The Files of Art. Inc.: The Hunt for the Lost Scrolls: Chapter 116 (01.04.2024) (FFFF/FFF/ MM/F)

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Post by Nainur »

aaaaaawwww, that was satisfying indeed...
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Post by GreyLord »

Then she kneed him in the groin, with all the force she could muster. Sykes crashed to the floor like a jack-knife.
Minimal justice aptly delivered.

The dream sequence was scary.

It's not just that the bad guys can't outfight our ladies, they can't out think them either. As always, well done, [mention]Caesar73[/mention].
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] l [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention]
[mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention] [mention]Fandango[/mention] [mention]LunaDog[/mention]

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago
Then she kneed him in the groin, with all the force she could muster. Sykes crashed to the floor like a jack-knife.
Minimal justice aptly delivered.

The dream sequence was scary.
I am glad it worked out that way :)

Chapter 65

“And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother?”

On the road early afternoon the next day:

“But how did you find me Kirsty?” Hayley was still very curious. After they had slept in this morning Kirsty, Hayley and Kate had made another trip to Wells-next-the-sea Kirsty had proposed to pay Holkham Park and Gardens another visit and then just follow the A 149 east.

Their destination was Burnham Thorpe – a village even smaller than Waltham, but famous to any buff of naval history: The hero of Trafalgar and the scourge of Bonaparte, Horatio Nelson, had been born there. As chance would have it Kirsty´s younger sister Rose, “who hates your guts” lived there – as Pamela, Kirsty´s sister in law had told her.

Kirsty had mustered all her courage yesterday to call her sibling. There had been long silence after Rose had taken the call. To call her initial reaction “frosty” had been quite the understatement, but to her surprise Rose had agreed to meet her, even invited her for tea at Burnham Thorpe, where she lived in a small cottage outside the small village.

Her younger sister had told her, that she had the afternoon off: she worked as a nurse at the trauma centre of the Queen-Elizabeth-Hospital at King´s Lynn. Kirsty was supposed to meet her at 0200 PM.

“How did I find you?” Kirsty smiled “A hunch and sheer dumb luck: Back in the day Charlie used several of the cabins in the Salt Marshes for his shady business dealings. Since they are pretty secluded, few people know about them – they would be perfect to hide somebody, and I assumed that Charlie – as most of us – is a creature of habits” She smiled” “That was a lot of guess work” Kate added sternly – but a sparkle in her eyes betrayed her “Yes it was” the auburn haired woman agreed “ I already thought I had miscalculated when I arrived at the last cabin – but then Charlie showed up” Hayley snorted “That creep – I hope his tiny balls will be green and blue today” Kirsty grinned “The way you kicked him? Scrambled eggs”

“What did you to him anyway?” Kate questioned “Two things” Kirsty explained “We left him in a most embarrassing situation – and left a Data-Stick for the authorities to find. All in all? Charlie will have other things to worry about than Hayley and me – and Sybil sent the same data to the police: So Charlie will be out of business either way!”

“Too bad” Hayley chuckled “But what will we do at – how is the name? – Burnham Thorpe?” Kirsty paused for a moment “I will meet my sister and you two have a walk, have a pint in the pub or whatever you like” Kate nodded “And you are sure you want to go alone?” “Yes, I will – as it is it is probably the best. If we show up together Rose might feel intimidated, so we will park the car out of sight, I don´t want her to think “Hey, here comes the wayward sister in a posh SUV with her well off friends” Kirsty shrugged.

Kate mustered her long and nodded finally “You are probably right – but you check in regularly with us – if you don´t answer our calls, we will go for you” “We will give you two hours”

Kirsty parked their Car a few hundred metres from the place where Rose lived. They got out of the car “You two make a walk through the village have a pint at the “Lord Nelson” and meet me in two hours here”

Kate and Hayley watched Kirsty walking in the other direction, head held high, striding along with purpose “She is nervous as hell” Kate noticed and Hayley nodded “Rumour has it, that Rose hate her guts – and they haven´t met since 20 years. I would be nervous too” “Right then” Kate grinned “then let us get a lay of the land – and a pint later!” As they walked she added “Imagine that: Not an American in Paris but two Americans in Norfolk” she grinned “Tell me Hayley, how are you? These three days have been eventful!” “You” bet Hayley smiled and told Kate in more detail about the events of the last three days.

She was more than a bit nervous Kirsty had to admit as she followed the main road. Rose´s cottage stood at the southern end of the village. A gravelled pathway led to the building. It had been built of brick. From the distance it looked well maintained, as Kirsty walked nearer, she detected smaller signs of decay.

The front door was massive, made of oak? It was in need of a fresh coat of paint, she noticed. “You can do this” the Briton tried to calm herself “You just visit your sister” “Which you abandoned 20 years ago and who hates you with vengeance” a small voice in her head told her “Shut it!” Kirsty cursed and pressed the bell button. She waited. Then she heard steps coming nearer and the door swung open.

At the same time: Burnham Thorpe All Saint´s Church

“See!” Hayley pointed at the nave of All Saint´s Church “Those flags were flown by the HMS Indomitable and the HMS Nelson, and there! The lectern and the altar were made from wood of the HMS Victory” Kate was amused: Hayley displayed an almost childlike enthusiasm, which was a good thing after the events of the last days “I never pegged you as the naval history buff Hayley” the detective smiled “I am not” the blonde admitted “but my father is – and he told me about this place. He will love it, when I tell him that I have been here”

Kate knew about Hayley´s background, she had met the Commissioner several times. She had liked the man: competent, straight, demanding – and fair. As far as Kate knew, Hayley´s mother had died when the blonde had been sixteen. The loss had forged the close bond between father and daughter even more.

Scuttlebutt had it that the Commissioner had been a bit puzzled when Hayley had introduced Kirsty to him, but then welcomed her with open arms: The happiness of his only child was his primary concern. The many months, when Hayley had disappeared and held captive on Mystery Island must have been a hard time for him.

Kate followed Hayley who walked to the nave, taking pictures as she walked.

Rose´s Cottage:

For one, very long moment, Kirsty and Rose scrutinized each other. Kirsty registered that her younger sister looked like a younger version of herself, shorter of stature though. But even the carefully applied make up could not hide the signs of bitterness – the sharp edges around the corners of her mouth. And her eyes were cold, Kirsty found, but to her surprise her sister greeted her warmly “Hello Kirsty! It has been a while! Why don´t you come in? She made an inviting gesture and Kirsty followed her sibling.

“Arrogant bitch” Rose thought “Her down filled coat alone is worth one month´s salary of mine, and her boots …” Obviously her wayward sister had done well. Oh yes, Rose had done a little research and stumbled upon the reports about the recovery the Weinstein-Collection and Kirsty´s role in it and that she now ran the New York Office of a Firm specialized in finding and recovering lost and stolen art with her partner Hayley King “Why don´t you take of your coat?” she smiled at her sister “Thank you” Kirsty nodded and relaxed a bit: she had expected an frostier welcome.

Rose bade her into the living room “Why don´t you have a seat, while I prepare the tea?” “Gladly” Kirsty nodded. The living room was rectangular and sparsely lighted by a small window. She sat down on the couch. Brown leather imitates – which had seen better days.

All in all, Kirsty thought, that the cottage had seen better days – and she felt a twinge of guilt “Would have things ended up differently if I had not run away?” The return of her sister interrupted Kirsty´s reflections. Rose carried a plate which she sat down on the wooden table.

Two cups of tea, scones and marmalade Kirsty registered “You know” Rose smiled “We loved Marmalade and scones back then” and a warm feeling filled Kirsty as she remembered those precious moments of her childhood: When their mother and father had not bickered but her mother had served tea with scones, just like Rose now.

The Tea was delicious Kirsty found, a fine Darjeeling “Thank you Rose, for having me” she paused “it cannot be easy for you to meet me again after all these years” she paused, searching for the right words “I cannot turn the clock backwards, but I want you to know, that I regretted it many times, that I run away, that I let myself be manipulated by Charlie ….”

“Don´t beat up yourself” Rose said warmly “You did nothing wrong back then” Kirsty was a bit irritated “she hates your guts” her sister in law had told her – but here they sat and had tea and an almost normal conversation, she took another sip of her tea “This Darjeeling is excellent” she complimented her sister “It is indeed” Rose smiled back – but for a second, Kirsty could not be sure, her sister´s eyes grew hard and cold. But then she was smiling warmly again “Why don´t you have another sip of tea?”

For a while they made small talk, mere conversation. Rose was not unfriendly – but a bit detached, now and then she looked at her watch, when she thought Kirsty was not looking “I would like to know where you just were” Rose broke her out of reverie “Nothing, I was just wondering” the auburn haired woman wanted to say.

