The Files of Art. Inc.: The Hunt for the Lost Scrolls: Chapter 116 (01.04.2024) (FFFF/FFF/ MM/F)

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
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Post by Caesar73 »

@Nainur @Argentum @GreyLord @LunaDog @mrjones2009 @wolfman

Dear Friends, if so eloquent Writers are left speechless by this Chapter I take that as a great compliment:

"I've taken my bows
And my curtain calls
You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it
I thank you all"

Lyrics by Queen

With this Duel, this Saga has reached its Zenith - but there is one other Climax waiting. Chris still does not know that Anna has survived. How will she react if she learns her best friend, she believed dead is alive - fought an epic duel on her own?

Future will tell.
Last edited by Caesar73 3 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Beaumains »

The parallels with your first long epic continue, with a sword-fight between the big bad evil leader and Chris in the end in some forgotten corner far beneath the earth. I liked the description of the fight, as it is quite hard to write a longer yet compelling text to describe something that has to be visual, technical and fast-paced.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Beaumains wrote: 3 months ago The parallels with your first long epic continue, with a sword-fight between the big bad evil leader and Chris in the end in some forgotten corner far beneath the earth. I liked the description of the fight, as it is quite hard to write a longer yet compelling text to describe something that has to be visual, technical and fast-paced.
Thank you for taking the time to comment @Beaumains :) You are right, the Similarities are obvious. I guess that has something to do with the general concept :) But there are several major differences as well. I never put a character so much through the Wringer like Chris. That she believes Anna was killed by a bomb blast through her completely off Balance. To explore the psychological effects in depth was a first for me.

I consider the fighting scenes, the story building, the depth of the Story much more complex than in the first Hunt.

I am glad you enjoyed the description of the fight. When I started the Endeavour of Writing I would never have dared to try something like that :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Expect the next update in two days at the latest. It will be high on Emotion. That much I can tell you already :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

@GreyLord @Bandit666 @banshee @Beaumains @Bigballgag1 @Trammel @wolfman @mrjones2009 @slackywacky @Nainur @Shotrow @TightsBound @Pantyhose971 @TayDay95 @NotSeen @Fandango @LunaDog @Argentum @h6hlh6h @algebrauk

Chapter 110

The Final Battle VI


The Pianist just stood there. It was over. It was finally over. She had avenged Anna. Sent Al Mansours pitch black soul into the Underworld – where Ammit, the Eater of Souls, would devour it. But she felt …. Honestly? Chris did not know what to feel. The blonde looked down on the maimed body of her Enemy. It was not Triumph or even Satisfaction what she felt. Chris felt emptiness. As if she looked into a bottomless well.

She knew she should feel elated. She had presented Anna´s indomitable Spirit the final sacrifice. She had laid upon the Altar the dearest and the best – besides Al Mansours soul. She had given her best. She had committed herself totally without reservation, without hesitation. Now Chris felt drained – emotionally, not physically.

The piercing Scream of a Woman broke the spell. Chris whirled around, her Katana at the ready, ready to strike. But what she saw let her relax. In the Doorway stood a lithe young Woman, clad like an Egyptian noblewoman, accompanied by two Medjai. She pressed her hands against her mouth. Her eyes were wide with Horror.

Chris strode at the Trio, with long strides. Her eyes fixed at the Egyptian. Only later she realized how she must have looked: Blood dripped from the tip of her Katana, her Body Armour was dented, and blood and brains on it. Her green eyes were still blazing with the same bright unearthly fire Al Mansour had seen before the Katana had cleaved his head in two.

The two Medjai saluted her crisply with her Sabres, Chris returned the Gesture automatically her Eyes still fixed on the young Egyptian “Who are you?” she demanded imperiously – to her excuse, one must say the Pianist was still in her battle mode – the left of the Medjai was about to answer, but the young woman was quicker “I am Merit. My Mistress sent me to fetch you” she blurted out, feeling like under a Spell. But she did not break eye contact.

Chris Eyebrows rose. Sternly she stared down at the young Noble Woman “Who is your Mistress and why does she want to meet me? Speak! Quickly!” The other Woman felt uncomfortable under the penetrating gaze of those cold emeralds, which were Chris´ eyes.

“Anna sent me and ….” “Anna can not send anybody. Anna is dead” Chris cut across her brusquely “No, she is not dead” Merit held her ground – she mustered all her courage “And she told me what you would say!” Merit looked up at the blonde “This she told me to tell you, so you believe me” “So tell me!” the blonde snapped.

Merit intoned, now unfazed by the Pianist´s cold stare and demeanour “Ask her what I asked her when we met first in Vienna at the Conservatorium and what I did reply!”

“Are you any good?” Anna asked and I replied, “I am,” The Pianist said softly. Something had changed Merit noticed. Gone was her cold attitude. Her expression had changed, disbelief and the slightest silver line of something different … Merit was not sure: Hope? In Astonishment Anna´s Lady in Waiting watched as the tall blonde shook her head and whispered “This cannot be”

Chris pulled herself together “Bring me to your Mistress!” She commanded, now fully in control again. The blonde turned around and faced Sarah who had followed the exchange with keen interest “You can handle this without me, can´t you?” Chris did not wait for an answer and turned to Merit “Lead the way!”

“Surely I can!” the Thief replied – but Chris did not hear her or ignored her as she strode out of the Vault. Sarah McKenzie shrugged “Right then” She walked to the dead body of Al Mansour and spotted something around the neck of his headless Corpse. A smile curled her lips “Evie!” she shouted, “Come here at once!” “I found something”.

Merit hurried after the blonde Pianist who strode through the Corridor with long strides. Purposefully and erect. Her Blade was still in her right hand, not heeding the blood dripping still from the tip of her blade. Anna´s Lady-in-Waiting found her Mistress´ best friend rather intimidating.

She had watched how the blonde had wreaked havoc among Pharaoh´s Guards – she was still shocked by what had happened in the Vault. She and her Honour guard had stepped over the Threshold exactly as the Katana fell and cleaved Pharaoh´s head in two.

That she had arrived at that moment had been a small wonder:

Together with the other courtiers she had been confined to Pharaoh´s Box under the Guard of the Medjai. They had been treated well, but the Desert Warriors had not let their guard down for a second. Down in the Arena Anna and the High Priestess battled each other relentlessly. Sword clashed against Sword. Merit could not bring herself to watch. She had bitten on her fingernails and wrung her hands. Suddenly a rapid series of strokes clashed on a shield. Then silence. Merit was sure to hear the thud as a body landed in the Sand of the Arena.

Fear gripped the young Noble Woman: Who had been killed? Had it been her Mistress, had it been the High Priestess? She mustered all her courage scrambled to her feet and stepped to the Bannister to look down in the bloody sand:

She saw Anna holding her Nemesis's Body in her Arms. Merit watched as the Russian bowed near Anck-Sun-Amun´s Mouth. The tall dark-haired Woman nodded sincerely. Then the High-Priestess Body got limb.

Anna sat still holding her Enemy and stroked gently above her face. She moved no more. Merit's heart went out to the Woman she called Mistress now. She made her decision, pulled herself together, turned on her Heels, and walked to the next Medjai “Bring me to your Commander!”

Said Commander, Halef Al Hafi, a tall battle-hardened Warrior – with an impressive collection of Scars to prove it – one very gruesome ornamented on his left cheek was mildly surprised as a young Noblewoman with brown eyes, and an impressive set of “Assets” strode at him, two of his Medjai barely keeping pace with her.

She was at least one head smaller than him and had to look up at him. But what she missed in height she matched with courage “You are the Commander of those?” She nodded at the two Medjai accompanying her. And the Medjai had to suppress a smile to hide his amusement.

“I am” he nodded “And you are?” The young Egyptian did not blink “I am the Lady Merit, and I am the Lady-in-Waiting of Her Grace Grand Duchesse Anna Alexandrovna Romanova – and my Mistress needs me now!” she said solemnly – locking eyes with the Egyptian “Where is your Mistress and why does she need you?” The Commander demanded – he enjoyed this very much.

“My Mistress has duelled the High Priestess of Isis to wash off a stain on her honour with blood” Merit paused “She has fought long and hard and killed her opponent – now she needs me, she is probably wounded! I have to see her!!” The Medjai´s face was an inscrutable mask “She is the best friend of the blonde woman who led you into battle!” Merit added.

Halef Al Hafi admired the courage of the young Egyptian to talk to him like that and the dedication of the young woman to her Mistress. Courage and Dedication: Two Qualities he respected – he turned to the two Medjai standing to Attention behind Merit “You two will escort the Lady Merit down into the Arena and do everything she asks of you!” The two desert warriors delivered a crisp Salute “Don´t let your Mistress wait then Lady Merit!” the Commander addressed her – and the ghost of a smile crossed his scarred face. The Lady Merit had more guts than many Warriors he knew.

He sent for Ardeth Bey.

Not much later – Merit had sent her Honour Guard for some things she might need, a stretcher among them – she stepped into the Arena. The two other women still knelt in the Sand. The Sun was warm. The young Egyptian hurried to her Mistress: Anna did not look up. She still held her Enemies Body in her lap and gazed into the West.

“Anna!” Merit whispered, “Are you okay?” Slowly Anna looked up at her Lady-in-Waiting. It was as if she was returning from far far away. Her body was covered with Sand, covered with Dust, and covered with Blood. Merit could make out lots of small cuts and wounds.

But the Russian seemed not seriously wounded “I guess I am Merit” she said. Her melodious Alto Voice betrayed her tiredness, her total exhaustion. It was flat and colourless “Mistress let me take care of you!” the young Egyptian pressed on “What can I do for you?” Something changed: Anna´s dark eyes cleared and focused “You can do something for me Merit” she paused “Find Chris for me and tell her to come”.

And so, it had come to pass that Merit had made the way to the vault.

The Present:


The blonde almost stormed through the long corridors, the courtyards to the Arena. A thunderstorm of emotions was raging inside her: The devil sitting on her left shoulder scolded her “You are naïve Chris von der Marwitz. Anna is dead. Accept that. The Egyptian is having a last laugh at your expense!”

The angel sitting on her right shoulder countered “It could be true. Al Mansour has proven to be cruel. To torment you, knowing how much Anna´s loss hurt you and knowing she is alive here in his hands?” “That would fit” Chris concurred, joining the little devil and the little angel in conversation.

“You shouldn´t have killed him,” the devil said, “His death was way too quick for him” “No it was not!” The angel shot back “Chris was merciful!” “Yes! And see what it got her!” the Devil chuckled maliciously “Cut it you two!” Chris cursed exasperatedly “Stop bickering!” She paused “We will learn soon enough!” The blonde strode along. Her boots hammered the limestone plates of the first Courtyard.

