Nothing Personal 6 (F/F)

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
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Post by Caesar73 »

So Crawford lied to Hayley - if Christina is here at the Compound it is safe to assume that the other disappeared friends are there too. Imho Crawford miscalculated. Did she assume Hayely would never find out the truth? Now Hayley will be determined to escape.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 38

EC Compound, Northern Norway

“That is some story,” Hayley said and shook her head. “And you have been here all that time.” Christina nodded her head. “However long that is.” Hayley had released Christina from the bags and removed the bindings and gag. The two friends had shared a long embrace before getting caught up.

“Married,” Christina chortled. Hayley held up her hand and showed the ring. “Don’t tell me anymore.” They fell silent. “Where exactly is here?”
“Don’t know,” Hayley shrugged. “Classic Crawford. Somewhere north and cold. Maybe Norway, Sweden or Finland. Perhaps Russia. I doubt that though.” Silence again. “Have you seen anyone else here?”

“No, apart from the guards and Schmidt.” Hayley had neglected to mention any of the bad luck that had befallen their other friends and acquaintances. She was starting to feel more optimistic about things and didn’t want give her bad news, especially if… “What about you?”
“Just Kirsty,” Hayley replied. “We got grabbed at the same time. Constance got away.”

“Can’t believe that bitch got out of jail.” Hayley shrugged. The pair chatted for another couple of minutes. Then Hayley got up.
“Can’t rescue you just now. Need to come up with a plan first.”

“That’s alright,” Christina replied. “Being tied up and gagged in those bags isn’t so bad. Quite relaxing and comfortable.” Hayley gave Christina a strange look, querying her sanity. “I assume you can get me bound and back in the bags alright.”

“I think I can cover that,” Hayley said as she got up from the bed. “Better get on with in then.” The finger control mitts, cuffs and gag all went back on Christina before she jumped back into the inside bag. The bags had lofted up so much that by herself it was a struggle to get Christina and the first bag inside the second. It felt like a workout when she finally got the zip of the external bag all of the way to the top and locked in in place. “Take it easy babe. I will be back. Promise.” With a final wave Hayley headed for the door. After exiting the room and closing the door behind her Hayley felt buoyant for the first time in a long time. Finding Christina had been exactly what she had needed. That was Natalie safe and Christina returned from the dead. It had been a good week in that sense. Hayley looked at the other doors and wondered what or who was behind them. A quiet moan from around the corner told her that would be for another day. As she walked round the corridor Hayley saw Perrie sitting upright against the wall, groaning and shaking her head. “Not had the pleasure in a while.” Perrie looked up and gave Hayley a withering look. Ignoring the Hayley reached out a hand and helped Perrie up.

“Thanks,” Perrie said as she brushed down the back of her skirt. That movement drew Hayley’s eye toward the dress. It was lovely, a nice shade of purple or maybe lilac.

“Nice dress.” Hayley held out the electronic card and Perrie snatched it from her. “I am coming back tomorrow night to have another look around.”

“You are not,” Perrie stated. Hayley just nodded as if Perrie had agreed.

“Don’t tell Elizabeth, or anybody else. It will just be our little secret.”

“I said…”

“I won’t knock you out. Just tie you up. Something to look forward to.”

“There will be somebody else here as well.” Perrie crossed her arms across her chest.

“I will make sure and bring enough material then.” Decision made Hayley turned and headed for the door, not looking back. “Be sure and close this behind me.” The rude gesture that Perrie made to Hayley’s back was missed by the smiling blond. After getting back to her room, with a skip in her step all of the way. It felt good to be doing something positive again. Hayley slipped inside quietly, not wanting to disturb Kayleigh if she was asleep. Slipping off the dress Hayley hung it up and then went to the chest of drawers and removed a pair of blue silk pyjamas and a fresh diaper. She put both one and then pulled back the duvet of the bed.

“uummhh…mmuuhhrr…” Kayleigh mumbled.

“Sorry about disturbing you.” Before getting fully settled Hayley untied the woman’ wrists, ankles and removed the gag. “Just settle in and get a good night’s sleep.” Leaving Kayleigh to her own devices Hayley rolled over and got comfortable. Closing her eyes Hayley more relax and positive than she had in weeks and months. She fell asleep quickly and slept very well.

EC Compound, Northern Norway

Feeling self-conscious Hayley made her way from her own room toward Elizabeth’s. She only passed two other women on the way but felt that they were looking at her like they knew exactly what she had been up to last night and more importantly what she had planned for the rest of the day. Hayley knew that she was being stupid. If Elizabeth had known anything Hayley would have woken up this morning wrapped in the living embrace of three down filled restraining bags. Even though, it still paid to be careful. Getting to Elizabeth’s door Hayley gathered herself and knocked twice before opening the door and walking in. “Morning Elizabeth,” Hayley called.

“Morning Honey,” Elizabeth responded as she came out of the bathroom. “I heard that you enjoyed yourself last night.” Elizabeth tone was trying to come across as natural and unbothered but it wasn’t working.

“Took that new girl, Kayleigh back to my room but we didn’t do anything.” Elizabeth made her way across the room, pecked Hayley on the cheek and walked toward the bed. There were papers sitting on the duvet. Hayley assumed that was what Elizabeth was going to retrieve. “Elizabeth.” Crawford stopped halfway and turned around. “I couldn’t.” Hayley put on her best innocent look, full on coquettish ingenue. “Do you have any plans this morning?” Elizabeth shook her head. Ignoring her stomach churning, Hayley pulled the zip down of her dress and let fall to the floor. There was no underwear. “Well, you do now.” Giving in her best sultry, she could do sultry, Hayley slowly walked across. Elizabeth was transfixed. “You want to touch me.” Hayley leaned in close to Elizabeth and whispered in her ear. “You want to hold a cloth over my nose and mouth,” Hayley gently kissed Elizabeth on the neck. “You want to put me to sleep.” Another kiss further down. “You want to watch my eyelids flutter.” Leaving that hanging Hayley walked over to the bed, pulled back the cover and got in. Elizabeth was still facing the other direction. “It is cold under these covers. I hear that the best things for warmth is bodily contact.” Elizabeth reached round and fumbled around the zip on her dress before letting it fall to the floor, as she stepped out of the dress her heel caught the mass of fabric and she stumbled. Hayley supressed a smile. Elizabeth hurried over to her side of the bed and jumped in as Hayley held the covers open. She dropped them over Elizabeth. “I told you it was cold. Now, what can we do to warm up?”

Three hours later

Lying on her side Hayley had dozed off for half an hour. It was a welcome nap. Elizabeth had indeed taken her up on her offer to put her to sleep with a chloroform-soaked cloth. It was clear that Elizabeth had enjoyed it immensely. Almost as much as what had gone on before. Hayley yawned and stretched. “Awake then Sleepyhead.”

“Well, I did have some help with the sleeping part,” Hayley rolled over and came face to face with Elizabeth. They looked at each other for a while then Elizabeth sighed. “Was that directed at me?”

“Never,” Elizabeth dived in and pecked Hayley on the forehead. “Just that I have business to take care of and really I would rather stay here.”

“The little wife left at home,” Hayley commented.

“I very much doubt that.” Elizabeth slipped out from under the covers and padded across to the bathroom. “Need another shower after that. You stay there and get some rest.” Taking the offer Hayley cosied in and got comfortable. In addition to lovely dresses, Elizabeth had great taste in soft furnishings. The bed coverings were of the highest quality. She must have dozed off again as the next thing that she knew Elizabeth was gently shaking her awake.

“Oh,” Hayley was a little shocked, “must have drifted off again.”

“Not to worry. You stay here in bed if you like. Get some rest, watch the television, use the tub and I will see you later.” Hayley nodded. “I have to make another trip away.” Hayley pouted. “Yeah. Just as we were starting to get along.” Hayley nodded. “Just a couple of days, three at the most.”
“You go and sort out your business. I will be here waiting for you when you get back.” She smiled coyly and flutter her eyelids. “I hope that doesn’t affect your concentration.” Elizabeth licked her lips.

“I will try and get finished early then,” Elizabeth said and turned away. “I will be back later tonight after making preparations for my trip.”

“Oh, before you leave,” Hayley pushed a thigh from under the covers and dangled a leg. “Perrie had on a lovely dress.”

“Go and see The Seamstress. She will knock you one up.” Elizabeth smiled. “Second floor of the leisure block. Something to do when I am away.” Time to chance your luck girl.

“I will be alone whilst you are away. Could I see Kirsty?”

“You can talk to the girls. Perrie, Yelena, Vernie,” Elizabeth suggested. “Well, maybe not Yelena.”

“I don’t think that they like me, or are scared of my relationship with you.” Elizabeth looked at Hayley.

“Alright, let me think about it. You would have to look after her. She isn’t you. No special favours. Restrained and gagged outside rooms. Bagged.” Hayley nodded. “I shall take it under consideration.” With that she spun and left the room. Finally, Hayley relaxed and let out a sigh. Reaching out Hayley grabbed the television remote and after brining the screen to life she found a news station and watched for half an hour, hoping to find an update on Jaclyn. There was nothing. With nothing else to do Hayley muted the television and decided to get some rest. It may be another long night.

EC Compound, Northern Norway

Knocking on the door Hayley waited for a respond from inside. There was a muffled noise and Hayley took that as an invitation to enter. After Elizabeth had left, she had fallen asleep for a couple of hours. When she had woken Hayley had felt refreshed. Jumping out of bed Hayley had a shower and got dressed before deciding to take a trip and track down The Seamstress. It hadn’t been difficult to find the place. There was a sign above the door. When she entered Hayley looked around the room. It was spacious with a large window on her right, it ran the whole length of the room. Natural light Hayley assumed. Wooden shelves lined the other wall full of rolls of material all different sizes and colours. Dotted around the room were tailors dummies and clothes rails on wheels with that held dress in various states of construction. “Alright luv! What can I do for you?” It took Hayley a second to find the source of the voice. A woman in her fifties appeared wearing sensible shoes, jeans and a cardigan over a plain white t-shirt. A pair of spectacles hang on a chain around her neck.

“Hi,” Hayley raised a hand in greeting.

“Not the accent you were expecting. Born in Phuket, raised in Whitby.” Hayley nodded. “Hayley isn’t it.?”

“Yes, nice to meet you.” The Seamstress approached and slipped on her spectacles. She examined the dress that Hayley was wearing.

“You are a pleasure to make dresses for luv. Curves in all the right places.”

“Thanks,” Hayley said blushing.

“I mean it. Doesn’t hurt to have a face like yours either.” The Seamstress took the spectacles off her nose and let then drop. “Would love to work with you more. Any spare time pop along.”

“Well, that is why I am here. Perrie had a dress on that I liked the look of.

“No problem luv. Take a look throw those folders and see if what you after in in there.” The woman had pointed to a stack of blue folders sitting on a desk. “Keep a record of all of my dresses.” Hayley walked across and The Seamstress watched her walk. “Ah.” Hayley turned. “Sorry, always helps to see the dresses in action on you. A couple of adjustments around those hips of yours.” Picking up the first folder Hayley started to flick through. “Have a seat. Take your time. Nice to have some company.”

“Thanks,” Hayley pulled across a chair that was sitting near the table. There was something very likable about The Seamstress. The woman busied herself working as Hayley looked through the folders. Although quickly finding the dress she was looking for Hayley continued to flick through the folders. The two women exchange chat throughout. “This stuff is amazing.” Hayley had found a folder with designs and photographs that weren’t Elizabeth Crawford. “What are these?” The Seamstress walked across and looked over Hayley’s shoulder.

“Just some stuff from my imagination. There are some on a rack at the back luv. Work on them on my spare time.”

“Can I have a look?”

“Yeah, sure but let’s get you measured up first. Slip out of that dress and get behind the screen.” After getting the dress off Hayley was patient as The Seamstress used her battered and well used tape to take measurements all around her body and noted them down on a pad with a pencil. “Finished. You can get dressed and then look around.” Once her dress was back on Hayley casually looked around the shelves.

“You have some nice stuff here.” Working her way to the back of the room Hayley admired the fabric, dresses, silk scarves. “Scarves.” Suddenly she remembered her plans for tonight, grabbed a handful of silk scarves and stuffed them into her bosom. Then she found the rack of dresses that The Seamstress and looked through them, pulling some out like she was in a store. “They really are lovely.” She put back the final dress that she liked and returned to the front of the room and saw The Seamstress busy looking through rolls of fabric. “Nice stuff.”

“Thanks,” The Seamstress replied not taking her eyes from her search.

“Must be hard to get supplies up here.”

“Yeah, especially if the weather if bad and the helicopters can’t get up. Then you are left with the options of taking one of the ATVs for a long, long drive or making for the harbour and getting one of the boats out but I think those are a lot of hassle.” Boats? Hayley would have to try and investigate those if she got the chance.

“Thanks again,” Hayley turned and headed for the door.

“Don’t be a stranger luv,” The Seamstress said as Hayley left. As she walked back to her room what she had learned over the past couple of days went around in her head as she tried to put some pieces together and come up with a plan of action.

EC Compound, Northern Norway

It was the same journey as the previous night for Hayley, except this time she passed Yelena and Linda whilst heading to the research block. She smiled and said hello. They both nodded back but gave no indication that they any suspicions about what Hayley was up to. When Elizabeth returned that evening Hayley pretended to be asleep in the hope that her captor would leave her alone. That wasn’t the case, but not in the way Hayley expected. A gentle nudge on the shoulder was followed by Hayley pretending to stir. “Hi!” Hayley mumbled.

“Sorry honey but I have to leave soon for a business trip.” Elizabeth said.

“Right away?” Hayley asked.

“Yes, unfortunately it is urgent.” Hayley face was full of disappointment, her brain was the opposite. Elizabeth spent half an hour getting ready and then waved as she exited the room. Hayley gave it ten minutes and then almost ran to the bathroom to grab a quick shower before getting dressed and heading back to her room to wait until she judged the time was right.

This time when she reached the secured door Hayley rapped confidently on the glass and waited for Perrie to open the door. Perrie’s face peered at her through the thick glass and Hayley smiled and mouth “Open the door.” Perrie didn’t exactly look thrilled to see her but that wasn’t Hayley’s problem. However, the door opened and Hayley entered to find Perrie standing beside another woman. “Sakura, isn’t it?” The young woman nodded. Hayley had a same bag with her and pulled out a couple of silk scarves. She didn’t want the two women to have any time to think. Hayley just wanted them to react to what she was saying.

“Turn around and put your hands behind your backs.” Hayley put her hands on her hips. Sakura looked at Perrie for direction as Perrie was the more senior of the pair. Perrie’s shoulders slumped as she nodded her head and turned around, offering her wrists to Hayley who quicky bound them tightly with a silk scarf. “Now you Sakura.” The younger woman complied and Hayley quicky bound Sakura’s wrists tightly with a silk scarf. That was a relief. Hayley was glad that both women had obeyed her commands. Hayley then helped both women into sitting positions with their backs against the wall and their legs out in front of them. Before they could change their minds Hayley quickly tied both Perrie’s and ankles together with another couple of scarves. Next Hayley balled up one of the scarves and moved it toward Perrie’s mouth.

“Is that any need for that?” Perrie asked knowing that Hayley meant to gag them both.

“Elizabeth is very clear about this,” Hayley said with barely concealed glee. “Plus, I can’t have you trying to call for help and this removes the temptation.” Perrie sighed and opened her mouth and allowed Hayley to cram the balled-up wad of silky fabric into her mouth. It took a little prodding but eventually it all fitted inside Perrie’s mouth, well sort of. A silk scarf folded into a band and tied that tightly over Perrie’s mouth to prevent the stuffing from being spat out. You would have thought that a silk scarf wouldn’t do that job but tied as firmly over the mouth as Hayley had done it is was as good as welded in place. It was a talent she had gained over recent years. “That wasn’t so bad.” Moving to her left a step Hayley applied a very similar gag to Sakura before getting up and straightening her skirt. “Just sit tight.”

“mmppghh…” the bound and gagged women moaned in unison, “uummhh…”

“And be quiet. That’s what the gags are for.” Perrie and Sakura went silent. “Good. I will be back in an hour or so and I expect you pair to sit here quietly, not move and I will untie you when I get back.” The two women nodded. Perhaps this whole Elizabeth Crawford’s wife power trip was going to her head Hayley thought as she turned away. Then stopped. “Almost forgot.” Leaning over she retrieved the electronic access card from Perrier. “Going to need this.” This time Hayley made her way along the corridor and made the turn. She resisted the temptation to head straight into the room where she had found Christina and headed for the next door down. That was on the opposite side of the corridor. With a sense of trepidation Hayley approached the door and used the card to disengage the electronic lock. She pushed the door open and stepped inside. As per the previous night the room was in pitch darkness until a sensor caught her movement and the lights sprang into life. Hayley blinked a couple of times and then looked around the room. Identical to the one that Christina was in across the corridor, including the massive down cocoon lying on the bed. This one was black and massive and puffy. “Shall we see who we have here?”
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Post by algebrauk »

Where does one have to go to find these rooms with coccooned, bound and gagged beauties lying inside? Asking for a friend ;)

Thanks for keeping the story going @mrjones2009 it's been an epic journey so far.
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Post by LunaDog »

algebrauk wrote: 8 months ago Where does one have to go to find these rooms with coccooned, bound and gagged beauties lying inside? Asking for a friend ;)

Thanks for keeping the story going @mrjones2009 it's been an epic journey so far.
A VERY good and relevant question!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

LunaDog wrote: 8 months ago
algebrauk wrote: 8 months ago Where does one have to go to find these rooms with coccooned, bound and gagged beauties lying inside? Asking for a friend ;)

Thanks for keeping the story going @mrjones2009 it's been an epic journey so far.
A VERY good and relevant question!
A very good question indeed! Who knows?

@algebrauk & @LunaDog Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. Very much appreciated.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Several more pieces of the puzzle Fall into place: Hayley learns something important from the Seamstress - another lie of Crawford unmasked.

And Hayley discovers another one of her friends. Crawford is very clever - no doubt - but she should know by know how ressourceful Hayley can be ....

Crawfords desire for revenge, her high opinion of her own Genius- and her love for Hayley are a dangerous cocktail.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 39

Industrial Estate, Port of Salerno

“Abbassare le pistole,” Claudia said “Possiamo parlare.” The woman took a step forward and raised her hand in a placating gesture. That seemed to startle the already nervous police officers and there was movement.

“Wait!” Rhiannon called putting her hands out in a defensive manner just before the sound of gunfire echoed around the cavernous space.
Rhiannon closed her eyes and turned her head away. Then the sound of gunfire stopped and she realised that she wasn’t dead. Actually, she felt fine. Opening her eyes Rhiannon looked around and saw that the police remained where they were. Guns still pointed at them. Even better she wasn’t full of holes that oozed blood. Neither were lying on the ground full of holes. The three women exchange looks. Gina shrugged. “What exactly is going on?” Rhiannon asked.

"Cos'è successo,” Claudia said, looking at the police officers. They didn’t respond but looked around nervously. Two tall figures appeared from the shadows on either side of the police officers. They both wore boots, dark trousers, black shirts, long dark coats and wide brimmed hats that cast a shadow over their features. The only difference between the two figures was that one was male and the other female. Each held a silenced pistol in a hand. The man in his right hand, the woman in her left.

“I guess that you are wondering what is going on?”

