Kaleidoscope: No Proscenium (M/F, FFFF+/M, MM/MF, F/M. F/F, etc.)

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Post by Fandango »

Chapter 9 - Donovan Mitchell FTW (Mia Blair's POV) FM/F, F/F [Part 5 of 7]

Julie: You see, Mia. Brendan was capable of getting over Red Letter Night. He really was. He tried his fucking damnedest to put it behind him. But some of you made that very difficult.

Mia: Nnnnmmmmmppppphhhhh hhhhmmmppphhhh mmmmppphhhhhhh!!!!

Julie: Do you remember our DG Halloween Party?

Mia remembered it well. It was a great party. Epic. It was also the first night that Julie had told off Mia for teasing Brendan about Red Letter Night. It was where she really got the impression that Julie’s thoughts on the night had shifted and that the other girls and her should be more cautious about how they talked about it around her. She appeared to be more sensitive about it now that she was dating their victim.

Mia: Mmmmppphhhhh hhhhhmmmpppphhhhh.

Julie: Do you remember Brendan’s costume?

Mia did. How could she forget it? He went as Tarzan or George of the Jungle. Just a loincloth. Also a pair of skin-toned ballet flats on his feet so he wasn’t totally barefoot. But the costume left very little to the imagination. It was skimpy. And she had THOROUGHLY enjoyed it. Brendan absolutely had a body for sin. And the less clothing that he was sporting…the better, as far as Mia was concerned. Brendan’s phenomenal lats and delts and calves and pecs were all on full display. As well as his six pack abs, which were probably the best of any that she’d ever seen that belonged to a friend and contemporary and not some celebrity or professional athlete. It had been a very revealing costume, but he’d worn it shamelessly and confidently.

Mia: Mmmmppphhhh hhhhhmmmmppphhhhhh.

Julie: Do you remember WHY he was wearing that costume?

Mia: Nnnnnnmmmmppppphhhhhhhh.

Mia didn’t really have a clue. When you’ve got it…flaunt it. That was her guess. At least that’s the way that she saw it.

Julie: Come on, Mia. We talked about this. You weren’t that drunk. And it was only three months ago. Think back a little harder.

Mia tried to remember the events leading up to the Halloween party. She remembered talking to Julie one night about her costume. Brendan didn’t want to come to the party at all. He never really wanted to come to DG parties. Maybe he wasn’t much of a drinker. Maybe he had social anxiety. Mia could never be sure. Julie had talked him into it. Julie and Brendan had decided that they were going to pick each other’s costumes. They would wear whatever the person picked for them. OK. Mia was remembering this now. Julie clearly must have dressed Brendan. She remembered talking to her about it now.

Mia: Mmmmmmppphhhhhh!!! Mmmmmpppphhhhh!!!!

Julie: You remember?

Mia: Mmmmpppphhhhh hhhhmmmmppphhhh.

Mia couldn’t make Julie understand her but she shook her head towards Julie hoping that her sorority sister would know that she remembered that Julie had chosen the costume. And she’d chosen well. Brendan had looked so god damn hot at that party.

Julie: That’s right. He wore it because I bought it for him. I put him in that costume. And I did so because YOU got in my head, Mia.

Mia: HHhmmmmpppppphhhhhh?!?!?

How was this Mia’s fault? She certainly wasn’t ready to make that leap.

Julie: I told you that Brendan and I were picking each other’s costumes. You told me that he was probably trying to get back at me for embarrassing him. That he’d have me wear some sort of skimpy Playboy bunny outfit or other demeaning getup. Something with a butt hugging leotard or that showed a lot of cleavage. That he’d try and show off my body as a prize that he claimed. Do you remember this?

Mia now vaguely remembered this. It had been in early October, almost a month before the party. They were only a month back into the school year and she thought it was odd that Brendan was dating Julie. She had been teasing Julie. And she was a little tipsy at the time. Clearly she had gotten to Julie.

Julie: So I decided that two could play at that game. I’d get him a provocative costume to match my own. And do you remember what MY costume was at that party, Mia?

Mia did remember. It had been great. The attention to detail. The execution. The casual sexiness. Julie had gone as Carmen Sandiego. And she had absolutely rocked it. It had been a total hit. Sultry and well done, but not provocative or demeaning as she might have expected.

Mia: Mmmmpppppphhhhh hhhhhhmmmmppppphhhhhh.

Mia now felt a little guilty. She realized that that costume must have been picked by Brendan. And…way to go, Brendan.

Julie: I went as Carmen Sandiego. It wasn’t licentious or exploitive. And he didn’t phone it in and just order a skimpy joke costume off Amazon like I did. It wasn’t from some Carmen Sandiego costume set. He got my measurements. He shopped around. He created a really thoughtful, bespoke, and well done costume. He wasn’t trying to embarrass me. He was trying to make me stand out in a good way. And do you know why he chose that costume, Mia?

Mia felt a pang of guilt hit her with force. She shouldn’t be feeling guilt right now. She was the one that was being mistreated. But she did view herself as a mentor and guide to her younger sorority sisters and clearly she’d made a misstep. She’d misjudged somebody and it didn’t feel great.

Mia: Hhhmmmmppppphhhhhhh??

Julie: He chose it. Because that’s what he finds sexy. Don’t get me wrong…he LOVES my body. But I’m more than that to him. I’m his Carmen Sandiego. She's smart. She's beautiful. She's crafty. She's worldly and cultured and very well traveled. Mischievous, but also canonically empathetic. The total package. She'll steal your heart right after she steals Munch's The Scream and then somehow steals Angor Wat. Don’t ask how she does that last one. And somehow he sees all of that in ME. And he wanted me to be comfortable and confident while also standing out at our party. It was really thoughtful.

Mia could tell that Julie was starting to get a little bit emotional now.

Julie: And it felt REALLY, REALLY bad showing him his costume mere minutes after he showed me mine. I almost thought it would be better just to say that I’d forgotten about the whole thing and that I didn’t have a costume for him. But I didn’t. I gave him his insulting, phoned in costume and he THANKED me for it.

Mia: Mmmmmmppppphhhhhhhrrrmmmpppphhhhh hhhhmmmpppphhhhhh mmmpppphhhhhhhhhh.

Mia felt bad. But she hardly saw this as her fault. She’d given Julie some bad advice. But Julie was a grown woman who made her own choices. Tying Mia up and tormenting her for gifting Brendan with an embarrassing costume was yet another example of Julie not taking responsibility for her own actions.

Julie: For weeks I’d been excited to tie Brendan up in that sexy little costume. But obviously I couldn’t do it. That was too big of an ask that night. Not only did I feel terrible about the exchange. I probably wouldn’t have been able to bring myself to ask him. But you had to open your big, insipid mouth and ruin any chance that he might be in the mood for that.

Mia remembered what had happened that night. She clearly enjoyed teasing Brendan. And that had been the first night that Julie had really reamed her out for it. They’d been standing around. He’d looked so delectable in his revealing outfit. One of her sorority sisters had made a fairly thirsty remark to him about the amount of skin that he was showing and Julie had retorted: “I’ve seen him wearing significantly less. Remember that, Brendan?” Brendan had gotten immediately flushed. He’d squirmed uncomfortably and silently dismissed himself. She’d felt good about the zinger in the moment. But somehow it had gotten back to Julie, she’d assumed through Brendan, and Julie had let her know that she was being a bitch and that the events of that night were in the past and we should leave them there. She did not want Brendan being teased or provoked regarding his fraternity initiation. Mia had apologized to calm Julie down. But she hadn’t really heeded the demand. That night had been legendary. It was too good of a time not to reminisce on. She still teased Brendan. She still talked about it. She just made a more concerted effort to hide it as a topic of conversation from Julie.

Julie: Between you and me, I think that Brendan has to put up with a lot at our house. It’s not fair to him. This might be something that hasn’t properly clicked with you yet…but that’s a pretty traumatic place for him.

Mia: Mmmmmppppphhhhhrrmmmppppphhhhh hhhhhhmmmpppphhhhh mmmpppphhhhh!!!

Julie: Save it, Mia! I’m talking now.

Mia: Hhmmmmpppppphhhh!!!!

Julie: I know that you all tease him. And you know that I don’t like that. But he tries to put on a strong face and shield me from how much it bothers him. But I found out something even more troubling recently. Something that I’m not as willing to just forgive or shrug aside.

