In the Sexual Grip of my Mother-In-Law ( F/M )

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In the Sexual Grip of my Mother-In-Law ( F/M )

Post by LunaDog »

Ladies and Gentlemen, my next two stories here feature a character that is often the butt of many a joke in British comedy. The mother of any married man's wife, the famous mother-in-law character. But the wishes of the said married man in these tales couldn't be more different, in THIS tale his adulterous affair with her is with his, slightly reluctant because he KNOWS it's wrong, consent. In the other story that very last thing that husband wants is to end up having sex with his M.I.L. but she virtually kidnaps him to achieve it. Anyway, hope you all enjoy.


My Wedding Day, how do I remember it? Naturally with a great deal of fondness and delight. My bride, Sarah, looked utterly DIVINE, dressed in white, an absolutely STUNNING wedding dress that matched HER natural beauty perfectly. I was SO happy and also SO proud as I stood beside her whilst the Vicar pronounced us as ‘Man and Wife,’ a moment I shall treasure for EVER! Everything about that day seemed perfect, the weather couldn’t possibly have been better for us, and ALL of the arrangements went smoothly and without any hitch at all.

Said arrangements having largely been planned and actioned by one person in particular. Dawn, Sarah’s mother, and now legally MY mother-in-law. For this was a woman of great character and stamina, I as rightly say, most of the credit for Sarah’s and my wedding day being such as success was down to her.

It was crystal clear just by one look at Dawn just where Sarah’s own stunning good looks and sexual attraction came from. Both ladies were utterly beautiful, both oozed sex appeal in spades, with the social confidence that resulted such beauty clearly evident. But, as I was to discover, there were differences in their character too, one in particular that was to become quite a major issue.

Not that there was any indication of any trouble ahead, having organised the day in such a competent manner, Dawn was perfectly happy to ‘take a step back’ as it were, and allow Sarah to bask in ALL of the limelight of the day. Including during the evenings ‘dancing,’ and indeed our own ‘wedding night.’ Dawn made NO attempt to interfere, and as I carried Sarah over the threshold of the ‘bridal suite,’ she had dis-appeared from my mind completely. And, as I’m sure WILL be NO surprise to any of you, Dawn stayed right out there during Sarah’s and my intensive ‘love making’ on our own wedding night!

And, after the ‘honeymoon’ had finished, as life returned to ‘normal,’ a few things about Dawn need to be pointed out. She wasn’t cruel or domineering, she didn’t even attempt to interfere in Sarah’s and my life together. Unlike a number of mothers-in-law, she fully approved of her daughter’s choice of partner, yes Dawn and I got on very well. She was pleasant, gentle and I NEVER objected to her presence. But I could sense, SOMETHING wasn’t quite right.

Dawn’s husband, Sarah’s father of course, was a successful businessman, running his own company. Sarah herself was his main business partner, a role that she was perfectly suited to and clearly excellent at fulfilling. With myself also employed in a good job, money was NEVER an issue, Sarah and I comfortably affording the large deposit and mortgage repayments of our first house together, with ease.

But in this situation, there was ONE aspect of life where it was a case of ‘like father like daughter’ as Sarah did follow after her father regarding ONE of life’s adventures, SEX. Now don’t get me wrong here, it wasn’t as if Sarah and I NEVER indulged in the pleasure, just that EVERY action had to be initiated by, and driven by ME. Sure, Sarah responded to my advances, and with vigour enough to make our couplings VERY enjoyable and fulfilling, but every now and then I began to wish for my wife to ‘make the first move.’ But Sarah NEVER did.

And not only that, but it was me who had to ‘set the agenda’ for our sex-life, healthy if in just sheer magnitude though it was. And this was beginning to grate upon me, I must be honest.

As for Dawn, well her own ‘love-life’ with Henry had almost petered out. With sex never really high on his agenda, the demands of his business had drained him of ANY ambitions of making love to his stunning wife. As her frustrations began to mount, to become almost unbearable for her, she started to cast her ‘roving’ eye around, looking for a possible alternative resource to satisfy her needs. An eye that settled upon ME!