“It had crossed our minds,” Gina replied as she took a step forward. Just then there were two spurts and pieces of concrete flew off from the wall just over the heads of Rhiannon, Claudia and Gina. The three women froze.

“These guns are loaded with real bullets,” the man said, “I can assure you.”

“We get the message,” Rhiannon replied. So, too it seemed had the police officers. They started to retreat and make their way down the stairs.

“What do you want?”

“Patience,” the man replied. “Shall we wait until we have some privacy. Whilst we wait, phones, purses, etcetera on the floor. You know the drill.” Neither Rhiannon, Claudia or Gina made a move. The woman’s gun spat again and the bullet ricocheted off the floor causing Rhiannon to flinch.

“Will you watch what you are doing?” Rhiannon asked.

“Obey instructions and nobody will get hurt,” the man stated. The echo of the final footsteps of the police officers leaving disappeared and the large space was silent as Rhiannon, Claudia and Gina deposited their personal belongings on the floor in front of them. “Good. Raven.” The clicking of heels could be heard then a woman appeared dressed in black combat boots, black combat trousers and t-shirt with a bomber jacket over that. A baseball cap rounded off the outfit and a rucksack was slung over her right shoulder. Raven approached Rhiannon, Claudia and Gina and walked behind Rhiannon. “Just do as Raven requests and no more bullets will be used.”

“Hands,” Raven said.

“What?” Rhiannon asked.

“Give me your hands?” Rhiannon looked at the two gun-wielding figures and then put her hands behind her back. Raven immediately began to wrap nylon rope around Rhiannon’s wrists.

“What is going on?” Rhiannon asks.

“I would have thought that was obvious,” the man replied as Raven finished wrapping the rope around Rhiannon’s wrists half a dozen times before cinching and knotting off the rope.

“What is the meaning of this?” Gina asked.

“We have been hired to deliver you somewhere,” the man replied as she moved position slightly into a better position to cover the three women. His gun never left its target.

“Where and to whom?” Gina asked.

“The first I cannot divulge for obvious reasons and the second I don’t know or care.” As this exchange was taking place Raven had place two straps around Rhiannon’s torso and tightened them to pin Rhiannon’s arms to her body.

“Ah, that’s tight.”

“That is the whole point,” Raven replied.

“Does she not talk?” Claudia asked looking on the direction of the woman with the gun. The man smiled but didn’t take her eyes off Gina and Claudia. He shrugged as if that was an answer.

“Open your mouth,” Raven instructed.

“Is there really any need of that,” Rhiannon replied.

“Open your mouth,” Raven repeated. Rhiannon sighed and opened her mouth. A large, mouth filling device was push inside with some difficulty. It felt like a beanbag covered in silk. It was uncomfortable and unsettling for Rhiannon and she mumbled in complaint as Raven took the white silk scarf form around her neck, folded it into a band and used it to gag Rhiannon mouth to prevent the stuffing from being spat out.

“mmhhnn…uummhh…” Rhiannon moaned in complaint as the two ends of the scarf were tied tightly at the back of her head.

“You stand there,” Raven said as she moved on and repeated the same procedure with Claudia and then Gina. Soon all three women had their wrists tied, arms pinned and mouths silenced. That task complete Raven then picked up the items that Rhiannon, Claudia and Gina had set on the ground and put them into the rucksack. She then nodded at the man and woman with the guns.

“Time to move,” the man beckoned the bound and gagged women with the gun. “Shall we. Down the stairs and then out the rear door.” There was a pause before Rhiannon set off and then Claudia and Gina followed close behind. Raven hurried up and led the way. The woman fell in beside Rhiannon, grabbed her upper left arm and stuck the gun into her ribs. It was a warning to them all not to try anything. The man took position at the rear of the line a couple of paces behind Gina. “Nothing silly ladies and we will all get through this unscathed.” The line made its way down the stairs and turned left to head to the back door. It was already lying open. Out into the colling night air and they were in an alley between warehouses. At either end of the alley sat a police car blocking off access to anybody that wanted to come down and interrupt. There was a dark blue van sitting in the alley and Raven hurried over and opened the rear doors. Without having to be asked Rhiannon climbed the steps and got inside. The woman put her hand in Claudia’s chest to get her to stop.

“One at a time,” the man said from the rear. Inside the van Rhiannon took in the interior. There were three pillows set in the floor of the van. Those pillows were sitting at the head of three leather sleep-sacks.

“uummhh…mmoohh…” Rhiannon moaned.

“Face down in one of the pillows. Now.” Raven’s instruction was clear. Rhiannon wasn’t looking forward to this but managed to get down on her knees in the sleep-sack and then lie down with her head on the pillow, turned to one side. No sooner had Rhiannon lay down had Raven wrapped duct tape around Rhiannon’s ankles a dozen times. “Better safe than sorry.” Then Raven adjusted Rhiannon’s legs and placed her feet into the bottom of the sleep-sack before starting to zip the sack up. As the zip was pulled up, Rhiannon felt the two sides close in around her body and embrace her tightly all the way up to her neck where Raven locked off the zip. Then a series of heavy straps were secured around Rhiannon making her immobile. During the whole process Rhiannon growled and complained into the gag. It was going to be difficult to get comfortable trapped into a sack face down. She moved her head around on the pillow to try and get comfortable. There was a pat on Rhiannon’s rear end and Raven stood up. “Next.” Rhiannon was looking the other way but felt movement as Claudia and Gina were given the same treatment. Then once all three had been secured Raven took a seat and the rear doors were closed over. A short time later the police car at one end of the alley moved and the van exited to begin the journey to its final destination.

EC Compound, Northern Norway (Present Day)

Hayley stirred under the duvet. It seemed that she had slept longer than she had expected. There was a noise coming from outside the door to her room. “What is that?” Hayley stretched and flung off the covers. Swinging her legs out her feet found the slippers that she had left lying there the night before. Just as she stood up the door opened and a gurney was pushed through. The gurney had a down cocoon on it. This was promising, it looked like Elizabeth had given her the gift that she wanted.

“Special delivery,” Tahani said as she wheeled the gurney with the massive down cocoon around to the side on the bed. “You going to stand there or give me a hand with this,” the tall woman commented as she unbuckled the straps holding the down cocoon in place. Quickly Hayley smoothed out the rumpled covers and scurried across. “You take the bottom. On three.” The both lifted and shifted the down cocoon onto the bed. “The Boss said that I should remind you of the rules.” Hayley nodded, barely able to contain her excitement. Like a kid about to unwrap a present at Christmas. “Back in two nights to collect.”

“See you then,” Hayley watched Tahani until she had left and closed the door. Then she made her way to the top of the cocoon, leaned over and gave Kirsty a thumbs up. “Managed to get us a couple of days together.”

“uummoo…oohhmm…ffuumm…” Kirsty shook her head and mumbled into the thick ball and pad gag that she was currently wearing.

“Have I got news for you?” Kirsty gave her a questioning look. “Not here though.” Hayley lowered her voice and whispered into Kirsty’s ear. “Just act normal.” Grabbing the small handle Hayley pulled down the zip of the massive external bag and then with some effort hauled the internal bags containing Kirsty out of them and threw the largest bag onto the floor. It landed with a whump. As the bag hit the floor Hayley looked at it and again wondered how she got on in the middle of it. The next two bags were removed relatively quickly but still with some effort. Kirsty was now lying on the bed uncovered. “Feeling a bit cold?”

“eearryy…mmuuyy…” Kirsty mumbled into the gag as she lifted her head. Hayley removed the gag, finger control mitts, straps and cuffs that had been used to bind Kirsty and threw them into the gaping chasm of the open external bag.

“For later use,” Hayley said.

“Such is life,” Kirsty commented as she got up and embraced Hayley. “Thanks for getting me out. Even if it is only for a couple of days.”

“No problem,” Hayley replied. “Least that I could do.”

“Now, what has been going on?”

“I think that we should head out.” Kirsty gave Hayley a look and Hayley made a gesture with her hand across her throat and then pointed at the door and made a walking motion with her fingers.

“Alright,” Kirsty replied not really sure what was going on. Hayley walked across to the chest of drawers, opened a draw and pulled out some scarves and a large cloth. She returned to Hayley balling up the cloth.

“Open up babe,” Hayley moved the wad of fabric toward Kirsty’s mouth.

“Seriously?” Kirsty asked, moving her head ever so slightly backwards.

“Sorry,” Hayley shrugged, “those are the rules.” The cloth got closer.

“Seems like Elizabeth is getting you well trained. In no time you will mmmppphhh…” Hayley stuffed the cloth into Kirsty’s mouth, shutting off any further chat from her friend.

“Any more of that and you won’t get your present tonight.” Hayley winked.

“hheessiinntt,” Kirsty mumbled as Hayley brought up a folded silk scarf and tied it over her mouth.

“We will keep the gag at that if you keep quiet,” Hayley had a broad smile on her face. Kirsty rolled her eyes. “Cuffs or scarf on the wrists. I really should use cuffs, especially as I don’t have chloroform if you get frisky but I trust you.” Kirsty groan and nodded toward the scarf in Hayley’s hand before turning around and offering her hands behind her back. The scarf was quickly used to bind Kirsty’s wrists together. “Shall we go?” Hayley asked as she grabbed Kirsty by the arm and led her toward the door. On exiting the room, they took a right turn and made the short journey to Ellizabeth’s room. After punching in the code to disengage the lock Hayley opened the door and ushered Kirsty inside. She glanced left and right to make sure that nobody was following or taking too much interest in what they were doing. Hayley entered the room and closed the door behind her. She flet she could now relax a little. Although this was Elizabeth’s room with her away none of the other women would dare enter. Kristy glanced over her shoulder as Hayley started to remove the padded cuffs. Once those were removed and tossed onto the bed, she removed the silk scarf that formed part of Kirsty’s gag.

“Why here?” Kirsty asked once Hayley had removed the stuffing from Kirsty’s mouth.

“There won’t be any listening devices.” Hayley said. “Plus, she has a massive tub with a jacuzzi function.” Hayley pointed in the direction of the bathroom with one had as she searched for the zip of her dress with the other whilst stepping out of her shoes. “I will get that filled up and you can get the refreshments.”

“Where?” Kirsty looked around and saw the fridge. “Never mind.” As Hayley found a hanger and took care of her dress Kirsty opened the fridge. A wide variety of drinks were in there. “Champagne, of course.” Finding what looked like the most expensive bottle Kirsty grabbed it and then headed off to find two flutes. Entering the bathroom Kirsty found a naked Hayley patiently waiting for the large tub to fill up. “You weren’t wrong. That is a large tub.”

“Not long,” Hayley held out her hand and took the Champagne. “Unless you are getting in like that, I would suggest you strip.

“One track mind you, filthy, filthy woman,” Kirsty didn’t seem bother and ripped off her down suit, bra and diaper and tossed them through the door and into the bedroom. “I bet Liz doesn’t let you get away with that.” Hayley made a fist and punched Kirsty lightly on the shoulder.

“Maybe later,” Hayley winked then popped the cork on the Champagne and nodded at the tub. “Shall we get in.” They both climbed in and got settled at different parts of the tub. It was kind of shaped like an oval. Kirsty held up the two flutes and Hayley topped them up with Champagne before setting the bottle on the floor. Sitting in the tub Hayley raised a glass. “In any other circumstances.”

“Agreed,” Kirsty gently tapped the glasses together and sat back. “So, what is this bug news that you couldn’t tell me earlier?” Hayley smiled.

“Christina is alive,” Kirsty looked shocked. “Gayle also And Rhiannon.”

“WHAT!” Kirsty exclaimed.

“They are alive and well. When I say well, bound and gagged in restraining bags in the research section of this facility.” Kirsty look on dumbfounded, unable to take in the news. “Elizabeth has been holding them as prisoners all this time.” Kirsty shook her head. “I knew that something wasn’t right when I went to that party,” Hayley took a sip from her glass. It took Kirsty another minute or so to process the news.

“Party?” Kirsty raised a questioning eyebrow in best Roger Moore fashion.

“Every month Elizabeth allows the girls to have a party. Let the relax, let their hair down…”

“Blow off some steam…”

“Exactly,” Hayley pointed at Kirsty with the hand that the glass was in. “Anyway, Elizabeth said that I should go along to the latest party, to integrate, get to know the girls, make friends…”

“I bet that you were Little Miss Popular?” Hayley nodded.

“Well, it turns out that the party was fancy dress party. Nobody told me though and I rocked up wearing my big blue dress. Think that I just about managed to convince everyone that I was Cinderella attending the ball,” Kirsty took a sip of her drink and waited for Hayley to get back on track, “well as I was mingling, I walked past Vernie and she was dressed as the captain of a ship. Nice bright white uniform with all of the patches. Looked very authentic right down to the name Destiny embroidered above the left chest pocket.” Hayley paused for a second.

“Emily St Clare’s yacht.” Hayley nodded.

“Now, to digress a little I was chatting to The Seamstress about how hard it is to supplies in and out and she mentioned helicopters, ATVs and boats from the harbour.” Kirsty raised her glass. Hayley nodded a thanks. “Back to the party and the outfits. Pirate, prisoner, cat burglar. They all seemed familiar. Linda was dressed as a cowgirl and had a belt buckle, one of those bug shiny ones that read Casper County Rodeo 2019.”

“That was where Christina went missing,” Kirsty was correct.

“I also overheard a comment about me being used in a prisoner exchange with North Korea.”

“And you were thinking Alesandra?”

“Exactly,” Hayley replied. “I don’t know if it was intentional or they didn’t really know what they were doing but it was all there. All I had to do was put it together.” Hayley explained her adventures over the past two days and night.

“Holy shit,” Kirsty said as she topped up their glasses.

“Holy shit indeed,” Hayley echoed. “That bitch swore to my face that she had nothing to do with anything that happened to Christina, Gayle and the rest of them.”

“Is everyone here?” Kirsty asked.

“I don’t know,” Hayley replied. “Christina, Gaye and Rhiannon are definitely here but I have a feeling that behind the rest of the doors lie a lot of women that we know in down cocoons. I didn’t want to overstay my welcome and take the chance of getting caught.” Kirsty chortled.
“I can’t believe that Perrie let you knock her out and then tie her up.”

“Being Elizabeth Crawford’s other half has some advantages. Some of the girls are probably scared that I report them for not being nice to me or letting me do what I want. Have to pick my targets for stuff like that.” Kirsty nodded. “Also starting to think that Elizabeth has set Jaclyn up as well. Something smells wrong about that. I suspect that Schmidt is involved.” They were silent for a while as the water frothed around them.

“What is the plan then?” Kirsty asked. Hayley sighed.

“At the moment it is just play along and try and gather more information. I can’t really do anything else.”

“Sorry, I can’t be of more help but they are keeping me restrained most of the time, “Hayley watched as a strange look crossed Kirsty’s face, “not that it bothers me that much. Those bags are super comfortable and tight, it is like being hugged by a big soft bear.”

“Well, let me work on Elizabeth and see if I can get you out.” Hayley took a long drag from her glass and they set it down on the edge of the bath. “One thing that I do need to work on is finding a way out. Everyone says that there is only the main gate. I don’t think that walking out of it or stealing a helicopter is going to be a viable option.”

“Planning a prison break?”

“It would take some planning and a lot of luck,” Hayley replied. “Probably some outside assistance but who knows if that will ever happen.”

“There must be another way in?” Kirsty asked, more thinking out loud than actually asking the question. “Even most of those ancient castles had another way in. Or to escape. A secret passage that only a few knew about.” That comment struck a chord with Hayley. “What?” Kirsty asked on seeing the look on her friend’s face. “Underground, like a tunnel.”
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Post by Caesar73 »

Now we know what fate befell Rihannon and her Italian Friends and Gayle ..... you got me really when I read the chapter about Rihannons death in Italy :)

The second half of the chapter is a nice mixture of lighthearted fun and Hayley sharing her discoveries with Kirsty. I guess the last lines might get important: If Hayley can find the hidden Passageway and find a way to save herself and her friends.

Makes we wonder what Crawford plans in the longterm with all the cocooned damsels are ....

Nicely done @mrjones2009 !
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Post by LunaDog »

Absolutely LOVED the first part of this chapter. Not that the second part wasn't great too, and it was quite informative. This is coming together rather nicely.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

@Caesar73 & @LunaDog

Thanks for the kind comments they are very much appreciated.
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Chapter 40

10 miles outside Vienna, Austria

There was a relaxed atmosphere in the van as they cruised along the roads. “Just take in easy,” Karolina cautioned, “we don’t want to attract any attention.” Behind the wheel Jodie nodded and made sure to keep to the speed limits. They had been driving for a while now and were off the main roads and onto side roads as they got closer to the pre-arranged rendezvous location. In the rear of the van the down cocoon containing a tightly bound Jasmine Lockspeiser was inside a long crate that currently had the top off. Lisa sat next to the crate ready to slip the top on should the need arise. Suddenly, the sound of rustling nylon filled the rear of the van followed by a very muffled moan.

“Lisa,” Karolina said from the passenger seat. Lisa leaned over from her position on a bench seat and looked into the crate.

“Keep it quiet unless you want to go for another nap,” Lisa instructed. “No moving around either.” Lisa nodded and then sat back. Job done. They were on their way to the rendezvous location with their client. The client had given very specific instructions as to location and timing of the meeting. The team were only to oblige. They were paying the fee after all. The operation had gone smoothly as had the getting out of Budapest. There was no reason to think that the handover would be any different. As they drove along the road the traffic got lighter, the signs of civilization got more spaced out and the number of trees increased. After another ten minutes they were surrounded by dense forest on either side. The ground on either side started to rise sharply on either side of the road.

“Very picturesque,” Jodie commented, “if you like that kind of thing.”

“Checking in,” Lara’s voice crackled through the radio sitting on the dashboard of the van. Courtney and Lara followed the van in a car. A sleek two door sports car. They were about two minutes behind. Close enough to react in an emergency but far enough away as not to be obvious.

“Received. All clear.” Karolina replied.

“We will get ahead of you and scout the site,” Lara said through the radio.

“Confirmed,” Karoline replied. She pointed and Jodie pulled over into the next available parking space off the road. Around two minutes later the car sped by. “Give them twenty minutes and then head after them.” Jodie nodded to confirm that she understood.

Meeting location, 30 miles outside Vienna, Austria

They pulled the car over into a parking passing spot on the narrow lane. “We will walk in from here.” The satellite navigation system and pulled them off the main road and onto what was nothing more than a track about two minutes earlier. It wasn’t the best surface for their choice of vehicle. Lara and Courtney opened their doors and exited the car. Closing the doors as quietly as possible the two women looked around. The trees weren’t that dense but there were plenty of places to hide. The ground was undulating in both directions with plenty of hollows and mounds that someone could hide behind.

“This is a very secluded location,” Courtney commented as she looked around.

“Suppose that makes sense.” Even though Lara wasn’t going to take any chances. There was a hill over on the right. Perhaps a hundred yards away.
“What don’t you take some binoculars and cover us from that hill.” Courtney nodded and walked round to the rear of the vehicle and opened the boot. She removed her jacket and slipped it on before finding the binoculars and putting the case over her shoulder.

“You want your jacket?” Lara responded in the affirmative and Courtney grabbed the black down filled jacket before closing the trunk. “Good luck,” Courtney said as she handed Lara her jacket.

