with ointment and lots of plasters. Relieved, Claire and Carol noticed that Susan was smiling - she seemed to have liked the action despite everything.

The annual project week was coming up at school. The theme this year was "Magic". The students learned lots of interesting facts about magicians, the history of magic and even attended a show. At the end of the week, the students had to study a magic trick in groups, which was to be presented to the parents in a big show. Of course, Susan pulled off an escape trick for her group.

What trick does Susan's group perform?

A Susan is tied up and locked in a wooden box and sawed in half.
B Susan is tied in a self made straitjacket and has to escape
C Susan`s hands are tied behind and she has to change her jacket behind a curtain, but stay tied up when ready
D Susan is tied up and locked in a wooden box which is nailed up and secured with chains. A dummy dynamite determines the time within which Susan must escape.
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Post by JulieG »

B please. Can she be suspended by her ankles?
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Post by Caesar73 »

I vote for D :)
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

Another one for B please.
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Post by Jennyjay »

D. Being tied up in a sack or box always was a favourite fantasy of mine
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Post by johopp »

D wins

Chapter 57

After several afternoons of intensive rehearsals, the time had finally come. The auditorium was packed with students, teachers, and parents, all eager to see the students' great magic show. Susan's group was last, and as she watched the performances of the other groups of students through a gap in the stage curtain, her excitement grew by the minute.

Finally, Susan's class teacher entered the stage, thanked the students who had performed so far, before announcing a spectacular unleashing act as the last act of today's show. To thunderous applause, Susan took the stage with her group and her classmate Monica grabbed the microphone. "Dear group, you have practiced intensively and now we are really looking forward to your..." - she read from a card " unleashing numbers in the deepest darkness! I hope it will be as spectacular as it sounds - Applause! Now, which one of you is insane...uh, I mean, of course, brave enough to perform this trick? Volunteers forward!"

As agreed, the whole group took two steps backwards - only Susan seemed to be daydreaming and stayed where she was. "Looks like we have a volunteer! Round of applause for Susan Stephenson!"

All pleading, protestations and insistence on misunderstandings did not help Susan - already she was lying on her back, two of her group sat on her legs and took off her shoes and socks, while the others twisted her violently wriggling arms behind her back, and wrists tied at opposite elbows so that her forearms were parallel to each other. As Susan continued to beg, a gag was stuffed into her mouth to loud laughter from the audience.

The group now had no trouble picking up the bound lightweight Susan and, despite her vigorous resistance, shoving her into a large cloth sack, which was knotted over her head and placed in a large wooden box. The lid of the box was bolted, then iron chains were looped around the box and secured with padlocks.

"OK, time is ticking!" After about a minute, when there was still no sign of Susan, the group lost patience: they attached a stick of dynamite (which was actually just a harmless firecracker) to the box and lit the fuse. Everyone quickly left the stage and got to safety, while Susan only had a few seconds left to…

When the smoke cleared from the firecracker, which had exploded at a safe distance, Susan appeared on stage,without ropes, and waved to the audience. Thunderous applause erupted. The whole group got an A for this spectacular trick.

But the joy didn't last long: As soon as she got home, Susan suddenly remembered that she had to paint a picture about magic for tomorrow's project week! As soon as she picked up the paintbrush, Claire rang the doorbell, ready for another game that Susan didn't really have time for.

Can artwork and shackles be reconciled?

A) Susan ties up the daughter and immortalizes her in her painting.
B) The daughter ties Susan up and paints on her body.
C) Susan hogties the daughter and paint drips onto the soles of her bare feet. The daughter becomes Susan's living paint box.
D) The daughter ties Susan standing in front of the artist's canvas and throws balloons filled with paint at her.
E) The daughter ties Susan up, Susan has to grab the paint brush with her toes and paint her artwork.
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Post by JulieG »

I like D please.
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Post by Lucky Lottie »

In her natural habitat is:
-Giddy when approached
-Passive when suspended
-Bratty when loose
-Obedient when cuddled
-Cheeky when gagged
-Truly happy when tickled
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