Bondage Academy (F/f) New Part Added 9/18/2023

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Bondage Academy (F/f) New Part Added 9/18/2023

Post by Noire »

Dear Alyssa,
Congratulations on winning a full paid scholarship to our program. We are a female only program that teaches young women such as yourself new skills and interests after high school.
The program will take place in a boarding school and will last 6 to 12 months. While we are a very strict school, all the rules and regulations are there to protect students and teach them about themselves.
Attached to this letter is a rule and guidebook. If you have any more questions, please feel free to reach us at 123-123-1234.
If you would like to accept this scholarship please sign the bottom of this letter and return the letter to the original address.
Alyssa reached over and grabbed the attached rules and guidebook. On the front page of the booklet was the school’s insignia, a silver shield with what appears to be entangled in a red noose.
Students must wear the mandatory uniforms for all appropriate times.
Students are not allowed to leave the campus for the entire duration of the program.
Students will be assigned a random roommate in their dormitory.
… “All students are bound for success”… “Everything is done for the benefit or safety of the students”…
The list of rules was extremely long, and Alyssa didn’t want to look through it all. Being 18 years old, and just graduated from high school, she wanted a break from school.
She wanted to enjoy the summer before she either began working or move onto university. Alyssa was surprised as to how she won this award as she was an average high school girl.
She didn’t have too many friends and was relatively quiet throughout her high school years. She stood at 5 feet and 4 inches with long black hair reaching just past her shoulders. She had beautiful brown eyes and decent sized cleavage. She was of Asian descent and has a decent body after several years of playing soccer for her high school. She wasn’t very popular and she wasn’t the smartest, how in the world did she get a scholarship, she pondered?
Eventually, Alyssa left the letter on the table and went upstairs to waste the rest of the day browsing through the internet until it was her bedtime.
“Good morning dear, your father and I signed you up for that school that you won a scholarship to!” Alyssa’s mother said
Alyssa’s eyes shot open
“You what!?” Alyssa replied, “I didn’t want to spend the last summer vacation away at school. What if the school is bad?”
“I’m sorry dear, but your father and I thought it would be a good idea for you to take advantage of the scholarship. We didn’t really look at the fine details. ”
Alyssa looked at the clock hanging on the wall it read, 11:30 AM.
“Your father already submitted the paperwork on his way to work at 7 AM.”
“I don’t want to go, please don’t make me go mom. Even though dad already sent the letter, I could just stay at home.”
“Alyssa, according to the letter, the school will send someone to pick you up one week from sending back the letter, so please just pack your things and try and enjoy the school.”
Alyssa’s face showed visible frustration as she realized that her mom was sent on sending her to this boarding school program for the whole summer.
“If you need any help packing, I’ll be in the kitchen preparing lunch.” Alyssa’s mother said as she left the room and softly closed the door.
Alyssa was frustrated but realized early on that once her parents signed her up for something it was futile to change their minds. For the next couple of days, Alyssa packed her clothes, her laptop, and other necessities. With the time leftover, she hung out with her friends as much as she could before she had to leave.
Alyssa woke up at 8:00 AM the day the program stated they were going to pick her up. She made her bed and made her way to the shower. Once there, she showered and brushed her teeth. She wasn’t the type of person to use a lot of makeup so once she finished washing her face, she returned to her room.
Alyssa then changed into white t shirt, blue jeans, and a black hoodie with a single white stripe running along the arms. Once she was done changing, she grabbed her luggage and moved them down the stairs and near the front door.
Alyssa had breakfast alone since her parents were both already gone for work.
“Not even a good bye huh?’ Alyssa mumbled as she took a spoonful of cereal.
Once her breakfast was completed and the bowl she used was washed, the doorbell rang.
After opening the door, Alyssa was greeted by a young woman with short black hair and brown eyes who was slightly older than herself. The girl was just slightly taller than Alyssa. She was dressed in a shiny white blouse which had the school’s insignia sewed on to the left chest pocket, a black skirt, and black knee socks.
“Hi, nice to meet you, you must be Alyssa, I’m Teresa, your RA for the program.”
“Hi, I’m Alyssa, nice to meet you.”
“Usually, you ride on a special bus that picks up all the students but I’m a RA this year so I have to get to campus on my own. Luckily, I noticed that you lived close by to me as I looked over the list of students staying in my dorm hall. So, I decided to scoop you before I head to campus. I can see you didn’t read the rules and guidelines judging by all your bags.
Alyssa chuckled quietly as she looked over her bags,” Ha-ha, I didn’t uh get the chance to, what seems to be the problem.”
“It’s okay, the only apparel you are allowed to bring is underwear and bras, clothes will be provided for you. Also a tip from a second year, just leave your electronics here, otherwise I have to take them and hold on to them for the duration of the program once we get to the campus.”
“What about the clothes I have on right now? Do I need to change?”
“You can keep your outfit until we get to the campus, once there you will be given the uniforms for your stay at the program. Afterwards, just stow your current outfit in your dorm closet till the program is over. Go ahead and empty out the suitcase, we have some time before we need to head back.”
Alyssa opened her bags and began removing anything that Teresa said that she wouldn’t need. She left a pile of clothes, makeup, and her cellphone on the sofa close to the door.
“Well, let’s get a move on.” Teresa said as she picked up Alyssa’s bag.
Alyssa looked back at her pile of clothes and the home she was leaving behind.
“You’re going to love the school. Teresa said as she looked at Tina from the driver side mirror. A lot of first timers dislike the rules and restraints but they grow to like it.”
“Did she mean to say restrictions?” Alyssa thought
“I will be your RA for this year so if you have any questions please come see me. You’ll be on the first floor with a roommate. The room is actually pretty large so don’t fight over the space. Your roommate is going to be Jillian. She’s a first year as well. She’s a bit …
Alyssa dozed off for the remaining ride to campus.
“Hey Alyssa wake up! We’re here. Grab your bag and follow me.” Teresa said as she exited the car.
Alyssa looked outside the window to see that she was already inside the campus’s walls. There were a handful of buildings and what seems to be a swimming pool close by. Opening the car door, she saw a flight of stairs heading up to a dated but sturdy looking building with two floors. Next to it was a sign that read dorm hall 1.
Alyssa grabbed her single duffel bag and followed Teresa up the stairs and into the building.
“Okay, let me give you your key. Your roommate should already be here as we move students in by name.” Teresa said as she headed into a small office located in the center of the room.
“Here’s your key, you will be on the first floor on the left wing. Room number 110 at the end. Once you unload your stuff, please come back so I can give you your uniforms.” Teresa said
Alyssa nodded and took the key. Heading down the short hallway, she passed several rooms and a communal bathroom before reaching her room. Putting her key into the door, she entered the room, noticing a pair of shoes near the door. The room was larger than her bedroom at home, with white carpet floors, two well-made beds on opposite sides of the room, dressers near the end of the bed, and two small tables. A single large window was between the two beds at the other side of the room. The table on the right already had someone else’s luggage. With that, Alyssa went to the left side of the room and began unloading her things. As she opened the second drawer, she found a black bag that had a sleep mask, duct tape, leather straps, and some kind of soft rubber ball attached to a rectangular panel with straps along the ends.
Finishing unpacking, she took the black bag back to the front desk.
“I found this in my drawer” Alyssa said as she motioned toward the bag.
“That’s for you Alyssa, that will be used later tonight.”
“Anyway here are your uniforms, swimming attire, gym clothing, one for sleeping, and one to be worn during school hours.”
That’s a lot of uniforms Alyssa thought but she didn’t think anything of it.
“You don’t have to wear any of them today until after dinner. Dinner will be served by 6 PM in the building beside this one. Until then I will give u s tour of the campus and this dorm building.