“Thanks,” Lara replied as she watched Courtney head off before she turned and headed along the track. After a couple of minutes Lara could see a clearing appearing and stepped off the track and into the foliage. It wasn’t that thick but would give her cover. She figured that it would be better than just stumbling into the clearing from the track. That would be what anyone looking for them would expect. Lara pushed through the bushes and low hanging branches and stopped just short of the clearing. She took a minute to look around. A clearing in the forest with only one entrance / exit that she could see. A house sat in the center of the clearing with a large barn or warehouse attached. Perhaps some kind of logging operation years ago. It would have to be years ago as the house didn’t look like it had been in use for some time. Giving it another minute to allow her to get a feel for the place she stepped into the clearing and walked toward the house. At the front door Lara knocked and then nudged the door. Expecting someone to be inside to meet them. The door opened with a creak. “Look like there is nobody home.” Taking a deep breathe, Lara stepped through the door.

Meeting location, 30 miles outside Vienna, Austria

There was nothing in the room. It was empty, really empty. An empty fireplace hadn’t been used for years The furniture had been removed years ago by the look of it. No curtains hung on the windows. There were doors off the room. Lara looked around and wondered what she should do. They were scheduled to meet their contact here in less than fifteen minutes assuming the time of her phone was correct. Laar had thought that there would have been some signs of life. Just as Lara was thinking about whether to leave or to investigate what was on the other side of the internal doors when she heard faint footsteps from outside. “Footsteps?” The door opened and Courtney entered. The only problem was that her hands were obviously tied behind her back and there was a gag over her mouth. Three women stood around Courtney. It seemed to be some kind of standoff.

“What’s going on?” Lara asked.

“I would have thought that was perfectly obvious,” a familiar voice said. Lara spun around just as a figure appeared from the shadows of another room. Lara stifled a gasp as the figure moved into the light coming through a window and became recognizable. “Surprised to see me?”

“How?” Lara asked. “I thought you were in a maximum-security prison.”

“I was,” Elizabeth replied. She had been followed into the room by two women wearing long down filled coats, jeans and boots. They made there way over to Lara and grabbed an arm each. “Just render her hands useless at the moment. I want to be able to chat to Lara.” Stunned by the turn of events Lara didn’t resist as her as wrists were brought behind her back and then ropes wrapped around her wrists to bind them together. This was followed by the application of finger control mittens to render her fingers useless. “I hear that you have been busy whilst I was away. Trying to squeeze into my territory.

“It wasn’t quite like that,” Lara replied as she tested her bonds. Not that she should have bothered, there was no slackness or give in the ropes. Her wrists were secure.

“At least you were able to perform one last task for me before you go on a nice trip.” Lara looked at Elizabeth. There was a broad smile on the woman’s face. “Thanks for that by the way.”

“Don’t mention it,” Lara replied with sarcasm. It now made sense. Their mysterious client had been Elizabeth Crawford all along. Pulling the strings. Using them like puppets. Courtney had been pushed into the corner and was standing looking at the wall. Lara heard a noise and then looked back at the door that was now closed.

“If you think that your friends are going to come to your rescue then you are very much mistaken.”

Meeting location, 30 miles outside Vienna, Austria

Taking position just below a tree Courtney tried to blend in as much as possible without wearing camouflage clothing. Fortunately, Courtney had boots, jeans and a short green puffer jacket so it wasn’t that obtrusive. Taking the binoculars from the case she scanned the area. There was plenty of natural cover around so somebody could sneak through. She was just hoping that her eyes would be drawn naturally to any movement or anything that didn’t fit into the surroundings. Her eyes lingered on the clearing with the large house and connected barn just as Lara broke through the undergrowth. “Take it easy,” Courtney said to herself as Lara slowly walked toward the front door. She watched on intently as Lara chapped on the door and then pushed it open. Two seconds later Lara stepped out of sight and Courtney swept the rest of the clearing before she dropped her hands back to her sides and relaxed a little. Suddenly a leather gloved hand clamped itself over Courtney’s mouth. “uummpphh!” Courtney screamed into the hand. As she was pulled backwards something sharp jammed into her back, just below the ribs. Her hands opened and the binoculars fell to the ground. A woman stepped into her vision. Tall, wearing, boots, combat trousers and a long black down jacket.

“Quiet,” the woman hissed. The woman raised her hand which contained a thick, white cloth. “Can you guess what this is?” Courtney nodded. “Do we have to use it?” Courtney shook her head. All the while the gloved hand removed over her mouth. “Good. Now, give my colleague your hands.” Knowing what that meant Courtney put her hands behind her back. Quickly, her wrists were bound tightly together with strong rope. This was followed by the application of thickly padded finger control mitts over her hands to render her fingers useless once the straps were tightened to secure the mitts in place. “When my other colleague removes her hand, you will remain silent and open your mouth to allow her to stuff it full of cloth.” Courtney nodded and when the hand was removed a large, balled-up cloth was forced deep into her mouth. A cloth was cleaved in her mouth to prevent the stuffing from being expelled before another, folded cloth was tied tightly over her mouth. Adding an over the mouth element to the packing and cleave gag. Once her attackers had gagged Courtney to their satisfaction, they patted her down and removed everything that she had on them. Mobile, keys for the car, a small wallet and picked up the binoculars. Courtney had been quickly and efficiently taken off the board by her three attackers.

“mmpphhrr…” Courtney mumbled. The leather gloved hand was reapplied over the gag.

“We told you to be quiet,” the woman hissed. The leader of the group, well Courtney assumed she was the leader, glanced her wristwatch. The woman turned around and then signaled to her colleagues. “Time to go for a nice walk.” Courtney felt a nudge in her back and stumbled a copy of steps forward.

Meeting location, 30 miles outside Vienna, Austria

Standing with her hands bound behind her back Lara silently prayed that her colleagues would ride to the rescue. It was to be a forlorn hope. There was the sound of doors opening and closing from outside the house. Lara and Courtney exchanged a hopeful glance. Lara then looked at Elizabeth Crawford who was smiling and relaxed. It didn’t look promising. They the door opened again and Lara’s heart sank. Karolina, Jodie and Lisa were all led in heavily gagged and with their hands bound behind their backs. “Well, since we are all here, we may as well get on with this.” Elizabeth nodded and Lara felt a firm grip on her arm and she was pulled around and then pushed toward a door.

“Elizabeth,” Lara called, “Elizabeth. Let’s talk…”

“The time for that has passed,” Elizabeth replied. “Don’t make me regret that decision not to have you gagged Lara.” They were all led from the house into the adjoining warehouse. A section of the warehouse was occupied by two vehicles. One of them was a van with the doors lying open. On either side of the van were three plinths one on top of the other. The gap between the plinths was just big enough to fit in a person. On the floor lay ten large restraining bags were lying open and waiting on the floor. Lara, Karolina, Jodie, Courtney and Lisa were led so that they were standing in between a set of different bags. Down filled suits hung on stands on the far side of the large restraining bags, restraints, gags and diapers were strategically placed between the two bags. There entire paraphernalia of their impending future bondage was laid out before them. Almost mockingly. The whole attitude of Elizabeth Crawford and her crew was condescending. It was like the professionals had arrived, the big girls, the bosses and the amateurs were being taught a lesson.

“Can we not talk about this?” Lara asked from the center of the line of five women. There was mumbled moans and groans from her gagged colleagues. Elizabeth didn’t reply she just continued to stalk around behind Lara, Karolina, Jodie, Courtney and Lisa. Then she stopped and Lara could feel the woman at her left shoulder. Lara turned and looked at the taller woman. A nod of the head from Elizabeth and suddenly cloths were pressed over the nose and gagged mouths of Karolina, Jodie, Courtney and Lisa. A chorus of muffled moans broke out.
“Don’t resist ladies. Just relax and let the chloroform do its job. I promise that no harm will come to you. When you come around you will be nice and comfortable but tightly restrained. Easier this way, removes any ideas that you may have about resisting.” There were further moans and groans as the four women were hit with the initial waft of the chloroform’s fumes into their nostrils. As the cloths continued to be applied the moans and groans intensified. That would only last so long. “I admire the homage, I really do ladies,” Elizabeth Crawford had commenced strolling around again, “but I cannot have people walking around pretending to be working on my behalf.”

“Elizabeth, I don’t know what you are thinking…”

“Lara, Lara. Lara,” Elizabeth tutted as she began to walk around the younger woman. “I admire what you have done here. It was brave to totally change your life like that. Take the plunge. Do something different. Something that you find exciting.” As Elizabeth spoke one by one Lara’s colleagues all succumbed to the soporific fumes on the chloroform laced cloths that were clamped over the lower half of their faces. Lara glanced to her left to see Jodie slumped into the arms of tall, dark-haired woman that she thought was Yelena. A long, muffled moan from her right caused Lara to turn around just in time to see Lisa be lowered to the ground by Vernie Benneteau. At the end of the row Courtney was just about hanging on, but it wouldn’t be for much longer. “However, there is always the flipside. If you play with fire there is always the chance that you will get burnt.”

“Look, it…”

“Take care about what you say next as it may be your last words for a while,” Elizabeth interrupted.

“Sod it,” Lara said as the last of her colleagues succumbed to the chloroform and fell to the floor. “At least have the guts to do it yourself.”

“Glady!” Elizabeth held out her right hand and a cloth was placed in it. "Ready?" Elizabeth asked her. Lara stared fearfully at the pungent chloroform-soaked cloth in Elizabeth’s hand, knowing the fate that was in front of her, before saying.

"Yes,” Lara replied, “chloroform me now.”

She involuntarily gasped in fear as Elizabeth brought the chloroform cloth to press over Lara’s nose and mouth. "mmmppphhh…” Lara groaned in distress, her eyes blinking at the overpowering sickly sweet chemical smell coming from the cloth that was being forcible pressed over the lower half of her face. It was a heavy dose of the liquid that had been applied. Elizabeth smiled and looked straight into Lara’s eyes as she forced the woman to inhale the fumes. “uummpphh…” That was when Lara knew that she had made a very big mistake. Elizabeth Crawford was not a woman to be admired and emulated. She was a cruel and deluded woman who liked to be in control of everything. That included people. The drugged started to take effect and Lara felt her arms and legs become numb, losing their strength. Her ability to stand up seemed to leave her and her body began to sway from side to side. Then without warning Lara dropped onto her knees. Ever the professional Elizabeth matched the fall and kept the cloth clamped in place. Lara continued to inhale and she frowned in drugged puzzlement, her groans of complaint became softer and more pliant on each quick gulping inhale of the chloroform fumes. "mm…uummpp..uummhh…mmuurr, Lara groaned under the muffling chloroform laced cloth. Lara’s eyes swam and her eyelids fluttered now, not having the strength to even hold herself up on her knees Lara fell forward onto the floor. Once again Elizabeth kept the cloth strategically in place. Lara inhaled one last time through the suffocating chloroform-soaked cloth then groaned outwardly as she passed out from the chloroform, her glazed drugged eyes looking out from slowly closing eyelids. Once they closed over Elizabeth removed the cloth.

“Ladies, not admiring your handiwork with a chloroform cloth. Get to work.” Elizabeth clapped her hands. “Chop. Chop.” They went to work, professionally and with discipline stripping all five women, applying diapers, slipping on down-filled suits and then binding and gagging them. Then all five were slipped into the first and then second bags before being loaded into the back of the van. Then Elizabeth’s team got into the vans and headed for away. Vernie got in the car that had brought Lara and Courtney and drove that away to be disposed of. The van containing Jasmine Lockspeiser was already heading toward the private airfield where a hired plane was waiting to take them back to base.

San Bernadino National Forest, California

“Hello! Is anyone there?” Elise Rodgers stood at the door and look out across the small clearing in the forest. There was no answer. “Getting spooked in your old age Elise.” The young woman admonished herself with a smile. “Just the sounds of wildlife in the forest.” Elise closed the door and went back inside the cabin. It wasn’t that big, just one large open room with a bathroom and bedroom off it but Elise wasn’t bothered about that. She had just hired the place for a week to get away from it all and get some work done without interruption. Work and some hiking around the local trails. It had been a relaxing and productive week so far. Reality was due to bite the day after tomorrow when she had to pack up and hike back down to her car and leave the peace and quiet of the isolated location behind her. There was no power, water or sanitary connections to the cabin. Water came from a fresh spring, power from a generator and heating and cooking from gas canisters that were kept in a cage next to the cabin. Elise made her way over to the small kitchen and filled the kettle with water. “Time for some tea and a biscuit.” That was the plan before turning in for the night. Putting one of the gas rings on Elise put the kettle on the ring and stood waiting for it to boil. Then there was a knock at the door. Or what sounded like a knock at the door. “Who would be out here at this time of the evening?” Elise was going to ignore it but then thought that it could be someone needing help. Perhaps a hiker in trouble. The sound came again. It was definitely a knock at the door. Leaving the kettle to finish boiling Elise started to make the short walk to the door. There was a crack from the window and Elise turn to see a small canister lying on the floor. “What the hell?” Elise took a step toward it before a hissing noise started and white fumes escaped from both ends. Then there was another crack. A second canister landed in the small cabin and started to blow fumes. Then a third canister. Elise panicked as the cabin started to fill with smoke. She coughed and panicked. What could be going on? Need to get out. The smoke was getting thicker and she was coughing and spluttering as she headed for the door. Just as she reached out for the door handle there was an explosion and the door was blown off its hinges. Elise was thrown backwards a couple of yards and landed with a thud on her back. The combination of the explosion, landing and gas that was getting thicker and thicker knocked the wind out of Elise. As she looked at the blank space where the door had been Elise could have sworn that shadows where floating around in the amongst the white fumes.

“There she is,” a muted voice stated. Elise has been correct. Out of the white fog three figures loomed toward her. All were dressed identically, all in black. Boots, combat trousers, leather gloves and down filled jackets. Their faces distorted by the gasmasks that they each wore. They were suddenly around her. Leather clad hands grabbed her arms and legs, forcing her down onto the floor. She coughed again. The smoke still getting thicker. Elise was confused and disorientated. Something flashed in her vision. Black and about the size of her hand. “Relax.” Then suddenly a padded mask was pressed firmly over Elise’s nose and mouth. Then there was another hissing noise. This one seemed to be inside Elise’s head. Elise could feel something blowing against her lips. This seemed to spark Elise into life. Her brain joined the dots. She stated to squirm and shake in ana attempt to get free but the black clad figures held her down. “Just breath in the gas honey.” The voice was distorted, then again maybe in was Elise. She was starting to feel drowsy, eyelids feeling heavy. Her arms and legs seemed to fall asleep without warning and fail to respond to her commands. Elise moaned and groaned as her field of vision started to narrow. “Better that you are asleep for this next bit.” Elise heard this and with her vision blurry it was hard to be sure but she was sure the last thing that she saw was a large pair of scissors. “Trust me. We are doing you a favour.”
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Post by Caesar73 »

So we learn something more: Lara´s start a venture on her own did not work . Crawford used her cleverly. To deliver Jasmin to her. The good news Elise Rodgers is not dead. All in all? I think Crawfords desire for revenge was a not the best of her ideas. All very cleverely done, even brillantly. She even convinced Hayley she had now hand in those mysterious "deaths" and disappearances. This only works so far. The moment Hayley learns about the truth all the trust Crawford has tried to built up is gone. She lighted the fire again. Before she discovered the truth Hayley was subdued, depressed. Now? We see the resourceful Hayley King again - who will use any opportunity which might present itself. Question is: Will she get one? Future will tell.
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Post by LunaDog »

Superb as ever. Lots of 'twists and turns' to keep us guessing!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

LunaDog wrote: 8 months ago Superb as ever. Lots of 'twists and turns' to keep us guessing!
Thanks for the feedback! Glad that you are enjoying the story for far!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 41


It had come as a shock to Hayley. “Change of plan.” That was what Elizabeth has said. Elizabeth had decided to take her yacht on her business trip and was taking Hayley along for the ride. Well, as far as Monaco. Then she was leaving Hayley to her own devices. “Think of it as a holiday. Relax.” Hayley had given Elizabeth a questioning look. Elizabeth never did anything without a motive. “Just remember that I have your friends here Hayley…” Elizabeth left the second part of the treat hanging. “A room has been booked for you at the Port Palace Hotel in Monaco.”

“Thanks,” Hayley had replied a little perplexed. It was still clear that Elizabeth didn’t trust Hayley fully. As just as Hayley had finished packing her case a hand slipped around her waist. “Not now Elizabeth. Aren’t we leaving in mmoohh…uummfff…” The cloth was saturated in chloroform.

“Sorry darling,” Elizabeth whispered in her ear. “Just need you to have a nap. When you wake up, we will be onboard and sailing away!” In the end Hayley had woken up bagged on the bed in Elizabeth’s suite on the yacht. That was how she had spent the first part of the trip. Elizabeth taking no chances about giving Hayley clues to where her compound was located. That was how Hayley ended up in Monaco, alone, with a suitcase and instructions. The instructions from Elizabeth had been clear. Relax and enjoy herself, but do not make any attempt to contact anybody that didn’t work for Elizabeth. The implied threat of something happening to her friends back at Elizabeth’s base hung over every instruction that Elizabeth gave. Hayley complied. It was too much of a risk to do anything else. So, maybe not so much the relax bit. Having to watch who you spoke to and for how long. Anyway, Hayley wasn’t naïve enough to think that Elizabeth would just let her stroll around without some kind of supervision. As she strolled along the promenade Hayley could almost feel the eyes on her. Perhaps, she was being paranoid but she doubted it. It had actually been alright, being on her own. It had allowed her some time to think about her situation. Not that she had come up with a solution yet. Hayley had thought about sending a card or letter to her dad. But, what would she actually put in the letter. Elizabeth Crawford is alive! Help! I am being held somewhere! There was the threat that if her dad did do something then Elizabeth would hurt her friends or move location or launch a counter strike. Who knew with that woman? Anyway, she was now back at her hotel. Hayley picked up an English language paper from a table in the main entrance, to read after lunch on the veranda on her room. After getting the lift Hayley entered her suite and put her bag down on a chair. The maids had been in and refreshed the room, changed the bed and put in fresh towels. Like they had done the previous two days during her morning walk. “You can’t beat great service.” Elizabeth Crawford was a lot of things. Cheap wasn’t one of them. The Port Palace Hotel was really rather nice and Hayley had one of the Grand Corner Suites.

The luxurious sixty square metre room had a full marble bathroom and beautiful views across the Monte Carlo Harbour with an area for a round table and comfortable chairs. The room also benefited from a separate bedroom and comfortable lounge area for added comfort and privacy. The facilities including a 42-inch plasma television, mini-bar and access to all of the hotel’s facilities such as the spa, fitness centre and restaurants. Hayley had been taking advantage of all of them for the past couple of days but now it was time to get to business. Then it hit her. This time the room was slightly different. There was a large towel rolled up and sitting on the bed just below the pillows. A postcard showing a scene from New York Removing the hat that she was wearing Hayley sat it on the bed and picked up the postcard. “Surely it couldn’t be from him.” Turning over the card she read the handwritten instructions and smiled. “Just cryptic enough so that only I would understand.” Getting up Hayley walked to the veranda and open the door. Looking out over the view of the harbour Hayley tore the postcard into tiny pieces and let it float away on the breeze. It would flutter away and nobody would be able to put the pieces together. After taking a minute to compose herself Hayley stepped back inside and closed the blinds to prevent anyone looking through the large glass doors. She unrolled the large towel and found the polaroid camera at its centre. Very old school.