It was almost as if Dawn could sense my own frustrations, NOT that we EVER discussed them openly of course. And, if Sarah was not one to ‘take the lead’ in bed then Dawn most certainly was. VERY much so. Like she correctly deduced then, what she WAS prepared to offer me was JUST what I wanted. Not that she acted upon this instinct straight away, no, Dawn was intelligent enough to completely realise just what she was risking here, this was her own DAUGHTER she planned to betray. But I began to notice subtle changes when we did meet, her dressing up was FAR more sexy, shorter skirts, lovely tops that revealed FAR more cleavage than before, and now her legs were ALWAYS covered in sheer nylon. Which I KNEW were NOT in the form of tights and believe me Dawn ‘treated’ me to more than enough ‘glances’ to leave me in NO doubt as to THAT fact. Yes, Sarah wore stockings, but once again only if I’d asked her to.

With Dawn’s ‘teasing’ being in such a mild form, it was relatively easy for me to resist her advances, but that ALL changed on one particular weekend. The first time during our short-married life when Sarah and I would be apart. For Henry needed to meet an important client on this weekend in question, needing to travel in order to do so. And naturally he took his main ‘employee’ with him. Leaving me alone for the entire weekend. And more to the point, Dawn.

As soon as the ’phone rang early on that Saturday morning I KNEW it was her. And now that I had to face my ‘Rubicon.’ For although Dawn asked me to come over to her house to fix her washing machine, I was FULLY aware that this was purely a ruse, a means to an end. Which, of course, was to get me into her bed! But I also knew that I’d get the sexual excitement that I craved from her. So, I said YES! I crossed THE line.

Her washing machine ‘issue’ proved to be nothing more than Dawn herself switching off the water supply, completely confirming the fact that it HAD been a ruse. For, having switched the tap back ‘on’ again, as I backed out away from machine, I felt two cold, steel rings close in around my wrists, which Dawn had pulled behind my back. I’d just been captured by my sexy mother-in-law!
Last edited by LunaDog 3 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Excellent Idea :) That is quite the Mother in Law!!
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Post by LunaDog »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 months ago Excellent Idea :) That is quite the Mother in Law!!
She is, one in a million!
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Who when I managed to turn around and see her fully, looked absolutely stunning. For her magnificent body was almost completely naked, all she wore was a beautiful, lacy and VERY sexy suspender belt, that held up the UTTERLY sheer nylon stockings on her shapely legs. Not even any panties. “Like what you see?”

Before I could issue ANY sort of verbal reply at all, Dawn reached forward and under my ‘traccies’ her hands found just what she’d been hoping and looking for, my FULLY erect boner! “Well, HE certainly seems pleased to see me! And we can’t let HIM down, now, can we?”

“No Dawn,” fully accepting my fate, one I’d KNOWN was going to happen, “I guess we can’t.”
“That’s Mistress Dawn now, Darling!” As her lips smothered mine, unleashing a kiss with such a level of passion and pure lust that I’d NEVER encountered before. Certainly not from Sarah.
“Best I take you to my bed then, isn’t it? After all you KNOW that’s why I asked you here!”
“Yes, Mistress Dawn. I am all YOURS now!” A completely TRUE statement.

I allowed her to lead me up the stairs and into her, not forgetting my father-in-law’s of course, bedroom. Where I noticed the four silk bondage ties fitted around the four solid and secure corner bed posts. Dawn ‘clocked’ that I’d noticed them, coming up to me and whispering gently into one of my ears she commented. “That’s JUST what you need, isn’t it Darling, to completely surrender control of your body into the hands and power of your Mistress Dawn? You WANT to be mine!”

