Mr. Black rescues Miss Right M/F

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Mr. Black rescues Miss Right M/F

Post by WyattW5 »

Jason black was not accustomed to social gatherings or parties. A small social gala Jason hung back in a corner at the bar. Many rich and high society people dressed up fancier then Peacocks in mating season.

Sitting alone with a glass of Scotch on the rocks Jason happens to notice a young woman sitting on the other side of the bar reading glasses honey gold hair wound up tied tight in a bun. Wearing a chocolate brown satin blouse with a matching pencil skirt.

She was being hounded by a man with neck long brown hair little scruff around his chin and cheeks. Standing up Jason walks around the edge of the bar keeping his gaze honed on the man. Before placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

“I believe she is getting tired of your mouth my friend may be better to pick a female showing the right signs” the man turns around his face outraged eyebrows raised.

“Right signs Mister?” Jason nods looking to a small corner where a set of three pretty young women sit on high stools each dressed in bright colors their hair drawn down classical soft makeup.

“Heels two inches or higher legs nicely exposed shining in the hose light, wearing bright colors nice fancy earrings you can see they are trying to get noticed they are trying to get talked to or about understand” the man runs his hand over his mouth and jaw nodding. Strutting over like a rooster ruling the coop. Turning around Jason sits forward to hear the woman's thick voice.

“Suppose you expect some thank you for that?”

“Not particularly I figure you could’ve sent him on his way”

“Then why did you intercede?”

“Junior does not strike me as a man who likes to get set down by anyone... were he to get set down a peg by a lady strong possibility he wouldn’t take it as an offense”

“If he did he would’ve just gotten drunk and come at me again” the woman speaks a gentle smile on playing on her lips.

“If he were have gotten drunk, there is a strong chance he would turn violent” the woman’s head cocks smiling her trimmed eyebrow raises.

“And that is something you do not want? To turn violent?” Jason looks to her and finds a small grin pulling his lips.

“I would inquire about such a gentlemen’s name specifically in regards to chivalry”

“Fact is the ideal code of chivalry is how men are to behave specifically gentlemen are supposed to behave only two sanctions from chivalry in regards to women, keep Succour to widows and orphans and to respect the honor of a woman”

“And you are gentlemen aren’t you?” the woman asks a strange smile on her face a glisten in her dark eyes.

“Not particularly” Jason admits before the woman sits forward holding her martini in her hands.

“My name is Savannah Derecha” the woman smiles holding out a hand and Jason grins.

“Jason Black pleasure to meet you Miss right” the woman’s eyebrows raise looking to Jason the warm grin on her face.

The two sat and talk the entire length of the party. Jason did not press for her number while she bent her ear on various fascinating issues. Finally, they come to the point where they speak of how they come to be invited to such an event. Jason found Savannah to be a wonderful company to most she would appear standoffish and a bit of a snob. To Jason, she seemed quite humorous and complex.

“I was invited because my family is healthy in wealth and funds and they’ve maintained a great persona of social appeal” Jason nods looking to Savannah.

“Yet, you sit there in a corner dressed as you were just sitting in a high-end bar to read and lounge?” smiling Savannah nods

“I never had much taste for these things but since my father is in his sickbed, I had to come” Jason nods muttering his regards to her father. He had made the connection Savannah Derecha was the firstborn daughter of Fernando Derecha a very wealthy man.

“Your turn Mr. Black why is it you came to such a gala?” Jason set his glass aside and looks across the ball floor.

“I was employed by Mr. Farraday for a while and I am here at his invitation”

“Farraday? Hector Farraday the wealthiest man in the room?” Jason nods
“what was your occupation for him?” Jason began to think of how to explain without lying or blowing his cover.

“I was a bit of a problem solver, he would make a mess or a mess be made in his name and needed someone to clean it up” she turns to him

“you do not look like a maid” Jason found himself laughing as the two sat silently. An invisible bond joining the two in the quiet of the bar.
As the party came to end Jason and Savannah walk from the bar to the coatroom. Where Jason helps set Savannah’s leather jacket over her shoulders.

“You know Miss. Derecha I would be a fool if I did not ask to escort you home if not to your car?” Derecha smiles looking to Jason she nods

“you may escort me to my car in exchange for one thing?” Jasons eyebrow's lower with intrigue. Taking his arm she began to point him the direction of her black sedan. Jasons gait was steady and calm enjoying the crisp air of fall. Looking down on his companion.