After taking a couple of minutes to work out how to use the camera Hayley laid out her outfit, dress, shoes, large sunglasses, wide brimmed hat and large over the shoulder bag and took the photograph. Carefully she placed the photograph and camera back in the towel. Then it was time for a shower. She took her time and when Hayley emerged from the bathroom wearing a fluffy white robe she walked across and opened the blinds. Pulling open the door Hayley stepped onto the veranda and spent ten minutes looking around and then went back into the room. Taking a pair of light trousers and a blouse from the wardrobe she put them on and followed that up with sensible shoes, a silk scarf around her neck and some unobtrusive jewellery and took a quick glance at herself in the mirror. “Looking good.” Her bag was slung over her shoulder and she bundled up the towel from the bed and the towel that she had used for her shower. After checking that she had her key Hayley stepped out of her room and turned right and walked toward the end of the corridor. For some reason she suddenly felt nervous and had butterflies in her stomach. Like a kid that had sone something wrong and trying to hide it from their mother. At the end of the corridor was a laundry chute. That was her destination. As she got closer Hayley slipped the scarf from around her neck and tied it around the bundle of towels. Opening the chute door with her left hand her dropped the towels down and closed the door.

“You should have left those for us.” Hayley jumped about ten feet in the air and when she landed, turned to find a young maid standing just behind her. “Sorry to startle you.”

“No, no,” Hayley replied. “You are fine.” Trying to control her heartrate. “My dad always said that you should tidy up after yourself.” Not wanting any further conversation Hayley turned and headed towards the lift foyer. Suddenly, she needed some fresh air.

Monaco (24 hours later)

As she entered the lady’s toilet Hayley noted the woman dressed exactly like her. It was quite the shock if she was being honest. “Hello,” the woman said. Hayley just continued to stare. “Are you alright?” the woman asked and waved her hand in the air. About ten minutes earlier Hayley had ducked into Monaco’s largest department store and stated to browse the shelves and racks as she casually, well Hayley hoped that it looked casual, toward the public toilets on the top floor. After taking one last glance over her shoulder Hayley had pushed open the door and entered.

“Sorry, it is just…” the resemblance was remarkable. The likeness was astonishing. You wouldn’t be able to tell the difference without being up close. Even the you would probably need to remove the hat and sunglasses to be sure. Hayley handed over her bag but put her finger to her lips. The woman nodded. Then Hayley took off her jewellery and handed it over to the woman. The woman slung the bag over her shoulder and went to head out into the large department store. The woman’s job was to keep moving around and looking at different things. Just before she left the toilet Hayley reached out a hand and grabbed the woman. “Wait, wait, wait…” Hayley hissed at the woman whilst pulling the wedding ring off her finger.
“Put this on.” The woman took the ring and slipped it on. It fit perfectly. Even their hands were the same size. As soon as the woman left Hayley made her way to the further away stall. Inside was a rucksack full of clothes. A quick change saw her wearing white trainers, jeans, a plain t-shirt and a light blue windbreaker. A dark wig completed the look. There was a peg and hanger that allowed Hayley to leave her dress uncreased. A laminated piece of cardboard read ‘OUT OF ORDER’. Hayley got the idea. She closed and bolted the door before sliding under the partition. “The floor is clean. The floor is clean.” After putting the sign up on the door Hayley washed her hands before confidently exiting the toilet and headed quickly for the ground floor of the department store via the escalators. She resisted the temptation to check over her shoulder or look around for people following her as she strode through the ground floor and out the rear exit into the glorious mid-morning weather. No sooner had Hayley exited the rear door than a large car with tinted windows pulled up. The door opened and Hayley jumped in. The door closed as soon as Hayley sat down and it pulled away from the kerb and merged back into the traffic.


“Where did you find that girl at such short notice Andersson?” Hayley asked. “The likeness is uncanny.” The man was sitting across from her in the spacious rear of the vehicle. He looked very smart, blue business suit with a subtle pinstripe, white shirt and red Paisley tie. “Looking smart by the way.” The man smiled and made a gesture with his hands that said this is how I always look.

“We have a large network of contacts, money and planes.” Andersson was now talking about the woman.

“Anyway, we should get down to business,” Hayley didn’t want to push her luck. “I think we probably only have thirty minutes before anyone starts asking questions.” Anderson gave her a look. “Despite the stereotype of a woman treating it like a hobby I have never been much of a shopper.”
“You know I have a plane waiting. We can go to the airport right now. You would be safe with me. The offer is always open.”

“Thanks,” Hayley replied, “but I couldn’t live with myself if I ran away and left my friends with her. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”
“You fear what they might mean for your friends?” Andersson asked.

“Them and the rest of the planet,” Hayley confirmed. “Her impulse control isn’t that best when she is angry. Plus, she would take that as a personal insult. I suspect she would want to inflict pain on anybody she could. Including your bosses.” The car was silent for a while. “This is exactly why somebody has to act.”

“Maybe you should be talking to the police. The FBI. Interpol.” The smirk on Andersson’s face betrayed what he really thought about that statement.
“The authorities aren’t going to do anything about Crawford,” Hayley stated.

“You expect us to take action then?”

“Yes,” Hayley’s face told Andersson that was exactly what she expected them to do. Andersson leaned back in his seat and inspected some lint on his suit trouser before picking it off. “Surely having Elizabeth off the board would be better for your client’s business.” Andersson nodded his head as if agreeing.

“My employers are business people. There would need to be something in it for them. Immediately and directly.” Hayley shook her head. Of course, there would have to be.

“That wasn’t a no.” Anderson smiled. “They wouldn’t have gone to the trouble of setting this up and sent you if they weren’t interested.”
“Hayley, you are a smart woman. That offer still stands.” Anderson leaned back. Hayley shook her head. Anderson sighed.

“Getting Crawford and her associates off the board would open up areas of,” Hayley searched for the correct word, “business opportunities for your employers.” Anderson cocked his head. “Surely they could see the benefit of that.” The man expression remained inscrutable. “Alright, I know that I am technically a police officer and that may cause your clients some issues.” Hayley paused to consider the rest of her pitch. “I promise not to take any action against your client’s organisation based on the information that I have about Elizabeth Crawford and her network. Give them two years to clean up any links before I start to look into it. If I get the time that is.”

“We will also need Elizabeth’s little file of information.”

“I knew that you were going to say that,” Hayley replied.

“The full, unedited version,” Andersson said with a raised eyebrow. Hayley looked away. There were some people in there that were good people that had just made mistakes. The decision was to throw them to the wolves, expose their secrets and most likely stay under Crawford’s control or take the way out. It was not a decision that Hayley had made lightly. There was a tightness in the pit of her stomach that hadn’t been there for years. She nodded. It was the price that she had to pay.

“Just glad that we are on the same page. I wouldn’t have wanted anything bad to happen to your friend.”

“Why did you say friend like that?” There was something about the way Andersson had said the phrase that made her think that he wasn’t talking about Kirsty and the others being held by Elizabeth Crawford. Andersson’s expression didn’t change as he reached into his pocket and removed his phone. After unlocking the phone Andersson searched for something before showing the screen to Hayley.

“Surprised!” Hayley was indeed surprised to be looking at a photograph of Andersson and Gabriella. The shock was not entirely restricted to just the photograph. It also meant that Gabriella had managed to hide the information somewhere safe.

“I thought that you guys were different?” Hayley asked. “The whole threatening friends and loved ones is a very hardened bad guy move.” Andersson’s face was impassive. You could dress thuggery up in nice manners and designer suits but it was still thuggery at the end of the day. The Coalition had just made it onto Hayley King’s list.

“My employers have a business to run Hayley and this is too good an opportunity to turn down.”

“I guess that would be one way of looking at it,” Hayley replied. Not happy with the situation but having already made her decision. She nodded. Andersson smiled. The deal had been done. “You should get me back to the store.” Andersson tapped on the window between the rear and drivers compartment and signalled for the driver to circle around.

“We won’t be able to talk again before we take action.”

“I know,” Hayley said. “Shall we say midnight two weeks from this Friday?” Anderson nodded. “How are you going to find me?”

“Here, swallow this before you leave Monaco.” Anderson handed Hayley a capsule. “Nanotech. It sends out a signal that we can trace for seventy-two hours or thereabouts. Then the signal dies.” Hayley gave Anderson a look as she slipped the capsule into her bra. “Untraceable unless they give you a full CT scan or have the same receiving technology as we do.” Hayley should have known that they would have thought of something. They sat in silence until the car pulled up at the back entrance of the department store. Andersson leaned over, took Hayley’s hand and gently kissed the back of it. “Until we meet again.”

“Indeed,” Hayley pulled her hand away and got out of the car. As soon as the door closed the car melted away into the traffic. Hayley entered the store and made her was causally back to the toilet on the top floor of the store. Just as she was about to push the door it opened and a woman exited pulling a young girl of around eight. Neither of them paid Hayley any attention. Once inside Hayley found the toilet empty. She scurried back to the far away cubicle and crawled under the dividing panel to get inside. As she was getting changed back into her outfit form earlier Hayley heard the door open and decided to open the door. Thankfully, it was the young woman that was doubling as Hayley. Mission accomplished by the looks of it. “Hello,” Hayley said. The woman just waved and headed for the cubicle next to Hayley. There was a pop and Hayley risked a peak around the dividing wall. The young woman had removed a panel from the wall and was removing bag. “Ah!” Hayley went back to getting ready. Quickly Hayley got ready again and checked in on the woman who had already finished getting changed. “You do know that you have to wait in here for an hour before leaving.” The woman gave Hayley a dismissive wave. “Can I have a look in your bag?” The woman waved again as she tied the laces on her sneakers. Hayley looked into the bag where the young woman had stashed her clothes. “Bingo.” They had thought of everything.

“What’s that?” The young woman asked as Hayley removed the small bottle and cloth from the bag. “I didn’t need it.” The young woman walked across to look mirror and started to style her hair.

“Nothing important.” It wasn’t something that Hayley wanted to use but needs must. “Better to have something and not need it then need something and not have it.”

“What was that?” The young woman asked.

“Thinking out loud.” Carefully, Hayley folded the soft cloth into a thick pad. It would work well for muffling the woman’s screams. “I couldn’t have chosen better myself.” Hayley poured some of the liquid from the bottle onto the cloth and they stashed the bottle back in the bag. They she approached the young woman from behind. Just as Hayley got about a yard behind the young woman their eyes met in the mirror.

“Help you with something?” the woman asked.

“Trust me. This is going to hurt me more than it does you.” Suddenly, Hayley pounced and wrapping an arm around the young woman’s waist pulled her in tight. At the same time Hayley clamped the chloroform laced cloth over the young woman’s nose and mouth.
“mmmppphhh…uuhhnn…” the young woman screamed into the cloth.

“I was right about muffling those screams,” Hayley commented as she leaned the young woman back to increase her leverage position. Hayley had plenty of experience and knew exactly what to do to keep the advantage in this situation. The young woman struggled violently but Hayley maintained her grip. “Just relax and breathe in.” Hayley tried to reassure the young woman. “Nothing bad is going to happen. It is just naptime for you.”

“mmppgghh…mmoohh…” the young woman moaned into the cloth. As the struggle continued Hayley kept the woman in control and made sure that she was inhaling the fumes from the chloroform-soaked cloth. Then Hayley felt the struggles start to subside and she knew that it was for all purposes over. The young woman was going out, she just didn’t know it yet. Having being on the receiving end of the chloroform drenched cloth on more times than she could remember, Hayley knew that once your strength started to go it was over. You co-ordination was next and then once your arms dropped. The young woman arms dropped to her side. It was all about how long you could last whilst being forced to inhale the fumes. The young woman slumped back into Hayley’s arms and she started to move backwards toward the open cubicle doors. “uummpphh…”

“Shush,” Hayley cooed. “Good girl. Deep breathes.” Just as Hayley dragged the almost unconscious young woman into one of the open cubicles there was a creak and the door to the toilet opened. Hayley flicked out a leg and forced the door to the cubicle closed. The young woman groaned as Hayley spun around and leaned against the door to keep it shut. The sound of water running echoed around the tiled bathroom and the young woman moaned again as her head lolled to one side. She had eventually lost her battle against the chloroform and had slipped into unconsciousness. Hayle just hoped that whoever had come in wasn’t inquisitive or observant. The water went off and then the sound of a hand dryer started for ten seconds. Then the door creaked again as the person exited. Hayley relaxed and removed the cloth from the young woman’s face before she lowered the young woman onto the seat. “Time to leave.” Packing up the young woman’s belongings she stuffed them all into the bag and left it between her legs. After closing the door Hayley placed the Out of Order on the door to the cubicle and left it closed over but not unlocked. Then she packed up all of her stuff and made her way back across to the mirror. Checking her hair and touching up her make-up. Another quick check was made to confirm that she had everything, including the wedding ring and after a couple of deep breathes to compose herself Hayley exited the bathroom and headed for the main exit of the store. As she hit the pavement and felt the heat of the sun on her exposed skin, she relaxed a little. All of the subterfuge might have been unnecessary but you could never take any chances where Elizabeth Crawford was concerned. As Hayley walked along the street, she felt the phone in her bag vibrate. “Bugger.” There could only be one person contacting her. Finding somewhere to stop Hayley pulled the phone out of her bag.
How are you getting on darling? I am missing you.

Despite trying to seem relaxed Hayley looked around. The woman’s sense of timing was unnerving. Better get a response in quickly.

Enjoying the warmer weather. Good food. Miss you too. A bit lonely. Need to make up for lost time (winking face emoji).

Hayley’s stomach churned as she typed the reply and hit send. Well, at least she now had a plan and some hope. All that she needed to go along with that was some luck. The spa at the hotel would be open and Hayley was in need of some pampering that would relieve some of the tension that had developed in her back muscles.
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Post by Caesar73 »

So here is an opportunity presenting itself - in the form of the Coalition. Finally some light at the end of the tunnel! Things might get interesting soon enough. The way Hayley embarked on that trip was typical of Crawford. Takes no chances - but she does not know that Hayley has discovered Crawford´s secret...

Well done! @mrjones2009 !
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Centennial Club
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 42

Northern, Norway

Northern Norway has a long and very rugged coastline, yet landscape varies from incredible jagged island mountains to endless open plateaus. Summers have non-stop daylight and midnight sun while during the darker season there is frequent display of northern lights aurora borealis. All of that sounded great but wasn’t what was currently going through the head of the group of people high above the ground the large four-engined Hercules roared through the night sky. One stood up and checked his equipment one more time. It never hurt. He looked along the seated line of operatives. For this one his team had been augmented by two more members. Each had a particular set of skills that nobody in his team had. They were snipers. You could teach anyone to shoot but being a sniper was a mindset that few had. One would have liked more time to put together this mission but the time constraints had been set. He lived with it. Flicking open the tablet One studied the map again. There was a red dot that highlighted the last contact from their asset on the inside and a green dot that was the plane. They were far enough away from the target that they wouldn’t be seen or heard. Then the Loadmaster appear and held up his hand signalling five minutes to drop. One nodded and gave him the thumbs up. “Mike check. Five minutes to go time.”

“Check 2.” Thumbs up all round.

“Check 3.” Thumbs up all round.

“Check 4.” Thumbs up all round.

“Check 5.” Thumbs up all round.

“Check 6.” Thumbs up all round.

“Check 7.” Thumbs up all round.

“Check 8.” Thumbs up all round.

They all stood up. Then one looked around at the other person that was part of his team for this mission. Gabriella Vasquez looked nervous. One wasn’t used to having to deal with this. He approached and indicated that she should stand up. “You haven’t jumped before.” Gabriella shook her. “Just remember what we practiced back at the base. Turn around.” He had only twenty-four hours to work with Gabriella before the drop. It hadn’t been ideal. It had been a last-minute decision to bring her along. Gabriella had been pushing for it all along but Andersson had only relented the day before. One stepped forward and attached Gabriella to him. This would be a tandem jump. He quickly checked Gabriella equipment before patting her on the shoulder. “Good to go.” The reply was a thumbs up. It was awkward to walk whilst attached to someone else but they made it to the front of the line. The Loadmaster held up one finger. The lights in the interior of the plane went out and were replaced by a dull red light. Just before the red lights flashed and the rear door of the Hercules lowered. The blast of icy air would have been chilling had they all not been wearing the correct clothing and goggles and masks that cover their faces. The lights went out one by one. When the final light went out the Loadmaster hit a lever and the two vehicles hurtled forward on their trays and out into the air and were lost in the darkness. Ten seconds later One walked toward the edge of the ramp and without hesitating jumped, taking Gabriella with him. Five seconds later the ramp started to close and five seconds after that there were nine figures dangling from parachutes slowly and silently drifting to the ground.

Northern, Norway

It had seemed like a long two weeks to Hayley. Having to act relaxed, like there was nothing happening. Then again, perhaps nothing was happening. She was putting a lot of trust in Andersson and his employers on keeping his side of the agreement. She had spent any free moment that she had racking her brains trying to remember if anything in Crawford’s files that jumped out as something that Andersson and his employers would want. It didn’t work. Hayley had to make a move. If this didn’t work out then Hayley would be in a lot of trouble. She had one chance to make a move and this was it. The problem was that she couldn’t be subtle. It was hard to sneak about when everyone had an eye of you as the boss’s wife. The large dresses weren’t exactly subtle either. When the only other two options were a down suit and a kinky maid outfit it was also the best option. “Maybe the only option,” Hayley sighed as the lift doors opened and the cooler air hit her. As she stepped onto the concrete floor Hayley slipped on the thick down coat and zipped it up.

Over the last two weeks Hayley had spent any free time that she had searching the tunnels, trying to find the second entrance. There had been little success. Frustration and anxiety had built. In the end she had come across it by accident. Whilst following one of the coloured lines, she was doing that kid thing of trying to put each foot on the line, which meant looking down at the line. Hayley had walked past an entrance and realised that there was no line heading down that entrance. Every other entrance had a line running to and from it. Not this one. Hayley had stopped and then looked around. There were footsteps coming toward her so had continued with her game of walking along the line with her head down. The investigation would have to wait until the following night. When Hayley came back the following night, she slipped down the entrance, it was much narrower than the other passages. So much so that she had to turn sideways and shimmy down the passage in her large dress. It took about three minutes to work her way along to the end of the narrow passage. “What have we here?” It was a steel ladder attached to the concrete. Hayley looked up and saw that the ladder rose around then feet. There was a hatch at the top. Think all those submarines you have seen in films. There was no CCTV camera that Hayley could see but that didn’t mean anything. It could have been hidden. “No obvious contacts for an alarm.” Not that Hayley was an expert. It would have to do. “It will be alright on the night.” It had to be.

“Where are you off to darling?” Elizabeth had asked as Hayley headed for the door. She had left Elizabeth lying in the bath.

“Take your time. Have a long soak and keep it warm for me coming back.” Hayley had slipped out on the pretence of getting a midnight snack. It was the best that she could think of. It had been a consideration to overpower Elizabeth. Maybe knock her out and tie her up. Then again, if Andersson’s team didn’t show up then she would have been screwed. All she needed now was a little bit of luck.

Northern, Norway

Taking a pair of binoculars, One scanned the perimeter of the compound. It was an impressive structure. Imposing walls along two sides. Steep cliffs protecting the other two. Large rocky outcrops protected the entrance leaving a narrow corridor to approach the only way in or out. Well, it looked like only one way in or out. The main door. There was never only one way in and out. “There must be another way in.” There didn’t seem to be that much surveillance.

