Vindicta (M/F, F/M, MF+/F, Chapter V Added)

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Vindicta (M/F, F/M, MF+/F, Chapter V Added)

Post by Rtj65 »

Disclaimer - this story is going to be a bit different to what I normally write, and most if not all of the bondage that occurs within it will be non-consensual - needless to say, I don't condone or endorse any such behaviour, and that all of this is completely fictional. I realise that it won't be to everyone's taste for those reasons, so I just want to make that clear from the beginning. I welcome any thoughts or feedback on this; like I said this is quite different to what I normally write!

Act I

Chapter I – The Blonde

Sighing as she gazed into her reflection, Niamh Murphy brushed a few loose strands of bleach blonde hair away from her temple, tucking them in neatly behind her ear. The remainder of her normally shoulder length hair sat on guard at the back of her head in a tight bun. Angling her face to either side, she appeared to be satisfied with her appearance, having given her usually pale skin tone a slightly darker, warmer complexion. Her look was distinctive, with a pair of killer, angled cheekbones that almost looked sculpted. Although now twenty-eight years of age, her appearance suggested that she was anywhere between twenty and thirty.

Finally, Niamh deftly inserted a pair of contact lenses before she spared another look at the mirror; a pair of dazzling azure eyes stared back at her. Her routine was thorough; Niamh had taken great care to refine every facet of her appearance, though to describe her as shallow, vain or in love with her own image would be a gross misrepresentation. That is not to say that she was unattractive – on the contrary, as her appearance at tonight’s venue was likely to turn more heads than not, even had she foregone the majority of her preparations – rather, her elaborate routine served a practical purpose in place of self-gratification.

Her phone buzzed, causing Niamh to instinctively pick it up from the copper-coloured marble surface adjacent to her bathroom sink, without looking. Glancing at the screen, she quickly typed a reply. “Great, I’m heading out now. See you later,” it simply read. Niamh returned the phone to its previous location and looked back towards the mirror, almost wearily.

“Ten years to the day.” Niamh muttered to herself, letting out a sigh of apparent exhaustion. It wasn’t uncommon for her thoughts to drift back to that day, but these recollections always seemed to manifest more often – and with greater intensity – whenever she was about to go out somewhere. Niamh supposed that it wasn’t any great surprise that it was happening now, since today was an ‘anniversary’. That didn’t make it any easier, though the years had numbed her feelings somewhat; what once had boiled, now simmered intently.


She’d never been fond of the dark, but this was a darkness like Niamh had never felt before. Not like the dark at bedtime, when light is just the flick of a switch away, but an unrelenting, inescapable, pitch black. Niamh would have peeled away the many tight bands of tape wrapped around her head and covering her eyes if she could, but her arms were mercifully pinioned behind her back, beyond what could have been considered necessary. Further wraps of industrial strength kept her knees pressed up against her chest, yet this was also superfluous – the cramped closet Niamh had been packed into wouldn’t have allowed her to stretch her legs in any case.

Niamh couldn’t know for sure, but she felt that her claustrophobic location exacerbated the darkness she was subjected to. The locked doors of the closet also muffled any sound that permeated through them, further adding to her isolation. This worked both ways, dampening any sound that she herself attempted to make. Not that she could do this to any great extent, with her mouth packed full of some kind of fabric, though she had no idea what had been used to silence her. Of greater concern to her were the uncomfortably tight layers of tape surrounding the lower portion of her face in a vice-like grip. Niamh had long since given up crying out for help; either nobody outside the closet could hear her, or they were simply ignoring her. She didn’t know which was worse.


To an outsider, Lucas might have seemed to be a broody, melancholy type, but this could simply be accounted for by the deep, baritone quality of his voice. Not to mention the fact that he was a fairly guarded person at times who rarely volunteered information about himself, meaning that some considered him to be aloof, too. For some people however – often women – these traits gave him a mysterious air which he chose to lean into more often than not. His rugged good looks likely had something to do with the intrigue he unwittingly commanded from some people, however.

Not normally one to spend a great deal of time on his appearance before going out, Lucas had tonight made something of an exception. He had applied a small amount of wax to his short, jet-black hair, giving it a smart, slick appearance. A strong jawline was marked by some carefully groomed stubble, and Lucas had taken the liberty of cracking open his most expensive aftershave that was certain to get him noticed when he approached someone, and remembered once he had left.

Surveying his surroundings, Lucas was satisfied that his efforts ensured that he fit in here. It wasn’t a bar that he had frequented much before, so he hadn’t been sure what to expect. Dressed in a well-fitting leather jacket and a smart pair of dark jeans, his attire wasn’t dissimilar to that of many of the guys here. The décor of the place was stylish and modern, and though it was too lively to be described as classy, it was hardly a dive. The drinks were still a rip-off though, Lucas thought to himself bitterly as he sipped his whisky.

The table he was sat at, accompanied by a friend he had tagged along with, was one of many that surrounded the main floor, where plenty of patrons were enjoying the music that blared out of some unseen speakers. Lucas wasn’t in much of a talkative mood, partly because his friend’s attention was currently focussed on a charming redhead wearing an almost scandalously short skirt, and partly because he seemed to waiting for something as he cast his gaze across the bar.

After another few uneventful minutes, Lucas’ eyes settled on a blonde woman making her way to the bar as a few rays of light reflected off the sparkly pair of silver trousers she was wearing. At this point, Lucas took a deep breath, downed the remainder of his glass of whisky, and promptly made his way across the floor towards the bar.


Even from outside, the rowdy atmosphere of the house’s interior was palpable, with the sound of music channelled through some kind of speaker mixing with raised, excited voices. With some apprehension, Niamh approached the front door, and rang the bell. There was a moment’s pause, during which the noise did not abate in the slightest, before the door was opened, and the cacophony spilled out into the street like the contents of Pandora’s box, if it had contained debauchery rather than outright evil.

Stood on the threshold of the door was another girl, exactly eighteen years of age, and the object of many of her peers’ affections. Wavy, golden-brown locks of hair tumbled down past her shoulders, but they had clearly been carefully curled recently. Her lips were full and inviting, while the nature of her eyes was cool and gentle like the waters of a calm ocean, but no less enticing. At this party she was hosting for most of the college year group, her figure inspired either admiration, envy, or both, depending on who you asked.

“Hey Portia, how are you?” Niamh smiled, nervously shifting her feet, though her nerves weren’t on account of her host, but rather the setting.
“Oh, hey Niamh! Great to see you, come on in!” Portia’s voice rang out loudly as she made herself heard over the top of the music, before she beckoned Niamh inside and gave her a brief, polite hug. Following Portia, Niamh willingly followed her into the house, immediately scanning her surroundings for any more familiar faces. She glanced back towards Portia to speak to her, but the other girl was already preoccupied with greeting more guests.


As he crossed the bar, Lucas diverted his attention from the loud music and clusters of people as he politely pushed past them, zeroing in on the sight before him at the bar. A few inches taller than six foot, Lucas had little trouble keeping sight of the girl at the bar as he made his way through the crowds towards her. She appeared to be alone for now, apparently waiting to be served. Unless his eyes were deceived, he suspected that this wouldn’t take long. Without hesitation, Lucas took the opportunity to perch himself on a stool right next to the girl, angling his body to face her.

“Hey - you’re Marie’s friend, right? I don’t think we’ve properly met – I’m Lucas,” he said, holding out his hand as a means of introduction. Turning to face him, the blonde appeared to be surprised as she raised her eyebrows briefly, before a look of recognition settled over her features.

“Oh, hey there! You’re right, I think she’s mentioned you a couple of times – were you at her party the other week?” The young woman asked him. She appeared to look at Lucas appraisingly, and held a confident expression when not speaking, and rarely broke eye contact, which he was keen to maintain.