Mia started to squirm. OK. So Julie had punishment on her mind. What for? What slight did Julie think that Mia had committed that she needed to get retribution for?

Julie: I found out recently that there are pictures and videos of what happened to Brendan last year making the rounds. That seemed impossible to me. That was STRICTLY FORBIDDEN! You were the one who forbade it. We were all very clear on that. This was something that was touch and go and we did not need it getting out.

Mia froze. Her whole body went rigid and cold. She now was gathering exactly what this was about. She’d definitely shared the media with some close friends. She’d even distributed the video a couple of times. Thinking it would stay under wraps. She had made the rules that none of them were to share the video. That had been more for their protection than for Brendan’s. She had been worried at the time that they could get in trouble. But with Julie DATING Brendan…she didn’t see that as much of a concern at present. And that night had made her a legend in the halls of Delta Gamma. Inquiring minds wanted to know about them. And she probably had been indiscreet in satiating the curiosity. But she realized that it was wrong. She’d realized that before now, but the weight of the wrongness of it was certainly crashing over her in her current vulnerable and pathetic state. And she felt bad. But she also felt scared. Scared about the potential consequences of her indiscretion. Hopefully, she could talk Julie down a little bit once the gag came out of her mouth. She’d let her know that she was sorry. Sincerely sorry. Not just saying it to avoid retribution. What she had done was definitely unacceptable. A bitch move for sure. And she definitely felt guilt creeping in. It hadn’t been fair to Brendan.

Julie: It’s not fair that my boyfriend doesn’t feel comfortable in my own fucking house! Devin and Ryan and Liam and Adam all enjoy coming over to DG. And my boyfriend fucking hates it there! We pride ourselves on being welcoming. And yet I cannot get him to feel welcome! Gee…I wonder fucking WHY!

Mia was taken aback. Julie was normally very in control. Raising her voice like this was somewhat out of character. And Mia felt awful. She realized that she’d made no proper effort to make Brendan feel welcome, but hadn’t really realized how hard it was for him. He certainly hid it well. He put on a good show whenever he came around.

Julie: So I tried to figure out who was leaking all of this smut to our friends. I was really hoping it wasn’t you, Mia. I really wanted it to not be YOU! But I think in my heart that I always knew that it was. Don’t get me wrong…it wasn’t ONLY you. But you are far and away the most egregious offender. And it kills me. What were you thinking? How fucking could you?!?!

Julie’s voice cracked multiple times in the previous couple of sentences. Mia could see that tears had pricked her friend’s eyes and she was beginning to cry. Mia felt tears welling in her own eyes. She could see genuine hurt and anger in her friend’s face. Mia had been furious just minutes ago with the fun, cheeky way that Julie had called her a “smarmy, little minx”. That had been so demeaning and infuriating. But now she found herself wishing she could go back to that. She wanted fun Julie. She wanted playful Julie. The girl in front of her was clearly hurt and embittered. Mia felt terrible. She had been trying to raise her own profile by sharing the videos. She hadn’t been trying to hurt anybody. But of course she had. You’d have to be a blind idiot not to see that. She’d just never really considered the cost. She’d done Brendan dirty and she sincerely wished that she could take things back. It had been an absolute betrayal.

Julie: No. Seriously. What were you thinking? It’s clear that you don’t five a FLYING FUCK about Brendan, but what about me?

Mia was startled. She did care about Brendan. She’d definitely done something terrible to him. But she did like him. And she was deeply troubled that he was apparently so deeply troubled.

Julie: If his happiness and reputation isn’t enough for you, what about mine?!?! He’s my boyfriend. And I don’t particularly like the fact that dozens of my friends and acquaintances have seen high definition video of the worst thing that I’ve ever done. We don’t look cool in those videos, Mia. We look like god damn psychos!

Mia: Mmmmmmpppppppprrrrmmmmmppppphhhhhhhh!!!!! Hhhhhmmmmmppppppphhhhhh!!!!!! Mmmmmmppppphhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Mmmmpppphhhhhhhhh!!!!! Hhhhmmmmmmpppphhhrrrmmmmmm nnnnnnmmmmppppphhhhhh mmmpppphhhhhh!!!! Nnnnnmmpppphhhhhh!!!!!!

There was so much that Mia wanted to say right now. She wanted to explain herself as best she could, but the strict gag turned her pleading explanations into nonsense even to her own ears. She sounded pathetic and miserable. She wanted to tell Julie that she was sorry. That she knew that she was wrong. That it had simply been a massive lapse in judgement. That she didn’t know that it was doing nearly as much damage as it was. That it had only been to a handful of people. She’d wanted to feel important and powerful. She’d deluded herself into thinking that it was OK because Brendan was dating Julie. And how much could he have really hated his torment if he’d gotten into a relationship with his tormentor. Mia wanted to tell her that she was sorry and that she’d make nice with Brendan and make it her highest priority that he always felt safe and welcome and valued at DG House from now on. But none of this was coming through. She simply sounded like a gargling, gibberish-spouting lunatic.

Julie: No need to answer now, honey. There will be plenty of time for that later. I mean, we’ve got a boatload of time to hear all of your silly, self-aggrandizing excuses. Do you know why it was so important that I do this to you today of all days?

Mia: Hhhmmmmpppppphhh?!?!?

Mia had not thought about this even slightly. Today was just a day. A Monday. She’d just gotten back from holiday break. The Bulls had been playing the Cavaliers. Wasn’t that why this was happening today? That was the bet.

Julie: We’ve got a lot of stuff to work out, Mia. I’ve got some things that I need to fix. And fixing them might take some time. I need to make sure that I stop the spread of all these pictures and videos. So I hope you don’t mind but I went through your room and collected a bunch of things. Here’s what I found.

Julie walked over to a large bag against the far wall and started pulling out electronics. Mia’s laptop came out. Then her older out-dated laptop came out. Next was an iPad that she owned. This was followed by two 1TB external hard drives that she kept in her closet. And finally a box full of USB drives and sim cards that she had to assume were hers.

Julie: I was pretty thorough. I really hope that I got everything that might contain your copies of the video and the photos. They’re all going away. All of them. Do I make myself clear?

Mia: Mmmmmpppphhhhh hhhhhmmmmpppphhhhh!!!!

Mia nodded. Of course. She’d proven herself untrustworthy of possessing them. She understood that. She’d hate to see them go. But there was no way around this. This was an obvious concession.

Julie: So, it’s going to take me a while to verify that you have no more access to the media in question. It could take DAYS.

Mia: HHHHmmmmmmmppppphhhhhhhh?!?!!?!?? Nnnnnnmmmmmppppppphhhhhhh!!!!!!! Nnnnnmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Julie: Oh. Yes, yes, yes. You’re back from holiday break early. Classes won’t start until the 11th. And I don’t see that you have anywhere that you need to be. So nobody is really going to miss you for the next nine days. Hopefully, that will be enough time for us to work out what we need to work out.

Surely Julie had to be joking. Nine days?!?!?! Absolutely not!! That was savage!! That was barbaric!! That was insane!! That was kidnapping. That was slavery. This was no longer revenge. This was no longer a joke or a prank or a punishment. Holding an unwilling person for nine days was the depths of lunacy. It was criminal.

Julie: And you’re going to tell me every password that I want to know. You’re going to help me into your cloud. Any file sharing accounts that you have. Your DeviantArt account. Your WeTransfer account. Your Flikr account. All of your emails. We’re going to see if you’ve discussed it with people on Instagram or Discord or Facebook or Formspring. Whatever I ask…you’re coughing it up…capiche?

Mia: Mmmmmmppppphhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Hhhhhmmmmmmppppphhhhh mmmmmmpppphhhhhhhh mmmmppppphhhhhhhh mmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!!

Mia was nodding vigorously. She’d give it all up. Everything. She didn’t even have half of those things that Julie had mentioned. Flikr? Formspring? Did anybody have those anymore? But she’d tell Julie whatever she wanted to know. There was no reason that this needed to take nine days. They could get this all banged out this evening. They’d get it sorted. She’d apologize. Profusely. They could put this whole idiotic mess behind them. She’d assist in any way possible. Julie needed to know that.

Mia: Mmmmmpppphhhhrhrrmmmmppphhhh hhhhhhmmmpppphhhh nnnnnmmmmppphhhh mmmppphhhhhhhh!!!