“What was that?” Gabriella asked peeking her head up and into the open.

“Stay down,” One said as he pushed her head back down behind cover. One went back to scanning the landscape. Seven and Eight had moved off to take up pre-agreed positions so that they had good fields of fire to give them cover. “Seven here. In position.” One clicked twice to confirm that he had heard. Three minutes later. “Eight here. In position.” Another two clicks. Now it was just a case of waiting until the signal arrived. If it arrived. Then there was the issue of not knowing what that signal was going to be. All in all, not exactly the optimal situation as far as One was concerned. He much preferred to have a well thought out plan and then action it. There were too many variables at the moment for One at the moment. Things would go wrong, no plan survived contact with the enemy. Using the binoculars, he scanned the compound again. No signs of life. They had looked at a layout of the place from satellite image so externally knew what they were looking at.

“Anything yet?” Gabriella asked.

“No.” He checked his watch. “Eight cover the control room.” Three clicks in response. “Shouldn’t be long now.” One pulled the fabric covering the face off his watch and glanced down. That was two minutes to midnight. He doubted that Hayley would be there exactly on midnight. “How long do I give her?” Was the question at the back of his mind. There wasn’t much darkness in Northern Norway at this time of year and it was a half hour trek back to the vehicles. He counted to three hundred in his head and they scanned the landscape again. He stopped. There was a flashing light. It blinked twice and they went off. Then three quick flashes. Three long flashed. Three short flashes. He laughed.

“What?” Gabriella asked.

“I think that was the signal.” He zoomed in and saw a figure holding a torch. Her position would be sheltered from the compound by a large rocky outcrop. He pulled a torch out of his rucksack and flashed back a confirmation. “Time to get going.” He stood up and the rest of the team followed. It looked like they were going to find out how good their plan was. “Eight. Engage.”

EC Compound, Northern Norway

In control room Nicole sits and waits. This was the boring shift. The nightshift. Nothing ever happens. It was tempting to bring a book but if Elizabeth should just happen to drop in. Well, the boss demanded attention to detail at all times. Then a red light started to flash on the panel in front of her. It wasn’t the fire alarm. Not the perimeter alarm. It was the alarm on the emergency exit door. “What the hell?” Just as she moves to hit the alarm something whizzes past her head and thuds into the wall ahead of her. There is a crinkle of glass and Nicole slowly swivels round in her chair. There is a neat hole in the window. “Shit.” Nicole puts her hands on the arms of the chair to push herself up and then there is a second whoosh as a something else whizzed past very close to her and made a very large hole in the desk that she was sitting at. “Shit.” Nicole raised her hands and sat very still.

“She got the message.” Eight confirmed into his mike. “Good to go.”

EC Compound, Northern Norway

“The hills are alive with the sound of music…” Elizabeth splashed in the bath as she sang along with her secret love. Musicals. Not even Hayley was aware of this. Perhaps it was something that they could share. As The Sound of Music finished Elizabeth considered getting out of the bath. Then the opening bars of West Side Story blared from the speakers. “Perhaps just a little longer.” She reached over and turned on the hot tap to top up the bath. Hayley would still be some time yet getting food. Maybe if she was still in the bath when Hayley returned the blond bombshell would join her. The thought made Elizabeth giddy like a schoolgirl. In the bedroom her phone lit up with an alert. It went unnoticed.

EC Compound, Northern Norway

Hayley led the way along the tight corridor until she met the junction. Holding up a hand Hayley and stopped the seven deep line of people following her and risked a quick glance in either direction. The coast was clear so Hayley stepped out and gave herself a better angle to see further in either direction. There was nobody else around. There shouldn’t have been at this time of night but you never knew. She beckoned the seven black clad figures out into the larger corridor. “So far so good.”

“Which way to the control room?” Hayley looked at the black clad figure who had spoken. A medium sized, solid looking guy who seemed to be in charge. With some light he could tell that three of the other black clad figures were women and the other two were men. Then there was Gabriella.
“Follow that line,” Hayley pointed, “then you come to a lift and that should take you there. You are looking for the top level. The lifts don’t have any security controls but the doors will. I don’t have a card to get you through at the moment.”

“That won’t be a problem,” One turned and pointed at two of the team. “Two. Three. Take out the control room and then proceed to the secondary objective once secured.” The two team members nodded and headed off following the line. “Five. Six. Take up positions covering at the first junction until we have confirmation on the control room.” The two figures walked off. Hayley followed the figure that headed left and watched until they knelt down at the corner, covering the approach with their pistol. Suddenly, Hayley felt tense.

“What do we do now?” Hayley asked.

“We wait,” One replied. Hayley looked around and then back and Gabriella and smiled.

“Nice to see a familiar and friendly face,” Hayley commented, Gabriella approached and the two women embraced.

“Glad to see you as well,” Gabriella whispered into Hayley’s ear. “Couldn’t have faced losing even more people.”

“Funny you should mention that.” The two women broke their embraced and Gabriela gave Hayley a questioning look. “Let’s just say that I have some good news to give you.”

Control Room, EC Compound, Northern, Norway

“Eight. Are we clear?” Two asked her colleague on the sniper’s perch.

“Clear,” Eight replied. “One occupant of the room currently sitting in chair.”

“Good. Fire in the hole.” Two pressed the same detonator and there was a pop as the small focused charge blew the lock away. Three grabbed the handle and pulled the door open. In a flash Two entered the room sweeping left to right with her pistol. Three was just two paces behind doing the same. “Don’t move.” Two instructed the woman sitting in the chair. As the two figures swept and checked both the main room and the toilet, kitchen, small bedroom and storage areas that were connected to the room via a short corridor.

“Clear!” they both called in unison once they were satisfied. Three then went back to cover the door whist Two approached the woman in the chair.

“What is your name?” Two asked the clearly shocked woman as Two slipped her rucksack from her shoulders and sat it on the ground next to the chair.


“Now I have to tie you up, I am sure that you understand that.” Nicole nodded. “Just relax and we can get this finished with as little fuss as possible.” Nicole nodded again as Two delved into the rucksack. “Do you have any of those bags that you like to use so much around here.” Another nod. “Good. Open you mouth.” Nicole complied and Two shoved a huge wadded up cloth into her mouth, causing the busty redhead to gag and cough. Showing no mercy that was quickly followed by a large ball-gag that Two buckled viciously tight at the back of Nicole’s head, getting a very muffled moan as a response. Two then pulled out a roll of micro-foam tape and wound that around Nicole’s head a dozen times to finish off the application of the gag. “That should keep you quiet.” Nicole glared over the gag. “Don’t like that? Would you rather be gagged or should my colleague have made a large whole in your chest.”

“mmaaggeedd…” Nicole mumbled.

“Stand up and take off that dress,” Two pulled out her pistol and took five paces back. “Slowly. Then turn and put your hands behind your back.” Nicole nodded and stood up. Reaching behind her Nicole found the zip for the dress and pulled it down. Slipping the dress off her shoulders Nicole let it fall to the floor before complying with the second instruction. Very quickly Nicole’s wrists were secured with padded cuffs. Two made sure that the cuffs were tight before putting her hand on Nicole’s shoulder and pushing her toward the corridor. They walked between the equipment and CCTV screens. Two glanced at the screens as she passed. “Stop.” Nicole paused and mumbled. “Quiet.” Looking at the screens Two clocked the lift doors open. “One. Two calling.” She heard the reply. “Control centre secured. You have company incoming from your nine. Maybe ninety seconds.” Two signed off and nudged Nicole in the back. They moved off. “Stop when we pass the cupboard with those bags.” They walked toward and then through the entrance to the corridor before Nicole stopped and nodded to a cupboard on her left. Two opened it. “Good.” She reached in and pulled out a compression sack. “Keep moving. I assume that you know where you are going.” Nicole did and at the end of the corridor they turned into a small bedroom with two cots on it. “Face the wall and on your knees.” Two pushed Nicole down into her knees. Once Nicole had been positioned to her satisfaction Two pulled the bag from the compression sack, put it on the small bed and opened it up.

“uummoohh…” Nicole moaned as she heard the zip. Two grabbed Nicole under the armpit and helped her back up onto her feet.

“You know what to do.”

“mmoohh…” Nicole moaned into her well stuffed mouth. However, the busty redhead sat on the bag without complaint before lying down and whipping her legs up and into the bottom of the bag. Two grabbed the silver duct tape from her rucksack and proceed to wrap Nicole’s legs from ankle to just below the knee in tape. There was more to come for Nicole as Two then wrapped her legs in tape from just above the knee to the thigh. Then without further instruction Two folded the top of the bag over, zipped it up to the top and trapped Nicole inside. “Look at this. It come with a lock.” Two snapped the padlock in place before showing Nicole the key. Two snapped the small key in half and threw both parts into the corner of the room.

“uummppgg…mmoohh…” Nicole groaned. Looking around Two found two long lengths of rope.

“You guys just have loads of handy stuff lying around.” Two took one of the lengths of rope ad after finding Nicole’s ankles through the sleeping bags tied the rope around them as tightly as she could. The other length of rope was tied around the end of the bed. The second length of rope went around Nicole’s neck, tight enough so that it wouldn’t slip off but not tight enough to strangle Nicole. The other end of this rope was tied to the top of the cot. Hopefully, that should keep her secure. “Don’t you go anywhere.” Two waved as she left the room, closing the door behind her. There wasn’t a lock but it was the best that she could do. Back in the main room Three turned his head as tow entered.

“Everything cool?” Three asked. Two nodded as she pulled the collapsible metal baton from the pocket of her combat trousers. It was time to go very basic. Pressing the button to extend the baton to its full length Two walked over to the expensive looking CCTV and communication equipment and spent the next two minutes destroying it with the baton. Screens, drives, radios and various other pieces of equipment were battered into small pieces. “Remind me never to get on your bad side,” Three commented as Two folded the baton and put it back in the pocket. The two operatives nodded as they headed back toward the elevator.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 43

Research Block, EC Compound, Northern Norway

“What is the matter?” Hayley asked One as he looked off toward the corner Six was covering.

“We have company incoming,” One replied.

“One of the guards?” Hayley asked. One nodded. “I think that I should take this one.” Hayley smiled and trotted off. It felt good to have some allies in this fight. As she walked past Six, Hayley indicated for the woman to stay out of sight. As she turned the corner Hayley could already hear footsteps echo around the concrete tunnels. The figure approaching got closer and Hayley could identify who was the person was. “Hi Tahani!” Hayley called with a wave. “What brings you down here?” The two women stopped about five yards apart.

“Just checking on Nicole up in the control room,” Tahani replied looking at and then around Hayley. “What about you?” Hayley could tell that the woman was wondering what she was doing down here.

“Well,” Hayley hoped that she blushed, “Elizabeth is kind of insatiable in the sack so I am trying to give myself a break.” Tahani looked awkward. “Any chance I could hide out in your room?” Hayley laughed when she asked. The response was a shake of the head. “Could I come along with you then?” The cogs were turning in Tahani’s head.

“Yeah,” Tahani shrugged. “Why not?”

“Excellent,” Hayley turned her body and beckoned Tahani to start walking again. When she did Hayley fell in bedside her. “You girls still play volleyball?” Tahani nodded. “Not like playing on the beach though.” Hayley was trying to make conversation and relax the guard.

“You are right about that,” Tahani replied. “No real need for the bikinis.” Hayley forced out a laugh as they reached the corner. “I suppose we could always invite you along to the next game. We paly weekly…” they turned the corner and Tahani stopped dead after a couple of steps. “What the mmmpppfff…uummppff…” Hayley clamped a hand over Tahani’s mouth as she wrenched the woman’s left arm behind Tahani’s back.

“Quiet,” Hayley hissed in Tahani’s ear, “and you don’t get hurt.” One stood in the classic shooters stance with a pistol pointed at Tahani. Six was approaching with a large wadded cloth in one hand and a large white ball-gag in the other. “Stay quiet and open that mouth of yours.” When Hayley removed her hand and Tahani obliged and allowed Six to stuff the large cloth into her mouth and then quickly secure the ball-gag in place. As quickly as that Tahani had been silenced. Six took Tahani and pushed her up against the wall and gave her a good frisk, slipping off her utility belt. “Can I get that?” Six just handed the belt backwards without taking her full attention from Tahani. Six then secured Tahani’s wrists behind her back with padded cuffs. As Hayley put on the utility belt Six reinforced the gag by wrapping micro-foam tape over Tahani’s already gagged mouth.

“Take care of her,” Six pushed Tahani toward Gabriella and then put her rucksack back on.

“Where to now?” Hayley asked.

“Free the prisoners.” One stated.

“Sounds like a plan.” Hayley commented with a smile. “I shall take the lead.” Before there could be any objections Hayley head off. One took the next position in line followed by Four. Gabriella was next with a tight grip on Tahani and then Five with Six bringing up the rear whilst watching their rear. With the control room out of commission and Tahani taken out of the equation Hayley felt reasonably confident as she strode along the concrete corridor following the red line until they reached the lift. When they did the lift was sitting there waiting for them. They all piled in. Once again, she could freely select the floor. “All the way to the top.” As the car rose Hayley started to feel a little apprehensive.

“How many guards will there be with the prisoners?” One asked as the lift ascended.

“Two at the most.” Hayley replied. Then raised a finger. “Almost forgot.” Hayley turned and reached into the outside pocket of Tahani’s down jacket and removed the electronic key card. “This will help.” Tahani groaned into the gag. When the doors opened Hayley peeked out and glanced left and right. “Nobody around guys.” She stepped out and looked left and right along the corridor. It looked the same as her last visit. It had no features or windows. Just lighting, a carpeted floor and grey and white walls. There was a door at each end. Each door had a camera above it. The one on the right had a FIRE EXIT sign. The one on the left looked very secure and had an electronic look on it. In the lift One pushed the button to hold the doors open a Hayley calmly walked toward the door keeping a close eye on the small pane of glass for a shadow coming across it. Nothing appeared. Hayley tried the electronic card that she had taken from Tahani on the door. The light above the lock changed from red to green. The door popped open. Hayley quickly pulled one of the single use chloroform pads from a pocket on her borrowed utility belt. Pushing the door open Hayley stepped into the now familiar short corridor. On the left after about fifteen paces was the door and currently coming through that door was Gloria Martinez with Kayleigh just behind.

“What is going on?” Martinez asked. “What are you doing here?” Hayley smiled as she crushed the pad to break the vial and let the chloroform release. “How did you get in here?” It was just a pity that Hayley wouldn’t see Martinez’s face.

“Quick! Tahani is hurt she needs help.” Hayley pointed through the door.

“What happened?” Martinez asked as she bustled past Hayley.

“I don’t know, I just found her…” Martinez disappeared through the door. As Kayleigh went past her Hayley grabbed the young woman’s wrist. “Maybe you should call for help.” The two women looked at each other before Kayleigh nodded. As the younger woman turned away Hayley pounced. Grabbing Kayleigh around the waist, pulling her in tight and clamping the pad over Kayleigh’s nose and mouth with her other hand.

“MMMPPPFFF!” the young woman exclaimed into the soft, thick pad.

“I am sure you are a nice kid Kayleigh but you made a bad choice,” Hayley said flatly into the younger woman’s ear. “So, now you have to face the consequences.” Kayleigh instantly started to thrash and buck in Hayley’s grip but Hayley knew that all she had to do was hang on and let the chloroform work its magic. Knowing what to expect Hayley kept a firm grip on Kayleigh and let the younger woman thrash and flail around trying to get free. All that Kayleigh was doing was inhaling more and more of the chloroform’s soporific fumes. Then the struggles reduced, just a little and Hayley knew that the fight was essentially over. “Good girl. Just relax.”

“mmmuummnn…hhuunnmm…” Kayleigh moaned into the pad as her arms fell limp to her side. The moans and groans continued as Hayley felt Kayleigh slump into her arms. Hayley was now taking most of Kayleigh’s weight. Keeping the pad in place Hayley made sure that the younger woman continued to get a good dose of the fumes until she sagged completely into Hayley’s arms, fully unconscious. Removing the pad Hayley changed her position so that she could half carry, half drag Kayleigh across and sit her down with her back against the wall. Just as she was straightening up Hayley turned and say the rest of her group enter with a bound and gagged Martinez front and centre. It was impossible for Hayley to keep the smile off her face.

“Nice to see you again Gloria,” Hayley said with a wink. Martinez spat something back but it was unintelligible through the gag. Martinez and Tahani were marched over and forced down next to the slumbering Kayleigh. Hayley knelt down next to them and held up the pad. “Guess what happens now ladies.” Perhaps, Hayley was starting to enjoy this a little too much. As she applied the pad over Martinez’s nose and gagged mouth with her right hand, Hayley used her left to retrieve the electronic security card from the outside pocket of Martinez’s down coat. Without taking her eyes from Martinez’s defiant gaze Hayley held the card backwards. “This may come in handy.” One took the card and looked around. “Gabriella. Could you check in the office and see if there is a list of prisoners somewhere.”

“Sure,” Gabriella replied.

“Five. Six. Cover the entrance.” One turned his attention to his team and checked in with the rest of his outfit over their private communication channel. Hayley watched on as Martinez’s eyelids blinked once and she jolted awake. Then a second time. It wouldn’t be long now. A couple of seconds later with a very muffled moan Martinez’s eyes rolled and her eyelids slammed closed.

“Found it,” Gabriella said as she appeared from the office holding a clipboard. “You weren’t joking either.” She also had a wide smile on her face. “Best news I have had in a while.” After removing the pad from over Martinez’s face Hayley stood up and walked toward where Gabriella had congregated with One and Four with the clipboard. “I don’t recognise these names.” Gabriella was pointing at a list of names at the bottom. “Lara, Lisa, Karolina…”

“I heard Elizabeth talking about that group,” Hayley interrupted, “they set up on their own and moved into Elizabeth’s territory. Lara, is Lara Sanchez, the student from Cambridge.”

“Oh, right,” Gabriella replied. “I bet Elizabeth wasn’t happy about that.” Hayley shook her head.

“Although, she did hire them to kidnap Jasmine.” Gabriella gave her a look. “I shall tell you full story later. So, they stay where they are. They made their rather puffy sleeping bag and can lie in it.” Hayley looked around. “What? Nobody?”

“What about Lindsay Ralston?”

“I think I know who that is,” Hayley turned to Tahani. “Shall we go and take a look?” A shrug was the only reply. “I will take that as a yes.” Turning back to the rest of group. “Release Christina and Rogue first and replace them with the sleeping beauties over there. They will be the most help then you can get everyone else released.” Everyone nodded.

“I don’t have to remind everyone that the sooner we get this done the better,” One stated. Hayley made her way across and hauled Tahani up and back onto her feet.

“Let’s go for a walk,” Hayley hauled the woman along the corridor. “Can I have that access card?”

“Alright,” Gabriella said, “I managed to work out how to disengage all of the locks from the office. All of the cells should be unlocked.”

“That’s my girl,” Hayley said to her friend because turning her attention back to Tahani. “Come on then.” They two walked along the corridor until Hayley found the correct room and pushed the door open. As with the other rooms the lighting was on some sort of sensor and jumped into life when Hayley and Tahani entered. That got a mumbled response and a little movement from the down cocoon that was sitting on the bed. “Down on your knees Tahani.” With a gentle push on the woman’s shoulder Hayley encouraged Tahani onto her knees. “Stay there.” As she approached the bed Hayley could hear the fabric of the bags rubbing against each other as the person trapped inside them writhed around.