“Yeah – pretty good one, right? Anyway, just recognised you so wanted to come and say hi. Are you here with anyone?”

“I’m with a few work friends, we’ve got a booth upstairs,” she said, lifting her chin to gesture upwards, causing a small pendant around her neck to catch the light in front of Lucas. He nodded in response, leaning an arm against the bar casually.

“That’s a nice necklace you’ve got – Tiffany’s?” Lucas asked, flashing her a charismatic smile to let her know that his compliment was genuine, even if his estimation of its origin was blatantly optimistic. It got a warm laugh out of her though – flattery was apparently an effective tactic.

“Thank you – it’s not sadly, but it was a lovely present I was given a year ago,” she explained. Lucas continued to chat with her long after both of them had received fresh drinks, and he found that it wasn’t too difficult to keep her attention. Once she had subtly placed a hand on his knee, Lucas decided that things had moved along as well as could have hoped tonight.

“As much as I’d love to, I don’t want to keep you from your friends all night, so I’ll let you go,” he said, picking up his half empty glass from the bar.

“That’s fair – they’re probably starting to wonder why their shots haven’t arrived!” The blonde laughed, and stood up to give Lucas a warm hug. “I’d love to carry this on another time, so how about I give you my number and you can give me a call?” Lucas smiled, nodding, surprised but pleased that he hadn’t even needed to ask the question himself.

A few moments later, phone numbers exchanged, Lucas watched the girl depart the bar and head back upstairs. With no further reason for staying, he promptly said goodbye to the friend he had arrived with and went outside to find a quiet spot. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he quickly dialled a number and waited for a response, speaking up once he heard someone answer.

“You there, Niamh? I’m just leaving – phase one is complete.”
Last edited by Rtj65 11 months ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by charliesmith »

A very intriguing start. I love the way you describe your characters. I am invested in this story now :D
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
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Post by Takitaki »

Loved the first part
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Post by Caesar73 »

I have to say, the start is very intriguing Niamh preparing. Obviously she revisits her past. The perfect opener!
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Post by Fandango »

Excellent. I love the set up. I love the structure. And I love a good scheme. I can't wait to see how this all unfolds. I've always enjoyed your style, so I have no doubt that this tale will also land amongst my favorites.
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Post by Rtj65 »

charliesmith wrote: 1 year ago A very intriguing start. I love the way you describe your characters. I am invested in this story now :D
Thanks a lot, I try my best to make my characters distinctive, so I'm glad you like it!
Takitaki wrote: 1 year ago Loved the first part
Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!
Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago I have to say, the start is very intriguing Niamh preparing. Obviously she revisits her past. The perfect opener!
Thanks, all will become clear over the next few chapters as to what Niamh is up to; there's plenty more to come
Fandango wrote: 1 year ago Excellent. I love the set up. I love the structure. And I love a good scheme. I can't wait to see how this all unfolds. I've always enjoyed your style, so I have no doubt that this tale will also land amongst my favorites.
Thanks a lot man, I really appreciate it! If you enjoyed this, then I'm hoping that you'll like how things develop - the scheme you're referring to will become apparent soon. I was originally going to avoid including any of the flashback parts in this chapter because I was worried about how it would flow, so I'm glad that this has been well received.

I'll be alternating posting between this story and Causality, so it will probably be around a week or so before the next chapter is out.
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Post by Rtj65 »

Act 1

Chapter II – Honey Pot

Anywhere but here. Actually, scratch that. There was one place that Niamh wouldn’t rather be at right now, but that wasn’t saying much. Outside the closet, there was the faintest suggestion that the noise was dying down; perhaps her torment was soon to be at an end. At least, that’s what the hopeful part of Niamh’s mind thought, though it was ultimately overruled by the sense of dread that had taken root.

Whether it was an act of desperation or simply an instinctive reaction, Niamh mustered enough willpower to try and kick her feet against the inside of the closet door, even though she was sure of the futility. To describe what she was doing as ‘kicking’ would be an something of an exaggeration; given how stringently her legs had been taped together and to her chest, she was only able to weakly flick her feet in the direction of the door. If anyone had been there to see it, it would have looked pathetic.

As no consideration had been given to her degree of comfort, Niamh was positively boiling inside her stuffy, enclosed prison, the copious amount of tape around her head doing her no favours in this regard. And try as she might, Niamh couldn’t even manoeuvre herself into a more comfortable position, and with her skirt having long been since removed, she had to contend with what little protection her laddered tights offered her against the hard floor beneath her. Breathing heavy, laboured breaths through her nose, she could only sit and wait, hoping that someone would eventually come to release her.

Niamh knew that the hope was largely misplaced; the only people here who were likely to come for her were unlikely to provide any assistance. She knew that the party had to end eventually, but what would happen to her at that point struck her with fear more than anything else. There were no guarantees that she would be let out, no matter how much anyone sobered up. When surrounded by snakes, expect to be bitten, she thought.
Rocking gently back and forth, Niamh felt beads of sweat dripping down the side of her face – at least, the small portion that wasn’t covered with tape – and her shoulders. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could withstand. Just as she considered that she might have to try and sleep through this somehow, Niamh was just able to make out the faint sound of unsteady footsteps coming up the stairs, enter the room, and approach the closet…


Beneath Lucas’ feet, crisp autumnal leaves skimmed along the footpath as they caught the wind, swirling around his ankles whenever they drew near. Most simply passed by, but a few of the unlucky ones were caught underneath the sole of his thick, black walking boots, and were pinned to the ground, joining the layer of mulch that was already there.

“Wouldn’t you prefer to talk about this inside? You know, where it’s actually warm?” Lucas asked his companion, keeping his hands firmly pocketed in his grey overcoat, the collar of which had been turned up to shield his neck from the biting chill in the air.

“I don’t mind the cold. I’d rather that than be too hot,” Niamh explained, looking straight ahead while she spoke. Despite her bravado, she wasn’t foolish enough to avoid dressing appropriately for the weather, and much like Lucas, she was clad in a stylish, seasonal navy coat that stretched to just below her knees. “Are you worried someone will hear us?” She asked, picking up on some apparent nerves on Lucas’ part.

He shook his head. “There’s no one nearby to hear us. No, I’m just a bit cold, I’ll warm up once we’ve walked some more.”

The pair of them did just that, and though they spotted a few others traversing the various footways of the sprawling park – mostly a mixture of dog walkers, and elderly couples – none of them passed close enough to Lucas and Niamh to overhear anything that was said between them.

“So, what’s going on with you and her?” Niamh asked in a business-like manner. They both knew what they were here to discuss, and Niamh wanted to cut to the chase.

“She trusts me, I think – we meet up for drinks once a week, never in the same place. I ask her about the things she likes, she flirts with me, laughs at my jokes,” Lucas recounted. “She’s still cautious, though.”

“Of course she is – we both know this isn’t the first time she’s done this. You just need to be patient and she’ll let her guard down.”

“So you keep telling me. I just don’t know how much patience you have,” replied Lucas. His tone wasn’t accusatory, rather, he recognised that Niamh’s reasons for being involved in this were stronger than his own, even though he was playing a more active role. It had been her idea originally too, after Lucas had first heard the rumours about his new ‘acquaintance’.

“I’ll wait as long as I have to,” Niamh said with conviction. There was no doubt in Lucas’ mind that she meant it. “Has she really not tried to get you alone yet?” She then asked in a more relaxed, conversational manner.

“Like I said – she’s cautious. I think she’s still trying to get a read on me before taking things further. Like she’s trying to decide if I’m worth the risk,” said Lucas, his hesitancy obvious to Niamh.

“Are you kidding? You’re exactly her type, she’s clearly just biding her time.”

“How can you be sure of that? You haven’t spoken to her in years, you told me,” Lucas said with a slight frown.

