The Files of Art. Inc.: The Hunt for the Lost Scrolls: Chapter 116 (01.04.2024) (FFFF/FFF/ MM/F)

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Post by GreyLord »

Extremely will written, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. And up to your usual high standards in intrigue and plot.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 10 months ago Extremely will written, @Caesar73. And up to your usual high standards in intrigue and plot.
Thank you! The plot will thicken. Since I am going on vacation end of next week I will deviate from the usual schedule and post two chapters next week . The regular updates will continue mid of August.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Interesting set up to what is not doubt some excitement and a roller coaster to come!

Hope that somebody gave Detective Ricciarelli a hint of what tends to happen to people that hang around with Anna, Christine an Co.
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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 10 months ago Hope that somebody gave Detective Ricciarelli a hint of what tends to happen to people that hang around with Anna, Christine an Co.
Birte will learn soon enough - believe me :)
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Post by Bandit666 »

Well you’ve most certainly done it again, crafted an interesting and intriguing chapter with almost as many questions as answers, keep this up and you’ll drive us all to distraction
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]Bandit666[/mention] thank you for your most kind words!

Exspect the first of next weeks two Updates on Tuesday. The Quest begins at Alexandria.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Fandango[/mention] [mention]LunaDog[/mention] [mention]Argentum[/mention]

This is the first update for this week - then there will an intermission of two Weeks.

Chapter 76

“The Quest begins”

The next day: Alexandria, Al Jussuf Antiquities

Evie and Sophie stood before the stylish façade of Al Jussuf Antiquities located at the Al Hadrah Quarter of Alexandria – not five Miles from the International Airport. They had landed yesterday in the late afternoon on a small private airfield outside the city. There two BMW´s had already awaited them. Provided by Europol and funded by a secret fund – as Vandenberg had explained to them.

Grudgingly Berlin and Brussels had agreed to the terms Sophie had named. But Chris had given green light only after Sophie had thoroughly checked the Paperwork and especially the order signed by the chancellor and Vandenberg.

The lawyer had driven a hard bargain and sent the document back three times till she was satisfied. “I think” Anna had grinned “You have a new friend in Berlin Sophie” – the lawyer had just shrugged “I hate sloppy work, especially when it is pretty obvious your counterpart wants to screw you over”

From the airfield they had driven to their quarters for their stay in Alexandria, a small colonial style Villa at Cleopatra´s beach, with a Garden and from the first floor a fantastic view across the Mediterranean. Early October was the perfect time for a stay in Egypt. With 25 Degrees Celsius it was pleasant enough. Not nearly as hot as in the Summer when 50 Degrees Celsius were nothing out of the ordinary.

Before they had refreshed, Anna had insisted to search the complete house from top to bottom for trackers and other devices of similar sort “Look what I have found!” the Russian had exclaimed when they searched the living room. Whatever she had found had been cleverly hidden though inside of a lampshade. “A tracker” she accused Birte Ricciarelli.

“And if I am not entirely mistaken, one frequently used by your agency” The Violinists dark eyes had drilled into Ricciarelli´s brown ones “This is how you build trust” she added acidly - Birte had supressed the intense feeling to hit the wall – no, to hit her Boss or Vandenberg squarely between the eyes.

Anna spoke into the microphone “Listen Guys! Another stunt of this sort and our deal is off!” threw the tracker on the floor and smashed the tiny sensor under her heel. All eyes had turned to Birte:

“Listen Detective” Chris von der Marwitz spoke finally – with surprising calmness “I will not hold this against you. This is more Vandenberg´s style I think. Tell your boss though: If this happens ever again our deal is off – and I will personally kick his ass – and that of Vandenberg too, literally!”

The blonde turned on her heels and left the room, followed by her friends.

Now Sybil and Evie stood before Al Jussuf Antiquities. According to the mysterious informant´s informations of the one large piece of the stela was in possession of Al Jussuf, a fairly prominent Art Dealer when it came to Egyptian Antiquities. Birte Ricciarelli had told them that Europol and the Egyptian Authorities suspected Al Jussuf of shadowy business-deals – but hard evidence was scarce: The business was very well connected. Chris and her friends had decided Sybil and Evie should make an appointment with the Arts Dealer – for two reasons:

First Anna and Chris stood out way too much, thanks to their height and reputation. Secondly Evie and Sophie possessed much more credibility as potential clients: Evie as renowned Egyptologist and Sophie as Corporate Lawyer.

From the other side of the street Chris, Anna and Birte watched as the lawyer and the Egyptologist entered the building. The Russian had a tablet on her knees. Birte still felt not entirely comfortable around the two women, especially after yesterday´s incident.

She had it to give though to the Russian and the German that they acted totally professionally “What now?” the detective asked “Now we wait” the blonde returned without leaving Al Jussuf´s premises out of her sight, her green eyes hidden behind Sun Glasses, her blonde mane covered by a silken head scarf.


Sophie and Evie exchanged a look: For their appointment with Al Jussuf both women had chosen conservative business attire: The lawyer had opted for a beige power suit with matching Gianvito Rossi Heels, while the Egyptologist had chosen a light blue suit. The evening before Evie had lectured Sophie about the cultural etiquettes in Egypt “Avoid direct eye contact and don´t try to shake their hand. No conservative Muslim will shake the hand of a woman, especially not that of a Christian”

The interior of Al Jussuf´s antiquities was as cool and stylish and modern as the exterior: In very modern showcases Sophie saw a selection of antiques. Evie nodded subtly “These are originals not copies” – they were greeted by a tall dark haired Egyptian. The woman was strikingly beautiful and wore a conservative black power suit “Samira al Nasri” Sophie read on the name tag.

“You must be Doctor Reichenbach and Professor Callahan!” the accountant greeted them – she spoke English with only a barely noticeable accent “She sounds polite” Sophie thought “But her smile does not reach the grey eyes” The lawyer´s neck-hair´s rose. She trusted her instincts: Something was off – not that Sophie was surprised.

Dangers lay behind them, Dangers lay before them, Dangers lay around them. But they had known that clearly, when they embarked on this quest; “It is not despair, for despair is only for those who see the end beyond all doubt. We do not.” The lawyer did not know why this quote sprang out of nowhere to her mind.

What Sophie regretted though they had decided to go unarmed; but: A heavy HK 23 Hand gun in her bag surely would have raised questions. And that would simply not do. Sophie and Evie had just to rely on their back up – and they had made progress in that regard, since their encounter with Anck-Sun-Amun in London, where Evie and Sophie had been captured by the High Priestess and gone through hell:

Had Sophie not been clever enough to insert a tracker in her Vagina, Chris and their friends would have probably never been able to save them. Sybil had worked on that idea and came up with a brilliant idea. But Sophie was nervous nevertheless, as they returned the greeting now, not that it did show outwardly:

“Yes” she replied entirely professional “I am Doctor Sophie Reichenbach and this is Professor Evie Callahan” she pointed at the brown haired Egyptologist “We had an appointment”

“If you would follow me?” the Egyptian bade them politely. They followed their host through a long corridor. Their heels clicked eerily loud on the polished black marble. To Sophie´s trained hearing the sound was disturbing. Evie´s left hand touched her as if by accident ….

They stopped before a polished door, made of polished ebony wood. Samira knocked and a deep voice called “Enter” – they stepped over the threshold – and Sophie stopped in her tracks. The man behind the large desk was not Suleiman Al Jussuf.

He was in his fifties the lawyer estimated and according to their informations Al Jussuf had to be in his seventies “He definitely uses to much brilliantine” Sophie thought scornfully. The dark haired Egyptian behind the desk smiled “Welcome Miss Reichenbach and Miss Callahan” his smile was that of a crocodile “We had an appointment with Mr. Al Jussuf” Sophie returned – and looked the man who was not Al Jussuf in the eye “And it is Doctor Reichenbach and Professor Callahan” Evie winced “Sophie!” she groaned “What did I tell you about proper etiquette?”

Their host seemed untroubled though “You will see Mr. Al Jussuf” the dark haired man smiled at the Lawyer “But in these troubled times there are some security measures necessary and Mr. Al Jussuf apologizes for the inconveniences” “Oily Bastard” Sophie mused. Aloud she said “Of which measures are we talking? Mr. …..?” “Please forgive me” the man behind the desk returned smiling silkily “I am Omar Abu Bakr, Mr. Al Jussuf´s head of Security”

“Nothing too serious” Abu Bakr smiled his crocodile smile “Samira will search you first and then” he let the sentence hanging in the air “It will be necessary to restrain you for the short trip to Mr. Al Jussuf´s residence” Sophie and Evie exchanged a glance “Should we play along?” Evie´s brown eyes questioned.

A metallic click in their back made that question moot: Samira held a strange looking gun in her hand which Sophie recognized as a Taser/ Tranquilizer Gun. It could shoot for bolts.

The lawyer turned back to Abu Bakr “Refusal would be unwise Miss Reichenbach and I can assure you that nothing will happen to you” Sophie noticed that the Egyptian had a similar gun in his right hand too “You will cooperate?” And this was not a question.

Quickly Sophie calculated the odds. They were not in their favour: “We will comply” “Smart girl” Abu Bakr chuckled- outwardly calm inwardly the dark haired lawyer fumed - “So listen” Abu Bakr continued unabashed “The Professor will come to me, slowly and no sudden movements, then Samira will search you and prepare you for our little journey – than it will be Misses Callahan´s turn! Understood?”

Evie and Sophie exchanged a look then they nodded. Evie walked around the desk, till she stood next to the Egyptian. Even if Sophie could overpower Samira, she would get never in time around the table. Abu Bakr kept her and Evie firmly in his sights.

Samira searched the Lawyer with quick practised motions and let her hands resting for one moment longer than necessary on Sophie´s full breasts, playing with them. Sophie kept her face neutral. “If this B*tch had hoped for a reaction she is in for a surprise”

“You have a nice Pair Doctor Reichenbach” said B*tch purred “Jealous?” Sophie quipped, which earned her a firm slap on her butt “Hands!” the Egyptian ordered next and the German had a feeling what would follow: Bondage mittens, very similar to those she knew, rendered her hands useless. A pair of comfortably padded manacles held her wrists close together “Now I am helpless” Sophie mused.

But Samira wasn´t finished. The Egyptian girdled Sophie´s waist with a belt made of Spandex or a similar material and anchored her wrists to it. Next her Ankles were shackled with another pair of padded manacles which allowed Sophie small steps but nothing more.

And Samira was not done yet: She threw a traditional women´s dress, a dark green one, over Sophie´s head. It covered Sophie´s body from neck to the floor, it covered her restraints too “Don´t be troubled Doctor Reichenbach” your Assets will be hidden for long ….” Samira whispered.