“mmuunnhh…hhmmnnuu…” Hayley heard muffled moans just as she peered over the baffles at the head that was framed by the massive hood.
“Hi!” Hayley said, hopefully sounding cheery. “If you lift your head, I will take that gag off.” The woman did indeed lift her head and after a bit fumbling with the buckle managed to get the gag off and deposit it on the bed next to the down cocoon.
“Hayley King,” Lindsay croaked as she worked her jaw.

“Guilty as charged,” Hayley replied. “Sorry, I have to ask. Who are you?”

“Agent Lindsay Ralston, Secret Service.”

“Ah, you were reported missing on duty.”

“Was I?”

“Long story,” Hayley replied. “Shall I get you out of these things.” Lindsay nodded. Hayley found the zip on the external bag and pulled it down, instantly releasing the pressure that had built up around Lindsay. Hayley heard the woman moan as she relaxed a little and felt a little freedom of movement return. It took a while but Hayley managed to extricate Lindsay from the bags and remove all of her bindings. Lindsay responded by hugging Hayley. “We aren’t quite out of the woods yet.”

“Alright, so what is the plan?”

“Well, first of all, she,” Hayley pointed at Tahani, “goes in there,” Hayley then pointed at the bags.

“oohhmm…mmoohhh…” Tahani groaned. The two women approached Tahani and stood looming over her. Hayley knelt down and found the chloroform pad.

“Your turn now babe,” Hayley said to Tahani as she brought the pad down and placed it over the bound and gagged woman’s nose and heavily gagged mouth. Tahani shook her head and moaned into the gag. “Not fresh so might take a bit of time.” It did take a little longer than Hayley would have wanted but eventually the chloroform did its job and Tahani slumped unconscious to the floor. “Give me a hand.” Between the pair of them, Hayley and Lindsay managed to strip Tahani and then bind her and get her into the bags.

“That takes much more effort than you think,” Lindsay commented.

“Practice helps,” Hayley replied. “Now, let’s get out of here.” The two women exited the room and headed back toward the office. When they got there Hayley found the area a lot busier than when she left. “You have been busy.”

“We have,” Christina replied and gave Hayley a hug. “Time for more of that later but now it is time for business.” Hayley looked around at the group. Emily St Clare and her crew from her yacht, Christina, Elise Rodgers, Rogue Hart, Jasmine Lockspeiser, Rhiannon, Alessandra, Gayle, Shonali, Jane Robbie, Sasha Conteh, Victoria and Raquel English, Danielle Snow, Penelope Gordon and Amber Carter along with her flatmate and best friend Dr Nazia Goraya.

“What are we doing here?” Amber Carter asked.

“Do you all shop in the same place?” Hayley asked ignoring the question. There would be time for explanations and exchanging stories later but not now so Hayley had to get them all focused on getting away from here. All of the women that had been held captive looked down at the down suits that they were wearing and giggled. “Alright, here is the plan. What we are going to do is swap you for them. Round them up, bring them here where you get to knock them out and tie them up. Simple.” It would be as long as they kept the advantage of surprise. Hayley started to make her way through the crowd. She felt someone grab at her arm and stopped.

“I need to get away from here before the authorities get involved,” Alessandra said.

“That is the plan,” Hayley replied.

“How do we get out of here then?” Alessandra said. Hayley tried to remain patient, it really wasn’t the time but she tried to remain patient with the other women.

“Emily’s yacht is moored at a nearby harbour. We get on that and sail away into the sunset. Well, sunrise. That alright Captain.” The woman nodded.
“Where exactly are we?” the female sailor asked.

“Not an unreasonable question,” Hayley replied.

“Wait. You don’t know.” Christina commented.

“No idea,” Hayley replied with a shrug. “I have been almost as much of a prisoner here as you have been.” Hayley turned to the leader of the team.
“Mister One.”

“Northern Norway.” The women all looked at each other. Hayley continued through the group until she was standing beside One and Four. “So far so good.”

“In my experience no operation this size goes to plan.” That was a cheery comment from One.

“Have you seen Kirsty?” Hayley asked.

“She isn’t here Hayley,” Gayle called having overheard the conversation. Hayley signalled a thanks and went back to discussing with the operatives. No Kirsty might be a problem, Hayley wasn’t leaving without her. Hopefully Kirsty was still here as Elizabeth wouldn’t want to give up that leverage over her.

“Sasha,” Hayley called the Interpol agent over. “I would normally start with general chat but we don’t have time so apologies.” Holding out her hand to One the man reached round and removed something from his rucksack and gave placed it into Hayley’s open palm. “Thanks.” Hayley offered the item to Sasha.

“Satellite phone,” One confirmed. “Time to call the cavalry.”

“Thought you would be the best person to make the call.” One handed over a slip of paper.

“These are the co-ordinates of our location.” Sasha nodded and took the satellite phone and punched in a number as she went to find a quiet corner. Hayley looked around and clocked Naomi Van Den Berg and Lousie Williams were released but kept bound and gagged sitting on the floor.

“We can take them along.” Hayly commented. Her mind was racing through what other things she had to sort out. “Grab some restraining bags that are in compression sacks, eight or ten and a couple of packs of diapers from the cupboard.” Christina gave Hayley a thumbs up. Alright, now she could concentrate on one thing. “Shall we go hunting?” One cracked a smile as he led the way with Hayley just behind and Four and Five behind. They were leaving Six to guard the area.

EC Compound, Northern Norway

The breeze had a bite to it as Two and Three headed for their next target. The garage. It was their job to disable the vehicles before anybody could use them to make a getaway. It seemed to be a simple task. However, they had been held up by a sentry making random patrols in the area. “Seven. This is Two. Confirm.”

“Confirm. Reading you clear.”

“Can you see the sentry?”

“Yes. Will be back in your vision in fifteen seconds. Coming from four o’clock from your position.”

“Check.” Two made some had gestures at Three who nodded and slipped away. Sometimes the direct approach was the best. Two remained in her position and waited until the sentry came back into vision and then deliberately made a noise. The footsteps of the sentry stopped. Then the started again. This time getting closer. Two was looking to time this perfectly. She burst out from her hiding place just as the sentry approached. The woman stopped dead two yards away, eyes wide in shock. Neither spoken. The sentry was about the same size and build as Two. Two maintained eye contact so as not to glance behind the sentry and give away the fact that Three was making a stealthy approach from behind the sentry. Then without warning her stuck, pulling the sentry in tight to his own body with this left arm, managing to pin her arms, then his right hand snaked around her neck until her head was nestling nicely in the crook of his arm. He started to apply pressure and then switched his left arm from the sentry’s waist to pressing at the bank of her head. The sentry looked confused, eyes pleading for help as she gurgled. Two just shook her head. The sentry desperately grasped at Three’s powerful right arm. This was exactly what he wanted. It would be ineffective as a means of escape. Utilising his left arm faced against the side of her head from the left and his right bicep from the right-hand side, he applied strong and continuous pressure. The sentry struggled but about fifteen to twenty seconds was enough to sufficiently restrict the flow of blood and oxygen to the sentry’s brain and render her unconscious. Once the woman slumped into Three’s arms Two quickly searched the woman and found the access card. “This should help.” Between them the two operatives carried the unconscious woman toward the door and then used the card to let them inside. Once inside they looked around the large, open plan room as they carried the sentry to a small office in the corner of the room. “Seven. Keep an eye on the door.”

“Confirmed. All quiet.”

“Check.” They carefully lowered the sentry to the ground and Two pulled out her phone, took a photograph of the guard and sent it back to One. Then she grabbed a handily placed roll of silver duct tape and used that to securely bind the female sentry with her wrists behind her back and legs covered with tape from ankle to thigh. A rag was stuffed into the sentry’s mouth and tape wrapped around the sentry’s head and over her mouth about a dozen times. The two operatives looked at each other and nodded. “Cover me whist I set the charges.” They slipped out of the small corner office at a crouch and headed for the furthest away vehicle.

EC Compound, Northern Norway

“Welcome to the party,” Gabriella said as Hayley led the bound and gagged Vernie Benneteau into the corridor. It had been another successful hunting trip. Taking Vernie entirely by surprise as she slept soundly in her room. The gagged woman moaned when she saw that the prisoners had taken over the asylum. Gabriella and Christina approached Hayley and Vernie. “Let us take her off you hands.”

“Thanks ladies,” Hayley said enthusiastically. Christina poured a good dose of chloroform onto a cloth that she had folded into a thick pad.

“mmoohh…” Vernie complained into her gag as she worked out what was going on. Hayley held up a hand and Christian paused and lowered the cloth. She had just thought of something.

“Where is Kirsty?” Hayley asked Vernie.

“uuhmm…gghhuu…uummnn…” Vernie replied.

“In my room?” Hayley asked. Since returning from Monaco Hayley had been keeping very close to Elizabeth Crawford so had been staying exclusively in Elizabeth’s suite. Vernie nodded. “Elizabeth had her moved when I was in Monaco?” Vernie shook her head. “When I got back?” This time there was a positive nod. “Thanks.” Hayley turned to Christina. “Cloth her.”

“mmoohh…eeasssee…” the protests were further muffled as Christina applied the chloroform laced cloth. Hayley ignored the protests and turned away to find One approaching.

“Who is this?” he asked holding up his phone. There was a photograph of an unconscious woman on it.

“Christine,” Hayley replied.

“The team at the garage came across her,” One read Hayley’s look. “Don’t worry. Just a sleeper hold. Bound nice and safely in a corner office.” Hayley nodded. “Who are we missing?”

“Elizabeth, Kirsty….” Hayley thought about it, “Harper, that big Russian, Yelena and Linda. I think that is it.”

“Good. Then we can…” One was interrupted by a massive explosion. It was loud and shook the building. Everyone paused and looked at each other. Christina, Gayle and Emily all looked at Hayley.

“What was that?” Hayley asked. One looked in the direction that the blast had come from despite the fact that he wouldn’t have been able to see anything. Hayley looked at him and could tell he was getting information into his ear.

“We have a problem,” he said to Hayley. “You take Four and Six and get your friend. I will go and see what has happen. Seven. Keep giving me updates if anything changes. Five. Stay here and cover the group. Anybody apart from one of us comes through that door. Do. Not. Hesitate. If we don’t come back execute the evacuation plan.” The three black clad figures nodded. Satisfied that his instructions had been understood and accepted One turned away and jogged toward the lift.

“What do we do Hayley?” Emily asked.

“Trust that the plan that we have works. You stay here and if Mister Five decides that it is time to leave. Go. Don’t wait around for me.” Hayley looked around the group. “Do. Not. Wait. For. Me.” Hayley spun around and headed for the door where Four and Six were waiting to join her.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Wow! The Rescue Mission is on its way. A meeting of old friends :) And Crawford has no idea that the inmates took over the Asylum. I must say: I feel no pity for Crawford and Company. Imagine Crawford´s face when she realizes what is going on. Well done @mrjones2009!
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Post by LunaDog »

Agreed. Crawford's bath is suddenly going to seem VERY cold!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

@LunaDog @Caesar73 Once again thanks for reading and commenting.

Very much appreciated.

Final parts coming soon.
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Post by algebrauk »

Look forward to the finale brewing - the storytelling, characters and dialogue are so well written, a true treat for the reader. If anyone hasn't followed the full 'Nothing Personal' journey I would heartily recommend. Bravo @mrjones2009
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Post by mrjones2009 »

algebrauk wrote: 8 months ago Look forward to the finale brewing - the storytelling, characters and dialogue are so well written, a true treat for the reader. If anyone hasn't followed the full 'Nothing Personal' journey I would heartily recommend. Bravo @mrjones2009
Many thanks for the kind words.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 44

EC Compound, Northern Norway

Having enjoyed a nice long, hot bath Elizabeth had dried herself off and headed back into the main bedroom. Her mind thinking about all of the things that she was going to do to Hayley when the blond bombshell returned from her trip to get some food. Elizabeth headed straight for bed and slid under the covers. It hadn’t been her intention but she had drifted off to sleep. That slumber was interrupted by the explosion from the garage. “What the hell was that?” Elizabeth threw off the duvet and swung her feet onto the carpet. She instantly reached for the radio. “Control room. Report.” There was no response. “Control room. Report.” This time a little bit of tension in her voice. “Maybe that was the control room.” Elizabeth changed track. “Christine. Report.” Nothing. There was no response.

“If you want something done correctly, do it yourself.” Elizabeth stood up and quickly got dressed, sensibly some might comment, in a pair of jeans, thick knitted jumper, boots and a long down jacket. Before leaving the room Elizabeth picked up her mobile and stuffed it into the pocket of her jacket. Then it vibrated. Angrily she snatched it back out of the pocket. “I have more important things to worry about at the mo….” She paused when she saw why her phone was vibrating. “Shit!” Someone had opened the emergency escape door. “HAYLEY!” Elizabeth bellowed and ran for the door.

EC Compound, Northern Norway

Two’s entire body ached. She had been through a long way by the blast and she had slammed into a wall. The first thought that ran through her head, sorry, the second was what had gone wrong. The first had been how sore she was. She had been careful with the charges and was sure that she had not made an error that would have caused one of the charges to go off. Even then, the charges didn’t have enough explosive power to cause this amount of damage. “Hell.” Two tried to push herself up on her hands and knees but the strength deserted her and she collapsed back onto the floor after rising a couple of inches. She did however manage to roll onto her back. In doing this she caught a glimpse of a black clad figure lying about fifteen yards away. “Three.” There was no response. “Three.” She reached out a hand but there was nothing coming back. Then Two heard footsteps approaching. She turned her head and saw boots approaching. They stopped beside her and suddenly a set of knees appeared. She flet her mask being ripped off. That was quickly replaced by a thick cloth with a strong chemical smell. “mmppgg..mmuuhh…” Two complained into the cloth as she started to inhale the fumes. “uuhhmm…” The person holding the cloth didn’t say anything, just kept the cloth in place, forcing her to inhale the fumes. Two swiped at the hand, to remove the cloth but the person just fended them off like a parent would a toddler. It was not a fair fight. After some time Two felt what little strength that she had disappear and her arms sagged down by her side. The feeling was strange but nit all bad, it had taken away a lot of the pain that she was feeling. Her vision started to narrow and she had great difficulty in keeping her eyes open. “oohhmm…” she moaned into the cloth as her eyes closed over.

“Bitch.” Yelena lifted the black clad figures arm and let go. It dropped to the floor. Yelena removed the cloth. She had no idea what was going on. Just that communications were down and that these two had been setting charges. Small charges. So she decided to give them something to really thinks about, unfortunately not being an expert Yelena had gone a little too far.

EC Compound, Northern Norway

The small group made their way through the facility. The two black clad figures front and rear with Hayley in the middle. It was a strange experience. It was a large facility and all of a sudden it had taken on an eery vibe for Hayley. It was probably just the blast making her nervous. Everything had gone well up until that point. Hayley only hoped that whatever had happened wouldn’t prove that much of a problem for them. They were now in the main block working their way along towards Hayley’s room and hopefully finding Kirsty. As they walked by a door it opened. Hayley head spun towards the noise, as did her two accompaniers. Except they held pistols that were pointed at the person framed in the doorway. “Hayley!” The Seamstress exclaimed. “What is going on?” Hayley made an instant judgement and decision.

“Do you want to get out of here?” Hayley asked. The Seamstress bit her lip and nodded. “Alright, then come with us.” Hayley reached out a hand.
“Wait!” Four said. “Can we trust her?” This would be an issue, despite appearances Hayley was not in charge of this operation. She wanted to help the woman, the one person in this place that had showed her any measure of kindness.

“Would you let me tie you up?” Hayley asked The Seamstress. “Would that help?” Hayley asked Four. They both nodded. “Alright, let’s get something to secure you with.” Hayley bustled pas The Seamstress and into the room.

“Hurry up,” Four hissed. Looking around the room Hayley couldn’t see anything obvious so headed for a set of drawers. Pulling the top one open she hit the jackpot. Scarves and handkerchiefs. As Hayley turned back to the door, she saw that Six was patting the woman down. Protocol Hayley thought. As a police officer Hayley would have done the same thing.

“Put your hands behind you back please.” The woman complied and Hayley took one of the scarves that she had borrowed from the drawer and used that to secure the woman’s wrists behind her back. As she quickly went about the task of tying two of the scarves together The Seamstress tested the binding around her wrists but it was secure, Hayley knew what she was doing when it came to tying people up.

“Very professional,” The Seamstress observed.

“Thanks,” Hayley replied as she whipped the tied scarves over the woman’s head and tied the ends together at the middle of her back so that the woman’s arms were pinned in place. It was improvised and not great but it would do the job as Hayley assumed that the woman wouldn’t actually try and get free of the bindings. “I have to gag you as well.” As she bunched up two handkerchiefs and brought them up to the woman’s mouth.
“Open wide.” Hayley pressed the balled-up fabric against the woman’s lips and she took he hit and opened up, allowing Hayley to push the stuffing into her mouth. That was quickly followed by a folded silk scarf that had been folded into and tightly tied over her mouth. Not the best layered gag but it would do. “Sugar!” Hayley mumbled to herself. She had obviously been hanging around with Elizabeth too long if she was critiquing gags! “Alright, time to move.” Hayley grabbed the woman by the arm and hustled her out of the room and into the corridor. “Let’s move.”

“Check. Clear to move forward.” They did cautiously, slowly and without any further incidents until they reached Hayley’s room. It wasn’t a very long walk. The two operatives stood on either side of the door as Hayley guided The Seamstress to a safe place five yards further down the corridor before retuning and holding the electronic card up to the lock. The two operatives nodded and Hayley swiped the card to disengage the lock. Four pushed the door opened and the two operatives slipped into the room. Hayley waited outside nervously until she heard call that the room was clear. After beckoning The Seamstress to follow her, Hayley entered the room. Her eyes were instantly drawn to the massive down cocoon sitting on the bed.

“They really put people in those things,” Four said. It was a statement rather than a question.

“Yes, they really do.” Hayley replied. “Not as uncomfortable as you might think.” In fact, super comfortable and relaxing if I am being honest. There was some trepidation as Hayley approached the massive down cocoon. It was the three-bag system. Hayley didn’t know whether to be upset or not, she thought that was reserved especially for her. All that was forgotten when she peered over and saw the face framed by the massive down hood. “Hello babe.” Hayley leaned down to remove the gag. “Fed up rescuing your damsel in distress ass,” Hayley chided Kirsty.

“Makes a change,” Kirsty replied with a smile. “Now, tell me what the hell was that blast?”

“Honestly, I have no idea. That wasn’t part of the plan.”

“We have a plan?” Kirsty asked raising an eyebrow. Hayley actually laughed at that comment.

“When did you start doing comedy.”

“Ladies,” Four called out. “Could we leave the witty repartee until later?”

“Get me out of the bags then,” Kirsty said. After a nod, Hayley unlocked and then pulled down the zip of the monstrous external bag then flung the top off.

“This would go quicker with some help.” Six took the hint and hurried over.

“You can summarise at the moment if you would like Hales.”

