Bondage model by choice... (MMF/FFFF)

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Post by Caesar73 »


Good to see you again! ;) Very good Story teĺling! The escape attempt, which did not work out as planned. The Events in the dungeons? Well done!
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Post by slackywacky »

Final restrictions

Sunday morning turned out to be gray and rainy. Diana woke up in her room in the castle with Jim still asleep next to her. She looked at the clock and noticed that is was almost time to get up. When she opened the curtain and saw the rain, she groaned. Luckily, it was not a heavy rain and it looked like it could stop raining any minute, but they could have done without the wet stuff. She really did not want to be in the cage for more time while it rained. Jim woke up and looked at her.

“Hello gorgeous.” He said.

She walked over to the bed and kissed him. They had a quiet night, especially compared to Robert and Linda, who had not come back until two in the morning. Linda had been completely exhausted and had gone straight to bed.

“It is raining.” Diana said.

“I hope it dries out before we need to burn a witch.” He replied.

That afternoon the main spectacle would be the burning of a witch. It had taken a lot of preparations to do it safely and the whole team involved had been looking forward to it. Maybe Diana a little less, as she was playing the burned witch, but nobody wanted to cancel it due to rain.

“Weather forecast says it will be dry this afternoon.” Jim said, while climbing out of bed and getting dressed. “It was a shame we had to cancel the witch hunt but burning the witch will make up for it.”

Diana followed his example and got back into her witches’ dress.

“I did not mind not running round the woods being chased by dogs.” She replied.

“Oh, I don’t know, I like to see you run.” He replied, which resulted in a bump into his arm from Diana.

She required at least half an hour make up time, so Jim decided to get breakfast. He entered the eating area and found Sarah or April sitting at the table; it was very hard to keep them apart.

“Morning Jim thanks for letting us stay here.” She said.

“No problem. Are you April or Sarah?” He replied.

“I’m April. My sister is still asleep. She is the lazy bones in the family, but also the daredevil. I am more of the one that goes along with things.”

“Are you up for today or do you want to quit?”

“Oh, Sarah would not quit and that means she expects me not to quit. I was glad when they tied us less tight to the poles yesterday. My shoulders were acing from having my elbows tied for that long.”

“We figured that. That’s why we made it more ‘Hollywood’ style.”

“Hollywood style or not, I could not get loose.” She said.

“Now what would be the fun if you could get out? Bondage needs to be real and inescapable, but that does not mean it has to be extreme.”

“I think Sarah is more into this stuff than me. Jake and Sarah always play bondage games. I can’t remember how often I found her somewhere in the house tightly bound and gagged, when Jake had left her for me to find. He would not leave her alone for long, he would wait for me to get home and sneak out through the back door. He always knew she was not alone and safe. Or at least as safe as possible you can get when you are bound and gagged.”

“That is very good practice.” Jim admitted.

He had seen too many instances where things could have gone wrong and that is why they minimized the time the women would be alone as much as possible.

“Yeah, it did not always work out the way he planned. One time he left her tied to a support in the basement and I did not find her until the next morning when I came down to do the laundry. She did not talk to him for a week.”

April stood up from the table. Dressed in a bathrobe she walked back towards her room.

“I’ll see you later, I guess.” She said.

“Yep, only one hour before the castle opens again, which means we need to hurry up.” He said, while looking at the clock.

“I’ll be out in the courtyard in 30 minutes.” April said, closing the door behind her.

Jim made a sandwich and sat down, just as Robert walked in.

“Had fun last night?” Jim asked him. “I heard you guys coming back in.”

“You will not here me complain.” Robert grinned.

At that moment Linda, Diana and Sharon walked in, closely followed by Sarah.

“Has anybody seen Sandra?” Robert asked.

“She is already with Steve at the gates to welcome the public.” Jim replied.

“Don’t let her close to us today.” Diana said which caused Linda to laugh.

“Yeah, she really wants to know who was with her that night.” Linda said.

Sarah wondered what they were talking about and Diana filled her in on what had happened.

“Ooh, that was mean. Who was it?” Sarah asked curiously.

“No, we’re not going to tell you. It will remain a secret for now.” Diana answered.

“Now eat and drink, although not too much, as you need to be ready in 20 minutes and if you drink too much, you just will have to go to the bathroom, which will be pretty hard for all of you.” Jim urged them.

It took them less time to get ready. When Jim and Robert walked out into the courtyard a little later Diana, Sarah and April were waiting for them, dressed in the cloth they wore yesterday. It was still raining a little, making everything wet, but it was not more than a drizzle, but still enough for the men to wear raincoats.

“I expect the show to start just after midday, so it will only be for a short while that you have to be out here.” Robert told the waiting women.

“I hope it gets dry soon, otherwise it is going to be a long two hours.” Sarah replied.

Jim had brought the ropes to tie the women with and he started on Diana. First, he tied her wrists palm to palm behind her back, and then he picked up the gag.

“You know you need to scream later, so we have to make it look good.” He said, while holding up a rag to stuff in her mouth.

Diana said nothing and just opened her mouth. Jim stuffed the rag in and then tied another rag between her teeth to keep it from falling out. He tickled her to test the gag, which seemed very effective, as not much sound came out of her mouth.

“That will do.” Jim smiled, teasing Diana a bit more.

She just gave him a dirty look. Jim had taken some more rope and tied her elbows close together, causing her cleavage to become more prominent. Her elbows did not touch this time, but they were still close. More rope around her upper body below and above her breasts and around her waist made sure her arms stayed in the middle of her back and enhanced her breasts even more.

“Are we going to be tied tightly again?” Sarah asked when she saw Robert pick up some rope and head towards her.

“Depends, do you want to be tied tightly?” He asked her.

“I want it to look real and for that it should be real, plus it is only for two hours anyway.” She answered.

While Jim helped Diana in the cage, Sarah stood with her back against the same pole as yesterday. Robert used a rope to tie her wrists behind the pole. He could see how Sarah tried to find a knot with her fingers when he was done, but they were all out of reach.

“Okay, I think I’m not going anywhere.” She said.

“And I just started.” Robert replied.

“Do your worst.” She challenged him.

Well, Robert did not do his worst; but he certainly did a good and thorough job. He tied her elbows tight against the pole, followed by more tight ropes around her upper body and her legs. He picked up a rag and wanted to tie it between her teeth, but she shook her head.

“No, I want a real gag too.” She demanded.

Robert shrugged his shoulders, balled up another rag and stuffed it in her mouth, before tying the other piece between her teeth. Sarah tried to say something and seemed happy she could not.

“Two down, one to go.” He said.

April looked more apprehensive to what was about to happen, but Robert quickly told her that he would take it easy on her, which seemed to help. This caused Sarah to grunt something in her gag that nobody understood.

“Just ignore her.” Robert said laughingly.

He tied April less tight, but she would still not escape from the bonds and the gag was just the cloth between the teeth, without any wadding, which made her happy. He checked their bonds one last time and was happy with the results. None of the three women would be going anywhere without outside help.

“Let’s get inside and see to Sharon and Linda. I think it is almost 10 AM and the castle will open soon.” Jim said to Robert.

The drizzle had not stopped yet and both men were glad they wore raincoats. A couple of volunteers showed up and Jim instructed them on what was going to happen today.

“Same rules apply as yesterday. Keep the public away from the women. Whatever happens, do not release them, unless it seems like a medical emergency. If something is up, warn us and we will decide what to do. There should always be a volunteer here. Is there anybody having any questions?”

None of the volunteers had questions so Robert and Jim went down to the dungeons to look for Sharon and Linda. They found them in the cell where Linda was already standing spread-eagled locked in the chains. Sharon just tied the cloth gag between Linda’s teeth.

“I thought you guys would never come to see us.” She complained with played annoyance when she saw Robert and Jim.

“Hhhmmmmppppffff” Linda grunted.

“Somehow she does not look happy.” Robert remarked.

“Oh, that is because I stuffed a wad in her mouth. She did not like that, but I locked her in the chains already, so there was nothing she could do.” Sharon said.

“You can be so mean.” Jim said laughingly.

Together with Sharon, he walked to the other cell and prepared her for the rest of the day. Robert walked up to Linda and looked her in the eyes.

“Hmmm, you look wonderful yet again.” He said and then kissed her on her gag.

Linda just grinned, which sounded funny through the gag, which made Robert laugh too.

“He, what are you two up to?” Jim called from the next cell.

Robert kissed Linda one more time before waving goodbye and closing and locking the cell door. Then he walked over to the other cell where Jim just finished gagging Sharon.

“That is the last one.” He said.

“Good. I have already spoken to the volunteers down here, so they know what to do. I think we are set to go. All I have to do is go and check on the preparations for this afternoon.” Robert said.

“And I will be seeing to the preparations for the trial at noon.” Jim said. With that they locked the cell door to Sharon’s cell and left the dungeons.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by slackywacky »

Sentenced to death

The crowd stood several rows thick in front of the podium and watched the events with interest. Luckily, it had stopped raining just before noon. Unfortunately, that was not quick enough for the three prisoners in the courtyard, as they were soaking wet. Sarah and April even more then Diana, who had some protection from the top of the cage, but not enough to keep her dry.

“I sentence you to be burned at the stake.” Steve announced.

Diana stood in front of the podium, arms still tied behind her back, held by two guards. The gag in her mouth prevented her from complaining about the events that took place, so she just stood quietly.

“Guards, prepare her for her sentence.” Steve said to the guards holding her.