“I don’t have to – everything we need to know is on here.” Niamh withdrew her phone from her coat pocket and waved it in front of Lucas for emphasis. He wasn’t completely convinced, but he knew that Niamh was one of the most resourceful people in his life – that much had been apparent almost immediately after they had first met at university. To him, it was her defining characteristic. His first impression of Niamh was that she was aloof, or standoffish, but he came to realise that there was very good reason for that.


As Niamh made her way through Portia’s house, weaving her way in between the loose groups of people that had begun to form, most people didn’t seem to take much notice of her, though that was just how she liked it. She would never go out of her way to fade into the background in situations like these, but it just sort of happened sometimes. There were some faces that she recognised, but none that she felt confident in approaching.

After scanning her surroundings some more, Niamh spotted a table in the corner of the living room that had hastily been arranged to accommodate all manner of beverages, at the centre of which sat what was practically a cauldron of brightly coloured punch, no doubt laced with slightly more alcohol than intended. Grabbing a plastic cup from the edge of the table, Niamh helped herself to some of the punch. Just as she went to bring the now full cup to her lips, she felt a tap on her shoulder.

“Niamh? I didn’t know you were coming tonight! How are you?” Niamh turned and found herself face to face with Tara, a girl who she shared a few classes with. She’d clearly made an effort this evening, wearing an expensive looking, black halter neck top, tucked into some shimmering, flared trousers. Her shoulder length blonde hair was done up in a simple, but elegant plait. Niamh couldn’t help but feel self-conscious; her more subdued outfit – consisting of a plain, knee length skirt and a long sleeved, bottle green top – looked positively drab in comparison, she thought.

“Hi Tara – I’m good thanks, you?” Niamh said, clutching her cup of punch with both hands as she realised that she had poured herself too much.

“Oh, you know – enjoying myself as ever!” Tara laughed. She could be overbearing at times, and overly saccharine, but Niamh always thought that Tara was nice enough. The sort of person you could spend half an hour with, but not half a day. Niamh noticed that Tara appeared to be looking around her for something, or someone, perhaps. “Is Mark not coming?” She asked Niamh.

“No, he’s got some family thing tomorrow morning,” Niamh explained with a sigh. Mark had been her boyfriend for about a year by this point, and they were as happy as two eighteen-year-olds could be with one another, which is to say, some of the time. In some ways, Niamh was glad that Mark wasn’t here tonight – he was much more at home in settings like these, and she was afraid that any awkwardness on her part would make him think less of her.

“Oh, that’s a shame – I was looking forward to seeing what he’s like after a few drinks!” Tara laughed, clearly already tipsy, which would have still been apparent were she not holding a half-empty glass of wine. Niamh glanced at the glass for a moment as the other girl carelessly waved it around, thinking for a moment that it might spill. Adjusting her glasses over the bridge of her nose, Niamh returned her gaze back to Tara’s eyeline. Although the two of them were roughly the same height – about 5’5 – Niamh had to look up slightly on account of the glittery, and wholly impractical high heeled shoes on Tara’s feet.

“Well, I’m sure he’ll be able to come to the next one,” said Niamh politely, though she had to raise her voice to be heard over the increasingly loud music.

“Don’t worry, we’ll make sure you have a good time without him!” Tara said loudly, though it wasn’t exactly clear who she meant by ‘we’. Niamh gave her the kind of half-smile normally reserved for a polite stranger, but she was beginning to relax. It was just nice to have a friendly face by her side, especially one that hadn’t disappeared as soon as she had walked through the door.

“Do you know what’s in this?” Niamh asked after sampling the boozy, fruity concoction, finding it not to her taste. Tara smirked as she picked up on Niamh’s apparent disgust.

“Oh, probably paint stripper I imagine,” she replied, her joke couldn’t have been far off the mark, Niamh thought. “Come on, let’s get you a proper drink so you can loosen up a little,” she added, accompanied by a wink so seamlessly natural that it was almost imperceptible. Niamh saw no reason to swim against the proverbial current, and allowed herself to be led away towards a different room.


Niamh and Lucas continued to walk and talk, as they had done regularly since committing to this plan several weeks earlier. It was quite by chance that the opportunity had even presented itself – Niamh hadn’t kept tabs on Tara for years, only to find out that she had been dating one of Lucas’ friends. Emphasis on ‘had been’. She wasn’t one to believe in fate or anything like that; for Niamh, the implications of the contrary were severe, and troubling. However, the revelation had awoken something in her, like a withered old match that had finally been struck and burned against all expectations.

“You think we’re going too far, don’t you?” Niamh asked Lucas uneasily, after about a minute of silence between them. “If you don’t want to go through with this, I understand.”

“I’m just worried about how this reflects on us, that’s all.” Lucas said quietly, casting a sympathetic look towards Niamh. While they both had their motives for getting back at Tara, he knew that Niamh’s were by far the stronger. She was beautiful, Lucas thought, as Niamh returned the glance, and especially so when she smiled. Her lips were perfectly proportioned for her face, and the attractive angles of her cheekbones made every expression on her face more intense and alluring. But there was a weary, faded look in her hazel-coloured eyes that didn’t belong on a face as young as hers, Lucas wondered to himself.

“I know. But if we don’t do this, then she gets away with it all. Do you want that to happen?” Niamh raised an eyebrow almost accusingly, but Lucas knew that she needed him to be fully on board, or not at all. He hesitated, taking a moment to recollect both his own motivations, and perhaps more importantly, everything that Niamh had first courageously confessed to him years ago, before his mind was made up.

“No, I don’t. We’ll make sure that she gets her comeuppance. But I think I’ve got enough texts to expose her- “, Lucas began to suggest, but Niamh quickly cut him off.

“That’s not going to cut it, she’s probably deleting them from her end. We have to stick to the original plan.”

“And is that what you want?” Lucas asked.

“I want her to feel just like I did,” Niamh said with finality. Lucas nodded; knowing that there would be no turning back for them now.
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Post by Fandango »

This story seems right up my alley. Maybe a little bit of a darker alley. But I like to wander down those sometimes.

There are dozens of stories on this board where we see somebody fall into a meticulously planned and well-executed trap. I'd never complain about that. I love those stories. But oftentimes I think that I'd love to read about them from the other side of the lens. I want to see the trap coming together, being planned, constricting itself, and being strung. I love seeing the mechanisms here. And it's also nice to see to people cooperating but expressing their own unique concerns and motivations rather than being in total lockstep.

This last chapter answered some questions while presenting several more. I look forward to seeing where this goes.
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Post by Rtj65 »

Fandango wrote: 1 year ago This story seems right up my alley. Maybe a little bit of a darker alley. But I like to wander down those sometimes.

There are dozens of stories on this board where we see somebody fall into a meticulously planned and well-executed trap. I'd never complain about that. I love those stories. But oftentimes I think that I'd love to read about them from the other side of the lens. I want to see the trap coming together, being planned, constricting itself, and being strung. I love seeing the mechanisms here. And it's also nice to see to people cooperating but expressing their own unique concerns and motivations rather than being in total lockstep.

This last chapter answered some questions while presenting several more. I look forward to seeing where this goes.
Thanks a lot, I'm glad you like it. Darker stuff isn't always up my street but it's an interesting change of pace every now and then, which I think is what motivated me to write this story. You're right in that seeing somebody either tricked or trapped is a well worn trope, but I think there's good reason for that. In this case as well, there's effectively two different traps playing out, and as things progress, you'll see some differences in how they take place.

The next chapter should provide some more answers to your questions, at least some of them.
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Post by Rtj65 »

Note: Apologies for the lack of bondage in this part, which is mostly intended to further set things up. Chapter IV will have a much greater focus on people getting tied up, as will the rest of Act 1.