“Trip to Monaco. Andersson. Mutually beneficial arrangement. Strike Team. Hidden entrance.” Hayley gave Kirsty the highlights as they worked. “Just your average evening.” It took a little bit of time but they managed to extricate Kirsty from the bags and then remove her bindings.

“Some would call that overkill,” Four commented as she took in the mass of down bags and restraints. “Anyway, shall we get going ladies.” They all nodded. “Make sure that you have everything as we are not coming back.” Just as they were getting ready to leave there was a buzz as the electronic lock disengaged. They all looked at the door as it burst open and Linda entered. The two operatives automatically raised their pistols and pointed them centre mass.

“What the hell?” Linda looked on in amazement.

“Not what you were expecting Linda,” Kirsty commented with a distinct edge to her voice.

“Why are you here?” Hayley asked Linda who looked like that was a very awkward question.

“Not going to tell them Linda,” Kirsty said with a hint of bite. “She visits quite a lot. Like to taunt and tease. Sit on my face. That kind of thing.” They all gave Linda a look. “Suspect that she is using the chaos to have some fun.”

“What was that explosion?” Linda asked, trying to change the subject.

“I think that is the least of your problems at the moment.”

“Should I get in the bags?” Linda asked. Hayley nodded. After they had quickly bound and gagged Linda, they put her into two of bags and left the woman to her fate. The group then exited the room and headed back the way that they have come to meet up again with the rest of their party.

EC Compound, Northern Norway

The sun was starting to rise as One surveyed the damage to the garage. It looked pretty severe. He circled the building. Both the large vehicle doors and the person door had buckled and a large hole had been punched through the side wall. “Seven. Call it in.”

“No movement in or out.”

“Check.” One shook his head. “Two. Three. Check.” Nothing. “Seven. Going in. Cover.”

“Check.” One entered the garage through the hole in the wall that had been created by the blast. There was a crunch under his feet as his boots crunched on debris. The inside looked pretty bad. The building had been built solidly which had contained the blast. That wasn’t great for anybody inside the building. He carefully walked through the debris and damaged vehicles. None of them looked useable. At least that part of the plan could be ticked off. As he rounded the broken body of a helicopter, he saw something lying on the ground. “Merde.” He quickly crossed himself. Three lay lifeless on the ground. He looked around through the sight of his pistol without moving. Then he saw Two sitting with her back against the buckled and twisted hulk of a Range Rover. She had been bound and gagged with duct tape and her chin was sitting on her chest. Unconscious. He heard something from his left and without thinking dived full length to his right. The sound of the bullet ricocheted off the wall. He pulled himself behind a metal unit as a second round pinged.

“Seven. Eight. Taking fire. Can you move to cover?”

“Seven. Negative.”

“Eight. Moving. Two minutes.”

“Check.” One was hoping that the sniper could get a view through the hole in the wall. Another shot rang out. This time he felt it hit the metal cabinet that he was behind. He had been in worse situations. No point panicking for at least two minutes. He checked his pistol, leaned out and fired two shots in the general direction that shots had come from. He wasn’t looking to hit anything just confirm where the shooter was positioned. Ping. Ping. That was all that he needed. The shooter was between ten and eleven from him on the clockface. In his head he had been counting down from one hundred and twenty. Deep breathes as silenced returned to the building. Maybe the shooter was changing position. At one hundred and seventeen in his head a voice in his ear.

“Eight. Position moved. I can see the hole in the building.”

“Check. Can you see the Range Rover.”


“Two is unconscious and behind the Range Rover. I am to the left of that behind a large metal cabinet. Shooter is between ten and eleven of my position.”

“Check. Don’t have an angle. Moving again. Thirty seconds.”

“Check.” Silence again as One counted to thirty again in his head.

“Eight. Better position. Good view. I can see One and Two.”

“Check. The Shooter.”

“Negative. Must have cover.” Great. He would need to get them to reveal themselves. That would mean getting them to shot. The only way would be to break cover. Not usually a great idea in these circumstances but time was also against them.

“Breaking cover in five.” One decided that he was going to make his way toward Two. He would sprint the distance and take shelter on the far side of the Range Rover. Without any warning he fainted to head right, back the way her had arrived before tearing left and breaking cover. A shot rang out the way that he had fainted. Then halfway across the open space a shot clipped the floor between his legs. As he dived for cover, he heard a scream and then a thump.

“Eight. Target down.”

“Check.” One picked himself up. “Cover.” He cautiously made his way from behind the Range Rover toward where the shots had come from. Putting his back against the body of a damaged helicopter he counted to three and then spun around with his pistol pointed it where the shots had come from. There was no body. There was however a pool of blood and a machine pistol. A trail of blood led away from the scene but he didn’t have the time to track the person down. “Shooter injured. Seven retain overwatch. Eight. Return to vehicles and bring one up.” He made his way back to Two and removed the tape from her ankles and wrists and mouth, pulling out a cloth that had been stuffed in her mouth. After making a quick check of her condition and applying some pressure bandages he went into his rucksack and pulled out a body bag. This was the bit that he didn’t like.

Northern, Norway

They heard raised voices from around the corner. They echoed around the bare, concrete walls of the tunnels under the compound. Four was leading the way and raised a hand for them to halt. She made her way to the corner as the rest of the group held position. After a quick glance around the corner, she motioned for Hayley to join her. As Hayley got closer to the corner, she could make out what the voices were saying and also who they belonged to. “Elizabeth. Listen to me. We need to go. Now!” Harper was pleading with her boss. “It is too late. We can go and rebuild somewhere else.”

“How?” Elizabeth. She had looked at the destruction of the garage from a window and knew that something bad had happened. There had been no answer form any of the team on radio. “It’s over.” There was a desperate look in Elizabeth’s eyes that Harper hadn’t seen before. This unnerved her. “This was my last attempt at making it big. I had grand plans. Going straight. Living free. Influence in the right circles.” Hayley stepped out into the corridor. Four made a grab for her shoulder but Hayley shrugged it off.

“Elizabeth!” Hayley called. Harper and Elizabeth stopped and turned their heads toward the newcomer. “It is over, just like you said. We control the facility.” Something in Elizabeth’s eyes changed.

“And I bet this has something to do with you,” Elizabeth hissed. “Traitorous little cow.” Hayley stopped. Shocked by the venom of the words. “All I did was take care of you. Show you the best of everything.” Elizabeth stepped toward Hayley and jabbed a finger at her. Looking round Hayley noted that they were close of the emergency exit where she had let the team in. That seemed like days ago. “And this is how you repay me!”

“Freeze!” Four and Six appeared either side of Hayley with their pistols trained on Elizabeth.

“Ha!” Elizabeth waved her arms. “Typical Hayley. Always needing someone else’s help. Can’t do anything for yourself. Daddy with the career. Family privilege. Kirsty, Christina and Natalie carrying you. Having to rescue you. The blond bimbo damsel in distress. You only made cases with the information I, I gave you!” Hayley was hurt by these comments. “Who now? Andersson? I bet you dropped your knickers for him and this is what you received in return!” Elizabeth was getting closer and more aggressive.

“I…well…not…why are you…” Hayley stumbled under the onslaught of verbal barbs from Elizabeth. As this was going on and the focus was on Hayley and Elizbeth, Harper tried to back away.

“Don’t you move!” Four swivelled so that her pistol was trained on Harper.

“Yeah. Right.” Harper raised her hands. Elizabeth made a break for the narrow corridor that led to the emergency entrance that the team had used to enter the facility earlier. “Wait!” Hayley called as Six followed her with the pistol. Just as she pulled the trigger Hayley lashed out at the shooters arms and knocked them enough that the shit went a foot high and wide of the intended target.

“Why did you do that?” Six asked as Elizabeth disappeared down the narrow corridor.

“I couldn’t tell you,” Hayley said quietly. “Take the rest back to the group.” Hayley headed for the corridor and disappeared. The lights in the tunnel came on as Hayley made her way down the corridor. As she came to the end of the corridor Hayley felt the cool air. The door had been left open. After hitching up her skirt Hayley climbed the short set of ladders and found herself back on the outside. The sun was rising on the horizon and Hayley had to shield her eyes with her hand as she scanned the area for Elizabeth. There was a figure silhouetted. “That must be her.” Hayley set off after Elizabeth. That was a lot easier said then done wearing this outfit. Elizabeth was dressed more fittingly for the landscape. As Hayley followed the woman over the rocky and rising terrain she started to wonder where she was going. Although Hayley had no idea where she was beyond northern Norway, this didn’t seem like the direction to be heading in. As Hayley slowly worked her way over the uneven landscape, she noted that Elizbeth had stopped. There was now also a salty taste in the air. They were getting closer to the sea. As Hayley got closer to Elizabeth who was stood on the edge of the cliffs looking out to see. Hayley stopped about ten yards away. “Elizabeth,” Hayley said softly, not wanting to spook the woman. “Elizabeth.” A little louder to be heard over the waves crashing against the foot of the cliffs below.

“What?” Elizabeth turned around slowly. “You said it yourself Hayley darling,” she spat the last word out. “It is over.” Elizabeth edged a little further backwards. Hayley cautiously took a step forward. “Stay back.” Hayley took another step forward. Elizabeth edges back further. Glancing left and right.

“Elizabeth, Elizabeth,” Hayley called. “Look at me. It doesn’t have to end like this.”

“I wasn’t supposed to live in a cage.”

“It doesn’t have to be like that.” Hayley watched on as Elizabeth edged further away from her. There didn’t look to be any solid ground below her left heel. “Just stand still.” Despite all that the woman had put her through Hayley didn’t want the woman to come to any harm. Hayley wanted to see justice done. The woman up in court, judged and if they saw fit, sentenced by her peers. Elizabeth smiled and shuffled backwards. “Why do you want to save me? To look good in the papers?” Hayley ignored the barbed comment and stepped closer.

“No.” Hayley said. “Just come…” then the surface under Elizabeth’s left hell crumbled and she lost balance. Her right foot instinctively moved backwards to regain balance but there wasn’t anything firm for her foot to find. A panicked and shocked look passed over Elizabeth’s face as she lost balance. Hayley lunged forward and tried to grab a flailing arm but she couldn’t get there in time and Elizabeth disappeared from view. Hayley landed face down in the dirt with her eyes closed. She lay still for a moment before crawling forward and peeking over the edge. “Elizabeth!” The woman was clinging to a rocky outcrop a meter of so down. “Reach out your hand,” Hayley calls reaching out to try and grab Elizabeth. Elizabeth didn’t respond just looked down and then back up at Hayley with a content expression in her face. Lying on her stomach Hayley leaned out even further. “Elizabeth. Take my hand. Reach out!”

“In my top drawer,” Elizabeth looked from Hayley to the crashing waves below and then back at Hayley. “A parting gift. A bit early for your birthday but I won’t be around to see it.” Then Elizabeth closed her eyes and let go.

“NNNOOO!” Hayley yelled, closing her eyes and turning her head away. She didn’t hear anything else above the sound of the waves crashing against the cliffs far below. Rolling onto her back Hayley opened her eyes and looked at the sky. “Get up.” She didn’t move. “Get up now.” Hayley did and rubbed her hands against her jacket to clean off the worst of the dirt and grim. Hayley pulled the ring off her finger and tossed it over her shoulder and into the sea far below. “Finished.” She headed back toward the entrance.

EC Compound, Northern, Norway

It was a trudge back to the entrance. Hayley walked as if in a trance. Unable to process what had just happened. A mixture of emotions passing through her head. She climbed down the short ladder and closed the door behind her. It was then a walk along the corridor until she entered the main tunnels to find a lot of sets of eyes on her. “What happened?” Kirsty asked Hayley. They had all congregated in the concrete tunnels under the compound, waiting nervously for Hayley to return from outside. Hayley just shook her head. The two friends shared an embrace. “You can tell me later.” As they broke up One and Sasha approached them.

“I take it Elizabeth Crawford is no longer something that we have to factor in.”

“No.” Hayley stated. “Sasha. How did you get on with that call?”

“Well, once they got over the shock of hearing my voice, I managed to convince them that I wasn’t mad. My boss is on a plane to Oslo. The Norwegian police are scrambling to get here. Maybe an hour.” Sasha looked at Hayley. “What do we do now?”

“I don’t think that we want to be around when they show up,” Hayley commented. “There are too many questions that I don’t really want to answer at the moment.” The enormity of what she had gone through over the past months had suddenly caught up with her. She was shattered but there was one last thing to do. “I need to head to Elizabeth’s room to retrieve something.”

“I will go with you,” Kirsty said.

“Thank you.” One looked at Hayley.

“There is something that you have to give me.”

“Shit,” Hayley murmured under her breath.

“That was part of the deal as I understand it.”

“It was.” Hayley should have known that Andersson wouldn’t just forget. Searching the crowd Hayley found Gabriella and beckoned her over. Then she found Danielle and did the same. “Untie that woman,” Hayley was pointing at The Seamstress. “She will lead you to the harbour where Emily’s yacht is moored. It will be cramped but we can survive.” Plus, we need time to work on a story. Hayley didn’t think that this was the time to bring that up. “Do you have two radios that we can have Mister One?” The man looked at Six. The woman unclipped a radio from her belt and handed it to One. He took another form his belt and handed both to Hayley. “Thanks.”

“Gabriella, I don’t suppose you have the USB device with you?”

“What?” Gabriella replied shocked. “No, I stashed it somewhere. Safe. Like you said Hayley.”

“Where?” One asked.

“You want me to tell this guy?”

“Where is it?” One repeated.

“Tell him Gabby.”


As they stood in the lift Kirsty looked at Hayley. “Are you alright?” Hayley shook her head, not wanting to speak. “Don’t believe a word that bitch aid to you earlier. Alright.” Kirsty reached out and took her friends left hand and squeezed.” Hayley nodded as the doors opened. Taking a right turn Hayley led the other two women along the corridor to Elizabeth’s room. Hayley used the electronic card to open the door and push it open. The she stepped inside. Leaning over Hayley clicked on the lights and looked around the room. The bed lay unmade. A wet towel on the carpet. Some clothes scattered on a chair. All very un-Elizabeth Crawford.

“This one over here,” Hayley pointed and they gathered around a tall set of drawers. They all looked at the chest of drawers. There was a digital lock on the top left corner. Kirsty tried pulling a couple of the handles but they were locked in place. A large crowbar and some strength would be needed to prise it open. “Did she give you the code?” Danielle asked. Shaking her head Hayley replayed Elizabeth’s final words to her back in her head. Then she pressed her palm over the lock and the numbers appeared. She punched in her birthday. Six digits. There was a beep and Hayley pulled open the top drawer. Inside was some sexy underwear and a laptop.

“I think this is what Elizabeth was looking for me to have?” Hayley picked up the laptop and opened it up. It was password protected. “How security conscious were you Liz?” Hayley punched in her birthday again and the screen burst into life.

“Not very,” Danielle commented. “You should never use the same password more than once.”

“I think that she left it this way for a reason,” Kirsty commented. “She wanted Hayley to find it.” The desktop was empty apart from four folders. Hayley clicked on the first folder. It was Elizabeth’s files. All neatly titled. It contained the unedited files. Elizabeth’s dirty book of secrets. There was one named Senator Davenport. This wasn’t the time to flick through them. The second folder was named with a dollar sign. The third was named with a question mark and the fourth named sorry. That wasn’t like Elizabeth. Hayley clicked on the folder. There was one item in it, a video file. Intrigued, Hayley opened it. Elizabeth Crawford’s upper body appeared sitting at the big desk in her office.

“Hello, my name is Elizabeth Crawford and if you are watching this then I am no longer with you. To start I would like to confirm that Hayley King is innocent of anything that you think she has done. Hayley is an innocent victim in all of this.” On the screen Elizabeth sighed. “I suppose you could call this my confession and last will and testament rolled into one.”

“Bugger,” Kirsty blurted open. Hayley closed the file and looked at Danielle.

“Can you send these,” Hayley fluttered her hand and fingers, “floaty away thing.”

“The cloud,” Danielle confirmed taking the laptop and sitting it on the bed and going to work. It didn’t take long for the skilled technician to upload all of the data to a cloud server and then sent the link on an e-mail to Hayley, Natalie, Kirsty and herself.

“Now, let’s get out of here.” Hayley stuck the laptop under her arm and they retraced their steps all of the way to the main square. A large vehicle sat in the center and the doors in the compound walls were sitting open. The three women walked over to the vehicle where they found One and his team preparing to leave. “Forty minutes or so until help arrives.”

“Thanks for your help,” Hayley said to One and extended a hand. The man took it but said nothing. “Sorry about your operative. Did he have a family?” One shrugged.

“I didn’t even know his name. Andersson will take care of everything.” Without further words One and his team clambered into the vehicle and started the engine.

Emily St Clare yacht, North Sea

The large yacht rolled slightly on the waves as it navigated the swells of the North Sea. Hayley looked out from the stern of the ship as the sun was setting. It had been a long day. Telephone calls. E-mails. Demands to head for a certain port. They had denied them all and set course for New York. They would have to make a stop in the UK for supplies but they would pick a small port and slip in and out as quietly as possible. “You want some company.” It was Kirsty’s voice.

“Sure babe,” Hayley beckoned Kirsty to join her. They stared out at the sea and Hayley yawned. “I think that we should get you out of that dress and into a nice warm bed for an early night.”

“Is that all you think about?” Hayley tried for humour but the tone of her voice betrayed the tension.

“You need some rest. It has been along day. Night. And the rest.” Hayley nodded.

“One thing to do.” Hayley picked up the laptop and launched it as far as she could into the sea. Then she held out her hand and allowed Kirsty to led her back inside. They passed Christina and Danielle who were deep in conversation. It was tight with the number of women aboard the yacht but Hayley had managed to get a double room. Kirsty ushered Hayley inside the room, pulled the blinds closed and assisted Hayley in getting the dress off before stripping down to her underwear and holding the duvet up.

“Get in.” Hayley complied and Kirsty got in after her. Hayley faced away from her friend. Then Kirsty felt Hayley start to rock and moved closer. “Shush. You are fine.” The tears rolled down Hayley’s cheeks as she sobbed. Kirsty wrapped both arms around her and pulled her in close under the duvet. “Everything will be fine.” Kirsty didn’t move until Hayley had drifted off to sleep.
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Post by mrjones2009 »


Washington D.C – 6 months later

It had been a long six months. When they had finally pulled up the Hudson and into New York Harbour after fourteen days they had a welcoming committee. A very large welcoming committee with a lot of questions. Fortunately, they had the duration of the journey to get their stories straight. They had managed to hold up despite the fact that they were all split up and then questioned individually. On the way there had been a rendezvous with another ship to offload Alessandra, Victoria and Raquel. Given their records none of them wanted to be in a position where they had to spend time answering questions from the authorities. The last Hayley had seen of them was waving to them from Emily’s yacht as their vessel set off toward Northern Africa. Hayley wondered if she would ever see any of the women again. She didn’t think so. It would have been nice to sit down with Alessandra and find out her story but Hayley assumed that would never happen now. During the interview process Hayley had handed over Crawford’s files. This time she handed over all of the files, it was better that anybody in the files be confronted by the authorities than face potential blackmail by The Coalition. That had been Hayley’s rationale. Hayley had wondered if Andersson thought that this was against the spirt of their deal. She didn’t care. All except one folder that she had kept for herself.

