Damsels through the family. MMM/ F part 2 is 5M/F Part 3 M/F part 4 4M/F

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Damsels through the family. MMM/ F part 2 is 5M/F Part 3 M/F part 4 4M/F

Post by WyattW5 »

[mention]noggip[/mention] here is the first part of your generational story I hope you like it.

Texas 1872

Rebecca Burdette rides the low grassy plains of her fathers ranch land. Brown and white Hereford cattle dot the landscape. Gently grazing the dry prairie.

Rebecca’s slim frame sat in the light brown leather of her saddle. Wearing a light brown split skirt for riding. Her upper frame was covered by a red buttoned flannel shirt. A blue cloth hung low around her neck and a white stetson sits upon her hair the shade of jetta. Her skin was sun-browned from years of working with her mother and father to build the ranch into what it is now.

Watching the cattle Rebecca vaguely remembered when they had first come here. Her father had fought the war and lost. Of course she was to young to understand. He had packed up his family taken all they had and moved south to land in Texas he owned.

Travelling with everything they had. They settled in Texas and built up a good farm. Breeding Longhorns from Mexico with Herefords of the east. Now their stock remained strong and powerful in Texas fickle weather conditions.

The greatest challenge for the Burdette family ranch. Was every man wanted the Burdettes herefords and the water on their land. Jacob Burdette had decided to put up wired fence. Keep their herd safely behind the barbs.

Of course with the defences raised so did the risk. Every month or so someone would come along cut the fences to allow their cows to ramble. The last few attacks had left the wires cut and the posts burned.

Her father has taken precations to ensure the safety of their livelihood. Instead of two guards at night now he had six men sitting guard every night. Hence why Rebecca was checking the fences this mid morning.

Riding the fence line she did not see anything of note until she came upon. Two hundred hards of fenceline cut and cattle tracks leading her away from the fence. Frustration raged in Rebecca as she gave her horse a gentle spur to follow the tracks.

Her father had put nearly five hundred dollars on credit to buy thousands of yards of barbed wire. It has gotten to the point where the shopkeeper has gently asked him to stop buying it. And plainly the hands were getting annoyed with everyone pulling the damn wire down.

Who would do this? Break someone’s property wreck their livelihood. Mavericks free grazers old time ranchers who wanted things to be done the old fashioned way. Most of Texas is unorganized the only law was the Texas rangers and the law man acted on themselves.

It did not take long for Rebecca to find the small herd of fifty or so longhorns sitting by a pond. Three cowboys sit on horseback watching their cows gobble the water from the earth.

Seeing the cows thin and maltreated Rebecca had half a mind to tell the cowboys to get off her families land and she would keep the cows, Mavericks seldom branded their stock anyhow.

Approaching the men two peer at her before they approach. Rebecca’s instincts kicked in. Realizing three on one were not good odds. And the fact that the closest was drawing his pistol.

Giving her horse the spur. Rebecca turns around galloping away. But she heard two of the men shouting after her, a shot rang over her head and she knew she had to speed away. Using the end of her rein she gave her horse a forceful tap.

The wind blowing in her face removing her stetson from her head. Peering left and right hoping her men had heard the gunfire. Realizing they were on the far side of the property.

Her options low. Any hope she had was cut through the thicket or try and ride for the homestead. Surely a few hands around there will back her up. Giving her horse another dig of the spur.

She did not bother looking behind her. She knew if she did they would catch her. But she had to see how close they were. As her horse nears the bush she glances over her shoulder. Seeing the two men were a mere five lengths away she was about to spur her horse again. But the horse stopped to a fierce skid.

Sending the rider falling to the ground. Rolling over grass and rock. Bumping her head against the hard wood of a fallen log. Pressing a palm to her eyebrows she looks up to see the two men guiding their horses at a leisurely canter.

Understanding it was no longer a time for flight she decided to take up her gun and fight. Drawing the old Remington her father gave her to use. Drawing the hammer back with her left hand. She readied the gun in both hands. Taking steady aim on the man closest to her. His gun old and rusted as it was, did not hone on her.

The whistle of a lariat hiss through the air before the rope came around her by the shoulders. A forceful jerk sent Rebecca flying sideways her finger instinctively squeezes the trigger of her gun before the revolver fell from her grip.

Peering up a man on a brown horse slowly dragged her away a few feet before the man barks.

“Grab’er fore she gets up” already sitting up a hand on the rope around her shoulders about to rip it off. She felt two strong gloved hands come down on her. Grabbing her arms she looks up the men unable to see anything bast the brim of their stetsons on her head.

Rolling her to her back. One of the men speak his voice young no older than a late teen.

“What do we do with her Tim”

“Well now we gotta kill’er since ye mentioned m’name but, we may as well have some fun... tie’er up tie’er down”

“Let me go you vagrant curs this is my fathers land you hear me... he gets word of this... he will hunt you down like the vandalizing varmints you agh” Rebecca’s tirade was cut short by the digging in of a knee over her spine and shoulder.

Unable to do more then groan in the pain. Her wrists were brought back together behind her back. A coarse rope made of Rawhide was being looped around her right wrist then her left. Shifting her weight to wiggle free she found only a heavier weight applied to her lower back as she raises her gaze to meet the dark hairs of a horses tail.

“Dale grab the spare bridle from my saddle bag” Tim commands.

Feeling the rawhide. Begin wound between her wrists. Knotting the strings between her forearms. She gave one man a kick with the heel of her boot before he fell on her leg. An awkward pain quickly cripple her leg as she cries out.

“Ow ow let me go dammit the boys will be out looking for me... I am not supposed to leave the homestead y’know my pa will start to get worried if I am not back by uhphf”

A hard obstacle was applied to her mouth, wedging between her jaw. Feeling the hard object in her mouth. Brushing the smooth surface with her tongue, yakking into the bridle. She looks to the two rings on the side of her cheeks digging into her cheek.

As one man finishes binding her gag, the second had wrapped rawhide around her boots. Binding them tight a man peeks up her split skirt. But Rebecca was not so defenceless as to not kick her attacker in the face with the toe of her boot.

“Goddam little hure” the man draws a knife when his partner grabs his arm.

“Hold up there cowboy no point in guttin her now lash her to that tree then we can have some fun while are cattle is a grazin round here”

“We should be moving... as in now!” the last man still on his horse spoke with a voice that sounded like he had rinsed his mouth with sandpaper. The man who had approached first.

A short fat little man with bow legs from living in the saddle. His hair black and slicked down with greese. His mustache was thick and dark. As his eyebrows who shield his squinting eyes.

The younger man the one she kicked was a tall gangly man with neck long brown hair. Dark hair growing from his chin and cheeks. A dark red mark on his chin where her boot had connected. The slim blade in his gloved hand. Rebecca feared for what was about to befall her.

“Now hold on there Tim, it won’t be bad to hang around for a little while get our morale up... been too damn long since we’ve been able to go into town for more then supplies” the robust man nudges his gangly friend. As the third man Tim came forward.

A well muscular frame below a dark blue work shirt and dark pants hidden below black chaps. Two a revolver on his hip and one on his shoulder gave him the look of a more dangerous man. His dark stetson hung low showing the decorations of alligator teeth in the headband. Stepping forward he looks around.

“Come on Dale, I don’t like this were too open”

“Too open your kidding” the three men begun to argue over the exposure of their cattle should anyone come looking. To the fact they were across from a bush. A bush that they could not see well into.

While they argued. Rebecca tests her bonds. The rawhide dug bitterly into her skin. Peering over her shoulder to a tree she began to wiggle for the tree grunting quietly with each shuffle she rolled and wiggled. Using her bosom to crawl forward. Her chest small from her slim physique made the task slightly easier. Reaching the tree she begins to rub her wrist binding over the course bark.

Of course the dry wood bark was brittle under any pressure. Putting all eight pounds of her weight into the rubbing had caused two things. The bark to shatter, and Rebecca fell forward crying out in frustration. Gaining the attention of the three arguing vandals.

“Goddammit’ Tim pushes past the gangly fellow grabbing Rebecca hard and hurling her into the tree trunk pressing a foot onto her leg Tim calls out.