Dawn had got this absolutely ‘spot-on,’ in fact SO turned on by the prospect of being tied to this bed and utterly ravished by her, that the idea completely removed my power of speech from me. So, all I could do was nod my affirmative answer. Frantically! “Well then, my Darling it will happen, all in good time! Can I trust you? Can I now remove these cuffs? Or do we need to carry on, the ‘hard way?’ Well?”
“Dawn, sorry Mistress Dawn, I promise you with all I have I will make NO attempt to thwart whatever you have in mind for me. I WANT IT!”
“Yes, I do believe that you do.” As she released my arms from the bondage of the handcuffs, her voice rang out again, with a simple one-word command, in a tone that TOTALLY forbade ANY dis-obedience. “STRIP!”

Could I have done so any faster? Unlikely, I guess. Anyway, my clothes soon lay in a small pile upon the floor, having, correctly as it turned out, guessed Dawn’s intentions for the day, I’d worn as little as possible anyway. Another command rang out. “HANDS ON HEAD!” Another automatic and quick compliance.

Dawn began to circle my body, gently stroking and touching me occasionally, resulting in my sexual excitement levels becoming almost unbearable. Suddenly her body was behind mine, resting on my form. As one of her nylon coated legs began to ‘tease’ mine, so her voice was by my ear again. “Do you like this, Darling? How do find the feeling of sheer nylon? Would you like your legs to be placed within it? It IS going to happen anyway, so you might as well say YES!”

Again, I couldn’t speak. Was this woman psychic or what? For once again, she had, purely unprompted, tapped into one of my ‘secret’ desires. Unable to speak, I nodded frantically again. “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’ then, shall I Darling?” Yes, Dawn, YOU MAY!

“Stay right where you are!” As I watched her hands dis-appear within one of a chest of drawers and emerge carrying another sexy belt and a VERY sheer pair of stockings. “Yes, my love, THESE are for YOU!” Dawn now proceeded to fit this lingerie to my form, taking her time about the task with GOOD reason. For during the entire process, she insisted upon me keeping my hands firmly upon my head, not allowing me to remove them at all. Which did mean I struggled to keep my balance as I had to lift my feet off of the ground, one by one. But, working as a ‘team,’ Dawn and I did manage it. The other reason? That the nylon was SO sheer, so Dawn had to be very careful as she moved them up my legs, to prevent herself from ‘laddering’ them. However, stocking met suspender as she successfully managed to do so, and now I too was ‘dressed for sex!’

“ON THE BED! NOW!” I again complied, to be issued with another command. “Stretch yourself!” This resulting further obedience resulted in me being treated to the most completely dirty smile I’d EVER seen before, full of pure lust and desire!

Dawn started with my legs. Before long, first my left and then shortly afterwards my right, ankles had been ‘encoiled’ with a secure silk ‘ring’ One from which, neither could escape.

With this Dawn stood at the lower bed frame and smiled at me again. “Do you know what Darling? It’s often underestimated just how difficult it is to release oneself from a bed with only your legs tied. Go on, try it!” I did, and soon discovered the absolute truth of HER words. But, even if my attempts were getting nowhere quickly, Dawn soon pushed my upper torso into the black satin surface of the bed. She had NO intention of me escaping from her plans for me!

Now she moved up to the top end of her bed, and my arms. Grabbing my left one, shortly afterwards another solid and secure silk ‘ring’ surrounded my wrist there. Not that Dawn was content to leave things in THAT state of affairs, with the quite considerable length of tie remaining, Dawn also fastened my hand in an utterly inescapable manner. “Three out of four then Darling. Now, shall I move around the bed to reach you last remaining free limb, or shall I climb over my bed, and your body?”

With myself knowing THAT was her intention all along, she did so, making sure that the nipple from one of her tits passed so close to my mouth, that I was completely unable to resist the temptation to close my teeth around it and start sucking. Much to my captor’s delight, because shortly afterwards THAT is EXACTLY what Dawn had become, as she tied my right arm to her bed in the same inescapable manner that she’d used to capture my other arm. This was IT then, all four of my limbs were now secure, tied in a manner that I could NOT undo myself to their respective bed post. I now fully belonged to Dawn’s bed. Which, also meant of course, that I TOTALLY AND UTTERLY BELONGED TO HER NOW!