During the crossing Hayley had pulled Danielle to one side and asked her to upload this particular file to a cloud server and delete all record of it. Hopefully, the tech heads in the FBI or whoever looked at the files didn’t look that hard for anything that had been deleted. Once they authorities were satisfied that they weren’t actually a danger to the free world they had been allowed to go about their lives and recover. There had been an emotional reunion with Natalie, a large thank you from Frankie Saracino for rescuing her and the rest of the Section 12 operatives from their captivity in rural Wisconsin following a tip in the files and then it was down to business. Hayley and Natalie teamed up again to reactivate the task force and sweep up the criminals in the Elizabeth Crawford files. The information in the files exonerate both her father, although her declined the offer of his old job back in favour of fishing trips with his friends, and Jaclyn Sanders who was released from prison and reunited with her daughter, April. Jaclyn had also retired and had taken April away on a round the world cruise with the compensation she had been given by the Government.

“You alright?”

“Sorry babe,” Hayley said. “I was miles away.”

“Are you ready for this?” Natalie asked Hayley.

“Sure, let’s get on with it then.” They got out of the car and closed the doors. Behind them four uniformed officers got out of two patrol cars and fell in behind the two detectives. As they approached the house that they were intending to enter the doors to another unmarked police vehicle opened and two local detectives got out. They had already had an hour-long discussion about how this would go down last night so they just exchanged a nod.

The Secret Service details had already been briefed and were expecting their arrival. Lindsay Ralston stood across the road with her hands clasped behind her back. She nodded as they locked gazes.

Having left their guns in the car, the Secret Service wouldn’t let them into the house with them anyway, access through the security measures was swift.

As they entered the kitchen Vice President Mark Davenport was sitting reading the sports pages of a national newspaper. “How can I help you ladies?” Full on politician grin in place.

“Detectives,” Hayley said as she pulled out her handcuffs.


“Detectives,” Hayley repeated. “Please stand up.” Davenport pushed the chair back and got up slowly. “Mark Davenport you are under arrest on suspicion of extortion, fraud, kidnapping, treason and some other crimes that are listed in this indictment,” Hayley put the document on the table. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will and can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, and if you cannot afford one, they will be provided for you. You have the right to exercise these rights at any time and decide not to answer questions or not make statements.” Hayley read Davenport his rights as she cuffed his wrists.

“Dad, what’s going on?” Evan asked.

“Evan Davenport,” Natalie started, “you are under arrest for the assault of Lindsay Ralston, kidnapping, accessory…”

“Evan, Evan,” Mark called as her was led away, “don’t say anything darling. Wait until you have spoken to a lawyer.” Natalie finished reading Evan her rights as she cuffed the young woman and then handed her off to the uniformed officers. Once the kitchen had emptied the two friends and colleagues high fived.

“What have you got arranged for my hen night? Natalie asked Hayley as casually as possible as they walked back through the house to the front door.
“mmmpppfff…mmhhmm…uummhh…” Hayley replied.

Hayley’s House, New York

Stepping back Hayley took in the scene in front of her. She had spent most of the afternoon unpacking, hanging and organising the items in this cupboard. The furniture had been specially designed and built to store these items. Hayley looked at the row of large garment bags that hung on the rail. There were five of them. One held her spectacular wedding dress and the others four large gown dresses from her time at Elizabeth Crawford’s. Above that was a shelf that had compression sacks of various sizes, from gargantuan to large. There were various other items placed in the cupboard from the past couple of years. She had no idea why she was keeping them, perhaps it was just that she wasn’t ready to let them go yet. Maybe it was something else that she wasn’t quite ready to admit to herself. “I wonder if this will come out tomorrow.” As part of their recovery and recuperation everyone held by Elizabeth Crawford had undergo a course of therapy. At the beginning Hayley had protested, Elizabeth hadn’t messed with her brain like the others, but had been informed if she wanted to keep her badge then it was mandatory. Hayley had promised her father at least five more years in the force so she relented. Her first appointment was with ‘Psychologist to the Stars’, Caitlin Scheider tomorrow afternoon. “How did I end up with her?” After seeing the woman on chat shows a couple of times Hayley hadn’t taken to her. The rest of the squad seemed to have been assigned standard police doctors. Taking one last look Hayley closed the doors and then turned the lock. She would keep the key in her bedside cabinet. Then the doorbell rang. She wasn’t expecting anyone. Maybe Kirsty or Constance had forgotten their keys. Hayley made her way from the top of the house to the front door and flung it open. “Oh!” Hayley got a shock at who was on the other side. For some reason she was suddenly aware that she was wearing jogging bottoms and a shapeless sweatshirt.
“You did say to look you up if I was ever in out this way.”

Natalie & Charlotte’s Wedding – 3 months later

“You may now kiss the bride,” the civil celebrant said and took a step back. The man had been warm and amusing during the ceremony. “Sorry, brides.” That got a chuckle from the crowd. Natalie and Charlotte leant in and kissed each other on the lips. There was a round of applause, a couple of cheers and at least one wolf whistle.

“Easy, Natalie,” Hayley whispered into her friend’s ear. “Save something for the honeymoon suite.” Natalie disengaged and turned to look at her friend. Hayley sighed and smiled. She had never seen Natalie look so happy. Or beautiful. It had been a tough time and they all deserved this celebration. It was kind of a way to put a lot of the recent past behind them and move on. Natalie pecked Hayley on the cheek.

“Thanks for everything,” Natalie said and then winked. “I think that I am not the only one that will be having an interesting night.” Nataile turned, took Charlotte by the hand and walked down the aisle between the two sets of chairs. Hayley watched on perplexed as the two women walked away. They both wore stunning white wedding dresses. What could Natalie mean? Hayley was daydreaming slightly when Charlotte’s bridesmaid Katie tapped her on the shoulder.

“You alright?” Katie asked.

“Sorry, a million miles away.” They both scurried after the brides. As Charlotte and Natalie walked down the aisle music started, a piano and violin. Katie turner her head toward a small stage in the corner of the room.

“Is that Christine von der Marwitz and Anna Romanova?”

“Yes,” Hayley said without turning around.

“How did they managed to get them to play at the wedding? They are world renowned concert musicians.” Not an unreasonable question.

“A special gift from someone with connections in the correct places.” Hayley smiled as she made that statement. With the whole arresting the Vice President, investigating the Elizabeth Crawford files and then the television series they all had become somewhat high profile. It helped with certain things. Hayley, a little more than the others as she had placed the cuffs on Mark Davenport and read him his rights. Once in custody he had folded like a pack of cards. Outside the room where the ceremony had taken place the wedding party hugged each other and had some time to themselves before the guests were released by the venue’s staff. The only interruption was the occasion sound of the camera of the official photographer taking snaps.

“I will go and get ready and leave you girls alone for a minute,” the photographer said and left.

“Thanks,” Hayley replied. “I will get everyone organised.” They four women inspected each other’s dressed for marks and that they were sitting correctly before the guests were let loose and they mingled for ten minutes, everyone wanting their time with the happy couple. Hayley eventually had to get involved and drag the couple away from the well-wishers. With the ceremony over it was to the gardens for the official photographs. “Never stops for the bridesmaids!” Hayley commented as she spent the next couple of hours running around, getting people for photographs, dealing with getting the venue organised for the meal, the band arriving for the evening celebrations and finally making a late minute change to her speech. Hayley was scribbling a note on the back of her speech when the photographer approached.

“It’s been a lovely day,” Rachel Monroe commented to Hayley.

“It has been wonderful,” Hayley replied. The photographer was correct. It had been good to catch up with everyone in a relaxed and happy environment. The photographer rummaged in her bag and pulled out a small card.

“Have you ever considered modelling?” Rachel handed Hayley the card.

“Absolutely not!” Hayley exclaimed. “Don’t think that I have the body for it.”

“I would beg to disagree.” Rachel shook her head. Hayley could feel the woman’s eyes on her. “Look, if you ever change your mind look me up. Oh, also if you ever need anything else, weddings, family shots, anything professional then call.” The photographer placed a hand on Hayley’s shoulder and then headed for the door, letting her hand slide down Hayley’s arm as she moved away. Hayley watched the women leave as she slipped the card and folded speech under her billowing skirts and under her garter.

“She seemed very professional,” Penelope commented, giving Hayley a look. “I can’t wait to see how the photographs turn out.” Hayley turned in a swish of fabric and found herself face to face with the tall English woman.

“Nice as well.” Hayley spread her arms and the two women embraced. “Been too long.”

“It has,” Penelope confirmed as she stepped back.

“I didn’t see you before the ceremony.”

“Yeah, was running a little bit late. Things to organise and that.” Penelope looked at Hayley. “Stunning dress. You look amazing. Hope that you didn’t overshadow the brides.”

“I very much doubt that.” They both looked around and found the two brides chatting to a couple of other guests. “They look so happy.” The two women watched on silently and Charlotte pecked Natalie on the cheek. “Cute.”

“You seem to have had a hectic day,” Penelope said to break the spell cast by the lovebirds.

“Like you wouldn’t believe,” Hayley said and leaned back against the wall. “I can’t wait for the speech and meal to be over then I can get a drink and relax for the evening. Blow off some steam. Might even be able to catch up with people properly.”

“You might be seeing more of me anyway.”

“Why is that?”

“Decided to move across the pond.”

“Here?” Hayley asked and raised an eyebrow.

“No,” Penelope said with a shrug. “Grace wanted to get away and for some reason she picked the University of Maine. So, I am going to go and keep an eye on her.”

“You never struck me as…well….” Hayley was struggling to find the correct term.

“I know what you are trying to say,” Penelope said, not offended by the implication. “It will be good for me as well. New start.” Hayley nodded.
“Not far away then.”

“Just an eight-hour train ride away.” Penelope rummage in the small purse that she was carrying. “Look at this,” she held up a card. “Officially a Private Investigator in the great state of Maine.”

“Should be interesting,” Hayley commented.

“Got to make a buck somehow.” The two women embraced again and Hayley started to walk away.

“Sorry, as a bridesmaid I am obliged to mingle. Catch up again later.”

At the bar Kirsty and a tall, handsome man watched the blond bridesmaid walk toward an older couple and greet them. “Hello slugger,” Kirsty turned and nudged Cage in the shoulder. Cage smiled, Kirsty was well aware Cage had played football and not baseball but always opened with that. He knew that Kirsty was just testing him. Hayley and Kirsty had a relationship that Hayley had been open and honest about. Now Hayley was dating Cage and, in his opinion, it was going very well. “How are you coping sharing Hayley today?”

“Fine,” Cage replied never taking his eyes from Hayley. “Can I get you a drink?” Kirsty nodded and Cage turned and ordered the drinks. He knew what Kirsty liked to drink. When the drinks arrived, they stood next to each other sipping. “How are you doing? Any word on a job yet?”

“Alright,” Kirsty replied, “and working on it.”

“Personal life? Dating?” Cage sniggered and Kirsty rolled her eyes. Now, Kirsty was a striking and beautiful woman and today she looked stunning in a form fitting blue, purple and black dress. Sometimes her icy attitude got in the way of things. It was like Kirsty didn’t feel that she deserved some happiness and someone to take care of her. The reactions came because of Cage’s younger brother, Rico. Rico had visited a couple of weeks ago and stayed at Hayley’s. Cage’s brother was going to be moving to New York to study architecture. Rico was also mad of sport and keeping fit. He had taken over Cage’s old position as high school quarterback. Rico’s first sight of Kirsty had been in tight fitting work out equipment as she headed out for a run. It had been love at first sight.

“I can always set you up?” Cage had spent the whole of Rico’s visit winding both of them up. “I can vouch for the guy.” Kirsty punched Cage in the chest. They looked at each other for a moment, then burst out laughing. That broke the ice and Cage had the best ten minutes he had spent with Kirsty since Hayley and he had become an item. He pulled out his phone and took a couple of photographs of them and then asked Kirsty to strike a pose. He was surprised when she did.

“I better go and catch up with Hayley,” Kirsty finished her drink and put it back on the bar. She looked at Cage. “Look, she is the only real friend that I have ever had.” Kirsty fixed Cage with a stare. “If you hurt her there is nowhere on earth that I won’t track you down and do unspeakable things to a very delicate part of your anatomy.” Cage swallowed and nodded. “Good. I am sure that we can be friends now.” As she walked away Cage pulled his phone back out and sent a couple of the pictures of Kirsty to Rico then he spotted Gabriela and her husband Tony.

“Hey!” Tony called as Cage approached them. They shook hands and he pecked Gabriela on the cheek.

“You not drinking?” Cage asked noting the orange juice in the Gabriela’s flute rather than champagne. Gabriela shook her head and then glanced at Tony. “You aren’t?” Tony nodded.

“Yeah, just found out three weeks ago,” Tony confirmed.

“Must be something with weddings!” Gabriela commented.

“Congratulations,” Cage said and shook Tony’s hand again.

“Just keep it to yourself for now.”

On the other side of the room Kirsty had caught up with Hayley who had been talking with Gayle Hutton and Rhiannon Scott. “Are you guys staying the night?” Hayley asked.

“Yeah,” Gayle confirmed. “We have a twin booked.”

“Did you sort something for us?” Hayley asked Kirsty. A smile broke out across Kirsty’s face. If only she had told Cage what she had planned for the weekend. “I am not going to ask what that smile means.” They four friends caught up before they were called in for the meal. Hayley and Kirsty were walking along the corridor toward the dining room a figure walked past an open door going in the opposite direction and Hayley did a double take. A chill ran down her back. “What is it?” Kirsty asked.

“You know that way something at the back of your brain goes on high alert.”

“Your mind is running wild. Too much excitement over the past number of years. It can’t switch off.”

“You are probably right.”

“I have something that will help you switch off,” Kirsty murmured.

“What was that babe,” Hayley said. “Didn’t hear you.”

“Nothing. Shall we have some food.” Hayley nodded and they entered the dining room. Hayley headed for the main table and Kirsty to one of the other where Christina, Gayle, Rhiannon, Constance, Kyle (Constance’s boyfriend), Penelope and Cage made up the numbers. It was a good table. The rest of the gang, Gabriela, Tony, Danielle, Jaclyn Sanders and her daughter, Natascha, Lucas and Sasha Conteh were at another table. They had fun, the food was great, the drink flowed and the speeches were warm and funny. From there they moved onto the evening’s entertainment and danced the night away. Jasmine Lockspeiser, Elise Rodgers and Shonali Khan all arrived as evening guests and joined in. They were all riding a wave of success. Jasmine with her television series of the Elizabeth Crawford affair, Elise with awards galore for her latest novel and Shonali with awards season coming up and nominations for her roles in both films that she had released this year. As the evening was winding up Hayley put a drunk Constance into a taxi home with Kyle and Cage then headed back to the hall to find Natalie and Charotte slow dancing to Let’s Stay Together by Al Green. She watched on for a minute before Kirsty, the only other person left in the room, came over. “She we leave them to it.” Hayley nodded and they left the hall.

“What have you book anyway?” Hayley asked. Kirsty didn’t reply, she just grabbed Hayley’s hand and lead her through the hotel and out onto the large terrace. Then it was onto a path and through the gardens. Kirsty had rented a lodge in the grounds of the venue. “This looks nice.” Kirsty opened the door and stepped inside. It was a spacious living space with a kitchen and a corridor leading off it.

“I had your bags brought across and out in one of the bedrooms.” Kirsty pointed down the corridor as she threw her purse on the table that sat between two settees. There were some items on the table that she picked up as Hayley was distracted looking around the interior of the lodge.
“This is lovely,” Hayley commented. “Should be a fun place to spend a couple of days.”

“How right you are Hayley,” Kirsty said as she slipped off her heels. “That feels good.”

“What are you doing?” Hayley asked as she spun round and saw what Kirsty was doing. Kirsty was folding a large white cloth into a pad. “Remember you promised me that weekend.”

“Oh! Come on….” Hayley trailed off.

“You promised.”

“I was under duress!” Kirsty twisted the top of a bottle and made a show of pouring the liquid from the bottle onto the folded cloth. “Look, there is no need for that. If you want to….”

“You said anything,” Kirsty cut Hayley off as she put the bottle down and rubbed the cloth to get the chloroform to soak in. If this was going to be Kirsty’ last chance with Hayley then she was going to spend the whole weekend enjoying Hayley’s body, even if it meant keeping her tightly bound and gagged.

“Alright,” Hayley said but she didn’t look to disappointed. Hayley reached around and went for the zip on her dress.

“No, you look great in that dress. I want to be the one to take it off.” Turning around Hayley waited as Kirsty approached, wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled Hayley in close. A split-second later Kirsty pressed the cloth over Hayley’s nose and mouth. It was a slight surprise to Hayley when the cloth was pressed in place that it was chloroform. She had expected to have to ‘act’ the role. “Shocked. I borrowed some from Natalie’s supply.” Hayley rolled her eyes. Stitched up by her best friend. Playing along Hayley decided that she would go full on damsel-in-distress and started to struggle. Kirsty felt Hayley squirming against her and a surge of electricity shot through her body. “MMUUMMPPFF!” Hayley moaned into the cloth and rolled her eyes. Kirsty couldn’t help but giggle and Hayley’s theatrics. In response Kirsty moved her hand up from Hayley’s waist to her chest and started to massage her breasts. “UUMMPPFF!” Hayley moaned in pleasure as sage started to feel the fumes sap her strength and make her drowsy. As the darkness descended, she wondered what else Kirsty had planned.

Hayley’s House, East Coast USA

The sleek black car pulled into the driveway and Kirsty killed the engine. In the passenger seat Hayley looked out the window at her house. In one way it was good to be home, in another both she and Kirsty knew it was the end of something. They exchanged a look and both got out of the car. Hayley went to the boot and hefted out the bag with her bridesmaid dress and then the small suitcase and headed for the front door. Kirsty followed after getting her own case. “I wonder what Constance got up to over the weekend?” Hayley asked as she opened the door.

“Nothing exciting was what she said,” Kirsty replied. Hayley and Kirsty laughed as they entered the house. Then they stopped. Constance had obviously heard them arrive as she was waiting for them in the center of the hall. They both were stunned at the sight that confronted them. What they saw was Constance dressed in full dominatrix outfit. “Bloody hell!” Hayley exclaimed getting a little bit flushed at the sight. The whip that Constance held in her left hand twitched against the long, leather boot.

“What are you dressed like that for?” Kirsty asked, totally perplexed.

“Quiet. No talking. Mistress understands that you have been naughty, naughty girls. Keeping something from Mistress.” Constance brought the whip onto her long leather boot with a crack. “Mistress is not happy about this and thinks that you deserve to be punished.” Hayley and Kirsty exchanged a look. Both raised an eyebrow. Constance walked around behind the two women. “Into the living room now.”

“Er…Constance…” Hayley started before the whip smacked her across the bottom and she jumped.

“Did Mistress ask you a question?”

“No, but…” Kirsty received the same treatment with the whip.

“Mistress issued an instruction which Mistress expects to be obeyed. Mistress has been lenient so far but will not be so nice should any further instructions not be carried out.”

“I don’t think…” Hayley only got so far before two further smacks were issued.

“Now, those mouths aren’t being used the way Mistress would like them. So, for the moment they will have to be closed until Mistress has use of them. There is material in the living room to do that. Now move.” Hayley and Kirsty remined still, probably more in shock than anything else. Constance leaned in between the two friends and lowered her voice. “Mistress has issued an instruction.” Hayley and Kirsty set off for the living room, leaving their belongings lying on the hall floor.

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