With concern Evie watched as her companion was restrained. Abu Bakr obviously felt her discomfort “No reason to be concerned, these are pure security measures for your and my Bosses safety” He chuckled “On the other hand it is a shame to cover such a beautiful body, don´t you think?” Evie blushed – whish amused Abu Bakr.

In the meantime Samira had taken another item Sophie was all too familiar with: A heavily padded panel gag, with a very large foam ball in its centre. This time she couldn´t control her emotions entirely: a shadow marred her beautiful features for a fleeting moment.

“Pleasant memories I take it?” Al Jussuf´s second in Command teased her “You could say that” the lawyer returned evenly. Without any hesitation she opened her mouth: The foam ball was indeed very large, larger than the ones she knew: It pressed her tongue firmly down and filled her oral captivity completely. At least it was heavily padded and her handler made it tight but not punishingly tight.

While Sophie tried to get used to it, Samira pinched her nipples – firmly. Sophie´s protests were barely audible. Her green eyes shot daggers at Abu Bakr. “How lovely! Such spirit! I love that in a Woman!” the Egyptian grinned “Bastard” Sophie growled into her gag.

Next Samira covered Sophie´s dark hair with a traditional hijab which matched her dress. The final accessories were sunglasses, which robbed Sophie of her eyesight and a veil which covered her face almost completely – except the eyes.

“Those guys are clever” Sophie had to admit “Anybody who sees us, sees two women clad in traditional Egyptian garb. The only sense she could rely on now was her hearing sense: The sounds told her that Evie was prepared in the same way she was: Her dress was dark blue.

Finally Abu Bakr said politely “Samira and I will guide you, so you will not fall” Sophie felt a firm but gentle grip at her right upper arm and took this as her clue to shuffle along. Obviously they left the premises through the back door. Sophie was helped into a car and strapped to her seat.

Samira did not let the opportunity go to waste and kneaded Sophie´s breasts some more. Headphones were placed on her head and loud traditional Egyptian Music shut any noise out. They drove on “Where to?” Sophie mused. She could sense Evie´s warm body next to her.

The lawyer wasn´t overly concerned - for now.

Outside Al Jussuf´s Antiquities:

“They are in there for 20 Minutes now” Chris looked on her watch. Something caught her eye: A man, a business man, judging by his expensive anthracite Suit knocked at Al Jussuf´s Front Door: But the door was obviously closed. The man tried it to more times, then shook his head and left. Cursing loudly in Arabic “Russian is a good language to curse” Anna grinned “But Arabic seems even better”

“Chris, they are moving!” Anna exclaimed suddenly, looking up from her tablet. Indeed Birte Ricciarelli saw two red dots moving, too fast for being on foot: They were driving “Give me some directions Anna!” Chris pulled out of the parking space “They are heading west” Anna explained, the blonde turned the car with screeching tires on the street and accelerated sharply, so that Birte was pressed into her seat “You can track?” the detective asked Anna who was following the two red dots.

“Yes” the Russian said, without looking up, still looking concentrated on the tablet “A lesson we learned early this year, when we almost lost Sophie and Evie after they had been captured by Anck-Sun-Amun” Anna turned to Chris “they are still headed west” they were now on the large Canal Al Mahmoudeya Al Bahri Avenue, one of Alexandria´s most frequented traffic ways, when you wanted to drive to western parts of the metropole.

The Traffic was dense, but Chris did not walk like an Egyptian but drove like one, she pressed relentlessly ahead, racing a like a professional skier would do the Streif downhill course, one of the most dangerous in the world “Keep going!” Anna spurred her friend on “We are gaining on them!” The Russian chanced a glance at the detective “You are looking a little sick” she teased Birte Ricciarelli – a small smile curling her lips - and concentrated on the screen again.

In that moment Birte would have gladly murdered the Russian.

Al Jussuf´s Villa, near the Serapeion:

To all this Sophie was totally oblivious. They drove evenly – for how long she could not tell: 20 Minutes? Half an hour? That was her best guess. Her restraints were surprisingly comfortable. Only the gag did hurt her jaws. They stopped, probably before a gate, because they drove on again – only in a more even pace.

They stopped again: Her headphones were removed. She heard Samira´s voice: “I will help you now out of the car” The safety belt was loosened and the Egyptian helped her out of the Car. Noises on her left told her, that Evie was helped out of the car too.

Under her heels she felt stone plates. Surprisingly gentle the Egyptian lead her: After a few metres she counted five steps – with her shackled ankles she had to be extra careful.

They stepped over a threshold: The air felt significantly cooler. Her heels clicked on polished stone, Sophie heard the typical sounds of a waterspout fountain “Be careful! A Stairwell!” Samira warned Sophie sternly.

The Lawyer counted steps: 15. They turned left. A door was opened they were lead into another room. Sophie was pushed down onto a chair. Her Ankles were shackled together. Next to her Evie was restrained similarly.

Someone fumbled at her eyes glasses. The sudden brightness blinded Sophie, she blinked. It took a moment till her eyes had adjusted and she could see clearly: Evie and Sophie sat in front of a large wooden desk: Behind it sat a tall almost bald Egyptian, probably in his Seventies. He mustered them from keen grey eyes, not unfriendly. Sophie saw interest there, curiosity and something different – she could not tell yet what …

“Doctor Reichenbach, Professor Callahan I welcome you in my humble home and apologize for the inconveniences” “He has a pleasant voice” Sophie thought. Her career in the courtroom had made her a pretty good judge of human behaviour, and she could place now another emotion under the surface: Fear: Pure Fear. Plain, primordial fear.

She concentrated on the man before her. Her host seemed not to be inclined to remove their restraints any soon. Al Jussuf seemed to have read her mind “I will remove the restraints shortly but first you have to listen “He is telling the truth” Sophie thought and was intrigued – this was not what she had expected.

“I was told you are interested in this” Al Jussuf pointed on his desk. He took the item with both hands, carefully – it was a fragment, a stone, a piece of a stela – so Sophie could see it clearly. She had seen this kind of Hieroglyphs before ….

“Listen!” Al Jussuf continued in his dark vibrating voice “You must know this Doctor Reichenbach!” Whatever Sophie had to know, she never knew: The next moment hell broke loose:

The Study´s wooden doors disintegrated in a myriad of splinters and two figures in black charged through the entry. The large panorama window behind Sophie and Evie dissolved into splinters of glass and two more black clad intruders charged through the window.

Ahmed al Jussuf lunged after his gun, but before he could even grab it, alone squeezing off a shot, a throwing knife embedded in his forehead. Lifeless he sank back into the chair. One of the attackers grabbed the fragment.

A second one, obviously the leader walked to Evie and Sophie. Her face – it had to be a woman – was obscured by a black mask starred down at them. She turned to Evie and spoke into a foreign language. Evie nodded.

The Leader turned to her companions, said something that sounded like a command, and the four assassins hurried out of the Room. Sophie and Evie looked at each other. Both sighed into their gags. They were stuck - till someone saved them.

Outside Al Jussuf´s Villa:

Chris stepped on the brake sharply before the open Gate of Al Jussuf´s Villa, Birte was pressed back into her seat. Four black clad figures stormed through the gate to a black nondescript van, roughly thirty metres distant: With Astonishment Birte watched as Anna stepped swiftly out of the car, pulled her gun, aimed and fired in one fluid motion.

One of the four clad figures threw her arms in the air and crashed to the floor. Her companions did not stop but hurried on. The back door of the van was ripped open, the three remaining figures stepped into the van, the door was shut, and the van sped up.

“We follow them?” Anna looked after the disappearing van “We won´t get them” Chris demurred” Birte was impressed: The violinist´s marksmanship had been impressive. Hitting a quickly moving target over that distance? Birte considered herself a pretty good shot, but the violinist clearly played in another league “She has hit the Assassin at a distance of 30 Metres at least …..”

Covering each other they neared the imposing metal entrance door of the Villa – its two massive wings stood wide ajar. They hurried across the yard. The Entrance door stood ajar too.

Carefully the crossed the threshold: Birte Ricciarelli´s senses felt unnaturally sharp. Von der Marwitz and Romanova moved perfectly in tune with each other. Each woman knew what the other would do. Birte sensed an almost too familiar scent in the air. The scent of blood and death; Anna pointed forward:

In the vast entrance hall a body laid sprawled askew on the floor. Chris knelt down and turned him on his back. Lifeless dark eyes starred at her. Gently she closed them. Imbedded in his forehead was a throwing knife. She had seen such a knife before.

The blonde stood looked at Anna and Birte and shook her head “He is finished. Let us go upstairs” Chris took the lead her gun at the ready. Before the door to the study lay another body in a pool of blood on her stomach:

A tall dark-haired woman in a black power suit, she had lost one her high heels: she was moaning softly. Anna and Chris turned her gently on her back. She was bleeding profusely from a stab wound in the chest “We need an ambulance” Birte stated calmly. She had seen such wounds too often in her career though, to harbour any illusions about the outcome.

Chris pulled her smartphone out and selected a contact “I hope they speak English” she thought. The person on the other side spoke English and promised to send an ambulance as fast as possible.

Anna ripped a strip of linen from Samira´s blouse and pressed it on her chest wound. The Russian turned to the German Detective: “Keep the pressure up till the Ambulance arrives!” Birte was taken aback for a moment, but complied then. Anna was right. It was the sensible thing to do.

“Let´s go Anna! Chris stood. The two friends exchanged a glance and hurried along the floor – then to the left through a two winged wooden door whose splintered remnants hanged barley in its hinges

Al Jussuf´s Study:

Sophie fidgeted on her seat. She had heard the sounds down in the hall. Fast approaching steps “Sophie!” Chris stood on the threshold, gun drawn, Anna hot on her heels. A quick look around told the pianist that the enemy was gone. The pianist and the violinist hurried to their friends.

Gently Anna removed Evie´s gag while Chris tended to Sophie. Freeing them took some time. Finally Sophie stood and rubbed her hands “That was quite the show” she admitted while Chris inspected Al Jussuf´s corpse “He wanted to tell us something, when hell broke loose” Sophie explained.

“The leader told me, we would meet soon again” Evie interrupted “She spoke the Egyptian Tongue” “Our old friends then” Anna chuckled mirthlessly “That thought springs to mind” Chris nodded “We should leave though as soon as the ambulance arrives, I have no interest to spend the next hours at a seedy police station”

“Me neither” Anna nodded.

“Let´s go then!” the Pianist said curtly.

The sounds of an incoming ambulance where clearly to be heard ….

One our later:

Evie and Sophie had showered and redressed while Anna and Chris had prepared Dinner. Birte still felt a bit insecure among the members of Art Incorporated. Today she had gotten an idea, why the Pianist and her team were the right choice for the job at hand, even if she hated to admit that.