The guards directed her towards the area of the courtyard that they had prepared for burning the witch. It had taken lots of preparations and expense to be able to burn her at the stake. While Steve continued the hearing, Jim and Robert took Diana from the two volunteers and helped her up the big pile of wood. Expertly they untied the ropes that held her arms behind her back and retied them behind the pole. They tied her body to the pole with a large quantity of rope. When Jim and Robert finished, she could hardly move.

“Are you okay?” Jim asked her.

She nodded.

“Okay. You know the procedure. Don’t worry; we’ll keep a close eye on you.” He said before stepping down from the big pile of wood.

In the meantime, Sarah and April stood in front of the podium, each with their hands tied behind their backs, much like when they arrived the day before.

“I see no evidence that the two of you are witches and therefore I will set you free. Guards, release them.” Steve ordered.

The guards untied both women and set them free. Jake stood nearby and waited for the women. Robert came up to them.

“If any of you girls want to do some modeling, we can always use new models. Think about it.”

“Thanks, but for the moment all I want is some dry clothes.” April answered.

Sarah kissed Jake and then looked at Robert.

“I had fun and if I need some money I will definitely give modeling a try. But for now, I had enough bondage for a while.”

“No problem. Here is our info. Just contact us whenever you want.” Robert said.

They shook hands and then a commotion at the side of the podium distracted them. Three guards were bringing Linda up to the podium. She was fighting them all the way, although there was not much she could do with her arms tied behind her back and rope circling her upper body. The gag was still in her mouth from earlier that morning turning her screams into mumbles. It did not take the guards long to get her to the podium.

“This wench tried to release the witch and for that she will be punished.” Steve announced.

Sandra, who had been quietly sitting in her chair next to Steve, whispered something in his ear. A short discussion followed between them and then Steve gave in.

“Tie her to the poles in the courtyard, so she can see what happens to witches around here.” He ordered his guards.

Linda gave Sandra a dirty look and then the guards led her to the poles. The guards tied her to the middle pole, without releasing any of her current bonds. Jim and Robert looked on, without intervening. They had to pay attention to Diana and did not have time to look after Linda now, and she was not going anywhere. Nobody in the crowd paid much attention to her once the woodpile was set on fire to burn the witch at the pole.

“Burn the witch.” Somebody yelled in the crowd, which generated a chorus of similar shouts.

Diana relaxed as much as possible in the ropes holding her to the pole. She was nervous. Everything they did should ensure her safety, but you never knew what could happen. A fire truck was parked close by in case something did go wrong. Diana could feel the heat from the fire, but it was not at a level that it would burn her. Suddenly the whole front of the pile of wood caught fire and for a moment, it blocked the view of the crowd of Diana. Exactly at that moment, the pole with Diana fell backwards and another pole with a life-size dummy took her place. It only took seconds. From the perspective of the crowd, it was still Diana attached to the pole. Quickly the crew responsible for the stunt released Diana from her bonds and she joined Jim and Robert to the side of the burning pile of wood and watched ‘the witch’ burn at the stake. The falling of the pole had been the reason why they had tied her so thoroughly to the pole.

“Hello dear.” Jim said, kissing her.

The flames had reached the clothes of the dummy tied to the pole. Robert looked over to Linda and saw her fighting her bonds, while staring at the burning pile of wood. Quickly he walked over. Then he remembered that only Jim, Diana and he knew about the switch, other than the crew that performed the stunt, so Linda must have thought that it was really Diana burning at the stakes.

“It is a dummy.” He said, and he pointed to where Diana was standing.

Linda calmed down instantly, but still gave him a dirty look for not telling him. Robert decided it was probably a good thing she could not say anything and could not move. She might have hurt him otherwise either verbally or physically. He left her to calm down. The fire had consumed the dummy at the pole, which concluded the festivities at the castle.

“Thank you for coming out this weekend. We hope you had fun and we welcome you to come back again next year.” Steve announced, before he and Sandra retreated into the castle.

After the public left the grounds, the cleanup started. Jim had already discussed the plans for the week, so everybody knew what to do. The women, once they released Linda and Sharon, were packing up the leather gear and preparing it for shipment to Munich. Robert packed up the computers, while Jim made sure all the photos and videos they had taken during the week were safely stored.

“I had a fun week.” Sharon remarked once they got together for their goodbye party in their accommodations.

“I did too, but I still haven’t found out who teased me.” Sandra remarked.

Jim laughed.

“It was Fei.” Robert finally revealed to her.

“I’ll get her back some day.” Sandra said.

Everybody laughed, even Sandra.

“I like to see that.” Diana remarked, generating another round of laughter.

It was hard to say goodbye to everybody, but everybody knew that Jim, Robert, Linda and Diana had to move on. Their next destination was Munich in Germany and they wanted to see at least some of the sights on the way to Munich. They would be driving all the way, stopping at Paris for 2 nights.

“Thanks for having us.” Diana said to Steve, while kissing him.

“No worries, it was a pleasure having you over. Come back soon.” He answered.

That night it felt weird to go to bed, knowing that they would leave the castle in the morning and leaving their friends behind, but they knew they would see them all again someday.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Solarbeast »

Glad to see the continued continuation of this amazing story and these amazing characters and I cannot wait for the next series of chapters you decide to share with us. Keep it up!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Solarbeast wrote: 5 years ago Glad to see the continued continuation of this amazing story and these amazing characters and I cannot wait for the next series of chapters you decide to share with us. Keep it up!

My opinion exactly! :D :D
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Post by John344 »

Easily one of my favorite stories here. Writing is A1. Keep up the awsome work
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The rain came down hard. It had been raining all morning long, but Jim, Diana, Robert and Linda had decided that the rain would not stop them from seeing some of the sites of Paris. They would only be in town for 2 days, so they wanted to make the best of it even if the weather was working against them. The weather was still warm, so the girls just wore jeans and t-shirts with sneakers, the men wore something similar. They had bought some bright yellow rain ponchos to protect them from the rain. They were big plastic raincoats without any sleeves and only an opening for your head. Dressed like that they stood in line for the elevator to the top of the Eiffel Tower. There was a line up at the entrance to the elevator, but it was not a very long one. After 10 minutes waiting, they got to the entrance. Jim pulled the hood from his head and did the same for Diana, while Robert did Linda’s hood and his own. Linda leaned in close and kissed Robert on the mouth.

“Thanks for taking us here, babe.” She said.

They had driven from the castle to London, only stopping for food on the way. The M5 and M4 had not been too bad, but the M25 at London had proven to be a long affair, as traffic was stuck at several places, but finally they made it onto the M20 towards the Channel Tunnel and eventually France. It had been dark when they reached Paris and got to their hotel, so they did not see much of Paris that evening, but now, after a restful night, they were out on the town.

“I hope you enjoy the sites, Linda.” Robert answered, while placing his arm around her.

Jim paid the fee to go onto the tower and they entered the elevator to go to the first level. The ride up was short and when they left the elevator, the rain poured down on them once again. Quickly Jim did his hood up, as did Robert. Linda and Diana just stood there, rain falling on them.

“Come on guys, how about us?” Diana asked.

“You are not afraid of a little bit of rain?” Jim asked.

“No, but this is more than a little.” Linda answered, while trying to shelter from the downpour.

“Don’t let us stop you from putting your hood up.” Robert said laughingly.

Linda gave him an angry look. He knew darn well that with their hands handcuffed behind their backs, they had no way of doing up their hoods. After a few minutes of enjoying the women trying to get out of the rain, Robert gave in and did the hood up for Linda and Diana, while Jim looked around to see where they needed to go.

“This way leads to the next level.” He said after a moment.

The four of them walked up the stairs in the rain to the next level. It was not very busy on this level, most visitors disappeared into the restaurant, but the four of them wanted to get to the top of the tower. The handcuffs had been Diana’s idea when Jim had showed them the rain ponchos. The things were so long that nobody could see that the women had their hands handcuffed behind their backs. She thought it would be a nice twist to their visit to Paris. They shipped all other restraints they used at the castle directly to Germany by a courier service, as it would have been too much hassle at the border. Explaining to a border guard why you were carrying enough bondage material around to start a store was a bit hard, so the courier service would bring it to the next destination.

“Can’t we take the elevator up to the top?” Diana asked.

“Let’s walk up and we’ll take the elevator down. Walking up is easier and safer than walking down without the use of your hands.” Jim explained.

“Okay.” Diana replied.

They walked all the way up. The view from this high up was not great, thanks to the bad weather, but at least they could say they had been on the Eiffel Tower. Jim used the guidebook to point out several sights of interest that were barely visible as they walked around the railing. Linda got somewhat nervous when they approached an armed security guard, but he only watched them for a few seconds, before diverting his attention. Robert placed his arm around her and whispered in her ear.

“Just act as if nothing is going on and you will be fine. There is no law against being restrained by your own free will in France.”

Linda laughed and kissed him.

“Can we go down?” Jim asked them when he thought they had been making out long enough.

They all agreed that staying up on the tower was not very interesting, so they took the elevator down to the street level.

“Anybody wants to go for a walk along the river Seine?” Jim asked.

Nobody objected and so the group walked to the river and followed it for a while, while the rain kept on falling. There were not many people out for a walk and it was not hard to walk, as there were no large differences in height along the riverbanks, so they made good time.

“I am getting hungry.” Diana said at a certain point.

Jim looked some restaurants up on Yelp and asked them what they wanted to eat as it was getting close to lunchtime. They decided on a small French restaurant that was not far from the river. It turned out to be a restaurant with a covered terrace, so they sat outside. There were several people inside, but nobody else had decided to sit on the terrace.