"Well that's our campus." Teresa said as they walked back through the front door of the dorm hall. After dinner and when you are done getting ready for bed please wear the sleeping one and come find me at the office.”
Since Alyssa was rather shy, she ate dinner alone and afterwards headed back to her room. It was still early in the night but she was tired so she prepared herself in the bathroom before bed. While in the bathroom she ran into another student with blonde hair who flashed her a quick smile before leaving. Once that was done, she returned to her room and changed out of her clothes. Her roommate still hasn’t returned to the dorm.
The uniforms were all in black bags with writing on them. She took the one with sleep written on it and pulled out the uniform.
Inside the bag was a white satin long sleeve pajama top with black piping and a matching pair of pants with the school insignia on the left thigh.
Wow these are nice. Alyssa thought.
As Alyssa was buttoning up the top, she noticed that the sleeves were too long and where her hands came out of the shirt, there was a zipper that could close the end of the sleeve. There was also a strap in the middle bottom of the shirt. Alyssa just tucked the strap into her pants. Furthermore, she noticed large loop was in the center of the top.
After donning the uniform, she put the key to her room in the pocket of her pants. She went over to the mirror in the room and looked over herself. While the sleeves were too long, the pajamas itself fit her pretty well, not too baggy, not too tight. If anything Alyssa thought she looked really cute. Afterwards she went back into the main hall and found Teresa looking at her computer.
“Hey you look great in that. Anyway let’s get you ready for bed. “Teresa said as she stood up.
“What do you mean get ready for bed?” Alyssa asked
“The shirt you are wearing doubles as nice pajamas and a straitjacket. If you noticed the shirt, I’m going to put your hands through the center loop and zip them closed so you don’t have access to your hands.”
Alyssa heard of straitjackets as something that crazy people wear or magicians use for their escape tricks.
“Wait why? What if I need to use the bathroom or something happens? Actually, I’m not sleepy anymore so if you just excuse me.”
“Relax Alyssa, it’s just part of the rules. We will also be using the other stuff in that bag that was in your room. All students were given that bag. Okay, put your hands out.”
“Fine.” Alyssa put her hands out. Teresa pulled on the extra length of the sleeves and zipped the sleeves shut.
“Before I finish everything off, let’s head back to your room.”
This new loss of freedom was something Alyssa hasn’t felt before. With her hands covered in the silky prison, she couldn’t open the door.
Teresa opened the room with her ring of keys and showed Alyssa to her bed.
“Please sit down.”
“How am I going to pull my blanket up or exit the room when I wake up?”
“I will handle that. First, we aren’t done with your restraints. Secondly, I will wake you and your roommate at 7:00 AM on the weekdays and 9:00 on the weekends.”
“Not done with my restraints? I can’t even leave the room if I wanted to with my hands in this.”
“Believe me, kids have done it before and left the room past curfew.”
“I’m one of the nicer RA’s, the other ones tie their students up way tighter than I do. I even let students decide which one they like”
“Anyway I’ll tie you up in different ways for the next couple of days, so find one you enjoy.” Teresa said as she reached into the black bag.
“Put your arms through that strap in the center off the shirt. Fold your arms, sort of like you’re hugging yourself.”
Teresa then grabbed the arms and wrapped them around Alyssa’s back before fixing the sleeves in place. With her arms trapped to her body, she wondered how anyone could enjoy this feeling of being restrained. While it wasn’t uncomfortable, it was a strange feeling to lose the ability to move her arms.
“Where is the crotch strap?”
“Crotch strap, is that what that was? I tucked that strap into my pants. Why do you need that?”
“It’s just extra security so you can’t take the shirt off.” Teresa said as she reached in pulled the straps under and through Alyssa’s legs before tying it off in the back.
The strap was pulled tight and Alyssa could feel that with every slight movement she made, the strap would tug on her crotch.
“Okay enough struggling, please lay down on the bed in a comfortable position.” Teresa said as she reached in to the black bag and pulled out the sleeping mask, a leather strap, and the roll of duct tape.”
Teresa applied the sleeping mask over Alyssa’s eyes, plunging her into darkness. With her loss of sight, she wondered how a student would even be able to stay like this all night let alone every night for a year.
“I won’t tie your legs today but I still need to attach you to the bedframe.” With that Alyssa felt the strap attach to the back of her pajamas and the bedframe.
“With this, you won’t be able to leave or roll off the bed.”
“And finally…” Teresa said followed by the sound of duct tape ripping
“What are you going to do with the duct tape?” Alyssa said.
Immediately after closing her mouth, she felt the sticky tape pushed down onto her lips.
“gmmpp thhmmp ommm!”
“Please relax Alyssa, rules state students must be bound, gagged, and blindfolded for bed. Usually, I would stick an extra cloth into your mouth as with only duct tape, you will find that you can still talk.”
Alyssa could hear the sound of more duct tape being ripped as two more strips were placed onto her face. Then the blanket was pulled over her chestt.
“Enjoy yourself Alyssa! Have a good night and welcome to dorm hall 1!”
Alyssa tried to break free of the silky prison but found that she was stuck. She tried to shift her arms left or right but found that was no budge. The more she moved, the more the strap between her legs would tug at her inners.
She tried to maneuver her mouth in a way to loosen the tape but to no avail. Alyssa had a rush of emotions run over her as Teresa shut the door. While sleeping like this was weird, this was something she could get used to. She felt cozy and secured. If this was bed time, what would class time be like? Where is her roommate? Eventually she drifted into sleep.
Last edited by Noire 8 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TripleZero »

Great first chapter. I hope you will continue.
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Post by Bandit666 »

Excellent start, I look forward to reading the next part and hearing more about the rules and regulations along with details of her roomie :)
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Post by Noire »

Surprisingly, Alyssa was sleeping peacefully until she was awoken by some rustling near the door. She heard the doorknob turn and the door creak open slowly. It seems as if the person opening the door wanted to do it quietly.

“Mphh?” Alyssa moaned.
“Shh, let me close the door first.” A girl said as she gently closed the door.
“You must be Alyssa, I’m Jillian.”
“Mphh.” Alyssa said
“Give me one sec, let me change into my pajamas” Jillian said

Alyssa could hear the sound of rustling clothes before Jillian walked over to Alyssa and pulled the sleep mask up to Alyssa’s forehead so she could see. Alyssa had to keep her eyes closed for a second to adjust to the flood of lights. Once she opened her eyes she saw a cute girl with thick rimmed glasses that was about the same height as herself. She had long black hair Jillian was dressed in the same matching pajamas but the hands weren’t zipped up yet.

“Anyway, nice to meet you.” Jillian said as she reached over and grabbed Alyssa’s covered right arm and shook it.
“Mph mph mph mph mph” (hi, nice to meet you) Alyssa giggled.
“I’m not going to remove the tape, because I would have to reapply it before I go to sleep. We’re going to have class together tomorrow so we’re stuck together. Let’s talk more in the morning. Good night.” Jillian said.
“Mpph mph” Alyssa said.

As Jillian was reaching to reapply the sleep mask on Alyssa’s eyes, the door opened to reveal Teresa. Teresa had a white sleep mask resting on her forehead and wearing the same pajamas but they were black in color with white piping.

“Jillian, you can’t come back to the dorms so late. Moreover, you have to see me so I can do your restraints before you go to bed. I’m not going to punish you this time but if you are late to curfew again, I will have no choice but to teach you a lesson.”
“I’m sorry,” Jillian said “I just wanted to explore the campus at night.”
“It’s okay, but next time don’t let me catch you coming in late again. Also, don’t bother sneaking in to the dorms, there are motion sensors on all the doors and windows, so I knew when u entered the building.” Teresa said as she yawned.

“Mpphh.” Alyssa said
“You woke Alyssa up. Once I finish restraining Jillian for the night, I’ll pull back down your sleep mask so you can sleep.”
“Okay face the back towards Alyssa, Jillian while I strap you in.”
Jillian was compliant and appeared to actually shoot Alyssa a smile as she was being restrained. Jillian was restrained exactly the same way as Alyssa, all that was left was the gag and blindfold.
“Tonight, instead of the soft blindfold and gag, you will wear this tight hood.” Teresa said as she pulled a black latex hood out.
“This hood has a built in gag and no holes for your eyes.” Teresa said as she pulled the hood over Jillian’s head. Teresa then tightened the hood and pulled the blanket over Jillian.
Teresa walked over to Alyssa and pulled the sleep mask back over her eyes.
“Okay, good night girls, see you in the morning!”
“Mmphh mpphh.” They both responded.

An alarm started to ring in the room and the door opened.
“Good morning girls, let’s get you girls untied. I’ll start with Alyssa first.”

After getting untied, Alyssa went to the bathroom and got ready for her first day of school. She then went back to her dorm room and found that Jillian was still in the bathroom. Alyssa took off her pajamas and changed into the school uniform, a shiny white blouse which had the school’s insignia sewed on to the left chest pocket, a black skirt, and black knee socks. Once she was full dressed, Jillian walked in.
They both exchanged good mornings.

“Let me change and we can get breakfast before we head to class.” Jillian said.

Alyssa nodded her head and was going to wait outside when Jillian told her she didn’t have to wait outside.
Jillian stripped to her matching light blue panties and bra in front of Alyssa and got dressed in the school uniform.
While Alyssa didn’t really have feelings for women, she couldn’t help herself but to look at Jillian’s body. Jillian was pretty and curvy. Alyssa didn’t have the best experience with her last boyfriend and had to end the relationship when she found that he was cheating on her.

