A Failed Grade (F/FF)

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Deleted User 447

A Failed Grade (F/FF)

Post by Deleted User 447 »

Hi everyone. This is my first post. I just thought I'd like to write to write the kind of story I'd like to read. Feedback welcome. Go easy on me :P

Chapter One

“Where are my lucky socks, mom?” shouted Erika from her bedroom.
“I don’t know”, shouted back Lisa from the lounge. “Are they round your father’s house? And why do you want those nasty things anyway?”

Erika was a plump 17 year old from Boston. Her blond hair went down to her armpits. She was considered fairly pretty by those in her school, but although not that fat, her size did put off a few potential boyfriends.
Her school netball team was currently on a 6 month unbeaten run. She had worn this pair of thick wool socks for the whole run, never having washed them, as this would have washed the luck out of the socks. After 6 months of sweat, they were in an awful state, soaking wet, and smelly enough to make everyone apart from Erika leave the room to escape the fetid stench. This was another reason boys didn't stay very often.

“Because they’re lucky, durr. If I wear different socks, we won’t win” Erika responding in a patronising way, as though her mom was extremely stupid for not realising. “I haven’t seen dad yet this week either. On the rota I’m with him for the next 3 nights”.

Lisa and Mike got divorced 3 years ago. There were no issues or complications; it was just two people falling out of love. They shared custody of Erika, their only child, and although Mike was forced to pay a token alimony, there was no resentment or bitterness between the parents.

“The game isn’t till Sunday, so we have 3 days to find them” Lisa stated. "Now go, or you’ll be late for practise”

Erika had forgotten about the team practise. She quickly changed into her cold weather training gear of tight black leggings and a long sleeved white sweatshirt, and ran downstairs.

“Remember to call me when you get to dad’s house” said Lisa.
“Mooooom, I am 19 you know” came the response, accompanied with an eye roll, as she laced her trainers and ran out the door.

Practise was only a 15 minute walk, and the weather was dry, despite being cold. She usually jogged to practise, but she was running late so she had to run. At least she would warm up faster, she thought.

Now Lisa was alone for the next 3 days, she poured a glass of wine. She only worked 4 days a week as a college administrator, so Thursday night was her favourite. She undid her ponytail and shook her shoulder length blond hair loose. Unlike her daughter, she didn’t straighten her hair, so when it was down of looked slightly messy. Although not ugly or unkempt by any stretch of the imagination, she had become less and less bothered about her appearance. Since the divorce, she had gone from a size 8 to a size 14, and was not hugely bothered by it, but she had recently started to do something about it. Her regular beauty treatments had become less and less frequent, having used to go every two weeks with her daughter. She did have a pamper session booked tomorrow though, and was looking forward to it. She smiled inwardly, remember her first mani-pedi with her daughter 2 years ago. Erika had pretty, wide feet and short stubby toes, inherited from Lisa. Erika had matching coral pink nails from her most recent session last Saturday. Lisa hadn't painted her nails for months, not seeing any point.

Since Lisa was desk bound at work, she has taken up running as a way of keeping fit a few months ago. She had heard rumours of Erika’s friends whispering unkind things about her weight, and didn’t want her daughter to be bullied over it. She was still wearing her running gear of black leggings, purple vest and white ankle socks, and had no desire to shower or change her clothes. So what if they, and her, were sweaty? She was the only one in the house. Her conversation with her daughter about her socks suddenly made her think; socks and underwear seemed to so missing infrequently. Previously she had put it down to absentmindedness, as it was only a few pairs, but only worn items had been disappearing, which was a bit weird. Still, they would turn up sooner or later.

Lisa settled down in front of the TV on her sofa, with her glass of wine. She put on a chick flick and her fuzzy slippers, let out a contented sigh, and started to unwind. After a while, she began to feel slightly drowsy, and the film started to become background noise. She closed her eyes briefly, extremely happy with her current situation. Apart from a strange and sudden draft of cold air, which shook her awake momentarily, she was in a state of bliss. “I need to get that fixed” she muttered to herself. She checked her phone to see a message from Mike.
"Have you seen Erika?" read the text.
Lisa replied "She has netball practise today, she's probably gone to one of her team mates houses. Do you have her lucky socks?" She then went back to the film.

After the film had finished, Lisa sighed again, stretched, and thought about getting ready for bed. She glanced at the clock on the wall. Half twelve and she hasn’t rung yet, she thought. Erika must have just forgotten. It wouldn’t be the first time.
Suddenly, her phone buzzed. It was from Erika.