In the Arena:

To Anna Romanova, time had no meaning. She just knelt there in the Sand holding her Arch Nemesis body in her lap. The Russian felt entirely drained. Emotionally and physically. She had not yet realized what had transpired. The rational part of her brain knew that Chris had come to save her, but her soul had failed to realize what had happened – yet.

She had sent Merit away to fetch Chris long ago.

Merit led Chris through the belly of the Arena. She sensed Chris´ powerful presence. The Egyptian had not dared to ask Chris something. That beautiful stony mask had dissuaded her. Merit noticed the small signs though, which betrayed the Pianist´s inner turmoil:

The white knuckles of her right hand gripping her sword. The barely noticeable quiver of her underlip. Her jaws were set.

They went up the stairs which led up to the massive doorway through which the fighters entered the Arena usually.

What Chris noticed first was the strange silence. The sounds of fighting had died down sure – but there was a Silence that reminded Chris of a Funeral “Guess whose Funeral we are attending!” the small black devil on her shoulder chuckled “See? I was right!” “Shut up!” said Chris and the little Angel on her right shoulder in unison. A sense of foreboding filled the blonde as she hurried after Merit.

It felt as if she sensed a presence, a presence she knew … her pulse quickened … could that be?

Finally, Chris stepped after Merith through the massive Archway. She inhaled deeply. It was an hour to 1100 by now. The Sun was up in the Sky and for October its rays were still warm.

But what really got Chris´ attention was the two Women in the Centre of the Arena: One was resting in the lap of the other – looking into the East. Chris could only see the Woman´s back who knelt in the Sand holding the other Woman in her lap. She registered any Details. The Woman was obviously tall. Her long dark tresses were oiled, they shimmered in the sunlight. She wore a glistening, polished cuirass – made of bronze. She wore bronze greaves and hobnailed sandals.

Something about her stroke the blonde oddly familiar …. It was Chris´ heart that knew the truth before her brain. But it was her heart which dissuaded her from running at the Woman. Her heart didn´t want to be hurt again. Too fresh were the Scars. They had barely begun to heal. Only a paperthin sensible layer of tissue covered them.

And Chris´ heart remembered the Pain keenly.

Chris forced herself to walk ahead slowly. As she closed the distance, she could make out more details: The Dents on the Cuirass and the bruises on her fair skin. The Woman´s shoulders were covered in oil and dust and blood.

Chris's heart? It beat faster, the feeling that Merit had told the truth, that this was not the ultimate cruel joke handed down by the Gods, grew stronger with every step. She still didn´t and couldn´t believe it. The rational Part of Chris von der Marwitz at least.

Her heart knew though …it realized long before her brains …

Anna had noticed that other people had entered the Arena. Her perfect hearing told her it was several people. Her keen ears told her another thing too. She knew at least two of the People. One step was a soft trod like an elf stepping on lush Grass barefoot. The other one was firm and purposeful: Combat Boots on soft Sand.

Her pulse quickened. It felt like fever.

Anna looked down at the calm and serene face of Anck-Sun-Amun. In some ways, her Arch Nemesis had redeemed herself today … Anna shook her head. She had never expected she would respect the Egyptian someday. For many months her only Focus had been to be ready for the final fight. Now it was over. Anna did not know yet what to think, what to feel.

Someone stepped before her, blocking the bright October Sun, shining warmly on her face.

Slowly, very slowly Anna looked up and looked at the Woman blocking her view. Her Eyes, the keen Eyes of a Sniper took in every detail. She was tall and blonde registered her brains. She had emerald-green eyes. She wore black body armour, covered with blood and brains and other bodily fluids. Anna noticed the Dents. They were not deep.

But the blonde had been hit several times. She held a gleaming Katana in her right hand. There was blood and gore on the blade too. And Anna watched as the blade which so seldom quivered, quivered more strongly. As if in slow motion she watched as a single drop of blood fell in the Sand. She could see every grain of sand which flew in the air as the drop of blood hit the Surface.

This strong right hand holding the Katana, it lost its grip and the century-old Sword it dropped into the sand – with a soft thud. Softly the tall blonde woman whispered one word “Anna?” Anna noticed the slight quiver in her voice.

The serene marble-like beautiful face got soft “Anna, you live?” she whispered and sank slowly to her knees in the Sand “Chris?” Anna whispered back “You have come” All noises around the two women, the dark-haired one and the blonde, receded into oblivion.

It was only them.

Merit who had watched the scene in admiration was sure, she had felt something passing between the two women – no, she was sure to have seen something. Two silver threads connecting two Pairs of eyes: One green, one black. Merit turned and looked sternly at the two Medjai who stood behind her “Bring the Body of the High Priestess to the Houses of Preparation so the High Priest of Anubis will take care of her”.

To their own surprise, the two hardened Warriors saluted and followed the order. Gently they removed the dead Anck-Sun-Amun´s Body and laid it on the stretcher they had brought with them.

Anna registered that barely, she was fixed on the blonde.

Chris was the first to scramble to her feet, and with some difficulty, Anna followed even more awkwardly. Every Muscle, every Sinus of her Body screamed with Pain. The two women stood two Metres apart. Anna gave Chris the once-over.

“You look like hell,” the Russian said, “You are one to talk “The Pianist countered calmly– with a lopsided smile “This Cuirass does suit you though!”

Anna grinned:

“Don´t forget your Sword Chris!” she scolded her best friend “Sensei Nakamura would not be pleased – if you leave it here in dirt and dust” Chris nodded – and the faintest Hint of a smile crossed her features - “He wouldn´t”.

She bowed down – gracefully - took the Sword and returned the Blade to its Scabbard – after she had cleaned the sand and gore of it, with a strip of linen. This was ingrained deeply into Chris “Never return your sword into its scabbard without cleaning it first” Sensei Nakamura had taught her.

Anna watched this fluid, effortless motion she had seen so often as if the Katana was part of its Owner´s body – and in some ways, the Katana was Part of Chris.

In the end, it was this moment of jest, which made them two realize the truth fully. Anna closed the distance first with two quick steps and hugged her friend tightly. She felt Chris's beating heart. And Chris´ heartbeat told her so much more than mere words could ever have. Her Agitation, her Hope and something which felt like joy.

Anna looked closely at the beautiful and serene features of her best friend. Eyed it closely:

To many people, this beautiful face seemed an inscrutable Mask. The Russian knew few people who could mask their feelings so well like the blonde Pianist. But Anna could read this face like a book, she knew all the minuscule Microexpressions and could decipher them with ease. Probably only Sensei Nakamura could read Chris even better. And Anna saw the Pain, the Grief, the Hurt beneath the calm and serene Façade – and the Violinist saw something else: Shame.

Deep in her heart, Anna felt the Reason “You did things you are not proud of Chris. I know” she said calmly and looked her friend in the eye. The blonde said nothing. Her underlip quivered though and Anna knew she had hit the Mark “There is no need to be ashamed” she added gently. She sensed how fragile, how vulnerable her best Friend was right now.

“What kept me going was you, that I knew you would come for me. To save me.” The Russian paused “I was so relieved when Ramose told me you survived the blast, Chris. And on the day of my Recognition by the Court, it was your voice which helped me through this moment ….”

Anna paused, searching for words, she looked warmly at Chris …”and when “your Messenger” arrived” The dark-haired Woman had to smile “You should have seen Al Mansour´s face, Chris” The Pianist still didn´t say anything.

But Anna sensed a subtle Change “That was really a boast for morale!” the Russian continued “Though I feel sorry for the poor Woman. That Bastard had her tortured and killed – while I was …. occupied”.

Chris sighed “I knew I would put her in Harm’s Way, I used her. I should have killed her quickly. I am responsible for her death” Anna shook her head “No Chris, you are not” And her utter surety filled Chris´ heart with a soft glow “Al Mansour had her tortured and killed – not you!”

For a moment Anna gazed into the East “That Bastard ….” The Violinist shook her head and faced Chris again. She was not ready to talk about that yet. About how Aya and Sachmet had taken “care of her”, how Al Mansour had made her relive the Dinner with James …Anna fell silent “James” she said, her voice trailing away in a slow decrescendo.

“I did call him” Chris's reply was a low whisper only “It took me three days to call him, Anna, imagine that: Three days, because I couldn´t muster the strength” Chris shook her head “No because I simply forgot” Anna looked at Chris “Her Eyes are so green” she thought – and noticed the Tears forming in Chris´ eyes.

“You were devastated” the Russian comforted her friend “I am sure James understood” The quivering of Chris´ underlip got stronger. The Seconds trickled by. Both Women fixated on each other

Finally, Chris spoke in low tones, her voice slightly quivering with suppressed emotion “When I realized you were dead… “Her voice trailed away “when we returned from Luxor Hospital to the Villa, when I touched the Lord-Dun-Raven - it felt to me” the blonde paused, searching for the right words “as if a large piece of my soul had been ripped out of my breast, seldom I felt so much pain – it almost destroyed me – I had to hide in the maze of my mind ….” Chris looked Anna in the Eye – and the Violinist saw the Emotions crossing Chris face like a fleeting shadow: The deepest Pain – “Anything was better than to endure that Pain – without Sarah, I would not have found back”. Chris looked down on the floor. She felt her cheeks reddening.

Anna recalled what the blonde just had said “It almost destroyed me” She felt Chris´ heartbeat got faster “I know” Anna replied gently. And the Russian knew, Anna really knew. She remembered when her best friend had learned about the tragic death of her Parents:

Chris and Anna had just practised together at the Conservatorium. Cesar Franck´s Violin Sonata. Another Moment Anna would never forget. A Violin Teacher, Mrs Mullova had entered the Concert Hall and told Chris in plain Words what happened: Her Mother and her Father had been killed in a Car Crash caused by a drunken Driver on the Amalfi Coast.

To this day Anna remembered this Moment when Chris´ face froze to ice. She had stormed out of the room; Anna had run after her and found her Friend sitting in an empty Classroom on the Floor – staring into the Distance with unseeing eyes.

The Pain had almost destroyed the Pianist: It had destroyed the Relationship with her fiancé, the Journalist Peter Riefenstahl. One day after the Funeral – Anna remembered that day keenly:

It had been Winter in Hamburg. Snow had covered the frozen Ground and was falling gently. It covered the Shoulders of the Black Coat Chris wore. A striking Contrast had the Russian found back then.