Julie: And you’re going to tell me EVERY person that you’ve shared things with. I’ve got a lengthy list, but I’m not sure that it’s complete. So you’re going to be a very helpful girl with a very good memory, because if you forget anybody that is already on my list…you’re toast.

Mia’s mind was now racing. She was now starting to remember just how many people she’d shared pictures and video with. If you’d asked her an hour ago…she’d have said ten. But as her mind cycled through people desperately trying to make sure to leave no stone unturned…it had to be at least 40. How could she have gotten so carried away? How could she have been so imprudent? Mia was starting to understand Julie’s position more and more and was fully disgusted with her own behavior. Julie looked at her with disdain and largely vicious intent. The cruel smile that had curled onto her friends lips began to scare Mia.

Julie: You want to tell me everything right now? Give it all up?

Mia: Mmmmmppppphhhhhhhh hhhhhhhmmmmppppphhhhhhh!!!!!

That’s exactly what Mia wanted. She was a prisoner because she’d been reckless and selfish. They may as well start rectifying things so that the healing can began.

Julie: I’m sure you do. But we’ll have time for that later. First…we’re going to have some fun with you. Tonight is going to be all about letting Brendan and I explore our little trussed and stuffed plaything. We have plenty of fun games for you to play.

Games? Oh God! Mia was desperate. The time for dignity had passed. She needed to throw herself upon Julie’s mercy. Beg and beseech her to ease up and take pity on her.

Mia: Mmmmmmmmppppphhhhhh mmmmmppppppphhhhhhh mmmmmpppppphhhhhh mmmmppppphhhhhhhhh!!!!

She mewled into her gag. She begged and pleaded. She realized that she had fucked up. But Julie was her friend. One bad decision, even one this bad, shouldn’t be able to completely erase multiple years of friendship and loyalty.

Julie: Yeah. We’re going to have some real fun tonight. Give you a little taste of your own medicine.

Mia: Nnnnnmmmmmpppppphhhhhh!!!!! Nnnnnnnmmmmpppphhhh mmmmppphhhhh hhhmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!!

Julie: Oh. Yes yes yes. You’re going to play these games. And you’re going to try your hardest to win. Otherwise there will be GRAVE consequences for failure.

Mia: Hhhhmmmmmmppppppphhhhhhh?!?!?

Grave consequences? What could she possibly mean?

Julie: You see, Mia. You’re not the only person that I’ve lied to. I lied to Brendan. I promised him that I’d fix what you did. But we both know that that is not an easy or even possible task. What’s done is done.

Mia: Mmmmmmpppphhhhhhmmmmm…

Mia let out a distraught whimper. Julie was right. Damage had been done that couldn’t simply be undone.

Julie: I told Brendan that I could put the toothpaste back in the tube. That I’m that good. But we know that I’m not that good. The toothpaste is never going back in the tube.

Mia: Mmmmmpppphhhhhh mmmmmppppphhhhhh nnnmmmppphhrhrrmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm!!!!!

They could TRY. They could fix this. She’d do anything to fix things at this point. Julie was right, clean up would be tough. But she was willing to put in the effort.

Julie: No. The best that I can do for him is to make people forget that the toothpaste ever existed. And in order to do that…I need to change the narrative. I need to give them a bigger story. One that will distract them from what they know about him. Something that will paint him in a brand new light.

Mia did not like where this was going at all. The way that this monologue was rolling off Julie’s tongue when she was as thoroughly helpless as she was couldn’t be leading anywhere that she was comfortable with. She began to squirm and buck with increased vigor.

Julie: I want people to see that Brendan is actually a dominant force. He’s somebody to be respected. And potentially even feared, if you’re the type of person that steps out of line. That’s why I picked up a couple of things for our time together.

Mia watched with rapt attention as Julie sauntered over to the bookcase and picked up something off one of the shelves. She then walked over to the mantle over the fireplace and picked up another item which she could see was white and about the size of a paperweight. She thought that it looked very similar to whatever it was that Julie had grabbed off the bookshelf.

Julie: Any clue what these are, Mia?
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Post by GreyLord »

This is beyond wonderful, @Fandango. This is a dish served cold, indeed. It is classic revenge, worthy of Alexandre Dumas. It has been planned most carefully. So far, it is being well executed. My only disappointment is that you only plan two more sections of this chapter.

Julie shines. As for Mia, while it is difficult to believe that she could do so much hard without realizing it, she is showing signs of possible redemption. Well done and many kudos.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 5 months ago This is beyond wonderful, @Fandango. This is a dish served cold, indeed. It is classic revenge, worthy of Alexandre Dumas. It has been planned most carefully. So far, it is being well executed.
I concur totally with Grandmaster @GreyLord :) This Revenge is truly a dish served cold - but there is a thin line Julie might not want to cross - and turn into a total Sadist ... but we will see how this unfolds. Nicely done @Fandango !
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Post by Rtj65 »

Julie's true colours are really coming out here, I think, and while I'm excited to see her execute her plan, I'd definitely keep her at arm's length if I knew her for real! One of the things that you've done very well in this story is show how there is often more than meets the eye with some of the characters and situations, the former of which don't necessarily know what they are getting themselves into. I genuinely don't think Mia was ever fully aware of the harm she was causing, so it's easier for me to sympathise with her here. I'm also looking forward to seeing what Brendan makes of all this when he learns what Julie is planning.
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by Fandango »

Chapter 9 - Donovan Mitchell FTW (Mia Blair's POV) FM/F, F/F [Part 6 of 7]

Julie held out the objects in front of Mia and Mia was brought to the verge of tears by the horrible realization of exactly what Julie’s plan was. It would ruin her. These were cameras. Video cameras. Seemingly wireless video cameras. And the red light that shown next to the lens implied that they were recording presently and had been recording the whole time. Her protests had gradually grown from angry to desperate as her own sins and culpability had been laid at her feet. But now they grew to a level of pathetic that she could not audibly ignore. The tears were forming in her eyes. Surely Julie didn’t intend on sharing Mia’s pitiable plight with anybody outside of this apartment.

Mia: Nnnnnnnnnmmmmmppppppphhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Nnnnnnmmmmpppppphhhhhhhh!!!! Nnnnnnnmmmmmmpppppphhhhhh!!!!!!!

Mia shook her head back and forth with a frenetic energy that she didn’t realize existed in her. Julie simply couldn’t let video or visual evidence of this get out. It would ruin her. It would ruin her reputation. She’d be a laughing stock. She’d never hear the end of it. That’s all she’d be to people. She’d no longer be Mia Blair: Badass Greek Council Queen. She’d be Mia Blair: Helpless Wriggling Bondage Bimbo. Julie had to know that. She was now becoming worried that Julie DID know that. Julie panned one of the cameras up and down Mia’s body, starting at her bare feet and seeming to linger on all of the most enticing and embarrassing parts of her anatomy. She held the camera directly up to Mia’s tightly gagged face and Mia stared directly into the lens, bewildered and embarrassed. Mia wanted to give some sort of show of strength in the event that this video ever got out, but she was almost helpless to stop the desperate whimper that escaped her gag from creeping out.

Mia: Mmmmpppphhhhmmmmmpppphhhhh.

Mia was fucked. Plain and simple. Her only real hope was that Julie would have mercy on her. Julie was still her friend. Julie was angry at her and rightfully so. But she knew that a friend was still inside of Julie. She just had to get that friend to surface. They’d been too close and had too many good times together for Julie to care nothing for her.

Julie: Yeah. I think when people see the REAL Mia Blair, they’ll forget all about what we did to Brendan. Well…they won’t forget it. The events will certainly be conjoined for them. But they’ll contextualize it in a different light. The current narrative that you’ve created is that you are strong and that Brendan is weak. I think that when people see you like this…with your big mouth silenced…with these ropes highlighting just how utterly helpless you are…then they’ll shift their thinking.

Mia: Nnnnnnmmmmmpppppppphhhhhhhh!!!!! Nnnnnmmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!! Mmmmpppphhhhh hhhmmmpppphhhh nnnmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!

Mia was now straight up mewled her most pathetic and anguished appeals into her gag. Julie couldn’t go through with this, she just couldn’t. The tears were coming readily now.

Julie: Yeah. So…we’re going to play a little game. The first of many for you over the next week and a half.

