Katie's magic show. M/FF

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Katie's magic show. M/FF

Post by WyattW5 »

Not sure where to put this. I figured due to the somewhat graphic nature of this I thought it best be put on the Adult section.

@Bound Katie Request

Katie Harlow walks the local grounds of her hometowns fair grounds. Transformed from the plain green grounds and the tall barns and storage shacks. Into a tented campground of flying banners and colourful flags. Kate’s favourite time of year was here.

Med-fest. A week long medieval festival that takes seven days of jousting, feasting drinking and all things medieval. Wandering around the shop and venders in the morning. Watching the Minstrels give performances and displays of medieval games. Such as the javellin throw, sword fighting and archery.

Wearing a plaid school-style skirt a white dress-shirt a tint of the pink camisole belowa cardigan over top to keep her thin frame warm in the early summer morning. Her brown leather boots set easily against the dew glistened grass as she walks. She tied her brown hair into a bun behind her ears. Her pale skin was beginning to redden by the breeze of the wind.

Looking around the congregation of festival goers most like her wore their casual attire. But some had dusted off and cleaned up their medieval attire. Of those she had seen so far a Norse-style warrior, a Scottish Laird and his red-haired wife. And the creepiest of all a traditional styled executioners hood and cloak.

He was by far one of the creepiest she had ever seen. Ignoring the childish shrill of fear down her nape. Katie walks around the vendors finding a costume seller with a handful of dresses gowns and sets dressed on a mannequins. On the centre piece wore a mannequin adorned in a silk ruby red dress with golden embroidery over the centre bodice. Eying the costume with envy Katie longed to even just touch it. But she knew she could not afford a gown like this authentic in design and production Katie could see the tag wrote three hundred seventy dollars. Too much for her to spend on something she would only wear once a year.

Deciding she had taunted herself enough with the gawking of their wares. Katie moved on to the demonstration area where a group of men were showing the technology of a bow and arrow compared to that of a crossbow.

With little to do until the shows start. Katie meandered to the archery demonstration. One lean tall man held a Kings long bow while the other held a short traditional wood crossbow that was the size of a mans arm.

“Now for the demonstration, we need a volunteer!” the man called sending a shrill of fear into her mind. If they picked her she knew she would make a fool of herself. The archers look around and Katie began shyly stumbling backward. She was elated when the demonstrators took a young man from the audience showed him to use the Kings long bow he fired and shot wide. When they gave him the crossbow he hit the target a few inches from the centre.

She glanced to the left to see one of the men in executioners masks quickly dived out of her vision. A shiver of concern began to fill her. Holding completely still she took several deep breathes before looking up trying to take her mind off her nerves. Walking from the archery ground. To watch the jousts nice exciting Jousts.

After the dinner banquet horns were rang Katie enjoyed a tender meal of chicken breast roasted. And a mix of various greens and vegetables. She opted for a glass of wine over the rudimentary ale. Watching some of the jesters as she ate and listened to the Lute players.

After Dinner.

Walking around Katie was drawn to a large stage with open fire torches and an obelisk over head. Approaching the far edge of the crowd Katie found a good spot to look up at the stage.

“Ah me... these lovely people come to see us”

The speaker gave the appearance of an old gingerly frail elderly man. Wearing a bright shiny purple robe. With gold trim around the edges. A winding knotted cane in his hand. He rises from his seat rocking chair and laughs.

“Well my dear Claire”

Katie wonders who he was talking to he could not see anyone on the stage. Evermore curious Katie stepped a little closer into the horde of the gathering crowd.

The man stood alone before a crimson red canvas behind him with medieval fluer de lis symbols and clusters on the walls. A crystal ball and a novelty human skull stood on a dark wood table beside him with classically made candle sticks sit alight and half burnt out on the table next to him.

“It appears these beautiful people expect a show from a great magician... shall I give them one” he man speaks now turning from the audience to peer at a cage that was on a propped set. Bending his ear to listen to the rabbits little clucking that only he could hear. Like seriously if you are bringing a rabbit into the show bring some sound effects so the audience can hear. Katie murmurs to herself thinking of how lame this show is.

“Oh you are absolutely right my pet I can’t give a show like this” the man flailed his old looking frame against a bookshelf rifling through the old looking tomes he produces a big black book and he calls out.

“Of course some Morpheus Rendieus handsius” he shouts and suddenly a smoke bomb is revealed engulfing the states with smoke and a bright fire-like light appears behind revealing the silhouette of the old man hunched forward. Then the silhouette changes. The man began to groan and growl yelp and mumble before he cried out in mock pain as the silhouette faded and the smoke cleared.

Revealing a tall handsome man wearing black silk robes. A silver crown on his dark thick wavy hair. Smiling his eyes dark his grin was almost maniacal in nature. Grinning at the crowd he rolls his shoulders so an audible crack echo across the crowd.

“I Am the Masterful Percival Duvay and prepare to be fearful” he grins looking to the crowd who seemed half engulfed in the performance. Katie smiled shaking her head at least the actor was handsome... and reasonably good and drawing the suspense. She thinks to herself.