As she had watched Anna and Chris at the Villa of Al Jussuf she had felt the strong bond between the two. They understood each other blind – and there was a deep affection “Birte what do you want to drink” the pianist interrupted her train of thought.

The blonde smiled at her – and it was a genuine smile. Today they had acted as a team “I peg you as the habitual beer drinker” Chris added “We have three different sorts of Egyptian Brew in the Fridge– I have no idea how it tastes, but you might give one of them a try!”

In the end Birte opted for the Birra Maraska – a pale Ale. Which went down surprisingly well.

After Dinner they sat together in the living room and discussed today´s events “So this fragment was stolen from right under our noses. Anna was slightly miffed “And we have no idea what was on it “That might not be entirely true” Sophie chimed in – the lawyer smiled like the cat who had caught the mouse.

The lawyer had changed into black yoga pants a green turtleneck and two pairs of green woollen socks. The thick walls of the Villa kept the heat out during daylight – but in the evening it got a bit chilly “What do you mean?” Anna now sat upright and looked intently at the lawyer.

“Evie had an idea, we want to try out tomorrow” Sophie smiled enigmatically “But you don´t want to tell us” Chris sounded dubiously “We want to see, if we get results before we tell you anything” Evie explained “We are not sure it will work – and we will probably need the complete midmorning tomorrow”

Chris nodded “Right then” she looked at Anna and Birte “Then we should pay Al Jussuf´s Premises another visit “Maybe we find something there” “Fine with me” Birte nodded and stood “I will go upstairs, I have to write my report for Diedrichsen” Chris and Anna exchanged a look which went not unnoticed by the dark haired detective “We could show you the ropes” the Russian grinned.

The detective demurred “not today” and went upstairs. When she was out of earshot Anna spoke “You trust her?” The pianist shrugged “We cannot afford not to – if we start to mistrust each other this whole endeavour is doomed from the start” “Right” the Russian was still not convinced “I still have my doubts – but I will set them aside. For now”

“What do we do with the evening?” she changed tack “In for a little sparring” Chris challenged her “I am all in” Anna grinned “Be prepared to get your ass kicked” The blonde chuckled “You still know how our last fight ended?”

“Not this time!” Anna returned confidently “And what are you two are doing?” the Russian turned to Evie and Sophie “Want to join us?” “Not this time” Sophie demurred “Evie and I will practise escapology” the lawyer added mischievously “that means Evie will try to escape!”

“Then have fun!” Anna grinned and turned to the blonde “Chris, in 20 minutes in the Gym?” “I will be there!” the blonde smiled “And the loser gets tied up!”

Evie´s and Sophie´s Room: Later

“What do you have in mind Soph?” the Egyptologist smiled at her lover “That is for you to find out!” Sophie smiled enigmatically, her cat like green eyes glittering “Something special!” Evie too had changed in yoga pants a turtleneck and two pairs of woollen socks. The pants where white, turtleneck and socks red.

“But I will not spoil the surprise! Stand in the middle of the room!” the lawyer demanded. She took first a long rope and tied a rope girdle around her lover´s waist “Were you scared Sophie?” the Egyptologist questioned while Sophie tied the preknotted rope to the girdle “Actually no” the dark haired woman demurred and pulled the crotch-rope tight, so tight that Evie inhaled sharply “I knew Anna, Chris and Birte would track us and come for us” Evie nodded “I felt save because you were there. When we were captured by Anck-Sun-Amun in January it felt different”

“I know what you mean” the lawyer had tied Evie´s ankles together, cinched it – and was now tying Evie´s calves “I was pretty scared back then too – because I couldn´t be sure if my fail safe would work” Sophie had hidden a tracker in her vagina, which enabled Sybil to track them down – and her friends to mount an rescue operation.

The lawyer worked quickly and efficient and had finished tying Evie´s legs together below and above the joint “Pretty neat” Evie tested her bonds as Sophie tied her thighs together “I had good teachers” she grinned. During her captivity at the Adlernest she had had lessons in Escapology – which included lesson in being tied up and tying other people up.

Anna and Kate had continued this Education – so by now the former District Attorney knew her way around ropes pretty well by now “What do you make of Birte?” Sophie pondered the question as she tied the Egyptologist´s legs together directly under the groin.

“From a professional point of view I judge her as a hard working tenacious detective” Sophie replied “To reach her rank at that age, she must be pretty good – and she is surely not a politician. She is way too direct for that”

The lawyer had begun tying Evie´s wrists together. When she was finished she stepped back and admired her work “Wow, this is tight” Evie pressed through clenched teeth “This is called a chicken wing tie” the Lawyer explained, her lovers elbows were squashed together “Sarah showed me once and had me practice on Anna” Sophie grinned.

“That fit´s” Evie nodded “No wonder that Sarah loves that tie” she turned serious “What did you think Sophie? Was it a mistake not taking her on board for this operation?” Sophie said nothing for a while “Chris was pretty adamant – not to involve Sarah, not until it is absolutely necessary. I don´t know Chris that long but normally she is no one to hold grudges. But this goes deeper”

“You know why?” Sophie nodded “It has something to do with Vienna: You know that Sarah pranked Chris, painted her in gold, and made her the main exhibit at the KHM – and stole the Imperial Crown. Which she returned later”

Evie pondered that remark:

“But why does she take this so personal – we all were pranked by Sarah at some point” Evie shrugged “It is not the fact that she was pranked by Sarah, that she would have accepted. It is the fact that The Black Lady humiliated her in public put her on full display for the world to see”

“Yes” Evie nodded “But as far as I know, nobody recognized her” Sophie shook her head “That´s not it” Anna told me once two years ago during the Romanov-Affair Chris´ the man responsible for Chris´ kidnapping had put her on public display for his guests sport. She was groped, molested, leftovers where thrown at her …..”

“So you think, Sarah´s prank worked as trigger?” The Lawyer nodded “Chris has a big heart, but this goes very deep, so she cannot bite the bullet”

After a pause Sophie added “And if Chris has made a decision she stands to it. I know she did refuse to take at least three calls from Sarah” Sophie pulled herself together “Let us get you into your hogtie so that you can start escaping!”

“And if I don´t escape?” Coyly Evie batted her eyelashes “Then I will punish you!” Sophie smiled ominously “I can hardly wait” Evie smiled. The Lawyer helped her lover to lie down on the bed and began tying her lover into the hog tie.

When she was finished Evie´s socked heels rested almost on her butt. Sophie had tied her insteps and toes together and tied them to her arms bounds and her crotch rope “Comfy?” she grinned “Very!” Evie purred “That leaves me only one thing left to do!” the lawyer chuckled “Any ideas?” Evie made a good show of concentrating “Let me guess, a gag?”

“How very clever Professor!” the dark haired lawyer teased her. Evie felt a tingling between her legs and tugged playfully at her crotch rope and watched as Sophie pulled her socks off – under them she wore pantyhose “You have a choice Evie! Shall I use the inner pair or the outer pair? The inner pair is cleaner, but more sweaty the outer pair is less sweaty but more dirty! Take your pick!”

“Difficult” Evie mused “Why don´t you pick one of each pair?” “Very good idea!” Sophie took one sock of each pair and balled them up – but took care that the dirty sole of the outer sock was outside “Open up!” the lawyer ordered – it took her some effort to get the large wad in Evie´s mouth. The next layer was a doubled scarf with a large smelly sock in it.

Evie felt that the scarf compressed her lower face like a vice. But if she thought Sophie was finished she was wrong: Her world became dark as the lawyer tied a heavily padded sleep mask over her eyes. The real surprise though was the stocking cap, Sophie pulled over her head “This is the hose I wore today” she explained and took care the crotch panel rested firmly over Evie´s flaring nostrils. Obviously her lover had been pretty aroused today. One leg Sophie tied around her lovers lower face, the other one to Evie´s bound insteps, forcing her to stare blindly ahead.

“You can escape now!” Sophie grinned and slapped her lover firmly on her butt.

Chris´ Suite around the same time:

“Comfy?” Chris smiled down at Anna. The Russian grunted something in her packed mouth “What do they say? Stuff a sock in it?” The blonde chuckled. Chris had stuffed two pairs of socks in her friend´s mouth, one of her own, and one of her friend:

“It was a tough fight” the pianist admitted “It could have ended the other way around easily” – The blonde had mummified her friend – only her bare feet were not wrapped, Chris had tied Anna´s big toes together and her ankles to the footboard.

“Now we will have some fun! Any idea what I shall use first? One grunt means the Wartenberg Wheel, two grunts the electric toothbrush and three grunts the good old feather! Got it?” Anna grunted her confirmation “So what shall it be then?” Chris waited “Remember! Not grunting means I decide!”

Anna sighed into her gag – and grunted one time “Smart choice!” the pianist chuckled “You know the rules: 30 Minutes in total! Five Minutes tickling, two minutes rest and then the next round: Steel yourself!” Anna sighed theatrically and “steeled herself”

Chris took the Wartenberg Wheel and touched Anna´s left feel, which got an instant reaction. The blonde knew how ticklish her best friend´s feet were, especially under the arches and between the toes. Their training fight could have indeed ended the other way around and she would lay now on this bed – awaiting Anna´s assault.

She enjoyed this harmless fun and she knew that Anna did too – and it would be probably the last time for quite the while. Chris felt it even more than back Home: A storm was brewing – and her instincts had proven her seldom wrong.

Something was in the air. The blonde felt the vibes in the air, and she knew that Anna had sensed it as well. They were walking right into the lion´s den like the biblical prophet Daniel – but with a telling difference: They had no idea how many lions were awaiting them, and where they were to be found.

Resolutely Chris pressed the Wartenberg Wheel at Anna´s left heel and rolled it slowly upwards ….
Last edited by Caesar73 10 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GreyLord »

It is delightful that your ladies can enjoy tugs even as they stand at the lion's mouth. I was surprised at the equanimity with which Sophie and Evie accepted their handling as they were take to see Al Jussuf. You are leaving us with food for thought as you prepare for your holiday, Grand Master [mention]Caesar73[/mention].
ImageA List of my stories:
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Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Another superb installment. I share Chris's sense of foreboding.....

How it plays out will be interesting.
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Post by Argentum »

One step forward, one step back. Poor girls, always in trouble. I like that, This ads to the tension.

Looser getting 30 Minutes tickling? Nahhhh... Anna can take much more... But who knows what perils are waiting for her. Go on [mention]Caesar73[/mention] don't let us wait to long!
There always can be a few more ropes.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Argentum wrote: 10 months ago Looser getting 30 Minutes tickling? Nahhhh... Anna can take much more... But who knows what perils are waiting for her. Go on @Caesar73 don't let us wait to long!
Yes, Chris´ is merciful :) And you are right: Anna can take a lot more - be assured that her resilience will be severely tested in the future. In the not so far future.