What came out of her mouth though was merely gibberish, her tongue felt thick and swollen – and she felt strange. Weak – as she wanted to take her cup, her muscles barely reacted to the commands of her brain. With difficulties she focused on her sister:

Her friendly smile had been replaced by a cold and calculating expression “So it is finally working” Rose grinned “I already thought I had miscalculated the dosage – oh sorry dear, you have no idea what I am talking about beloved sister, right? I see it in your eyes. It is really nothing to worry about, just a strong muscle relaxant – it makes you weak like a kitten”

Kirsty´s wanted to jump up, to strangle her sister with her bare hands. But she had no control of her body anymore. Her muscles felt like jelly “The beauty of it: it is colourless, odourless and tasteless – in other words perfect!” her younger sister gloated “Time for you to take a nap!” she stood and produced a syringe filled with a yellow liquid.

Rose walked around the table till she stood on Kirsty´s left side “This is just a mild sedative – it will send you to sleep for half an hour or so” Kirsty felt a sharp prick in her neck “When you wake up sister mine we will have a real talk” were the last words before everything went black.

Rose waited two more minutes to be sure that her sister was out then she quickly searched her. She gave Kirsty´s smartphone a try, but it was locked. With surprising strength she lifted the unconscious woman in a fireman´s carry over her shoulder: As nurse in in an intensive care unit she knew how to handle patients who were bigger and heavier “You are a heavy load Kirsty” she thought.

In the windowless bathroom she let glide Kirsty on the floor. With practised motions Rose undressed her older sister till she was completely in the nude. With the eye of the clinical professional she mustered her sibling´s physique: Obviously Kirsty was in great shape, her well defined muscles betrayed the fact that she exercised regularly.

She discovered several scars, one at the right shoulder she found especially interesting: A gunshot wound, large calibre “I will not tell you, but I envy you for your breasts Kirsty!” Rose touched the full and firm mounds “Let us get you ready for your bath!”

She positioned her sister´s arms at her side, so that her palms rested flat on each thigh. Rose sat the unconscious Kirsty up and wound a band of translucent ten times around her upper body above and below her breasts and around the waist.

Her hands she taped flatly to each thigh, before she tapped her sister´s long legs together: Under the groin, midthigh, above the knee´s und the knees, around the calves and around her ankles – and finally one band around her sister´s insteps locking her feet together.

Rose took a role of saran wrap and began to wrap Kirsty´s taped body beginning at the shoulders and stopping at her ankles. Over the saran wrap Rose enforced the bonds by wounding tape bands around Kirsty´s body as under the first layer of saran wrap. This procedure she repeated three times.

Her sister´s body was as rigid as board by now. The nurse pressed and prodded a large nerf ball into her sister´s mouth, then she grinned “There is always room for one more!” In fact she found room for three additional small nerf balls. Ten strips of tape kept the balls in – though the mass of balls was so large – that even without the tape Kirsty would have never been able to dislodge them on her own.

With a lot grunting and swearing Rose lifted the wrapped and taped body of her sister into the large with bath tub, so that her head rested on the edge of the bath tub “See!” Kirsty´s sister mocked her “I even got a cushion for your head” As final touch she tied Kirsty´s big toes together she fastened the string to the bathroom fittings, so that Kirsty´s feet were held en pointe.

“Don´t go away Kirsty!” Rose grinned deviously “I have to make some preparations” Her sister would soon wake up.

Burnham Thorpe: At the beach:

In the meantime Kate and Hayley had walked the short distance to the beach and walked along the rolling surf. The sea rolled in long breakers against the coast. They were deep in conversation: Hayley told her all about the events of the last days. How she got attacked on the first day and kidnapped on the second.

The blonde left no detail out: “That Sykes was creepy and a sadist” she shuddered at the memory “I can still feel his grabby paws on my breasts. Kate nodded emphatically “You told me yesterday, you left him in a predicament of sorts … what did you do to him?”

The blonde grinned “We stripped him and tied him on his office chair: Maximal embarrassment – and I hope his balls are blue and yellow today! What do you think Kate? Let us have a pint at the local pub and have a snack! We have 90 Minutes left till we shall meet Kirsty again – I wonder how that meeting is going – I really wouldn´t like to be in Kirsty´s shoes right now!”
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Post by mrjones2009 »

What does Rose have planned for Kirsty? It can't be good.

Will there be a role reversal and Hayley come to the rescue?
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Post by GreyLord »

Kirsty's family are sick puppy dogs.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] l [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention]
[mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention] [mention]Fandango[/mention] [mention]LunaDog[/mention]

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago Kirsty's family are sick puppy dogs.


Chapter 66

“‘Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor hell a fury like a woman scorned”

Rose McGovern’s cottage:

Kirsty´s return to the world of the living was slow. Till the fog lifted it took a while” “You feel probably a bit disoriented dear sister, that is one of the side effects of the sedative I dosed you with – but that will pass quickly” Kirsty opened her eyes, she had to blink till she could see clearly – and finally the full nature of her predicament hit home: In two metres distance smiling ominously sat her sister on the far edge of the bathtub.

Kirsty had to crane her neck to look her in the eye. She had to crane her neck “because I am lying wrapped and taped in the bathtub of my sister, what is this about Rose?” Well she wanted to ask, but she couldn´t because Kirsty´s mouth was stuffed with something spongy to capacity. So only a low mumble escaped her gagged mouth”

Rose was obviously delighted “It is so funny to hear all the little wheels spinning your pretty head sister mine –and one friendly piece of advice: Struggling is useless. The tape is unbreakable – and waterproof – and leaves no traces on the skin! But I jump ahead!”

“The most pressing question I see in your eyes is “Why is she doing this? The answer is simple: Revenge. Revenge for ruining my life! Revenge for ruining our family! Did you really believe I wanted to end up here in this godforsaken place at the coast? I had plan´s! I was destined for another life! You get that! When you left, everything turned from bad to worse! I had to take care for mother, because she had a stroke, when she discovered you ran away – our father drank and got killed in a car crash. Brian took over the farm! What was left for me!

After this outburst her Rose needed a moment to calm down. Kirsty gag talked emphatically “I know what you are saying Kirsty – but you get your say later! To sum it up, you ruined my life! And now you have the nerve to come back after all these years: The highly decorated war hero” – Kirsty´s eyes rose – “Don´t tell me you didn´t know, it was in the news yesterday: You will get the Victoria Cross for your valour on the battlefield! Imagine that: Kirsty Garrett a hero?” Rose continued her rant “The war hero, the successful detective – and you waltz in the pub with that blonde American bimbo!”

It took a while till her younger sister had composed herself. Calmer now she added “You see, I have good reason to hate you, I had enough time to fuel it – and then you called me yesterday, I could not believe my luck – and now are you here big sister at my mercy!”

She stood and ripped carelessly the tape from Kirsty´s mouth and pulled the soggy nerf balls out her sister´s mouth. Kirsty licked her lips and looked up to her sister who was towering above her. The position was uncomfortable as hell. She inhaled deeply [...]
Last edited by Caesar73 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Nainur »

Loving the title, yet gain, and, well, the lines below aren't bad either... ;)
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Post by mrjones2009 »

slackywacky wrote: 1 year agoTeaser
100% agree! Bring on the full chapter!
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] l [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention]
[mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention] [mention]Fandango[/mention] [mention]LunaDog[/mention]

As [mention]slackywacky[/mention] and [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] pointed out, I teased you long enough, so here is the full Chapter 66:

Chapter 66

“‘Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor hell a fury like a woman scorned”

Rose McGovern’s cottage:

Kirsty´s return to the world of the living was slow. Till the fog lifted it took a while” “You feel probably a bit disoriented dear sister, that is one of the side effects of the sedative I dosed you with – but that will pass quickly” Kirsty opened her eyes, she had to blink till she could see clearly – and finally the full nature of her predicament hit home: In two metres distance smiling ominously sat her sister on the far edge of the bathtub.

Kirsty had to crane her neck to look her in the eye. She had to crane her neck “because I am lying wrapped and taped in the bathtub of my sister, what is this about Rose?” Well she wanted to ask, but she couldn´t because Kirsty´s mouth was stuffed with something spongy to capacity. So only a low mumble escaped her gagged mouth”

Rose was obviously delighted “It is so funny to hear all the little wheels spinning your pretty head sister mine –and one friendly piece of advice: Struggling is useless. The tape is unbreakable – and waterproof – and leaves no traces on the skin! But I jump ahead!”

“The most pressing question I see in your eyes is “Why is she doing this? The answer is simple: Revenge. Revenge for ruining my life! Revenge for ruining our family! Did you really believe I wanted to end up here in this godforsaken place at the coast? I had plan´s! I was destined for another life! You get that! When you left, everything turned from bad to worse! I had to take care for mother, because she had a stroke, when she discovered you ran away – our father drank and got killed in a car crash. Brian took over the farm! What was left for me!

After this outburst her Rose needed a moment to calm down. Kirsty gag talked emphatically “I know what you are saying Kirsty – but you get your say later! To sum it up, you ruined my life! And now you have the nerve to come back after all these years: The highly decorated war hero” – Kirsty´s eyes rose – “Don´t tell me you didn´t know, it was in the news yesterday: You will get the Victoria Cross for your valour on the battlefield! Imagine that: Kirsty Garrett a hero?” Rose continued her rant “The war hero, the successful detective – and you waltz in the pub with that blonde American bimbo!”