“Now... my dear a Claire... I will need your help!” his voice booms as he began to raise his arms. Standing back to allow his assistant to take her moment upon the stage. Crawling from the cage wearing a thick fur cloak. A flirty blond haired woman emerges as she opens her cloak to reveal a very beautiful busty blond.

Thin pale skin with long shoulder length blond hair. Her cheeks were plump like two thick strawberries as she grins when the people awed her appearance. Wearing a fur made garment over her chest and her groin her abdomen was thick and rippled with muscle.

“Claire introduce yourself” Percival commands with a firm thick voice which made Claire crawl before the stage. Approaching the crowd with a faint seductive colour in her eyes.

“I am Claire and I am Masterful Percival’s pretty bouncing bunny” she spoke before standing up turning her bunny tailed bottom to the crowd where the immature men of the crowd whistled and called out.

“I see the men of our audience are impressed now tis time to terrify and unnerve hahaha” he laughs before shouting aloud.

“My children come forward!” from a fog machine cleverly placed around the stage thick dense fogs drift over the stage before men adorned in dark black robes their faces hidden under the thick hoods.

“We require a volunteer, who of you brave souls dare to challenge your own fear?” Percival smiles pointing around the crowd.

Katie had begun backing up again but she felt two dense shoulders keeping her from retreating away. A tremble of fear began to grip her again reminding herself.

“Katie you are Thirty years old you are too old to be scared of smoke and mirrors!” she growls to herself determined to remain calm. Then she felt the gloved hand take her wool covered arm.

“We have our volunteer sire!” a loud British voice carries over the crowd and Percival smiles waving his hand forward. Suddenly Katie felt the two men grip her arms with the strength of metal vices. Pushing her through the crowds.

“Good work Angus my boy!” Percival grinned.

“Wait I did not raise my hand let go of me please stop your hurting me” she began to fight. Swinging her arms against her attackers. But Katies weak limbs are no match to the beefy arms of the two Executioners who carried her to the stage bringing her before Masterful Percival. What are they going to do to me? Do they have me confused? Katie thinks to herself trying to call out.

“I am not part of the show please put me down” obeying her request they only set her down before Master Percival.

Looking the man over Katie found her tongue was too tied to protest her entire body unnerved by the spectacle of the congregation of viewers. Percival grins and turns his head fluidly to his right then his left.

“Hello my fair maiden such a brave little Rabbit we have before us... may I have your name beautiful Rabbit?” his eyes seemed more to taunt her to make her outraged... but Katie was always the soft spoken girl... when confronted she would often shiver away.

“My name is K-k-k-Katie!” she manages through a clattering teeth before the man smiles. He plays the roll of the maniacal magician well. Katie decided trembling she almost too afraid to think of what is happening.

“Katie a wonderful name... do you know what happens when you stand with me Katie?” shaking her head Katie could not reply before he calls. Aloud.

“Take her my children take her!”

No time to think as all the hooded cloaked men came rushing at her. Taking her arms her legs they thrust her against something hard and smooth. Feeling the roundular shape she could only guess what she was against. A Post! Her arms pulled behind the post wound several times with soft cotton rope that hugged the skin from her wrist to her forearm.

Adjusting her hands Katie struggled to find the knot but she could feel the cinched part of the rope had been wrapped around twice once between her forearm and second between her wrists the knot was located just inside the coil far from Katie’s reach.

While harsh twine-styled rope was bound above her small but perked bosom and once again below. A chest harness was formed as two parallel ropes formed a crescent over the top while the bottom strands hugged her ribs tightly More twine bound her skirt bottom together with three wraps around her thighs before cinching the rope behind her knees unable to reach them with the post. Her ankles were bound with a single loop around the top of the ankle a second strand goes under the heel of her boot catching on the slight heel. Before cinched between her two heels. Katie began to scream.

“Please help me! Please let me go please I’m begging you” Katie screams out for the crowd but they were too enraptured with the story before them.

“My pet... please silence her would not due for the handsome knights of this kingdom to hear such awful cries” he grins Katie watches as Claire walks over armed with a silk cloth.
“There has been a mistake I-I- I am not a member of this I did not volunteer” Katie rambled whisper for Claire to show mercy and give her a way out. But she just raised a calm hand against her cheek. Katie’s trembling too much allowed the scarf to be pushed between her teeth. The cloth was then tied around her head.

Looking to Claire’s blue eyes. Katie saw a flicker of mischief as she steps back smiling she turns around to face Percival. The man smiles and calls upon his minions.

“Now take her!” pointing to Claire. Katie watches as the horde rush upon her watching as she fought shouting at them saying this was not part of the show. Kicking and squirming several minions brought over a giant wooden pole to which they bind her.

Her hands chained behind her back. Her chest pinned down to the post with the same rough twine ropes. Her thighs and ankles bound in the same fashion as Katie realized except. They began adding one final piece. Taking a metal half circle. Katie watched as three minions pressed it against Claire’s neck using primeval hammers and nails they nail the circlet to the post the iron pressed tight against Claire’s neck.