Mia: Nnnnnnnmmmmmpppppppppphhhhhhhh!!!!!!

Julie: Mmmmmpppppphhhh hhhhhhmmmppppphhhh. That’s right, honey. So, let me tell you the stakes of this first game. They’re big ones. If you win then maybe, just maybe, I don’t have to humiliate you in front of our whole sorority.

Mia: Hhhmmmmppppphhhhhhhhh?!?!?!? Nnnnnnnmmmmpppppphhhhhh mmmmmpppphhhhhh mmmmppphhhhmmmmmm!!!!!!!

Julie: Yeah. If you lose this game, I’m going to make a quick edit of tonight’s video and e-mail it to the entirely of Delta Gamma. Every single sister. If you win…maybe Brendan and I will just share it with a few friends who need to know. But that’s up to you. The first game is a toughy. You’re going to have to bring your A Game.

Mia: Nnnnnnnnnnmmmmmmmpppppppppphhhhhh nnnnnnmmmmmmppppppphhhhhh nnnnnnnmmmppppppphhhhhh!!!!!

Mia was bawling now. She could feel her nose starting to run. She had to look an absolute mess. But she was losing control over her faculties. Her worst nightmares were coming true.

Julie: The location of the first game is going to be that closet over there. So let’s get hopping, Lil’ Missy. I want to get this started before Brendan gets back with the food.

Mia: Nnnnnnnmmmmmmppppphhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

Mia stood firm. She wasn’t going to do it. Going over to that closet was the beginning of the end for her. She had to show Julie that she was still a fighter. That she wouldn’t be bulldozed. Mia was a master negotiator and she had to remember that you should never do something for nothing. She was going to stand her ground. She would make Julie realize that she still had purchase.

Julie: Mia. I am serious as a heart attack, girl. Get hopping. And do it fucking now. We are not toying around anymore. I’m in charge. You are not. Do as I say, or there will be consequences.

Mia could tell that Julie was serious. And that scared her. But Mia was serious too. She was not going to be accommodating. She couldn’t do as she was told. If Julie was going to victimize her then Julie would have to stomach the emotional weight of it. There was no point in Mia helping her out.

Mia: Nnnnnnmmmmppppppphhhhhhhh.

Mia saw a range of emotions flash through Julie’s eyes in an instant. There was a mix of anger and disappointment and sadness, but eventually they just settled back on determined skullduggery. But there was a glint of contempt in them.

Julie: Oh, girl. Mia, Mia, Mia. What to do with you? I’d have thought that when I confronted you with your crimes you’d be at least a little remorseful. I was hoping that you’d see the error of your ways and willingly take your medicine. But it appears as though you refuse to see that you’ve done anything wrong. So I’m going to let you make things difficult for me. But I’m going to REMEMBER that you made me carry you.

Mia: Nnnnnnnnmmmmmmppppppphhhhhhhh!!!!! Nnnnnnnmmmmppppphhhhhhhhh!!!!

No! That wasn’t the case. Mia did feel remorseful. She felt absolutely fucking terrible. She knew that what she had done was heinous. With a punishment of similar magnitude heading in her direction she could even see how it might be contextualized as unforgivable. But she just couldn’t bring herself to face the consequences of her actions. That didn’t mean that she wasn’t sorry. She was Soooooo sorry. And she understood that Julie thought that the punishment fit the crime. But it didn’t. This would ruin her. It would ruin her in every conceivable way. She did not think that she’d be able to get over what Julie had planned for her. Spending nine days bound and gagged and naked and having the juicy highlights of it presented to her entire social circle. She understood the gravity of what she had done. And whereas she would never have wanted to admit it as little as thirty minutes ago… Brendan was probably substantially stronger than her. He had coped with the humiliation. She didn’t know if she could. Julie had to realize the damage that she was leaning into. The toothpaste was an apt analogy. This was something that couldn’t be undone. Julie needed to think about this. How often had Julie talked to her about her friend Kylie and Kylie’s PTSD? How she wished that she could help her overcome the trauma of what she had experienced. Julie was about to saddle Mia with her own trauma. And Mia could understand that many might feel that she deserved it. But that didn’t make it any easier to bear.

Julie dipped her shoulder and pressed it into Mia’s midriff before sliding her bound, prone form back over her shoulder and lifting her up with a grunt. Mia kicked and bucked wildly, not considering that Julie would drop her. Almost hoping that she’d drop her. If Mia got injured then hopefully Julie would have to abandon her current course of action. Wouldn’t she? She thrashed with vigor, but even if she wasn’t bound she was no match for Julie as a physical specimen. Julie was tall, athletic, and deceptively strong for somebody who appeared as feminine as she was. And Mia was now a wriggling, grinding sack of potatoes over her shoulder. It highlighted how utterly helpless she truly was. She felt Julie give her a sharp spank on her bottom to get her to calm down but it only intensified her urgent struggles.

Mia: Mmmmmmmmmppppppppphhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

The tears were flowing. Mia couldn’t remember ever crying like she was right now. She was desperate. Her face was on fire. This was something from the deepest depths of her nightmare. She was absolutely helpless and alluringly bare. She was being manhandled and unceremoniously carried by her younger sorority sister who was teeming with righteous indignation. Julie simply strutted over to the closet without much difficulty and opened it. She slowly lowered herself down and laid Mia out on the floor. Mia turned and looked at the closet. It was a little deeper than she expected but not much wider. She wouldn’t be able to fully lie down in it. If Julie sat her in it, it would probably be fairly cramped. But there was nothing on the floor. Everything in the closet was on shelves a couple of feet up. She’d easily fit underneath the lowest shelf if she were seated. But she desperately, desperately did not want to go into the closet. She whimpered and mewled in a desperate, pitiful attempt at provoking any modicum of mercy out of Julie. Julie simply got up and walked back toward the couch.

Julie: Hold on, girl. I’ve got to go fetch the cameras. Because you wouldn’t cooperate.

Mia: Nnnnnnnnnnnmmmmmmmmmppppppppphhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Julie: Oh yeah, we have to capture all of this. I wouldn’t want your adoring public to miss a second of it. This footage is going to be so hot. People will not be able to take their eyes off of it. You’ll be the talk of the campus.

Mia: Mmmmpppphhhhhh nnnnnnnmmmmppppphhhhhh nnnnnnnmmmpppphhhhh mmmmmpppphhhhhh.

Mia was now sniffling as her pleas turned to whimpers.

Julie: You have to realize, Mia, that you’re the architect of your own demise. There is NO WAY that I would normally be able to do this with any sort of reasonable outcome under even moderately normal circumstances. If we did this to a random woman and spread it around there would be a moral outcry. It would look insane. Sadistic. Unconscionable. But you’ve somewhat smoothed that out for us. People know what you did. They know what you orchestrated. You’ve built the big bad domme who victimizes people into your reputation. So to those in the know… this just looks like turnabout. It looks like the seesaw coming down on the other side. If this was happening in a vacuum I have to imagine that you’d get a lot of sympathy. But I think you and I both know that you won't. Personally, I like to think “Fuck Sympathy”. There is nothing more insipid than people feeling sorry for you. But I think I’ve come to realize that what’s worse than everybody feeling sorry for you… is realizing that nobody feels sorry for you. That they think that you deserve it.

Julie’s words were like daggers in Mia’s psyche. Because she realized that Julie was probably right. She didn’t know about everybody. But there were certainly people who would see this as her comeuppance. She didn’t want that. Julie wanted her to “take her medicine”, but this was a pill that she simply couldn’t swallow. She was going to choke on it.

Julie: Now. Let’s get you hogtied.

Mia: Nnnnnnmmmmmppppphhhhhh!!!!!!

Julie was already holding the rope in her hand. Mia tried to twist around and make things difficult for her. She fought like a hellcat. But it was no use. The ease with which Mia wrestled her down and subjugated her to the hogtie's tether was another whole level of frustration in itself. Mia’s urgent grunting and depraved thrashing was drowned out by Julie’s supercilious giggling and obnoxious cooing.

Mia: Nnnmmmmppppphhhh nnnnnnnmmmmmpppphhhhhh nnnnnnmmmppppphhhhh nnnnnnnmmmpppppphhhhh!!!!