It took a while till her younger sister had composed herself. Calmer now she added “You see, I have good reason to hate you, I had enough time to fuel it – and then you called me yesterday, I could not believe my luck – and now are you here big sister at my mercy!”

She stood and ripped carelessly the tape from Kirsty´s mouth and pulled the soggy nerf balls out her sister´s mouth. Kirsty licked her lips and looked up to her sister who was towering above her. The position was uncomfortable as hell. She inhaled deeply.

If Rose had expected that her older sister would shout at her or beg, she was in for a surprise “You are right Rose” Kirsty spoke with all the calm she could muster “I left you all, I deserted you and I know I hurt you and our siblings” “What do you know about hurt” the nurse shot back contemptuously “Actually a lot” Kirsty replied calmly “But that is not the point: I ran away because I was a teenager eager for attention, gullible, easy to impress and desperate to escape the small world we lived in, the constant bickering of our parents, father´s alcohol abuse. I was a spoiled child and Charlie Sykes´ gave me what I craved most: attention, attention and purpose. I fell for him hook line and sinker. It needed the Army and Elizabeth Crawford to straighten me out” she paused but Rose´s eyes drilled only into hers her pale lips a thin line.

“I am not getting through” Kirsty recognized “She has made up her mind and nothing I will say will change that” Pronouncing every word clearly “Killing me will get you nothing. It will haunt you your life long, even if you get away with murder. Believe me I know of what I am speaking: The dark hours of night, when the world shrinks together and all the dead souls visit you – you wouldn´t want that”

And Rose could see that her sister seemed to be far away at another moment for a spell. “But you got one thing wrong: I am not responsible for your current life. We all make decisions and we have to live with them. I did and you did. So blame me if you like. But you are living the life you live not because of me. You live your live because of the decisions you made. Your decisions, not mine” Defiantly she starred up at her sister”

Surprisingly calm her sister reacted “I promised you that you would have your say. You had it. And it changes nothing. It is time to shout you up again!” Rose grabbed a few pieces of laundry used panties – as Kirsty recognized. She pressed her lips together. It was a hard fight and Rose was surprised with what energy her tightly tied sister fought a losing battle:

Finally she had stuffed five pairs of panties and two thongs into Kirsty´s mouth and wrapped the same translucent tape as before as tight as she could more than 20 times around Kirsty´s head. Breathing heavily Kirsty stared up at her. Still defiantly.

Cruelly Rose smiled down at her sibling: “Believe me. As soon as the water reaches your nose, you will sing a different tune dear sister mine, I leave you alone know, I have some preparations to make!”

Kirsty was alone: She was not scared, not yet – Hayley and Kate would show up, but would they show up before she had drowned. She shifted in the bath tub, tested her bonds, searched for a weakness – but there was none. The foul taste of the used panties made her wretch. Kirsty stared at the white ceiling “It could use a dash of fresh paint” she mused. Time passed agonizingly slowly. Her feet were icy cold by now.

Finally she heard steps coming nearer “I am back honey” Rose mocked her cheerily “Time for your final bath! If Kirsty´s sibling had hoped her sister would display fear, begging through her tightly packed mouth she was disappointed.

Kirsty just stared at her, cold and hard – but Rose saw no hate in those grey eyes. She opened the tap fully: The icy cold water hit Kirsty´s tightly wrapped body. The level rose quickly: It took only minutes till the water had reached the tips of her tied toes.

With almost clinical detachment Rose watched the level rising further. Soon the water swirled around Kirsty´s breasts. And the level rose. Another two minutes later her full breasts where covered by the water. Soon it would touch her chin.

The only sound was that of the water filling the tub – as the sound of the doorbell broke the silence “Too bad sister we are interrupted I will have a look. I´ll be back soon! Pinkie Swear!”

The bell rang a second time “Coming” Rose shouted. She opened the door: Before her stood two women: Both tall above average, a blonde and a brunette. The blonde wore a blue Basque beret, the brunette a red woollen cap. Both wore matching down coats. Matching their caps “Hello, I am Hayley King and this is Kate Beckett, we come for Kirsty, is she still here? She was supposed to meet us”

Inwardly Rose froze this could not be, she was only minutes away from having her revenge!

“No, Kirsty has already gone, you must have missed her” Rose smiled at them, but to Kate the smile seemed forced and she noticed a slight nervousness, Kate smiled “Are you planning on taking a bath Rose?” “What?” the nurse stammered “Do you hear it Hayley?” Indeed they could hear the water running. The blonde and the brunette exchanged a look. At the same moment Rose tried to shut the door in their faces.

But Hayley threw herself against the door blade with her shoulder full throttle so that Rose stumbled, lost grip, hit the wall with her head and landed on the wooden floor. Hayley rushed past her following the sounds “Kate take care of her!”

Dazed Rose looked up and stared into the muzzle of a large calibre hand gun, firmly trained at her. The brunette looked coldly down on her “Stay down” she informed her in a calm, cool professional tone. That woman meant business.

Hayley stormed into the bath room and to the tub. Kirsty stared at her, trying desperately to keep her nose above water level. The blonde lost no second and turned the water off. And pulled the lever to open the drain, the water level sank quickly. In disbelief Hayley looked at Kirsty´s tightly wrapped body.

Her gaze stopped at the fine line which held the Britons toes tied to the bathroom armatures – with a sharp pull the American ripped the string loose. Kirsty sighed as she could move her toes again. She was chilled to the bone and incredibly relieved.

Carefully the blonde cut through the wall of tape which encircled the Briton´s head, at least the stuff did not clang to her auburn tresses. Curiously Hayley watched at the obviously large mass of cloth protruding from of friend´s mouth. Decisively she pulled at one yellow lappet of material: Finally she could remove the last pair of soggy panties. Gingerly Kirsty moved her aching jaws.

“Five pairs and two thongs” Hayley´s tone hovered on admiration and disgust “I should ask her how she did this” Kirsty shot her a withering glare “She was very persuasive, Rose told me they were from the very bottom of her hamper”


Both women, Kate and Rose noticed the stop of the water flowing “Seems your plan did not work” the detective told the nurse flatly. She gestured with her gun to the living room “Do get up slowly, keep your hands where I can seem them and move your sorry ass into the living room. One wrong move and it will be your last”

The two women locked eyes. Finally Rose got slowly on her feet “Who do you think you are?” she hissed “I am the one with the gun and calling the shots. Move. Now!” Kate had not raised her voice the calm authority behind her words though was enough to make Rose comply.

In the living room Kate gestured with her gun at the couch “Sit!” When Rose had sat down, the homicide detective reached into the left pocket of her coat and threw two pairs of handcuffs on the table “Cuff your ankles and then your wrists behind your back”

Rose did not move, starring at her captor. The homicide detective regarded her with a cold look “You have enough problems already don´t make it any worse: You will be cuffed either way and if I have to knock you out so be it. Your choice” After a few seconds Rose sighed and took the first cuff “I knew you would see sense” Kate smiled. But it was not the friendly sort of smile.

The Bathroom:

Cutting through all the layers of tape and wraps took time. Finally Hayley severed through the last layer of tape. Kirsty´s skin felt cold and clammy “Can you get up?” the American asked her companion concerned “I can” Kirsty stated. Getting up was not as easy as Kirsty had thought but finally she stood on the floor of the bathroom. Thankfully the floor was warm under her bare soles.

Hayley gave her a fluffy towel and Kirsty dried her body “Damn the water was cold” she shuddered “Where is Rose?” “Kate is keeping an eye on her” the American smiled “Let us get you dressed!” The blonde could tell that the Briton was still shaken by the experience. Finally she spoke “I expected many things, but not that my own sister would try to kill me”

“What do we do with her?” Hayley wondered “She is your sister, but we cannot pretend that didn´t happen” Kirsty nodded “Probably not, let us have a talk with Kate” As they entered the living room they saw Rose sitting on the couch, hands cuffed behind her back, her ankles cuffed too, staring sullenly at the floor. Across her Kate sat, her eyes observing the nurses every movement keenly.

The detective looked up as Kirsty and Hayley entered. Rose turned to her sister and her gaze was so full of hate that Hayley shuddered involuntarily but the younger sibling kept her silence “Are you alright?” Kate scrutinized Kirsty “I guess I am” Kirsty smiled weakly “Almost drowned to death and frozen – but I will get over it” her tone was light, but Kate was experienced enough to know, that this was only the surface, Kirsty´s way of dealing with the experience.

“What do we do with her” Kate nodded at Rose “We discussed the same thing” Hayley stated “Any suggestions?” The homicide detective did not hesitate a second “In my book this is a clear attempt of premeditated murder. This is not involuntary man slaughter, she” Beckett nodded at Rose planned all this” Kate paused for a second “She is your sister, I understand, but we cannot simply sweep that under the carpet”

There was silence for seconds. Kirsty looked at her sister “It does not have to be that way Rose” “Fuck you! You and your American whore!” the younger Garrett spat at her sister “I guess that answers your question Kirsty” Kate stated calmly “I will call the police” And Kirsty was grateful that she didn´t have to do the task.