Act 1

Chapter III - Hook, Line, and Sinker

“You know Nick and Amy, right?” Tara said into Niamh’s ear as she led her through the party. The former was in her element here, gracefully navigating the social maelstrom with consummate ease. Simply sticking by her side was enough for Niamh to blend in more comfortably than she had imagined, like she had an umbrella to shield her from even the heaviest of rain. Niamh turned towards Tara and nodded; she only knew of Nick in passing, but his girlfriend, Amy, was someone that she got along well with.

As Tara led her over to them, now in the house’s large kitchen diner, Niamh could see that the couple were chatting with a couple of people that she didn’t know, although the latter soon moved elsewhere, leaving Nick and Amy temporarily alone. The former was a lanky, easy-going man of Scottish-Italian heritage, with the posture of someone wearing shoes a few sizes too small. That is to say, he appeared to be fidgety and unsettled, as though his six-foot-plus frame encumbered him rather than elevated him. In contrast, his features were sharp and relaxed, while a carefully groomed beard dampened the appearance of any emotional expression he wore.

Amy, on the other hand, was much more diminutive in stature. Her hair was not too dissimilar to Niamh’s, at least in terms of style and length, though Amy’s ponytail was more a shade of dark cocoa compared to Niamh’s milk chocolate. She was more reserved than her boyfriend, a fact which was made apparent both by her expression, which was friendly enough in a sort of surface level way, and by the manner in which she clung on to Nick’s forearm like a child with a balloon that they were afraid might float away.

As the four exchanged greetings – which were friendly enough, although Nick spoke with a vaguely disinterested tone like he was already bored of this environment – Niamh felt more at ease upon sensing Amy’s apparent nerves. Maybe she wasn’t the only one who felt somewhat out of place here. She also respected the fact that, like herself, Amy hadn’t overdressed for the occasion – just a pair of well-fitting jeans and a jumper marked with alternating blue, white, and black stripes, the sleeves of which were loose enough to disguise her slender arms.

“Have you been here for long?” The dark-haired girl had to repeat herself so that Niamh could hear her, such was the quiet, gentle tone of her voice.

“Not really, I’ve pretty much just got here!” Niamh called back; out of the corner of her eye she spotted Tara now chatting away with Nick, giving her the chance to talk to Amy in the meantime.

“Oh, fair enough! We’ve not been here very long either,” Amy explained. “Did you arrive with anyone?”

“No, Mark couldn’t make it tonight, so it was just me,” Niamh responded. She couldn’t quite tell whether Amy was asking because she was wondering where Mark was, or because she had forgotten that he existed.

“Oh, that’s a shame. Have you spoken to Portia yet?”

“Yep – she let me in and that was it, I think she’s got a lot of people to talk to,” Niamh said with a slightly nervous laugh.

“Oh yeah! I didn’t realise there would be so many people here!” Amy laughed, although not in the kind of tipsy way that many of the other guests would have been at this stage. After chatting with Amy for another few minutes, Niamh felt Tara nudge her in the side and call her name.

“Hey, apparently Portia’s setting up some games in the summer house if you wanted to join in?” Tara asked sweetly, making it clear that the offer was being extended to both Niamh and Amy.

In the ten years that had followed this moment, Niamh had relived this moment countless times, wishing that she had said no. She had no way of knowing what was to happen, but that didn’t make her regrets sting any less.

Back at the party, she remembered exchanging a look with Amy, who seemed to approve of the idea. If that wasn’t enough to sway her, then Tara’s look of encouragement was. Niamh finished the small glass of wine that had been thrust into her hand during her conversation with Amy, before deciding. “Sure, lead the way!”


“What time do you call this?” Lucas smirked as he watched the young blonde woman approach. He leant his elbow against the rectangular poseur table that had been built into the wall of the café where he and Tara had agreed to meet. He made no move to get up from his bar stool initially so as to maintain an air of casual indifference, only rising once Tara was merely a few feet away from him.

“Have you ever heard of being fashionably late?” She teased, accompanied by an attempt at a disarming, confident smirk.

“I don’t like to keep people waiting,” Lucas replied smoothly, letting Tara come to him so they could greet each other with a hug and a kiss. “But I guess that’s just me.”

“It’s only a few minutes after one anyway, I’m guessing you’ve not been waiting for long,” Tara said in her defence, pouting. Either she’s a people pleaser or getting her to like him was a lot easier than expected, Lucas thought to himself.

“No, you’re right.” Lucas conceded. A lie. He had arrived more than twenty minutes ago to ensure that he had enough time to compose himself. Things had been progressing for weeks now, but it was taking its toll on the man. He hadn’t expected it to take this long; what was Tara’s game? It’s not like her ‘flings’ – not the word that Niamh would have used, he thought – were serious. To an outsider who knew what they were both doing – and their reasons for doing it – the prolonged nature of their courtship, if it could be called that, would have been laughable. Mainly because they were each taking a significant risk just by being there.

“Good. I was worried that you’d had time to order me a drink already and just decided not to,” Tara said as she sat down, mirroring Lucas’ seemingly disinterested posture. However, her expression betrayed her true feelings.

“You think I’d do that?” Lucas raised an eyebrow before nonchalantly waving over a waitress. “What can I get you?”

“And they say chivalry is dead,” Tara said, her eyes glittering with pride. “Irish coffee please,” she directed towards the waitress once she reached the table. Lucas had to suppress a smirk; he wasn’t having to do much more than the bare minimum to attract her attention at this point. He’d put in the work in the preceding weeks though, and besides, Tara was the sort of person who needed something to chase. Or someone, in this case.

“Make that two, please.” Lucas waited for the waitress to leave after taking their order, glancing around the café. The lunchtime rush had been and gone, though a few other patrons remained, just enough to provide a semblance of atmosphere.

“You have good taste, bringing me here,” Tara said, looking around at the surroundings appreciatively. Lucas had been very particular in his choice of location; the café was upmarket enough to appeal to Tara’s tastes without being exclusive. The location, in south west London, suited Lucas too. Far enough from his flat to maintain discretion, but close enough for convenience.

“I’m sure you wouldn’t expect any less from me.”

“Mm, that’s true, I suppose you’ve proven yourself to me.” Tara smirked in the sultry manner that Lucas had become accustomed to. As it appeared more frequently over the last few weeks, Lucas had learnt to use it as a signal to indicate that he was on the right track; it was his canary in the mines, except the danger it signified wasn’t for him.

Their conversation passed in much the same way after that, with the pair exchanging flirtatious platitudes while drinking their coffees. Lucas was hesitant to finish his own drink, seeking to keep a clear head in order to counteract his increasing nerves. In contrast, Tara displayed no inhibitions in polishing off her own coffee, doing so with an eagerness that might have almost alarmed Lucas.

“What do you say we get out of here?” Lucas suggested eventually, doing his best to conceal his elevated heart rate. He wasn’t sure how much Tara knew about body language, but Lucas wasn’t going to take any chances.

“I could be tempted, you have somewhere in mind?” Lucas knew what she meant by ‘somewhere’. He wasn’t the only one trying to be discrete.

“I’m sure I can find a room somewhere around here, if that works for you,” Lucas suggested in an off the cuff manner, though in truth he knew exactly where he wanted to go.

“It does, if you can keep me from getting bored, that is,” Tara replied coyly.

“I’m up for the challenge. You remember what I told you before though – some of my interests are…unorthodox,” he said mysteriously, though Lucas knew that he’d planted enough seeds previously to avoid scaring the woman off.