The next update will be due tomorrow!
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Post by Caesar73 »

@GreyLord @Bandit666 @banshee @Beaumains @Bigballgag1 @Trammel @wolfman @mrjones2009 @slackywacky @Nainur @Shotrow @TightsBound @Pantyhose971 @TayDay95 @NotSeen @Fandango @LunaDog @Argentum

Chapter 77

“The second battle of Abukir”

The next day, morning:

The mood at the large oaken table in the dining room was relaxed Birte found as she joined her new companions for breakfast: Anna Romanova was nursing her second large pot of strong Coffee, black – obviously the violinist was no morning person – something Birte could sympathize with. The dark haired Russian had helped herself to a second helping of scrambled eggs.

To Ricciarelli´s surprise, Romanova seemed to favour British Breakfast, while the other three favoured continental breakfast. The blonde pianist drank green tea. Obviously the Pianist had brought her special China with her, of the sort the Japanese used for a tea ceremony. Von der Marwitz seemed relaxed but was obviously not in the mood for any conversation, she seemed to be elsewhere now and then she took bowl in both hands and took a sip of tea. To Birte even those simple movements seemed elegant and measured. The Lawyer and the Egyptologist were chatting animated though. Birte noticed the subtle gestures and touches – and spotted rope marks at Evie´s wrists: The two lovers obviously had had fun yesterday evening.

Sophie noticed the Detective´s gaze. A small coy smile curled her lips “We could show you the ropes Birte!” The Europol Woman was no prude, far from it – blushed a bit though “Thanks but no thanks” Ricciarelli muttered – and helped herself to a large pot of Coffee. It was excellent she had to admit.

Finally von der Marwitz looked up – and turned to the lawyer and the Egyptologist “So this is how we will proceed: Evie and Sophie you will do what you don´t want to tell us” Evie and Sophie nodded, Anna grinned “And you still don´t want to tell us, what you want to do?” “Nice try Anna” the lawyer smiled “And no, we won´t tell you anything” Chris had to smile “We” she nodded at Anna and Birte “will pay Al Jussuf´s premises a visit. Hopefully we find something there”

After breakfast the Lawyer and the Egyptologist retreated to the Library while Birte and her two new “friends” prepared. The detective noticed that both women had opted for casual – and practical:

The blonde wore a white blouse a wide cut yellow blazer, white slacks – matching sneakers and no socks. Today she wore her blonde mane in a ponytail. The Blazer hid a HK 23 as Birte noticed she preferred the Europol Standard Fire Arm: the Glock 17. Birte knew that the HK 23 packed a heavy punch. Ricciarelli had watched yesterday how the Pianist moved: Her elegant smooth movements betrayed the trained professional.

Birte already had shelved the one or the other prejudice about the Pianist and her Team. The Russian was obviously highly skilled with a gun – as she had demonstrated yesterday.

Anna Romanova wore a white blouse too, a light beige blazer and jeans – and sneakers, she too had opted for a ponytail and her sun glasses sat on her head. Chris looked at her two companions “Let´s go then”

Al Jussuf´s Antiquities:

30 Minutes later they halted before Al Jussuf´s Antiquities. They had barely gotten out of the car when it happened: Sharp short bursts of automatic weapons riddled the air “Submachine gun” Anna thought automatically as she ducked for cover and lunged for her HK 23. Her brains processed the informations:

Chris was already returning fire, in a measured controlled rhythm. Birte was covering their back, firing double tabs. Four shooters – only two with submachine guns: Anna had located one shooter across the street. A long burst of a submachine gun – “a PP 93 probably” – her opponent obviously was a lousy shot: he fired wild and way to high. The fire subsided – obviously her opponent had to change the magazine.

“Amateur” she fought disdainfully and pulled the trigger, forcing the man to duck for cover “Come to Mama” she whispered. Patiently she waited while the bullets screeched around them like angry hornets.

A single shot and a piercing scream: Chris had taken out one shooter. Anna counted on the fact her target could not resist to risk a look “There you are” Anna smiled and pulled the trigger. Her target went down, his head dissolving in a mist of bone, tissue and blood.

From one moment to the next the fire stopped.

The Russian registered the sounds of a closing car door – and an accelerating car “Are you all right Chris?” Anna called “Everything fine” her friend shouted back. The violinist stood and looked around. The cars around them were riddled with bullet holes.

“That was quite the warm welcome” Chris cracked a small smile.

The blonde stopped dead in her tracks “Where is Birte?” Anna wheeled around. She had seen the Detective the last time hell broke loose: Birte had covered their backs. Anna remembered her return fire, that it had stopped she had not noticed, too concentrated she had been to stay alive.

Birte was gone. Chris stooped down and took something up from the ground and showed it to Anna: Birte´s IPhone …. the blonde supressed a curse “What now?” Anna pondered the question “We drive back to base and try to locate her” It happened seldom but Chris looked nonplussed at her friend “And how? We look into our Palantir?”

She knew that smile of Anna - the Russian was very pleased with herself “Care to explain?” Chris did her best to supress her impatience, but her best friend was unfazed “I inserted a tracker in her jeans´ pocket this morning” Now the blonde smiled too “Clever!”

“I know” Anna smiled broadly “Anna Alexandra Romanova you are …..” Chris did not complete the sentence “A genius?” the Russian supplied with that lopsided grin, the blonde knew so well.

They drove back to their Villa. Sophie and Evie were quite surprised as Anna and Chris waltzed in the Library – without Birte. Sophie´s eyebrows rose “Trouble?” she had noticed the dirt on Anna´s and Chris Trousers “There were some guys giving us a hot reception” Anna smiled “We declined the invitation though” Sophie did not let go “Where is Birte?” “Well there is that little snag …” Anna still smiled.

“She got probably captured” Chris interrupted “And we have to track her down” Sophie pressed on “How?” The blonde smiled “Our mutual Russian Friend was so clever to slip a tracker in Birte´s trousers – she constantly pats herself on her shoulder ever since”

Anna bowed slightly – “then we have no time to loose” the lawyer agreed “Can Sybil locate the tracker or can we do it from here?” Chris nodded “We can do it. The Software is on the laptop. Let´s get started.

The Bay of Abukir:

The Past:

“Ten Miles of Alexandria in Egypt, at twenty-two minutes to five on afternoon of 1 August 1798 two signals were hoisted to the masthead of His Majesty´s 74-gun ship the Vanguard.

The thirteen signal lieutenants on the surrounding ships of the squadron commanded by Rear-Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson, squinting through their telescopes in the bright late-afternoon light, read these signals as the flags fluttered to the masthead.[…] This was Signal 53.

By checking the tables in in their signal books […] the lieutenants quickly calculated that the first signal meant “Prepare for Battle.” The second signal amplified the first [….] Signal 54: “Prepare for Battle: when it may be necessary to anchor: with a Bower or Sheet anchor Cable in the stern and springs.”

(Quoted from: The Pursuit of Victory. The Life and Achievements of Horatio Nelson by Roger Knight, P. XXXVI)

13 Hours later Napoleon Bonaparte´s fleet had ceased to exist and with it his ambitious plans to challenge England in India. Its Flag ship the 120-gun Behemoth L´Orient had exploded in a cataclysmic explosion. A part of its main mast would be the coffin of Sir Horatio Nelson when he was buried in 1805 after the Battle of Trafalgar at Saint Paul´s Cathedral at London.

The Battle of Trafalgar ended Napoleon´s ambitious plans to invade England once and for all. But till Waterloo it was a long way still.

The wreck of the L´Orient still rests in the shallow depths of the bay of Abukir to this day.

The Present:

Erste Kriminalhauptkommissarin Birte Ricciarelli fought another desperate battle. Birte´s head hammered as she slowly regained consciousness. Everything was dark around her, even as she forced her eyes open. It took her a while to realize that she was hooded and gagged – with a large ball gag. Its leather straps cut deep in the soft corners of her mouth – and something had stuffed into her mouth? Some Fabric “My socks?” the German mused still a bit groggy.

She was tied to a sturdy wooden chair. Her arms had been welded together behind the chairs high back, at wrists and elbows – above and below the joint More ropes above and below her breasts held her on the chair.

A knotted crotch rope almost cleaved her in two. Uneasily Birte shifted on the rough wooden chair.

And she had been stripped to her Panties only - each leg was tied to the corresponding back legs of the chair at ankles and knees, so that her bare soles were turned upwards – and accessible easily. Thin cords had been tied around big toes and tied to her elbows.

Birte felt vulnerable. She tested her bonds: They were tight and secure. The last thing she remembered was that she had been grabbed from behind – a hard hit on her head – and then it had been lights out ….

The detective sensed the presence of at least another person. The hood was pulled not very gently from her head and Birte had to blink. An Egyptian with dark piercing eyes stared down at her. He was tall, wore a blue shirt and jeans.

Only then Birte registered the presence of two other men. The man before her was obviously in charge. He said something in Arabic to the man on his left who fumbled at Birte´s gag. The detective licked her dry lips as the ball came free. The soggy wad was roughly pulled out of her mouth.

“You cop?” the leader said in broken English “If they searched my bag, they found my credentials” Birte thought and tried to play it cool. She did what she had been trained for in such situations “I am Kriminalhauptkommissarin Birte Ricciarelli with Europol. Service Number 15972357” which earned her a hard slap on her left cheek, a quick exchange in Arabic followed.

Birte was gagged again, tighter than before, the man who gagged her groped her and squeezed her breasts. He tied a black heavily padded leather mask above her lower face, which covered her face till right under the eyes “Probably I look like Hannibal Lecter” Birte mused darkly and winced as her handler pulled the straps cruelly tight behind her head. The contraption compressed her lower face like a vice.

The Men left her alone and continued their animated discussion outside. She was alone. Now she took the time to inspect her surroundings: A sparsely lit room, the floor? Concrete, bare walls. In one corner she spotted her clothes. So far nothing to serious had happened. She had to keep herself together under all circumstances – and had to hope for an opportunity.

But no such luck: The man who had slapped her in the face returned. In his hand he held a riding crop. A cruel smile curled his lips “Give me five minutes with him” Birte thought “And I will have you on your knees” She stared at him and mumbled something in her gag …

“Molester Number One” swung the crop and aimed at Birte´s ample breasts. He hit hard … but Birte just stared back …..