“John grab that rope from my horse be quick bout it” he looks down on Rebecca smiling. As Rebecca’s blue eyes bore daggers into the man he seemed to enjoy her visibly struggling under his weight. When the tall boy came back rope in hand John and Tim began to bind the rope above and below her chest. Wrapping girls torso with the entire trunk of the tree.

Stepping back from their handiwork the three men peer down on their captive and smile.

“Alright what do we do now?”

“Well we can watch’er squirm or unbutton some of those buttons and feel up those little boobies” Dale spoke a frolicking smile crossing his lips. Looking up to these men Rebecca furrows her brows and digs the heels of her spurs into the dirt pushing herself up these foold want to touch her, she will make them work for it. She tells herself.

When John steps to touch her. A fourth male voice calls out. Blending with the clink and clock of a weapon’s lever.

“Or lastly you could leave ehr alone and take your mangy poorly bred Longhorns off this property” the three men turn to face the fourth man. Standing firm at six foot three his Winchester repeater swerves the cover the three men with ease.

“Oh thank god” relief thick in her sigh as Rebecca peers at Daniel Rogers. His brown stetson low over his brow. His lean muscular frame dressed in brown chaps and a light grey wool shirt with a pale grey vest.

“Easy cowpoke... we was just havin a little fun”

“Well the funs over, get your cows off this range and back to public grazing lands where you belong”

Daniel’s dark brown hair cut short and tucked behind his ears framed his ruggedly handsome face. Marred by nature and man alike giving him the rakish air of dangerous and wild. On the business end of a brass Winchester gave his dangerous appearance more merit.

“Hell cowboy wants to swap sum lead huh” John retorts revolver grip in his palm as he and Daniel match eyes. The standoff lasts for a mere moment but to be in the circle it felt an eternity. The three Mavericks spread themselves apart.

Daniel stood his ground rooted like a mighty oak strong and sturdy.

Rebecca could see her man was outnumbered maybe he was outmatched one man against three did not give her a swell of confidence. Deciding for herself she needed to escape she began to wiggle. Shifting her shoulders and torso. Bending her wrists to her ankles she found the rope below her bosom grow painfully taut.

Shuffling her boots. She began to unbuckle the spurs on her boot holding the spur in her left hand as she rips the boot down. Using the spur she began to brush the sharp barb of the spiralling blade against the rough rawhide.

Her concentration was broken when the first clap of gunfire erupts. Startling her she peers up to see the tall man John had fallen a gunshot in his chest. Daniel bent his knee turning his rifle to fire at the Dale the heavyset man smoke explodes from Dales revolver as Daniel had just fired his rifle.

Dale had fallen over his backside tripping on a stone. Leaving Daniel to stand against Tim alone. Holding her breath Rebecca’s gaze fell on Daniel as he raised the rifle to his shoulder and fires. Tim using both revolvers fire rapidly in Daniel’s directly.

Folding to a crouched position he fires his rifle again striking Tim in the hip as the wounded man fell back the pistol in his right hand discharged. Striking dust between Daniels legs.

“Damophf Dam” Rebecca calls to her rescuer seeing him tense and firm. Rifle in hand as his eyes shift and shuffle around the battlefield. Before answering her.

“I’ll be over in a minute Reb!” Daniel’s western drawl spoke her name with a familiar ease. They were good friends without encrouching the position of Ranch owners daughter and Ranch hand. Rebecca never felt threatened by Daniel but he did give her the feeling of being human being down to earth.

Watching Daniel move his rifle barrel to examine the men who lay before him. Tim whines as he curled to the fetal position around his wound. Dale had began to crawl to his knees in a feeble attempt to flee. Daniel rushed forward kicking the man in the stomach before setting the rifle barrel just above the mans throat.

“Will we see you again?”

“No sir not me sir” Dale replied sweat pouring down his face sleeking his mustache and beard. Snarling down on the man Daniel scowls

“get on your horse and ride straight back to wherever you came... those cows belong to me now” Rebecca watched the force Daniel had used to threaten the man. And was impressed. The man she had known and became friends.

As Dale scurries away. Daniel approaches Rebecca’s side. Looking down on her a strange stoic appearance on his dark rugged appearance. Kneeling beside her Rebecca peer into Daniels brown eyes turned soft and warm. Comforting and loyal.

Resting his rifle beside her he drew his skinning blade from his belt and quickly slit the rawhide around her wrists before he split the rawhide around her ankles cutting through with a single strike.

Her hands rise to the back of her head unbinding the bridle the men had bound to her head painfully wrapping her hair into the binds. Yelping as she unbound the knot pulling the bit free from her mouth. Yakking and couging as the bit and rings free her mouth.

Stepping away for a moment Dan returns with a canteen holding it to her lips the cool crisp water ease the burn of her throat. Closing her eyes as she nursed on the clear water. Opening her eyes to look on Daniels concerned expression.

“Are you alright did they hurt you?” he asks peering around the back of her head. His concern touching and Rebecca places a hand on his shoulder “I am alright Daniel... how did you come to be here?”

“I was checking for strays, found your horse then I... heard the gunshots” nodding Rebecca peers at Dan seeing the man returning to his timid expression. About to stand on her own she felt his strong hand under her elbow helping her up.

Standing toe to toe. She stood just below his chin she peers up and rises to her tip toe kissing his cheek. The mans face turned bright red as he drew back. His smile beaming cheekily.

“Thank you for rescuing me Dan”

“Your welcome ma’am... can I ask you something?”

“Of course Dan what?” taking her hand he held it in his big callused hand.

“Next Sunday I was wondering if I could take you on a picnic?” Rebecca smiles and nods “a picnic sounds nice” taking her hand Dan leads her away from the scene of blood and violence.
Last edited by WyattW5 3 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Nainur »

certainly enjoyed the read!
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Post by WyattW5 »

I am glad you enjoyed it so far [mention]Nainur[/mention] I hope you and [mention]noggip[/mention] both enjoy part 2.

Texas 1908

Elizabeth Morgan nineteen years old, walks along the flock of chickens roaming around the fenced in coup. Dressed in a bright yellow calico dress a wooden bucket under her arm tossing dips of seed out for the chickens to eat and peck.

Walking back to the house. A small log structure built of the timber wood imported from the east. It is small and humble. But Daniel Morgan wanted to build a house just for himself and his bride: Rebecca Burdette.

The small homestead stood fifty acres away from the original Burdette household. Which had become a small manor after the fifty or so years of the families original foundation of the Burdette settlement.

Elizabeth takes her boots off and pads down the smooth wooden floor toward the kitchen to start making supper. Her mother Rebecca had went to Market with a few horses while her pa went to town to get supplies.

Leaving twenty one year old Elizabeth Morgan alone. Not that she was worried by any means. Rebecca Morgan had refused to let her daughter become a flowery little maiden like so many girls in Elizabeth schoolings.

Between lessons on roping and riding. Her mother taught her how to punch a cowboy in the jaw and when to kick him in the susceptible manhood. He last Birthday present was a Colt revolver special decorated grip and engraving on the frame and barrel.

Her father Daniel taught her to use any of the weapons the Burdette family ranch had in their house. Everything from the sharps black-powder rifle to her mothers specially designed Winchester. In any case of emergency be they vagrant or varmint. Elizabeth Morgan could defend herself.

Chopping vegetables to mix into the stewing pot. Looking out the window of the small cottage taking note of five riders approaching. Recognising none of the horses or the riders. About to walk for the door she turns around grabbing the gun belt from a bureau by the door. Wrapping the leather around her waist before grabbing the closest weapon to reach.

The winchester in her hand was heavy and long but she handled it with relative ease. Pumping the front grip checking the inside to note the red shotgun shell before pumping forward. Reading the weapon she opens the door.

“Well howdy madame” a French sounding drawl thick and but quiet as a single man jumps down from his horse waving his arm. Stepping forward before the man has short blond hair tucking out of his dark felt gambler hat tucked forward below his brow. Wearing a blue silk parisian waistcoat. A ribbed wool coat with a black necktie and a gold clasp at the centre. Dressed in dark slacks the man gave the appearance of a city gambler.