With a stony Face standing at the open Grave of her Parents Chris had acknowledged the many Condolences - Chris´ took the next flight to Japan and sought out her old Sensei in the snowy Mountains near Sapporo.

For two years the blonde had buried herself in the small Hamlet, meditated, and trained. Trained and meditated. Someday, after a Tea Ceremony, Sensei Nakamura told Chris she was ready to return to the World she belonged to. In these two Years, Chris had sent Anna one letter, in her clear elegant hand: “Do not look for me Anna. I will look for you.”

And Anna had trusted Chris, believed in her. She had known that Chris would come back. Anna simply knew.

The Pianist had told Anna what her Sensei had said to her after that Tea Ceremony “Christine San, you belong to the World you can´t shut it out forever. You have so much to give to the World, start giving.” After this time Chris was ready to face the World again. In some ways, these two years had shapened Chris and made her the person she was now.

The Russian smiled: Chris had lived up to the Promise her Sensei had seen in her: The blonde had given herself to the World her Art, and herself, what had the Romantic Poet Joseph von Eichendorff written? “And the world begins to resound if you only hit the magic word”.

“What are you smiling about Anna?” Chris inquired; her voice low, quivering ….

Anna looked at her friend again, it was as if Chris feared the Answer. The Violinist sensed more than she saw that her staged death had left Scars on Chris´ Soul. But she was certain of one thing: These Scars – as hurtful as they were – would make Chris´ stronger.

The blonde was a survivor.

Chris broke their embrace. With both hands, she held Anna´s face gently. Her nimble fingers, which could master the most difficult compositions and lead a Katana with unerring accuracy, glided above the Russian features and followed every curve and every line as if Chris had to reassure herself that Anna was real. With a feather-like touch, the index finger of her right hand glided above the lightning-bolt-like Scar above Anna´s left brow.

Anna had felt utter disgust when Al Mansour had touched this Scar. The soft and tender touch of her best friend though felt like the intimate gesture of a lover “You are real Anna. You are real” Chris whispered as if she feared Anna would vanish into thin air like a figment of her mind.

The Russian looked long at her best friend and a warm sensation flooded her body from the tips of her toes to the Crown of her head.

“I am,” Anna said simply “I am real Chris”. The Violinist looked at the emerald-green Pools of Ice, which were Chris´ eyes: The Ice thawed like a glacier in the Sun and the Pools of Ice became Wells, Wells of Joy. Tears streamed down her cheeks.

Her Tears in Luxor had been Tears of Sorrow, these Tears were Tears of Joy. And Chris laughed. The laughter came from deep within her. It was a laughter full of joy and happiness - a Laughter which had not been heard for a long time. And Anna joined in.

It was this moment both friends felt as if an enormous weight had been finally lifted from their shoulders. What had begun in Rachel Weinstein´s Penthouse nine Months ago had come to a close.

Even if neither Anna nor Chris did realise that yet.

That would take time.

As Chris laughter subsided both Women hugged each other tightly.

Felt the Tears on the others Skin.
Last edited by Caesar73 3 months ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by wolfman »


When something is this good, no other words are needed
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by LunaDog »

wolfman wrote: 3 months ago Perfect.

When something is this good, no other words are needed
Couldn't have said it better myself. Utterly magnificent!
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Post by Nainur »

Damn, some smoke must have got into my eyes... honestly... wow.
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Post by Bandit666 »

Damn I can’t believe my absence as left me so far behind, and yet as always it’s been a huge pleasure to catch up my friend, and I have to agree with two well deserved word….perfect and magnificent. Although I do hope despite you quote from what in my eyes remains one of the greatest rock bands in history, you’ve not taken your bows, or your curtain calls for we’re all hoping for more mastery of the pen in times to come
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Post by Caesar73 »

Dear @Bandit666 , dear @mrjones2009 dear @Nainur dear @LunaDog dear @wolfman dear @Argentum @Bandit666

thank you all for your most kind words of Praise. We are in the final Stages of the Journey - which began nine Months ago in New York, as the late High Priestess Anck-Sun-Amun ambushed Chris´and her Friends.

Thank you for staying on Board my Friends for so long!

All other Readers and Viewers? Thank you!

This is what will follow after the last Chapter - which is due next week at some point:

- The Epilouge (Maybe one, maybe two Parts)

- Anck-Sun-Amuns Funeral (Which will be three Chapters long)

In the nearer Future we will visit Kirsty´s and Hayley´s Wedding at the Hamptons: "Tying the Knot"
The Wedding guest list will feature Chris and her friends, the Characters we know from @mrjones2009 Saga "Nothing Personal" - and the Families of Kirsty and Hayley.

There will be a short sequel to the Hunt for the Lost Scrolls: "From the Files of Art. Inc: The Chancellor´s Daughter" - there is some unfinished business. Why joins the Chancellors Daugther an acient Cult? The Question will be answered in due time.

Anck-Sun-Amun´s funeral will also set the Stage for a major long-term project: "From the Files of Art. Inc: The Sands of Time"
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Post by Caesar73 »

Exspect the next update on Sunday at the latest.
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Post by Caesar73 »

@GreyLord @Bandit666 @banshee @Beaumains @Bigballgag1 @Trammel @wolfman @mrjones2009 @slackywacky @Nainur @Shotrow @TightsBound @Pantyhose971 @TayDay95 @NotSeen @Fandango @LunaDog @Argentum @h6hlh6h @algebrauk

Chapter 111

“Oh, happy Day!”

The Arena:

And so, their friends found them as they entered the Arena. With a mix of Wonder and Astonishment, they looked at the Centre of the Arena where Anna and Chris stood, totally oblivious to what transpired around them.

“So, the prodigal Grand Duchesse returned” Natasha quipped “Shut up!” Sarah McKenzie shot her a sharp look and slapped the Russian heard on her butt “Ouch!” the dark-haired Woman protested “What was that for!” “You know exactly what for Natasha” the Thief smiled sweetly and just a little ominously “We will have words later!”

Natasha was astute enough not to voice any objections.

In awe, Hayley watched at the scene before them “Isn´t that touching?” the blonde said to no one in particular “You are such a softie Hayley” Kirsty teased her “And?” her Companion challenged the Briton “Oh nothing …” a small smile curled Kirsty´s lips.

Anna felt the Warmth of Chris´ body – and smiled: Chris's heartbeat had changed again. Steady now, strong, and regular like the Great Bell of a Cathedral – and in Anna´s imagination it was the Bell of the Holy Trinity Cathedral at the Alexandre Newsky Lawra at Sankt Petersburg.

It was a voice that broke the spell. The shimmering dark Voice of a Mezzo-soprano. A voice she knew. A voice Chris and Anna knew. Sophie´s Voice. But Sophie sang neither Handel nor Mozart nor Schumann: Sophie sang something different. Something really different – if she considered Sophie´s usual repertoire: The Woman who sang so wonderfully Handel?

Sophie Reichenbach sang a Gospel. The two friends looked at each other “Did you know Sophie can sing Gospel?” Anna mused aloud “I didn´t” Chris smiled warmly “But it fits, don´t you think?” And they broke their embrace to face the music:

“Oh, happy day!” Sophie sang with all her heart and a passion in her voice which would have made an Aretha Franklin or a Whitney Houston proud. The Lyrics of this famous Gospel fitted perfectly, the Lawyer had acted on pure instinct, she had not thought much, the urge to sing, to sing that song? It had been overwhelming.

Of course, she could not hide completely she was a classical-trained Singer, but she used her flawless technique to her advantage: The Art to Improvise was a Quality every Singer of Baroque Music needed – and Sophie was a natural in that regard.

Her voice filled the vast Arena easily as she sang and clapped her hands “Come on” she shouted, “Everybody now!”

And Sophie sang:

Oh, happy day (Oh, happy day)
Oh, happy day (Oh, happy day)

When Jesus washed (When Jesus washed)
Oh, when He washed (When Jesus washed)
When Jesus washed (When Jesus washed)
He washed my sins away (Oh, happy day)

Oh, happy day (Oh, happy day)
Oh, happy day (Oh, happy day)
Oh, happy day (Oh, happy day)

When Jesus washed (When Jesus washed)
Oh, when He washed (When Jesus washed)
When Jesus washed (When Jesus washed)
He washed my sins away (Oh, happy day)

Oh, it's a happy day (Oh, happy day)

Haley elbowed her Companion in the rips “I want to sing Sophie that at our Wedding!” A brilliant Idea!” Kirsty could not help but embrace her Partner.

“She is really good!” Anna smiled at Chris as they walked to their friends “She is! I really didn´t know she had that in her!” Chris pointed at the Dark Lady “Look, even our Master Thief is touched!” The Russian grinned “Who could resist the Power of Music?” Chris returned the Grin “So I say Thank you to the Music, the Joy it's bringing!” Without missing a beat Anna intoned “I've been so lucky; I am the girl with golden hair I wanna sing it out to everybody! What a joy, what a life, what a chance!”

Chris took almost casually Anna´s hand and squeezed it tightly.

The Western Desert: The Palace – the Great Hall, Evening:

The Tide was running high in the Great Banquet Hall of the Palace. It was hard to believe that in the early morning, a bloody battle had been waged on the Grounds. The Medjai had secured the Complex – and the Hall was well guarded. But the feast left nothing to be desired. The Cuisine was exquisite, and the Alcohol flowed freely.

It appeared the Inhabitants of Al Mansours Realm adapted to the change of regime quite easily. Ramose´s firm hand had helped, Chris had to admit. Sophie had proposed to invite the Grand Vizier and new Ruler of “Little Egypt” as Anna had dubbed Pharaoh´s “Realm” - along with his Daughter and a carefully selected handful of other Courtiers to the Feast this evening.

Chris was not exactly happy but saw the reasoning behind the Lawyers Proposal. And the Grand Vizier had accepted the invitation. The Formalization of the Relationship between the Egyptians and the Medjai would follow in the next two days. Sophie had agreed to draw up the Treaty which both Parties would sign.

The Pianist smiled “You are right Sarah. Sophie has really grown a lot!” Chris watched at another table, where Sophie and Evie were sitting. Both were in good Spirits it seemed. As much distress and sorrow, the Hunt for the Lost Scrolls had caused: That Sophie and Evie had found each other, had been one of the good things – much blood had been spilt, and all because of the Dreams of Grandeur of a Megalomaniac.