A fact confirmed by the smile upon her now beaming face. “Welcome Darling, to the DOMINATION OF DAWN! Under which you now exist, with there being just ONE purpose in that miserable existence that you call a life. To feed your Mistress Dawn’s sexual appetite, one that you now KNOW to be massive!” Taking my balls and TOTALLY erect cock in her hands, subjecting said balls to a, not so gentle squeeze, she continued. “These are now MINE, mine to do with precisely WHAT I want, HOW I want and for AS LONG as I want, with you having NO say in the matter. Yes, now you exist Darling, to provide your Mistress Dawn with SEX! SEX! and yet more SEX!”

Sex in the dark it seemed, for as Dawn’s lips met mine again, resuming her full-on ‘attack’ upon them, so her hand reached under the single pillow upon which my head rested, and withdrew the blindfold that waited for her there. With seconds Dawn had placed it in position over my eyes, so now I could see absolutely nothing! As if not being able to see the person with whom I was committing adultery made it acceptable!

Because seconds later Dawn had placed her soaking wet pussy over my rampant cock, and she began ‘proceedings.’ Where I’ll readily admit, I had NEVER felt so alive or turned on. The time for talking was clearly over, for Dawn’s lips were in almost constant contact with my own, as she accelerated the action ‘down there.’ It wasn’t long before she was pumping me with ALL her strength, as fast as she absolutely could, her vaginal muscles clamping upon my ‘member’ and naturally all of this began to yield the desired effect. Literally a split second before my own climax arrived, Dawn’s back arched as her body froze, and she emitted a scream of pure ecstasy at FULL volume!

My own cries, as I shot my ‘load’ into my mother-in-law’s pussy weren’t bad, but they were completely drowned out, in terms of both volume and pitch, by Dawn’s oral emissions. After a few seconds, ecstasy released her somewhat, her body collapsed unto mine, and her lips once again sort out mine, and ‘attacked’ them with even more passion than before, if that’s actually possible. “Oh, MY Darling! You are EVERYTHING I WANT from a male. You are mine!”

And I’m FULLY ashamed to say that at THAT moment in time there was nowhere I’d rather have been but utterly helpless in the grip of Dawn’s sexuality, no-one I’d rather have been with. I WANTED to be HERS! I’d actually forgotten about my wife Sarah, so under Dawn’s spell I was. And, of course, that was just the beginning of her time with me, for over two hours Dawn kept me securely tied to her bed fully within the grip of her hands and power. As she shagged me again and again and again, each time so enjoyable and memorable, until finally her considerable strength and stamina began to fail.

Dawn removed the blindfold so I could see the lust still present in her eyes, as she now undid the bonds that had held me to her bed and in captivity to her sexual desires. And, just what was the first thing I did once free to move? Give my former captor an enormous cuddle, one that confirmed that this situation was becoming DANGEROUS! This was going beyond simple lustful sex.
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Post by LunaDog »

Now, what I SHOULD have done then was to have got dressed, left Dawn’s presence, and returned home. There to thoroughly chide myself for my betrayal of Sarah and tell myself to be faithful unto her from now on. Which, being Sarah’s mother, Dawn should have fully accepted, respected and supported. But, of course, we did no such thing.

Having fetched two of her satin dressing gowns, I followed my mother-in-law to her luxurious kitchen, where, as she made something for us to eat, we chatted. About how we intended to keep our ‘affair’ alive without allowing her husband or my wife to become aware of it. And, to my eternal shame, this was a conversation that I fully participated in, whereas what I SHOULD have done is inform Dawn that this had been a pure ‘one-off’ and would NEVER happen again.

Never happen again? Once we’d eaten and after some time had passed to enable that food and drink to ‘pass through,’ I found myself tied securely to Dawn’s bed again, as once more she unleashed herself upon my bound form, with me enjoying EVERY moment. So much so, that as afternoon passed into evening I agreed to stay with Dawn for the night. And THIS is where things became REALLY deadly, for much of that night was passed with myself and my mother-in-law continuing to indulge in adulterous sex, but in THIS case with me free to move and NOT bound by her in any way, said sex basically being in the form of gentle ‘making love,’ as opposed to the lustful driven raw sex when I’d been helpless as her ‘prisoner.’ I KNEW that I was falling in love with the delicious Dawn, just as she was falling for me! Things had now gone too far!