“Easy there madam my friends and I we are headin on over to the Burdette place” the man spoke peering to Elizabeth smiling. Glancing at the mens horses noting three of them have brands on them US Cavalry. And the man riding him well he did not have the look of a soldier.

A tall lean hispanic man with neck long black hair slicked with the grease and sweat of riding through the furnace heats of the Southwest. His dark sombrero hung low over his eye.

“Miss” Elizabeth was drawn from her study of the Hispanic man on blood bay mount. Turning back toward the young man before her.

“May we fill our canteens and water our mounts in your well?”

“Yes go ahead...” Elizabeth walks back to the door frame. Looking to the horse flanks noting several brands recognising the furthest brand on the horse eyebrow raised Elizabeth turns to face the men before her

“so what are you folks doing up at the Burdette place?”

“Looking to buy some horses” the young man spoke absently filling the trough setting their horses to drink. Then going to the pumps each man fill their canteen and take a swig before topping it off.

“Where did you get these horses?” Elizabeth asks and the man smiles brushing the dust off his trousers gaze meets Elizabeth.

“Well I got mine out of Fort Jackson and” suddenly dark sombrero spoke angrily in his native Spanish. The taller man turns around lazily replies to his companion.

“Don’t mind him he’s never been this far north before hes a little skittish” the man beams Elizabeth looks over to the horse with the familiar brand. On the rump of a Foxtrotter. A horse Elizabeth had not seen many horses like him.

The horse was beautiful tall handsomely groomed and braids in the white hair of the horses mane. Silver and white blend the horses flank. The horse was clearly set up for showing or racing not a simple riding horse like a morgan or quarter horse.

“So was that one of Micah Shane’s work horses or one of his riding horses” the young man looks back on the inter-joined MS symbol branded into the horses thin rump.

“Yeah, that was one of the nags Jack was wanting to get rid of cheap Emilio was able to pay for it with ten dollars and a weeks work” Elizabeth nods turning to the house “I need to get back inside to tend my chores good day”

“Good day ma’am”

The taller man tips the bill of his stetson turning back around to his horse. Elizabeth closed the door grabbing a chair she pries a rocking chair under the door knob checking the chamber of her shotgun. She did not know if she had fooled them. But she had to get to her grandfathers farm. If they stole these horses lord knows what they were going to do to the horses at her family home.

Peering out the window to watch the riders ascend into the saddle and guide their horses away. Waiting to see them far enough away. Elizabeth rushes to the barn buckling her horses saddle on.

Sitting side saddle Elizabeth sped for her grandparents ranch. Riding through the thicket. The sound of hoots and shouts alert her to the riders behind her. Giving her horse an added kick with her heel the horse rides up. Drawing the revolver from its black holster.

Aiming the nickel plated colt she setting the hammer down low. Aiming the gun she fires the report loud as the clap of thunder. It did not phase her attackers as she thumbs the hammer a second time she aims and fires again. This time strikinga man as the report caused a cry of pain.

As she was about to thumb the hammer again she felt a presence behind her. Turning around she looks at the the dark sombrero’d man beside her pushing her gelding with his blood bay with such force to throw her off. Falling down on her feet she roll to her knees throwing the gun into the dirt. Without thinking she lunges for the weapon before a slash of rawhide strikes her knuckle. Looking up to see another Mexican man rolling his bullwhip up before a third man grips his lasso.

Hurling it at her she feels the rope wrap around her wrist and was drags her belly down on the grass and sand before another man jumps down using his rope he pulls her ankles together wrapping them together before pulling her ankles over her bottom.

The two Mexican order each other in their language. The one who held her ankles together pulls tight while the man on her shoulders grips her arms and pulls her hands behind her back crossing them over the small of her back. Using the loop she wraps the rope over and under the first loop binding a knot before tugging the extra length out to the ropes connecting her ankles to her wrists.

Binding her in a hogtie she looks up to the men before her and begun to shout. When a cloth wet with musky stench of sweat up into her mouth. Binding the cloth behind her head pulling it tight to the back of her head.

Eyes wide as Elizabeth shouts and yells angrily into the gag.

“Gmm mmphf ophf llmmm gmm”

“Easy there mademoiselle” the Parisian accent descends next to her placing a hand on her shoulder shaking her arm. To force his gloved hand off.

“Now easy mademoiselle we mean you no’arm” biting out curses Elizabeth bends her frame inward trying to strain the ropes to slip over her knukcles but all she did was make the rope dig into her wrist.

“Javier Emilio set up camp we can’t move on Burdette ranch now”

“We should not be setting up camp either compadre,” Elizabeth rolls to her side to see the darkly dressed Mexican speaking and the man stands up.

“Well I reckon we got time, her parents were away probably taking the milk cow to market and the Burdettes well they are too busy for the petty affairs of the lowly farmers who lease their range” the Frenchman spoke looking to his friend who still held a grave frown.

“Uhm nmm a fmm ih ahm burmhmm!” Elizabeth screams into her gag but the Frenchman did not understand simply stood up.

“Emilio...” barking orders in Spanish Elizabeth took note of a shorter younger man sitting on a log winchester in hand. His olive eyes honing on her like a coyote staring at a stranded calf.

Laying flat on her belly she had nothing to do but wiggle and think. Of her thinking she found her mind surfing to a story her mother told her. She had been captured by three Maverick ranchers. Thinking back what did her mother say she did?

I wiggled and squirmed kicked and fussed somethin fierce. The one had been so irritated he planned to gut me I ama sure of it.

Rebecca Burdette considered herself proud for standing up to bandits while her parents were away. When she spoke of it she went into detail.

I took the spur on my left boot and I had used it to cut the rawhide binding me. But damned if it didn’t take the longest

Looking down on her ankles realizing she had forgotten to put boots on she had only stockinged feet. Cursing into the cloth she look back on the connection between her ankle and wrist binds. Seeing the course rope all she needed was a sharp stone she could whittle that damn rope down.

Stopping to look around. She could see a small campfire was set up and three of the four men were sitting down around the fire. The fourth, the French sounding feller approaches.

“Bonsoir my apologies for this mademoiselle I did not want this to concern you but then you had rushed to warn the Burdette family and we had to stop you... do you mind if I ask you a question?” Elizabeth releases and incredulous sigh.

“I am gagged how will I answer you?” were the first thoughts that broke her mind as she let a slow growl to indicate the gag. The French bends down to whisper in her ear.

“If I take the gag off do you promise not to scream” giving her best effort to nod the man quickly pinches the knot free from her mouth. Dislodging the gag from her lips Elizabeth gave several yaks of disgust before peering to the man beside her.

“Bien mademoiselle, now my one question... how did you know we were outlaws?”

“One I figure three dust covered Mexicans travelling with one card shark does not strike me as just a little odd”

“Ah you seem more worldly than I would have taken you for, I had just assumed you are simply a good homely farm girl” the man retorts a seductive smile playing his lips.

“And that is another thing, am not the farmer daughter leasing a spot of dirt from Jacob Burdette I am his grand daughter...”

The revelation seemed to make the man pause for a moment. In that moment Elizabeth realized it was a mistake to mention her family connection. Understanding now the men could and likely would use her as hostage, it is one thing to steal the horses and run. A completely different story when they can ransom her for the horses they want.

“The second thing I noticed” Elizabeth continues hoping to lure her attackers mind from the stupid revelation she produced.

“Was I told you Micah Shane, the MS brand stands for the Morning Star Ranch, my ma and pa took me to the cattle auction several times and every time I saw Jeremiah selling off shorthorns for five dollars a head” it was too late. The man stood up and turns to his companions by the fire speaking in their language two of them stood up. The first was Javier the dark clothed man the third was a man seventy years or older sun browned skin and smokey grey mustache and beard.

“Javier Dale come ‘ere Dale does this look like her?”

“Can hardly see her like that I can’t bend down Renee” Javier and Matthias work together hoisting her to her knees Javier takes a thick lock of her brownish red hair.

“Aha let me down you miserable baphf” stuffing the cloth back into her mouth Dale the old man shakes his head.