“Are you going to release us?” Linda asked when they entered the terrace as neither Jim nor Robert had made any sign of wanting to undo their handcuffs.

“No, if you want out, you figure something out.” Robert told her, while putting the keys to their cuffs on the table.

“Come on, you can’t do that.” Diana said.

“Yes, he can.” Jim answered, with a big smile on his face, as he pulled off his raincoat.

Robert did the same and both sat down. Linda looked at Diana, sighed and sat down in a chair, as the server, a young girl in her late teens called Yvette, came to their table to take their order. Once she left, Diana stood up and with her back to the table tried to pick up the keys from the table. It was not easy, as the raincoat got in the way, but she finally succeeded. She was aware of how funny it must have looked for people passing by or sitting in the restaurant and when she looked into the restaurant, she noticed their server looking at her.

“We’ll be back.” She said, while telling Linda with a nod of her head to get up and come along.

“Don’t drink my wine.” Diana told the guys, before following Linda.

Around ten minutes later Diana came out again, with her hands free and her raincoat in her hand.

“Okay, where are the keys for Linda cuffs?” She demanded.

Robert looked at Jim with a surprised look.

“As far as we know that set is for all cuffs we have with us.” Jim said. “What set is she wearing?”

“The black hinged ones, with the yellow markings and the keys you gave us don’t fit those.” She answered.

“Damn.” Jim said. “Those are the maximum-security ones and they use a different key. The keys for that set are in the boxes on their way to Munich. I did not know we had those cuffs with us or I would have told you not to use those. We will have to figure something out. Can she get her hands to the front? At least that will make it easier for her.”

“Probably, I’ll talk to her.” Diana said, leaving Jim and Robert to find a solution for the problem.

It did not take long before Diana and Linda returned. Linda had her raincoat hanging over hands, so that it was hard for others to see her cuffed wrists. The women sat down at the table with their drinks.

“Good thing I’m flexible, that was not easy getting my hands to the front with these rigid cuffs. Did you find a solution yet?” Linda asked while trying to drink from her whine glass without drawing too much attention on her.

“I've placed a request on our website, we have enough users that are from France, and maybe somebody has a key for these cuffs. I also checked with the courier company, but the boxes are already in Germany, so that is not a solution. I am trying to find a store in Paris that sells these cuffs, but it is not something you find on every street corner. Worst case would be you have to stay cuffed until we get to Munich."

“Okay, I’ll survive until we find some solution, but I hope it is before we go to Germany.” Linda said.

They planned to leave Paris the day after tomorrow, so it would not be a long time, but it was still longer than she wanted to stay cuffed.

Yvette brought their food and Linda noticed how the young girl looked at her. Linda could tell she had seen the cuffs and that she was probably wondering why she was wearing them but was too polite to ask. She decided to take a risk and showed her cuffed hands by picking up her now empty wine glass.

“I could use a refill.” Linda said and handed the glass to Yvette.

Yvette seemed almost hypnotized by the cuffs and it took a moment before she reacted to Linda’s request.

“Yes, Miss, no problem.”

She walked away, while looking back to Linda and it took several seconds to regain her composure.

“I noticed how she was trying to sneak a peek at the cuffs.” Jim said.

“Yeah, so did I, so I took a chance.” Linda replied.

The door from the restaurant opened again and Yvette brought out the wine for Linda.

“May I ask a question?” She timidly said in broken English.

“Yes, Yvette, feel free to ask what you want.” Linda answered her, while showing her bright smile.

“Why are your hands locked in those cuffs?”

Linda explained why she had her hands cuffed, but she could tell that Yvette did not understand it, possibly due to not understanding the English explanation, so she looked at Jim, who spoke fluent French and he explained it to her.

“But why would you let yourself get cuffed? Are you a prisoner?”

Jim explained that both Diana and Linda were models and that they enjoyed playing games like this. He explained to her that it was a game build on mutual trust and that Linda normally could quit anytime she wanted by saying the safe word or by giving the signal, but that in this case they were unable to open the cuffs, as they did not have the keys.

“Does it hurt?” Yvette asked Linda.

“No, the cuffs are not tight. They do not hurt. Have you ever been cuffed or tied up?” Linda replied.

“Only as a small child when we played pirate games.” Yvette admitted. “It was fun and kind of exiting to not be able to get away.”

“Well, that is what we think too.” Diana said in between bites.

“Would you like to try what it feels like to be cuffed?” Jim asked her in French.

Yvette looked like she wanted to try it but was afraid to do it in public.

“Diana can go to the restroom and you can join her there and you can try the other pair on that we have, so nobody will see what goes on.”

“Merci.” She replied and headed inside.

“Think we have a convert on our hands?” Diana asked Jim while finishing the last part of her meal.

“Yeah, I think so. Just see what she wants. Start with one cuff and take it from there.” He replied.

Diana nodded, took the handcuffs she had been wearing and the key and headed inside. After 15 minutes she came out again, smiling and without the handcuffs and key.

“And?” Linda asked.

“I think her boyfriend is in for a surprise tonight.” She replied. “Once she had the handcuffs on, and she wanted them behind her back right away, you could tell her mind was wandering and she got a flustered look, so I left her the handcuffs and key.”

“Lucky boyfriend.” Robert said and they all laughed.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by slackywacky »

Thanks guys for the kind words with regards to the story. It was fun creating it, and it did evolve over the last 10 years or so I worked on it. Just never published it (although Mason saw the first few chapters way back).

There are about 20 more chapters to come at this time, but I am reviewing them and updating them a little, so the posting times might be a little slower. Also adding new stuff, but I do not always have time to write.

Anyway, thanks for reading my story.
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Post by Caesar73 »

10 Years? It did not show - the different parts blend well in :D
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Post by Solarbeast »

[mention]slackywacky[/mention]. I would never believe that you wrote these chapters of an amazing story in 10 years as they flow together so well. I can't wait to see what the next chapters have in store for the models. Also any tips on how to stay motivated while writing? I have multiple ideas for stories but just can't seem to get motivated enough to actually write them down.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Solarbeast wrote: 5 years ago @slackywacky. I would never believe that you wrote these chapters of an amazing story in 10 years as they flow together so well.
Well put! I agree totally!
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Post by slackywacky »

> tips for staying motivated

The reason the story has taken 10 years and many iterations, is that I am not always motivated. But then I read the story again, see something I want to change and get to it. Spending many nights in hotel rooms also helps :-)

Even now, publishing this story has forced me (in a good way) to review the chapters and I made changes. I added some stuff where I thought the jump from one scene to the next was too big and grammar checked it (again). English is not my first language. :-)

Time for a new chapter in the continuing saga of Linda and the others...
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by slackywacky »

Smooth and shiny

After their meal and saying goodbye to Yvette they continued their walk. The weather had cleared up and it stopped raining, so they enjoyed a leisure walk along the river when Jim’s phone vibrated with the arrival of a message.

“Oh good, somebody replied to the request on the website and she has a key for the cuffs you are wearing, Linda.”

‘She?” Linda replied.

“Yes, somebody named ‘Shiny Goddess’, according to the e-mail.

Jim did a quick Google search and found that her real name was Brianna Welsh, she was the widow of a wealthy business owner who died several years ago, and Brianna had started her own dominatrix business.

“According to her website she has been in the business for several years, but she must have kept a low profile as I have never heard of her.” Jim said.

He dialed the number in the e-mail and talked to the woman on the other end for several long minutes in French, before hanging up.

“What was that all about?” Asked Diana after the phone call ended.

“She asked us to come out to her business, a farm just outside of Paris, as she would like to meet us and since she has some clients now, she can’t leave her place and come to us. I told her we will be there a little later.”

“So… she is a dominatrix? That is one area I have no experience with.” Linda said.

“What do you mean? You can be bossy.” Robert replied while ducking away out of her reach, in case she wanted to hit him.

They all laughed.

“Let’s say that it is another part of our business. One we do not do much with, although the occasional photo shoot will have a theme that touches on it, but that is about it.”

“Being dominated means to me you allow somebody else to tell you what to do and I think most of our models are too independent for that.” Diana added.

They headed back to their hotel, refreshed themselves, got into their car and drove out to the location where they would meet up with Brianna, which was about an hour from their current location. Luckily, it was early afternoon, so the traffic was calm, and they made good time.

“It is nice here.” Linda remarked, sitting in the second row of the car, fumbling with the handcuffs on her wrists, when they left the city limits and entered rolling hills of forest and farmland.

After another 20 minutes, Jim turned into an unmarked driveway, which led after several hundred meters to a large farmhouse. There were several more outbuilding and there were a few cars parked next to one of the larger buildings.

“Looks like we are here.” Jim said, while shutting down the engine.

As soon as they parked the car, a tall red-haired woman dressed in black latex walked out of the door of the large building with the cars and came towards them. Her whole behavior demanded attention and she did not look like somebody who would take no for an answer. She was tall, almost as tall as Jim was, and had long red hair, which seems to be her natural color. Two young women with brown hair, both dressed in white latex, who followed two steps behind her, also approached the car. They kept their eyes down in a submissive way.

“Bonjour Jim, Robert, welcome to my place.” She ignored both Linda and Diana completely.

Jim conversed with Brianna in French, after which Brianna told her two servants to take Linda and Diana with them and prepare them.

“Have fun girls.” Jim told Linda and Diana. “Mistress Brianna asked if she could have some fun with you two and since Linda was silly enough to have herself cuffed with the maximum-security cuffs without making sure we had a key and you Diana was the one who applied them, I thought that would be a good punishment.”