“Audio message? Better than nothing I guess” Lisa said to herself. She opened the message.
“What the…”
Before the expletive left her mouth, from behind the sofa a damp cloth was held over Lisa’s mouth and nose with one hand, and her arms being held by her sides by another.
“Mppphhh” cried Lisa, hoping a neighbour or passer-by could hear her, but they were weak. The sickly smell of chloroform was making her feel light headed and tired.
“Breathe it in, bitch” said an unknown female voice. The woman was clad all in black, wearing a balaclava with sunglasses, black boots and black leather gloves. She was also wearing a large grey backpack. Lisa could feel her attacker’s small chest pressing into her upper back. Starting to lose consciousness, she heard the assailant speak again, as her eyes rolled and she passed out.
“Should never have failed me, you fat whore”

Time to secure number 1 and play happy families, she thought to herself, opening her bag...

Chapter Two to follow

Edit - Erika is now 19, just to be safe. Tags have been updated.
Last edited by Deleted User 447 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Great start! You have quite a bit of skill at writing. Keep up the good work!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Good introduction!
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Good Start to story
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
Deleted User 447

Post by Deleted User 447 »

Thanks for the replies.

I don't know how often I'll be able to update, as I'm on a shared computer and this isn't pre written.

I'll try and keep each post shorter, so that should help.

Are there any topics that mods object to? Not sure how much I want to say, but the story in my mind goes into questionable territory.
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Post by slackywacky »

You are posting in the adult area, so you have some play. But check the rules button in the top menu.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Deleted User 447

Post by Deleted User 447 »

slackywacky wrote: 4 years ago You are posting in the adult area, so you have some play. But check the rules button in the top menu.

Thank you. I've made an edit to an age. Looks like a few things will have to be implied, but that would have been very hard to write anyway.
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Post by LatexLover »

If we could stop getting new users that constantly delete their week old accounts right after starting a story, that’d be great.
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Post by slackywacky »

LatexLover wrote: 4 years ago If we could stop getting new users that constantly delete their week old accounts right after starting a story, that’d be great.
I agree.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

I support the comment of Latex Lover and SlackyWacky
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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Post by Caesar73 »

I do support that too.
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Post by zerg rush »

OP here. Last account was a bit too traceable for my liking (paranoid I know). Made a new account. Don't know if that makes me a dick or not, but I like being anonymous.

Hopefully my future posts make up for it a bit.
"Wait, why are you taking off my socks? My mouth? But I've worn them all day and they're all sweaty and they're far too big to fi-mmmmpgffph!
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Post by zerg rush »

Chapter Two

The black clad intruder knew Lisa would not be unconscious for long, so she had to work quickly to secure her victim. She went to her backpack and took out some of her supplies. A bag of long zip ties, a bag of normal length zip ties; both white, and a roll of black gorilla tape. A single strip was cut from the roll and pressed over Lisa’s lips. Not an ideal gag, but it would to the job for now. That taken care of, she moved to her body.

She forced Lisa’s hands into fists with her thumbs in the middle, and wrapped them tightly with the tape. After 12 turns on each hand, the tape was smoothed down airtight, turning her fingers to useless black balls. At first the intruder attempted to tie her elbows together, but they just wouldn’t touch. Most women in their mid-forties aren’t as flexible as they were in their younger days, and Lisa was no exception. The intruder now forced into her second choice, Lisa’s arms were folded in a box tie behind her back and zip tied into place, one zip tie connecting each wrist to its opposite elbow, and one in the middle. They were pulled tight with a great deal of pressure, causing her flesh to bulge slightly around the thin unforgiving plastic. Lisa would have winced, had she been awake.

Lisa’s legs had to be secured, and this presented the intruder with a dilemma. Lisa was wearing leggings, and this would provide a tiny bit of cushioning from the bite of the zip ties. This was completely unacceptable. Unsure if there was time to peel off a pair of tight leggings from an unconscious body, she opted to cut them off instead. A pair of sharp scissors was removed from the backpack, and used to carefully cut the legging vertically at the crotch, from front to back. The intruder then cut down the outside legs from top to bottom and easily pulled the now split leggings off of Lisa’s legs. The intruder failed to stifle a laugh. Lisa was wearing a pair of grey comfortable grannie panties. Judging by the fraying edges, they were quite old, and had seen a lot of use. Getting back to business, her right heel was pressed as close to her right buttock as possible, and held in place by three zip ties. Two just above her ankle sock, and the third a foot higher, binding her shin to her mid-thigh. The process was swiftly repeated on Lisa’s left leg, again taking care the zip ties round the ankles were above the top of her sock. These were not tied quite as tightly as her arms, but still tight enough to cause discomfort and ensure movement was kept to a minimum. Because there was much more fat on Lisa’s thighs, much more loose flesh was displaced by the zip ties, bulging out around the bindings. These leg bindings were not as tight as her arms, largely because the intruder wanted easy access to Lisa’s socks for later, but partly because, as with her elbows, the flexibility just wasn’t there to make her heels actually touch her round, fat bottom.