“Keep an eye on her” Kate pointed her gun at Rose and pulled her smartphone out of her shoulder bag. She searched for a Number, dialled and waited, after a few seconds she spoke in her cool professional manner “This is Captain Kate Beckett with the New York Police Department. I report an attempted homicide. We have the suspect in custody” she listened then looked at Kirsty “The Address?” “Church Lane 37 Burnham Thorpe” Kirsty provided, Kate ended the call: “They will be here in thirty minutes”

In the aftermath the next hour was all a blur for Kirsty: They had their statements taken and finally Rose was bundled into a police car. She had not said a word. Finally they stood alone before Rose´s house. It was a crime scene now “I have to call Brian” she steeled herself and selected the contact.

After four rings somebody took the call “Garrett” a rich baritone answered “Brian this is Kirsty” a few seconds passed then her brother replied “Pamela told me you are back” He obviously did his best to keep his tone neutral.

Kirsty pulled herself together “Brian, I don´t know an easy way to tell you this so I will just say it: Rose just attempted to kill me, she drugged me and wanted to drown me in the bath tub. She is now in custody” For quite a while her brother said nothing “Where is she?” “They bring her to King´s Lynn as we speak”

“We need to get her a lawyer” the older Garrett finally said “She will need a good one” Kirsty said flatly “Let us talk tomorrow, I am still chilled to the bone” She ended the call and turned to her friends “Let us get to the car and home”
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Post by slackywacky »

That was intense. Sister love (understandable if you read the story) is just one way it seems, but there is hope. Good chapter, [mention]Caesar73[/mention].
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
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Post by GreyLord »

How do you do it? You can even make family trouble fun.
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago How do you do it? You can even make family trouble fun.
I take that as a compliment my friend! One thing is for sure: Kirsty´s family has surely developed some interesting strategies to deal with family-intern conflicts. I have the feeling that we will see Kristy and Hayley tying the knot in the near future. It will be interesting to see, when Kirsty´s family from northern rural Norfolk will meet Kirsty´s and Hayley´s friends: Imagine her sister in law Pamela with her love for clogs meeting the Grand Duchesse or Kate Beckett. It will be intresting to see, how Kirsty will deal with almost being murdered by her sister.
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Post by GreyLord »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago ...
I take that as a compliment my friend! ..
It was a compliment, for sure!
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago
Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago ...
I take that as a compliment my friend! ..
It was a compliment, for sure!
I was just teasing - thank you [mention]GreyLord[/mention] ! The next update should be up in three or four days time!
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Post by Bandit666 »

You know I can’t believe we’re already into chapter 66, and yet it’s remained as interesting, fascinating and entertaining throughout, truly the sign of a great author, with a need and willingness to produce a masterclass in adventure
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] l [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention]
[mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]Fandango[/mention] [mention]LunaDog[/mention]
Bandit666 wrote: 1 year ago You know I can’t believe we’re already into chapter 66, and yet it’s remained as interesting, fascinating and entertaining throughout, truly the sign of a great author, with a need and willingness to produce a masterclass in adventure
Thank you my friend! Here follows Chapter 67 - a short one, I split the original Chapter in two - for dramaturgical reasons :)

Chapter 67

“Pillow Talk, Part 1”

The Three Horseshoes, later:

The dinner at 0800 was a silent affair, especially Kirsty occasionally drifted off. And who would that hold against her? Hayley mustered her partner “It happens not every day your own sister tries to kill you” Hayley was an only child but she could imagines how traumatizing this experience must have been for Kirsty.

The main course had just been served when the door to the pub swung open.

All chatter died down. On the threshold stood a very tall woman, her shining dark hair bound in a ponytail. The new comer was entirely clad in black. With an imperious gesture she gave her long black coat to the young woman doing the service. In her left hand she carried her violin case.

The woman wore a black woollen turtleneck, a small silvery cross around her neck. Her long black skirt fell wide around her calves. On her feet shiny high heeled black boots, she spotted Hayley, Kirsty and Kate. The latter smiled warmly as their eyes met. The detective raised “Anna!” she beamed. The Russian and the American hugged tightly “What are you doing here?”

She took a closer look at her friend: The Russian´s face still looked paler than usual but she seemed to be more at ease. Anna returned the smile “I needed space you know. At Hall Place Manor they treaded all carefully around me, as if I was damaged goods – so I thought a change of place would be a good thing”

Kate nodded knowingly “Come” she said simply “Have a seat and a good pint!” Anna smiled as she followed the American. Her friends greeted her, they hugged, the Russian commandeered a seat – and soon they chatted amiably – the violinist looked at the plates of her companions “I see I have some serious catching up to do, any recommendations?”

Finally Anna chose the “Wild mushroom risotto”, the “Homemade Beef burger, topped with bbq pulled pork and bacon, served with chips”

“That was delicious” she said as she laid her cutlery aside “What?” Anna demanded “Oh nothing” Kate smiled “This is the Anna we all know and love, in for dessert?” The Russian pondered the question “If you ask like that … why not?”

The reminder of the evening of the evening passed quickly. It was a quarter to 1100 PM when Anna and Kate entered Walsingham. The Russian let her eyes glide above the pretty double room which was situated above the pub. One of most recently refurbished rooms it had a wood-framed fire-place, wood-panelled window overlooking the village and a large ensuite shower room.

Gently Anna put her violin case on the side board. Kate watched her friend in silence “You don´t get the pictures out of your head when you touch the violin” she asked softly. Slowly Anna turned “No, I don´t: Different pictures but those are every time among them – I guess I have to live with that”

30 Minutes later Kate heard Anna rummaging in the bath room, she sang to herself in Russian, a soft melancholic melody. When the violinist entered the room, Kate could not hide a smile: Anna wore a black silken bath robe, black pantyhose – and the detective had no doubts that beneath the robe, the Russian wore a matching set of black bra and panties.

“I want you to take care of me tonight” Anna said simply and let her silken robe glide to the floor.


“Kate does take good care of me” Anna thought as she sat on the bed. An inner peace filled her she had not felt that way since she had to watch the murder of Tatiana Nikolajeva. When she had told Kate to take care of her, the detective had replied “I will Anna, but you will call the shots. You will tell me when to stop, right?” “I will” the violinist had nodded. And now she sat here on the soft mattress: For her confinement the American had used silk scarves only. The soft silk caressed her skin.

“Nothing extreme” Kate had admonished her “When it is too much we stop and you will give the safe signal, are we clear? I know you Anna Alexandrovna Romanova. Don´t play the hero and don´t punish yourself right?” Anna nodded, a twinkle in her eyes “I will – and what are you waiting for?”

The American had chosen a tight and snug box tie first. Tight and secure, two more scarves framed Anna´s full breasts; she had tied a third scarf around the Russian´s waist. The knotted scarf she had applied very gently. Anna sighed contently. The knots were perfectly placed.

Kate had helped her to kneel on the bed and tight each ankle to its corresponding thigh. But the detective had not stopped there, far from it: She had tied Anna´s legs so that her nylon clad soles were pressed firmly together, the icing on the cake had been the toe tie.

The Russian shivered in delight: Anna´s feet, her soles were one of her soft spots, her most erogenous parts of her body, touching her feet send her in heaven. Rubbing her nyloned soles against each other even more so, heat shot through Anna´s body as she rubbed her soles against each other as much as her bonds allowed it: she groaned softly into her gag, yes, the gag:

Kate had packed one large silk scarf into the violinist´s mouth and a smaller one too. Both had been heavily scented with perfume. A second scarf which covered her face from nose to chin held the packing firmly in – not that Anna had any desire to dislodge the soft silk, which filled her mouth to capacity. Far from it! Ear buds deprived her of her hearing. Kate had wound another shawl across her head and nodded her firmly under her chin, forcing her to close her jaws even more.

When Kate was finished Anna´s head was completely covered in silk, only her nose protruded from the layers of silky goodness.

Kate watched the bound body of her friend with deep affection: Her breathing was deep and regular now and then a soft moan could be heard. Anna rubbed her nyloned soles against each other as best as she could.

The detective grinned mischievously: she stretched her left leg out, so that the tip of her right pantyhosed foot touch Anna´s corresponding nipple. She rubbed her foot some more across Anna´s sensitive flesh, the groans and moans intensified.

The American touched Anna´s left nipple with her other foot, massaged her breasts with her feet, softly gently. Kate teased the Russian some more: Her right foot glided down between her heaving breasts down south. With the tips of her toes she touched the crotch scarf ….

Anna felt already in heaven as Kate manipulated her nipples with her feet, but now it was even more intense. And Kate did not stop. Then Anna felt a soft kiss on her left nipple, another one on her right.

Her friend really did take the long road, but in a gentle way. The tension in Anna´s body grew slowly and with every touch of Kate´s fingers, feet or lips. When she just craved only release she heard her friend´s soft voice in her ear buds “You want to cum, now?” Anna nodded emphatically moaned into her gag “So be it” the magical voice whispered and Kate touched Anna´s rock hard nipples with her soles.