To Chris, the belief that People learned from History was a fairy tale. Resolutely the Pianist shoved those thoughts aside. Today was a day to celebrate – there would be enough time to reflect on things later. They had fought hard, they had won. They had ended Al Mansour and his mystical Weapon. She felt a soft touch on her left Shoulder. Startled Chris turned:

“Where are you, Chris?” Anna interrupted her musings “Just thinking about things” the Pianist smiled at her best friend “I see” the Russian grinned “It is all quite overwhelming, isn´t it?” Chris nodded “It is” and returned the Grin “Fighting a bloody battle in the Morning, finding my BFFL alive and having a rousing feast can have that effect, you must admit” Anna looked at the blonde keenly. The Change was remarkable. Chris seemed much more at ease as in the hour they met again. To Anna, it seemed Chris seemed to glow from the inside.

Chris eyed her Friend: Anna had had a long shower; a good massage and Merit had insisted on taking care of her many small cuts and bruises. Now clad in a purple-red gown, matching Platform Sandals, and her long dark hair in a stylish bun Anna looked simply radiant.

The Pianist took the sight in, and a warm smile curled her lips “There are still moments I don´t trust my eyes and fear in the next second you vanish in thin air Anna” The Russian returned the smile “I know, I feel the same” For a moment both Women fell silent. Not the uncomfortable sort of silence. But the way old friends do when they sit together, and a song by ABBA sprang into Chris´ mind:

“You and I can share the silence
Finding comfort together
The way old friends do”

The blonde smiled, looking into the distance … “Thinking of ABBA?” the Russian teased her, she knew pretty much where the blonde had just been, Anna felt the same, Chris grinned “You simply know me too well”.

How she had missed these simple conversations! She felt complete again, she felt whole again. Chris looked around in the Great Hall: The Pianist hated Al Mansour, but one had to give him credit that he and his Ancestors had created a Wonder here amidst nowhere in the Western Desert.

The blonde smiled: Her friends fraternized with the Medjai: Birte Ricciarelli was talking animatedly with Shahada. Ardeth Bey´s daughter cut quite the dashing figure in the long deep blue gown which left her shoulders bare. Their friends had all changed in fitting gowns as well. It had proven no problem to find some wardrobe in the vast vaults of the Palace and Merit had only been too eager to help.

Anna had followed Chris´s gaze – and understood her feelings. She sighed … there were little pains here and there – but besides that, she felt quite well. Which was a Wonder after the sheer endless fight with Anck-Sun-Amun. It demanded all her strength, all her will, all her courage to go through …. She did still not know what to feel about that fight …. And its outcome ….

The Russian listened to her body …

Anna had to admit, that she had enjoyed the Administrations of Merit and other Ladies of the Court in the Spa. Obviously, Al Mansour had been a respected and feared but not a loved Ruler. What had the Roman Emperor Tiberius said? Let them hate me, provided they respect my conduct.

To Anna it felt as if a spell had been lifted, the atmosphere had clearly changed. The air seemed fresher, the sun brighter. She looked at Chris who was chatting with Ardeth Bey, Chris smiled warmly and laughed.

The Laughter came from deep down, from Chris's inner Core. Anna had a fair idea of what Chris had been going through in the last few days. But she could only guess how deep the wounds were there.

But in that moment Chris was happy – and that was all that mattered. She had gone through hell to get to her to get to Anna. This Anna knew without Chris saying anything.

Fondly the Russian looked at her best friend as she was laughing and smiling.

The silken green gown left the blonde´s muscular shoulders bare – and the Russian noticed some haematoma on Chris´ tanned skin. Some were fresh – and some were almost faded. And the Russian had a pretty good idea, how old they were ….

The Russian forbade herself to dive into that well any deeper: The well of time and remembrance. There were talks to be had – but not today. She turned to her left: Merit seemed utterly dumbstruck. She had obvious trouble comprehending what was happening around her.

But that her Lady-in-Waiting was overwhelmed was quite understandable. Her World had changed in just a few hours “Merit, may I trouble you for the Wine?” Anna smiled at the younger Woman who had been so brave today, Merit did not react at once “Lady Merit!” Anna scolded her – playfully “Your Mistress requires your attention!” “Of course, Mistress! At once Mistress!” her Lady in Waiting blushed deeply.

“I was jesting, Merit!” Anna smiled broadly “Don´t worry!” Smiling Anna added “But you could fill my glass again!” And Merit smiled too “I will!”

That Scene went not unnoticed:

From the table across them, Sophie was following the scene: It was good to see Chris and Anna reunited. She turned to Evie “Look how relaxed Chris is!” The Egyptologist nodded “I haven´t seen her that way since Luxor “It is as if a heavy burden had been lifted off her Shoulders” her Companion agreed. To herself, Sophie thought “It is a good thing to see Chris happy again” Evie interrupted her excitedly “Look, Sophie! Chris is about to deliver a speech!”

Indeed, Chris had risen, her emerald-green Eyes bright as the Sun, her Glass in her right hand, filled to the brim with sparkling Champaign. With a spoon, she tapped against the Crystal Flute. The silvery sound was not loud, but the Hall fell silent at once. Chris looked from one to the other and cleared her throat.

“Dear Friends!” her melodious alto Voice filled the Hall easily like a trumpet – and Sophie´s keen ears noted the change; Chris's Voice conveyed her feelings; it was vibrant with joy –


The pianist continued, her emerald-green eyes, which had looked so cold and hard so often in the last days, beaming:

“To every thing, there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die.
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted.
A time to kill, and a time to heal.
A time to break down, and a time to build up.
A time to weep, and a time to laugh.
A time to mourn, and a time to dance”.

The blonde paused, allowing the words of Ecclesiastes to sink in “Today is a time to laugh, a time to dance, a time to build up, a time to mourn! Today was a time to die and a time to kill! Tomorrow will be a time to heal!”

Sophie looked around: Chris had the undivided attention of her audience. So captivating was her presence. And it had grown Sophie noticed. There stood the great Artist, the Warrior Princess of the North – and the best Friend one could wish for.

Chris would come, would come for anybody she held dear.

Chris looked at her audience, looked at Anna, at Kate, at Sophie, at Evie, at Sarah, at Natasha, at Kirsty and at Hayley and warmth filled her heart. She inhaled deeply:

“Today we thought a great battle together as Brothers and in Sisters in Arms! Today we were victorious as the seers had foretold!” A rousing chorus of clanking glasses, clapping hands and shouts interrupted the Pianist. Sophie watched as Chris patiently waited, smiling warmly. As the chatter had died down the blonde continued.

“I drink to you Friends, Sisters, Brothers, Companions!” Chris emptied her crystal goblet in one gulp and smashed it on the marble floor “Huzzah!” she shouted, her eyes blazing “Huzzah!” the party followed suit and smashed their goblets too. The Lawyer noticed that staff replaced the broken Crystal with fresh-filled Goblets immediately. Chris had obviously given orders in advance.

Out of nowhere, a new Goblet materialized before Sophie …

“We destroyed Evil today! The blonde continued “That would not have been possible without you!” Chris pointed at her friends “You all came from around the World just because you thought it was the right thing to do!”

The Pianist turned to the Leader of the Medjai and his Subcommanders “I bow before you and your Medjai Ardeth Bey!” Chris bowed deeply “It was an honour to lead you into battle” Ardeth Bey rose and returned the gesture “It was an honour to fight under your command!” he replied in his deep and rich baritone.

The Pianist bowed a second time “Thank you!” Two small words – but they carried much more.

“This is a day of joy!” Chris continued “But let us not forget about those who made the final sacrifice, those who are not here in body anymore, but in spirit only! Let me bring out a toast!”

Chris raised her Goblet again, her wrist steady and firm “To the Glorious Dead!” her voice rang like a fanfare. She emptied her Glass but did not smash it this time but set it down on the table “It is unfair to single out any of the braves who committed their future for our today but let me bring out a toast to one Individual!”

Sophie watched and saw that Chris´ Eyes welled up but her voice was firm and clear “Nabiah bint Husseini was the Second in Command to Shana Al Amari. Our Enemies killed her just to get at me and Anna!” The Lawyer looked at Anna. She saw the tears in her dark eyes, the indomitable Russian was struggling with her Emotions.

Chris raised her Goblet again “To Nabiah!”

“Nabiah!” The crowd roared back. The Pianist waited till the chatter had died down again “We want to honour the brave Souls who gave their lives gladly and without reservation, so Anna, Sophie and I will play together to pay tribute to those who are not here in body but in our Hearts! Sophie and Anna, if you may?” Chris added warmly.

Both Women rose and walked to the Centre of the Hall where a gleaming Grand Piano was standing. Anna remembered the look of childlike enthusiasm on Chris's face when she had seen the Piano as they had inspected the Great Banquet Hall. Anna remembered when Chris had sat and stroked a key: Not loud – but it had filled the vast Hall easily.

The Black Lady followed the Events with rapt attention – and felt Natasha´s warm hand on her muscular thigh and smiled – the Russian´s “Education” was progressing perfectly “Don´t overdo it!” she whispered out of the Corner of her Mouth “I never would Mistress” the Russian, clad in a black evening gown smiled “I know” the Thief added dryly “You never would”.

Sarah McKenzie watched as one of the Servants brought a Violin Case; Anna thanked him – and the hard Canadian watched as Anna opened the Case and a bright and warm smile curled her lips – as she removed the Violin from its Case and took up the bow.

“Do I see a tear in your eyes?” Natasha grinned “Mistress?” she added mischievously “Shut up!” the Masterthief huffed “Or I will beat your sorry Ass later!” The Russian still smiled “My Ass is Yours Mistress!” The Canadian looked at her sternly “It is. Don´t ever forget that!”

The Canadian concentrated again on the Scene before them: The three Musicians were warming up. Finally, Chris turned to the Audience again “Firstly we will play Handel, Sophie will sing an Aria from “Messiah” for you “He shall feed his flock” The Pianist sat and looked at Anna and Sophie. The Lawyer´s right hand rested on the Piano, and Anna´s bow hovered above the Strings of the Guarneri.

Chris nodded at her two fellow musicians and her fingers touched the first key. Her bright brilliant, yet warm tone stood in the Hall. Anna´s bow touched the strings of the Violin – and in this moment a warm sensation flooded her body “How I have missed that! Making music with the people I cherish and love!” And Anna let the Violin sing and the warm sound of the Violin united with the Pianos.