The chloroform was starting to wear off, and Lisa was starting to stir slightly. The intruder wanted to prep a few things before she came round. One of the legs from the leggings was retrieved, and a large double knot was tied in the middle. A small piece of gorilla tape was cut off and stuck on the intruder’s black jeans, with one end loose to make it easier to peel off later. A few of the long zip ties were zipped together to make larger zip ties; a few two zip ties long, one three long and one four long. One end of the three long zip tie was tied firmly to the middle of the four long zip ties, and the knot was wrapped in a strip of gorilla tape, making a giant T of zip ties. She was very much looking forward to using it. She did deserve it after all.

Lisa opened her bleary eyes, trying to shake off the cobwebs and process what had happened. She had opened an audio message from her daughter, someone put a damp rag on her face, and she passed out. She discovered that she was laying on her back. Her legs were colder than before. She tried to push herself off the floor, and was confused when her limbs wouldn’t respond. As Lisa regained more of her mental faculties, her confusion turned to horror, quickly followed by panic. She was unable to separate her fingers a single millimetre. Some thin straps her holding her forearms crushingly tightly behind her back, cutting into her skin. Her legs were folded in half and bound, also with thin straps. She struggled, trying to break free, but this resembled a fish flopping pathetically on dry land, and only made the straps chafe and bite more than they did already. She attempted to scream for help, but her lips were stuck together with some kind of adhesive tape.

The intruder, who had been watching this with a mixture of sick satisfaction and glee, made her move by pinching Lisa’s nose closed. “Calm down” the intruder said. “I’m not here to hurt you, I’m here to rob you”. These words offered absolutely no comfort to Lisa, who was bucking violently trying to get some air through either the gorilla tape or her closed nostrils. “I will hurt you if you don’t co-operate. Do you understand?” Lisa nodded frantically, hoping the maniac would allow her to breathe. “You really should keep your back door locked. You never know who could decide to invite themselves in” the intruder stated, her warning not much help now. She released her grip on Lisa’s nose, and gulped in as much air as possible through her nose. Whilst taking in some much needed air, she tried to take in as much detail of her captor as possible. The voice sounded familiar, but she couldn’t quite place it. The intruder, wearing all black with a balaclava and sunglasses, gave away very little in the way of distinguishing features, but did have a light brown, rather pronounced nose, with a small silver stud in the left nostril. These were not enough for her to identify her captor for now, but with more clues maybe the pieces would fall into place.

Lisa’s thoughts were quickly wrenched from her as the intruder pinched her nose again. While Lisa strained every sinew to try and steal some precious oxygen, the intruder picked up her scissors and cut her big comfy grannie panties outside both legs with her free hand. As Lisa bucked and squirmed as best she could, her legs opened and her panties fell off her body. The sight made the intruder take her hand off Lisa’s nose in shock. Lisa was hiding a mass of pubic hair under her panties.

Lisa’s face went red, through lack of air and sheer embarrassment. She was single and had been for a while. She was a single, working mom in her mid-forties. She was also a real woman and real women have pubes, goddammit, she told herself. “It’s like the amazon down there” exclaimed the intruder about Lisa’s light brown, slightly greying bush. “We’ll definitely need some deforestation” was the intruders follow up. That comment surprised Lisa; why would a burglar remove the pubes of the woman whose house she was robbing? What surprised Lisa much more was the intruder starting to floss between her legs with the ruined panties. “Nnmmm! Nmm nmm nmm nmm!” protested Lisa through the tape. What kind of sicko would do this to a helpless middle aged woman? The flossing only lasted for thirty seconds or so, but for an eternity in Lisa’s mind. The panties were slightly moist with perspiration from Lisa’s run earlier, but the intruder couldn’t feel it through her thick gloves.

The single strip of gorilla tape was beginning to loosen on Lisa’s mouth, due to sweat and frantically trying to open her mouth to breathe earlier. This did not go unnoticed by the intruder, who began preparing a more long term gag. The panties were again attacked by the scissors. This time, a largish hole in the material was cut from the crotch area. This piece of fabric was cut in two, and put in the intruder’s pocket for later. That perv wants to keep them to smell later, Lisa thought to herself. That’s why she went to floss between my legs with them. Why wouldn’t she just take the whole of the panties though? While Lisa was questioning her motives, her captor pressed the tape over her mouth again. The small strip was removed from her jeans and stuck over Lisa’s nose.