When the Russian felt this sensation all dams broke: The mother of orgasms washed over her. She had the feeling to fly, to be detached from her body. Anna screamed into her gag. It took her some time to return to earth, till her breathing returned to normal.

A while later Anna laid comfortably reclined on the bed sipping champagne from a flute. Kate noticed that her friends skin seemed to glow from the inside “Thank you Kate” the Russian spoke softly “that was just what I needed” “You are welcome Anna” The detective mustered the Russian, she seemed much more at ease with herself now, relaxed. “Kate, something is on your mind, tell me” Anna smiled. The American nodded “how do you think Kirsty is holding up right now?”

“Difficult to say” the violinist replied after pondering the question for a while “You know, being witness of Tatiana´s murder was gruesome, it hit me hard, and it is still fresh and raw – but if your own sister tries to kill you, even if they were not close, that is an entirely different matter ….”
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Post by GreyLord »

When the Russian felt this sensation all dams broke: The mother of orgasms washed over her. She had the feeling to fly, to be detached from her body. Anna screamed into her gag. It took her some time to return to earth, till her breathing returned to normal.
Powerful [mention]Caesar73[/mention], very powerful.
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Post by Bandit666 »

I have to agree, most certainly powerful, but I’d have to add gripping too. Though now I’m keen to see what would have been attached along with all this enjoyment
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Post by mrjones2009 »

A character building episode. I like that Anna has turned up. She is a unique character in this franchise.

Kirsty I fear has demons buried within. The tough exterior may hide a softer centre. Hopefully Hayley is taking good care of her.

Can't wait for the next installment!
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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 1 year ago A character building episode. I like that Anna has turned up. She is a unique character in this franchise.

Kirsty I fear has demons buried within. The tough exterior may hide a softer centre. Hopefully Hayley is taking good care of her.
Thank you [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] - I can understand you like Anna so much. One aim of the second hunt was to develop her character forward. And Anna´s journey is far from over - there is much to discover and to learn. I cannot deny that I really like developing her.

Yes, regarding Kirsty I concur. In the ongoing story arc we learned much about her. And to cope with the experience of being almost murdered by her sister must be difficult. I am certain though that Hayley will take good care of her partner. They have grown together. As different as their backgrounds are they have developed a strong bond.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] l [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention]
[mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]Fandango[/mention] [mention]LunaDog[/mention]

Chapter 68

“Pillow Talk, Part 2”

Holkham Kirsty´s and Hayley´s room an hour earlier:

Hayley and Kirsty had walked in silence to their room on the ground floor - Hayley sensed her partner needed space right now. Kirsty threw herself in one of the two comfy chairs near the fireplace and stared into the flames.

Finally she looked up at Hayley “I still don´t get it ….” she paused – and the blonde waited patiently – “I expected Rose would not like me, would be hostile towards me, especially after what Pamela told me, but that she would try to kill me – premeditated – I never did anticipate that” Kirsty shook her head.

Hayley waited: “You saved my life today Hayley – one or two minutes later and I would have drowned” Kirsty continued “You know Hayley I did some really bad stuff in my life, but you Hayley King are the best thing that happened to me in my life, you know that right?”

Kirsty looked up to the blonde and in her beaming face and in her crystal blue eyes she saw only love and understanding. With one fluid motion the Briton rose, hugged the American tightly and kissed her fully and firmly on her mouth, her tongue explored Hayley´s mouth and the blonde responded in kind, when they finally parted Kirsty whispered “why don´t me continue this in a more comfortable environment?”

“Gladly” Hayley whispered back “but I have a surprise prepared for you” she smiled coyly “Interested?” “Actually I do love surprises!” Kirsty´s voice was dark with desire “Then let me prepare it, you just wait here make yourself comfortable” Hayley graced her with a coquettish look and a flirtatious grin “Just turn around, I have to gather a few things first, when I am in the bathroom you can turn again – and don´t go away!”

Kirsty turned her back to Hailey and heard her rummaging in the cupboard. Eventually the bathroom door closing, she was giddy with anticipation, and a warm feeling floated through her body, it got stronger as she heard the shower.

The Briton helped herself to a glass of white wine, switched on the sound system and chose a channel with Italian pop songs, took her shoes off and lay on the large King size bed, put some cushions in her back –sipped of her wine now and then and waited – she got impatient and raised from the bed and stood in the middle of the room.

The uplifting beats of the intro of “Felicitá” sung by Al Bano and Romina Power had just begun as the bathroom door flew open and Hayley stood in the door way, as if she had just waited for that moment – in the aftermath Kirsty was sure Hayley had waited - Kirsty nearly choked on her white wine at the sight:

In step with the music Hayley strode in the room. A crimson red cape which fell almost down to the floor, as she walked – “no she glides” Kirsty corrected herself - the blonde let the cape gliding to the floor, and executed a perfect pirouette on her super high red Platform Sandals, she pirouetted a second time

Her blond mane flowed freely above her bare shoulders, the very low cut crimson red dress, highlighted her curvaceous figure. The dress ended only centimetres above her knees. Through the nude hose the crimson red nail polish shimmered which matched the dress perfectly: Hayley strode through their room as if she walked the catwalk in Paris, hips swaying invitingly – as she turned again, Kirsty eyes were fixated on her shapely butt.

Hayley´s blue eyes never left Kirsty who had stood up from the bed. The song ended and Hayley stopped so close to the Briton that she could smell the intoxicating scent of Laura Biagotti´s “Roma”.

The blonde´s body radiated heat in waves she moved her shoulders seductively so that Kirsty had no choice as to look mesmerized at the tops of Hayley´s full breasts. Her rock hard nipples seemed almost to burst through the shimmering red fabric.

One large red ruby bordered in gold rested between Hayley´s heaving breasts “Do you love my surprise?” she purred like a large cat. Without warning she shoved Kirsty backwards, so that the latter on her back on the mattress.

Without missing a beat the blonde followed straddling the auburn haired woman, towering above her, Kirsty did not resist as the American grabbed both her wrists firmly and pressed her arms down on the mattress.

From her position, Kirsty got an even more inviting view into Hayley´s décolleté as the blonde icy blue eyes drilled into her “Do you like my surprise?” the blonde whispered “You are really a lioness” Kirsty whispered back – and lionesses need to be tamed!” With a quick motion Kirsty broke Hayley´s grip – and as the dust had cleared it was the Hayley who stared up at the Briton who straddled her. “And now?” the blonde smiled seductively “Now, we will take care that you don´t kick me with those heels of yours, or hit me with your fists” Hayley grinned “Make me!” and struggled more energetically.

The American knew from experience that Kirsty was better than her in close combat. Seconds later Hayley found herself lying on her front, while Kirsty tied her wrists together, firmly and secure. The blonde tested her bonds. The knots were out of reach.

Kirsty turned around still sitting on Hayley´s thighs but facing her ankles know. The blonde aimed a kick with her let heel at Kirsty but the Briton gripped her ankle with ease “I think we should remove those dangerous heels” and opened the ankle straps to pull the sandal from Hayley´s foot. She did the same with the right foot.

The blonde flexed her nyloned soles and wiggled her toes, a most alluring sight, Kirsty grinned. Soon Hayley´s ankles were secured too.

Kirsty jumped from the mattress while Hayley rolled around on the bed “I am getting some more ropes and a gag you vixen!” “I can hardly wait!” the blonde smiled “But I will give not in!”

Hayley fought as best as she could but 20 minutes later, she found herself in a very tight hogtie. Kirsty had taken no chances: Hayley´s long legs were bound at ankles, under the knees above the knees and midthigh. Her bound ankles were tied to her elbow bonds “You fiend you have tied me almost securely, but I can still move my feet!” the blonde smiled “Oh really? Can you?” Kirsty replied in the same tone “That can be remedied” She grabbed Hayley´s wiggling nyloned feet, and tied the Americans big toes tightly. Kirsty held her lover´s feet firm with one hand and tickled her under her high arches of her right foot.

“Stop that you fiend!” the blonde giggled and tried to get her foot free – to no avail “You will wake up the whole neighbourhood” Kirsty scolded her “Then do something about it” Hayley challenged her “I surely will, I surely will” Kirsty grabbed Hayley by her long hair and pulled her head back “What do you think about that?” as she pressed a pair of used underwear against Hayley´s flaring nostril´s “Breath in deeply!” It costed Kirsty some of her persuasive skills to get the blonde to open her mouth. The Briton pressed the ball of garment into Hayley´s mouth “Keep it there!”

Five minutes later a heavy silk scarf ensured that the gag packing stayed where it was. The blonde was breathing heavily her skin glistened with a film of sweat. The air in the room was thick: with sweat, with perfume – and something else.

Kirsty bowed down to Hayley and whispered in her left ear “I love you Hayley King, I truly do – you saved my life in more than one way” Gently she caressed the blonde´s nyloned soles. Haley groaned with pleasure. As she felt Kirsty´s hot lips kissing her left heel she shuddered.