Diana opened her mouth to say something but saw the look on Brianna’s face and decided to go along with whatever was in store for them. She was not going to give Brianna or Jim the satisfaction of being humiliated for stating her opinion. Linda just grinned when she saw Diana’s reaction.

“This way please.” One of the two servants said in English with a definite British accent.

The four women disappeared into the building and Mistress Brianna guided Jim and Robert to the main farmhouse.

“As you can tell, I keep a very low profile. I work mainly on referral basis and do not need to advertise, although I do keep up a website. Besides I do not have to do this to get an income, my late husband left me with enough money to last me a lifetime.”

She directed them into a spacious room that was clearly set up for entertainment and invited them to sit down.

“My husband died of cancer a few years ago and I took what we had been doing playfully as a couple and turned it into a business. Now we have about 40 clients that come here on a regular basis. Even now, we have two people visiting us, not counting the four of you. Some come here for punishment; some come here just to get away from it all and not have to make decisions for a while. I have three girls living with me full time. You already met Tammy and Yolinda, the girls who took Linda and Diana with them and you might see Sammy later, Tammy’s sister, as she is locked up for breaking a saucer when she was dusting the house.”

Robert was impressed. Brianna spoke with a slight French accent, but her English was very good.

“None of my clients pay me, everything I do I do because I want to.”

Brianna looked up towards the door and nodded.

“Would you care for some refreshments?” She asked Jim and Robert.

Tammy and Yolinda helped Diana and Linda into the room. Diana was dressed in red and Linda in blue skintight latex, which hugged their female curves like a second skin, but showed a generous cleavage. They both were walking on black 4-inch heels, which was higher than they normally would wear, and Robert could tell that Linda had trouble with them. They had their heads covered with matching latex hoods that left their eyes, nose and mouth uncovered, and that had an opening at the back for their hair to stick out in a ponytail but covered any other part. Both girls had their arms wrapped in a single glove behind their backs and Robert could see that Sara and Yolinda had pulled the laces tight, as their elbows touched behind their backs. Both women had trays strapped to their waists, supported by strings from the tray ends to their neck collars, and on the trays were several glasses with different liquids.

“I could use a drink.” Robert said, while staring at Linda who looked fantastic in the tight latex.

Jim could tell Diana was more used to walking in 4-inch heels, as she was a lot steadier than Linda was while walking towards them.

“Kneel before our guests.” Brianna ordered Diana when she got close to Jim and Robert. “Don’t make eye contact; keep your eyes to the floor in front of you.”

Even without their legs restrained, it was not easy to kneel without spilling a drink, but Diana managed somehow to do it. Linda was close behind and suddenly she wiggled too much because of the high heels and one of the glasses fell off the tray, spilling the liquid over the floor. At least the glass did not break.

“Take her away and give her some training in how to walk in high heels.” Brianna ordered.

“But I…”

“Quiet. You will not speak unless spoken to.” Briana said in a very calm but cold voice, which had more effect than when she would have shouted.

Linda just stood there looking at the ground. When Tammy, the taller of the two girls, had earlier explained what was going to happen, both Diana and Linda decided to play along, but it took some effort not to break the rules that they had to follow. Tammy had also told them that if they failed they would receive a punishment.

“The boys are so going to have to make this up to us.” Diana growled while they changed into the latex costumes.

Tammy and Yolinda guided Linda out of the room, while Diana just sat on her knees, looking at the ground. Brianna got up and walked over to her.

“This one has some experience, walking in high heels and serving her mistress.” She said, while playing with Diana’s ponytail.

Suddenly she grabbed a handful of hair, pulled Diana’s head back and kissed her on the mouth, entering Diana’s mouth with her tongue. In surprise, Diana pulled her head to the side, but Brianna just used her free hand to grab Diana’s chin and hold her with ease and continue the kiss. When she let go of Diana she gave Jim a wink.

“Feisty are you.” She said. “But your body betrays you, as I can tell that you are enjoying yourself.”

Diana grunted and had to admit that the situation turned her on and she knew that her body was betraying her, as she could feel her nipples pressing against the latex. She loved the way the latex enhanced her body, although she was not too crazy about playing servant to somebody, but for the moment, she played along.

“Yes, Mistress” She replied softly.

Brianna nodded and then invited Jim and Robert for a tour.

“Wait here, do not move.” She told Diana, who was sneaking a look at Jim and stuck out her tongue to him when she thought Brianna could not see it.

“I think this slave needs some punishment, Mistress Brianna. She just stuck her tongue out to me.” Jim announced much to Diana’s dismay.

Diana gave him a dirty look, before averting her eyes to the floor in front of her.

“Is that so? We have some interesting ways of making our slaves more compliant. Why don’t you drag her along Jim while we do the tour and I’ll demonstrate some of the options for punishment on this slave?”

“That should work. Shall I leave the drinks here?”

“No, she can walk around with them a little longer, we might get thirsty. If she spills them, her punishment will only be more severe. And here is something to help keep her in line.”

Before leaving the room, Brianna handed Jim a leash, which he clipped to the front of the collar Diana was wearing, and a ballgag harness. It took a few minutes to tighten all the straps, but the 2-inch ball would keep Diana very quiet.

“We’re ready.” He told Brianna when he was done with the gag.

Diana gave him a dirty look again but was helpless to do anything about what was happening to her.

“I don’t care if the slave is ready or not, she just has to do whatever is being asked from her.” Brianna replied before leaving the room.

Jim, Diana and Robert followed her to a small building a little bit out of the way of the other buildings. Diana made it without spilling a drink, but she could tell that she had not walked in such high heels for a while, as her feet started to hurt. Brianna told Jim to clip the leash to a hook next to the entrance door and invited the two men in.

“This is our solitary building.” She explained.

“To be in here normally means you have done something wrong, but some of my clients ask for this when they come in for a session.”

The building contained a single cell of sturdy steel bars of roughly 3 by 4 meters and in the cell stood a single heavy wooden board. Spread-eagled on the board was a naked young woman, held there by numerous straps on her wrists, upper arms, neck, above and below her breast, waist, thighs, knees and ankles. A leather facemask that covered eyes, mouth and chin, but left the nose exposed and that according to Brianna included a large ballgag, kept the prisoners head perfectly still as it was also strapped to the wooden board. The wooden board was slightly bigger than the person on the board was.

“Meet Sammy.” Brianna introduced her to Jim and Robert.

The roof of the building was mostly gone, leaving whoever was on the board exposed to the elements. Now the board stood straight up, so Sammy was hanging in the straps. They could not see her face, but she looked like a pretty girl with dark brown hair, much like her sister.

“How long will she be on there?” Robert asked.

“For breaking a saucer from my personal collection, the punishment has been set to 6 hours. As you can see, the board can move to different angles, so we can make it harder or easier for the victim depending on my mood. Currently it is a tough position, because of the vertical stand of the board.” She smiled deviously.

“She will get some water every once in a while, but no food and after being strapped down for that long, your muscles really ace for probably another two days, so she will learn to be more careful next time.”

“Are they here out of free will?” Robert wanted to know.

“Yes, however they don’t have safe words, unless they are playing with other guests. Yolinda came to me from another master who had not treated her well and Tammy is an exchange student from the UK. She stopped at the farm to ask for directions to wherever her lodgings were and ended up staying here. She is currently writing her master’s in psychology and this place gives her plenty of material. Her sister came later when Tammy finally had the courage to tell her about what she was doing here. I pay all of them a good salary and I pay all tuition costs, but outside of those educational hours, they are my servants. They are however free to leave whenever they want.”

“Well, if they are not tied down, that is.” Jim said.

“I treat them fairly and they know it, but yes, they can leave whenever they are not tied down, but so far nobody ever has. In addition, although you cannot see it, I have an advanced monitoring system in place that monitors any person left alone in a helpless state. Whenever the parameters of a person go outside of certain criteria, an alarm will go off. Let me demonstrate.”

Brianna picked up a bucket, filled it with water and threw the water, though the bars, onto the young woman on the board who started to fight the restraints.

“Don’t fall asleep.” She ordered the woman, while putting down the bucket.

A little black box on Brianna’s belt started beeping. She showed it to Jim and Robert and they could see that Sammy’s heart rate had suddenly spiked, because of the cold water being dumped on her.

“The information comes from the straps holding her down in this case. They have sensors build in, but sometimes we use a bracelet type monitor.” Brianna explained.

“Very high-tech.” Jim said.

“When we leave somebody alone for an extended period of time, we want to know what is going on with them.” Brianna said.

Robert just stood there staring at the woman on the board and did not seem to notice what went on around him.

“Let’s head over to where your woman is big boy, before you forget about her.” Brianna said, while playfully flirting with Robert, running a finger under his chin. He looked like somebody caught him with his hand in the cookie jar.

“Eh, okay.” He stuttered as they left the building.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

Very nice turn of events! :D I wonder what happens to Linda! Diana and Linda will love their Partners for the experience :D
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Post by slackywacky »

Exercise and storage

Jim was still laughing when he walked outside and undid the leash that kept Diana connected to the pole outside of the building. She still looked angry. He just ignored her and pulled her along as they walked slowly back to the largest of the other buildings.

“In this building are rooms for specialized treatments and for training of our slaves, but also some storage areas. Our walking trainer is at the back of the building.” Brianna announced.