“Yeah this is Burdettes kin, has her mothers eyes and her pa’s hair only a little lighter” Elizabeth peers at Dale in question trying to remember if she had been introduced to him before the memory clued in.

Your father stood proud and strong fighting off the bad men with several shots and the kindness to show mercy to one. One who nearly wet himself after stumbling over a log.

Elizabeth started giggling and the men drop her. Shaking her head she remembers the humour in her mothers blue eyes smiling at the idea. And the heavyset man stumbles to his knee taking a bandana from his neck he ties it over her mouth holding the cloth in a small fraction dangles over her chin.

Instead of standing up straight he places a hand on a nearby stone pushing himself up as he got his other leg under him he quickly fell back onto his side rolling to his back. Elizabeth begun to laugh even harder buckling against her binds she shook with amusement.

As darkness falls over the land Elizabeth contented herself with wiggling for freedom, shuffling her feet below the rope. Thinking she has the rope below her heel she could kick out. Her concentration was broken when a hand was touched to her shoulder.

“Bonsoir mon cheri I was just thinking how lonely you look over here sitting alone in the dark cold and alone... I have a proposition for you” Elizabeth peers to look the handsome city dude in the eye. The stink of alcohol heavy in his breath.

“It I unhook this hogtie you will sit on my lap by the fire?” Elizabeth shrugged but gave a nod the man went to cut the connecting rope with a thin folding knife before Elizabeth lured him away with words from her gag.

“Tmm thmm omm” the man obliges taking the cloth off her lips and she forces the dry bandana from her mouth choking a little she gasps before looking to him.

“I’ll do you one better handsome fella, untie my ankles and I will let you take advantage... leave me ungagged for the night I will let you pass me around the campfire like a peace pipe” the man seemed to stop and consider it before taking Elizabeths frame into perspective.

Elizabeth had inherited the Morgan body structure wide hips and thick little thighs hidden below her dress. Her middle was thick but well developed with muscle from working. And two plump yellow melons pressed taut to her dress. Apparently it was too much temptation to bear, blade in hand he slit the rope around her ankles in one forceful tug.

Next thing she knew she was set against a tree the mans hands around her ribs feeling the heat and the intensity in the mans grasp Elizabeth forced to calm herself and expose her neck to allow the man to kiss it. His drunken breath brush her nose and she fought the urge to groan.

“By the way we never got around to names, my name is Elizabeth Morgan daughter of Daniel Morgan and Rebecca Burdette who are you?” the French man groan and between smacking kisses along her neck.

“I am Renee Jauffret I am from Louisiana, N’orleans...” pressing disgusting kisses along her neck and ear she pries away from him a little.

“And your friends?”

“Why would you like to know?” the man stopped to peer at her and Elizabeth cajoled “well if I am going to be making love to all of you I should at least like to know the names of the men I hump In case I have children” the man shakes his head.

“Ah nay, I will no be sharin you with anyone” he begins to fumble the buttons of her dress descending to fall on her soft fabric cotton. While the man was distracted Elizabeth acts. Driving a stomp onto the mans booted foot, her stocking foot did nothing but propel her to lodge a knee into his manhood. Making him call out in pain before she drove her forehead into the mans chin.

Releasing his hold of her to clutch his head. Elizabeth takes the opportunity to try and run. Scurrying in jagged lines one through the forest. Rising her knees as high as she could so she could scurry over rock and root. Her toes kept brushing the inside seem of her skirts. But she heard the men behind her angrily racing after her.

Tempting to scream for help Elizabeth decided to hunker down beside a rock and hope they would pass. Long enough for her to get her wrist bindings off. Her chest felt inflamed trying to steady her breathing. Closing her eyes releasing a small sigh when. A black gloved hand crosses her mouth brushing the bottom of her nose. A sturdy arm pulls her into the lean frame of the dark clothed Mexican.

“Bad choice Senorita!” sneering the man draws a knife holding it the man pulls on Elizabeth to a standing position yelling out his report before the men gather around before hurling her down.

“Good work Javier I can see why you are the leader of these vaquero’s how are you feeling now mademoiselle?” the Renee speaks hunched down to measure up with Elizabeth.

“Not bad I my only regret is that I didn’t get to fix that grin of yours” biting out Renee smiles “aha she is a fighrer non... haha” Javier turns to Emilio speaking in their home language the smaller man draws a little knife.

“Now I would nay fight with these men madame, little Emilio here, was a derserter of the Mexican army for raping his Commanders wife” Emilio smiles and they turn to Dale

“This is Dale Taggert, Texas Rustler told us about a great big place in south Texas the Burdette range” Dale smiles looking down on her hands tucked to his gunbelt

“I came round here once, your pa nearly killed me”

“Then you should have listened to him... knowing my pa he gives one warning, after that one you are fuc” a kick land in her belly and she peers up.

“Fiesty little chili pepper!” Dale sneers grabbing Elizabeth by the shoulders he had raised his fist to strike her when Dale felt a force halt his arm. Standing very still everyone looks plain as the darkness had surrounded them.

“One twitch and you inhale!” a loud baritone commands the men and the four men gathered around stand very still. Elizabeth looks around unable to see anything in the darkness.

“You fat man pick the woman up” Dale looks down on her before grabbing her shoulders. Forcing her to stand Elizabeth looks to the darkness before recognising the shape of a man.

“Now send the woman over to me less you want your guts spilled out” the man snarls Elizabeth was about to step forward when Javier extends an arm stopping her.

“Senor I do not think you have a grasp of your situation here” peering around Elizabeth only saw the one man. A rifle in hand his breathing was calm and precise small musk of team escaping below his dark stetson. His wide framed shoulders and thick coat covered arms.

“I have six men surrounding you, each of them have a rifle pointed straight at you!”

“Who be you?” Dale calls out in anger before a gunshot sounded from the west stiking an inch from Dales feet.

“My name is Rick Werner you stole some of my horses I want em back!” Elizabeth tried to remember the name Rick Werner but nothing came to mind. Watching him closely the man steps forward.

“Tell you what, hand over the woman peacefully I’ll let you take the horse!” the bandits exchange glances Javier whispers “lets just ditch her and get out of here”

“Non I will no let them take her non” Javier charged Renee and Elizabeth scurries to the mans side.

“Pleased to make your acquaintance ma’am” the man spoke drawing a large bowie knife from his belt cutting the rope down the centre he hands her the rifle. Looking down on the Winchester. Elizabeth peers to the man in front of her smiling happily.

“Reckon you want some payback they had you trussed up like a turkey” the man spoke drawing a revolver.

“Now my horses!”

“You got the woman now we take your horses” Javier retorts plainly and the man beside her shook his head. Elizabeth held her rifle aiming it on Renee who had his pistol drawn at ease.

“The deal was you hand her over peacefully, she escaped you dumb bastard’s now the only way your leavin this thicket alive is if you get me my horses”

“Which horse is yours?”

“The Pinto with the MS on it” the man retorts with the base of a angry bear barking at the outlaws before whispering to Elizabeth.

“You see the middle man the fancy little slicker in felt and silk? He is Renee Jauffret he is wanted in three states if I heard tell right, and that dark coloured sonofagun is Javier Esteban he has a federal bounty of five thousand if I recall”

“You know of us Gringo!” Javier snarls drawing two revolvers Elizabeths aim shifts from Renee to Javier then back.

“Keep steady aim on Renee story’s go he likes to surrender then goes for a little gun in his waist band no matter what happens stay ten yards back!” Elizabeth nods keeping her sights honed in.

“One chance, surrender and you may live to walk outa here!” Rick spoke the err of command snarling before peering to one side then the other. Turning her gaze to one set of men two boys armed with rifles hungered down by brush. The other side a lone man with a Winchester.

Elizabeth turns her gaze back on the men before them taking a deep breath. Watching as the Mexicans and Dale all discuss what to do. Dale was the first man to throw his gun belt off.

“I give up I surrender!” stepping forward, the nameless outlaw steps out hands up and the last one comes out his arm in a makeshift sling. Leaving Renee all by his lonesome.