At the Villa near Cleopatra´s beach, before sunset:

Chris and Anna stood behind Sophie who was typing on the laptop: The lawyer had opened the App which allowed them to track Birte: A red dot blinked at a spot somewhere in the bay of Abukir, where Nelson had defeated the French Fleet. Sybil had done a thorough check: It was a small Cabin in the middle of nowhere, not far from a steep cliff.

The blonde peered at the screen: “An approach over land is impractical. We would be targets on a shooting range” Anna nodded “I have an idea” Chris looked at her friend “I listen” Anna explained and Chris´ face brightened up. When the Russian had finished, the blonde paused – and nodded “We will do it this way” she turned to Evie and Sophie “You two will hold the Fort”

Sophie was on the verge of speaking as Chris cut in “Sophie I know what you want to say!” not unkindly “But truth is: neither you nor Evie are trained yet for a stunt like that, you understand this” The blonde and the dark haired woman locked eyes, finally the lawyer relented, and nodded “Right” she muttered, not pleased at all.

Evie laid her left hand gently on Sophie´s right “Chris is right Soph – we would only be a hindrance” Sophie still did not look very pleased “Listen Sophie” the pianist said warmly “You have gone a long way – and nobody doubts your courage or your ability – you have nothing to prove, especially not to us” “Or to yourself” Anna added “You know that” the Russian said gently.

Sophie still did not look entirely mollified but finally she looked her friends into the eye “My brains say that you are right but my heart wants me to go”

Chris nodded “I know the sentiment – and believe me: My heart tells me, you will have plenty opportunities to prove your mettle in the near future”

“More than enough for a lifetime I guess” Anna added dryly. The Russian turned to Chris “Let´s get our stuff, we will need 30 Minutes to get there”

Somewhere near Abukir:

Birte fidgeted on the chair. She was restless, her jaws hurt she had lost any feeling in her hands and arms. Thankfully her captors had left her to her own devices mostly, except the occasional groping and fondling.

Her breasts and soles burned though: The dark haired Egyptian with the dead eyes had moved the crop freely. He had obviously some experience: Red marks covered Birte´s breasts. The upturned soles of her feet were covered with marks which resembled a chess board from hell to toe.

She was thirsty. The detective concluded that it had to be late evening. Obviously her handlers had no idea what to do with her. What was worse: Birte was in desperate need of a loo.

The opening of the door raised her from her stupor: The tall Egyptian looked down at her, leering at her breasts. Birte just stared back. “In the morning a boat will come” he announced smiling ominously “You making a trip!” he announced – and left. But not before fondling her breasts and pinching her nipples “We have a buyer for you. You small but you have big tits”

The slap to her face came out of nowhere. Birte´s head flew to the left. She saw stars …. “Give me strength Lord!” Defiantly she stared back at her molester. Even if she found it hard to convince herself: There was still hope. Wasn´t it? What had Sophie Reichenbach told her about showing her the ropes? “I have learned them quickly” Birte mused darkly.

The Bay of Abukir, the same time:

The moon was clouded, the surf rolled slowly against the shore. Except the usual sounds at sea at night nothing disturbed the silence. A casual observer would have seen that two dark shadows emerged from the sea. Entirely clad in black. They moved almost noiselessly.

One of them had a curved blade slung across her back, the second shadow a submachine gun. Both moved with fluid movements: In front of them the steep cliff, roughly ten meters high. They scaled the cliff, carefully, slowly.

Chris pulled herself up, so that she had a clear look at the cabin. Anna joined her. With one last pull they reached the surface. Like ghosts they hurried along. Both women communicated by hand signals only.

Hassan Al Jaffar was bored. He had drawn the short straw: The first shift. In one hour Ahmed would relieve him. The Egyptian could not imagine any more boring than this. Inside that Cabin sat that German Cop he imagined how much fun he would have with her! The black shadow before him seemed to come out of nowhere. Something hit him in his face hard – and the world went black. Chris had not pulled the punch.

Anna let the limp body gently glide to the floor and Chris secured the man with zip ties. They hogtied him tightly. The blonde listened intently and exchanged a look with Anna. She pointed on herself, then to the right and then to the left pointing at the Russian. The two women vanished in the darkness like ghosts.

Inside the Cabin:

The molester in chief as Birte had dubbed him, stood behind her and kneaded and squeezed her breasts. His two companions stood to the left and to the right of the door, the Detective steeled herself. The men leered openly at her. She steeled herself for what would come at her. Birte felt even more naked and exposed.

What happened next happened so fast that even in hindsight Birte could not tell what exactly happened. One moment her tormentor pinched her nipples hard, the next second the wooden door disintegrated and two black figures charged into the room. One turned left and one turned right.

Birte Ricciarelli considered her-self good in close combat. But the left shadow slightly taller than the other one attacked the guard with a combination of kicks and strokes – so fast, the detective found it impossible to follow.

With a groan the man crashed on the floor and moved no more – after a vicious stroke smashed is nose and a second hit him squarely between the eyes. The right shadow had drawn a curved blade – an incredible fast movement and the head of the man landed with a sickening squelch on the concrete.

Both attackers turned: Birte felt the pressure of a blade at her throat. The blade was quivering. The Molester in Chief seemed shocked “He reeks of fear” Birte thought “Coward!” She scoffed inwardly

His glistening dagger pressed tightly against her throat “Lay down weapons! Or I will kill her!” Birte´s handler demanded - not only his blade was quivering though.

“I don´t think so” a cool female voice informed him “You go away from her. You have three seconds!” The blade at Birte´s throat cut into her skin “Lay down weapons or the b*tch dies!” Calmly the woman counted “One! Two! Three!” the movement of her right wrist was incredibly fast. Whatever she had done: The Woman from Europol felt the pressure at her throat receding, a knife clattered to the floor. A body crashed heavily on the floor. Wide eyed the detective looked at her rescuers.

The two black clad figures moved with precision: One knelt down and checked the pulse of the unconscious guard and restrained him quickly and precise with zip ties. The other one went to Birte´s handler and knelt down. Professionally Birte was impressed.

Someone removed the cruel mask and the pressure receded. The same person fumbled at the ball gag and eased it gently from Birte´s mouth and pulled the soggy mass of her socks out of her mouth “Don´t speak” a warm voice admonished her gently “This will hurt” – the second Intruder produced an ancient looking dagger, knelt down and began to cut Birte´s bonds, the Detective groaned as the pressure lessened and the blood flowed freely again.

She felt that her wrist and elbow bonds were severed. A small scream escaped her lips, as the blood streamed back into her fingers. But she bit her lip.

Gently a water bottle was pressed against her parched lips “Drink in small sips” her saviour admonished her. The cool liquid felt heavenly. The black clad figure in front of her removed her helmet and Anna Romanova looked down on Birte “You have many questions, but we have to make a fast get away” the Russian said “We will explain everything” her companion added: Christine von der Marwitz.

The blonde had sheathed her blade again “Can you get up?” Birte nodded “Dress quickly we have no idea, if those assholes get reinforcements and we have to cover ground to get to the car”

Birte looked at her molester who starred from unseeing eyes at the ceiling. A Shuriken was embedded deeply in his forehead, precisely between the eyes. Still trying to comprehend what had happened, the Police Woman looked from the dead body on the floor to the blonde woman and back “Get up Birte!” the Pianist prodded her gently “We have no time to loose”

The Detective groaned as she stood and staggered to the staple of her clothes in the corner. She winced as she dressed. Quickly Ricciarelli checked her handbag. Nothing seemed to miss “Right” she nodded “Let us go” Chris went first, Birte followed and Anna formed the rear guard.

How much time passed before they reached the dark SUV Birte could not tell. She had stumbled along on the stony ground. She had stumbled once, before she hit ground, Anna steadied her.

Von der Marwitz had pressed on though relentlessly. Anna had helped her in the car then joined Chris on the passenger seat. The pianist floored the SUV - the detective was pressed in the seat.

The Villa, later.

She must have dozed off. Chris had parked the Car before the main entrance. With a groan the detective loosened the safety belt. Anna was already out and opened the door.

Birte stretched and yawned and followed the pianist and her friend inside. She was dead tired – her mind had still trouble to process today´s events.

In the Entrance Hall she stood – she inhaled deeply and her grumbling stomach reminded her she had nothing to eat since breakfast. Those scents … her sour face brightened up “Is this what I think it is?” Sophie who had just entered the Hall, smiled warmly “It is Lasagne – my Mom´s recipe” she added.

With amusement the lawyer looked at Birte´s questioning look “My mother was born in Firenze – my father met her in Rome, when he studied Canonic Law at the Gregoriana”

Anna and Chris had followed the exchange with barely hidden amusement “Why don´t you freshen up Birte and get changed?” Anna smiled “I for my part could use a shower too!”

30 Minutes later they sat around the table and the detective had helped herself to the third piece of Lasagne “This is fantastic” she mumbled between two forks full of lasagne – and the red wine!” She took a sip “What!” she demanded: Anna Romanova smiled broadly at her “Nothing” the Russian said loftily “It is just good to see you well” and Birte sensed the sincerity behind the light tone.

“To us!” Chris toasted “To us!” the others returned. The pianist looked intently at the detective. She looked tired, but Birte was a tough cookie that much was for sure. The detective looked up and their eyes met.

She cleared her throat and looked from Anna to Chris to Sophie and to Evie “I want to thank you. You saved my life!” She raised her glass “To you!” “To you!” her new friends? returned. And she felt something had changed.

Now they were really a team.

A little while later they sat together in the living room. Birte held a bottle of Egyptian Beer in her hand and seemed far away. The detective took a sip “Just ask her” Anna grinned “You have a big question mark written all over your face” the Russian explained. Birte pulled herself together “The Katana how did you get by it?”

Chris smiled “My Sensei presented me with the blade, it is over 500 Years old” “Your Sensei?” Birte sounded nonplussed “Today I give you the short version” the pianist added “I grew up in Japan, my father was a diplomat – and later I spent two years in Japan. Sensei Nakamura was something of a surrogate father to me, after my parents died in Italy in a Car Crash”

Birte waited, but realized that the blonde would not reveal more – for now “Let us calling it a day” Anna proposed “And tomorrow Sophie and Evie can brief us”

The next morning:

“We made an experiment” Evie explained to her friends. They had assembled in the living room of the Villa. Chris looked around: Anna seemed relaxed and at ease. Birte too seemed well rested. The Detective was tough. The pianist had sensed it from the start. Sophie sat at the laptop and started the presentation.

A slide appeared on the wall “We have pictures of every stolen fragment” Evie explained “What you see here is the reconstruction of the stela, composed of the fragments we know already” Chris nodded. What they saw on the screen was the stela as it should be: With certain blanks where pieces were still missing.