“You’re so pretty.” Alyssa said

“Thanks you pervert.” Jillian chuckled as she put the finishing touches on her uniform.
With Jillian wearing the whole outfit, Alyssa’s face began to blush as she really thought that Jillian looked really good.
“Stop ogling me and let’s get some brunch!” Jillian said as she opened the door and walked ahead.
At the table, Jillian and Alyssa didn’t have much time before the first class so they had a quick meal with little chatter. Each day they would have a different class.

“I think this is the building,” Jillian said as she looked at the paper map.
They were both at a single story building with white walls and a brown roof.
“Hurry up, we don’t want to be late.” Alyssa said as she opened the door.
With a couple minutes to spare, they sat in the back row of the classroom. The classroom itself was relatively small with only three rows of chairs and no tables. After sitting down, they noticed metal rings on the legs and arms of the chair.
There was at most 20 students in the room. After getting comfortable, the teacher walked in.
The teacher was an older lady with long blonde hair and large round glasses with golden frames.
“Hi class, welcome to the first class of the program. Please call me Mistress Johnson when you address me. This is not a traditional classroom. The classes that all the teachers teach here will be a lecture. Since there are no tables, you don’t have to worry about writing anything, so no homework or classwork. BUT there will be an exam where I will test you individually on all the concepts I have taught you at the half way mark of the class and at the end. All you will do in this class is listen to what I have to say about economics and how understanding economics can help you in your life. Also, all students are to place their arms in between those rings and legs in the rings.”
Jillian and Alyssa obeyed and placed their arms and legs in their rings.
“Please keep your arms and legs in as I will be closing them in 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1.”
Right on cue, the rings sprang to life and trapped the students’ arms and legs to the chairs.

“Okay class, this will be a 3 hour session. There is to be no talking as I am lecturing. If there is any talking, I will gag you. At the end of the class, I will pass notes on today’s lecture that you should keep for the future.”

Almost immediately after Mistress Johnson finished her sentence, Jillian looked toward Alyssa and said rather loudly, “So what are we going to do after this class?”

“I see a troublemaker and someone who enjoys challenging authority.” Mistress Johnson said as she started walking toward Jillian and Alyssa.
“What are your names?”
“I’m Jillian.”
“And I’m Alyssa.”
“Normally, I don’t like gagging students on the first class but I need to show that I mean business around here.” Mistress Johnson said as she reached into her backpack.

“Please open your mouth Jillian.”
Once Jillian opened her mouth, Mistress Johnson pulled out a blue silk scarf and stuffed it into Jillian’s mouth before grabbing another blue scarf and tying it over her mouth so she couldn’t spit the first scarf out.
“Alyssa, now you.”
“Wait, I didn’t even say anything.”
“Well, it doesn’t matter, you have your friend to thank. Hopefully after today this won’t be a regular occurrence.”

Alyssa obediently opened her mouth and accepted her gag. Her face was blushing as she realized all the other students were staring at her. Alyssa looked toward Jillian and swore that she was smiling under the gag. Having something intrude the space of her mouth was different but oddly not that uncomfortable. The scarves that she was gagged with was extremely soft. She tried pushing the stuffing against the scarf but the scarf tied over her mouth didn’t budge. Strangely, Alyssa really wanted to test the efficiency of the gag but she resisted the urge.

“Now that that’s been taken care of, we will begin lecture. At the end of the session, you can take your gags off.”
With that, Mistress Johnson began lecturing about economics for the remainder of the three hour period. The rest of the class was rather uneventful and boring. Most of the information went in one ear and out the other. Both Alyssa and Jillian were barely paying any attention to the teacher Jillian really enjoyed being strapped down and gagged like this. For Alyssa, this was a chance to explore this feeling of helplessness. She actually found it fun to struggle and play with the scarf in her mouth. Once the bell rang, the teacher pressed the button to release all the students.

Jillian and Alyssa reached for their gags and disposed of them in a bin labeled “gags.” Their lips were dry so immediately after leaving the classroom, they went to the nearby water fountain.
“I hope you two learned your lessons and don’t plan to challenge my authority again.” Mistress Johnson said. Both girls nodded their head and walked away quickly.

With the day over, Alyssa and Alyssa headed to the dining hall together.
“So why did you talk to me in class?” Alyssa asked
“Didn’t the gag feel nice on your face? The scarf was so silky and smooth. Also, I just wanted to see if she would really gag me. I didn’t want you to get gagged too. Sorry about that.” Jillian responded.
“It wasn’t too bad.” Alyssa said losing eye contact with Jillian.
“Did you like being gagged?” Jillian asked while pushing her glasses up.
“No! It’s not like that.” Alyssa said blushing
“Okay that’s fine, anyway so why did you come to this school?” Jillian asked
“To be honest, I didn’t want to, my parents signed me up without me knowing. So far, the campus is really nice, food is eh, but the rules for bedtime is weird.” Alyssa responded.

“This is going to sound weird but I came to this school to experience those rules.” Jillian said
“What do you mean?” Alyssa asked
“Before enrolling to this school, I was looking around for reviews about this place but I couldn’t find anything until I found the guidelines online on some strange website that had no affiliation to the school.”
“So anyway, yesterday night, I wasn’t really exploring the campus, I just sat in the library and waited until an hour past curfew before I headed back. Speaking of which, I found some interesting books to read. Okay, anyway, last night was my second night, and on the first night I actually enjoyed being in the pajamas and all strapped up for bed. It’s kind of nice and cozy. I also feel super relaxed and comfortable when I’m tied up. So since I knew there was a curfew and a punishment for breaking it, I wanted to experience it. So last night, I was surprised that Teresa didn’t punish me. Long story short, I really enjoy tying people up and being tied up. But …”

Alyssa was shocked to find someone into all these restraints. At first Alyssa thought she was crazy, but when she really thought about it. She could maybe understand why Jillian might enjoy it. She personally found her bindings to be comfortable and maybe even enjoyable. She would have to experience it again until she figures out her confusing feelings.

“Alyssaaaa? Are you there, earth to Alyssa?” Jillian asked
“I’m sorry, I was lost in thought.”
“What’s up?” Jillian asked
“I was just shocked to hear you say that you enjoy these kinds of things.”
“You must think I’m a pervert or something.” Jillian said with a dismayed face.
“No, I don’t think that, I just don’t really understand it. Maybe you can help me understand it.” Alyssa said blushing profusely.

“Oh my God, what am I saying,” Alyssa thought. Curiosity got the better of Alyssa and she wanted to explore more of this stuff.
They met each other’s gazes and had an awkward pause before Jillian said, “I would love to.”

After dinner, they retreated back to their dorm hall and watched TV in the main lounge room. While they were watching T.V, they learned more about each other. Hobbies, birthday, past boyfriends, etc. Once they grew bored of the show they were watching, they returned to their dorm room. There, Jillian told Alyssa to get comfy and change into the pajamas.

Alyssa blushed as she took off the school uniform. She revealed that she was wearing a plain white bra and panties. Once dressed in the pajamas, Jillian got started.
“So I’m going to tie you up different than how you were tied up yesterday. Today, I will leave you spread eagle.”
Jillian zipped Alyssa’s sleeves closed and finished doing the straps and buttons.
“So, instead of strapping your arms into that hug position, I want you to spread your arms and legs when you lie down.” Jillian said as she gestured toward the bed.
Alyssa laid down on her bed and then spread her arms and legs to the four corners of the bed. Jillian took ahold of Alyssa’s left wrist and then tied her wrist to the corner of the bedframe.
“So technically, you could easily untie this knot connecting you to the bedframe, but since your hands are covered in the sleeve, you won’t be able to. Go ahead and try.” Jillian said.

Alyssa found that she could actually reach the knot, but with her hands covered, she wasn’t able to maneuver the knot to untie it. While Alyssa was playing with her left hand restraints, Jillian was doing the same with her right hand.
“Okay, you’re stuck.” Jillian giggled. “I’m going to do your feet now.”
Jillian went to Alyssa’s desk and pulled out the black bag with the restraints. She pulled out the leathers straps and tied Alyssa’s legs to the bedframe.
“So, this position is the spread eagle?” Alyssa asked
“Yup. It leaves you pretty vulnerable doesn’t it?” Jillian whispered in her ear before applying a black sleep mask over Alyssa’s eyes.
“You’re really pretty,” Jillian said while she slid her hands up and down from Alyssa’s shoulders to her thighs.
Alyssa blushed and tried to struggle against Jillian rubbing her thigh.