The walking trainer turned out to be an old horse trainer, a concrete circle of about 10 meters diameter, situated behind the building. A metal pipe stood upright in the middle of the circle and it had two metal pipes horizontally welded on top at 90 degrees angles with on each end a metal chain. Several extra metal brackets welded on at critical spots made sure the frame was sturdy enough to hold a horse in place. The upright pole was slowly spinning, powered by a motor hidden in the ground underneath the concrete.

“Now that’s what I call an exercise machine.” Jim said when he saw the contraption.

Linda walked slowly around the concrete circle. A chain connected from the walking frame to her neck collar pulled her forward whenever she stopped or slowed down. Metal cuffs around each ankle, and the small chain between them, made sure that Linda had to take small steps. Robert noticed Tammy standing next to the controls of the machine, keeping an eye on the struggling Linda.

“After an hour or so walking around, most slaves will learn how to walk in high heels. This one might need a little more training.” Brianna commented, when she noticed how Linda was doing.

A ballgag had been added to Linda’s costume, which was probably a good thing, as she looked like she was about to kill somebody. Mistress Brianna signaled to Tammy and the speed of the frame turning increased a bit, forcing Linda to walk faster. Robert could see a pleading look from her in his direction.

“How long will she be on here?” He asked Brianna.

“Oh, probably another hour or so.” She told him, which resulted in some pleading noises and head shaking from Linda.

They watched Linda walk around another time before Brianna signaled them to follow her. She walked into the building and turned left towards the main area of the building.

“This is our main hall, which can be used for all kinds of things. One of the main things we do here is store our slaves. Let me show you. Jim, if you can take the tray off Diana, I’ll lower the silo platform.” Brianna said.

While Robert placed the drinks on a nearby table, Jim undid the straps that held the tray to Diana’s waist and Brianna lowered a platform from the ceiling. A round platform with two wires attached to it slowly descended allowing a vertical tube to open. When Jim looked closer at the ceiling of the room, he could recognize three more covers, which he suspected covered three more tubes.

“These storage silos are just wide enough for a person to fit and high enough for a person to stand. The silo itself is soundproof and can be heated or cooled as needed. We can even control the airflow into the silos. The whole platform construction design is for at least three times the weight of an average person.”

The platform reached the ground. The wires on either side of the platform ran parallel until about just over 2 meters from the floor, where they merged just above a spacer into a single strand of wire going up into the silo. There were metal collars attached to the two wires at ankle level and at neck level.

“Here, let me show you how it works.” Brianna said, grabbing Diana’s arm.

Diana tried to resist, but a hard slap from Brianna on her latex covered behind made her reconsider and she slowly moved into the direction of the platform.

“Move faster or I’ll get my whip.” Brianna told Diana.

Diana moved quicker and stepped onto the platform. Brianna adjusted the height of the neck collar slightly to fit Diana better. After removing the leather collar from around Diana’s neck, Brianna closed the metal collar around Diana’s neck. Next were the metal braces around her ankles. Now she was stuck on the little platform. Brianna made sure everything was tight before walking over to the controls and raising the platform slightly off the floor. The platform slowly started to spin, and Diana gave Jim a pleading look when she was facing them.

“We've had parties here, while our slaves were locked away in the silos without having a clue what went on below them and without any of the people at the party knowing what was stored above their heads.” Brianna said.

She picked up something from a nearby table and walked over to Diana, strapping the object, a wide rubber bracelet, around Diana’s left ankle and making sure it was snug. She looked Diana in the eyes when she turned in her direction by the slowly turning platform.

“A couple of hours in their will make you behave better.” She said softly, so that only Diana could hear her.

She walked over to the controls and pushed the button to raise the platform. Diana shook her head desperately while the platform went higher and higher. She tried screaming into her ballgag, but nothing she did was helping.

“Let me show you how this works.” Brianna said, while Diana almost reach the entrance to the silo, several meters above the floor.

“The two guide rails at the top of the spacer make sure that the platform is positioned correctly underneath the silo. Once the platform settles down, it can be moved into the silo by raising it further.”

She demonstrated this and slowly Diana disappeared into the silo. Just before the bottom disc of the platform reached the ceiling, Briana stopped the motor.

“The bottom of the silo seals tight to the platform, so there is no lights or sounds coming in. For slaves going into the silo for the first time, this is always the scariest bit, just before the silo gets closed.”

She pushed the button again and raised the platform completely, so that the bottom was flush against the ceiling, completely sealing Diana into the silo.

“At the moment one of the other silos is also in use by one of our guests and he has been in there for 2 hours now.”

She came over to where Jim and Robert were standing and showed them a monitor.

“This is the vitals from Diana. The bracelet I put around her ankle is monitoring her.” Brianna explained.

“I can tell she is not enjoying this.” Jim said, looking at the heart rate.

“Yes, but that is normal for the first time in the silo. She is already calming herself down. She is a strong woman; you are a lucky man, Jim.” Brianna said before guiding them to another area of the building.

After they had a tour of the other buildings, they entered the main hall again about an hour later just to see another silo closing. Tammy was at the controls, so Robert figured that Linda would have been the person in the silo.

“Is she all right?” He asked Tammy.

Tammy did not answer immediately, but looked to Mistress Brianna, who nodded an approval for her to answer.

“Yes, Sir. She finished the time on the trainer and Mistress requested she be also placed in the storage silo.”

“Thank you, Tammy. Please see to the meal.” Brianna told her.

“Yes mistress.” Tammy replied, before walking away.

“I hope you guys are staying for supper? It will be another hour or so before it is ready” She asked Jim and Robert.
Robert looked at his watch and noticed it was almost 5 PM. He looked at Jim as to ask what he wanted to do.

“Yes, it would be our pleasure.” Jim replied.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by slackywacky »

Sweet revenge

Supper turned out to be an exquisite four course meal and Brianna turned out to be excellent companionship. She had changed into black velvet pants and a white blouse before supper. Both Yolinda and Tammy served the meal and Brianna informed them that Yolinda had done the cooking. They complemented her on her cooking skills.

“Thank you, Sirs,” She replied, after getting permission from Brianna to speak.

After supper, they settled down in a comfortable living room with drinks and snacks and they talked for a while.

“You are off to Munch soon?” Brianna asked.

Jim told them about the trip they had made, doing photo shoots for the leather company and having fun on the side.

“Munich will be our last stop before going home. Boundcon Europe is new and not as well established as the US counterpart, so we decided to help by visiting from the States. We have been in business for a long time and we have subscribers from all over Europe, so it would be good for them to see some of the models in real life, instead of just on photo or video.”

“I was not planning on going, but maybe I’ll make an exception. It has been a while since I left this place and I could use some new contacts and maybe even some new equipment.”

“It would be great to see you there, which I’m sure off.” Robert said.

“I’ll have to check the study schedules for the girls; maybe I’ll take them along.”

“Even Sammy?”

“She is a good kid, still young; she only turned nineteen last month and she still has a lot to learn, but if she keeps going the way she is, she will be as good as her sister. The incident with the saucer is unfortunate and she gets punished for it, but she will learn to be more careful.”

“I wouldn't want to be on that board.” Robert said.

“Oh, I would not mind strapping you to it, big boy.” Brianna flirted again.

Robert’s cheeks turned red and Jim had to laugh.

“Maybe she should.” He said while still laughing.

At that point, Yolinda came to Roberts rescue as she quietly entered the room, waited for permission to speak and then informed her mistress that it was time to release ‘X’. Brianna excused herself as she had to attend to business for a moment and that she would be back soon.

“You are so lucky.” Jim said to Robert.

“Quite a business she has going here.” Robert remarked, ignoring Jim’s comments.

“Yes, I agree. I wonder how our girls are doing though.” Jim replied.

“Think they will be mad as us for doing this to them, Jim?”

“Probably, but they should know us better by now. It is not the first trick we play on them and it will not be the last either. We should be going soon though, as it is already 11 PM.”

“Eleven already? Geez, time flies when you are having fun.”

“Yeah, although good cognac also helps.” Jim said, while sipping from his big glass.

“I agree to that. I never was a cognac drinker, but this stuff is good.”

“It is good, I agree. It cost 300 Euros a bottle.” Jim said.

They waited patiently for Brianna to return, but that took longer than they initially thought it would and it was almost midnight when the door opened, and Brianna stepped inside. Something had changed though, and it was not just Brianna’s clothing. The black pants and white blouse were gone. Replacing it was a skintight latex costume, clinging to every curve of her body. She looked fantastic in it. Her red hair done up in a ponytail stuck out of the latex hood covering her face, which only showed her eyes and mouth. A tightly strapped ballgag filled her mouth and a large amount of white rope circled her body.

“What happened?” Jim stood up, and so did Robert.

Linda and Diana walked into the room, pushing the tightly bound and gagged Brianna ahead of them. Dressed in their normal clothes from earlier in the day, they were in stark contrast to the latex clad mistress.

“She said we deserved some reward for being such good sports.” Linda said.

“As if we had a voice in what happened to us.” Diana added with an angry look to both Jim and Robert.

White rope circled Brianna’s wrists and elbows, crushing them together behind her back. More of the white ropes circled her upper body and held her useless arms in the middle of her back.

“Look what we can do.” Linda said, and she pushed a button on a remote she was holding.

Brianna squirmed as something buzzed around her pelvis.

“Revenge is sweet.” Linda said, while letting go of the button, which resulted in a sigh of relief from Brianna.
Diana was carrying some more rope. She used it to tie Brianna’s legs at knees and ankles, after helping her onto the carpet covered floor. Then she hogtied the woman as tight as she could, arching the back of her victim by pulling on the ropes.