“Sophie possesses an eidetic memory as you know” the Egyptologist continued “I didn´t” Anna muttered “She saw the Fragment Al Jussuf possessed” Evie explained “I will cut this short: My computer can write hieroglyphics – and Sophie recounted from Memory what she saw” She paused “And?” Anna prodded “We were able to reconstruct the fragment which those women stole yesterday” Evie could not hide her satisfaction “And you could decipher it?” Chris asked curtly. The Egyptologist had expected obviously more enthusiasm “Yes” this time Sophie spoke.

Anna smiled “Why don´t you just tell us what you did find out?” Evie pouted “And we had it all planned so well” “Just come to the point Evie” Chris added mildly “No offense” Sophie had to smile. She knew Chris: The blonde always took the direct approach.

Evie and Sophie exchanged a look, Evie nodded – and another slide appeared on the wall: It showed the reconstructed Stela with the Fragment which Al Jussuf had possessed “We know that roughly 20 Percent of the Stela are still missing” the Egyptologist explained “But what we can tell” Evie continued “The Sun-Ray-of-Amon-Ra is a weapon of mass destruction – but without the last Fragments it will not work – hopefully”

Chris nodded “And where we have to go next?” Sophie smiled “To Cairo”
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Post by Nainur »

had to read it twice... wonderful!

(missed the sailing-ships, though :lol: )
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Post by Argentum »

Ok [mention]Caesar73[/mention]!

Two weeks to wait now? You are a true sadist!

I love this chapter, and I love the fact that, this time, also males are involved. Even though falling into the hands of this Egyptian high priest could be much worse. Well I hope we see that in the near future to.
There always can be a few more ropes.
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Post by GreyLord »

This was a wonderful present to leave with us as you go on holiday, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. Your knowledge of history shines as does your joy in writing tugs. Thank you.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chris and Anna teaming up to kick ass is always welcome.

Nice to the new team member learning the ropes. Obviously, must be some kind of initiation with these girls.

Can't wait to find out what awaits the team in Cairo!
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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 10 months ago Can't wait to find out what awaits the team in Cairo!
You shall find out soon 😀 The next update is on Monday at the latest. Probably there will be to Updates next week.

We are nearing the climax of the first arc .... it will be dramatic that much can be said. With far reaching consequences for the future ....
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Post by Caesar73 »

@GreyLord @Bandit666 @banshee @Beaumains @Bigballgag1 @Trammel @wolfman @mrjones2009 @slackywacky @Nainur @Shotrow @TightsBound @Pantyhose971 @TayDay95 @NotSeen @Fandango @LunaDog @Argentum

And the quest continues!

Chapter 78:

“The City of the Dead”


Two days later

New Cairo: The New Headquarters of Cairo Security Directorate

“Impressive” Chris looked at the new headquarters of the Cairo Security Directorate. The Pianist and Birte had an appointment with their contact at Egyptian Law Enforcement.

The vast complex had been inaugurated by the Prime Minister in January the previous year “Yep” the Woman from Europol nodded “It is really impressive” more than Europol´s HQ at Den Haag” The detective paused “Looks like the dream of an oriental potentate to me!” Chris supressed a smile: Birte Ricciarelli was no one to bow before thrones – and she liked that attitude.

The complex consisted out of five main buildings, including a building for the presidency of the Cairo security sector, which featured a crisis management room and a large meeting room.

It also included a Department of Violence against Women as well as the General Directorate of the Emergency Police.

The new headquarters was set up within the framework of the Ministry of Interior’s ambitious plan to develop police facilities, improve all security services, and upgrade police performance mechanisms.

“On paper this sounds really ambitious” the Detective continued as they walked to the main Entrance “But it´s the people who matter” This was the first time Birte worked alone with the pianist together. She stole a glance at the tall blonde who wore her mane openly: it fell down in shimmering waves over her shoulders.

The Contrast was stark: Chris had chosen an elegant beige Power Suit with matching 105 Gianvito Rossi heels, while Birte wore her customary Jeans, blouse blazer Combo. Stylish sun glasses hid her green eyes. Somehow the Detective envied the Pianist who moved so elegantly on her High Heels, she never had managed that art – and if she was honest? Birte loved her well-worn white sneakers way to much.

As they passed the security checks the Policewoman noted how the guards stared at Chris, or mainly at her bossom and her shiny blonde mane Birte was not sure. The pianist and the detective followed the police officer who would bring them to Colonel Shana Al Amari, their Liaison with the Egyptian Police. Birte shook her head in disbelief “Don´t you ever get tired of the way men strip you with their eyes? Chris chuckled “All the time. You get used to it though. Mostly I ignore them”

“For crying out loud” Birte groaned “Those two Guys at the reception desk almost drooled on the table” Chris grinned “Men” “And if they don´t just drool” Birte wondered “They get a firm slap on the wrist “You won´t believe how tame a man gets when you have him by the balls and squeeze” the blonde smiled nonchalantly.

The detective looked at Chris “You mean that literally, don´t you” and smiled “Yes” Chris said simply “And if that isn´t enough – a broken nose usually does the trick” she shrugged.

The pianist smiled:

“During my studies at Vienna I met the overambitious Son of an influential far right Austrian Politician who thought himself god´s gift, his ego was by far bigger than his musical talent” Chris continued “At a reception at the Conservatory he got grabby – after I declined an invite: I kneed him in the groin and broke his nose in front of the audience. His father was not pleased – but the rest of the hyena´s got the message”

Birte tried to imagine the scene before her inner eye and smiled “Sometimes guys need an object lesson” “Yes” Chris grinned back. “But what will you do here in Cairo?” Birte thought aloud “Pretty difficult to hide your frame” the Detective looked up at Chris.

“That can´t be helped” the blonde sighed “When we go out in certain districts of Cairo I dress in the typical local fashion to stand less out – and there are other methods” Chris smiled enigmatically - but said no more.

Their chaperone pointed at the Door before him “Colonel Al Amari is expecting you Miss von der Marwitz” and led them past the Colonel´s Secretary and knocked at the door “Enter” a deep female voice bade them enter.

The Office was quite spacious. Behind the desk stood a tall athletic woman in her thirties, who wore Uniform and her curly brown hair uncovered, she walked around the desk and greeted them politely.

“Please have a seat Miss von der Marwitz and Miss Ricciarelli” she gestured invitingly a round table and a couch designed for visitors “Tea?” her host inquired “That would be perfect” Chris smiled – obviously the Colonel had expected that – shortly later her secretary served a tablet with three Glasses of black tea.

Birte used the time to size up their host: Shana Al Amari had to be very good to rise to such a high rank at her age “Or has very good connections” the cynic in her mused. But the dark haired detective suspected a combination of both factors: Europol liaised frequently with the Egyptian Police when it came to art smuggling which was a major problem.

The Detective took a sip of the strong black tea: It was excellent. She had worked together often enough with colleagues from the near and middle east to be familiar with that custom.

The Colonel did not waste any time and soon they talked about their mission. Chris had let Birte doing the talking, since the detective was the Colonel´s counterpart at Europol “I see” Al Amari nodded, as Birte had ended “Both our superiors have agreed that we should work in this together and I will accompany you and assist you in any way I can”

“And keep an eye on us I bet” Ricciarelli thought to herself “That would be perfect” Chris smiled her dazzling smile “Why don´t you join us for dinner at our lodgings and get to know the rest of the team?”

“I would gladly” Shana Al Amari replied – now in perfect German – if Chris was surprised she did not show “How come your German is so excellent?” the Pianist smiled “My father worked in Germany for Mercedes Benz at Stuttgart as Engineer and met my mother – I lived eight years in Germany, before we returned to Egypt”

“I see” Chris still smiled “We would be glad if you would accept our invitation!”

Europol and the Chancellor´s Office had organized a small Villa at Gezira Island in central Cairo which suited their purposes perfectly. This time they had not found any bugs or other surveillance equipment “It would be my pleasure” Al Amari smiled “Shall we say 0800 PM then?” Chris proposed “That would be perfect” the Egyptian smiled.

They were interrupted by a curt knock at the door and a woman in Uniform entered the Office: She was of medium height, but athletically built and wore a black hijab. The Newcomer greeted Al Amari with a crisp salute but ignored her guests “Colonel!”

With a polite smile Shana al Amari turned to Chris and Birte “This is my second in command Nabiah bint Husseini” the Egyptian introduced the other Woman “Captain these are Erste Kriminalhauptkommissarin Birte Ricciarelli and Christine von der Marwitz, CEO of Art Incorporated”

Nabiah bint Husseini turned to her Superior´s guests and acknowledged them with a curt nod. Birte noticed her stern expression, her full lips a thin line “If that is all Colonel? The Kara-ben Nemsi-Case still needs my attention” the Captain addressed Al Amari “That will be all Captain” Al Amari dismissed her second-in-command.

The dark haired Egyptian delivered another crisp salute turned sharply on her heels and strode out of the Office. The door slammed shut behind her.

“That was quite the exit” Birte noticed with a frown. Chris seemed more amused than angered. A small smile curled her lips “She does not like us very much?” Shana al Amari shrugged “You must excuse her: The Captain has a very rigid moral compass, verconservative religious beliefs and some prejudices regarding Western Culture – but she is a very good at her job”

Ten Minutes later:

“What do you make of our new friends?” Birte wondered as they walked to their Car a short while later “Al Amari is real professional” Chris stated “If bint Husseini is as good as she claims remains to be seen …”

“I do not like Zealots” Birte huffed. The pianist grinned: “I let you in on a secret: me neither!”

Cairo: Gezira Island: Evening:

For Dinner Anna and Sophie had made a foray into the local cuisine:

“This is truly excellent” Shana compliment them as she took some meze which served as starters – the Egyptian had dressed in a wide cut summer dress in a mild blue, which fell swirling down to her ankles – and stylish platform sandals.

Chris did not escape though that Anna seemed a bit reserved around the Egyptian. She would talk to her later about that – that was unusual for the Russian … Nabiah bint Husseini had declined the invitation – as the Colonel had explained to them.

All in all it was a pleasant evening and they agreed that Shana Al Amari would meet them again tomorrow at 1000 PM to talk shop – and that the Captain would join them then.


“Spit it out Anna” the two friends sat together on the terrace and enjoyed a glass of the excellent Rosé of local vintage. Chris took a sip and waited “I cannot help it” the Russian finally said “But I just get a bad vibe of Al Amari”

The blonde nodded “I didn´t” Interesting - normally she and Anna were almost always on the same wave length when it came to judging people. And Anna had to admit that Chris´ antennas were as finely tuned as hers – and Chris had not sensed anything unusual about the Egyptian.