Julie: Oh, hold still my little darling. The more you struggle the tighter I’m going to make it. You have no clue how long you’re going to be like this and I promise you that your back will not be happy with you if you don’t knock off this brat behavior. I’m no stranger to taming brats. Trust me… by Day 4 you’ll be jumping at our every command. Save yourself some trouble and start now.

Mia’s sobs intensified as she remembered just how long this ordeal was supposed to last. She still couldn’t believe that Julie would be serious on that front. Mia would absolutely go to the police once she was out. Her own crimes be damned. She’d let all three of them sit in cells if that’s what it took. If Julie was planning on this torment lasting as long as she said, then she was a monster who needed to be put away. However, she was in no position to see to that now as the hogtie was being forced upon her and her bare feet were being pulled into her chest harness. Her toes wiggled uselessly as her knees and chest began to rise off the ground as her back arched. Julie had once again not been bluffing. This hogtie was no joke. Mia was a quite flexible girl, but she did not know how tenable this position would be. Just when she thought that she could go no further, she felt Julie begin to tie the hogtie off. Her eyes were forced somewhat upwards and her breasts were basically fully off the floor, her lower sternum being the last point of contact with the hard wooden floor.

Julie: Now I’ve got to get you all put away while our special guest is here. That way we can begin our first game.

Special guest?!?! First game?!?!? What was she talking about. Terror flooded over Mia. Somebody else was coming to the apartment. Who was it? And what did they plan to do to her? What was this game? And how the fuck was she supposed to play it with such limited control of her body?

Mia: Hhhhhhhhmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhh?!?!?! Mmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhh nnnnnnmmmpppppphhhhhhh hhhhhhhhmmmppppphhhhhhh!!!!!

Julie: I realize that I probably blurred some lines earlier when I was talking to Brendan about the Chinese order. You probably thought that YOU were the special guest that he was picking up the Kung Pao chicken for.

Mia had thought that. She had figured that they’d have to feed her at some point. She wasn’t particularly interested in Kung Pao chicken. It wasn’t really in tune with her current diet. But that was the least of her worries at this point. She was pretty sure that she’d be hungry by now if her stomach wasn’t in knots right now.

Mia: Hhhhmmmppppphhhh???

Julie: No. No Chinese food for you. If you behave and are a very good girl then maybe you’ll get a turkey sandwich later tonight. I’ll make sure that our little slave gets fed. We’re not going to let you starve. But no Kung Pao chicken for you. That’s for my sister Lexi. She’ll be back here with Brendan shortly.

Mia: Hhhhhhhmmmmpppppphhhhhhh?!?!? Nnnnnnnnnmmmmmppppphhhhhh!!!!!! Nnnnnnnmmmpppphhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!

Mia did not want any more wild cards being tossed into the mix. She’d never met Lexi. She’d heard about her. And this was NOT the way that she wanted to meet her if she ever did. This would certainly be a lasting impression. Mia might just die of humiliation. It was excruciating.

Julie: Now. You’ve never met Lexi. And I’m hoping that you don’t meet her tonight either.

Julie was now echoing Mia’s own thoughts.

Julie: I don’t want her to see you anymore than you do. Imagine what a total lunatic I would look like if that happened. So you’re going to have to stay here in this closet and be extra quiet while we enjoy our dinner. Lexi will probably only be here for an hour to ninety minutes. But you never know with her. She’s a social bug. Maybe she’ll want to hang out. But I know that you’ll be super well behaved and wait patiently for us.

Mia: Mmmmppppphhhhhh nnnnnnmmmpppphhhhhh mmmmpppphhhhhh mmmppppphhhhhhhhh.

A sadistic smile curled across Julie’s lips as Mia whimpered. Mia knew that she was not going to like whatever came next. Sure enough Julie grabbed her ample right breast and pulled the bra cup down exposing her voluminous C cup breast out to the open air.

Mia: Mmmmmmmmmpppppppphhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

Mia squealed with indignation and mortification. It didn’t hinder Julie in the slightest. Julie simply pulled the bra further down and off her shoulders exposing her other breast. Her bared tits were now out in the wind and elevated off the ground for anybody in line of sight to behold. Mia felt a new shade of red that was entirely foreign to her beginning to creep across her face. Julie had told her that she was going to strip her but she hadn’t wanted to believe that Julie would ever go this far. She was hoping that Julie was simply bluffing. Playing a villain with a bad bark but not quite enough bite to back it up. Julie’s current vibe told her that there was no charity left for Mia inside of her friend. And this realization hurt almost as bad as any that she’d experienced thus far this night.

Julie: I do like making things difficult for myself though. So I’ve gotten you a couple of accoutrements.

Julie reached into a bag next to the closet door and pulled out something that Mia couldn’t see. It looked metal in nature but Julie was deliberately hiding it’s identity with her hand. She was milking the surprise and Mia felt her heart rate going berserk. Julie put a couple of fingers under Julie’s chin and tilted her head up so that she could no longer look down. She could still see Julie though and noted that she was fidgeting with something with her free hand that was giving her trouble. Mia’s anticipation was palpable. What was happening? Finally, Julie released her chin and brought her other hand down. Mia tried to look down but couldn’t quite see what Julie was doing. But seconds later she felt a sharp stinging pain on right nipple.

Mia: Mmmmmmmmmmmpppppppppphhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

Mia howled into the gag and the noxious taste of the panties flooded her taste buds. It was almost welcome at this point to try and take her mind off her nipple.

Mia: Mmmmmpppphhhhh mmmmppppphhhhh mmmppppphhhhh mmmppppphhhhhhhhh.

Mia whimpered at the sting of the clamp. She had already almost cried herself out, but now her vision was foggy and blurred from the tears. Julie’s facial features were distorted. Her breathing was fast and labored and she squirmed furiously as the initial pinch of the clamp started to dull. However, as she wriggled and kicked she heard a troubling noise. It was a jingling sound. She instinctively looked towards the door to see if somebody was entering but it only took her a fraction of a second to realize that jingle was in fact coming from her tit. What the fuck had Julie done?

Julie took a small cloth and dabbed the tears from her eyes. She could now marginally make things out a little better. Julie held up another item in front of her face with a vicious smile. It was a bell. Specifically a small jingle bell like chime and it was attached via super glue or some other adhesive to a clover clamp. Ostensibly Julie had already attached one just like it to her nipple.

Julie: Do you like them, sweetie? I made them myself.

Mia: Nnnnnnnmmmmppppppphhhhhhh nnnnnnnmmmpppppphhhhhh nnnnnnnmmmpppppphhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Mia moaned and shook her head and bounced up and down like a flopping fish. But all this did was make the bell jingle louder and send sharp little bursts of pain into her very sensitive nipple.

Julie: I thought I was going to have to ice you up a little bit to get them ready but you were already stiff and raring to go. What does that mean?

Mia: Nnnnnmmmppppphhhhhhh mmmmppppphhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

Julie: I know. I know. Remember when we thought that Brendan might be enjoying things because he was hard? Yeah. Boy were we dumb. You get it now though. Right?

Mia was well aware of the error of her ways. She felt like garbage on every conceivable level. But this was not the way that Julie needed to be making this point. She felt Julie holding her left nipple between her thumb and index finger and prepared for the other clamp to bite into the her sensitive flesh. The preparation didn’t make it hurt any less when the clover clamp pressed down.

Mia: Mmmmmmmmmppppppppphhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

Mia wiggled and flopped and she could hear the insipid jingling of the bells.

Julie: Whew. You’re going to need to be WAY quieter than that. Lexi will be right out there. She’s a very curious little monkey. Loves escape rooms. Loves getting to the bottom of mysteries. And “What is making all that racket in my sister’s boyfriend’s closet?” will definitely intrigue her.

Mia tried to hold herself steady, but it seemed like every twitch sent out a little tinkle from the bells. And to make matters worse, Julie had picked up one of the wireless cameras and was intently scrolling it around her to get all angles. She couldn’t imagine her friends and acquaintances seeing her like this. Strictly hogtied, proficiently gagged, tits out, jingling up a storm. Julie was making a spectacle of her. She couldn’t let that video get out. She’d never live it down. Ever.

Julie: OK. So here’s the game. You are going to stay in this closet during dinner and you’re going to be as quiet as possible. If Lexi finds you, for any reason, this video gets edited and sent to a grip load of people tonight. If she doesn’t, you’ll get a little reprieve from immediate humiliation and we’ll give you a little break from the hogtie until the serious games start later tonight. Deal?