Sophie breathed in deeply and a stream of Memories passed her inner eye: When she had first played with Chris at von Winterfeldt´s Stronghold in the Alps, when she had played together with Chris and Anna at Hall Place – and then the Concert at Buckingham Palace …

Chris nodded almost imperceptibly, and Sophie began to sing. She loved Handel. Thanks to Chris Connections she had recorded her first recital with Handel Arias in the Summer. Sophie knew no other Composer who captured emotions better. This Aria, in fact, a Duet, was the perfect example:

He shall feed His flock like a shepherd;
He shall gather the lambs with His arm,
And carry them in His bosom, His bosom,
And gently lead those that are with young.
He shall gather the lambs in his arms.
He will shelter them.
And carry them close to his heart.
And gently, so gently, so gently, ever so gently,
So gently shall lead those with young.
He shall feed His flock like a shepherd;
He shall gather the lambs with his arm.
And carry them in His bosom, His bosom,
And gently, so gently, so gently, ever so gently,
Shall lead those with young.
The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not want.

Anna felt like in heaven. There had been moments in the last days, when she had to fight hard to keep her sadness at bay, not to give in to despair, to the dark dog of depression. And in this moment, she knew why she had fought this battle:

Her bow glided gently above the strings like a lover would touch her skin, her fingers moved as if on their own accord. She had not to look at Chris or Sophie. They were perfectly in tune with each other. Her body moved in rhythm with Handel´s Music and Sophie´s dark shimmering Mezzo struck a chord in her heart. She felt the tears flowing down her cheeks. But they were tears of joy.

The Aria was over. The last accord stood in the vast Hall. Then – to Chris, it felt like an eternity – someone clapped his hand. Quickly a tremendous applause filled the Hall. Chris looked at her fellow musicians. She stood, and they bowed to the Audience. Held the Pose. Stood straight – and bowed again. Chris beamed.

The Pianist smiled at Anna “Shall I? Or want you?” she whispered. The Russian smiled back “No Chris, I leave that to you!” Her best friend nodded as they bowed a final time “So shall it be then!” A warm feeling flooded Chris from the tips of her toes to the crown of her head. How had she missed that to do what she was destined for: To bring music to life. Together with her friends.

She did not need to look at Anna and Sophie – they knew what they would do. Late in the afternoon, they had done a short rehearsal – and Chris had been impressed by how well that had worked. Considering the previous events … a warm smile curled her lips. They had not played music in the last weeks …but played a Games of Thrones.

Chris faced the Audience “As a tribute to all who are not here with us this evening we will play now a Song, whose Lyrics were written by Dietrich Bonhoeffer and set into Music by Siegfried Fietz”.

Kirsty watched as the Pianist got serious “You know that song?” she whispered to Hayley who had followed the words of the Pianist with rapt attention “I do” the American whispered back “Just listen!”

The Briton pouted but said nothing – and listened:

“Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German Lutheran pastor, theologian and anti-Nazi dissident” Chris told their Audience “He was incarcerated for his beliefs, he was incarcerated because he did what was the right thing to do – to stand up against a bloody dictator, to speak truth to Power! Not minding the Consequences!” The Pianist looked each in the eye, and Birte Ricciarelli felt the Power the blonde radiated, she was mesmerized.

This was the Chris she got to know in Hamburg, only weeks ago – to the German Policewoman it felt like an eternity, so much had happened. Birte Ricciarelli had witnessed all sides of the Pianist. The good and the bad ones.

She had seen her elated and she had seen her devasted with grief. She had seen the Warrior Princess and she had seen the Musician. “No better friend. No worse enemy” – this Epitaph on Sulla´s Grave could apply also to the blonde. The truth of this Quote many Egyptians had learned today.

The Policewoman listened with deep concentration.

“There are moments when we are prone to give in to despair” Chris paused “Dietrich Bonhoeffer is a glowing example to keep up hope in even the darkest times” And Sophie knew perfectly what Chris was talking about “Dietrich Bonhoeffer knew he would not escape his cell at Tegel Prison alive. But Bonhoeffer did not despair even in the face of sure death at the Gallows at Flossenbuerg on a grey cold Morning in April 1945”.

The Dark Lady´s sharp eyes noticed the tears in Chris´ eyes. And the Thief knew the subtext beneath these words. Anybody who had been with Chris´ in the last weeks knew.

Chris continued:

“In his cell at Tegel in December of 1944, in a letter to his Fiancé Bonhoeffer wrote Verses which testify his faith and courage. Dietrich Bonhoeffer is an example to us all!” Tall and erect and proud she stood there in the heart of the Western Desert.

Chris looked at Sophie and Anna. Both nodded at her. Chris sat down adjusted her gown and began to play the introduction to “Von wunderbaren Mächten treu und still umgeben”.

And Sophie sang those beautiful verses, which were a beacon of hope in the hours of deepest darkness. Chris and Anna accompanied her in the best way. The two world-class musicians stood back to give Sophie´s marvellous Voice and Bonhoeffer´s Verses Room to shine.

To Sophie Bonhoeffer´s Verses had a special meaning. They had carried her through some of the darkest hours of her life: When her father-in-law had abused her as his bondage toy for sport. Many times, the Lawyer had sought refuge in one of the many Churches of Nuremberg and prayed there – often Bonhoeffer´s Verses. And they had given her solace – always.

One day as she knelt before the Altar the Pastor had approached her – and under the seal of the Sacrament of Confession, she had opened up to him, confessed to him what her father-in-law did to her. And the Pastor, a Priest in his early Forties had listened but said nothing just blessed her and told her to come to the Church every time she would feel the need – and he had quoted Bonhoeffer.

Sophie had come often.

So, singing this Song was not just singing to Sophie – singing never was – but singing “Von guten Mächten wunderbar geborgen” was praying for her and deeply personal - everybody in the Hall felt that.

Kate Beckett watched and listened in awe. The three musicians acted as one. The Detective noticed all the small signs: Looks and gestures – one time Chris looked at Anna and beamed at her and the Russian beamed back.

Kate had had Piano Lessons, but she would never consider herself any good at the Piano - Castle had encouraged her though to take lessons again – but Kate understood enough to know what was happening here deep in the Egyptian Desert in the Middle of Nowhere: Extraordinary artistry.

The Detective listened to Sophie´s dark silken Voice – and did not mind the tears rolling down her cheeks:

Surrounded by such true and gentle powers.
So wondrously consoled and without fear,
Thus will I spend with you these final hours
And then together enter a new year.

By gentle powers lovingly surrounded,
with patience we’ll endure, let come what may.
God is with us at night and in the morning
and certainly on every future day.

The worries of the old year still torment us.
We’re troubled still by long and wicked days.
Oh Lord, give our frightened souls the healing
For which You’ve chastened us in many ways.

And though You offer us the cup so heavy.
So painful, it’s the most that we can stand.
Not faltering, with thanks we will accept it
And take it as a gift from your good hand.

And should it be Your will once more to grant us.
To see the world and to enjoy the sun,
Then we will all the past events remember
And finally our life with you is one.

Von guten Mächten treu und still umgeben,
behütet und getröstet wunderbar,
so will ich diese Tage mit euch leben
und mit euch gehen in ein neues Jahr.

Noch will das alte unsre Herzen quälen,
noch drückt uns böser Tage schwere Last.
Ach Herr, gib unsern aufgeschreckten Seelen
das Heil, für das du uns geschaffen hast.

Und reichst du uns den schweren Kelch, den bittern
des Leids, gefüllt bis an den höchsten Rand,
so nehmen wir ihn dankbar ohne Zittern
aus deiner guten und geliebten Hand.

Doch willst du uns noch einmal Freude schenken
an dieser Welt und ihrer Sonne Glanz,
dann wolln wir des Vergangenen gedenken,
und dann gehört dir unser Leben ganz.

Lass warm und hell die Kerzen heute flammen,
die du in unsre Dunkelheit gebracht,
führ, wenn es sein kann, wieder uns zusammen.
Wir wissen es, dein Licht scheint in der Nacht.

Wenn sich die Stille nun tief um uns breitet,
so lass uns hören jenen vollen Klang
der Welt, die unsichtbar sich um uns weitet,
all deiner Kinder hohen Lobgesang.

Von guten Mächten wunderbar geborgen,
erwarten wir getrost, was kommen mag.
Gott ist bei uns am Abend und am Morgen
und ganz gewiss an jedem neuen Tag.

Annotation: The English Version isn´t the complete Text. Some Stanzas are missing. So, I give you the original German Text as well – besides I find in a translation always some nuances get lost. And Bonhoeffer´s Verses are just beautiful.

Her German was basic at best – but what she understood touched her deeply.

When the Song ended, there was just silence and Sophie had the feeling that the vast Hall was filled by the rich Sound Bonhoeffer wrote about. It seemed to reverberate in the Hall, even if her ears heard no sound. Nobody dared to break the spell.

To everybody´s surprise, it was Ardeth Bey who broke it. The Chief of the Medjai stood, bowed deeply, and clapped his hands. Thunderous Applause thundered through the Banquet Hall. The three Musicians bowed repeatedly, and the Black Lady noticed the warm smiles Chris, Sophie and Anna shared.

Sarah McKenzie watched another exchange of looks: The three Musicians bowed a final time and then Sophie and Anna went back to their seats: Evie beamed at Sophie, while Anna sat and engaged in Conversation with Ardeth Bey. The Russian was all smiles – but the Thief saw beneath the Surface. There would be the nights – when the Ghosts would haunt Anna.

Chris interrupted her musings. Tall and erect the Pianist stood next to the Grand Piano “As the final piece you will hear now a transcription I made before we embarked on this adventure: A transcription of the famous March from Verdi´s Aida – I have never played it in public before and I apologize for any mistake in advance!”

Chris bowed and sat down. She inhaled deeply, concentrated, and closed her eyes for a spell. Truth be told she felt just a bit insecure – but she pushed that feeling away. Her fingers touched the first keys, and it was as if someone had flipped a switch: Gone were all doubts, and she felt this would be extraordinary.

This would be one of the moments where everything where anything was possible. Chris let the music carry her. With somnambulistic Precision, she hit every key, every chord. Jumps and scales she played with full risk, at full gallop – and enjoyed every second of it. This is what she was born for. Had she been the High priestess of Death in the morning hours was she now the High priestess of Music.

Anna watched Chris with deep affection: how her best friend let just go, and let the music guide her: She had not known that the Pianist had worked on that Transcription. This was a Transcription as Franz Liszt would have written it if he had had possessed a modern Grand Piano. Chris had made effectful use of the possibilities of the modern Grand Piano and her flawless Technique.

The Russian knew that not many Pianists could do what Chris did right now. Her nimble fingers danced in full gallop across the Keyboard. For a spell their eyes met, and Anna felt something passing between them. It was just a fraction of a second, but the Russian felt it keenly, nevertheless.