Coming to her black sedan she took the key from her clutch and smiles. Looking up to Jason her brown eyes sparkling with a quiet joy. Jason himself felt more than a little nervous. Blinking his eyes narrow turning to see a man rushing forward with a club.

Raising his guard Jason threw the attacker off before a second man charges securing Savannah. While Jason wrestled with the first a third opened the back of the car door throwing Savannah inside. Jason turns around drawing a revolver as the second slid into the driver seat and sped away before Jason got a shot off.

Memorizing the license plate Jason snarls bitterly looking down on the first attacker. Looking the man in the eye Jason drew the revolver to his chin. A dazed look in the man's eye. Until the barrel of the short revolver touches his chin.

“Give me what I need to know and I might see it clear to let you live?” The man began to tremble and stutter before Jason drew the hammer back. The man began to sputter out segments of words through a closing throat.

“Good boy” Jason whipped the side of his head with the revolver. Grabbing the man's phone checking the number Jason jotted it down and slid it back to the attacker's breast pocket. Getting in his truck Jason got on his cell phone.

“Miss Satin, I need you to run a trace on this number”

“Alright, Mr. Black one moment how was the party?”

“Would’ve been boring had it not been for one young lady” Miss Satin hummed as Jason heard keyboards clicking and the hum of a computer brain.

“Let me know when he is on the move”

“Mr. Black is all well?”

“No, the woman got kidnapped”

“Tactical extraction sir? Shall I get a blasting permit for an hour or two?”

“No... just unlock the storage unit”

Driving to a large storage unit Jason gets out unlocks the locker revealing a storage garage filled with weapons and tactical gear. From Kevlar vests to magazines and longarms.

“Mr. Black is it wise to get involved like this specifically over someone you just met?”

Ignoring his secretaries statement Jason mounts up getting in a bulletproof vest two layers. Setting two handgun holsters one on his left one behind his waist he slides a colt 1911 in his waist and a Sig Sauer handgun on his hip. Grabbing a cross-draw holster Jason draws a 44 raging bull. Running for the back wall he grabs an AR-15 adjusting it to have a master key shotgun below.

Stocking his ammo to maximum capacity. Jason set the weapon in his passenger seat. Getting back online with his secretary his dog began to lead the way.

(An hour later)

In an old hotel on the fifth floor. A joined force of thugs working for crime organizations stands guard armed with submachine guns and shotguns. All here to guard one room.

34A where Savannah Derecha sits now hands taped behind her back her blouse opened to reveal her black lace braw. Tape around the top of her chest and base of her stomach.

Duct tape had been wrapped around her mouth and head. Her brown eyes glare to the wall across from here. Where three men sit at a card table they seemed interested in their conversation.

“So what are we doing with her doesn’t make sense to ransom”

“The goal is not ransom but extortion once old man Fernando realizes we have his little girl...”

Savannah could not hear the rest. She did not know why these men wanted her father's co-operation. Why they would need it in the first place. Shaking her head.

She began to test her bonds. The tape was tight and painful around her arms. And the moving of her head made the tape peel hair from the back of her neck. Closing her eyes she began to fight harder. She was not going to just lay down and play Damsel. Squirming around the chair.

“You know she looks kind of hot like that” one of the men spoke catching Savannah's mind. The four men had now turned to stare at her.

“The way her bosom shakes as she squirms makes me quite tempted to touch”

“No touching” the leader snarls holding his Uzi in his left hand.

“Come on Boss by the time her old man co-operates we will already be set to kill her why not have a little fun, think of the morale boost for the boys” one of the younger thugs speaks to his bosses ear smiling cheekily.

“Oh why not... just nothing below the equator until I say...” the three men pump their fists ready to grope and feel.

“Nmmmphf lmmmphf mmmphf gmmphf!” she snarls shaking her arms and shoulders wiggling trying to getaway.

Thunderous rumble strikes forth with the fury of god! Everyone inside snaps to attention the leader turns his Uzi. Ordering the other three men out to fight they run grabbing their shotguns firing their booming guns. Savannah stares at the door in curious hope.

could this be my rescue

Staring in wonder as a storm of thunder echoes across the halls from the thuds of shotguns striking tall to the punctuated crackling of pistol fire. The leader standing tall looks from Savannah to the door. Rushing forward raising the gun to spray lead down the hall.