“Okay, that’s enough of that, time for the gag. Open wide!”
Alyssa obediently opened her mouth and felt a rubber ball invade her mouth followed by a leather strip that sat flush on her lips.
“This is called a panel gag, it came with the other stuff in that bag. There are more complex versions of this gag with a built-in blindfold and straps for the face but this is a very simple one that does a good job as is.”
With the gag properly applied, Jillian wanted to test it.
“Gag test!” Jillian said as she grabbed Alyssa’s feet.
Jillian began tickling Alyssa as merciless as possible. Jillian skillfully glided her fingers all across Alyssa’s feet.

“MPPPPHSS SMPHHH STPPPP” Alyssa screamed into her gag, laughing uncontrollably.
With the loss of sight, Alyssa had no idea where Jillian would continue her assault. She started with her feet but eventually started tickling random locations like her armpits and her stomach. After a while, Jillian let Alyssa regain her composure. Jillian looked at the clock in the room.

“Well, it’s going to be curfew in 10 minutes so I’ll be back in an hour and ten.” Jillian giggled
“I forgot to tell you, I really want to see what Teresa will do to me so I’ll be coming back late again. See you soon.” Alyssa said as she opened the door.
“Oh before I leave.” Jillian said.
Jillian quietly walked over to Alyssa and kissed her on the cheek.
“Be back soon cutie.” Jillian said before she closed the door and headed to the library.

Alyssa’s face became really red. Being alone, Alyssa was able to recollect her thoughts. She was completely caught off guard when Jillian kissed her. She liked Jillian but she wasn’t sure exactly what these feelings were. On the other hand, with her sight taken away, she felt as if he was more ticklish then before. Moreover, when Jillian rubbed her, Alyssa couldn’t deny that she enjoyed it when Jillian played with her body. If anything she started to crave even more from Jillian. She wanted Jillian to come back and play with her body. Torment her, hold her, tickle her, just give her something.

“It’s kinda cold.” Jillian thought to herself. “I wish the school uniform came with a jacket or something.” Once in the library, she looked around to make sure no one was still inside. Once she knew the coast was clear, she grabbed the book she was reading from the night before and looked at the clock.
“1 hour before I need to head back.”

And with that, she got lost into the book she was reading.
Meanwhile, Alyssa had no idea how much time had passed. To be honest, Alyssa was bored, although the feeling of being restrained was nice, she wanted to do something, anything.

All of a sudden, the door opened.
“Curfew is curfew. I let you off the hook Jillian but to also have Alyssa not on curfew … Alyssa?” Teresa said
“Mphh.” Alyssa responded.
“I guess Jillian tied you up which means less work for me,” Teresa chuckled “Are you doing okay, comfortable?”
Alyssa nodded her head.
“Cool. Well, I’ll inevitably have to come back to restrain Jillian. Anyway, since tomorrow is Saturday, I will wake you two up later than usual in the morning. Enjoy sleeping in! Tomorrow, you are free to do whatever you want since it’s the weekend. Unfortunately for Jillian, I need to teach that girl a lesson."

Right on cue, the door from the main lobby opened and Jillian walked in.
“Jillian, you can’t keep coming back so late. Tomorrow and Sunday, after you have breakfast, you are to report to me in the lobby. One more of these infractions after punishment will get you marked for more severe restraints and punishments.
“Sorry Teresa, I just lose track of time.” Jillian responded trying to hide her enthusiasm.
“Anyway it’s late, please change into your pajamas and tell me when you’re ready.” Teresa said walking out the room and closing the door.

With that, Jillian changed into her pajamas and went over to Alyssa.
“Hey cutie, I’m back, did you miss me?” Jillian whispered into Alyssa’s ear
“Ymph” Alyssa responded
“I wonder what she has in store for me tomorrow.” Jillian said
*Knock *Knock "I don’t have all night are you done changing?” Teresa said from outside.
Jillian opened the door.
Teresa zipped Jillian into her pajamas and tied all the straps so she was effectively stuck hugging herself.
“While your punishment begins tomorrow, I’m not going to let you off the hook so easily. First I’m going to wrap your face in tape. Furthermore…” Teresa said as she took the blankets and pillows off the bed.
“You won’t be comfortable. Not only that, I’m going to turn up the air conditioning into this room so its freezing. “
Teresa took the extra blanket and placed it on top of Alyssa and tucked her in.
“Don’t worry Alyssa, you will still be warm.”
With that, Teresa returned her attention to Jillian.
“Okay see you tomorrow in the morning.” Teresa said as she unwound the tape and started wrapping the tape all over Jillian’s face trapping her eyes, mouth, and even her hair. She left her nose uncovered so Jillian could breathe.
“This is going to hurt like hell to get off tomorrow.” Teresa said as she helped Jillian lay down.
Once Jillian was completely flat on the bed, Teresa rolled Jillian’s pants legs up to reveal her ankles before taping her ankles together.
Teresa then glided one of her fingers on Jillian's foot. Jillian giggled in response.
“Someone's ticklish, that's a good thing to know for tomorrow! Well girls, goodnight!” Teresa said as she cranked the air conditioner knob to the lowest possible temperature before closing the door.

“Armhp Ymphh Omk?” Alyssa asked
“Ysmp” Jillian responded.
“Gmphh Nghmp”
“Gmphh Nghmp”

Alyssa could hear Jillian shuffling around and trying to struggle free. Alyssa could feel the air in the room get significantly colder. Luckily for her, she was well covered and very cozy. On the other hand, she could hear Jillian shivering under the layers of tape and shuffling around trying to get warm. Jillian knew that this was going to a long night. What was even worse was that since tomorrow was Saturday, Jillian would be stuck like this even longer.
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Post by Gaggedgeekgirl »

Wow. Makes,Hogwarts sound normal :)

Wish I could be tied to my bed gagged and blindfolded every night for a year! :D
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Post by Caesar73 »

I like the general idea of the story and I enjoyed the First two chapters very much! :)
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Post by Emma »

I don't usually read anything in the adult section, but this was pretty interesting, and well written.

Good job!
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Congrats; I’m now addicted to this story!!!
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Post by ryan »

Thanks for a great story.
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Post by Noire »

Throughout the night, Jillian was in a cycle of sleeping for a couple minutes and then waking up due to the cold. She thought it would never end until eventually she heard the door open.

“Morning girls.” Teresa said as she turned the AC off.
Once Teresa was done untying Alyssa, Alyssa went to the bathroom to freshen up.
“Jillian, after you finish breakfast, come to my office.” Teresa said as she helped Jillian sit up.
“Ymph.” Jillian said.

Teresa began the tedious and painful process of ripping the tape of Jillian’s face. Once Teresa was all done, Jillian’s face was all red with tape residue stuck on her.
“Okay Jillian, freshen up and enjoy your breakfast. And look no hard feelings okay, I ‘m just doing my job.” Teresa said as she gave her a hug.

Jillian returned the hug but remained silent. With that they both left the room, Jillian headed to the bathroom while Teresa returned to the front desk.
Alyssa returned to the room and waited for Jillian before she headed out to breakfast. Jillian took a hot shower and was feeling a lot better. Returning to the room, Jillian and Alyssa stripped out of their pajamas together. Both admiring each other’s bodies.

“So umm how are you doing?” Alyssa asked while she grabbed the bag labeled “gym.”
“I’m doing much better after the hot shower.” Jillian responded while she grabbed her bag.
“Are you going to keep misbehaving? “ Alyssa asked as she reached into the bag.
Jillian looked to Alyssa and flashed a smile, “Depends. I’m going to wait a bit before I do anything else since I still have today and tomorrow’s punishment.”

Alyssa and Jillian both dressed in to a tight black polyester tank top and a shiny navy colored tracksuit jacket and pants with two white stripes running along the arms and the legs. The school’s insignia was sewn onto the jacket and pants.

“Well you ready for breakfast?” Alyssa said as she opened the door and zipped the jacket all the way up to her neck.
Alyssa nodded and they went off to the dining commons.

“So how did you like being tied up?” Jillian said as she took a seat across from Alyssa.
“I enjoyed it. I felt really safe and comfortable. To be honest, I would like to do that again but let me tie you up.” Alyssa said trying to avoid eye contact.
“I would love that Alyssa. We can play more tonight hopefully.” Jillian said with a huge grin on her face.

After breakfast was over, Jillian and Alyssa headed back to the dorms.
“Well what are you going to do without me? Jillian asked
“I’m not sure, I’ll probably go to the library for a bit before going to the pool I saw on the first day.” Alyssa said
“Dang, I wish I could join you. I would love to see you wearing the tight swim suit.”
Alyssa blushed before saying,” Well maybe next time.”