Lisa was really panicking now. With her mouth and nose taped, she struggled furiously to breathe. The tape over her mouth, although pressed down again, had lost some of its adhesion, and with effort, Lisa was able to breathe slightly through her mouth. While fighting for air, the intruder sat down beside Lisa and began removing her socks. Lisa tried fidgeting and spreading her toes as wide as possible to keep her socks on, but it was a losing battle. She was tightly bound with zip ties, so her fidgeting was really rocking about on her back an inch or two. Her socks were sweaty from a day of work and exercising, she liked having the temperature at a high setting, and her warm fuzzy slippers didn’t help either. Her feet were slick with sweat as well, so they slid off rather easily. Lisa was also having great difficulty breathing, and put almost all her effort in that. In no time at all, the damp ankle socks were tugged off her feet, turned inside out and squashed into a ball. The intruder couldn’t feel the dampness of the socks, but she could sure smell them. Her nose wrinkled involuntarily. Lisa would have been embarrassed at her foot odour had she not been desperately searching for oxygen.

Every time so far that Lisa had been denied air, her nose had been released. This time the intruder removed the tape from her mouth. Lisa opened her mouth wide. Having been virtually deprived of oxygen for 40 seconds, she gratefully took in an enormous gulp of air. Unfortunately, the intruders plan had worked perfectly, as she used this opportunity to forcefully shove Lisa’s sweaty socks in her mouth. Having expected clean air, Lisa was not expecting damp, sweaty, slightly salty ankle socks in her mouth. “Mpphhhmm?!?!” she cried in shock, gagging slightly on the unpleasant taste. The intruder put a gloved hand on Lisa’s mouth, holding the socks in. Lisa started panting through lack of oxygen. “Mmmph. Erghmp. Mmmph. Erghmp.” The only air available was now filtered through a thick glove and two sweaty ankle socks. “Not quiet enough” said the intruder coldly, picking up the panties with her free hand.

“Nmm Qmm Er-aaamghm” Lisa cried, as the hand was removed from her mouth a split second before the large grannie panties were stuffed in her mouth. The two ankle socks didn’t fill Lisa’s mouth completely, but didn’t leave much room left for anything at all, let alone a pair of size 14 panties. The intruder was rather persistent however. With a fraction of the panties past Lisa’s lips, the intruder felt it safe to remove the tape from her nose. Lisa gratefully accepted the delicious air on offer. Sweet, clean air, no longer filtered through sweaty socks. With Lisa’s mind elsewhere, desperately sucking in clean air through her nostrils in to her burning lungs, her captor was busy rearranging the socks in her mouth. The ankle socks were forced as far as possible into the left side of Lisa’s mouth, while the large panties were carefully pushed into every nook and cranny available in her mouth. After a few minutes of fettling, the socks and panties were finally forced all the way into Lisa’s mouth, filling it completely. Her cheeks bulged around the vast amount of stuffing packing her mouth to capacity. She couldn’t move her tongue, pinned as it was in place. There was nowhere for her taste buds to escape. They were forced to enjoy the flavours emanating from her own sweaty damp ankle socks and panties. Lisa wasn’t sure if it was possible to force that amount of packing out of her mouth, but the intruder wasn’t finished yet.
A gloved hand covered Lisa’s mouth. Her free gloved hand went towards Lisa’s right bare foot. Her fingers danced over the damp, sweaty, slightly smelly bare sole. “Mhmmhmmhmmhmm” giggled Lisa into the awful packing. Her body twitched involuntarily at the brief tickling, causing more chafing from those infernal, strict zip ties. Lisa doubted anyone over 10 feet away would have heard anything other than a barely audible moan.
“Not quiet enough”

“Nmm Qmhm Nmmm” was Lisa’s bewildered response. In what universe was she not quiet enough? With a glove still hand gagging Lisa and preventing her from expelling her own soiled underwear, the intruder’s free hand picked up the knotted legging leg from before. “Open wide” taunted the captor as the hand gag was removed. As if Lisa had a choice, her mouth forced open by the foul packing she attempted to beg through. “Plmmm. Umm Umm Cmmommorrmm”. She was scared. She knew the knot had to be an inch and a half in diameter, and she knew where the intruder intended it to go.

“I know you are sweetie. You’ve been a very good girl” spoke the intruder, as if addressing a toddler. "This is why auntie burglar is going easy on you. Now open up. Here comes the big aeroplane. Nnneeowwwww” as the knot was thrust in Lisa’s mouth. The intruder had to be a lot more forceful than she had been with the panties. With a great deal of effort and pushing, some grunting noises from both the intruder and Lisa, and some gagging and choking noises from the latter, the knot was finally forced between Lisa’s slightly yellowing teeth. Lisa’s jaw was stretched almost as far as it would go, and she was convinced it was on the verge of dislocating. The horrible, sweaty tasting mouth stuffing was forced to the back of throat. It occasionally triggered a gag reflex in Lisa, but was too big to realistically cause a choking hazard. The knotted cleave gag was tightly brutally tightly behind Lisa’s head, leaving a few strands of her blond hair caught in the triple knot at the back.