Savannahs eyes grew wide as she watches a man grab the backside of the Uzi hurl it from the leader's hand and throw it aside. Grabbing the leader by the collar throwing him to the ground.

“Who do you work for” the man spoke his face covered by a kevlar mask.

“Who do you work for who hired you?”

“Hector Farraday... he is trying to buy out some of Derecha’s business’ but the old Spaniard won’t sell” the man nods.

“Thanks” looking to Savannah she looks into his eyes not recognizing the man behind the mask. She jumped when the revolver went off. Sliding it back into his holster he steps forward taking a fixed blade and cut the tape from her ankle's knees stomach and chest before her hands.

“When you get home to have a bath and rub lotion will ease the burn of the tape marks”

“Whmm hmmphf ymmphf?” looking to Savannah and smiles
“just think you have a guardian angel watching over you now gentle” his knife cut a small slice through the gag before peeling it off.

“Thank you... I do not know” pressing a hand to her mouth stifling her speech. The man crouches down wrapping a harness around her stomach and waist-cinching it tight.

“What are you?”

“Quiet Miss Derecha I need to get you out of here but these boys have one or two backup units en route sit quietly or I will be forced to take action”

“What action” Savannah dared glaring hazel eyes into the men mask. He felt like smiling below the kevlar. Stuffing her mouth he set a cloth between her teeth wrapping his arms through the two straps he hoisting her up like a backpack.

Rushing down the hall. Savannah could hear angry Spanish being cursed down the halls. “Bmmmhmmmphf ummphf” as if understanding the man turns to raise a rifle to his cheek squeezing the trigger Savannah heard two or three loud cracks before they rush around a corner.

“Stay here Miss Derecha” the man releases her from the shoulder harness to lean against the wall. Turning the corner she heard crackling of machine-gun fire and thunder as the lead struck the walls. Screaming in her gag Savannah tried to curl herself into a ball for a sense of protection.

“Alright let us go Miss Derecha”

“Umphftiphf mmmphf uhmphf cnphf wmmphf!” the man wrapped an arm around Savannah's midsection and carried her like that for a short while dodging a hallway.

“Cannot do that you get free and make a wrong move you get shot... then where will I be” the man states swapping out magazines. Letting the gun hang down from his shoulder before drawing two pistols checking the magazines he slides them back into the holster. Drawing his revolver he turns to peer around the corner.

A quick volley sounds before a single loud thud erupts before the man picks Savannah over his shoulder and hurries her away.

“Keep your head down Miss”

ignoring his instruction she raises her head to see two men rounding the corner their machine guns flaring hot smoke. Squealing into the gag was cut short by the crash of something into the back of her head. Lights fading she began to droop over his shoulder she heard the loud gunfire but seemed immune to the shock or fear as she hastily dazed into the shade.

(Early Morning)

Savannah woke in a bed her head was steadily aching. Sitting up she looks over to the alarm clock to find it was eleven am. How long had she slept looking to her wrists seeing the ringed markings on her wrists? Brushing a hand over them she began to feel lotion rubbed over them.

Pressing her ring finger against her cheek she felt some drying lotion on her skin. Hanging her feet off the edge of the bed she opens her cell phone. Several missed calls from her father and others.

Most of them asking where she is. How she was after the party. When Savannah turns the tv on. She watches a broadcast a small office building was host to a shootout. Leaving fifteen Mexican cartel members left deceased. Investigators suspected it was a team of four or five men.

Shaking her head Savannah remembers her rescuer a single man armed to the teeth. Wearing a kevlar mask. Shaking her head she had to wonder who he was.


In a small café, Jason sits sipping black coffee and a hardy Western Omelette with an extra side of toast. Dialing the number to Miss Satin on his phone.

“Mr. Black wonderful to hear you made it out in one piece and safe from the police” Jason nods taking a bite from his omelet.


“Was it wise going to the rescue of someone you just recently met?” smiling Jason took a sip of his coffee.

“Can’t help it when you meet Miss right”
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Post by Caesar73 »

I like Jason Black :) He has style.
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Post by captured_prize »

Great story! I loved the bondage Savannah was in and her blouse being open was a nice touch.
Just your average crossdressing damsel in distress...

Check out my story here:
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Post by BindPam »

This is pretty good; it told the story needed in this chapter and did it quickly.
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