With that Alyssa headed to the library while Jillian went to Teresa’s office.
Teresa was wearing the same outfit as Jillian and looking at her computer.
“Okay, follow me Jillian.” Teresa commanded

Teresa led Jillian up a flight of stairs before leading her down a long hallway. At the end of the hall, a door with the word “sauna” awaited them.
"We have a sauna?" Jillian asked
"Yup, the door is kept unlocked so students are free to use it."
“So yesterday was cold, today is going to be hot. “ Teresa said as she opened the door.

When the door opened, white steamy mist flew out of the room. As they walked in, they saw a table right in the middle of the room with leather straps tied to the pillars of the table. Teresa took Jillian’s glasses and placed them in her jacket pocket. Teresa helped Jillian lie down on the table. Teresa pulled Jillian’s hands through the straps and then tightened them around her wrist. Once the straps were nice and secure, she tightened them to each of the corner pillars. She then did the same to her legs. With Jillian effectively tied spread eagle, Teresa went into the closet to grab some things. Jillian couldn’t see what Teresa grabbed when she returned.

“Okay, raise your head as much as you can.” Teresa commanded
With Jillian’s head raised, Teresa put the same latex hood she wore the other night on Jillian’s head.
“Mpphh.” Jillian said, testing the hood.
Jillian felt more weight on her head. Unknowing to her, Teresa grabbed a canvas sack and placed it over her already hooded head.
“You will still be able to breathe as there are holes in the hood and I won’t tie the sack off.”
Jillian felt Teresa zip her tracksuit jacket all the way up to her neck. Jillian was starting to feel extremely warm and she was sweating under the hood and bag.
Jillian then felt Teresa take her shoes and socks off before taping something to her feet.

“You know, I heard you and Alyssa talking. If you like bondage and being tied up, you could have just asked me to tie you up instead of breaking the rules.” Teresa whispered into Jillian’s ear.
“Mphhh.” Jillian was surprised.
“I like bondage too so please next time just ask. Tying you up for fun and for punishment is night and day.” Teresa said
“Hopefully after today and tomorrow, you’ll feel comfortable coming to me if you want me to tie you and Alyssa up.”
“Anyway, good luck! I’ve attached some vibrators to your feet and they will go off randomly.” Teresa said as she pressed a button on the remote. “You’ll be here for a while. Don’t worry I’ll come back eventually to free you.” Jillian heard the door open and close.

Although this was supposed to be a punishment, Jillian actually became really excited realizing that she could just ask Teresa whenever she wanted to be tied up. As time continued, Jillian was sweaty and tried to shake the bag off her head to no avail. Lost in darkness, Jillian began to daydream.

Jillian had no idea how much time has passed. Every time the vibrators turned on, she began screaming and kicking. Jillian actually loved to be tickled. It was pure torture but for some reason the thought that she couldn’t do anything made tickling enjoyable to a degree. The vibrators turning on and off at random intervals made Jillian on edge.

Then out of the blue, she started feeling fingers on the side of her body. “Was that Teresa tickling her sides?” Jillian thought. She didn't recall Teresa attaching anything to her sides.

A few moments ago,

“Hey Alyssa what do you have planned for today?” Teresa said as she saw Alyssa in the lobby.
“Hey Teresa, I just came back from the library. I was going to go grab my swimsuit and go for a swim. How much longer is Jillian going to be punished?”
“She still has 2 hours. Do you want to see her?” Teresa asked with a smirk.

Alyssa nodded her head. Teresa led Alyssa up the stairs and down the hallway to the sauna.
“Before I open the door, don’t say anything when you see her, let’s keep her oblivious.” Teresa said

Teresa opened the door quietly. With Jillian trying to struggle against the vibrators on her feet, she paid no attention to the door opening and closing.

Once the vibrator stopped buzzing, Jillian’s loud breathing could be heard under the canvas sack. Without letting Jillian catch her breath, Teresa began tickling her sides.

“MPHHHHPHPHH” Jillian squealed in response.

Alyssa looked at Jillian’s bound state and found that she wanted to also touch Jillian. Teresa took notice and stopped tickling Jillian, allowing her to catch her breath.
“You can do whatever you want with her beside untie her for the next 2 hours. Have fun” Teresa whispered into Alyssa’s ear.

Teresa handed Alyssa the remote to the vibrators before taking her leave.
Alyssa was now alone with Jillian. Alyssa could hear the heavy breathing from Jillian. Alyssa slowly approached Jillian and unzipped her jacket. Jillian turned the vibrators off and took them off her feet.

She then lifted her tank top so she could see her toned stomach. Jillian was drenched in sweat. With the heat from the sauna and having power over Jillian, Alyssa started to feel very warm.

Alyssa began dancing her fingers on Alyssa’s sides working them up and down. Watching Jillian squirm made Alyssa excited. After tickling Jillian for a while, she reached up and took the bag and hood off Jillian’s face.

Jillian’s face and hair was drenched in sweat. Jillian had to keep her eyes closed until she adjusted to the light. When Jillian finally opened her eyes, she was surprised to see Alyssa. Before Jillian could say anything, Alyssa put her hand over Jillian’s mouth.

“Hi cutie! Teresa said I can have you for the rest of your punishment!” Alyssa said
“Do you want to say something?” Alyssa asked in a mocking tone.
Jillian nodded her head furiously. With that Alyssa lifted her hand.
“Come closer.” Jillian said.

With all her might, she pushed her face as far forward as the straps let her and planted a kiss on Alyssa’s lips.
Surprised, Alyssa returned her kiss and she pushed her tongue into Jillian’s mouth.

“So … are we a thing now?” Jillian asked
“I guess… Well this is awkward.” Alyssa said before grabbing one of the vibrators.

Alyssa then used one hand to cover Jillian’s mouth and then skillfully maneuvered the vibrator all over Jillian’s body causing her to laugh uncontrollably. Occasionally, Alyssa would alternate lifting her hand from Jillian’s mouth and kissing her as she was tickling her. This continued on all the way until Teresa opened the door.

“Hey girls, times up.” Teresa said as she began freeing Jillian.

Once Jillian was free, Teresa handed both girls a bottle of water.
“Well, enjoy your dinner and the rest of your night. Don’t forget to see me when you’re ready to go to bed!”

With that Jillian and Teresa headed down the stairs while Teresa stayed behind to clean up. Jillian and Teresa retreated back to their room hand in hand.

“I need a shower.” Jillian said
“You do.” Alyssa responded wiping her sweaty hands on her pants.
“Wait for me?” Jillian asked
“Of course. “ Alyssa paused for a second “Babe.” Alyssa said while blushing and laughing.
Jillian chuckled and continued walking forward to the bathroom.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

I love this goddamn much!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by tieduptee »

This is an extremely cute and wholesome story so far with a very cheeky twist and I’m LOVING it!!

Keep up the great work, can’t wait to read the next chapter’
Tie me up, stuff something in my mouth, wrap some tape around it and let's have some fun!

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Post by Solarbeast »

Yes, I agree with the comments above about how this is an amazing story and how much I love it. I can't wait for the continuation to happen, but please take your time so that it comes out with the same quality as the starting 3 chapters.
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Post by Noire »

After an uneventful dinner, Alyssa and Jillian were leaving the dinning commons.

“We still have some time before curfew, do you want to do anything?” Alyssa asked

“I’m pretty tired after today, tomorrow I still have punishment. I think I should get some rest.” Jillian said

Alyssa nodded as they headed back to their dorm. After freshening up, they both changed into their pajamas.

“Hey Alyssa, do you want to sleep next to me?” Jillian asked

Alyssa nodded her head furiously but looked toward the ground. Jillian laughed before walking toward her bed. Jillian and Alyssa attempted to push the beds together but found that it was too heavy.

“Let’s ask Teresa if she is willing to help us push the beds together.” Jillian said

“Are you sure?” Alyssa asked. She was nervous about what Teresa might think.

“What’s the problem? The worse thing is she says no.” Jillian asked

Alyssa weakly nodded her head. With that, they both left their room and headed to Teresa’s office.
“Hey Teresa, could you help me and Alyssa move the bed.” Jillian asked

“Sure. I’m glad to see you on time.” Teresa responded with a grin.
They walked back to the dorm room.

“Okay, so how do you want the bed? Away from the wall or?” Teresa asked while looking at Alyssa.
Alyssa blushed and looked toward Jillian.