Time for another gag test, thought the intruder. She went for Lisa’s left foot this time.
She grabbed it, put her mouth around her pudgy sweaty big toe, and sucked it gently. Her tongue flicked around the pad, playfully teasing the big toe. Lisa’s response was immediate.
“Gmm Omm” she screamed, or attempted to scream. Lisa was repulsed. She had always enjoyed a nice foot massage when one of her exes volunteered, or she nagged one enough. An ex-boyfriend had tried foot worship with her consent though, and she found the sensations utterly repellent. As with being tickled, her body jerked and spasmed, trying to stop the intruder performing a sexual assault of her foot. This just caused the zip ties to bite ever deeper, and more chafing. “Still too loud” was the verdict.

“Tmm Lmmd?!!??!!” Lisa couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She didn’t think anyone could hear her desperate cries for help. “Hmm Mm! Hmmmmm!” she screamed. The intruder said nothing, reaching for the roll of gorilla tape. “Plmm Nmm Mmm” Lisa pleaded into the massive gag. “I can still understand every word” replied the intruder callously, peeling the edge free from the roll. The air was soon filled with the noise of the super sticky black tape being reluctantly torn from its spool. The end firmly planted on Lisa’s cheek, the intruder began to wrap the tape round poor Lisa’s head. No effort was made to protect her hair. The tape was ripped from the roll very slowly, ensuring maximum tightness, leaving no room for any moisture to seep in and affect the super strong adhesive. Round and round the gorilla tape went, as tight as possible. After every layer, the intruder used a gloved hand to smooth the tape down, making sure it stuck firmly to Lisa’s skin. She stopped counting after 27 turns, but the intruder didn’t, repeating the awful process of extremely tight wrapping and smoothing until the nice round figure of 50 was reached. There was absolutely no way that dreadful mas of foul tasting underwear would be leaving her mouth without the use of her hands, and even with the use of her hands, it would take ages before her mouth and tongue was few from the taste of sweaty feet and crotch, and her jaw wasn’t stretched to the point of agony. The intruder gave Lisa a quick spank. “Mmm”

Now sufficiently quiet, the intruder decided to explain her technique. “I’m sorry for the breath play earlier” she said, as insincerely as anyone had ever been in the history of mankind. “I wanted you to have to concentrate on breathing so much you couldn’t scream through your tape gag earlier.” You smug, lying, perverted bitch thought Lisa. The tight, thick, super sticky gorilla tape, rendering her hands useless black stumps, appeared to be completely sweat proof. The brutally strict zip ties, box-tying and frog-tying her, biting into her soft, plump, squishy body. Being naked from the waist down, her nether regions and enormous muff exposed to the cold. A horrendously massive layered gag, held in by a knotted cleave gag of her own leggings, in turn held in place by 50 layers of insanely tight, thick super stick gorilla tape, forcing her to endure both the disgusting taste of her worn socks and size 14 grannie panties, both damp with sweat from working at her job and from her run earlier. Lisa was extremely frustrated and miserable at her desperate, hopeless situation. Lisa’s eyes started to run, and she let out what was supposed to be a mighty roar for help but in reality was a pitiful squeak. "Hmm”.

“I know, I know, but don’t worry” said the intruder with an unpleasant sneer in her voice. “You’re in luck. There is plenty more where that came from, to make you even more helpless.”
"Wait, why are you taking off my socks? My mouth? But I've worn them all day and they're all sweaty and they're far too big to fi-mmmmpgffph!
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Post by Trickster »

Fantastic addition to the story. So glad it's continuing!
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

This was an amazing continuation! Can’t wait for more of this story. Glad to see you didn’t leave and will be continuing to grace is with your great work!
zerg rush
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Post by zerg rush »

Thanks for the comments. Comments let creators know that people like their work, and it is worth continuing.

Also thanks to the people that slagged me off when I wasn't around to defend myself. Not entitled in any way.
"He spent time and effort giving us free content for free, and now we won't be able to get stuff for free anymore. It's not fair! I've done and paid nothing, and written no stories of my own!11!! And if they come back, there's no way it won't make them think twice about making a new account.They totally won't notice and carry on giving us free content. Oh look. They came back and wrote a 2100 word follow up, in their spare time for free. We'll just sit back and hope they don't notice."

I'm not saying you can't have an opinion, or you can't say what I write blows. If you think something sucks, tell me and I'll try and make it better. But I deleted my old account in the morning before work, and make a new one later that night. In that time, four people commented to dogpile me, which is more comments than most people's work gets in a day here.
"Wait, why are you taking off my socks? My mouth? But I've worn them all day and they're all sweaty and they're far too big to fi-mmmmpgffph!
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Post by Caesar73 »

I enjoyed the second Part very much, the gagging especially.
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Post by Trickster »

LOL! I can totally relate! I've had years on other posting platforms of people complaining about free stuff I shared. Kind of makes you shake your head in amazement!
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Post by LatexLover »

zerg rush wrote: 4 years ago Thanks for the comments. Comments let creators know that people like their work, and it is worth continuing.