Anna looked around: Chris had done it once more. Ensnared her Audience with her art. Again, she did what Sensei Nakamura had said so long ago: Chris gave herself totally without mental reservation, there was no hesitation – she just acted.

Any anybody in the vast Hall felt, that they were witnessing something extraordinary, something that happened once in a lifetime. Anna was sure to see a Halo around Chris. In moments like these Chris´ laid her soul bare for all the world to see. And Anna could not help but to shed a tear.

With ease, Chris hit the final accord. She let her Hands rest on the Keyboard before she rose and faced her audience. With a warm and radiant smile, she bowed once, twice a third time. The applause wouldn´t stop. The Pianist grinned for the briefest of seconds. She knew that feeling: She had awoken a beast – and its hunger was far from satisfied. It wanted more.

So, Chris sat down again and turned to her Audience “Now I will play Mozart for you “Rondo alla Turca” ……it would not be the last encore …...

Much later:

With a Golden Goblet in her Hand, Chris stepped out onto the Patio of the large Banquet Hall: Laughter, cheering, and the clanking of filled Goblets diminished as walked on the Marble Tills to the Banister. They still felt warm under her bare feet – she had kicked off her high-heeled Sandals long ago.

The blonde had to smile … as she had left, Anna had challenged a Medjai to a drinking Game, after the battle-hardened Warrior had explained loudly to his Comrades that Women could not drink – Anna had overheard this “Do you Guys only talk or do you even drink?” She had hurled at the Medjai who had looked surprised at the tall dark-haired Woman with the blazing eyes.

She had turned to one Staff Member “Bring the Vodka!”

Amused Chris had watched as the Egyptian Maid had brought the Vodka and a Tablet with shot Glasses … - well Anna´s Sparring Partner was in for a Lesson. She knew that the Russian could drink any Man under the Table, if the Occasion called for it. Chris had left after the eight Round.

And the Medjai was already in trouble, the Pianist observed, while Anna seemed totally unimpaired. Chris stood now at the Banister and took the sight in the star-studded Sky, the vast Temple-Palace-Complex – and the silence her deep in the desert.

If she was honest to herself? Her mind had still trouble processing the Events of this day, who had begun with a bloody battle – and ended now here with a rousing feast. There had been moments in the last Days when she had doubted if they could pull this off: Avenging Anna, destroying the Sun-Ray-of-Amon-Ra, finishing Al Mansour. If anyone at dawn had told her she would hold Anna in her Arms in a few hours again she would have called him barking mad.

But it had come to pass. Chris knew she would need time to process that all, to bring things in order. Her mind wandered back to the moment before her blade had cleaved Al Mansour´s head in too. She listened to her heart – intently – no, there was no regret, not a milligram of it. But she felt no Triumph either. The blonde felt Satisfaction though.

This Megalomaniac´s blind Desire after Power had costed so many lives, caused so much harm. Chris felt Pity though for the many brave men on both sides who had given their lives today. She took a sip of the cool dry white Wine – in a silent salute.

Soft footfalls interrupted her musings “Here you are!” Anna greeted her, her eyes blazing, her cheeks slightly rosy “How is your opponent?” Chris smiled at her best friend. The flames of the Torches cackled in the slight breeze “Lying under the Table” The Russian grinned and registered the Expression on Chris´ face “You still cannot believe I am real?” The Pianist nodded “Something like that”.

For a moment both Women gazed into the Desert in companionable Silence. Both took a Sip of their Wine “I feel the same” Anna finally said “I knew, for a few days you had survived but even if I was sure you would come, there were also the moments of doubt – especially at night. The dark-haired Russian paused “Without Merit it would have been much harder – I simply knew I could trust her, I needed to trust someone”.

Chris nodded thoughtfully “She is a real Crown Jewel your Lady-in-Waiting” The blonde smiled “I fear though I gave her the Creeps today: she entered the Vault just in the same moment, I finished off Al Mansour”.

“May he rot in Hell!” Anna raised her Goblet “To hell!” Chris toasted back and they clanked their Goblets and took a large Sip “She is a big Girl, Chris, she can handle that!”

“Probably” Chris grinned “If she could handle you” she teased Anna “Christine von der Marwitz” the Russian wagged a Finger at her “I still have enough Energy left to kick your Ass!”
The two Women looked at each other, then they both laughed like two School Girls.

“Boy, how I have missed this” Chris gasped as she gained breath again. She touched her best Friend gently at her left shoulder “Come let us go back inside!”

The Hunt for the Lost Scrolls was finally over.

Neither Chris nor Anna noticed that they were watched by pair of grey Eyes

“I will make you pay” a hoarse Voice whispered.

A voice full of venom and hate.

The Hunt for the Lost Scrolls was finally over ….

Or was it?
Last edited by Caesar73 3 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Nainur »

cough.cough. Damn.
I thought it started splendidly by selecting one of the greatest gospels of them all...
adding a little bit of ABBA (if I'm not mistaken)...but...
It got even worse and I was loosing it when finishing by the oh! so wonderful "Von Guten Mächten wunderbar geborgen" by Bonhoeffer (1906 - 1945, a Christian and clergyman in opposition to Hitler's III. Reich - murdered like so many others, murdered in captivity shortly before the end of the tyranny).

Me and my partner lost our mothers last year. And this tune we chosed as the last tune at both occasions. Of course the event described here is much, much more happier. Still.
If you do not know this wonderful piece of music, you have to use the links provided. The 3rd would be my favourite of them, btw.

All in all, powerful lines written to finsh (?) the tale of, crowned by so great pieces of music. Have read it in total awe. Thank you so much.
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Post by GreyLord »

My warmest and most heart-filled congratulations to you, Grandmaster @Caesar73. You have completed a masterpiece that begs for a much wider distribution. You have created characters that will live in the hearts of your readers—well done, my friend.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by LunaDog »

What a truly magnificent end to what can only be described as a "MASTERPIECE!"

Or, is it over? Hang on, hasn't Natasha got grey eyes? Surely not?
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Post by wolfman »

A perfect end to this epic, with a timeless sound track to matxh.

View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by Caesar73 »

@GreyLord @LunaDog @Nainur @mrjones2009 @Bandit666 @slackywacky @wolfman

Dear Friends,

I am grateful for your compliments. The Quest is finished - but the Story is not over yet. The next Chapter will be the Epilogue to wrap things up :) Probably two Chapters long, I have not yet decided if I post it in one piece.

After that we will accompany Anna and Merit back to Egypt. Two Months after the late Events the Russian and her Lady in Waiting travel back to "Little Egypt" to attend Anck-Sun-Amuns Funeral. This final part will be three chapters long.

The Epilogue will be online probably on Friday.
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Post by slackywacky »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 months ago The Quest is finished - but the Story is not over yet.
Don't you hate writers who do that? Finish a story and then adding more chapters. Geez.

All joking aside, we'll be waiting for the chapters still to come, whether they come in 5 parts or in 20. :lol:
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

slackywacky wrote: 3 months ago
Caesar73 wrote: 3 months ago The Quest is finished - but the Story is not over yet.
Don't you hate writers who do that? Finish a story and then adding more chapters. Geez.
Not than it is my own story :)

And technically I do tell the truth: The Hunt for the Lost Scrolls is over and the riddle solved - the bad guy sent to hell, the mystical weapon destroyed.

Now there are only some loose threads left which must be unravelled :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

@GreyLord @Bandit666 @banshee @Beaumains @Bigballgag1 @Trammel @wolfman @mrjones2009 @slackywacky @Nainur @Shotrow @TightsBound @Pantyhose971 @TayDay95 @NotSeen @Fandango @LunaDog @Argentum @h6hlh6h @algebrauk

The Epilogue shall be online either today or tomorrow :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

@GreyLord @Bandit666 @banshee @Beaumains @Bigballgag1 @Trammel @wolfman @mrjones2009 @slackywacky @Nainur @Shotrow @TightsBound @Pantyhose971 @TayDay95 @NotSeen @Fandango @LunaDog @Argentum @h6hlh6h @algebrauk

The Inspiration for the Dream Sequence I own to @Argentum - my heartfelt thanks!



Part One

The Island of Sylt, Northern Frisian Islands

The Ellenbogen, 10 Days later

A cold wind was blowing sharply from the Northwest throwing heavy breakers against the long sandy Beach. The Sky was of a muddy grey and heavy clouds hung over the lead grey Sea. The monotonous rolling of the breakers, the screeching of the wind, the screams of the seagulls were the only sounds. For anybody who liked that Landscape, it was a magnificent Scene.

A very tall Woman clad in a long down filled red coat, which reached midcalf, stood not far from the Western lighthouse and gazed unblinkingly into the West. Her long dark hair was hidden under a woollen cap, which matched her coat in colour. Her Ugg Boots matched also in Colour. Red was her Colour.

She had to smile.

The Woman gazed into the South-West and inhaled in the salty tangy aroma deeply, perfectly untroubled by the elements – her mind wandered back to the Winter Holidays she had spent near Murmansk as a Child. She licked her lips and tasted the salt on her full lips. She seemed not to heed the elements.

In the far distance, her sharp dark eyes spotted a small dot, which became larger quickly – soon Anna Romanova could make out the neon green cap and the matching running jacket. Chris von der Marwitz was doing her usual 10-kilometer run. She had been doing that every day since they arrived on the Island six days ago.

Wrapping things up in Egypt had taken some time. They had spent two more days at the Palace-Temple-Complex, till the Agreement between the Egyptians and the Medjai had been finalized. Anna smiled as she remembered the Moment the Grand Vizier had stormed enraged out of the Conference Room after Sophie had told him she had noticed the small but important changes he had inserted into the Capitulation – and Ardeth Bey would not sign that Version. This had been the first Time Anna had seen the Grand Vizier losing his cool. Anna had applauded the Lawyer.

Finally, the two Parties came to an agreement – Sophie knew, Ramose would not be her best friend for life ever. But the Lawyer could live with that. Another Moment Anna would not forget, it had touched her: She had to smile as she remembered Evie´s Child-like Enthusiasm as she had explored the Palace Grounds. The Statues! The Inscriptions!

After two days a Helicopter provided by the Egyptian Secret Service had flown them all to Aswan.

On the Evening of the first day after the Final Battle, the Russian had walked the Secret Garden with Merit:

Anna had smiled at her warmly “You have given my Offer some thought?” The Russian could see that her Lady-in-Waiting had fought a hard fight but come to a decision – she beamed at her “Queen”: “Yes Anna I have!” “And?” Anna prodded. The young Egyptian looked as if she would burst any Moment “I will come with you, Anna! I want to see the World! I want to see this Hamburg!” Merit blurted out “You are sure?” Anna had jested “It can be cold in Hamburg!”