“Umm, we would like to arrange the beds next to each other.” Jillian said
“Oh okay, that’s fine. Here, come and help me push.” Teresa said

With their combined effort, they pushed the two beds into the center of the room.
“Well girls, you can keep the beds like this until the program is over. Once the program is over, we need to move the beds back.” Teresa said

Both girls nodded their head.

“So are you two ready to go to bed.” Teresa asked
“We’re ready. Can you tie Alyssa first, I need to use the bathroom.” Jillian said as she stepped out of the room.
With that, Teresa zipped Alyssa’s sleeves up.

“Tonight, I’m going to tie your hands above the headrest.” Teresa said
Teresa guided Alyssa’s arms up and tied them off to the top of the bed.

“So are you getting used to this?” Teresa asked

“To be honest, I’m actually starting to like this.” Alyssa said

“I’m glad to hear that. So are you two lovebirds now?” Teresa said as she went to the drawer to grab the restraint bag.

“I guess…” Alyssa said looking to the wall.

“Oh, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” Teresa said as she put a sleep mask over Alyssa’s eyes, plunging her world into darkness.
“Open wide.” Teresa said

Teresa carefully inserted the panel into Alyssa’s mouth and tied it into place.

“Well that’s it for tonight. I’m not going to tie your feet to the bedframe since your arms already are attached to the frame.”

“Jillian is taking a while, I’m going to go check on her.” Teresa said as she closed the door.
“Hmmmk.” Alyssa responded

Teresa saw Jillian waiting outside the door with a cup of ice. Jillian put her finger over her mouth gesturing Teresa to be quiet.

“Hey Teresa, can you wait until curfew before tying me up, I want to have some fun with Alyssa.”

“Sure,” Teresa said as she looked at her watch. “I’ll knock on your door when its time.”

“Thanks!” Jillian said as she quietly opened the door.

Teresa went back to her office with a huge grin on her face.

“Temphsa?” Alyssa asked.
No response. All of a sudden she felt someone unbuckling her gag.

“Teresa?” Alyssa asked
Alyssa then felt weight on top of her. Jillian mounted the bed and slowly sat on top of Alyssa.

“Jillimphh?” Alyssa said as she was interrupted by a pair of lips.
Jillian went in for the kiss, plunging her tongue into Alyssa’s mouth.

“Miss me cutie?” Jillian said

“Of course!” Alyssa nodded

“Well, since somebody today tortured me, I want revenge.” Jillian said as she started to unbutton Alyssa's pajamas but leaving her arms tied.

“Wait I’m sohahahahahah” Alyssa said as she felt Jillian glide her fingers all across her stomach and chest.
“Open your mouth dear.” Jillian said as she reached for an ice cube.

Alyssa obeyed and was surprised to feel something cold and wet in her mouth.

“Not a sound otherwise an ice cube is going into your pants!” Jillian said
With that, Jillian began her assault tickling and fondling Alyssa’s breast and arm pits. With her eyes covered, Alyssa had no idea where Jillian would target next. Alyssa tried her best to hold out but eventually broke out in squeals as her armpits were extremely ticklish.

“AHHHH noooo please.” Alyssa screamed as she felt Jillian lower her pants.
“Rules are rules!” Jillian said as she took an ice cube and maneuvered them over Alyssa’s legs.

With Alyssa making too much noise, Jillian reinserted her tongue into her mouth as she rubbed ice cube after ice cube on Alyssa’s body until she ran out of ice cubes.

As they were making out, Jillian took the initiative and pulled off Alyssa’s underwear. Once her underwear was off, Jillian took her finger and put it in Alyssa’s mouth.

“Suck on my fingers cutie.” Jillian said as she caressed Alyssa’s hair.

Once her finger was adequately wet, she inserted her finger into Alyssa’s inners. Alyssa felt a wave of pleasure as she felt Jillian rub and maneuver her fingers inside of her. After a while, Jillian retrieved the panel gag and reapplied it to Alyssa’s face.

Jillian then lowered so that her face was next to Jillian’s crotch. Jillian began her aggressive assault on Alyssa’s clit with her tongue. She kissed, licked, and sucked on Alyssa’s clit until Alyssa eventually let out a scream of pleasure into her gag as she climaxed.

Jillian looked at the clock in the room and noticed it was 5 minutes until curfew. She gave Alyssa one last kiss on the cheek before pulling up her underwear and pants. She then headed to the bathroom to freshen up.
Once she was done, she saw Teresa outside the door to her room.

“Ready for bed Jillian?” Teresa asked
“Yup,” Jillian said as she opened the door.
Jillian was then bound the exact same way as Alyssa before Teresa took her leave. Both girls were bound right next to each other.

“Alympag?” Jillian said
“Ymphh?” Alyssa responded
“Emh lmph ymph” Jillian said as she used wrapped her legs arounds Alysa’s legs.
“Emh Lmph Ymph tmph” Alyssa said interlocking her legs with Jillian as they both drifted to sleep.

The following day-
“Morning girls!” Teresa said as she began untying Jillian first.

“Don’t forget to come back to me after breakfast Jillian.” Teresa added as Jillian went to the bathroom.

“Hi Alyssa.” Teresa said as she removed her blindfold. Alyssa was greeted with Teresa wearing a teal silk robe.

“Gmm Mnnnphinng” Alyssa said with enthusiasm.

“I guess something happened yesterday with Jillian huh?” Teresa said with a smirk
Alyssa nodded her head meekly.

“So I have a proposition for you two lovebirds.” Teresa said

“So I was planning a long punishment on Jillian but since you two are such good friends now, I’m going to let you guys share the punishment so it'll be half as long. So what do you say?” Teresa asked

“Mmph mph mph?” Jillian asked
“I’m sorry, I don’t understand you.” Teresa said with a smile as she took a hold of Alyssa's feet.

Alyssa didn’t have much time to contemplate it until Teresa started tickling her feet.

“So what’ll it be?” Teresa said as she vigorously ran her fingers up and down Alyssa’s feet.
“Mphhhphp mphmmph” Alyssa screamed and struggled as hard as she could to get away.
“Was that a yes?” Teresa said still stroking her feet.

Alyssa shook her head vigorously.

“I’m not going to stop until you nod your head!” Teresa said giggling

Alyssa held out for as long as possible but eventually she couldn’t take it anymore so she started nodding her head so the tickling would stop.

“Oh you two are such good friends!” Alyssa said as she let go of Alyssa’s feet.

“So right after you two finish breakfast, please come to my office.” Teresa said as she began untying Alyssa.

“You’re so mean.” Alyssa panted trying to catch her breath.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Teresa said with a smile as she patted her head.

Once she was freed from her bed, Alyssa went to the bathroom to shower and freshen up.

When Jillian returned to her room, she looked through both her closet and Alyssa’s only to find that none of the uniforms were there and only two teal silk bathrobes that Teresa wore were left. The long sleeved robes were large enough to cover her body from neck to toe.

A small note was left on the table
“Hey girls, I’m washing clothes, please wear the robes for today. – Teresa”
Jillian put the silk robe on and waited on the bed for Alyssa. Not long after, Alyssa came through the door only covered by a towel.

“Teresa took our clothes. She left some robes though.” Jillian said
Alyssa put the robe on and found it extremely soft. She ran her hands down the slippery robe admiring the feeling of her hands sliding with ease. Jillian went behind Alyssa and gave her a big bear hug from behind.
“Hey come on, I’m hungry!” Jillian said into Alyssa’s ear.

With that, they went to the dinning commons to have a light breakfast. Other girls inside the dinning commons also wore robes. After a good breakfast, they returned to Teresa’s office.

“You girls look cute! Anyway, let’s get started you two.” Teresa said

“What do you mean you two, I thought it was only me getting punished.” Jillian said surprised

“Well,” Teresa said as she wrapped her arms around Alyssa,” Your good friend here volunteered to be punished too.”

Alyssa nodded her head.
Teresa took both girls outside to another building and led them in front of the laundry room.
“So you girls are going to do the laundry! I volunteered this week to help the other RAs clean their students’ uniforms.”

Both girls looked at each other before nodding back at Teresa. That doesn’t seem so bad they thought.

“There’s a catch.” Teresa said as she opened the door revealing a large room with piles and piles of uniforms on the table.
“So you need to reorganize all the uniforms into the proper labelled bag. All the clothes have already been washed and dry. Seems easy but this is going to be a competition. Your hands and legs will be tied as you sort the clothing." Teresa said

Teresa grabbed a bag labeled sleep and walked over to a table where a mountain of pajamas were. She folded the shirt first and then the pugs before putting them into the back bag before sealing it and throwing it into a bin labeled sleep.