With care Kirsty kissed a caressed each inch and every part of her foot. Then the other one “You know Hayley, you have the most beautiful feet in the world and you made the greatest gift of all to me: You gave yourself to me” Kirsty whispered.

“Why don´t we get you out of this marvellous dress?”

Kirsty loosened Hayley´s bonds and undressed her, slowly, gently, carefully – till Hayley lay totally naked on the bed. While undressing her, Kirsty had bidden her time, touched and kissed every square inch of her hot skin.

Her hot tongue had explored Hayley´s soft soles, her full breasts, moved down to her navel – and then deeper south …. Hayley´s breath had quickened with every touch. But Kirsty was not yet finished – quickly she undressed and took four silk scarves ….

Hayley found herself in a spread eagle, a tight one, not that she did mind. No, she was totally relaxed. Kirsty was happy and so was she. The blonde sighed into her gag ….

With deep affection Kirsty looked down on Hayley. And not for the first and not for the last time she thought “Do I deserve her? Do I deserve that luck?” And Kirsty decided in that moment, as time seemed to stand still, she deserved that luck.

Hayley enjoyed the soft caresses of her silken bonds. While they were tight, they were smooth, soft and comfortable. Kirsty had blindfolded her with a broad scarf.

“I think we will change that position Hayley” Kirsty whispered “And the gag” Twenty minutes later the Briton looked down longingly down on Hayley: Kirsty had tied the blonde´s wrists together and secured them to the headboard.

She had tied each ankle to its corresponding thigh and above each knee Kirsty had tied a scarf which she had tied to the bedsides. Hayley could not close her legs now: The American´s Brazilian Landing strip was at full display.

Kirsty had also improved on Hayley´s gag: First she had stuffed Hayley´s used hose into her mouth – and her moist red panties. She had cleave gagged her with a silk scarf, forcing the hose and panties even deeper in the blonde´s mouth, who had not resisted but softly groaned and moaned and grated her hips. Over the cleaving shawl the Briton had tied a third scarf which covered Hayley´s face from chin to nose.

Hayley felt that Kirsty knelt between her splayed legs. She sensed the heat of the other woman´s body. She shuddered and moaned as Kirsty kissed with utmost gentleness her left nipple. Hayley felt that her companions hot moist lips closed around her left nipple, sucked at it.

Her hot tongue caressed the areola, softly gently, repeatedly. Another kiss on the tip of her nipple, the blonde felt the hot breath on her skin, as if a lance of dragon fire set it on fire. Kirsty kissed her right nipple, caressed, sucked and licked. Hayley´s body stiffed as Kirsty gently bowed down over her body till Kirsty´s nipples touched her own.

The Briton rubbed her full breasts against the American´s full and firm mounds. By now Hayley felt her skin glowing. Every square inch of her skin was most sensible to the touch. A hot fire seemed to smoulder between her legs, she raised her lower body, moaning, straining against her bonds.

But Kirsty bade her time: Hayley felt an electric shot as her lover planted a kiss right between her heaving breasts. As Kirsty planted one kiss to next down to Hayley´s navel, she savoured the intoxicating mix of Hayley´s perfume, body lotion and sweat.

Bye now Hayley was in sensorical overdrive. She tucked at the soft silken unforgivable bonds which held her bound wrists against the headboard. With fascination Kirsty watched, as the blonde tried to move her bound thighs, her muscles rippling, the bedframe creaked under the strain, but she shawls holding her legs splayed did not budge.

Gently Kirsty touched the inside of Hayley´s left ankle and let her fingers slide upwards, the shin, the shapely calve, the firm muscles of Hayley´s well-toned thigh, just short before her groin Kirsty stopped. She turned then to the right leg repeating the procedure.

Finally she bowed down to Hayley´s glistening vulva. She kissed the outer labia, explored them before turning to the inner labia. Hayley´s moans sounded even more urgent now – severely muffled by the heavy gag. Kirsty touched her glistening clitoris with her lips –and Hayley just exploded she rode on a wave of ecstasy and pure bliss.

Later, considerably later:

With deep affection Kirsty looked at the sleeping Hayley. It had been a night to remember.

The next day, morning

It was a merry gathering for breakfast “So what will we do with day?” Anna, normally not a morning person, engaged in conversation freely “I had a phone call with Chris” the Russian grinned “Our glorious leader grants us two more days to spend at our leisure, since Evie and Amanda need more to time finish the translation – and a devious smile crossed her full lips “she says she has some social obligation ….” Kate chuckled “Meaning another date with Sieglinde maybe?” “Who knows?” Anna´s smile was contagious she turned to Kirsty “Why don´t you give us the grand tour? I for my part have never been here”

The Briton nodded “I can do that, but first I to meet my older brother at 1000, he texted me yesterday “He got a lawyer for Rose, and we have to talk – after that I am free. I suggest me make a drive to King´s Lynn – Kate, Hayley and me need to sign our statements at the Police. We can grab a bite and do some sightseeing afterwards”

Hayley nodded “sounds like plan – you meet Brian, Kate, Anna I can make a trip to Wells-next-the-Sea and pick you up when you are done” “It is half past ten know, I should get ready” Kirsty got up” Kate followed her with a thoughtful look “That won´t be an easy conversation, even more so after Kirsty´s sister tried to kill her yesterday” “I think so” Hayley agreed “But she will get through” The American looked at Kate and Anna “Let us get ready then, meet me in 10 outside!”
Last edited by Caesar73 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GreyLord »

My goodness, what will happen at 10? You keep things hot, [mention]Caesar73[/mention].
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago My goodness, what will happen at 10? You keep things hot, @Caesar73.
Thank you my friend, I do my best :) Things will stay hot - I can assure you. The Hunt is far from over.
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] l [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention]
[mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]Fandango[/mention] [mention]LunaDog[/mention]

Chapter 69

“What comes around goes around”

The same day, late Evening, Egypt: Somewhere in the Western Desert:

Private Chambers of Anck-Sun-Amun, Pharaohs High-Priestess

Anck-Sun-Amun sat behind her desk and watched the video showing Anna Romanova´s torment. A cruel smile of deep satisfaction curled her full lips. The Camera zoomed on Anna´s face and her contorted features filled the screen. Her eyes wide above the multi-layered gag, the beads of sweat on her forehead: the camera scrolled down, showing Anna´s décolleté – hovering a moment above the Russian´s heaving bossom.

The High-Resolution showed every strand of the ropes which lashed Anna´s body to the chair. Further down: And then the quivering muscles of the Russian´s muscular thighs, down, to the knees to her tightly bound ankles …

A knock at the door of her study interrupted her. It was Nefer, her Lady in Waiting. The young woman bowed slightly “Mistress?” “What is it Nefer?” the High Priestess did her best to hide her displeasure about the interruption.

“There is someone who insist on meeting you” the young woman bowed again “Whoever it is Nefer! Send him away! Nobody interrupts me at this hour without making an appointment beforehand!” the High Priestess ordered her Lady in waiting imperiously

“I beg your pardon Mistress” Nefer demurred in her soft voice “but this visitor can …” “Who is it then?” Anck-Sun-Amun snapped “The Grand Vizier?” The way she said it, it sounded like a curse “No” Nefer shrugged “It is Seth Nacht”

That gave the High-Priestess pause: Seth-Nacht was the Commander of Pharaoh´s sacred personal guard. He was a professional soldier through and through and absolutely loyal to the son of Horus. Pharaoh´s trust in the Officer was total. And Pharaoh trusted him always with delicate matters. If Seth-Nacht was here on Pharaoh´s orders this was serious. Whatever it was, it had to be that delicate, that even the Grand Vizier was not in the know.

Anck-Sun-Amun turned to Nefer “Very well then Nefer. Tell the Commander that he may come in!” Nefer bowed deeply and left the room. The High Priestess stood tall behind her desk as her Lady in Waiting appeared in the doorway “The Commander of Pharaoh´s sacred guard Seth Nacht High Priestess!” Nefer bowed and left.

The Commander delivered a crisp salute “High Priestess!” Seth Nacht wore the uniform of Pharaoh´s sacred guard. He had a commanding presence, muscular built, well over six feet tall. He radiated a calm authority. Whenever he entered a room his sheer presence alone assured his dominance “Commander” Anck-Sun-Amun acknowledged his presence with the slightest of nods, but stayed behind her desk and extended her right arm. To kiss the High Priestess ring was the customary form of acknowledging her rank and office. This was a test: Would the Commander dare to defy her?

But the Soldier was too clever for that, he closed the distance to Anck-Sun-Amun´s desk with measured steps took her hand and kissed her ring – all in one fluid movement. His chiselled face betrayed no emotion “High Priestess” he nodded ever so slightly “Commander, my Lady in Waiting told me you insisted to see me, may I ask in what matter?” Anck-Sun-Amun´s voice sounded polite – but anybody who knew her very well – would have recognized the barely discernible undertone, a slight quiver.