Mia: Nnnnnnnmmmmmppppphhhhhhh!!!!! Mmmmmmmpppppphhhhhh mmmmpppphhhhhhmmmmmmn nnnnnnnmmmmmppppphhhhhh!!!!!!

Julie: Great. I knew you’d be amenable to the situation. Oh… Wait… I almost forgot. I’ve got one more little fun twist for you before I go. We’re going to up the difficulty just a teensy bit.

What?!?!? No!!!! What was she going to do? Julie was reaching for the bag again. She was rummaging through it.

Julie: I found another fun little thing while I was combing through the electronics in your room.

What had she found? Dread filled Mia’s heart as she watched Mia pull an item out of the bag. She knew that she was screwed as soon as she saw what it was. It was her We-Vibe!
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Post by GreyLord »

Julie is playing her role to perfection. Mia seems to realize the harm she has caused. But she continues to be unwilling to atone. This is sizzling hot, @Fandango.
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 4 months ago Julie is playing her role to perfection. Mia seems to realize the harm she has caused. But she continues to be unwilling to atone. This is sizzling hot, @Fandango.
I concur! Excellent stuff!
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Lucky Lottie
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Post by Lucky Lottie »

Things are getting spicey. Can't wait to see what happens!
In her natural habitat is:
-Giddy when approached
-Passive when suspended
-Bratty when loose
-Obedient when cuddled
-Cheeky when gagged
-Truly happy when tickled
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Post by Rtj65 »

Another great update, you've kept up the intensity throughout this chapter really well. Given what we've seen of Lexi so far, I don't think she'll be particularly impressed if she happens to find out about Mia, and I do think that all of this could end up reflecting badly on Julie. As for Mia herself, it's kind of interesting that her best hope might be the very thing that she will now try to avoid, given that I think Lexi would take pity on her. Maybe I'll be proven wrong though, and I'm looking forward to finding out what happens, regardless.
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Causality (F/M) - https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=9909
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Post by Fandango »

Chapter 9 - Donovan Mitchell FTW (Mia Blair's POV) FM/F, F/F [Part 7 of 7]

Normally Mia was happy to see her We-Vibe. Because under normal circumstances she wasn’t tightly trussed up like a Christmas goose with multiple cameras on her threatening to broadcast her shame to her entire social circle. She liked her We-Vibe when she was at the controls of it. But she was not, and she knew exactly what it could do.

It was a great piece of tech. A remote controlled vibrator with an app that allowed the user to adjust it’s settings from their phone. She could have both hands on her phone and easily work herself into a tizzy. But it might as well have been a bloody dagger in Julie’s hand. Julie seemed hellbent on making her social annihilation complete. She was going to let the whole Greek system watch Mia have orgasm after orgasm forced upon while she wriggled and moaned helplessly. Mia was fairly confident that the cameras were only recording and not live broadcasting. But she could already feel the weight of hundreds of sets of eyes upon her, snickering at her plight or filing the video away for whatever nefarious purposes they might have for it. Lord, how many people might have done that with Brendan’s video? Mia cringed and began to whimper.

Mia: Mmmmmppppphhhhh mmmppphhhhh mmmmmmmm…

Julie: Let’s get this thing nestled in there. I’m sure your adoring public would love a demonstration. I know I’m intrigued by it. I might need to get one of these for myself.

Mia: Nnnnnnnnnmmmmmpppppphhhhhh!!!! Nnnnnnnnnmmmmmmppppphhhhhh!!!!!! Nnnnnnnmmmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!!!

Mia wriggled around and flopped up and down making the bells that Julie had clamped to her nipples jingle and jangle loudly and humiliatingly. Shame filled Mia to her core. Her face was on fire with utter, unfathomable mortification. The camera’s glowing red eye foreshadowing her future life as a campus-wide laughing stock.

Julie was entirely undeterred by her pitiful acts of protest at this point. Julie simply flipped Mia onto her side with ease and slid her thumb into the waistband of her panties. With a surgeon’s precision she slid the We-Vibe into position, giving Mia’s nethers a stroke in the process. She situated it like somebody who was very familiar with the device, inserting it so that epicenter of the vibrations was nestled right against Mia’s clitoris.

Julie: OK. Let’s make sure that doesn’t go anywhere.

Mia saw Julie begin to tear the end of a roll of duct tape. Julie made sure that the We-Vibe was in position and then snapped the waist band of Mia’s panties before taking the tape and starting to secure the positioning. She wrapped tape several times around the area, sealing Mia’s underwear to her body and pressing the We-Vibe more firmly into her most tender region. She tore off the tape and smoothed it out. She gave Mia’s buttocks a firm slap as she straightened up in front of her. Mia jerked sharply at the stinging hand across her bottom and heard the bells clamped to her nipples jingle merrily.

Julie: There we go, Jingle Tits. I think you’re finally ready for the games to begin.

Mia: Nnnnnnnmmmmpppppphhhhhh mmmmmpppphhhhh mmmmmpppphhhhhhhh.

Mia moaned sadly at her friend’s casual cruelty. If this video did make it out to the public, she knew that she’d never be able to shake the nickname “Jingle Tits” for the rest of her natural life. The thought horrified her. She had to obtain Julie’s forgiveness. Julie had to see reason. What Mia had done to Brendan was admittedly horrible. The ramifications of it were hitting her in horrific waves. She could only imagine what humiliating nicknames he was being called. But an eye for an eye was not the play here. Let her work off her considerable debt without destroying every vestige of who she was as a person. But Julie was too busy fiddling with her phone. Mia saw her tapping away and then felt the We-Vibe kick to life against her clitoris.

Mia: Mmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhmmmmmmmm….

Mia tried to not to moan, but the startup gave her quite a shock. It was really positioned quite well. Julie had clearly set the app up on her phone. Mia had an intimate knowledge of the device and she could tell that Julie had not even begun to harness it’s true power. This was going to be nightmarish.

Julie: How’s that, my little whimper willow?

Mia: Mmmmmpppphhhhmmmmm mmmmpppphhhhhh.

Mia was pleading. She’d been bested. There was no more pride in her. She needed to be able to get through to Julie. She just needed to have her say.

Julie: Let’s turn it up a bit and see what happens?

Julie tapped at her phone and the vibrator accelerated and started pulsing. It was really ripping into Mia.

Mia: Mmmmmmmmmmmpppppppppphhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Nnnnnnmmmmpppphhhhhh mmmmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

There it went. Mia was getting rattled by the buzzing of the toy. There was no part of her that felt aroused by her current situation. Her discomfort and anguish should be able to override the task of the We-Vibe. But friction is a hell of a thing, and Mia could already feel things beginning to build inside her. Would it work? Would it be able to get her off? Would she start moaning and grinding like a cat in heat? The sheer thought of that particular humiliation was too much to bear. She re-doubled her efforts to plead with Julie.

Mia: Mmmmmmmpppppphhhhhh!!!!!! Mmmmmmmpppphhhhh hhhhhhhmmmmpppphhhhhhh mmmmppphhhhrrrrrmmmmmm mmmmmppphhhhhhh!!!!!

The thick wad of panties in her mouth pressed furiously against the duct tape holding it in as she pushed at it with all of the strength that her tongue could muster. Her taste buds were cursing her for the effort and she was praying that it was only Julie’s sweat that was creating the rancid taste. The gag did not give in any way, shape, or form.

Julie smiled devilishly at her and tapped a probing finger against the bulge in the gag.

Julie: Mia, Mia, Mia. Are you familiar with the Kubler-Ross model for the Five Stages of Grief? You’re still in the bargaining stage for some reason. We need to get you to acceptance. This is happening. Accept your fate.

Mia: Nnnnnnnnmmmmmppppphhhhh!!!! Nnnnnnmmmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!

Mia could not. This was no time for another Julie Huff psychology lesson. Mia needed to be heard out.

Julie: You have nothing to say to me. I’m sure that you think that this is an unacceptable punishment for losing the bet. But I know for a fact that you think that this is an acceptable punishment for failure. Because you dished it out. Tight bondage. Sexual torment. Public humiliation. This is your playbook. So I know that you think that’s it kosher. And you actually lost this one. Brendan didn’t even really have a chance. There was no angel. You, on the other hand, could have won this contest. Obviously I had my plans on how tonight should go. But I can't rig the outcome of a professional basketball game. I planned a lot of things, but I’m not THAT good. I didn’t even press “Order” for the Chinese food until the Cavaliers went up eight in overtime. If the Bulls had held on, we’d be tying up Brendan right now and I’d be feeling like shit.