Also thanks to the people that slagged me off when I wasn't around to defend myself. Not entitled in any way.
"He spent time and effort giving us free content for free, and now we won't be able to get stuff for free anymore. It's not fair! I've done and paid nothing, and written no stories of my own!11!! And if they come back, there's no way it won't make them think twice about making a new account.They totally won't notice and carry on giving us free content. Oh look. They came back and wrote a 2100 word follow up, in their spare time for free. We'll just sit back and hope they don't notice."

I'm not saying you can't have an opinion, or you can't say what I write blows. If you think something sucks, tell me and I'll try and make it better. But I deleted my old account in the morning before work, and make a new one later that night. In that time, four people commented to dogpile me, which is more comments than most people's work gets in a day here.

An unfinished story is worse than no story at all. Just look at how Game of Thrones turned out.
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Post by beeblebrox883 »

Really enjoyed this story. Can’t wait to read more. Keep up the great work!!
zerg rush
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Post by zerg rush »

If someone wants to tell me something unrelated to the story, can they please DM me in future? That way it doesn't derail the thread, and we all get to stay on topic.

Back to what I actually wanted to say. I'm not sure I was as clear as I wanted to be about the zip tie T, and wanted to clarify something. The ratchet end was tied in the middle, leaving the "eye" end free at the bottom, so it can be fastened to another zip tie easily. Wanted to clear up a potential plothole. I hate plotholes.
"Wait, why are you taking off my socks? My mouth? But I've worn them all day and they're all sweaty and they're far too big to fi-mmmmpgffph!
zerg rush
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Post by zerg rush »

A few things. Don't ever do this in real life, even with a consenting adult. If someone starts choking with a gag like that, they'll be dead before you got 1/4 of the tape off. Also, never leave anyone bound and gagged alone, for any reason, ever.
PSA over, back to the fun.

Chapter 3

Lisa was kneeling, bound and gagged, pondering the burglar’s last words. How can I be made more helpless, she thought to herself. She didn’t have to wait long. The roll of gorilla tape was picked up, and wrapped round her zip tied, box tied arms. The intruder pulled Lisa’s arms backwards away from her body, wrapping her arms from left elbow to right elbow in a tight layer of tape. Not stopping once she reached the right elbow, she went back on herself, adding another layer of the strong tape. A third layer went over the second, before the roll was pulled free and the tape smoothed down. If Lisa thought she had a chance of freeing her arms before, they were gone now. And Lisa very much doubted she could have broken free of the zip ties anyway.

“I think you are looking a bit overdressed” the intruder stated. Lisa wasn’t keen on this idea at all, but aside from a small “Mmmm” and a shake of the head, she had no say in the matter. The intruder set about removing the rest of Lisa’s clothes. The sports vest was cut into pieces, and torn away from her body, revealing an extremely unflattering bra, matching the large grannie panties crammed in her mouth. “Mmmm”” Lisa protested as she shook her head, trying to convey just how unpleased she was at her current predicament. The intruder’s attention, however, was drawn to a small line of body hair, going from Lisa’s belly button to the top of her mass of pubic hair. “Do you have absolutely no standards?” asked the intruder. The rhetorical question was intended to humiliate Lisa, to make her feel small and vulnerable. She prided herself on being strong, but these barbs were getting to her.

The bra was unclasped and removed, leaving Lisa completely naked. Apart from the zip ties, gorilla tape, and enormous gag. The intruder’s gaze fell on Lisa’s sagging breasts and small, brown nipples. The left nipple had a few stray hairs growing from it. “So you’re a mom, huh?” the intruder asked. Lisa shook her head, hoping the intruder would believe her. She wanted her daughter well away from this freak. “Well, age and gravity must really hate you then. Lucky for you, I can help.” The intruder took out two zip ties, and faster one round the base of each breast. “Mmmm” Lisa murmured into the mass of sweaty used socks and panties, more at the indignity than anything. These weren’t strapped tightly at all, barely tight enough to stay in position. More zip ties were removed from the bag. One was threaded through the zip tie round Lisa’s left boob, and fastened round her flabby upper arm. The same procedure was repeated on the right boob and arm. As with the ties round her breasts, these were not tight at all. Lisa didn’t get the point of this at all. She struggled slightly, pulling her now mummified, box tied arms away from her body. The zip ties on her upper arms moved up and down slightly as she struggled. The intruder noticed this, but did nothing.