“I am looking forward to seeing your World!” Merit smiled “And you do need somebody who will take good care of you, right?” Anna laughed “I surely do!” The Russian admired the Courage of the younger Woman: She would leave the World she had known to face a new one. A new language. A new Culture.

Merit had insisted that Anna kept the Amulet, she had given her before the fight “It will keep you safe whenever you wear it” And Anna had sworn to herself to wear it daily. It had been her lucky Charm. The Cross of Romanov already protected her – its full powers she had not been able to unlock still – but Merit´s Amulet would be an additional Shield. And somehow, she felt she would need it. It was a feeling only. But her instincts had proven Anna Alexandrovna Romanova never wrong.

The Medjai had formed a long espalier through which Chris and her friends walked to the Helicopter. At the end of the line Ardeth Bey III and Shahada had waited. As a parting gift, the Chieftain of the Medjai had presented Chris with an invaluable scimitar, forged many centuries ago. Chris had bowed deeply as she had accepted the generous gift “It will always remind me of you and your people” the blonde said sincerely.

“Your legend will be told for generations among the Medjai, Warrior Princess from the North” the Medjai had replied solemnly, he pointed at the Scimitar “It is said that this Sabre never returns in his Scabbard without Victory” Chris bowed again – and only people who knew her very well knew, she was moved very much “Thank you, Ardeth Bey”.

And Anna had been sure: Chris's Voice had quivered slightly – though only very few people would have noticed it. She was sure though that her best friend had more than a fleeting interest in the Egyptian, and the Egyptian was not averse to Chris´ Charms … who knew?

Ardeth Bey had turned then to Anna “The Bards already are making Songs of your fight against Anck-Sun-Amun, Grand Duchesse!” He bowed. Bowed deeply. Sincerely Anna returned the Gesture – but said nothing. Everything felt still too fresh as if she could put into words what she had lived through.

The Present:

As she gazed at the stormy North Sea she smiled. The Armour she had worn, the Weapons she had carried in that final Duel she had brought back with her: The Cuirass, the Bracelets, the Greaves, the Bow – and the Jian. They were part of her somehow, as were her Stradivarius and her Rifle.

They had spent another two days at Aswan. Anna remembered keenly when she entered her bedroom at Aswan: Chris had taken care that her Violin Case waited for her. With trembling fingers, Anna had opened it – a stream of Pictures had flooded her mind as he let the fingers of her right-hand glide above the Cords … and she remembered what Chris had told her about the moment when the Pianist had touched the Cords after her return from the Hospital at Luxor … Now Anna realized fully the impact of that Moment. How it must have swept away the Rug under Chris's feet. Sophie had told her in a quiet Moment about what had happened when Chris woke up after the bombing …

Sophie had shuddered “Evie and I had entered your Room after Chris – she saw your Stradivarius and stopped dead in her Tracks. She let her fingers glide above the Chords. It was a G-Major-Accord. Her shoulders slumped down. Chris just stood there, like frozen – and as she turned around …... I never will forget the expression on her face ….” Sophie shook her head “I expected her to scream and to rage – but she just told us quietly to leave her alone” The Lawyer paused “Chris's eyes looked so dull, that quiver of her underlip … I had never seen her like this before”.

Anna nodded gravely “I have” – and the Violinist told Sophie the Story of when Chris had at the Conservatory in Vienna learned about the death of her Parents – and about that cold snowy day in Hamburg when Chris had stood at the open Grave of her Parents.

48 Hours later they had left Aswan for Hamburg. Rachel Weinstein had lent them their Private Jet. There had been a short stop at Berlin. Merit had been very excited as they had boarded the Plane – it had been the first time she had been on board a plane. Anna loved Merit´s Enthusiasm and admired her Courage – to leap without looking into a new World.

It had been a cold and rainy day when they had landed on the Tarmac of an exclusive small Airfield in Berlin. Special Coordinator Vandenberg had waited for them to hand over the Chancellor's Wayward Daughter.

Chris and Anna had escorted Leonie Gräber down the stairs and to Vandenberg. Her Ankles were shackled, as were her Wrists. But she was ungagged. Since they had arrived at Aswan Chris had had several conversations with the younger Woman.

At first, she had declined to speak with the Pianist – but at some point, that had changed. Anna knew because Chris had bidden her friend to join her. In the aftermath, she could not tell, what made Leonie Gräber talk.

Haltingly at first, she had studiously avoided eye contact - before speaking more and more fluently. Anna could tell that it cost her all the courage she could muster to look them in the eyes finally. And she had been surprised that she saw no judgment there in the eyes of her enemies – only empathy and understanding.

After that moment something had changed: Leonie Gräber spoke freely.

And the more Chris learned the more the rage she felt for Hetepheres – she still did insist on being called by that name – became something different: Pity. There were words to be had she swore to herself.

Chris had mustered Vandenberg intently, hard even. The Special Coordinator was on the Verge of saying something – but a look into Chris´ stern face had dissuaded him “I will have a talk with the Chancellor” the Pianist had said coolly. And her tone had made it very clear, that this was not a proposal. It had been a request – not to be declined.

Vandenberg opened his mouth again – but closed it after a second look in Chris's emerald, green eyes “Treat Leonie well” she added “I will learn if you don´t” She looked hard at him “Trust me” and had turned sharply on her red Gianvito 105 Heels. The Pianist had worn a matching Power Suit. He had seen something in her glaciercold green Eyes that had not been there when they met in Hamburg Weeks ago. She had radiated Power back then, now it was way more than that.

Vandenberg looked after her … this Woman was a force of Nature and now he doubted the Wisdom to task Art Incorporated with this Job. Outsourcing this delicate matter had sounded like a good Idea back then. But now? He was not so sure anymore.

“You better believe her” Anna Romanova treated him with a cold smile. Vandenberg was not one faint of heart – but a look at this beautiful yet cold face gave him the creeps. The Russian was changed – that much he sensed. The Violinist turned swiftly on her Heels and followed her friend, who was always walking up the stairs. On the utmost stair, she stopped and turned “Believe her!” The Russian´s dark eyes were as cold as the Weather.

Vandenberg sighed. His Boss wouldn´t like the news he was about to tell him. On the other hand, he was certain Von der Marwitz and Romanova meant business. And by now he knew enough about the Egyptian Affair that it would be unwise to challenge the Pianist and the Violinist. The Reports had been – disturbing.

They had a Problem: He and the Chancellor had signed off that Pardon after all – that Lawyer had really outmanoeuvred him and his Law Experts. Doctor Sophie Reichenbach had proven that her fame was well warranted. And if anything of this affair went public …. Not only the Press would have a field day – his head might even land on the block- but it might be not the only one.

The Present:

Anna still looked at the stormy North Sea and thought back:

One hour later they had landed on the small private Airfield on the outskirts of Hamburg – from which they had departed almost three weeks ago. It felt so much longer – a lifetime. And in some ways, it had been a lifetime.

At the Villa, they had met Ragna, Ekaterina, and Sybil. The three had hugged Chris and Anna tightly. The others had looked touched too. Even Natasha had kept her loose tongue in cheek – after a stern look by The Dark Lady. And there had been more “corrective measures” Anna knew.

At Dinner Chris´ had invited them all to Sylt, to the House at Uthörn at the Ellenbogen. Anna and Kate knew the place already. The Frisian House had been their Headquarters when they had embarked on their Quest for the Weinstein Collection almost 15 Months ago.

To Anna´s and Chris´ delight, their friends had agreed to spend the next two weeks at the Place with them. Even Rachel Weinstein would fly in from the States. At this time of the year in early November the place, the solitude it offered - was perfect: Perfect to recharge the batteries, to talk, or simply to enjoy the wild, austere, yet beautiful landscape of Germany´s most northern spot. The Contrast to Egypt had been stark though.

Especially for Merit: The young Egyptian was fascinated by the austere Landscape. But this Wind, those Temperatures! Thankfully Anna had provided her with suitable Clothes for this Climate! Anna had to smile “Mistress! This is so cold!” Merit had shuddered “Do not complain” the Russian had teased her “I warned you!” And hugged the Egyptian tightly.

On Uthörn there had been no “program”, no schedule. Anybody had done what she liked most. For Chris that had meant that she regularly played the Grand Piano, meditated, and trained. Together with Anna, she made long walks at the beach daily – and the two friends talked, or just walked along in silence. Merit followed them a few steps behind. By now the Egyptian had realized how deep the Relationship between her Mistress and her best friend was.

Anna looked down South again: Chris looked up at her and waved. The Russian smiled, she knew what the Pianist was about to do – if she adhered to her routine: The blonde did not disappoint her. As casually as if she was at a Beach in the Caribbean, the blonde stripped. Under her running clothes, she wore a one-piece neon green bathing suit.

At the beach, she made a few stretching moves, covered her blonde mane with a neon green bathing cap, put on swim goggles, and ran into the incoming heavy seas. Anna was not sure, but it was as if the wind carried a shout of joy to her ears.

A smile curled her lips. Her best friend was happy – and that was a good thing. Chris had told her in the last week about the days after Anna´s supposed death, what she had felt, what she had done. Been forced to do. In return, Anna had told her about her days at the Palace.

Anna gazed into the West again: Chris was crawling through the incoming breakers for several minutes before she swam back to the beach. The blonde stepped out of the sea and took a large towel from her bag and dried herself. She rolled her bathing suit down and dressed again.

At last, she removed the bathing cap and covered her head with the neon green woollen cap again. Barefoot she walked up the beach to Anna. A smile curled the Pianist´s lips. And the Russian could not help to think that Chris looked much more relaxed and at ease than in Egypt. Only in their days here at Sylt, she had fully realized how great the strain for Chris´ had been.

By now Chris had almost reached Anna´s Position, at crest of the dunes “That was glorious Anna, you should try that sometime!” she beamed “With regret, I must decline” The violinist smiled back and shuddered “It is early November!” “Wimp” her best friend teased her “As a Russian you should love that climate! Isn´t it wonderful?” Anna shook her head, smiling about the blonde´s obvious enthusiasm “You are incorrigible!” and added, “I am a Russian but not a Polar Bear!”

The dark-haired Woman watched as Chris brushed the sand off her soles put on a fresh pair of socks and slipped her running shoes on “Let´s go” she pointed to the BMW parked near the lighthouse.