“Well it appears I am outmatched and outnumbered” raising his hands extending them out long. Elizabeth nods and lowers her guard when the French man drew his small gun from his waist. Renee shot first Elizabeth stumbled in her footing squeezing the trigger of her rifle and Rick fired as well.

Two bullets plant into Renees body. One to the shoulder a second to the hand gripping the pistol. The frenchman fell to his backside screaming and Rick gave his men a nod.

“Stay back and cover us?” Rick asks and Elizabeth nods the cowboys descend on the outlaws disrobing their gunbelts. Using their horse rope to bind the men behind their backs sitting them in a row.

Rick approaches Renee forcing the man to sit up. He was cursing in his native french before Rick punched his chin. Binding the rope around his wrists behind his back. Hunched down Renee cursed and growled before Rick sat him down

“Boss found your horses and some stolen cavalry horses what do we do with em?”

“Send the Pinto to the stables then head for the Sheriff's place” Rick turns away from Renee satisfied with his efforts the man walks up to Elizabeth.

“Ma’am I do not believe we have been acquainted yet, Rick Werner foreman of the Morning Star”

“Elizabeth Morgan pleased to meet you Mr. Werner”

“Boss got company!” a cowboy called gun raised and Rick steps forward separating Elizabeth from the dozen riders.

“What the hell are all of you doing on my property!” Rebecca calls out revolver in hand aiming at Rick he looks up.

“Clearing up a horse theft, just getting the law down here and we will be off your land in a moment” Rick tries to pacify them before old Daniel Morgan sits shotgun in hand.

“What the hell you doing with my daughter!” ready to discharge both barrels of the shotgun.

“Mamma Pappa calm down this is explanation just calm down” Elizabeth began to inform the posse of the events that lead up to this point each seemed to lower their guard when all was said and done.

Daniel stood across from Rick and shook hands. Rebecca approached the man shook his hand then kissed his cheek startling him a bit. Before Elizabeth approaches Rick and says.

“Thank you” standing on her tiptoes she presses a kiss to the mans mustache covered lips when she slid down his front side she smiles “every hero deserves to get kissed” smiling as Elizabeth walks away.
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Post by Nainur »

a classic...
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Post by Caesar73 »

I really did enjoy the setting of the story in the good Old West! The lonesome Hero to the rescue. Looking forward to Part 3 ;)
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Post by WyattW5 »

Part 3 @Noggip I hope you like part 3 thank you all for the compliments.

This was inspired by these covers.


the Strip-tease murders.

1953 Texas.

Sitting in the grand red cedar table in the centre of the dining room below the brass candle chandelier with six arms extending out. Cascading beautiful light over the dark wood in a magnificent glow.

Sixty four year old Elizabeth Werner sits at the dining room table as a couple of maids set trays of food upon the banquet table. Smiling happily surrounded by her family. Beside her on the right is Rick Werner. Now older and greyer but still held the look of a man in charge. Second only to his wife.

Surrounding the old couple was their family. Beside Rick was their oldest son Jacob. Named after Jacob burdette the ranch founder. Jacob was sitting beside his wife Emma and their three children two toddlers and a third babe cradled to Emma’s bosom.

On the other side of the table is the youngest daughter of Elizabeth and Rick. Kate sitting pleasantly twenty four years old. With shoulder length brown hair bound in a tight bun a few strands left free. Dressed in a red short sleeve white dotted dress that went down to her shins. Revealing her light tanned pantyhose.

“So where is your friend dear?” Elizabeth asks her daughter Kate who was growing concerned about her friends tardiness. When a light rap on the front door. Made Kate’s heart bound for joy as she lunges from her chair.

“There he is” ignoring the ‘he’ remark her father gave as she bounds for the door. Opening it with a smile.

“Adam” calling in joy she wraps herself around the man at the door. Standing tall wearing a fleece skin jacket. A thin brown beard around his chin and mustache. Thick long brown hair tucked into the brim of his collar. A set of bottle cap glasses over his blue eyes beam joy as his lean arms wrap around her.

“Hello Kate I am sorry I am late” Adam was soon centred before Rick who stood beside his daughter. While Rick did not have the muscle of his younger years nor did he carry a rifle as a hardened cowboy. The old man could still look the part.

“Sir pleased to meet you I am Adam: Adam Hoffman” extending a bared hand the older cowboy wrapped his callused hand over the younger mans soft smoother palm.

“Good to meet you... you look a California boy?”

“Born on the Bay sir, but I reside in Los Angeles now” before the three could continue their meet and greet, Elizabeth steps out peering up to Adam before looking to her daughter and finally resting on her husband.

“Rick if you are done embarrassing yourself we can atleast let the man inside”

“Yes dear” Rick marches back for the dining room. Leaving Adam under Elizabeth’s Perusal.

“He is quite handsome” Adam’s cheek burn red before Kate pulls Adam’s coat off his shoulders. Hanging it on a post Kate takes his hand and guides him to the dining room sitting him beside her protectively away from her father.

“Adam nice to meet you finally” Jacob extends his hand and the two shake both with a firm grip before sitting down. The conversation around the table focussed mainly on Adam being a twenty seven year old man.

Finally Emma asks the question the two ladies had been begging to ask since the young handsome man sat down at the table.

“So how did you meet Kate?” Elizabeth turns to Emma with a playful scorn.

“Emma... shame on you...” Emma turns playfully to her mother in law.

“Come now Liz, we all know you were begging to ask her yourself” Emma smiles before the conversation drifted so Kate and Adam could tell the tale.

Los Angeles 1948

Kate Werner holds her books to her chest. Walking her head held high as she marches for the students aid. Walking to the desk where an older woman sat her hair combed nearly straight. A jade necklace around her neck, lowering her glasses she peers up to Kate and smiles at the secretary Mrs. Calhoon.

“Can I help you?”

“Yes, I am wondering if there are any Tutors available for an hour or two?” the older woman peers around the glass to the tutors office before looking back on her.

“Which course are you struggling with?”

“I am having trouble with my economics” Kate specified and the secretary began to brush her fingertip over the ledger of names in the three offices at her side. Peering down at the final name.

“I am sorry. Our mathematics tutor is busy with another student until about four o’clock, his last call” Kate nods sadly bowing her head.

“Thank you Mrs. Calhoon” turning to leave Kate felt a little frustrated and in despair over the fact she was not likely to get her economics homework done before supper. And she had planned on going to the theatre with her friends.

Walking down the corridor. Kate found herself bumping into the centre of a tall lean man startled at the moment he pulls his glasses back on his eyes smiling.

“Oh hello Katherine how are you?”

“It is Kate I am fine... just dandy” the sarcasm in her voice was thick as she turns and was about to march away. She knew Adam Hoffman as the Librarian’s assistant. As well as a shared economics class.

“Do you need some help with a class I often help students struggling in classes who can’t afford...”

“I can afford to hire a tutor but the only tutor who can help me with my class is in the middle of a lesson for an hour and is done for the day” she was about to push past him and march down the hall.

“Is this about the Economics assignment?” she was about to yell at him and Adam shrugs.

“Could not help but notice your asking the professor for more resources to study I am not one to judge, I struggle with Bookkeeping myself” Kate was about to laugh, Bookkeeping was easier than thinking for her, she had watched her mother and father handle the ledger of the ranch for years. Her father was bent on keeping and organized office.

“Tell you what I will help you with your Economics homework tonight, I am sure we can get it done before tonight”

“What do you know of my plans for tonight?”

“I don’t I just know it’s a Friday and most people like going out Friday nights” Kate released a quiet sigh. Not realizing she had built up such anger. Peering to Adam straighening she looks up to him.

“I am sorry Adam, I am a little tense... if you have time for me tonight I would like help with Economics assignment please!” Adam nods releasing his arm from the sleeve to reveal his watch.

“alright it is about four thirty now... would you come with me?” Kate took a brief moments thought before nodding. She did not believe Adam was a harmful man, he was a kind and helpful one she could recall seeing him many times he had helped his fellow students.