The intruder picked up one of the extended zip ties, and threaded it between both of the zip ties fastened around Lisa’s upper arms, before zipping it up, leaving Lisa’s upper arms attached by the long zip tie. This had the effect of pinning her box tied arms to her body. It was tied a bit tighter this time, pressing against Lisa’s skin, but not digging in. One last zip tie was threaded through the zip ties around Lisa’s breasts at the front, and zipped firmly, but not tightly. The whole contraption was a DIY breast harness made of zip ties. Lisa didn’t understand why anyone would go to all that effort. Yes, it did keep her arms bound against her back, but there must be a simpler way. It didn’t make sense, she thought. Until the intruder started tightening the zip ties.

“Mmmmm” Lisa cried into her hugely packed mouth as the zip ties round her arms were pulled tight, biting into her fat upper arms. The next tie tightened was the one connecting her upper arms at her back. As the intruder tightened it, Lisa felt her upper arms being squashed against her sides, with no slack whatsoever. Her box tied arms were now fixed to her back.

Her middle aged, saggy breasts were next, and it made Lisa howl in pain “Mmm. Mmm. MMMMMMm!” The gag did its job well, keeping Lisa so quiet no-one outside the room would have heard anything at all. Her tits were pulled to her upper arms by the zip ties, as well as being squished unmercilessly by the thin plastic. Her boobs drooped over the zip ties, with her nipples pointing to the floor, making her tits look like semi inflated balloons. Last but not least, the final zip tie connecting her now painful breasts was tightened. Lisa’s tits were now being pulled in two different directions, as well as being squashed brutally. “Hmmm! MMM! MMMMMM” Lisa screamed futilely. “Now you see why I went to all that trouble” said the intruder coldly, with menace in her voice. “Anyone hear that? Anyone? Any hero arriving to save the pretty damsel in peril?” taunted the intruder. “MmmMmm” muttered Lisa. Frustrated, and spurred on by the pain in her tits, she struggled. There was no movement in her arms at all, from the fingers to her shoulders. Any movement in her shoulders or her lower back made her breasts scream in agony. Her legs were still strictly frog tied, but there was a little movement available. Lisa kept her legs still, hoping the intruder would forget to tie those more as well.

“No, you’re right. Any hero arriving to save the fat, ugly, old damsel in distress” laughed the intruder to herself. “MmmMmm” Lisa replied sadly, making it sound like she agreed with her captor. She did her best to look as though she had lost hope of freeing herself, while secretly she was thinking of a way out of this mess. There was a chance the intruder would call the police after she was done robbing the house, but she had shown no mercy or pity thus far. Only cruelty and bad intentions. Erika wasn’t due back until Sunday night, so if she couldn’t free herself, she could be bound and gagged for three whole days! This terrible thought spurred Lisa on, to find a way to untie herself, and show this big nosed bitch what a fat middle aged woman is capable of!

“Well, now you’re properly secured and all quiet, I’m going to park my van in your garage. Looks much less suspiscious than me going backwards and forwards through your front door loading it. Now, you be a good girl and stay there” said the intruder. With that, she left the lounge. While she carried out her plan, Lisa tried carrying out hers.

Lisa’s arms were completely useless and immobile, box tied and mummified in gorilla tape, which hid the zip ties biting into her skin, and more gorilla tape holding her fingers enprisoned in fists. An extremely cruel zip tie breast harness held her arms in position, and tortured her poor tits, which had started turning slightly purple. She was wearing a gag of her own sweaty, worn socks and sweaty worn big panties, held in place by a knotted cleave gag of her own leggings. All of this was covered with 50 layers of tightly wrapped gorilla tape, rendering her cries for help practically mute. Her legs were strictly frog tied with zip ties. However, she could still move her hips, and this presented her with her best means of escape. And she spied something she could definitely use. In her haste, the intruder had completely forgotten about Lisa’s phone. She had dropped it while being chloroformed, and it was lying on the carpet! She could dial for help!

Overcome with adrenaline, Lisa shuffled painfully in the direction of her phone. She had a good 15 feet to traverse. At first, Lisa tried to use the muscles in her bottom to get to the phone. She quickly discovered that, frog tied as she was, she couldn’t move her legs enough to get any leverage. So she had to use her toes. It would be a slow, painful journey. With her pale, sweaty, fat bare feet placed flat on the floor, she pushed her body in the air using her chubby, stubby, unpainted big toes, and let her bottom drop back to the ground, a few inches further forward. Using this motion, Lisa shuffled, extremely slowly, towards her target. After travelling a foot, she heard the intruder open the garage door. Hoping the van was parked a long way from her house, Lisa pressed on with her slow journey, inch by inch.

Along the way, she thought about what to do when she reached the phone. She could try the police, but even if they worked out a bound and gagged woman had called them, they wouldn’t know where she was. She could try her daughter, Erika, but if the burglar was still there when she arrived, she didn’t like Erika’s chances. She was a massive wimp, and would be easy pickings. Mike! Mike was the answer! Mike would beat the shit out of the burglar if she was still there, and he knew where she lived! All she would have to do would dial him and gag talk down the phone, and he would come to her rescue.