“I do. And you should remember what I told you – I’ll try anything once,” Tara said with a wink, and as far as Lucas was concerned, that sealed the deal. He had her.
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Post by Fandango »

Rtj65 wrote: 1 year ago Note: Apologies for the lack of bondage in this part, which is mostly intended to further set things up.
I always feel the need to apologize and set expectations also. But you certainly don't need to apologize to ME. I think I went 10,000 words in a chapter recently without any physical tie-ups. I find that establishing relationships makes the actual tie-ups a lot more enthralling and charged.
Rtj65 wrote: 1 year ago In the ten years that had followed this moment, Niamh had relived this moment countless times, wishing that she had said no. She had no way of knowing what was to happen, but that didn’t make her regrets sting any less.
This line got me excited. I already somewhat know that she's looking to settle a score for a decade old injustice. But to have experienced something that sticks at the forefront of your mind for so long definitely sends my fascination skyrocketing to see just what transpired.
Rtj65 wrote: 1 year ago “Have you ever heard of being fashionably late?” She teased.
I'm sure there are probably much more malicious things that Niamh and Lucas are trying to settle the score for...but I'm fine with Tara being taught a lesson just for this way of thinking.

Interesting title for this chapter. Multiple meanings. It could describe Tara's relation to the plot at hand or my relation to this continuing story.
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Post by Rtj65 »

Fandango wrote: 1 year ago I always feel the need to apologize and set expectations also. But you certainly don't need to apologize to ME. I think I went 10,000 words in a chapter recently without any physical tie-ups. I find that establishing relationships makes the actual tie-ups a lot more enthralling and charged.
Thanks, I hope that it ends up being worth the wait!
Fandango wrote: 1 year ago This line got me excited. I already somewhat know that she's looking to settle a score for a decade old injustice. But to have experienced something that sticks at the forefront of your mind for so long definitely sends my fascination skyrocketing to see just what transpired.
I'm glad you're liking it, the next few chapters will go some way in revealing how the two narratives are linked.
Fandango wrote: 1 year ago
Rtj65 wrote: 1 year ago “Have you ever heard of being fashionably late?” She teased.
I'm sure there are probably much more malicious things that Niamh and Lucas are trying to settle the score for...but I'm fine with Tara being taught a lesson just for this way of thinking.

Interesting title for this chapter. Multiple meanings. It could describe Tara's relation to the plot at hand or my relation to this continuing story.
You know, I find the attitude I gave Tara here pretty irritating, as someone who tries to avoid being late for anything, but as you've guessed, that's not the motive. Might make for a funny story some other time, though.

Thank you, I appreciate that, hopefully it continues to have you hooked.
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by Rtj65 »

Act 1

Chapter IV – The Point of No Return

The room was already booked, but Lucas went through the motions of arranging somewhere for them to stay as though he was doing it in the spur of the moment.

After all, he had told her that his shared house was ‘busier than the Tube’s Central Line at rush hour’, which proved to be enough of a deterrent to Tara. And she had ruled out a return to her own place, citing a desire for privacy. Lucas’ subsequent promise not to question this desire – had gone down well with Tara, who was evidently relieved that things would remain just between the two of them. He couldn’t imagine why.

With the arrangements made, Lucas made his way outside onto the pavement with Tara in tow, and they soon spotted a cab approaching from the far end of the street. Calmly, Lucas hailed the taxi by raising an arm just enough to be noticed from a distance. Beside him, Tara stood close by, almost leaning on Lucas’ other arm, but she stopped short of actually making contact with him. For an outside observer, nothing about Tara’s posture would have seemed unnatural, but to Lucas, her restraint was palpable.

The pair of them said nothing as the black cab approached, and the silence persisted as they clambered in the back seats of the old, withered stalwart of inner-city transport. After allowing Tara to enter first, and scoot across to the far side of the car’s interior, Lucas followed, before directing the driver to their destination. It was only once they were safely inside the car that Tara allowed her hand to wander over to Lucas’ thigh, an act which he reciprocated. There was no point playing games any more. As far as Tara was concerned, they were both committed to this.

As they proceeded on the short journey to the hotel had Lucas had picked out, the sound of the taxi’s radio concealed the hushed whispers being exchanged by the two passengers, and the occasional giggle from Tara. This type of sweet-talking wasn’t Lucas’ typical style, but the smoothness of his voice was suited to it. It was also enough to keep Tara’s attention firmly on him, which was ultimately all that mattered.

Glancing out the window, Lucas could see that they had almost arrived. He felt strangely relaxed. All was going perfectly according to plan.


As the trio of girls headed outside, leaving behind the now muffled din of Portia’s house, Niamh found herself sipping from another glass of wine that she had acquired somewhere along the way. Unexpectedly, she, Amy, and Tara hadn’t proceeded directly to the summer house at the far end of the garden, as the latter had gravitated towards a small group of guests stood on the patio in between the back door and the garden. The smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke wafted over from their position, and the relative quiet of the outdoors was punctuated by the sound of enthusiastic laughter and the kind of raised voices that go hand in hand with inebriation.

“You guys joining us, Adam?” Tara asked as she approached. Among the group, a tall, broad-shouldered figure turned to respond to her. Despite being the same age as most of the other guests, Adam had the look of someone several years older than eighteen. His hawklike eyes possessed irises of a rich caramel, while he held a confident smirk that appeared so suited to his tanned complexion that it was almost his default expression and enhanced his good looks. His male companions looked drab and ordinary in comparison. The only feature of his that didn’t stand out was his light brown hair, which was closely cropped in the manner exceedingly common among his peers.

“Over there? Sure, I guess,” Adam responded to Tara, gesturing towards the summer house at the other end of the garden. Evidently, he already knew that something was being set up in there. “There’s a fridge in there, right? Make sure it’s full and I’ll be there,” he added. Once he finished speaking, his eyes blatantly looked Tara up and down, displaying a look of muted approval. Observing this, Niamh found the gaze off-putting, though if Tara noticed it, she didn’t seem to be bothered by it.

“Don’t worry, there’s plenty of drink to go around! Even for you guys,” Tara said in a cheerful tone, addressing the group that Adam formed a part of. Although he was mostly flanked by a few guys who weren’t familiar to Niamh, there was a single girl among them, who was currently taking a drag from a cigarette while leaning against the brickwork of the house behind her.

“Ignore him Tara, they won’t last the fucking night,” the girl drawled with a distinctive Northern twang. Unlike her peers, who mostly had local origins in and around London, she had moved down south with her family from Yorkshire some years ago. Her long, straight hair was a charcoal black bar a singular streak of blonde highlights. A pair of beady, dark eyes were at the centre of a haughty expression that give little else away.

“Whatever Hannah, we’ll see about that. Anyway, shouldn’t you be off behind some bike sheds or something?” Adam hit back, prompting a chorus of jeers from the boys around him. For her part, Hannah appeared to be completely unfazed, continuing to smoke in silent contemplation. As she observed from the periphery, Niamh couldn’t help but sympathise with the girl, but at the same time wondered why she’d choose to hang around this particular crowd.

Once the commotion had died down, Tara spoke up again. “Anyway, if you’re joining us, don’t wait too long,” she said in Adam’s direction. He responded with a curt nod before turning away to talk amongst his friends.

As Tara began to walk away, beckoning Niamh and Amy to follow her, Niamh felt a great sense of relief that the interaction was over, at least for now. Tara gracefully ascended the stone steps leading to the garden, which sat on a raised level a couple of feet above the patio area. If it wasn’t clear enough from the house’s interior that Portia’s family were well off, the sheer size of the garden confirmed it. The lawn, which stretched back at least three times the length of the house, was bisected by a meandering stone path, which ended at the door of the summer house.

The trio of girls made their way inside, the noise and commotion of the main party now far behind them, where Portia was busy stocking the summer house’s fridge. Beside her, another couple of guests were helping her set a few things up. “Hey, you’re just in time!” Portia said, looking over her shoulder to see who had arrived. “Have a seat and we’ll get started,” she added, in an out-of-place, businesslike manner, gesturing to an area at the other end of the room, where an array of different kinds of seating, from stools to worn out bean bags, had been hastily arranged in a circle around a low, square table.