“Sybil did a thorough back ground check Anna” “I know” Anna shrugged “It is just a feeling – nothing more “Maybe I am just paranoid of late” Chris smiled “Better paranoid than dead – and I will ask Sybil to do another in depth background check first thing tomorrow”

“Cheers!” The two friends clanked glasses.

The next morning:

Shana Al Amari joined them in the late midmorning “I have good news!” she announced with a smile “Which would be?” Anna looked a little doubtful “Our informant has arranged a meeting” the Egyptian explained “He says he can provide us with the information where the next fragment of the stela might be found!” The Russian looked a bit sceptical “That sounds too good to be true – and something tells me, there is a little snag”

Anna was not outright hostile, but not very forthcoming either “What does the Intel say precisely Shana” she inquired “The Informant wants to meet us at the City of the Dead” “City of the Dead?” Birte Ricciarelli looked crestfallen

“This is a series of vast Islamic-era necropolises and cemeteries in Cairo. They extend to the north and to the south of the Cairo Citadel, below the Mokattam Hills and outside the historic city walls, covering an area roughly 4 miles long. They are included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site of "Historic Cairo" Evie supplied helpfully – and Shana Al Amari graced her with a warm smile “Exactly Professor Callahan!”

“That sounds like the City of the Dead is very large – and where shall we meet the Informant exactly?” Anna´s doubt was still obvious “At the Northern Cemetery” the Egyptian explained undeterred by the Russians doubts “There is an old Mausoleum from the Fatimid Period” she continued “Chris shall meet the informant there in the early afternoon”

Silence greeted that statement “So Chris shall come alone” Sophie stated “That is the condition the Informant insists on” Shana Al Amari conceded “He will only talk with you Miss von der Marwitz” she addressed Chris formally.

“I don´t like that” Sophie stated firmly “Me neither” Anna seconded “This has written trap all over it” Chris nodded “I know. But what are the alternatives? Do we have choice?” She looked from one to the other “I am open for proposals”

The blonde waited patiently, one minute, two minutes “Right then” the Pianist said brightly “I wear a tracker on my body – so you always know where I am. Chris raised her hand as Anna wanted to speak “I know this is anything but perfect – but if we do not come up with a better solution? This is what we will do”

“You do know Chris, you will raise a lot of attention – by your blonde hair and ….” Anna grumbled “other Assets” Chris grinned “You are one to talk” “Touché” the Russian admitted with a small smile “I will wear traditional garb – which will cover my hair and my other assets Anna” the blonde smiled “as you put it so eloquently “My height I cannot change – but there are other ways to blend in”

“This Ninja-Stuff?” Birte Ricciarelli questioned “I wouldn´t call it that way” Chris grinned “but yes, there are certain techniques” She added “Which I will not discuss here” “And if you do?” The detective insisted “I would have to kill you” the blonde smiled – and Birte could not tell if the Pianist had just jested or not.

Chris felt the Gaze of Nabiah bint Husseini resting on her, scrutinizing her – her face an inscrutable mask. As Al Amari had promised the Captain had showed up. During the meeting she had said little.

The City of the Dead: Early afternoon:

Chris walked the narrow passages of the Northern Cemetery of the Quarafa. Except for her impressive height of over six feet she blended in quite well: The traditional dark blue Abaya covered her from shoulders to toes.

It was wide cut – so it hid her “attributes” as Anna had called them so nicely well – a matching Hijab and a Niqab covered her blonde hair and her face – sun glassed hid her bright green eyes – which would undoubtedly have raised suspicion here, on her feet comfy flat soft leather slippers, which matched the colour of her Abaya – and allowed for stealthy movements.

The blonde moved with her usual grace, fluid elegant movements. She seemed to glide and at times she just melted with the shadows. The few passers-by took no notice of her. Once more Anna was impressed how easily Chris could blend in a crowd – even in a mostly Islamic Land.

She followed the feed of the drone, which was directed by Birte Ricciarelli “We do this stuff regularly at covert operations” the Detective had explained “They call She who dances with the drone behind my back”

Anna had had her reservations, but by now she had warmed up to the Europol Woman, especially after they had rescued her at Abukir. Obviously the small dark haired woman had earned her reputation – the Russian conceded.

Sophie looked at the Screen “Chris is about to enter the Mausoleum!” Indeed: Chris stood before a Fatimid Mausoleum, dilapidated – but its large Cupola still intact. Silently as a ghost the blonde vanished inside – as if she had never been there.

“Who does she do that?” Birte sound puzzled “One moment she is there, the next she has vanished in thin air” Anna grinned “Chris is a woman of many secrets”

Inside the Mausoleum:

The Air inside the Mausoleum was dry and cool – Chris´ eyes needed a few moments to adjust. There were several tombs under the Cupola – Cenotaphs the blonde corrected herself. The noise from the outside had receded to a low dim.

She looked around and took her sun glasses off. With her senses at high alert she stepped under the Cupola. Chris perfect pitch noted soft steps on the gravel on her left.

There stood a figure – probably a woman – dressed in traditional garb, just in black. Chris estimated she was roughly a head smaller than her – the only thing she could see off her face? A pair of brown eyes:

The woman beckoned Chris with her left hand to come nearer, but said nothing, which raised her suspicions. The blonde was now tense like a bow string before the shooter released the arrow.

A sharp prick in her neck: she whirled around – no, she wanted to whirl around. She moved as if in slow motion and crashed to the floor, unconscious before she hit the floor.

15 Minutes later:

“Chris has not left the building” Anna stated “Wait!” Birte shouted excitedly “Her Tracker Signal is moving!” “That´s it” Anna had enough “We are going in!” She turned “Sophie you are coming with me!”

As they stepped over the Mausoleum´s threshold, Guns drawn, Anna took in their surroundings. Nobody inside: On the floor a blue Abaya, a Niqab – and a pair of soft leather shoes. But no Chris: Chris was gone …. Anna cursed in Russian. Colourfully: Chris was gone, but where to?

Unknown location:

Chris came around slowly. As if in slow motion the memories floated back. With some difficulties she forced her eyes to open “I stare at the ceiling of a van” A Van? They were moving, whoever “they” were.

She was gagged “Of course I am gagged” she mused: An inflatable gag. A large rubber blade filled her mouth completely. So full it jacked her jaws wide open. The heavy leather panel compressed her lower face from nose to chin. The air felt cool on her bare skin: Obviously she had been stripped down to her underwear.

Chris was strapped with many leather straps down to a gurney. If she had to guess? At least ten. Even her insteps and her big toes had been strapped together. She flexed her feet. The straps were tight. A hooded face appeared into her limited field vision.

Blue eyes stared down at her which she found strange “So you are awake!” The Woman stated “Just rest as long as you can! Don´t count on your friends coming for you – not this time!” The blonde starred back: Chris was curious not scared: Her sharp ears detected an accent – her Captor spoke with a trace of a German accent. What had Vandenberg told them? The Chancellors daughter had joined the daughters of Isis? Could it be her?

“If you wait for a reaction, you can wait till the cows come home!” Chris thought scornfully. Her disdain must have shown on her face “You will sing a different tune soon enough!” the black hooded figure assured her. Chris could not see that she was grinning – but the colour of her voice told her as much.

The Command Vehicle:

Birte looked at the screen “They are moving West!” She checked the charts “If they follow this track, they will go to …” “They will go to the Necropolis of Abusir” Shana Al Amari stated firmly – unmoved, and professionally calm “That makes it difficult to find her” Nabiah bint Husseini pointed out “but there are rumours about activities at the southern part of the Necropolis”

“About how many Tombs are we talking? Anna barely hid the sarcasm in her voice. Al Amari´s second in command shrugged “Only 20” the Egyptian stated calmly “Right – only 20” the Violinist huffed “That narrows it down”

Inwardly she fumed: She had warned Chris about going alone – but at times the Pianist could be as stubborn as an old mule. Not that she was any better “Chris” Anna cursed inwardly “What were you thinking?” Birte interrupted her musings – she sounded alarmed “The Tracker Signal it is gone!”

Anna cursed.

Unknown location:

The Van came to a halt. Chris felt a sharp prick in her left shoulder. A warm sensation floated her body. Her field of vision narrowed –and then there was just blackness: She fell, and fell and fell and fell …..

When Chris came around the next time she was staring at a star covered ceiling. Blue stars carved in white stone: Limestone? She craned her neck and faced black polished stone – on her left and on her right side:

Only then she registered she was lying on stone, hard stone “Wait” she paused “I am lying in a Sarcophagus?” Chris took stock of her predicament. The Assessment was not encouraging:

From the tips of her toes right under her flaring nostrils her body was enclosed by heavy leather. A body sheath? Her body was compressed from all sides, very very compressed. The pressure was immense:

Straps from her big toes upwards right above her breasts increased the pressure “And those bitches plugged me, plugged me both ways!” Chris concluded. Her Arms had been welded together behind her back in an Armbinder? Obviously her Arms had been restrained before her body had been sheathed.

To her surprise she found she was not gagged “Yet” the blonde mused darkly: As if on cue the black hooded face appeared over her. The blue eyes starred down at her again “Finally awake blondie?” her captor teased her. Chris just stared back – she hated it to be called “blondie” - “You wonder probably why you are not gagged yet, aren´t you!”

The pianist smiled “The thought crossed my mind” – she did not put the effort in to hide her Sarcasm “I wondered if this was an oversight or just your ineptitude”

Her captor did not take the bait, instead she turned around “Sachem and Teje!” she commanded “The presents and the gag – lend me a hand then to shut this big mouth up!”

Chris had to give it to her handlers: The acted efficiently and thoroughly: Her leather encased body was pulled roughly in a sitting position. Defiantly the German stared at her captor. The outcome was clear, but Chris was resolved to make her handlers work hard. So she pressed her lips tightly together.

The Woman called Sachem did her best to pry her jaws open. The second one pinched Chris´ nostrils together: Slowly her face turned beetle red, but she resisted still. The jab at her solar plexus made Chris gasp – and this was the opportunity her handlers had waited for, as the Leader worked the very large ball of cloth behind her teeth she smiled gleefully “Those are two ripest socks – you like the taste?” Chris just stared daggers at the other woman and did her best not to choke on the really really ripe socks “That Comedian did not exaggerate”

The worst was yet to come: The contraption one her captors held now before her face? Chris knew those: they had been gagged with them at that fateful evening when Al Mansour had been kidnapped at Rachel Weinsteins Penthouse …

The Leader was obviously amused by the look of disgust on their captive´s face “This is the enhanced model!” Chris mumbled something in her fully packed mouth “Curious?” the black-hooded woman grinned:

The Contraption was a heavy posture-collar-neck-corset-combo, which compressed her lower face crushingly together. The “Enhancement” was a large foam ball on the inside. As one of her handlers closed the Device behind her head, the large ball was pressed slowly but steadily in her mouth and against the large mass of dirty socks in Chris mouth. Finally her handler was done. The German was panting heavily through her nose.