Seth Nacht nodded. He seemed in no way troubled or irritated. Calmly he answered in his deep resounding baritone “High Priestess I am here on Pharaoh´s personal orders. You are requested and required to present yourself to the son of Horus without further delay”

“And in what matter the living god requires my presence? Anck-Sun-Amun still smiled at Seth Nacht. The Commander returned unmoved “I am not at liberty to say High Priestess. Pharaohs orders compel me to escort you to his private chambers without further delay” Anck-Sun-Amun´s dark eyes drilled into those of her guest. Not many people had the courage to hold that burning gaze.

“You will give me though a few minutes to dress properly – my rank and office demand that” Anck Sun Amun addressed the Commander. Another silent battle, finally Seth Nacht relented: “You have 10 Minutes High Priestess!” “Nefer!” Anck Sun Amun commanded “Yes Mistress?” her Lady in waiting bowed “Help me making me presentable!” the High Priestess ordered “At once” Nefer bowed again. When they were alone in the bath room, Anck Sun Amun turned to her Lady in Waiting “You will take your time – making me presentable” a small smile curled her lips “But the Commander ….” Nefer objected “The Commander” the High Priestess smiled sweetly “needs a lesson – and I must look presentable for Pharaoh!” The black haired Egyptian smiled coyly.

If Anck-Sun-Amun had expected that Seth Nacht would show any sign of impatience she was disappointed. She smiled at him at looked him long in the eyes.

But the commander was unimpressed just looked back, his face not betraying any emotion. It was a silent battle of wills. Finally the High Priestess relented “Very well then, we should not let Pharaoh wait, Commander!” walked around her desk, walked past the Officer and strode purposefully of her study, without turning back, forcing the Commander of Pharaoh´s sacred guard to follow her. On her way out she turned to Nefer “You can go to bed now, I don´t need your service not anymore today!”

On the corridor a picket of Pharaoh´s sacred guard awaited them “Let us go then! I know the way!” Anck-Sun-Amun did not wait for the Commander to lead the way “That should teach him a lesson” she smiled to herself, but behind her cool and collected façade she was troubled. As expected Seth Nacht had not given anything away and her instinct told her that something was off. This was no social call. That much was sure, or Pharaoh would have not sent his most trusted man.

Thousand thoughts crossed her mind as they walked the long empty corridors which led to Pharaoh´s private chambers. The High Priestess knew those quarters very well. If Pharaoh wanted to see her at this hour she normally would have used, the secret passageway which led there. There were many of those in the palace and Anck-Sun-Amun knew them all.

They had reached know the large gilded double doors which led to Pharaoh´s quarters. The two guards on duty saluted as the procession came to a halt. Anck-Sun-Amun already wanted to strode past the guards but the deep Voice of Seth Nacht held her back “You will wait here High Priestess, I will come and get you, when Pharaoh is ready to see you” The High-Priestess´ temperament flared up and it cost her enormous effort to bite down an angry retort. “Right” she nodded “as you wish”

Inwardly she fumed. That humiliation! It was a power game plain and simple.

Minutes passed. The two guards on duty could have been marble statues. They could have been made of stone. Just as the High Priestess was about to storm through the guards, the two door wings swung open: Seth Nacht stood in the doorway: Neither friendly nor unfriendly he announced “You may enter now High Priestess, Pharaoh will see you now!” and stepped aside.

Head held high Anck-Sun-Amun strode past him, without looking at him. Her gaze was fixated on the scene before her: Behind his vast, massive desk made of gilded wood sat Pharaoh. His well-toned muscular upper body was bare, except two broad golden bracelets around his wrists and a matching Usekh – a broad collar, worn by Egyptian Nobles or Priests or Pharaoh.

His face betrayed nothing. To her shame Anck-Sun-Amun had been never able to read the man. Most people were open books to her. Pharaoh was different. The door to his mind was shut. Six feet before his desk Anck-Sun-Amun sank to the floor in one elegant motion on her knees and bowed her head till her forehead touched the floor.

Custom required it, that Pharaoh had to allow her to rise again. She waited, nothing happened, the Egyptian could not tell how much time passed, but she was wise enough to know this was another power game, to establish Pharaoh´s dominance over her. Finally he spoke “You may rise High Priestess!” calmly, measured, projecting authority. With one fluid motion Anck-Sun-Amun rose, but kept her head down.

Pharaoh stood and walked around the table till he stood directly in front of her, so close that she could smell his tangy perfume. He pulled her under the Chin and forced her to look her directly into the eye: Anck-Sun-Amun was tall for a woman, almost six feet. But Pharaoh towered over her. She was forced to crane her neck to look him in the eye. They locked eyes.

Gently her master touched the half-moon shaped scar Chris´ Katana had left at her cheek, his finger followed gently the thin red line “Tell me” he spoke not loud, but clear “What were my orders for you and the Grand Vizier my High Priestess?” His tone was neutral but Anck-Sun-Amun´s fine antennas sensed something dangerous

“Your orders were to devise a plan to acquire the sun ray of Amon Ra, o Sun of Horus!” the High Priestess returned respectfully “Yes” Pharaoh nodded “Those were my orders, but which other order did I gave you and the Grand Vizier?” “He knows the answer perfectly well” the dark haired Egyptian mused “Where is this going?”

He still forced her to look up to him “He wants me to answer so I will give it to him” the High Priestess thought. Aloud she said:

“To put the Grand Duchesse Anna Alexandrovna Romanova under surveillance to shadow her every movement, Master!” “And?” the king prodded “You surely remember this second part of the orders do you?” He had not raised his voice, he spoke still in this calm, almost conversational tone, but there was a storm brewing, Anck Sun Amun sensed it. As calm as possible she answered “You ordered us that nobody was allowed to touch the Grand Duchesse, you announced that you want to make her your Great Royal Wife o Son of Horus!”

“And Anck-Sun-Amun” Pharaoh´s voice was dangerously low, low and menacing now, almost a whisper, but every word perfectly clear “Did you follow that order? Did you touch the Grand Duchesse?”

“I did not o Son of Horus!” she stated firmly looking him directly those dark bottomless eyes, without blinking “Who would dare it to defy an order of you?” “Indeed” the tall man replied “Who would?” Now again in this conversational tone he continued “I will show you something, he turned to Seth Nacht “Turn the Screen on, Commander!” “At once!” the Commander of Pharaoh´s Sacred Guard acknowledged “Let me show you something Anck-Sun-Amun!” the King smiled at the High Priestess and pointed to the very large LECD Screen which had appeared in the wall on the right. The Screen sprung to life.

“Someone sent me this Video, what do you think about it Anck-Sun-Amun? I am interested into you professional opinion! Start the Video Seth Nacht!” The Soldier pressed a few buttons and a picture appeared on a screen, a picture Anck-Sun-Amun only knew too well:

“You won´t smile for long Grand Duchesse I assure you!” her Nemesis told her smugly “Nofret why don´t you ungag our guest? She might want to say a word?” “Of course mistress” Nofret nodded to one of her minions to remove the ball gag.

It had been crammed so tight into Anna´s mouth, that the other woman needed considerable strength to remove it. To get rid of the soggy gag packing was a relief! The Russian licked her dried lips. One of her handlers held a bottle of water against her lips. She drank greedily, since she did not know when she would get another chance.

It costed her some effort, but Anna controlled her temper and just stared at the screen “Cat got your tongue?” the Egyptian quipped, but Anna did not fall for this trap “I am sure you want to know what is in store for you? We will come to that presently. Your friend Chris is at your late teacher’s house in quite the predicament”

The screen changed and showed the tightly ball tied figure of Chris – and in the background the corpse of her former teacher “Tatiana was a harmless old woman” Anna´s voice had become low and menacing “Your lackey will pay for this” “Oh really Grand Duchesse? Somehow I doubt that you will be able to act on this promise, when this day is over, you could be slightly incapacitated”

“Bitch!” Anna fumed. The High Priestess was clearly amused by Anna´s impotent rage “Let me enlighten you, what is in store for you! “You have probably wondered why you are tied this way! Nofret, enlighten our guest!”

The Egyptian pressed a button and two spotlights illuminated the room before Anna´s sight. From the ceiling on a heavy chain above her violin hang a heavy weight, two metres above the precious instrument, the same over her right hand.

Her expression had betrayed her obviously “Yes” the High Priestess chuckled “We will remove the locker under your ankles. As long as you keep your legs in their present position at this angle everything is fine, if you fail to do so, both weights will smash down and smash your Stradivarius to pieces and every bone in your right hand – you will never be able to play again” she paused, obviously to wait for the effect of her revelations “And you will have a whole life time to cope with that!”

At first nothing happened, the Russian just stared with undisguised hatred at her opponent, only her heaving chest betrayed the fact that Anna needed every ounce of self-control she possessed. Then the dam broke and Anna cursed in Russian “That is not very polite my dear Grand Duchesse! Nofret I think it is time go gag the Grand Duchesse more thoroughly!” […]”

“Stop Seth Nacht!” Pharaoh ordered, the screen froze and he turned to Anck-Sun-Amun once more, his voice now cold and hard “And now tell me again my High Priestess! Did you touch the Grand Duchesse!” They locked eyes – and this time the Egyptian broke eye contact first, but she recovered quickly “Who sent this to you my King?” she shot back “That is of none importance whatsoever Anck-Sun-Amun” Her Masters voice was cold like steel and sharp like a knife “Did you orchestrate this!” he pointed on the frozen image on the screen.