Katherine was then lead out to a rustic worn Ford Deluxe Sportsman. Helping her into the passenger seat. Adam drove straight without stopping to his apartment complex.

Ten stories up. Adams suite overlooks the lower seaside Marina of Long Beach. When they opened the door Kate beams with joy. Peering down the setting sun teetering over the glistening sparkles of the ocean.

“So beautiful up here”

“Yes it is... many nights I just sit there and watch the sun bid us a final farewell for the day... only now I think I am seeing double” he spoke sheepishly and Kate turns to smile on Adam.

“Shall we get started I do not want to keep you” Kate takes her book bag setting it on the table. Adam set the bag on the table before asking her if she would like a drink of coffee or tea.

“Tea please” Adam set the kettle on mixing the tea leaves before returning with his bag. Setting the leather bound package on the table.

Within a few moments the kettle gave a whistle and Adam raced to end it’s screeching report. Leaving Kate the look at the leather brief case. Opening it to reveal the cover of a magazine. On the cover had a red haired woman in a blue dress eye wide and angry. Surrounded by gallery targets and a white cloth between two lips.

“Dime detective Magazine, the September edition” standing up reading the papers she spoke quietly “the strip-tease killer by WM. Edward Hayes” Adam’s cheeks burned red as he sets the tea beside her bags and bringing a tray of milk cream and sugar. Straightening to look Kate in the eye.

“May I please have my book back”

“Sure what is that about?” handing the article back to him Adam peers down on the picture before setting it back into his brief case.

“A fictional account of a killer who leaves his victims half clothed... the damsel on the cover was found in a shooting gallery. Before the detective found her, the stories are quite uhm corny but...”

“The illustrations are a nice touch” Kate beams as she fixes her tea as she likes it before sitting down at her place.

“Please don’t tell anyone”

“It’s okay Adam we all have our little things... I like to watch Tommy Burgess sit on his bike sipping a beer a true bad boy” Kate sighed thinking of the boy dressed in dark leather and blue jeans a cigarette always in his ear and a can of beer in his hand.

“Anyway I do not want to make you uncomfortable shall we work on Economics?”

“Yes of course” Adam smiles opening his notes he sat down beside her and the two began to talk about the numbers and the meaning behind the charts and the references the books instructs. Within the hour Kate was set to figure the homework out by herself.

Before six pm she had packed her books papers pens and pencils and Adam shows her to the door.

“Thank you again for helping me Adam it was real sweet of you”

“Well we are all trying to get through classes, good night”

“Goodnight” Kate walks out of the apartment and down to the street. Never forgetting the picture of the detective magazine cover. Even through the dashing romance Errol Flynn’s adventure of Don Juan.

Later that night.

When Kate was in her night dress she lays in bed. Her brown hair braided and resting on her pillow. Her hands folded in the middle of her stomach. Her eyes closed as she tries to drift to sleep. She had a few questions about Adam and his magazine. Refusing to allow sleep.

The soft rhythm of her breathing fills her bedroom with soft little snores in her slumber. A tranquil scene of beautiful repose. Like a princess awaiting her true loves kiss. The complete opposite of the scene claims her thoughts and her imaginings.

Sitting on her bed. Five year old Kate beams at her mother sitting on the edge a heaven-like glow on her mothers face. Taking the book from her daughters hands Elizabeth asks.

“What is it Katherine?”

“Tell me again!”

“Tell you what again?” Elizabeth asks in good natured humour as she adjusts her seat to face her daughter more comfortably.

“How you met pappa” her childs lilt made Elizabeth heart soar as she knew her daughter loved the romantic story.

“But you know it already”

“Pweese one more time” she begs and Elizabeth could not resist those beautiful eyes of her daughters.

“Alright” kissing her daughters forehead Elizabeth left the room and all the darkness encompass the room. Blinking the darkness was no longer. She was laying on her belly her hands behind her back. Peering over her shoulder to look at her hands finding her wrists were bound to her ankles.

“Heph uhgh ophf” Kate chokes realizing something was in her mouth restricting her mouth from moving and forming proper words. She looks down on the dirt and growls. Bucking against her binds. She looks up to see the fire as men sit around it speaking in whispers and peeking glances back at her.

Peering to her left and her right she did not see anything but the dark brush that her captors had chosen. Trying to move her limbs are stuck in the rope biting her wrists. Discomfort seem to envelope her. As she kicks her knees down her chest rise. To see a figure in the darkness, coming for her.

Unable to move or unwilling to move. As the mans feet step before her. Expecting to see her fathers cowboy boots in the light brown leather shoes rest a foot from her face. Following her gaze to the slacks the man wore until a brown leather belt ends demonstrates his centre. Before continuing up a light blue button up shirt. Instead of her fathers rough likeness she catches the eye of Adam standing before her his nervous-quirky grin. As his two hands wrap her shoulders raising her up.

Kate jolts awake. Realizing it was nine o’clock. Climbing out of bed Kate sets herself to the task of dressing. Wearing a light yellow blouse and bright red skirt. Binding a scarf in her hair.

A half hour later.

Kate knocks on the door stands back awaiting Adam to open the door. Standing in just a t-shirt and jeans he examines her for a quick moment. His blue eyes play his curiosity as he struggles to form the words.

“Hello Kate ah can I help you?”

“Can I come in?” nodding the man steps back allowing her to enter the apartment once again. Trying to hide her nerves Kate begins with a stammer the butterflies in her stomach simply fluttering with vigour.

“Your magazine the other day, I saw it and I uh well... can we sit down?” Adam nods his own nervousness evident as the man lead her to the table sitting across from her.

“I saw the cover and it got me thinking of a story I would ask my mamma to tell me” Adam nods understanding he swallows nervously. Listening intently as Kate informed him of the story of how her mother and father. After she had explained it all Kate stiffened as she waited for him to call her a cook or a liar or a fool or well anything at this point. But he simply sat there looking at her.

“Sounds like something out of a dime novel” he said finally sitting back and Kate drew breath.

“Yes, that is what I thought when I became a teenager, but the look on my mothers face the honesty in her eyes would make me believe her...” Adam nods lacing his fingers together sitting forward he asks.

“So what can I do for you?”

“Well I was wondering if you like that sort of thing damsels in distress?” Adam nods he smiles and murmurs the humour evident as he tried to hide it.

“Yes, I do not read them simply for the corny story-lines” both Kate and Adam burst into laughter. When their smiles and the laughter ceased, the young pair shared a silence. It was as if they spoke only through their eyes licking his lips Adam asks nervously.

“Would... would you like me to tie you up like this?” excitement fills Kate with joy as she bouncedup and down.

“Oh yes please... do you think we could play a little game?”

“I have to leave in an hour or so too quick for any game but maybe next Friday” he asks hopefully and Kate nods. Discussing the details of how they wanted to act it out. When it was time for Adam to leave Kate was prepared and excited for what next week held.

Friday night.

Dressed In a sleeveless pink dress. Her hair bound in a pink satin ribbon walking home her clutch in her hand. She was coming home distressed over a jilted date. She had been excited to go to the café with a member of the football team. She waited for an hour and a half hopeful he would show up.

To her chagrin Kate felt foolish walking back to her apartment alone. Her head down low she fought back tears. As she made the final turn for her street. A force grabs her around the waist and mouth. She looks up wide eyes as a man wearing a dark cloth mask over their nose to their chin. She looks around to see no one on the street.

“Listen to me listen very carefully alright, I am not in a friendly mood right now and I need someplace to lie low... that is why I am holding you”

“Hmmphf!” Kate tries to speak into the firm hand against her mouth. The smell of his aftershave was gentle and pleasant... far too pleasant for him to be a bad evil thug... who is... oh. Kate realizing what was going on and played along. Shaking her head begging softly.

“Plmmm nmmm plmm” Kate begs and the man whispers harshly in her ear.

“Do as I tell you and you won’t get hurt alright sweetheart, I just want stop struggling... stop it” his tone harsh and mean giving him the air of danger. Marching her down the street until they reach her apartment complex he whispers in her ear.

“We are going to walk in casual as can be I have a gun aimed at your hip” he warns and Kate nods. Releasing his hold she gasped and looked down breathing heavily before facing her captor. Lowering the scarf from his face she recognised Adam now in a facade of a bad man.