“We are not finished yet!” her Captor grinned. Chris learned soon why: Her handlers brought a heavy leather helmet. The blonde starred daggers at her hooded handler – and fumed at her impotence. With ease the two daughters of Isis enclosed the blonde´s head with the heavy leather helmet. Chris´ whole head felt like in a vice like grip.

But the Egyptians still were not finished: One of them pulled a leather strap around Chris´ gagged mouth – or where her mouth would have been. Had it not been hidden under the Contraption and the heavy leather helmet: A second strap was pulled around Chris´ head and closed tightly under her chin - pressing her Jaw´s even more firmly together

“You will get used to it!” one of the women said to her as Chris was laid on her back “And don´t worry it will only be a short time!” Only now the blonde registered that she did not lie on stone but on a board: Her Captors strapped the leather encased pianist tightly on the bench. The last one around her forehead, now Chris was forced to look at the ceiling above her:

The leaders black hooded face appeared into her field of vision again: Gleefully she spoke “Your friends, won´t find you in time!” Chris could have sworn the woman grinned “This contraption was designed by our ancestors to capture grave robbers”

She paused for affect “Look! Right above you a 30 Ton Block of Granite is hanging – if I pull the lever” The Woman could not hide their anticipation “It will smash you, slowly” The Woman had pulled the lever because the large massive block began to descend – to descend on Chris. She discovered that sharp metal spikes protruded from the massive stone block:

“I will not only be smashed but pierced by those spikes!”

Her handler enjoyed clearly the moment as the blonde realized her predicament fully “Let me tell you something: “The Spikes alone will not kill you – they will pierce your flesh, not any important organs, they are poisoned though. You will live through an agony of pain – before the stone smashes you to pulp! – Pharaoh´s scientists took care of that. They tested it extensively on not so willing subjects!”

Chris just stared at her Nemesis “Still playing the strong and silent type?” the Egyptian chuckled “Not for long! And Pharaoh will watch your demise!” she pointed at the lense of Camera above the blonde – the Egyptian turned and left.

Chris heard as her captors made their getaway. She was alone.

The massive granite block descended slowly. Chris strained against the leather sheath and the straps with all her considerable strength. The leather creaked – but did not budge. And then the two vibrators sprung to life. The little devil on her right shoulder whispered in her ear “At least you will go to hell with a good orgasm! Enjoy!” The granite block sank lower, lower – and lower. The light glittered on the sharp spikes.

Chris did not panic – yet. Too deep ingrained in her DNA was the iron self-discipline of the Samurai. Her Sensei had been a hard teacher – but in situations like this the blonde was immensely grateful for his relentless training.

She had calculated when the granite block would smash her to pulp: If she was correct? There was not much time left … as in roughly 30 Minutes?

On the road to Abusir:

“How shall we find Chris?” Anna did her best to contain her emotions “Nothing” Birte shrugged. Then Shana Al Amari Eyes brightened up “There might be a possibility! What are the frequencies of the Tracker?” Sophie was surprised “Why?” The Egyptian smiled “We experimented with a tracking system which can penetrate stones and blockers!”

She turned to her second in command “Nabiah! The laptop!” “But Colonel!” the Captain objected “The Laptop!” Al Amari commanded sharply. Grudgingly Nabiah produced a Laptop. Her facial expression made it clear: She was not pleased by that order.

Sophie shrugged “It is worth a try! Birte! Give Nabiah the frequencies!” Birte complied and the Egyptian hammered in her lap top, concentrated. To Anna these minutes felt like eternity “We have her! We have her!” Shana smiled “The Pyramid of Pepi II!”

“Send me the Coordinates!” Birte commanded “There they are!” Anna floored the van. They would need at least 20 Minutes ….

The Pyramid of Pepi II, the burial chamber, later:

The large granite block descended on her: Slowly, slowly but with clockwork precision. Chris was no one to panic easily, to lose control. But she had to do her best not to succumb to blind panic now. The blonde had no idea how much time had passed.

She had stopped fighting her restraints a while ago. From the sharp tips of the spike dripped a yellowish liquid. Where the drops hit the leather sheath – it began to smoulder … The massive block descended even more. The rational part of her brain told Chris with clinical precision “only 50 Centimetres now!”

Chris mumbled a course in her gag “I know that” ….

Outside the Pyramid:

With screeching tyres the van came to a halt “This is a pyramid?” Anna stared in disbelief at the pile of rubble “The outer layer of polished lime stone is long gone” Evie supplied helpfully – “hence the inner structure is exposed to the elements”

“Right” the Russian commanded “Let´s move out!” She turned to their Egyptian “Friends” “Where is the entry?”

The burial chamber:

Wide eyed Chris stared at the gleaming tips of the spikes – only centimetres away from her leather sheathed body now. At some points – the poison had burned through the heather leather – because she felt a stinging sensation below her right breast, at the instep of her right foot ….

But out of sudden she heard something. She heard quick steps. Quick Steps? Rescue? Her hearing was extraordinary under normal circumstances – the pitch perfect hearing of a musician.

But now she heard like she had never heard before: “There is it!” It was Shana Al Amira – “Nabiah! get the lever!” the Colonel commanded sharply and suddenly the granite block did stop. No! It did not only stop but began to ascend. Slowly – but it did ascend!

Chris heart pounded in her chest. Death had been so close! A face appeared in her limited field of vision- it was Anna. It was Anna who smiled down at her “You are save Chris” the Russian spoke softly “We got you! You are save!” Only slowly Chris´ hammering pulse returned to normal. Patiently she waited. Everything would be alright now …

Gezira: Two hours later:

“There you are!” Anna smiled: Chris sat on the terrace, her bare feet propped on the bannister – and took a sip of her cocktail. The Pianist wore a green linen summer dress which reached down to her ankles her eyes were hidden behind her stylish Brow Aviator sun glasses. She nursed a concoction which looked like a Planters Punch Anna surmised. She knew her friend.

The blonde gazed across the Nile, into the west. Chris took another sip. Nothing indicated that the pianist had noticed the presence of her best friend – but Anna knew Chris was well aware of her presence. Her senses were almost unnaturally sharp: The blonde saw and heard things, other people didn´t.

Anna slipped her clogs off, pulled a chair near, sat next to Chris and propped her feet on the bannister too. Her red nail polish matched her light summer dress. The Russian took a sip of the fine French Rosé – from a Corsica - and stole a glance at Chris.

Her profile still showed the marking of that horrible gag contraption. On her ankles Anna spotted the indentations the leather straps had left. And on the instep of her left foot a burn mark, where the poison had burned through the leather.

After Shana Al Amari and her second in Command had stopped the Trap and the granite block had been retracted in his initial position Anna and Sophie had lifted Chris´ leather sheathed body out of the Sarcophagus and released her. Getting the blonde out of the leathery prison took some time. Chris winced audibly as she removed the vibrator and the butt plug.

Birte Ricciarelli had been quick on the uptake: The Detective had brought Chris´ discarded clothes with her “Thank you” the blonde had smiled and dressed. That everybody looked at her scantily clad body obviously did not bother her “She is a tough cookie” Birte mused. Many other people she knew would have acted shocked and shaken. The Pianist was not.

After she had slipped on her shoes she turned to her friends “Let´s go!” Outwardly she seemed unmoved, but Anna knew her friend well enough: Though Chris was well versed in hiding her true feelings – the Russian read the small signs which betrayed her friend´s true feelings.

The present:

“That was a close call” Chris finally spoke thoughtfully, taking another sip of her Cocktail. It was not her first. “Yes” Anna nodded “If Shana had not been so quick on the uptake we would not sit here together” After a moment of companionable silence she added “The Egyptian won´t probably make it on my Christmas Card List – but she did an excellent job today”

“We are chasing shadows” Chris huffed “In Alexandria we got beaten for the fragment – today we walked into a trap” The blonde fell silent “Someone is playing with us Anna – and I hate that. We made no progress at all – I feel like a puppet on a string” Chris took another large sip of her Cocktail.

“I hear you” Anna smiled “But we knew that could happen when we agreed to take on that assignment”

“Hear, hear” Chris had to smile “Anna Romanova the voice of reason” Anna grinned too “There are stranger things, you know” Now the blonde smiled broadly “Not many! Ouch!” Anna had elbowed the pianist in the rips.

Chris got earnest again “But that does not change a thing: We have not made any progress”

“Wow Chris” Anna smiled “Pessimism isn´t your style” “Call it realism” Chris stated “There is something in the air and don´t tell me, you feel it too. I know you Anna!”

“I feel it too” Anna nodded “That actually hurt you know!” Chris smiled “You will get over it” Anna grinned.

Both friends enjoyed the companionable silence and nursed their drinks. This was a moment of calm, of quiet. Anna and Chris knew, this was just a breather, a moment of calm before the storm.
Last edited by Caesar73 9 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Nainur »

Caesar73 wrote: 9 months ago And the quest continues!
And, indeed, it does!
twice for me, for had to re-read it: all those places and names. No complaint, though, on the contrary: what an effort by you - hail, caesar! Awesome read!
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Post by Argentum »

Great one! And a very nice peril for Chris. But I am sure there are more to come. So, they just cant get onward. I wouldn't know how to progress now. Just being played.
There always can be a few more ropes.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

That was a little too close for comfort for Chris.......

Another superb entry into this tail.

Looking forward to the next chapter
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Post by GreyLord »

That was one hell of a return from your holiday, @Caesar73. That might be as close to flapping as the unflappable Chris ever comes. Well done!
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

@GreyLord @Bandit666 @banshee @Beaumains @Bigballgag1 @Trammel @wolfman @mrjones2009 @slackywacky @Nainur @Shotrow @TightsBound @Pantyhose971 @TayDay95 @NotSeen @Fandango @LunaDog @Argentum

Nainur wrote: 9 months ago tbh.:
twice for me, for had to re-read it: all those places and names. No complaint, though, on the contrary: what an effort by you - hail, caesar! Awesome read!
Thank you my friend! Be prepared for the next chapter on Friday at the latest. I won´t say too much when I tell you, that the next chapter will have far reaching consequences in many ways. The first stage of the quest will come to an end. New challenges await our heroines. Their strength, their resilience will be tested to their utmost limit: Physically and psychologically. It will be a quest not only through the desert but an inner quest as well. Dark times lie ahead.
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Post by GreyLord »

Trying to build up the suspense, are you? Well, you did!
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 9 months ago Trying to build up the suspense, are you? Well, you did!
Thanks @GreyLord That was indeed the plan :)
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