The relatively quiet, chilled out atmosphere inside was in stark contrast with that of the party in the house, though it soon livened up once more people arrived, and music had begun to play out from a pair of speakers in the corners of the room. Niamh had cautiously taken a seat between Amy - who had Nick by her side once again – and Tara, given that they were among the few people that she knew here. This wasn’t really her scene, but it was preferable to awkwardly hanging around the main house, where things were sure to only become more chaotic as the night wore on.

Sat roughly opposite Niamh, Portia introduced the drinking game she had devised, a variant of spin the bottle. Niamh looked on as the bottle landed on the first few participants, who were instructed to pick a slip of paper from a small bowl. Written on each was the name of an item that Portia had stashed in a nearby box. In every case, the item served to act as some sort of handicap to make drinking more difficult. Niamh had watched curiously as the first guy to be chosen, named Joe, had ended up donning a pair of boxing gloves before attempting to down a plastic cup of lager; it went about as well as expected.

As the game progressed, and it’s players increasingly lost their inhibitions, Niamh began to relax, happy to mostly to observe, sip her glass of wine, and chat with Tara and Amy. That was, until the bottle had come to a stop in front of her. Her breath caught in her throat for a moment, and she became acutely aware of a dozen pairs of eyes suddenly boring into her, though it felt like more. Hesitantly, Niamh reached into the bowl at the centre of the circle, before plucking one of the folded slips of paper. Leaning back to unfold it, Niamh had barely had time to read it before Tara, peering over her shoulder, took the liberty of reading it aloud on Niamh’s behalf.

“Handcuffs,” she said, looking up at Portia and raising an eyebrow. Niamh felt her ears burning red, not expecting anything like that.

“Do you actually have handcuffs?” Niamh asked, beginning to feel uneasy.

“Don’t ask where I got them from,” Portia replied cryptically, extracting a pair from the box behind her. The metal restraints looked perfectly real, and they reflected the light of the room for a moment while Portia brandished them. The sight of them prompted a few comments and laughs, which Portia fended off brusquely. As the cuffs were passed around the circle towards Niamh, she began to consider whether this was a good idea or not. Perhaps she could ask to pick out something else? Then again, no one else had refused to do anything so far; what would they think if she chickened out?

“Well, are you ready or not?” Tara asked with the default smile that she always seemed to display. Niamh turned to look at her, and saw that Tara now held the cuffs out for her.

“Oh, erm, well…” She began awkwardly. Niamh felt those eyes staring at her again.

“Come on, it’s just a bit of fun! I bet Mark wishes he was here now!” Tara interrupted with a wink, clearly egging her on. If Mark was here, he probably would encourage you to do it, Niamh thought to herself. Maybe she should just get this over with and the game would move on. Besides, like Tara said, it’s just a bit of fun, right?

“Okay, go on then,” Niamh said, though her voice was hardly brimming with confidence. Guiding Niamh’s hands together in front of her, Tara slipped the cuffs over her wrists and locked them into the place.

“You look like you’ve done this before,” Nick said with a smirk, observing proceedings eagerly.

“No, it’s just not that hard,” Tara replied. Now that she was properly handcuffed, Niamh tried to get used to the unusual sensation of the cold metal pressing into her skin. Her hands were kept no more than a few inches apart, enough to make drinking slightly cumbersome. She decided to waste no more time than necessary and lifted her drink to try and finish it. Niamh could hear the voices of the group ‘encouraging’ her, and though the hand not holding the glass awkwardly pressed against her cheek, she soon managed it. Setting the glass back down, she sheepishly looked towards Tara, her face bright red. Niamh wasn’t keen on being the centre of attention at the best of times, let alone in a situation like this.

“So, can I have these off now?” She asked quietly, holding up her wrists for Tara while the bottle was spun once again. Tara cocked her head to one side and looked at her questioningly.

“But that’s the game, silly – look at Joe over there – whatever you draw, you have to keep on until the end,” she explained dismissively.


Lucas casually dropped the small rucksack he had brought with him into the seat of an armchair in the corner of the room. He had told Tara that he would be prepared if they decided to ‘take things to the next level’ today, and throughout the journey here, she had tried to prise the nature of the bag’s contents out of him, without any success. Based on some of their previous conversations however, she had a pretty good idea.

The room they had arrived in was outfitted in a relatively basic way; the double bed was accompanied by a pair of bedside tables, a chest of drawers upon which a TV at least twenty years old sat, and the aforementioned armchair. The overall décor was uninspiring and forgettable. Lucas had had very little time to register all this however, because Tara had practically thrown herself at him as soon as they crossed the threshold of the room. His shirt had been pulled over his head before he had time to think, while Tara had also wasted no time in slipping out of her own clothes until she was left in just a matching set of red lingerie. The flurry of kisses and the wandering of Tara’s hands had caught Lucas off guard, and though this was more than he ideally wanted, he knew that the act only had to last a little bit longer.

Seizing the initiative, Lucas decided to make use of his superior strength to speed this along, and he soon had the blonde pinned against the bedroom wall, her wrists held tightly above her head. He couldn’t be completely sure, but Lucas thought he heard a small moan from Tara as he held onto her, his lips now exploring her neck. Without letting go of her, he pulled back slightly.

“You sure you want to see what’s in the bag?” He asked provocatively, lowering his voice even more than usual.

“I’m all yours,” came the sultry reply.

“Then lie down on the bed and I’ll be right with you.” Lucas slowly let go of her, and calmly moved over to the bag. While his companion did just as he asked, Lucas went through a series of motions that he had visualised many times over the last few days. First, he extracted a handful of ropes that had been cut to appropriate size, before walking over to the bed. Silently, he climbed on top of Tara, straddling her hips, before gesturing for her to raise her arms towards the bedposts. As he began to methodically secure the first rope around her right wrist, Tara bit her lip suggestively.
“You really seem to know what you’re doing,” she said, already flexing and twisting her now secured wrist gently.

“Speak for yourself,” Lucas replied, the true meaning of his words no doubt lost on Tara. As he continued to fasten her to the bed, until all four of her limbs were stretched out in a spread-eagle position, he looked into her eyes, trying to see if he could detect any kind of doubt, or even guilt, that may have made its home there. To his surprise, he noticed nothing of the sort. That was fine; it made this easier for him. “There, let’s see you try and get out of that.”

Beneath him, Tara struggled playfully, clearly into this, and her eyes were fixed upon Lucas throughout. It was clear to him that her struggles weren’t to try and escape, but rather to have an effect on him. “I guess you can do anything you want to me now, huh…” she said, now focussing on moving her hips back and forth more than anything.

“You’re not wrong. I’m going to need to make sure that you keep quiet though,” he said, slowly dismounting Tara. He let his hand linger on her thigh for a moment, as though he was reluctant to move away.

“Oh, really?” Tara asked, to which she received a simple nod and a wink in response. Returning to the bag, Lucas extracted what he was after – a considerably large, red ball gag.

“You think you can handle this?” He asked, holding it up for the woman to see.

“Don’t worry, I can handle big things,” said Tara, her eyes twinkling with excitement. What would have been an innuendo regardless was made even more so by the overtly sexual tone that Tara had used. Was she really that tipsy, or was she just playing it up? Lucas thought to himself. Cynically, he thought that she might be the type to do the latter.

“Good, let’s see if you’re right.” Returning to his position atop Tara’s abdomen, Lucas leant forward to place the gag between Tara’s lips. He didn’t even have to ask her to open her mouth.