“Mppppfffhhhh” Brianna exclaimed.

“Stop complaining or I will make it tighter.” Diana said.

Linda gave her a hand, while Jim and Robert looked stunned at the three women. It did not take them long before Diana and Linda had expertly tied Brianna into a tight hogtie. It was so tight that she could rock back and forth a little.

“Let’s see if you like this now.” Linda said, pushing the button on the remote.

Brianna squirmed in her bonds, but they were so tight that she could hardly move.

“I will turn on the timer, so that you have some fun while we are gone.” Linda said, placing the remote out of reach for the bound female on a table.

“She told us to leave her here; her servants would find her and untie her, although I have a feeling that could be some time, as I think they are already in bed.”

“They went to bed after they released us from the silos. That was one hell of an experience, locked up in there. Moreover, we did not know how long we would be in there either. I can imagine that you would do anything for your mistress after being in there for several hours.”

“And my feet still hurt from those heels.” Linda added.

Diana kneeled next to the bound woman and looked her in the eyes.

“It was great meeting you. Have fun!”

She planted a kiss on the ballgag of Brianna and she was not surprised to see smiling eyes looking back at her. Brianna even winked at her.

“Let’s go boys.” Diana said while getting up from the floor.

With that, the women pushed the men out of the room and turned the lights off. Just before she pulled the door shut, Diana heard a faint buzz start again and a frustrated grunt from the tightly tied female.

“See you later. Enjoy yourself.” She said and pulled the door shut.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by slackywacky »


Diana smiled anxiously. She moved around a bit on the red padded board on top of the cage she was lying on, while Stefan Kramer, the organizer of the Boundcon exhibition they were attending, sorted the ropes he was going to use to tie her up. They had met earlier that morning before the start of the show and he had asked her if she was up for a challenge. He invited her to be the opening showpiece for the exhibition. She would be the first thing most visitors would see when they entered the main exhibition hall. Jim had already agreed for her, but he was kind enough to ask her personally too.

“Ready?” Stefan asked in English with a heavy German accent.

Diana nodded. She looked stunning, lying on her belly on the red padding of a board, dressed in a skintight black and white tiger print costume and black 3-inch high heel shoes. The board reached from her chest to her knees. She was not tied yet, but that was about to change, as Stefan tied a rope to a ring in the middle of the board, ran it across her lower back to the other side of the board and back. He pulled on it, taking all the slack out and expertly tied a knot. Next was a rope from the same ring next to her waist to the one next to her knees on the opposite side, from there to the ring on the other side of her knees and then back to the bolt at her waist on the opposite side. Now she could not lift herself from the board anymore.

“Grab hold of your heels.” Stefan told her.

Diana did, while Stefan tied a rope to the bolt next to her left knee. He folded her legs, so her shoes touched her butt. The rope went over her shoes, between the sole and the heel and was tied off at the ring on the opposite side of her knees. From there the rope went over her lower leg back to the ring it started from. This kept her from unfolding her legs. Since there was still some rope left, Stefan ran the rope between her folded legs to the ring at the other side of her knees, pulling her legs down even more. The next rope got attached to the cage under the board, halfway up her upper leg and was pulled tight over her folded legs to the other side, this pushed her ankles down even further. He pulled the remainder of the rope back up to her ankles and used it to tie them together, including cinching it. Diana started to feel a little apprehensive. She leaned with her elbows on the edge of the board, waiting for the next rope to be added.

“Are you okay?” Stefan asked her.

She just nodded. He tied a rope to the ring next to her shoulder and ran a rope from there to her bound feet. After circling the rope around her feet and her shoes he ran it back to the opposite side and tied it off. Moving her feet was almost impossible now.

“Hands behind your back, please.” He told her, and she complied.

This position was more difficult for Diana, as she now had to hold her head up without the support of her hands. Stefan tied her wrists with a long rope together palm to palm. The rope was cinched tightly, but after tying several knots, he left the remainder hanging down. He picked up a harness ballgag and pushed the 2 inch ball into her mouth. She wondered why he gagged her now, there was no real reason to do it now or when he was finished later, but she was in no position to object to the treatment. He had some trouble with her long hair, but finally managed to buckle all the straps. She held on to her heels, as that made the position more comfortable, although she knew she would not be able to do that once he finished.

“Looking good.” Somebody shouted, while passing by the area where Diana was lying.

The show had not opened yet, it was probably another 15 minutes before they would open the doors, and everybody was busy doing some last-minute stuff. Diana did not pay much attention to the things going on around her, she had her hands full with the position Stefan tied her in. Neither did he pay attention to his surroundings, he was too busy tying Diana’s wrists together. He wanted to make sure he did not pinch her skin.

“Your elbows will be next.” He said.

She felt her elbows being tied together, after which he tied a rope from the structure above the podium to her wrists and pulled her hands up. He only stopped when her breasts were lifted slightly from the board she was on, making the position a lot more strenuous. Diana figured that was the reason he gagged her, so she could not complain. Stefan was not done yet, as another rope was tied to her elbows and they were pulled up too. He added even a rope from her feet, which she could hardly move, to the beam above her. The last rope he added was from the d-ring on the gag to the supporting construction, forcing her to keep her head up. Stefan checked all the ropes, tightened some a little more, but seem to be happy with the results.

“Are you able to hold this position for a while?” Stefan asked her.

Diana grunted something in her gag and nodded her head as much as the ropes tied to her gag allowed her.

“It would depend on what Stefan meant by a while”. She thought.

For the moment the position was bearable, mostly since she could not move an inch as all her body parts were tied down, but she did not know how long she would be able to stand the position. At that moment a buzzer announced that the doors were open to the public and the show had officially started.

Stefan moved away, leaving Diana the focal point of attention to the people entering the show. All Diana could do was to try to endure the position she was tied in. She hardly noticed the people around her taking pictures of her, as the position was very taxing. Then she remembered he had not told her how long she was supposed to be here and since she was gagged and Stefan no longer there, she could not ask. She just closed her eyes and endured the uncomfortable position.

The people coming to the show were clearly impressed by how she was tied, as lots of people pointed at her and seem to talk about her, but she did not understand much of it, as a lot was in German. There were a few people who made a complete study of her, taking photos and video from every angle they could.
Diana just tried to relax, let her body be carried by the ropes, instead of her muscles. She had been tied in many positions, but this was one that belonged in the list of most difficult ties.

“Are you doing all right?” A woman asked, who saw the strenuous look on Diana’s face.

She looked a little worried, but Diana gave her a wink. The woman looked relieved, before moving on to other parts of the show. Diana was just observing the crowd. Lots of people, mostly men, had brought cameras, which was allowed at the show, and they made good use of it. Diana also saw some couples, sometimes with one of the partners in bondage, clearly displaying a master/slave relationship.

The trip from Paris to Munich had been uneventful. They had taken the A4 from Paris all the way to Strasbourg, after which they took the A35 into Germany and then the Autobahn past Stuttgart to Munich. They made several stops along the route, as the scenery was very beautiful, and they were not in a hurry. They arrived late at the hotel last night. The hotel was attached to the conference center, so they did not have to travel far. Jim and Robert had been up early to check on the gear and to set up their booth, while Linda and Diana had enjoyed a leisure morning. When Jim mentioned that Stefan had asked if they would want to supply a model for the first period on the central display, he had happily agreed, knowing well that Diana would agree, even if he did not know what it would entail.

“I hope he remembers to thank me for this.” Diana thought, while trying to stay comfortable in the uncomfortable bondage.

She could not see their booth from where she was ted, but she knew that the others would be busy with the visitors. It got busy now that the doors of the show had been open for a while. Diana almost wished Stefan had blindfolded her, so she could just float away on her imagination, as the people around her distracted her and that made her all too aware of the difficult position she was in. But all she could do was tough it out and wait for release.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Dominating the show

Stefan gave them a great location, with clear visibility from the main walkways and both Jim and Robert were busy talking to people that visited the booth. Banners with posters of their models formed the background and Linda felt somewhat weird to see herself life-size in strict bondage on the banners, while she was portraying a mistress at that moment. Dressed in an expensive long leather dress and wearing black high heels with her hair done up in a ponytail, Linda looked the part. Robert had come up with the idea of having people take a picture of her, but instead of her being the model, he came up with her being the mistress. It felt weird to be the one in charge, but it certainly worked, as there was a line-up of people waiting to get their picture taken with Linda.

“Thanks for coming.” Linda said to a couple who just had taken a picture with her with the woman standing next to Linda and the man kneeling with his hands cuffed behind his back in front of them.

It was not the first couple were the woman had been in charge, but she found that the majority was still the woman being the submissive and the man being in charge. It was clear that this was also the case with the next couple, as the young woman, she could not be much older than 18, had her hands tied behind her back and a large amount of rope around her upper body, including a nice tight crotch rope. A black leather panel gag kept her from talking. She knelt before Linda, eyes looking down.

“Would you mind putting your foot on her chest and look her in the eyes?” The man asked her.

He was much older than his companion was and looked very much in charge. Linda followed his directions, placed her foot on her chest, pulling on the leash that the man handed her and looking the model in the eyes. Several people took a picture, not just the man who was with the young woman.

“Are you okay?” Linda asked softly to the model and she slightly nodded while looking at Linda with smiling eyes.

The man thanked her for the photo opportunity and Linda moved on the next people in line. This went on for about two hours, when Robert came to her and told the rest of the line that Linda was taking a break.