He wore a dark brown bombers jacket a dark shirt below and jeans. His left hand holding something in his pocket sticking a protruding item in her direction. While his right hand took her arm. A duffle bag slung ovoer his left arm. The two march straight into the lobby no one was there to bother them. Marching straight for the stairs. Kate went up first feeling Adams hand on hers as they walk up the stairs.

Guiding him to her floor. Kate could not help but feel a little gitty about what was going to happen next. As they approach her apartment door Kate began to whisper.

“Why don’t you t-t-t-take my money and l-l-l-leave me alone I s-s-swear I will tel-l no one I’uphf” his hand clamps over her mouth again he whispers in her ear.

“That is the last warning, one more word and I start hurting you” the thrill forced a tingly feeling down her spine. Looking back on Adam who still held the object in his left hand.

“Now open the door!” nodding she bends her head down and unlocks the door. As she did a door opened across the hall revealing Kates Neighbour Julie stepping out into the hall.

“Hello Kate what is going on” fear made Kate hold her tongue as she hoped Adam did not do anything threatening towards her. Kate steals a glance at Adam who seemed took deep breathe before smiling.

“oh don’t mind us I was just escorting Kate home”

“Yeah, oh my manners Julie this is my good friend uh Jack” Julie’s eyebrows arch incredulously. Kate felt herself blushing before Julie shrugged “nice to meet you Jack, see you tomorrow Kate” Julie turns and walks out the door and down the stairs Kate almost fell over with relief before Adam places a hand on her neck.

“Jack Really?”

“I just thought”

“Get inside” Adam playfully forces her in closing and locking the door behind him. Pulling a bag from his shoulders setting it on the floor he drew the imaginary item from his pocket to reveal. A hammer. The handle of the hammer looked like a gun barrel under his coat.

“Alright sit on the couch hands fold in front...”

“Okay should I take my shoes off?”

“Do it woman I will not ask nicely again?” his mock shout jolted Kate to do as she was bid. lowering his bag to the floor Adam produces a length of rope a roll of tape and a cloth.

Kate watches as Adam unravels the rope and approaching her sitting beside her setting her torso belly down on the couch pulling her wrists back he commences to tie.

Feeling her wrists being roped. The cord bound above and below the original loop and forming a knot somewhere inside the wrappings. Kate wiggle her arms attemtping to pull her wrist free but the rope held fast.

Bending down Adam takes her shoes off. With the tape he commences to wrap around her ankles. The silvery grey sticky substance pins her ankles together. Rubbing her stockinged legs together she tried to rip the tape apart. It failed.

Now Adam had sat her up facing him the tape peeled back and placed over her mouth. A single strip planted over her lips. She looks up to Adam who unties the scarf from his neck and binds it over her eyes.

Leaving Kate in the dark. She struggled and squirmed whined and begged talking into the tape her words were muffled but still understood rubbing the tape over the shoulder of her dress she released it and spoke out loud.

“If you are going to gag me you may as well do it properly”

“Alright” Kate felt the ribbon in her hair being unbound and released freeing her hair she began to wonder what he was doing before she felt the cloth pulled tight around her mouth. Between her teeth. The silk was tied at the back of her head. Above her ears.

“Lmm mm gmm ah Aham iphf camm tilll tamm” Adam sighed and Kate hears the tape being stretched again and placed on her lips. Kate began to wiggle her mouth around again while the cloth seemed to stop her mouth from forming words properly the tape held her words to a low mumble.

Waving her head trying to loosen the blindfold so she could see. What she was doing but nothing her dress was too smooth and her blindfold was too slick. Purring like a cat now she bucks hard against her bondage she fought and bounced until she slid off the couch. Her only salvation came when she felt two sturdy hands on her hips steadily raising her up and plopping her back onto the couch with relative ease.

“Steady on girl a few more hours then you shall be rid of me and I will inform the constabulary of your predicament” Adam spoke with such brash Kate almost thought he was a different man.

“Plephf lempf mephf guphf uphf wiphf paiphf yuphf!”

“Pay me with what I already rifled your purse”

“Yuphf whuphf!” outrage fills Kate with anger as she tried to shoot up from the couch and lurch forward. To feel his arms around her again this time she felt him pick her up and carry her. Squealing from the shuffling movements she felt Adam carry her and throws her onto the bed.

A hand on her hip she stilled and Adam whispers in her ear, breaking his character.

“I will come back for you in an hour or two okay”

“Ophf phaph” rolling on the soft comforter of her bed. Kate shuffles from side to side. Her bed was not wide with every other kick her head fell over the edge or her ankles drifted off the bed. Trying to use the fabric of the bed to pull her blindfold down she shuffles and forces her head into a dragging motion across before finally the cloth came down. Looking around she was facing the foot of the bed.

Trying to roll to look on the bed side table she grunts and wiggles and worms her way to face the clock. But she was unable to see the hands on the clock in the darkness of the room. She moans before feeling her balance give way.

Crashing to the floor with a painful thump against her head she groans. Before long Adam was beside her helping her up. Removing her bindings and gag picking her up and setting her on the bed.

She did not remember him leaving long enough to grab her a glass of water. But she sipped it from his hand before staring at her. The worry in his eyes Kate whispers “thank you for helping me”

sitting forward he chastely kisses her lips brush his nose against her slowly when he released her tender lips. Looking deep into each others eyes no words were spoken because no words were needed.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I'll have to read more carefully, but in short? Nice One.
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Post by WyattW5 »

Part 4 a Reincarnation story for [mention]noggip[/mention] I hope they like it. I really hope I did not go too Supernatural for you.

1928 Burdette Family Ranch.

Dark clouds loom overhead as the heavens cry sadness woe over the living who stand below the iron fenced gate. Looking down on the newly placed headstone protected by the orchard of similar markings. The oldest a faded wood cross with only a few scratches left deep enough to mark the letters to the owners name.
In this small grave yard stand Elizabeth Werner, her husband Rick at his side their oldest son. Jacob and his sweetheart Emma.
Beside Elizabeth stood a weeping Katherine. The two women hit hardest by the death of this great woman. The only comfort Elizabeth held was her mother had joined her father again. In death.

Rebecca Burdette-Morgan Born March 1859 Died 1928.

Eighty years later.

Detective Rebecca Marston sits in car. In a downtown city street only a handful of cars around. The area was surrounded by factories and old warehouses. A place where crime had upscaled within the last few months. . Guns and Gangs detective informed Rebecca a new crew was setting up shop in a warehouse.

Now Rebecca didn’t plan to barge in there gun in one hand badge in the other. She was trying to match a suspect to a robbery. A group of four individuals ran into a bank and armed full automatic weapons at the staff. A week later two suspects matching from the bank heist were suspected of robbing a liquor store.

The store clerk had told her the one was a short tanned skin man with a military style shaved head with a single half inch mohawk running down the centre of his head.

The other was a lean man with a tattoo of a snake biting at his neck. The rest of his face was covered because he wore a toque and sunglasses. He also recognised a bling chain hanging around his neck.

Both of these men were present but to approach them... she would need a plan. Looking down on her radio looking down she spoke quietly into the radio.

“This is Officer Marsten, I want units on standby near my location, I am on the corner of ninth and Able” setting her radio down. She looks up watching as a band of four or five men stand around gawking at graffiti. Pulling a spray bottle out they commence to redecorating the warehouse wall.

Impatiently stepping out of her car her tall five foot six frame spread out in black pants and a red turtleneck. A bullet proof bra pushing out a medium sized bosom. Her neck long black hair bound hung like a pony’s tail. Her black leather shoes began to cross the street as Rebecca approaches the men pulling her car in to block their car. Standing up she approaches them. Carefully but not threateningly she approaches.

“Excuse me gentlemen, vandalism is still a criminal offence”

“What’chu want!” a tall African American man shouted before his friends turn to face her.

“I am willing to over look this whole thing on one condition”

“What’be that?” a lean Mexican fellow stood in a basketball jersey showing off most of his chest and neck revealing a coiled serpent biting at his neck. Much like the description.