Eyes widened she sees three going to do the same to her. Katie tried to fight but the ropes held her firm. Trying to escape wiggling with all her might she was unable to. Calling for help the crowd was engrossed with the spectacle. As one held the iron bar in place the other two nailed it to the post.

Katies struggled all proved in vain. Looking down on her neck the iron bar just brushed the bottom of her chin. Katie soon felt that her throat was going to be tight. Her lower lip trembling. Please god let this just be a dream. Katie struggled with her wrists they were bound tight. Any attempt to move her legs resulted in her chin and throat growing taut against her skin.

“Now with our damsels perfectly bound...I draw your attention to my minions” pointing the dark cloaked men. No longer gawking at the two bound women. But now marched dragging along two large contraptions. Katie eyed the item with extreme wariness.

The frame work of a fast ball pitch machine. A long black arm extended around the centre. At the edge of the arm stood a double bearded ax a length of rope or chain hanging off the end. The top of the machine lay a tin metal plate which looked like a bowl. Katie eyed the machine with concern as the minions dragged one out in front of her. And another before Claire.

“To show my audience that these are not just toys of a devious mind a demonstration is at hand” accepting the novelty skull from the table from his minion. Katie watches as Percival walks up to the machine in front of her. Holding the skull at arms length.

“Release” Percival commands and one of his minions strikes the plate with a hard hammer against the plate sending the ax swinging with a force extremely powerful. The ax blade smashes the novelty skull. And all the audience gasp in shock as the skull shattered to mere splinters.

“Now add the plates and prepare the waters...” the wicked Sorcerer grins. Watching as one Minion places a silver bucket on top of the triggering mechanism of the ax-swinger. Katie watched as another minions tied a bottle of water with a slow draining hole in the centre.

“To elaborate my dear audience, once the metal buckets fill the pressure the arm will release our damsels have about five minutes to escape their fate” Percival smiles turning his attention from himself so the entire crowd watches.

Katie was horrified these sick delusional men. Shaking her shoulders wiggling her hands up and down the post to try and wither the ropes away. Looking down Katie began to kick her ankles against the post trying to worm out of the ropes.

Looking up to the water drizzling over the buckets. Giving Katie the insane notion she needed to pee. Fighting against the post Katie could not win. The ropes against her wrists held firm. The twine around her chest did the same. Her ankle rope was the only rope showing any signs of yielding. Able to kick her ankles free Katie looks to the bottle it was almost empty.

“Hephf” Katie turns to Claire who blinked in her direction. As both their bottles were nearly empty. The fog machine began to form a thin layer of mist obscuring the view of the audience allowing the secret to remain hidden. Katie did not see how she did it or even when she did it but she had uncuffed her hands from the post pulled the ropes off her chest and kicked the ankles ropes

Running over to Katie the magicians assistant smiles.

“Come on” Claire pushes Katie down the stage into the back where a dressing room remains.

“Now we have about twenty seconds to get into these here is a dress for you” Claire hands Katie the crimson gown she had admired in the vendors. Looking to Claire she asks “where did you get this?”

“Ask us later” Claire rushed to get out of her fur made undergarments and slip into a pretty pink bell sleeved dress. Brushing her long blond hair back as she turns to Katie.

Katie had just gotten out of her blouse and was slipping down to her skirt when Claire gave her a little extra help. Pulling her auburn hair down Claire pulled the bun loose and let Katies neck long hair fall.

“Relax gives it a feel of authenticity come on we need to get into these cages” Claire pushes Katie by and which Katie turns to her.

“oh no-no-no I am not getting in a cage you guys nearly had me chopped into two before” Kate’s anger fuelled rant did not allow her to see that Claire had successfully wrangled her into the tall lean cage. Tall enough where she could stand without problem.

Claire locked Katie’s cage door before locking herself into her own two of the minions threw a black tarp over the cages and escorts them from the back around to the crowd.

“Well our damsels must have gotten away. They live to run again... but where are they?” Percival calls to the crowd his voice coming ever closer Katie began to tremble. If he was set to put her through another magic act she would put him through the ringer. She dared.

Pulling the black blankets from the cages Percival smiles.

“Our damsels have returned” a clearly relieved gasp filled the crowd as Percival unlocked Katies Cage first and he offered her a hand. The maniacal gleam in his eye no longer present as she took his hand he says.

“Thank you for playing along I am sorry if we were a little rough, come after the show to pickup your belongings” he smiles bowing a clearing for Katie to stand amongst the crowd again.

Percival and Claire went back on stage to receive a final bow and cheer from the audience before turning to leave under the curtains.

And so Katies run with fame and magic ended just as soon as it began she received thirty minutes of horrifying torment in exchange for a lovely red Medieval gown she could wear every year to Med-Fest.
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Post by Mask6190 »

Nice story Wyatt! That was a fun magic show :D
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Post by Caesar73 »

That was indeed fun, a beautiful setting :)
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Post by slackywacky »

Great story!
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by scarfgagged »

Loved reading this story! Thanks!
If you're not gagged and blindfolded, then you're not tied up at all!!! :D
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