“She will be back shortly.” He announced to the few waiting people.

After she got a drink behind the curtain of their booth, Robert and Linda walked around the show, passing by the entrance doors, noticing that Stefan just released Diana from her tight bondage on the board. She had been there since the opening of the show 2 hours ago and Linda could see she looked exhausted. Linda waved at her and then she continued the walk along the other exhibits with Robert.

“Wow, look at that. That looks mean.” Linda said to Robert, while pointing at a very intimidating leather helmet from a local German leather shop.

“This is our latest sensory deprivation helmet.” The man sitting behind the table said, while working on another leather helmet.

“Hi, I am Karl, and these are my creations.”

He got up from his seat and shook hands with Linda and Robert. He spoke fluent English, with only a slight hint of a German accent.

“The helmet blocks out almost all senses, except for smell as you still need to breathe, but sight, speech and hearing are blocked almost completely.”

He showed the helmet to them and explained all the features.

“Once this is locked on, the person wearing it is almost completely dependent on touch. Would you like to try?” He asked Linda.

Linda agreed and sat down on the chair he provided for her. Linda undid her ponytail and let her hair hang loose, while Karl gently slipped the helmet over her head.

“As you can see, there is no gag build in, because that would limit the number of people who could wear the helmet, but it is possible to use a gag underneath the helmet.” He added.

Karl started to lace the long laces at the back of Linda’s head, which tightened the helmet around her head. She almost immediately noticed the reduction in sound and her sight had been gone completely. After tightening the laces, he locked the wide collar around her neck, which obscured the knots in the laces and prevented the person wearing the helmet from undoing them.

“Almost all sounds are already blocked, but we are not done yet.” Karl told Robert.

He tightened the straps situated around the helmet. One ran over the eyes and ears and buckled in the back, another ran over the mouth to the nape of Linda’s neck and the last one ran from under her chin to the top of her head.

“Now it is virtually impossible to hear, see or speak. The filling materials I use reduce sounds and that makes this helmet almost completely sound proof. If you use it with earplugs, it reduces sounds almost 100 percent. Why don’t you try it?” He suggested to Robert.

Robert put his head next to Linda’s and asked her a question, but there was no reaction. Linda’s hands were feeling around the helmet and Robert could tell that she had no idea what was going on around her, including the small gathering of people that looked on.

“I’ll undo the helmet now; it can be a bit intimidating the first time.” Karl said, releasing the straps.

It took a few moments before he could pull the helmet of Linda’s head and she could see and hear again.

“That was unreal.” She said. “I could hear nothing other than a few, which I presume, where loud noises.”

Linda held the helmet in her hands and examined it.

“We should buy one, Robert. Linda said. “We have nothing like this in the studio.”

“You don’t even know what it costs.” He replied, but he already reached for his credit card.

“Hold on.” Karl said. “If you really want one, I’ll make one specifically for you. This is a show model and slightly too large for you. Let me take my measurements, come back in 3 hours and the helmet will be ready, okay?”

Karl took Linda’s measurements and got to work, while Robert and Linda wandered back to their own location, a line of people stood waiting to take a picture with Linda.

“Looks like your idea is popular.” Jim said when they arrived back from their walk.

“I guess so.” Robert answered, looking at the long line of people waiting for Linda.

Linda chatted quickly with Diana, who was sitting in the back, resting after being on display for over 2 hours. It had taken Stefan longer to get back to her than he originally planned, due to some issues he had to resolve with the exhibitors.

“It was tough, and I am tired.” She said.

“No kidding.” Linda replied. “I have the easy job, having my picture taken.

“I’m not so sure, seeing what is waiting in line, but I guess you are right.” Diana smiled and sipped her drink.

Linda did her hair up in the ponytail again, looked in the mirror, adjusted the dress, making sure to show a decent amount of cleavage, and stepped out into the public part of their exhibit again.

“Time to get back to work.” She said. “Otherwise these people will be here all day.”

“Once I am rested, I’ll come and help, but for now I just need to relax a moment.” Diana answered.

“No worries, I can handle them.” Linda replied.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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All by herself

She checked again to see if she had everything she needed, as she knew that once she started, it would require a lot of work to undo things. The pile of rope looked big enough to restrain four people, but she had decided she wanted to make sure there was no escape until Robert would find her. Linda knew she took a risk by not telling Robert about her plans, but she figured it was safe in the hotel room. She really wanted to surprise him, as his birthday was tomorrow, and she figured she might as well make it worthwhile for him.

“Okay girl, you are ready to rock and roll.” She said to herself, while looking in the mirror after she had been to the bathroom.

Her nude body looked toned and muscled, which was not a surprise as she worked out a lot, to compensate for the hours that she could not move when she was modelling. The clock next to the bed showed 4 PM. The curtains of the room were open, all lights were off, and the radio was softly playing.

She checked the room one last time, making sure the door of the room was not on night lock, and walked to the end of the bed. Everything was at hand on the bed, next to the straight back wooden chair that she had selected from the living room area of the hotel suite. It was a simple chair, with a high narrow back, consisting of two smaller outside pieces and a larger wider piece of wood running vertically from chair seat to the top of the chair back. She had tested the stability of the chair and found it was very sturdy, so there would be no chance of breaking the chair in her struggles.

“You can do this.” She told herself, as if she needed convincing.

She felt butterflies in her stomach when she picked up the first rope and wrapped it around the chair back and her waist, cinching it by running the rope between the chair back and her own back, making sure it was tight. The knot was off to the side where she would be unable to reach it, with her hands cuffed. Next was her right foot. She wrapped the rope around it multiple times, tying it in such a way that the wraps would not get any tighter than she tied it, as that would cut of the circulation too much, and then wrapped the rope around the chair back just above the seat, pulling on the rope and thus pulling her leg up from the floor. With her leg pulled back, her body wanted to slide forward, but that was exactly why she had started with the rope around her waist. That way her body would not move. Her left leg followed, and her toes could not touch the floor anymore, preventing her from moving the chair around to anywhere else in the room.

More rope followed over her upper legs and the chair seat, although that proved slightly difficult, as she had to reach under the seat to hand the rope from one side to the other, but she managed. Linda took a few moments to rest and looked at her handy work. Her legs were useless; her body would not be moving away from the seat anymore. She picked up a longer piece of rope and started to wrap it around her upper body and the chair back, pulling on it after every turn to make it tight, just above and below her breasts. It went around eight times before she ran the rope between her back and chair to cinch the wraps. She used another rope to wrap her upper body even more tightly to the chair, crisscrossing the rope around her body and the chair, tying the knot out of reach for when her hands were locked in the handcuffs that were on the bed waiting.

“Wow that is tight.” She exclaimed, trying to expand her chest, but the ropes prevented her from breathing in too far.

She considered redoing them, thinking that she had made it too tight, but decided not to be a wimp. Now it was time for limiting her senses. She had brought the isolation hood they had bought earlier that day, and it was on the bed within reach, next to a ballgag, handcuffs, earplugs, two leather ankle cuffs and some strong zip ties.
Linda started by wrapping the leather cuffs around her upper arms. Then she took the earplugs and inserted them into her ears, taking away most of her hearing. The helmet would do the rest. Before doing the ballgag, she measured were the handcuffs would be behind the chair back and used the zip ties to strap the chain in between the cuffs to the back of the chair. They could move a little up and down, but not much and once her wrists would be in them, movement would be limited anyway. Now it was time for the gag. It was a two-inch ball, which would keep her from talking. It was a bit big for her mouth and she had to push it in behind her teeth. Even with the strap undone, she would have trouble pushing it out. She tightened the strap nice and tight; making sure the ball would not go anywhere.

Taking a few minutes to adjust to the ball in her mouth, she looked around the room again and was sure she had done everything she needed to do. Not that she was worried, after all she was in a hotel room, not somewhere in the middle of the woods, but the butterfly feeling was still there when she picked up the hood.

“Hhhmmmmppppffff.” She tried the gag, but with the earplugs in, she could not really determine how loud she was.

Besides, they had the last room in the hallway before the emergency exit. Jim and Diana had the room on the other side, so the chance of somebody hearing her were slim. The laces of the hood were already undone, so she could easily slip it over her head. Making sure the small hole for breathing was right where it should be, at her nose, she started on the laces. She worked slowly, partly because it was not easy if you had to do it yourself and partly because she wanted it to look good.

“Hhhmmmmppppffff?” She said, thinking that she heard something.

She waited for a minute or so, but did not hear anything, before she continued with the laces, finally tying the knot at the bottom of the helmet. Again, she waited a minute or so, to adjust to the new feelings. She fumbled with the wide strap around her neck that covered the bottom of the laces and buckled it tight. Next was the strap over her eyes, which buckled at the back of the helmet. She had studied the helmet so that she knew where all the straps were, before she started on this self-bondage session. The strap over the mouth was next and she pulled it tight, forcing the ballgag further inside her mouth. The last strap was the one from her chin over the top of the helmet and she pulled on it until she was satisfied.

“Hhhmmmmppppffff.” She tried again, but all she could hear was the sound transmitted through her own body.

After waiting a few minutes, she felt for the last rope that was on the bed. She ran the rope from the leather cuff on her right arm behind her back to the one on her left arm and back. She repeated this several times until she could just grab the ends of the rope. Now she started pulling on the ends of the rope, slowly pulling the cuffs together behind her back and the chair back. She could feel the strain on her shoulders increase the more she pulled. It was not possible to pull her elbows together completely, but that was not the object anyway, as the chair back was a little too wide for that. All she wanted was to have them restrained as close together as the chair would allow. She fumbled a while with the ropes, trying to get a knot tied, but finally succeeded. Then she made sure tucking the ends of the rope away, so it would be out of reach for her hands once cuffed.