“Alyssa you will have the four bins here on the left and Jillian will have the four bins on the right. I will check back on you girls in a bit. Our program houses around 100 students with four different kinds of uniforms; that adds up to 400 uniforms. All the black bags are labeled and are on that center table. At the end, whoever has more bags of clothes done and in the bin gets the other girl as a prize. Sound fun?” Teresa said

Jillian looked at Alyssa before saying, “You’re going to be mine!”

Teresa took Jillian’s hands and placed them in leather cuffs behind her.

“Wait, behind me? That’s going to be so hard.” Jillian complained

“You’ll be fine.” Teresa said as she placed a latex hood over Jillian’s head.

The hood had a built in gag that stopped Jillian from talking but had three small holes for her eyes and nose. Teresa then applied leather cuffs to Jillian’s ankle.

“Go ahead and try walking around while I tie up Alyssa.” Teresa said

Alyssa turned her back to Teresa and watched Jillian. It was a funny sight as she could see the difficulties that Jillian was having. She felt her arms being placed into cuffs behind her. Teresa brushed Alyssa’s hair behind her and moved her bangs away from her face before covering her face in the same hood that Jillian had.

“I’m rooting for ya.” Teresa whispered into Alyssa’s ear before placing cuffs on Alyssa’s legs.
“Go ahead and try and get use to the feeling before we start. “ Teresa said

Alyssa started to hobble toward Jillian. She was forced to take baby steps and found that it took a while a lot of effort go from the bins to the tables. After a couple minutes of aimlessly walking around, Teresa clapped her hands.

“Alright,” Teresa walked over to Jillian and led her in front of her bins before doing the same to Alyssa.

“So here we go, you girls will start here then go to the table with the labeled bags and then find the clothes on one of the tables, fold the clothes, seal the bag and throw it into the appropriate bin.”

“On your mark! Get set. Go! Teresa shouted.

Teresa laughed as she saw Jillian and Alyssa shuffle to the table. She looked at her clock on the wall and then started an alarm. She then left the room and locked the door behind her.

While they both wanted to go as fast as they could, they realized that if they went too fast, they would slip. And if they fell, it would be difficult to stand back up.

They both reached the center table at relatively the same time. Jillian grabbed one black bag and it read sleep. She then began hopping towards the table with the pajamas.

Alyssa on the other hand, grabbed five black bags all labeled gym. She was too scared to try hopping with the cuffs on so she walked as fast as she could to the table with gym clothes.

Jillian reached her table first.
Jillian set her bag aside and looked toward Alyssa. She noticed that she had a handful of bags in her hand.

“Dampph mph,” Jillian screamed into her gag.
By only grabbing one bag, she would only complete one before having to head back and forth. She would have to make an extra trip.

“Hmp hmp” Alyssa giggled into her gag as she reached the table.
Both girls struggled with folding the clothes with their hands tied behind their back but eventually got the hang of it. As soon as Jillian finished folding her set of pajamas, she threw them into the bag, sealed them and raced toward the bin.

On the other hand, Alyssa took longer to fold up one set of the tracksuits but didn’t have to hurry as much as she could complete five bags in this single trip.

After throwing her bag into the pajamas bin, Jillian rushed to the center table and grabbed as many of the same bags as she could. She then darted to school uniform table.

Alyssa grabbed her five bags and hobbled as fast as she could to the bins. After throwing the bins away, she headed back to the center and grabbed another five bags, this time labeled pajamas.

As this continued on, both girls eventually lost count of how many bags they had completed. Jillian was a sprinter and Alyssa was a marathon runner. Alyssa could hear Jillian breathing heavily under her hood since she had been rushing this whole time.

“Armh Ymhm Okhmm?” Alyssa asked

“Yesmphh” Jillian said as she continued folding clothes, not stoping.

Eventually as this continued on, there were less piles of clothes and more bags in the bin. Jillian had slowed down significantly while Alyssa kept her same moderate speed the whole time.
As both girls worked on their last bags, Teresa walked in.

“Wow girls, I’m impressed that you organized everything!” Teresa said as she admired the empty tables and the full bins.

Teresa walked over to both girls and took their bags before throwing it in for them.

Teresa then took their hoods and restraints off before handing them each a bottle of water.

“So who won? “ Jillian asked as she chugged the water.

Alyssa had a sigh of relief as she was glad she was done. She honestly didn’t care who won. If she won, she would have a lot of fun with Jillian and if Jillian won, it would still be a lot of fun to be bound by Jillian. Sounds like a "win win" she thought.

“Well girls, why don’t you both count the amount of bags you have in your bins? And then we will have our winner.” Teresa said
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Post by Emma »

Another well written chapter!
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Who won?!
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Post by Melanie »

I've read this story twice since yesterday and can't praise it enough. I love all the characters. Personally I can relate most with Jillian, I'd too try to go against the rules to get "punished" instead of admitting that I like it in the first place.
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Post by Noire »

It took a couple minutes till either girl had finished counting.

“198, 199, 200.” Jillian said triumphantly

“190, 195, 200.” Alyssa said

Both girls look at each other before looking at Teresa. Teresa scratched her head.

“Well I guess since it’s a tie, and since you girls did all the work I had planned for today, you can have me.” Teresa said with a grin.

Jillian and Alyssa whispered something to each other before nodding their head.
“Okay, let’s go back to my room then. Another RA is in charge of distributing all the uniforms so we’re done for today.” Teresa said

The three returned back to their dorm hall. Teresa went back to her office and put a sign on her front desk saying that she would be back before curfew began. With that done, she led them upstairs and down the hallway where the sauna was but took a right at the end of the hall until they ended up at a door with a plaques that said, “Resident Adviser's Room"

“Okay girls, everything is fair game but remember my safe word will be three snaps. If I do three snaps, please take whatever gag is in my mouth out. Furthermore, you can use anything in the room. Last rule, you must free me 1 hour before curfew.” Teresa said with a smile.

Once Teresa opened the door, they were greeted with a room about the same size of their own but with a single queen sized bed in the center, a single closet, and a single drawer.

Teresa sat on the bed waiting for instructions as Jillian and Alyssa looked around the room. When they got to the closet, they were dumbfounded by the amount of restraints and bondage items.

“This is a lot of stuff Teresa.” Alyssa said as she shuffled through rope, silk scarves, blindfolds, handcuffs, etc.
“It didn’t seem like a lot when I was getting them. Two years ago, I found myself in a relationship with a nice boy that introduced me into this world of bondage and tie-up. Unfortunately, things didn’t work out but we’re still good friends. Regardless, when we were together he tied me up a lot and bought a lot of different things to tie me up with. I fell in love with being tied up because I loved the loss of control of the situation I had. Even now, after I tie all the students up for the night, I actually tie myself up for bed. Of course I can free myself whenever I need to so the situation is never genuine and doesn’t satisfy my cravings.” Teresa said as the other two girls were trying to figure out what they wanted to do.

“Okay, hopefully Alyssa and I can satisfy those cravings.” Jillian said with a smile.

With that, Jillian reached for the sash that held Teresa’s robe in place and tied it over Teresa’s eyes. Alyssa looked up and noticed a hook on the ceiling right above the bed. Alyssa gestured at it to Jillian.

Jillian nodded before helping Teresa sit in the center of the bed on her knees. Alyssa went back to the closet and grabbed a handful of different colored silk scarves before placing them all on the bed.

While Alyssa didn’t have much experience tying someone up, Jillian guided Alyssa on how to properly tie Teresa’s wrist together. Alyssa took a blue silk scarf and wrapped it several times around Teresa’s wrist before cinching it in the center so she couldn’t squeeze her hands out of the scarf. With Teresa’s arms bound in front of her, Jillian then helped Teresa stand up and took another blue scarf to attach Teresa’s wrist to the hook above. Now, with Teresa’s hands above her head, the two girls focused on her legs.

Alyssa tied Teresa’s ankle together with a red scarf just as she did with Teresa’s wrist. Jillian took two red scarves and tied them above and below Teresa’s knees. Jillian then took some teal scarfs that matched the color of the robe they were wearing and did a chest harness to squeeze and enlarge Teresa’s breast. And to finish, Jillian showed Alyssa how to properly tie the teal scarf in Teresa’s crotch.

The two girls took a second to admire their captive.

“Well girls, I can’t move but I think you’re forgetting something.” Teresa said leaving her mouth open.
“Oh how could we forget,” Jillian said as she reached back in to the closet to grab 2 more scarves.
“You can do the honors Alyssa.” Jillian said

Alyssa took the black scarf and balled it up before saying, “Open wide!”