Anck-Sun-Amun knew, she had played a game of chess – and lost, she straightened herself stood tall and looked Pharaoh straight in the eye “Yes” she said simply “I did this. Nofret acted on my orders, and if you ask why oh Sun of Horus? This woman is dangerous! Do you know how many of your daughters of Isis she slaughtered? She is not just the beautiful brilliant musician! She could endanger your sacred vision my king!” Anck-Sun-Amun´s eyes were blazing with fire - that outburst could be her death warrant – she knew that.

Seth Nacht kept a straight face as he followed the confrontation. As a professional soldier he admired courage in the face of certain death. And the High Priestess had displayed that kind of courage.

Time seemed to come to a stand-still. Anck-Sun-Amun´s heart hammered in her throat but she did not break eye contact. She could not read Pharaoh´s face. Had she gone too far? If so? She had crossed the Rubicon.

To her ultimate surprise Pharaoh smiled “You are truly a courageous woman High Priestess. Not many people would have mustered the courage to tell me what you told me to my face, but you violated my orders, on purpose, even if you had ulterior motives! Tell me my High Priestess what would you do in my place?”

“I would kill you!” Anck-Sun-Amun stated firmly, all fear had gone now - this would end how it should end. The goddess would take care of her, she knew with utter surety. Pharaoh looked long at her, finally he spoke “It would be just to kill you, but you are the High Priestess and the goddess protects you.

To kill you would be an offence against the gods, but you will be punished! Seth Nacht!” Pharaoh called the Commander of his guard “Leave us alone, I will punish the High Priestess myself “Yes o Sun of Horus!” Seth Nacht delivered a crisp salute turned on his heel and strode out of the chamber.

Pharaoh and his High Priestess were alone. Seconds passed. Seconds became minutes. Finally Pharaoh spoke “You have my permission to disrobe Anck-Sun-Amun!” The High Priestess knew her master well enough to know what was expected of her.

What followed now was a dance, a slow sensual dance. Anck-Sun-Amun moved with a natural grace, fluently, elegant. Slowly disrobing in the process, amongst her many talents the Egyptian was a highly skilled dancer. Every now and then she graced Pharaoh with a long look from her dark eyes.

It was as if the High Priestess moved by the Rhythms of music only she could hear. It was simply mesmerizing. And even if he had seen her dancing many a time Pharaoh had to admire the performance of Anck-Sun-Amun. And then it was over: The Egyptian, stark naked now sank to the floor before her master in a fluid elegant movement kissing his feet.

“You may rise High Priestess!” the king ordered.

Anck-Sun-Amun rose to her feet and looked her master directly in the eye, her arms loosely at her sides, obviously not caring in the slightest she was stark naked. The Pharaoh and the High Priestess measured each other up. If the latter was in anyway troubled it did not show. Her indomitable courage was something Pharaoh had always admired “Stay there!” he ordered and walked to his desk, where he pressed a button.

In the ceiling above Anck-Sun-Amun a flap opened. A long and heavy chain with a pair of manacles at his end rattled slowly down, till the manacles dangled before Anck-Sun-Amun´s full breasts.

Without order the High Priestess stretched her arms out and Pharaoh shackled her wrists together. The king pressed the button on his desk: The dark woman´s arms were pulled up, till her arms were held high above her head.

But the Egyptian could still stand flat footed on the floor. From a table the king took a length of coarse jute rope and lashed her elbows firmly together. The High Priestess did not show any emotion, though the coarse rope bit deep into her skin.

The king walked around her, inspected her. Finally he stood directly in front of her, only centimetres apart. Since he was well over seven feet tall, Anck-Sun-Amun had to raise her head to look him fully in the eyes. Her dark eyes drilled into his. They betrayed no emotions, those black pearls of marble. Across her throat the red scar stood out where Chris´ had hit her. The king touched the thin red line and followed her with his finger.

The High-Priestess stood still as a stone “This stroke was perfect” Pharaoh could sense that the dark haired woman struggled, to keep her temperament in check, he chuckled “You must hate her, don´t you?” “Yes” the High Priestess pressed through tightly clenched teeth “I hate her, and she will pay!”

“But not now” Pharaoh stated “Today you receive your punishment” He retrieved several more lengths of rope. As he stood so near behind her, that his muscular upper body almost touched her back, he cupped both of her full breast with his large hands, squeezing them tightly, repeatedly.

A small moan escaped Anck-Sun-Amun´s lips. The king doubled a length of the coarse rope and let it glide above her breasts till it rested above the base of her breasts. The coarse material chaffed her sensible skin.

Minutes later the tall Egyptian had created a breast-harness. He wound another rope girdle around her waist and pulled it tight, so that the jute rope cut deep into her soft skin. Anck-Sun-Amun showed no reaction, but he yanked the cruelly tight crotch rope sharply upwards she inhaled sharply, but nothing more.

Pharaoh continued tying her up. He finished his work with lashing her big toes together: Three rope bands above the joint and three below. Anck-Sun-Amun knew that her master was highly skilled in the art of rendering a damsel helpless.

Once more he walked around her, inspecting his work. Obviously he was satisfied. He balled her loin cloth up. The High-Priestess and the King stared at each other. Anck-Sun-Amun did not open her mouth. Her stare said: “make me” With an almost casual movement he pinched her nostrils with two fingers together. Anck-Sun-Amun still stared at him as her face turned slowly red. Finally she had to draw breath and the bald Egyptian rammed the soiled garment into her mouth.

“There is room for one more” the King smiled ominously. He went to the table and retrieved another pair of underwear. As he returned to Anck-Sun-Amun, the High Priestess had almost pushed the first pair of panties out of her mouth “Don´t you dare!” he said and pushed the pair of panties back. The black haired woman resisted as best as she could.

The king had to fight for every inch till the first pair was behind her teeth again. The second pair jagged her jaws wide open and prolonged her face. On top a large ball gag made from leather. It´s straps cut deep into the corners of her mouth, deep.

“Now we can begin!” the Egyptian announced. He pressed another button on his desk and the pulley began to pull Anck-Sun-Amun slowly up, till she had to hover on her toes. Her athletic body was stretched taut. Casually the king played with her nipples. The High Priestess just stared at him. He walked back to the table and inspected the items on the table and retrieved one. As he stepped into the light Anck-Sun-Amun recognized it: a bamboo cane ….

Pharaoh walked around her till he stood behind her. He stood so near behind her that she could feel his well-developed body pressing against her back “Nobody ignores my orders, Anck-Sun-Amun, not even you” he spoke calmly.

He stepped back and swung wide. Anck-Sun-Amun clenched her teeth as he hit her left but cheek with the cane. Zapp! He hit her right but cheek – with precision he moved upwards. Left. Right. Left. Right. Left.

Finally he stopped and stood back. The last strokes had hit her shoulders. She gasped. The Egyptian had so far kept her composure. But this time a sob escaped her lips, and she hated herself for that. Her Master looked down at her “So brave, so strong my High Priestess!” She just stared back “If you think this was the end you are mistaken Anck-Sun-Amun” Pharaoh informed her smiling ominously. The gods will decide how long your punishment will last. I will leave you now in the capable hands of Seth-Nacht.

Only somebody who knew the High Priestess very well would have noticed the slightly widening of Anck-Sun-Amun´s eyes. Obviously she had not expected that. Pharaoh rang a bell. The doors swung open and the Commander of the guard entered, delivering a crisp Salute “Your orders my king?”

“Bring the High Priestess down in the chamber of secrets keep her there, till the gods release her. Her period of punishment begins now!” the tall bald Egyptian ordered “It will be done as ordered oh Son of Horus!” Seth-Nacht confirmed. Pharaoh turned to his High-Priestess and his dark eyes drilled into hers “Do that never again! The next time you will not get away that easily!” Anck-Sun-Amun nodded almost unperceptively.

She offered no resistance as Seth Nacht lowered the pulley so that she stood flat footed on the floor, her bound arms before her body. The officer untied her legs, shackled her ankles, and put a collar with a long leash around her neck. He gave the leash a sharp tug and Anck-Sun-Amun took this as her cue to follow him. They halted before the northern wall of the chamber. There was a relief picturing the god Seth. Seth-Nacht pressed two fingers in the eyes of the god. A soft click and large rectangular opening appeared.

They stepped over the threshold. A long corridor illuminated by oil lamps lead down into the deep. The walls were covered with reliefs, Scenes from the amduat, the book of the dead. The air was cool and dry and Anck-Sun-Amun shuddered – not because the floor felt cool under her bare feet. She knew where they were heading. She had been several times in the chamber of secrets, but not as captive but in her function as Pharaoh´s High Priestess. Finally they came to a halt before a wooden door, flanked by two large statues of the god Anubis. The High Priestess pulled herself together.
Last edited by Caesar73 1 year ago, edited 2 times in total.
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