Silently she just sat there for a few minutes. This was the point of no return, although she figured she would have a hard time getting her elbows free. She felt for the cuffs and wrapped the cold steel around one wrist, slowly closing the cuff around her wrist. These cuffs had a knob to double-lock them, preventing them from tightening too much, so Linda used it when she felt the cuff was tight enough to prevent escape. The other cuff proved a little harder to do, as she did not have much movement, but finally she felt the first click and she slowly pushed it tighter, before double locking it.

“Hhhmmmmppppffff.” She said, although she meant to say that she had done it.

The adrenaline rushed through her body. The bondage felt good and she was proud of herself, as she had never done any selfbondage before. She had done some research and had come up with the plan for today but planning and executing were different things.

Slowly she tested her bonds and found that she had a done a good job. Maybe a little too good, as the ropes around her upper body felt tight, now that her arms were behind her back, but there was nothing she could do about it anymore. The keys to the handcuffs were on the main dining table and she could not reach that. Luckily the exhibition downstairs would close at 5:30 PM and that meant Robert could be up in their room by six, so it was not that she had to wait forever. Other than the tight bondage, the fact that she could not hear anything besides her own breathing, scared her more than she thought it would.


She tried to yell, but knew it was useless. The deprivation helmet worked well and no one outside the room could hear her. Suddenly, after 20 minutes or so, panic set in and she fought her bonds wildly, almost flipping the chair over. That feeling made her acutely aware of how helpless she was and how stupid she was by doing what she had done. If something would go wrong, there was nobody to help her. She broke one of the most important rules when playing bondage games on safety by not having somebody around.

“Hhhmmmmppppffff.” She screamed as loud as she could.

It took some time for Linda to control her breathing to the point where she could think clearly again. She knew that she would not escape these ropes and cuffs, so all she could do was wait for Robert to show up. Maybe if she had told him about her plans, that might have helped, but since she wanted to surprise him, she told nobody about what she was planning, so nobody could come to her rescue. The ballgag started to hurt already, the helmet was a lot scarier than she would have thought and the ropes were so tight they prevented any significant movement.

“I’m stupid by doing this.” She thought.

At that moment there was knock on the door, which Linda never heard due to the hood and earplugs.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

Well, that is quite a mess, Linda has gotten herself into :D Ever be careful, if you tie up yourself ;)
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Post by slackywacky »

Birthday present

Robert knocked on the door to their hotel room, not wanting to scare Linda if she was in the room. When there was no reply, he opened the door and entered the room. He had not seen Linda since she left the exhibition early and he had been too busy to pay much attention to it, so he figured he would find her later. Later had turned into really late, as Jim, Diana and Robert had been invited to some private party from one of the bigger exhibitioners and before he knew it, it was way past midnight and he figured he better check on Linda.

“What the…” Robert said when he saw the sight that welcomed him to the room.

Linda sat tightly tied on a chair from the dining set, the room lights were on low, the curtains closed, and the bed pulled open, with some pieces of chocolate on the pillows. He recognized the helmet they had bought that afternoon. From the position of her head, he could tell she was asleep. Her breathing was short but regular, most likely because he could see that the ropes that held her to the chair were very tight. He looked her over, noticed how she had tied her elbows close together and how her feet were on both side of the chair.

“Nice job.” He thought.

He figured Linda had no idea that he was in the room, as the helmet would prevent her hearing most sounds around her, so he decided to take out the video camera and record her efforts, so she could see what she did. He recorded every detail, making sure he had multiple angles of her body and the ropes. It probably took him 20 minutes to do and he noticed the clock showed 3 AM when he decided she probably wanted out. He sat down on the bed next to her and started kissing her naked tits. It took several minutes before he got a reaction, which was tame at first, but then Linda started fighting the ropes holding her to the chair. Robert grabbed her by the shoulders and just held her. This seem to calm her down, but he could hear her trying to talk to him, but the helmet muted the sound so well, that he could not even make out what she was trying to say and most of the time he was good at understanding gag talk.

“Calm down, I’ll get you out.” He told her, although he figured she could not hear him.

Holding on to her seem to do the trick, as she calmed down, but he could tell she was sobbing, judging by the way her chest was moving. Once she calmed down enough, he started on the helmet, unstrapping the three straps around her mouth, eyes and chin, followed by the wide belt around her neck. The laces took a few minutes, but finally he was able to pull the helmet of Linda’s head. Only now, he could see the ballgag in her mouth. Her eyes looked teary and he could tell from the running of the mascara that she had been crying before. The mascara gave her a haunted look. He took the gag out of her mouth and Linda tried to say something, but her jaws would not function after being open for so long. Robert removed the earplugs he saw and looked at Linda.

“Just relax, dear.” Robert told her.

It took a few minutes and a few drinks of water, before Linda found her voice back.

“Happy birthday, babe!” She said.

Robert had to smile. He really loved this crazy woman. He kissed her passionately and she responded with passion. They kissed for a long time and Robert ran his hands over her bound body, which in turn turned her on. He could see and feel the reaction in her nipples, standing erect and hard and could feel it in the area between her legs, which, due to the way she tied herself to the chair, was easily accessible.

“Untie me, babe.” She asked softly.

“Not yet, first I want my birthday present.” He replied.

She sulked and fought the ropes, but with her hands cuffed behind her back, she was helpless. Robert went back to kissing and touching her. It did not take long before she had a powerful orgasm and strained against the ropes. She got a few moments to catch her breath before he started again, which resulted in the same thing, another orgasm and this went on for a few times.

“I can’t do this anymore, you are one mean bastard.” Linda said after her sixth orgasm, when she tried to catch her breath.

Robert just grinned. He knew she enjoyed every moment of it and would be very disappointed if he would stop. He figured he would up the ante one more step and picked up the helmet. Linda tried to fight him, but the almost 11 hours in bondage and the climaxes she just experienced drained her and she could do no more than a futile shake of her head.

“You bastard.” She sighed.

“Better take care what you are saying, or I’ll put that gag in too.” He replied.

“You would not dare.” She said, sticking her tongue out.

“Dear, you are one twisted woman.” He said, while forcing the ballgag back into her mouth.

Linda really did not want the gag in her mouth again, but she knew that Robert loved to play these games and it was his birthday, so she told herself to suffer a little longer. Besides, she really wanted to find out what an orgasm felt like while wearing the hood. She figured she had at least one or two while sitting in the chair, waiting for Robert, but this would be different.

“Hhhmmmmppppffff” She suddenly said as she noticed something she had not seen before, but she did not get the change to tell Robert, as he pulled the helmet over her head.

He worked on the laces, lacing the helmet tightly around her head. Having the helmet laced up by somebody else was different and it felt much tighter, which it probably was. She could feel Robert buckling the belt around her neck and the three belts around the helmet itself, depriving her from sounds, speech and sight again. Even without the earplugs, she could not hear anything.

“Are you alright, Linda?” Robert asked, but he got no reply.

He went back to kissing her tits and slowly started to kiss the other parts of her body and it did not take long before Linda exploded into yet another orgasm.

“Oh my god. I hope he does not keep this up very long. I will not be able to walk for three days.” She thought after that last orgasm.

Robert teased her for another half hour and after what was probably her tenth orgasm, suddenly stopped touching her. She wondered what was going on and longed for his touch, although she knew darn well that this could not go on forever.

“Hhhmmmmppppffff” She tried but got no response.

She fought her bonds, but they held her tightly to the chair, just as they did 12 hours ago. All she could do was wait again for Robert to do something again and she had no clue when that would be.

Robert just sat there, looking at Linda. He could tell she was testing her bonds again by the way she was moving, but he could see that she was getting nowhere. Wherever she had learned about self-bondage, she had done a great job. After a while, Linda just sat in her chair, waiting for things to happen. She did not move anymore, other than flexing her fingers or moving her head, and she just waited for things to come. Robert waited another fifteen minutes, before deciding that she spent enough time in bondage on the chair.

“Let’s get you out of this chair, shall we?” He told her.

Linda did not reply, probably because she did not hear him and probably because she was too tired. He untied her legs. Her legs almost cramped up, but Robert had anticipated that and rubbed her legs, helping to get the blood circulation going again. The ropes around her upper body followed and he undid the leather cuffs from around her arms. He cut the plastic holding the metal cuffs to the back of the chair but did not release the cuffs themselves. Linda needed some help standing up and Robert gently guided her to the bed, still cuffed and hooded.

“Hhhmmmmppppffff?” She asked.

Robert just kissed her and covered her up with a blanket. Linda resigned to having to sleep with the gag in her mouth, but she was so tired, it did not even bother her. She did not even consider that she might have needed a bathroom. When Robert cleaned up the ropes and chair, Linda was asleep.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Solarbeast »

This continuously is one of my top stories on this site, if not my #1 story on this new site at least. I really hope that this story continues for much much longer/ many more updates. That or we could get a spinoff of Robert and Linda at some point.
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Post by Bandit666 »

I’m seriously enjoying this story please keep up all the hard work. I’ll be honest and say I’m still on page one but will I’m sure make it to this point only to find myself eager to read the next part. Awesome :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nicely put Bandit666! I agree ;) I imagine it is rahter difficult to compose such a long story.
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Thanks for the comments guys. Much appreciated.
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