Lisa was now only a foot away from her phone, A few more shuffles and she would be there. She stretched her toes as far as she could. Her big toes brushed the edge of the phone, and pushed it a few inches away. “Mmm” Lisa moaned in frustration. Vowing not to make the same mistake, she shuffled a few more times, and she reached her destination. Her heart pounding in her chest, she tried using her toes to find Mike’s number saved on her phone. But her toes were too wide to press the touchscreen with the precision needed to bring up his number! Her big toe touched the screen, but her phone would only cycle through menus in confusion.

In despair, Lisa decided to use her feet to pick up the phone and drop it near her nose. She could use that to dial instead. She placed both of her feet on the phone, and used her toes for grip. Her feet were still sweaty and slippery though, and the phone fell to the floor. She attempted to pick the phone up again, but the phone slipped out of her grip again, this time landing further away. “MmmMmmMmmMmm” she cried again in frustration. She shuffled towards her phone using her toes, and picked it up a third time with her feet. This time she got decent purchase on the phone, despite her feet being slippery. Lisa tried lifting her phone closer to her face, but her zip tied legs wouldn’t let her lift the phone anywhere near high or far enough. She could attempt to throw the phone with her feet, but it could land anywhere. She carefully placed the phone on the floor, and had another think. She would have to crawl on her front to the phone.

Lifting her frog tied legs in the air, Lisa spun round on her bum, her feet now pointing away from the phone, with her back to it. She fell to her back and, using all the strength in her body, rolled onto her stomach. She was still a few inches away from being able to dial with her nose. She didn’t like what she’d have to do next, but what choice did she have. She used her muscles to pull her pelvis in the air, and then to propel herself forwards. This was agony on her poor bound boobs, being dragged forwards across her carpet. She only managed to do this once, before she heard the garage door close again. She was so occupied on escaping, she didn’t hear the sound of the diesel engine. She was so tantalisingly close to her delayed but inevitable freedom, and it would be taken from her at the last second. Fuck. Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck FUCK!!!!

The black clad intruder had just pulled her balaclava back over her face as she entered the lougue. Seeing the phone, and how close Lisa was to it, she ran over to it, and in one motion, bent over, scooped it up and put it in her jeans pocket. “Oh dear oh dear oh dear” she admonished, as if telling off a child. She knelt in front of her captive, with her face inches from Lisa’s. Lisa began to cry, a sad, frightened look on her face. The immense amount of effort she had used trying to use her phone had taken a toll on Lisa. Her hair, at least the hair that wasn't trapped in yards of gorilla tape, was wet with sweat, but with absolutely no effect on the gag. Beads of sweat had formed sporadically on her upper body. The zip tie breast harness had chafed badly, leaving several grazes on her upper arms and tits, and a small cut under her left breast. Dragging her bare bottom on the carpet had left a small burn on the right cheek. There were more grazes on her shins where the zip ties had cut into her skin. The intruder looked delighted. “You were a naughty girl. And naughty girls get punished. Looks like I’ll have to tie up far tighter this time. You won’t be able to move an inch.”

PS didn't spend as long editing this one, so hopefully nothing embarassing happened.
I haven't forgotten the lucky socks right at the start. Stuff like that will make an appearance later.
Next time I'll give myself enough time to make the gagtalk a smaller font. It's smaller in Word, but it doesn't copy and paste in that format.
The intruder has a name, but it's not relevant yet. Technically it won't ever be relevant, but it will appear when Lisa remembers.
As it stands this is Mike's last mention. He's just a token male, but if people want him to come back, he can have a bigger role.
If anyone has a kink they particularly want included, let me know and it might make an appearance some chapters later.
I don't have a thing for fat middle age hairy women. I wanted a mother daughter pairing where the ages make sense, and I don't think middle age women care much about body hair no-one will ever see anyway. It also gives the villain something to mock the mom over.

Enjoy this update. Next one could be a while, but should be no later than weekend before Christmas.
"Wait, why are you taking off my socks? My mouth? But I've worn them all day and they're all sweaty and they're far too big to fi-mmmmpgffph!
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Another A+ add. Can’t wait to see more of this story.
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Post by slackywacky »

> Next time I'll give myself enough time to make the gagtalk a smaller font
Not all the codes for fonts and other functionality are working at the moment. Once Chad has time he will fix the site.

> Looks like I’ll have to tie up far tighter this time. You won’t be able to move an inch.
I wonder what that will look like. Thanks for continuing your story.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by brashieel »

All parts of this have been great. Thanks for sharing this, and I look forward to any future installments.
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