After another lengthy session ‘confined’ to Dawn’s bed again, when I did return home on that following Sunday, I KNEW that life had changed, and not necessarily for the better. For now, when Sarah returned on Tuesday I no longer looked forward to her reappearance in my immediate life as I had done before my dalliance with her mother. It was Dawn whom I wanted to be with, not my wife. And here the intimacy between Dawn and I made this situation SO difficult and impossible to bear. For example, let’s say the liaison between us had been with some woman I’d met but didn’t know, say I’d met her on a business trip. Well, what I did would have been wrong, no doubt about that and I’m NOT trying to claim otherwise, but once we’d gone our separate ways, well, that’d been the END of it. But this was different, Dawn wasn’t just known to me, she was my WIFE’S MOTHER!

Meaning that unless we could deal with the situation, then TWO, totally innocent hearts would be utterly broken. Sarah’s, and she’d done NOTHING wrong, but also Henry’s. And when Sarah did come home, although she’d NEVER mention it herself, it was clear she expected me to take her to bed. But Dawn had completely SATED my sexual ambition, for the time being.

Therefore, I did take Sarah to bed just as she’d wanted me to of course, but naturally there was NO enthusiasm within my body as I ‘went through the motions.’ I actually had the pure audacity to claim that I wasn’t ‘well,’ and again to my eternal shame, Sarah believed, and FORGAVE me!

Dawn, fully content with the fact that I was ‘hers’ now, backed right off allowing the ‘charade’ to continue. She made damn sure that she kept out of my way as much as was possible, and when we did meet, that ‘sexy’ dressing up from before had gone. But the glances in BOTH directions that occurred signified that our lust for each other was as strong as ever.

But of course, with her and Henry’s ‘love-life’ almost non-existent by now, by HIS choice, keeping up the pretence was far easier for her than for me. Sure, Sarah never initiated any bedroom action, but she expected some. And for me to drive it. Which, being under the spell of Dawn by now, I was reluctant to. Somehow, I did manage to keep her satisfied, as the weeks went on. It was almost as if my betrayal had never occurred as the ‘routine’ of life continued.

But when after a few weeks, Henry announced that both he and Sarah would be away for another weekend, the farce was fully exposed within my mind. For I KNEW just where I’d be during those two days, in fact I’d be there on the Friday evening.

And I was, as events came to an unexpected ‘head.’ In fact, Dawn had only completed that delicious task of securely tying my body to her bed when her doorbell rang. She slipped on one of her satin dressing gowns, before she rushed to the door. Where, having opened it she was confronted by the sight of two traffic police officers, who immediately removed their caps, meaning only ONE thing. We’d never have to worry about Sarah or Henry discovering our sordid affair again. A lorry driver had lost control of his vehicle, which then ploughed into Henry’s car, killing his daughter and himself almost instantly.

Yes, yes, I KNOW that what Dawn and I had been doing was wrong, as did she, but fundamentally we ARE decent people, and having received this tragic news, NOW was NOT the time for sexual games. So, Dawn released me from the bed where we cuddled each other in quite genuine grief. Whatever ‘games’ we’d been playing NEITHER of us wished for this, neither of us, despite how it looked, had wanted any harm or pain to come the way of either Sarah or the gentle Henry. THEY were the REALLY decent honest ones here, but it was THEY who’d been taken from the world, utterly undeservedly.