Mia: Mmmmmmpppphhhhhhhh!!!! Nnnnnnmmmmpppphhhh mmmmpppphhhhh hhhhhhmmmpppphhhhh!!!!!

Julie: But eventually I was going to get you in this position. That was a given. Somehow I was going to get you into my snare. But I didn’t have to do anything dodgy tonight. Your team lost fair and square. And Brendan and I both heard you tell him that he had not begun to see what torments you could deliver. Red Letter Night was going to be child’s play. He could not fathom the nightmares that you had in store for him. Those were your words. Your words less than one hour ago.

Mia: Mmmmmmmmmppppppppphhhhhhh nnnnnnnnmmmmmppppphhhhhhh nnnnnnnmmmmppppphhhhhh!!!!!

Sure, Mia had said them. She didn’t mean them. She’d have played nice. By the book. Good, kinky fun. She’d swear to it. She grunted at Julie desperately as she clenched her thighs together tightly as a shudder passed through her in a vain attempt to hold off the rising tide of the vibrator. As she shook the bells on her nipples again gave their degrading little chime as her breasts bounced with the exertion.

Julie: Girl, you’re going to have to be way quieter than that. Lexi is going to be right out there. And you BADLY need to make her oblivious to your presence. Or you know what happens. This video hits over 100 inboxes tonight.

Mia: Nnnnnnnmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhh!!!!! Nnnnnnnmmmmmppppphhhhhhh!!!!!

Julie: Yeah. I know it’s going to be undignified. But I think that I need you to be completely devoid of dignity. I’ve seen what you do to people when you’re confident and self-assured. I can’t let you do that to people anymore. So I think that you being a shell of your former self is healthiest for most of us.

Mia: Mmmmmppppphhhhhh nnnnnnmmmmpppppphhhhhh mmmmpppphhhhhhhh!!!!

How long had Julie hated her? A month? Two months? Since she started dating Brendan? Mia began to cry anew at the loss of a friend that she knew she had always valued. Had Mia been a great friend? Clearly not. She’d betrayed Julie’s trust in a manner that was unacceptable. But she cared about Julie. She loved Julie. They had so many great memories together. And clearly those were a relic of the past now. Julie was severing the friendship entirely. Julie had every intention of ending her. Julie was going to become a legend because of this. She’d humiliate Mia and displace her as a force within Delta Gamma. It was that simple. Sure, Mia would have to retaliate. But what would that look like? And what good would it do? Mia was ruined.

Julie: Yep. And this is just the first game. We have so many other fun ones that are headed your way over the next week and change.

Julie dug into her bag and started pushing things around and pulling out various items. She saw Julie pull out what she recognized to be a shock prod. A wand that would deliver an electric shock to whomever it touched. Most likely it could be adjusted to different outputs of voltage.

Mia: Nnnnnnnmmmmmpppppppphhhhhhhh!!!!!! Nnnnnnnnmmmmmmppppppphhhhhh!!!!!!!!

Julie: Yep. And we’ve got it in collar form too. That one will be even more fun. You’ll be wearing a collar a lot over the next several days. You are our pet after all. How could we not put one on you?

Mia: Mmmmmmpppphhhhhh mmmmmm mmmmmmmm!!!!!!

Mia whimpered despondently and mindlessly bucked around. The jingling was now the least of her concerns. She had to get out of this tie and escape this fate. But her aimless fumbling at ropes had done nothing thus far. She was utterly defeated. And she was shattered and broken by this defeat. She saw Julie pull out another item. It was furry and fluffy. Julie held it up in front of her. It was a long, vulpine fox tail. And it was connected to a bulbous metal butt plug.

Mia: Nnnnnnnnnnnmmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Nnnnnnnnmmmmpppppphhhhhh!!!!!!!

Julie: Yep. We’ve got a special game for you that if you lose… you can become a real vixen.

Julie knew that Mia would never allow anybody to put anything in her ass for any reason. It was an absolute no go for her. This was something that they’d explicitly stated was entirely off the table for Red Letter Night. Sodomy was a total no. Though some of the girls had taunted Brendan with it… all of them knowing that it wasn’t actually going to happen. Surely Julie had to be joking. Please let her be joking. Julie had gone way too far and she appeared to be steaming ahead into even more sadistic, more unforgivable territory. Please let Julie reveal that this was simply an attempt to scare Mia straight. Mia was DEFINITELY scared straight. This didn’t need to continue. She’d be a new person. A better person. Totally reborn. She’d learned her lesson. But Julie’s barbaric grin and unforgiving glare told her that a lesson learned and a promise to do right was not going to cut it. She continued to dig into her bag of horrors.

Julie: Here’s the coup de grace.

Julie pulled out a cordless, electrical hair clipper and slid her finger along the side of it. Sparking the tool to life. It’s buzzing sounded magnitudes louder than those emanating from crotch.

Mia: Hhhhhhmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhhh?!?!?!? Nnnnnnnnnnnnmmmmmppppppphhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

What could Julie possibly have that for?

Julie: You have such lovely, lustrous locks, Mia. Everybody always comments about how beautiful your hair is. But I’m afraid that if you want to keep it… you’re going to have to earn it. So. Like I said. I’d take these games VERY seriously if I was you.

Mia: Mmmppphhhhhh mmmmpppphhhh mmmpppphhhhh mmmmmmmmmmmm….

Mia was having a fully blown melt down. The degrading pleas were bleating out of her as she was exhaustedly grinding up and down in panic. Julie shut off the hair clipper and grabbed her by her hair.

Mia: Nnnnnnnnnnnmmmmmmpppppppphhhhhh!!!!!!!!

Mia was terrified that Julie was going to start shaving her head right now. But instead Julie just guided her gaze up into Julie’s own. She locked eyes with her as Julie spoke with righteous fury.

Julie: You’ve been stripped. You’ve been hogtied. You’ve been vibed. You’re going to be tormented. And very likely you’re going to be publicly humiliated beyond comprehension. So I’m guessing that you can imagine what Brendan has gone through. You might not have LOSER written on your forehead in lipstick… but people will be able to extrapolate that. But one thing that bothered him way more than I thought when I first talked to him after that night… was that I lied to him right before I closed the trunk on him. The Go Pro was running. I know that you all heard it. I wasn’t thinking too much about it. But the lie irked at him. So to truly make things equivalent, I just want to say Mia… 'I wish you good luck'. Now if you’ll excuse me. I have to go get dressed again. Dinner will be here any minute.

With that final barb, Julie dropped Mia’s sobbing head back down and began to pick up her sadistic punishment accoutrements. She shoved them into the bag and backed out of the closet. She stood up abruptly and glowered down at the helpless Mia who had to imagine that she looked a sniffling, blubbering mess. And then Julie closed the door. Everything went black except for a small crack of light that came from under the door. And the glowing red lights of the two cameras. Did they have infared? Would they see all of her actions in the dark? She couldn’t know. The vibrator was still buzzing away against Mia’s pussy as she felt another involuntary shudder rack through her body. It was no longer on it’s highest setting, but she didn’t know how Julie planned to work it. The bells jingled furiously as she struggled herself towards exhaustion, hoping to make some progress before she could hear Lexi enter. Their soft tinkling echoed in the enclosed space.

As angry and frustrated and mortified as she was at the predicament that she had been put in… she certainly realized that this was a hell of her own making. The fate that she had thrust about Brendan without thinking it through was coming for her. And it was going to end Mia Blair as she knew herself. How could she have done this to another human? Julie was right on one thing. Julie had said that she and Mia both had a demon inside of them that liked to prey on other people. Mia had certainly just witnessed Julie’s demon. As it utterly delighted in Mia’s total debasement and descent into misery. But maybe Mia had a demon inside of her also. She might not want to admit that it was there. But she’d done this to another person. And it had barely registered with her. What kind of person does that? She was selfish and vain and reckless. Brendan had not deserved what she had cursed him with.