Teresa obeyed and was rewarded with a scarf in her mouth.
Jillian took a silver scarf and tied it over Teresa’s mouth.

“This is called an over the mouth gag or OTM for short” Jillian said tightening the knot behind Teresa’s head
“Now the best part, the gag test!” Jillian said as she gestured to Alyssa to come help her.
With 2 sets of hands running all over Teresa’s body, she squirmed and she struggled as hard as she could to get away but had little luck. Jillian went under her robe and started tickling her skin while Alyssa focused on her armpits.

“Someone’s ticklish,” Jillian said as she continued her assault.
Alyssa stopped and went back to the closet to see what other goodies she could find. She grabbed what appeared to be a ping pong paddle and some feathers.

Jillian took the paddle and started spanking Teresa’s but.
“MMmphhh,” Teresa said
“I bet you love this,” Jillian said as she spanked her again gently but firmly.
“Alyssa be a dear, my arms are tired, can you continue spanking our beautiful slave.” Jillian said as she took the feathers.

It was quite the torture for Teresa. Having Alyssa spank her wouldn’t be so bad as she loved it when her ex would spank her but having Jillian tickle her as well was too much. Eventually Jillian got tired so she helped Teresa off the hook so she could lay down.

As Jillian was helping Teresa down, Alyssa quietly went back to the closet and grabbed some more scarves. Jillian took the extra scarf that use to bind Teresa’s wrist to the ceiling and used it to tie her shoulders to her body so she couldn’t raise her hands.

As Jillian finished binding Teresa’s shoulders, her arms were pulled behind her and quickly bound. Right when she was about to look back, a silver scarf was pulled tightly over her eyes. She then felt a hand over her mouth.

“Don’t say anything, just open your mouth and I won't hurt you!” Alyssa said trying her best as to contain her laughter.

Jillian didn’t put up much of a struggle and was obedient. She wanted to see what Alyssa would do with her. With that Alyssa let go of her grip so Jillian opened her mouth to feel a silky scarf being shoved into her mouth and another soft scarf over her mouth.

Afterwards, Alyssa helped Jillian lie down right beside Teresa. Once Jillian was comfortable, Alyssa needed to tend to Teresa.

“I’m going to have so much fun with you,” Alyssa said to Jillian as she gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Before getting started, Alyssa retreated back to the closet and grabbed some extra items.
Alyssa grabbed some ear plugs and put them into Teresa’s ears before forcing a black hood over her face completely hiding her features. She then grabbed some duct tape and taped vibrators to Teresa’s feet and turn the setting on to random.

“Teresa won’t be able to hear us or see us so don’t worry.” Alyssa said.
Jillian nodded.

Alyssa sat Jillian up. With that, Alyssa pulled the sash off Jillian’s robe and began fondling her breast. She then sat behind Jillian and wrapped her legs around her and started kissing and biting her neck. She used one hand to fondle Jillian’s nipples and her other hand to hold a vibrator on Jillian’s clit.

As this went on, Teresa was in her own world as she could hear nor see anything. She was on constant alert due to the random vibrators buzzing away on her feet.

Jillian was in heaven. Being tightly embraced by Alyssa and having her play with her body was amazing. After a while, Alyssa untied the gag over Jillian’s mouth and started making out with her. Eventually, Jillian let out a scream of pleasure as Jillian sped up the vibrator.

After Jillian came, Alysa started to untie her. She started with her gag and then her wrist. Before untying Jillian’s blindfold, she took the sash off her robe and blindfolded herself.

Jillian took a second to adjust to the light before spotting a bound and hooded Teresa and a blindfolded Alyssa with her arms behind her back.

Jillian gladly took the invitation and grabbed the scarves that use to bind her and wrapped them around Alyssa’s wrist. Jillian lightly pushed Alyssa on to the bed next to Teresa and climbed on top of her. She forced her tongue into Alyssa’s mouth which she gladly accepted.

After a while, Jillian grew sleepy.

“Sorry but I’m sleepy now Alyssa, so just wait here till I wake up.” Jillian said patting her girlfriend on the head.

“But I’m hmhmpp” Alyssa tried to say but was interrupted by Jillian stuffing a scarf into her mouth.

She then took another scarf and wrapped it over her mouth.
Once she took care of Alyssa, she went over to Teresa and removed the vibrators on her feet. She pulled off Teresa’s hood to reveal a sweaty Teresa still with the sash still tied over her eyes. She also took her ear plugs out.
“Okay girls, let enjoy a nice nap.” Jillian said
Teresa nodded her head, she was now able to relax and just enjoy the feeling of being bound.
Jillian looked to Alyssa and embraced her.
“You’re going to be my teddy bear, and teddy bears don’t talk or move.” Jillian said

Jillian laid down beside Alyssa and wrapped her arms and legs around her.
Alyssa huddled closer to Jillian and gave her best to give a gagged kiss on Jillian’s lips. Jillian returned the gesture and held on to her tighter before they drifted to sleep.

In their slumber, they were all rudely awakened by a loud knock on the door.
“Teresa, are you there? Curfew is in ten minutes and there is a line at the front desk waiting for you. “

Teresa in her blind state moved her head around the bed in hopes that she bump into Jillian. Jillian immediately sat up and removed her gag.

“I’m sorry I just took a nap, I guess I lost track of time.” Teresa said still blindfolded as Jillian help remove her restraints.

“I’ll be down in one second.” Teresa said

“Okay, I need to head back to my dorm hall, good luck!”

“Hey, thanks for reminding me!” Teresa called out

As soon as Teresa was untied, she darted to put on some shoes to head out.

“Okay girls, please stay here until I come back.” Teresa said as she left.
Jillian replied with than OK while Alyssa nodded her as she was still blindfolded and gagged.
“That just means more time with my pretty.” Jillian said as she embraced Alyssa and began caressing her hair.


Teresa spent her time binding all the other girls for the night. Once she was done, she returned to the front desk to find the phone ringing.
“Yes… everything was handled… okay… thanks again... Good night.” Teresa hung up the phone
She headed to Jillian and Alyssa’s room to grab their pajamas.

Without knocking Teresa opened the door to reveal that Alyssa had been retied so that her arms and legs were wrapped around Jillian. Alyssa was still blindfolded but her gag was gone and they were kissing passionately. So passionately they didn’t even notice Teresa opened the door.

Teresa closed the door and cleared her throat.

Jillian with shocked eyes looked back to see Teresa.

“Oh uh, hi Teresa, didn’t see you there.” Jillian said trying to quickly untie Alyssa.
“Girls I need to get you into bed, hurry up. “ Teresa said
“Is something wrong?” Alyssa said as Jillian worked on untying her.
“The headmistress will be visiting our dorm hall tomorrow.” Teresa said with obvious annoyance.
“I’m sorry, I fell asleep.” Jillian said
“Oh, it’s okay, I fell asleep too. Don't worry I’ll get you back as punishment later.” Teresa said as she patted Jillian’s head.

“Here why don’t I tie you girls up here and lead you back to your room blind?” Teresa said
Both girls nodded their head excitedly.

“Alyssa help me with Jillian before I tie you up to speed this up.” Teresa said as she handed them a set of pajamas.

While Alyssa strapped Jillian into the pajama straitjacket, Teresa pulled a tight leather hood over Jillian’s head.

Once Alyssa and Teresa were finished binding Jillian, Teresa did the same to Alyssa. Teresa decided against to tie their feet so that they could walk.

With that, Teresa led both girls back to their room. Teresa gently shoved the two girls forward playfully. Jillian imagined she was being kidnapped and lead away. Alyssa as well was lost in her own fantasy.

Once they were in front of their dorm room, Teresa told them to wait there as she had to run back to the front desk to grab the keys to their room.

After grabbing the keys, Teresa headed back to the girls.

On arrival, her face turned pale as she saw the headmistress stand beside Jillian and Alyssa. Both were oblivious to the headmistress’s presence.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Uh oh...
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Post by Caesar73 »

That sounds like someone is in trouble :)
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Post by mrskeletor »

Incredible story so far. Cant wait to read more!
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Post by TightsBound »

Just picked this story up and I figuratively couldn’t put it down. Can’t wait for what’s next!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Looking forward to the next Part! :)
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Post by Solarbeast »

This is another amazing story that I can't wait to read the continuation.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Noire wrote: 4 years ago
On arrival, her face turned pale as she saw the headmistress stand beside Jillian and Alyssa. Both were oblivious to the headmistress’s presence.
If they were aware, I´m sure, they would be truly embarressed :)
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