In fact, Dawn and I kept our ‘hands off’ each other in the immediate aftermath of that tragic event. The only ‘physical contact’ of any real note occurred during the funeral itself, but that was actually two people who’d both ‘lost’ their partner seeking, and finding, solace in the company of the other. However, this cuddle also ‘re-lit the spark’ between us, not that we acted on that impulse straight away.
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Post by LunaDog »

No, it was on the Saturday morning after my first week back at work when our lust for the other resurfaced. I called on Dawn to see how she was to find myself almost pulled over the threshold by my mother-in-law. Not that I was complaining mind! Within minutes I was completely naked, and Dawn just adorned in stockings and suspenders. When we rushed to her bed, and that first coupling was SO dominated by lust and longing that she didn’t even bother to tie me to it at all, as we sated our considerable thirst and desire!

However, normality, well the sort between Dawn and I, began to exert itself after that particular explosive climax between the pair of us. Although the next coupling also didn’t take place with me in bondage to her bed, I wasn’t a free man, and was definitely back under her control. Both of us utterly naked, Dawn tied my arms firmly before my back, before, having checked the temperature of the water cascading down, she guided me into her shower cubicle. Thus, I had my first ever ‘sexperience’ of that act in the shower, and WOW! Dawn was at her very lustful best as she subjected me to her desires, bringing us both to a magnificent climax! Did this truly FANTASTIC woman just KNOW what she was doing or what?

Well, that was our bodies now clean, what do you mean what about our minds? And having emptied our respective forms as best we could, it WAS now time for bed. Or in my case, confinement to it. Not before, with my hands on my head as normal, I had to stand in front of the tall mirror and watch as Dawn placed my legs in sheer nylon. Suspended by a lovely lacy, satin suspender belt of course.

Then it was onto her bed. Not that I needed telling, again as I spread myself out, again without the need for any prompting at all! Again, Dawn commenced her capture of me by ‘attaching’ my legs to her lower bed posts, before moving to take my upper body into her complete power. Soon she had my right arm within her total grip, once more as she moved across my body in order to complete imprisonment to her, my teeth once more closed in around one of her tit nipples and began to ‘caress’ it, not that Dawn had objected or made this process difficult at all, I’m sure you all understand.

Shortly afterwards my ears detected that absolutely delicious ‘snap’ sound as Dawn completed the task of utterly securing that fourth of her bonds, placing my final limb into a state of complete capture to its respective bed post. I now existed where my form totally belonged to her furniture, I could not leave this bed without permission from my captor. Which I both KNEW and WANTED would NOT be forthcoming for several hours now.

Once more Dawn’s lips sort out and found mine, and as she ‘attacked’ them with her normal extremely high level of passion and vigour, so my power of sight was taken from me, as Dawn placed a blindfold, one of those ‘proper’ ones that allow NO light through whatsoever, over my eyes. Reducing my world to total darkness.

As her pussy found its way onto and over my rampant cock, before Dawn commenced her pumping of it, I now knew I was utterly content and JUST where I WANTED to be. Dawn’s vaginal muscles began to clamp upon my cock, weaving their utter magic upon my organ as her lips assaulted mine, turning my body, held firmly in HER hands and power, on in the most delightful and extreme manner. It occurred to me that THIS was now my future, I was now going to find myself on a regular and ‘normal’ basis as Dawn’s utter sex slave, fully under HER control and within her power, with me having NO say in just how events would unfold.

But guess what? There would be NO complaints from me, as I contemplated this life in her hands. For I was absolutely delighted at the prospect of spending the rest of my sex life subject to her desires and sexual appetite. She WANTED to do to me, just what I WANTED her to, it seemed.

Therefore, as Dawn vigorously shagged me, a feeling of excitement and pure satisfaction took me over completely as I now knew I’d be spending the rest of my days, held in the total, utter and complete,

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Post by harveygasson »

Great work, enjoyed how this was written.
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Post by Caesar73 »

harveygasson wrote: 3 months ago Great work, enjoyed how this was written.
I do too! Well done!
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Post by LunaDog »

@harveygasson @Caesar73 Thank you both for your very kind comments, much appreciated. My next tale also centres around a 'mother-in-law' but this one is much darker, as her son-in-law' wants NOTHING to do with her. Not that said little problem is going to stop her desires for him, of course.
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