A smile curled her lips “Whenever I visit this place, I have to think of Kate´s encounter with the sheep” “That Kate won´t likely forget” Anna smiled too “She almost trashed me when she learned I told Castle about this” now the Russian grinned coyly “Their love life has profited though” she told me “Apropos love life” Chris shot Anna an inquisitive glance “When will you see James?”

The blonde knew Anna had called 007 – by accident she had overheard a conversation. Anna blushed slightly “Do you hear everything?” she accused her best friend “Not everything but much” Chris smiled “And?” she prodded her friend “If you must know” Anna huffed “I will meet James after our Concert in London in two weeks”.

The Russian grinned now deviously “A good opportunity for you to meet Sieglinde again, don´t you think?” This time it was the Pianist who blushed “Maybe” she shrugged “Yes” she thought as they walked to the Car “Maybe I will see Sieglinde” One never knew what the future would bring. That lesson Chris had learned the hard way – several times.

She smiled …. Sieglinde Gablenz who would have thought that … the Woman who had been the Chief of Security of Carl von Winterfeldt, who worked now as a Bodyguard for high profile clients in London. Chris did not know what this was what they had – but there was something that went beyond mere bodily attraction. What the future would bring? Who knew?

As they entered the house at Uthörn a short while later Anna´s nostrils flared. She inhaled deeply and sighed “This smells delicious!” Obviously, Sophie had her Salmon Lasagne in the Oven. The two friends slipped off their shoes “I will have a shower” Chris announced and vanished quickly upstairs.

Anna followed the heavenly scent of herbs and spices into the Kitchen. Sophie stood before the Oven and was checking the Lasagne “Hello Anna” the Lawyer greeted her without turning “How did you know it was me?” Anna did her best to sound wounded.

The dark-haired Woman with Italian Roots turned around “That was not very difficult Anna” Sophie Reichenbach smiled “I know you and Chris were out at the beach” Anna interrupted her “Don´t lawyer me!” Unabashed the former District Attorney continued “And I also know that you cannot resist a good meal” Now Sophie Reichenbach smiled broadly.

She had enjoyed cooking with Anna together. Both women shared their interest in cooking. And to do that again, to share the simple tasks in a kitchen, like peeling potatoes or cutting vegetables had really helped Anna.

“What are the others doing?” Anna changed tack “Kate is showing Birte and Merit the Island” Sophie smiled “Kirsty and Hayley are shopping in Westerland (the communal center on the Island) –and if I am correct – Sarah is showing Natasha the Ropes” a sly smile crossed the Lawyers full lips “Ragna is out with Ekaterina and Sybil” she grinned “Ragna is buying the ingredients for her Bouillabaisse a la Ragna with the two” Anna nodded “And where is Evie?” – Anna had noticed the glitter in Sophie´s eyes “Evie is training escapology – upstairs” the former District Attorney added.

To herself, Anna thought “This means probably Evie hogtied and gagged on the bed” In fact, Anna´s guess was not far from the truth: Evie had dressed in a blue turtleneck, white leggings, and hose. Sophie had hogtied her so tight that her mitted hands touched the nyloned toes of her feet.

The only thing the Egyptologist could do was rocking back and forth: Her lover had braided her hair and tied it to her toes. The woman who looked so much like Rachel Weisz was dumb, blind, and deaf too: Thanks to a very large harness ball gag, a substantial gag packing, a heavily padded blindfold, and noise-canceling earbuds. And there was that Vibrator Sophie had inserted into her Vagina …

A warm smile crossed Anna´s face “It is good to be home again” she sighed contentedly. Yes, it was good to be home and to enjoy the company of her friends, Anna thought – and to her surprise, she felt totally at ease. That had not always been the case. Now and then Nightmares had woken her from sleep, or memories of her stay at Al Mansour´s Palace had haunted her during the day.

Chris had sensed this and offered her to sleep in her bedroom. An offer Anna had accepted gladly – so they had comforted each other during the hours of the night. On the first nights in Aswan and in Hamburg Chris had been plagued by Nightmares too. Bad ones. Now Anna knew why. Her own Nightmares had been just as bad.

She remembered one night, a few days ago …She had woken up …

Covered in a cold sweat, her pulse hammering, her heart almost jumping out of her Chest. It took her some time to gather her wits. To realize fully that she was not in the Depths of the Egyptian Desert but in Chris´ bedroom in their Villa in Hamburg. The Dream had been so livid, so disturbingly real.

Anna switched on the lamp on her Nightstand. She looked to the left: Chris was lying on her back, her blonde mane framing her calm and serene face like a golden Halo. The blonde´s breathing was deep and regular. She seemed entirely at Peace. Anna remembered other nights when it had been Chris who had trashed around in her sleep fighting her inner demons, fighting an invisible Foe.

Out of a sudden, Chris opened her emerald-green eyes. From one second to the other the Pianist was fully awake. She looked at Anna. The Russian felt the Green Eyes resting on her. She knew that Gaze. It was not unfriendly, but it felt penetrating like an X-Ray, seeing anything. Things, People didn´t want to be seen.

Chris sat up and took Anna´s Hands “Tell me Anna!” she said softly. Something seemed to flow from Chris´ warm and dry Palms, a stream of Energy. It felt as if Warmth filled Anna´s entire body to the core. Her heartbeat slowed down “Tell me” the Pianist repeated – her gaze not leaving Anna for one second “Everything!”

Slowly, haltingly at first, then more fluidly, Anna began to talk. It was always the same dream …

The merciless hot blistering Sun was hammering on her head relentlessly. Her Mouth felt dry like dusty paper. Her tongue, swollen and feeling like a foreign object in her Mouth, was pressed down on the bottom of her Mouth by a Mass of fabric. It had been doused with some liquid: a small but steady stream of a foul-tasting liquid trickled down her parched throat, causing a burning sensation – like some sort of Acid would.

The pressure on her jaws and lower face from nose to chin was immense. It felt like a vice. Anna could not know it, but from Chin to Nose her lower head was enshrouded in linen bandages. 30 Layers at least – one tighter than the last.

The Russian tried to look down but discovered she couldn´t: A heavy and stiff leathern posture Collar prevented that. And there was this strap that pressed her head against the Post she was tied to. Anna racked her brain about how she had landed here. She tried desperately to remember but every time she tried it was as if she ran against an invisible wall.

The Violinist strained against her bonds. She tried at least but learned she couldn´t: Up to her neck, she had been buried in the hot Sand of the Western Desert. Anna could not know it, but her Captors had tied her with wet leather straps, which cut deep in her skin, as they dried. With almost supernatural calm the Russian analyzed her Predicament as calmly as if she was analyzing a Composition she was about to play.

“One thin strap holds my big toes together – I feel them barely anymore. Two more straps press my insteps together.” Anna continued “Another strap ties my ankles together, there are three more under the joint, and three more above. The last one is directly under my Groin”. Only now she registered that her feet had been tied in an en pointe position. It was difficult to feel because of the Sand she was buried in. Anna tried to move her toes. She had still feeling left in them …

The Russian groaned: “The Crotch Strap cuts me almost in two” The soft tissue between her legs hurts like hell. At the same moment, the Vibrator in her Vagina began to pulsate – the plug in her butt too. Anna´s breathing quickened, and a low moan escaped her fully packed Mouth.

She concentrated on her bindings: “My wrists are fixed together by one strap. My elbows are pressed together: One strap below the joint, one above” More straps around her upper body made breathing difficult, more difficult – because being buried in the Sand already made breathing difficult “I have been tied to a wooden post” Anna concluded. Her fingers felt rough wood “Before they buried me in the Sand”.

Anna did not know how much time had passed. She drifted in and out and felt herself hallucinating already. A sound in the Eerie Silence of the Desert startled her. She recognized it: It was the soft regular hoofbeat of a Dromedary. That had to be Chris! It could only be her!

Her field of Vision was severely limited. But now she could see the legs of a Dromedary clearly, gliding through the soft Sand ….

The Animal came to a halt and sank elegantly on its knees. The Rider dismounted: Anna saw black high-heeled boots, and the shiny legs of a leather black catsuit. With the Elegance of a large Cat, the Woman strode nearer. As she stood directly before Anna, she sat gracefully down in the Lotus Seat. Now Anna could see her face and froze despite the blistering Sun hammering on her head relentlessly.

That cruel smile that the Russian knew so well curled her Archnemesis lips “This time you won´t get away Romanova” The Egyptian smiled sweetly, cruelly, and sweetly “You must be thirsty. I have brought you something. Anck-Sun-Amun produced a water bottle opened it and took a sip “Delicious” – “Want some?” she said almost conversationally.

With a diabolical smile, she turned the bottle on its head and let the precious water drop to the floor. Slowly, drop by drop – till the bottle was empty “I am not heartless” the High priestess grinned and produced another bottle and placed it directly before Anna in the Sand.

“Poor thing!” the Egyptian mocked her “What do you think? How long will you last?” The High Priestess made a pretty good imitation of thinking concentrated “One day? Two days?” The Egyptian enjoyed Anna´s impotent rage.

“And if you hope that von der Marwitz comes for you” Anck-Sun-Amun smiled cruelly “She is a few Kilometres from here in the Sand – buried like you. And your other friends too! I wonder who of you will last longer – my bet is on Chris!”

Her smile got even more evil: “Promise you something! If you survive two days? I will let you live – and show you my secret Torture Chamber ….” The High Priestess paused “I think you would be better off if you die here ….”

That cruel smile …... Anna fumed – but she felt something different – an Emotion unknown to her: primordial fear. Fear and despair …

Elegantly Anck-Sun-Amun rose to her feet “Goodbye Romanova!” Helplessly Anna had to watch as the Egyptian mounted her stead and left. A final time Anck-Sun-Amun looked back over her right shoulder “I will pay now von der Marwitz a visit – tell her that you gave up on her!”

Anna struggled with all her might ….

Then she woke up.

“That´s it” Anna shrugged “Here ends the dream always” The Russian blushed.

Chris looked long at her friend. Warm and full empathy “Come” she had said simply and opened her Arms. The blonde had held her in her Arms till Anna slept and her breath had become deep and regular.

But since they had arrived here at Sylt both Friends had suffered less and less from those haunting images.

“Anna?” Sophie watched her with a knowing smile “What did you say?” Anna felt exposed “In for an Aperitif?” The Lawyer grinned.

“Always” Anna grinned “You know me: Scotty fill me up!”
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Lovely change of pace and location here as the women get together to reflect ad heal.

I am sure the change in weather from the desert is not by chance.

Superb work again @Caesar73
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Post by LunaDog »

You NEVER let us down. Utterly magnificent, as always.
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