“Mmmhgggmhhh,” Tara mumbled as the ball was lodged inside her mouth, forcing her to bite down on it. Lucas gently lifted her head from the pillows to buckle it in place, before letting her head drop back down again.

“There’s a good girl,” he said in his characteristically smooth tone, assessing his work. Tara looked back up at him with pleasure, softly moaning into the gag. “Now you just wait there, and I’ll be right back,” he added, before getting up once again to make use of the en suite bathroom. Tara nodded eagerly, clearly impatient, but not suspicious, to Lucas’ relief.

Once he was alone in the bathroom, he withdrew his phone and sent a prewritten text to Niamh. “Ready when you are.”
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Post by GreyLord »

This is a complex plot, well written.
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Post by Rtj65 »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago This is a complex plot, well written.
Thanks for sticking with it, I appreciate the feedback. There's plenty more to come!
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Post by Rtj65 »

Act 1

Chapter V – The Stranger

Tara waited with bated breath for Lucas to return from the bathroom. As she was someone who loved to live in the moment, for Tara, this whole escapade with Lucas was about chasing some kind of thrill. A thrill that she could recollect and relive whenever she felt down, or lonely. A thrill that she had learnt couldn’t be obtained any other way. While she playfully struggled against her bindings that kept her stretched out atop the plush double bed, Tara began to wonder if she had gotten more than she bargained for this time, however.

Tara hadn’t planned on doing anything like this with Lucas at first, but as he gradually became more…forthcoming during their dates, she became more intrigued. Intrigue soon gave way to allure, which then became intoxicating. And now here she was, fully giving in to her most carnal desires. And yet, unfortunately for her, she was much like the frog that is submerged in water, the temperature gradually but imperceptibly increasing. For weeks it had been simmering, and Tara was blissfully unaware that she was now boiling.

The sound of the bathroom door unlocking and reopening dragged Tara out of her trancelike state, eager for Lucas to come back to her. The anticipation was almost too much to bear. It had seemed to her as though Lucas had been gone for an age, but in reality, it was a minute at most. He calmly re-entered the bedroom, flashing a smirk towards Tara as he cast an eye over her bound form. The attention seemed to garner a response from Tara, who practically purred through into the ball gag.

As Lucas crossed the room towards her, he had to admit that, despite the circumstances, Tara looked hot. Her bare limbs were stretched outwards at either end of the bed, enough to keep her posture taut, but not so much that she was straining every sinew. Shimmering, golden locks tumbled haphazardly across her face as a result of her exertions; Tara softly exhaled to blow away a loose strand of hair that had fallen across her nose. Full red lips smoothly surrounded the now drool-covered ball gag. Her chest, barely covered by her bra, slowly rose, and fell with every breath.

Opposite her, Lucas unbuckled his belt and began to slowly slip off his jeans in a deliberately performative manner. Although he had already effectively done his job, part of him still wanted to drag this out, and get a reaction out of Tara in the process. Judging by the look on her face, transfixed by the sight of Lucas in a pair of black Calvin Klein’s, he wasn’t disappointed in that regard.

Approaching the bed, Lucas promptly climbed onto it, nonchalantly swinging a leg over Tara’s before positioning himself atop her bare thighs. His hands, cold enough to the touch that Tara visibly shuddered, delicately placed themselves either side of her navel, before sliding up her midriff at an agonisingly slow pace, as far as Tara was concerned. Her subsequent whining made that much clear.

Before he could go any further though, much to Tara’s frustration, the tense silence of the room was shattered by a loud knock at the door. Lucas sighed, rolling his eyes so that Tara could see, before waiting to see if the unknown visitor would leave. Unfortunately, after a few brief moments, the knock sounded again, seemingly more insistent this time.

“Probably just room service. I’ll get them to go away,” Lucas said coolly, climbing off the bed. The layout of the room featured a short hallway that led from the main door into the bedroom itself. As such, the bed wasn’t visible from the hallway outside the room, giving Lucas the opportunity to answer the door while maintaining discretion. Along the way to the door, Lucas donned a white bathrobe that the room had been supplied with.
From her position on the bed, Tara listened to Lucas’ soft footsteps as he made his way to the door, followed by the sound of the room’s keycard being used to unlock the door.

“Hello-“ Lucas began, before apparently pausing mid-sentence. “Um, Kate, what are you-“. There was a louder noise, similar to a door being slammed, and the scurrying of feet; Tara’s eyes went wide with apprehension. She could tell that something wasn’t right. The sound of the door shutting again could be heard, followed by, most disconcertingly of all, a woman’s voice.

“What am I doing here? What are you doing here?” The unknown woman, ‘Kate’, said in a decidedly accusatory tone.

“Look, maybe we should just talk about this outside…” Tara heard Lucas reply, sounding apparently shaken. Tara herself remained perfectly still, holding her breath as she prayed that whoever this was could be convinced to go away.

“No. Where is she?” Tara’s heart sank. She began frantically pulling at the ropes tying her to the bed, but Lucas had tied them too well for her to break free in such a short space of time. Tuning out the hushed voices from around the corner, she tried to calm herself and find any sort of weakness in the ropework. There was the sound of light scuffle around the corner, prompting Tara to struggle even harder. She simply couldn’t be seen like this.

Unfortunately for Tara, her worst fears were soon realised as the new arrival marched into view. The woman’s appearance bore some similarities with Tara; not only was she blonde-haired, and stood at a similar height to Tara, and possessed a slim, attractive frame. That was where the similarities ended, however, for her attire was drastically different to Tara’s rather exposed state. At a guess, it seemed as though she had come here straight from the gym. She wore navy leggings that ended mid-calf, a few inches above a pair of white ankle socks, which were in turn just visible above an expensive looking pair of blue and white Nikes. A loose fitting, grey training top hung loosely on her upper body to complete the ensemble.

While Tara looked up towards the woman with a mix of fear and self-consciousness, the face that peered back at her was characterised by shock and disgust.

“Are you going to tell me who the fuck this is?” The voice quivered with fierceness now, like an unprotected flame that refuses to go out.

“Kate, I can explain…” came Lucas’ reply.

“Please do.”

Tara watched this scene play out in front of her with a mixture of fear, anxiety, and embarrassment, that combined to form a potent concoction in her mind. She wished that she could sink completely into the bed and disappear. It was as though the ropes that once held her down, now held her up, however.


Niamh looked around the room hopefully, appealing with her eyes for someone to take pity on her and release the handcuffs. Among the group however, people either paid no attention to her, or simply dismissed her appeals with a laugh or a smirk.

By now, it was clear that the ‘game’ was drawing to a close. It was just an excuse to get drunk really, and most of the participants had reached the point where they were dropping the pretence of it being anything other than that. As for the ‘rules’ that Tara had reiterated to her, Niamh was pretty sure that some other people had disposed of the impediments that they had been forced to use. So why wouldn’t anyone uncuff her?
First, she turned towards Amy, or at least, where Amy had been sat. She, as well as Nick for that matter, were nowhere to be seen, and their seats were now occupied by a couple of people that she didn’t know. And so, she turned back to her left, to face Tara, who she felt was the closest thing that she had to a friend in here.

“Tara… these handcuffs are starting to get uncomfortable…” Niamh said, her voice barely above a whisper. She had been quite tipsy herself for a while but was quickly sobering up now that the novelty of her situation had worn off. Tara, meanwhile, was busy talking off the ear of a guy on her other side, and apparently hadn’t heard Niamh, who was forced to speak up. “Tara!”

“Hm? What’s up?” Tara turned to face her, clearly drunk. At the same time, Niamh watched the guy behind her, who was no doubt now nursing his ear drums, sit up and take notice. She briefly squinted, suddenly recognising him. It was Chris, another of her classmates, and a stocky, diminutive guy with a tangled mess of straw-coloured hair. Niamh clocked him as one of the guys who had been helping Portia set everything up earlier, though she hadn’t recognised him until now, because she was used to seeing him adorned with a pair of thin-rimmed glasses, that were noticeably absent tonight.