The four men approach her. Rebecca knowing better then to let them surround her backed up hand easing to her pistol grip. Making the three men draw back. Hands up

“Easy dawg we cool we just bein friendly ain’t we Lamar?” the African American man nodded affirming they were being friendly. Steadily Rebecca eases her hand off her firearm. Looking to the three men she straightens.

“Alright then I am looking for suspects responsible for holding up a liqour store a few days ago... any of you fine gentlemen would know anything about that?” the three men look to each other.

“Oh naw dawg we ain’t know anything bout that cept for it happened” Snake answered waving his arms like a fool Rebecca nods looking over the three men she nods.

“Alright I believe you... stay out of trouble boys” she was beginning to walk away when. The fourth man. A short Caucasian kid no older then eighteen aims a Glock in her face.

“You hold it right there cop lady your gonna tell my friend Skorpio there what’ch know bout the robbery” Rebecca nods

“Okay I will tell you just lower that gun a little okay you don’t need to worry”

“Whys’at ?” the man asks and Rebecca shrugs

“Because I got you covered” two swift moves she had ripped the gun from his hand twisted his arm she was about to cuff him when her hand was stopped by a hand around her wrist pulling her back and shoving her against a building using the cuffs they lock her hands behind her back.

“What we doing with her dawg?” the Lamar asks pressing Rebecca against the wall and she herd a hispanic voice say.

“Lets get her inside, see what she knows”

“Then what?” the caucasian kid asks breathless with excitement.

Rebecca fought against the mans back slamming her boot into the mans foot before forcing her knee into the mans groin. Before she could lurch an further defensive. The Hispanic fellow with the Mohawk charges forward gripping a hand to her throat. Lobbing her into the wall holding her down so tight she could barely breath.

“You are going to tell us what we want to know chica do so nicely we may just nicely let you go... but after what you did to Lamar and T-dawg” the man indicates over his shoulder to the kid.

“I reckon your going to have to pay them a little tribute” the man spoke drawing a knife gently running the blade down. Rebecca’s shirt front. Cutting straight down the cotton fabric of her turtleneck.

“Let go of me you f- I have backup coming if I were you I would I would get your shit and let me go before the cavalry comes” without warning Mr. Mohawk rammed a fist into Rebecca’s stomach making her collapse to the floor.

“Drag the Chica inside” Mohawk barks and Lamar and T-dawg grab Rebecca by her arms and drag her inside. Squinting to adjust her eyes narrow the stale smell of dust and mold inside. Rebecca rolls to her side to look past her captors.

Mohawk using his strength to hoist the corner of a metal work bench. The looking up to Lamar who grumbled “why don’t we just leave her here and take the product out?”

Raising her chin to gaze at Mohawk who growls speaking in his native spanish Rebecca looks to T-dawg whose expression was confused. Before Rebecca could intercede with a threat or retort, the two thugs thrust her arms out from her back then the work benches heavy leg planted on the cement. Rebecca looks down on her wrist to realize the leg was now holding her wrists captive.

“Look boys the best you can do is follow Lamar’s idea take your shit and go, officers will be coming, soon and we will” placing a hand to her mouth T-dawg looks to Mohawk “see what I mean man, they are coming dawg”

Rebecca rolls her eyes but growls bit down hard on T-dawgs hand pulling at his hand she did not release her teeth from his hand. T-dawg sat squealing and crying in pain as Lamar had set to slap her. Mohawk stops him with an arm, drawing her pistol and aims it to her head.

“Let go of his head bitch’ she peersinto the drug crazed eyes of Mohawk and she released the tension from her jaw. T-dawg waved his hand the blood oozing from his palm.

“Fuck’n” he was about to slap her when Mohawk steps between Rebecca and T-dawg.

“Go to the locker get the toys, Lamar start packing the car, go help him” Mohawk tells the third man before going for the top of the work bench drawing out a roll of duct tape.

“Oh no you are not putting that shit on my face no it’s not happening” moving her head and forcing her shoulders around moving to make it difficult for him but he forces the tape around her upper lip spreading the tape around her head and the leg of the chair making it painfully pinning her hair to the metal. Growling with discomfort Rebecca began to shuffle but the pain was ripping at her hair.

“How you making on Lamar?” Mohawk shouts leaving Rebecca to test her bonds alone. Looking down she knew her legs were free but the work bench was heavy, and awkward to sit against. To move even moreso. Grossing she closed her eyes to think.

When her eyes opened again. The dark warehouse was not what she saw, the bright hot sun peering down on the green lands of an open pasture cross her gaze. Looking down Rebecca’s eyes widen her legs were not in the slacks she had been wearing, but in a tan split skirt. Who the hell wears split skirts anymore?

Looking down her chest Rebecca recognising her boots were tied together. Rubbing her back over the post her eyes wide. She was no longer against a metal pole, a tall rough tree trunk. Brushing her handcuffs against it there was no chink of metal no jingle of chains. Looking down on her wrists she founds harsh rawhide cutting into her skin. Only growing angrier Rebecca continued to fight and squirm.

Something caught her attention blinking up to see a tall silhouette of a strong hardy man, weapon in hand. Rebecca cries out to him.


“Hmmphf hephfmmm hmm!” she cries and the man approaches looking down on her “Reb are you alright?” stupid question. Rebecca thinks grumbling at him evermore.

“Don’t worry ma’am we’ll have you out in a minute” the thick masculine voice calls nearby, Rebecca grumbled and thinking impertinent ideas before she could voice them into the tape. She heard it.

Crack-crack-crack crackle. Phew phew phew!

Jolting Rebecca she looks up to see a man in a black and blue uniform shotgun in hand firing at someone behind her before he ducks beside her.

“Jeez Reb what kind of hornet nest did you step into” Rebecca mumbles at the officer beside her recognising him as Deputy Eric Renlow a man a few years older than her. He had tussled brown hair spiked at the tip peering over the table he bends down hearing the sound of gunfire behind her.

“Backup is on it’s way Reb stay down”

“Hephf”indicating her wrists behind the post the man grumbles forcing his key from his belt he slid them over to her. Merely two inchres from her grasp.

“Cmmomm mmm”

“Sorry I am busy” standing up Eric fired a shot at their attackers. A rapid volley of pistol fire alerts them both to Eric’s rookie partner Lewis firing his handgun at the suspects.

Meanwhile Rebecca had begun to inch her way toward the keys. Unable to look behind her to see them she uses her hands to find them.

“Hold on I will cut the tape off your face” cutting the tape he pulled it down from her soft chin and cheeks now raw from the adhesive residue.

“You bastard why didn’t you unlock my cuffs?”

“Busy Reb Dammit” firing another shotgun round at the suspects. Rebecca felt around finding the little key and begun to slip the key into the lock whole with a grunt and twist her wrists were free.

“Thank god give me your gun”

“The hell you say”

“Do it Deputy” with a grunt Eric withdrew his Sig sauer and handed it to her.

“How long on backup?”

“Two minutes last I heard” Eric fires his shotgun. Rebecca held her gun up firing at the men. Keeping her sights aimed for Mohawk. Who was holding a large wood framed Ak model.

Before long more officers came armed to the teeth and the four gang-bangers were outnumbered Lamar and T-dawg surrendered the third man wounded by a shotgun blast through his shoulder. Only Mohawk remained he had no more munition for his machine gun only the confiscated firearm.

“I am not coming alive Capron” shouting curses in Spanish the man came out firing with a blaze of outlawish glory. Rebecca fires her burrowed gun and striking Mohawk in the chest.

When all was said and done internal affairs. Confiscated Rebecca’s gun and Erics pistol. Eric and Rebecca had been rigorously questioned about the actions that lead to the shootout. Eric was reprimanded by his Sergeant and Captain. Rebecca was repremanded by the Inspectors.

But in the end they were given a chance to speak together.

“What were you thinking when I approached you Reb? You seemed out of yourself” Eric asks curiously and Rebecca had begun to think it over recalling it all she shook her head.

“I have an eerie feeling I’ve been through that all before?”
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