Julie had also said that Brendan didn’t have that demon inside of him. Could Brendan get her out of this? Could he rescue her? She’d feel like an absolute heel even asking. He certainly didn’t owe it to her. Not after what she’d done. But he was the one person who could properly contextualize the ramifications of what was about to happen. If he was the thoughtful, considerate, sane guy that she thought that he was… there’s no way that he could wish that on somebody else. Not even her. But she’d probably have to be able to commune with him. To really let him know that she realized the stakes and the heart of the matter and the cost of what she’d done. That she’d make amends. The things that she’d be willing to offer him. She had to get this gag off. And she had to beg for his mercy. That was her only hope. But if she lost this first game, Julie would send the video and the damage would be done. She had to win. She had to stay quiet. She had to not let Lexi find her.

Despite her plight, she could feel the makings of the first of what would be several orgasms swelling up inside her. How? Why? Could she really do this? Could she really stay undetected. The clamps on her nipples chimed with every slight movement. And she was unlikely to be able to fend off the desperate sounds of release brought on by the vibrator for long. She thought about what Julie had said. There was no Angel for Brendan to find on Red Letter Night. There was no hope of salvation for him. He was playing a rigged game. One that she had devised. He’d probably figured that out at some point. Probably after it was too late. And she could commiserate with that now. Because she was pretty sure that this game was rigged against her. But she had to try. She had to keep quiet. It was her only hope. She clenched her thighs. She squeezed her eyes shut. She stifled her whimpers. And she tried to meditate as the repeated waves of regret over her sins washed over yet again.
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Post by Lucky Lottie »

Always a pleasure to read this story. Such an interesting predicament.
In her natural habitat is:
-Giddy when approached
-Passive when suspended
-Bratty when loose
-Obedient when cuddled
-Cheeky when gagged
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Post by GreyLord »

It is a predicament, indeed. Very heavy, @Fandango. Can there be redemption for Mia? Or will she be known as 'Jingle Tits' forever? But this was part 7 of 7. Surely you won't leave us dangling at this point, will you?
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Post by Rtj65 »

Great update, a lot of food for thought with this chapter. It's really hard to gauge what Julie's genuine expectations are from all this. There's something very performative about how she's doing all this despite the motivation for doing it being that Brendan had a horrible time during Red Letter Night. Not to mention the shift in her behaviour once Brendan was no longer around. I guess time will tell how this will resolve itself, though I can't envisage a scenario where Mia isn't at least a little messed up by this once it's all over. I still think that Lexi will take pity on her if she finds out, though. Looking forward to seeing what happens next though!
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Post by Fandango »

Hello and Thanks for All the Comments!
Rdo4y8 wrote: 6 months ago I both love this story and as a Bulls fan have nightmares about the specific game in question here.
Thank you very much for reading. I assure you I had no desire to give anybody nightmares. I just like to place some of my stories in a real world setting and I was looking for a game that would take place over that Christmas break that might work with the plot that I had devised for this chapter. And Donovan Mitchell’s 71 point game certainly fit the bill. My condolences to your Bulls on that night. I’m sure their next dynasty is right around the corner.
FabianStr2016 wrote: 6 months ago Now it gets really interesting! I’m excited what will follow, but I’m sure Mia won’t be able to talk so much in a short while ;)
Yep. Mia had plenty of time to talk as things were getting going, but she wasted her words when she really needed to try a different persuasive tact. The gag might have even stopped her from digging herself an even deeper hole.
charliesmith wrote: 6 months ago Nice to see you picking up this story again. It’s interesting to see that Julie and Brendan will be teaming up to dominate Mia :D
Thanks, Charliesmith. Team work makes the dream work. Unfortunately, Julie might have gone a little more solo here than you were hoping. But he’ll be back and his style of domination will be an integral part of Mia’s lesson.
GreyLord wrote: 5 months ago Your descriptions and dialog are wonderful, @Fandango. I will admit that I tend to enjoy consensual play more than non-consensual. This chapter ranks as an exception. It can be particularly satisfying when someone who richly deserves their treatment gets what is coming to them. Mia falls in the middle of that category. Your versatile and active imagination will determine just how far that treatment is to be extended. Kudos!
Thanks, GreyLord. I also probably prefer more fun, consensual adventures. But I like juxtaposition and switching it up. Which is why I put this chapter right after the Greg and Jessica chapter. So we could go from something loving and enjoyable to something that’s a little more dire. Don’t worry. I’m sure next chapter will be a little less devilish.
beeblebrox883 wrote: 5 months ago Great part of the story. Can’t wait for what is next!
Thank you very much for reading. I hope the remainder of the chapter lived up to your expectations.
Rtj65 wrote: 5 months ago I really enjoyed this part, though it did make me wonder how much Julie is actually doing this for Brendan, compared with how much she is doing it for herself. That said, while I do feel a little bad for Mia, she went into this completely willing to do the same to Brendan, and it's not like she has a ton of self-awareness. She'd be revelling in this just as much as Julie is right now, which is saying something. On a separate note, I enjoyed Julie's style of teasing in this part, though I still wouldn't want to get on her bad side.
Julie’s motives are certainly not going to be clear here. It’s definitely fair to question how genuine her motives are… especially given her duplicitous and seemingly sadistic nature. Her POV chapter was probably the best source to glean how she really feels. Mia is going to be seeing what Julie wants her to see. Time will tell whether Julie has Brendan’s best interests in mind. Though she certainly seems to be hard to trust.

GreyLord wrote: 5 months ago This is beyond wonderful, @Fandango. This is a dish served cold, indeed. It is classic revenge, worthy of Alexandre Dumas. It has been planned most carefully. So far, it is being well executed. My only disappointment is that you only plan two more sections of this chapter.

Julie shines. As for Mia, while it is difficult to believe that she could do so much hard without realizing it, she is showing signs of possible redemption. Well done and many kudos.
You’re too kind, GreyLord. I LOVE The Count of Monte Cristo. I definitely appreciate a great revenge tale and that very well might be the best. I’m glad that you're here for the just desserts.
Caesar73 wrote: 5 months ago
GreyLord wrote: 5 months ago This is beyond wonderful, @Fandango. This is a dish served cold, indeed. It is classic revenge, worthy of Alexandre Dumas. It has been planned most carefully. So far, it is being well executed.
I concur totally with Grandmaster @GreyLord :) This Revenge is truly a dish served cold - but there is a thin line Julie might not want to cross - and turn into a total Sadist ... but we will see how this unfolds. Nicely done @Fandango !
I agree with you 100%. Julie is absolutely playing with fire here. My question is… did she cross that thin line yet in your estimation?
Lucky Lottie wrote: 4 months ago Always a pleasure to read this story. Such an interesting predicament.
Thanks, Lottie. Predicament was exactly where I wanted to take this. Despite her utter helplessness and subjugation… Mia still has options. She has not played her cards very well thus far, but we’ll see which way she wants to approach the dilemma that she currently finds herself in.
GreyLord wrote: 4 months ago It is a predicament, indeed. Very heavy, @Fandango. Can there be redemption for Mia? Or will she be known as 'Jingle Tits' forever? But this was part 7 of 7. Surely you won't leave us dangling at this point, will you?
I won’t leave you dangling. We’ll see Mia again. We’ll find out how she fared. We just won’t see it from her point of view. Chapter 10 will fast forward us to Tabitha’s POV in March of 2023… but I’d bet that Lexi’s POV chapter will have some flashbacks that might shed some light on what poor Mia eventually had to deal with.
Rtj65 wrote: 3 months ago Great update, a lot of food for thought with this chapter. It's really hard to gauge what Julie's genuine expectations are from all this. There's something very performative about how she's doing all this despite the motivation for doing it being that Brendan had a horrible time during Red Letter Night. Not to mention the shift in her behaviour once Brendan was no longer around. I guess time will tell how this will resolve itself, though I can't envisage a scenario where Mia isn't at least a little messed up by this once it's all over. I still think that Lexi will take pity on her if she finds out, though. Looking forward to seeing what happens next though!

It does seem very performative. This is definitely one of the chapters that made me want to title the whole story No Proscenium. Julie is definitely taking things in a wild direction and quite possibly making a big mistake. But she thinks she knows what she’s doing. I also imagine that Mia might be a little “messed up” after this. But much like Kylie and Brendan, I want to see how characters respond to getting a little messed up.

I've been quite busy with work, but we've got a three day weekend here in the US and I intend to have the next chapter started by early next week. Along with a Capture Club update as well. Thanks for reading. The feedback is always appreciated.
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