Niamh returned her attention back towards Tara, and she gestured towards the handcuffs. “Um, can I have these off now?”

Tara stared at Niamh’s restrained wrists for a few moments, it being unclear what she was thinking. “Oh, come on now, I thought you were having fun? Besides, you look pretty good like that…” Tara finally said, winking. Over her shoulder, Chris nodded in agreement.

“She’s not wrong. I think they suit you,” he chimed in. Niamh felt like she was going crazy. They couldn’t actually think that, could they? She doubted they would feel the same way if they were the one handcuffed. “You’re with Mark, no?” Chris then asked.

“Um, yeah…” Niamh replied, not sure where he was going with this.

“Well, I bet he’d definitely like this,” Chris surmised.

“That’s exactly what I said!” Tara exclaimed, validated in her opinion. A look of sudden realisation spread across her face. In different circumstances, Niamh would have found it funny how Tara’s expression almost cartoonishly displayed it’s ‘eureka’ moment. “We should totally find out! Where did I put my phone…”


“You weren’t going to do anything? Yeah, and I’m the bloody Queen.”

“I swear, I wasn’t!”

“Then why are your clothes all over the floor? I don’t believe a word you’re saying.”

As this argument ensued, Tara observed pensively. All of the excitement had been sapped out of her; the thrill was gone. However, the adrenaline that had been coursing through her now fuelled her fears instead. There was no room for any kind of fight or flight response in her position, so she had no choice but to listen as Lucas was berated by what was apparently his girlfriend. Her voice seemed vaguely familiar… Where had she heard it before? Tara was quite the social butterfly; for all she knew, this ‘Kate’ could have been anyone that she had bumped into on a night out over the last few years. Yes, that was probably it.

“Pllhmms lhht mmh ghhm!” Tara pleaded when there was a break in the conversation. She was unable to prevent herself from drooling down her chin in the process, but the woman was desperate to remove herself from this uncomfortable situation. ‘Kate’ sharply turned in her direction, casting a look so spiteful that it made Tara audibly whimper.

“Like I said, maybe we should go outside for a moment,” Lucas said quietly, gingerly extending a hand.

“Yeah, you know what – we will talk about this outside,” Kate said, her voice laced with venom. Tara watched as the pair of them promptly left the room, their respective demeanours starkly different from one another.

As soon as they were gone, Tara began to frantically struggle again. She had to get out of this, and fast. Things with Lucas had taken a disastrous turn and she wanted nothing more than to be away from the turbulent couple and get back to the security of her own bed. Outside, she could still hear muffled voices, the argument having apparently resumed. Tara tugged at her wrists, the ropes now digging in somewhat, but they weren’t loosening, and she certainly wasn’t going to reach any of the knots. It felt like barely any time had passed when she heard the door to the room open again.

“Go home, and start packing your bags, prick.”

“Wait, what are you do-“ Tara heard the door slam as Lucas was cut off, followed by a flurry of knocks at the door. To her horror, the woman she knew as Kate emerged alone at the foot of the bed, the room’s keycard in her hand.

“That’s him dealt with. He’s just going to keep lying, so I want to hear what happened from you. And if you want me to let you out of that, you’d better tell me the fucking truth.” Kate now marched round to the side of the bed, pocketing the keycard, before she leant over and unfastened Tara’s gag. The bound woman was practically sobbing by now. Meanwhile, the knocks at the door had finally died down, before stopping altogether.

“Th-thank you, my jaw was starting to-“ Tara managed to say before Kate cut her off.

“Shut up. How long have you been screwing my boyfriend?” Tara looked up at her, dumbfounded. Now up close, she could see the whites of Kate eyes, which inspected her intensely.

“I haven’t, I promise!”

“No? But you were about to, weren’t you?”

Tara hesitated, and immediately Kate pounced. “I thought as much. And you think it’s okay to screw a guy who’s in a relationship?”

“I didn’t know about you, I swear!” Tara pleaded; her head pressed as tightly as possible against the pillow as she tried to pull away from Kate’s penetrating gaze.

“So, you’re telling me that he lied to you too? And that you haven’t done anything wrong here?” Kate asked probingly, her voice softening ever so slightly.

“Yes! I haven’t done anything wrong! I didn’t know about any of this,” Tara said, repeating some of Kate’s words back to her.

“Is that your final answer?”

Tara frowned ever so slightly, oblivious to the metaphorical noose around her neck. “Yes, I’m innocent – he’s the one you should be mad at.” At this point, Niamh’s face contorted into a menacing smirk.

“Interesting. Shall we find out what your boyfriend thinks?” Niamh held up her phone for Tara to see, displaying the phone number of the last person that Tara wanted to know about this. All of a sudden, the colour drained from her face with terror.
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Post by Fandango »

This was a great update. I enjoy bondage stories from most genres. But there is obviously a special place in my heart for revenge tales. However, the rollout of this story toys with the very way in which I read revenge stories. A normal story will present me with a wronged party in need of justice. I will then decide how reliable that character's account and viewpoint are (Edmond Dantes from Count of Monte Cristo = proceed, Montresor from The Cask of Amontillado = pump the brakes). Usually the author can talk me into buying a ticket for the revenge train. It's a ride I often enjoy. However, I can sometimes only stay on the side of the protagonist for a certain number of stops. Oftentimes, there is a line that tells me when I need to get off and start rooting for the victim of the revenge. I always want the punishment to fit the crime and once the overkill line is reached...I change my allegiances. I don't stop reading the story. I still enjoy the story. My perspective just changes. That really can't happen with this story because the crime and the punishment are evolving in unison. Both lines are ever moving further away from me. I'm forced to not pick any side at all. I'm just cautiously tiptoeing forward in the story and trying to gauge how I should feel without my usual comfortable frame of reference. And I kind of love that. Keep up the great work.
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Post by Rtj65 »

Fandango wrote: 11 months ago This was a great update. I enjoy bondage stories from most genres. But there is obviously a special place in my heart for revenge tales. However, the rollout of this story toys with the very way in which I read revenge stories. A normal story will present me with a wronged party in need of justice. I will then decide how reliable that character's account and viewpoint are (Edmond Dantes from Count of Monte Cristo = proceed, Montresor from The Cask of Amontillado = pump the brakes). Usually the author can talk me into buying a ticket for the revenge train. It's a ride I often enjoy. However, I can sometimes only stay on the side of the protagonist for a certain number of stops. Oftentimes, there is a line that tells me when I need to get off and start rooting for the victim of the revenge. I always want the punishment to fit the crime and once the overkill line is reached...I change my allegiances. I don't stop reading the story. I still enjoy the story. My perspective just changes. That really can't happen with this story because the crime and the punishment are evolving in unison. Both lines are ever moving further away from me. I'm forced to not pick any side at all. I'm just cautiously tiptoeing forward in the story and trying to gauge how I should feel without my usual comfortable frame of reference. And I kind of love that. Keep up the great work.
Thanks a lot! You have hit the nail on the head in terms of what I am trying to go for here. I think moral ambiguity is something that I like to incorporate in my stories, and in this case, I want you to have doubts about what is justified and what isn't. I won't lie, I have taken some inspiration from The Count of Monte Cristo with this one, in that it follows a similar concept, but with different execution and personalities. I still want this to be different, not just in terms of content but direction as well, so I'm glad that this is making you look at revenge in a different way. Context is everything, and I like to play around with that a little.

There'll be one more chapter in Act 1, after which you might be better placed to decide how you feel about the different characters so far. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts, they are really interesting to read!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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